texlive[52984] Master: luacolor (30nov19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Nov 30 23:18:24 CET 2019

Revision: 52984
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-11-30 23:18:23 +0100 (Sat, 30 Nov 2019)
Log Message:
luacolor (30nov19)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/README.md	2019-11-30 22:18:23 UTC (rev 52984)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# luacolor
+luacolor package for LaTeX
+Package luacolor implements color support based
+on LuaTeX's node attributes.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/README.md
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/luacolor.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/luacolor.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/luacolor.pdf	2019-11-30 22:17:47 UTC (rev 52983)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/luacolor.pdf	2019-11-30 22:18:23 UTC (rev 52984)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/luacolor/luacolor.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/luacolor/luacolor.lua
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/luacolor/luacolor.lua	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/luacolor/luacolor.lua	2019-11-30 22:18:23 UTC (rev 52984)
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+--  This is file `luacolor.lua',
+--  generated with the docstrip utility.
+--  The original source files were:
+--  luacolor.dtx  (with options: `lua')
+--  This is a generated file.
+--  Project: luacolor
+--  Version: 2019/11/29 v1.13
+--  Copyright (C)
+--     2007, 2009-2011 Heiko Oberdiek
+--     2016-2019 Oberdiek Package Support Group
+--  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+--  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+--  version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+--  version. This version of this license is in
+--     https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
+--  and the latest version of this license is in
+--     https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+--  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+--  LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+--  This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+--  The Current Maintainers of this work are
+--  Heiko Oberdiek and the Oberdiek Package Support Group
+--  https://github.com/ho-tex/luacolor/issues
+--  This work consists of the main source file luacolor.dtx
+--  and the derived files
+--     luacolor.sty, luacolor.pdf, luacolor.ins, luacolor.drv,
+--     luacolor-test1.tex, luacolor-test2.tex, luacolor-test3.tex,
+--     luacolor.lua,
+oberdiek = oberdiek or {}
+local luacolor = oberdiek.luacolor or {}
+oberdiek.luacolor = luacolor
+function luacolor.getversion()
+  tex.write("2019/11/29 v1.13")
+local ifpdf = tonumber(tex.outputmode or tex.pdfoutput) > 0
+local prefix
+local prefixes = {
+  dvips   = "color ",
+  dvipdfm = "pdf:sc ",
+  truetex = "textcolor:",
+  pctexps = "ps::",
+local patterns = {
+  ["^color "]            = "dvips",
+  ["^pdf: *begincolor "] = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *bcolor "]     = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *bc "]         = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *setcolor "]   = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *scolor "]     = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *sc "]         = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^textcolor:"]        = "truetex",
+  ["^ps::"]              = "pctexps",
+local function info(msg, term)
+  local target = "log"
+  if term then
+    target = "term and log"
+  end
+  texio.write_nl(target, "Package luacolor info: " .. msg .. ".")
+  texio.write_nl(target, "")
+function luacolor.dvidetect()
+  local v = tex.box[0]
+  assert(v.id == node.id("hlist"))
+  for v in node.traverse_id(node.id("whatsit"), v.head) do
+    if v and v.subtype == node.subtype("special") then
+      local data = v.data
+      for pattern, driver in pairs(patterns) do
+        if string.find(data, pattern) then
+          prefix = prefixes[driver]
+          tex.write(driver)
+          return
+        end
+      end
+      info("\\special{" .. data .. "}", true)
+      return
+    end
+  end
+  info("Missing \\special", true)
+local map = {
+  n = 0,
+function luacolor.get(color)
+  tex.write("" .. luacolor.getvalue(color))
+function luacolor.getvalue(color)
+  local n = map[color]
+  if not n then
+    n = map.n + 1
+    map.n = n
+    map[n] = color
+    map[color] = n
+  end
+  return n
+local attribute
+function luacolor.setattribute(attr)
+  attribute = attr
+function luacolor.getattribute()
+  return attribute
+local LIST = 1
+local LIST_LEADERS = 2
+local LIST_DISC = 3
+local COLOR = 4
+local RULE = node.id("rule")
+local node_types = {
+  [node.id("hlist")] = LIST,
+  [node.id("vlist")] = LIST,
+  [node.id("rule")]  = COLOR,
+  [node.id("glyph")] = COLOR,
+  [node.id("disc")]  = LIST_DISC,
+  [node.id("whatsit")] = {
+    [node.subtype("special")] = COLOR,
+    [node.subtype("pdf_literal")] = COLOR,
+    [node.subtype("pdf_save")] = COLOR,
+    [node.subtype("pdf_restore")] = COLOR, -- probably not needed
+-- TODO (DPC)    [node.subtype("pdf_refximage")] = COLOR,
+  },
+  [node.id("glue")] =
+    function(n)
+      if n.subtype >= 100 then -- leaders
+        if n.leader.id == RULE then
+          return COLOR
+        else
+          return LIST_LEADERS
+        end
+      end
+    end,
+local function get_type(n)
+  local ret = node_types[n.id]
+  if type(ret) == 'table' then
+    ret = ret[n.subtype]
+  end
+  if type(ret) == 'function' then
+    ret = ret(n)
+  end
+  return ret
+local mode = 2 -- luatex.pdfliteral.direct
+local WHATSIT = node.id("whatsit")
+local SPECIAL = node.subtype("special")
+local PDFLITERAL = node.subtype("pdf_literal")
+local DRY_FALSE = false
+local DRY_TRUE = true
+local function traverse(list, color, dry)
+  if not list then
+    return color
+  end
+  local head
+  if get_type(list) == LIST then
+    head = list.head
+  elseif get_type(list) == LIST_DISC then
+    head = list.replace
+  else
+    texio.write_nl("!!! Error: Wrong list type: " .. node.type(list.id))
+    return color
+  end
+  for n in node.traverse(head) do
+    local t = get_type(n)
+    if t == LIST or t == LIST_DISC then
+      color = traverse(n, color, dry)
+    elseif t == LIST_LEADERS then
+      local color_after = traverse(n.leader, color, DRY_TRUE)
+      if color == color_after then
+        traverse(n.leader, color, DRY_FALSE or dry)
+      else
+        traverse(n.leader, '', DRY_FALSE or dry)
+        color = ''
+      end
+    elseif t == COLOR then
+      local v = node.has_attribute(n, attribute)
+      if v then
+        local newColor = map[v]
+        if newColor ~= color then
