texlive[52285] Master: countriesofeurope, now all lc (3oct19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Fri Oct 4 22:49:55 CEST 2019

Revision: 52285
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-10-04 22:49:55 +0200 (Fri, 04 Oct 2019)
Log Message:
countriesofeurope, now all lc (3oct19)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/Changes
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/Changes	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/Changes	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+0.23  2019-10-03  - added color and Ligature option
 0.22  2018-12-27  - added OpenType font and outline option
 0.21  2012-04-18  - first CTAN version
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.tex	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.tex	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-  \pdfmapfile{+CountriesofEurope.map} % only needed, if the map is not enabled with updmap
-  \tabular{|>{\Centering}p{2.5cm}|}\hline
-    \strut\footnotesize\texttt{\textbackslash#2}\\\hline
-    \parbox[c][3.2cm]{2cm}{\EUCountry[#1]{#2}}\\\hline
-  \endtabular}}
-\author{Rolf Niepraschk \and Herbert Voß}
-\title{Package \texttt{CountriesofEurope}}
-This package defines the two macros \verb|\CountriesofEuropeFamily| and \verb|\EUCountry[options]{name}|,
-which allow to print one of the european countries as a single character with the given scaling or
-with an individual scaling.
-The first one switches
-to the font encoding \verb|U| (Type 1) or \verb|TU| (OpenType) and loads the font and the second 
-one does the same but also with
-printing the character which the given name, e.\,g. for Finland: \verb|\EUCountry[Scale=0.2]{Germany}|$\rightarrow$%
-The font can be loaded
-with an optional argument for the scaling factor, which is preset to 1:
-\usepackage[Scale=10]{CountriesofEurope}%   scaled to 10
-The countris itself are available by a macro from the following list. The characters are
-at the position 128--166 in the Type~1 font \verb|CountriesofEurope.pfb| and also available
-with the \verb|\char| primitive. The following table shows the countries in their original size
-with a scaling of 7.5:
-\Country{Albania} & 
-\Country{Andorra} & 
-\Country{Austria} & 
-\Country{Belarus} \\ 
-\Country{Belgium} &
-\Country{Bosnia} & 
-\Country{Bulgaria} & 
-\Country{Croatia} \\ 
-\Country{Czechia} & 
-\Country{Denmark} &
-\Country{Estonia} & 
-\Country{Finland} \\ 
-\Country{France} & 
-\Country{Germany} & 
-\Country{GreatBritain} &
-\Country{Greece} \\
-\Country{Hungary} & 
-\Country{Iceland} & 
-\Country{Ireland} & 
-\Country{Italy} \\
-\Country{Latvia} & 
-\Country{Liechtenstein} & 
-\Country{Lithuania} & 
-\Country{Luxembourg} \\ 
-\Country{Macedonia} &
-\Country{Malta} & 
-\Country{Moldova} & 
-\Country{Montenegro} \\ 
-\Country{Netherlands} & 
-\Country{Norway} &
-\Country{Poland} & 
-\Country{Portugal} \\ 
-\Country{Romania} & 
-\Country{Serbia} & 
-\Country{Slovakia} &
-\Country{Slovenia} \\ 
-\Country{Spain} & 
-\Country{Sweden} & 
-The countries in the original size with the given bounding box and the text command \verb|\huge|:
-%  \DeclareFontShape{U}{CountriesofEurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]CountriesofEurope}{}
-  \fontspec{CountriesofEurope.otf}
-  \huge
-  \setcounter{N}{63724}%
-  \whiledo{\value{N} > 63686}{%
-    \fbox{\symbol{\value{N}}}%
-    \addtocounter{N}{-1}}
-  \huge
-  \setcounter{N}{128}%
-  \whiledo{\value{N} < 167}{%
-    \fbox{\symbol{\value{N}}}%
-    \stepcounter{N}}
-All countries can be printed as outline, e.\,g.:
-  \fontspec{CountriesofEurope.otf}
-  \DeclareFontShape{U}{CountriesofEurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]CountriesofEurope}{}
-\Country[outline]{Albania} & 
-\Country[outline]{Andorra} & 
-\Country[outline]{Austria} & 
-\Country[outline]{Belarus} \\ 
-\Country[outline]{Belgium} &
