texlive[58349] Master/texmf-dist: sankey (14mar21)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sun Mar 14 23:49:02 CET 2021

Revision: 58349
Author:   karl
Date:     2021-03-14 23:49:02 +0100 (Sun, 14 Mar 2021)
Log Message:
sankey (14mar21)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/README	2021-03-14 22:23:04 UTC (rev 58348)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/README	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
-LaTeX package to build Sankey diagram.
+sankey – Draw Sankey diagrams with TikZ
+This package provides macros and environment to build Sankey diagrams,
+i.e. flow diagrams in which the width of the arrows is proportional to
+the flow rate.
@@ -11,6 +14,8 @@
 This file may be distributed and/or modified
-  1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+  1. under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3
+  and/or
   2. under the GNU Public License.

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-doc.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-doc.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-doc.tex	2021-03-14 22:23:04 UTC (rev 58348)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-doc.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -1,1599 +0,0 @@
-% -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
-% Copyright (C) 2016-2021 by Paul Gaborit
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified
-%   1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
-%   2. under the GNU Public License.
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-  {Â}{{\^A}}1 {Ê}{{\^E}}1 {Î}{{\^I}}1 {Ô}{{\^O}}1 {Û}{{\^U}}1
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-    sankeyend,
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-    sankeynodeend,
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-\newenvironment{sankeyoption}[5][]{% [prefix] key, val, default, initially
-  % \begingroup
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-  % 
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-\title{How to use the \texttt{sankey} package\\ to build Sankey diagrams\footnote{This file described version v\sankey at version.}}
-\date{Released \sankey at date}
-\author{Paul Gaborit\footnote{\href{mailto:paul.gaborit at gmail.com}{\texttt{paul.gaborit at gmail.com}}}}
-  pdftitle=How to use the sankey package to buid Sankey diagrams (v\sankey at version),
-  pdfauthor=Paul Gaborit,
-  The \texttt{sankey} package provides macros and environments to build
-  \emph{Sankey diagrams}%
-  \footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankey_diagram}} (or
-  \emph{flow diagram} in which the width of the arrows is proportional
-  to the flow rate).  The idea cames out from
-  \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/40159/14500}{this question} on
-  \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/}{TeX.StackExchange}.
-  %
-  \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
-  \tableofcontents
-  \listoffigures
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-To use the \code{sankey} package, insert the following line in your preamble:
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\section{The \texttt{sankeydiagram} environment}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-A \code{sankeydiagram} environment nested in a \code{tikzpicture}
-environment activates the sankey macros:
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[... options ...]
-    ... sankey macros ...
-  \end{sankeydiagram}  
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\section{Sankey diagram options}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-The \code{sankey} package uses \code{pgfkeys} to define options via
-\emph{key=value} pairs.
-The options can be defined via the optional argument of the
-\code{sankeydiagram} environment:
-  \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=1,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-The options can also be modified via the \code{\sankeyset} macro:
-  \sankeyset{debug=true}
-  \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=1,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-The options can be  temporarily modified for a single macro:
-  \sankeynode[debug=true]{name=a,quantity=1,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\subsection{Keys to choose the scale}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-The scale or ratio of the Sankey diagram is the ratio between the %
-\code{ratio length} and the \code{ratio quantity}.
-\begin{sankeyoption}{ratio quantity}{\VAR{number}}{}{10}
-  Quantity (in units of flow) to define ratio. The \VAR{number} can be
-  any math expression.
-\begin{sankeyoption}{ratio length}{\VAR{distance}}{}{1cm}
-  Distance (a graphical distance) to define scale.
-  Fix the ratio to \VAR{distance}/\VAR{number}.
-The initial ratio is 1\,cm/10 units.
-\textbf{Note:} the \code{sankey} package uses the \code{xfp} package to
-evaluate all math expressions that use quantities (in units of
-flow). You can therefore use quantities of a very large or very small
-order of magnitude. In contrast, for graphic distances, the sankey
-package uses the \code{pgfmath} package (all calculations must not
-exceed $\pm 16383.99999$).
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\subsection{Keys to define drawing parameters}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\begin{sankeyoption}{minimum radius}{\VAR{distance}}{}{5mm}
-  The minimum radius used by \code{\sankeyturn} and
-  \code{\sankeydubins}.
-\begin{sankeyoption}{outin steps}{\VAR{integer}}{}{10}
-  Number of steps used by the \code{\sankeyoutin} macro to simulate flow
-  lanes with constant width.
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\subsection{Keys to choose drawing styles}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\begin{sankeyoption}{fill/.style}{\VAR{style}}{}{{line width=0pt,fill=white}}
-  This TikZ style is used to \emph{fill} all sankey paths.
-\begin{sankeyoption}{draw/.style}{\VAR{style}}{}{draw=black,line width=.4pt}
-  This TikZ style is used to \emph{draw} all sankey paths.
-\begin{sankeyoption}{start style}{\VAR{style name}}{}{none}
-  There are three predefined \emph{start} styles: \constant{none},
-  \constant{simple}, \constant{arrow}.
-\begin{sankeyoption}{end style}{\VAR{style name}}{}{none}
-  There are three predefined \emph{end} styles: \constant{none},
-  \constant{simple}, \constant{arrow}.
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\subsection{Keys to define new \emph{start} and \emph{end} styles}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\begin{sankeyoption}{new start style}{\{\VAR{name}\}\{\VAR{fill
-      path}\}\{\VAR{draw path}\}}{}{}
-  Define the new start style named \VAR{name} with its \VAR{fill
-    path} and its \VAR{draw path}.
-\begin{sankeyoption}{new end style}{\{\VAR{name}\}\{\VAR{fill
-      path}\}\{\VAR{draw path}\}}{}{}
-  Define the new end style named \VAR{name} with its \VAR{fill
-    path} and its \VAR{draw path}.
-\emph{Fill} and \emph{draw} paths are composed in a TikZ scope where
-the origin is the current Sankey node center (and its name is
-\code{\name}) and the coordinate system is rotated by its orientation.
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\subsection{The \emph{debug} key}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-  To debug a sankey diagram.
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\section{Sankey nodes and flows}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\subsection{Create Sankey nodes}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\MACRO\code{\sankeynode}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node parameters}}
-The \code{\sankeynode} macro defines a Sankey node. The \VAR{options}
-can be any Sankey diagram keys. To define a Sankey node, you must
-provide a \emph{name}, a \emph{quantity}, an \emph{angle} and a
-\emph{position} as \VAR{node parameters}.
-\begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{name}{\VAR{name}}{}{}
-  The \VAR{name} of the new Sankey node (and the associated TikZ node).
-\begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{quantity}{\VAR{quantity}}{}{}
-  The quantity (in flow unit) of the new Sankey node. The \VAR{quantity}
-  can be any math expression.
-\begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{angle}{\VAR{angle}}{}{}
-  The orientation of the flow (0 points to the right) of the new Sankey
-  node.
-\begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{at}{\VAR{at}}{}{}
-  The position of the new Sankey node (a TikZ coordinate \emph{without}
-  round brackets or parentheses).
-\begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{anchor}{\VAR{anchor}}{center}{center}
-  Specify the anchor of the Sankey node. Possible values are
-  \constant{center}, \constant{left} or \constant{right}.
-\begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{as}{\VAR{name}}{}{}
-  Copy the \emph{name}, the \emph{quantity}, the \emph{angle} and the
-  \emph{position} of the Sankey node named \VAR{name}.
-A Sankey node is also a Tikz node but with only three anchors:
-\code{left}, \code{center} and \code{right}.
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[debug]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-    \foreach \nodename/\pos in {a/left,b/below left,c/above}{
-      \foreach \ancname in {left,center,right}{
-        \node[node font=\ttfamily\footnotesize,\pos=1mm of \nodename.\ancname,
-        inner sep=0pt,rotate=\sankeygetnodeorient{\nodename},anchor=east]
-        {\ancname\vphantom{g}};
-        \fill[black] (\nodename.\ancname) circle(1pt);
-      }
-    }
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\MACRO\code{\sankeynodestart}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node parameters}}
-The \code{\sankeynodestart} creates and fills/draws a starting Sankey node:
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-    parameters}}
-The \code{\sankeynodeend} creates
-and fills/draws an ending Sankey node:
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[end style=simple,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-\subsection{Retrieve informations from a Sankey node}
-\MACRO\code{\sankeygetnodeqty}\ARG{\VAR{node name}}
-The expandable command \code{\sankeygetnodeqty} returns the quantity
-assigned to the Sankey node named \VAR{node name}.
-\MACRO\code{\sankeygetnodeorient}\ARG{\VAR{node name}}
-The expandable command \code{\sankeygetnodeorient} returns the angle
-(orientation) assigned to the Sankey node named \VAR{node name}.
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-\subsection{Move nodes}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-The \code{\sankeyadvance} and \code{\sankeyturn} commands move a Sankey
-node (and fill/draw a portion of the Sankey flow). Then the previous
-position of the Sankey node is accessible via the \code{-old} suffix (if
-you move the \code{a} node, its previous position is the \code{a-old}
-\subsubsection{forward commands}
-    name}}\ARG{\VAR{distance}}
-The \code{\sankeyadvance} moves the sankey node straight ahead and
-fills/draws this portion of the sankey path.
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeyadvance{a}{1cm}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeyadvance{b}{1cm}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-    \sankeyadvance{c}{5mm}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-    name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
-The \code{\sankeyturn} macro moves the sankey node by turning to one
-side or the other and fills/draws this portion of the sankey path. A
-\emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns left while a \emph{negative}
-\VAR{angle} turns right.
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeyturn{a}{90}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeyturn[minimum radius=1cm]{b}{-45}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-    \sankeyturn{c}{180}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-\subsubsection{backward commands}
-    name}}\ARG{\VAR{distance}}
-The \code{\sankeyadvance*} moves the sankey node straight back and
-fills/draws this portion of the sankey path.
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[end style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeyadvance*{a}{1cm}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeyadvance*{b}{1cm}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-    \sankeyadvance*{c}{5mm}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-    name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
-The \code{\sankeyturn*} macro moves the sankey node backwards by turning
-right or left and fills/draws this portion of the sankey path. A
-\emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns left while a \emph{negative}
-\VAR{angle} turns right.
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[end style=simple,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeyturn*{a}{90}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
-    \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=1cm]{b}{-45}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-    \sankeyturn*{c}{180}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-\subsection{Links between nodes}
-  \MACRO\code{\sankeyoutin}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
-      A}}\ARG{\VAR{node B}}
-  The \code{\sankeyoutin} macro fills/draws a lane between \VAR{node A}
-  and \VAR{node B} using a Bézier curve with regular steps (10 steps by
-  default) to simulate constant width lane.
-  The constant width and the minimum curvature are \emph{not} guaranted!
-  \MACRO\code{\sankeydubins}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
-      A}}\ARG{\VAR{node B}}
-  The \code{\sankeydubins} macro fills/draws a lane between \VAR{node A}
-  and \VAR{node B} using a Dubins
-  path\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubins_path}}.
-  The constant width and the minimum curvature are guaranted.
-\subsubsection{Comparison betwen \texttt{outin} and \texttt{dubins}
-  paths}
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
-    \draw[gray!30] (0,-1) grid (10,3.5);
-    % 
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={1,0},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={5,3},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeyoutin{a}{b}
-    % 
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=red!20}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={3,0},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={7,3},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeyoutin[outin steps=2]{a}{b}
-    %
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!40}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={5,0},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={(9,3},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
-    \draw[gray!30] (0,0) grid (8,4.5);
-    % 
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={1,1},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={3,4},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeyoutin{a}{b}
-    % 
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=red!20}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={3,1},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={5,4},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeyoutin[outin steps=2]{a}{b}
-    %
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!40}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={5,1},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={(7,4},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
-    \draw[gray!30] (0,0) grid ((6,4.5);
-    % 
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={1,1},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={1,4},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeyoutin{a}{b}
-    % 
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=red!20}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={3,1},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={3,4},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeyoutin[outin steps=2]{a}{b}
-    %
-    \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!40}}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={5,1},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={(5,4},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-\subsubsection{Examples of \texttt{dubins} paths}
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (10,2.5);
-    \sankeyset{
-      fill/.style={fill=lime!40},
-      draw/.style={draw=green!50!black,line width=2pt},
-    }
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={0,0},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={0,2},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2mm]{a}{b}
-    \fill[green!50!black] (2,0) coordinate (c) circle(2pt);
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={[shift={(c)}]90:5mm},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={[shift={(c)}]150:5mm},angle=60,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2.5mm]{a}{b}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={3.5,0},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={3.5,.75},angle=-180,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={7,1},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={7,1.75},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2.5mm]{a}{b}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={9,0},angle=0,quantity=5}
-    \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={9,2},angle=180,quantity=5}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2.5mm]{a}{b}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-\subsection{Pure filling/drawing macros}
-The \code{\sankeystart} fills/draws a starting extremity attached to the
-preexistent Sankey node \VAR{name}:
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}
-    [start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=cyan!20},draw/.style={draw=blue}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeystart{a}
-    \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeystart{b}
-    \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-    \sankeystart{c}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-% ------------------------------------------------------------
-  \MACRO\code{\sankeyend}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{name}}
-  The \code{\sankeyend} fills/draws an ending extremity attached to the
-  preexistent Sankey node \VAR{name}:
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}
-    [end style=simple,fill/.style={fill=cyan!20},draw/.style={draw=blue}]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-1,-1) grid (8,2);
-    \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10,angle=0,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeyend{a}
-    \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
-    \sankeyend{b}
-    \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
-    \sankeyend{c}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-\subsection{Forked node}
-  \MACRO\code{\sankeyfork}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node}}\ARG{\VAR{quantity/name pairs}}
-  The \code{\sankeyfork} macro splits a Sankey node in a list of new
-  Sankey nodes. The \VAR{quantity/name pairs} is a comma separated list
-  of \emph{quantity/name} pairs. The sum of all quantities \emph{must}
-  be equal to the quantity of the node to fork.
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}[debug]
-    \draw[gray!30] (-3,-2) grid (3,1);
-    \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=50,angle=-80,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeyfork{a}{30/b,10/c,10/d}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}
-    \sankeyset{
-      start style=arrow,end style=arrow,
-      fill/.style={fill=yellow!10,line width=0pt,draw=yellow!10},
-    }
-    \draw[gray!30] (-4,-3) grid (4,4);
-    \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=40,angle=-90,at={0,0}}
-    \sankeyfork{a}{25/b,10/c,5/d}
-    \sankeyturn*{b}{90}
-    \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=2cm]{c}{-45}
-    \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=2cm]{c}{45}
-    \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=5mm]{d}{-90}
-    \sankeyadvance{a}{2cm}
-    \foreach \nodename in {b,c,d}{
-      \sankeystart{\nodename}
-    }
-    \sankeyend{a}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-\subsection{The \texttt{debug} layer}
-The \code{debug} option key uses the \code{sankeydebug} layer to draw
-above the \code{main} TikZ layer (via \code{\pgfsetlayers}, the
-\code{sankey} package installs four layers: \code{background},
-\code{main}, \code{foreground}, \code{sankeydebug}).
-The four following styles define how to display debug informations:
-  % debug color used by all debug macros
-  debug color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{debug color}{#1}}},
-  debug color=red!75!black,
-  % debug line between left and right anchors
-  debug line/.style={draw=debug color,|-|},
-  % debug line between center and label
-  debug normal/.style={draw=debug color},
-  % debug node label
-  debug label/.style={
-    draw,
-    font=\ttfamily\tiny,
-    text=debug color,text opacity=1,
-    inner sep=.1em,
-    fill=white,fill opacity=1,
-    rounded corners=.1em,
-  },
-\subsection{The \texttt{dubins} TikZ library}
-The \code{sankey} package uses the \code{dubins} TikZ library (the
-\code{tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex} file) to compute Dubins paths. The
-documentation for this library does not yet exist.
-\subsection{How to duplicate a Sankey node}
-The \code{\sankeynodealias} macro clones the Sankey node named
-\VAR{origname} into the Sankey node named \VAR{clonename}.
-So, you can clone a Sankey node via two methods:
-\subsection{How to define new start and end styles}
-Here are the definitions of the \code{arrow} styles:
-  % arrow style
-  new start style={arrow}{
-    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right)
-    -- (\name.right) -- cycle
-  }{
-    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right)
-    -- (\name.right)
-  },
-  new end style={arrow}{
-    (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
-    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center)
-    -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
-  }{
-    (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
-    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center)
-    -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
-  },
-\item[v2.0] (2021/01/27)
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item First public version (on CTAN).
-  \end{itemize}
-\item[v1.0] (2016/03/06)
-  \begin{itemize}
-  \item First version.
-  \end{itemize}
-\subsection{Simple example}
-See figure~\ref{fig:simple-example}.
-  \colorlet{cold}[rgb]{cyan!75!blue!50!white}
-  \colorlet{hot}[rgb]{red!50!orange!75!white}
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}
-    \sankeyset{
-      ratio=90pt/6,
-      minimum radius=15pt,
-      start style=simple,
-      end style=simple,
-      % debug,
-      draw/.style={
-        draw=blue!50!cyan,
-        line width=1pt,
-        line cap=round,line join=round,
-      },
-      cold/.style={
-        fill/.style={
-          draw=cold,
-          line width=0pt,
-          fill=cold,
-        },
-      },
-      cold to hot/.style={
-        fill/.style={
-          fill=none,
-          top color=cold,
-          bottom color=hot,
-          middle color=yellow,
-        },
-      },
-      hot/.style={
-        fill/.style={
-          draw=hot,
-          line width=0pt,
-          fill=hot,
-        },
-      },
-    }
-    \sankeyset{cold}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=p0,at={0,100},angle=-90,quantity=6}
-    \sankeyadvance{p0}{50pt}
-    \sankeyfork{p0}{3/p1,3/p2}
-    \sankeyturn{p1}{90}
-    \sankeyadvance{p1}{20pt}
-    \sankeyadvance{p2}{60pt}
-    \sankeyfork{p2}{2/p3,1/p4}
-    \sankeyturn{p3}{90}
-    \sankeyadvance{p3}{50pt}
-    \sankeyfork{p3}{1/p5,1/p6}
-    \sankeyadvance{p5}{70pt}
-    \sankeyfork{p1}{1/p7,1/p8,1/p9}
-    \sankeyadvance{p7}{50pt}
-    \sankeyadvance{p9}{50pt}
-    \sankeyadvance{p4}{40pt}
-    \sankeyturn{p4}{90}
-    \sankeyadvance{p4}{65pt}
-    \sankeyadvance{p7}{40pt}
-    \sankeynode{name=p11,at={[shift={(50pt,-15pt)}]p7},angle=0,quantity=3}
-    \sankeyfork{p11}{1/p7a,1/p9a,1/p5a}
-    \sankeyoutin{p7}{p7a}
-    \sankeyoutin{p9}{p9a}
-    \sankeyoutin{p5}{p5a}
-    \sankeyadvance{p11}{30pt}
-    \sankeyend{p11}
-    \sankeyturn{p8}{-90}
-    \sankeyturn{p6}{-90}
-    \sankeyturn{p4}{-90}
-    \sankeyset{hot}
-    \sankeyadvance[cold to hot]{p8}{40pt}
-    \sankeynode{name=p10,at={[shift={(-15pt,-60pt)}]p8},angle=-90,quantity=3}
-    \sankeyfork{p10}{1/p8a,1/p6a,1/p4a}
-    \sankeyoutin[cold to hot]{p4}{p4a}
-    \sankeyoutin[cold to hot]{p6}{p6a}
-    \sankeyoutin{p8}{p8a}
-    \sankeyadvance{p10}{30pt}
-    \sankeyend{p10}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-  \centering
-  \input{\samplecodename}
-  \caption{Simple example}
-  \label{fig:simple-example}
-\subsection{Example from question on TeX.se}
-This example cames from
-\href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/40159/14500}{this question} on
-See figure~\ref{fig:texse-example}.
-  \renewcommand*\sfdefault{txss}
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}
-    \sankeyset{
-      ratio=4cm/524.3,
-      minimum radius=3mm,
-      start style=arrow,
-      end style=arrow,
-      % debug,
-      fill/.style={
-        line width=0pt,
-        fill=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
-        draw=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
-      },
-      draw/.style={draw=none},
-    }
-    \sankeynodestart{name=B,at={-.5,0},angle=-90,quantity=7.2}
-    \coordinate[below=1mm of B.center] (B label);
-    \sankeyadvance{B}{5mm}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=GI,at={1,0},angle=-90,quantity=137.3}
-    \coordinate[below=1mm of GI.center] (GI label);
-    \sankeyadvance{GI}{5mm}
-    \sankeynodestart{name=I,at={4,0},angle=-90,quantity=397.8}
-    \coordinate[below=1mm of I.center] (I label);
-    \sankeynode{name=EI,at={2.86,-3},angle=-90,quantity=542.3}
-    \sankeyfork{EI}{397.8/Ia,137.3/GIa,7.2/Ba}
-    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=1.2cm]{I}{Ia}
-    \sankeyoutin{GI}{GIa}
-    \sankeyoutin{B}{Ba}
-    \sankeyadvance{EI}{5mm}
-    \coordinate (EI label) at (EI);
-    \sankeyadvance{EI}{5mm}
-    \sankeyfork{EI}{63.1/EB,479.2/P}
-    \sankeyturn{EB}{90}
-    \sankeyadvance{EB}{4cm}
-    \coordinate (EB label) at ($(EB)!.5!(EB-old)$);
-    \sankeyend{EB}
-    \sankeyadvance{P}{10mm}
-    \coordinate (P label) at (P);
-    \sankeyadvance{P}{5mm}
-    \sankeyfork{P}{33.5/NV,445.7/P}
-    {
-      \colorlet{NV color}{cyan!80!lime!50!gray}
-      \sankeyset{fill/.append style={fill=NV color,draw=NV color}}
-      \sankeyturn{NV}{90}
-      \sankeynode{as=NV,name=NV2,at=NV -| EB}
-      \sankeyoutin{NV}{NV2}
-      \coordinate (NV label) at (NV -| EB label);
-      \sankeyend{NV2}
-    }
-    \sankeyadvance{P}{10mm}
-    \sankeyfork{P}{118.1/U,327.6/P}
-    {
-      \sankeyset{
-        fill/.style={fill=orange!70!gray!50,draw=orange!70!gray!50}
-      }
-      \sankeyturn{U}{90}
-      \sankeynode{as=U,name=U2,at=U -| EB}
-      \sankeyoutin{U}{U2}
-      \coordinate (U label) at (U -| EB label);
-      \sankeyend{U2}
-    }
-    \sankeyadvance{P}{10mm}
-    \sankeyfork{P}{327.2/P,0.4/SD}
-    {
-      \sankeyturn{SD}{-90}
-      \sankeyadvance{SD}{15mm}
-      \coordinate (SD label) at (SD);
-      \sankeyadvance{SD}{15mm}
-      \sankeyend{SD}
-    }
-    \sankeyadvance{P}{8mm}
-    \sankeyfork{P}{18.8/VE,308.4/E}
-    {
-      \sankeyset{fill/.append style={orange!70!gray!30}}
-      \sankeyturn{VE}{90}
-      \sankeynode{as=VE,name=VE2,at=VE -| EB}
-      \sankeyoutin{VE}{VE2}
-      \coordinate (VE label) at (VE -| EB label);
-      \sankeyend{VE2}
-    }
-    \sankeyadvance{E}{8mm}
-    \coordinate (E label) at (E);
-    \sankeyadvance{E}{20mm}
-    \sankeyfork{E}{135.1/H+GHD,87.2/V,86.1/In}
-    \sankeyturn{In}{-90}
-    \sankeyadvance{In}{10mm}
-    \sankeyturn{In}{90}
-    \sankeyadvance{In}{5mm}
-    \coordinate (In label)  at (In);
-    \sankeyadvance{In}{10mm}
-    \sankeyend{In}
-    \sankeynode{as=V,name=V2,at=V|-In label}
-    \sankeyoutin{V}{V2}
-    \coordinate (V label) at (V2);
-    \sankeyadvance{V2}{10mm}
-    \sankeyend{V2}
-    \sankeyturn{H+GHD}{90}
-    \sankeyadvance{H+GHD}{5mm}
-    \sankeyfork{H+GHD}{47.0/GHD,88.1/H}
-    \sankeyturn{H}{-90}
-    \sankeynode{as=H,name=H2,at=H|-In label}
-    \sankeyoutin{H}{H2}
-    \coordinate (H label) at (H2);
-    \sankeyadvance{H2}{10mm}
-    \sankeyend{H2}
-    \sankeyadvance{GHD}{30mm}
-    \sankeyturn{GHD}{-90}
-    \sankeynode{as=GHD,name=GHD2,at=GHD|-In label}
-    \sankeyoutin{GHD}{GHD2}
-    \coordinate (GHD label) at (GHD2);
-    \sankeyadvance{GHD2}{10mm}
-    \sankeyend{GHD2}
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-  % labels
-  \tikzset{
-    label/.style={
-      fill=white,fill opacity=.8,text opacity=1,
-      inner sep=1mm,
-      text=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
-      inner xsep=2mm,
-      font=\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize,
-      align=center,
-    },
-  }
-  \node[label,anchor=north] (B label) at (B label) {7.2};
-  \node[label,left=1mm of B label] {Bestands-\\entnahme};
-  \node[label,anchor=north] at (GI label) {137.3};
-  \node[label,above=5mm of GI label] {Gewinnung\\im Inland};
-  \node[label,anchor=north] at (I label) {397.8};
-  \node[label,above=5mm of I label] {Import};
-  \node[label] at (EI label) {542.3\\Energieaufkommen im Inland};
-  \node[label,anchor=center] (EB label) at (EB label) {63.1};
-  \node[label,above=1mm of EB label] {Export und\\Bunkerung};
-  \node[label] at (P label) {479.2\\Primärenergieverbrauch};
-  \node[label,anchor=center] (NV label) at (NV label) {33.5};
-  \node[label,above=0mm of NV label] {Nichtenergetischer Verbrauch};
-  \node[label,anchor=center] (U label) at (U label) {118.1};
-  \node[label,below=3mm of U label] {Umwandlungsverluste};
-  \node[label,anchor=center] (SD label) at (SD label) {0.4};
-  \node[label,above=0mm of SD label] {Statistische\\Differenzen};
-  \node[label,anchor=center] (VE label) at (VE label) {18.8};
-  \node[label,below=0mm of VE label] {Verbrauch in den\\Energiesktoren};
-  \node[label,anchor=north] (E label) at (E label)
-  {308.4\\Endenergieverbrauch};
-  \node[label,anchor=north] (In label) at (In label) {86.1};
-  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of In label] {Industrie};
-  \node[label,anchor=north] (V label) at (V label) {87.2};
-  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of V label] {Verkehr};
-  \node[label,anchor=north] (H label) at (H label) {88.1};
-  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of H label] {Haushalte};
-  \node[label,anchor=north] (GHD label) at (GHD label) {47.0};
-  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of GHD label]
-  {Gewerbe, Handel\\Diensleistungen};
-  \centering
-  %\rule{\linewidth}{1pt}\\
-  \input{\samplecodename}
-  \caption{Example from TeX.se question}
-  \label{fig:texse-example}
-\subsection{Very nice example -- Nadieh Bremer creation}
-Graphic designer Nadieh Bremer created this very nice Sankey
-for Adyen's second half 2018 report to shareholders. It is coded here
-with her kind permission.
-You can change the data values between lines 28 and 53.
-See figure~\ref{fig:nice-example}.