+          color = newColor
+          if dry == DRY_FALSE then
+            local newNode
+            if ifpdf then
+              newNode = node.new(WHATSIT, PDFLITERAL)
+              newNode.mode = mode
+              newNode.data = color
+            else
+              newNode = node.new(WHATSIT, SPECIAL)
+              newNode.data = prefix .. color
+            end
+            head = node.insert_before(head, n, newNode)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if get_type(list) == LIST then
+    list.head = head
+  else
+    list.replace = head
+  end
+  return color
+function luacolor.process(box)
+  local color = ""
+  local list = tex.getbox(box)
+  traverse(list, color, DRY_FALSE)
+--  End of File `luacolor.lua'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/luacolor/luacolor.lua
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/luacolor/luacolor.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/luacolor/luacolor.dtx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/luacolor/luacolor.dtx	2019-11-30 22:18:23 UTC (rev 52984)
@@ -0,0 +1,1244 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% File: luacolor.dtx
+% Version: 2019/11/29 v1.13
+% Info: Color support via LuaTeX's attributes
+% Copyright (C)
+%    2007, 2009-2011 Heiko Oberdiek
+%    2016-2019 Oberdiek Package Support Group
+%    https://github.com/ho-tex/luacolor/issues
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. This version of this license is in
+%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
+% and the latest version of this license is in
+%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+% The Current Maintainers of this work are
+% Heiko Oberdiek and the Oberdiek Package Support Group
+% https://github.com/ho-tex/luacolor/issues
+% This work consists of the main source file luacolor.dtx
+% and the derived files
+%    luacolor.sty, luacolor.pdf, luacolor.lua,
+% Distribution:
+%    CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/luacolor/luacolor.dtx
+%    CTAN:macros/latex/contrib/luacolor/luacolor.pdf
+% Unpacking:
+%    (a) If luacolor.ins is present:
+%           tex luacolor.ins
+%    (b) Without luacolor.ins:
+%           tex luacolor.dtx
+%    (c) If you insist on using LaTeX
+%           latex \let\install=y\input{luacolor.dtx}
+%        (quote the arguments according to the demands of your shell)
+% Documentation:
+%    (a) If luacolor.drv is present:
+%           latex luacolor.drv
+%    (b) Without luacolor.drv:
+%           latex luacolor.dtx; ...
+%    The class ltxdoc loads the configuration file ltxdoc.cfg
+%    if available. Here you can specify further options, e.g.
+%    use A4 as paper format:
+%       \PassOptionsToClass{a4paper}{article}
+%    Programm calls to get the documentation (example):
+%       pdflatex luacolor.dtx
+%       makeindex -s gind.ist luacolor.idx
+%       pdflatex luacolor.dtx
+%       makeindex -s gind.ist luacolor.idx
+%       pdflatex luacolor.dtx
+% Installation:
+%    TDS:tex/latex/luacolor/luacolor.sty
+%    TDS:scripts/luacolor/luacolor.lua
+%    TDS:doc/latex/luacolor/luacolor.pdf
+%    TDS:source/latex/luacolor/luacolor.dtx
+  \catcode123=1 %
+  \catcode125=2 %
+  \def\x{LaTeX2e}%
+\ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter
+         \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi
+         \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax
+\else\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package: luacolor 2019/11/29 v1.13 Color support via LuaTeX's attributes (HO)}
+This is a generated file.
+Project: luacolor
+Version: 2019/11/29 v1.13
+Copyright (C)
+   2007, 2009-2011 Heiko Oberdiek
+   2016-2019 Oberdiek Package Support Group
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. This version of this license is in
+   https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
+and the latest version of this license is in
+   https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+The Current Maintainers of this work are
+Heiko Oberdiek and the Oberdiek Package Support Group
+This work consists of the main source file luacolor.dtx
+and the derived files
+   luacolor.sty, luacolor.pdf, luacolor.ins, luacolor.drv,
+   luacolor-test1.tex, luacolor-test2.tex, luacolor-test3.tex,
+   luacolor.lua,
+  \file{luacolor.ins}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{install}}%
+  \file{luacolor.drv}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{driver}}%
+  \usedir{tex/latex/luacolor}%
+  \file{luacolor.sty}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{package}}%
+%  \usedir{doc/latex/luacolor/test}%
+%  \file{luacolor-test1.tex}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{test1}}%
+%  \file{luacolor-test2.tex}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{test2}}%
+%  \file{luacolor-test3.tex}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{test3}}%
+  \nopreamble
+  \nopostamble
+%  \usedir{source/latex/luacolor/catalogue}%
+%  \file{luacolor.xml}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{catalogue}}%
+\def\MetaPrefix{-- }
+  \MetaPrefix^^J%
+  \MetaPrefix\space End of File `\outFileName'.%
+  \usedir{scripts/luacolor}%
+%  \file{oberdiek.luacolor.lua}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{lua}}%
+  \file{luacolor.lua}{\from{luacolor.dtx}{lua}}%
+\catcode32=13\relax% active space
+\let =\space%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{*     luacolor.sty}
+\Msg{* And install the following script file:}
+\Msg{*     luacolor.lua,}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `luacolor.dtx'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+  [2019/11/29 v1.13 Color support via LuaTeX's attributes (HO)]%
+\g at addto@macro\MakePrivateLetters{%
+  \@makeother\_%
+  \DocInput{luacolor.dtx}%
+% \fi
+% \CharacterTable
+%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
+%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
+%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
+%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
+%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
+%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
+%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
+%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
+%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
+%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
+%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+% \GetFileInfo{luacolor.drv}
+% \title{The \xpackage{luacolor} package}
+% \date{2019/11/29 v1.13}
+% \author{Heiko Oberdiek\thanks
+% {Please report any issues at \url{https://github.com/ho-tex/luacolor/issues}}}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}
+% Package \xpackage{luacolor} implements color support based
+% on \LuaTeX's node attributes.