-\Country[outline]{Bosnia} & 
-\Country[outline]{Bulgaria} & 
-\Country[outline]{Croatia} \\ 
-\Country[outline]{Czechia} & 
-\Country[outline]{Denmark} &
-\Country[outline]{Estonia} & 
-\Country[outline]{Finland} \\ 
-\Country[outline]{France} & 
-\Country[outline]{Germany} & 
-\Country[outline]{GreatBritain} &
-\Country[outline]{Greece} \\
-\Country[outline]{Hungary} & 
-\Country[outline]{Iceland} & 
-\Country[outline]{Ireland} & 
-\Country[outline]{Italy} \\
-\Country[outline]{Latvia} & 
-\Country[outline]{Liechtenstein} & 
-\Country[outline]{Lithuania} & 
-\Country[outline]{Luxembourg} \\ 
-\Country[outline]{Macedonia} &
-\Country[outline]{Malta} & 
-\Country[outline]{Moldova} & 
-\Country[outline]{Montenegro} \\ 
-\Country[outline]{Netherlands} & 
-\Country[outline]{Norway} &
-\Country[outline]{Poland} & 
-\Country[outline]{Portugal} \\ 
-\Country[outline]{Romania} & 
-\Country[outline]{Serbia} & 
-\Country[outline]{Slovakia} &
-\Country[outline]{Slovenia} \\ 
-\Country[outline]{Spain} & 
-\Country[outline]{Sweden} & 
-The countries are internally defined as a ligature so that abreviations of the countries can be
-used for printing:
-ge au
-  \fontspec{CountriesofEurope.otf}
-  \DeclareFontShape{U}{CountriesofEurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]CountriesofEurope}{}
-ge au

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/README	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/README	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 and can be used under the Open Font License.
 All other files are copyrighted by Rolf Niepraschk and 
-Herbert Voß and can be used under the LaTeX Public Project Licence.
+Herbert Voß and can be used under the LaTeX Project Public Licence.
-v0.22 2018-12-27  
 hvoss at tug.org
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.bib
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.bib	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.bib	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ at ctan{countriesofeurope,
+title = {The Countriesofeurope package},
+subtitle = {A font with the images of the countries of Europe},
+author = {Zimmermann, Ingo and Voß, Herbert and Niepraschk, Rolf},
+url = {http://www.ctan.org/pkg/countriesofeurope},
+urldate = {2019-10-203}, 
+date = {2019-10-03},
+version = {0.23}
+ at online{ingofonts,
+title={Fonts and typography that leave a mark},
+author={Ingo Zimmermann},
+urldate = {2019-10-03}, 
+note={for corporate design, promotion, web, publishing. Buy fonts directly from the maker. At ingoFonts you’ll find fonts of all styles, 
+    including free test versions of all fonts to download and try out.},

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.bib
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pdf	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pdf	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tex	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+%% $Id: countriesofeurope.tex 1095 2019-10-03 06:05:39Z herbert $
+   headings=small,headinclude=false,footinclude=false,oneside]{pst-doc}
+  \pdfmapfile{+countriesofeurope.map} % only needed, if the map is not enabled with updmap
+  \tabular{|>{\Centering}p{2.5cm}|}\hline
+    \strut\footnotesize\texttt{\textbackslash#2}\\\hline
+    \parbox[c][3.2cm]{2cm}{\EUCountry[#1]{#2}}\\\hline
+  \endtabular}}
+ \EUCountry[Scale=3,outline,fillcolor=blue!20,linecolor=black]{Germany}}
+\title{Package \texttt{countriesofeurope}}
+\subtitle{Printing all european countries as a character of a font (v.\,0.23)}
+\author{Rolf Niepraschk\\Herbert Voß\\Ingo Zimmermann}
+\docauthor{Herbert Voß}
+This package defines the two macros \Lcs{countriesofeuropefamily} (short version is \Lcs{CoEF}) 
+and \Lcs{EUCountry}\verb|[options]{name}|,
+which allow to print one of the european countries as a single character with the given scaling or
+with an individual scaling.
