texlive[63852] Master/texmf-dist: hideanswer (9jul22)
commits+karl at tug.org
commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Jul 9 22:11:34 CEST 2022
Revision: 63852
Author: karl
Date: 2022-07-09 22:11:34 +0200 (Sat, 09 Jul 2022)
Log Message:
hideanswer (9jul22)
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Removed Paths:
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/README.md 2022-07-09 20:11:06 UTC (rev 63851)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/README.md 2022-07-09 20:11:34 UTC (rev 63852)
@@ -1,28 +1,27 @@
-# Hideanswer Package
+# hideanswer
This package can generate documents with and without answers from a single file by toggling a switch. However, it can only be used to create documents to be printed on paper.
-## System Requirements
+## Documents
-+ TeX format: LaTeX
-+ Prerequisite package: color and graphicx
+Documents for this package are available in English and Japanese.
-## Installation
-Move hideanswer.sty file to $TEXMF/tex/latex/hideanswer.
## License
This package released under [the MIT license](https://ctan.org/license/mit).
+(C) 2022 Yukoh KUSAKABE
## Revision History
++ Version 1.1 2022-07-09
+ + Rewrite README.
+ + Add the document (hideanswer.pdf).
+ Version 1.0 2022-06-28
- + The first public version.
+ + The first public version.
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer-en.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer-en.md 2022-07-09 20:11:06 UTC (rev 63851)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer-en.md 2022-07-09 20:11:34 UTC (rev 63852)
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-# Hideanswer Package 1.0
-This package can generate documents with and without answers from a single file by toggling a switch. However, it can only be used to create documents to be printed on paper.
-## System Requirements
-+ TeX format: LaTeX
-+ Prerequisite package: color and graphicx
-## Installation
-Move hideanswer.sty file to $TEXMF/tex/latex/hideanswer.
-## Usage
-### \sethideanswer
-After this command, the answer is hidden. Usually, this instruction is used to switch the generation of question and answer sheets, depending on whether or not this instruction is written at the beginning of the document.
-### \unsethideanswer
-After this command, the answer appears.
-### \hideanswer{<text>}
-<text> is hidden. In \hideanswer*{<text>}, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
-### environment hideanswerdiv
-The written part inside the environment is hidden. It may be used to hide long answers. In hideanswerdiv*, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
-### \smashanswer{<text>}
-<text> is hidden and the next sentence is placed as if it were not there. In \smashanswer*{<text>}, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
-### environment smashanswerdiv
-The written part inside the environment is hidden and the next sentence is placed as if it were not there. It may be used to hide long answers. In smashanswerdiv*, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
-### \hidegraphics[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}
-The graphic is hidden. The options are the same as for \includegraphics since \includegraphics is loaded internally. In \hidegraphics*[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
-### \smashraphics[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}
-The graphic is hidden and the next sentence is placed as if it were not there. The options are the same as for \includegraphics since \includegraphics is loaded internally. In \hidegraphics*[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
-### \switchanswer{<text when sethide>}{<text when unsethide>}
-Switching between hidden and visible sentences. Since \switchanswer does not remember the length of the sentence, the position of the next sentence moves. In \switchanswer*{<text when unsethide>}{<text when sethide>}, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
-## License
-This package released under [the MIT license](https://ctan.org/license/mit).
-## Revision History
-+ Version 1.0 2022-06-28
- + The first public version.
-Yukoh KUSAKABE (screen-name) at [metaphysica.info](https://www.metaphysica.info/)
\ No newline at end of file
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer-ja.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer-ja.md 2022-07-09 20:11:06 UTC (rev 63851)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer-ja.md 2022-07-09 20:11:34 UTC (rev 63852)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Hideanswer パッケージ
-## 前提条件
-+ TeX format: LaTeX
-+ Prerequisite package: color and graphicx
-## インストール
-hideanswer.sty を $TEXMF/tex/latex/hideanswer (TeXが見つけられる場所)に置いてください。
-## 使用方法
-### \sethideanswer
-### \unsethideanswer
-### \hideanswer{<text>}
-<text> と書かれた部分が隠されます。\hideanswer*{<text>} では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
-### hideanswerdiv 環境
-hideanswerdiv* では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
-### \smashanswer{<text>}
-<text> と書かれた部分が隠され,それがないかのように次の文が置かれます。\smashanswer*{<text>} では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
-### smashanswerdiv 環境
-smashanswerdiv* では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
-### \hidegraphics[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}
-読み込んだ画像が隠されます。\includegraphics を内部で読み込みますので,オプションは \includegraphics のものと同様です。\hidegraphics*[<includegraphics option>]{<file>} では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
-### \smashraphics[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}
-読み込んだ画像が隠され,それがないかのように次の文が置かれます。\includegraphics を内部で読み込みますので,オプションは \includegraphics のものと同様です。\smashraphics*[<includegraphics option>]{<file>} では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
-### \switchanswer{<text when sethide>}{<text when unsethide>}
-隠されているときと現れているときで文章を切り替えます。\switchanswer は文章の長さを覚えませんから,次の文の位置が動きます。\switchanswer*{<text when unsethide>}{<text when sethide>} では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
-## ライセンス
-## 更新履歴
-+ Version 1.0 2022-06-28
- + The first public version.
