texlive[52755] Master/texmf-dist: csquotes (12nov19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Tue Nov 12 22:42:42 CET 2019

Revision: 52755
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-11-12 22:42:42 +0100 (Tue, 12 Nov 2019)
Log Message:
csquotes (12nov19)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csquotes/csquotes.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csquotes/csquotes.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csquotes/csquotes.tex	2019-11-12 21:42:19 UTC (rev 52754)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/csquotes/csquotes.tex	2019-11-12 21:42:42 UTC (rev 52755)
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
   author={Philipp Lehman, Joseph Wright},
   email={joseph.wright at morningstar2.co.uk},
-  revision={v5.2e},
-  date={2019/05/10}}
+  revision={2.5f},
+  date={2019-11-11}}
   pdftitle={The csquotes Package},
@@ -136,35 +136,36 @@
 \optitem[tryonce]{autostyle}{\opt{true}, \opt{false}, \opt{try}, \opt{once}, \opt{tryonce}}
-This option controls multilingual support. It requires either the \sty{babel} package or the \sty{polyglossia} package.\footnote{Note that \sty{polyglossia} support is currently in a preliminary state because \sty{polyglossia} is lacking a proper interface for other packages. In practice, this means that \sty{csquotes} can detect the language (\eg \texttt{english}) but not the language variant (\eg \texttt{british}).} \kvopt{autostyle}{true} continuously adapts the quote style to the current document language; \opt{once} will only adapt the style once so that it matches the main language of the document. \kvopt{autostyle}{try} and \opt{tryonce} are similar to \opt{true} and \opt{once} if multilingual support is available but will not issue any warnings if not (\ie if neither \sty{babel} nor \sty{polyglossia} have been loaded). The short form \opt{autostyle} is equivalent to \kvopt{autostyle}{true}. See also \secref{bas:set}.
+This option controls multilingual support. It requires either the \sty{babel} package or the \sty{polyglossia} package.\footnote{Note that \sty{polyglossia} support requires \sty{polyglossia}~v1.45 (2019/10/27) or above. With older \sty{polyglossia} versions language variants will not be detected as expected.} \kvopt{autostyle}{true} continuously adapts the quote style to the current document language; \opt{once} will only adapt the style once so that it matches the main language of the document. \kvopt{autostyle}{try} and \opt{tryonce} are similar to \opt{true} and \opt{once} if multilingual support is available but will not issue any warnings if not (\ie if neither \sty{babel} nor \sty{polyglossia} have been loaded). The short form \opt{autostyle} is equivalent to \kvopt{autostyle}{true}. See also \secref{bas:set}.
-  \toprule
-  \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Option key} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Possible values} \\
-  \cmidrule(r){1-1}\cmidrule{2-2}
-  austrian	& quotes, guillemets \\
-  croatian	& quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*\\
-  czech		& quotes, guillemets \\
-  danish	& quotes, guillemets, topquotes \\
-  english	& american, british\\
-  estonian   & \\
-  french	& quotes, quotes\*, guillemets, guillemets\*\\
-  galician	& quotes, guillemets \\
-  german	& quotes, guillemets, swiss \\
-  hungarian & \\
-  italian	& guillemets, quotes \\
-  latvian   & \\
-  norwegian	& guillemets, quotes \\
-  polish	& guillemets, guillemets\*\\
-  portuguese	& portuguese, brazilian \\
-  spanish	& spanish, mexican \\
-  swedish	& quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*\\
-  \bottomrule
-\caption[Language Options]{Language Options Defined by Default}
+  \tablesetup
+  \begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{@{}P@{}X@{}}
+    \toprule
+    \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Option key} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Possible values}     \\
+    \cmidrule(r){1-1}\cmidrule{2-2}
+    austrian                          & quotes, guillemets                         \\
+    croatian                          & quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*           \\
+    czech                             & quotes, guillemets                         \\
+    danish                            & quotes, guillemets, topquotes              \\
+    english                           & american, british                          \\
+    estonian                          &                                            \\
+    french                            & quotes, quotes\*, guillemets, guillemets\* \\
+    galician                          & quotes, guillemets                         \\
+    german                            & quotes, guillemets, swiss                  \\
+    hungarian                         &                                            \\
+    italian                           & guillemets, quotes                         \\
+    latvian                           &                                            \\
+    norwegian                         & guillemets, quotes                         \\
+    polish                            & guillemets, guillemets\*                   \\
+    portuguese                        & portuguese, brazilian                      \\
+    serbian                           & quotes, guillemets, german                 \\
+    spanish                           & spanish, mexican                           \\
+    swedish                           & quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*           \\
+    \bottomrule
+  \end{tabularx}
+  \caption[Language Options]{Language Options Defined by Default}
+  \label{tab:lng}
@@ -632,31 +633,32 @@
 If available, this package will load the configuration file \path{csquotes.cfg}. You may use this file to define new quote styles and aliases or redefine existing ones.