+The first one switches
+to the font encoding \verb|U| (Type 1) or \verb|TU| (OpenType) and loads the font and the second 
+one does the same but also with
+printing the character which the given name, e.\,g. for Finland: \verb|\EUCountry[Scale=0.2]{Germany}|$\rightarrow$%
+The font can be loaded
+with an optional argument for the scaling factor, which is preset to 1:
+\usepackage[Scale=10]{countriesofeurope}%   scaled to 10
+\section{Default use}
+The countris itself are available by a macro from the following list. The characters are
+at the position 128--166 in the Type~1 font \LFile{countriesofeurope.pfb} and also available
+with the \verb|\char| primitive. The following table shows the countries in their original size
+with a scaling of 7.5:
+\Country{Albania} & 
+\Country{Andorra} & 
+\Country{Austria} & 
+\Country{Belarus} \\ 
+\Country{Belgium} &
+\Country{Bosnia} & 
+\Country{Bulgaria} & 
+\Country{Croatia} \\ 
+\Country{Czechia} & 
+\Country{Denmark} &
+\Country{Estonia} & 
+\Country{Finland} \\ 
+\Country{France} & 
+\Country{Germany} & 
+\Country{GreatBritain} &
+\Country{Greece} \\
+\Country{Hungary} & 
+\Country{Iceland} & 
+\Country{Ireland} & 
+\Country{Italy} \\
+\Country{Latvia} & 
+\Country{Liechtenstein} & 
+\Country{Lithuania} & 
+\Country{Luxembourg} \\ 
+\Country{Macedonia} &
+\Country{Malta} & 
+\Country{Moldova} & 
+\Country{Montenegro} \\ 
+\Country{Netherlands} & 
+\Country{Norway} &
+\Country{Poland} & 
+\Country{Portugal} \\ 
+\Country{Romania} & 
+\Country{Serbia} & 
+\Country{Slovakia} &
+\Country{Slovenia} \\ 
+\Country{Spain} & 
+\Country{Sweden} & 
+The countries in the original size with the given bounding box and the text command \verb|\huge|:
+%  \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{}
+  \fontspec[Scale=1]{countriesofeurope.otf}
+  \huge
+  \setcounter{N}{63724}%
+  \whiledo{\value{N} > 63686}{%
+    \fbox{\symbol{\value{N}}}%
+    \addtocounter{N}{-1}}
+  \huge
+  \setcounter{N}{128}%
+  \whiledo{\value{N} < 167}{%
+    \fbox{\symbol{\value{N}}}%
+    \stepcounter{N}}
+\section{Outline font}
+All countries can be printed as outline, e.\,g.:
+  \CoEF
+  \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{}
+\Country[outline]{Albania} & 
+\Country[outline]{Andorra} & 
+\Country[outline]{Austria} & 
+\Country[outline]{Belarus} \\ 
+\Country[outline]{Belgium} &
+\Country[outline]{Bosnia} & 
+\Country[outline]{Bulgaria} & 
+\Country[outline]{Croatia} \\ 
+\Country[outline]{Czechia} & 
+\Country[outline]{Denmark} &
+\Country[outline]{Estonia} & 
+\Country[outline]{Finland} \\ 
+\Country[outline]{France} & 
+\Country[outline]{Germany} & 
+\Country[outline]{GreatBritain} &
+\Country[outline]{Greece} \\
+\Country[outline]{Hungary} & 
+\Country[outline]{Iceland} & 
+\Country[outline]{Ireland} & 
+\Country[outline]{Italy} \\
+\Country[outline]{Latvia} & 
+\Country[outline]{Liechtenstein} & 
+\Country[outline]{Lithuania} & 
+\Country[outline]{Luxembourg} \\ 
+\Country[outline]{Macedonia} &
+\Country[outline]{Malta} & 
+\Country[outline]{Moldova} & 
+\Country[outline]{Montenegro} \\ 
+\Country[outline]{Netherlands} & 
+\Country[outline]{Norway} &
+\Country[outline]{Poland} & 
+\Country[outline]{Portugal} \\ 
+\Country[outline]{Romania} & 
+\Country[outline]{Serbia} & 
+\Country[outline]{Slovakia} &
+\Country[outline]{Slovenia} \\ 
+\Country[outline]{Spain} & 
+\Country[outline]{Sweden} & 
+The countries are internally defined as a ligature so that abreviations of the countries can be
+used for printing.
+%\CoEF ge au
+These Ligatures are enabled by default! 
