texlive[52656] Master/texmf-dist: l2e (6nov19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Wed Nov 6 23:12:38 CET 2019

Revision: 52656
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-11-06 23:12:38 +0100 (Wed, 06 Nov 2019)
Log Message:
l2e (6nov19)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/README.md	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/README.md	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 The LaTeX kernel
-Release 2019-10-01 patch level 1
+Release 2019-10-01 patch level 2

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/alltt.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/cfgguide.pdf
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Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/changes.txt
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/changes.txt	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/changes.txt	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -5,6 +5,33 @@
+# 2019-10-01 PL 2 Release
+2019-11-03  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org>
+	* doc.dtx: set up \verbvisiblespace (gh/205)
+2019-11-03  David Carlisle  <David.Carlisle at latex-project.org>
+	* ltfiles.dtx: More filename normalisation: avoid adding
+	quotes until needed. (gh/204)
+2019-10-25  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org>
+	* ltmiscen.dtx (subsection{Environments}):
+	Allow unbalanced conditionals in toc entries (gh/202)
+2019-10-25  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org>
+	* classes.dtx (subsection{Fonts}):
+	Don't use \MakeRobust if in rollback prior to 2015 (gh/201)
+2019-10-22  David Carlisle  <David.Carlisle at latex-project.org>
+	* ltluatex.dtx: page_objnum_provider and process_pdf_image_content classified data
 # 2019-10-01 PL 1 Release

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/classes.pdf
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Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/latexchanges.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/latexchanges.tex	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/latexchanges.tex	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -95,6 +95,15 @@
 changes to use definitions from an earlier format.
+\section{Changes introduced in 2019-10-01 patch~2}
+Further fixes to the handling of filenames, \ghissue{204}: non-ascii
+filenames and filenames with spaces and multiple dots should now work
+in \verb|\includegraphics|.
+Reclassify some luatex callbacks.  Other fixes for Issues raised:
+\ghissue{198}, \ghissue{201}, \ghissue{202}, \ghissue{205}.
 \section{Changes introduced in 2019-10-01 patch~1}
 Adjustments to \verb|\set at curr@file|, and \verb|\@extracolsep|.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/latexrelease.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/latexsym.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/lb2.err
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/lb2.err	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/lb2.err	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -0,0 +1,1622 @@
+% To produce a printed version of this errata file run this file through
+% LaTeX. It will unpack a small class file (if not already present) and
+% a configuration file with the extension .cfg. You might want to modify
+% the setting in this configuration file to print only a partial errata
+% suitable for your printed revision of this book, see details in the
+% .cfg file.
+% The current version of this file can be found at:
+%    https://www.latex-project.org/guides/books.html
+%% Copyright (C) 1997,2004,2005,2007, 2014 Frank Mittelbach
+%% This class file is licenced under LPPL latest version; 
+%% see https://www.latex-project.org/lppl
+% It sets up a few commands used to format the errata entries for books in the
+% Addison-Wesley Series:
+%    Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting
+% hence the name. However, anybody who likes to use it is free to apply it for
+% errata files of other books. 
+% Changes:
+% v1.0a - changed name from errata.cls to ttcterrata.cls
+  [2007/11/10 v1.0a Mini class for errata files; subject to change (FMi)]
+  \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox\bgroup
+     \let\endgobble\egroup
+     \let\hideamp\relax
+     \let\\\relax\let\par\@@par}
+  \ifnum \myprinting < \if!#2!1000 \else \ifx s#2 1000\else#2 \fi\fi
+   \ifnum \expandafter\erratagetnumber\erratastartdate\erratagetnumber <
+          \erratagetnumber#1\erratagetnumber \relax
+     \@tempswatrue
+   \else
+     \@tempswafalse
+   \fi
+  \else
+    \@tempswafalse
+  \fi
+\newcommand\includedentries{entries after = \erratastartdate}
+\newcommand\printedentries{between \erratastartdate\space and}
+ \renewcommand\includedentries{all errata entries}%
+ \renewcommand\printedentries{up to}
+ \renewcommand\doweprint[2]{\@tempswatrue}}
+    \if!#2!\textbf{#1}\else\textit{#1}\rlap{\textsuperscript{#2}}\fi}
+  \renewcommand\displayrevisionfix[2]{\textbf{##1}}}
+  {
+   \input{\jobname.cfg}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* Configuration file for \jobname.err found }
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+  \AtEndDocument{
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* If you wish to generate an errata listing}
+   \typeout{* containing only errors found after a certain revision}
+   \typeout{* and/or only errors found after a certain date}
+   \typeout{* modify the information stored in \jobname.cfg}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* Current settings are:}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* \@spaces  printing of your book = \myprinting}
+   \typeout{* \@spaces  include \includedentries}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+  }}
+  {}
+%% \erroronpage <page> <line info> <contributor> <date> <fixed in revision>
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+  &\\[4pt]%
+  \multicolumn{4}{l}{\framebox[10cm][l]{\textbf{\normalsize\strut#1}}} \\}
+  {\begin{longtable}{r>{\raggedright}p{2cm}l>{\raggedright}p{10cm}l}}
+  {\endgobble\end{longtable}}
+  {\begin{center}\LARGE\bfseries
+      Errata list for #1\\[5pt](\myprinting.\ printing)\\[10pt]
+      \small Includes all entries found \printedentries\space #2\\
+      (For other periods/print runs reprocess this document
+      with different config settings)
+   \end{center}%
+   \markright{Errata for #1 (\printedentries\space #2)}%
+   \thispagestyle{plain}%
+   \vspace{20pt}}
+\newcommand\contributor[2]{\makebox[1cm][l]{\sffamily#1} #2\par}
+% some special shortcuts overwriting existing commands:
+%%% some code suggested by Thorsten Hansen to count the number of
+%%% contributions by individuals (will work only if we do not get
+%%% too many :-)
+\def\count at contributors#1/#2/#3\@nil{
+   \@ifundefined{c@#1}{\newcounter{#1}}{}\stepcounter{#1}%
+%%%   also count secondary:
+%%%   \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\newcounter{#2}}{}\stepcounter{#2}% 
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+  \sffamily#1} #2\@ifundefined{c@#1}{}{ (\arabic{#1})}\par} 
+% Configuration file for the errata listing of 
+%  Der LaTeX-Begleiter 2 Auflage
+% \erratastartdate 
+% Specifies the date from which on errata entries should be listed.
+% The format is YYYY/MM/DD.
+% The default below ensures that all entries for a particular
+% printing are typeset.
+% \myprinting
+% Specifies which (revised) printing you own. For example, if you
+%    have the second printing set this to 2 so that errors already
+%    corrected in that printing will not appear in your errata
+%    listing.
+% The default below ensures that all entries relevant to the second
+%    printing are typeset. 
+% \norevisionnumbers
+% Specifies that all page numbers in the errata are shown in the same
+%    format (bold face) irregardless of whether or not they are fixed
+%    in some revision. The default is to print corrected errors in
+%    italic and add the revision number as a superscript.
+% \showallerrors
+% With this command you tell the program that all errata entries are
+%    supposed to be generated. This makes \myprinting and
+%    \erratastartdate basically obsolete so this isn't turned on by
+%    default.
+\documentclass{ttcterrata}[2005/11/10]  % we want new class
+\let\u\underline          % shortcut for this file
+  {\begin{center}\LARGE\bfseries
+      Errataliste f\"ur #1\\[5pt](\myprinting.\ Druck)\\[10pt]
+      \small  Enth\"alt alle Eintr\"age die \printedentries\space #2
+      gemeldet wurden \\
+      (F\"ur andere Zeitr\"aume/Druckausgaben \"andert man die \texttt{.cfg}
+       Datei und formatiert erneut.)
+   \end{center}%
+   \markright{Errata für #1 (\printedentries\space #2)}%
+   \thispagestyle{plain}%
+   \vspace{20pt}}
+\renewcommand\printedentries{zwischen \erratastartdate\space und}
+\erratatitle{Der \LaTeX{}-Begleiter, zweite Auf\/lage}{\erratafiledate}
+ at book(Pearson:MG05,
+   author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens},
+   title = {Der {\LaTeX}-Begleiter},  edition = 2,
+   note =  {Unter Mitarbeit von Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, und Chris Rowley},
+   publisher = {Pearson Studium}, address = {M\"unchen}, year = 2005,
+   pagenums = {1180},  bibliography = {yes}, index = {yes},
+   isbn = {3-8273-7166-X},
+Bafög-Ausgabe (Softcover) die inhaltlich identisch ist:
+ at book(Pearson:MG10,
+   author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens},
+   title = {Der {\LaTeX}-Begleiter Baf\"og-Ausgabe},  edition = 2,
+   note =  {Unter Mitarbeit von Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, und Chris Rowley},
+   publisher = {Pearson Studium}, address = {M\"unchen}, year = 2010,
+   pagenums = {1180},  bibliography = {yes}, index = {yes},
+   isbn = {3-8689-4088-X},
+Diese Errata-Datei (\texttt{\jobname.err}) ist Teil der
+\LaTeX-Distribution und die neuste Version findet man auf der \LaTeX{}
+Project Webseite unter
+\url{https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/}\texttt{\jobname.err}. Dort
+findet man auch einige Abschnitte des Buches als PDF-Dateien.
+Die erste Spalte der Tabelle zeigt die Seitennummer des
+Errataeintrags. Hochgestellte Ziffern in der ersten Spalte verweisen
+auf den Nachdruck, in dem der beschriebene Fehler korrigiert wurde
+(ein \textit{s} zeigt, an, dass das Problem bisher nur in den
+"`S"'ourcen korrigiert wurde). Die zweite Spalte beschreibt die genaue
+Position (negative Zeilen- oder Absatznummern werden vom Fuß der Seite
+gezählt). Die dritte Spalte zeigt die Initialen der Person die den
+Fehler zuerst aufgespürt/gemeldet hat.
+Mithilfe der Konfigurationsdatei  \texttt{\jobname.cfg} ist es möglich die
+Liste so anzupassen, dass nur Errataeinträge ab einem
+speziellen Nachdruck oder ab einem gewünschten Datum angezeigt werden.
+  \Large \bfseries  Irren ist menschlich -- Fehlerwettbewerb 
+Jeder gefundene und mitgeteilte Fehler ist ein Gewinn für alle Leser
+und Käufer unseres Buches. Aus diesem Grund schreiben wir, Pearson
+Studium und die Autoren, einen Preis aus -- halbjährlich, später (mehr)jährlich -- den
+die Person erhält, die die meisten Fehler innerhalb dieser Zeit findet
+(im Falle einer Überschneidung wird das Los zwischen den "`besten"'
+Fehlersuchern entscheiden).  Eine Person kann nur einmal einen Preis
+bekommen; Fehler die durch die Autoren gefunden werden, zählen nicht.
+Ihr Preis: Ein Lehrbuch Ihrer Wahl!  
+Auswählen können Sie dieses unter \url{http://www.pearson-studium.de}.
+(Bundles und mehrbändige Bücher sind davon ausgenommen).
+Wie üblich behalten sich die Autoren und der Verlag das Recht vor,
+selbst zu entscheiden ob ein Fehler tatsächlich als Fehler anzusehen
+ist oder ob ein wiederholt vorkommender Fehler als ein oder mehrere Fehler
+gezählt wird.
+- Viel Erfolg -  
+\begin{tabular}{clr@{ Eingaben}}
+Ende der Wettbewerbsperiode & Gewinner \\[4pt]
+2006/04 & Jens Mandavid & 121 \\
+2006/10 & Ralf Heckmann & 61  \\
+2008/04 & --- \\
+\ldots & Termin einer weiteren Verlosung offen
+%2008/10 & \\
+   To help you in assessing this errata document we have placed
+   exclamation marks in front of each entry that we consider essential
+   for correctly understanding the book contents.
+ \fi
+  Einzelne Teile mehrgliedriger Abkürzungen werden im deutschsprachigen 
+  Satz normalerweise durch einen kleinen Zwischenraum (Spatium) getrennt; nur in 
+  englischsprachigen Texten wird zwischen den Abkürzungsteilen kein 
+  Zwischenraum gesetzt.
+  Beispiele: z.\,B., u.\,a.\ anstatt z.B., u.a.
+  Dies wird im Buch \emph{vermutlich} nicht korrigiert werden.
+LB2 mentions the fabled city of ``San Franciso'' which of course
+should be ``Francis\u{c}o''.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 1}
+\erroronpage{3}{Abs.4, Z.4}{JMa}{2005/12/26}{2}
+ Ersetze: (NFSS) \> (\textsf{NFSS})
+\erroronpage{15}{Abs.5, Z.2}{ESt}{2006/03/11}{2}
+ \texttt{info/examples/lb2} wird nicht gefunden. Kein wirklicher Fehler im
+ Buch, sondern ein Versehen auf CTAN.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 2}
+\erroronpage{24}{Abs.1, Z.1}{MLi}{2013/07/12}{}
+  Das Kommando lautet \verb=\AskOption= (ohne ``s'')
+\erroronpage{26}{Abs.-3, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+ Zur schließenden Klammer in Zeile 5 gibt es keine öffnende; es sollte wohl 
+heißen: (zum Beispiel \ldots{}
+\erroronpage{29}{Abs. nach 2-2-3, Z.7}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+ Es muss ``mit unterschiedliche\u{n} Definitionen'' heißen.
+\erroronpage{31}{Abs.3, Z.3}{FMi}{2006/02/28}{2}
+Im Deutschen steht bei einer Aufzählung kein Komma vor ``oder''.
+\erroronpage{33}{Abs.2, Z.-2}{FMi}{2006/02/28}{2}
+Im Deutschen steht bei einer Aufzählung kein Komma vor ``oder''.
+\erroronpage{37}{Abs.1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Im Deutschen steht bei einer Aufzählung kein Komma vor ``oder''.
+\erroronpage{39}{Abs.3, Z.4 und Z.7}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Im Deutschen steht bei einer Aufzählung kein Komma vor ``oder''.
+\erroronpage{42}{Absatz \textit{rechts}, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Im Deutschen steht bei einer Aufzählung kein Komma vor ``oder''.
+\erroronpage{56}{Abs.3, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Hier fehlt ein Buchstabe: ``Das Beispiel zeigt, das\u{s} es 
+\erroronpage{59}{2.3.6 Abs.\ 4, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`Um das \textsf{minitoc}-System zu initialisieren, 
+muss ein \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{60}{Tab.2.3, rechte Spalte, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Hier fehlt zu einer schließenden Klammer die öffnende.
+\erroronpage{61}{Abs.3, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+\LaTeX-Trennfehler: Kapitel-eintr"age statt Kapite-leintr"age.
+\erroronpage{64}{Abs.3, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+\LaTeX-Trennfehler: Abschnitts-eintrag statt Abschnitt-seintrag.
+\erroronpage{65}{Abs.1, Z.1-2}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Es muss ``Ein solcher Wechsel'' statt ``Eine solcher Wechsel'' heißen.
+\erroronpage{65}{Abs.-2, Z.1-2}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+\LaTeX-Trennfehler: Verzeichnis-eintr"age statt Verzeichni-seintr"age.
+\erroronpage{70}{Abs.-1, Z.1-2}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Hier fehlt ein Komma am Ende der ersten Zeile und ein Punkt am Ende des 
+ersten Satzes.
+\erroronpage{73}{Abs.2, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Im Deutschen steht bei einer Aufzählung kein Komma vor ``oder''.
+\erroronpage{74}{Abs.2, Z.12}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Hier fehlt ein Komma vor ``wenn sie durch''.
+\erroronpage{75}{Abs.3, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/01/03}{2}
+Es fehlen zwei Buchstaben: ``ohne daf"ur einen eigen\u{en} Abstand 
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 3}
+\erroronpage{94}{Abs.-3, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/01/06}{2}
+Lösche s aus Grau\u{s}wertproblem
+\erroronpage{101}{Abs.3, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Kein Komma vor und bei einer Aufzählung.
+\erroronpage{109}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 5}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Streiche Kommata: "`Möglich\_ und absolut nicht unwahrscheinlich\_ ist 
+beispielsweise, \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{114}{para 3}{FMi/CBe}{2005/09/02}{2}
+Ersetze Absatz durch: "`Da es nicht empfehlenswert ist, die Einstellung von
+direkt zu ändern, verfügt \LaTeX{} über den Befehl |\lineskip|\,, mit
+dem sich |\baselineskip| global für alle Größen ändern lässt.  Nach
+einer Anweisung wie etwa \verb!\linespread{1.5}\selectfont!  tritt der neue
+Wert sofort in Kraft. [Fußnote: Die veraltete \LaTeX~2.09 Lösung
+  \verb=\renewcommand\baselinestretch=\texttt{\textbraceleft
+    1.5\textbraceright} benötigt dagegen einen nachfolgenden
+  Schriftgrößenwechsel (wie |\small| oder |\Large|), damit der neue
+  Wert in Kraft tritt.]
+\erroronpage{117}{3.2.1 Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 7}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Trennung der Hauptsätze: "`\dots{} der Zähler \texttt{footnote} wird 
+weiter hochgesetzt, und die Darstellung erfolgt \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{119}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 3}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Da die Beispiele unmittelbar folgen: "`\dots{} schematisch 
+dargestellt \u{und bedeuten}:"'
+%%Ebenfalls als Vorschlag zur Neuformulierung -- weil es um zwei 
+%%unterschiedliche Aspekte geht, sollte durch Punkt oder Semikolon 
+%%getrennt werden:
+% -maybe differently
+\erroronpage{121}{3.2.3 Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 3}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   "`\u{Es wird ausreichend} Abstand zwischen 
+Fußnoten und Text gelassen 
+und die Fußnoten werden in einem kleineren Schriftgrad 
+\erroronpage{123}{2. Abs, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+\ldots \u{auf denen} die Auswirkung\u{en} von \textsf{perpage} deutlich zu sehen sind.
+\erroronpage{143}{3. Abs, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Am Ende der Zeile fehlt ein Komma.
+\erroronpage{144}{1. Abs, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Es muss \u{kein} statt keinen hei\ss{}en.
+Der \LaTeX{}-Begleiter sollte stets mit Bindestrich geschrieben werden.
+\erroronpage{149}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Streiche Anführungszeichen bei "`theoremähnliche"'.
+\erroronpage{149}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 3}{RHe/FMi}{2006/06/10}{2}
+Ersetze: "`Bei vielen dieser Argumente wird der unten aufgeführte, voreingestellte 
+Wert verwendet, wenn ein leeres Argument angegeben wird. 
+"`Bei vielen dieser Argumente erhält man den unten aufgeführten voreingestellten
+Wert, wenn ein leeres Argument angegeben wird."'
+\erroronpage{149}{Argument \textit{kopf-nach-abstand}, Z.\ 
+   Streiche Anführungszeichen bei "`Interpunktion"'.
+\erroronpage{155}{Bsp. 3-3-25}{RHe/FMi}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Benutze babel Paket und ersetze englische Anführungszeichen durch deutsche.
+  The vertical space above ``Return values'' is too small.
+  Das ist ein ziemlich versteckter \LaTeX-Fehler, mit dem man wohl
+  leben muss.
+\erroronpage{159}{Abs.\ -1, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   "`\dots{} unverändert, also "`wie über die Tastatur eingegeben"'\u{,} 
+\erroronpage{160}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Anstelle "`extensiv"': "`\dots{} in der Vergangenheit \emph{intensiv} 
+genutzt wurden, \dots{}"'
+Ersetze: "`fontenc"' \> "`\textsf{fontenc}"'
+\erroronpage{174}{3. Abs, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Ersetze: "`diesen"' \> "`diesem"'
+\erroronpage{175}{Z. -4}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Streiche einmal das Wort "`sich"'.
+\erroronpage{182}{Abs -1, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Es geht um eine Untermenge \u{von} \ldots
+Streiche einmal das Wort "`Beispiel"'.
+\erroronpage{192}{3. Abs, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Es soll wohl "`von dieser \u{durch} das Resultat von \ldots"' hei\ss{}en.
+\erroronpage{195}{4. Abs, Z.5}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Ersetze: "`ausgeben"' \> "`aus\u{ge}geben"'
+\erroronpage{197}{2. Abs, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/01/14}{2}
+Streiche das zweite t aus setz\u{t}en.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 4}
+% - but also a national one, so could stay
+% \erroronpage{204}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ -2}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{}
+%    Streiche "`DIN"' in "`DIN A4"', da A4 nationaler (DIN 476), 
+% europ\"{a}ischer (EN 20 216) und internationaler (ISO 216) Standard ist.
+\erroronpage{205}{Tab.\ 4.2}{YiL}{2012/05/07}{}
+   Die in der Tabelle aufgelisteten Werte sind nur ann\"aherend korrekt
+ -- einige Werte h\"angen von der gew\"ahlten Papier-Option (etwa |a4paper|) ab.
+\erroronpage{205}{4.2, Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 5}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`\dots{} nicht v\"{o}llig unm\"{o}glich ist\u, sie 
+\dots{} zu \"{a}ndern, \dots{}"'.
+\erroronpage{208}{Z. 1}{JMa}{2006/01/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`zwei Pakete\u, mit deren"'
+\erroronpage{210}{Abs.\ 5, Z.\ 5}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   Streiche Komma vor der Klammer: "`\dots{} von Listen Verwendung 
+finden\_ (\dots{})."'
+\erroronpage{210}{Abs.6, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/01/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`abliest), kann man"'
+\erroronpage{213}{Abs.\ 3, Z.\ -1}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`\dots{} kann es angebracht sein, ihn 
+\erroronpage{213}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\-1}{FMi}{2006/09/25}{2}
+    Ersetze "`muss die ein oder andere Einstellung"' \>
+    "` müssen die Einstellungen"'
+     Es sollte wohl "`die ein\u{e} oder andere Einstellung"' hei"sen.
+\erroronpage{218}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 6}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`\dots{} ist es jedoch besser, 
+\texttt{ignorehead} \dots{} zu verwenden."'
+% Über das nächste Infinitivproblem kann man sich durchaus streiten:
+\erroronpage{218}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ -2}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`\dots{} liegt es beim Anwender, 
+sicherzustellen, dass \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{218}{Abs.\ -1, Z.\ -3}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`Da diese Option Fonts skaliert, anstatt 
+Originalfonts \dots{} einzusetzen, \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{219}{Abs.\ -1, Z.\ -4ff}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge "`werden"' ein und streiche Komma vor dem letzten Abschnitt 
+der Aufz\"{a}hlung: "`Zun\"{a}chst wird das Paket geladen, alle 
+R\"{a}nder \u{werden} auf einen Zoll gesetzt\_ und die Kolumnentitel \dots{} 
+festgelegt; \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{220}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 3}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma zwischen den Haupts\"{a}tzen ein: "`\dots{} des 
+Paketes wieder her, und bei \verb"pass" wird das Paket deaktiviert."'
+\erroronpage{221}{Aufz. cam, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`\dots{} welche die Ma{\ss}e der Nettoseite 
+anzeigen, ohne sie zu ber\"{u}hren (\dots{})."'
+\erroronpage{221}{para 4, l.4}{FMi}{2006/09/09}{2}
+   Option  \texttt{b3} ist zweifach gelistet.
+\erroronpage{221}{Abs.\ -2, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   Entferne:
+   "`Die Beschreibungen \dots{} sollten deutlich machen, dass \u{das}
+\textsf{crop} erst \dots{} geladen werden sollte."'
+\erroronpage{221}{Abs.\ -1, Z.\ 3}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`\dots{} normalerweise ist es n\"{u}tzlich, ihn 
+\erroronpage{222}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 3}{RHe}{2006/06/15}{2}
+   F\"{u}ge Komma ein: "`\dots{} versucht das Paket, den Druckertreiber 
+\dots{} zu bestimmen."'
+\erroronpage{223}{4.3, Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} sammelt genug Material, um gut eine Seite 
+\erroronpage{224}{Abs.\ -1, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} entspricht dem Inhalt von \verb"\thepage", 
+wie er auf der \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{225}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} mithilfe von \verb"\AtEndDocument", um 
+sicherzugehen, dass \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{229}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 8,10,-1}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Füge Leerstellen nach der Ellipse ein: "`\dots{} geht weiter"'
+\erroronpage{229}{Bsp.\ 4-3-3}{FMi}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Füge Leerstelle nach der Ellipse ein: \verb=\dots geht=
+   \> \verb=\dots{} geht=
+\erroronpage{233}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 5}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} um Längenparameter, sondern um Befehle 
+\erroronpage{234}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 7}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Ersetze Semikolon durch Komma und füge Wort ein: "Der Seitentyp wird mit `\dots{} 
+ausgewählt\u, der Bereich \u{dagegen} mit \dots{}"'
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 5}
+\erroronpage{247}{Abs.\ 3, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} dass sie fähig sein müssen, innerhalb des 
+Textes \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{249}{Abs.3 in 5.1.1}{JMa}{2006/01/27}{2}
+Dieser Satz steht schon am Ende des ersten Absatzes dieses 
+\erroronpage{251}{Abs.\ -1}{FMi/CBe}{2005/09/02}{2}
+ Ersetze Absatz: "`Dezimalwert, mit dem die voreingestellte Minimalhöhe von Tabellenzellen
+     multipliziert wird. Ein Wert von 1.5 würde  z.B. normalgroße
+     Zeilen um 50\% weiter voneinander entfernen.  Er wird mit
+     dem Befehl \verb=\renewcommand= eingestellt (Standardwert \texttt{1.0})."'
+% -check
+\erroronpage{252}{Tabelle 5.2}{RHe}{2006/06/17}{2}
+   Ersetze alle amerikanischen Auslassungszeichen \{..\} durch deutsche 
+\erroronpage{253}{Z. -2}{JMa}{2006/01/27}{2}
+Kein Komma vor "`erzeugt wurden"'
+\erroronpage{267}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/06/20}{2}
+   "`Letztere"' ist klein zu schreiben
+\erroronpage{267}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/20}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} üblicher, Farben \dots{} einzusetzen"'
+\erroronpage{269}{Abs.5, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/01/27}{2}
+\LaTeX-Trennfehler: Standar-dumgebung. \> Standard-umgebung 
+\erroronpage{277}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/20}{2}
+ Ersetze Anfang durch: "`Eine der Schwierigkeiten, \LaTeX{}-Tabellen mit außergewöhnlich
+großen Einträgen zu setzen, ist eine gute Raumverteilung um diese Einträge herum zu erreichen,
+ \dots"'
+\erroronpage{277}{Abs.\ -2, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/06/20}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} optionales Argument, ähnlich dem von 
+\verb"\\"\u, erweitert."'
+\erroronpage{277}{Abs.\ -1, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/06/20}{2}
+ Ersetze Anfang durch: "`Die vertikalen Linien in einer \texttt{tabular}-Umgebung
+ werden aus einer Reihe von Linienelementen gebildet, jeweils eines pro
+ Tabellenzelle."'
