texlive[60091] Master/texmf-dist: easybook (27jul21)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Tue Jul 27 22:34:47 CEST 2021

Revision: 60091
Author:   karl
Date:     2021-07-27 22:34:47 +0200 (Tue, 27 Jul 2021)
Log Message:
easybook (27jul21)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/easybook/easybook.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/easybook/easybook.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/easybook/easybook.dtx	2021-07-27 20:34:31 UTC (rev 60090)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/easybook/easybook.dtx	2021-07-27 20:34:47 UTC (rev 60091)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 % \title{\sffamily easybook 文档类手册}
 % \author{瞿毅}
-% \date{2021/07/25\hskip 1em\relax v1.27q\thanks{\url{https://gitee.com/texl3/easybook}}}
+% \date{2021/07/26\hskip 1em\relax v1.27R\thanks{\url{https://gitee.com/texl3/easybook}}}
 % \maketitle
 % \begin{abstract}
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 %   cjkfont = <adobe|fandol|founder|mac|macnew|macold|ubuntu|windows|none>
 % \end{syntax}
 % 中文字体采用 \CTeX 宏集包含的字库并与其一致,具体配置方案可以查看 \CTeX 使用手册。它与 \opt{fontset} 选项是等效的,如果没有指定 \opt{cjkfont} 的值,将会自动检测用户的操作系统并选择相应的字体。
-% \changes{v1.27q}{2021/07/12}{新增 \opt{cjkfont} 选项设置中文字体,原 \opt{font} 选项设置英文字体,中文字体使用 \CTeX 的字库。}
+% \changes{v1.27R}{2021/07/12}{新增 \opt{cjkfont} 选项设置中文字体,原 \opt{font} 选项设置英文字体,中文字体使用 \CTeX 的字库。}
 % \end{function}
 % 如果需要使用其它中文字体,可以在启用选项 \opt{cjkfont = none} 后,再使用 \pkg{xeCJK} 宏包的相关命令设置字体以及声明字体族:
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
 %   \tcolorboxenvironment{定理环境名}{tc-theorem}
 % \end{ctexexam}
-% 使用 \tn{tcbappstyle} 命令调整开启定理盒子时默认的样式,第一个参数为 \opt{theorem},关于命令的介绍在小节 \ref{subsec:exercise}。
+% 使用 \tn{tcbappstyle} 命令调整开启定理盒子时默认的样式,第一个参数为 \opt{theorem},关于命令的介绍在小节 \ref{subsec:box}。
 % \begin{ctexexam}
 %   \tcbappstyle{theorem}{colback = GreenYellow}
 % \end{ctexexam}
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@
 % \end{syntax}
 % \ding{229} 以上选项路径为 \opt{hdrset/...} \\
 % \changes{v1.25}{2021/05/12}{增加脚注样式设置选项。}
-% \changes{v1.27q}{2021/07/14}{增加脚注内容格式选项 \opt{fntext-form} 和脚注类型选项 \opt{footnotetype}。}
+% \changes{v1.27R}{2021/07/14}{增加脚注内容格式选项 \opt{fntext-form} 和脚注类型选项 \opt{footnotetype}。}
 % \end{function}
 % \begin{optdesc}
@@ -919,7 +919,7 @@
 %   \tn{end}\{hangparas\}
 % \end{syntax}
 % \tn{hangpara} 命令使其后的一个段落保持悬挂缩进,\env{hangparas} 环境使其中的段落均保持悬挂缩进。缩进将以 \meta{缩进长度} 从每个段落的 \meta{缩进开始行数} 开始。
-% \changes{v1.27q}{2021/07/11}{增加悬挂缩进段落命令 \tn{hangpara} 和环境 \env{hangparas}。}
+% \changes{v1.27R}{2021/07/11}{增加悬挂缩进段落命令 \tn{hangpara} 和环境 \env{hangparas}。}
 % \end{function}
 % \subsection{代码}
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@
 %   \  \tn{item} <习题内容>
 %   \tn{end}\{exercise\}
 % \end{syntax}
-% 习题环境的标题使用 \env{tcbox} 行内盒子包装样式,内容则使用 \env{enumerate} 列表环境。它有 5 个可选参数,应当注意用法。当使用星号参数时标题不进行编号,使用 + 号参数时不使用预置标题,此时 \meta{键值列表1} 除了 \opt{label} 选项失效。
+% 习题环境的标题使用 \tn{tcbox} 行内盒子包装样式,内容则使用 \env{enumerate} 列表环境。它有 5 个可选参数,应当注意用法。当使用星号参数时标题不进行编号,使用 + 号参数时不使用预置标题,此时 \meta{键值列表1} 除了 \opt{label} 选项失效。
 % \changes{v1.23}{2021/02/08}{增加准确的习题盒子标题目录锚点。}
 % \end{function}