+%leads to
+  \CoEF
+%  \defaultfontfeatures+[\countriesofeuropefamily]{Ligatures=Common}
+  \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{}
+\verb|{\CoEF ge GE}| $\rightarrow$ {\CoEF ge GE} 
+\begin{longtable}{ll ll}\toprule
+\emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output} & \emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output}\\\midrule
+\emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output} & \emph{Ligature} & \emph{Output}\\\midrule
+AL   & \CoEF AL   & AN   & \CoEF AN \\\hline
+AU   & \CoEF AU   & BELA & \CoEF BELA \\\hline 
+BELG & \CoEF BELG & BO   & \CoEF BO\\\hline
+BU   & \CoEF BU   & CR   & \CoEF CR\\\hline 
+CZ   & \CoEF CZ   & \TAB{DAN\\DAE}   & \CoEF DAN\\\hline
+EST  & \CoEF EST  & FI   & \CoEF FI \\\hline 
+FR   & \CoEF FR   & GE   & \CoEF GE \\
+\TAB{EN\\GREA\\BR} & \CoEF BR & GRI & \CoEF GRI \\\hline
+HU   & \CoEF HU   & IC   & \CoEF IC \\\hline 
+IR   & \CoEF IR   & IT   & \CoEF IT \\\hline
+LA   & \CoEF LA   & LIE  & \CoEF LIE\\\hline 
+LIT  & \CoEF LIT  & LU   & \CoEF LU \\\hline 
+MAC  & \CoEF MAC  & MAL  & \CoEF MAL\\\hline
+MOL  & \CoEF MOL  & MON  & \CoEF MON \\\hline 
+NE   & \CoEF NE   & NO   & \CoEF NO\\\hline
+POL  & \CoEF POL  & POR  & \CoEF POR \\\hline 
+RO   & \CoEF RO   & SE   & \CoEF SE \\\hline
+SP   & \CoEF SP   & \TAB{SWE\\SV} & \CoEF SWE\\\hline
+SWI  & \CoEF SWI & & \\\bottomrule
+%The Ligatures can also be enabled by 
+\section{Color options}
+With the optional arguments  \Lkeyword{fillcolor} and \Lkeyword{linecolor} the countries can printed with
+different colors. The option \Lkeyword{fillcolor} is only valiD, if the option \Lkeyword{outline} is
+set, too.
+  \fontspec{countriesofeurope.otf}
+  \DeclareFontShape{U}{countriesofeurope}{m}{n}{<->s*[1]countriesofeurope}{}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.afm
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.afm	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.afm	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-StartFontMetrics 2.0
-Comment Generated by FontForge 20090914
-Comment Creation Date: Mon Apr 16 13:36:09 2012
-FontName CountriesofEurope
-FullName Countries of Europe
-FamilyName Countries of Europe
-Weight Roman
-Notice (Copyright (c) 2012 by Ingo Zimmermann. Font may be used under the OFL.)
-ItalicAngle 0
-IsFixedPitch false
-UnderlinePosition -100
-UnderlineThickness 50
-Version 001.001
-EncodingScheme AdobeStandardEncoding
-FontBBox -101 -226 955 1299
-CapHeight 757
-XHeight 507
-Ascender 379
-Descender -135
-StartCharMetrics 92
-C 32 ; WX 500 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;
-C 65 ; WX 643 ; N A ; B -28 -4 522 756 ;
-C 66 ; WX 615 ; N B ; B 0 -4 472 756 ;
-C 67 ; WX 556 ; N C ; B -30 -11 461 762 ;
-C 68 ; WX 651 ; N D ; B 0 -3 527 755 ;
-C 69 ; WX 527 ; N E ; B 0 0 394 752 ;
-C 70 ; WX 499 ; N F ; B 0 -4 394 752 ;
-C 71 ; WX 654 ; N G ; B -30 -6 502 762 ;
-C 72 ; WX 671 ; N H ; B 0 -4 509 756 ;
-C 73 ; WX 265 ; N I ; B 0 -4 103 756 ;
-C 74 ; WX 291 ; N J ; B -71 -15 139 756 ;
-C 75 ; WX 618 ; N K ; B 0 -4 523 757 ;
-C 76 ; WX 459 ; N L ; B 0 0 364 756 ;
-C 77 ; WX 804 ; N M ; B 0 -4 642 755 ;
-C 78 ; WX 711 ; N N ; B 0 -4 549 756 ;
-C 79 ; WX 671 ; N O ; B -30 -11 547 762 ;
-C 80 ; WX 588 ; N P ; B 0 -4 464 752 ;
-C 81 ; WX 703 ; N Q ; B -30 -4 665 762 ;
-C 82 ; WX 620 ; N R ; B 0 -5 496 754 ;
-C 83 ; WX 589 ; N S ; B -20 -11 456 758 ;
-C 84 ; WX 493 ; N T ; B -101 -4 408 752 ;
-C 85 ; WX 671 ; N U ; B 0 -11 519 756 ;
-C 86 ; WX 632 ; N V ; B -40 -4 513 759 ;
-C 87 ; WX 935 ; N W ; B -60 -4 830 759 ;
-C 88 ; WX 622 ; N X ; B -60 -5 508 759 ;