+\erroronpage{278}{editorial change}{FMi}{2006/06/20}{2}
+Änderung auf Seite 277 erzeugt neuen Zeilenverlauf.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 6}
+\erroronpage{292}{Abs.-1, Z.2}{MSch}{2006/01/04}{2}
+  Füge hinzu:  "`z.B. bedeutet \u{\texttt{0.2}}, dass 20\% von Gleitobjekten
+  belegt sein darf"'
+\erroronpage{298}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/08/07}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "Das \textsf{afterpage}-Paket ermöglicht
+stattdessen\u{,} \verb"\afterpage{\clearpage}" zu verwenden."'
+Fehlendes Komma: "`Hilfsdatei, in der"'
+Falsche Anf"uhrungszeichen bei "`eingerahmt"'
+\erroronpage{302}{exa 6-3-1}{FMi/CBe}{2005/09/02}{}
+The Euler constant must be typeset in roman type according
+to the ISO rules; $e$ is the charge of the electron.
+Es muss "`in den Abschnitte\u{n} 6.2.1 bzw. 6.2.2"' hei\ss{}en.
+Es muss "`{}"uber ein zus"atzliche\u{s} obligatorisches Argument"' 
+\erroronpage{306}{Abs.\ -2, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/08/07}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "\dots{} manchmal günstiger\u{,} nur die Legende zu
+Streiche den letzten Buchstaben von "`Bed"urfnisse\u{n}"'.
+\erroronpage{315}{Abs.\ -2, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/08/07}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "\dots{} die es ermöglichen\u{,} Gleitobjekte \dots{}
+zu untergliedern."'
+\erroronpage{317}{6.5.1, Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 1}{RHe}{2006/08/07}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "\dots{} das Paket \textsf{caption}\u{,} um Legenden
+\dots{} anzupassen."'
+\erroronpage{318}{Bsp.6-5-2, Abb.2}{JMa}{2006/02/04}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`Eine Legende, die mehrere"'
+   "`Diese Option legt die Fontcharakteristika \dots{} fest, sofern sie
+nicht \dots{} überschrieben \u{werden}."'
+\erroronpage{319}{Bsp.6-5-3, Tab.1}{JMa}{2006/02/04}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`Eine Legende, die mehrere"'
+\erroronpage{321}{Option \texttt{position}}{FMi/JS}{2005/09/14}{2}
+   Beschreibe, dass der Schlüssel \texttt{bottom} die Voreinstellung ist.
+\erroronpage{322}{Abs.-1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/02/04}{2}
+Streiche ein "`es"'.
+\erroronpage{327}{Abs.-1, Z.3 und Z.5}{JMa}{2006/02/04}{2}
+Ersetze: \textsl{typ} \> \textsl{klasse}
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 7}
+\erroronpage{337}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2006/06/07}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} Erscheinung, nachdem \dots {}"'
+\erroronpage{338}{Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 5}{RHe}{2006/06/07}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`(\dots{} sehr ähnlich, soweit es \dots {})"'
+\erroronpage{340}{Fußnote 2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`verwandelt, ist dabei"'
+\erroronpage{344}{Abs.3, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Schließende Klammer nach "`Abbildung 7.3"' fehlt.
+\erroronpage{348}{Abs.-1, Z.3-4}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Trennfehler: Es muss Pa-ketnamen statt Pak-etnamen hei\ss{}en.
+Änderung auf Seite 348 ändert Seitenumbruch.
+\erroronpage{352}{Abs.-1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`einnimmt, ist der"'
+% - no, would break the example spacing
+%Ersetze: NFSS \> \textsf{NFSS}
+\erroronpage{358}{Abs.5, Z.6+7}{JS}{2006/11/08}{2}
+ Ersetze:
+  "`Die \u{Computer Modern Typewriter und} Computer Modern Sans Fonts 
+   verfügen nicht über \u{breite} sondern nur über breitfette"'
+ \>
+  "`Die Computer Modern Sans Fonts
+   verfügen nicht über \u{fette} sondern nur über breitfette"'
+\erroronpage{361}{Tab 7.4}{AFV}{2008/08/08}{s}
+Die Tabelle zeigt |\mathtt| als Sans Serif Typewriter Font. Dies ist
+normalerweise nicht der Fall -- fast jede \LaTeX{} Installation verwendet 
+Computer Modern Typewriter.
+\erroronpage{362}{Abs.-1, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Streiche das mittlere s in Symbol\u{s}fonts.
+\erroronpage{364}{Abs.-2, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Ersetze: hinzu-f"ugt \> hinzu-\u{ge}f"ugt
+\erroronpage{367}{Ab.-2, Z.-1}{MSch}{2006/01/06}{2}
+  Der Abstand vor dem Punkt am Satzende ("`T1-Kodierung ."') ist zu
+  entfernen.
+\erroronpage{369}{Abs.-3, Z.-3}{PEb}{2006/05/12}{2}
+Ersetze "`Oktette (von Zahlen)"' \> "`Oktette (acht Bits)"'
+\erroronpage{371}{Abs. \texttt{cp437de}}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Falsche Anführungszeichen beim \ss
+\erroronpage{371}{Abs \texttt{utf8}}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Das Leerzeichen vor dem Punkt ist zu entfernen.
+\erroronpage{394}{letzte Z.}{MSch}{2006/01/06}{2}
+  Der Abstand vor der schlie\ss enden Klammer "`(in Abschnitt 7.5.4\_)"'
+  ist zu entfernen.
+\erroronpage{399}{Abs.-3, Z.2+3}{FMi}{2006/06/14}{2}
+   Füge Bindestrich ein: "`AMS-Font"'
+\erroronpage{401}{Abs.-2, Z.4}{FMi}{2006/06/14}{2}
+   Füge Bindestrich ein: "`AMS-Mathematikfont"'
+\erroronpage{404}{Abs.-1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Streiche das n aus Name\u{n}.
+\erroronpage{406}{Abs.3, Z.-3}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`werden, normalerweise ohnehin"'
+\erroronpage{407}{Bsp. 7-7-21, 7-7-22}{TNdz}{2006/01/20}{2}
+    Fehlendes Komma: "`\ldots ist ein Blindtext, an dem sich 
+    verschiedene \ldots"´
+\erroronpage{416}{Kapitel 7.8.6, Z.8}{RSi}{2005/12/07}{2}
+   Leerzeichen nach dem kleinen Omega (|\textscomega|) fehlt.
+\erroronpage{420}{Abs.3, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Ersetze: L"ander \> L"ander\u{n}
+\erroronpage{420}{Abs.4, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Streiche eines der beiden "`auf"'.
+\erroronpage{422}{Abs.3, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`zur Verf"ugung, um auf die"'
+\erroronpage{423}{Abs.1, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Ersetze: zum \> zu
+\erroronpage{425}{Fu\ss note}{hv}{2008/10/30}{s}
+Der Befehl hei\ss t |\pscharpath| [das s fehlt] und |pst-char| existiert zwar
+noch, l\"adt aber gleich |pst-text|, dass die Funktionen von |pst-char|
+integriert hat.
+\erroronpage{428}{Tabelle 7.27, Z.~1}{MSch}{2005/12/31}{2}
+  Ersetze: \dq`Cork\dq'-Kodierung durch "`Cork"'-Kodierung
+\erroronpage{428}{Abs1., Z.4-5}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Trennfehler: Es muss Pro-zent statt Proz-ent hei\ss{}en.
+\erroronpage{435}{Abs.-2, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma vor "`werden"'
+\erroronpage{445}{Abs.-3, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Streiche das s aus Namen\u{s}
+\erroronpage{445}{Abs.-3, Z.2}{RHe}{2006/06/11}{2}
+   Füge Bindestrich ein: "`AMS-Font"'
+\erroronpage{454}{Abs.4, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Ersetze: dass \> das
+\erroronpage{454}{Abs.5, Z.-3}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Ersetze: dier \> die
+\erroronpage{456}{Abs.2, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`Befehle, die"'
+\erroronpage{458}{Abs.2, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`Zeichen, die in"'
+\erroronpage{458}{Abs.2, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma: "`solchen, die in"'
+\erroronpage{458}{Abs.4, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Fehlendes Komma vor "`wurden"'
+\erroronpage{464}{Abs.1, Z.3-4}{JMa}{2006/02/27}{2}
+Trennfehler: Es muss Ak-zentzeichen statt Akz-entzeichen hei\ss{}en.
+Die "`Tabellen"uberschrift"' ist nicht im \textsf{sf}-Format.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 8}
+\erroronpage{478}{Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 2}{FMi/RHe}{2008/09/19}{2}
+Ersetze:  "`gültigen US-Praxis"' \> "`vorherrschenden Praxis"'
+\erroronpage{494}{8.2.12 Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 5}{RHe}{2008/09/19}{2}
+   Füge Kommata ein: "`Die Schwierigkeit\u{,} eine abgesetzte Formel 
+korrekt zu gestalten\u{,} kann \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{496}{Abs.2, Z.1/2}{JMa}{2006/03/05}{2}
+Trennfehler: Mark-up sieht deutlich besser aus als Mar-kup.
+\erroronpage{496}{Abs.\ 3 (nach Bsp. 8-2-28), Z.\ 2}{RHe}{2008/09/19}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} allerdings \emph{nur}\u{,} wenn sie \dots{} 
+verschoben wurde."'
+\erroronpage{503}{8.4.4 Abs.\ 1, Z.\ 3}{RHe}{2008/09/19}{2}
+   Lösche Komma (Regel §~72.2 "`gleichrangige Wortgruppen oder Wörter in 
+Aufzählungen (entweder -- oder)"'): "`\dots{} können entweder \dots{} 
+positioniert werden\u{ } oder \dots{} rechts der Operatoren."'
+Kein Komma vor "`oder"' bei einer Aufz"ahlung.
+\erroronpage{507}{Abs.-2, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/05}{2}
+Streiche die beiden letzten Buchstaben von Paket\u{es}.
+\erroronpage{510}{Abs.-1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/05}{2}
+Streiche einmal das Wort "`Tabelle"'.
+Füge folgenden Satz an: "`Im folgenden Beispiel wird |\sqrtsign| direkt
+\erroronpage{515}{Abs.-3, Z.2}{HjG}{2006/10/19}{2}
+Ersetze: "`Bei den \u{Hauptversionen} ($D'$,~$T'$~usw.{})"' \>
+         "`Bei den \u{Versionen mit Strich}  ($D'$,~$T'$~usw.{})"'
+\erroronpage{516}{Abs.-3, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/05}{2}
+Streiche ein "`die"'.
+\erroronpage{518}{8.7.5 Abs.\ 3 , Z.\ 3}{RHe}{2008/09/19}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} und verhält sich somit\u{,} als wären beide 
+Maße gleich null."'
+\erroronpage{535}{Abs. 1, Z. 5}{RHe}{2008/09/19}{2}
+Ersetze: "`\ldots{} existierenden, neu belebten Mediävalschriften."'
+ \> "\ldots{} existierenden Renaissance-Antiqua-Schriften."'
+\erroronpage{544}{Tab. 8-10/11}{FMi}{2006/08/09}{2}
+   Fehlende Symbole aus amssymb hinzugef"ugt: |\circledR|, |\yen|,
+   |\checkmark| und |\maltese|. 
+\erroronpage{544}{Tab. 8.11}{LHe}{2008/02/08}{s}
+    |\dag| und |\ddag| sind |\mathord|s und nicht |\mathbin| wie in Tabelle
+    8.13 behauptet. 
+\erroronpage{546}{Tab. 8.13}{LHe}{2008/02/08}{s}
+    |\dag| und |\ddag| sind keine |\mathbin|s. Sie geh"oren deshalb nicht in
+    diese Tabelle und sind auch nicht (wie behauptet) Synonyme f"ur |\dagger|
+    und |\ddagger|.
+\erroronpage{552}{8.9.6 Abs.\ 1 , Z.\ 4}{RHe}{2008/09/19}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} nicht der Symbolklasse Punctuation\u{,} 
+sondern Ordinary \dots{} zugeordnet sind."'
+\erroronpage{554}{Tab. 8-27}{DIs/FMi}{2006/08/09}{2}
+   Fehlende Symbole aus amssymb hinzugef"ugt:  |\llcorner|, |\lrcorner|,
+   |\ulcorner| und |\urcorner|. Tabbellennotiz und Absatz unter der Tabelle
+   entsprechend ge"andert.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 9}
+\erroronpage{556}{Nummer 1, Item 1}{RHe}{2008/09/20}{2}
+Ersetze: "`Unterstützung für den Satz \ldots{}"'
+ \> "`Unterstützen des Setzens in` \ldots{}"'
+\erroronpage{560}{2. Snippet}{MSch/FMi}{2006/01/06}{2}
+  Der vertikale Abstand vor dem Codebeispiel ist im Verh"altnis zum
+  darauffolgenden Abstand erheblich zu gro\ss.
+  Und zudem die Seite eine Zeile zu lang.
+\erroronpage{560}{Z.\ -5}{RHe/FMi}{2006/09/21}{2}
+Ersetze: "`der Übersetzungen \u{für} Texte"' \> 
+         "`der Übersetzungen generierter Texte"'
+\erroronpage{563}{Abs.1, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/03/14}{2}
+Die "offnende Klammer fehlt vor "`zum Beispiel"'.
+\erroronpage{565}{Abs.-2, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/14}{2}
+Streiche den letzten Buchstaben von sprachspezifische\u{n}.
+\erroronpage{567}{tab 9.3}{FMi/CBe}{2005/09/27}{}
+   I am surprised that in Russian there is no word for ``Glossary''.
+   Frank: It most certainly exits :-), but right now Babel doesn't
+   know about it---so there is nothing we can do about it at the
+   moment. Actually the same problem exists with Polish, although here
+   I got a translation ``s\l ownik termin{\'o}w'' which will eventually
+   find its way into Babel.
+   Tja, so gehts. Auch als das deutsche Buch gesetzt wurde, waren die Begriffe
+   auch noch nicht bekannt.
+\erroronpage{570}{Abs. -4("`Die Tilde"' , Z. 2}{RHe}{2006/09/20}{2}
+Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} nicht für ein geschütztes Leerzeichen\u{,}
+sondern für andere \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{570}{Abs. -4("`Die Tilde"' , Item 1}{RHe}{2006/09/20}{2}
+Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} niedriger gesetzt werden\u{,} als dies
+normalerweise \dots{}"'
+% "`Gemäß"' wird mit dem Dativ verwendet:
+\erroronpage{571}{Abs. 2 ("`Doppelpunkt usw."' , Z. -2}{RHe}{2006/09/20}{2}
+Ersetze: "`Gemäß der \ldots{} Konventionen \ldots{}"'
+ \> "`Gemäß den \ldots{} Konventionen \ldots{}"'
+\erroronpage{579}{Abs.3, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/03/14}{2}
+Streiche die beiden letzten Buchstaben von ein\u{en}.
+\erroronpage{579}{Abs.2, Z.3}{RHe}{2006/06/11}{2}
+   Streiche Komma: "Wie der Befehl \verb"\nombre"\_ verfügt er \dots{}"'
+\erroronpage{590}{Abs.1, Z.5/6}{JMa}{2006/03/14}{2}
+Wenn  "`rumakeindex"' getrennt werden muss, sieht "`rumake-index"' deutlich 
+besser aus.
+\erroronpage{599}{Abs.2, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/14}{2}
+Zu der schließenden Klammer gibt es keine "offnende.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 10}
+\erroronpage{612}{lfd. Nr. 1, Z. 1}{RHe}{2006/10/16}{2}
+Ersetze: "`ASCII-Zeichnung"'
+ \> "`ASCII-Zeichnung\u{en}"'
+\erroronpage{628}{Abs.-3, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Der Bruch $\displaystyle\frac{\pi}{2}$ ragt in die Zeile darunter.
+\erroronpage{633}{Tab.\ 10.1}{FMi}{2006/10/21}{2}
+Es fehlt  "`vtex"' als wichtiger Treiber; andererseits sind einige der
+aufgelisteten Treiber nur von historischer Bedeutung.
+\erroronpage{634}{Abs. 1, Z. 1}{RHe}{2006/10/16}{2}
+Füge Komma ein: "`\dots{} reelle Werte haben)\u{,} anstatt nach 
+\erroronpage{637}{Abs. 1, Z. 1}{RHe}{2006/10/16}{2}
+Füge Komma ein: "`Lässt \LaTeX{} nach \dots{} suchen\u{,} anstatt nach 
+Füge am Anfang ein: "` Definiert den Bereich der Graphik für den \LaTeX{} Platz reservieren
+ soll. Material außerhalb wird auch gedruckt (falls nicht \texttt{clip}
+ verwendet wird) und überdruckt dann gegebenenalls anderes Material auf der Seite."'
+   Setzer-Kommentar:
+Seite mu\ss{} neu gesetzt werden, da sich der Seitenumbruch ge\"andert hat.
+\erroronpage{638}{Abs.3, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Streiche den letzten Buchstaben von ausf"uhrliche\u{n}.
+\erroronpage{647}{Abs.4, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Streiche den letzten Buchstaben von vertikale\u{r}.
+\erroronpage{649}{Abs.2, Z.8}{FMi/HjG}{2006/10/22}{2}
+  Ersetze: "`\u{Dieser Punkt} ist in \ldots"' \>
+           "`\u{Dies} ist in \ldots"'
+  The first column shows incorrect output: instead of x=0mm it uses some
+  internal default.
+\erroronpage{651}{Abs. -1, Z. 1}{RHe}{2006/10/16}{2}
+Ersetze: "`Die \dots{} Funktion ähnelt dem des \textsf{rotating}-Paketes 
+ \>"`Die \dots{} Funktion ähnelt der des \textsf{rotating}-Paketes 
+\erroronpage{652}{editorial change}{FMi}{2006/10/21}{2}
+  Fix on previous page will change page break.
+\erroronpage{661}{Abs.-3, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Ersetze: "`verf"ugt"' \> "`verf"ugen"'
+\erroronpage{661}{para -2, l.1}{FMi}{2005/11/11}{2}
+  Leider ist Th\`anhs Name falsch geschrieben. Die korrekte Schreibweise
+  ist "`H\`an Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}} Th\`anh"'.
+\erroronpage{672}{letzte Zeile}{BvdW}{2014/02/19}{}
+Ersetze ``wir'' durch ``wird''.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 11}
+\erroronpage{686}{Abs.-2, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Streiche das Komma vor "`und"'.
+\erroronpage{691}{Abs.4, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Ersetze: "`eigene"' \> "`eigenen"'
+\erroronpage{697}{Abs. \texttt{-o} \textsl{ind}}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Streiche die letzten Buchstaben von Verwendung\u{Index}.
+   Extra Buchstabe: |\mark|\texttt{\u k}|both| \>
+   |\markboth|
+\erroronpage{704}{Abs.1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/23}{2}
+Streiche den letzten Buchstaben von Teil\u{s}.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 12}
+\erroronpage{709}{Abs.3, Z.-5}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Entferne das Komma vor l"asst.
+\erroronpage{711}{Abs.2, Z.3/4}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Trennfehler: Schreibe Layout-richtlinien statt Layou-trichtlinien.
+\erroronpage{717}{Abs.3, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`definieren"' ein.
+\erroronpage{719}{Abs.-1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`mit dessen Hilfe"' ein.
+\erroronpage{721}{Abs.-1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`die nicht unterst"utzt"' ein.
+\erroronpage{728}{Abs.2, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Es hei\ss{}t \u{der} Apostroph, nicht "`das"'.
+\erroronpage{734}{Abs.-3, Z.-3}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+F"uge ein "offnende Klammer vor "`zum Beispiel"' ein.
+\erroronpage{735}{Abs.3, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`wo im"' ein.
+\erroronpage{737}{Abs.-3, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`die normalerweise"' ein.
+\erroronpage{740}{Abs.-3, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Streiche den letzten Buchstaben von wurde\u{n}.
+\erroronpage{745}{Abs.-1, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Ersetze: "`ein solche"' \> "`eine solche"'
+\erroronpage{746}{Abs.-4, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`wo im"' ein.
+\erroronpage{752}{Abs.1, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Zur schlie\ss{}enden Klammer gibt es keine "offnende.
+\erroronpage{752}{Abs.3, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Streiche die letzten drei Buchstaben von "`aufauf"'.
+\erroronpage{755}{Abs.-1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Ersetze: "`eine vollst"andigen"' \> "`einen vollst"andigen"'
+\erroronpage{763}{Abs.3, Z.6}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Streiche das Komma vor "`und"'.
+\erroronpage{767}{Abs.-3, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Ersetze: "`L"adt"' \> "`l"adt"'
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`die eine bestimmte Wahl"' ein.
+\erroronpage{777}{Abs.3, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Füge einen Punkt nach "`zeigt"' ein.
+\erroronpage{781}{Abs.1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/03/31}{2}
+Ersetze: "`Diese"' \> "`Dieses"'
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 13}
+\erroronpage{791}{Tab.13.1, \texttt{inbook}}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+Streiche einmal das Wort "'oder"'.
+\erroronpage{792}{Tab13.2, \texttt{crossref}}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`auf den"' ein.
+\erroronpage{795/796}{mehrere Stellen}{FMi/DAl}{2005/09/12}{2}
+  Der Name "`Miguel Lopez Fernandez"' sollte durch "`Miguel Parra Benavides"'
+  ersetzt werden, da der bisher verwendete eigentlich Akzente besitzen würde,
+  die an der Stelle im Buch noch nicht diskutiert wurden.
+\erroronpage{796}{Abs.-5, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+F"uge einen Punkt nach "`erscheinen"' ein.
+\erroronpage{799}{Abs.-2, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+Streiche das Komma vor "'und"'.
+\erroronpage{802}{Abs.-1, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+Streiche das Komma vor "'und"'.
+\erroronpage{819}{Abs.-1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+Ersetze: BibTexMng \> \textsf{BibTexMng}
+\erroronpage{820}{Abs.2, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+Streiche das Komma nach \texttt{size}.
+\erroronpage{821}{Tab.13.4, Z.-4}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+F"uge ein Leerzeichen nach "`Fachzeitschriften"' ein. Ferner ist die 
+"'Tabellen"uberschrift"' nicht im \textsf{sf}-Format.
+\erroronpage{828}{Tab. 13.5, Z. 1-2}{MSch}{2006/01/06}{2}
+  Donald Ervin Knuths Name ist falsch geschrieben. Ersetze: "`Erwin"' \>
+  "`Ervin"'
+Ersetze: Italienische \> Italienisch
+\erroronpage{832}{Abs.1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+Ersetze: Abschnitte \> Abschnitten
+\erroronpage{839}{Tab.13.8, \texttt{substring}}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+F"uge ein Leerzeichen vor "`hat"' ein.
+\erroronpage{842}{Abs.1, Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/04/11}{2}
+Entweder fehlt hier eine "offnende Klammer -- oder die schlie\ss{}ende ist 
+zu viel.
+\CHAPTER{Kapitel 14}
+Die "`Tabellen"uberschrift"' ist nicht im \textsf{sf}-Format.
+\erroronpage{858}{Abs.4, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/05/03}{2}
+F"uge ein "`zu"' zwischen "`Kommentare"' und "`entfernen"' ein.
+\erroronpage{865}{1. Snippet, Z. 2}{MSch}{2006/01/06}{2}
+  Ersetze: |text/latex/base| \> |tex/latex/base|
+  Explain that |\cmd| can't be used with conditionals, e.g., those produced
+  with |\newif| .
+   Underline, as it is command line input.
+\erroronpage{871}{Abs.2, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/05/03}{2}
+Ersetze entg"ultig \> endg"ultig
+   Setzer-Kommentar:
+   Beispiele m"ussen neu kompiliert werden und
+   Seiten m"ussen immer dann neu gedruckt werden, wenn etwas am Kapitel ge"andert
+   wird --- genauer auf \emph{einer} der drei Seiten (da sich das CVS-Tag in
+   den Beispielen und im "`code"' auf
+   Seite 871/Mitte "andert).
+\CHAPTER{Anhang A}
+\erroronpage{880}{Abs.1, Z.6}{VVo}{2008/09/02}{s}
+Ersetze: "`so wird eine Fehlermeldung ausgegeben."'
+\>  "`so wird eine Warnung ausgegeben."'
+\erroronpage{882}{Abs.1, Z.2}{FMi}{2006/05/12}{2}
+Ersetze: Abschnitte \> Abschnitten
+\erroronpage{888}{fig A.1, l.4}{FMi/JAn}{2005/09/09}{2}
+    ``Did\^ot'' \> ``Didot'' und entferne Komma nach "`Zoll"' 
+\erroronpage{891}{Tab.A.3, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/05/03}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`der eine feste oder"' ein.
+\erroronpage{899}{A.2.3 Abs.\ 2, Z.\ 5}{RHe}{2006/06/10}{2}
+   Füge Komma ein: "`Diese Struts sind sehr nützlich, um die Höhe oder 
+\erroronpage{903}{Abs.-2, Z.1}{FMi}{2006/06/14}{2}
+Füge Wort ein:  "`nach der \u{letzten} Klammer \verb=}= und\ldots"'
+\erroronpage{906}{Abs.1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/05/03}{2}
+Ersetze \textsl{text} \> \textsl{test}
+\erroronpage{909}{Abs.2, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/05/03}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`ob"' ein.
+\erroronpage{918}{Abs.-1, Z.3}{JMa}{2006/05/03}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`wird"' ein.
+\erroronpage{918}{Abs.-1, Z.4}{FMi}{2006/09/23}{2}
+Ersetze:  "`und alle Prozesse angehalten. "'
+\>        "`und \u{die Verarbeitung} angehalten."'
+\CHAPTER{Anhang B}
+\erroronpage{925}{Abs.-2, Z.-3}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`\textit{geben Sie}"' ein.
+\erroronpage{960}{Abs.-2, Z.-1}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Der Punkt am Ende des Absatzes fehlt.
+\erroronpage{969}{Abs.-3, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Ersetze das \> dass
+\erroronpage{971}{Abs.1, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Ersetze einen \> ein
+\erroronpage{973}{Abs.1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Ersetze Seite 973 \> dieser Seite
+\erroronpage{973}{Abs.5, Z.1}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Ersetze \TeX{}war \> \TeX\ war
+Entferne das Komma vor "`\textit{wurde}"'.
+Entferne das Komma vor "`als"'.
+\erroronpage{980}{Abs.1, Z.2}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma nach "`wird"' ein.
+\erroronpage{987}{Abs.-2, Z.5}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`wobei"' ein.
+\erroronpage{988}{Abs.-1, Z.-3}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`gilt"' ein.
+\CHAPTER{Anhang C}
+\erroronpage{998}{Abs.2, Z.5}{FMi}{2006/09/12}{2}
+Ersetze: Abbildung C.\u{2} \> Abbildung C.\u{1}
+\erroronpage{998}{Abs.-1, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Streiche das Komma vor "`ausgew"ahlt"'.
+\erroronpage{1001}{Bsp.1, Z.1}{SNe}{2009/05/10}{s}
+Ersetze "\texttt{wgetftp}"' \> "`\texttt{wget ftp}"'
+\erroronpage{1003}{Abs.-1, Z.5/6}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Streiche eines der beiden Worte "`eingeblendet"'.