+% \end{abstract}
+% \tableofcontents
+% \section{Documentation}
+% \subsection{Introduction}
+% This package uses a \LuaTeX's attribute register to
+% to annotate nodes with color information.
+% If a color is set, then the attribute register
+% is set to this color and all nodes created in its scope
+% (current group) are annotated with this attribute.
+% Now the color property behaves much the same way
+% as the font property.
+% \subsection{Usage}
+% Package \xpackage{color} is loaded automatically by this
+% package \xpackage{luacolor}. If you need a special driver
+% option or you prefer package \xpackage{xcolor}, then load
+% it before package \xpackage{luacolor}, for example:
+% \begin{quote}
+%   |\usepackage[dvipdfmx]{xcolor}|
+% \end{quote}
+% The package \xpackage{luacolor} is loaded without options:
+% \begin{quote}
+%   |\usepackage{luacolor}|
+% \end{quote}
+% It is able to detect PDF mode and DVI drivers are
+% differentiated by its color specials. Therefore the
+% package do need driver options.
+% Then it redefines the color setting commands to set
+% attributes instead of whatsits for color.
+% At last the attribute annotations of the nodes in the
+% output box must be analyzed to insert the necessary color whatsits.
+% Currently \LuaTeX\ lacks an appropriate callback function.
+% Therefore package \xpackage{atbegshi} is used to get control
+% before a box is shipped out.
+% \begin{declcs}{luacolorProcessBox} \M{box}
+% \end{declcs}
+% Macro \cs{luacolorProcessBox} processes the box \meta{box}
+% in the previously described manner. It is automatically
+% called for pages, but not for XForm objects.
+% Before passing a box to \cs{pdfxform}, call \cs{luacolorProcessBox}
+% first.
+% \subsection{Limitations}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[Ligatures with different colored components:]
+%   Package \xpackage{luacolor} sees the ligature after
+%   the paragraph building and page breaking, when a
+%   page is to be shipped out. Therefore it cannot
+%   break ligatures, because the components might occupy
+%   different space. Therefore it is the respondibility
+%   of the ligature forming process to deal with different
+%   colored glyphs that form a ligature. The user can avoid
+%   the problem entirely by explicitly breaking the ligature
+%   at the places where the color changes.
+%  \item \dots
+% \end{description}
+% \StopEventually{
+% }
+% \section{Implementation}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Catcodes and identification}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \catcode13=5 % ^^M
+  \endlinechar=13 %
+  \catcode123=1 % {
+  \catcode125=2 % }
+  \catcode64=11 % @
+  \def\x{\endgroup
+    \expandafter\edef\csname LuaCol at AtEnd\endcsname{%
+      \endlinechar=\the\endlinechar\relax
+      \catcode13=\the\catcode13\relax
+      \catcode32=\the\catcode32\relax
+      \catcode35=\the\catcode35\relax
+      \catcode61=\the\catcode61\relax
+      \catcode64=\the\catcode64\relax
+      \catcode123=\the\catcode123\relax
+      \catcode125=\the\catcode125\relax
+    }%
+  }%
+\catcode13=5 % ^^M
+\endlinechar=13 %
+\catcode35=6 % #
+\catcode64=11 % @
+\catcode123=1 % {
+\catcode125=2 % }
+\def\TMP at EnsureCode#1#2{%
+  \edef\LuaCol at AtEnd{%
+    \LuaCol at AtEnd
+    \catcode#1=\the\catcode#1\relax
+  }%
+  \catcode#1=#2\relax
+\TMP at EnsureCode{34}{12}% "
+\TMP at EnsureCode{39}{12}% '
+\TMP at EnsureCode{40}{12}% (
+\TMP at EnsureCode{41}{12}% )
+\TMP at EnsureCode{42}{12}% *
+\TMP at EnsureCode{43}{12}% +
+\TMP at EnsureCode{44}{12}% ,
+\TMP at EnsureCode{45}{12}% -
+\TMP at EnsureCode{46}{12}% .
+\TMP at EnsureCode{47}{12}% /
+\TMP at EnsureCode{58}{12}% :
+\TMP at EnsureCode{60}{12}% <
+\TMP at EnsureCode{62}{12}% >
+\TMP at EnsureCode{91}{12}% [
+\TMP at EnsureCode{93}{12}% ]
+\TMP at EnsureCode{95}{12}% _ (other!)
