Urgent request for TL4

Arthur Ogawa ogawa@teleport.com
Thu, 17 Jun 1999 03:28:46 -0700

I am posting this message to tex-live@tug.org for reference. I talked with
Patricia Monohon today and reminded her of Bernard's request.

Bernard, please let me know if you have not received a note from Patricia
about the CDs by Friday.

Bernard GAULLE wrote:
>   As GUTenberg has no news about his request of 900 TL4 and we want to
> ship it in fews days with our << Lettre GUTenberg >>, could you please
> send me confirmation asap and give me a date.
> Thanks.
>   --bg
> Date: Mon, 7 Jun 99 09:41:27 MET DST
> From: gaulle (Bernard GAULLE)
> To: ogawa@teleport.com
> Cc: Tex-live@tug.org,
>     collin-thema@wanadoo.fr
> Subject: Re: TL4 pack for GUTenberg
> >>>>> On Sat, 05 Jun 1999 07:42:18 -0700,
> >>>>>    Arthur Ogawa <ogawa@teleport.com> write about "Re: TL4 pack for GUTenberg":
> AO> Can you tell me how many TL4 CDs GUTenberg will require?
> here is the answer i allready sent.
> Please notice that the French Customs was really a big pb
> last year and we don't want to pay again more than twice the bulk.
> An usual invoice should avoid the pb and reduce it to the usual
> tax.
>   --bg
> =============================
> From: gaulle (Bernard GAULLE)
> To: Sebastian Rahtz <sebastian.rahtz@computing-services.oxford.ac.uk>
> Cc: karl@cs.umb.edu,
>     tex-live@tug.org, collin-thema@wanadoo.fr
> Subject: Re: [tug-board] Re: Bulk orders of the TeX Live CDROM
> SR> Karl Berry writes:
>   >     by the way, has the GUTenberg order filtered through yet?
>   >
>   > As far as I know we never got an order from GUT.
> SR> Bernard
> SR> Do you know who the GUTenberg order went to? Someone must be sitting
> SR> on it.
> we believed Michel sent the order, but he was a little unsure...
> As suggested by Michel (who is no more involved in GUTenberg
> operations) i sent a message to Arthur Ogawa but received no
> answer at this time.
> YES, GUTenberg wants 900 TL4 and an original Invoice (signed
> on sheet of paper, not a fax) together, in order to go
> through the customs without any excessive and expensive taxes.
> This bulk is to be sent directly to TOULOUSE:
>   GUTenberg
>   Attn Anne COLLIN
>   36, rue des Geranimus
>   F-31400 TOULOUSE
> Thanks,
>   --bg
> PS: obviously any delivering coming from EC would be better
>     and would --we hope-- avoid taxes.

Arthur Ogawa, TUG secretary