Anomalous DVIPS behaviour
Mon, 02 Oct 2000 14:22:20 +0100
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Tried to raise Sebastian on 'phone but no answer,
so will try here :
Using TeX Live 5d, and the attached plain TeX
document, DVIPS (invoked via WinEdt) tells me
about seven missing figures; DviType + Grep
confirm that there are no specials in the DVI
file, so what is leading DVIPS to believe that
there should be figures?
** Phil.
This is dvips(k) 5.86d Copyright 1999 Radical Eye Software (
' TeX output 2000.09.28:1641' ->
<><><>. <cmti10.pfb><cmr10.pfb>[1
DVIPS.EXE: Couldn't find figure file src:22Redwings-2.tex; continuing
DVIPS.EXE: Couldn't find figure file src:23Redwings-2.tex; continuing
DVIPS.EXE: Couldn't find figure file src:24Redwings-2.tex; continuing
DVIPS.EXE: Couldn't find figure file src:26Redwings-2.tex; continuing
DVIPS.EXE: Couldn't find figure file src:43Redwings-2.tex; continuing
DVIPS.EXE: Couldn't find figure file src:50Redwings-2.tex; continuing
DVIPS.EXE: Couldn't find figure file src:51Redwings-2.tex; continuing
Press any key to continue . . .
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Content-Type: application/x-tex;
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\def \to #1{\leftline {\vbox {\vskip 6 ex \singlespaced #1}}}
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\input ../dates
\from {Philip TAYLOR\\72, The Course\\Eltham\\London SE9 3JA\\\strut\\\Date ()}
\to {Ms Judy Moon\\Equine Welfare Co-ordinator\\Redwings Horse Sanctuary\\Hall Lane\\Frettenham\\Norwich\\Norfolk NR12 7RW}
\opening Dear Ms Moon ---
With reference to your letter (HED/1520878) of 13th September,
and previous correspondence from Mr R M E Westcott, I am confused
by the apparent contradiction in correspondence received from
Redwings. In Mr Westecott's first letter, I was informed that it
would be necessary to confirm Jingo's place on the HED register
at annual intervals, commencing December 1998. This I did, and
the second letter of confirmation was sent on 8th December 1999
(a copy is enclosed). I received a very nice letter from your
Chief Equine Welfare Officer, assuring me that Jingo's place on
the register was assured and that I would \stress {not} need to
confirm his place in the future. Now I have received a further
letter from Redwings, dated 13th September 2000 (less than twelve
months after my last letter of confirmation, and only nine months
after the letter from your Chief Equine Welfare Officer), telling
me once again that I must yet again confirm Jingo's place on the
HED register.
Whilst I am extremely grateful that Jingo \stress {is} assured a
place on the HED, I am more than a little confused by the
contradictory letters which come from your office. I would be
very grateful if you could review the correspondence which has
passed between your office and myself over the last two years and
let me know exactly what the current situation is.
\closing Yours sincerely,
\signature Philip Taylor