-C 89 ; WX 574 ; N Y ; B -60 -4 479 759 ;
-C 90 ; WX 545 ; N Z ; B -34 0 440 752 ;
-C 97 ; WX 500 ; N a ; B -20 -7 357 507 ;
-C 98 ; WX 514 ; N b ; B 0 -8 400 756 ;
-C 99 ; WX 376 ; N c ; B -30 -8 271 506 ;
-C 100 ; WX 512 ; N d ; B -30 -8 369 756 ;
-C 101 ; WX 496 ; N e ; B -30 -6 386 507 ;
-C 102 ; WX 315 ; N f ; B 0 -4 230 759 ;
-C 103 ; WX 512 ; N g ; B -30 -225 369 507 ;
-C 104 ; WX 519 ; N h ; B 0 -4 380 756 ;
-C 105 ; WX 237 ; N i ; B -7 -3 98 682 ;
-C 106 ; WX 247 ; N j ; B -81 -222 104 682 ;
-C 107 ; WX 474 ; N k ; B 0 -7 390 756 ;
-C 108 ; WX 234 ; N l ; B 0 -4 90 757 ;
-C 109 ; WX 770 ; N m ; B 0 -4 631 505 ;
-C 110 ; WX 509 ; N n ; B 0 -4 370 507 ;
-C 111 ; WX 492 ; N o ; B -30 -8 381 507 ;
-C 112 ; WX 514 ; N p ; B 0 -226 400 507 ;
-C 113 ; WX 512 ; N q ; B -30 -226 369 507 ;
-C 114 ; WX 329 ; N r ; B 0 -4 243 507 ;
-C 115 ; WX 449 ; N s ; B -20 -7 325 507 ;
-C 116 ; WX 310 ; N t ; B 0 -4 225 640 ;
-C 117 ; WX 506 ; N u ; B 0 -10 371 504 ;
-C 118 ; WX 481 ; N v ; B -50 -4 395 505 ;
-C 119 ; WX 768 ; N w ; B -50 -4 682 505 ;
-C 120 ; WX 504 ; N x ; B -42 -6 410 507 ;
-C 121 ; WX 513 ; N y ; B 0 -225 370 501 ;
-C 122 ; WX 448 ; N z ; B -21 0 324 500 ;
-C -1 ; WX 174 ; N Albania ; B 18 0 163 275 ;
-C -1 ; WX 59 ; N Andorra ; B 25 1 48 26 ;
-C -1 ; WX 514 ; N Austria ; B 6 1 485 251 ;
-C -1 ; WX 554 ; N Belarus ; B 22 -35 540 462 ;
-C -1 ; WX 253 ; N Belgium ; B 10 0 229 190 ;
-C -1 ; WX 311 ; N Bosnia ; B 10 0 287 250 ;
-C -1 ; WX 463 ; N Bulgaria ; B 19 0 443 330 ;
-C -1 ; WX 436 ; N Croatia ; B 23 0 415 370 ;
-C -1 ; WX 455 ; N Czechia ; B 23 0 439 233 ;
-C -1 ; WX 404 ; N Denmark ; B 29 -3 403 299 ;
-C -1 ; WX 342 ; N Estonia ; B 20 -3 317 208 ;
-C -1 ; WX 580 ; N Finland ; B 14 -42 569 974 ;
-C -1 ; WX 938 ; N France ; B 9 -142 918 800 ;
-C -1 ; WX 578 ; N Germany ; B 23 -23 556 715 ;
-C -1 ; WX 533 ; N GreatBritain ; B 4 -134 520 955 ;
-C -1 ; WX 749 ; N Greece ; B 10 -30 737 647 ;
-C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Hungary ; B 16 1 428 295 ;
-C -1 ; WX 452 ; N Iceland ; B 24 -1 438 343 ;
-C -1 ; WX 320 ; N Ireland ; B 13 0 296 335 ;
-C -1 ; WX 876 ; N Italy ; B 13 -29 863 953 ;
-C -1 ; WX 425 ; N Latvia ; B 24 6 404 236 ;
-C -1 ; WX 65 ; N Liechtenstein ; B 40 1 48 22 ;
-C -1 ; WX 347 ; N Lithuania ; B 13 1 325 257 ;
-C -1 ; WX 89 ; N Luxembourg ; B 32 1 79 72 ;
-C -1 ; WX 221 ; N Macedonia ; B 25 1 203 160 ;
-C -1 ; WX 47 ; N Malta ; B 1 3 32 30 ;
-C -1 ; WX 282 ; N Moldova ; B 7 -5 269 262 ;
-C -1 ; WX 154 ; N Montenegro ; B 19 0 146 154 ;
-C -1 ; WX 259 ; N Netherlands ; B 6 0 238 266 ;
-C -1 ; WX 959 ; N Norway ; B 9 -29 955 1299 ;
-C -1 ; WX 655 ; N Poland ; B 23 0 628 523 ;
-C -1 ; WX 325 ; N Portugal ; B 20 5 318 487 ;
-C -1 ; WX 668 ; N Romania ; B 17 0 650 466 ;
-C -1 ; WX 347 ; N Serbia ; B 14 0 335 408 ;
-C -1 ; WX 371 ; N Slovakia ; B 23 0 360 190 ;
-C -1 ; WX 233 ; N Slovenia ; B 12 0 217 152 ;
-C -1 ; WX 943 ; N Spain ; B 24 -118 939 746 ;
-C -1 ; WX 538 ; N Sweden ; B 15 -60 524 1274 ;
-C -1 ; WX 331 ; N Switzerland ; B 19 -12 312 178 ;

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.afm
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.afm	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.afm	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+StartFontMetrics 2.0
+Comment Generated by FontForge 20090914
+Comment Creation Date: Mon Apr 16 13:36:09 2012
+FontName CountriesofEurope
+FullName Countries of Europe
+FamilyName Countries of Europe
+Weight Roman
+Notice (Copyright (c) 2012 by Ingo Zimmermann. Font may be used under the OFL.)