+\TMP at EnsureCode{96}{12}% `
+\edef\LuaCol at AtEnd{\LuaCol at AtEnd\noexpand\endinput}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    Package identification.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  [2019/11/29 v1.13 Color support via LuaTeX's attributes (HO)]
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Check for \LuaTeX}
+%    Without \LuaTeX\ there is no point in using this package.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% require ltluatex rather than luatex package support for \LuaTeX\ allocations.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifx\newattribute\@undefined
+    \RequirePackage{ltluatex}%
+ \fi
+  \@PackageError{luacolor}{%
+    This package may only be run using LuaTeX%
+  }\@ehc
+  \expandafter\LuaCol at AtEnd
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macro}{\LuaCol at directlua}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \let\LuaCol at directlua\directlua
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Check for disabled colors}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \@PackageWarningNoLine{luacolor}{%
+    Colors are disabled by option `monochrome'%
+  }%
+  \def\set at color{}%
+  \def\reset at color{}%
+  \def\set at page@color{}%
+  \def\define at color#1#2{}%
+  \expandafter\LuaCol at AtEnd
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Load module and check version}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\LuaCol at directlua{%
+  require("luacolor")%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \edef\x{\LuaCol at directlua{tex.write("2019/11/29 v1.13")}}%
+  \edef\y{%
+    \LuaCol at directlua{%
+      if oberdiek.luacolor.getversion then %
+        oberdiek.luacolor.getversion()%
+      end%
+    }%
+  }%
+  \ifx\x\y
+  \else
+    \@PackageError{luacolor}{%
+      Wrong version of lua module.\MessageBreak
+      Package version: \x\MessageBreak
+      Lua module: \y
+    }\@ehc
+  \fi
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Find driver}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \begingroup
+    \def\current at color{}%
+    \def\reset at color{}%
+    \setbox\z@=\hbox{%
+      \begingroup
+        \set at color
+      \endgroup
+    }%
+    \edef\reserved at a{%
+      \LuaCol at directlua{%
+        oberdiek.luacolor.dvidetect()%
+      }%
+    }%
+    \ifx\reserved at a\@empty
+      \@PackageError{luacolor}{%
+        DVI driver detection failed because of\MessageBreak
+        unrecognized color \string\special
+      }\@ehc
+      \endgroup
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\LuaCol at AtEnd
+    \else
+      \@PackageInfoNoLine{luacolor}{%
+        Type of color \string\special: \reserved at a
+      }%
+    \fi%
+  \endgroup
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Attribute setting}
+%    \begin{macro}{\LuaCol at Attribute}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\ltx at IfUndefined{newluatexattribute}{%
+  \newattribute\LuaCol at Attribute
+  \newluatexattribute\LuaCol at Attribute
+\ltx at IfUndefined{setluatexattribute}{%
+  \let\LuaCol at setattribute\setattribute
+  \let\LuaCol at setattribute\setluatexattribute
+\LuaCol at directlua{%
+  oberdiek.luacolor.setattribute(\number\allocationnumber)%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macro}{\set at color}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\protected\def\set at color{%
+  \LuaCol at setattribute\LuaCol at Attribute{%
+    \LuaCol at directlua{%
+      oberdiek.luacolor.get("\luaescapestring{\current at color}")%
+    }%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macro}{\reset at color}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\def\reset at color{}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Whatsit insertion}
+%    \begin{macro}{\luacolorProcessBox}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \LuaCol at directlua{%
+    oberdiek.luacolor.process(\number#1)%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \luacolorProcessBox\AtBeginShipoutBox
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    Set default color.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\set at color
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{\cs{pdfxform} support}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifx\pdfxform\@undefined
+    \let\pdfxform\saveboxresource
+  \fi
+  \ltx at IfUndefined{pdfxform}{%
+      \directlua{%
+        tex.enableprimitives('',{%
+          'pdfxform','pdflastxform','pdfrefxform'%
+        })%
+      }%
+  }{}%
+  \ltx at IfUndefined{protected}{%
+      \directlua{tex.enableprimitives('',{'protected'})}%
+  }{}%
+  \ltx at IfUndefined{pdfxform}{%
+    \@PackageWarning{luacolor}{\string\pdfxform\space not found}%
+  }{%
+    \let\LuaCol at org@pdfxform\pdfxform
+    \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname protected\endcsname\relax
+      \@PackageWarning{luacolor}{\string\protected\space not found}%
+    \else
+      \expandafter\protected
+    \fi
+    \def\pdfxform{%
+      \begingroup
+      \afterassignment\LuaCol at pdfxform
+      \count@=%
+    }%
+    \def\LuaCol at pdfxform{%
+      \luacolorProcessBox\count@
+      \LuaCol at org@pdfxform\count@
+      \endgroup
+    }%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\LuaCol at AtEnd%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Lua module}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    Box zero contains a \cs{hbox} with the color \cs{special}.
+%    That is analyzed to get the prefix for the color setting
+%    \cs{special}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+oberdiek = oberdiek or {}
+local luacolor = oberdiek.luacolor or {}
+oberdiek.luacolor = luacolor
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macro}{getversion()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+function luacolor.getversion()
+  tex.write("2019/11/29 v1.13")
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Driver detection}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local ifpdf = tonumber(tex.outputmode or tex.pdfoutput) > 0
+local prefix
+local prefixes = {
+  dvips   = "color ",
+  dvipdfm = "pdf:sc ",
+  truetex = "textcolor:",
+  pctexps = "ps::",
+local patterns = {
+  ["^color "]            = "dvips",
+  ["^pdf: *begincolor "] = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *bcolor "]     = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *bc "]         = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *setcolor "]   = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *scolor "]     = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^pdf: *sc "]         = "dvipdfm",
+  ["^textcolor:"]        = "truetex",
+  ["^ps::"]              = "pctexps",
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macro}{info()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local function info(msg, term)
+  local target = "log"
+  if term then
+    target = "term and log"
+  end
+  texio.write_nl(target, "Package luacolor info: " .. msg .. ".")