-  % 
-  \renewcommand*\sfdefault{txss}
-  \sffamily
-  \sisetup{
-    detect-all=true,
-    group-separator={,},
-    group-minimum-digits=4,
-  }
-  % storage of labels
-  \newcommand\LabSet[2]{% none name, label
-    \expandafter\edef\csname #1Lab\endcsname{#2}}
-  \newcommand\Lab[1]{% node name
-    \csname #1Lab\endcsname}
-  % storage of quantities
-  \newcommand\QtySet[2]{% node name, quantity
-    \expandafter\edef\csname #1Qty\endcsname{\fpeval{#2}}}
-  \newcommand\Qty[1]{% node name
-    \csname #1Qty\endcsname}
-  % all nodes with their name, label and quantity
-  \sankeyset{
-    def data/.code args={#1/#2/#3}{% node name/label/values
-      \LabSet{#1}{#2}
-      \QtySet{#1}{#3}
-      \typeout{#1: \Qty{#1}€ (\Lab{#1})}
-    },
-    def data/.list={
-      {Pf/Processing\\fees/71713},
-      {Sog/Sales of\\good/4547},
-      {Sf/Settlement\\fees/842075},
-      {Os/Other\\services/37532},
-      {R/Revenues/\Qty{Pf}+\Qty{Sog}+\Qty{Sf}+\Qty{Os}},
-      {Coi/Cost of Inventory/5151},
-      {Ciffi/Cost insecure from financial institutions/758234},
-      {Nr/Net revenue/\Qty{R}-\Qty{Coi}-\Qty{Ciffi}},
-      {Aadotaifa/Amortization and\\depreciation of tangible and\\%
-        intangible fixed assets/4688},
-      {Ssapc/Social securities and\\pension costs/7860},
-      {Was/Wages and salaries/35627},
-      {Ooe/Other operating expenses/37346},
-      {Nr2/-/\Qty{Nr}-\Qty{Aadotaifa}-\Qty{Ssapc}-\Qty{Was}-\Qty{Ooe}},
-      {Oi/Other income/47},
-      {Ibiiieait/Income before interest income,\\interest expense and %
-        income taxes/\Qty{Nr2}+\Qty{Oi}},
-      {Fe/Finance expense/561},
-      {Ofr/Other financial results/2533},
-      {Ibiiieait2/-/\Qty{Ibiiieait}-\Qty{Fe}-\Qty{Ofr}},
-      {Fi/Finance income/204},
-      {Ibit/Income before income taxes/\Qty{Ibiiieait2}+\Qty{Fi}},
-      {It/Income taxes/21134},
-      {Niftp/Net income for the period/\Qty{Ibit}-\Qty{It}},
-      {Octa/Other currency\\translation adjustments/785},
-      {Tci/Total comprehensive income/\Qty{Niftp}+\Qty{Octa}}
-    },
-  }
-  \definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{9,192,82}
-  \tikzset{
-    cost node/.style 2 args={
-      overlay,
-      align=flush center,
-      node font=\footnotesize\sffamily\bfseries,
-      inner sep=0,
-      node contents={%
-        {\mdseries€\,\num{#1}}\\%
-        #2\vphantom{g}%
-      },
-    },
-    white hash/.style={
-      draw=none,fill=none,
-      pattern={Lines[angle=60,line width=2pt,distance=4pt]},
-      pattern color=white,
-    },
-    line sep/.style={draw=white,line width=1pt},
-    left label/.style={left=#1,align=flush right,anchor=north east},
-    right label/.style={right=#1,align=flush left},
-    right label hashed/.style={
-      right=1mm of $(#1.left)!.5!(#1-old.left)$,align=flush left,
-    },
-    left label hashed/.style={
-      left=1mm of $(#1.right)!.5!(#1-old.right)$,align=flush right,
-    },
-  }
-  \newcommand\turnandstop[1]{
-    \sankeyturn[green to greenwhite]{#1}{-90}
-    \sankeynode{as=#1,name=#1-e,at={#1 -| Coi}}
-    \sankeyoutin[greenwhite to white]{#1}{#1-e}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{#1}}{\Lab{#1}},left label={1mm of #1-e.right}];
-  }
-  \begin{sankeydiagram}
-    \sankeyset{
-      ratio=28em/1000000,
-      minimum radius=2cm,
-      start style=none,
-      % default fill and draw styles
-      fill/.style={
-        line width=0pt,
-        fill=mygreen,
-      },
-      draw/.style={draw=none},
-      % specific fill and draw styles
-      green to greenwhite/.style={
-        fill/.style={
-          line width=0pt,
-          right color=mygreen,
-          left color=mygreen!20!white,
-        }
-      },
-      greenwhite to white/.style={
-        fill/.style={
-          line width=0pt,
-          right color=mygreen!20!white,
-          left color=mygreen!5!white,
-        }
-      },
-      dashed/.style={draw/.style={draw=mygreen,dashed}},
-      % debug,
-    }
-    \coordinate (top) at (0,2em);
-    \sankeynodestart{name=Pf,quantity=\Qty{Pf},
-      at={0,0},angle=-90}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Pf}}{\Lab{Pf}},above=.5em of Pf.center];
-    \sankeynodestart{name=Sog,quantity=\Qty{Sog},
-      at={[xshift=4em]Pf.left},angle=-90,anchor=right}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Sog}}{\Lab{Sog}},above=.5em of Sog.center];
-    \sankeynodestart{name=Sf,quantity=\Qty{Sf},
-      at={[xshift=2em]Sog.left},angle=-90,anchor=right}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Sf}}{\Lab{Sf}},above=.5em of Sf.center];
-    \sankeynodestart{name=Os,quantity=\Qty{Os},
-      at={[xshift=2em]Sf.left},angle=-90,anchor=right}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Os}}{\Lab{Os}},above=.5em of Os.center];
-    \sankeynode{name=R,quantity=\Qty{R},
-      at={[yshift=-10em]Sf.center},angle=-90}
-    \sankeyfork{R}{\Qty{Os}/Os-a,\Qty{Sf}/Sf-a,\Qty{Sog}/Sog-a,\Qty{Pf}/Pf-a}
-    \foreach \nodename in {Pf,Sog,Sf,Os}{
-      \sankeyoutin[fill/.style={top color=white,bottom color=mygreen}]
-      {\nodename}{\nodename-a}
-    }
-    \sankeyadvance{R}{1em}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{R}}{\Lab{R}},right label hashed=R];
-    \sankeyfork{R}{\Qty{Ciffi}/Ciffi,\Qty{Nr}/Nr,\Qty{Coi}/Coi}
-    \sankeyturn[minimum radius=1.cm]{Ciffi}{90}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Ciffi}}{\Lab{Ciffi}},
-    at={([shift={(1mm,0)}]Ciffi.center)},rotate=-90,
-    anchor=south,align=flush left,node font=\scriptsize\sffamily\bfseries];
-    \sankeyturn[green to greenwhite]{Coi}{-90}
-    \sankeyadvance[greenwhite to white]{Coi}{1em}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Coi}}{\Lab{Coi}},
-    left={1mm of [yshift=.75ex]Coi.left},
-    align=flush right,anchor=north east,overlay];
-    \sankeyadvance{Nr}{9em}
-    \sankeyadvance{Nr}{1em}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Nr}}{\Lab{Nr}},
-    left label hashed=Nr,node font=\large\sffamily\bfseries];
-    \sankeyfork{Nr}{\Qty{Nr2}/Nr2,\Qty{Ooe}/Ooe,
-      \Qty{Was}/Was,\Qty{Ssapc}/Ssapc,\Qty{Aadotaifa}/Aadotaifa}
-    \turnandstop{Aadotaifa}
-    \sankeyadvance{Ssapc}{5em}
-    \turnandstop{Ssapc}
-    \sankeyadvance{Was}{9em}
-    \turnandstop{Was}
-    \sankeyadvance{Ooe}{12em}
-    \turnandstop{Ooe}
-    \sankeyadvance{Nr2}{15em}
-    \sankeynode{name=Ibiiieait,quantity=\Qty{Ibiiieait},
-      angle=-90,anchor=right,at={Nr2.right}}
-    \sankeyfork{Ibiiieait}{\Qty{Oi}/Oi,\Qty{Nr2}/Nr2-e}
-    \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=1cm,dashed]{Oi}{90}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Oi}}{\Lab{Oi}},right label=1mm of Oi.left];
-    \sankeyadvance{Ibiiieait}{1em}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Ibiiieait}}{\Lab{Ibiiieait}},
-    right label hashed=Ibiiieait];
-    \sankeyfork{Ibiiieait}
-    {\Qty{Ibiiieait2}/Ibiiieait2,\Qty{Ofr}/Ofr,\Qty{Fe}/Fe}
-    \turnandstop{Fe}
-    \sankeyadvance{Ofr}{3em}
-    \turnandstop{Ofr}
-    \sankeyadvance{Ibiiieait2}{6em}
-    \sankeynode{name=Ibit,quantity={\Qty{Ibiiieait2}+\Qty{Fi}},
-      angle=-90,anchor=right,at={Ibiiieait2.right}}
-    \sankeyfork{Ibit}{\Qty{Fi}/Fi,\Qty{Ibiiieait2}/Ibiiieait2-e}
-    \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=1cm,dashed]{Fi}{90}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Fi}}{\Lab{Fi}},right label=1mm of Fi.left];
-    \sankeyadvance{Ibit}{1em}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Ibit}}{\Lab{Ibit}},right label hashed=Ibit];
-    \sankeyfork{Ibit}{\Qty{Niftp}/Niftp,\Qty{It}/It}
-    \turnandstop{It}
-    \sankeyadvance{Niftp}{6em}
-    \sankeyadvance{Niftp}{1em}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Niftp}}{\Lab{Niftp}},right label hashed=Niftp];
-    \sankeynode{name=Tci,quantity=\Qty{Niftp}+\Qty{Octa},
-      angle=-90,anchor=right,at={[yshift=-6em]Niftp.right}}
-    \sankeyfork{Tci}{\Qty{Octa}/Octa,\Qty{Niftp}/Niftp-e}
-    \sankeyoutin{Niftp}{Niftp-e}
-    \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=1cm]{Octa}{90}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Octa}}{\Lab{Octa}},right label=1mm of Octa.left];
-    \sankeyadvance{Tci}{1em}
-    \node[cost node={\Qty{Tci}}{\Lab{Tci}},right label hashed=Tci];
-    \newcommand\hashband[1]{
-      \draw[line sep] (#1-old.right) -- (#1-old.left);
-      \draw[line sep] (#1.right) -- (#1.left);
-      \path[white hash] (#1-old.right) rectangle (#1.left);
-    }
-    \foreach \nodename in {R,Nr,Nr,Ibiiieait,Ibit,Niftp,Tci}{
-      \hashband{\nodename}
-    }
-  \end{sankeydiagram}
-  \centering
-  \input{\samplecodename}
-  \caption{Very nice example -- Nadieh Bremer's creation}
-  (from
-  \href{https://www.visualcinnamon.com/portfolio/adyen-report-2019/}{Adyen's
-    Shareholder Report})
-  \label{fig:nice-example}
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example-energy.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example-energy.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example-energy.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+  % font choice
+  \renewcommand\rmdefault{txr}\rmfamily\footnotesize
+  \sisetup{
+    round-mode=places,
+    round-precision=1,
+    add-decimal-zero,
+    round-integer-to-decimal,
+  }
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}
+    \colorlet{energy}{blue!30!cyan!80!black}
+    \colorlet{lost energy}{red!50!orange!90!black}
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=13em/100,
+      minimum radius=1em,
+      start style=simple,end style=simple,
+      draw/.style={draw=none,line width=0},
+      energy/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=energy,
+          line width=0,
+          fill=energy,
+        }
+      },
+      lost energy/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=lost energy,
+          line width=0,
+          fill=lost energy,
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    \newcommand\abovelabel[2]{ % valname, label
+      \node[anchor=south east,align=center,inner xsep=0] at (#1.left) {#2};
+    }
+    \newcommand\energylabel[1]{ % valname
+      \node[anchor=north east,text=energy,inner xsep=0] at (#1.right)
+      {\num{\sankeygetnodeqty{#1}}};
+    }
+    \newcommand\lostenergylabel[2]{ % valname, label
+      \node[anchor=north,text=lost energy] at ([yshift=-2.5mm]#1.center)
+      (value)
+      {\num{\sankeygetnodeqty{#1}}};
+      \node[anchor=north,inner sep=0,align=center] at (value.south) {#2};
+    }
+    \newcommand\lostenergylabelbottom[2]{ % valname, label
+      \draw[draw=lost energy,dashed,thick]
+      ([yshift=-3mm]#1.center) coordinate (#1) -- ([yshift=-3mm]#1.center);
+      \lostenergylabel{#1}{#2}
+    }
+    \sankeynode{name=Co,quantity=100.0}
+    \path (Co.right) ++(0,-7mm) coordinate (c);
+    \newcommand\turnandstop[2]{ % valname, label
+      \begingroup
+      \sankeyset{lost energy}
+      \sankeyturnright{#1}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1,name=#1-stop,at={#1 |- c}}
+      \sankeyoutin{#1}{#1-stop}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1-stop,name=#1}
+      \sankeyend{#1}
+      \lostenergylabel{#1}{#2}
+      \endgroup
+    }
+    \newcommand\turnandstopbottom[2]{ % valname, label
+      \begingroup
+      \sankeyset{lost energy}
+      \sankeyturnright{#1}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1,name=#1-stop,at={#1 |- c}}
+      \sankeyoutin{#1}{#1-stop}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1-stop,name=#1}
+      \sankeyend{#1}
+      \lostenergylabelbottom{#1}{#2}
+      \endgroup
+    }
+    \def\hshift{6.25em}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Co}{1.2*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{Co}{\textbf{Coal}\\(Primary energy)}
+    \energylabel{Co}
+    \sankeyfork{Co}{35/El1,65/Pg}
+    \turnandstop{Pg}{Power generation}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El1}{1.8*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{El1}{\textbf{Electricity}\\(Secondary energy)}
+    \energylabel{El1}
+    \sankeyfork{El1}{33.5/El2,1.5/Tr}
+    \turnandstopbottom{Tr}{Transmission}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El2}{.65*\hshift}
+    \energylabel{El2}
+    \sankeyfork{El2}{31.5/El3,2.0/Di}
+    \turnandstop{Di}{Distribution}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El3}{.65*\hshift}
+    \energylabel{El3}
+    \sankeyfork{El3}{31.0/El4,0.5/Wi}
+    \turnandstopbottom{Wi}{Wiring}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El4}{.65*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{El4}{\textbf{Electricity}\\(Final energy)}
+    \energylabel{El4}
+    \sankeyfork{El4}{3.0/Lr1,28.0/Lb}
+    \turnandstop{Lb}{Lightbulb}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Lr1}{1.1*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{Lr1}{\textbf{Light radiation}\\(Useful energy)}
+    \energylabel{Lr1}
+    \sankeyfork{Lr1}{2.0/Lr2,1.0/Ls}
+    \turnandstopbottom{Ls}{Lampshade}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Lr2}{.6*\hshift}
+    \energylabel{Lr2}
+    \sankeyfork{Lr2}{1.0/Il,1.0/Id}
+    \turnandstop{Id}{Idle}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Il}{.6*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{Il}{\textbf{Illumination}\\(Energy services)}
+    \energylabel{Il}
+    \sankeyend[energy]{Il}
+  \end{sankeydiagram}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example-energy.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example1.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example1.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example1.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \colorlet{cold}[rgb]{cyan!75!blue!50!white}
+    \colorlet{hot}[rgb]{red!50!orange!75!white}
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=90pt/6,minimum radius=15pt,
+      start style=simple,end style=simple,
+      draw/.style={
+        draw=blue!50!cyan,
+        line width=1pt,line cap=round,line join=round,
+      },
+      cold/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=cold,line width=0pt,fill=cold,
+        },
+      },
+      cold to hot/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          fill=none,top color=cold,
+          bottom color=hot,middle color=yellow,
+        },
+      },
+      hot/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=hot,line width=0pt,fill=hot,
+        },
+      },
+    }
+    \sankeyset{cold}
+    \sankeynodestart{name=p0,at={100,0},angle=-90,quantity=6}
+    \sankeyadvance{p0}{50pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p0}{3/p1,3/p2}
+    \sankeyturnleft{p1}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{p1}{20pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p2}{60pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p2}{2/p3,1/p4}
+    \sankeyturnleft{p3}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{p3}{50pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p3}{1/p5,1/p6}
+    \sankeyadvance{p5}{70pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p1}{1/p7,1/p8,1/p9}
+    \sankeyadvance{p7}{50pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p9}{50pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p4}{40pt}
+    \sankeyturnleft{p4}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{p4}{65pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p7}{40pt}
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=p11,at={[shift={(50pt,-15pt)}]p7},quantity=3,
+      forked={1/p7a,1/p9a,1/p5a},
+    }
+    \sankeyoutin{p7}{p7a}
+    \sankeyoutin{p9}{p9a}
+    \sankeyoutin{p5}{p5a}
+    \sankeyadvance{p11}{30pt}
+    \sankeyend{p11}
+    \sankeyturnright{p8}{90}
+    \sankeyturnright{p6}{90}
+    \sankeyturnright{p4}{90}
+    \sankeyset{hot}
+    \sankeyadvance[cold to hot]{p8}{40pt}
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=p10,at={[shift={(-15pt,-60pt)}]p8},angle=-90,quantity=3,
+      forked={1/p8a,1/p6a,1/p4a},
+    }
+    \sankeyoutin[cold to hot]{p4}{p4a}
+    \sankeyoutin[cold to hot]{p6}{p6a}
+    \sankeyoutin{p8}{p8a}
+    \sankeyadvance{p10}{30pt}
+    \sankeyend{p10}
+  \end{sankeydiagram}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example1.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example2.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example2.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example2.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+  \renewcommand*\sfdefault{txss}
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=4cm/524.3,
+      minimum radius=3mm,
+      start style=arrow,
+      end style=arrow,
+      fill/.style={
+        line width=0pt,
+        fill=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
+        draw=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
+      },
+      draw/.style={draw=none},
+      every node/.style={angle=-90},
+    }
+    \sankeynodestart{name=B,at={-.5,0},quantity=7.2}
+    \coordinate[below=1mm of B.center] (B label);
+    \sankeyadvance{B}{5mm}
+    \sankeynodestart{name=GI,at={1,0},quantity=137.3}
+    \coordinate[below=1mm of GI.center] (GI label);
+    \sankeyadvance{GI}{5mm}
+    \sankeynodestart{name=I,at={4,0},quantity=397.8}
+    \coordinate[below=1mm of I.center] (I label);
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=EI,at={2.86,-3},quantity=542.3,
+      forked={397.8/Ia,137.3/GIa,7.2/Ba}
+    }
+    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=1.2cm]{I}{Ia}
+    \sankeyoutin{GI}{GIa}
+    \sankeyoutin{B}{Ba}
+    \sankeyadvance{EI}{5mm}
+    \coordinate (EI label) at (EI);
+    \sankeyadvance{EI}{5mm}
+    \sankeyfork{EI}{63.1/EB,479.2/P}
+    \sankeyturnleft{EB}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{EB}{4cm}
+    \coordinate (EB label) at ($(EB)!.5!(EB-old)$);
+    \sankeyend{EB}
+    \sankeyadvance{P}{10mm}
+    \coordinate (P label) at (P);
+    \sankeyadvance{P}{5mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P}{33.5/NV,445.7/P-NV}
+    {
+      \colorlet{NV color}{cyan!80!lime!50!gray}
+      \sankeyset{fill/.append style={fill=NV color,draw=NV color}}
+      \sankeyturnleft{NV}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=NV,name=NV2,at=NV -| EB}
+      \sankeyoutin{NV}{NV2}
+      \coordinate (NV label) at (NV -| EB label);
+      \sankeyend{NV2}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{P-NV}{10mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P-NV}{118.1/U,327.6/P-NV-U}
+    {
+      \sankeyset{
+        fill/.style={fill=orange!70!gray!50,draw=orange!70!gray!50}
+      }
+      \sankeyturnleft{U}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=U,name=U2,at=U -| EB}
+      \sankeyoutin{U}{U2}
+      \coordinate (U label) at (U -| EB label);
+      \sankeyend{U2}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{P-NV-U}{10mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P-NV-U}{327.2/P-NV-U-SD,0.4/SD}
+    {
+      \sankeyturnright{SD}{90}
+      \sankeyadvance{SD}{15mm}
+      \coordinate (SD label) at (SD);
+      \sankeyadvance{SD}{15mm}
+      \sankeyend{SD}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{P-NV-U-SD}{8mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P-NV-U-SD}{18.8/VE,308.4/E}
+    {
+      \sankeyset{fill/.append style={orange!70!gray!30}}
+      \sankeyturnleft{VE}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=VE,name=VE2,at=VE -| EB}
+      \sankeyoutin{VE}{VE2}
+      \coordinate (VE label) at (VE -| EB label);
+      \sankeyend{VE2}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{E}{8mm}
+    \coordinate (E label) at (E);
+    \sankeyadvance{E}{20mm}
+    \sankeyfork{E}{135.1/H+GHD,87.2/V,86.1/In}
+    \sankeyturnright{In}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{In}{10mm}
+    \sankeyturnleft{In}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{In}{5mm}
+    \coordinate (In label)  at (In);
+    \sankeyadvance{In}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{In}
+    \sankeynode{as=V,name=V2,at=V|-In label}
+    \sankeyoutin{V}{V2}
+    \coordinate (V label) at (V2);
+    \sankeyadvance{V2}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{V2}
+    \sankeyturnleft{H+GHD}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{H+GHD}{5mm}
+    \sankeyfork{H+GHD}{47.0/GHD,88.1/H}
+    \sankeyturnright{H}{90}
+    \sankeynode{as=H,name=H2,at=H|-In label}
+    \sankeyoutin{H}{H2}
+    \coordinate (H label) at (H2);
+    \sankeyadvance{H2}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{H2}
+    \sankeyadvance{GHD}{30mm}
+    \sankeyturnright{GHD}{90}
+    \sankeynode{as=GHD,name=GHD2,at=GHD|-In label}
+    \sankeyoutin{GHD}{GHD2}
+    \coordinate (GHD label) at (GHD2);
+    \sankeyadvance{GHD2}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{GHD2}
+  \end{sankeydiagram}
+  % labels
+  \tikzset{
+    label/.style={
+      fill=white,fill opacity=.8,text opacity=1,
+      inner sep=1mm,
+      text=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
+      inner xsep=2mm,
+      font=\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize,
+      align=center,
+    },
+  }
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (B label) at (B label) {7.2};
+  \node[label,left=1mm of B label] {Bestands-\\entnahme};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] at (GI label) {137.3};
+  \node[label,above=5mm of GI label] {Gewinnung\\im Inland};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] at (I label) {397.8};
+  \node[label,above=5mm of I label] {Import};
+  \node[label] at (EI label) {542.3\\Energieaufkommen im Inland};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (EB label) at (EB label) {63.1};
+  \node[label,above=1mm of EB label] {Export und\\Bunkerung};
+  \node[label] at (P label) {479.2\\Primärenergieverbrauch};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (NV label) at (NV label) {33.5};
+  \node[label,above=0mm of NV label] {Nichtenergetischer Verbrauch};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (U label) at (U label) {118.1};
+  \node[label,below=3mm of U label] {Umwandlungsverluste};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (SD label) at (SD label) {0.4};
+  \node[label,above=0mm of SD label] {Statistische\\Differenzen};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (VE label) at (VE label) {18.8};
+  \node[label,below=0mm of VE label] {Verbrauch in den\\Energiesktoren};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (E label) at (E label)
+  {308.4\\Endenergieverbrauch};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (In label) at (In label) {86.1};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of In label] {Industrie};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (V label) at (V label) {87.2};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of V label] {Verkehr};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (H label) at (H label) {88.1};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of H label] {Haushalte};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (GHD label) at (GHD label) {47.0};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of GHD label]
+  {Gewerbe, Handel\\Diensleistungen};

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example2.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3-variation.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3-variation.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3-variation.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}[rotate=-90]
+    \sffamily
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=1.7cm/10,
+      outin steps=2,
+      start style=arrow,
+      end style=simple,
+      draw/.style={draw=white,line width=.4pt},
+      color/.style={fill/.style={fill=#1,fill opacity=.75}},
+      shade/.style 2 args={fill/.style={
+          fill=none,line width=0,
+          top color=#1,bottom color=#2,
+          middle color=#1!50!#2!50!white,
+          fill opacity=.75}},
+      % colors
+      @define HTML color/.code args={#1/#2}{\definecolor{#1}{HTML}{#2}},
+      @define HTML color/.list={
+        cyan/a6cee3,lime/b2df8a,red/fb9a99,orange/fdbf6f,
+        violet/cab2d6,yellow/ffff99,blue/1f78b4,green/33a02c
+      },
+      % colors of countries
+      @let country color/.code args={#1/#2}{\colorlet{#1}[rgb]{#2}},
+      @let country color/.list={
+        CA/red,US/orange,MX/lime,BR/violet,FR/yellow,GB/blue,
+        SP/green,PT/cyan,ML/cyan,SN/red,MA/orange,
+        AO/violet,ZA/lime,IN/blue,JP/yellow,CN/green
+      },
+    }
+    \def\vdist{5mm}
+    \def\hwidth{1em}
+    \def\hdist{6cm}
+    \sankeynode{name=CA,quantity=7}
+    \sankeynode{name=US,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]CA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MX,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]US.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=BR,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]MX.left},anchor=right}
+    \foreach \country in {CA,US,MX,BR}{
+      \sankeystart[color=\country]{\country}
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{CA}{1/CA-to-PT,1/CA-to-GB,5/CA-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{US}{1/US-to-PT,1/US-to-SP,5/US-to-GB,1/US-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{MX}{1/MX-to-PT,5/MX-to-SP,1/MX-to-GB,1/MX-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{BR}{5/BR-to-PT,1/BR-to-SP,1/BR-to-GB,1/BR-to-FR}
+    \sankeynode{name=FR,quantity=11,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]CA.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=GB,quantity=11,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]FR.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SP,quantity=7,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]GB.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=PT,quantity=8,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{FR}
+    {1/FR-from-BR,1/FR-from-MX,1/FR-from-US,5/FR-from-CA,3/FR-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}
+    {1/GB-from-BR,1/GB-from-MX,5/GB-from-US,1/GB-from-CA,3/GB-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-from-BR,5/SP-from-MX,1/SP-from-US}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{5/PT-from-BR,1/PT-from-MX,1/PT-from-US,1/PT-from-CA}
+    \foreach \country in {FR,GB,SP,PT}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{FR}{1/FR-to-ZA,1/FR-to-AO,3/FR-to-MA,3/FR-to-SN,3/FR-to-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}{7/GB-to-ZA,1/GB-to-AO,2/GB-to-MA,1/GB-to-SN}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-to-ZA,3/SP-to-MA,1/SP-to-SN,2/SP-to-00}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{3/PT-to-ZA,2/PT-to-AO,1/PT-to-MA,1/PT-to-SN,1/PT-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=ML,quantity=9,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]FR.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SN,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]ML.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MA,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=AO,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]MA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=ZA,quantity=12,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]AO.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{3/ML-from-FR,6/Mail-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}
+    {1/SN-from-PT,1/SN-from-SP,1/SN-from-GB,3/SN-from-FR,3/SN-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{1/MA-from-PT,3/MA-from-SP,2/MA-from-GB,3/MA-from-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{2/AO-from-PT,1/AO-from-GB,1/AO-from-FR,5/AO-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{3/ZA-from-PT,1/ZA-from-SP,7/ZA-from-GB,1/ZA-from-FR}
+    \foreach \country in {ML,SN,MA,AO,ZA}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{5/ML-to-CN,3/ML-to-JP,1/ML-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}{5/SN-to-CN,3/SN-to-JP,1/SN-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{5/MA-to-CN,3/MA-to-JP,1/MA-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{5/AO-to-CN,3/AO-to-JP,1/AO-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{5/ZA-to-CN,3/ZA-to-JP,1/ZA-to-IN,3/ZA-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=IN,quantity=5,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]ML.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=JP,quantity=15,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]IN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=CN,quantity=25,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]JP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{IN}
+    {1/IN-from-ZA,1/IN-from-AO,1/IN-from-MA,1/IN-from-SN,1/IN-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{JP}
+    {3/JP-from-ZA,3/JP-from-AO,3/JP-from-MA,3/JP-from-SN,3/JP-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{CN}
+    {5/CN-from-ZA,5/CN-from-AO,5/CN-from-MA,5/CN-from-SN,5/CN-from-ML}
+    \foreach \country in {IN,JP,CN}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+      \sankeyend[color=\country]{\country}
+    }
+    \foreach \startcountry/\countries in {
+      CA/{PT,GB,FR},    US/{PT,SP,GB,FR},    MX/{PT,SP,GB,FR},
+      SP/{SN,MA,ZA},    PT/{SN,MA,AO,ZA},    ML/{IN,JP,CN},
+      SN/{IN,JP,CN},    MA/{IN,JP,CN},       AO/{IN,JP,CN},
+      ZA/{IN,JP,CN}}
+    {
+      \foreach \endcountry in \countries {
+        \sankeyoutin[shade={\startcountry}{\endcountry}]
+        {\startcountry-to-\endcountry}{\endcountry-from-\startcountry}
+      }
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {CA/Canada, US/USA, MX/Mexico,
+      BR/Brazil, FR/France, GB/England, SP/Spain, PT/Portugal}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=south,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {
+      ML/Mali, SN/Senegal, MA/Morocco, AO/Angola,
+      ZA/South Africa, IN/India, JP/Japan, CN/China}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=south,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+  \end{sankeydiagram}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3-variation.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \sffamily
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=1cm/10,
+      outin steps=2,
+      draw/.style={draw=none,line width=0pt},
+      color/.style={fill/.style={fill=#1,fill opacity=.75}},
+      shade/.style 2 args={fill/.style={left color=#1,
+          right color=#2,fill opacity=.5}},
+      % colors
+      @define HTML color/.code args={#1/#2}{\definecolor{#1}{HTML}{#2}},
+      @define HTML color/.list={
+        cyan/a6cee3,lime/b2df8a,red/fb9a99,orange/fdbf6f,
+        violet/cab2d6,yellow/ffff99,blue/1f78b4,green/33a02c
+      },
+      % colors of countries
+      @let country color/.code args={#1/#2}{\colorlet{#1}[rgb]{#2}},
+      @let country color/.list={
+        CA/red,US/orange,MX/orange,BR/cyan,FR/lime,GB/red,
+        SP/lime,PT/cyan,ML/blue,SN/violet,MA/yellow,
+        AO/violet,ZA/yellow,IN/green,JP/green,CN/blue
+      },
+    }
+    \def\vdist{5mm}
+    \def\hwidth{.5em}
+    \def\hdist{4.1cm}
+    \sankeynode{name=CA,quantity=7}
+    \sankeynode{name=US,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]CA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MX,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]US.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=BR,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]MX.left},anchor=right}
+    \foreach \country in {CA,US,MX,BR}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{CA}{1/CA-to-PT,1/CA-to-GB,5/CA-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{US}{1/US-to-PT,1/US-to-SP,5/US-to-GB,1/US-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{MX}{1/MX-to-PT,5/MX-to-SP,1/MX-to-GB,1/MX-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{BR}{5/BR-to-PT,1/BR-to-SP,1/BR-to-GB,1/BR-to-FR}
+    \sankeynode{name=FR,quantity=11,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]CA.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=GB,quantity=11,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]FR.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SP,quantity=7,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]GB.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=PT,quantity=8,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{FR}
+    {1/FR-from-BR,1/FR-from-MX,1/FR-from-US,5/FR-from-CA,3/FR-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}
+    {1/GB-from-BR,1/GB-from-MX,5/GB-from-US,1/GB-from-CA,3/GB-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-from-BR,5/SP-from-MX,1/SP-from-US}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{5/PT-from-BR,1/PT-from-MX,1/PT-from-US,1/PT-from-CA}
+    \foreach \country in {FR,GB,SP,PT}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{FR}{1/FR-to-ZA,1/FR-to-AO,3/FR-to-MA,3/FR-to-SN,3/FR-to-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}{7/GB-to-ZA,1/GB-to-AO,2/GB-to-MA,1/GB-to-SN}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-to-ZA,3/SP-to-MA,1/SP-to-SN,2/SP-to-00}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{3/PT-to-ZA,2/PT-to-AO,1/PT-to-MA,1/PT-to-SN,1/PT-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=ML,quantity=9,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]FR.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SN,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]ML.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MA,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=AO,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]MA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=ZA,quantity=12,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]AO.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{3/ML-from-FR,6/Mail-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}
+    {1/SN-from-PT,1/SN-from-SP,1/SN-from-GB,3/SN-from-FR,3/SN-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{1/MA-from-PT,3/MA-from-SP,2/MA-from-GB,3/MA-from-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{2/AO-from-PT,1/AO-from-GB,1/AO-from-FR,5/AO-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{3/ZA-from-PT,1/ZA-from-SP,7/ZA-from-GB,1/ZA-from-FR}
+    \foreach \country in {ML,SN,MA,AO,ZA}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{5/ML-to-CN,3/ML-to-JP,1/ML-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}{5/SN-to-CN,3/SN-to-JP,1/SN-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{5/MA-to-CN,3/MA-to-JP,1/MA-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{5/AO-to-CN,3/AO-to-JP,1/AO-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{5/ZA-to-CN,3/ZA-to-JP,1/ZA-to-IN,3/ZA-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=IN,quantity=5,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]ML.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=JP,quantity=15,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]IN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=CN,quantity=25,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]JP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{IN}
+    {1/IN-from-ZA,1/IN-from-AO,1/IN-from-MA,1/IN-from-SN,1/IN-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{JP}
+    {3/JP-from-ZA,3/JP-from-AO,3/JP-from-MA,3/JP-from-SN,3/JP-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{CN}
+    {5/CN-from-ZA,5/CN-from-AO,5/CN-from-MA,5/CN-from-SN,5/CN-from-ML}
+    \foreach \country in {IN,JP,CN}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \foreach \startcountry/\countries in {
+      CA/{PT,GB,FR},    US/{PT,SP,GB,FR},    MX/{PT,SP,GB,FR},
+      SP/{SN,MA,ZA},    PT/{SN,MA,AO,ZA},    ML/{IN,JP,CN},
+      SN/{IN,JP,CN},    MA/{IN,JP,CN},       AO/{IN,JP,CN},
+      ZA/{IN,JP,CN}}
+    {
+      \foreach \endcountry in \countries {
+        \sankeyoutin[shade={\startcountry}{\endcountry}]
+        {\startcountry-to-\endcountry}{\endcountry-from-\startcountry}
+      }
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {CA/Canada, US/USA, MX/Mexico,
+      BR/Brazil, FR/France, GB/England, SP/Spain, PT/Portugal}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=west,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {
+      ML/Mali, SN/Senegal, MA/Morocco, AO/Angola,
+      ZA/South Africa, IN/India, JP/Japan, CN/China}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=east,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country-old) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+  \end{sankeydiagram}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example3.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example4.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example4.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/sankey/sankey-example4.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+  \renewcommand*\sfdefault{txss}
+  \sffamily
+  \sisetup{
+    detect-all=true,
+    group-separator={,},
+    group-minimum-digits=4,
+  }
+  % storage of labels
+  \newcommand\LabSet[2]{% node name, label
+    \expandafter\edef\csname#1 at Lab\endcsname{#2}}
+  \newcommand\Lab[1]{% node name
+    \csname#1 at Lab\endcsname}
+  % storage of quantities
+  \newcommand\QtySet[2]{% node name, quantity
+    \expandafter\edef\csname#1 at Qty\endcsname{\fpeval{#2}}}
+  \newcommand\Qty[1]{% node name
+    \csname#1 at Qty\endcsname}
+  % all nodes with their name, label and quantity
+  \sankeyset{
+    def data/.code args={#1/#2/#3}{% node name/label/values
+      \LabSet{#1}{#2}
+      \QtySet{#1}{#3}
+      \typeout{#1: \Qty{#1}€ (\Lab{#1})}
+    },
+    def data/.list={
+      {Pf/Processing\\fees/71713},
+      {Sog/Sales of\\good/4547},
+      {Sf/Settlement\\fees/842075},
+      {Os/Other\\services/37532},
+      {R/Revenues/\Qty{Pf}+\Qty{Sog}+\Qty{Sf}+\Qty{Os}},
+      {Coi/Cost of Inventory/5151},
+      {Ciffi/Cost insecure from financial institutions/758234},
+      {Nr/Net revenue/\Qty{R}-\Qty{Coi}-\Qty{Ciffi}},
+      {Aadotaifa/Amortization and\\depreciation of tangible and\\
+        intangible fixed assets/4688},
+      {Ssapc/Social securities and\\pension costs/7860},
+      {Was/Wages and salaries/35627},
+      {Ooe/Other operating expenses/37346},
+      {Nr2/-/\Qty{Nr}-\Qty{Aadotaifa}-\Qty{Ssapc}-\Qty{Was}-\Qty{Ooe}},
+      {Oi/Other income/47},
+      {Ibiiieait/Income before interest income,\\interest expense and
+        income taxes/\Qty{Nr2}+\Qty{Oi}},
+      {Fe/Finance expense/561},
+      {Ofr/Other financial results/2533},
+      {Ibiiieait2/-/\Qty{Ibiiieait}-\Qty{Fe}-\Qty{Ofr}},
+      {Fi/Finance income/204},
+      {Ibit/Income before income taxes/\Qty{Ibiiieait2}+\Qty{Fi}},
+      {It/Income taxes/21134},
+      {Niftp/Net income for the period/\Qty{Ibit}-\Qty{It}},
+      {Octa/Other currency\\translation adjustments/785},
+      {Tci/Total comprehensive income/\Qty{Niftp}+\Qty{Octa}}
+    },
+  }
+  \definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{9,192,82}
+  \tikzset{
+    cost node/.style={
+      overlay,
+      align=flush center,
+      node font=\footnotesize\sffamily\bfseries,
+      inner sep=0,
+      node contents={%
+        {\mdseries€\,\num{\Qty{#1}}}\\
+        \Lab{#1}\vphantom{g}%
+      },
+    },
+    white hash/.style={
+      draw=none,fill=none,
+      pattern={Lines[angle=60,line width=2pt,distance=4pt]},
+      pattern color=white,
+    },
+    line sep/.style={draw=white,line width=1pt},
+    left label/.style={left=#1,align=flush right,anchor=north east},
+    right label/.style={right=#1,align=flush left},
+    right label hashed/.style={
+      right=1mm of $(#1.left)!.5!(#1-old.left)$,align=flush left,
+    },
+    left label hashed/.style={
+      left=1mm of $(#1.right)!.5!(#1-old.right)$,align=flush right,
+    },
+  }
+  \newcommand\turnandstop[1]{
+    \sankeyturn[green to greenwhite]{#1}{-90}
+    \sankeynode{as=#1,name=#1-e,at={#1 -| Coi}}
+    \sankeyoutin[greenwhite to white]{#1}{#1-e}
+    \node[cost node=#1,left label={1mm of #1-e.right}];
+  }
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=28em/1000000,
+      minimum radius=2cm,
+      start style=none,
+      every node/.style={angle=-90},
+      % default fill and draw styles
+      fill/.style={
+        line width=0pt,
+        fill=mygreen,
+      },
+      draw/.style={draw=none},
+      % specific fill and draw styles
+      green to greenwhite/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          line width=0pt,
+          right color=mygreen,
+          left color=mygreen!20!white,
+        }
+      },
+      greenwhite to white/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          line width=0pt,
+          right color=mygreen!20!white,
+          left color=mygreen!5!white,
+        }
+      },
+      dashed/.style={draw/.style={draw=mygreen,dashed}},
+    }
+    \coordinate (top) at (0,2em);
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Pf,quantity=\Qty{Pf}}
+    \node[cost node=Pf,above=.5em of Pf.center];
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Sog,quantity=\Qty{Sog},
+      at={[xshift=4em]Pf.left},anchor=right}
+    \node[cost node=Sog,above=.5em of Sog.center];
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Sf,quantity=\Qty{Sf},
+      at={[xshift=2em]Sog.left},anchor=right}
+    \node[cost node=Sf,above=.5em of Sf.center];
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Os,quantity=\Qty{Os},
+      at={[xshift=2em]Sf.left},anchor=right}
+    \node[cost node=Os,above=.5em of Os.center];
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=R,quantity=\Qty{R},at={[yshift=-10em]Sf.center},
+      forked={\Qty{Os}/Os-a,\Qty{Sf}/Sf-a,\Qty{Sog}/Sog-a,\Qty{Pf}/Pf-a},
+    }
+    \foreach \nodename in {Pf,Sog,Sf,Os}{
+      \sankeyoutin[fill/.style={top color=white,bottom color=mygreen}]
+      {\nodename}{\nodename-a}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{R}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=R,right label hashed=R];
+    \sankeyfork{R}{\Qty{Ciffi}/Ciffi,\Qty{Nr}/Nr,\Qty{Coi}/Coi}
+    \sankeyturnleft[minimum radius=1.cm]{Ciffi}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Ciffi,at={([shift={(1mm,0)}]Ciffi.center)},rotate=-90,
+    anchor=south,align=flush left,node font=\scriptsize\sffamily\bfseries];
+    \sankeyturnright[green to greenwhite]{Coi}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance[greenwhite to white]{Coi}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Coi,left={1mm of [yshift=.75ex]Coi.left},
+    align=flush right,anchor=north east,overlay];
+    \sankeyadvance{Nr}{9em}
+    \sankeyadvance{Nr}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Nr,left label hashed=Nr,
+    node font=\large\sffamily\bfseries];
+    \sankeyfork{Nr}{\Qty{Nr2}/Nr2,\Qty{Ooe}/Ooe,
+      \Qty{Was}/Was,\Qty{Ssapc}/Ssapc,\Qty{Aadotaifa}/Aadotaifa}
+    \turnandstop{Aadotaifa}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ssapc}{5em}
+    \turnandstop{Ssapc}
+    \sankeyadvance{Was}{9em}
+    \turnandstop{Was}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ooe}{12em}
+    \turnandstop{Ooe}
+    \sankeyadvance{Nr2}{15em}
+    \sankeynode{name=Ibiiieait,quantity=\Qty{Ibiiieait},
+      anchor=right,at={Nr2.right},
+      forked={\Qty{Oi}/Oi,\Qty{Nr2}/Nr2-e}}
+    \sankeyturnleftbackward[minimum radius=1cm,dashed]{Oi}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Oi,right label=1mm of Oi.left];
+    \sankeyadvance{Ibiiieait}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Ibiiieait,right label hashed=Ibiiieait];
+    \sankeyfork{Ibiiieait}
+    {\Qty{Ibiiieait2}/Ibiiieait2,\Qty{Ofr}/Ofr,\Qty{Fe}/Fe}
+    \turnandstop{Fe}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ofr}{3em}
+    \turnandstop{Ofr}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ibiiieait2}{6em}
+    \sankeynode{name=Ibit,quantity={\Qty{Ibiiieait2}+\Qty{Fi}},
+      anchor=right,at={Ibiiieait2.right},
+      forked={\Qty{Fi}/Fi,\Qty{Ibiiieait2}/Ibiiieait2-e}}
+    \sankeyturnleftbackward[minimum radius=1cm,dashed]{Fi}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Fi,right label=1mm of Fi.left];
+    \sankeyadvance{Ibit}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Ibit,right label hashed=Ibit];
+    \sankeyfork{Ibit}{\Qty{Niftp}/Niftp,\Qty{It}/It}
+    \turnandstop{It}
+    \sankeyadvance{Niftp}{6em}
+    \sankeyadvance{Niftp}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Niftp,right label hashed=Niftp];
+    \sankeynode{name=Tci,quantity=\Qty{Niftp}+\Qty{Octa},
+      anchor=right,at={[yshift=-6em]Niftp.right},
+      forked={\Qty{Octa}/Octa,\Qty{Niftp}/Niftp-e}}
+    \sankeyoutin{Niftp}{Niftp-e}
+    \sankeyturnleftbackward[minimum radius=1cm]{Octa}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Octa,right label=1mm of Octa.left];
+    \sankeyadvance{Tci}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Tci,right label hashed=Tci];
+    \newcommand\hashband[1]{
+      \draw[line sep] (#1-old.right) -- (#1-old.left);
+      \draw[line sep] (#1.right) -- (#1.left);
+      \path[white hash] (#1-old.right) rectangle (#1.left);
+    }
+    \foreach \nodename in {R,Nr,Nr,Ibiiieait,Ibit,Niftp,Tci}{
+      \hashband{\nodename}
+    }
+  \end{sankeydiagram}

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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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(Binary files differ)

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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/sankey/sankey.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/sankey/sankey.dtx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/sankey/sankey.dtx	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,4678 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 by Paul Gaborit
+% -----------------------------------
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
+% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
+% license is in
+% <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+% 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Paul Gaborit.