-  \toprule
-  \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Quote style} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Style variants} \\
-  \cmidrule(r){1-1}\cmidrule{2-2}
-  austrian	& quotes, guillemets \\
-  croatian	& quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*\\
-  czech		& quotes, guillemets \\
-  danish	& quotes, guillemets \\
-  dutch		& -- \\
-  english	& american, british\\
-  finnish	& -- \\
-  french	& quotes, quotes\*, guillemets, guillemets\*\\
-  german	& quotes, guillemets, swiss \\
-  greek		& -- \\
-  italian	& guillemets, quotes \\
-  norwegian	& guillemets, quotes \\
-  portuguese	& portuguese, brazilian \\
-  russian	& -- \\
-  spanish	& spanish, mexican \\
-  swedish	& quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*\\
-  \bottomrule
-\caption[Styles and Variants]{Quote Styles and Style Variants Defined by Default}
+  \tablesetup
+  \begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{@{}P@{}X@{}}
+    \toprule
+    \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Quote style} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Style variants}      \\
+    \cmidrule(r){1-1}\cmidrule{2-2}
+    austrian                           & quotes, guillemets                         \\
+    croatian                           & quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*           \\
+    czech                              & quotes, guillemets                         \\
+    danish                             & quotes, guillemets                         \\
+    dutch                              & --                                         \\
+    english                            & american, british                          \\
+    finnish                            & --                                         \\
+    french                             & quotes, quotes\*, guillemets, guillemets\* \\
+    german                             & quotes, guillemets, swiss                  \\
+    greek                              & --                                         \\
+    italian                            & guillemets, quotes                         \\
+    norwegian                          & guillemets, quotes                         \\
+    portuguese                         & portuguese, brazilian                      \\
+    russian                            & --                                         \\
+    serbian                            & quotes, guillemets, german                 \\
+    spanish                            & spanish, mexican                           \\
+    swedish                            & quotes, guillemets, guillemets\*           \\
+    \bottomrule
+  \end{tabularx}
+  \caption[Styles and Variants]{Quote Styles and Style Variants Defined by Default}
+  \label{tab:sty}
 \subsection{Defining Quote Styles}
@@ -689,46 +691,31 @@
-  \toprule
-  \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Alias} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Backend style or alias} &
-  \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Alias} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Backend style or alias} \\
-  \cmidrule(r){1-1}\cmidrule(r){2-2}\cmidrule(r){3-3}\cmidrule{4-4}
-  american	& english/american	&
-	  newzealand	& english/british	\\
-  australian	& english/british	&
-	  ngerman	& german		\\
-  austrian	& austrian/quotes		&
-	  norsk		& norwegian		\\
-  brazil	& brazilian 		&
-	  norwegian	& norwegian/guillemets	\\
-  brazilian	& portuguese/brazilian	&
-	  nswissgerman	& swissgerman		\\
-  british	& english/british	&
-	  nynorsk	& norwegian		\\
-  canadian	& english/american	&
-	  portuges	& portuguese		\\
-  croatian	& croatian/quotes	&
-	  portuguese	& portuguese/portuguese \\
-  danish	& danish/quotes		&
-	  spanish	& spanish/spanish	\\
-  english	& english/american	&
-	  swedish	& swedish/quotes	\\
-  french	& french/quotes		&
-	  swiss		& german/swiss		\\
-  german	& german/quotes		&
-	  swissgerman	& german/swiss		\\
-  italian	& italian/guillemets	&
-	  UKenglish	& british		\\
-  mexican	& spanish/mexican	&
-	  USenglish	& american		\\
-  naustrian	& austrian		&
-						\\
-  \bottomrule
-\caption[Language Aliases]{Language Aliases Defined by Default}
+  \tablesetup
+  \begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{@{}Q@{}X@{}Q@{}X@{}}
+    \toprule