-Yukoh KUSAKABE (screen-name) at [metaphysica.info](https://www.metaphysica.info/)
\ No newline at end of file
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.pdf 2022-07-09 20:11:06 UTC (rev 63851)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.pdf 2022-07-09 20:11:34 UTC (rev 63852)
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.tex (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.tex 2022-07-09 20:11:34 UTC (rev 63852)
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+\titleformat{\section}[hang]{}{}{0pt}{\uuline{\raisebox{1pt}{\textsf{\thesection\quad #1}}}}[\vspace{0.35\baselineskip}]
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\section}{\@ifstar{\@metaphysica at section@star}{\@metaphysica at section@nostar}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\@metaphysica at section@star}[1]{\vspace{0.5\baselineskip}\originalsection{#1}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}}
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\@metaphysica at section@nostar}[1]{\vspace{0.5\baselineskip}\originalsection{#1}}
+\abovedisplayskip =0.125\abovedisplayskip
+\belowdisplayskip =0.125\belowdisplayskip
+\noindent\uuline{{\raisebox{1pt}{\textsf{\S\ \thepsuedosectioncounter\quad #2}}}}
+\noindent\uuline{{\raisebox{1pt}{\textsf{\S\ \thepsuedosectioncounter\quad #3}}}}
+\noindent{\textsf{\hyperlink{#1}{\S\ \thepsuedocontentscounter\quad #2}}}
+\noindent{\textsf{\hyperlink{#1}{\S\ \thepsuedocontentscounter\quad #3}}}\end{multicolpar}%
+\textsf{日本語 (Japanese)}
+\NewDocumentEnvironment{macroexample}{O{0.625} +b}{%
+\NewDocumentEnvironment{macroexample*}{O{0.625} m +b}{%
+\DeclareRobustCommand{\commandtojskip}{\hspace{2.40554pt plus 1.49994pt minus 0.59998pt}}
+\RequirePackage{listings, jlisting}
+ language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+ basicstyle={\ttfamily},
+ identifierstyle={\small},
+ commentstyle={\small\itshape},
+ keywordstyle={\small\bfseries},
+ ndkeywordstyle={\small},
+ stringstyle={\small\ttfamily},
+ frame=single,
+ breaklines=true,
+ columns=[l]{fullflexible},
+ stepnumber=1,
+ xrightmargin=0.1709\textwidth,
+ xleftmargin=0.1709\textwidth,
+ lineskip=-0.5ex
+pdftitle={The hideanswer package},%
+pdfauthor={Yukoh KUSAKABE},%
+pdfsubject={The hideanswer package},%
+pdfkeywords={TeX LaTeX answer exam}}
+\title{The \code{hideanswer} package:\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+generate documents with and without answers\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+by toggling a switch}
+\author{Yukoh KUSAKABE}
+\headertitle[Yukoh KUSAKABE\quad\metaphysicaicon]{The \code{hideanswer} package}
+This package can generate documents with and without answers from a single file by toggling a switch.
+However, it can only be used to create documents to be printed on paper.
+\psuedocontents{Requirements}{System Requirements}{前提条件}
+\psuedocontents{moreinfo}{For More Information}{問い合わせ・詳しくは}
+\psuedosection{Requirements}{System Requirements}{前提条件}
+\textbullet\ \LaTeXe\ format\\
+\textbullet\ \code{color} package\\
+\textbullet\ \code{graphicx} package\\
+\textbullet\ \code{xparse} package
+\textbullet\ \LaTeXe フォーマット\\
+\textbullet\ \code{color} パッケージ\\
+\textbullet\ \code{graphicx} パッケージ\\
+\textbullet\ \code{xparse} パッケージ
+If not available, move hideanswer.sty file to\\\code{\$TEXMF/tex/latex/hideanswer}.