@@ -959,24 +959,17 @@
 % \opt{number} 为短编号形式,应当包含 A、a、I、i、或 1 其中一个符号。\opt{label} 选项用于设置习题环境的引用标签,它与标签格式命令 \tn{labelformat} 对应的计数器是 eb at exercise。
 % \end{function}
-% \begin{function}{\setexercise,\tcbappstyle,\setexerlist,\exerprologue,\tcphantomifname}
+% \begin{function}{\setexercise,\setexerlist,\exerprologue,\tcphantomifname}
 % \begin{syntax}
 %   \tn{setexercise}\marg{键值列表1}
-%   \tn{tcbappstyle*}\marg{风格名称}\marg{键值列表2}
 %   \tn{setexerlist}\marg{键值列表3}
 %   \tn{exerprologue}\marg{序言内容}
 %   \tn{tcphantomifname}\marg{编号代码}\marg{不编号代码}
 % \end{syntax}
+% \tn{setexercise} 命令可以全局设置上述习题综合选项 \meta{键值列表1} 的默认值。\tn{setexerlist} 命令用于设置习题条目选项 \meta{键值列表3} 的值。\tn{exerprologue} 在习题环境开始前插入一段内容,可以是文本或者代码,需要在每一个习题环境前使用。
 % \end{function}
-% \begin{optdesc}
-% \item[\tn{setexercise}] 这个命令可以全局设置上述习题综合选项 \meta{键值列表1} 的默认值。
-% \item[\tn{tcbappstyle*}] 这是 \pkg{tcolorbox} 宏包盒子风格定义命令,带有星号的命令可以\textbf{新建或重置}一个名为 \opt{tc-}\meta{风格名称} 的盒子风格,否则是修改\textbf{已存在}的风格。在这里可以设置标题选项 \meta{键值列表2} 的值,第一个参数为 \opt{exercise},也可以修改小节 \ref{subsec:box} 本文档类支持的其它盒子环境风格。
-% \item[\tn{setexerlist}] 这个命令用于设置习题条目选项 \meta{键值列表3} 的值。
-% \item[\tn{exerprologue}] 在习题环境开始前插入一段内容,可以是文本或者代码,需要在每一个习题环境前使用。
-% \item[\tn{tcphantomifname}] 根据使用 \pkg{tcolorbox} 生成的习题标题是否编号,在超链接锚点的位置加入代码,比如使用 \tn{addcontentsline} 命令将习题标题加入目录。
-% \end{optdesc}
+% 在这里可以使用 \tn{tcbappstyle} 命令设置标题选项 \meta{键值列表2} 的值,第一个参数为 \opt{exercise}。\tn{tcphantomifname} 根据使用 \pkg{tcolorbox} 生成的习题标题是否编号,在超链接锚点的位置加入代码,比如使用 \tn{addcontentsline} 命令将习题标题加入目录。
 % \begin{ctexexam}
 %   \tcphantomifname{\markright{\UseCounter{tcbcounter}{\quad 习题}}}{}
 %   \tcbappstyle{exercise}{boxsep = 5pt}
@@ -991,6 +984,30 @@
 % \label{subsec:box}
 % 使用盒子以及小节 \ref{subsec:exercise} 中的 \env{exercise} 环境需要在导言区\textbf{手动载入} \pkg{tcolorbox} 宏包,它们 \meta{配置选项} 的键值列表同样由 \pkg{tcolorbox} 提供支持,具体选项可见宏包文档的 Option Keys 一节,可以进行边距、字体及背景颜色等各种个性化设置,一些配置会覆盖预设。
+% \begin{function}[added = 2021-07-25]{\tcbappstyle}
+% \begin{syntax}
+%   \tn{tcbappstyle*}\marg{风格名称}\marg{键值列表}
+% \end{syntax}
+% 这是一个 \pkg{tcolorbox} 宏包盒子风格定义命令,带有星号的命令可以\textbf{新建或重置}一个名为 \opt{tc-}\meta{风格名称} 的盒子风格,否则是修改\textbf{已存在}的风格。这个命令可以调整以下即将介绍的预置盒子风格,对于预置盒子来说参数 \meta{风格名称} 即为它们对应的环境或命令名。
+% \end{function}
+% \begin{ctexexam}
+%   \tcbappstyle*{mytcb} % 新建一个盒子风格tc-mytcb
+%     {
+%       colback = Snow,colframe = LimeGreen,coltext = Coral,
+%       fontupper = \bfseries,arc = 6pt,
+%       boxrule = 5pt,boxsep = 5pt,
+%       borderline = {2pt}{2pt}{white}
+%     }
+%   \newtcolorbox{mytcbox}[1][]{enhanced,tc-mytcb,title = #1}
+%   \begin{tcolorbox}[tc-mytcb,enhanced]
+%     盒子内容1
+%   \end{tcolorbox}
+%   \begin{mytcbox}[盒子标题]
+%     盒子内容2
+%   \end{mytcbox}
+% \end{ctexexam}
 % \subsubsection{摘要盒子}
 % \begin{function}[added = 2021-01-05,updated = 2021-05-02]{\setoutlinelist,outline}
 % \begin{syntax}
@@ -1004,9 +1021,9 @@
 % \begin{ctexexam}
 %   \tcbappstyle{outline}{arc = 6pt}
-%   \begin{outline}[leftmargin = *](标题名称)
-%     \item 摘要内容
-%     \item 摘要内容
+%   \begin{outline}[leftmargin = *](摘要标题)
+%     \item 摘要内容1
+%     \item 摘要内容2
 %   \end{outline}
 % \end{ctexexam}
@@ -1111,7 +1128,7 @@
 % \subsection{公式符号对照}