+% This work consists of the files sankey.dtx, sankey.ins and the derived
+% files sankey.sty, tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex, sankey-doc-preamble.sty,
+% sankey-example1.tex, sankey-example2.tex, sankey-example3.tex,
+% sankey-example3-variation.tex, sankey-example4.tex,
+% sankey-example-energy.tex
+% \fi
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \CharacterTable
+%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
+%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
+%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
+%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
+%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
+%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
+%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
+%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
+%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
+%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
+%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+% \CheckSum{1718}
+% \GetFileInfo{\jobname.dtx}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newcommand,\newenvironment}
+% \DoNotIndex{\#,\$,\%,\&,\@,\\,\{,\},\^,\_,\~,\ }
+% \DoNotIndex{\begingroup,\endgroup,\begin,\end}
+% \DoNotIndex{\def,\edef,\gdef,\xdef,\ifx,\else,\string,\relax}
+% \DoNotIndex{\csname,\endcsname,\ifcsdef,\expandafter,\ifnumgreater}
+% \DoNotIndex{\NewDocumentCommand,\NewDocumentEnvironment,\IfBooleanTF}
+% \DoNotIndex{\NeedsTeXFormat,\ProvidesPackage,\RequirePackage,\PackageError,\PackageWarning}
+% \DoNotIndex{\newtoggle,\toggletrue,\togglefalse,\iftoggle,\ifdefempty,\ifundef,\ifdefstrequal}
+% \DoNotIndex{\ifbool,\ifdef,\ifnumequal,\ifpgfmathcond,\colorlet,\fpeval,\inteval,\newbool}
+% \DoNotIndex{\pgfmathsetmacro,\pgfdeclarelayer,\pgfdeclareshape,\pgfkeys,\pgfset,\usetikzlibrary}
+% \DoNotIndex{\the,\pgf at x,\pgf at y,\tikz at scan@one at point,\pgfutil at firstofone}
+% \DoNotIndex{\pgfsetlayers,\inheritsavedanchors,\inheritanchor,\inheritanchorborder,\anchor,\pgf at process,\northeast,\southwest}
+% \DoNotIndex{\pgfmathresult,\pgfinterruptpath,\endpgfinterruptpath,\pgfkeysvalueof,\pgfmathtruncatemacro,\pgfmathparse}
+% \DoNotIndex{\tikzset,\pgfextra,\pgflinewidth,\foreach,\coordinate}
+% \DoNotIndex{\path,\node,\pgfmathprintnumber,\n,\p,\x,\y}
+% \DoNotIndex{\tiny,\ttfamily,\space}
+% \title{The \textsf{sankey} package\\
+% Draw Sankey diagrams via TikZ}
+% \author{Paul Gaborit
+% (\href{mailto:paul.gaborit at gmail.com}{\texttt{paul.gaborit at gmail.com}})}
+% \date{\fileversion{} -- \filedate{}}
+% \GetFileInfo{sankey.sty}
+% \def\manualparts{
+% \begin{quote}
+%   This manual contains three parts:
+%   \nameref{usermanual} (p.\pageref{usermanual}),
+%   \nameref{examples} (p.\pageref{examples})
+%   and \nameref{implementation} (p.\pageref{implementation}).
+% \end{quote}
+% }
+% \maketitle
+% \hypersetup{
+%  pdftitle=How to use the sankey package to build Sankey diagrams (\fileversion),
+%  pdfauthor=Paul Gaborit,
+% }
+% \begin{abstract}
+%   The \texttt{sankey} package provides macros and environments to
+%   build \emph{Sankey
+%   diagrams}\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankey_diagram}},
+%   i.e.  \emph{flow diagrams} in which the width of the arrows is
+%   proportional to the flow rate.  The initial idea for the first
+%   implementation came out from
+%   \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/40159/14500}{this question} on
+%   \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/}{TeX.StackExchange}.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \manualparts
+% \begin{quote}
+%   {\footnotesize Note: the \code{sankey.dtx} and \code{sankey.ins}
+%   files are attachments of the current PDF document.\par}
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \part{User manual}
+% \label{usermanual}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% {
+%   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
+%   \localtableofcontents
+% }
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{Preamble}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% To use the \code{sankey} package, insert the following line in your preamble:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \usepackage{sankey}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+% {\small Note: the
+% \code{sankey} package requires automatically the
+% \code{xparse}, \code{etoolbox}, \code{xfp} and
+% \code{tikz} packages, and the \code{calc},
+% \code{decorations.markings} and
+% \code{dubins} (cf. \vref{sec:dubins}) TikZ libraries.\par}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{The \texttt{sankeydiagram} environment}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \DescribeEnv{sankeydiagram} %
+% A \code{sankeydiagram} environment nested in a \code{tikzpicture}
+% environment activates the sankey macros:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[... options ...]
+%     ... sankey macros ...
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}  
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{Sankey diagram options}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The \code{sankey} package uses \code{pgfkeys} to set options via
+% \emph{key=value} pairs with default path \texttt{/sankey} (and
+% \texttt{/sankey/node parameters} for Sankey node parameters).
+% The options can be defined via the optional argument of the
+% \code{sankeydiagram} environment:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \begin{sankeydiagram}[debug=true]
+%   \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=1,angle=0,at={0,0}}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeyset} %
+% The options can also be modified via the \code{\sankeyset} macro:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%   \sankeyset{debug=true}
+%   \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=1,angle=0,at={0,0}}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+% The options can be  temporarily modified for a single macro:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%   \sankeynode[debug=true]{name=a,quantity=1,angle=0,at={0,0}}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+% At the begining of each Sankey diagram, all options are initialized
+% with initial values then the \code{every diagram} style is applied.
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{every diagram}{}{}{empty}
+%   This style is installed at beginning of each Sankey diagram.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% For instance, to use a ratio of 5mm/10 by default (instead of 1cm/10)
+% for all Sankey diagrams, add the following line:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \sankeyset{every diagram/.style={ratio=5mm/10}}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Keys to choose the scale}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The scale or ratio of the Sankey diagram is the ratio between the %
+% \code{ratio length} and the \code{ratio quantity}.
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{ratio quantity}{\VAR{number}}{}{10}
+%   Quantity (in units of flow) to define ratio. The \VAR{number} can be
+%   any math expression.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{ratio length}{\VAR{distance}}{}{1cm}
+%   Distance (a graphical distance) to define scale.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{ratio}{\VAR{distance}/\VAR{number}}{}{1cm/10}
+%   Fix the ratio to \VAR{distance}\texttt{/}\VAR{number}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% The initial ratio is 1\,cm/10 units.
+% \textbf{Note:} the \code{sankey} package uses the \code{xfp} package to
+% evaluate all math expressions that use quantities (in units of
+% flow). You can therefore use quantities of a very large or very small
+% order of magnitude. In contrast, for graphic distances, the sankey
+% package uses the \code{pgfmath} package (all calculations must not
+% exceed $\pm 16383.99999$).
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Keys to define rotate offset}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{rotate}{\VAR{angle}}{}{0}
+%   The \code{rotate} key stores an offset angle applied to all Sankey
+%   nodes.  This is useful when using the \code{rotate} option within a
+%   \code{tikzpicture} or a \code{scope}. This TikZ option is only
+%   applied to coordinates and not to TikZ nodes (remember that Sankey
+%   nodes are TikZ nodes). It's up to the author to keep the
+%   \code{rotate} option of the \code{tikzpicture} and that of the
+%   \code{sankeydiagram} synchronous.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Keys to define drawing parameters}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{minimum radius}{\VAR{distance}}{}{5mm}
+%   The minimum radius used by \code{\sankeyturn} and
+%   \code{\sankeydubins}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{outin steps}{\VAR{integer}}{}{10}
+%   Number of steps used by the \code{\sankeyoutin} macro to simulate flow
+%   lanes with constant width.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Keys to choose drawing styles}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{fill/.style}{\VAR{style}}{}{{line width=0pt,fill=white}}
+%   This TikZ style is used to \emph{fill} all sankey paths.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{draw/.style}{\VAR{style}}{}{draw=black,line width=.4pt}
+%   This TikZ style is used to \emph{draw} all sankey paths.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{start style}{\VAR{style name}}{}{none}
+%   There are three predefined \emph{start} styles: \constant{none},
+%   \constant{simple}, \constant{arrow}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{end style}{\VAR{style name}}{}{none}
+%   There are three predefined \emph{end} styles: \constant{none},
+%   \constant{simple}, \constant{arrow}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Keys to define new \emph{start} and \emph{end} styles}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{new start style}{\{\VAR{name}\}\{\VAR{fill
+%       path}\}\{\VAR{draw path}\}}{}{}
+%   Define the new start style named \VAR{name} with its \VAR{fill
+%     path} and its \VAR{draw path}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{new end style}{\{\VAR{name}\}\{\VAR{fill
+%       path}\}\{\VAR{draw path}\}}{}{}
+%   Define the new end style named \VAR{name} with its \VAR{fill
+%     path} and its \VAR{draw path}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \emph{Fill} and \emph{draw} paths are build in a TikZ scope where the
+% origin is the center of the current Sankey node (its name is accessible
+% via \code{\name}) and the coordinate system is rotated by its
+% orientation.
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{The \emph{debug} key}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{debug}{\VAR{boolean}}{true}{false}
+%   To debug a sankey diagram.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{Sankey nodes and flows}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Create Sankey nodes}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+% \MACRO\code{\sankeynode}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node parameters}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeynode} %
+% The \code{\sankeynode} macro defines a Sankey node. The \VAR{options}
+% can be any Sankey diagram keys. To define a Sankey node, you must
+% provide a \emph{name}, a \emph{quantity} and an \emph{angle} as
+% \VAR{node parameters}.
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{name}{\VAR{name}}{}{}
+%   The \VAR{name} of the new Sankey node (and the associated TikZ node).
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{quantity}{\VAR{quantity}}{}{}
+%   The quantity (in flow unit) of the new Sankey node. The \VAR{quantity}
+%   can be any math expression.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{angle}{\VAR{angle}}{}{}
+%   The orientation of the flow (0 points to the right) of the new Sankey
+%   node.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{at}{\VAR{at}}{}{0,0}
+%   The position of the new Sankey node (a TikZ coordinate \emph{without}
+%   round brackets or parentheses).
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{anchor}{\VAR{anchor}}{}{center}
+%   Specify the anchor of the Sankey node. Possible values are
+%   \constant{center}, \constant{left} or \constant{right}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{as}{\VAR{name}}{}{}
+%   Copy the \emph{name}, the \emph{quantity}, the \emph{angle} and the
+%   \emph{position} of the Sankey node named \VAR{name}.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% A Sankey node is also a Tikz node but with only three anchors:
+% \code{left}, \code{center} and \code{right}\footnote{In fact, to be
+% able to use the TikZ \code{fit} library, the %
+% \code{north}, \code{north east} and \code{north west} anchors exist
+% and are equal to \code{left}, %
+% the \code{east} and \code{west} anchors exist and are equal to
+% \code{center} and %
+% the \code{south}, \code{south east} and \code{south west} anchors
+% exist and are equal to \code{right}.}:
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[debug]
+%     \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%     \foreach \nodename/\pos in {a/left,b/below left,c/above}{
+%       \foreach \ancname in {left,center,right}{
+%         \node[node font=\ttfamily\footnotesize,\pos=1mm of \nodename.\ancname,
+%         inner sep=0pt,rotate=\sankeygetnodeorient{\nodename},anchor=east]
+%         {\ancname\vphantom{g}};
+%         \fill[black] (\nodename.\ancname) circle(1pt);
+%       }
+%     }
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Choose default parameters}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{sankeyoption}{every node/.style}{\{\VAR{node parameters}\}}{}{empty}
+%   The \VAR{node parameters} defined by the
+%   \code{every node} style is installed at the creation of every Sankey node.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Create starting and ending nodes via macros}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+% \MACRO\code{\sankeynodestart}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node parameters}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeynodestart} %
+% The \code{\sankeynodestart} creates and fills/draws a starting Sankey
+% node:
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeynodeend}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   parameters}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeynodeend} %
+%   The \code{\sankeynodeend} creates and fills/draws an ending Sankey
+%   node:
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[end style=simple,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Create starting and ending nodes via options}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{start}{\VAR{boolean}}{true}{false}
+%     The \code{\sankeynode} macro acts as the
+%     \code{\sankeynodestart} macro if you add the
+%     \code{start} option to its options.
+%   \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10,start}
+%     \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left,start}
+%     \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right,start}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{end}{\VAR{boolean}}{true}{false}
+%     The \code{\sankeynode} macro acts as the \code{\sankeynodeend}
+%     macro if you add the \code{end} option to its options.
+%   \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[end style=simple,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10,end}
+%     \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left,end}
+%     \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right,end}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   Although rarely necessary, you can mix these two parameters:
+%   \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%     \sankeyset{
+%       end style=arrow,
+%       start style=arrow,
+%       fill/.style={fill=orange!20}
+%     }
+%     \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10,start,end}
+%     \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left,start,end}
+%     \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right,start,end}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% % 
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% % 
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Retrieve information from Sankey nodes}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \MACRO\code{\sankeygetnodeqty}\ARG{\VAR{node name}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeygetnodeqty} %
+% The expandable command \code{\sankeygetnodeqty} returns the quantity
+% assigned to the Sankey node named \VAR{node name}.
+% \MACRO\code{\sankeyqtytolen}\ARG{\VAR{quantity}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeyqtytolen} %
+% The expandable \code{\sankeyqtytolen} macro converts \VAR{quantity} to
+% graphical length using the current ratio.
+% \MACRO\code{\sankeygetnodeorient}\ARG{\VAR{node name}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeygetnodeorient} %
+% The expandable command \code{\sankeygetnodeorient} returns the angle
+% (orientation) assigned to the Sankey node named \VAR{node name}.
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Move nodes}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% All the macros of this section move a Sankey node and fill/draw a
+% portion of the Sankey flow. Then the previous position of the Sankey
+% node is accessible via the \code{-old} suffix (i.e. if you move the
+% \code{a} node, its previous position is the \code{a-old} node).
+% The starred version of each of these macros moves in the opposite
+% direction to their non-starred version.
+% Except for the \code{\sankeyturn} macro, a negative value (distance or
+% angle) moves in the opposite direction (the \code{\sankeyturn} macro
+% is an exception: a negative angle turns right while a positive value
+% turns left).
+% {\centering
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%     \tikzset{com/.style={node font=\ttfamily\scriptsize,
+%     fill=bgcode,fill opacity=1,text opacity=1}}
+%     \sankeyset{end style=simple,start style=simple}
+%     \sankeynode{name=ac,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynode{name=al,quantity=5,at={[yshift=2mm]ac.left},anchor=right}
+%     \sankeynode{name=ar,quantity=5,at={[yshift=-2mm]ac.right},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnleft{al}{60}
+%     \sankeyadvance{ac}{1cm}
+%     \sankeyturnright{ar}{60}
+%     \sankeyturnleft*{al-old}{60}
+%     \sankeyadvance*{ac-old}{1cm}
+%     \sankeyturnright*{ar-old}{60}
+%     \sankeystart{al-old}
+%     \sankeystart{ac-old}
+%     \sankeystart{ar-old}
+%     \sankeyend{al}
+%     \sankeyend{ac}
+%     \sankeyend{ar}
+%     \draw[red,very thick]
+%     (al-old-old.left) -- node[com]{n} (al-old-old.right) 
+%     (ac-old-old.left) -- node[com]{n} (ac-old-old.right)
+%     (ar-old-old.left) -- node[com]{n} (ar-old-old.right);
+%     \path
+%     (al) ++(2mm,2mm) node[com,anchor=south west,align=left] {
+%       \string\sankeyturnleft\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnleftbackward\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnleft*\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnleftbackward*\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturn\{n\}\{angle>0\}
+%     };
+%     \path
+%     (al-old) ++(-2mm,2mm) node[com,anchor=south east,align=right] {
+%       \string\sankeyturnleftbackward\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnleft\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnleft*\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnleftbackward*\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturn*\{n\}\{angle>0\}
+%     };
+%     \path
+%     (ac) ++(2mm,0) node[com,anchor=west,align=left] {
+%       \string\sankeyadvance\{n\}\{distance>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyadvance*\{n\}\{distance<0\}
+%     };
+%     \path
+%     (ac-old) ++(-2mm,0) node[com,anchor=east,align=right] {
+%       \string\sankeyadvance\{n\}\{distance<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyadvance*\{n\}\{distance>0\}
+%     };
+%     \path
+%     (ar) ++(2mm,-2mm) node[com,anchor=north west,align=left] {
+%       \string\sankeyturnright\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnrightbackward\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnright*\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnrightbackward*\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturn\{n\}\{angle<0\}
+%     };
+%     \path
+%     (ar-old) ++(-2mm,-2mm) node[com,anchor=north east,align=right] {
+%       \string\sankeyturnrightbackward\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnright\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnright*\{n\}\{angle>0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturnrightbackward*\{n\}\{angle<0\}\\
+%       \string\sankeyturn*\{n\}\{angle<0\}
+%     };
+%     \end{sankeydiagram}
+%   \end{tikzpicture}
+% \par}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Macro to move straight (forward or backward)}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyadvance}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{distance}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyadvance} The \code{\sankeyadvance} moves the
+%   sankey node straight ahead and fills/draws this portion of the
+%   sankey path. A positive \VAR{distance} moves forward while a
+%   negative \VAR{distance} moves backward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyadvance{a}{1cm}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyadvance{b}{1cm}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%     \sankeyadvance{c}{5mm}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyadvance*}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{distance}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyadvance*} The \code{\sankeyadvance*} moves
+%   the sankey node straight back and fills/draws this portion of the
+%   sankey path. A positive \VAR{distance} moves backward while a
+%   negative \VAR{distance} moves forward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[end style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyadvance*{a}{1cm}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyadvance*{b}{1cm}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%     \sankeyadvance*{c}{5mm}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Macro to turn forward or backward}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturn}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturn} The \code{\sankeyturn} macro moves the
+%   sankey node by turning to one side or the other and fills/draws
+%   this portion of the sankey path. A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle}
+%   turns left while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns right.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturn{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturn[minimum radius=1cm]{b}{-45}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%     \sankeyturn{c}{180}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturn*}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturn*} The \code{\sankeyturn*} macro moves the
+%   sankey node backward by turning right or left and fills/draws this
+%   portion of the sankey path. A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns left
+%   while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns right.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[end style=simple,fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturn*{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=1cm]{b}{-45}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=c,quantity=10,angle=-90,at={3,1},anchor=right}
+%     \sankeyturn*{c}{180}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Macros to turn left (forward or backward)}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnleft}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnleft} The
+%   \code{\sankeyturnleft} macro moves the sankey node by turning left
+%   and fills/draws this portion of the sankey path. A \emph{positive}
+%   \VAR{angle} turns forward while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns backward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnleft{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=-135,at={1,2},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnleft[minimum radius=1cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnleft*}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnleft*} The
+%   \code{\sankeyturnleft*} macro moves the sankey node backward
+%   by turning left and fills/draws this portion of the sankey path.
+%   A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns backward while a
+%   \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns forward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnleft*{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=-135,at={1,2},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnleft*[minimum radius=.75cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnleftbackward}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnleftbackward} The
+%   \code{\sankeyturnleftbackward} macro moves the sankey node backward
+%   by turning left and fills/draws this portion of the sankey path.
+%   A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns backward while a
+%   \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns forward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnleftbackward{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=-135,at={1,2},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnleftbackward[minimum radius=.75cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnleftbackward*}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnleftbackward*} The
+%   \code{\sankeyturnleftbackward*} macro moves the sankey node by turning left
+%   and fills/draws this portion of the sankey path. A \emph{positive}
+%   \VAR{angle} turns forward while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns backward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnleftbackward*{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=-135,at={1,2},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnleftbackward*[minimum radius=1cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Macros to turn right (forward or backward)}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnright}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnright} The \code{\sankeyturnright} macro
+%   moves the sankey node by turning right and fills/draws this portion
+%   of the sankey path. A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns forward
+%   while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns backward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnright[fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnright[minimum radius=.75cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnright*}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnright*} The \code{\sankeyturnright*} macro
+%   moves the sankey node backward by turning right and fills/draws
+%   this portion of the sankey path. A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns
+%   backward while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns forward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnright*[fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={1,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnright*[minimum radius=.75cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnrightbackward}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnrightbackward}
+%   The \code{\sankeyturnrightbackward} macro
+%   moves the sankey node backward by turning right and fills/draws
+%   this portion of the sankey path. A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns
+%   backward while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns forward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnrightbackward[fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={1,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnrightbackward[minimum radius=.75cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyturnrightbackward*}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   name}}\ARG{\VAR{angle}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyturnrightbackward*} The
+%   \code{\sankeyturnrightbackward*} macro  moves the sankey
+%   node forward by turning right and fills/draws this portion
+%   of the sankey path. A \emph{positive} \VAR{angle} turns forward
+%   while a \emph{negative} \VAR{angle} turns backward.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=arrow,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyturnrightbackward*[fill/.style={fill=orange!20}]{a}{90}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a}
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{as=a-old}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!20}}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyturnrightbackward*[minimum radius=.75cm]{b}{-225}
+% \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Links between nodes}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The macros described in this section fill/draw a lane between two
+% Sankey nodes.
+% Note: since Sankey nodes are oriented, linking \code{A} node to
+% \code{B} node does not produce the same result as linking \code{B}
+% node to \code{A} node!
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyoutin}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   A}}\ARG{\VAR{node B}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyoutin} The \code{\sankeyoutin} macro
+%   fills/draws a lane from \VAR{node A} to \VAR{node B} using a
+%   Bézier curve with regular steps (10 steps by default) to
+%   simulate constant width lane.
+%   The constant width and the minimum curvature are \emph{not} guaranteed!
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeydubins}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{node
+%   A}}\ARG{\VAR{node B}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeydubins} %
+%   The \code{\sankeydubins} macro fills/draws a lane between
+%   \VAR{node A} and \VAR{node B} using a Dubins
+%   path\footnote{\url{https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubins_path}}.
+%   The constant width and the minimum curvature are guaranteed.
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Comparison between \texttt{outin} and \texttt{dubins}
+%   paths}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The following diagrams compare \texttt{outin} path with
+% 10 steps (orange), \texttt{outin} path with 2 steps (red)
+% and \texttt{dubins} path (lime) in various positions.
+% \begin{miniblock}
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={4,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeyoutin{a}{b}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=red!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={2,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={6,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeyoutin[outin steps=2]{a}{b}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!40}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={4,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={(8,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={2,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeyoutin{a}{b}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=red!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={2,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={4,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeyoutin[outin steps=2]{a}{b}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!40}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={4,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={(6,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=orange!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={0,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeyoutin{a}{b}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=red!20}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={2,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={2,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeyoutin[outin steps=2]{a}{b}
+%     \sankeyset{fill/.style={fill=lime!40}}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={4,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={(4,3},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Examples of \texttt{dubins} paths}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}[start style=simple,end style=arrow]
+%     \sankeyset{
+%       fill/.style={fill=lime!40},
+%       draw/.style={draw=green!50!black,line width=2pt},
+%     }
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={0,2},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2mm]{a}{b}
+%     \fill[green!50!black] (2,0) coordinate (c) circle(2pt);
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={[shift={(c)}]90:5mm},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={[shift={(c)}]150:5mm},angle=60,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2.5mm]{a}{b}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={3.5,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={3.5,.75},angle=-180,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=5mm]{a}{b}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={7,1},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={7,1.75},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2.5mm]{a}{b}
+%     \sankeynodestart{name=a,at={9,0},quantity=5}
+%     \sankeynodeend{name=b,at={9,2},angle=180,quantity=5}
+%     \sankeydubins[minimum radius=2.5mm]{a}{b}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Pure filling/drawing macros}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+% \MACRO\code{\sankeystart}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{name}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeystart} %
+% The \code{\sankeystart} fills/draws a starting extremity attached to
+% the preexisting Sankey node \VAR{name}:
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%     [start style=arrow,fill/.style={fill=cyan!20},draw/.style={draw=blue}]
+%     \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeystart{a}
+%     \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeystart{b}
+%     \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%     \sankeystart{c}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% %
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyend}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{name}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyend} %
+%   The \code{\sankeyend} fills/draws an ending extremity attached to
+%   the preexisting Sankey node \VAR{name}:
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%     [end style=simple,fill/.style={fill=cyan!20},draw/.style={draw=blue}]
+%     \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10}
+%     \sankeyend{a}
+%     \sankeynode{name=b,quantity=5,angle=45,at={2,1},anchor=left}
+%     \sankeyend{b}
+%     \sankeynode{name=c,quantity=20,angle=-90,at={5,1},anchor=right}
+%     \sankeyend{c}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% % 
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% % 
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Forked node}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Create and fork a Sankey node}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{add keys to fork a Sankey node during its
+% creation}
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   When creating a new Sankey node, the \code{forked} and %
+%   \code{fork anchor} keys allow to fork the node directly \emph{and} to
+%   anchor it on an anchor of a forked subnode.
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{forked}{\{\VAR{quantity/name pairs}\}}{}{}
+%   The \VAR{quantity/name pairs} is a comma separated list of
+%   \emph{quantity/name} pairs (one for each subnode, from left to
+%   right). The sum of all quantities \emph{must} be equal to the quantity
+%   of the new node to fork.
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{sankeyoption}[/sankey/node parameters]{fork anchor}{\VAR{node.anchor}}{}{}
+%   An anchor belonging to the new node \emph{or} belonging to a subnode
+%   (the anchor name must be prefixed by the name of the
+%   node). \emph{Note:} when a \code{fork anchor} key is supplied, the
+%   \code{anchor} key is ignored (with a \emph{warning} message).
+% \end{sankeyoption}
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%     \sankeyset{
+%       start style=arrow,end style=arrow,
+%       fill/.style={fill=yellow!10,line width=0pt,draw=yellow!10}
+%     }
+%     \sankeynode[debug]{
+%       name=a,quantity=40,angle=-80,
+%       forked={25/b,10/c,5/d},
+%       fork anchor=c.right,
+%     }
+%     \sankeyadvance*{b}{1cm}
+%     \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=2cm]{c}{-30}
+%     \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=2cm]{c}{30}
+%     \sankeyturn*[minimum radius=5mm]{d}{-90}
+%     \sankeyadvance{a}{1.5cm}
+%     \foreach \nodename in {b,c,d}{ \sankeystart{\nodename} }
+%     \sankeyend{a}
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% % 
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Fork a Sankey node}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{miniblock}
+%   \MACRO\code{\sankeyfork}\OPTARG{\VAR{options}}\ARG{\VAR{name}}\ARG{\VAR{quantity/name pairs}}
+%   \DescribeMacro{\sankeyfork} %
+%   The \code{\sankeyfork} macro splits the preexisting Sankey node
+%   named \VAR{name} in a list of new Sankey subnodes. The
+%   \VAR{quantity/name pairs} is a comma separated list of
+%   \emph{quantity/name} pairs, one for each subnode from left to
+%   right. The sum of all quantities \emph{must} be equal to the
+%   quantity of the node to fork.
