More packages freed
Nelson H. F. Beebe
Wed, 9 Jun 1999 09:02:49 -0600 (MDT)
The TeX catalog at
lists this:
No caption.
Nelson Beebe's collection of TeX-related bibliographies and
BibTeX style files.
license: unknown (1999/03/03)
** Let it be known forthwith, and henceforth, that the bibliography **
** archives at **
** **
** **
** **
** **
** (or equivalent forms with ftp://ftp changed to http://www), and **
** indeed, EVERYTHING found in the tree **
** **
** **
** **
** may be freely distributed, mirrored, copied, recorded on **
** electronic distribution media such as tapes, CD-ROMs, DVDs, and **
** other media yet to be invented, UNLESS a specific directory **
** contains a notice to the contrary. Such a notice applies only to **
** the contents of that directory, and files and directories below it **
** in the tree. **
There are currently only a small number of directories in that tree
where files named something like `LICENSE', `COPYRIGHT', or
`copyright' exist, and only ONE (bibsearch: see below) is relevant
to TeX / CTAN / TeX-live distributions.
Even where such files exist, those files will likely give copying
permission, possibly subject to restriction to non-commercial
Other packages of likely interest for TeX-live, CTAN, et al are:
authidx-1.01.tar.gz Author/editor indexing
checksum-1-06.tar.gz File header checksums
chkdelim-3.2.tar.gz Delimiter balance checker
dw.tar.gz Doubled-word finder
epsutil-2.01.tar.gz Encapsulated PostScript utility
mi213-beta.tar.gz Makeindex
psposter-0.10.tar.gz PostScript posters
texpty-0.00.tar.gz *TeX prettprinter
tgrind-3.00.tar.gz PostScript-font-enhanced tgrind (for
TeX typesetting of many programming languages)
bibcheck-0.08.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography heuristic checker
bibclean-2.11.4.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography prettyprinter and lexical analyzer
bibextract-1.08.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography subset extractor
bibjoin-0.08.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography entry joiner
biblabel-0.03.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography citation label generator
biborder-0.10.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography keyword orderer
bibparse-1.04.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography parser
bibsort-0.12.tar.gz BibTeX bibliography entry sorter
check-bbl.awk find missing braces for proper nouns in BibTeX files
filehdr-1.30.tar.gz Standard file header package
year-coverage.awk awk program to produce bibliography coverage
statistics for insertion in comment preamble
of .bib files
31 packages for GNU Emacs editing support for LaTeX, BibTeX, et al
htmlpty-1.00.tar.gz HTML prettyprinter
man2html-2.02.tar.gz UNIX manual page to HTML converter
sp-1.0.1-*.gz binary distributions of SGML parser
(SP version 1.3 releases are in progress)
awkpretty-1.00.tar.gz AWK prettyprinter
archive of 74 BibTeX .bst style files, and accompanying TeX
and LaTeX style files
mg.tar.gz source distribution of Managing
Gigabytes database version 1.3 (NB:
this package does carry commercial license
bibsearch-1.02.tar.gz superfast BibTeX database lookup using mg
mg-1.3-to-1.3x.patch patch file to turn mg 1.3 into
1.3x for bibsearch
mg-1.3x.*.tar.gz binary distributions of mg (NB:
this package does carry commercial license
The versions listed are the latest as of Wed Jun 9 08:08:16 1999 MDT
(GMT -0600), but retrievers should always check for later versions.
In most cases, one or more other distribution formats (jar, shar,
zip, zoo) are also available.
Warning: The bibliography archives are large: last night's bibsearch
update reports:
Last database update: Wed Jun 9 01:53:36 MDT 1999
Bibliography entries: 234192
Bibliography lines: 4770759
Bibliography bytes: 178801251
The bibliographies of particular interest to the TeX community are
likely to be:
eleccomp.bib Electronic Composition and Imaging (journal)
ep.bib electronic publishing
epodd.bib Electronic Publishing---Origin, Dissemination, and Design (journal)
font.bib fonts
gut.bib Cahier GUTenberg (1988--1991 only)
gutenberg.bib Project Gutenberg electronic book bibliography
litprog.bib literate programming
postscrip.bib PostScript and PDF
serif.bib Serif: The Magazine of Type and Typography (journal)
sgml.bib books about SGML/HTML/VRML/XML
texbook2.bib books typeset with TeX
texbook3.bib books about TeX
texgraph.bib graphics in TeX
texjourn.bib journals using TeX
texnique.bib TeXniques (an irregular TUG publication)
tugboat.bib TUGboat
type.bib typography
typeset.bib typography and typesetting
unicode.bib Unicode character set
Each .bib file is accompanied by several associated files; for
further details, visit
- Nelson H. F. Beebe Tel: +1 801 581 5254 -
- Center for Scientific Computing FAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148 -
- University of Utah Internet e-mail: -
- Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC -
- 155 S 1400 E RM 233 -
- Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA URL: -