Live 5d. Thank you. Setup crash. One question.

Fabrice Popineau
18 Nov 2000 21:01:17 +0100

* Sebastian Rahtz <> writes:

> Christer Gustafsson writes:
Christer>  *2.  Win98. The autoexec and config files are write
Christer>  protected. This makes setup crash. It so does without a
Christer>  sensible error message.

Sebastian>  thats surprising, because I have often installed it under
Sebastian>  98. any comments, Fabrice?

Well, having read-only autoexec.bat is quite unusual; reading the code
aroung environment variables update, I can't see any reason why it might
crash. It should just fail to do the update and report so in the log
file. Where precisely did it crash ?

Christer>  Some errors and missing files were reported to the log
Christer>  file.  My log file is attached: all lines "Copy..." have
Christer>  been removed to shorten it. The errors and
Christer>  missing and whatever have been collected in the attached
Christer>  file setup.err.  

Sebastian>  I'll let Fabrice comment

Well, nothing really harmfull :

!!!Fail to open D:\ while copying to c:\proj66\TeX\texmf-var\tex4ht\base\tex4ht.env (Error 2)
!!!Fail to open D:\setupw32\config.dvipdfm while copying to c:\proj66\TeX\texmf-var\dvipdfm\config\config (Error 2)

This is really strange, I have been reported several times that some
text files in the setupw32/ directory are not edited/copied
correctly. I have not been able to experiment it myself. Anyway, you
can quite easily fix this by copying the configuration files and
editing them by hand, only a few paths to set.

Running c:\proj66\TeX\bin\win32\fmtutil --missing --dolinks
c:/proj66/TeX/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf: ini file bamstex.ini not found
c:/proj66/TeX/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf: syntax error: bamstex

A few formats fail to be created. I hope the other ones where created

Otherwise the setup went right, and most things should run ok.

Fabrice Popineau