+% \begin{VerbatimOut}[gobble=2]{\samplecodename}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+%   \begin{sankeydiagram}
+%     \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=40,angle=-45}
+%     \sankeyfork[debug]{a}{25/b,10/c,5/d}
+%     \path (a.left) rectangle (a.right); %^^A create a bounding box
+%   \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{VerbatimOut}
+% % 
+% {\centering\input{\samplecodename}\par}
+% %
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{\samplecodename}
+% \end{miniblock}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{Miscellaneous}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{The \texttt{debug} layer}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The options \code{debug} key uses the \code{sankeydebug} layer to draw
+% above the \code{main} TikZ layer (via \code{\pgfsetlayers}, the
+% \code{sankey} package installs four layers: \code{background},
+% \code{main}, \code{foreground}, \code{sankeydebug}).
+% The four following styles define how to display debug information:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \sankeyset{
+%   debug color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{debug color}{#1}}},
+%   % debug color used by all debug macros
+%   debug color=red!75!black,
+%   % debug line between left and right anchors
+%   debug line/.style={overlay,draw=debug color,|-|},
+%   % debug line between center and label
+%   debug normal/.style={overlay,draw=debug color},
+%   % debug node label
+%   debug label/.style={
+%     overlay,
+%     draw,
+%     font=\ttfamily\tiny,
+%     text=debug color,text opacity=1,
+%     inner sep=.1em,
+%     fill=white,fill opacity=1,
+%     rounded corners=.1em,
+%     node contents={\name},
+%   },
+% }
+% \end{lstlisting}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{The \texttt{dubins} TikZ library}
+% \label{sec:dubins}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The \code{sankey} package uses the \code{dubins} TikZ library (the
+% \code{tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex} file) to compute Dubins paths. The
+% documentation for this library does not yet exist.
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{How to duplicate a Sankey node}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \MACRO\code{\sankeynodealias}\ARG{\VAR{origname}}\ARG{\VAR{clonename}}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sankeynodealias} %
+% The \code{\sankeynodealias} macro clones the Sankey node named
+% \VAR{origname} into the Sankey node named \VAR{clonename}.
+% So, you can clone a Sankey node via two methods:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10}
+% \sankeynode{as=a,name=b}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \sankeynode{name=a,quantity=10}
+% \sankeynodealias{a}{b}
+% \end{lstlisting}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{How to define new start and end styles}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% Here are the definitions of the \code{arrow} styles:
+% \begin{lstlisting}[style=LaTeXsmall]
+% \sankeyset{
+%   %% arrow style
+%   new start style={arrow}{
+%     (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0)
+%     -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
+%     -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right)
+%     -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+%   }{
+%     (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0)
+%     -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
+%     -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right)
+%     -- (\name.right)
+%   },
+%   new end style={arrow}{
+%     (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
+%     -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center)
+%     -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+%   }{
+%     (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
+%     -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center)
+%     -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
+%   },
+% }
+% \end{lstlisting}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{Todo}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Document the \code{dubins} TikZ library.
+% \item Add a tutorial.
+% \item Add examples with cycle(s).
+% \end{itemize}
+% ^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \clearpage
+% \manualparts
+% \part{Examples}
+% \label{examples}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% {
+%   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
+%   \localtableofcontents
+%   \listoffigures
+% }
+% \tikzset{every picture/.style={}}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Simple example}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \embedfile[mimetype=text/plain]{sankey-example1.tex}
+% \begin{figure}
+%   \centering
+%   {\MakePercentComment\input{sankey-example1.tex}}
+%   \caption{Simple example}
+%   \label{fig:simple-example}
+% \end{figure}
+% See figure~\vref{fig:simple-example}. The \code{sankey-example1.tex}
+% file contains the following code and is an attachement of the current
+% PDF document.
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{sankey-example1.tex}
+% \iffalse
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \colorlet{cold}[rgb]{cyan!75!blue!50!white}
+    \colorlet{hot}[rgb]{red!50!orange!75!white}
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=90pt/6,minimum radius=15pt,
+      start style=simple,end style=simple,
+      draw/.style={
+        draw=blue!50!cyan,
+        line width=1pt,line cap=round,line join=round,
+      },
+      cold/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=cold,line width=0pt,fill=cold,
+        },
+      },
+      cold to hot/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          fill=none,top color=cold,
+          bottom color=hot,middle color=yellow,
+        },
+      },
+      hot/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=hot,line width=0pt,fill=hot,
+        },
+      },
+    }
+    \sankeyset{cold}
+    \sankeynodestart{name=p0,at={100,0},angle=-90,quantity=6}
+    \sankeyadvance{p0}{50pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p0}{3/p1,3/p2}
+    \sankeyturnleft{p1}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{p1}{20pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p2}{60pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p2}{2/p3,1/p4}
+    \sankeyturnleft{p3}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{p3}{50pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p3}{1/p5,1/p6}
+    \sankeyadvance{p5}{70pt}
+    \sankeyfork{p1}{1/p7,1/p8,1/p9}
+    \sankeyadvance{p7}{50pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p9}{50pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p4}{40pt}
+    \sankeyturnleft{p4}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{p4}{65pt}
+    \sankeyadvance{p7}{40pt}
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=p11,at={[shift={(50pt,-15pt)}]p7},quantity=3,
+      forked={1/p7a,1/p9a,1/p5a},
+    }
+    \sankeyoutin{p7}{p7a}
+    \sankeyoutin{p9}{p9a}
+    \sankeyoutin{p5}{p5a}
+    \sankeyadvance{p11}{30pt}
+    \sankeyend{p11}
+    \sankeyturnright{p8}{90}
+    \sankeyturnright{p6}{90}
+    \sankeyturnright{p4}{90}
+    \sankeyset{hot}
+    \sankeyadvance[cold to hot]{p8}{40pt}
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=p10,at={[shift={(-15pt,-60pt)}]p8},angle=-90,quantity=3,
+      forked={1/p8a,1/p6a,1/p4a},
+    }
+    \sankeyoutin[cold to hot]{p4}{p4a}
+    \sankeyoutin[cold to hot]{p6}{p6a}
+    \sankeyoutin{p8}{p8a}
+    \sankeyadvance{p10}{30pt}
+    \sankeyend{p10}
+  \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \fi
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Energy diagram}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \embedfile[mimetype=text/plain]{sankey-example-energy.tex}
+% \begin{figure}
+%   \centering
+%   {\MakePercentComment\input{sankey-example-energy.tex}}
+%   \caption{Energy diagram}
+%   \label{fig:very-simple-example}
+% \end{figure}
+% This example comes from
+% \href{https://ibphysicsblog.wordpress.com/2015/10/23/sankey-diagrams/}{IB
+% Pysics Blog} by Kyu Won Shim.
+% See figure~\vref{fig:very-simple-example}. The \code{sankey-example-energy.tex}
+% file contains the following code and is an attachement of the current
+% PDF document.
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{sankey-example-energy.tex}
+% \iffalse
+  % font choice
+  \renewcommand\rmdefault{txr}\rmfamily\footnotesize
+  \sisetup{
+    round-mode=places,
+    round-precision=1,
+    add-decimal-zero,
+    round-integer-to-decimal,
+  }
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}
+    \colorlet{energy}{blue!30!cyan!80!black}
+    \colorlet{lost energy}{red!50!orange!90!black}
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=13em/100,
+      minimum radius=1em,
+      start style=simple,end style=simple,
+      draw/.style={draw=none,line width=0},
+      energy/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=energy,
+          line width=0,
+          fill=energy,
+        }
+      },
+      lost energy/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          draw=lost energy,
+          line width=0,
+          fill=lost energy,
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    \newcommand\abovelabel[2]{ % valname, label
+      \node[anchor=south east,align=center,inner xsep=0] at (#1.left) {#2};
+    }
+    \newcommand\energylabel[1]{ % valname
+      \node[anchor=north east,text=energy,inner xsep=0] at (#1.right)
+      {\num{\sankeygetnodeqty{#1}}};
+    }
+    \newcommand\lostenergylabel[2]{ % valname, label
+      \node[anchor=north,text=lost energy] at ([yshift=-2.5mm]#1.center)
+      (value)
+      {\num{\sankeygetnodeqty{#1}}};
+      \node[anchor=north,inner sep=0,align=center] at (value.south) {#2};
+    }
+    \newcommand\lostenergylabelbottom[2]{ % valname, label
+      \draw[draw=lost energy,dashed,thick]
+      ([yshift=-3mm]#1.center) coordinate (#1) -- ([yshift=-3mm]#1.center);
+      \lostenergylabel{#1}{#2}
+    }
+    \sankeynode{name=Co,quantity=100.0}
+    \path (Co.right) ++(0,-7mm) coordinate (c);
+    \newcommand\turnandstop[2]{ % valname, label
+      \begingroup
+      \sankeyset{lost energy}
+      \sankeyturnright{#1}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1,name=#1-stop,at={#1 |- c}}
+      \sankeyoutin{#1}{#1-stop}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1-stop,name=#1}
+      \sankeyend{#1}
+      \lostenergylabel{#1}{#2}
+      \endgroup
+    }    
+    \newcommand\turnandstopbottom[2]{ % valname, label
+      \begingroup
+      \sankeyset{lost energy}
+      \sankeyturnright{#1}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1,name=#1-stop,at={#1 |- c}}
+      \sankeyoutin{#1}{#1-stop}
+      \sankeynode{as=#1-stop,name=#1}
+      \sankeyend{#1}
+      \lostenergylabelbottom{#1}{#2}
+      \endgroup
+    }    
+    \def\hshift{6.25em}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Co}{1.2*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{Co}{\textbf{Coal}\\(Primary energy)}
+    \energylabel{Co}
+    \sankeyfork{Co}{35/El1,65/Pg}
+    \turnandstop{Pg}{Power generation}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El1}{1.8*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{El1}{\textbf{Electricity}\\(Secondary energy)}
+    \energylabel{El1}
+    \sankeyfork{El1}{33.5/El2,1.5/Tr}
+    \turnandstopbottom{Tr}{Transmission}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El2}{.65*\hshift}
+    \energylabel{El2}
+    \sankeyfork{El2}{31.5/El3,2.0/Di}
+    \turnandstop{Di}{Distribution}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El3}{.65*\hshift}
+    \energylabel{El3}
+    \sankeyfork{El3}{31.0/El4,0.5/Wi}
+    \turnandstopbottom{Wi}{Wiring}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{El4}{.65*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{El4}{\textbf{Electricity}\\(Final energy)}
+    \energylabel{El4}
+    \sankeyfork{El4}{3.0/Lr1,28.0/Lb}
+    \turnandstop{Lb}{Lightbulb}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Lr1}{1.1*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{Lr1}{\textbf{Light radiation}\\(Useful energy)}
+    \energylabel{Lr1}
+    \sankeyfork{Lr1}{2.0/Lr2,1.0/Ls}
+    \turnandstopbottom{Ls}{Lampshade}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Lr2}{.6*\hshift}
+    \energylabel{Lr2}
+    \sankeyfork{Lr2}{1.0/Il,1.0/Id}
+    \turnandstop{Id}{Idle}
+    \sankeyadvance[energy]{Il}{.6*\hshift}
+    \abovelabel{Il}{\textbf{Illumination}\\(Energy services)}
+    \energylabel{Il}
+    \sankeyend[energy]{Il}
+  \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \fi
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Example from question on TeX.se}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{fix bad names in second example}
+% \embedfile[mimetype=text/plain]{sankey-example2.tex}
+% \begin{figure}
+%   \centering
+%   {\MakePercentComment\input{sankey-example2}}
+%   \caption{Example from TeX.se question}
+%   \label{fig:texse-example}
+% \end{figure}
+% This example came from
+% \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/40159/14500}{this question} on
+% \href{https://tex.stackexchange.com/}{TeX.StackExchange}.
+% See figure~\vref{fig:texse-example}. The \code{sankey-example2.tex}
+% file contains the following code and is an attachement of the current
+% PDF document.
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{sankey-example2}
+% \iffalse
+  \renewcommand*\sfdefault{txss}
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=4cm/524.3,
+      minimum radius=3mm,
+      start style=arrow,
+      end style=arrow,
+      fill/.style={
+        line width=0pt,
+        fill=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
+        draw=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
+      },
+      draw/.style={draw=none},
+      every node/.style={angle=-90},
+    }
+    \sankeynodestart{name=B,at={-.5,0},quantity=7.2}
+    \coordinate[below=1mm of B.center] (B label);
+    \sankeyadvance{B}{5mm}
+    \sankeynodestart{name=GI,at={1,0},quantity=137.3}
+    \coordinate[below=1mm of GI.center] (GI label);
+    \sankeyadvance{GI}{5mm}
+    \sankeynodestart{name=I,at={4,0},quantity=397.8}
+    \coordinate[below=1mm of I.center] (I label);
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=EI,at={2.86,-3},quantity=542.3,
+      forked={397.8/Ia,137.3/GIa,7.2/Ba}
+    }
+    \sankeydubins[minimum radius=1.2cm]{I}{Ia}
+    \sankeyoutin{GI}{GIa}
+    \sankeyoutin{B}{Ba}
+    \sankeyadvance{EI}{5mm}
+    \coordinate (EI label) at (EI);
+    \sankeyadvance{EI}{5mm}
+    \sankeyfork{EI}{63.1/EB,479.2/P}
+    \sankeyturnleft{EB}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{EB}{4cm}
+    \coordinate (EB label) at ($(EB)!.5!(EB-old)$);
+    \sankeyend{EB}
+    \sankeyadvance{P}{10mm}
+    \coordinate (P label) at (P);
+    \sankeyadvance{P}{5mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P}{33.5/NV,445.7/P-NV}
+    {
+      \colorlet{NV color}{cyan!80!lime!50!gray}
+      \sankeyset{fill/.append style={fill=NV color,draw=NV color}}
+      \sankeyturnleft{NV}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=NV,name=NV2,at=NV -| EB}
+      \sankeyoutin{NV}{NV2}
+      \coordinate (NV label) at (NV -| EB label);
+      \sankeyend{NV2}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{P-NV}{10mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P-NV}{118.1/U,327.6/P-NV-U}
+    {
+      \sankeyset{
+        fill/.style={fill=orange!70!gray!50,draw=orange!70!gray!50}
+      }
+      \sankeyturnleft{U}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=U,name=U2,at=U -| EB}
+      \sankeyoutin{U}{U2}
+      \coordinate (U label) at (U -| EB label);
+      \sankeyend{U2}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{P-NV-U}{10mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P-NV-U}{327.2/P-NV-U-SD,0.4/SD}
+    {
+      \sankeyturnright{SD}{90}
+      \sankeyadvance{SD}{15mm}
+      \coordinate (SD label) at (SD);
+      \sankeyadvance{SD}{15mm}
+      \sankeyend{SD}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{P-NV-U-SD}{8mm}
+    \sankeyfork{P-NV-U-SD}{18.8/VE,308.4/E}
+    {
+      \sankeyset{fill/.append style={orange!70!gray!30}}
+      \sankeyturnleft{VE}{90}
+      \sankeynode{as=VE,name=VE2,at=VE -| EB}
+      \sankeyoutin{VE}{VE2}
+      \coordinate (VE label) at (VE -| EB label);
+      \sankeyend{VE2}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{E}{8mm}
+    \coordinate (E label) at (E);
+    \sankeyadvance{E}{20mm}
+    \sankeyfork{E}{135.1/H+GHD,87.2/V,86.1/In}
+    \sankeyturnright{In}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{In}{10mm}
+    \sankeyturnleft{In}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{In}{5mm}
+    \coordinate (In label)  at (In);
+    \sankeyadvance{In}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{In}
+    \sankeynode{as=V,name=V2,at=V|-In label}
+    \sankeyoutin{V}{V2}
+    \coordinate (V label) at (V2);
+    \sankeyadvance{V2}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{V2}
+    \sankeyturnleft{H+GHD}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance{H+GHD}{5mm}
+    \sankeyfork{H+GHD}{47.0/GHD,88.1/H}
+    \sankeyturnright{H}{90}
+    \sankeynode{as=H,name=H2,at=H|-In label}
+    \sankeyoutin{H}{H2}
+    \coordinate (H label) at (H2);
+    \sankeyadvance{H2}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{H2}
+    \sankeyadvance{GHD}{30mm}
+    \sankeyturnright{GHD}{90}
+    \sankeynode{as=GHD,name=GHD2,at=GHD|-In label}
+    \sankeyoutin{GHD}{GHD2}
+    \coordinate (GHD label) at (GHD2);
+    \sankeyadvance{GHD2}{10mm}
+    \sankeyend{GHD2}
+  \end{sankeydiagram}
+  % labels
+  \tikzset{
+    label/.style={
+      fill=white,fill opacity=.8,text opacity=1,
+      inner sep=1mm,
+      text=cyan!50!blue!50!black,
+      inner xsep=2mm,
+      font=\sffamily\bfseries\footnotesize,
+      align=center,
+    },
+  }
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (B label) at (B label) {7.2};
+  \node[label,left=1mm of B label] {Bestands-\\entnahme};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] at (GI label) {137.3};
+  \node[label,above=5mm of GI label] {Gewinnung\\im Inland};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] at (I label) {397.8};
+  \node[label,above=5mm of I label] {Import};
+  \node[label] at (EI label) {542.3\\Energieaufkommen im Inland};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (EB label) at (EB label) {63.1};
+  \node[label,above=1mm of EB label] {Export und\\Bunkerung};
+  \node[label] at (P label) {479.2\\Primärenergieverbrauch};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (NV label) at (NV label) {33.5};
+  \node[label,above=0mm of NV label] {Nichtenergetischer Verbrauch};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (U label) at (U label) {118.1};
+  \node[label,below=3mm of U label] {Umwandlungsverluste};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (SD label) at (SD label) {0.4};
+  \node[label,above=0mm of SD label] {Statistische\\Differenzen};
+  \node[label,anchor=center] (VE label) at (VE label) {18.8};
+  \node[label,below=0mm of VE label] {Verbrauch in den\\Energiesktoren};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (E label) at (E label)
+  {308.4\\Endenergieverbrauch};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (In label) at (In label) {86.1};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of In label] {Industrie};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (V label) at (V label) {87.2};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of V label] {Verkehr};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (H label) at (H label) {88.1};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of H label] {Haushalte};
+  \node[label,anchor=north] (GHD label) at (GHD label) {47.0};
+  \node[label,anchor=north,below=1cm of GHD label]
+  {Gewerbe, Handel\\Diensleistungen};
+% \fi
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Reproduction of an example from Google Charts documentation}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{add the reproduction of an example from
+% Google Charts documentation}
+% \embedfile[mimetype=text/plain]{sankey-example3.tex}
+% This example is a reproduction of an example of Google
+% Charts Documentation\footnote{\url{https://developers.google.com/chart/interactive/docs/gallery/sankey}}.
+% See figure \vref{fig:google-example}. The \code{sankey-example3.tex}
+% file contains the following code and is an attachement of the current
+% PDF document.
+% \begin{figure}
+%   \centering
+%   {\MakePercentComment\input{sankey-example3}}
+%   \caption{Reproduction of an example from Google Charts
+%   documentation}
+%   \label{fig:google-example}
+% \end{figure}
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{sankey-example3}
+% \iffalse
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \sffamily
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=1cm/10,
+      outin steps=2,
+      draw/.style={draw=none,line width=0pt},
+      color/.style={fill/.style={fill=#1,fill opacity=.75}},
+      shade/.style 2 args={fill/.style={left color=#1,
+          right color=#2,fill opacity=.5}},
+      % colors
+      @define HTML color/.code args={#1/#2}{\definecolor{#1}{HTML}{#2}},
+      @define HTML color/.list={
+        cyan/a6cee3,lime/b2df8a,red/fb9a99,orange/fdbf6f,
+        violet/cab2d6,yellow/ffff99,blue/1f78b4,green/33a02c
+      },
+      % colors of countries
+      @let country color/.code args={#1/#2}{\colorlet{#1}[rgb]{#2}},
+      @let country color/.list={
+        CA/red,US/orange,MX/orange,BR/cyan,FR/lime,GB/red,
+        SP/lime,PT/cyan,ML/blue,SN/violet,MA/yellow,
+        AO/violet,ZA/yellow,IN/green,JP/green,CN/blue
+      },
+    }
+    \def\vdist{5mm}
+    \def\hwidth{.5em}
+    \def\hdist{4.1cm}
+    \sankeynode{name=CA,quantity=7}
+    \sankeynode{name=US,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]CA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MX,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]US.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=BR,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]MX.left},anchor=right}
+    \foreach \country in {CA,US,MX,BR}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{CA}{1/CA-to-PT,1/CA-to-GB,5/CA-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{US}{1/US-to-PT,1/US-to-SP,5/US-to-GB,1/US-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{MX}{1/MX-to-PT,5/MX-to-SP,1/MX-to-GB,1/MX-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{BR}{5/BR-to-PT,1/BR-to-SP,1/BR-to-GB,1/BR-to-FR}
+    \sankeynode{name=FR,quantity=11,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]CA.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=GB,quantity=11,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]FR.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SP,quantity=7,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]GB.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=PT,quantity=8,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{FR}
+    {1/FR-from-BR,1/FR-from-MX,1/FR-from-US,5/FR-from-CA,3/FR-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}
+    {1/GB-from-BR,1/GB-from-MX,5/GB-from-US,1/GB-from-CA,3/GB-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-from-BR,5/SP-from-MX,1/SP-from-US}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{5/PT-from-BR,1/PT-from-MX,1/PT-from-US,1/PT-from-CA}
+    \foreach \country in {FR,GB,SP,PT}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{FR}{1/FR-to-ZA,1/FR-to-AO,3/FR-to-MA,3/FR-to-SN,3/FR-to-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}{7/GB-to-ZA,1/GB-to-AO,2/GB-to-MA,1/GB-to-SN}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-to-ZA,3/SP-to-MA,1/SP-to-SN,2/SP-to-00}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{3/PT-to-ZA,2/PT-to-AO,1/PT-to-MA,1/PT-to-SN,1/PT-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=ML,quantity=9,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]FR.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SN,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]ML.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MA,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=AO,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]MA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=ZA,quantity=12,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]AO.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{3/ML-from-FR,6/Mail-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}
+    {1/SN-from-PT,1/SN-from-SP,1/SN-from-GB,3/SN-from-FR,3/SN-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{1/MA-from-PT,3/MA-from-SP,2/MA-from-GB,3/MA-from-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{2/AO-from-PT,1/AO-from-GB,1/AO-from-FR,5/AO-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{3/ZA-from-PT,1/ZA-from-SP,7/ZA-from-GB,1/ZA-from-FR}
+    \foreach \country in {ML,SN,MA,AO,ZA}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{5/ML-to-CN,3/ML-to-JP,1/ML-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}{5/SN-to-CN,3/SN-to-JP,1/SN-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{5/MA-to-CN,3/MA-to-JP,1/MA-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{5/AO-to-CN,3/AO-to-JP,1/AO-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{5/ZA-to-CN,3/ZA-to-JP,1/ZA-to-IN,3/ZA-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=IN,quantity=5,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]ML.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=JP,quantity=15,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]IN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=CN,quantity=25,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]JP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{IN}
+    {1/IN-from-ZA,1/IN-from-AO,1/IN-from-MA,1/IN-from-SN,1/IN-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{JP}
+    {3/JP-from-ZA,3/JP-from-AO,3/JP-from-MA,3/JP-from-SN,3/JP-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{CN}
+    {5/CN-from-ZA,5/CN-from-AO,5/CN-from-MA,5/CN-from-SN,5/CN-from-ML}
+    \foreach \country in {IN,JP,CN}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \foreach \startcountry/\countries in {
+      CA/{PT,GB,FR},    US/{PT,SP,GB,FR},    MX/{PT,SP,GB,FR},
+      SP/{SN,MA,ZA},    PT/{SN,MA,AO,ZA},    ML/{IN,JP,CN},
+      SN/{IN,JP,CN},    MA/{IN,JP,CN},       AO/{IN,JP,CN},
+      ZA/{IN,JP,CN}}
+    {
+      \foreach \endcountry in \countries {
+        \sankeyoutin[shade={\startcountry}{\endcountry}]
+        {\startcountry-to-\endcountry}{\endcountry-from-\startcountry}
+      }
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {CA/Canada, US/USA, MX/Mexico,
+      BR/Brazil, FR/France, GB/England, SP/Spain, PT/Portugal}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=west,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {
+      ML/Mali, SN/Senegal, MA/Morocco, AO/Angola,
+      ZA/South Africa, IN/India, JP/Japan, CN/China}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=east,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country-old) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+  \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \fi
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Variation}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% Here is a variation of the previous example using the \code{rotate}
+% key.
+% See figure \vref{fig:google-example-variation}. The
+% \code{sankey-example3-variation.tex} file contains the following code
+% and is an attachement of the current PDF document.
+% \begin{figure}
+%   \centering
+%   {\MakePercentComment\input{sankey-example3-variation}}
+%   \caption{Reproduction of an example from Google Charts documentation
+%   -- variation using the \protect\texttt{rotate} key.}
+%   \label{fig:google-example-variation}
+% \end{figure}
+% \lstinputlisting[style=LaTeXsmall]{sankey-example3-variation}
+% \iffalse
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}[rotate=-90]
+    \sffamily
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=1.7cm/10,
+      outin steps=2,
+      start style=arrow,
+      end style=simple,
+      draw/.style={draw=white,line width=.4pt},
+      color/.style={fill/.style={fill=#1,fill opacity=.75}},
+      shade/.style 2 args={fill/.style={
+          fill=none,line width=0,
+          top color=#1,bottom color=#2,
+          middle color=#1!50!#2!50!white,
+          fill opacity=.75}},
+      % colors
+      @define HTML color/.code args={#1/#2}{\definecolor{#1}{HTML}{#2}},
+      @define HTML color/.list={
+        cyan/a6cee3,lime/b2df8a,red/fb9a99,orange/fdbf6f,
+        violet/cab2d6,yellow/ffff99,blue/1f78b4,green/33a02c
+      },
+      % colors of countries
+      @let country color/.code args={#1/#2}{\colorlet{#1}[rgb]{#2}},
+      @let country color/.list={
+        CA/red,US/orange,MX/lime,BR/violet,FR/yellow,GB/blue,
+        SP/green,PT/cyan,ML/cyan,SN/red,MA/orange,
+        AO/violet,ZA/lime,IN/blue,JP/yellow,CN/green
+      },
+    }
+    \def\vdist{5mm}
+    \def\hwidth{1em}
+    \def\hdist{6cm}
+    \sankeynode{name=CA,quantity=7}
+    \sankeynode{name=US,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]CA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MX,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]US.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=BR,quantity=8,at={[yshift=\vdist]MX.left},anchor=right}
+    \foreach \country in {CA,US,MX,BR}{
+      \sankeystart[color=\country]{\country}
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{CA}{1/CA-to-PT,1/CA-to-GB,5/CA-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{US}{1/US-to-PT,1/US-to-SP,5/US-to-GB,1/US-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{MX}{1/MX-to-PT,5/MX-to-SP,1/MX-to-GB,1/MX-to-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{BR}{5/BR-to-PT,1/BR-to-SP,1/BR-to-GB,1/BR-to-FR}
+    \sankeynode{name=FR,quantity=11,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]CA.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=GB,quantity=11,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]FR.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SP,quantity=7,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]GB.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=PT,quantity=8,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{FR}
+    {1/FR-from-BR,1/FR-from-MX,1/FR-from-US,5/FR-from-CA,3/FR-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}
+    {1/GB-from-BR,1/GB-from-MX,5/GB-from-US,1/GB-from-CA,3/GB-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-from-BR,5/SP-from-MX,1/SP-from-US}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{5/PT-from-BR,1/PT-from-MX,1/PT-from-US,1/PT-from-CA}
+    \foreach \country in {FR,GB,SP,PT}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{FR}{1/FR-to-ZA,1/FR-to-AO,3/FR-to-MA,3/FR-to-SN,3/FR-to-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{GB}{7/GB-to-ZA,1/GB-to-AO,2/GB-to-MA,1/GB-to-SN}
+    \sankeyfork{SP}{1/SP-to-ZA,3/SP-to-MA,1/SP-to-SN,2/SP-to-00}
+    \sankeyfork{PT}{3/PT-to-ZA,2/PT-to-AO,1/PT-to-MA,1/PT-to-SN,1/PT-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=ML,quantity=9,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]FR.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=SN,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]ML.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=MA,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]SN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=AO,quantity=9,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]MA.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=ZA,quantity=12,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]AO.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{3/ML-from-FR,6/Mail-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}
+    {1/SN-from-PT,1/SN-from-SP,1/SN-from-GB,3/SN-from-FR,3/SN-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{1/MA-from-PT,3/MA-from-SP,2/MA-from-GB,3/MA-from-FR}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{2/AO-from-PT,1/AO-from-GB,1/AO-from-FR,5/AO-from-00}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{3/ZA-from-PT,1/ZA-from-SP,7/ZA-from-GB,1/ZA-from-FR}
+    \foreach \country in {ML,SN,MA,AO,ZA}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+    }
+    \sankeyfork{ML}{5/ML-to-CN,3/ML-to-JP,1/ML-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{SN}{5/SN-to-CN,3/SN-to-JP,1/SN-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{MA}{5/MA-to-CN,3/MA-to-JP,1/MA-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{AO}{5/AO-to-CN,3/AO-to-JP,1/AO-to-IN}
+    \sankeyfork{ZA}{5/ZA-to-CN,3/ZA-to-JP,1/ZA-to-IN,3/ZA-to-00}
+    \sankeynode{name=IN,quantity=5,
+      at={[xshift=\hdist]ML.right},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=JP,quantity=15,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]IN.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeynode{name=CN,quantity=25,
+      at={[yshift=\vdist]JP.left},anchor=right}
+    \sankeyfork{IN}
+    {1/IN-from-ZA,1/IN-from-AO,1/IN-from-MA,1/IN-from-SN,1/IN-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{JP}
+    {3/JP-from-ZA,3/JP-from-AO,3/JP-from-MA,3/JP-from-SN,3/JP-from-ML}
+    \sankeyfork{CN}
+    {5/CN-from-ZA,5/CN-from-AO,5/CN-from-MA,5/CN-from-SN,5/CN-from-ML}
+    \foreach \country in {IN,JP,CN}{
+      \sankeyadvance[color=\country]{\country}{\hwidth}
+      \sankeyend[color=\country]{\country}
+    }
+    \foreach \startcountry/\countries in {
+      CA/{PT,GB,FR},    US/{PT,SP,GB,FR},    MX/{PT,SP,GB,FR},
+      SP/{SN,MA,ZA},    PT/{SN,MA,AO,ZA},    ML/{IN,JP,CN},
+      SN/{IN,JP,CN},    MA/{IN,JP,CN},       AO/{IN,JP,CN},
+      ZA/{IN,JP,CN}}
+    {
+      \foreach \endcountry in \countries {
+        \sankeyoutin[shade={\startcountry}{\endcountry}]
+        {\startcountry-to-\endcountry}{\endcountry-from-\startcountry}
+      }
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {CA/Canada, US/USA, MX/Mexico,
+      BR/Brazil, FR/France, GB/England, SP/Spain, PT/Portugal}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=south,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+    \foreach \country/\countryname in {
+      ML/Mali, SN/Senegal, MA/Morocco, AO/Angola,
+      ZA/South Africa, IN/India, JP/Japan, CN/China}
+    {
+      \node[anchor=south,inner sep=.1em,font=\small]
+      at (\country) {\countryname\vphantom{Ag}};
+    }
+  \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \fi
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Very nice example -- Nadieh Bremer creation}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \embedfile[mimetype=text/plain]{sankey-example4.tex}
+% \begin{figure}
+%   \centering
+%   {\MakePercentComment\input{sankey-example4}}
+%   \caption{Very nice example -- Nadieh Bremer's creation}
+%   (from
+%   \href{https://www.visualcinnamon.com/portfolio/adyen-report-2019/}{Adyen's
+%     Shareholder Report})
+%   \label{fig:nice-example}
+% \end{figure}
+% Graphic designer Nadieh Bremer created this very nice Sankey
+% diagram\footnote{\url{https://www.visualcinnamon.com/portfolio/adyen-report-2019/}}
+% for Adyen's second half 2018 report to shareholders. It is coded here
+% with her kind permission.
+% You can change the data values between lines 28 and 53.
+% See figure~\vref{fig:nice-example}. The \code{sankey-example4.tex}
+% file contains the following code and is an attachement of the current
+% PDF document.
