Mac stuff on TeX Live

Barbara Beeton
Thu, 02 Dec 1999 15:21:40 -0500 (EST)

just for the record, as editor of tugboat, i'm answering to this list.
future communications on the topic should be sent to
or directly to me and i'll redistribute to the other tugboat-workers.

i accept your offer to prepare a column for tugboat.  

i'll follow up separately with some questions and ideas.

						-- barbara beeton


On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, paul wrote:

    I would be willing to at least try to supply a continual updated file
    listing for the TUGBoat.   What I will need, or at least hoping to post
    in the next Tugboat, a query to all of the TUG members, to submit to me
    all submitted packages.  We can set it up in form letter format by which
    we can have the authors submit their contributions: their plugin name,
    location, version, compatability, etc.  for their rojects.
    Yes this is something we should work on.  I will try my best to submit this
    information.  I will need to bounce and have a submission guide approved
    by as many people as possible.


    Paul Mailhot
    PreTeX, Inc.
    2891 Oxford Street
    Halifax, Nova Scotia
    Ph 902-454-8111
    Fx 902-454-4412