+  texio.write_nl(target, "")
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macro}{dvidetect()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+function luacolor.dvidetect()
+  local v = tex.box[0]
+  assert(v.id == node.id("hlist"))
+  for v in node.traverse_id(node.id("whatsit"), v.head) do
+    if v and v.subtype == node.subtype("special") then
+      local data = v.data
+      for pattern, driver in pairs(patterns) do
+        if string.find(data, pattern) then
+          prefix = prefixes[driver]
+          tex.write(driver)
+          return
+        end
+      end
+      info("\\special{" .. data .. "}", true)
+      return
+    end
+  end
+  info("Missing \\special", true)
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Color strings}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local map = {
+  n = 0,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macro}{get()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+function luacolor.get(color)
+  tex.write("" .. luacolor.getvalue(color))
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macro}{getvalue()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+function luacolor.getvalue(color)
+  local n = map[color]
+  if not n then
+    n = map.n + 1
+    map.n = n
+    map[n] = color
+    map[color] = n
+  end
+  return n
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Attribute register}
+%    \begin{macro}{setattribute()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local attribute
+function luacolor.setattribute(attr)
+  attribute = attr
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macro}{getattribute()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+function luacolor.getattribute()
+  return attribute
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Whatsit insertion}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local LIST = 1
+local LIST_LEADERS = 2
+local LIST_DISC = 3
+local COLOR = 4
+local RULE = node.id("rule")
+local node_types = {
+  [node.id("hlist")] = LIST,
+  [node.id("vlist")] = LIST,
+  [node.id("rule")]  = COLOR,
+  [node.id("glyph")] = COLOR,
+  [node.id("disc")]  = LIST_DISC,
+  [node.id("whatsit")] = {
+    [node.subtype("special")] = COLOR,
+    [node.subtype("pdf_literal")] = COLOR,
+    [node.subtype("pdf_save")] = COLOR,
+    [node.subtype("pdf_restore")] = COLOR, -- probably not needed
+-- TODO (DPC)    [node.subtype("pdf_refximage")] = COLOR,
+  },
+  [node.id("glue")] =
+    function(n)
+      if n.subtype >= 100 then -- leaders
+        if n.leader.id == RULE then
+          return COLOR
+        else
+          return LIST_LEADERS
+        end
+      end
+    end,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macro}{get_type()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local function get_type(n)
+  local ret = node_types[n.id]
+  if type(ret) == 'table' then
+    ret = ret[n.subtype]
+  end
+  if type(ret) == 'function' then
+    ret = ret(n)
+  end
+  return ret
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local mode = 2 -- luatex.pdfliteral.direct
+local WHATSIT = node.id("whatsit")
+local SPECIAL = node.subtype("special")
+local PDFLITERAL = node.subtype("pdf_literal")
+local DRY_FALSE = false
+local DRY_TRUE = true
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macro}{traverse()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+local function traverse(list, color, dry)
+  if not list then
+    return color
+  end
+  local head
+  if get_type(list) == LIST then
+    head = list.head
+  elseif get_type(list) == LIST_DISC then
+    head = list.replace
+  else
+    texio.write_nl("!!! Error: Wrong list type: " .. node.type(list.id))
+    return color
+  end
+%<debug>texio.write_nl("traverse: " .. node.type(list.id))
+  for n in node.traverse(head) do
+%<debug>texio.write_nl("  node: " .. node.type(n.id))
+    local t = get_type(n)
+%<debug>texio.write_nl("TYPE "..tostring(t).. " "..tostring(node.type(node.getid(n))).." ".. tostring(node.getsubtype(n)))
+    if t == LIST or t == LIST_DISC then
+      color = traverse(n, color, dry)
+    elseif t == LIST_LEADERS then
+      local color_after = traverse(n.leader, color, DRY_TRUE)
+      if color == color_after then
+        traverse(n.leader, color, DRY_FALSE or dry)
+      else
+        traverse(n.leader, '', DRY_FALSE or dry)
+% The color status is unknown here, because the leader box
+% will or will not be set.
+        color = ''
+      end
+    elseif t == COLOR then
+      local v = node.has_attribute(n, attribute)
+      if v then
+        local newColor = map[v]
+        if newColor ~= color then
+          color = newColor
+          if dry == DRY_FALSE then
+            local newNode
+            if ifpdf then
+              newNode = node.new(WHATSIT, PDFLITERAL)
+              newNode.mode = mode
+              newNode.data = color
+            else
+              newNode = node.new(WHATSIT, SPECIAL)
+              newNode.data = prefix .. color
+            end
+            head = node.insert_before(head, n, newNode)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if get_type(list) == LIST then
+    list.head = head
+  else
+    list.replace = head
+  end
+  return color
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macro}{process()}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+function luacolor.process(box)
+  local color = ""
+  local list = tex.getbox(box)
+  traverse(list, color, DRY_FALSE)
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \end{macro}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \section{Test}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Catcode checks for loading}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\catcode`\{=1 %
+\catcode`\}=2 %
+\catcode`\#=6 %
+\catcode`\@=11 %
+\expandafter\ifx\csname count@\endcsname\relax
+  \countdef\count@=255 %
+\expandafter\ifx\csname @gobble\endcsname\relax
+  \long\def\@gobble#1{}%
+\expandafter\ifx\csname @firstofone\endcsname\relax
+  \long\def\@firstofone#1{#1}%
+\expandafter\ifx\csname loop\endcsname\relax
+  \expandafter\@firstofone
+  \expandafter\@gobble
+  \def\loop#1\repeat{%
+    \def\body{#1}%
+    \iterate
+  }%
+  \def\iterate{%
+    \body
+      \let\next\iterate
+    \else
+      \let\next\relax
+    \fi
+    \next
+  }%
+  \let\repeat=\fi
+\count@=0 %
+  \edef\RestoreCatcodes{%
+    \RestoreCatcodes
+    \catcode\the\count@=\the\catcode\count@\relax
+  }%
+\ifnum\count@<255 %
+  \advance\count@ 1 %
+  \count@=#1\relax
+  \loop
+    \catcode\count@=15 %
+  \ifnum\count@<#2\relax
+    \advance\count@ 1 %
+  \repeat
+  \count@=#1\relax
+  \loop
+    \ifnum#3=\catcode\count@
+    \else
+      \errmessage{%
+        Character \the\count@\space
+        with wrong catcode \the\catcode\count@\space
+        instead of \number#3%
+      }%
+    \fi
+  \ifnum\count@<#2\relax
+    \advance\count@ 1 %
+  \repeat
+\def\space{ }
+\expandafter\ifx\csname LoadCommand\endcsname\relax
+  \def\LoadCommand{\input luacolor.sty\relax}%
+  \RangeCatcodeInvalid{0}{47}%
+  \RangeCatcodeInvalid{58}{64}%
+  \RangeCatcodeInvalid{91}{96}%
+  \RangeCatcodeInvalid{123}{255}%
+  \catcode`\@=12 %
+  \catcode`\\=0 %
+  \catcode`\%=14 %
+  \LoadCommand
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{0}{36}{15}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{37}{37}{14}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{38}{47}{15}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{48}{57}{12}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{58}{63}{15}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{64}{64}{12}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{65}{90}{11}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{91}{91}{15}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{92}{92}{0}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{93}{96}{15}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{97}{122}{11}%
+  \RangeCatcodeCheck{123}{255}{15}%
+  \RestoreCatcodes
+\csname @@end\endcsname
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Driver detection}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\ifcsname driver\endcsname
+  \expandafter\PassOptionsToPackage\expandafter{\driver}{color}%
+  \pdfoutput=0 %
+\csname @@end\endcsname
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \section{Installation}
+% \subsection{Download}
+% \paragraph{Package.} This package is available on
+% CTAN\footnote{\CTANpkg{luacolor}}:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\CTAN{macros/latex/contrib/luacolor/luacolor.dtx}] The source file.