+直ちに使えなければ,hideanswer.sty を\\\code{\$TEXMF/tex/latex/hideanswer}\\%(\TeX が見つけられる場所)
+To use this package, load .sty file with |\usepackage{hideanswer}| command in preamble.
+このパッケージを使用するには,プリアンブルに\commandtojskip|\usepackage{hideanswer}| と書いてください。
+No package option is available.
+In this package, hiding text is accomplished by changing the color to white.
+Therefore, the hidden content will be known to the recipient in the PDF file.
+This package was developed for printing on paper.
+After this command, the answer is hidden.
+Usually, this instruction is used to switch the generation of question and answer sheets, depending on whether or not this instruction is written at the beginning of the document.
+After this command, the answer appears.
+|<text>| is hidden. In |\hideanswer*{<text>}|, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
+|<text>|\commandtojskip と書かれた部分が隠されます。
+|\hideanswer*{<text>}|\commandtojskip では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
+A\hideanswer{B}A, C\hideanswer*{D}C.
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\unsethideanswer| (or default):\\
+A\hideanswer{B}A, C\hideanswer*{D}C.
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\sethideanswer|:\\
+A\hideanswer{B}A, C\hideanswer*{D}C.
+\macroexplanation{environment hideanswerdiv}
+The written part inside the environment is hidden. It may be used to hide long answers. In |hideanswerdiv*|, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
+|hideanswerdiv*|\commandtojskip では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\unsethideanswer| (or default):\\
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\sethideanswer|:\\
+|<text>| is hidden and the next sentence is placed as if it were not there. In |\smashanswer*{<text>}|, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
+|<text>|\commandtojskip と書かれた部分が隠され,それがないかのように次の文が置かれます。
+|\smashanswer*{<text>}|\commandtojskip では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
+I\smashanswer{J}I, K\smashanswer*{L}K.
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\unsethideanswer| (or default):\\
+I\smashanswer{J}I, K\smashanswer*{L}K.
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\sethideanswer|:\\
+I\smashanswer{J}I, K\smashanswer*{L}K.
+\macroexplanation{environment smashanswerdiv}
+The written part inside the environment is hidden and the next sentence is placed as if it were not there.
+It may be used to hide long answers.
+In |smashanswerdiv*|, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
+|smashanswerdiv*|\commandtojskip では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\unsethideanswer| (or default):\\
+\hspace*{0.14\textwidth}Under |\sethideanswer|:\\
+\macroexplanation{\hidegraphics[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}}
+The graphic is hidden.
+The options are the same as for |\includegraphics| since |\includegraphics| is loaded internally.
+In |\hidegraphics*|, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
+|\hidegraphics*|\commandtojskip では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
+\macroexplanation{\smashraphics[<includegraphics option>]{<file>}}
+The graphic is hidden and the next sentence is placed as if it were not there.
+The options are the same as for |\includegraphics| since |\includegraphics| is loaded internally.
+In |\hidegraphics*|, the hidden and visible parts are reversed.
+|\smashraphics*|\commandtojskip では,隠されるときと現れるときが逆になります。
+\macroexplanation{\switchanswer{<text under sethide>}{<text under unsethide>}}\\
+\macroexplanation{\switchanswer*{<text under unsethide>}{<text under sethide>}}
+Switching between hidden and visible sentences. Since |\switchanswer(*)| does not remember the length of the sentence, the position of the next sentence moves.
+|\switchanswer(*)|\commandtojskip は文章の長さを覚えませんから,次の文の位置が動きます。
+\psuedosection{moreinfo}{For More Information}{問い合わせ・詳しくは}
+The hideanswer package:&\url{https://www.metaphysica.info/technote/package_hideanswer/}\\
+Yukoh KUSAKABE:&\url{https://www.metaphysica.info/}\\
+&(screen-name, 日下部幽考 in Japanese)
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer_example.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer_example.tex 2022-07-09 20:11:06 UTC (rev 63851)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer_example.tex 2022-07-09 20:11:34 UTC (rev 63852)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.sty 2022-07-09 20:11:06 UTC (rev 63851)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/hideanswer/hideanswer.sty 2022-07-09 20:11:34 UTC (rev 63852)
@@ -10,11 +10,14 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{hideanswer}[2022/06/28 v1.0]
+\ProvidesPackage{hideanswer}[2022/07/09 v1.1]
%% for \color
+%% for \includegraphics
% for \NewDocumentEnvironment
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