 % \begin{function}[added = 2021-07-22]{\seteqcomp,\seteqcomplist,\symb,eqcomp}
 % \begin{syntax}
-%   \tn{seteqcomp}\marg{键值列表}
+%   \tn{seteqcomp}\marg{键值列表1}
 %   \tn{seteqcomplist}\marg{键值列表2}
 %   \tn{symb*}\marg{符号}\oarg{引导符}
 %   \tn{begin}\{eqcomp\}\oarg{键值列表1}\parg{键值列表2}
@@ -1119,7 +1136,7 @@
 %   \tn{end}\{eqcomp\}
 % \end{syntax}
 % 一些公式之后可以使用基于列表环境的 \env{eqcomp} 进行符号对照。\tn{symb} 需要在环境内使用,带有星号的命令可单独在文本段落使用。对照列表的 \meta{键值列表2} 与 \pkg{enumitem} 的选项相同,一般较少用到,可以用于设置垂直间距等。\meta{键值列表1} 也可以使用 \tn{seteqcomp} 全局设置,它的选项如下:
-% \changes{v1.27q}{2021/07/22}{增加公式符号对照环境 \env{eqcomp} 和命令 \tn{symb}。}
+% \changes{v1.27R}{2021/07/22}{增加公式符号对照环境 \env{eqcomp} 和命令 \tn{symb}。}
 % \end{function}
 % \begin{function}{width,delim,space,item-align,delim-align,enumitem,intro,font,mode}
@@ -1253,7 +1270,7 @@
 % \textsc{The \LaTeX~Project Team}.
 % \newblock \textit{The \hologo{LaTeX2e} Sources} [CP/OL].
 % \newblock (2020-10-01)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/source2e}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/source2e}
 % \bibitem{胡伟2017latex2e}
 % 胡伟.
@@ -1270,7 +1287,7 @@
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{footmisc} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 5.5b,
 % \newblock (2011-06-06)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/footmisc}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/footmisc}
 % \bibitem{thmtools}
 % Dr. Ulrich M. Schwarz, Yukai Chou.
@@ -1277,7 +1294,7 @@
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{thmtools} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 0.72,
 % \newblock (2020-08-01)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/thmtools}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/thmtools}
 % \bibitem{fancyhdr}
 % Pieter van Oostrum.
@@ -1284,7 +1301,7 @@
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{fancyhdr} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 4.0.1,
 % \newblock (2020-01-28)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/fancyhdr}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/fancyhdr}
 % \bibitem{caption}
 % Axel Sommerfeldt.
@@ -1291,7 +1308,7 @@
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{caption} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 3.5,
 % \newblock (2020-08-30)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/caption}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/caption}
 % \bibitem{titletoc}
 % Javier Bezos.
@@ -1298,7 +1315,7 @@
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{titletoc} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 2.13,
 % \newblock (2019-10-16)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/titletoc}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/titletoc}
 % \bibitem{tcolorbox}
 % Thomas F. Sturm.
@@ -1305,14 +1322,21 @@
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{tcolorbox} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 4.51,
 % \newblock (2021-06-14)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/tcolorbox}
+% \bibitem{enumitem}
+% Javier Bezos.
+% \newblock \textit{The \pkg{enumitem} package} [EB/OL].