+% \lstinputlisting[numbers=left,style=LaTeXsmall]{sankey-example4}
+% \iffalse
+  \renewcommand*\sfdefault{txss}
+  \sffamily
+  \sisetup{
+    detect-all=true,
+    group-separator={,},
+    group-minimum-digits=4,
+  }
+  % storage of labels
+  \newcommand\LabSet[2]{% node name, label
+    \expandafter\edef\csname#1 at Lab\endcsname{#2}}
+  \newcommand\Lab[1]{% node name
+    \csname#1 at Lab\endcsname}
+  % storage of quantities
+  \newcommand\QtySet[2]{% node name, quantity
+    \expandafter\edef\csname#1 at Qty\endcsname{\fpeval{#2}}}
+  \newcommand\Qty[1]{% node name
+    \csname#1 at Qty\endcsname}
+  % all nodes with their name, label and quantity
+  \sankeyset{
+    def data/.code args={#1/#2/#3}{% node name/label/values
+      \LabSet{#1}{#2}
+      \QtySet{#1}{#3}
+      \typeout{#1: \Qty{#1}€ (\Lab{#1})}
+    },
+    def data/.list={
+      {Pf/Processing\\fees/71713},
+      {Sog/Sales of\\good/4547},
+      {Sf/Settlement\\fees/842075},
+      {Os/Other\\services/37532},
+      {R/Revenues/\Qty{Pf}+\Qty{Sog}+\Qty{Sf}+\Qty{Os}},
+      {Coi/Cost of Inventory/5151},
+      {Ciffi/Cost insecure from financial institutions/758234},
+      {Nr/Net revenue/\Qty{R}-\Qty{Coi}-\Qty{Ciffi}},
+      {Aadotaifa/Amortization and\\depreciation of tangible and\\
+        intangible fixed assets/4688},
+      {Ssapc/Social securities and\\pension costs/7860},
+      {Was/Wages and salaries/35627},
+      {Ooe/Other operating expenses/37346},
+      {Nr2/-/\Qty{Nr}-\Qty{Aadotaifa}-\Qty{Ssapc}-\Qty{Was}-\Qty{Ooe}},
+      {Oi/Other income/47},
+      {Ibiiieait/Income before interest income,\\interest expense and
+        income taxes/\Qty{Nr2}+\Qty{Oi}},
+      {Fe/Finance expense/561},
+      {Ofr/Other financial results/2533},
+      {Ibiiieait2/-/\Qty{Ibiiieait}-\Qty{Fe}-\Qty{Ofr}},
+      {Fi/Finance income/204},
+      {Ibit/Income before income taxes/\Qty{Ibiiieait2}+\Qty{Fi}},
+      {It/Income taxes/21134},
+      {Niftp/Net income for the period/\Qty{Ibit}-\Qty{It}},
+      {Octa/Other currency\\translation adjustments/785},
+      {Tci/Total comprehensive income/\Qty{Niftp}+\Qty{Octa}}
+    },
+  }
+  \definecolor{mygreen}{RGB}{9,192,82}
+  \tikzset{
+    cost node/.style={
+      overlay,
+      align=flush center,
+      node font=\footnotesize\sffamily\bfseries,
+      inner sep=0,
+      node contents={%
+        {\mdseries€\,\num{\Qty{#1}}}\\
+        \Lab{#1}\vphantom{g}%
+      },
+    },
+    white hash/.style={
+      draw=none,fill=none,
+      pattern={Lines[angle=60,line width=2pt,distance=4pt]},
+      pattern color=white,
+    },
+    line sep/.style={draw=white,line width=1pt},
+    left label/.style={left=#1,align=flush right,anchor=north east},
+    right label/.style={right=#1,align=flush left},
+    right label hashed/.style={
+      right=1mm of $(#1.left)!.5!(#1-old.left)$,align=flush left,
+    },
+    left label hashed/.style={
+      left=1mm of $(#1.right)!.5!(#1-old.right)$,align=flush right,
+    },
+  }
+  \newcommand\turnandstop[1]{
+    \sankeyturn[green to greenwhite]{#1}{-90}
+    \sankeynode{as=#1,name=#1-e,at={#1 -| Coi}}
+    \sankeyoutin[greenwhite to white]{#1}{#1-e}
+    \node[cost node=#1,left label={1mm of #1-e.right}];
+  }
+  \begin{sankeydiagram}%[debug]
+    \sankeyset{
+      ratio=28em/1000000,
+      minimum radius=2cm,
+      start style=none,
+      every node/.style={angle=-90},
+      % default fill and draw styles
+      fill/.style={
+        line width=0pt,
+        fill=mygreen,
+      },
+      draw/.style={draw=none},
+      % specific fill and draw styles
+      green to greenwhite/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          line width=0pt,
+          right color=mygreen,
+          left color=mygreen!20!white,
+        }
+      },
+      greenwhite to white/.style={
+        fill/.style={
+          line width=0pt,
+          right color=mygreen!20!white,
+          left color=mygreen!5!white,
+        }
+      },
+      dashed/.style={draw/.style={draw=mygreen,dashed}},
+    }
+    \coordinate (top) at (0,2em);
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Pf,quantity=\Qty{Pf}}
+    \node[cost node=Pf,above=.5em of Pf.center];
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Sog,quantity=\Qty{Sog},
+      at={[xshift=4em]Pf.left},anchor=right}
+    \node[cost node=Sog,above=.5em of Sog.center];
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Sf,quantity=\Qty{Sf},
+      at={[xshift=2em]Sog.left},anchor=right}
+    \node[cost node=Sf,above=.5em of Sf.center];
+    \sankeynodestart{name=Os,quantity=\Qty{Os},
+      at={[xshift=2em]Sf.left},anchor=right}
+    \node[cost node=Os,above=.5em of Os.center];
+    \sankeynode{
+      name=R,quantity=\Qty{R},at={[yshift=-10em]Sf.center},
+      forked={\Qty{Os}/Os-a,\Qty{Sf}/Sf-a,\Qty{Sog}/Sog-a,\Qty{Pf}/Pf-a},
+    }
+    \foreach \nodename in {Pf,Sog,Sf,Os}{
+      \sankeyoutin[fill/.style={top color=white,bottom color=mygreen}]
+      {\nodename}{\nodename-a}
+    }
+    \sankeyadvance{R}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=R,right label hashed=R];
+    \sankeyfork{R}{\Qty{Ciffi}/Ciffi,\Qty{Nr}/Nr,\Qty{Coi}/Coi}
+    \sankeyturnleft[minimum radius=1.cm]{Ciffi}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Ciffi,at={([shift={(1mm,0)}]Ciffi.center)},rotate=-90,
+    anchor=south,align=flush left,node font=\scriptsize\sffamily\bfseries];
+    \sankeyturnright[green to greenwhite]{Coi}{90}
+    \sankeyadvance[greenwhite to white]{Coi}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Coi,left={1mm of [yshift=.75ex]Coi.left},
+    align=flush right,anchor=north east,overlay];
+    \sankeyadvance{Nr}{9em}
+    \sankeyadvance{Nr}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Nr,left label hashed=Nr,
+    node font=\large\sffamily\bfseries];
+    \sankeyfork{Nr}{\Qty{Nr2}/Nr2,\Qty{Ooe}/Ooe,
+      \Qty{Was}/Was,\Qty{Ssapc}/Ssapc,\Qty{Aadotaifa}/Aadotaifa}
+    \turnandstop{Aadotaifa}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ssapc}{5em}
+    \turnandstop{Ssapc}
+    \sankeyadvance{Was}{9em}
+    \turnandstop{Was}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ooe}{12em}
+    \turnandstop{Ooe}
+    \sankeyadvance{Nr2}{15em}
+    \sankeynode{name=Ibiiieait,quantity=\Qty{Ibiiieait},
+      anchor=right,at={Nr2.right},
+      forked={\Qty{Oi}/Oi,\Qty{Nr2}/Nr2-e}}
+    \sankeyturnleftbackward[minimum radius=1cm,dashed]{Oi}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Oi,right label=1mm of Oi.left];
+    \sankeyadvance{Ibiiieait}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Ibiiieait,right label hashed=Ibiiieait];
+    \sankeyfork{Ibiiieait}
+    {\Qty{Ibiiieait2}/Ibiiieait2,\Qty{Ofr}/Ofr,\Qty{Fe}/Fe}
+    \turnandstop{Fe}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ofr}{3em}
+    \turnandstop{Ofr}
+    \sankeyadvance{Ibiiieait2}{6em}
+    \sankeynode{name=Ibit,quantity={\Qty{Ibiiieait2}+\Qty{Fi}},
+      anchor=right,at={Ibiiieait2.right},
+      forked={\Qty{Fi}/Fi,\Qty{Ibiiieait2}/Ibiiieait2-e}}
+    \sankeyturnleftbackward[minimum radius=1cm,dashed]{Fi}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Fi,right label=1mm of Fi.left];
+    \sankeyadvance{Ibit}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Ibit,right label hashed=Ibit];
+    \sankeyfork{Ibit}{\Qty{Niftp}/Niftp,\Qty{It}/It}
+    \turnandstop{It}
+    \sankeyadvance{Niftp}{6em}
+    \sankeyadvance{Niftp}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Niftp,right label hashed=Niftp];
+    \sankeynode{name=Tci,quantity=\Qty{Niftp}+\Qty{Octa},
+      anchor=right,at={[yshift=-6em]Niftp.right},
+      forked={\Qty{Octa}/Octa,\Qty{Niftp}/Niftp-e}}
+    \sankeyoutin{Niftp}{Niftp-e}
+    \sankeyturnleftbackward[minimum radius=1cm]{Octa}{90}
+    \node[cost node=Octa,right label=1mm of Octa.left];
+    \sankeyadvance{Tci}{1em}
+    \node[cost node=Tci,right label hashed=Tci];
+    \newcommand\hashband[1]{
+      \draw[line sep] (#1-old.right) -- (#1-old.left);
+      \draw[line sep] (#1.right) -- (#1.left);
+      \path[white hash] (#1-old.right) rectangle (#1.left);
+    }
+    \foreach \nodename in {R,Nr,Nr,Ibiiieait,Ibit,Niftp,Tci}{
+      \hashband{\nodename}
+    }
+  \end{sankeydiagram}
+% \fi
+% \clearpage
+% \StopEventually{}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \manualparts
+% \part{Implementation}
+% \label{implementation}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% {
+%   \setlength{\parskip}{0pt}
+%   \localtableofcontents
+% }
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{The \texttt{sankey.sty} file}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% Poorly commented source code...
+% \changes{v1.0}{2016/03/06}{first version}
+% \changes{v2.0}{2021/01/27}{first public version (on CTAN)}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{better naming rule}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{use .ins and .dtx files}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% Version information:
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesPackage{sankey}[2021/03/14 v3.0 to draw Sankey diagrams]
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% All required packages and TikZ libraries:
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  calc,
+  decorations.markings,
+  dubins
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Declarations of PGF layers (to debug Sankey diagrams):
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%% add a new layer to debug sankey diagrams
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Fields}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at newfield}
+% The \code{sankeynewfield} macro defines
+% setter and getter macros for \emph{key}/\emph{value} pairs.
+% It requires five parameters: the \emph{def} macro used to
+% store a new value, the \emph{setter} macro name, the \emph{getter} macro name,
+% the \emph{cs name} used by the new field (including a \texttt{\#1}
+% parameter -- the \emph{key}) and the \emph{error message} (used by the getter
+% macro if the key is not defined).
+% The \emph{setter} macro requires
+% two parameters: the key and the value.
+% The \emph{getter} macro requires
+% one parameter: the key.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\def\snk at newfield#1#2#3#4#5{
+  % setter
+  \def#2##1##2{\expandafter#1\csname #4\endcsname{##2}}
+  % getter
+  \def#3##1{%
+    \ifcsdef{#4}{%
+      \csname#4\endcsname%
+    }{%
+      \PackageError{sankey}{#5}{unknown key with \string#3}%
+    }%
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Definition of \emph{global} and \emph{expanded} fields (using
+% \texttt{\protect\string\xdef})}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at setnodeqty}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeygetnodeqty}
+% The setter and getter macros to store and retrieve
+% the \emph{quantity} field associated with
+% each Sankey node (the key is the name of the Sankey node).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\snk at newfield\xdef\snk at setnodeqty\sankeygetnodeqty%
+{@snk at node@qty@#1}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at setnodeorient}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeygetnodeorient}
+% The setter and getter macros to store and retrieve
+% the \emph{angle} (or orientation) field
+% associated with each Sankey node (the key is the name of the Sankey node).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\snk at newfield\xdef\snk at setnodeorient\sankeygetnodeorient%
+{@snk at node@orient@#1}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Definitions of \emph{local} fields (using \texttt{\protect\string\def})}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at setstartfill}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at getstartfill}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at setstartdraw}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at getstartdraw}
+% The setter and getter macros to store and retrieve the starting fill/draw
+% paths (the key is the style name).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setstartfill\snk at getstartfill%
+{@snk at start@fill@#1}{Unknown sankey start fill path #1}
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setstartdraw\snk at getstartdraw%
+{@snk at start@draw@#1}{Unknown sankey start draw path #1}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at setendfill}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at getendfill}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at setenddraw}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at getenddraw}
+% The setter and getter macros to store and retrieve the ending fill/draw
+% paths (the key is the style name).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setendfill\snk at getendfill%
+{@snk at end@fill@#1}{Unknown sankey end fill path #1}
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setenddraw\snk at getenddraw%
+{@snk at end@draw@#1}{Unknown sankey end draw path #1}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Check if a sankey node is defined}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at ifnodedefined}
+% The \code{\snk at ifnodedefined} macro checks if a Sankey
+% node is defined by checking if its name is associated to
+% a \emph{quantity}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand\snk at ifnodedefined[3]{%
+  \ifcsdef{@snk at node@qty@#1}{#2}{#3}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at errorifnotdefined}
+% The \code{\snk at errorifnotdefined} macro generares
+% an error message if the Sankye node is not defined.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand\snk at errorifnotdefined[1]{%
+  \snk at ifnodedefined{#1}{}%
+  {\PackageError{sankey}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}{}}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{The \texttt{sankey node} shape}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% A \code{sankey node} is defined as a TikZ node
+% with a particular \emph{shape}: its width is null and its
+% height matches the associated \emph{quantity}.
+% This shape requires only three anchors: \code{center}, \code{left}
+% and \code{right}.
+% These threee anchors are sufficient to use the
+% \code{sankey} package. But the \code{fit} library needs
+% anchors defined by rectangular node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\pgfdeclareshape{sankey node}{
+  \inheritsavedanchors[from=rectangle]
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{center}
+  \inheritanchorborder[from=rectangle]
+  \anchor{left}{\pgf at process{\northeast}}
+  \anchor{right}{\pgf at process{\southwest}}
+  % compatibility with 'fit' library
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{west}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{east}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north west}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south east}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north east}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south west}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Keys}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyset}
+% The \code{sankey} package uses \code{pgfkeys} to set options via
+% \emph{key=value} pairs using the \texttt{/sankey} path
+% (for Sankey diagram options) and using the
+% \texttt{/sankey/node parameters} path (for Sankey node parameters).
+% The \code{\sankeyset} macro processes
+% its parameter as a list of comma separated pairs of the form
+% \emph{key=value} with the default path set to \texttt{/sankey}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\pgfkeys{/sankey/.is family}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Keys to define the scale}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at totalqty}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at totallen}
+% The \code{ratio quantity}, \code{ratio length} and
+% \code{ratio} keys define the ratio between
+% \emph{flow quantity} and \emph{graphic length} (the scale).
+% The \code{\snk at totalqty} and \code{\snk at totallen} macros store the values.
+% All \emph{quantities} are processed by \code{\fpeval} and
+% all \emph{lengths} are processed by \code{pgfmath}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  ratio quantity/.code={\edef\snk at totalqty{\fpeval{#1}}},
+  ratio quantity/.value required,
+  ratio length/.code={
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\snk at totallen{#1}
+    \edef\snk at totallen{\snk at totallen pt}
+  },
+  ratio length/.value required,
+  ratio/.style args={#1/#2}{
+    ratio length=#1,
+    ratio quantity=#2,
+  },
+  ratio/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Rotate offset}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at rotate}
+% The \code{rotate} key stores an offset angle applied to all Sankey
+% nodes.  This is useful when using the \code{rotate} option within a
+% \code{tikzpicture} or a \code{scope}. This TikZ option is only
+% applied to coordinates and not to TikZ nodes (remember that Sankey
+% nodes are TikZ nodes). It's up to the author to keep the
+% \code{rotate} option of the \code{tikzpicture} and that of the
+% \code{sankeydiagram} synchronous.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  rotate/.code={\edef\snk at rotate{\fpeval{#1}}},
+  rotate/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Minimum radius}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at minradius}
+% The \code{minimum radius} key processes the minimum radius
+% of curvature by \code{pgfmath} then stores it in
+% the \code{\snk at minradius} macro.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  minimum radius/.code={
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\snk at minradius{#1}
+    \edef\snk at minradius{\snk at minradius pt}
+  },
+  minimum radius/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Outin step}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at stepoutin}
+% The \code{outin} key stores its value in
+% the \code{\snk at stepoutin} macro.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  outin steps/.estore in=\snk at stepoutin,
+  outon steps/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Sankey debug}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The \code{debug} key drives the \code{sankey debug} toggle.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\newtoggle{sankey debug}
+  debug/.is choice,
+  debug/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey debug}},
+  debug/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey debug}},
+  debug/.default=true,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Start and end styles}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at startstyle}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at endstyle}
+% The \code{start style} and \code{end style} keys are choices.
+% The \code{new start style} and \code{new end style} keys
+% add new option to these choices.
+% They use the \code{startfill}, \code{startdraw} fields
+% or the \code{endfill} and \code{enddraw}
+% fields (using the style \emph{name} as key) to store the fill and draw
+% paths then create a new option to install the new
+% start (\code{\snk at startstyle}) or end (\code{\snk at endstyle}) style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  start style/.is choice,
+  end style/.is choice,
+  % to define new start and end styles
+  new start style/.code n args={3}{% name, fill path, draw path
+    \snk at setstartfill{#1}{#2}
+    \snk at setstartdraw{#1}{#3}
+    \sankeyset{start style/#1/.code={\def\snk at startstyle{#1}}}
+  },
+  new end style/.code n args={3}{% name, fill path, draw path
+    \snk at setendfill{#1}{#2}
+    \snk at setenddraw{#1}{#3}
+    \sankeyset{end style/#1/.code={\def\snk at endstyle{#1}}}
+  },
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Initial parameters}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The \code{@initial options} style defines default values for
+% options of Sankey diagram.  The \code{every diagram} style (initially
+% empty) allows the user to choose its own default values.
+% The \code{@initial options} and the \code{every diagram} styles are
+% applied (in this order) at the beginning of each Sankey diagram.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  debug color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{debug color}{#1}}},
+  @initial options/.style={
+    ratio=1cm/10,
+    minimum radius=5mm,%
+    outin steps=10,
+    debug=false,
+    start style=none,
+    end style=none,
+    rotate=0,
+    % default fill/draw styles,
+    fill/.style={line width=0pt,fill=white},
+    draw/.style={draw=black,line width=.4pt},
+    % debug color used by all debug macros
+    debug color=red!75!black,
+    % debug line between left and right anchors
+    debug line/.style={overlay,draw=debug color,|-|},
+    % debug line between center and label
+    debug normal/.style={overlay,draw=debug color},
+    % debug node label
+    debug label/.style={
+      overlay,
+      draw,
+      font=\ttfamily\tiny,
+      text=debug color,text opacity=1,
+      inner sep=.1em,
+      fill=white,fill opacity=1,
+      rounded corners=.1em,
+      node contents={\name},
+    },
+    every node/.style={},
+  },
+  every diagram/.style={},
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Sankey node parameters}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The \code{/sankey/node parameters} family defines all parameters during
+% creation of Sankey node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\sankeyset{node parameters/.is family}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\name}
+% \begin{macro}{\qty}
+% \begin{macro}{\orient}
+% \begin{macro}{\pos}
+% The \code{name}, \code{quantity}, \code{angle} and \code{at} keys use the
+% \code{\name}, \code{\qty}, \code{\orient} and \code{\pos} macros
+% to store the \emph{name}, the \emph{quantity}, the \emph{orientation} (or
+% \emph{angle}) and the \emph{position} of a Sankey node during its
+% creation.
+% The \emph{quantity} is processed via \code{\fpeval}. The
+% \emph{orientation} is normalized.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  name/.estore in=\name,
+  name/.value required,
+  quantity/.code={\edef\qty{\fpeval{#1}}},
+  quantity/.value required,
+  angle/.code={\edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{#1}}},
+  angle/.value required,
+  at/.code={\snk at getpos\pos{#1}},
+  at/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% The \code{as} key is just a shortcut to define the four current node
+% parameters by copying them from an existing Sankey node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  as/.style={
+    name=#1,
+    quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{#1},
+    angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{#1},
+    at={#1.center},
+  },
+  as/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at anchor}
+% The \code{anchor} key stores in the \code{\snk at anchor} macro
+% the anchor name to use to create the new current Sankey node
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  anchor/.is choice,
+  anchor/left/.code={\def\snk at anchor{left}},
+  anchor/right/.code={\def\snk at anchor{right}},
+  anchor/center/.code={\def\snk at anchor{center}},
+  anchor/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The \code{start} and \code{end} keys drive the
+% \code{sankey node start} and \code{sankey node end}
+% toggles.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\newtoggle{sankey node start}
+\newtoggle{sankey node end}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  start/.is choice,
+  start/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey node start}},
+  start/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey node start}},
+  start/.default=true,
+  % 
+  end/.is choice,
+  end/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey node end}},
+  end/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey node end}},
+  end/.default=true,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at listofforks}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at forkanchor}
+% The \code{forked} and \code{fork anchor} keys store their value in the
+% \code{\snk at listofforks} and \code{\snk at forkanchor} macros.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  forked/.estore in=\snk at listofforks,
+  forked/.value required,
+  fork anchor/.estore in=\snk at forkanchor,
+  fork anchor/.value required,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% The \code{@initial parameters} style initialises all Sankey node
+% parameters at the start of the creation of a new Sankey node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  @initial parameters/.style={
+    start=false,
+    end=false,
+    forked=,
+    fork anchor=,
+    anchor=center,
+    at={0,0},
+    angle=0,
+  },
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsubsection{Internal Tikz style}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% To apply this style with Tikz, use absolute key name
+% (\texttt{/sankey/@sankey node}). This style is used to create the Tikz
+% node assoicated to a Sankey node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  % sankey node TikZ style
+  @sankey node/.style n args={3}{% name, pos, anchor
+    shape=sankey node,
+    inner sep=0,
+    minimum height={\sankeyqtytolen{\sankeygetnodeqty{#1}}},
+    minimum width=0,
+    draw=none,
+    line width=0pt,
+    fill=none,
+    node contents={},
+    rotate=\sankeygetnodeorient{#1}+\snk at rotate,
+    at={(#2)},
+    name=#1,
+    anchor=#3,
+  },
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{The \texttt{sankeydiagram} environment}
+% ^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{environment}{sankeydiagram}
+%   The \code{sankeydiagram} environment defines locally all the macros
+%   used by a Sankey diagram. Then it applies the %
+%   \code{@initial options} and \code{every diagram} styles (in this
+%   order) and applies all the keys provided in its optional argument.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Internal macros}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at getpos}
+% The \code{\snk at getpos} macro extracts the position of a TikZ
+% node\footnote{Thanks to Andrew Stacey \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/33765/14500}}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at getpos##1##2{%
+    \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(##2)\relax%
+    \edef##1{\the\pgf at x,\the\pgf at y}%
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at modulo}
+% The \code{\snk at modulo} macro evaluates \#1 modulo \#2 using \code{\fpeval}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at modulo##1##2{\fpeval{##1-(floor((##1)/(##2),0)*##2)}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at normalize@angle}
+% The \code{\snk at normalize@angle} macro normalizes \#1 (an angle) between
+% $-180$ and $180$ (using \code{\fpeval}).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at normalize@angle##1{%
+    \fpeval{\snk at modulo{(##1)+180}{360}-180}%
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at show@debug}
+% The \code{snk at show@debug} macro draws debug information
+% of the Sankey node named \#1 but only if the \code{sankey debug}
+% toogle is true. Everything is drawn on the \code{sankeydebug}
+% layer. It uses the \code{/sankey/debug line},
+% \code{/sankey/debug normal} and \code{/sankey/debug label} Tikz styles.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at show@debug##1{% node name
+    \iftoggle{sankey debug}{
+      \begingroup
+      \edef\name{##1}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}}
+      \begin{pgfonlayer}{sankeydebug}
+        \path[/sankey/debug line] (\name.left) -- (\name.right);
+        \pgfmathsetmacro{\snk at len}{\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}/3}
+        \path[/sankey/debug normal] (\name.center)
+        -- ($(\name.center)!\snk at len pt!90:(\name.right)$)
+        node[/sankey/debug label,rotate=\orient+90+\snk at rotate,anchor=north];
+      \end{pgfonlayer}
+      \endgroup
+    }{}
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at makeforkednode}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at tot}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at subnodeqty}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at subnodename}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at added@values}
+% The \code{\snk at makeforkednode} forks a Sankey node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at makeforkednode{
+    \begingroup
+    \ifdefempty{\snk at listofforks}{
+      \ifdefempty{\snk at forkanchor}{}{
+        \PackageWarning{sankey}%
+        {Can't use 'fork anchor' key without 'forked' key}
+      }
+    }{
+      \def\snk at tot{0}
+      \def\snk at added@values{}
+      \sankeyset{
+        @add forked node/.code args={####1/####2}{
+          \coordinate (####2) at ($(\name.left)%
+          !\fpeval{(\snk at tot+.5*(####1))/\qty}%
+          !(\name.right)$);
+          \edef\snk at orient{\orient}
+          \sankeynode[debug=false]
+          {name=####2,quantity=####1,at=####2,angle=\snk at orient}
+          \edef\snk at tot{\fpeval{\snk at tot+####1}}
+          \edef\snk at added@values{\snk at added@values+####1}
+        },
+        @add forked node/.list/.expand once=\snk at listofforks,
+      }
+      \edef\snk at diff{\fpeval{abs(\qty-\snk at tot)}}
+      \ifnumequal{\snk at diff}{0}{}{
+        \PackageWarning{sankey}%
+        {^^J*** Warning: bad sankey fork: %
+          \qty\space!=\space\snk at added@values(=\snk at tot)%
+          ^^J\snk at listofforks}
+      }
+      \ifdefempty{\snk at forkanchor}{
+        \edef\snk at forkanchor{\name.\snk at anchor}
+      }{}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\snk at forkanchor) - (\pos)$}
+      \sankeynode{as=\name,at={$(\name) - (\snk at c)$}}
+      \foreach \snk at subnodeqty/\snk at subnodename in \snk at listofforks {
+        \sankeynode{as=\snk at subnodename,at={$(\snk at subnodename) - (\snk at c)$}}
+      }
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at makenode}
+% The \code{\snk at makenode} macro creates a new Sankey node named
+% \code{\name} with \code{\qty} quantity, oriented at
+% \code{\orient} degrees (but modified by the \code{\snk at rotate}
+% angle offset), anchored by its \code{\anchor} (or its \emph{center}
+% by default) at \code{\pos} position.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at makenode{
+    \begingroup
+    \snk at setnodeqty{\name}{\qty}
+    \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\orient}}
+    \snk at setnodeorient{\name}{\orient}
+    \ifundef{\snk at anchor}{\def\snk at anchor{center}}{}
+    \node[/sankey/@sankey node={\name}{\pos}{\snk at anchor}];
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at filldrawstart}
+% The \code{\snk at filldrawstart} macro fills
+% (with the \code{/sankey/fill} TikZ style) then draws
+% (with the \code{/sankey/draw} TikZ style)
+% a start of flow using paths from style \code{\snk at startstyle} on
+% the Sankey node named \code{\name}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at filldrawstart{
+    \begin{scope}[shift={(\name)},rotate=\orient]
+      \path[/sankey/fill] \snk at getstartfill{\snk at startstyle};
+      \path[/sankey/draw] \snk at getstartdraw{\snk at startstyle};
+    \end{scope}
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at filldrawend}
+% The \code{\snk at filldrawend} macro fills
+% (with the \code{/sankey/fill} TikZ style) then draws
+% (with the \code{/sankey/draw} TikZ style)
+% a end of flow using paths from style \code{\snk at endstyle} on
+% the Sankey node named \code{\name}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at filldrawend{
+    \begin{scope}[shift={(\name)},rotate=\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}]
+      \path[/sankey/fill] \snk at getendfill{\snk at endstyle};
+      \path[/sankey/draw] \snk at getenddraw{\snk at endstyle};
+    \end{scope}
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at checkquantities}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at qtyi}
+% \begin{macro}{\snk at qtyii}
+% The \code{\snk at checkquantities} compares quantities
+% from Sankey nodes \code{#1} and \code{#2} and emits
+% an error message if they differ (\code{#3}  is the name
+% of the macro which requested the verification).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\snk at checkquantities##1##2##3{
+    \begingroup
+    \edef\snk at qtyi{\sankeygetnodeqty{##1}}
+    \edef\snk at qtyii{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
+    \ifdefstrequal{\snk at qtyi}{\snk at qtyii}{}{
+      \PackageError{sankey}%
+      {^^J*** \string##3: quantities differ between %
+        ##1 (\snk at qtyi) and ##2 (\snk at qtyii)%
+        ^^J}%
+      {The quantities of the two Sankey nodes must be equal.}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{User macros}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeydubins}
+% The \code{\sankeydubins} macro links two Sankey nodes via 
+% a Dubins path. First, it computes the Dubins path between
+% centers (left and right radii are the same) and stores the
+% result in \code{sankey}. Then it uses the stored result
+% to fill and draw the lane (left border and right borders
+% use Dubins paths with asymmetric radii).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeydubins{O{}mm}{% options, sn, en
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \snk at checkquantities{##2}{##3}{\sankeydubins}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
+    \dubinspathset{
+      sankey/.style={
+        start point=##2.center,start angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{##2},
+        end point=##3.center,end angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{##3},
+        minimum radius=\snk at minradius + .5 * \sankeyqtytolen{\qty} pt,
+      },
+    }
+    \dubinspathcalc{sankey,store=sankey}
+    \dubinspathset{
+      left border/.style={
+        sankey, use store=sankey,
+        left and right minimum radii={\snk at minradius}
+        and {\snk at minradius + \sankeyqtytolen{\qty} pt},
+      },
+      right border/.style={
+        sankey, use store=sankey,
+        left and right minimum radii=
+        {\snk at minradius + \sankeyqtytolen{\qty} pt}
+        and {\snk at minradius},
+      },
+    }
+    % fill the region
+    \path[/sankey/fill] (##2.left)  \dubinspath{left border}
+    -- (##3.left) -- (##3.right) \dubinspath{right border,reverse}
+    -- (##2.right) -- cycle;
+    % draw left and right borders
+    \path[/sankey/draw] (##2.left) \dubinspath{left border}
+    (##2.right) \dubinspath{right border};
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyoutin}
+% The \code{\sankeyoutin} macro links two Sankey nodes via a Bézier curve.