+    \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Alias} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Backend style or alias} &
+    \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Alias} & \multicolumn{1}{@{}H}{Backend style or alias}                                        \\
+    \cmidrule(r){1-1}\cmidrule(r){2-2}\cmidrule(r){3-3}\cmidrule{4-4}
+    american                     & english/american                              & newzealand   & english/british       \\
+    australian                   & english/british                               & ngerman      & german                \\
+    austrian                     & austrian/quotes                               & norsk        & norwegian             \\
+    brazil                       & brazilian                                     & norwegian    & norwegian/guillemets  \\
+    brazilian                    & portuguese/brazilian                          & nswissgerman & swissgerman           \\
+    british                      & english/british                               & nynorsk      & norwegian             \\
+    canadian                     & english/american                              & portuges     & portuguese            \\
+    croatian                     & croatian/quotes                               & portuguese   & portuguese/portuguese \\
+    danish                       & danish/quotes                                 & serbian      & serbian/quotes        \\
+    english                      & english/american                              & spanish      & spanish/spanish       \\
+    french                       & french/quotes                                 & swedish      & swedish/quotes        \\
+    german                       & german/quotes                                 & swiss        & german/swiss          \\
+    italian                      & italian/guillemets                            & swissgerman  & german/swiss          \\
+    mexican                      & spanish/mexican                               & UKenglish    & british               \\
+    naustrian                    & austrian                                      & USenglish    & american              \\
+    \bottomrule
+  \end{tabularx}
+  \caption[Language Aliases]{Language Aliases Defined by Default}
+  \label{tab:als}
 \subsection{Defining Package Options}
@@ -1555,6 +1542,10 @@
 This revision history is a list of changes relevant to users of this package. Changes of a more technical nature which do not affect the user interface or the behavior of the package are not included in the list. If an entry in the revision history states that a feature has been \emph{extended}, this indicates a syntactically backwards compatible modification, such as the addition of an optional argument to an existing command. Entries stating that a feature has been \emph{modified}, \emph{renamed}, or \emph{removed} demand attention. They indicate a modification which may require changes to existing documents in some, hopefully rare, cases. The \opt{version} option from \secref{opt:opt} may be helpful in this case. The numbers on the right indicate the relevant section of this manual.
+\item Added language option \opt{serbian}\see{opt:opt}
+\item Improved \sty{polyglossia} support\see{opt:opt}
 \item Update for \LaTeX{} kernel changes in 2018

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csq-compat.def
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csq-compat.def	2019-11-12 21:42:19 UTC (rev 52754)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csq-compat.def	2019-11-12 21:42:42 UTC (rev 52755)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  [2019/05/10 v5.2e csquotes backwards compatibility (JAW)]
+  [2019-11-11 v2.5f csquotes backwards compatibility (JAW)]
 \def\csq at getversion#1{%
   \expandafter\csq at getversion@i

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.def
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.def	2019-11-12 21:42:19 UTC (rev 52754)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.def	2019-11-12 21:42:42 UTC (rev 52755)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-  [2019/05/10 v5.2e csquotes generic definitions (JAW)]
+  [2019-11-11 v2.5f csquotes generic definitions (JAW)]
 % Set defaults
@@ -232,6 +232,24 @@
+\DeclareQuoteStyle[quotes]{serbian}% verified
+  {\quotedblbase}
+  {\textquotedblright}
+  [0.05em]
+  {\textquoteright}
+  {\textquoteright}
+\DeclareQuoteStyle[guillemets]{serbian}% verified