+% \item[\CTAN{macros/latex/contrib/luacolor/luacolor.pdf}] Documentation.
+% \end{description}
+% \paragraph{Bundle.} All the packages of the bundle `luacolor'
+% are also available in a TDS compliant ZIP archive. There
+% the packages are already unpacked and the documentation files
+% are generated. The files and directories obey the TDS standard.
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\CTANinstall{install/macros/latex/contrib/luacolor.tds.zip}]
+% \end{description}
+% \emph{TDS} refers to the standard ``A Directory Structure
+% for \TeX\ Files'' (\CTANpkg{tds}). Directories
+% with \xfile{texmf} in their name are usually organized this way.
+% \subsection{Bundle installation}
+% \paragraph{Unpacking.} Unpack the \xfile{luacolor.tds.zip} in the
+% TDS tree (also known as \xfile{texmf} tree) of your choice.
+% Example (linux):
+% \begin{quote}
+%   |unzip luacolor.tds.zip -d ~/texmf|
+% \end{quote}
+% \paragraph{Script installation.}
+% Check the directory \xfile{TDS:scripts/luacolor/} for
+% scripts that need further installation steps.
+% \subsection{Package installation}
+% \paragraph{Unpacking.} The \xfile{.dtx} file is a self-extracting
+% \docstrip\ archive. The files are extracted by running the
+% \xfile{.dtx} through \plainTeX:
+% \begin{quote}
+%   \verb|tex luacolor.dtx|
+% \end{quote}
+% \paragraph{TDS.} Now the different files must be moved into
+% the different directories in your installation TDS tree
+% (also known as \xfile{texmf} tree):
+% \begin{quote}
+% \def\t{^^A
+% \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}l@{ $\rightarrow$ }>{\ttfamily}l@{}}
+%   luacolor.sty & tex/latex/luacolor/luacolor.sty\\
+%   luacolor.lua & scripts/luacolor/luacolor.lua\\
+%   luacolor.pdf & doc/latex/luacolor/luacolor.pdf\\
+%   luacolor.dtx & source/latex/luacolor/luacolor.dtx\\
+% \end{tabular}^^A
+% }^^A
+% \sbox0{\t}^^A
+% \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+%   \begingroup
+%     \advance\linewidth by\leftmargin
+%     \advance\linewidth by\rightmargin
+%   \edef\x{\endgroup
+%     \def\noexpand\lw{\the\linewidth}^^A
+%   }\x
+%   \def\lwbox{^^A
+%     \leavevmode
+%     \hbox to \linewidth{^^A
+%       \kern-\leftmargin\relax
+%       \hss
+%       \usebox0
+%       \hss
+%       \kern-\rightmargin\relax
+%     }^^A
+%   }^^A
+%   \ifdim\wd0>\lw
+%     \sbox0{\small\t}^^A
+%     \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+%       \ifdim\wd0>\lw
+%         \sbox0{\footnotesize\t}^^A
+%         \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+%           \ifdim\wd0>\lw
+%             \sbox0{\scriptsize\t}^^A
+%             \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+%               \ifdim\wd0>\lw
+%                 \sbox0{\tiny\t}^^A
+%                 \ifdim\wd0>\linewidth
+%                   \lwbox
+%                 \else
+%                   \usebox0
+%                 \fi
+%               \else
+%                 \lwbox
+%               \fi
+%             \else
+%               \usebox0
+%             \fi
+%           \else
+%             \lwbox
+%           \fi
+%         \else
+%           \usebox0
+%         \fi
+%       \else
+%         \lwbox
+%       \fi
+%     \else
+%       \usebox0
+%     \fi
+%   \else
+%     \lwbox
+%   \fi
+% \else
+%   \usebox0
+% \fi
+% \end{quote}
+% If you have a \xfile{docstrip.cfg} that configures and enables \docstrip's
+% TDS installing feature, then some files can already be in the right
+% place, see the documentation of \docstrip.
+% \subsection{Refresh file name databases}
+% If your \TeX~distribution
+% (\TeX\,Live, \mikTeX, \dots) relies on file name databases, you must refresh
+% these. For example, \TeX\,Live\ users run \verb|texhash| or
+% \verb|mktexlsr|.
+% \subsection{Some details for the interested}
+% \paragraph{Unpacking with \LaTeX.}
+% The \xfile{.dtx} chooses its action depending on the format:
+% \begin{description}
+% \item[\plainTeX:] Run \docstrip\ and extract the files.
+% \item[\LaTeX:] Generate the documentation.
+% \end{description}
+% If you insist on using \LaTeX\ for \docstrip\ (really,
+% \docstrip\ does not need \LaTeX), then inform the autodetect routine
+% about your intention:
+% \begin{quote}
+%   \verb|latex \let\install=y\input{luacolor.dtx}|
+% \end{quote}
+% Do not forget to quote the argument according to the demands
+% of your shell.