+Ersetze Kalanien \> Katalonien
+Ersetze Orleans \> Orl\'{e}ans
+Ersetzte Erl\"auterung durch: "`Die 
+\u{englische} erste Ausgabe dieses Buches."'
+Eintrag sollte auf die zweite (aktuelle) Ausgabe verweisen.
+(Ab dem korrigierten Nachdruck von 2010 befindet sich [58] ganz auf seite 1018.)
+\erroronpage{1019}{[67], Z.-2}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Schreibe "`Sprachengetrennt"' getrennt.
+   streiche "`international"; ISO ist per se international
+  Füge ``Lars Hellstr\"om'' als Autor hinzu. Datum ``Dezember 2004''
+\erroronpage{1025}{[116,  Z.\ 2]}{RHe}{2006/06/07}{2}
+   Vergleich mit "`(eben)so \dots{} setzen kann, wie sonst \dots{}"' 
+erfordert Komma
+\erroronpage{1026}{[127], Z.1}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`welche"' ein.
+  Der Titel lautet: ``E-\TeX: Guidelines for Future \TeX{} Extensions''.
+\erroronpage{1028}{[140], Z.2}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+F"uge ein Komma vor "`die auf"' ein.
+\erroronpage{1028}{[140], Z.-5}{JMa}{2006/05/28}{2}
+Ersetze Tinagh \> Tifinagh
+   Leider ist Th\`anhs Name falsch geschrieben (Akzente) . Die
+  korrekte Schreibweise ist "`H\`an Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}}
+  Th\`anh"'.
+  "`Han"' ist der Familienname, müsste also korrekterweise unter H
+  einsortiert werden (letzteres lässt sich aber nur schwer korrigieren, da
+  wegen der gänderten Nummerierung dann nahezu das gesamte Buch neu gesetzt
+  werden müsste).
+\erroronpage{1033}{2. Absatz, Z.4}{JMa}{2006/01/05}{2}
+Die Abkürzung NFSS sollte \textsf{NFSS} geschrieben werden.
+\erroronpage{1040}{rechte Spalte, Zeile 8}{BvdW}{2014/02/19}{}
+\verb=\AskOption= (ohne das ``s'' am Ende, siehe Errata Seite 2 zu Kapitel 2)
+\iffalse Nicht wirklich, aber auch nicht schoen so ... mal sehen
+\erroronpage{1068}{"`Gleichheits- und Relationszeichen"'}{MSch}{2005/12/31}{}
+  Die beiden Einträge zu Gleichheits- und Relationszeichen sind durch
+  die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Trennzeichen falsch sortiert;
+  vertausche "`negierte, mathematische Symbole"' und "`mathematische
+  Symbole"'.
+\erroronpage{1129}{Abs. 2, Z.3}{SZi}{2005/11/24}{2} 
+  l"osche g aus Dok\u{g}umente
+\begin{multicols}{3}[Dank an alle die Fehler oder Auslassungen
+   gemeldet haben. Gelistet sind jeweils die Personen die ein Problem
+   zuerst entdeckt haben. Einige Fehler wurden im englischen Original
+   gefunden, weshalb auch ein paar Namen ohne Fehlerzahl auftauchen.]
+\contributor{AFe}{Alfonso Fernandez-Vazquez}
+\contributor{BvdW}{Berend G. van der Wall}
+\contributor{CBe}{Claudio Beccari}
+\contributor{ChB}{Christof B\"ockler}
+\contributor{DAl}{Daniel Alonso i Alemany}
+\contributor{DIs}{Daniel Isaacson}
+\contributor{ESt}{Eckhard Stein}
+\contributor{FMi}{Frank Mittelbach}
+\contributor{HjG}{Hubert G\"a\ss lein}
+\contributor{JAn}{Jacques Andr\'e}
+\contributor{JBez}{Javier Bezos}
+\contributor{JMa}{Jens Mandavid}
+\contributor{JS}{Joachim Schrod}
+\contributor{LHe}{Lars Hellstr\"om}
+\contributor{MHo}{Morten H\o gholm}
+\contributor{MLi}{Martin Liebmann}
+\contributor{MSch}{Michael Schutte}
+\contributor{PEb}{Paul Ebermann}
+\contributor{RHe}{Ralf Heckmann}
+\contributor{RKo}{Reinhard Kotucha}
+\contributor{RSi}{Roman Sigg}
+\contributor{SNe}{Stefan Neuhaus}
+\contributor{SZi}{Stefan Ziesemer}
+\contributor{TNdz}{Timo Niedenzu} 
+\contributor{VVo}{Vladimir Volovich}
+\contributor{YiL}{Yiannis Lazarides}
+Sollten Sie einen weiteren Fehler entdecken, melden Sie diesen bitte an
+  frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
+wenn möglich gleich in der für diese Datei benötigte Form, d.h.
+   \textit{Initialen}|}{|\textit{JJJJ/MM/DD}|}{}| \\
+   \hspace*{2em}\textit{Beschreibung des Fehlers}
+Hier ist ein Beispiel:
+\erroronpage{5}{Abs.3, Z.1}{MOs}{2005/09/01}{}
+   Ersetze: "`LaTeX"' \> "`\LaTeX{}"' 
+Die Verwendung von Babelkommandos (etwa |"`|) ist möglich, aber Umlaute
+sollten möglichst nicht als 8-bit Zeichen eingegeben werden (also besser |"a|
+oder |\"a|) um Probleme mit der Kodierung zu verhindern.

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+% To produce a printed version of this errata file run this file through
+% LaTeX. It will unpack a small class file (if not already present) and
+% a configuration file with the extension .cfg. You might want to modify
+% the setting in this configuration file to print only a partial errata
+% suitable for your printed revision of this book, see details in the
+% .cfg file.
+% The current version of this file can be found at:
+%    https://www.latex-project.org/guides/books.html
+%% Copyright (C) 1997,2004,2005,2007 Frank Mittelbach
+%% This class file is licenced under LPPL latest version; 
+%% see https://www.latex-project.org/lppl
+% It sets up a few commands used to format the errata entries for books in the
+% Addison-Wesley Series:
+%    Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting
+% hence the name. However, anybody who likes to use it is free to apply it for
+% errata files of other books. 
+% Changes:
+% v1.0a - changed name from errata.cls to ttcterrata.cls
+  [2007/11/10 v1.0a Mini class for errata files; subject to change (FMi)]
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+  {\begin{longtable}{r>{\raggedright}p{2cm}l>{\raggedright}p{10cm}l}}
+  {\endgobble\end{longtable}}
+  {\begin{center}\LARGE\bfseries
+      Errata list for #1\\[5pt](\myprinting.\ printing)\\[10pt]
+      \small Includes all entries found \printedentries\space #2\\
+      (For other periods/print runs reprocess this document
+      with different config settings)
+   \end{center}%
+   \markright{Errata for #1 (\printedentries\space #2)}%
+   \thispagestyle{plain}%
+   \vspace{20pt}}
+\newcommand\contributor[2]{\makebox[1cm][l]{\sffamily#1} #2\par}
+% some special shortcuts overwriting existing commands:
+%%% some code suggested by Thorsten Hansen to count the number of
+%%% contributions by individuals (will work only if we do not get
+%%% too many :-)
+\def\count at contributors#1/#2/#3\@nil{
+   \@ifundefined{c@#1}{\newcounter{#1}}{}\stepcounter{#1}%
+%%%   also count secondary:
+%%%   \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\newcounter{#2}}{}\stepcounter{#2}% 
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+  \sffamily#1} #2\@ifundefined{c@#1}{}{ (\arabic{#1})}\par} 
+% Configuration file for the errata listing of 
+%  The LaTeX Graphics Companion, Second Edition
+% \erratastartdate 
+% Specifies the date from which on errata entries should be listed.
+% The format is YYYY/MM/DD.
+% The default below ensures that all entries for a particular
+% printing are typeset.
+% \myprinting
+% Specifies which (revised) printing you own. For example, if you
+%    have the second printing set this to 2 so that errors already
+%    corrected in that printing will not appear in your errata
+%    listing.
+% The default below ensures that all entries relevant to the x-th
+%    printing are typeset. 
+% \norevisionnumbers
+% Specifies that all page numbers in the errata are shown in the same
+%    format (bold face) irregardless of whether or not they are fixed
+%    in some revision. The default is to print corrected errors in
+%    italic and add the revision number as a superscript.
+% \showallerrors
+% With this command you tell the program that all errata entries are
+%    supposed to be generated. This makes \myprinting and
+%    \erratastartdate basically obsolete so this isn't turned on by
+%    default.
+\documentclass{ttcterrata}[2005/11/10]  % we want new class
+\let\u\underline          % shortcut for this file
+\erratatitle{The \LaTeX{} Graphics Companion, Second Edition}{\erratafiledate}
+ at book(A-W:GMRRV07,
+   author = {Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Sebastian Rahtz
+             and Denis Roegel and Herbert Vo{\ss}},
+   title = {The {\LaTeX} Graphics Companion},
+   edition = 2,
+   series =    {Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting},
+   publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+   address   = {Boston, Massachusetts},
+   year = 2007,
+   pagenums = {976},
+   bibliography = {yes},
+   index = {yes},
+   isbn = {978-0-321-50892-8},
+This file (\texttt{\jobname.err}) can be found as part of the \LaTeX{}
+distribution and its latest version is maintained on the \LaTeX{}
+project site at \texttt{https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/\jobname.err}
+where you will also find extracts of the book.
+The first column in the table shows the page number of the errata
+entry.  Superscript numbers in the first column refer to the printed
+revision in which this entry was corrected (\textit{s} indicates a
+correction in the sources only). The second
+column gives the precise location (negative line or paragraph numbers
+are counted from the bottom of the page). The third column shows the
+first finder of the problem.
+You can customize this list to only show errata related to the printing
+you own by changing the configuration in the file \texttt{\jobname.cfg}.
+  \Large \bfseries  To Err is Human --- Bug Contest
+Any mistake found and reported is a gain for all readers of our book.
+For this reason Addison-Wesley and the authors offer a prize (for 6 
+periods) to the eligible person who finds the largest
+number of bugs during that period (in case of a draw a random choice
+will be made between all those with the largest number of findings).
+A person can receive at most one prize, ever; errors found by any of
+the authors do not count.
+Each prize is a free choice of any single computing book found on the
+AW Professional web site \texttt{http://www.awprofessional.com} (that
+is, no boxed sets or multiple volume offers).
+As usual, the authors and publisher reserve the right to make various
+decisions such as whether a reported feature is an error for
+competitive purposes or whether similar features count as a single or
+multiple errors.  --- 
+Good luck!
+Contest period ends & Winner \\[4pt]
+2008/05 & Milan Vujtek            &  16 suggestions\\
+2010/05 &                         & \\
+\CHAPTER{General  }
+   To help you in assessing this errata document we have placed
+   exclamation marks in front of each entry that we consider essential
+   for correctly understanding the book contents.
+   Due to the printing process there may be small alignment problems
+   between blue and black text on some pages. These can vary from book
+   to book depending on how the paper was handled between print
+   runs---such is the analog nature of printing on a press.
+\CHAPTER{Front matter}
+\erroronpage{xxix}{para 4, l.1}{FMi/hv}{2007/08/23}{2}
+Add ``In case of \textsf{PSTricks} \u{and, for example, the \textsf{beamer}
+class} the syntax \ldots''
+\erroronpage{xxix}{para 5, code}{FMi}{2007/08/24}{2}
+There should be a bit more space in front  of the code block
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 1}
+\erroronpage{2}{para 3, l.1}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2}
+ ``First.'' \> ``First,''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 2}
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 3}
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 4}
+\seriouserroronpage{152}{exa 4-1-15}{HjG}{2007/08/17}{2}
+  Output of example is missing! Oops \ldots\ it was there honest
+\erroronpage{177}{para 2, l.1}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Missing interword space: ``Flowcharts\u{ }are''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 5}
+\erroronpage{221}{last line}{RSh}{2008/02/13}{2}
+``down'' should be ``up''.
+Changed explanation for example 5-4-1 slightly (since example changed).
+\erroronpage{224}{exa. 5-4-1}{hv}{2008/02/22}{2}
+Coding changed to:
+  \psaxes{->}(0,0)(-1,-1)(2,2)
+  \parabola[linewidth=1.5pt](1,2)(-0.5,-0.5)
+  \parabola[origin={0.25,-0.5},
+            linestyle=dashed](1,2)(-0.5,-0.5)
+  \psaxes[origin={0.25,-0.5},linestyle=dashed,
+    linewidth=0.2pt]{->}(0,0)(-1,-1)(2,2)
+\erroronpage{240}{para 4, l.8}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Remove  backslash in:
+ ``keyword setting \verb/\showpoints=true/''
+\erroronpage{254}{Ex 5-9-1}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{} 
+The blue circle shouldn't be visible behind the black circle. This is a
+problem due to the printing process used for the book---it does not show up on
+all books.
+\erroronpage{290}{Ex 5-13-22}{MSh}{2008/06/11}{2}
+Inside |\pscustom| the |\psbezier| macro needs four arguments in case
+there exists no current point (always for the first macro) and three
+arguments if the bezier curve connects to an existing line
+or curve (path).
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 6}
+\erroronpage{335}{para 5, l.4}{JMi}{2008/06/23}{2}
+``\ldots{} summarized in \u{Table} 5.2 \ldots" \> ``\ldots{} summarized in 
+\u{Figure} 5.2 \ldots''
+  Missing interword space:
+  ``The\u{ }plotpoints \ldots''.
+\erroronpage{416}{exa 6-6-34}{hv}{2007/08/20}{2}
+  The filling (crosshatch) of the example isn't quite correct.
+\erroronpage{458}{para 2, l.1}{HjG}{2007/08/17}{2}
+  Missing interword space:
+  ``The\u{ }\textsf{pst-pdf} package \dots''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 7}
+\erroronpage{491}{2nd line}{yhj}{2008/01/06}{2}
+The name of author of xytree package should be ``Koaunghi Un''
+but not ``Koaungli Un''. Sorry for the mistake.
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 8}
+\erroronpage{514}{tab. 8.3}{FMi}{2008/012/21}{2} 
+Slightly increase spacing after hline.
+\erroronpage{515}{tab. 8.4}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+There should be vertical spacing in the first line (superscript $10^{24}$
+touches top line)
+\seriouserroronpage{579}{para 2, l.3}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+ \verb=\ln= \>  \verb=\nl= (this will also change the index entry)
+\erroronpage{583}{para 4, l.9}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Replace: ``of the voltage $V_C$'' \> ``of the voltage $v_C$''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 9}
+ The text and the displayed logs talk about example 7-2-6 but afterwards two
+ more chapters got added (without the logs being regenerated), i.e., this
+ should now be 9-2-6.
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 10}
+\seriouserroronpage{683}{exa. 10-1-22}{FMi}{2007/08/26}{2}
+The example unfortunately highlights a bug in the current texmate package: a
+linebreak (in contrast to a space) is not recognized as a move separator
+resulting in all moves getting scrambled in the output, e.g., you see
+\texttt{dxe5 Bxf3 Qxf5} put together under move 4.
+Fix: use \texttt{;} to separate moves on linebreaks or wait for the next
+release of the package.
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 11}
+\erroronpage{720}{6th item}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2}
+Replace: ``documentwide'' \> ``\u{D}ocumentwide''
+\erroronpage{726}{para 2, l.2}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Extra space after
+parenthesis: ``( in practice''
+\erroronpage{740}{para 2, l.1}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Replace: ``given
+by \textit{start\u{ row}}'' \> ``given by \textit{start} row''
+\seriouserroronpage{741}{Ex 11-3-5}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Usage of
+\verb=\cellcolor= might introduce extra space in the output (as one can see in
+the example).
+This can be argued as being a bug in the \texttt{colortbl} package. Given that the
+basic \verb=\color= command ignores spaces after it, \verb=\cellcolor= should
+behave similarly.
+\seriouserroronpage{744}{line after Ex 11-3-9}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Replace: ``This does \u{not}, of course, affect'' \>
+``This does, of course, \u{also} affect''
+\erroronpage{758}{para 3, l.2}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Add small space between values and units in frame dimension
+\erroronpage{760}{fig. 11.1}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2}
+why differs section names (``Introduction to encoding'' vs. ``Introduction''
+Frank: because the author of this section used a real live example where he had
+used an optional argument to |\section| to make the toc have special text for
+some reason (should be mentioned in the source though).
+\erroronpage{774}{2nd snytax box}{hv}{2009/05/8}{2} 
+The |\transduration| command takes ``time in seconds'' as mandatory argument
+(and not ``key/vals'')
+\erroronpage{779}{para 3, l.1}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+``in not shown''\>
+``\u{is} not shown''
+\erroronpage{794}{exa 11--4-36}{hv}{2009/05/12}{2} 
+Replace ``pic2e'' \> ``pic\u{t}2e'' in output, corresponding input not
+displayed in the book.
+\CHAPTER{Appendix A}
+\CHAPTER{Appendix B}
+\erroronpage{809}{para -1, l.-1}{HjG}{2007/08/17}{2}
+  Missing interword space before opening parenthesis:
+  ``\dots \texttt{faq}\u{ }(or \dots''
+Frank: actually there is nothing missing in the source. It is a deficiency of
+the fonts.
+\CHAPTER{Appendix C}
+\erroronpage{822}{entry [32]}{MiV}{2008/05/22}{2} 
+Use capital C in ``Lecture Notes in computer Science''
+\erroronpage{823}{entry [35]}{JPFD}{2007/09/05}{2}
+  The author name ``Eitan M. Gurai'' should be ``Eitan M. Gurari''.
+\erroronpage{824}{entry [47]}{GTa}{2010/02/10}{}
+  An updated version of the manual can be downloaded from
+  \url{https://www.tug.org/docs/metapost/mpman.pdf}
+\erroronpage{825}{entry [50]}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+Use capital C in ``Lecture Notes in computer Science''
+\erroronpage{826}{entry [59]}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+  Add web url: \url{http://archiv.dante.de/DTK/PDF/komoedie_2002_1.pdf}
+\erroronpage{826}{entry [60]}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+    Add web url: \url{http://archiv.dante.de/DTK/PDF/komoedie_2002_2.pdf}
+ \erroronpage{828}{entry [60]}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+    Add web url: ``Sample chapter
+  at: \url{https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/}''
+ \erroronpage{829/830}{editorial change}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+    Page breaks changed due to other changes
+\erroronpage{833}{entry [128]}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+  Url changed to: \url{obsolete/graphics/pstricks/doc/code/pst-code.pdf}
+\erroronpage{833}{entry [129]}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+  Url changed to:   \url{macros/generic/multido/}
+\erroronpage{833}{entry [135]}{ADo}{2008/01/02}{2}
+An ``s'' is missing in ``using'' (end of the first line of comment)
+ \erroronpage{856/860/866}{editorial change}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+    changed index entries due to changes above
+\erroronpage{886}{col.2, l.-7}{GTa}{2010/02/10}{}
+ image(METAPOST) should also reference example on p.145
+ \erroronpage{891}{editorial change}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+    changed index entries due to changes above
+ \erroronpage{910/911}{editorial change}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2} 
+    changed index entries due to changes above
+ \erroronpage{925}{editorial change}{FMi}{2008/12/21}{2}
+    changed index entries due to changes above
+\begin{multicols}{3}[Thanks to all who have found errors or
+   omissions. Listed are the people who found an errata entry first.]
+\contributor{ADo}{Alain Dondelinger}
+\contributor{FMi}{Frank Mittelbach}
+\contributor{GTa}{Gr\'egoire Taviot}
+\contributor{HjG}{Hubert G\"a\ss lein}
+\contributor{JPFD}{Jean-Pierre Drucbert}
+\contributor{JMi}{John Middlekauff}
+\contributor{MSh}{Michael Sharpe}
+\contributor{MiV}{Milan Vujtek}
+\contributor{RSh}{Richard Shepard}
+\contributor{hv}{Herbert Vo\ss}
+\contributor{yhj}{You Hyun Jo}
+Other people have sent us corrections for errors already found.
+Thanks to all of you!
+If you find 
+errors please report them to one of the authors, e.g.,
+  frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
+preferably in a form usable directly in this file, i.e.,
+   \textit{your-initials}|}{|\textit{date}|}{}| \\
+   \hspace*{2em}\textit{description of the the erratum}
+Here is an example:
+\erroronpage{5}{para 3, l.1}{MOs}{2007/07/01}{}
+   ``LaTeX'' should be typeset ``\LaTeX''.
+>  > In addition, with regards to content of Section 8.1 it would be nice
+>  > to use Roman ``d'' in integrands in examples 3-2-3, 3-5-83, 3-5-84,
+>  > 5-12-21, 6-5-6 and 6-5-11.

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@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+\newcommand{\reportedby}[2]{{\small [First reported by #1 on \mbox{#2}.]}}
+%                 MODIFICATION DATE                               %
+%                                                                 %
+% Defines \moddate to expand to modification date such as         %
+%                                                                 %
+%    5 Aug 1991                                                   %
+%                                                                 %
+% and \prdate to print it in a large box.  Assumes editor         %
+% updates modification date in standard SRC Gnu Emacs style.      %
+% (should work for any user name).                                %
+\def\ypmd{%                                                       %
+%                                                                 %
+%                                                                 %
+  Last modified on Sat 13 October 2018 at 12:56:41 PST by lamport      %
+  endypmd}                                                        %
+%                                                                 %
+\newcommand{\moddate}{\expandafter\xpmd\ypmd}                     %
+\def\xpmd Last modified                                           %
+on #1 #2 #3 #4 at #5:#6:#7 #8 by #9 endypmd{#2 #3 #4}                %
+\newcommand{\prdate}{\noindent\fbox{\Large\moddate}}              %
+\newcommand\bs{\char '134 }  % A backslash character for \tt font
+\title{Errata to the Second Edition of the \LaTeX\ Manual}
+\author{Leslie Lamport}
+\noindent These are all the errors and omissions to the manual,
+\LaTeX: {\em A Document Preparation System}, second edition, published
+by Addison-Wesley, reported as of \moddate.  Positions in the book are
+indicated by page and line number, where the top line of a page is
+number 1 and the bottom line is number $-1$.  A running head and a
+page number are not considered to be lines, but all other lines are.
+Please report any additional errors to The \LaTeX\ Project at
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the First Printing}
+\erratum{page 25, example of \texttt{verse} environment}
+Replace \verb|{\em all\/}| by \verb|\emph{all}|.
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 28, first paragraph} 
+Not an error, but it would be
+helpful to add the following sentence to the end of that paragraph:
+ ``(If a declaration has arguments, they become additional
+arguments of the corresponding environment's \verb|\begin| command.)''
+\erratum{page 33, line 10}
+Add \verb|\]| to the list of fragile commands.
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 43, table 3.5}
+Add an entry for \verb|\notin| ($\notin$).
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 72, two examples}
+Change \verb|{\em ...}| to \verb|\emph{...}|
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 101}
+This is not an error, but some readers will find it helpful if, in the
+descriptions of \verb|\setlength| and \verb|\addtolength|,
+\verb|\gnat| were replaced by \verb|\parskip|.  
+ \reportedby{Ellen Gilkerson}{9 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 108, lines 7 and 10}
+This is not an error, but it might be easier to understand
+the example if \verb|\len| were replaced by something like \verb|\saved|.
+ \reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{29 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 139, lines $-8$ and $-9$}
+The funny break between these two lines should be eliminated.
+\reportedby{Malcolm Clark}{9 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 177, line $-12$}
+The \verb|twocolumn| option cannot be used with the \verb|letters|
+\erratum{page 197, lines 7 and 9}
+The \verb|figure*| environment is ended by \verb|\end{figure*}|, and
+the \verb|table*| environment is ended by \verb|\end{table*}|.
+\reportedby{Malcolm Clark}{9 Aug 1994}
+\erratum{page 228}
+Add a note that, before running a LaTeX2.09 file in compatibility mode
+in LaTeX2e, you should delete the old versions of the auxiliary files.
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the Second Printing}
+\erratum{page xv, line 10}
+``Chris Rowley'' should come after ``Sebastian Rahtz''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{24 April 1995}
+\erratum{page 29, line $-10$}
+Change ``error indicator line'' to ``error locator line''.
+\reportedby{Xavier Perramon}{2 Jan 1995}
+\erratum{page 37, lines 26--28}
+Change the two sentences ``None of these \ldots formula.'' to:
+These text-producing commands can be used in math mode to put ordinary
+text in a formula.  (When the command is used in math mode, its
+argument is processed in LR mode.)  The declarations cannot be used in
+math mode.  Section 3.3.8 explains how to change the type style of a
+formula's math-mode symbols.
+\reportedby{Mike Piff}{7 Mar 1995}
+\erratum{page 39, line 6}
+Replace ``any mode'' with ``paragraph and LR mode''.  Also,
+after line 8, add:
+The commands \verb|\dag|, \verb|\ddag|, \verb|\S|, and \verb|\P|
+can also be used in math mode.
+\erratum{page 53, line 24}
+Change ``are needed in the'' to ``are used in the''
+\reportedby{Mike Piff}{21 Oct 1994}
+\erratum{page 80, line 1}
+The section heading should not be outdented.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{23 Jan 1995}
+\erratum{page 83, line $-8$}
+Change ``\verb|\resettime|'' to ``\verb|\settime|''.
+\erratum{page 84, after line $11$} Add the following sentence: ``The
+\hbox{\verb|\onlyslides|} and \hbox{\verb|\onlynotes|} commands may
+not work right if a \texttt{slide}, \texttt{overlay}, or \texttt{note}
+environment appears in the argument of any command.'' 
+\reportedby{Eike Ritter}{May 1996}
+\erratum{page 153, line 1}
+Add ``or subentry'' after ``entry''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{22 Feb 1995}
+\erratum{page 171}
+Add the following before line $-4$:
+\item[\mytt \bs columnwidth]
+Normal width 
+  \cindex{columnwidth}%
+of a column;
+%  \index{column!width}% 
+  \index{width!of column}% 
+equals \verb|\textwidth| except for multiple-column styles.
+Its value should not be changed with the length-setting commands.
+Also, in line $-4$, change \verb|\textwidth| to \verb|\columnwidth|.
+%\reportedby{Volker Kuhlmav}{20 Jan 1995}
+\reportedby{Rosemary Bailey}{9 Sep 1994}
+\erratum{page 180, lines 15--19} 
+Replace these five lines (which begin ``These commands are overridden'')
+\begin{itemize} \item[]
+To override a heading on a right-hand page (any page for one-sided
+printing), put a \verb|\markright| after the sectioning command and in
+its mandatory argument, and add an optional argument without the
+\verb|markright|, as in
+  \verb|\chapter[Gnu Scents]{Gnu Scents\markright{|\textit{right\_head}\verb|}}|\\
+ \verb|\markright{|\textit{right\_head}\verb|}|
+To change the heading on a left-hand page, put a \verb|\markboth|
+command immediately after the sectioning command.