+% First, to simulate constant width, it creates \code{\snk at stepoutin}
+% intermediate Sankey nodes along the Bézier curve. Then, the lane is
+% filled and drawn linking all the intermediate Sankey node via smaller
+% Bézier curves.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyoutin{O{}mm}{% options, sn, en
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \snk at checkquantities{##2}{##3}{\sankeyoutin}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
+    \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\snk at len{\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}/2}
+    \edef\snk at step{\fpeval{1/\snk at stepoutin}}
+    \edef\snk at laststep{\inteval{\snk at stepoutin-1}}
+    \path[overlay,decorate,decoration={
+      markings,
+      mark=between positions \snk at step and {\fpeval{1-.5*\snk at step}}
+      step \snk at step with {
+        \edef\snk at outinmidptname{%
+          snk at outinmidpt-%
+          \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}%
+        }
+        \path
+        (0,0) coordinate(\snk at outinmidptname)
+        (0,-\snk at len pt) coordinate (\snk at outinmidptname-r)
+        (0,\snk at len pt) coordinate (\snk at outinmidptname-l)
+        ;
+      }
+    }]
+    (##2.center)
+    to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{##2},in=\sankeygetnodeorient{##3}+180]
+    (##3.center);
+    \foreach \snk at ptnum in {1,...,\snk at laststep}{
+      \edef\snk at outinmidptname{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at ptnum}
+      \dbp at anglebetween\snk at outinmidptangle%
+      {\snk at outinmidptname-r}{\snk at outinmidptname-l}
+      \sankeynode[debug=false]{%
+        name=\snk at outinmidptname,
+        quantity=\qty,
+        angle=\snk at outinmidptangle-90,%
+        at=\snk at outinmidptname%
+      }
+    }
+    \sankeynode[debug=false]{%
+      name={snk at outinmidpt-0},
+      quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{##2},
+      angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{##2},%
+      at={##2}%
+    }
+    \sankeynode[debug=false]{%
+      name={snk at outinmidpt-\snk at stepoutin},
+      quantity={\sankeygetnodeqty{##3}},
+      angle={\sankeygetnodeorient{##3}},%
+      at={##3}%
+    }
+    \path[/sankey/fill,looseness=1]
+    (snk at outinmidpt-0.left)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially 0)]
+    in {1,...,\snk at stepoutin}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt},
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}+180]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.left)
+    }
+    --
+    (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at stepoutin.right)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially \snk at stepoutin)]
+    in {\snk at laststep,...,0}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt}+180,
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.right)
+    }
+    -- cycle;
+    \path[/sankey/draw,looseness=1]
+    (snk at outinmidpt-0.left)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially 0)]
+    in {1,...,\snk at stepoutin}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt},
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}+180]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.left)
+    }
+    (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at stepoutin.right)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially \snk at stepoutin)]
+    in {\snk at laststep,...,0}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt}+180,
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.right)
+    };
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeynodealias}
+% The \code{\sankeynodealias} macro clones the Sankey node
+% named \code{#1} into a Sankey node named \code{#2}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodealias{mm}{%name, alias
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##1}
+    \path[late options={name=##1,alias=##2}];
+    \snk at setnodeqty{##2}{\sankeygetnodeqty{##1}}
+    \snk at setnodeorient{##2}{\sankeygetnodeorient{##1}}
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeynode}
+% The \code{\sankeynode} macro creates the new Sankey
+% node named \code{#2}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynode{O{}m}{% options, node parameters
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
+    \sankeyset{node parameters, at initial parameters,/sankey/every node,##2}
+    \snk at makenode{}
+    \snk at makeforkednode{}
+    \iftoggle{sankey node start}{\snk at filldrawstart}{}
+    \iftoggle{sankey node end}{\snk at filldrawend}{}
+    \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeystart}
+% The \code{\sankeystart} macro fills and draws a starting lane
+% attached to the Sankey node named \code{#2}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeystart{O{}m}{% options, name
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
+    \edef\name{##2}
+    \edef\orient{\sankeygetnodeorient{##2}}
+    \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
+    \snk at filldrawstart
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeynodestart}
+% The \code{\sankeynodestart} macro creates the new Sankey
+% node named \code{#2} then fills and draws a starting lane
+% attached to this new Sankey node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodestart{O{}m}{% option, node parameters
+    \sankeynode[##1]{start,##2}
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyend}
+% The \code{\sankeyend} macro fills and draws an ending lane
+% attached to the Sankey node named \code{#2}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyend{O{}m}{%options, name
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
+    \edef\name{##2}
+    \edef\orient{\sankeygetnodeorient{##2}}
+    \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
+    \snk at filldrawend
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeynodeend}
+% The \code{\sankeynodeend} macro creates the new Sankey
+% node named \code{#2} then fills and draws an ending lane
+% attached to this new Sankey node.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodeend{O{}m}{% options, node parameters
+    \sankeynode[##1]{end,##2}
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyadvance}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyadvance*}
+% The \code{\sankeyadvance} macro moves toward (or backward if
+% \emph{starred} calls -- \code{#1}) the Sankey node named \code{#3}.
+% \code{#4} is a distance. The previous position is keeped
+% by a Sankey node named \code{#3-old}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyadvance{sO{}mm}{%
+    %params: *(reverse), options, name, distance
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##2}
+    \edef\name{##3}
+    \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+    \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}{
+      % move backward
+      \sankeynode{
+        at={$(\snk at oldname.center)!##4!90:(\snk at oldname.left)$},
+        angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{\snk at oldname},
+        quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{\snk at oldname},
+        name=\name,
+      }
+      \path[/sankey/fill]
+      (\name.left) -- (\snk at oldname.left)
+      -- (\snk at oldname.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle;
+      \path[/sankey/draw]
+      (\name.left) -- (\snk at oldname.left)
+      (\snk at oldname.right) -- (\name.right);
+    }{
+      % move forward
+      \sankeynode{
+        at={$(\snk at oldname.center)!##4!-90:(\snk at oldname.left)$},
+        angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{\snk at oldname},
+        quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{\snk at oldname},
+        name=\name,
+      }
+      \path[/sankey/fill]
+      (\snk at oldname.left) -- (\name.left)
+      -- (\name.right) -- (\snk at oldname.right) -- cycle;
+      \path[/sankey/draw]
+      (\snk at oldname.left) -- (\name.left)
+      (\name.right) -- (\snk at oldname.right);
+    }
+    \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnright}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnright*}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{new macro}
+% The \code{sankeyturnright} macro moves forward the Sankey node
+% named \code{#3} by turning right. The angle is \code{#4} (the starred
+% version uses the opposite of \code{#4}). If the angle is \emph{negative}, the
+% macro calls the \code{\sankeyturnrightbackward} macro to move backward else
+% the macro fills/draws the lane between the previous position and the new
+% position. The previous position is keeped by a Sankey
+% node named \code{#3-old}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnright{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}-\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.right)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.left)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!-\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1},
+      \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+90:\orient+\snk at angle+90:\n{minr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1},
+      \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{maxr}) 
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+90:\orient+\snk at angle+90:\n{minr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    }{
+      \sankeyturnrightbackward[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnrightbackward}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnrightbackward*}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{new macro}
+% The \code{sankeyturnrightbackward} macro moves backward the Sankey node
+% named \code{#3} by turning right. The angle is \code{#4} (the starred
+% version uses the opposite of \code{#4}). If the angle is \emph{negative}, the
+% macro calls the \code{\sankeyturnright} macro to move forward else
+% the macro fills/draws the lane between the previous position and the new
+% position. The previous position is keeped by a Sankey
+% node named \code{#3-old}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnrightbackward{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}+\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.right)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.left)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+90:\orient-\snk at angle+90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{minr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+90:\orient-\snk at angle+90:\n{maxr}) 
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{minr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    }{
+      \sankeyturnright[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnleft}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnleft*}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{new macro}
+% The \code{sankeyturnleft} macro moves forward the Sankey node
+% named \code{#3} by turning left. The angle is \code{#4} (the starred
+% version uses the opposite of \code{#4}). If the angle is \emph{negative}, the
+% macro calls the \code{\sankeyturnleftbackward} macro to move backward else
+% the macro fills/draws the lane between the previous position and the new
+% position. The previous position is keeped by a Sankey
+% node named \code{#3-old}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnleft{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}+\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.left)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.right)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{minr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-90:\orient-\snk at angle-90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{minr}) 
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-90:\orient-\snk at angle-90:\n{maxr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    }{
+      \sankeyturnleftbackward[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnleftbackward}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturnleftbackward*}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{new macro}
+% The \code{sankeyturnleftbackward} macro moves backward the Sankey node
+% named \code{#3} by turning left. The angle is \code{#4} (the starred
+% version uses the opposite of \code{#4}). If the angle is \emph{negative}, the
+% macro calls the \code{\sankeyturnleft} macro to move forward else
+% the macro fills/draws the lane between the previous position and the new
+% position. The previous position is keeped by a Sankey
+% node named \code{#3-old}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnleftbackward{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}-\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.left)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.right)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!-\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-90:\orient+\snk at angle-90:\n{minr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-90:\orient+\snk at angle-90:\n{minr}) 
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{maxr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    }{
+      \sankeyturnleft[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturn}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyturn*}
+% \changes{v3.0}{2021/03/14}{simplification by using new \emph{turn} macros}
+% The \code{\sankeyturn} macro moves toward (or backward if
+% \emph{starred} calls -- \code{#1}) the Sankey node named 
+% \code{#3} by turning left (angle \code{#4} is positive)
+% or right (angle \code{#4} is negative).
+% The previous position is keeped by a Sankey node named
+% \code{#3-old}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturn{sO{}mm}{%
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(##4)}}
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}{
+      \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}
+      {\sankeyturnleftbackward[##2]{##3}{##4}}
+      {\sankeyturnrightbackward[##2]{##3}{-1*##4}}
+    }{
+      \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}
+      {\sankeyturnleft[##2]{##3}{##4}}
+      {\sankeyturnright[##2]{##3}{-1*##4}}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyfork}
+% The \code{\sankeyfork} macro forks the Sankey node named
+% \code{#2} to the list of subnodes given by \code{#3}.
+% The subnodes are cloned to take into account
+% the \code{debug} option.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyfork{O{}mm}{%options, name, list of forks
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
+    \sankeynode[debug=false]{as={##2},forked={##3}}
+    \foreach \qty/\snk at subnodename in {##3}{\sankeynode{as={\snk at subnodename}}}
+    \endgroup
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\sankeyqtytolen}
+% The \code{\sankeyqtytolen} macro converts quantity
+% to length using \code{\fpeval} and the ratio determined
+% by \code{\snk at totalqty} and \code{sankeytotallen}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \def\sankeyqtytolen##1{\fpeval{(##1)/\snk at totalqty*\snk at totallen}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{The \protect\texttt{sankeydiagram} environment (the end)}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% Here is the end of the definition of the \code{sankeydiagram}
+% environment. The \code{@initial options} style and the %
+% \code{every diagram} style are applied before options provided by
+% user.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \sankeyset{
+    @initial options,
+    every diagram,
+    % user values
+    #1}
+{} % empty but mandatory ! :-)
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{environment}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Predefined start and end styles}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% The \code{none} style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  new start style={none}{}{},
+  new end style={none}{}{},
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The \code{simple} style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  new start style={simple}{
+    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.left)
+    -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+  }{
+    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.left)
+    -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
+  },
+  new end style={simple}{
+    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=2mm]\name.center)
+    -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+  }{
+    (\name.left)  -- ([xshift=2mm]\name.center) -- (\name.right)
+  },
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The \code{arrow} style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  new start style={arrow}{
+    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0) -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
+    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+  }{
+    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0) -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
+    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
+  },
+  new end style={arrow}{
+    (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
+    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center) -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right)
+    -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+  }{
+    (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
+    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center) -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right)
+    -- (\name.right)
+  },
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% \section{\texttt{tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex}}
+%^^A % ------------------------------------------------------------
+% Not yet documented nor commented...
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\def\tikzlibrarydubins at version{v3.0}
+\def\tikzlibrarydubins at date{2021/03/14}
+  \pgfmathparse{(#1)?1:0}%
+  \ifnumequal{\pgfmathresult}{1}%
+\def\dbp at getxy#1#2#3{%
+  \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(#3)\relax%
+  \edef#1{\the\pgf at x}%
+  \edef#2{\the\pgf at y}%
+\def\dbp at anglebetween#1#2#3{%macro, s, t
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at ax\dbp at ay{#2}
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at bx\dbp at by{#3}
+  \pgfmathsetmacro#1{atan2(\dbp at by-\dbp at ay,\dbp at bx-\dbp at ax)}
+\def\dbp at distancebetween#1#2#3{%macro, s, t
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at ax\dbp at ay{#2}
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at bx\dbp at by{#3}
+  \edef#1{\fpeval{sqrt(%
+      (\dbp at bx-\dbp at ax)*(\dbp at bx-\dbp at ax)%
+      +(\dbp at by-\dbp at ay)*(\dbp at by-\dbp at ay)%
+      )}}%
+\newcommand\dbp at rsr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+  let
+  \p{tr}=([shift={(\dbp at angb-90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
+  \n1={\dbp at anga+90},
+  \n2={\dbp at angb+90},
+  \n3={\n2+\dbp at lastangle}
+  in
+  arc(\n1:\n1-\dbp at firstangle:\dbp at rradius pt)
+  -- ([shift={(\p{tr})}]\n3:\dbp at rradius pt)
+  arc(\n3:\n2:\dbp at rradius pt)
+\newcommand\dbp at lsl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+  let
+  \p{tl}=([shift={(\dbp at angb+90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
+  \n1={\dbp at anga-90},\n2={\n1+\dbp at firstangle},
+  \n3={\dbp at angb-90},\n4={\n3-\dbp at lastangle}
+  in
+  arc(\n1:\n2:\dbp at lradius pt)
+  -- ([shift={(\p{tl})}]\n4:\dbp at lradius pt)
+  arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at lradius pt)
+\newcommand\dbp at rsl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+  let
+  \p{tl}=([shift={(\dbp at angb+90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
+  \n1={\dbp at anga+90},\n2={\n1-\dbp at firstangle},
+  \n3={\dbp at angb-90},\n4={\n3-\dbp at lastangle}
+  in
+  arc(\n1:\n2:\dbp at rradius pt)
+  -- ([shift={(\p{tl})}]\n4:\dbp at lradius pt)
+  arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at lradius pt)
+\newcommand\dbp at lsr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+  let
+  \p{tr}=([shift={(\dbp at angb-90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
+  \n1={\dbp at anga-90},\n2={\n1+\dbp at firstangle},
+  \n3={\dbp at angb+90},\n4={\n3+\dbp at lastangle}
+  in
+  arc(\n1:\n2:\dbp at lradius pt)
+  -- ([shift={(\p{tr})}]\n4:\dbp at rradius pt)
+  arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at rradius pt)
+\newcommand\dbp at lrl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, ai, at, r
+  let
+  \n1={\dbp at anga-90},\n2={\n1+\dbp at firstangle},
+  \n3={\dbp at angb-90},\n4={\n3-\dbp at lastangle}
+  in
+  arc(\n1:\n2:\dbp at lradius pt)
+  arc(\n2+180:\n2+180-\dbp at midparam:\dbp at rradius pt)
+  arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at lradius pt)
+\newcommand\dbp at rlr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, ai, at, r
+  let
+  \n1={\dbp at anga+90},\n2={\n1-\dbp at firstangle},
+  \n3={\dbp at angb+90},\n4={\n3+\dbp at lastangle}
+  in
+  arc(\n1:\n2:\dbp at rradius pt)
+  arc(\n2+180:\n2+180+\dbp at midparam:\dbp at lradius pt)
+  arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at rradius pt)
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@lsl{\dbp at rsr}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@rsr{\dbp at lsl}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@lsr{\dbp at lsr}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@rsl{\dbp at rsl}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@lrl{\dbp at rlr}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@rlr{\dbp at lrl}
+  \pgfextra{
+    \dubinspathset{#1}
+    \ifbool{dubinspathreverse}{
+      \edef\dbp at newa{\dbp at b}
+      \edef\dbp at newb{\dbp at a}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at newanga{180+\dbp at angb}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at newangb{180+\dbp at anga}
+      \edef\dbp at newfirstangle{\dbp at lastangle}
+      \edef\dbp at newlastangle{\dbp at firstangle}
+      \edef\dbp at newmethod{rev@\dbp at method}
+      \edef\dbp at newlradius{\dbp at rradius}
+      \edef\dbp at newrradius{\dbp at lradius}
+      \dubinspathset{
+        start point=\dbp at newa,
+        end point=\dbp at newb,
+        start angle=\dbp at newanga,
+        end angle=\dbp at newangb,
+        first angle=\dbp at newfirstangle,
+        last angle=\dbp at newlastangle,
+        left and right minimum radii=\dbp at newlradius pt and \dbp at newrradius pt,
+        method=\dbp at newmethod,
+      }
+    }{}
+  }
+  \csname dbp@\dbp at method\endcsname%
+%% solution
+\def\dbp at store#1#2{%
+  \expandafter\xdef\csname dbp at store@#1@#2\endcsname%
+  {\csname dbp@#2\endcsname}%
+\def\dbp at get#1#2{%
+  \csname dbp at store@#1@#2\endcsname%
+\def\dbp at setparams#1#2#3#4#5{%
+  % method, length, fisrt angle, middle param, last angle
+  \edef\dbp at method{#1}
+  \edef\dbp at length{#2}
+  \edef\dbp at firstangle{#3}
+  \edef\dbp at middleparam{#4}
+  \edef\dbp at lastangle{#5}
+  \ifdef{\dbp at storename}{
+    \foreach \p in {method,length,firstangle,middleparam,lastangle}{
+      \dbp at store{\dbp at storename}{\p}
+    }
+  }{}
+\def\dbp at updateparams#1#2#3#4#5{
+  \ifpgfmathcond{#2<\dbp at length}{
+    \dbp at setparams{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
+  }{}
+  dubins path/.is family,
+  dubins path,
+  start point/.store in=\dbp at a,
+  start angle/.store in=\dbp at anga,
+  end point/.store in=\dbp at b,
+  end angle/.store in=\dbp at angb,
+  store/.store in=\dbp at storename,
+  use store/.style={
+    method=\dbp at get{#1}{method},
+    first angle=\dbp at get{#1}{firstangle},
+    last angle=\dbp at get{#1}{lastangle},
+    middle param=\dbp at get{#1}{middleparam},
+  },
+  minimum radius/.code={
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at radius{#1}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rradius{#1}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lradius{#1}
+  },
+  left and right minimum radii/.code args={#1 and #2}{
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lradius{#1}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rradius{#2}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at radius{(\dbp at lradius + \dbp at rradius)/2}
+  },
+  method/.store in=\dbp at method,
+  first angle/.store in=\dbp at firstangle,
+  last angle/.store in=\dbp at lastangle,
+  middle param/.store in=\dbp at midparam,
+  reverse/.is if=dubinspathreverse,
+\newcommand\dubinspathset[1]{\tikzset{dubins path,#1}}
+  \begingroup
+  \dubinspathset{#1}
+  \tikzset{
+    declare function={
+      angtodist(\dbp at a,\dbp at r)={abs(\dbp at a)*.01745329*\dbp at r};
+      modangr(\dbp at a,\dbp at b)={
+        (
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)<Mod(\dbp at b,360)
+        ?
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)
+        :
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)-360)+\dbp at b-Mod(\dbp at b,360
+        )
+      };
+      modangl(\dbp at a,\dbp at b)={
+        (
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)<Mod(\dbp at b,360)
+        ?
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)+360
+        :
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360))+(\dbp at b)-Mod(\dbp at b,360)
+      };
+    },
+  }
+  \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at radius{\dbp at rradius}
+  \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at anga{mod((\dbp at anga)+180,360)-180}
+  \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at angb{mod((\dbp at angb)+180,360)-180}
+  \path
+  let
+  \p{a}=(\dbp at a),
+  \p{b}=(\dbp at b),
+  \p{ar}=($(\p{a}) + (\dbp at anga-90:\dbp at radius pt)$),
+  \p{al}=($(\p{a}) + (\dbp at anga+90:\dbp at radius pt)$),
+  \p{br}=($(\p{b}) + (\dbp at angb-90:\dbp at radius pt)$),
+  \p{bl}=($(\p{b}) + (\dbp at angb+90:\dbp at radius pt)$)
+  in \pgfextra{
+    \pgfinterruptpath
+    % RSR (ar and br)
+    \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at rsrarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at rsrdarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrangone{Mod(\dbp at anga-\dbp at rsrarbr,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrangtwo{Mod(\dbp at rsrarbr-\dbp at angb,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrlen{\dbp at rsrdarbr}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrdist{
+      angtodist(\dbp at rsrangone,\dbp at radius)
+      +\dbp at rsrlen
+      +angtodist(\dbp at rsrangtwo,\dbp at radius)
+    }
+    \dbp at setparams{rsr}{\dbp at rsrdist}{\dbp at rsrangone}{\dbp at rsrlen}{\dbp at rsrangtwo}
+    % LSL (al and bl)
+    \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at lslalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at lsldalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro{\dbp at lslangone}{mod(\dbp at lslalbl-\dbp at anga+720,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro{\dbp at lslangtwo}{mod(\dbp at angb-\dbp at lslalbl+720,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsllen{\dbp at lsldalbl}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsldist{
+      angtodist(\dbp at lslangone,\dbp at radius)
+      +\dbp at lsllen
+      +angtodist(\dbp at lslangtwo,\dbp at radius)
+    }
+    \dbp at updateparams%
+    {lsl}{\dbp at lsldist}{\dbp at lslangone}{\dbp at lsllen}{\dbp at lslangtwo}
+    % RSL (ar and bl)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at rsldarbl{\p{ar}}{\p{bl}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at rslok{(\dbp at rsldarbl>=2*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at rslok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at rslarbl{\p{ar}}{\p{bl}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rslanglesup{
+        asin(\dbp at radius/\dbp at rsldarbl*2)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rslangone
+      {Mod(\dbp at anga-\dbp at rslarbl+\dbp at rslanglesup,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rslangtwo
+      {Mod(\dbp at angb-\dbp at rslarbl+\dbp at rslanglesup,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsllen{veclen(\dbp at rsldarbl,\dbp at radius)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsldist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at rslangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +\dbp at rsllen
+        +angtodist(\dbp at rslangtwo,\dbp at radius)
+      }
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {rsl}{\dbp at rsldist}{\dbp at rslangone}{\dbp at rsllen}{\dbp at rslangtwo}
+    }{}
+    % LSR (al and br)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at lsrdalbr{\p{al}}{\p{br}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at lsrok{(\dbp at lsrdalbr>=2*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at lsrok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at lsralbr{\p{al}}{\p{br}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsranglesup{
+        asin(\dbp at radius/\dbp at lsrdalbr*2)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrangone
+      {Mod(\dbp at lsralbr+\dbp at lsranglesup-\dbp at anga,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrangtwo
+      {Mod(\dbp at lsralbr+\dbp at lsranglesup-\dbp at angb,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrlen{veclen(\dbp at lsrdalbr,\dbp at radius)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrdist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at lsrangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +\dbp at lsrlen
+        +angtodist(\dbp at lsrangtwo,\dbp at radius)
+      }
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {lsr}{\dbp at lsrdist}{\dbp at lsrangone}{\dbp at lsrlen}{\dbp at lsrangtwo}
+    }{}
+    % LRL (al and bl)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at lrldalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at lrlok{(\dbp at lrldalbl<=4*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at lrlok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at lrlalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangsup{acos(\dbp at lrldalbl/\dbp at radius/4)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangone{
+        modangl(\dbp at lrlalbl+\dbp at lrlangsup,\dbp at anga-90)-(\dbp at anga-90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangtwo{%
+        (\dbp at angb-90)-modangr(\dbp at lrlalbl+180-\dbp at lrlangsup,\dbp at angb-90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangthree{360-2*(90-\dbp at lrlangsup)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrldist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at lrlangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at lrlangthree,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at lrlangtwo,\dbp at radius)
+      }
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {lrl}{\dbp at lrldist}{\dbp at lrlangone}{\dbp at lrlangthree}{\dbp at lrlangtwo}
+    }{}
+    % RLR (ar and br)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at rlrdarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at rlrok{(\dbp at rlrdarbr<=4*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at rlrok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at rlrarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangsup{acos(\dbp at rlrdarbr/\dbp at radius/4)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangone{
+        (\dbp at anga+90)-modangr(\dbp at rlrarbr-\dbp at rlrangsup,\dbp at anga+90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangtwo{%
+        modangl(\dbp at rlrarbr+180+\dbp at rlrangsup,\dbp at angb+90)-(\dbp at angb+90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangthree{360-2*(90-\dbp at rlrangsup)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrdist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at rlrangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at rlrangthree,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at rlrangtwo,\dbp at radius)
+      }
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {rlr}{\dbp at rlrdist}{\dbp at rlrangone}{\dbp at rlrangthree}{\dbp at rlrangtwo}
+    }{}
+    \endpgfinterruptpath
+  };
+  \endgroup
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \PrintChanges
+% \setcounter{IndexColumns}{2}
+% \PrintIndex
+% \Finale
+% \iffalse
+  literate=
+  {á}{{\'a}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1
+  {Á}{{\'A}}1 {É}{{\'E}}1 {Í}{{\'I}}1 {Ó}{{\'O}}1 {Ú}{{\'U}}1
+  {à}{{\`a}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 {ì}{{\`i}}1 {ò}{{\`o}}1 {ù}{{\`u}}1
+  {À}{{\`A}}1 {È}{{\'E}}1 {Ì}{{\`I}}1 {Ò}{{\`O}}1 {Ù}{{\`U}}1
+  {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ë}{{\"e}}1 {ï}{{\"i}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1
+  {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ë}{{\"E}}1 {Ï}{{\"I}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1
+  {â}{{\^a}}1 {ê}{{\^e}}1 {î}{{\^i}}1 {ô}{{\^o}}1 {û}{{\^u}}1
+  {Â}{{\^A}}1 {Ê}{{\^E}}1 {Î}{{\^I}}1 {Ô}{{\^O}}1 {Û}{{\^U}}1
+  {œ}{{\oe}}1 {Œ}{{\OE}}1 {æ}{{\ae}}1 {Æ}{{\AE}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1
+  {ç}{{\c c}}1 {Ç}{{\c C}}1 {ø}{{\o}}1 {å}{{\r a}}1 {Å}{{\r A}}1
+  {€}{{\texteuro}}1 {£}{{\pounds}}1 {°}{{\degres}}1
+  {’}{{\textquoteright}}1 {‘}{{\textquoteleft}}1
+  {«}{{<<}}1 {»}{{>>}}1
+  {—}{{---}}1 {−}{{$-$}}1
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+        \begin{scope}[overlay]
+          \draw[gray!50,-latex] let
+          \p{sw}=(bb.south west), \p{ne}=(bb.north east),
+          \n{maxx}={ceil(\x{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{minx}={floor(\x{sw}/\rs)*\rs},
+          \n{maxy}={ceil(\y{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{miny}={floor(\y{sw}/\rs)*\rs}
+          in (\n{minx},0) -- (\n{maxx}+1mm,0);
+          \draw[gray!50,-latex] let
+          \p{sw}=(bb.south west), \p{ne}=(bb.north east),
+          \n{maxx}={ceil(\x{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{minx}={floor(\x{sw}/\rs)*\rs},
+          \n{maxy}={ceil(\y{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{miny}={floor(\y{sw}/\rs)*\rs}
+          in (0,\n{miny}) -- (0,\n{maxy}+1mm);
+        \end{scope}
+      \end{pgfonlayer}
+    }
+  }
+  \fontencoding\encodingdefault
+  \fontfamily\ttdefault
+  \fontseries\mddefault
+  \fontshape\shapedefault
+  \footnotesize%
+% \fi
+% Local Variables:
+% mode: doctex
+% LaTeX-verbatim-macros-with-braces-local: ("code")
+% TeX-master: t
+% End:

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/sankey/sankey.dtx
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/sankey/sankey.ins
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/sankey/sankey.ins	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/sankey/sankey.ins	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+%% Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 by Paul Gaborit
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
+%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license
+%% or (at your option) any later version.  The latest version of this
+%% license is in
+%% <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+%% 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Paul Gaborit.
+%% This work consists of the files sankey.dtx, sankey.ins and the derived
+%% files sankey.sty, tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex, sankey-doc-preamble.sty,
+%% sankey-example1.tex, sankey-example2.tex, sankey-example3.tex,
+%% sankey-example3-variation.tex, sankey-example4.tex,
+%% sankey-example-energy.tex
+\input docstrip.tex
+This is a generated file.
+Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 by Paul Gaborit
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at
+your option) any later version.  The latest version of this license is
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
+The Current Maintainer of this work is Paul Gaborit.
+This work consists of the files sankey.dtx, sankey.ins and the derived
+files sankey.sty, tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex, sankey-doc-preamble.sty,
+sankey-example1.tex, sankey-example2.tex, sankey-example3.tex,
+sankey-example3-variation.tex, sankey-example4.tex,
+  \askforoverwritefalse
+  \file{sankey.sty}{\from{sankey.dtx}{sankey}}%
+  \file{tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex}{\from{sankey.dtx}{tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex}}%
+  \file{sankey-example-energy.tex}{\nopreamble\nopostamble\from{sankey.dtx}{example-energy}}%
+  \file{sankey-example1.tex}{\nopreamble\nopostamble\from{sankey.dtx}{example1}}%
+  \file{sankey-example2.tex}{\nopreamble\nopostamble\from{sankey.dtx}{example2}}%
+  \file{sankey-example3.tex}{\nopreamble\nopostamble\from{sankey.dtx}{example3}}%
+  \file{sankey-example3-variation.tex}{\nopreamble\nopostamble\from{sankey.dtx}{example3-variation}}%
+  \file{sankey-example4.tex}{\nopreamble\nopostamble\from{sankey.dtx}{example4}}%
+  \file{sankey-doc-preamble.sty}{\from{sankey.dtx}{sankeydocpreamble}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the}
+\Msg{* following file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* \space\space sankey.sty}
+\Msg{* \space\space tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file sankey.dtx}
+\Msg{* through (pdf)LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/sankey-doc-preamble.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/sankey-doc-preamble.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/sankey-doc-preamble.sty	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+  literate=
+  {á}{{\'a}}1 {é}{{\'e}}1 {í}{{\'i}}1 {ó}{{\'o}}1 {ú}{{\'u}}1
+  {Á}{{\'A}}1 {É}{{\'E}}1 {Í}{{\'I}}1 {Ó}{{\'O}}1 {Ú}{{\'U}}1
+  {à}{{\`a}}1 {è}{{\`e}}1 {ì}{{\`i}}1 {ò}{{\`o}}1 {ù}{{\`u}}1
+  {À}{{\`A}}1 {È}{{\'E}}1 {Ì}{{\`I}}1 {Ò}{{\`O}}1 {Ù}{{\`U}}1
+  {ä}{{\"a}}1 {ë}{{\"e}}1 {ï}{{\"i}}1 {ö}{{\"o}}1 {ü}{{\"u}}1
+  {Ä}{{\"A}}1 {Ë}{{\"E}}1 {Ï}{{\"I}}1 {Ö}{{\"O}}1 {Ü}{{\"U}}1
+  {â}{{\^a}}1 {ê}{{\^e}}1 {î}{{\^i}}1 {ô}{{\^o}}1 {û}{{\^u}}1
+  {Â}{{\^A}}1 {Ê}{{\^E}}1 {Î}{{\^I}}1 {Ô}{{\^O}}1 {Û}{{\^U}}1
+  {œ}{{\oe}}1 {Œ}{{\OE}}1 {æ}{{\ae}}1 {Æ}{{\AE}}1 {ß}{{\ss}}1
+  {ç}{{\c c}}1 {Ç}{{\c C}}1 {ø}{{\o}}1 {å}{{\r a}}1 {Å}{{\r A}}1
+  {€}{{\texteuro}}1 {£}{{\pounds}}1 {°}{{\degres}}1
+  {’}{{\textquoteright}}1 {‘}{{\textquoteleft}}1
+  {«}{{<<}}1 {»}{{>>}}1
+  {—}{{---}}1 {−}{{$-$}}1
+  {\^\^A}{{}}0                % verbatim in .dtx file
+  fancyvrb=true,
+  escapechar=`,
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+  fontadjust=true,
+  columns=fullflexible,
+  flexiblecolumns=true,
+  inputencoding=utf8,
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+  keywordstyle=\color{keyword},
+  stringstyle=\ttfamily\color{green!50!black},
+  commentstyle=\color{comment}\itshape,
+  emphstyle=\bfseries\color{red},
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+  %numbers=left,
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+  belowskip=.5\parskip,
+  framexleftmargin=1pt,
+  framexrightmargin=1pt,
+  gobble=2,              % \lstlisting code in .dtx
+  language=[LaTeX]TeX,
+  moretexcs={
+    Lab,
+    LabSet,
+    Qty,
+    QtySet,
+    colorlet,
+    coordinate,
+    countries,
+    country,
+    countryname,
+    definecolor,
+    draw,
+    endcountry,
+    fill,
+    foreach,
+    hashband,
+    hdist,
+    hwidth,
+    node,
+    nodename,
+    path,
+    sankeyadvance,
+    sankeydubins,
+    sankeyend,
+    sankeyend,
+    sankeyfork,
+    sankeynode,
+    sankeynodealias,
+    sankeynodeend,
+    sankeynodestart,
+    sankeyoutin,
+    sankeyset,
+    sankeystart,
+    sankeyturn,
+    sankeyturnleft,
+    sankeyturnleftbackward,
+    sankeyturnright,
+    sankeyturnrightbackward,
+    sisetup,
+    startcountry,
+    tikzset,
+    turnandstop,
+    usepackage,
+    vdist,
+  }
+\newenvironment{sankeyoption}[5][]{% [prefix] key, val, default, initially
+  \begingroup
+  %
+  \def\keypath{#1}%
+  \def\key{#2}%
+  \def\val{#3}%
+  \def\default{#4}%
+  \def\initially{#5}%
+  %\setlength\parindent{\dimexpr.5\parindent\relax}%
+  % \vspace{.25\baselineskip plus .25\baselineskip minus 0mm}
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil%
+  \leavevmode%
+  \ttfamily%
+  \hspace*{-1cm}%
+  \textcolor{red!75!black}{\texttt{\docprefix{\ifdefempty{\keypath}{\sankeykeysprefix/}{\keypath/}}\key}}%
+  \ifdefempty{\val}{}{=\val}%
+  \hfill%
+  \ifdefempty{\default}{\null}{(default:\,\constant{\default})}%
+  \ifdefempty{\initially}{\null}{(initially:\,\constant{\initially})}%
+  \mynobreakpar%
+  \endgroup%
+  \parskip=.5\baselineskip plus .25\baselineskip minus .25\baselineskip
+  \parfillskip=30pt plus 1fil
+  \itemize[topsep=0pt,partopsep=0pt,itemsep=0pt]\item[]
+  \enditemize%
+\setlength{\myparskip}{.75\baselineskip plus 8\baselineskip minus .25\baselineskip}
+  \vspace{.5\parskip}%
+  every picture/.style={
+    execute at end picture={
+      \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+        \node[fit=(current bounding box),inner sep=0](bb){};
+        \def\rs{5mm}
+        \draw[gray!25] let
+        \p{sw}=(bb.south west), \p{ne}=(bb.north east),
+        \n{maxx}={ceil(\x{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{minx}={floor(\x{sw}/\rs)*\rs},
+        \n{maxy}={ceil(\y{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{miny}={floor(\y{sw}/\rs)*\rs}
+        in (\n{minx},\n{miny}) grid (\n{maxx},\n{maxy});
+        \begin{scope}[overlay]
+          \draw[gray!50,-latex] let
+          \p{sw}=(bb.south west), \p{ne}=(bb.north east),
+          \n{maxx}={ceil(\x{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{minx}={floor(\x{sw}/\rs)*\rs},
+          \n{maxy}={ceil(\y{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{miny}={floor(\y{sw}/\rs)*\rs}
+          in (\n{minx},0) -- (\n{maxx}+1mm,0);
+          \draw[gray!50,-latex] let
+          \p{sw}=(bb.south west), \p{ne}=(bb.north east),
+          \n{maxx}={ceil(\x{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{minx}={floor(\x{sw}/\rs)*\rs},
+          \n{maxy}={ceil(\y{ne}/\rs)*\rs}, \n{miny}={floor(\y{sw}/\rs)*\rs}
+          in (0,\n{miny}) -- (0,\n{maxy}+1mm);
+        \end{scope}
+      \end{pgfonlayer}
+    }
+  }
+  \fontencoding\encodingdefault
+  \fontfamily\ttdefault
+  \fontseries\mddefault
+  \fontshape\shapedefault
+  \footnotesize%

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/sankey-doc-preamble.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/sankey.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/sankey.sty	2021-03-14 22:23:04 UTC (rev 58348)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/sankey.sty	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -1,108 +1,157 @@
-% Copyright (C) 2016-2021 by Paul Gaborit
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified
-%   1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
-%   2. under the GNU Public License.
