[tex-live] TL6 face

Arthur Ogawa ogawa@teleport.com
Wed, 18 Apr 2001 14:20:32 -0700

I am preparing the cover art for TL6. Two questions:

1. The copy states:

TEX Live 6
May 2001
Editor: Sebastian Rahtz


Macros, fonts, documentation to the TEX Directory Structure standard

Ready-to-run TEX system for GNU/Linux, Unix (DEC, HP, IBM, SGI, Sun),
and Win32 systems, based on Web2c 7.3

AsTEX•CervanTEX•CsTUG•Dante e.V.•DK

ISO 9660 with Joliet and Rock Ridge extensions

Does anyone see alterations that might be needed? In particular, the
version of Web2c and the list of LUGs.

I am considering adding DK-TUG, Estonian Users Group, the Greek TUG.
What are the official acronyms for these groups?

2. What color should the Lion be? Please specify PMS or CMYK color if possible.

3. I will upload the art to ftp.tug.org/texlive; what subdirectory will
be the best to use? I had material there last year, but it was dropped
in the shuffle. Please give me a place where this material will remain
alongside the CD image.

Arthur Ogawa