+\reportedby{Jerome Breitenbach}{14 Dec 1995}
+\erratum{page 182} 
+The dimensions
+\verb|\pageheight| and \verb|\pagewidth|
+should be \verb|\paperheight| and \verb|\paperwidth|,
+respectively.  (The index entries on page 260 should also be changed.)
+\reportedby{Alan Jeffrey, on behalf of a user}{12 Sep 1995}
+\erratum{page 192, line 19}
+Change ``\emph{cmd}'' to ``\emph{def}''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{9 Mar 1995}
+\erratum{page 195, line 14}
+Change ``numbered `within' it'' to ``numbered directly `within' it''.
+\reportedby{Martin Schr\"{o}der}{5 Dec 1994}
+\erratum{page 197, line 14}
+After ``\verb|\textwidth|'' add ``or \verb|\columnwidth|''
+\reportedby{Volker Kuhlmann}{22 Jan 1995}
+\erratum{page 226}
+After line 7, add
+These declarations may not be used in math mode.
+Replace lines 16-19 (beginning ``None of these commands'') with
+When these commands are used in math mode, the \emph{text}
+argument is processed in LR mode.  
+These commands and declarations are robust.  Words typeset in
+typewriter style are not hyphenated except where permitted by \verb|\-|
+\reportedby{Marc Lavine}{22 Aug 1995}
+\erratum{page 228}
+To the section ``Type Styles and Sizes'', add the following sentence:
+A few mathematical symbols now require the \texttt{latexsym} package---see
+Tables 3.4--3.7.
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the Sixteenth Printing}
+\erratum{page 42, line 14}
+Change ``through a symbol'' by ``through a relation symbol''.
+\reportedby{Frank Mittelbach}{15 Nov 1996}
+\erratum{page 42, Table 3.4}
+\verb|\land| should be listed as a synonym for \verb|\wedge|, and
+\verb|\lor| should be listed as a synonym for \verb|\vee|.
+\reportedby{Chris Rowley}{28 Oct 1998}
+\erratum{page 43, Table 3.7}
+\verb|\lnot| should be listed as a synonym for \verb|\neg|.
+\reportedby{Chris Rowley}{15 Oct 1998}
+\erratum{page 137} This is not an error, but it would be better to
+change lines 23 and 24 to:
+  \index{file!not found error}%
+  \index{file!nonexistent}%
+is trying to read a file that apparently doesn't exist.  If the missing
+file has the extension \texttt{tex}, then \LaTeX\ is trying to
+  \index{input)@\verb+\input+!of nonexistent file}%
+  \index{include)@\verb+\include+!of nonexistent file}%
+\verb|\input| or \verb|\include| it; if it 
+\erratum{page 171, line 19}
+Change the description of \verb|\indent| to:
+\item[\mytt \bs indent]
+Produces a 
+%  \cindex{indent}%
+%  \index{paragraph!indentation}%
+horizontal space whose width equals the width of the
+paragraph indentation.  It can be used to add a paragraph indentation
+where one would otherwise be suppressed.  (If it doesn't work,
+try typing \verb|\indent\indent|.)  Robust.
+\reportedby{Chris Rowley}{15 Oct 1998}
+\erratum{page 179, line 19}
+Change to: 
+page style for the \texttt{article} and \texttt{report} document classes.
+\reportedby{Stephen J. Alter}{17 Sep 1997}
+\erratum{page 195, line 28}
+Replace ``\textit{num}$_1$ and \textit{num}$_1$ are numbers''
+with ``\textit{num}$_1$ and \textit{num}$_2$ are numbers''.
+\reportedby{Magnus Lewis-Smith}{14 Jan 1999}
+\erratum{page 196, line $-5$}
+Change \verb|\newboolean{|\emph{name}\verb|}| to
+\reportedby{Christopher von B\"{u}low}{28 Aug 2000}
+\erratum{page 198, line 14}
+Change ``it will not be printed'' to ``it will usually not be printed''.
+\erratum{page 218, line $-14$}
+Change ``\texttt{tabular}'' to ``\texttt{tabbing}''.
+\reportedby{Carlos Pita}{27 Aug 2001}
+\erratum{foldout, column 3, line 3}
+Replace \emph{style} with \emph{class}.  \reportedby{Christopher von B\"{u}low}{28 Aug 2000}
+\subsection*{Errors Corrected in the Seventeenth Printing}
+\erratum{page 51, line 8}
+Change ``The \verb|\,| command'' to ``The \verb|\,| and \verb*|\ | commands''.
+\reportedby{Phillip J Shelton}{2 Jul 1999}
+\erratum{page 61, second example (middle of page)}
+Remove the \verb|\mbox{}| following the \texttt{tabbing} environment.
+\reportedby{Marcin Wolinski}{17 Sep 2003}
+\erratum{page 210, line 20}
+Add a space after ``bibliography''.
+\reportedby{Marcin Wolinski}{17 Sep 2003}
+\subsection*{Error Corrected in the Twenty-First Printing}
+\erratum{page 198, line $-11$} 
+The sentence beginning ``The last three rules'' is hard to read.  Better
+would be:
+\noindent The last three rules are suspended when a 
+  \verb|\clearpage|,\linebreak
+  \verb|\cleardoublepage|, or
+  \verb|\end{document}| command occurs, 
+at which point all unprocessed figures and tables are allowed a
+\hbox{\mytt p} option and printed.
+\reportedby{Paul Stanford}{9 Oct 2004}
+\subsection*{Error Corrected in the Twenty-Second Printing}
+\erratum{page 253, column 2, lines $-5$ and $-6$} 
+The two index entries for \verb|\ldots| should be combined.
+\reportedby{Christopher Dutchyn}{22 July 2005}
+\subsection*{Uncorrected Errors}
+\erratum{page 206, line 17 (\texttt{\string\multicolumn} explanation)}
+Insert the following text right after ``\texttt{l}, and \texttt{r}.''
+If the part of the environment's \emph{cols} argument being replaced
+immediately follows an \texttt{@} expression, then the \emph{item}
+will be preceded by a normal intercolumn space unless the
+\verb|\multicolumn| command's \emph{col} argument begins with an
+\texttt{@} expression.  In particular, beginning the \emph{col}
+argument with \verb|@{}| will suppress that space.
+\reportedby{Ulrike Fischer, Frank Mittelbach}{23 Sep 2018}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/manual.err
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/manual.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/manual.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/manual.pdf	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/manual.pdf	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)

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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/tlc2.err	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/tlc2.err	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -0,0 +1,4630 @@
+% To produce a printed version of this errata file run this file through
+% LaTeX. It will unpack a small class file (if not already present) and
+% a configuration file with the extension .cfg. You might want to modify
+% the setting in this configuration file to print only a partial errata
+% suitable for your printed revision of this book, see details in the
+% .cfg file.
+% The current version of this file can be found at:
+%    https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/
+%% Copyright (C) 1997,2004,2005,2007, 2014 Frank Mittelbach
+%% This class file is licenced under LPPL latest version; 
+%% see https://www.latex-project.org/lppl
+% It sets up a few commands used to format the errata entries for books in the
+% Addison-Wesley Series:
+%    Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting
+% hence the name. However, anybody who likes to use it is free to apply it for
+% errata files of other books. 
+% Changes:
+% v1.0a - changed name from errata.cls to ttcterrata.cls
+  [2007/11/10 v1.0a Mini class for errata files; subject to change (FMi)]
+  \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox\bgroup
+     \let\endgobble\egroup
+     \let\hideamp\relax
+     \let\\\relax\let\par\@@par}
+  \ifnum \myprinting < \if!#2!1000 \else \ifx s#2 1000\else#2 \fi\fi
+   \ifnum \expandafter\erratagetnumber\erratastartdate\erratagetnumber <
+          \erratagetnumber#1\erratagetnumber \relax
+     \@tempswatrue
+   \else
+     \@tempswafalse
+   \fi
+  \else
+    \@tempswafalse
+  \fi
+\newcommand\includedentries{entries after = \erratastartdate}
+\newcommand\printedentries{between \erratastartdate\space and}
+ \renewcommand\includedentries{all errata entries}%
+ \renewcommand\printedentries{up to}
+ \renewcommand\doweprint[2]{\@tempswatrue}}
+    \if!#2!\textbf{#1}\else\textit{#1}\rlap{\textsuperscript{#2}}\fi}
+  \renewcommand\displayrevisionfix[2]{\textbf{##1}}}
+  {
+   \input{\jobname.cfg}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* Configuration file for \jobname.err found }
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+  \AtEndDocument{
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* If you wish to generate an errata listing}
+   \typeout{* containing only errors found after a certain revision}
+   \typeout{* and/or only errors found after a certain date}
+   \typeout{* modify the information stored in \jobname.cfg}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* Current settings are:}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* \@spaces  printing of your book = \myprinting}
+   \typeout{* \@spaces  include \includedentries}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+  }}
+  {}
+%% \erroronpage <page> <line info> <contributor> <date> <fixed in revision>
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+  &\\[4pt]%
+  \multicolumn{4}{l}{\framebox[10cm][l]{\textbf{\normalsize\strut#1}}} \\}
+  {\begin{longtable}{r>{\raggedright}p{2cm}l>{\raggedright}p{10cm}l}}
+  {\endgobble\end{longtable}}
+  {\begin{center}\LARGE\bfseries
+      Errata list for #1\\[5pt](\myprinting.\ printing)\\[10pt]
+      \small Includes all entries found \printedentries\space #2\\
+      (For other periods/print runs reprocess this document
+      with different config settings)
+   \end{center}%
+   \markright{Errata for #1 (\printedentries\space #2)}%
+   \thispagestyle{plain}%
+   \vspace{20pt}}
+\newcommand\contributor[2]{\makebox[1cm][l]{\sffamily#1} #2\par}
+% some special shortcuts overwriting existing commands:
+%%% some code suggested by Thorsten Hansen to count the number of
+%%% contributions by individuals (will work only if we do not get
+%%% too many :-)
+\def\count at contributors#1/#2/#3\@nil{
+   \@ifundefined{c@#1}{\newcounter{#1}}{}\stepcounter{#1}%
+%%%   also count secondary:
+%%%   \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\newcounter{#2}}{}\stepcounter{#2}% 
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+  \sffamily#1} #2\@ifundefined{c@#1}{}{ (\arabic{#1})}\par} 
+% Configuration file for the errata listing of 
+%  The LaTeX Companion, Second Edition
+% \erratastartdate 
+% Specifies the date from which on errata entries should be listed.
+% The format is YYYY/MM/DD.
+% The default below ensures that all entries for a particular
+% printing are typeset.
+% \myprinting
+% Specifies which (revised) printing you own. For example, if you
+%    have the second printing set this to 2 so that errors already
+%    corrected in that printing will not appear in your errata
+%    listing.
+% The default below ensures that all entries relevant to the x-th
+%    printing are typeset. 
+\renewcommand\myprinting{2}  % 3rd printing was without corrections
+\renewcommand\myprinting{4}  % September 2005
+% \norevisionnumbers
+% Specifies that all page numbers in the errata are shown in the same
+%    format (bold face) irregardless of whether or not they are fixed
+%    in some revision. The default is to print corrected errors in
+%    italic and add the revision number as a superscript.
+% \showallerrors
+% With this command you tell the program that all errata entries are
+%    supposed to be generated. This makes \myprinting and
+%    \erratastartdate basically obsolete so this isn't turned on by
+%    default.
+\documentclass{ttcterrata}[2005/11/10]  % we want new class
+\let\u\underline          % shortcut for this file
+\erratatitle{The \LaTeX{} Companion, Second Edition}{\erratafiledate}
+ at book(A-W:MG04,
+   author = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens},
+   title = {The {\LaTeX} Companion},
+   edition = 2,
+   note =  {With Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, and Chris Rowley},
+   series =    {Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting},
+   publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+   address   = {Boston, Massachusetts},
+   year = 2004,
+   pagenums = {1120},
+   bibliography = {yes},
+   index = {yes},
+   isbn = {0-201-36299-6},
+This file (\texttt{\jobname.err}) can be found as part of the \LaTeX{}
+distribution and its latest version is maintained on the \LaTeX{}
+project site at \texttt{https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/\jobname.err}
+where you will also find extracts of the book.
+The first column in the table shows the page number of the errata
+entry.  Superscript numbers in the first column refer to the printed
+revision in which this entry was corrected (\textit{s} indicates a
+correction in the sources only). The second
+column gives the precise location (negative line or paragraph numbers
+are counted from the bottom of the page). The third column shows the
+first finder of the problem.
+You can customize this list to only show errata related to the printing
+you own by changing the configuration in the file \texttt{\jobname.cfg}.
+  \Large \bfseries  To Err is Human --- Bug Contest
+Any mistake found and reported is a gain for all readers of our book.
+For this reason Addison-Wesley and the authors offer a prize (for 6 
+periods) to the eligible person who finds the largest
+number of bugs during that period (in case of a draw a random choice
+will be made between all those with the largest number of findings).
+A person can receive at most one prize, ever; errors found by any of
+the authors do not count.
+Each prize is a free choice of any single computing book found on the
+AW Professional web site \texttt{http://www.awprofessional.com} (that
+is, no boxed sets or multiple volume offers).
+As usual, the authors and publisher reserve the right to make various
+decisions such as whether a reported feature is an error for
+competitive purposes or whether similar features count as a single or
+multiple errors.  --- 
+Good luck!
+Contest period ends & Winner \\[4pt]
+2004/10 & Hubert G\"a\ss lein     & 287 suggestions\\
+2005/04 & Ulrich Dirr             &  11 suggestions\\
+2005/10 & Daniel Alonso i Alemany &  13 suggestions\\
+2006/04 & Michael Schutte         &   2 suggestions\\
+2008/05 & Brooks Moses            &   1 suggestion \\
+\ldots  & -- final draw eventually --
+\CHAPTER{General  }
+   To help you in assessing this errata document we have placed
+   exclamation marks in front of each entry that we consider essential
+   for correctly understanding the book contents.
+   Due to the printing process there may be small alignment problems
+   between blue and black text on some pages. These can vary from book
+   to book depending on how the paper was handled between print
+   runs---such is the analog nature of printing on a press.
+   Slightly updated examples matching the second printing will be made
+   available at CTAN: \texttt{info/examples/tlc2}. The book CD will
+   have the original examples from the first printing.
+\CHAPTER{Front matter}
+   Some updates indicating second printing (with corrections)
+   For the record: the term ``for ever'' is the British spelling and a
+   conscious decision.
+\erroronpage{xiii}{\S 8.6.2}{FMi}{2004/06/21}{2}
+   Change section heading: ``Operator \u{and function} names''
+  Change table caption: ``Languages supported by \u{\texttt{texindy}}''
+\erroronpage{xxvii}{para 1, l.1+6+7}{CAR}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Each time a space is missing between package names in parentheses.
+\erroronpage{xxvii}{para 1, l.-2}{THa}{2004/06/21}{2}
+   Add: ``Thorsten Hansen (\textsf{bibunits}\u{, \textsf{multibib}}) 
+\erroronpage{xxvii}{para 4, l.2}{NBe}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Replace ``Wai Wing'' with ``Wai Wong'' (very sorry for this typo).
+\erroronpage{xxvii}{para 4, l.2}{MHCL/CAR}{2004/06/09}{2}
+   Kai Tek airport is correctly named Kai Tak airport but the photo
+   was actually taken at Hong Kong International Airport
+\erroronpage{xxvii}{after para 4}{FMi}{2004/06/09}{2}
+  Add following paragraph:
+``Any mistake found and reported is a gain for all readers of our
+book. We would therefore like to thank those readers who reported
+any of the mistakes which had been overlooked so far.
+The latest version of the errata file can
+be found on the \LaTeX{} project site at
+\texttt{https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/tlc2.err} where you will also
+find an on-line version of the index and other extracts from the book.''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 1}
+\erroronpage{2}{para 5, l.1}{MSc}{2004/06/03}{2}
+         Replace:  LaTeX \>  \LaTeX{}
+\erroronpage{7}{para 5, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+  Missing word and wrong designation of acronym:
+  ``\ldots\
+  languages such \u{as} the \u{Portable Document} Format (PDF)
+  \ldots''
+\erroronpage{7}{para 5, l.-2}{MSc/CAR}{2004/06/06}{2}
+Replace: ``\ldots produce other device-independent
+  output forms in proprietary languages such as the Portable Document
+  Format~(PDF) (extension~\texttt{.pdf}).'' \> \\
+  ``\ldots produce device-independent
+  file formats including the Portable Document Format~(PDF)
+  (extension~\texttt{.pdf}), which is the native file format of Adobe
+  Acrobat.''
+\erroronpage{13}{para -2, l.5}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Replace ``writes'' with ``write''.
+%\erroronpage{13}{last para, l.1}{MSc}{2004/06/08}{}
+%        ``blue notes`` vertically misaligned
+\erroronpage{14}{para 2, l.2}{FMi}{2004/06/12}{2}
+   Bug in \texttt{url.sty} generated extra space.
+\erroronpage{14}{para 2, l.6}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Printing problem: ``or'' only half visible.
+\erroronpage{14}{para 3, l.3}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Printing problem: ``d'' in ``document'' only half visible.
+\erroronpage{14}{exa 1-3-5, l.6}{DHL}{2004/05/14}{2}
+   Printing problem: ``i'' in ``\verb=\section='' not visible.
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 2}
+\erroronpage{16}{para 4,ll.2--4}{HjG}{2005/04/03}{4}
+   Nitpicking? Code for class options will not be in a package file!\\
+   ``Code for \u{class} options is sometimes stored in files
+   (in \u{this case} with the extension \texttt{.clo}) but is normally
+   directly specified in the class or package file (\dots).''
+   \>\\
+   ``Code for options is sometimes stored in files
+   (in \u{the case of classes} with the extension \texttt{.clo}) but
+   is normally
+   directly specified in the class or package file (\dots).''
+\erroronpage{16}{para 4, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/10/10}{4}
+ Although not wrong, better:
+  ``For example,
+    the option \texttt{11pt} \u{might be} related to
+    \u{\texttt{art11.clo}} when\ldots''
+  \>
+  ``For example,
+    the option \texttt{11pt} \u{is} related to
+    \u{\texttt{size11.clo}} when\ldots''
+\erroronpage{20}{para 1, l.-2}{BMo}{2004/05/14}{2}
+    Words need to be swapped: ``\ldots can achieve \u{this effect} by
+    \ldots''
+\erroronpage{20}{footnote, l.2}{MSc/FMi}{2004/06/10}{2}
+        Replace ``e.g.,'' with ``i.e.,''
+\erroronpage{21}{para 1 of 2.1.4, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Words need to be swapped:
+   ``\ldots package \u{created by} Donald Arseneau.''
+\erroronpage{21}{para -2, l.2}{MLi}{2013/07/12}{}
+  The command is called \verb=\AskOption= (without ``s'')
+\erroronpage{24}{para -2,ll.-3\slash -2}{HjG}{2005/04/03}{4}
+   \LaTeX{}nically not correct:\\
+   ``\u{all} lower-level counter\u{s} (i.e., \u{those} with
+   higher-level number\u{s}) \u{are} reset.''\>\\
+   ``\u{the next} lower-level counter (i.e., \u{that} with \u{the next}
+   higher-level number) \u{is} reset.''
+   Misplaced closing brace (see example 2-2-3):\\
+   \verb=\fbox{\csname thesection\endcsname\hspace{0.5em}=%
+   \u{\texttt{\textbraceright}}
+   \>
+   \verb=\fbox{\csname thesection\endcsname=%
+   \u{\texttt{\textbraceright}}\verb=\hspace{0.5em}=
+\erroronpage{27}{exa 2-2-4}{MBr}{2004/08/01}{2}
+   Rewrite example text to avoid overfull hbox.
+\erroronpage{27}{para -2, l.4}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Missing italic correction:
+   \verb=\=\emph{name}\verb=mark=
+\seriouserroronpage{28}{afterskip item, ll.3--4}{HjG}{2005/04/03}{4}
+   \LaTeX{}nically not correct (cf.\ latex/3463):\\
+   ``\dots\ whether a display heading (\textit{afterskip}${}\geq0$) or a
+   run-in heading (\textit{afterskip}${}<0$) is produced.''\>\\
+   ``\dots\ whether a display heading (\textit{afterskip}${}>0$) or a
+   run-in heading (\textit{afterskip}${}\leq0$) is produced.''
+\seriouserroronpage{32}{para -1,l.4--7}{HjG/FMi}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Replace: ``The  modified |\section| command
+also starts a new page, which is typeset with a special page style
+(see Chapter~4) and with
+top floats suppressed.
+The indentation of the first paragraph in a
+section is also suppressed by  using the low-level kernel command
+ |\@afterheading| and setting
+the Boolean switch \texttt{@afterindent} to \texttt{false}.
+For details on the use of these commands see the |\chapter| implementation in
+the standard classes (file \texttt{classes.dtx}).''
+   Replace code as follows to make statement on p.32 true:\\
+\hspace{0pt minus\linewidth}\begin{minipage}{1.35\linewidth}
+  \renewcommand\appendix{%
+     \renewcommand\section{%                       % Redefinition of \section...
+          \newpage\thispagestyle{plain}%           %   new page, folio bottom
+          \suppressfloats[t]\@afterindentfalse     %   no top floats, no indent
+          \secdef\Appendix\sAppendix}%             %   call \Appendix or \sAppendix
+     \setcounter{section}{0}\renewcommand\thesection{\Alph{section}}}
+  \newcommand\Appendix[2][?]{%                    % Complex form:
+     \refstepcounter{section}%                    % step counter/ set label
+     \addcontentsline{toc}{appendix}%             % generate toc entry
+        {\protect\numberline{\appendixname~\thesection}#1}%
+     {\raggedleft\large\bfseries \appendixname\   % typeset the title
+      \thesection\par \centering#2\par}%          %   and number
+     \@afterheading                               % prepare indentation handling
+     \sectionmark{#1}%                            % add to running header
+     \addvspace{\baselineskip}}                   % space after heading 
+  \newcommand\sAppendix[1]{%                      % Simplified (starred) form
+    {\raggedleft\large\bfseries\appendixname\par \centering#1\par}%
+    \@afterheading\addvspace{\baselineskip}}
+\erroronpage{30}{para-3, l.-2}{RPa}{2004/09/14}{4}
+   ``page 426'' should be ``page 428''
+   Definitions of \verb=\Appendix= and \verb=\sAppendix= use
+   \verb=\flushright= instead of \verb=\raggedleft=!
+   Editorial note: already addressed in previous major change.
+\erroronpage{33}{exa 2-2-11}{MBr}{2004/08/01}{2}
+   Text contains two spaces after period (not wrong but unnecessary).
+\erroronpage{33}{exa 2-2-11}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Comment only needs one \% not two.
+% not really a bug but ...
+\erroronpage{35}{para 1}{hajk}{2005/09/29}{}
+        Package fncychap also makes unwanted ``Chapter 0'' heading for 
+        |\chapter{Preface}| in |\frontmatter| of book.
+  Comment: I don't really consider this a bug (as it is not surprising
+  with such designs) but will see if it can be explicitly mentioned.
+\seriouserroronpage{45}{para 2, l.13}{DHL}{2004/05/27}{2}
+   In the displayed code, the second occurrence of
+   ``\verb=\renewcommand\theBhead=\dots'' \>
+   ``\verb=\renewcommand\theChead=\dots''
+\erroronpage{37}{para 3, l.-2}{FMi}{2004/10/21}{4}
+   Replace: ``\ldots title in lowercase'' \>
+            ``\ldots title in \u{small capitals}''
+\erroronpage{46}{para -2,l.3}{HjG}{2005/04/03}{4}
+   Delete: ``need\u{ed}'' \> ``need''
+\erroronpage{48}{para 2, l.5}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Delete doubled word:
+   ``(\ldots\ to the \u{the} table of contents)''
+\erroronpage{49}{para 3, l.2}{DHL/CAR}{2004/05/27}{2}
+   Replace: ``Thereby, the result of'' \>
+   ``The exact effect of''
+\erroronpage{50}{para -4, l.3}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Add remark:
+   ``\ldots, so that the standard document classes have definitions
+   for \verb=\l at part= and \verb=\l at chapter=
+   \u{(or \texttt{\char`\\l at section} with \textsf{article})}
+   that do not use \verb=\@dottedtocline=.''
+\erroronpage{50}{para --1}{FMi}{2004/10/22}{4}
+   Replace para with:
+     The nesting level of the entry.
+     With the help of the counter \texttt{tocdepth} the user can
+     control how many nesting levels will be  displayed.
+     Levels greater than the value of this counter
+     will not appear in the table of contents.
+   The lines of the ``heading text'' are wrapped at a place different
+   from that indicated by the \verb=|<- \@tocrmarg ->|=.
+\seriouserroronpage{51}{descr. of 
+                 \texttt{\textbackslash
+                 @pnumwidth}}{CBa}{2005/04/04}{4}
+   Needs changing with |\renewcommand|!
+\seriouserroronpage{51}{descr. of 
+                 \texttt{\textbackslash @tocrmarg}}{HjG/FMi}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Add additional sentence: 
+   ``It can be set to a rubber length, which results in the TOC being set
+                   unjustified.''
+   Add: ``\ldots See Section 7.10.3 \u{on page 428} for more\ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{52}{para 2, exa}{CBa}{2005/04/04}{4}
+   As |\@pnumwidth| is actually a macro the assignment using
+   |\settowidth| unfortunately doesn't work at all.
+   Instead a value needs to be assigned via |\renewcommand|.
+\erroronpage{52}{para 3, l.1}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+    Printing problem: ``w'' in ``down'' only half visible.
+   Add after code line:
+   ``When adjusting \verb=\@pnumwidth= this way it is likely that the
+   value of \verb=\@tocrmarg= needs to be changed as well to keep the
+   layout of the table of contents consistent.''
+\seriouserroronpage{52}{para 3, l.-1}{JJN}{2004/08/17}{4}
+    Replace ``and section'' with ``section, and subsection''.
+    (or replace code above to use |\setcounter{tocdepth}{1}| and speak
+    of "first" level)
+   Missing word: ``\ldots\ is defined by \u{the} second argument.''
+Remove: ``\ldots are limited to three characters, like MS-DOS \u{or Windows}.''
+   \verb=\mtcPSfont= \> \verb=\mtcSPfont=\\
+   \verb=\nomtcrules= \> \verb=\nomtcrule=\\
+   \verb=\mtcrules= \> \verb=\mtcrule=
+\seriouserroronpage{57}{para-2, l.-3}{HjG}{2004/05/21}{2}
+   \verb=\partoc= \> \verb=\parttoc=
+ \erroronpage{58}{exa 2-3-8}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+ km2 appears two times in the code and in the printed output;
+ it should be \verb=km\textsuperscript={2} in the code 
+ and km\textsuperscript{2} in the output.