+% \paragraph{Generating the documentation.}
+% You can use both the \xfile{.dtx} or the \xfile{.drv} to generate
+% the documentation. The process can be configured by the
+% configuration file \xfile{ltxdoc.cfg}. For instance, put this
+% line into this file, if you want to have A4 as paper format:
+% \begin{quote}
+%   \verb|\PassOptionsToClass{a4paper}{article}|
+% \end{quote}
+% An example follows how to generate the
+% documentation with pdf\LaTeX:
+% \begin{quote}
+%pdflatex luacolor.dtx
+%makeindex -s gind.ist luacolor.idx
+%pdflatex luacolor.dtx
+%makeindex -s gind.ist luacolor.idx
+%pdflatex luacolor.dtx
+% \end{quote}
+% \begin{History}
+%   \begin{Version}{2007/12/12 v1.0}
+%   \item
+%     First public version.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2009/04/10 v1.1}
+%   \item
+%     Fixes for changed syntax of \cs{directlua} in \LuaTeX\ 0.36.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2010/03/09 v1.2}
+%   \item
+%     Adaptation for package \xpackage{luatex} 2010/03/09 v0.4.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2010/12/13 v1.3}
+%   \item
+%     Support for \cs{pdfxform} added.
+%   \item
+%     Loaded package \xpackage{luatexbase-attr} recognized.
+%   \item
+%     Update for \hologo{LuaTeX}: `list' fields renamed to `head' in v0.65.0.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2011/03/29 v1.4}
+%   \item
+%     Avoid whatsit insertion if option \xoption{monochrome} is used
+%     (thanks Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard).
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2011/04/22 v1.5}
+%   \item
+%     Bug fix by Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard: A typo prevented the
+%     detection of whatsits and applying color changes for
+%     \cs{pdfliteral} and \cs{special} nodes that might contain
+%     typesetting material.
+%   \item
+%     Bug fix by Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard: Now colors are also
+%     applied to leader boxes.
+%   \item
+%     Unnecessary color settings are removed for leaders boxes,
+%     if after the leader box the color has not changed.
+%     The costs are a little runtime, leader boxes are processed twice.
+%   \item
+%     Additional whatsits that are colored: \texttt{pdf\_refximage}.
+%   \item
+%     Workaround for bug with \texttt{node.insert\_before}
+%     removed for the version after \hologo{LuaTeX} 0.65, because
+%     bug was fixed in 0.27. (Thanks Manuel P\'egouri\'e-Gonnard.)
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2011/04/23 v1.6}
+%   \item
+%     Bug fix for nested leader boxes.
+%   \item
+%     Bug fix for leader boxes that change color, but
+%     are not set because of missing place.
+%   \item
+%     Version check for Lua module added.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2011/10/22 v1.7}
+%   \item
+%     Lua functions \texttt{getattribute} and \texttt{getvalue}
+%     added to tell other external Lua functions
+%     the attribute register number for coloring.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2011/11/01 v1.8}
+%   \item
+%     Use of \texttt{node.subtype} instead of magic numbers.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2016/05/13 v1.9}
+%   \item
+%     More use of \texttt{node.subtype} instead of magic numbers.
+%   \item luatex 85 updates
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2016/05/16 v1.10}
+%   \item
+%     Documentation updates.
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2018/11/22 v1.11}
+%   \item
+%     handle issue 43.
+%   \item
+%     removed pre-0.65 stuff
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2019/07/25 v1.12}
+%   \item
+%     removed uses of module function, see PR70
+%   \end{Version}
+%   \begin{Version}{2019/11/29 v1.13}
+%   \item
+%     Documentation updates.
+%   \item  Use \xpackage{iftex} directly.
+%   \end{Version}
+% \end{History}
+% \PrintIndex
+% \Finale

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/luacolor/luacolor.dtx
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/luacolor/luacolor.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/luacolor/luacolor.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/luacolor/luacolor.sty	2019-11-30 22:18:23 UTC (rev 52984)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+%% This is file `luacolor.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% luacolor.dtx  (with options: `package')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% Project: luacolor
+%% Version: 2019/11/29 v1.13
+%% Copyright (C)
+%%    2007, 2009-2011 Heiko Oberdiek
+%%    2016-2019 Oberdiek Package Support Group
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. This version of this license is in
+%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl/lppl-1-3c.txt
+%% and the latest version of this license is in
+%%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
+%% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% The Current Maintainers of this work are
+%% Heiko Oberdiek and the Oberdiek Package Support Group
+%% https://github.com/ho-tex/luacolor/issues
+%% This work consists of the main source file luacolor.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%%    luacolor.sty, luacolor.pdf, luacolor.ins, luacolor.drv,
+%%    luacolor-test1.tex, luacolor-test2.tex, luacolor-test3.tex,
+%%    luacolor.lua,
+  \catcode13=5 % ^^M
+  \endlinechar=13 %
+  \catcode123=1 % {
+  \catcode125=2 % }
+  \catcode64=11 % @
+  \def\x{\endgroup
+    \expandafter\edef\csname LuaCol at AtEnd\endcsname{%
+      \endlinechar=\the\endlinechar\relax
+      \catcode13=\the\catcode13\relax
+      \catcode32=\the\catcode32\relax
+      \catcode35=\the\catcode35\relax
+      \catcode61=\the\catcode61\relax
+      \catcode64=\the\catcode64\relax
+      \catcode123=\the\catcode123\relax
+      \catcode125=\the\catcode125\relax
+    }%
+  }%
+\catcode13=5 % ^^M
+\endlinechar=13 %
+\catcode35=6 % #
+\catcode64=11 % @
+\catcode123=1 % {
+\catcode125=2 % }
+\def\TMP at EnsureCode#1#2{%
+  \edef\LuaCol at AtEnd{%
+    \LuaCol at AtEnd
+    \catcode#1=\the\catcode#1\relax
+  }%
+  \catcode#1=#2\relax
+\TMP at EnsureCode{34}{12}% "
+\TMP at EnsureCode{39}{12}% '
+\TMP at EnsureCode{40}{12}% (
+\TMP at EnsureCode{41}{12}% )
+\TMP at EnsureCode{42}{12}% *
+\TMP at EnsureCode{43}{12}% +
+\TMP at EnsureCode{44}{12}% ,
+\TMP at EnsureCode{45}{12}% -
+\TMP at EnsureCode{46}{12}% .