-\def\sankey at version{2.0}
-\def\sankey at date{2021/01/27}
-\ProvidesPackage{sankey}[\sankey at date\space\sankey at version\space sankey package]
+%% This is file `sankey.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% sankey.dtx  (with options: `sankey')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 by Paul Gaborit
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+%% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at
+%% your option) any later version.  The latest version of this license is
+%% in
+%% <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+%% 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Paul Gaborit.
+%% This work consists of the files sankey.dtx, sankey.ins and the derived
+%% files sankey.sty, tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex, sankey-doc-preamble.sty,
+%% sankey-example1.tex, sankey-example2.tex, sankey-example3.tex,
+%% sankey-example3-variation.tex, sankey-example4.tex,
+%% sankey-example-energy.tex
+\ProvidesPackage{sankey}[2021/03/14 v3.0 to draw Sankey diagrams]
-% add a new layer to debug sankey diagrams
+  calc,
+  decorations.markings,
+  dubins
+%% add a new layer to debug sankey diagrams
+\def\snk at newfield#1#2#3#4#5{
+  % setter
+  \def#2##1##2{\expandafter#1\csname #4\endcsname{##2}}
+  % getter
+  \def#3##1{%
+    \ifcsdef{#4}{%
+      \csname#4\endcsname%
+    }{%
+      \PackageError{sankey}{#5}{unknown key with \string#3}%
+    }%
+  }
+\snk at newfield\xdef\snk at setnodeqty\sankeygetnodeqty%
+{@snk at node@qty@#1}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}
+\snk at newfield\xdef\snk at setnodeorient\sankeygetnodeorient%
+{@snk at node@orient@#1}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setstartfill\snk at getstartfill%
+{@snk at start@fill@#1}{Unknown sankey start fill path #1}
-% flag to debug sankey diagrams
-\newtoggle{sankey debug}
-\newtoggle{sankey node start}
-\newtoggle{sankey node end}
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setstartdraw\snk at getstartdraw%
+{@snk at start@draw@#1}{Unknown sankey start draw path #1}
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setendfill\snk at getendfill%
+{@snk at end@fill@#1}{Unknown sankey end fill path #1}
-% macros to store and to retrieve the orientation and the quantity
-% associated with each sankey node
+\snk at newfield\def\snk at setenddraw\snk at getenddraw%
+{@snk at end@draw@#1}{Unknown sankey end draw path #1}
-\def\sankeysetnodeqty#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname sankey at node@#1 at qty\endcsname{#2}}
-  \ifcsmacro{sankey at node@#1 at qty}{%
-    \csname sankey at node@#1 at qty\endcsname%
-  }{%
-    \PackageWarning{sankey}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}%
-  }%
+\newcommand\snk at ifnodedefined[3]{%
+  \ifcsdef{@snk at node@qty@#1}{#2}{#3}%
-\def\sankeysetnodeorient#1#2{\expandafter\xdef\csname sankey at node@#1 at orient\endcsname{#2}}
-  \ifcsmacro{sankey at node@#1 at orient}{%
-    \csname sankey at node@#1 at orient\endcsname%
-  }{%
-    \PackageWarning{sankey}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}%
-  }%
+\newcommand\snk at errorifnotdefined[1]{%
+  \snk at ifnodedefined{#1}{}%
+  {\PackageError{sankey}{Unknown sankey node '#1'}{}}%
-\def\sankeysetstartfill#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname sankey at start@fill@#1\endcsname{#2}}
-\def\sankeysetstartdraw#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname sankey at start@draw@#1\endcsname{#2}}
-\def\sankeysetendfill#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname sankey at end@fill@#1\endcsname{#2}}
-\def\sankeysetenddraw#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname sankey at end@draw@#1\endcsname{#2}}
-\def\sankeygetstartfill#1{\csname sankey at start@fill@#1\endcsname}
-\def\sankeygetstartdraw#1{\csname sankey at start@draw@#1\endcsname}
-\def\sankeygetendfill#1{\csname sankey at end@fill@#1\endcsname}
-\def\sankeygetenddraw#1{\csname sankey at end@draw@#1\endcsname}
-% new shape
 \pgfdeclareshape{sankey node}{
-  %\inheritanchorborder[from=rectangle]
+  \inheritanchorborder[from=rectangle]
   \anchor{left}{\pgf at process{\northeast}}
   \anchor{right}{\pgf at process{\southwest}}
+  % compatibility with 'fit' library
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{west}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{east}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north west}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south east}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{north east}
+  \inheritanchor[from=rectangle]{south west}
-% pgfkeys family 'sankey'
 \pgfkeys{/sankey/.is family}
+  ratio quantity/.code={\edef\snk at totalqty{\fpeval{#1}}},
+  ratio quantity/.value required,
   ratio length/.code={
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\sankeytotallen{#1}
-    \edef\sankeytotallen{\sankeytotallen pt}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\snk at totallen{#1}
+    \edef\snk at totallen{\snk at totallen pt}
   ratio length/.value required,
-  ratio quantity/.code={\edef\sankeytotalqty{\fpeval{#1}}},
-  ratio quantity/.value required,
   ratio/.style args={#1/#2}{
     ratio length=#1,
     ratio quantity=#2,
   ratio/.value required,
-  minimum radius/.estore in=\sankeyminradius,
+  rotate/.code={\edef\snk at rotate{\fpeval{#1}}},
+  rotate/.value required,
+  minimum radius/.code={
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\snk at minradius{#1}
+    \edef\snk at minradius{\snk at minradius pt}
+  },
   minimum radius/.value required,
-  outin steps/.estore in=\sankeystepoutin,
+  outin steps/.estore in=\snk at stepoutin,
   outon steps/.value required,
-  %
+\newtoggle{sankey debug}
   debug/.is choice,
   debug/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey debug}},
   debug/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey debug}},
-  %
   start style/.is choice,
-  %
   end style/.is choice,
-  % default values
-  default parameters/.style={
-    % default values
+  % to define new start and end styles
+  new start style/.code n args={3}{% name, fill path, draw path
+    \snk at setstartfill{#1}{#2}
+    \snk at setstartdraw{#1}{#3}
+    \sankeyset{start style/#1/.code={\def\snk at startstyle{#1}}}
+  },
+  new end style/.code n args={3}{% name, fill path, draw path
+    \snk at setendfill{#1}{#2}
+    \snk at setenddraw{#1}{#3}
+    \sankeyset{end style/#1/.code={\def\snk at endstyle{#1}}}
+  },
+  debug color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{debug color}{#1}}},
+  @initial options/.style={
     minimum radius=5mm,%
     outin steps=10,
@@ -109,614 +158,654 @@
     start style=none,
     end style=none,
+    rotate=0,
+    % default fill/draw styles,
+    fill/.style={line width=0pt,fill=white},
+    draw/.style={draw=black,line width=.4pt},
+    % debug color used by all debug macros
+    debug color=red!75!black,
+    % debug line between left and right anchors
+    debug line/.style={overlay,draw=debug color,|-|},
+    % debug line between center and label
+    debug normal/.style={overlay,draw=debug color},
+    % debug node label
+    debug label/.style={
+      overlay,
+      draw,
+      font=\ttfamily\tiny,
+      text=debug color,text opacity=1,
+      inner sep=.1em,
+      fill=white,fill opacity=1,
+      rounded corners=.1em,
+      node contents={\name},
+    },
+    every node/.style={},
-  % to make node
-  node parameters/.style={
-    quantity/.code={%
-      %\typeout{quantity=##1}%
-      \edef\qty{\fpeval{##1}}%
-      %\typeout{qty=\qty}%
-    },
-    quantity/.value required,
-    angle/.code={%
-      %\typeout{angle:##1}%
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\orient{##1}%
-    },
-    angle/.value required,
-    name/.store in=\name,
-    name/.value required,
-    at/.store in=\pos,
-    at/.value required,
-    as/.style={
-      name=##1,
-      quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{##1},
-      angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{##1},
-      at={##1.center},
-    },
-    as/.value required,
-    %
-    anchor/.is choice,
-    anchor/left/.code={\def\sankeyanchor{left}},
-    anchor/right/.code={\def\sankeyanchor{right}},
-    anchor/center/.code={\def\sankeyanchor{center}},
-    anchor=center,
-    %
-    start/.is choice,
-    start/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey node start}},
-    start/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey node start}},
-    start/.default=true,
+  every diagram/.style={},
+\sankeyset{node parameters/.is family}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  name/.estore in=\name,
+  name/.value required,
+  quantity/.code={\edef\qty{\fpeval{#1}}},
+  quantity/.value required,
+  angle/.code={\edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{#1}}},
+  angle/.value required,
+  at/.code={\snk at getpos\pos{#1}},
+  at/.value required,
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  as/.style={
+    name=#1,
+    quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{#1},
+    angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{#1},
+    at={#1.center},
+  },
+  as/.value required,
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  anchor/.is choice,
+  anchor/left/.code={\def\snk at anchor{left}},
+  anchor/right/.code={\def\snk at anchor{right}},
+  anchor/center/.code={\def\snk at anchor{center}},
+  anchor/.value required,
+\newtoggle{sankey node start}
+\newtoggle{sankey node end}
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  start/.is choice,
+  start/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey node start}},
+  start/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey node start}},
+  start/.default=true,
+  %
+  end/.is choice,
+  end/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey node end}},
+  end/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey node end}},
+  end/.default=true,
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  forked/.estore in=\snk at listofforks,
+  forked/.value required,
+  fork anchor/.estore in=\snk at forkanchor,
+  fork anchor/.value required,
+\sankeyset{node parameters,
+  @initial parameters/.style={
-    %
-    end/.is choice,
-    end/true/.code={\toggletrue{sankey node end}},
-    end/false/.code={\togglefalse{sankey node end}},
-    end/.default=true,
+    forked=,
+    fork anchor=,
+    anchor=center,
+    at={0,0},
+    angle=0,
-% some styles
-  node/.style={
+  % sankey node TikZ style
+  @sankey node/.style n args={3}{% name, pos, anchor
     shape=sankey node,
-    inner sep=0,minimum height={\sankeyqtytolen{#1}},
-    minimum width=0,draw=none,line width=0pt,
+    inner sep=0,
+    minimum height={\sankeyqtytolen{\sankeygetnodeqty{#1}}},
+    minimum width=0,
+    draw=none,
+    line width=0pt,
+    fill=none,
     node contents={},
+    rotate=\sankeygetnodeorient{#1}+\snk at rotate,
+    at={(#2)},
+    name=#1,
+    anchor=#3,
-  fill/.style={line width=0pt,fill=white},
-  draw/.style={draw=black,line width=.4pt},
-  % debug color used by all debug macros
-  debug color/.style={/utils/exec={\colorlet{debug color}{#1}}},
-  debug color=red!75!black,
-  % debug line between left and right anchors
-  debug line/.style={draw=debug color,|-|},
-  % debug line between center and label
-  debug normal/.style={draw=debug color},
-  % debug node label
-  debug label/.style={
-    draw,
-    font=\ttfamily\tiny,
-    text=debug color,text opacity=1,
-    inner sep=.1em,
-    fill=white,fill opacity=1,
-    rounded corners=.1em,
-  },
-  new start style/.code n args={3}{% name, fill path, draw path
-    \sankeysetstartfill{#1}{#2}
-    \sankeysetstartdraw{#1}{#3}
-    \sankeyset{start style/#1/.code={\def\sankeystartstyle{#1}}}
-  },
-  new end style/.code n args={3}{% name, fill path, draw path
-    \sankeysetendfill{#1}{#2}
-    \sankeysetenddraw{#1}{#3}
-    \sankeyset{end style/#1/.code={\def\sankeyendstyle{#1}}}
-  },
-% the new 'sankeydiagram' environment
-  \newcommand\sankeyarc[2]{% sn, en
-    \begingroup
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\startangle{\sankeygetnodeorient{##1}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\endangle{\sankeygetnodeorient{##2}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\rotateangle{\endangle-\startangle}
-    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\acwrotate{\rotateangle>0?1:0}
-    \path let
-    \p1=(##1.left),\p2=(##1.right),
-    \p3=(##2.left),\p4=(##2.right),
-    \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\sankeygetnodeqty{##1}}},
-    \n{maxr}={\sankeyminradius+\n1},
-    \n{minr}={\sankeyminradius}
-    in \pgfextra{
-      \ifnumequal{\acwrotate}{1}{
-        \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-          % fill the region
-          \path[/sankey/fill]
-          (\p1) arc(\startangle-90:\endangle-90:\n{minr}) -- (\p3) --
-          (\p4) arc(\endangle-90:\startangle-90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
-          % draw left and right borders
-          \path[/sankey/draw]
-          (\p1) arc(\startangle-90:\endangle-90:\n{minr}) 
-          (\p4) arc(\endangle-90:\startangle-90:\n{maxr});
-        \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-      }{
-        \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-          % fill the region
-          \path[/sankey/fill]
-          (\p1) arc(\startangle+90:\endangle+90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p3) --
-          (\p4) arc(\endangle+90:\startangle+90:\n{minr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
-          % draw left and right borders
-          \path[/sankey/draw]
-          (\p1) arc(\startangle+90:\endangle+90:\n{maxr}) 
-          (\p4) arc(\endangle+90:\startangle+90:\n{minr});
-        \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-      }
-    };
-    \endgroup
+  \def\snk at getpos##1##2{%
+    \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(##2)\relax%
+    \edef##1{\the\pgf at x,\the\pgf at y}%
-  \newcommand\sankeymakenodenodebug{
-    \begingroup
-    \sankeysetnodeqty{\name}{\qty}
-    \sankeysetnodeorient{\name}{\orient}
-    % \typeout{\qty,\orient}
-    \ifundef{\sankeyanchor}{\def\sankeyanchor{center}}{}
-    \node[/sankey/node=\qty,rotate=\orient,at/.expanded={(\pos)},name=\name,anchor=\sankeyanchor];
-    \endgroup
+  \def\snk at modulo##1##2{\fpeval{##1-(floor((##1)/(##2),0)*##2)}}
+  \def\snk at normalize@angle##1{%
+    \fpeval{\snk at modulo{(##1)+180}{360}-180}%
-  \newcommand\sankeymakenode{
-    \begingroup
-    \sankeymakenodenodebug{}
+  \def\snk at show@debug##1{% node name
     \iftoggle{sankey debug}{
+      \begingroup
+      \edef\name{##1}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}}
-        \pgfset{
-          number format/relative*=-1,
-          number format/precision=1,
-          number format/fixed,
-        }
         \path[/sankey/debug line] (\name.left) -- (\name.right);
-        \pgfmathsetmacro{\len}{\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}/3}
+        \pgfmathsetmacro{\snk at len}{\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}/3}
         \path[/sankey/debug normal] (\name.center)
-        -- ($(\name.center)!\len pt!90:(\name.right)$)
-        node[/sankey/debug label,rotate=\orient+90,anchor=north] {\name:\pgfmathprintnumber{\qty}};
+        -- ($(\name.center)!\snk at len pt!90:(\name.right)$)
+        node[/sankey/debug label,rotate=\orient+90+\snk at rotate,anchor=north];
+      \endgroup
+  }
+  \def\snk at makeforkednode{
+    \begingroup
+    \ifdefempty{\snk at listofforks}{
+      \ifdefempty{\snk at forkanchor}{}{
+        \PackageWarning{sankey}%
+        {Can't use 'fork anchor' key without 'forked' key}
+      }
+    }{
+      \def\snk at tot{0}
+      \def\snk at added@values{}
+      \sankeyset{
+        @add forked node/.code args={####1/####2}{
+          \coordinate (####2) at ($(\name.left)%
+          !\fpeval{(\snk at tot+.5*(####1))/\qty}%
+          !(\name.right)$);
+          \edef\snk at orient{\orient}
+          \sankeynode[debug=false]
+          {name=####2,quantity=####1,at=####2,angle=\snk at orient}
+          \edef\snk at tot{\fpeval{\snk at tot+####1}}
+          \edef\snk at added@values{\snk at added@values+####1}
+        },
+        @add forked node/.list/.expand once=\snk at listofforks,
+      }
+      \edef\snk at diff{\fpeval{abs(\qty-\snk at tot)}}
+      \ifnumequal{\snk at diff}{0}{}{
+        \PackageWarning{sankey}%
+        {^^J*** Warning: bad sankey fork: %
+          \qty\space!=\space\snk at added@values(=\snk at tot)%
+          ^^J\snk at listofforks}
+      }
+      \ifdefempty{\snk at forkanchor}{
+        \edef\snk at forkanchor{\name.\snk at anchor}
+      }{}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\snk at forkanchor) - (\pos)$}
+      \sankeynode{as=\name,at={$(\name) - (\snk at c)$}}
+      \foreach \snk at subnodeqty/\snk at subnodename in \snk at listofforks {
+        \sankeynode{as=\snk at subnodename,at={$(\snk at subnodename) - (\snk at c)$}}
+      }
+    }
-  \newcommand\sankeynodenodebug[1]{
+  \def\snk at makenode{
-    \sankeyset{node parameters,##1}
-    %\typeout{sankeynodenodebug: '\name' at(\pos) angle(\orient) qty(\qty)}
-    \sankeymakenodenodebug{}
+    \snk at setnodeqty{\name}{\qty}
+    \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\orient}}
+    \snk at setnodeorient{\name}{\orient}
+    \ifundef{\snk at anchor}{\def\snk at anchor{center}}{}
+    \node[/sankey/@sankey node={\name}{\pos}{\snk at anchor}];
-  % ============================================================
-  % user commands
-  % ============================================================
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeydubins{O{}mm}{% options, sn, en
+  \def\snk at filldrawstart{
+    \begin{scope}[shift={(\name)},rotate=\orient]
+      \path[/sankey/fill] \snk at getstartfill{\snk at startstyle};
+      \path[/sankey/draw] \snk at getstartdraw{\snk at startstyle};
+    \end{scope}
+  }
+  \def\snk at filldrawend{
+    \begin{scope}[shift={(\name)},rotate=\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}]
+      \path[/sankey/fill] \snk at getendfill{\snk at endstyle};
+      \path[/sankey/draw] \snk at getenddraw{\snk at endstyle};
+    \end{scope}
+  }
+  \def\snk at checkquantities##1##2##3{
-    \sankeyset{##1}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\startangle{\sankeygetnodeorient{##2}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\endangle{\sankeygetnodeorient{##3}}
-    \edef\sqty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
-    \edef\eqty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##3}}
-    \ifdefstrequal{\sqty}{\eqty}{}{
+    \edef\snk at qtyi{\sankeygetnodeqty{##1}}
+    \edef\snk at qtyii{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
+    \ifdefstrequal{\snk at qtyi}{\snk at qtyii}{}{
-      {^^J*** \string\sankeyoutin: quantities differ between ##2 (\sqty) and ##3 (\eqty)^^J}%
+      {^^J*** \string##3: quantities differ between %
+        ##1 (\snk at qtyi) and ##2 (\snk at qtyii)%
+        ^^J}%
       {The quantities of the two Sankey nodes must be equal.}
+    \endgroup
+  }
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeydubins{O{}mm}{% options, sn, en
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \snk at checkquantities{##2}{##3}{\sankeydubins}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\width{\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}}
-    %\typeout{startangle:\startangle,endangle:\endangle,qty:\qty,width:\width}
-        start point=##2.center,start angle=\startangle,
-        end point=##3.center,end angle=\endangle,
-        minimum radius=\sankeyminradius + .5 * \width pt,
+        start point=##2.center,start angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{##2},
+        end point=##3.center,end angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{##3},
+        minimum radius=\snk at minradius + .5 * \sankeyqtytolen{\qty} pt,
       left border/.style={
         sankey, use store=sankey,
-        left and right minimum radii=
-        {\sankeyminradius} and {\sankeyminradius + \width pt},
+        left and right minimum radii={\snk at minradius}
+        and {\snk at minradius + \sankeyqtytolen{\qty} pt},
       right border/.style={
         sankey, use store=sankey,
         left and right minimum radii=
-        {\sankeyminradius + \width pt} and {\sankeyminradius},
+        {\snk at minradius + \sankeyqtytolen{\qty} pt}
+        and {\snk at minradius},
-    \path let
-    \p1=(##2.left),\p2=(##2.right),
-    \p3=(##3.left),\p4=(##3.right)
-    in \pgfextra{
-      \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-        % fill the region
-        \path[/sankey/fill]
-        (\p1)
-        \dubinspath{left border}
-        -- (\p3) --
-        (\p4) \dubinspath{right border,reverse}
-        -- (\p2) -- cycle;
-        % draw left and right borders
-        \path[/sankey/draw]
-        (\p1)
-        \dubinspath{left border}
-        (\p2)
-        \dubinspath{right border}
-        ;
-      \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-    };
+    % fill the region
+    \path[/sankey/fill] (##2.left)  \dubinspath{left border}
+    -- (##3.left) -- (##3.right) \dubinspath{right border,reverse}
+    -- (##2.right) -- cycle;
+    % draw left and right borders
+    \path[/sankey/draw] (##2.left) \dubinspath{left border}
+    (##2.right) \dubinspath{right border};
   \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyoutin{O{}mm}{% options, sn, en
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \snk at checkquantities{##2}{##3}{\sankeyoutin}
-    \edef\sn{##2}
-    \edef\en{##3}
-    \edef\sqty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\sn}}
-    \edef\eqty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\en}}
-    \ifdefstrequal{\sqty}{\eqty}{}{
-      \PackageError{sankey}%
-      {^^J*** \string\sankeyoutin: quantities differ between \sn (\sqty) and \en (\eqty)^^J}%
-      {The quantities of the two Sankey nodes must be equal.}
-    }
-    %\typeout{*** sankeyoutin: \sn\space to \en\space (\sankeystepoutin)}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\sn}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\mylength{\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}/2}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\mystep{1/\sankeystepoutin}
-    %\typeout{*** a}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\mybound{1-.5*\mystep}
-    %\typeout{*** b}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\laststep{int(\sankeystepoutin-1)}
-    %\typeout{sankeystepoutin(\sankeystepoutin) mystep(\mystep) mybound(\mybound) laststep(\laststep)}
-    %\typeout{*** sankeyoutin: \startangle to \endangle}
-    \path[decorate,overlay,decoration={
+    \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##2}}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\snk at len{\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}/2}
+    \edef\snk at step{\fpeval{1/\snk at stepoutin}}
+    \edef\snk at laststep{\inteval{\snk at stepoutin-1}}
+    \path[overlay,decorate,decoration={
-      mark=between positions \mystep and \mybound step \mystep with {
-        \def\sankeyoutinmidptname{sankeyoutinmidpt \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}}
+      mark=between positions \snk at step and {\fpeval{1-.5*\snk at step}}
+      step \snk at step with {
+        \edef\snk at outinmidptname{%
+          snk at outinmidpt-%
+          \pgfkeysvalueof{/pgf/decoration/mark info/sequence number}%
+        }
-        (0,0) coordinate(\sankeyoutinmidptname)
-        (0,-\mylength pt) coordinate (\sankeyoutinmidptname\space r)
-        (0,\mylength pt) coordinate (\sankeyoutinmidptname\space l)
+        (0,0) coordinate(\snk at outinmidptname)
+        (0,-\snk at len pt) coordinate (\snk at outinmidptname-r)
+        (0,\snk at len pt) coordinate (\snk at outinmidptname-l)
-    }](\sn.center) to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{\sn},in=\sankeygetnodeorient{\en}+180] (\en.center);
-    \foreach \myptnum in {1,...,\laststep}{
-      \def\sankeyoutinmidptname{sankeyoutinmidpt \myptnum}
-      \anglebetween\sankeyoutinmidptangle{\sankeyoutinmidptname\space r}{\sankeyoutinmidptname\space l}
-      \sankeynodenodebug{quantity=\qty,angle=\sankeyoutinmidptangle-90,name=\sankeyoutinmidptname,at=\sankeyoutinmidptname}
+    }]
+    (##2.center)
+    to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{##2},in=\sankeygetnodeorient{##3}+180]
+    (##3.center);
+    \foreach \snk at ptnum in {1,...,\snk at laststep}{
+      \edef\snk at outinmidptname{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at ptnum}
+      \dbp at anglebetween\snk at outinmidptangle%
+      {\snk at outinmidptname-r}{\snk at outinmidptname-l}
+      \sankeynode[debug=false]{%
+        name=\snk at outinmidptname,
+        quantity=\qty,
+        angle=\snk at outinmidptangle-90,%
+        at=\snk at outinmidptname%
+      }
-    \sankeynodenodebug{quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{\sn},angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{\sn},name={sankeyoutinmidpt 0},at={\sn}}
-    \sankeynodenodebug{quantity={\sankeygetnodeqty{\en}},angle={\sankeygetnodeorient{\en}},name={sankeyoutinmidpt \sankeystepoutin},at={\en}}
-    %\typeout{*********************}
+    \sankeynode[debug=false]{%
+      name={snk at outinmidpt-0},
+      quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{##2},
+      angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{##2},%
+      at={##2}%
+    }
+    \sankeynode[debug=false]{%
+      name={snk at outinmidpt-\snk at stepoutin},
+      quantity={\sankeygetnodeqty{##3}},
+      angle={\sankeygetnodeorient{##3}},%
+      at={##3}%
+    }
-    (sankeyoutinmidpt 0.left)
-    \foreach \curpt[remember=\curpt as \prevpt (initially 0)] in {1,...,\sankeystepoutin}{
-      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \prevpt},in=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt}+180]
-      (sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt.left)
+    (snk at outinmidpt-0.left)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially 0)]
+    in {1,...,\snk at stepoutin}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt},
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}+180]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.left)
-    (sankeyoutinmidpt \sankeystepoutin.right)
-    \foreach \curpt[remember=\curpt as \prevpt (initially \sankeystepoutin)] in {\laststep,...,0}{
-      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \prevpt}+180,in=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt}]
-      (sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt.right)
+    (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at stepoutin.right)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially \snk at stepoutin)]
+    in {\snk at laststep,...,0}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt}+180,
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.right)
     -- cycle;
-    (sankeyoutinmidpt 0.left)
-    \foreach \curpt[remember=\curpt as \prevpt (initially 0)] in {1,...,\sankeystepoutin}{
-      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \prevpt},in=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt}+180]
-      (sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt.left)
+    (snk at outinmidpt-0.left)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially 0)]
+    in {1,...,\snk at stepoutin}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt},
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}+180]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.left)
-    %
-    (sankeyoutinmidpt \sankeystepoutin.right)
-    \foreach \curpt[remember=\curpt as \prevpt (initially \sankeystepoutin)] in {\laststep,...,0}{
-      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \prevpt}+180,in=\sankeygetnodeorient{sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt}]
-      (sankeyoutinmidpt \curpt.right)
-    }
-    ;
+    (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at stepoutin.right)
+    \foreach \snk at curpt
+    [remember=\snk at curpt as \snk at prevpt (initially \snk at stepoutin)]
+    in {\snk at laststep,...,0}{
+      to[out=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at prevpt}+180,
+      in=\sankeygetnodeorient{snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt}]
+      (snk at outinmidpt-\snk at curpt.right)
+    };
   \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodealias{mm}{%name, alias
-    \path [late options={name=##1,alias=##2}];
-    \sankeysetnodeqty{##2}{\sankeygetnodeqty{##1}}
-    \sankeysetnodeorient{##2}{\sankeygetnodeorient{##1}}
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##1}
+    \path[late options={name=##1,alias=##2}];
+    \snk at setnodeqty{##2}{\sankeygetnodeqty{##1}}
+    \snk at setnodeorient{##2}{\sankeygetnodeorient{##1}}
-  \newcommand\sankeynode[2][]{
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynode{O{}m}{% options, node parameters
-    \sankeyset{node parameters,##2}
-    %\typeout{sankeynode: '\name' at(\pos) angle(\orient) qty(\qty)}
-    \sankeymakenode{}
+    \sankeyset{node parameters, at initial parameters,/sankey/every node,##2}
+    \snk at makenode{}
+    \snk at makeforkednode{}
+    \iftoggle{sankey node start}{\snk at filldrawstart}{}
+    \iftoggle{sankey node end}{\snk at filldrawend}{}
+    \snk at show@debug{\name}
-  \def\sankeyfilldrawstart{
-    \begin{scope}[shift={(\name)},rotate=\orient]
-      \path[/sankey/fill] \sankeygetstartfill{\sankeystartstyle};
-      \path[/sankey/draw] \sankeygetstartdraw{\sankeystartstyle};
-    \end{scope}
-  }
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeystart{O{}m}{
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeystart{O{}m}{% options, name
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
-    \sankeyfilldrawstart
+    \snk at filldrawstart
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodestart{O{}m}{
-    \begingroup
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: ##2}
-    \sankeyset{##1}
-    \sankeyset{node parameters,##2}
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: '\name' at(\pos) angle(\orient) qty(\qty)}
-    \sankeymakenode{}
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: sankeynode ok}
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: '\name' at(\pos) angle(\orient) qty(\qty)}
-    \sankeyfilldrawstart
-    \endgroup
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodestart{O{}m}{% option, node parameters
+    \sankeynode[##1]{start,##2}
-  \def\sankeyfilldrawend{
-    \begin{scope}[shift={(\name)},rotate=\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}]
-      \path[/sankey/fill] \sankeygetendfill{\sankeyendstyle};
-      \path[/sankey/draw] \sankeygetenddraw{\sankeyendstyle};
-    \end{scope}
-  }
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyend{O{}m}{%name
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyend{O{}m}{%options, name
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
-    \sankeyfilldrawend
+    \snk at filldrawend
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodeend{O{}m}{
-    \begingroup
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: ##2}
-    \sankeyset{##1}
-    \sankeyset{node parameters,##2}
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: '\name' at(\pos) angle(\orient) qty(\qty)}
-    \sankeymakenode{}
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: sankeynode ok}
-    %\typeout{sankeynodestart: '\name' at(\pos) angle(\orient) qty(\qty)}
-    \sankeyfilldrawend
-    \endgroup
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeynodeend{O{}m}{% options, node parameters
+    \sankeynode[##1]{end,##2}
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyadvance{sO{}mm}{% *(reverse), options, name, distance
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyadvance{sO{}mm}{%
+    %params: *(reverse), options, name, distance
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
-    \def\newname{##3}
-    \def\oldname{##3-old}
-    \sankeynodealias{\newname}{\oldname}
-    % \typeout{*** sankeyadvance: ok (\oldname => \newname)}
+    \edef\name{##3}
+    \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+    \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
-      % reverse advance
+      % move backward
-        at={$(\oldname.center)!##4!90:(\oldname.left)$},
-        angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{\oldname},
-        quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{\oldname},
-        name=\newname,
+        at={$(\snk at oldname.center)!##4!90:(\snk at oldname.left)$},
+        angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{\snk at oldname},
+        quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{\snk at oldname},
+        name=\name,
-      (\newname.left) -- (\oldname.left)
-      --
-      (\oldname.right) -- (\newname.right)
-      -- cycle;
+      (\name.left) -- (\snk at oldname.left)
+      -- (\snk at oldname.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle;
-      (\newname.left) -- (\oldname.left)
-      (\oldname.right) -- (\newname.right);
-      \endgroup
+      (\name.left) -- (\snk at oldname.left)
+      (\snk at oldname.right) -- (\name.right);
-      % advance
+      % move forward
-        at={$(\oldname.center)!##4!-90:(\oldname.left)$},
-        angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{\oldname},
-        quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{\oldname},
-        name=\newname,
+        at={$(\snk at oldname.center)!##4!-90:(\snk at oldname.left)$},
+        angle=\sankeygetnodeorient{\snk at oldname},
+        quantity=\sankeygetnodeqty{\snk at oldname},
+        name=\name,
-      (\oldname.left) -- (\newname.left)
-      --
-      (\newname.right) -- (\oldname.right)
-      -- cycle;
+      (\snk at oldname.left) -- (\name.left)
+      -- (\name.right) -- (\snk at oldname.right) -- cycle;
-      (\oldname.left) -- (\newname.left)
-      (\newname.right) -- (\oldname.right);
-      \endgroup
+      (\snk at oldname.left) -- (\name.left)
+      (\name.right) -- (\snk at oldname.right);
+    \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    \endgroup
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturn{sO{}mm}{% *(reverse), options, name, angle
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnright{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
-    \sankeyset{##2}
-    \def\name{##3}
-    \def\oldname{##3-old}