+   ``recourse'' \> ``recur''
+\erroronpage{63}{para 1, l.1}{FMi}{2004/11/11}{4}
+   Typo: ``This artific\u{i}al example shows how''
+\erroronpage{65}{para 2, l.-1}{CKr}{2004/10/15}{4}
+   Correct: ``formated'' \> ``format\u{t}ed''
+\erroronpage{66}{marginal note}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Restrictions on keys deserve a dangerous bend sign.
+\erroronpage{68}{exa 2-4-3}{HjG}{2004/05/21}{2}
+    The box in the margin ``\fbox{2-4-3}'' is shifted right
+    (with respect to other such boxes).
+\erroronpage{72}{para 3, l.-3}{HjG/FMi}{2004/05/21}{2}
+   Change/add:
+   ``\ldots by comparing \u{the number of the chapter} in which the
+|\label| \u{occurred} with the current\ldots''
+\erroronpage{75}{para -1, l.2}{CKr}{2004/10/17}{4}
+   Change: ``provided the \textit{keys}'' \>
+           ``provided the \textit{key}\u{s}'' 
+\seriouserroronpage{76}{para -2, l.5--8}{DAr/FMi}{2004/07/24}{2}
+Change marginal to ``{\itshape Unnumbered sections get moving
+Change text to: ``As a consequence, \u{the
+arguments of unnumbered sectioning commands} are turned into
+moving arguments, \ldots''
+\erroronpage{77}{para -1, l.-4}{DAr}{2004/07/24}{2}
+   Add:  ``In addition,  no \u{unrelated} |\addcontentsline| command is
+allowed to intervene between heading and label.''
+\erroronpage{78}{\S 2.4.5, l.1}{HjG}{2004/05/24}{2} 
+   Add: ``Sebastian
+   Rahtz \u{(with contributions by Heiko Oberdiek and
+   David Carlisle)} has developed\ldots''
+\erroronpage{78}{para 3, l.3}{UFi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+  Program name changed: ``Acrobat Reader'' \>  ``Adobe Reader''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 3}
+Change: ``For example, if the current size is \u{\ttfamily\textbackslash Large} then
+\verb=\relsize{-2}= would change to \u{\ttfamily\textbackslash normalsize}\,. 
+\seriouserroronpage{84}{exa 3-1-7}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   To avoid extra space in the output, second line should read:\\
+   \verb*=    {\relsize{-2}small words} inside.=
+\erroronpage{85}{para -1, l.5}{WaS/FMi}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Change: ``ON 28TH \u{OF} JULY 2003'' \> ``ON 2ND AUGUST 2004''
+   (no OF generated)
+\seriouserroronpage{87}{para 3, l.1}{DAr}{2004/07/24}{2}
+   Replace: |\uuline| \> |\uline|
+\erroronpage{87}{exa. 3-1-15}{V-Li}{2004/08/14}{}
+  \verb+\-+ should be used on a word that is actually hyphenated.
+   Well, would be nice but not easy to find one.
+\erroronpage{87}{exa. 3-1-16}{DHL}{2004/06/07}{2}
+    The solid band produced by |\xout| is actually supposed to come
+    out as a series of separated ``/'' symbols. With the 
+    \texttt{ulem} package used for the first printing that works well
+    for most text fonts, but 
+    with Times Roman (used in the example) you get the result shown.
+    The new package version fixes this defect.
+\erroronpage{92}{para 3, l.1+4}{UFi}{2004/07/31}{2}
+Change: ``The position and the \u{height} of the line
+produced by the |\ul| command can be customized using either
+|\setul| or |\setuldepth|\,. The command |\setul| takes two
+dimensions as arguments: the position of the line in relation to the
+baseline and the \u{height} of the line.
+\erroronpage{92}{para -1}{FMi}{2004/07/31}{2}
+Add: ``\ldots can use colored rules instead and, if desired, modify the
+highlighting color\u{ as demonstrated below}:
+\erroronpage{95}{exa 3-1-33}{MHo/FMi}{2004/05/17}{2}
+   Replace: ``setup'' by ``set-up'' for consistency.
+\erroronpage{102}{para 1, l.-3}{CBC}{2004/05/18}{2}
+   Replace: ``in great \u{of} detail'' with ``in great detail''.
+   Replace: ``arbitrary bad lines'' \> ``arbitrar\u{il}y bad lines''
+\erroronpage{105}{para -3, l.1}{HjG}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Replace: ``typesetting'' \> ``typing''
+ |\linespread| is the \LaTeXe\ command for
+ setting up the value of \comando{\baselinestretch}; it is not necessary
+ to use |\renewcommand| and in particular it is not necessary to
+ activate the new interline spacing by changing font; it suffices the command
+ |\selectfont|; the procedure described in this paragraph,
+ although still possible, was the one to use with \LaTeX\,209 and with the
+ early versions of \LaTeXe, and it was the only way when the First Edition was
+ published. The command |\linespread| is introduced the first
+ time on page~204, but section 3.1.13 was the right place to do it.
+\erroronpage{107}{para 4, l.3}{HjG}{2004/05/25}{2}
+    Delete word: ``\ldots\ single\u{ (default)}, \ldots''
+\erroronpage{107}{para -1, l.3--5}{DHL/FMi}{2004/06/07}{2}
+  Add/change:
+    ``\ldots leading is increased twice---once by |\baselineskip| (where
+     \LaTeX{} already adds about 20\% space between baselines)\ldots'' \>
+``\ldots leading is \u{effectively} increased twice---once by |\baselineskip| (\u{which
+    \LaTeX{} already sets to about 20\% above the font size})\ldots''
+\erroronpage{116}{Footnote 1, line 1}{CBC}{2004/05/18}{2}
+   Replace: ``I managed to confuse'' with ``we managed to confuse''.
+\erroronpage{117}{para 2, l.2}{HjG}{2004/05/25}{2}
+   Missing letter: ``It take\u{s} two \ldots''
+\erroronpage{117}{para 3, l.3}{CBC}{2004/05/18}{2}
+   Tense correction: ``\ldots they did not change when the text font
+   \u{was} modified''. 
+\erroronpage{117}{para 3,l.-3}{FMi}{2004/05/31}{2}
+    Change: ``your list consist of'' \> ``your list\u{s} consist of''.
+\erroronpage{117}{para 3,l.-2}{CBC}{2004/05/18}{2}
+    Change: ``lists consist\u{s} of'' \> ``lists consist of''.
+   Missing word: ``See, \ldots, the \textsf{ledmac} package [171]
+   \u{for} the kinds of \ldots''
+\erroronpage{119}{para 2, l.1}{DHL}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Replace word: ``By default, the footnote text is \u{justified}\ldots''
+\erroronpage{121}{para 2, l.4}{HjG}{2004/05/25}{2}
+   Missing word: ``the \texttt{symbol*} \u{option}''
+\erroronpage{124}{middle para, ll. -3/-2}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Missing word: ``It is even possible \u{to} use \ldots''
+%% only do if real error on page
+\erroronpage{125}{para 3 of \S 3.2.7, ll.-2/-1}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{}
+   Word position: ``\ldots\ whenever |\endnote| or |\endnotemark|
+   \u{is used} without an optional argument.'' 
+\erroronpage{127}{para 3, l.last}{PYu}{2004/07/01}{2}
+  Replace: ``ragged left'' \> ``ragged right''.
+\erroronpage{131}{footnote, l.1}{CBC}{2004/05/19}{2}
+   Change: ``is not producing'' \> ``does not produce''.
+\seriouserroronpage{141}{syntax box}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Replace:
+   \emph{body-font} \> \emph{body-style}\\
+   \emph{head-font} \> \emph{head-style}\\
+   \emph{head-after-format} \> \emph{head-after-space}
+\erroronpage{142}{exa 3-3-21/22}{UZi}{2005/03/15}{}
+  With the newest version of \texttt{amsthm} the font setting for the headline
+  is ignored for the optional description of the theorem (looks like a
+  bug in amsthm).
+\erroronpage{142}{exa 3-3-21}{FMi}{2005/08/15}{4}
+  There is an incompatibility between \texttt{amsthm} and
+  \texttt{ragged2e}. If the latter is used then the use of |\newline|
+  in a theorem declaration doesn't work.
+\erroronpage{142}{para -2, l.1}{DHL}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Missing word: ``make'' \> ``\u{to} make''.
+\seriouserroronpage{148}{exa 3-3-26}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   In the example, |\hfil| is used; the text immediately before says:
+   ``By using |\hfill| \ldots''
+\erroronpage{150}{exa 3-3-28}{HjG}{2004/05/27}{2}
+   Nit-picking :-)\\
+   Comment should read: ``|%|\quad\texttt{term <\u{=} labelwidth}''\\
+   And in ll.2/3 of the text following the example:
+   ``If the label is \u{smaller} than |\labelwidth|, \ldots'' \>
+   ``\ldots\ \u{not wider} \ldots''
+\erroronpage{150}{Example 3-3-28, line 7}{UF}{2004/06/27}{2}
+In the code of the parbox there should be a |\mbox{}| or something
+similar after the |\\| to prevent an underfull hbox-warning.
+\erroronpage{150}{exa 3-3-28}{JBez}{2004/07/20}{}
+  The vertical space above "Return values" is too small.
+\erroronpage{151}{para 3, l.2}{DHL}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Wrong word: to match the example,
+     ``\textsc{Notes}'' should be ``\textsc{Note}''
+\erroronpage{152}{l.-1 before exa 3-4-2}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Replace: ``(see page 167)'' \> ``(see page 168)''
+\erroronpage{155}{para 3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Replace: ``behaves similarly to''
+   \> ``is much like''
+\erroronpage{155}{para -2, l.5}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Replace: ``behave in similar fashion to''
+   \> ``\ldots in \u{a fashion similar} to''
+\erroronpage{156}{para -1, l.4}{CBC}{2004/05/20}{2}
+  Change: ``There is also the possibility to operate'' \> ``It is also
+  possible to operate''. 
+\erroronpage{157}{para 2, l.-4}{CBC}{2004/05/20}{2}
+  Change: ``\ldots discussed below) are potentially'' \> ``\ldots
+  discussed below) \u{is} potentially''. 
+\erroronpage{158}{para3, l.3}{DHL/FMi}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Change word: ``tiny white rules \u{behind} the lines'' \> ``tiny white
+   rules \u{between} the lines''.
+\erroronpage{166}{syntax box}{CAR}{2004/06/02}{2}
+   Remove extra space: ``\ldots\verb*/}=/\u{~}\emph{data}\texttt=''
+\erroronpage{167}{para 1, l.2}{DAl}{2005/01/11}{4}
+    Missing letter: ``\ldots bold italic face exi\u{s}ts.''
+\erroronpage{168}{para 3, l.2}{MLa}{2004/05/10}{2}
+    Letter missing: ``While on\u{e} can successfully deploy a
+    package\ldots''
+   Spurious space: ``Pascal (\u{ \strut}Borland, \ldots)''
+   Move the information about blue entries to a separate table note.
+\erroronpage{173}{para 2, l.2}{FMi}{2004/11/11}{4}
+   Typo: ``to indicate that the line was artific\u{i}ally broken''
+\erroronpage{175}{para 1, l.6}{FMi}{2005/02/22}{4}
+   Replace: \textsf{inputenclistings} \> \textsf{inputenc}
+\erroronpage{177}{exa 3-5-1}{HjG/FMi}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   In the first paragraph, the ``\ldots \verb*=.\para='' yields a
+   single (sentence ending) interword space; but in the following
+   three, ``\ldots \verb*=. \para='' yields doubled space.
+   (Due to the leading space in the definition of |\para|.)
+   The same problem is in exa 3-5-2 except that there is does not show
+   in the output due to a linebreak.
+   Missing word and references to wrong paragraphs of exa 3-5-2:\\
+   ``The line numbers in the second |\marginpar| continue the
+   numbering on the main vertical list (the last line of \u{first}
+   paragraph was~5) and the \u{second} paragraph then continues with
+   line number~9.''
+   \\ \>
+   ``\ldots\ (the last line of \u{the} \u{preceding} paragraph was~5) and
+   the \u{third} paragraph \ldots''
+\erroronpage{179}{exa 3-5-5}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   In the first paragraph, the two instances of
+   ``|\linelabel{|\ldots|}|\verb*= \sample=''
+   yield double (sentence ending) interword space.
+   (Due to the leading space in the definition of |\sample|.)
+\erroronpage{179}{Example 3-5-5, l.-2}{CBC}{2004/05/20}{2}
+  Change: ``we see to refer to'' \> ``we see references to''.
+\erroronpage{182}{para 2, l.-2}{CBC}{2004/05/20}{2}
+  Change: ``of an \verb=\Parallel..Text='' \> ``of \u{a}
+  \verb=\Parallel..Text=.
+\erroronpage{182}{para 3, l.1}{HjG/FMi}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   ``computer \u{lingua}'' \> ``computer \u{jargon}''
+\erroronpage{182}{exa 3-5-11}{HjG/FMi}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Small improvement:\\
+   |\setlength\parindent{|\u{\texttt{-10pt}}|}| \>
+   \ldots \u{\texttt{\char`\{-\char`\\leftskip\char`\}}}
+\iffalse only on some books
+\erroronpage{183}{exa 3-5-13}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{}
+   Printing problem:
+   ``|[|'' in ``|\begin{Parallel}[v]{}{}|'' only half visible.
+\erroronpage{184}{footnote 1, l.1--2}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+  Rewrite beginning: ``Although the \textsf{multicol} package is
+  distributed under LPPL (\LaTeX{} Project Public License)~[111], for
+  historical reasons its copyright contains an additional ``moral
+  obligation'' clause\ldots''
+\erroronpage{189}{para 3, l.2}{MHo}{2004/05/08}{2}
+    Spurious extra letter:  ``If this is a
+    possibility, \texttt{multicols}\u{t} produces a warning.''
+\erroronpage{189}{para -2, ll.2/3}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Extra word: ``bars in the margin, \u{the} known as \ldots''
+\erroronpage{189}{par -1, l.4/5}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Add comma: ``However, if \ldots\ another\u{,} the \ldots''
+   Editorial comment: changes for page 189 affect page break position
+   so 190 has to be retypeset for second printing.
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 4}
+\erroronpage{196}{table 4.2}{YiL}{2012/05/07}{}
+  The values shown in the table aren't any quite correct. These days 
+  some of them are calculated depending on the chosen paper size option 
+  and so have slightly different values from what is listed in the table.
+  The values listed are those that have been used in 2.09 (i.e., they
+  would be fully correct in compatibility mode, that is for documents 
+  starting with |\documentstyle|).
+\erroronpage{199}{code block}{UFi}{2004/07/31}{2}
+  Change:
+   \texttt{\u{1in}+}|\oddsidemargin+\textwidth+\evensidemargin|\texttt{\u{+1in}}
+\erroronpage{202}{para 3, l.4}{CBC}{2004/05/21}{2}
+ Change: ``list-related parameter'' \> ``list-related parameters''.
+\erroronpage{202}{para 3, l.4}{PYu}{2004/07/07}{2}
+ Remove surplus word: ``in \u{in} figure 3.3''
+\erroronpage{203}{para 3, l.3}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   ``one or the other criteri\u{a}''
+   \> ``\ldots\ criteri\u{on}'' (singular)
+\seriouserroronpage{205}{para 2, l.2}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Delete backslash: ``an option of the type
+   \u{\texttt{\char`\\}}\emph{num}|headlines|''
+\erroronpage{205}{para 3, l.1}{CBC}{2004/05/21}{2}
+  Swap words: ``header \u{is size} enlarged'' \> ``header \u{size is}
+  enlarged''.
+\erroronpage{205}{para 4, l.4}{CAR}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   Delete word: ``\ldots taken up by the binding\u{ method}. For
+   example,\ldots'' 
+\erroronpage{205}{para 5, l.2}{CBC}{2004/05/21}{2}
+Omitted word: ``one can \u{perform} the parameter calculations''.
+\seriouserroronpage{205}{para 5}{FMi}{2004/06/06}{2}
+Append:  For details see the KOMA-Script documentation.
+\seriouserroronpage{205}{Example 4-2-6, 1.3}{CBC}{2004/05/21}{2}
+Add a comment line: ``\verb=% syntax: \typearea[<binding corr.>]{<slices>}=''
+\erroronpage{206}{para 2, l.6}{FMi}{2004/06/06}{2}
+ Replace: ``\ldots shows a layout \u{identical} to the one
+            produced\ldots'' \>
+  ``\ldots shows a layout \u{very similar} to the one produced\ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{206}{para 2, l.6}{HjG}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Wrong references:\\
+   ``Example \u{4-2-4} on page \u{204}'' \>
+   ``Example \u{4-2-5} on page \u{205}''
+\erroronpage{209}{para 1, l.1--2}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+   Replace:
+   ``\ldots  and does not leave sufficient space for marginal notes
+   that fall outside the page.''  
+   \>
+   ``\ldots but does not adjust the size of the marginal boxes to fit
+   in the remaining margin.''
+\erroronpage{210}{para -1, l.3}{CBC}{2004/05/21}{2}
+  Omitted word:  ``allow you \u{to} set several values''.
+\erroronpage{211}{para 4, l.6}{FMi}{2004/08/30}{4}
+   Add: ``\ldots be called multiple times \u{in the preamble},
+   each time overwriting the previous settings.''
+\erroronpage{212}{para -1, l.2}{CKr}{2004/11/11}{4}
+  Remove surplus: ``the \emph{logical} page
+                   \u{you} you want to produce.''
+\seriouserroronpage{213}{para 1, l.2}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+       Option \texttt{executive} is listed twice, replace once with
+       \texttt{letter}.
+\erroronpage{213}{para 2, l.1}{CKr}{2004/11/11}{4}
+   Typo: ``The following example sets up an artific\u{i}ally small logical page''
+\erroronpage{213}{para 1, l.1--2}{FMi}{2006/09/09}{4}
+   Option  \texttt{b3} is listed twice.
+\erroronpage{213/214}{exa 4-2-11/13}{FMi}{2004/06/05}{2}
+   The picture (|rosette.ps|) is clipped a tiny bit at the left side.
+   That's actually an error in the |.ps| file itself and can be seen
+   in all other examples where the file is used.
+\seriouserroronpage{214}{para 1, l.6}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+       ``\ldots\ \texttt{notext} \ldots'' should be ``\ldots\
+       \texttt{nographics} \ldots''.
+\erroronpage{217}{para -2, l.1}{HjG}{2005/05/08}{4}
+   Replace (since the package's default is different):\\
+   Finally the \u{en dash} between the prefix and the page number \dots\ \>\\
+   Finally the \u{separator} between the prefix and the page number \dots
+   Missing italic correction:
+   \verb=\=\emph{name}\verb=mark=
+\erroronpage{219}{para -1,l.2}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   Reference to wrong section:\\
+   ``Table~9.2 on page~547 in Section~\u{9.1.3}'' \>\\
+   ``Table~9.2 on page~547 in Section~\u{9.2.1}''
+   (or omit section refence completely)
+\erroronpage{223}{tab 4.3}{THa}{2004/06/22}{2}  
+  Spurious space after superscript \textsuperscript{a} in footnote.
+\erroronpage{226}{para. 5, l.2}{PYu}{2004/07/05}{2}
+  Change to plural: ``The headers and footers are typeset \u{in boxes}
+  that, by default, \u{have} the same width as |\textwidth|\,.  The
+  \u{boxes} can be made wider (or narrower)\ldots''
+\erroronpage{227}{para 2,l.1}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   Replace:
+   ``running \u{heading}'' \>
+   ``running \u{header}''
+\erroronpage{227}{para 3,l.1}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   Replace:
+   ``the \u{heading} is extended'' \>
+   ``the \u{header} is extended'' \>
+ Change: ``if the first B-head\ldots would have already been'' \> ``if
+ the first B-head\ldots had already been''. 
+\erroronpage{229}{para -2,l.-2}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   Replace:
+   ``the \u{heading}'' \>
+   ``the \u{header}''
+\erroronpage{230}{exa 4-4-3}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   Add |%| character:
+   ``|\fancyfoot[R]{\scriptsize\today}|\texttt{\u{\char`\%}}''
+% not a bug, but heh ho
+   Add words: ``With a similar mechanism we prepared \u{the running
+   headers of} the index for this book.''
+  Remove surplus: ``With a similar mechanism we prepared \u{the} the running\ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{234}{First boxed command}{CBC}{2004/05/24}{2}
+  Change: ``\verb=\enlargethispage*{=size\verb=}='' \>
+  ``\verb=\enlargethispage{=size\verb=}=''. 
+\erroronpage{237}{para 1, l.3}{MKo}{2004/08/06}{2}
+ Change: ``\textsf{scrpage}'' \> ``\textsf{scrpage2}''
+\erroronpage{237}{para 4, l.3}{DAl}{2005/01/11}{4}
+   Change: ``also works as \u{an} replacement'' \> ``also works as 
+ \u{a} replacement''
+\erroronpage{237}{para 5, l.2}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+ Change: ``14pt'' \> ``17pt''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 5}
+\erroronpage{239}{para -1, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/03}{2}
+  Extra word: ``After \u{a} taking a quick look \ldots''
+\erroronpage{241}{Example 5-1-1}{CBC}{2004/05/24}{2}
+  Change: ``esprit trouble'' \> ``esprit troubl\'e''.
+The whole example has been changed to better demonstrate
+the \verb|\kill| command.
+\erroronpage{242}{para -2}{DSch/FMi}{2005/09/19}{4}
+  Replace para with:
+``The \texttt{tabular*} environment has an additional width argument that
+specifies the required total width of the table. 
+It needs stretchable spaces between columns, that have to be added using
+|\extracolsep|  (see page~246).''
+%% check, maybe (if other error
+\erroronpage{243}{para 1, l.3/4}{HjG}{2004/06/03}{}
+   Change: ``Their scope can be \u{general} or local.''
+   \> ``\u{global}''
+ The explanation of the command \comando{\arraystretch} is
+ wrong; in fact it does not multiply the inter-row space by the specified
+ factor, so that a factor of 1.5 would move the rows 50\% farther apart.
+ \comando{\arraystretch} scales by the specified factor the height and depth of
+ the invisible strut that is in the first cell of every row of tabular and array
+ environments. If all the cells of the row are smaller than the strut the effect
+ is more or less similar to an enlargement of the inter-row space, while if at
+ least one cell in the row is larger than the strut no spreading apart takes
+ place other than that required by the largest cell. 
+   In the left columns of these tables, typewriter font should be used
+   for the braces, to better match the appearance in the syntax boxes.
+   1. In the |m| row, the braces in |\parbox|\u{\{}\emph{width}\u{\}}
+   are not from the typewriter font, as they are in the |b| row.\\
+   2. In the |>| and |<| rows, the |p|, |m|, and |b| options are
+   listed once without and once with their |{..}| arguments.
+\seriouserroronpage{244}{para -1, l.3--4}{FMi/DCa}{2005/02/05}{4}
+ Replace:   ``the sum of its value,
+   added to the product
+   |\baselineskip|${}\times{}$|\arraystretch}|''
+ \> 
+ `` $|\arraystretch| \times (|\extrarowheight| + 0.7 |\baselineskip|)$''
+\erroronpage{246}{para 3}{FMi}{2005/09/19}{4}
+  Add blue marginal note: ``Making \texttt{tabular*} stretch to the
+  required width''
+\erroronpage{246}{para 3, l.3/4}{HjG}{2004/06/03}{2}
+   Change:
+   ``The use \ldots\ is subject\u{ed} to two restrictions: \ldots''
+   \> ``\ldots~subject \ldots''
+\erroronpage{247}{exa 5-2-9}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+ Add hyphenation points for |Possibi\-li\-t\'es|
+\erroronpage{248}{para 1}{FMi}{2005/09/19}{4}
+ Replace para with: ``A
+ common use of |@{}| is to remove the space equal to
+the value of |\tabcolsep| (for \texttt{tabular}) that, by default,
+appears on each side of the table, 
+except when the column specification starts or ends in a \verb=|=.''
+\erroronpage{249}{exa 5-2-11}{FMi}{2004/07/27}{2}
+ Add hyphenation points for |Possibi\-li\-t\'es|
+   Change:
+   ``\ldots\ the \textsf{array} package \texttt{m} and \u{\texttt{t}}
+   types, \ldots''
+   \> ``\ldots\ \u{\texttt{b}} \ldots''
+\erroronpage{252}{para 2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/03}{2}
+   Missing word: ``\ldots\ the last entry in \u{a} row \ldots''\\
+   Missing word: ``This specification may \u{be} saved \ldots''
+\erroronpage{252}{para 3, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/03}{2}
+   Either add: ``The |X| columns are set using the |p| column
+   \u{type}, \ldots''\\
+   or change (cf.~l.2: an |m| column): ``\ldots\ using \u{a} |p|
+   column \ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{257}{syntax box~2}{HjG}{2004/06/03}{2}
+   Typo: ``\texttt{\char`\\botto\u{m}caption}''
+\erroronpage{261}{para 3, l.3}{HPB/FMi}{2004/07/16}{2}
+Add: ``\ldots may be typeset using
+     \u{the packages \textsf{array} and} \textsf{longtable} \ldots''
+\erroronpage{262}{para -1, l.2}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/04}{2}
+   Missing characters:
+   ``in standard \LaTeX{}\u{'s} \textsf{article} class''
+\erroronpage{270}{exa 5-6-7}{DCa}{2004/07/22}{2}
+  Spurious `` d'' after ``Beef'' should be deleted.
+\seriouserroronpage{270}{para 3 l.1}{UFi}{2004/07/31}{2}
+ Change: |\botrule| \> |\bottomrule|
+\seriouserroronpage{271}{para 3}{FMi}{2004/12/17}{4}
+ Replace para by: ``By default, the rule extends all the way to the left, but is
+ ``trimmed'' from the rightmost column by the length specified in the
+ length parameter |\cmidrulekern|. The optional (\emph{trim})
+ \u{argument may contain the characters
+   \texttt{l} and  \texttt{r},
+   indicating that the rule}
+ \u{is to be trimmed from the left or right, respectively.}
+ Each \texttt{l} and \texttt{r} may optionally be followed by a width
+ argument \u{specified using \texttt{\{}\emph{widths}\texttt{\}}},
+ in which case the rule is trimmed by this amount rather than by the default
+ |\cmidrulekern|.
+\seriouserroronpage{271}{syntax box~1}{HjG}{2004/06/04}{2}
+   Argument is optional, not mandatory:
+   |\addlinespace|\texttt{\u[}\emph{width}\texttt{\u]}
+\erroronpage{273}{para 3, l.3}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Missing word: ``not accounted for \u{by} |\multirow|''
+\seriouserroronpage{278}{para 2, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Replace: ``Section 6-3-4'' \> ``Example 6-3-4''
+\erroronpage{279}{list, item 1}{CKr}{2004/11/30}{4}
+   Correct typo: ``forced line b\u{r}eaks.''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 6}
+\erroronpage{283}{para 2, l.5--8}{FMi}{2005/01/15}{4}
+Replace with: ``We then continue by
+  explaining how you can define and use your own floating environments (Section~6.3.1),
+  or, conversely, how captioning commands can  be used  to enter
+  information into the list of figures and tables for nonfloating
+  material (Section~6.3.2). 