+% \newblock version 3.9,
+% \newblock (2019-06-20)
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/enumitem}
 % \bibitem{biblatex}
 % Philipp Lehman, Philip Kime.
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{biblatex} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 3.16,
 % \newblock (2020-12-31)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex}
 % \bibitem{eqexpl}
 % Konstantin Morenko.
@@ -1319,7 +1343,7 @@
 % \newblock \textit{The \pkg{eqexpl} package} [EB/OL].
 % \newblock version 1.1,
 % \newblock (2019-07-01)
-% \urlprefix\url{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/eqexpl}
+% \urlprefix\url{https://ctan.org/pkg/eqexpl}
 % \bibitem{xmuthesis}
 % Camuse Cao.
@@ -1340,7 +1364,7 @@
   {Typeset Chinese theses or books}
 \bool_set_false:N \l__eb_compile_draft_bool
@@ -1624,7 +1648,7 @@
   {Typeset Chinese theses or books}
 \cs_generate_variant:Nn \int_to_arabic:n { v }
@@ -3588,7 +3612,7 @@
   {Customization of tcolorbox for easybook}
 \tl_gset:Nn \eb at tc@line at skip { 0.5\baselineskip }
@@ -3623,8 +3647,44 @@
     fontupper         = \Large\sffamily,
     beforeafter~skip  = 3.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex
+  {
+    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
+    center~title,
+    sharpish~corners,
+    left = 8pt,right = 8pt,
+    opacityback = 0.2,opacitybacktitle = 0.2,
+    coltitle = black,colframe = black,
+    top = \eb at tc@line at skip,bottom = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    toptitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    titlerule = 0pt,
+    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex
+  }
+  {
+    frame~hidden,
+    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
+    boxrule = 0pt,
+    sharpish~corners,
+    left = 8pt,
+    middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,bottomtitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex
+  }
+  {
+    standard~jigsaw,on~line,
+    top = 1.5pt,bottom = 1.5pt,left = 1.5pt,right = 1.5pt,
+    boxrule = 0.75pt,arc = 1pt,
+    opacityback = 0.2
+  }
+  {
+    on~line,sharpish~corners,
+    top = 2pt,bottom = 2pt,left = 1pt,right = 1pt,
+    leftrule = 0pt,rightrule = 0pt
+  }
@@ -3707,30 +3767,13 @@
-    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
-    IfBooleanTF = {#1}
-      {toptitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,top = \eb at tc@line at skip}
-      {
-        frame~hidden,boxrule = 0pt,
-        toptitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,top = 0pt
-      },
+    IfBooleanF = {#1}{frame~hidden,boxrule = 0pt},
     IfValueT = {#3}{title = #3},
     colback = #2,colbacktitle = #2,
-    opacityback = 0.2,opacitybacktitle = 0.2,
-    coltitle = black,colframe = black,
-    sharpish~corners,
-    left = 8pt,right = 8pt,
-    bottom = \eb at tc@line at skip,middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
-    bottomtitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
-    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex,
-    halign~upper = left,halign~lower = left,
-    center~title,tc-easybox,#4
+    tc-easybox,#4
-    frame~hidden,
-    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
-    boxrule = 0pt,
     borderline~west = {3pt}{0pt}{#2},
     IfBooleanTF = {#1}
@@ -3744,27 +3787,13 @@
         IfValueT  = {#3}{title = #3},
         top = 0pt,bottom = 0pt,right = 0pt,toptitle = 0pt
-    sharpish~corners,
-    left = 8pt,
-    middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,bottomtitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
-    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex,
     colframe = #2,coltitle = #2,tc-ebparbox,#4
+  {colback = #1!10!white,colframe = #1!50!black,tc-ebfbox,#3}{#2}
-  {on~line,blank,fuzzy~halo = 2pt~with~#1,#3}{#2}
+  {fuzzy~halo = 2pt~with~#1,tc-ebemph,#3}{#2}
-  {
-    standard~jigsaw,on~line,
-    top = 1.5pt,bottom = 1.5pt,left = 1.5pt,right = 1.5pt,
-    boxrule = 0.75pt,arc = 1pt,
-    colback = #1,opacityback = 0.2,colframe = #1,#3
-  }{#2}
-  {
-    on~line,sharpish~corners,
-    top = 2pt,bottom = 2pt,left = 1pt,right = 1pt,
-    leftrule = 0pt,rightrule = 0pt,
-    colback = #1!10!white,colframe = #1!50!black,#3
-  }{#2}
+  {colback = #1,colframe = #1,tc-eblink,#3}{#2}
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/easybase.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/easybase.sty	2021-07-27 20:34:31 UTC (rev 60090)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/easybase.sty	2021-07-27 20:34:47 UTC (rev 60091)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 %%   https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
   {Typeset Chinese theses or books}
 \cs_generate_variant:Nn \int_to_arabic:n { v }

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/easybook.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/easybook.cls	2021-07-27 20:34:31 UTC (rev 60090)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/easybook.cls	2021-07-27 20:34:47 UTC (rev 60091)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 %%   https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
   {Typeset Chinese theses or books}
 \bool_set_false:N \l__eb_compile_draft_bool

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/eb-tcolorbox.cfg
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/eb-tcolorbox.cfg	2021-07-27 20:34:31 UTC (rev 60090)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/easybook/eb-tcolorbox.cfg	2021-07-27 20:34:47 UTC (rev 60091)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 %% conditions of the CC-BY 4.0 License.