+ItalicAngle 0
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+C 32 ; WX 500 ; N space ; B 0 0 0 0 ;
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+C 102 ; WX 315 ; N f ; B 0 -4 230 759 ;
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+C 105 ; WX 237 ; N i ; B -7 -3 98 682 ;
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+C 121 ; WX 513 ; N y ; B 0 -225 370 501 ;
+C 122 ; WX 448 ; N z ; B -21 0 324 500 ;
+C -1 ; WX 174 ; N Albania ; B 18 0 163 275 ;
+C -1 ; WX 59 ; N Andorra ; B 25 1 48 26 ;
+C -1 ; WX 514 ; N Austria ; B 6 1 485 251 ;
+C -1 ; WX 554 ; N Belarus ; B 22 -35 540 462 ;
+C -1 ; WX 253 ; N Belgium ; B 10 0 229 190 ;
+C -1 ; WX 311 ; N Bosnia ; B 10 0 287 250 ;
+C -1 ; WX 463 ; N Bulgaria ; B 19 0 443 330 ;
+C -1 ; WX 436 ; N Croatia ; B 23 0 415 370 ;
+C -1 ; WX 455 ; N Czechia ; B 23 0 439 233 ;
+C -1 ; WX 404 ; N Denmark ; B 29 -3 403 299 ;
+C -1 ; WX 342 ; N Estonia ; B 20 -3 317 208 ;
+C -1 ; WX 580 ; N Finland ; B 14 -42 569 974 ;
+C -1 ; WX 938 ; N France ; B 9 -142 918 800 ;
+C -1 ; WX 578 ; N Germany ; B 23 -23 556 715 ;
+C -1 ; WX 533 ; N GreatBritain ; B 4 -134 520 955 ;
+C -1 ; WX 749 ; N Greece ; B 10 -30 737 647 ;
+C -1 ; WX 444 ; N Hungary ; B 16 1 428 295 ;
+C -1 ; WX 452 ; N Iceland ; B 24 -1 438 343 ;
+C -1 ; WX 320 ; N Ireland ; B 13 0 296 335 ;
+C -1 ; WX 876 ; N Italy ; B 13 -29 863 953 ;
+C -1 ; WX 425 ; N Latvia ; B 24 6 404 236 ;
+C -1 ; WX 65 ; N Liechtenstein ; B 40 1 48 22 ;
+C -1 ; WX 347 ; N Lithuania ; B 13 1 325 257 ;
+C -1 ; WX 89 ; N Luxembourg ; B 32 1 79 72 ;
+C -1 ; WX 221 ; N Macedonia ; B 25 1 203 160 ;
+C -1 ; WX 47 ; N Malta ; B 1 3 32 30 ;
+C -1 ; WX 282 ; N Moldova ; B 7 -5 269 262 ;
+C -1 ; WX 154 ; N Montenegro ; B 19 0 146 154 ;
+C -1 ; WX 259 ; N Netherlands ; B 6 0 238 266 ;
+C -1 ; WX 959 ; N Norway ; B 9 -29 955 1299 ;
+C -1 ; WX 655 ; N Poland ; B 23 0 628 523 ;
+C -1 ; WX 325 ; N Portugal ; B 20 5 318 487 ;
+C -1 ; WX 668 ; N Romania ; B 17 0 650 466 ;
+C -1 ; WX 347 ; N Serbia ; B 14 0 335 408 ;
+C -1 ; WX 371 ; N Slovakia ; B 23 0 360 190 ;
+C -1 ; WX 233 ; N Slovenia ; B 12 0 217 152 ;
+C -1 ; WX 943 ; N Spain ; B 24 -118 939 746 ;
+C -1 ; WX 538 ; N Sweden ; B 15 -60 524 1274 ;
+C -1 ; WX 331 ; N Switzerland ; B 19 -12 312 178 ;

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/afm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.afm
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
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--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/enc/dvips/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.enc	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
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-] def
-% Command line: 'otftotfm CountriesofEurope.otf foo'

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+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
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+  /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O
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+  /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o
+  /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
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+  /Albania /Andorra /Austria /Belarus /Belgium /Bosnia /Bulgaria /Croatia
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+  /Hungary /Iceland /Ireland /Italy /Latvia /Liechtenstein /Lithuania /Luxembourg
+  /Macedonia /Malta /Moldova /Montenegro /Netherlands /Norway /Poland /Portugal
+  /Romania /Serbia /Slovakia /Slovenia /Spain /Sweden /Switzerland /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+  /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+] def
+% Command line: 'otftotfm countriesofeurope.otf foo'

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Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
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--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.map	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
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@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-CountriesofEurope CountriesofEurope "CountriesofEurope ReEncodeFont" <CountriesofEurope.enc <CountriesofEurope.pfb

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.map
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.map	                        (rev 0)
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
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Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/map/dvips/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.map
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.otf
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Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.otf	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
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Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tfm
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Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tfm
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tfm	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
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Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/tfm/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.tfm
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
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(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pfb
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pfb
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pfb	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