+  Then methods for rotating the content of a float are described
+  (Section~6.3.3).
+      Editorial comment: needs reprinting since one line moved from
+      283 to the current page.
+\erroronpage{285}{item 3, l.3}{FMi}{2005/02/13}{4}
+   Use typewriter:  ``the default is \texttt{12pt}
+   \texttt{plus} \texttt{2pt} \u{\texttt{minus}} 
+     \texttt{2pt} for 10\,pt''
+\erroronpage{285}{item 3, l.3}{HjG}{2005/02/06}{4}
+   Default for 12pt document size is given wrong:\\
+   ``\texttt{\u{14pt} plus 2pt minus 4pt}'' \>
+   ``\texttt{\u{12pt} plus 2pt minus 4pt}''
+\erroronpage{285}{item 3, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/05}{2}
+   Should be singular: ``for 12pt document size\u{s}).''
+\erroronpage{285}{item 7, l.3}{HjG/FMi}{2005/02/06}{4}
+   Replace (as it is rubbish):
+   ``(the default is like |\textfloatsep| on a text page,
+   but is |8pt plus 2fil| on a page that contains only floats)'' \>\\
+   ``(the default is like |\textfloatsep|)''
+\erroronpage{288}{para -1, l.4--7}{DAr/FMi}{2004/07/23}{2}
+  Replace part with:
+``However, by itself this option
+forces all floats to appear \emph{before} the next section material is
+typeset, since the |\FloatBarrier| prevents a float from a current
+  section from appearing below 
+the start of the new section, even if some material of the current
+section is present on the same page. ''
+\erroronpage{292}{para 4, ll.1/2}{HjG}{2004/06/05}{2}
+   Replace: ``combination \u{to}'' \> ``combination \u{of}''
+\seriouserroronpage{292}{para -1, l-2}{FMi}{2005/01/08}{4}
+Add sentence:
+  ``Because the float styles define the placement of the caption,
+floats can contain only a single \verb=\caption= command which is a
+restriction compared to standard \LaTeX's behavior.''
+Also add marginal warning: ``Only one \verb=\caption= supported''
+\erroronpage{293}{para 1, l.3}{J-CCh}{2005/06/01}{4}
+Remove surplus char:  ``package documentation in
+\seriouserroronpage{293}{exa 6-3-1}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/05}{2}
+   Wrong command used (or misplaced opening brace) in preamble code:\\
+   |\newcommand\xmlcode[1]{\|\u{\ttfamily ttfamily}|{#1}}|
+   \>\\
+   |\newcommand\xmlcode[1]{\|\u{\ttfamily texttt}|{#1}}| \\
+   only by chance this doesn't do any harm in the example!
+\erroronpage{293}{exa 6-3-1}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{4}
+The Euler constant must be typeset in roman type according
+to the ISO rules; $e$ is the charge of the electron.
+\erroronpage{294}{exa 6-3-3}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/05}{2}
+   The picture (|rosette.ps|) is clipped a tiny bit at the left side.
+   That's actually an error in the |.ps| file itself and can be seen
+   in all other examples where the file is used.
+\erroronpage{295}{para -2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/05}{2}
+   Missing word: ``The |[H]| \u{float} is \ldots''
+\erroronpage{298}{para 1, l.4}{AMa}{2005/01/13}{4}
+   The word ``caption'' should be should typeset in sans serif.
+\seriouserroronpage{298}{para 3, l.5}{HjG}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   Missing argument: ``|\newfloat{XMLexa}|%
+   \u{\texttt{\textbraceleft\meta{placement}\textbraceright}}|{lox}|''
+\erroronpage{299}{para 2, ll.-2/-1}{HjG}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   Missing word: ``so that it \u{is} not worth''
+\erroronpage{301}{exa 6-4-2}{HjG}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   Misspelled word (both in source and output):\\
+   ``\texttt{ex-\u{s}ample}'' \> ``\texttt{ex-ample}''
+\seriouserroronpage{302}{para 2, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   Missing argument: ``|\newfloat{XML}|%
+   \u{\texttt{\textbraceleft\meta{placement}\textbraceright}}|{lox}|''
+\erroronpage{304/305}{exa 6-4-4}{HjG}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   The |\FIG| command is different from the one from
+   exa 6-4-3 (p.303).
+   Add a line:\\
+   |\newcommand\FIG{\includegraphics[width=10mm]{elephant}}|\\
+   in the preamble part of the example's source.\\
+   (But that will probably spoil your hand-optimized page breaks. ---
+    Actually it will improve them: by getting the example larger on
+   line will carry over from  304 to 305 avoiding the widow there
+   without changing that page otherwise)
+   Surplus closing brace:\\
+   ``|\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\usebox\@tempboxa}|%
+    |\par|\texttt{\u\textbraceright}|%   single line|''
+The Runaway error may be explained in a better way: the
+ \emph{short-text} cannot exceed one paragraph; the \emph{long-text} may be
+ several paragraphs long; if the optional argument \emph{short-text} is missing
+ the \emph{long-text} replaces it, therefore the macros that should process the
+ single paragraph \emph{short-text} get terribly shaken and produce the Runaway
+ argument error. A reference to Appendix~B and the long\slash short definition
+ of commands should be helpful.
+\erroronpage{309}{para 4, l.3}{DAl}{2005/06/29}{4}
+   Missing comma: ``\ldots you will get a typical ``standard \LaTeX''  
+   format\u{,} that is, \ldots''
+\erroronpage{312}{\texttt{position} option}{JS/FMi}{2005/09/14}{4}
+   State that key \texttt{bottom} is the default.
+\erroronpage{312}{para 2, l.2}{DAl}{2005/06/29}{4}
+    Word in wrong position:  ``for example, ``above'' the caption if
+    caption is \u{the} placed at the bottom.'' 
+ \>
+   ``for example, ``above'' the caption if \u{the} caption is \ldots''
+\erroronpage{317}{para -4, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   Extra letter: ``The \textsf{subfig} package\u{s} \ldots''
+\erroronpage{319}{para 1, l.5}{C-JCh}{2005/06/10}{4}
+  Incorrect right quote:  ``numbers like ``11.3\u{''}\ldots''
+\erroronpage{319}{para 2, l.3}{C-JCh}{2005/06/10}{4}
+  Incorrect right quote:  ``such as ``Figure 1(a-c)\u{''}.''
+\erroronpage{321}{exa 6-5-13, l.2}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/06}{2}
+   Change value:
+   ``|listofindent=4em|'' \> ``|listofindent=5em|''.\\
+   Looks better and also makes description on page 320 correct.
+\erroronpage{321}{para 3, l.2}{UFi}{2004/07/31}{2}
+Remove: ``approach is to \u{to} specify\ldots''
+\erroronpage{326}{para -1, l.4}{DAl}{2005/07/14}{4}
+   Missing letter: ``floats appear to\u{o} close to each other\ldots''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 7}
+\erroronpage{332}{para -2,l.2}{THa}{2004/07/21}{2}  
+  SinCE SEriFS arE noT alwayS horizonTaL: ``Serifs are the tiny
+  horizontal strokes\dots'' \> ``Serifs are the tiny strokes\dots''  
+\erroronpage{338}{para -1, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/29}{2}
+   Missing word: ``command \u{and} declarative forms''
+\erroronpage{341}{para -2, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/06/29}{2}
+   Missing comma: ``such as |\OE|\u, to lowercase).''
+\erroronpage{342}{tab 7.1}{CBe/FMi}{2004/07/27}{2}
+  Add footnote: ``\textit{The actual sizes shown above are those specially
+                  tailored for use in this book}''
+\erroronpage{347}{para 2, l.5+6}{JS/FMi}{2006/11/08}{s}
+Replace: ``\u{Computer Modern Typewriter and}
+Computer Modern Sans \u{have} only bold extended variants.''
+ ``\u{In contrast} Computer Modern Sans \u{has} only bold extended variants.''
+\erroronpage{349}{Table 7.4}{AFV}{2008/08/08}{}
+The font associated with the command |\mathtt| is a sans typewriter font. This
+differs from nearly all TeX set ups where the math typewriter font is Computer
+Modern Typewriter.
+\erroronpage{349}{para -1, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/29}{2}
+   Missing comma:
+   ``\ldots\ where commands, such as |\rm|\u, would cause \ldots''
+\erroronpage{351}{para -2, l.5}{HjG}{2004/06/29}{2}
+   Surplus word:
+   ``\ldots\ belongs to the text \u{the} surrounding the formula.''
+\erroronpage{353}{para 4, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/29}{2}
+    Replace:
+    ``\u{Extended} Computer Modern'' \>
+    ``\u{European} Computer Modern''
+\erroronpage{354/355}{marginal 3}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Should be on top of page 355.
+\erroronpage{354}{table caption}{AFV/FMi}{2009/01/5}{}
+   Replace: ``Classification of the Computer Modern font families'' \>
+   ``Classification of \u{most} Computer Modern font families''
+   as not all fonts are listed.
+\erroronpage{355}{para 4, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/29}{2}
+   Missing character: ``on\u{e} can simply exchange''
+\erroronpage{356}{para 2, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/30}{2}
+   Correct: ``\u{ZE}-fonts'' \> ``\u{EZ}-fonts''
+   (Index entry is OK!)
+\erroronpage{357}{exa 7-5-5, last line}{RSt}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Reference [174] instead of [175].
+\erroronpage{357}{exa 7-5-5}{HjG}{2004/06/30}{2}
+   Add page entries for ``Clasen, Matthias'', ``Vieth, Ulrik'', and
+   ``Ziegler, Justin'' to ``People'' index (pp.1080+1082)
+   Add word:
+   ``Clearly, no one wants to type \u{text} like this \ldots''
+\erroronpage{358}{para -1, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/30}{2}
+   Change word order:\\
+   ``The list of \u{currently} \u{supported encodings} by
+   \textsf{inputenc} \ldots'' \>\\
+   ``The list of \u{encodings} \u{currently supported} by
+   \textsf{inputenc} \ldots''
+\erroronpage{359}{several places}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+    Replace: ISO-8859 \> ISO 8859
+\erroronpage{360}{item 8}{CKr}{2004/12/30}{4}
+   Replace: Next Computer encoding  \> Ne\u{XT} Computer encoding
+\erroronpage{360}{item 9}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+   Replace: UTF8 \> UTF-8
+\erroronpage{360}{para -1}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+   Replace: UTF8 \> UTF-8 (several times)
+\erroronpage{361}{para 2+3}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+   Replace: UTF8 \> UTF-8 (several times)
+ Replace: ``preamble or the document class'' \>
+  ``document class, a package, or in the preamble''
+   Swap phrases:\\
+   ``\ldots\ the user \u{in the preamble} \u{to load still
+   more encodings}.'' \\\>\\
+   ``\ldots\ the user \u{to load still more encodings}
+   \u{in the preamble}.''
+\erroronpage{362}{para 1, l.1}{SCo}{2004/05/17}{2}
+   Printing problem in some books: ``still'', second `l' only half visible.
+\erroronpage{367}{para 2, l.3}{CKr}{2005/01/03}{4}
+   Wrong font: ``old-style numerals by simply switching to the \u{\texttt{TS1}}''
+\erroronpage{368}{para -4, l.3}{HjG}{2004/07/01}{2}
+   Change:\\
+   ``\ldots\ only. \u{Only} real errors will be shown.'' \>\\
+   ``\ldots\ only. \u{However,} real errors will be shown
+   \u{on the terminal}.''
+\erroronpage{370}{para 2, l.-1}{RSt}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Replace: ``ran run'' with ``\u{you ran}''.
+\erroronpage{370}{para 4, l.5}{HjG}{2004/07/06}{2}
+   Add: ``\ldots\ in one of the three \u{text font} categories.''
+\erroronpage{371}{para 1, l.4}{HjG}{2004/07/06}{2}
+   Add: ``\ldots, such as via a call to |\usefont|\u{ (see Example
+   7-6-1 below)}.''
+\erroronpage{373}{first line of 7.6.1}{UFi}{2004/07/31}{2}
+  Remove   ``the \u{the} fonts''
+\erroronpage{373}{first para, l.-1}{BeB}{2004/06/28}{2}
+  ``collection'' is (at least seems to me) singular:\\
+  Typo: ``appear'' \> ``appears''
+\erroronpage{374}{`Bookman', l.1}{HjG}{2004/07/08}{2}
+   Typo: ``Bookman was originally design\u{ed} \ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{380}{para 1, l.4--5}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+   Better show octal numbers: ``\ldots starting positions like
+   \texttt{'254}, \texttt{'266}, \texttt{'300}, and \texttt{'312}
+   (i.e., in octal notation) in\ldots''
+\erroronpage{380}{exa. 7-6-10}{J-CCh}{2005/07/06}{4}
+\erroronpage{386}{para -1, l.2}{RWa}{2004/05/31}{2}
+   Replace ``the X Window\u{s} system'' with ``the X Window \u{S}ystem''.
+\erroronpage{387}{para -1, ll.3/4}{HjG}{2004/07/09}{2}
+   Missing word: ``\texttt{0.87478} should \u{be} used''\\
+% no idea if we can fit that in:
+\erroronpage{387}{para -1, ll.3/4}{HjG}{2004/07/09}{}
+   Value for 12\,pt?
+\erroronpage{388}{tab. 7.14}{HjG}{2004/07/09}{2}
+   Row~1: Thickness of vertical line between first two columns too
+   wide (printing problem).
+\erroronpage{388}{tab 7.14, l.-2}{RPa}{2004/09/14}{4}
+    Missing space between ``m,'' and ``bx'' in the middle column.
+\erroronpage{391}{tab. 7.15}{FMi}{2004/07/09}{2}
+   Row~1: Thickness of vertical line between first two columns too 
+   wide (printing problem).
+\erroronpage{391}{tab 7.15, l.-2}{RPa}{2004/09/14}{4}
+    Missing space between ``m,'' and ``bx'' in the middle column.
+\erroronpage{392}{tab 7.16, l.3}{RPa}{2004/09/14}{4}
+    ``(bx)'' should be moved to the second column.
+\erroronpage{393}{tab 7.17, l.3}{RPa}{2004/09/14}{4}
+    Missing space between ``(it),'' and ``sc'' in the third column.
+\erroronpage{395}{exa 7-7-20}{HjG}{2004/06/22}{2}
+   Commands need to be swapped to match text:\\
+   ``|\gothfamily| Swab'' \> ``|\swabfamily| Swab''\\
+   ``|\swabfamily| Gothic'' \> ``|\gothfamily| Gothic''
+\erroronpage{395}{exa 7-7-21}{TSS}{2004/05/25}{2}
+  The ``s'' in word ``dies'' should be the ``short s'' (ligature
+  ``s:'') since it occurs in a syllable-final position.
+% others wrong???
+%According to page 765 of "The World's Writing Systems" (edited by P.T.
+%Daniels and W. Bright, ISBN 0-19-507993-0, Oxford University Press,
+%1996), a syllable-final "s" in fraktur text should be the "short s".
+\erroronpage{396}{para 3, l.5}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Should be: ``\ldots on the \u{third} line.''
+\erroronpage{396}{exa 7-7-22}{TSS}{2004/05/25}{2}
+  The ``s'' in word ``dies'' should be the ``short s'' (ligature
+  ``s:'') since it occurs in a syllable-final position.
+\erroronpage{403}{para 1, ll.1/2}{HjG}{2004/07/09}{2}
+   Change: ``by using    \u{G}lyph \u{C}hart''
+   \> ``by using \u{the} \u{g}lyph \u{c}hart''\\
+   (cf.\ para 3, l.1)
+\erroronpage{405}{para 3, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/22}{2}
+   Missing word:
+   ``of \u{the} International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)''
+   Move closing parenthesis:\\
+   ``\ldots (based on \ldots\ by Donald Knuth, \ldots \u).'' \> \\
+   ``\ldots (based on \ldots\ by Donald Knuth\u), \ldots \,.''
+\erroronpage{406}{exa 7-8-11}{HjG}{2004/07/09}{2}
+   Add comma (?): ``|k\ae{}t|\texttt{\u,}''
+\erroronpage{407}{para -2, l.1}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+   Missing word: ``With popular fonts designed for use with \TeX{},
+   the euro symbol \u{is} usually available\ldots''
+\erroronpage{413}{para -2, l-1}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{4}
+ ``local guide''; I believe this is an obsolete concept, dating back to
+ the times when \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ were used on multitasking mainframes;
+ commercial distributions might still have a ``local guide'', but I have never
+  seen one. 
+Replace: |\pcharpath| \> |\pscharpath|.
+These days the package |pst-char| has been integrated into  |pst-text|.
+\erroronpage{416}{tab. 7.27}{HjG}{2004/07/09}{2}
+   Uppercase vs.\ lowercase in entries for \texttt{T3} and
+   \texttt{TS3}:\\
+   ``\LaTeX{} \u{P}honetic \u{A}lphabet encoding'' $\leftrightarrow$\\
+   ``\LaTeX{} \u{p}honetic \u{a}lphabet encoding''
+\erroronpage{417}{para 4, l.6}{HjG}{2004/07/10}{2}
+   Correct case:
+   ``\ldots\ in front of it. \u For example,''
+\erroronpage{418}{para 2, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/07/10}{2}
+   Add:
+   ``a typewriter font \u{in medium series} with italic shape''
+\erroronpage{420}{table 7.28}{CKr}{2005/04/08}{4}
+   For consistency:  ``narrow'' \> ``\u{N}arrow''
+\erroronpage{420}{para 1, l.6}{FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+    Replace: ISO-9660 \> ISO 9660
+\erroronpage{426}{para 1, l.-2}{CKr}{2005/01/17}{4}
+  Remove surplus: ``\ldots---other declarations that use this \u{the}
+     font will benefit automatically.''
+\erroronpage{426}{para 1, last sentence}{CAR}{2005/01/22}{4}
+  Replace with following sentence:
+    ``This may seem like a strange usage but it has the advantage that when
+    such additional
+    fonts become available you will need to change
+    only one font shape group declaration---all declarations that
+    refer indirectly to these fonts will then benefit automatically.''
+\erroronpage{426}{para 5}{HjG}{2004/07/10}{2}
+   Surplus word: ``\ldots, this function \u{it} writes \ldots''
+   Add word: ``The \u{third} argument''
+\erroronpage{428}{item 6}{CKr}{2005/01/18}{4}
+   Replace: ``Specified the quad width'' \> ``Specifie\u{s} the quad
+   width'' 
+\erroronpage{432}{para 4, l.9}{HjG}{2004/07/11}{2}
+   Not plural: ``\ldots: the outer text size\u{s} and the three math
+   sizes for this text size.''
+   Not start of a sentence, hence \> lowercase:
+   ``\u{a}nd are usually placed in an \texttt{.fd} file.''
+\erroronpage{441}{para 5, l.1}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+   Replace: UTF8 \> UTF-8 
+\erroronpage{442}{footnote, l.2}{usw}{2005/01/11}{4}
+   Sentence begins with lowercase 's'.
+\erroronpage{443}{para 1, l.1--2}{FMi}{2005/06/10}{4}
+Replace the parentheses with: ``(for the latter people sometimes use
+the single character \verb="=\,, but this is incorrect as it may
+produce a straight double quote, i.e., ")''
+\erroronpage{443}{para 3, l.4}{CKr}{2005/01/21}{4}
+  Correct order: ``Instead, these commands have been implemented in
+     \u{such a} way that \ldots''
+\erroronpage{444}{para 2, l.4}{DAl}{2005/08/01}{4}
+   Missing word: ``\ldots associates the number 224 \u{with} the  
+command |\alpha|.''
+\erroronpage{445}{para 4, ll.3--5}{HjG}{2004/07/12}{2}
+   Move closing parenthesis:\\
+   ``\ldots, which normally denote certain accents (i.e.,
+   are encoding-specific commands, but \ldots\ environment\u).''
+   \\ \> \\
+   ``\ldots, which normally denote certain accents (i.e.,
+   are encoding-specific commands\u), but \ldots\ environment.''
+\erroronpage{446}{footnote, l.1}{CKr}{2005/01/21}{4}
+  Correct order: \ldots ``\textthreesuperior'' \u{was a}
+                  math glyph---comprehensible?
+   Replace: UTF8 \> UTF-8 
+\erroronpage{451}{para 4, l.2}{HjG}{2004/07/12}{2}
+   Wrong number:
+   ``\texttt{\u{'240}} octal'' \> ``\texttt{\u{'344}} octal''
+\erroronpage{453}{para 2, l.2}{DAl}{2005/08/01}{4}
+   Missing word : ``\ldots an \emph{LICR-object} that is \u{to} be  
+used whenever\ldots''
+\erroronpage{455}{para 3, l.-1}{JCh}{2004/07/17}{2}
+   Typo (characters need to be swapped):
+   ``L\u{CI}R'' \> ``L\u{IC}R''
+\erroronpage{457}{tab. 7.33}{HjG}{2004/07/12}{2}
+   Wrong sort order (table rows need to be swapped):\\
+   |\OE| $\leftrightarrow$ |\O| -- cf.\ |\o| and |\oe| on p.459
+\erroronpage{457}{tab. 7.33}{HjG}{2004/07/12}{2}
+   Entry |\`i|: ``(\u{avail})'' \> ``(\u{alias})'' 
+ Natively available in LY1 encoding
+\seriouserroronpage{458}{l. 27--30}{JLV}{2005/05/31}{4}
+ Unfortunately |\guillemotleft|, |\guillemotright|, |\guilsinglleft|, and 
+ |\guilsinglright| have no ``default'' and only function in |OT1| if
+ \textsf{babel} is loaded
+\erroronpage{458}{\texttt{\string\k} entries}{usw}{2005/01/11}{4}
+ All |\k| entries should be |<constr.>| in LY1 encoding
+\erroronpage{459}{\texttt{\string\r A}}{FMi}{2005/04/09}{4}
+ |\r A| is |<constr.>| in OT1 encoding
+\erroronpage{459}{\texttt{\string\r} entries}{usw}{2005/01/11}{4}
+ All |\r| entries should be |<constr.>| in LY1 encoding
+ Default from |constr./TS1|.
+ Natively available in LY1 encoding
+ Natively available in LY1 encoding
+ Defined in the newer versions of the encoding (but not available in
+ all fonts!)
+\erroronpage{460}{tab. 7.33}{HjG}{2004/07/12}{2}
+   Wrong sort order (table rows need to be swapped):\\
+   |\textdblhyphenchar| $\leftrightarrow$ |\textdblhyphen|
+ Natively available in LY1 encoding
+   Constructed in T1 encoding
+   Constructed in T1 encoding
+ Natively available in LY1 encoding
+\erroronpage{461}{table, l. -12}{usw}{2004/05/24}{2}
+ ``\verb=\textquotedblleft=" is indented by accident.
+ Natively available in LY1 encoding
+\erroronpage{462}{tab. 7.33}{HjG}{2004/07/12}{2}
+   Wrong sort order (table rows need to be swapped):\\
+   |\textthreequartersemdash| $\leftrightarrow$ |\textthreequarters|
+\erroronpage{463}{para 1, ll.1/2}{HjG}{2004/06/28}{2}
+   Add: ``prior \u{to} 1990''
+\erroronpage{463}{para 1, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/28}{2}
+   Change:
+   ``\ldots integrated in \u{1993})'' \>
+   ``\ldots integrated in \u{1994})'' 
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 8}
+\erroronpage{465}{para 4, ll.2+4}{HjG}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Add page entry for ``Swanson, Ellen'' to ``People'' index
+   (p.1082). \\
+   Add page entry for ``Knuth, Donald'' to ``People'' index
+   (p.1081).
+  Editorial comment: no need for reprinting this page.
+\erroronpage{466}{para 2, ll.3+6}{HjG}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Add page entry for ``Spivak, Michael'' to ``People'' index
+   (p.1082).\\
+   Add page entry for ``Jones, David'' to ``People'' index
+   (p.1081).
+\erroronpage{466}{para 3 l.1}{UFi}{2004/06/04}{2}
+ Remove comma:  ``Michael\u, would have been\ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{468}{para 3, ll.10+11}{JTa}{2004/08/31}4{}
+  Extra closing brace after the second argument of
+  \texttt{\textbackslash newenvironment} on both lines.
+\erroronpage{471}{para 2, l.4}{VPe}{2004/06/02}{2}
+  Extra word: ``\ldots this change \u{can} are discussed\ldots''
+\erroronpage{478}{exa 8-2-19}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+Poor Maxwell's equations! No doubt there are mathematical
+ physicists or physical mathematicians that write Maxwell's equations that way.
+ This is a good example for showing some capabilities of the
+ \textsf{amsmath} package and its possible extensions by means of the
+ \comando{\newenvironment} command, but it is an example where all possible ISO
+ rules are violated! Physical equations deal with quantities, not with
+ mathematical variables; and quantities have dimensions; as such they have to
+ comply with the rules established by the Sisth\`{e}me International (SI) and the
+ various obsolete ``cgm'' systems are officially deprecated; the partial
+ derivative sign $\partial$ has exactly that meaning and it cannot substitute
+ the ``nabla'' $\nabla$ sign;  finally the $j$ symbol probably indicates the
+ current density, but in an equation that does not comply with the ISO rules it
+ might indicate the imaginary unit (which, on the opposite, is prescribed to be
+ typeset in roman or upright shape as well as $\pi$); treating with vectorial
+ quantities these should be well marked either with a vector math accent or
+ must be set in bold italic; with variables depending from four quantities the
+ apex for indicating the derivative is not univocal for specifying the quantity
+ with respect to which the derivative is taken. I repeat: the example is good
+ for describing the math extension capabilities but it could induce the casual
+ reader to believe that this is the correct form for writing down the Maxwell's
+ equations; unfortunately it is not.
+\erroronpage{480}{para -2, ll.8/9}{HjG}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   ``(there must be no space before the \texttt[)'' --- why?\\
+   (Would be ignored by \TeX{} as the end of the cs-name!)
+   Deleted this text.
+\erroronpage{484}{para 3, ll.1/2}{HjG}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Add word: ``\ldots\ the \texttt{equation} \u{environment} is
+\erroronpage{488}{para 1, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Add word: ``\ldots\ as a subscript \u{or} superscript.''
+\erroronpage{488}{para 1, l.1}{FMi}{2005/04/23}{4}
+   Replace word: ``Note that both \u{environments} \ldots''
+   \> ``Note that both \u{structures} \ldots'' (as one is a command)
+\erroronpage{489}{para -2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Missing closing parenthesis: ``(see Section 8.5.3\u)''
+\erroronpage{489}{exa. 8-3-9.1}{DAl}{2005/08/21}{4}
+   The third array actually only needs \texttt{c} as preamble even
+   though \texttt{cc} is not wrong. as empty columns on the right are ignored
+\erroronpage{491}{para -2, l.3}{BMo}{2004/05/21}{2}
+      Replace:  ``aside'' \> ``at the side''
+   Perhaps a note regarding the defaults should be added:\\
+   ``The first two parameters, \emph{ldelim} and \emph{rdelim}, are
+   the left and right delimiters, respectively.