 %% The latest version of this license is in
 %%   https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode
   {Customization of tcolorbox for easybook}
 \tl_gset:Nn \eb at tc@line at skip { 0.5\baselineskip }
@@ -46,8 +46,44 @@
     fontupper         = \Large\sffamily,
     beforeafter~skip  = 3.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex
+  {
+    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
+    center~title,
+    sharpish~corners,
+    left = 8pt,right = 8pt,
+    opacityback = 0.2,opacitybacktitle = 0.2,
+    coltitle = black,colframe = black,
+    top = \eb at tc@line at skip,bottom = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    toptitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    titlerule = 0pt,
+    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex
+  }
+  {
+    frame~hidden,
+    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
+    boxrule = 0pt,
+    sharpish~corners,
+    left = 8pt,
+    middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,bottomtitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
+    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex
+  }
+  {
+    standard~jigsaw,on~line,
+    top = 1.5pt,bottom = 1.5pt,left = 1.5pt,right = 1.5pt,
+    boxrule = 0.75pt,arc = 1pt,
+    opacityback = 0.2
+  }
+  {
+    on~line,sharpish~corners,
+    top = 2pt,bottom = 2pt,left = 1pt,right = 1pt,
+    leftrule = 0pt,rightrule = 0pt
+  }
@@ -130,30 +166,13 @@
-    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
-    IfBooleanTF = {#1}
-      {toptitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,top = \eb at tc@line at skip}
-      {
-        frame~hidden,boxrule = 0pt,
-        toptitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,top = 0pt
-      },
+    IfBooleanF = {#1}{frame~hidden,boxrule = 0pt},
     IfValueT = {#3}{title = #3},
     colback = #2,colbacktitle = #2,
-    opacityback = 0.2,opacitybacktitle = 0.2,
-    coltitle = black,colframe = black,
-    sharpish~corners,
-    left = 8pt,right = 8pt,
-    bottom = \eb at tc@line at skip,middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
-    bottomtitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
-    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex,
-    halign~upper = left,halign~lower = left,
-    center~title,tc-easybox,#4
+    tc-easybox,#4
-    frame~hidden,
-    enhanced~jigsaw,pad~at~break* = 3pt,
-    boxrule = 0pt,
     borderline~west = {3pt}{0pt}{#2},
     IfBooleanTF = {#1}
@@ -167,28 +186,14 @@
         IfValueT  = {#3}{title = #3},
         top = 0pt,bottom = 0pt,right = 0pt,toptitle = 0pt
-    sharpish~corners,
-    left = 8pt,
-    middle = \eb at tc@line at skip,bottomtitle = \eb at tc@line at skip,
-    beforeafter~skip = 1.75ex plus .2ex minus .1ex,
     colframe = #2,coltitle = #2,tc-ebparbox,#4
+  {colback = #1!10!white,colframe = #1!50!black,tc-ebfbox,#3}{#2}
-  {on~line,blank,fuzzy~halo = 2pt~with~#1,#3}{#2}
+  {fuzzy~halo = 2pt~with~#1,tc-ebemph,#3}{#2}
-  {
-    standard~jigsaw,on~line,
-    top = 1.5pt,bottom = 1.5pt,left = 1.5pt,right = 1.5pt,
-    boxrule = 0.75pt,arc = 1pt,
-    colback = #1,opacityback = 0.2,colframe = #1,#3
-  }{#2}
-  {
-    on~line,sharpish~corners,
-    top = 2pt,bottom = 2pt,left = 1pt,right = 1pt,
-    leftrule = 0pt,rightrule = 0pt,
-    colback = #1!10!white,colframe = #1!50!black,#3
-  }{#2}
+  {colback = #1,colframe = #1,tc-eblink,#3}{#2}
 %% End of file `eb-tcolorbox.cfg'.

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