+  {\guillemotright}
+  {\guillemotleft}
+  [0.025em]
+  {\textquoteright}
+  {\textquoteright}
+\DeclareQuoteStyle[german]{serbian}% verified
+  {\quotedblbase}
+  {\textquotedblleft}
+  [0.05em]
+  {\textquoteright}
+  {\textquoteright}
@@ -301,6 +319,7 @@
@@ -319,6 +338,7 @@
 % Language options

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.sty	2019-11-12 21:42:19 UTC (rev 52754)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/csquotes/csquotes.sty	2019-11-12 21:42:42 UTC (rev 52755)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
-  [2019/05/10 v5.2e context-sensitive quotations (JAW)]
+  [2019-11-11 v2.5f context-sensitive quotations (JAW)]
 %% Compatibility and requirements
@@ -207,6 +207,9 @@
 \protected\def\csq at warning#1{%
+\protected\def\csq at warning@noline#1{%
+  \PackageWarningNoLine{csquotes}{#1}}
 \protected\def\csq at info#1{%
   \iftoggle{csq at quiet}
@@ -778,13 +781,24 @@
 \def\csq at resetstyle{%
+  \ifundef\babelname
+    {\csq at resetstyle@i{\languagename}}%
+    {\csq at resetstyle@i{\babelname}}}
+\def\csq at resetstyle@i#1{%
+  \begingroup
+  \edef\csq at tempa{\endgroup
+    \noexpand\csq at resetstyle@ii{#1}}%
+  \csq at tempa}
+\def\csq at resetstyle@ii#1{%
   \ifnum\csq at reset=\@ne
-    \ifx\csq at currentstyle\languagename
+    \ifx\csq at currentstyle#1
-      \ifcsundef{csq at qstyle@\languagename}
-        {\csq at warn@style\languagename
+      \ifcsundef{csq at qstyle@#1}
+        {\csq at warn@style#1
          \csq at setstyle{fallback}}
-        {\csq at setstyle{\languagename}}%
+        {\csq at setstyle{#1}}%
@@ -791,7 +805,9 @@
 \def\csq at savelang{%
   \ifdef\csq at mainlang
-    {\edef\csq at mainlang{\languagename}}}
+    {\ifdef\babelname
+       {\edef\csq at mainlang{\babelname}}
+       {\edef\csq at mainlang{\langname}}}}
 \def\csq at resetlang{%
   \ifdef\csq at mainlang
@@ -1139,10 +1155,10 @@
     {\csq at getpunct{%
        \ifboolexpr{ bool {inner} and bool {hmode} }
          {\csq at bquote@ii}
-	 {\ifbool{csdisplay}
-	    {\csq at bquote@i}
-	    {\iftoggle{csq at parbox}\csq at bquote@ii\csq at bquote@i}}%
-	 {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}}}
+         {\ifbool{csdisplay}
+            {\csq at bquote@i}
+            {\iftoggle{csq at parbox}\csq at bquote@ii\csq at bquote@i}}%
+         {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}}}}
 % {<init>}{<endinit>}{<citehook>}{<cite>}{<punct>}{<text>}{<apunct>}<tpunct>
@@ -1325,8 +1341,8 @@
-	  {\unpenalty\unspace}
-	  {}}}
+          {\unpenalty\unspace}
+          {}}}
 % {<punct>}{<cite>}
@@ -1762,8 +1778,8 @@
         \def\@inpenc at undefined@##1{\def\inputencodingname{##1}}%
         \@inpenc at undefined
-	  {\aftergroup\@firstoftwo}
-	  {\aftergroup\@secondoftwo}%
+          {\aftergroup\@firstoftwo}
+          {\aftergroup\@secondoftwo}%
   {\def\csq at ifutfenc{%
      \csq at ifucs
@@ -2138,7 +2154,7 @@
   \def\openinnerquote{\csq at pdf@oiqmark}%
   \def\closeinnerquote{\csq at pdf@ciqmark}}
-%% Author interface to internal marks 
+%% Author interface to internal marks
   \csq at resetstyle
@@ -2250,7 +2266,14 @@
-       {}}
+       {}%
+     \@ifpackagelater{polyglossia}{2019/10/27}
+       {}
+       {\csq at warning@noline{%
+          Outdated 'polyglossia' version detected.\MessageBreak
+          csquotes works best with 'polyglossia' v1.45\MessageBreak
+          (2019/10/27) or above, but you are using\MessageBreak
+          '\csuse{ver at polyglossia.sty}'}}}
 % German
@@ -2392,19 +2415,21 @@
     {\csq at info{Checking for multilingual support..}%
        {\csq at info{... found 'polyglossia' package}%
-	\def\csq at main@language{\xpg at main@language}%
-	\csq at hook@multilang}
+        \ifundef\mainbabelname
+          {\def\csq at main@language{\xpg at main@language}}
+          {\def\csq at main@language{\mainbabelname}}%
+        \csq at hook@multilang}
-	  {\csq at info{... found 'babel' package}%
+          {\csq at info{... found 'babel' package}%
            \def\csq at main@language{\bbl at main@language}%
            \csq at hook@multilang}
-	  {\csq at info{... none found}%
+          {\csq at info{... none found}%
            \csq at hook@nomultilang}}}
-	  {}
-	  {\csq at hook@nomultilang}}}%
+          {}
+          {\csq at hook@nomultilang}}}%
   \undef\csq at hook@multilang
   \undef\csq at hook@nomultilang

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