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Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/type1/public/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.pfb
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.sty	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/countriesofeurope/CountriesofEurope.sty	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -1,159 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `CountriesofEurope.sty',
-%% Copyright (C) 2016-
-%% Rolf Niepraschk, Herbert Voss
-%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-  [2018/12/27 v0.22 CountriesofEurope Font (hv,RN)]
-\newcommand*\CountriesofEurope at scale{1}
-\DeclareOptionX{Scale}{\renewcommand*\CountriesofEurope at scale{#1}}
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-    \def\unset at Outline{\pdfextension literal direct { 0 Tr 0 w }\relax}
-    \def\set at Outline{\pdfliteral direct { 1 Tr 0 w }\relax}
-    \def\unset at Outline{\pdfliteral direct { 0 Tr 0 w }\relax}
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-  \CountriesofEuropeFamily\scalebox{\CoE at Scale}{%
-  \ifCoE at outline\set at Outline\fi
-  \csname#2\endcsname
-  \ifCoE at outline\unset at Outline\fi
-  }}}
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-  \RequirePackage{fontspec}
-  \newfontface\CountriesofEuropeFamily{CountriesofEurope.otf}[Scale=\CountriesofEurope at scale]
-  \let\CoEF\CountriesofEuropeFamily
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Albania}{TU}{\char"F8EC}% 63724
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Andorra}{TU}{\char"F8EB}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Austria}{TU}{\char"F8EA}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Belarus}{TU}{\char"F8E9}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Belgium}{TU}{\char"F8E8}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Bosnia}{TU}{\char"F8E7}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Bulgaria}{TU}{\char"F8E6}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Croatia}{TU}{\char"F8E5}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Czechia}{TU}{\char"F8E4}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Denmark}{TU}{\char"F8E3}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Estonia}{TU}{\char"F8E2}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Finland}{TU}{\char"F8E1}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\France}{TU}{\char"F8E0}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Germany}{TU}{\char"F8DF}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\GreatBritain}{TU}{\char"F8DE}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Greece}{TU}{\char"F8DD}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Hungary}{TU}{\char"F8DC}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Iceland}{TU}{\char"F8DB}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Ireland}{TU}{\char"F8DA}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Italy}{TU}{\char"F8D9}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Latvia}{TU}{\char"F8D8}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Liechtenstein}{TU}{\char"F8D7}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Lithuania}{TU}{\char"F8D6}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Luxembourg}{TU}{\char"F8D5}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Macedonia}{TU}{\char"F8D4}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Malta}{TU}{\char"F8D3}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Moldova}{TU}{\char"F8D2}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Montenegro}{TU}{\char"F8D1}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Netherlands}{TU}{\char"F8D0}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Norway}{TU}{\char"F8CF}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Poland}{TU}{\char"F8CE}
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-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Slovenia}{TU}{\char"F8C9}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Spain}{TU}{\char"F8C8}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Sweden}{TU}{\char"F8C7}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Switzerland}{TU}{\char"F8C6}% 63686
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-  \providecommand\CountriesofEuropeFamily{\usefont{U}{CountriesofEurope}{m}{n}}
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-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Andorra}{U}{\char129}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Austria}{U}{\char130}
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-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Belgium}{U}{\char132}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Bosnia}{U}{\char133}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Bulgaria}{U}{\char134}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Croatia}{U}{\char135}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Czechia}{U}{\char136}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Denmark}{U}{\char137}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Estonia}{U}{\char138}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Finland}{U}{\char139}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\France}{U}{\char140}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Germany}{U}{\char141}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\GreatBritain}{U}{\char142}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Greece}{U}{\char143}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Hungary}{U}{\char144}