+   \u{They must be either both empty or both non-empty;}
+   \u{to place a single delimiter, use a period ``\texttt.'' on the
+   ``empty'' side.}''
+   Editorial comment: affects pagebreaks for 494/95 as well
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{499}{\S 8.6.2}{HjG}{2004/06/21}{2}
+   Change section heading: ``Operator \u{and function} names''
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{501}{exa 8-6-4}{HjG}{2004/06/21}{2}
+   Surplus word (in source comment):\\
+   ``\texttt{\% the old \u{the} definition of \textbackslash csc}''
+   Good try but wrong word: ``Technically this is due to the denominator being
+   wider than the \u{numerator} in this case\ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{508}{table 8.6, col.5}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   The bad alignment (in some books) of the blue color probably makes
+   the illustrations in this column useless.
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{511}{marginal note}{MHe}{2004/05/22}{2}
+     Swap words: ``\ldots change \u{the existing} math font
+     set-up''
+\erroronpage{512}{para 3, l.6}{HjG}{2004/06/22}{2}
+   Surplus closing brace:
+   ``|\bm{\alpha}|\texttt{\u\textbraceright}''
+\seriouserroronpage{513}{Figure 8.1}{LSchu}{2004/05/22}{2}
+   Text font is Times, but should be Computer Modern (rather
+   embarrassing that).
+\erroronpage{513}{para 3, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/22}{2}
+   Change: ``In this section show a sample text'' \>\\
+   ``In this section \u{we} show a sample text''
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{515}{para 1, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/22}{2}
+   Wrong reference: ``Figure~8.3'' \> ``Figure~8.2''
+\erroronpage{515}{para -1, l.1}{BMo/CAR}{2004/05/21}{2}
+    Replace: ``The Metafont versions of Concrete Roman and Math\ldots''
+    \> ``The Metafont versions of Concrete, both Roman and Math,\ldots''
+  The txfonts have the symbols |\succapprox| and |\precapprox| in the
+  wrong position in the fonts.
+  Until the fonts are corrected one can manually fix the problem by
+  redeclaring them after loading the \texttt{txfonts} package, i.e.,
+  Y\&Y has unfortunately folded and their domain was taking over by a
+  seller for ``latex'' clothing (interesting isnt it?).
+  Some information about Y\&Y can be found at
+  \texttt{https://www.tug.org/yandy}.
+  The pxfonts have the symbols |\succapprox| and |\precapprox| in the
+  wrong position in the fonts.
+  Until the fonts are corrected one can manually fix the problem by
+  redeclaring them after loading the \texttt{pxfonts} package, i.e.,
+\erroronpage{521}{para 2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/26}{2}
+   Missing interword space: ``Section\u~7.6.1''
+  Y\&Y has unfortunately folded and their domain was taking over by a
+  seller for ``latex'' clothing (interesting isnt it?).
+  Some information about Y\&Y can be found at
+  \texttt{https://www.tug.org/yandy}.
+\seriouserroronpage{523}{figure 8.16}{MHe}{2004/05/22}{2}
+     The symbols to the left and right of ``Q(t)'' in the middle of
+     the figure are wrong (this is
+     actually a bug in the informal math set-up which has now been
+     corrected).
+\erroronpage{523}{figure 8.16, caption}{BMo}{2004/05/21}{2}
+      Replace: ``Info Math fonts'' with ``Informal Math fonts''.
+\erroronpage{523}{para 3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/26}{2}
+   Change:\\
+   ``The HV math fonts \u{are} designed at MicroPress'' \>\\
+   ``The HV math fonts \u{have been} designed at MicroPress''
+\erroronpage{524}{para 1, ll.4--6}{HjG}{2004/06/27}{2}
+   Change:\\
+   ``This \u{package} extends the \ldots\ font collections\u{ and}
+   should normally be loaded \ldots'' \>\\
+   ``This \u{font} extends the \ldots\ font collections\u{; the
+   corresponding \textsf{stmaryrd} package} should normally be loaded
+   \ldots''
+\erroronpage{524}{para 2, l.7}{HjG}{2004/06/27}{2}
+   The text states: ``\u{\raisebox{1ex}{\scriptsize(\emph{kernel})}}
+   identifies symbols \ldots''. However, later on only
+   ``\u{\raisebox{1ex}{\scriptsize(\emph{ker})}}'' is used.
+   [E.g., Table~8.10 on page~527 (|\hbar|)
+   and    Table~8.11 on page~528 (|\angle|).]
+\erroronpage{524}{para 2, l.-3}{HjG}{2004/06/27}{2}
+   The text speaks of ``Alphabetic symbols'' -- but the referenced
+   Table~7.30 on page~435 calls it ``Alphabet character''~!?
+\erroronpage{524}{exa 8-9-1}{HjG}{2004/06/27}{2}
+   The |fleqn| option is used, but in the output, the two equations
+   seem to be right aligned rather than left aligned!\\
+   Indeed true: this is because  in \textsf{amsmath} the |\mathindent|
+   added on the left is 
+   actually a rubber length (see page 471) that is automatically
+   shortend if there is not enough space.
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{526}{para -1, l.1}{CKr/FMi}{2005/02/20}{4}
+Change: ``The unaccented ASCII Latin letters and Arabic
+    numeral digits (see Table~8.8) \u{all} referred to\ldots''
+  \> ``\ldots \u{are} referred to\ldots''
+\erroronpage{527}{para 2, l.1}{HjG}{2005/05/21}{4}
+   Replace:\\
+   ``in the first \u{columns} of Table~8.9'' \>
+   ``in the first \u{rows} of Table~8.9''
+\erroronpage{527}{para 2, l.5}{HjG}{2004/06/27}{2}
+   Change:
+   ``Similarly, the list of lowercase Greek letters \u{there is}
+   no omicron'' \>\\
+   ``Similarly, the list of lowercase Greek letters \u{contains}
+   no omicron''
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+ \erroronpage{527}{table 8.10}{BMo/CAR}{2004/05/21}{2} 
+         This table would be
+         better if reordered, in particular so that the first row
+         contains: \verb=\aleph \beth \gimmel \daleth=.  This would
+         make the this text correct: ``The first four [entries in
+         table 8.10] are Hebrew letters.''
+\erroronpage{527,528}{table 8-10/11}{FMi}{2006/08/09}{s}
+   Added the missing symbol from amssymb: |\circledR|, |\yen|,
+   |\checkmark|, and |\maltese|. 
+  The general distribution of symbols between the two tables is a bit
+  questionable, but this will stay as it is.
+\erroronpage{528}{table 8-11}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\erroronpage{528}{table 8.11}{LHe}{2008/02/08}{}
+    |\dag| and |\ddag| are |\mathord|s not |\mathbin| as claimed in table
+    8.13. 
+\seriouserroronpage{529}{table 8.12, l.3}{JGr}{2004/06/10}{2}
+    \verb=\mathring{x}=  is missing its accent.
+\erroronpage{529}{para 1, l.2}{CKr}{2005/04/24}{4}
+  Replace: ``looked up |\neq|'' \> ``looked up |\ne|\u{\texttt{g}}''
+\erroronpage{530}{table 8-13}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\erroronpage{530}{table 8.13}{LHe}{2008/02/08}{}
+    |\dag| and |\ddag| are not |\mathbin|s, hence don't belong in this table
+    and they
+    aren't (as claimed in legend) synonyms of |\dagger|
+    and |\ddagger| respectively.
+\erroronpage{531}{table 8.15}{BMo/FMi}{2004/05/21}{2}
+  The commands starting with |\var...| are only partially in blue to
+  indicate their relationship with those commands missing the ``var'' in their
+  names. But this is more confusing than helpful, so they are now made
+  fully blue.
+\seriouserroronpage{531}{table 8.15}{CAR/FMi}{2004/06/05}{2}
+  |\obar| is listed twice while |\obslash| (also from stmaryrd) is missing
+\erroronpage{531}{table 8-15}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\seriouserroronpage{532}{tables 8-16, 8-17}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Since |\precsim| is not a negated symbol, it should be moved from
+   Table~8-17 to Table~8-16, where its sibling |\succsim| already
+   lives.
+\erroronpage{532}{tables 8-16/17}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\erroronpage{532}{table 8.17}{CKr}{2005/02/22}{4}
+   Add: ``\ldots or, \u{if} flagged\ldots''
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{533}{tables 8-18/19}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\iffalse % more blue align stuff
+   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned (horizontally).
+\erroronpage{534}{table 8-20}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\erroronpage{534}{tab. 8.20}{HjG}{2004/06/28}{2}
+   1. |\hookleftarrow| is listed twice.\\
+   2.  Some ``compound'' symbols have different line widths in their
+   ``head'' and ``tail'' parts:
+   |\Longleftarrow|, |\Longmapsfrom|, |\Longmapsto|, |\Longrightarrow|.
+\erroronpage{534}{table 8-21}{MBr}{2004/08/02}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\erroronpage{535}{table 8-22/23}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Various deviations from alphabetical sort order of the table
+   entries.
+\erroronpage{537}{table 8-27}{DIs/FMi}{2006/08/09}{s}
+   Added the four missing delimiters from amssymb: |\llcorner|, |\lrcorner|,
+   |\ulcorner|, and |\urcorner|. Updated the table note and galley text accordingly.
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 9}
+\erroronpage{540}{para -2, l.6}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+    Replace: ISO-8859-x \> ISO 8859-x
+\erroronpage{540}{para -1, l.4}{FMi}{2004/07/20}{2}
+Plural: ``Clearly, 8 bits \u{are} not sufficient\ldots''
+\erroronpage{541}{para 1, l.-2}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+   Replace: UTF8 \> UTF-8
+\seriouserroronpage{543}{table 9.1}{MHe/JBr}{2004/06/10}{}
+     The Babel implementation on the CD is missing the australian and
+     newzealand
+     options. If you need them, download a new version of Babel.
+\erroronpage{543}{table 9.1}{JBr/WaS}{2004/07/31}{2}
+    Replace: ``\texttt{english}, \texttt{USenglish}
+    (\texttt{\itshape american}, \texttt{\itshape canadian}), \texttt{UKenglish}
+    (\texttt{\itshape british}), \texttt{australian} (\texttt{\itshape
+    newzealand})''
+    Add footnote: ``\textit{The option \texttt{\upshape english}
+  combines American hyphenation patterns 
+  with a British date format.}''  
+\erroronpage{545}{exa 9-2-1}{JAn}{2005/09/09}{4}
+  The quotes surrounding R\'ef\'erences and Chapitre 
+  should be the french ones: use |\og| and |\fg{}|. And similar those
+  around German words should use |"`| and |"'|.
+\erroronpage{546}{para 3, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Typo: ``pattern\u{s}''
+\seriouserroronpage{548}{para 2, l.4}{UFi}{2004/06/03}{2}
+     Replace: |\aliasshorthand{"}{/}| should be \verb=\aliasshorthand{"}{|}=
+\erroronpage{549}{para 1, l.5}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Characters should be in `typewriter font' (as in l.2):\\
+   ``\,``;'' and ``?''\,'' \>  ``\,``|;|'' and ``|?|''\,''
+\erroronpage{550}{para -2, l.1--2}{CKr}{2005/02/28}{4}
+   Correct: ``Some are
+     meant to ease typing, wher\u{e}as others\ldots''
+\erroronpage{551}{tab 9.3}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{}
+   I am surprised that in Russian there is no word for ``Glossary''.
+   Frank: It most certainly exits :-), but right now Babel doesn't
+   know about it---so there is nothing we can do about it at the
+   moment. Actually the same problem exists with Polish, although here
+   I got a translation ``s\l{}ownik termin\'ow'' which will eventually
+   find its way into Babel.
+\erroronpage{552}{exa 9-3-4}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+ The words \texttt{i"lusio} and il$\cdot$lusio in the example are
+ incorrect. They should be \texttt{i"lusi\string\'o} and il$\cdot$lusi\'{o}
+ respectively %(ref: TB 14-3-252-259)
+\seriouserroronpage{553}{para 4}{UFi}{2004/06/03}{2}
+ Replace with:  ``Another popular shorthand is |"-|, which indicates a
+ hyphenation point (like |\-|), but without supressing
+ hyphenation in the remainder of the word:''
+\erroronpage{553}{exa 9-3-8}{FMi}{2004/06/03}{2}
+ Replace the example body with:
+\fbox{\parbox[t]{1cm}{minister"-president}} \quad
+\fbox{\parbox[t]{1cm}{minister\-president}} \quad
+to show the differences between |"-|, |\-|, and no hyphen.
+\erroronpage{553}{exa 9-3-9}{FMi}{2004/06/03}{2}
+ Replace the example body with:
+1. \present{Gutenberg-Universit"at}
+2. \present{Gutenberg"-Universit"at}
+3. \present{Gutenberg""Universit"at}
+4. \present{Gutenberg"=Universit"at}
+5. \present{Gutenberg"~Universit"at}
+\erroronpage{554}{para 4, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Replace: ``|~n~|\meta{letter}'' \> ``|~n|''
+        and ``|~N~|\meta{letter}'' \> ``|~N|''
+\erroronpage{554}{exa 9-3-11}{UFi/MGo}{2004/06/03}{2}
+ Replace body with: 
+   ``|En fran\c{c}ais on doit mettre un \fg petit espace\fg\|
+     |devant la ponctuation double: comme cela!|
+     \ldots''
+\erroronpage{556}{item 2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Remove:
+   ``\ldots\u{, with the addition that also \texttt{'u} and
+   \texttt{'U} are made available}.''
+auf s.556 unten (1. item) steht, dass der ' fuer Catalan mit allen
+vokalen verwendet werden kann; das gilt auch fuer Galician (2. item);
+deswegen macht der u.g. nebensatz wenig sinn, denn U gehoert ja zu den
+vokalen! -- war vielleicht 'N gemeint? (aber auch das wird bei
+Galician schon erwaehnt!)
+\erroronpage{556}{para 4, l.2}{UFi}{2004/06/03}{2}
+ Correct spelling: ``\ldots optional \u{because} the acute accent has\ldots''
+\erroronpage{557}{exa 9-3-19}{FMi/JBe}{2005/03/20}{4}
+ Replaced the example text with a spanish example showing 3 levels of
+ quotations.
+\erroronpage{558}{para -1, l.2}{UFi}{2004/06/03}{2}
+ Add comma:  ``day, month\u, year''
+\iffalse % alternative (but needs to change two pages)
+ Replace:
+ ``\ldots |\hebdate| to translate any Gregorian date, given \u{the three
+ arguments \emph{day}, \emph{month},
+ and \emph{year},}
+ into a Gregorian date in Hebrew.''
+\erroronpage{561--562}{para 2, l.-1; para 2, l.1}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+      The number 999999 (and 1000, in the second instance) should not
+      be written with a period as thousands-separator as this is
+      confusing for readers used to a different convention.
+\erroronpage{562}{para 2, l.1+2}{FMi/DPa}{2004/07/24}{2}
+   Change: ``digits \u{before the decimal point} are expressed'' \>
+   ``digits \u{denoting multiples of a thousand} are expressed''
+\erroronpage{563}{l -18/-17}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{4}
+The non zero \texttt{lccode} for the apostrophe is not
+ a speciality of the Italian language; this non null assignment is made at least
+ also for Catalan and for French; it should be done for all languages that use
+ the apostrophe for replacing an elided vowel.
+\seriouserroronpage{564}{table 9.5}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Add a note that the definition of \verb=\th= conflicts with its standard
+   definition as the LICR object ``\th{}'' (thorn).
+\erroronpage{564}{tab. 9.5}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   In the `Serbian' column, ``|\sh| sh'' is listed twice;
+   replace the second instance with ``|\arsh| arsh''.
+\erroronpage{564}{para -1, l.5}{ERy}{2004/08/06}{2}
+   Change: ``helpfull'' \> ``helpful''
+\erroronpage{565}{line 1}{JGr}{2004/06/16}{2}
+  Missing space in: Anotherlayout
+   Misspelled name:
+   ``Andrew Janishe\u{w}sky'' \> ``Andrew Janishe\u{v}sky''
+   (This affects p.1081, too!)
+   Replace: ``UNIX-like'' \> ``UN*X-like''
+   (to match spelling elsewhere in the book)
+   Change: ``ISO-IR-111'' \> ``ISO-IR~111'' \\
+   and  ``ISO-IR-144'' \> ``ISO-IR~144''
+\erroronpage{571}{para 4}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Code page ``|mnk|'' listed twice.
+%   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{573}{descr. env.}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Items \texttt{T2B:} and \texttt{T2C:} ``Crimean~Tatar'' \> ``Crimean-Tatar''
+\erroronpage{573}{para 3, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Typo: ``pac\u{ak}ge'' \> ``pac\u{ka}ge''
+\erroronpage{574}{para 6, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Replace: ``The |cb| font use\u{s} \ldots''
+         \> ``The |cb| font\u{s} use \ldots''
+\erroronpage{574}{para 7, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Replace: ``translation'' \> ``transliteration''
+\erroronpage{575}{tab 9.7}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+ I do not recognize my \texttt{grmn1000} font table; at least
+ it is incomplete compared with the one that has been uploaded on CTAN in 2002,
+ well ahead of the publication of this Second Edition.
+ (Unfortunately an older tfm file was used so that some glyphs do not
+ show up in the table)
+\erroronpage{576}{tab. 9.9}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Replace: ``Diaresis'' \> ``Dia\u{e}resis''
+\erroronpage{576}{tab 9.9}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+|<'otan| does not produce the Greek word on its right,
+ which was by mistake obtained with |<'o|\texttt{\'otan}
+\erroronpage{576}{tab 9.10}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+ In the first line all the examples with upper case letters
+ are wrong in the sence that these glyphs cannot appear in real text,
+ hence they are removed.
+ The last two lines are wrong with both lower and upper case
+ letters. The former error implies a hiatus between an initial capital letter
+ and a preceding vowel that by definition of ``initial'' is missing. The latter
+ error is related to the fact that spirit and accent are separated, the former
+ to the left of the vowel, the latter over the vowel.
+ Part of the problems are due to a missing |\languageattribute{greek}{polutoniko}|.
+\erroronpage{579}{table 9.12, l.7}{HjG}{2005/06/02}{4}
+  Remove extra right brace: ``|\fontfamily{fr}|\u{\texttt{\textbraceright}}''
+\seriouserroronpage{580}{example file \texttt{language.dat}}{WaS}{2004/06/14}{2}
+  \u{\texttt{us}}\texttt{english} \> \texttt{\u{US}english}\\
+  \u{\texttt{uk}}\texttt{english} \> \texttt{\u{UK}english}
+\seriouserroronpage{580}{\texttt{language.dat} on CD}{WaS}{2004/06/14}{}
+The language name problem, i.e.,
+  \u{\texttt{us}}\texttt{english} \> \texttt{\u{US}english}\\
+  \u{\texttt{uk}}\texttt{english} \> \texttt{\u{UK}english}
+is also present in the language.dat file on
+the book CD.
+\erroronpage{581}{para 2, l.2}{UFi}{2004/06/04}{2}
+    Six "languages" are loaded ...: seven?
+\erroronpage{581}{para 1, l.2}{WaS/FMi}{2004/06/14}{2}
+ Change: ``\ldots loaded first by INI\TeX{}; English in the example
+ above).''
+ \> ``\ldots loaded first by INI\TeX{}); for compatibility reasons this language
+      should contain US-English hyphenation patterns.''
+\erroronpage{581}{para 2, l.2}{WaS}{2004/06/14}{2}
+  Language names are to be corrected according to p.580.
+% no space. do what? probably nothing right now
+\erroronpage{581}{para 2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{}
+   Add a footnote to explain the meaning of the term
+   ``hyphenation trie''?
+\erroronpage{583}{para 1, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Wrong number: ``(line 32)'' \> ``(line 34)''
+\erroronpage{583}{para 1, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Replace: ``\texttt{welsh.\u{sty}}'' \> ``\texttt{welsh.\u{ldf}}''
+The line:\\
+ \comando{\adddialect\{austrian\}\{german\}}\\
+ and the following one correspond neither to lines 102\textendash 103 of the language
+ skeleton, nor to the grammar of the \comando{\adddialect} on page 584; this
+ description as well as the skeleton file apparently require that the language
+ name be preceded by \comando{\l@}; in facts, for example,
+ the \texttt{germanb.ldf} contains the line:\\
+ \comando{\adddialect}\comando{\l at austrian}\comando{\l at german}
+\seriouserroronpage{586}{code line 2}{TSS}{2004/05/26}{2}
+  Extra closing brace after \verb|\def\germanhyphenmins|.
+\seriouserroronpage{589}{syntax box}{UFi}{2004/06/04}{2}
+  Change: |\addto\csname[code]| \> |\addto\csname{code}| (wrong braces)
+\erroronpage{591}{para 1, l.5}{UFi}{2004/06/04}{2}
+  Extra character: ``The third argument, \emph{ex\u{c}ec}, contains\ldots''
+\erroronpage{592}{para 3, l.2+4}{PPN}{2004/05/25}{2}
+    Replace: ``Panday'' \> ``Pand\u{e}y''  (sorry)
+\seriouserroronpage{592}{para 3, l.3}{PPN}{2004/05/25}{2}
+ Replace ``\textsf{bang}'' with ``\textsf{bengali}''.  This
+ package is available on CTAN in the \textsf{languages/bengali/pandey}.
+\seriouserroronpage{592}{para 3, l.4 }{PPN}{2004/05/25}{2} 
+  Replace ``\textsf{denag}'' with ``\textsf{devnag}''.  
+  This package is on CTAN \texttt{languages/devanagari/velthuis}.
+\erroronpage{592}{para 5, l.1}{CKr}{2004/10/15}{4}
+    Replace: ``E\u{hit}opian'' \> ``E\u{thi}opian''
+\erroronpage{592}{general remarks}{PPn}{2004/05/25}{}
+Additional remarks not for inclusion in the book: For \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}
+in languages of India, 
+there are several nice packages.  An overview can be found in the
+following {\sc TUGboat} Articles;
+\item Anshuman Pandey, \textsl{An overview of Indic Fonts for \TeX{}},
+{\sc TUGboat} Volume 19, Number 2 / June 1998 115---119
+\item Anshuman Pandey, \textsl {Typesetting Bengali in \TeX{}}, {\sc
+TUGboat} Volume 20, Number 2, June 1999 119---126
+\item C. V. Radhakrishnan, \textsl{A case for \TeX{} in India}, {\sc
+TUGboat} Volume 19, Number 1, March 1998, 6---9.
+\item Karel P\'{\i}\v{s}ka, \textsl{A conversion of public Indic fonts
+from METAFONT into Type I format with} {\sc TeX{}TRACE}, Volume
+23, Number 1, 2002, 70---73
+Yannis Haralambous and John Plaice, \textsl{Low-level Devan\=agari
+support for Omega-- Adapting {\sf devnag}}, i
+Volume 23, Number 1, 2002, 50---56
+In addition to these articles, TUGIndia has uploaded two
+\LaTeXe{} packages (i) Malayalam for \LaTeXe{}, and (ii) Kannada
+\LaTeX{}, both available from www.sarovar.org.
+A remark on {\sf devnag} package:-- Originally developed by Frans
+Velthuis in 1991, it was upgraded for use with \LaTeXe{} (made
+NFSS-complaint), and maintained by a team consisting of Dominik
+Wujastyk, John Smith, Anshuman Pandey, Fran\c{c}ois Patte, and
+Zden\v{e}k Wagner. Very recently, the project has
+been handed over to TUGIndia, for further development,
+and as of May 2004, it has moved from sourceforge.net to
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 10}
+\erroronpage{chap.10}{boxed texts}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   In addition to what has been reported elsewhere, here's an overview
+   of some more inconsistencies in (some of) the ``syntax boxes'' of
+   this chapter. \\
+   With parenthesized arguments, commas are part of the syntax;
+   hence they should be set in `typewriter font' (???). \\
+   The space after these commas should also be uniform.
+ \\ \vspace{.5\baselineskip}
+   %
+   \begin{tabular}{@{}rrllp{44mm}@{}} \hline
+   page(s)  & box(es) & comma & space & remark \\ \hline
+   599      &         & |\rm| & no    & asterisk should be in |\tt| \\
+   602/3    & all     & |\rm| & yes   & ``...'' vs.\ ``\ldots'' \\
+   606      & 1       & |\rm| & no    & ``...'' vs.\ ``\ldots'' \\
+   606      & 2       & |\it| & no    & \\
+   607      &         & |\rm| & yes   & \\
+   608      & all     & |\it| & no    & \\
+   610      & 1--2    & |\rm| & yes   & ``...'' vs.\ ``\ldots'' \\
+   616      &         & |\it| & no    & \raggedright
+                                        also in text after box! \\
+                                        (ll.1+5 in first para)
+                                        \tabularnewline
+   639      &         & |\it| & no    & \\
+   641      & 1--2    & $^*$  & no    & \raggedright
+                                        $^*$various flaws; \\
+                                        see separate error entry.
+                                        \tabularnewline \hline
+   \end{tabular}
+\erroronpage{596}{para 4, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Replace: ``is the same as \u{those} produced''
+   \> ``\ldots \u{that} \ldots''
+\erroronpage{597}{para -1, l.-4/-3}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Replace: ``\ldots, in case \u{they are} changed''
+            \> ``\ldots, in case \u{it is} changed''
+\erroronpage{597/598}{para -1, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Delete word: ``which again \u{that} expects one argument.''
+\erroronpage{599}{boxed text}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+      The asterisk after |\fancyput| should be centred and the `(' and `)'
+      should be in typewriter.
+\seriouserroronpage{599}{boxed text}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   Replace brackets by braces. (The \emph{horizontal-material}
+   argument is not an optional, but a mandatory one.)
+\erroronpage{600}{para 2, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Replace: ``\u{don't} work'' \> ``\u{does not} work''
+\erroronpage{600}{exa 10-1-12}{GBa}{2004/07/28}{2}
+   The optional parameter ``[t]'' in the second example is printed as text
+in line (1).
+   Remove in code: ``\texttt{[t]}''
+   Append to previous paragraph:  ``An optional position argument is not supported.''
+Add word: Calculating the horizontal and vertical \u{distance}
+\erroronpage{602--603}{all boxed texts}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+      All the parentheses `(' and `)' (9 pairs in total)
+      should be in `typewriter font'.
+   On p.604 (l. -2) and p.605 (ll. 1, 2) we have ``|join|
+   environment(s)''.\\
+   On p.605 (ll. -6, -1) these are called ``|..join| environments''.\\
+   On p.609 (para 3, l.5) it's ``|join| environments'' again.