+\TMP at EnsureCode{47}{12}% /
+\TMP at EnsureCode{58}{12}% :
+\TMP at EnsureCode{60}{12}% <
+\TMP at EnsureCode{62}{12}% >
+\TMP at EnsureCode{91}{12}% [
+\TMP at EnsureCode{93}{12}% ]
+\TMP at EnsureCode{95}{12}% _ (other!)
+\TMP at EnsureCode{96}{12}% `
+\edef\LuaCol at AtEnd{\LuaCol at AtEnd\noexpand\endinput}
+  [2019/11/29 v1.13 Color support via LuaTeX's attributes (HO)]
+  \ifx\newattribute\@undefined
+    \RequirePackage{ltluatex}%
+ \fi
+  \@PackageError{luacolor}{%
+    This package may only be run using LuaTeX%
+  }\@ehc
+  \expandafter\LuaCol at AtEnd
+  \let\LuaCol at directlua\directlua
+  \@PackageWarningNoLine{luacolor}{%
+    Colors are disabled by option `monochrome'%
+  }%
+  \def\set at color{}%
+  \def\reset at color{}%
+  \def\set at page@color{}%
+  \def\define at color#1#2{}%
+  \expandafter\LuaCol at AtEnd
+\LuaCol at directlua{%
+  require("luacolor")%
+  \edef\x{\LuaCol at directlua{tex.write("2019/11/29 v1.13")}}%
+  \edef\y{%
+    \LuaCol at directlua{%
+      if oberdiek.luacolor.getversion then %
+        oberdiek.luacolor.getversion()%
+      end%
+    }%
+  }%
+  \ifx\x\y
+  \else
+    \@PackageError{luacolor}{%
+      Wrong version of lua module.\MessageBreak
+      Package version: \x\MessageBreak
+      Lua module: \y
+    }\@ehc
+  \fi
+  \begingroup
+    \def\current at color{}%
+    \def\reset at color{}%
+    \setbox\z@=\hbox{%
+      \begingroup
+        \set at color
+      \endgroup
+    }%
+    \edef\reserved at a{%
+      \LuaCol at directlua{%
+        oberdiek.luacolor.dvidetect()%
+      }%
+    }%
+    \ifx\reserved at a\@empty
+      \@PackageError{luacolor}{%
+        DVI driver detection failed because of\MessageBreak
+        unrecognized color \string\special
+      }\@ehc
+      \endgroup
+      \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\LuaCol at AtEnd
+    \else
+      \@PackageInfoNoLine{luacolor}{%
+        Type of color \string\special: \reserved at a
+      }%
+    \fi%
+  \endgroup
+\ltx at IfUndefined{newluatexattribute}{%
+  \newattribute\LuaCol at Attribute
+  \newluatexattribute\LuaCol at Attribute
+\ltx at IfUndefined{setluatexattribute}{%
+  \let\LuaCol at setattribute\setattribute
+  \let\LuaCol at setattribute\setluatexattribute
+\LuaCol at directlua{%
+  oberdiek.luacolor.setattribute(\number\allocationnumber)%
+\protected\def\set at color{%
+  \LuaCol at setattribute\LuaCol at Attribute{%
+    \LuaCol at directlua{%
+      oberdiek.luacolor.get("\luaescapestring{\current at color}")%
+    }%
+  }%
+\def\reset at color{}
+  \LuaCol at directlua{%
+    oberdiek.luacolor.process(\number#1)%
+  }%
+  \luacolorProcessBox\AtBeginShipoutBox
+\set at color
+  \ifx\pdfxform\@undefined
+    \let\pdfxform\saveboxresource
+  \fi
+  \ltx at IfUndefined{pdfxform}{%
+      \directlua{%
+        tex.enableprimitives('',{%
+          'pdfxform','pdflastxform','pdfrefxform'%
+        })%
+      }%
+  }{}%
+  \ltx at IfUndefined{protected}{%
+      \directlua{tex.enableprimitives('',{'protected'})}%
+  }{}%
+  \ltx at IfUndefined{pdfxform}{%
+    \@PackageWarning{luacolor}{\string\pdfxform\space not found}%
+  }{%
+    \let\LuaCol at org@pdfxform\pdfxform
+    \begingroup\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\endgroup
+    \expandafter\ifx\csname protected\endcsname\relax
+      \@PackageWarning{luacolor}{\string\protected\space not found}%
+    \else
+      \expandafter\protected
+    \fi
+    \def\pdfxform{%
+      \begingroup
+      \afterassignment\LuaCol at pdfxform
+      \count@=%
+    }%
+    \def\LuaCol at pdfxform{%
+      \luacolorProcessBox\count@
+      \LuaCol at org@pdfxform\count@
+      \endgroup
+    }%
+  }%
+\LuaCol at AtEnd%
+%% End of file `luacolor.sty'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/luacolor/luacolor.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2019-11-30 22:17:47 UTC (rev 52983)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2019-11-30 22:18:23 UTC (rev 52984)
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
     ltxdockit ltxfileinfo ltxguidex ltximg ltxindex
     ltxkeys ltxmisc ltxnew ltxtools
     lua-alt-getopt lua-check-hyphen lua-visual-debug
-    lua2dox luabibentry luabidi luacode luahyphenrules
+    lua2dox luabibentry luabidi luacode luacolor luahyphenrules
     luaimageembed luaindex luainputenc luaintro lualatex-doc lualatex-doc-de
     lualatex-math lualatex-truncate lualibs
     luamesh luamplib luaotfload luapackageloader luarandom

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc	2019-11-30 22:17:47 UTC (rev 52983)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-luatex.tlpsrc	2019-11-30 22:18:23 UTC (rev 52984)
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
 depend lua-visual-debug
 depend lua2dox
 depend luacode
+depend luacolor
 depend luahbtex
 depend luahyphenrules
 depend luaimageembed

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/luacolor.tlpsrc

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