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-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Italy}{U}{\char147}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Latvia}{U}{\char148}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Liechtenstein}{U}{\char149}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Lithuania}{U}{\char150}
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-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Macedonia}{U}{\char152}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Malta}{U}{\char153}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Moldova}{U}{\char154}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Montenegro}{U}{\char155}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Netherlands}{U}{\char156}
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-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Poland}{U}{\char158}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Portugal}{U}{\char159}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Romania}{U}{\char160}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Serbia}{U}{\char161}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Slovakia}{U}{\char162}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Slovenia}{U}{\char163}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Spain}{U}{\char164}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Sweden}{U}{\char165}
-  \DeclareTextCommand{\Switzerland}{U}{\char166}
-% otftotfm --encoding=CountriesofEurope.enc --no-map CountriesofEurope.otf CountriesofEurope
-  \Albania \Andorra \Austria \Belarus \Belgium \Bosnia \Bulgaria \Croatia
-  \Czechia \Denmark \Estonia \Finland \France \Germania \GreatBritain \Greece
-  \Hungary \Iceland \Ireland \Italy \Latvia \Liechtenstein \Lithuania \Luxembourg
-  \Macedonia \Malta \Moldova \Montenegro \Netherlands \Norway \Poland \Portugal
-  \Romania \Serbia \Slovakia \Slovenia \Spain \Sweden \Switzerland

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.sty	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+%% This is file `CountriesofEurope.sty',
+%% Copyright (C) 2016-
+%% Rolf Niepraschk, Herbert Voss
+%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+  [2018/12/29 v0.23 countriesofeurope Font (hv,RN)]
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+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Albania}{TU}{\char"F8EC}% 63724
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+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Austria}{TU}{\char"F8EA}
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+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Denmark}{TU}{\char"F8E3}
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+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Bosnia}{U}{\char133}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Bulgaria}{U}{\char134}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Croatia}{U}{\char135}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Czechia}{U}{\char136}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Denmark}{U}{\char137}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Estonia}{U}{\char138}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Finland}{U}{\char139}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\France}{U}{\char140}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Germany}{U}{\char141}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\GreatBritain}{U}{\char142}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Greece}{U}{\char143}
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+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Lithuania}{U}{\char150}
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+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Malta}{U}{\char153}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Moldova}{U}{\char154}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Montenegro}{U}{\char155}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Netherlands}{U}{\char156}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Norway}{U}{\char157}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Poland}{U}{\char158}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Portugal}{U}{\char159}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Romania}{U}{\char160}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Serbia}{U}{\char161}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Slovakia}{U}{\char162}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Slovenia}{U}{\char163}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Spain}{U}{\char164}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Sweden}{U}{\char165}
+  \DeclareTextCommand{\Switzerland}{U}{\char166}
+% otftotfm --encoding=countriesofeurope.enc --no-map countriesofeurope.otf countriesofeurope
+  \Albania \Andorra \Austria \Belarus \Belgium \Bosnia \Bulgaria \Croatia
+  \Czechia \Denmark \Estonia \Finland \France \Germania \GreatBritain \Greece
+  \Hungary \Iceland \Ireland \Italy \Latvia \Liechtenstein \Lithuania \Luxembourg
+  \Macedonia \Malta \Moldova \Montenegro \Netherlands \Norway \Poland \Portugal
+  \Romania \Serbia \Slovakia \Slovenia \Spain \Sweden \Switzerland

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/countriesofeurope/countriesofeurope.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/countriesofeurope.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/countriesofeurope.tlpsrc	2019-10-04 20:49:11 UTC (rev 52284)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/countriesofeurope.tlpsrc	2019-10-04 20:49:55 UTC (rev 52285)
@@ -1 +1 @@
-execute addMap CountriesofEurope.map
+execute addMap ${PKGNAME}.map

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