-    \sankeynodealias{\name}{\oldname}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\oldname}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\oldangle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\oldname}}
-    \IfBooleanTF{##1}{
-      % turn in reverse
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\orient{\oldangle-##4}
-      % \typeout{TURN: \oldangle=>\orient}
-      \ifnumgreater{##4}{0}{% anti-clockwise turn
-        \path let
-        \p1=(##3.left), \p2=(##3.right),
-        % center of rotation
-        \p{c}=($(\p1)!-\sankeyminradius!(\p2)$),
-        % starting position
-        \p{s}=(##3.center),
-        % ending position
-        \p{e}=($(\p{c})!1!-##4:(\p{s})$)
-        in \pgfextra{
-          \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-            % \typeout{acw turn:\qty:\orient}
-            \def\pos{\p{e}}
-            \sankeymakenode{}
-            \sankeyarc{\name}{\oldname}
-          \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-        };
-      }{ % clockwise turn
-        \path let
-        \p1=(##3.right), \p2=(##3.left),
-        % center of rotation
-        \p{c}=($(\p1)!-\sankeyminradius!(\p2)$),
-        % starting position
-        \p{s}=(##3.center),
-        % ending position
-        \p{e}=($(\p{c})!1!-##4:(\p{s})$)
-        in \pgfextra{
-          % \typeout{cw turn:\qty:\orient}
-          \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-            \def\pos{\p{e}}
-            \sankeymakenode{}
-            \sankeyarc{\name}{\oldname}
-          \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-        };
-      }
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}-\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.right)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.left)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!-\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1},
+      \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+90:\orient+\snk at angle+90:\n{minr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1},
+      \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{maxr})
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+90:\orient+\snk at angle+90:\n{minr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
-      % turn
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\orient{\oldangle+##4}
-      % \typeout{TURN: \oldangle=>\orient}
-      \ifnumgreater{##4}{0}{% anti-clockwise turn
-        \path let
-        \p1=(##3.left), \p2=(##3.right),
-        % center of rotation
-        \p{c}=($(\p1)!-\sankeyminradius!(\p2)$),
-        % starting position
-        \p{s}=(##3.center),
-        % ending position
-        \p{e}=($(\p{c})!1!##4:(\p{s})$)
-        in \pgfextra{
-          \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-            % \typeout{acw turn:\qty:\orient}
-            \def\pos{\p{e}}
-            \sankeymakenode{}
-            \sankeyarc{\oldname}{\name}
-          \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-        };
-      }{ % clockwise turn
-        \path let
-        \p1=(##3.right), \p2=(##3.left),
-        % center of rotation
-        \p{c}=($(\p1)!-\sankeyminradius!(\p2)$),
-        % starting position
-        \p{s}=(##3.center),
-        % ending position
-        \p{e}=($(\p{c})!1!##4:(\p{s})$)
-        in \pgfextra{
-          % \typeout{cw turn:\qty:\orient}
-          \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-            \def\pos{\p{e}}
-            \sankeymakenode{}
-            \sankeyarc{\oldname}{\name}
-          \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-        };
-      }
+      \sankeyturnrightbackward[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
-  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyfork{mm}{%name,list of forks
-    \def\listofforks{##2}
-    \xdef\sankeytot{0}
-    \xdef\sankeycalculus{0}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\iqty{\sankeygetnodeqty{##1}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\iorient{\sankeygetnodeorient{##1}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\orient{\iorient}
-    %\typeout{iname:##1, iqty:\iqty,iorient:\iorient}
-    \foreach \qty/\name[count=\c] in \listofforks {
-      %\typeout{sankeyfork foreach: qty(\qty) name(\name) count(\c)}
-      \path
-      let
-      \p1=(##1.left),\p2=(##1.right),
-      \p{start}=($(\p1)!\fpeval{\sankeytot/\iqty}!(\p2)$),
-      \n{nexttot}={\fpeval{\sankeytot+\qty}},
-      \p{end}=($(\p1)!\fpeval{\n{nexttot}/\iqty}!(\p2)$),
-      \p{mid}=($(\p{start})!.5!(\p{end})$)
-      in \pgfextra{
-        %\typeout{new fork:\name}
-        %\typeout{qty:\qty,name:\name,count:\c,pos=\p{mid}}
-        \xdef\sankeytot{\n{nexttot}}
-        \xdef\sankeycalculus{\fpeval{\sankeycalculus+\qty}}
-        \begin{pgfinterruptpath}
-          \def\pos{\p{mid}}
-          \sankeymakenode{}
-        \end{pgfinterruptpath}
-      };
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnrightbackward{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}+\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.right)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.left)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+90:\orient-\snk at angle+90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{minr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient+90:\orient-\snk at angle+90:\n{maxr})
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-\snk at angle+90:\orient+90:\n{minr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    }{
+      \sankeyturnright[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
-    \edef\diff{\fpeval{abs(\iqty-\sankeytot)}}
-    %\typeout{sankeyfork diff: \diff}
-    %\pgfmathsetmacro{\diff}{abs(\iqty-\sankeytot)}
-    %\pgfmathtruncatemacro{\finish}{\diff<0.01?1:0}
-    \ifnumequal{\diff}{0}{}{
-      \PackageWarning{sankey}{^^J*** Warning: bad sankey fork: \iqty\space!=\space\sankeycalculus(=\sankeytot)^^J##2}
+    \endgroup
+  }
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnleft{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}+\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.left)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.right)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{minr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-90:\orient-\snk at angle-90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\snk at oldname.left),\p2=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \p3=(\name.left),\p4=(\name.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{minr})
+      (\p4) arc(\orient-90:\orient-\snk at angle-90:\n{maxr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    }{
+      \sankeyturnleftbackward[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
+    \endgroup
-  \def\sankeyqtytolen##1{\fpeval{(##1)/\sankeytotalqty*\sankeytotallen}}
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturnleftbackward{sO{}mm}{
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{-1*##4}}}
+    {\edef\snk at angle{\fpeval{1*##4}}}
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(\snk at angle)}}
+    \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}{
+      \sankeyset{##2}
+      \edef\name{##3}
+      \edef\snk at oldname{##3-old}
+      \sankeynodealias{\name}{\snk at oldname}
+      \edef\qty{\sankeygetnodeqty{\name}}
+      \edef\orient{\snk at normalize@angle{\sankeygetnodeorient{\name}-\snk at angle}}
+      \snk at getpos\snk at c{$(\name.left)!-\snk at minradius!(\name.right)$}
+      \snk at getpos\pos{$(\snk at c)!1!-\snk at angle:(\name.center)$}
+      \snk at makenode{}
+      % fill the region
+      \path[/sankey/fill] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-90:\orient+\snk at angle-90:\n{minr}) -- (\p3) --
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{maxr}) -- (\p2) -- cycle;
+      % draw left and right borders
+      \path[/sankey/draw] let
+      \p1=(\name.left),\p2=(\name.right),
+      \p3=(\snk at oldname.left),\p4=(\snk at oldname.right),
+      \n1={\sankeyqtytolen{\qty}},
+      \n{maxr}={\snk at minradius+\n1}, \n{minr}={\snk at minradius}
+      in
+      (\p1) arc(\orient-90:\orient+\snk at angle-90:\n{minr})
+      (\p4) arc(\orient+\snk at angle-90:\orient-90:\n{maxr});
+      \snk at show@debug{\name}
+    }{
+      \sankeyturnleft[##2]{##3}{-1*\snk at angle}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyturn{sO{}mm}{%
+    % *(reverse), options, name, angle
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##3}
+    \begingroup
+    \edef\snk at anglesign{\fpeval{sign(##4)}}
+    \IfBooleanTF{##1}{
+      \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}
+      {\sankeyturnleftbackward[##2]{##3}{##4}}
+      {\sankeyturnrightbackward[##2]{##3}{-1*##4}}
+    }{
+      \ifnumgreater{\snk at anglesign}{-1}
+      {\sankeyturnleft[##2]{##3}{##4}}
+      {\sankeyturnright[##2]{##3}{-1*##4}}
+    }
+    \endgroup
+  }
+  \NewDocumentCommand\sankeyfork{O{}mm}{%options, name, list of forks
+    \snk at errorifnotdefined{##2}
+    \begingroup
+    \sankeyset{##1}
+    \sankeynode[debug=false]{as={##2},forked={##3}}
+    \foreach \qty/\snk at subnodename in {##3}{\sankeynode{as={\snk at subnodename}}}
+    \endgroup
+  }
+  \def\sankeyqtytolen##1{\fpeval{(##1)/\snk at totalqty*\snk at totallen}}
-    % % default values,
-    % /tikz/declare function={
-    %   % sankeyqtytolen(\qty)=\qty/\sankeytotalqty*\sankeytotallen;
-    %   % sankeylentoqty(\len)=\len/\sankeytotallen*\sankeytotalqty;
-    % },%
-    default parameters,%
+    @initial options,
+    every diagram,
     % user values
-  %\typeout{sankeytotallen: \sankeytotallen}
-  #2 % body of sankeydiagram environment 
+{} % empty but mandatory ! :-)
-  % none style
   new start style={none}{}{},
   new end style={none}{}{},
-  % simple style
   new start style={simple}{
-    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.left)
+    -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
-    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
+    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.left)
+    -- ([xshift=-.5\pgflinewidth]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
   new end style={simple}{
-    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=2mm]\name.center) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=2mm]\name.center)
+    -- (\name.right) -- cycle
-    (\name.left) -- ([xshift=2mm]\name.center) -- (\name.right)
+    (\name.left)  -- ([xshift=2mm]\name.center) -- (\name.right)
-  % arrow style
   new start style={arrow}{
-    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right)
-    -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0) -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
+    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
-    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
-    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right)
-    -- (\name.right)
+    (\name.left) -- ++(-10pt,0) -- ([xshift=-10pt/6]\name.center)
+    -- ([xshift=-10pt]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
   new end style={arrow}{
     (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
-    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center)
-    -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right) -- (\name.right) -- cycle
+    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center) -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right)
+    -- (\name.right) -- cycle
     (\name.left) -- ([yshift=1mm]\name.left)
-    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center)
-    -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right) -- (\name.right)
+    -- ([xshift=10pt]\name.center) -- ([yshift=-1mm]\name.right)
+    -- (\name.right)
\ No newline at end of file
+%% End of file `sankey.sty'.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex	2021-03-14 22:23:04 UTC (rev 58348)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/sankey/tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex	2021-03-14 22:49:02 UTC (rev 58349)
@@ -1,15 +1,40 @@
-% Copyright (C) 2016-2021 by Paul Gaborit
-% This file may be distributed and/or modified
-%   1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
-%   2. under the GNU Public License.
+%% This is file `tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% sankey.dtx  (with options: `tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 by Paul Gaborit
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+%% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 of this license or (at
+%% your option) any later version.  The latest version of this license is
+%% in
+%% <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt>
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version
+%% 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status “maintained”.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Paul Gaborit.
+%% This work consists of the files sankey.dtx, sankey.ins and the derived
+%% files sankey.sty, tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex, sankey-doc-preamble.sty,
+%% sankey-example1.tex, sankey-example2.tex, sankey-example3.tex,
+%% sankey-example3-variation.tex, sankey-example4.tex,
+%% sankey-example-energy.tex
+\def\tikzlibrarydubins at version{v3.0}
+\def\tikzlibrarydubins at date{2021/03/14}
@@ -19,29 +44,28 @@
-\def\anglebetween#1#2#3{%macro, s, t
-  \path let
-  \p{s}=(#2), \p{t}=(#3),
-  \n{angle}={atan2(\y{t}-\y{s},\x{t}-\x{s})}
-  in \pgfextra {
-    \pgfmathsetmacro#1{\n{angle}}
-    \aftergroup at def#1
-  };
+\def\dbp at getxy#1#2#3{%
+  \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(#3)\relax%
+  \edef#1{\the\pgf at x}%
+  \edef#2{\the\pgf at y}%
-\def\distancebetween#1#2#3{%macro, s, t
-  \path let
-  \p{s}=(#2), \p{t}=(#3),
-  %\n{dist}={veclen(\x{t}-\x{s},\y{t}-\y{s}))}
-  \n{dist}={\fpeval{sqrt((\x{t}-\x{s})*(\x{t}-\x{s})+(\y{t}-\y{s})*(\y{t}-\y{s}))}}
-  in \pgfextra {
-    %\typeout{n{dist}:\n{dist}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro#1{\n{dist}}
-    \aftergroup at def#1
-  };
+\def\dbp at anglebetween#1#2#3{%macro, s, t
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at ax\dbp at ay{#2}
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at bx\dbp at by{#3}
+  \pgfmathsetmacro#1{atan2(\dbp at by-\dbp at ay,\dbp at bx-\dbp at ax)}
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rsr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+\def\dbp at distancebetween#1#2#3{%macro, s, t
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at ax\dbp at ay{#2}
+  \dbp at getxy\dbp at bx\dbp at by{#3}
+  \edef#1{\fpeval{sqrt(%
+      (\dbp at bx-\dbp at ax)*(\dbp at bx-\dbp at ax)%
+      +(\dbp at by-\dbp at ay)*(\dbp at by-\dbp at ay)%
+      )}}%
+\newcommand\dbp at rsr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
   \p{tr}=([shift={(\dbp at angb-90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
   \n1={\dbp at anga+90},
@@ -53,7 +77,7 @@
   arc(\n3:\n2:\dbp at rradius pt)
-\newcommand\dubinspath at lsl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+\newcommand\dbp at lsl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
   \p{tl}=([shift={(\dbp at angb+90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
   \n1={\dbp at anga-90},\n2={\n1+\dbp at firstangle},
@@ -64,7 +88,7 @@
   arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at lradius pt)
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rsl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+\newcommand\dbp at rsl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
   \p{tl}=([shift={(\dbp at angb+90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
   \n1={\dbp at anga+90},\n2={\n1-\dbp at firstangle},
@@ -75,7 +99,7 @@
   arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at lradius pt)
-\newcommand\dubinspath at lsr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
+\newcommand\dbp at lsr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, len, at, r
   \p{tr}=([shift={(\dbp at angb-90:\dbp at radius pt)}]\dbp at b),
   \n1={\dbp at anga-90},\n2={\n1+\dbp at firstangle},
@@ -86,7 +110,7 @@
   arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at rradius pt)
-\newcommand\dubinspath at lrl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, ai, at, r
+\newcommand\dbp at lrl{% s, sa, t, ta, as, ai, at, r
   \n1={\dbp at anga-90},\n2={\n1+\dbp at firstangle},
   \n3={\dbp at angb-90},\n4={\n3-\dbp at lastangle}
@@ -96,7 +120,7 @@
   arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at lradius pt)
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rlr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, ai, at, r
+\newcommand\dbp at rlr{% s, sa, t, ta, as, ai, at, r
   \n1={\dbp at anga+90},\n2={\n1-\dbp at firstangle},
   \n3={\dbp at angb+90},\n4={\n3+\dbp at lastangle}
@@ -105,77 +129,68 @@
   arc(\n2+180:\n2+180+\dbp at midparam:\dbp at lradius pt)
   arc(\n4:\n3:\dbp at rradius pt)
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rev@lsl{\dubinspath at rsr}
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rev@rsr{\dubinspath at lsl}
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rev@lsr{\dubinspath at lsr}
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rev@rsl{\dubinspath at rsl}
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rev@lrl{\dubinspath at rlr}
-\newcommand\dubinspath at rev@rlr{\dubinspath at lrl}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@lsl{\dbp at rsr}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@rsr{\dbp at lsl}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@lsr{\dbp at lsr}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@rsl{\dbp at rsl}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@lrl{\dbp at rlr}
+\newcommand\dbp at rev@rlr{\dbp at lrl}
-      \edef\newa{\dbp at b}
-      \edef\newb{\dbp at a}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\newanga{180+\dbp at angb}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\newangb{180+\dbp at anga}
-      \edef\newfirstangle{\dbp at lastangle}
-      \edef\newlastangle{\dbp at firstangle}
-      \edef\newmethod{rev@\dbp at method}
-      \edef\newlradius{\dbp at rradius}
-      \edef\newrradius{\dbp at lradius}
+      \edef\dbp at newa{\dbp at b}
+      \edef\dbp at newb{\dbp at a}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at newanga{180+\dbp at angb}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at newangb{180+\dbp at anga}
+      \edef\dbp at newfirstangle{\dbp at lastangle}
+      \edef\dbp at newlastangle{\dbp at firstangle}
+      \edef\dbp at newmethod{rev@\dbp at method}
+      \edef\dbp at newlradius{\dbp at rradius}
+      \edef\dbp at newrradius{\dbp at lradius}
-        start point=\newa,
-        end point=\newb,
-        start angle=\newanga,
-        end angle=\newangb,
-        first angle=\newfirstangle,
-        last angle=\newlastangle,
-        left and right minimum radii=\newlradius pt and \newrradius pt,
-        method=\newmethod,
+        start point=\dbp at newa,
+        end point=\dbp at newb,
+        start angle=\dbp at newanga,
+        end angle=\dbp at newangb,
+        first angle=\dbp at newfirstangle,
+        last angle=\dbp at newlastangle,
+        left and right minimum radii=\dbp at newlradius pt and \dbp at newrradius pt,
+        method=\dbp at newmethod,
-    %\typeout{dbp at lradius:\dbp at lradius}
-    %\typeout{dbp at rradius:\dbp at rradius}
-  \csname dubinspath@\dbp at method\endcsname%
+  \csname dbp@\dbp at method\endcsname%
+%% solution
-% solution
-% \xdef\dubinspathmethod{}     % type of dubins path
-% \xdef\dubinspathlength{}     % lenght (pt)
-% \xdef\dubinspathfirstangle{} % first angle
-% \xdef\dubinspathmiddleparam{} % intermediate angle or straight distance
-% \xdef\dubinspathlastangle{}  % last angle
-  \expandafter\xdef\csname dubinspath at store@#1@#2\endcsname%
-  {\csname dubinspath#2\endcsname}%
+\def\dbp at store#1#2{%
+  \expandafter\xdef\csname dbp at store@#1@#2\endcsname%
+  {\csname dbp@#2\endcsname}%
-  \csname dubinspath at store@#1@#2\endcsname%
+\def\dbp at get#1#2{%
+  \csname dbp at store@#1@#2\endcsname%
-\def\dubinspathsetparams#1#2#3#4#5{% method, length, fisrt angle, middle param, last angle
-  \edef\dubinspathmethod{#1}
-  \edef\dubinspathlength{#2}
-  \edef\dubinspathfirstangle{#3}
-  \edef\dubinspathmiddleparam{#4}
-  \edef\dubinspathlastangle{#5}
+\def\dbp at setparams#1#2#3#4#5{%
+  % method, length, fisrt angle, middle param, last angle
+  \edef\dbp at method{#1}
+  \edef\dbp at length{#2}
+  \edef\dbp at firstangle{#3}
+  \edef\dbp at middleparam{#4}
+  \edef\dbp at lastangle{#5}
   \ifdef{\dbp at storename}{
     \foreach \p in {method,length,firstangle,middleparam,lastangle}{
-      \dubinspathstore{\dbp at storename}{\p}
+      \dbp at store{\dbp at storename}{\p}
-  \ifpgfmathcond{#2<\dubinspathlength}{
-    \dubinspathsetparams{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
+\def\dbp at updateparams#1#2#3#4#5{
+  \ifpgfmathcond{#2<\dbp at length}{
+    \dbp at setparams{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}
@@ -188,10 +203,10 @@
   end angle/.store in=\dbp at angb,
   store/.store in=\dbp at storename,
   use store/.style={
-    method=\dubinspathget{#1}{method},
-    first angle=\dubinspathget{#1}{firstangle},
-    last angle=\dubinspathget{#1}{lastangle},
-    middle param=\dubinspathget{#1}{middleparam},
+    method=\dbp at get{#1}{method},
+    first angle=\dbp at get{#1}{firstangle},
+    last angle=\dbp at get{#1}{lastangle},
+    middle param=\dbp at get{#1}{middleparam},
   minimum radius/.code={
     \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at radius{#1}
@@ -217,137 +232,149 @@
     declare function={
-      angtodist(\a,\r)={abs(\a)*.01745329*\r};
-      modangr(\a,\b)={
-        (Mod(\a,360)<Mod(\b,360)?Mod(\a,360):Mod(\a,360)-360)+\b-Mod(\b,360)
+      angtodist(\dbp at a,\dbp at r)={abs(\dbp at a)*.01745329*\dbp at r};
+      modangr(\dbp at a,\dbp at b)={
+        (
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)<Mod(\dbp at b,360)
+        ?
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)
+        :
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)-360)+\dbp at b-Mod(\dbp at b,360
+        )
-      modangl(\a,\b)={
-        (Mod(\a,360)<Mod(\b,360)?Mod(\a,360)+360:Mod(\a,360))+(\b)-Mod(\b,360)
+      modangl(\dbp at a,\dbp at b)={
+        (
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)<Mod(\dbp at b,360)
+        ?
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360)+360
+        :
+        Mod(\dbp at a,360))+(\dbp at b)-Mod(\dbp at b,360)
-  \pgfmathsetmacro\radius{\dbp at rradius}
-  \pgfmathsetmacro\anga{mod((\dbp at anga)+180,360)-180}
-  \pgfmathsetmacro\angb{mod((\dbp at angb)+180,360)-180}
-  %\typeout{radius:\radius,anga:\anga,angb:\angb}
+  \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at radius{\dbp at rradius}
+  \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at anga{mod((\dbp at anga)+180,360)-180}
+  \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at angb{mod((\dbp at angb)+180,360)-180}
   \p{a}=(\dbp at a),
   \p{b}=(\dbp at b),
-  \p{ar}=($(\p{a}) + (\anga-90:\radius pt)$),
-  \p{al}=($(\p{a}) + (\anga+90:\radius pt)$),
-  \p{br}=($(\p{b}) + (\angb-90:\radius pt)$),
-  \p{bl}=($(\p{b}) + (\angb+90:\radius pt)$)
+  \p{ar}=($(\p{a}) + (\dbp at anga-90:\dbp at radius pt)$),
+  \p{al}=($(\p{a}) + (\dbp at anga+90:\dbp at radius pt)$),
+  \p{br}=($(\p{b}) + (\dbp at angb-90:\dbp at radius pt)$),
+  \p{bl}=($(\p{b}) + (\dbp at angb+90:\dbp at radius pt)$)
   in \pgfextra{
-    % RSR (ar et br)
-    %\typeout{RSR begin}
-    \anglebetween\rsrarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
-    \distancebetween\rsrdarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\rsrangone{Mod(\anga-\rsrarbr,360)}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\rsrangtwo{Mod(\rsrarbr-\angb,360)}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\rsrlen{\rsrdarbr}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\rsrdist{
-      angtodist(\rsrangone,\radius)
-      +\rsrlen
-      +angtodist(\rsrangtwo,\radius)
+    % RSR (ar and br)
+    \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at rsrarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at rsrdarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrangone{Mod(\dbp at anga-\dbp at rsrarbr,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrangtwo{Mod(\dbp at rsrarbr-\dbp at angb,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrlen{\dbp at rsrdarbr}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsrdist{
+      angtodist(\dbp at rsrangone,\dbp at radius)
+      +\dbp at rsrlen
+      +angtodist(\dbp at rsrangtwo,\dbp at radius)
-    \dubinspathsetparams{rsr}{\rsrdist}{\rsrangone}{\rsrlen}{\rsrangtwo}
-    % LSL (al et bl)
-    %\typeout{LSL begin}
-    \anglebetween\lslalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
-    \distancebetween\lsldalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro{\lslangone}{mod(\lslalbl-\anga+720,360)}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro{\lslangtwo}{mod(\angb-\lslalbl+720,360)}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\lsllen{\lsldalbl}
-    \pgfmathsetmacro\lsldist{
-      angtodist(\lslangone,\radius)
-      +\lsllen
-      +angtodist(\lslangtwo,\radius)
+    \dbp at setparams{rsr}{\dbp at rsrdist}{\dbp at rsrangone}{\dbp at rsrlen}{\dbp at rsrangtwo}
+    % LSL (al and bl)
+    \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at lslalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at lsldalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro{\dbp at lslangone}{mod(\dbp at lslalbl-\dbp at anga+720,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro{\dbp at lslangtwo}{mod(\dbp at angb-\dbp at lslalbl+720,360)}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsllen{\dbp at lsldalbl}
+    \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsldist{
+      angtodist(\dbp at lslangone,\dbp at radius)
+      +\dbp at lsllen
+      +angtodist(\dbp at lslangtwo,\dbp at radius)
-    \dubinspathupdateparams{lsl}{\lsldist}{\lslangone}{\lsllen}{\lslangtwo}
-    % RSL (ar et bl)
-    %\typeout{RSL begin}
-    \distancebetween\rsldarbl{\p{ar}}{\p{bl}}
-    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\rslok{(\rsldarbl>=2*\radius)?1:0}
-    \ifnumequal{\rslok}{1}{
-      \anglebetween\rslarbl{\p{ar}}{\p{bl}}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rslanglesup{
-        asin(\radius/\rsldarbl*2)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rslangone{Mod(\anga-\rslarbl+\rslanglesup,360)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rslangtwo{Mod(\angb-\rslarbl+\rslanglesup,360)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rsllen{veclen(\rsldarbl,\radius)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rsldist{
-        angtodist(\rslangone,\radius)
-        +\rsllen
-        +angtodist(\rslangtwo,\radius)
+    \dbp at updateparams%
+    {lsl}{\dbp at lsldist}{\dbp at lslangone}{\dbp at lsllen}{\dbp at lslangtwo}
+    % RSL (ar and bl)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at rsldarbl{\p{ar}}{\p{bl}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at rslok{(\dbp at rsldarbl>=2*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at rslok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at rslarbl{\p{ar}}{\p{bl}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rslanglesup{
+        asin(\dbp at radius/\dbp at rsldarbl*2)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rslangone
+      {Mod(\dbp at anga-\dbp at rslarbl+\dbp at rslanglesup,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rslangtwo
+      {Mod(\dbp at angb-\dbp at rslarbl+\dbp at rslanglesup,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsllen{veclen(\dbp at rsldarbl,\dbp at radius)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rsldist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at rslangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +\dbp at rsllen
+        +angtodist(\dbp at rslangtwo,\dbp at radius)
-      \dubinspathupdateparams{rsl}{\rsldist}{\rslangone}{\rsllen}{\rslangtwo}
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {rsl}{\dbp at rsldist}{\dbp at rslangone}{\dbp at rsllen}{\dbp at rslangtwo}
-    % LSR (al et br)
-    %\typeout{LSR begin}
-    \distancebetween\lsrdalbr{\p{al}}{\p{br}}
-    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\lsrok{(\lsrdalbr>=2*\radius)?1:0}
-    \ifnumequal{\lsrok}{1}{
-      \anglebetween\lsralbr{\p{al}}{\p{br}}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lsranglesup{
-        asin(\radius/\lsrdalbr*2)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lsrangone{Mod(\lsralbr+\lsranglesup-\anga,360)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lsrangtwo{Mod(\lsralbr+\lsranglesup-\angb,360)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lsrlen{veclen(\lsrdalbr,\radius)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lsrdist{
-        angtodist(\lsrangone,\radius)
-        +\lsrlen
-        +angtodist(\lsrangtwo,\radius)
+    % LSR (al and br)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at lsrdalbr{\p{al}}{\p{br}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at lsrok{(\dbp at lsrdalbr>=2*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at lsrok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at lsralbr{\p{al}}{\p{br}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsranglesup{
+        asin(\dbp at radius/\dbp at lsrdalbr*2)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrangone
+      {Mod(\dbp at lsralbr+\dbp at lsranglesup-\dbp at anga,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrangtwo
+      {Mod(\dbp at lsralbr+\dbp at lsranglesup-\dbp at angb,360)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrlen{veclen(\dbp at lsrdalbr,\dbp at radius)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lsrdist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at lsrangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +\dbp at lsrlen
+        +angtodist(\dbp at lsrangtwo,\dbp at radius)
-      \dubinspathupdateparams{lsr}{\lsrdist}{\lsrangone}{\lsrlen}{\lsrangtwo}
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {lsr}{\dbp at lsrdist}{\dbp at lsrangone}{\dbp at lsrlen}{\dbp at lsrangtwo}
-    % LRL (al et bl)
-    %\typeout{LRL begin}
-    \distancebetween\lrldalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
-    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\lrlok{(\lrldalbl<=4*\radius)?1:0}
-    \ifnumequal{\lrlok}{1}{
-      % \debug{LRL}
-      \anglebetween\lrlalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lrlangsup{acos(\lrldalbl/\radius/4)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lrlangone{
-        modangl(\lrlalbl+\lrlangsup,\anga-90)-(\anga-90)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lrlangtwo{%
-        (\angb-90)-modangr(\lrlalbl+180-\lrlangsup,\angb-90)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lrlangthree{360-2*(90-\lrlangsup)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\lrldist{
-        angtodist(\lrlangone,\radius)
-        +angtodist(\lrlangthree,\radius)
-        +angtodist(\lrlangtwo,\radius)
+    % LRL (al and bl)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at lrldalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at lrlok{(\dbp at lrldalbl<=4*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at lrlok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at lrlalbl{\p{al}}{\p{bl}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangsup{acos(\dbp at lrldalbl/\dbp at radius/4)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangone{
+        modangl(\dbp at lrlalbl+\dbp at lrlangsup,\dbp at anga-90)-(\dbp at anga-90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangtwo{%
+        (\dbp at angb-90)-modangr(\dbp at lrlalbl+180-\dbp at lrlangsup,\dbp at angb-90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrlangthree{360-2*(90-\dbp at lrlangsup)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at lrldist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at lrlangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at lrlangthree,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at lrlangtwo,\dbp at radius)
-      \dubinspathupdateparams{lrl}{\lrldist}{\lrlangone}{\lrlangthree}{\lrlangtwo}
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {lrl}{\dbp at lrldist}{\dbp at lrlangone}{\dbp at lrlangthree}{\dbp at lrlangtwo}
-    % RLR (ar et br)
-    %\typeout{RLR begin}
-    \distancebetween\rlrdarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
-    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\rlrok{(\rlrdarbr<=4*\radius)?1:0}
-    \ifnumequal{\rlrok}{1}{
-      \anglebetween\rlrarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rlrangsup{acos(\rlrdarbr/\radius/4)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rlrangone{
-        (\anga+90)-modangr(\rlrarbr-\rlrangsup,\anga+90)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rlrangtwo{%
-        modangl(\rlrarbr+180+\rlrangsup,\angb+90)-(\angb+90)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rlrangthree{360-2*(90-\rlrangsup)}
-      \pgfmathsetmacro\rlrdist{
-        angtodist(\rlrangone,\radius)
-        +angtodist(\rlrangthree,\radius)
-        +angtodist(\rlrangtwo,\radius)
+    % RLR (ar and br)
+    \dbp at distancebetween\dbp at rlrdarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+    \pgfmathtruncatemacro\dbp at rlrok{(\dbp at rlrdarbr<=4*\dbp at radius)?1:0}
+    \ifnumequal{\dbp at rlrok}{1}{
+      \dbp at anglebetween\dbp at rlrarbr{\p{ar}}{\p{br}}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangsup{acos(\dbp at rlrdarbr/\dbp at radius/4)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangone{
+        (\dbp at anga+90)-modangr(\dbp at rlrarbr-\dbp at rlrangsup,\dbp at anga+90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangtwo{%
+        modangl(\dbp at rlrarbr+180+\dbp at rlrangsup,\dbp at angb+90)-(\dbp at angb+90)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrangthree{360-2*(90-\dbp at rlrangsup)}
+      \pgfmathsetmacro\dbp at rlrdist{
+        angtodist(\dbp at rlrangone,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at rlrangthree,\dbp at radius)
+        +angtodist(\dbp at rlrangtwo,\dbp at radius)
-      \dubinspathupdateparams{rlr}{\rlrdist}{\rlrangone}{\rlrangthree}{\rlrangtwo}
+      \dbp at updateparams%
+      {rlr}{\dbp at rlrdist}{\dbp at rlrangone}{\dbp at rlrangthree}{\dbp at rlrangtwo}
@@ -354,8 +381,6 @@
-%%% Local Variables: 
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: t
-%%% End: 
+%% End of file `tikzlibrarydubins.code.tex'.

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