+\erroronpage{606}{para 2, l.1}{HjG}{2005/05/16}{4}
+   ``The \textsf{epic} \ldots'' \>
+   either: ``\textsf{epic} \ldots''
+   or: ``The \textsf{epic} package \ldots''
+\erroronpage{606}{para 3, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Delete comma and move word:\\
+   ``This command\u{, which} is a variant \ldots\ command, allows
+   \ldots'' \>\\
+   ``This command is a variant \ldots\ command, \u{which} allows
+   \ldots''
+\erroronpage{606}{second boxed text}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+      Brackets should also be in `typerwriter font'.
+\erroronpage{606}{para -1}{HjG/FMi}{2005/05/19}{4}
+      The arguments ``\textit{$\Delta$width}'' and
+      ``\textit{$\Delta$height}'' are mistakenly used in math mode. In
+      the book that means a different font and different kerning.
+\erroronpage{606--608}{all boxed texts}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+      All the parentheses `(' and `)' (9 pairs in total)
+      should be in `typewriter font'.
+      Editorial comment: reprinted see earlier summary entries.
+\erroronpage{610}{first two boxed texts}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+      All the parentheses `(' and `)' (6 pairs in total)
+      should be in `typewriter font'.
+\erroronpage{612}{exa 10-1-25}{PYu/FMi}{2004/07/05}{2}
+      The |\protect| in front of |\footnotesize| (twice) is not necessary.
+\erroronpage{613}{para 1, ll.2/3}{HjG}{2004/06/21}{2}
+   Citations disrupt sentence!\\
+   ``\ldots\ bundle [48,49] or [57, Chapter~6] for \ldots'' \> \\
+   ``\ldots\ bundle \u{(see }[48,49] or [57, Chapter~6]\u)''\\
+    and move the parenthesised citations to the end of the sentence.
+\erroronpage{614}{para 1, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Missing closing quotes:
+   ``the ``extended\u{\strut''} or ``enhanced'' \ldots''
+\erroronpage{615}{Tab.\ 10.1}{FMi}{2006/10/21}{s}
+The important driver ``vtex'' is missing. On the other hand
+some of the listed drivers are only of historical interest.
+\erroronpage{616}{boxed texts}{FMi}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Corrections as outlined in summary entry above.
+\erroronpage{618}{boxed text}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Replace: ``\textit{key val list}'' \> ``\textit{key/val-list}''
+   (also in following text).
+   Explanation of \texttt{viewport} key changed to better explain that it only
+   changes the space reserved but doesn't prevent printing the whole graphic
+   (unless \texttt{clip} is used additionally)
+\erroronpage{620}{editorial change}{FMi}{2007/10/20}{s}
+   Text changes on previous page results in different page break.
+\erroronpage{620}{para 1, l.1; para 2, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Replace:
+   ``the first \u{seven} keys'' \> ``the first \u{eight} keys''\\
+   ``The first \u{nine} keys'' \> ``The first \u{ten} keys''
+\erroronpage{620}{para 5, l.2}{FMi}{2005/04/27}{4}
+   Replace:
+   ``\ldots in the \u{optional arguments}.'' \>
+   ``\ldots in the \textit{key/val-list}.'' 
+%   Printing problem: blue color not properly aligned.
+\erroronpage{623}{para 1, l.7}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Delete word: ``some \u{of} key combinations''
+\erroronpage{623}{boxed text}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Replace: ``\textit{key val list}'' \> ``\textit{key/val-list}''
+   (also in following text).
+\erroronpage{630}{para 3, l.3}{UFi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+ Replace: ``the next |\parbox| examples'' \> ``the next
+        \u{\texttt{tabular}} examples''
+\erroronpage{631}{para.2, l.6}{FMi/HjG}{2006/10/22}{s}
+  Ersetze: "`\u{This point} is shown \ldots"' \>
+           "`\u{This} is shown \ldots"'
+\erroronpage{631}{para -1, l.-1}{JBr}{2004/08/02}{2}
+   Replace: ``\textit{key val}'' \> ``\textit{key/val}''
+\erroronpage{632}{fig. 10.2}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   The horizontal extent of the box is called ``|length|'' \>
+   probably better: ``|width|''.\\
+   Missing standalone horizontal specs:
+   ``|[l]|'' $\equiv$ ``|[lc]|'';
+   ``|[r]|'' $\equiv$ ``|[rc]|''.
+\erroronpage{632}{boxed text}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Replace: ``\textit{key val list}'' \> ``\textit{key/val-list}''
+\erroronpage{633}{para 1, ll.4/5}{HjG}{2005/05/16}{4}
+   Add character: ``A matrix \ldots\ appear\u{s} below.''
+   Replace: ``The material in the section can be compared to
+   Sebastian\ldots'' \>
+   ``The material in this section is similar to that of Sebastian\ldots''
+  The first column shows incorrect output: instead of x=0mm it uses some
+  internal default.
+\erroronpage{634}{editorial change}{FMi}{2006/10/21}{s}
+  Fix on previous page will change page break.
+\erroronpage{637}{footnote 2}{FMi}{2004/06/12}{2}
+   Bug in \texttt{url.sty} generated extra space.
+\erroronpage{639}{boxed text}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   The parentheses `(' and `)' should be in `typewriter font'.
+\erroronpage{640}{para -1, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   ``the second |\vector| is truncated'' \>
+   ``the second |\vector| is not rendered correctly''
+\erroronpage{641}{first two boxed texts}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   The parentheses `(' and `)' around ``x1,y1'' (3 pairs in total)
+   should be in `typewriter font'.\\
+   All coordinates should be in (math) italic with subscripts
+   (cf., e.g., pp.607/610): $x_1$, $y_1$, $x_2$, $y_2$.
+\seriouserroronpage{641}{para 2 l.1}{UFi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+  Replace: ``between points (x1,y2)'' \> ``between points (x1,\u{y1})''
+\erroronpage{641}{syntax boxes}{FMi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+  The variable parts do not show the right fonts.
+\erroronpage{641}{para 3, l.1}{ReSt}{2005/04/17}{4}
+  Remove: ``The |\Curve| command\u{s} is similar\ldots'' 
+\erroronpage{641}{para 3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Second occurrence of mandatory argument should use the same font as
+   the first one, i.e., ``\textit{m}'' instead of ``\texttt{m}''.
+\seriouserroronpage{641}{para 4, ll.2/3}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Change sentence:\\
+   ``Like |\linethickness|, it is an absolute value \u{in points}
+   (i.e., not affected by |\unitlength|)\u{ with the unit omitted}.''
+   \>\\
+   ``Like |\linethickness|, it is an absolute value (i.e., not
+   affected by |\unitlength|)\u{, given in any of \LaTeX's units}.''
+\erroronpage{642}{item 6, l.2}{ReSt}{2005/04/28}{4}
+  Remove: ``font information \u{information} to allow\ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{643}{para 4, l.3}{MSc}{2004/06/04}{2}
+        delete ``,and .gif''
+\erroronpage{643}{para 3, l.1}{FMi}{2005/11/11}{s}
+  Unfortunately Th\`anh's name is misspelled. The correct spelling
+  is ``H\`an Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}} Th\`anh''.
+\erroronpage{643}{para 4, l.5}{CBe}{2004/07/27}{2}
+Add: ``\ldots can be converted to PDF by
+ImageMagick's \texttt{convert} utility\u{, \texttt{eps2pdf}} (\u{both
+of} which call \texttt{ghostscript} 
+internally), \texttt{Acrobat Distiller}, or\ldots''
+ ``(If the \texttt{dvi} file contains more than one
+page several output files are generated.)''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 11}
+\erroronpage{651}{1st example}{PYu}{2004/07/01}{2}
+  ``Page 9 :'' should be typeset ``Page 9:''.
+\erroronpage{652}{2nd example}{HjG}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   Missing colon: ``Page 22\u{\strut:}''
+   Surplus words: ``The latter case \u{is for} allows for \ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{654}{para 2 l.7}{UFi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+  Missing |}|:  ``like
+  |\index{\texttt{|\emph{key}|}|\u{\texttt{\textbraceright}} and''
+%That's a nice one: somehow the copy-editor has but the output is one
+%of the few remaining graphics in the book, sigh
+\seriouserroronpage{656}{figs. 11.3+4}{HjG}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   The text on p.649, l.1 claims:
+   ``Figures 11.3 and 11.4 on page 656 show the input and generated
+   output of a small \LaTeX{} document, \ldots, together with the
+   result of including the \textsf{showidx} package \ldots''
+   This does not quite hold: There are some differences in the text
+   and the output of \textsf{showidx} contains some index entries not
+   present in the source.
+   %
+   \begin{tabular}{@{}lll@{}} \hline
+   \multicolumn{3}{c}{Differences in the text} \\ \hline
+       & source (fig. 11.3) & output (fig. 11.4) \\ \hline
+   \S1 & \ldots actually written into that file \u{only} \ldots
+       & \ldots actually \u{only} written into that file \ldots \\
+   \S2 & \u{To} prepare the index \ldots
+       & \u{In order to} prepare the index  \ldots\\
+   \S2 & \ldots, \u {such as} \ldots
+       & \ldots, \u{like} \ldots \\
+   \S3 & \ldots by \u{the index processor} \ldots
+       & \ldots by \u{\texttt{makeindex}} \ldots \\ \hline
+   \multicolumn{3}{c}{Missing index entries} \\ \hline
+       & \multicolumn{2}{l}{include index} \\
+       & \multicolumn{2}{l}{Final production run} \\
+       & \multicolumn{2}{l}{makeindex@\texttt{makeindex} program
+             \emph{(2nd instance)}} \\ \hline
+   \end{tabular}
+The source has now been edited to match the printed output.
+   How horrible the page rotated counterclockwise! 
+\erroronpage{657}{\texttt{-p} item, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   Add word: ``\ldots the three \u{special} cases \ldots''
+\erroronpage{660}{tab 11.1, note}{JMH}{2005/08/06}{4}
+ Swap the words ``single'' and ``double''
+% not a bug make it look nicer 
+\erroronpage{661}{tab. 11.2, right col.}{HjG}{2004/06/10}{}
+   Inter-line spacing in multiple-line entries ???\\(Keywords:
+   |headings_flag|, |item_x1|, |delim_0|, |page_precedence|)
+\erroronpage{661}{tab. 11.2, l.12}{JMH}{2005/08/06}{4}
+ The identifier referred is ``\texttt{heading\_flag}'', but the
+ description uses the word ``\texttt{flag}''.
+    The |-p| option is described on page 657.
+% in short rnaRA is correct
+\seriouserroronpage{664/665}{para -2/-1}{HjG}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   Confusion: default value of |page_precedence|:\\
+   In para~\mbox{-2}, l.\mbox{-1}:
+     ``\ldots; the default is |rRnaA|, as noted in Table~11.2 on
+     page~661.''
+   But in that table, ``|"rnaRA"|'' is given!\\
+   In para~\mbox{-1}, l.\mbox{-2}:
+     ``\ldots\ default |page_precedence| of |rnaRA| \ldots''!\\
+   (Also note that the remarks on p.666, para~2, suggest |rRnaA|,
+   referring to the same table as above.)
+Changed to consistently refer to rnaRA.
+page 666 changed to reflect rnaRA:\\
+`` \ldots\ assumes that pages numbered with lowercase Roman
+numerals precede those numbered with Arabic numerals, which in turn
+precede those numbered with the lowercase alphabet, uppercase Roman
+numerals and finally the uppercase alphabet. 
+  Confusion: the changes made in the second printing were wrong! The
+  default for |page_precedence| is |rRnaA| after all. (Or more
+  precisely: the program code shows |rnaRA| as the default but that
+  value is never used and the program logic implements |rRnaA| -- what
+  a mess.)
+  Most of that section rewriten to better explain the limitations of
+  MakeIndex in the area of ``funny'' page numbers.
+\seriouserroronpage{666}{para 4 l.5 and l.6}{UFi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+  Add extra visual space in second index: ``Likewise, 
+  \verb*=\index{a space}= and 
+  \verb*=\index{a  space}= produce\ldots''
+\erroronpage{668}{boxed text}{HjG}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   Slight inconsistency (also in subsequent text: para~\mbox{-2}):
+   File arguments named ``\emph{idx1 idx2 \ldots}'' -- as opposed to
+   pp.~655 and~674, where they're named ``\emph{idx0 idx1 \ldots}''.
+\erroronpage{669}{para 3}{JS}{2004/07/24}{2}
+   Since xindy ignores all macros, it has no problems at all with
+   formatting macros, but more problems with macros producing text.
+   Substituted this paragraph with:
+   ``\texttt{texindy} ignores unknown
+   \TeX{} commands by default under the assumption that they do not
+   produce text. It also knows about typical text-producing commands
+   like \verb=\LaTeX= and \verb=\BibTeX= and handles them correctly.
+   If you have your own command definition that produces text, or if you
+   use one supplied by a package, then the entry is sorted
+   incorrectly. You will either need to specify an explicit sort key
+   in your index entry, as in \verb=\index{prog@\Prog}=, or write a
+   \texttt{xindy} style file with a merge rule, as explained in
+   Section~11.3.4.
+   Be aware that producing index entries in arguments of commands has
+   its own pitfalls, e.g., in 
+   \verb=\command{Properties of \Prog\index{\Prog}}=.  
+   Then \LaTeX{} commands might be expanded
+   before they are written to the \texttt{idx} file and the placement
+   in the index will depend on the expansion of \verb=\Prog=.''
+\erroronpage{669}{para -2, l.3}{MKu/FMi}{2004/07/01}{2}% already done by fmi
+   Add: ``\ldots \verb|\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}| to all her
+   documents \u{(or on recent Linux distributions the 
+   option \texttt{utf8})}, while\ldots''
+\erroronpage{669}{section 11.3.2, para 2, L.3}{JMH}{2005/08/06}{4}
+"*her* documents": why a female *her*?
+\erroronpage{670}{table 11.3}{TMW/JS}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   texindy can only work with Latin scripts out of the box. Removed
+   all other languages, and checked list of supported languages with
+   current xindy ``\LaTeX{} Companion Release''.
+\erroronpage{671}{para 2}{JS}{2004/06/07}{2}
+Replace with: ``There are about 50 predefined languages available, 35 of them are
+readily usable with \texttt{texindy}. They are listed in
+Table~11.3 on the facing page; you select one of them with the
+\texttt{texindy} option~\texttt{-L}. The other predefined
+languages have non-Latin scripts, their usage is described in the
+\texttt{xindy} documentation.
+\erroronpage{672}{table 11.4}{TSS/JS/CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   The \verb|word-order| module has two essentially equivalent
+   descriptions. The |letter-order| module doesn't mention that
+   it's turned on by texindy option \texttt{-l}. Use ``so-called'' as
+   an example for |ignore-hyphen|. Add table footnote ``When two
+   entries are identical except for ignored characters, those
+   characters are not ignored any more.''
+\erroronpage{673}{para 5, ll.2/3}{HjG}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   Words need to be swapped:
+   ``multiple \u{characters may} form a unit''
+\erroronpage{674}{para 1 l.1}{UFi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+    Extra word: ``those \u{of} available''
+\erroronpage{674/675}{boxed text and item list below}{JS}{2004/07/24}{2}
+    Add option |[-C codepage]|. Add explanation between option |-L|
+    and |-q|: ``Use \textit{codepage} as internal base
+    encoding for sorting. This is used for fine-grained control of language
+    module selection, needed only for non-Latin scripts.''
+\erroronpage{675}{example code}{JS}{2004/07/24}{2}
+    Exchange xindy example style file with one that works. (Half of the
+    lines were problematic in subtle ways.)
+\erroronpage{679}{example 3, para after the source}{JMH}{2005/08/06}{4}
+ \texttt{:define-attributes} \> \texttt{define-attributes}
+\seriouserroronpage{679}{descr of theindex}{DSch}{2005/05/23}{4}
+  Comparing the code in TLC2 with \texttt{book.cls} made me realize
+that the |\columnsep| command must come \emph{before} |\twocolumn| in
+order to have the desired effect.
+\seriouserroronpage{680}{descr of theindex}{DSch}{2005/05/23}{4}
+  Comparing the code in TLC2 with \texttt{book.cls} made me realize
+that the |\columnsep| command must come \emph{before} |\twocolumn| in
+order to have the desired effect.
+\erroronpage{680}{First code block}{AFV}{2006/01/13}{s}
+   Correct: |\mark|\texttt{\u k}|both| \>
+   |\markboth|
+\erroronpage{681}{para 1 of \S 11.4.3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+    Extra word: ``augments \u{the} \LaTeX's indexing mechanism''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 12}
+\erroronpage{general}{several pages}{HVo/FMi}{2004/05/21}{} 
+    The German word  ``Schuldrecht'' is incorrectly hyphenated as
+    ``Schul\-drecht'' in several examples due to the fact that English
+    hyphenation patterns are used unless the language is
+    explicitly marked. This is a deliberate effect, see pages 719 and
+    733--734.
+\erroronpage{683}{para 3, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/12}{2}
+   Missing word:
+   ``The chapter begins \u{with} a short introduction \ldots''
+\erroronpage{684/685}{exa 12-1-2, l.-2 of source}{BMo/FMi}{2004/05/16}{2}
+      ``But then it might not'' should be ``But then they might not''
+      for parallelism with the ``Multiple authors'' to which it is
+      referring.
+      Also changed: ``Multiple authors'' \> ``Entries with multiple
+      authors''
+      so that it is clear that not the authors are a problem (though
+      come to think of it: given the example's authors\ldots)
+\erroronpage{685}{exa 12-1-1/2}{FMi}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Editorial comment: due to the modification of the \BibTeX{} data
+   base \texttt{tex.bib} on page 690 the example output will change
+   slightly in a reprint.
+\erroronpage{687}{para 1}{FMi}{2004/08/03}{2}
+Add: ``Depending on the layout produced by the class,
+it may result in \u{a normal space,} some extra space\u, or in starting a new line.''
+\erroronpage{688}{figure 12.1}{JMH}{2005/07/18}{4}
+ Replace in first item: |\cite| \> |\citation|
+\erroronpage{690}{entry test97}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/18}{2}
+      Add ``\texttt{and others}'' to the author field. Otherwise the
+      example explanations in chapter 13 (pages 793--797) are
+      partially wrong.
+      Editorial comment: This change will affect the output of a
+      number of examples in chapter 12 as well.
+\erroronpage{691}{syntax box}{HjG}{2004/06/13}{2}
+   Set commas in `typewriter font'
+\erroronpage{694}{para 3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/13}{2}
+   Missing comma: `\,``see [2--3,7\u,13]''\,'
+\erroronpage{696}{para 1, l.1}{DAl}{2005/08/21}{4}
+   Missing word: ``\ldots option \u{is} shown in Example 12-2-9\ldots''
+\erroronpage{697}{para 3, l.5}{HjG}{2004/06/13}{2}
+   Move period: `\,``Ref\u{''.}\,' \> `\,``Ref\u{.''}\,'
+%%\erroronpage{702}{para 2, l.2}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{}
+%%      ``Evidently'' does not seem to me to be quite the right word here.
+% not convinced yet /FMi
+\erroronpage{705}{exa 12-3-17/18}{FMi}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Editorial comment: due to the modification of the \BibTeX{} data
+   base \texttt{tex.bib} on page 690 the example output will change
+   slightly in a reprint.
+\erroronpage{705}{para 3, l.5}{TMi}{2004/08/27}{4}
+   Replace ``Geophysics'' with ``Geophysical''.
+\erroronpage{707}{exa 12-3-22}{FMi}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Editorial comment: due to the modification of the \BibTeX{} data
+   base \texttt{tex.bib} on page 690 the example output will change
+   slightly in a reprint.
+\erroronpage{707}{exa 12-3-22, l.-2 of source}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+      ``But then it might not'' should be ``But then they might not''
+      for parallelism with the ``Multiple authors'' to which it is
+      referring.
+      Also changed: ``Multiple authors'' \> ``Entries with multiple
+      authors''
+\erroronpage{708}{para 3, l.6}{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+  Replace: ``situati\u{ui}n'' \>  ``situation''
+\erroronpage{708}{para 4, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/14}{2}
+   Add: ``when using \u{the} \texttt{chicago} \u{\BibTeX\ style}.''
+\seriouserroronpage{710}{para 4, l.2}{BMo}{2004/05/16}{2}
+      Replace: 
+      ``locate the printed version.'' \> ``locate the
+     article within the journal.''
+\erroronpage{713}{para 1, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/14}{2}
+   Replace: ``|\citep|'' \> ``|\citealp|''
+\erroronpage{717}{para 1, l.4}{JMH}{2005/07/18}{4}
+Add word: ``If you \u{only} want to specify an \textit{annotator},
+\seriouserroronpage{719}{para 4, l.-2/-1}{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+  Extra word:  ``the \u{the} journal'' \\
+  Correct explanation:  ``\ldots the journal name\u{, volume number,}
+  and year of publication, which is why we got ``TUGboat \u{10
+  [}1989\u]''.'' 
+\seriouserroronpage{719}{syntax box}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/14}{2}
+   Order of optional arguments are like |\cite| (i.e., swapped):\\
+   |\citetitle[|\emph{post-note}|]{|\emph{key(s)}|}|  or
+   |\citetitle[|\emph{annotator}|][|\emph{post-note}|]{|\emph{key(s)}|}|\\
+   |\cite*[|\emph{post-note}|]{|\emph{key(s)}|}| or
+   |\cite*[|\emph{annotator}|][|\emph{post-note}|]{|\emph{key(s)}|}|
+\seriouserroronpage{722}{para 2, ll.2/3}{HjG}{2004/06/14}{2}
+   Correct explanation: ``\ldots is always ``author name, journal,
+   \u{volume,} and year''.''
+\seriouserroronpage{723}{syntax box}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/14}{2}
+   Order of optional arguments are like with |\cite|:\\
+   |\fullcite[|\emph{post-note}|]{|\emph{key(s)}|}| or
+   |\fullcite[|\emph{annotator}|][|\emph{post-note}|]{|\emph{key(s)}|}|
+\erroronpage{726}{para 3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/14}{2}
+   Delete comma:
+   ``\ldots\ when used together\u, with \ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{727}{para 3, l.-3}{JBe}{2004/06/01}{2}
+  Replace: \texttt{\textbackslash jbnovarioref} \>
+  \texttt{\textbackslash jbignorevarioref} 
+\erroronpage{727}{examples 12-5-21/22}{FMi}{2004/06/03}{2}
+  Not wrong, but it looks funny: due to the chosen example height the
+  footnote from the previous page (not shown) is partially carried
+  over so we get ``43311-7'' as the first item in the footnote. That
+  is the last part of the ISBN number see example 12-5-20.
+  Previous page enlarged by one line to avoid this.
+  \verb|\AtBeginDocument{\enlargethispage*{\baselineskip}}|
+  added to (hidden) preamble commands.
+\erroronpage{729}{para 1, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/14}{2}
+   Correct: ``to ``Ibid.\u{, \S\,3}''.''
+\seriouserroronpage{730}{example 12-5-28}{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+ Citation 7 and 8 are similar, but the description above says
+ something else...
+ To correct this mistake and to better show what happens, the example
+ was changed to contain a slightly different set of citations (same
+ change was made to example 12-5-27):
+  Full citations: \cite{aschur} \cite{bschur} 
+  not shown on the left!
+  text \cite[\S\,7]{aschur} text
+  \cite[\S\,8]{aschur} \cite[\S\,16]{zpo}
+  text \cite[\S\,7]{bschur} \cite{aschur}
+  text \cite[\S\,3]{zpo}
+And the text above the example was changed as follows:
+  ``If \texttt{name\&title\&auto} was selected (either implicitly or
+explicitly), then the following happens: the first citation of a
+publication automatically displays the full entry (citation~5 in the
+next example).  In case of repeated citations to unambiguous works
+only the name of the author(s) are shown (citation~8). For ambiguous citations 
+this will be done only for immediately following citations
+(citation~4). However, if there are
+intervening citations, then the name(s) and short titles are shown
+(citations~3, 6, and~7).''
+\erroronpage{731}{para 1, l.4}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/15}{2}
+   Correct/change to: ``that \u{two}
+             citation\u{s} \ldots\ \u{are} actually wrong:''
+\erroronpage{732}{para 3. l.2}{JMH}{2005/07/18}{4}
+Replace: ``in which case \u{the first} cross-reference \ldots''
+\> ``in which case \u{a} cross-reference \ldots''
+\erroronpage{734}{para 1, l.2}{CKr}{2005/05/7}{4}
+   Correct: |\bibgerman| \> |\bib|\u{\texttt s}|german|
+\erroronpage{734}{para 2, l.-1}{CKr}{2005/03/24}{4}
+   Remove surplus letters: ``get the correct\u{ion} hyphenation.''
+   Missing closing brace:
+   |\renewcommand\opcit{\textit{supra}|\u{\texttt{\textbraceright}}
+\seriouserroronpage{743}{item 3}{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+ Equal sign missing: \texttt{sortkey\u{ = }"Bismarck, Otto von"}.
+\erroronpage{744}{exa 12-5-48/49}{HjG}{2004/06/15}{}
+   There's a spurious space before all occurrences of
+   ``\textsc{D. E. Knuth}''! \\ This is (partly, ie in the footnote)
+   due to a missing percent in the definition of |\@realcite| and
+   |\@printbibliography| in the camel package.  Seems that a problem
+   with the volume parsing in camel is the reason for the surplus
+   spaces showing up in the bibliography output.  Reported to the
+   author.
+   Missing metaness:\\
+   ``\ldots\ \texttt{jobname.tts}'' \>
+   ``\ldots\ \meta{jobname}\texttt{.tts}''\\
+   ``\ldots\ \texttt{jobname.lts}'' \>
+   ``\ldots\ \meta{jobname}\texttt{.lts}''
+\erroronpage{746}{tab 12.2}{HjG}{2004/06/15}{2}
+   Replace (`bibtopic' column, row 4; `multibib' column, row 7):\\
+   ``no'' \> ``No''
+\erroronpage{746}{Tab. 12.2}{THa}{2004/06/21}{2}  
+  Change ``Requires tailored .bib files''  \> ``Works with standard
+  .bib files'' 
+  (and change matching row entries)
+\erroronpage{746}{Tab. 12.2}{THa}{2004/06/21}{2} 
+  Change: ``Above typeset together somewhere'' \>
+ ``Group bibliographies together''
+\erroronpage{749}{para -1, l.1}{THa}{2004/06/22}{2} 
+  Missing accents: ``Jose Alberto Fernandez'' \> ``Jos\'e Alberto
+  Fern\'andez'' 
+\erroronpage{750}{para -3, l.-2}{CKr}{2005/03/31}{4}
+ Delete surplus word: ``\ldots as \u{the} the auxiliary files would be
+ overwritten.''
+\erroronpage{752}{para 1, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/15}{2}
+   Delete backslash:
+   ``\ldots in an \texttt{\u\textbackslash article} class).''
+\erroronpage{753}{para 4, l.5}{HjG}{2004/06/15}{2}
+   Replace: ``|\bibliography|'' \> ``|\bibliographystyle|''
+  Wrong limitation of multibib: The whole passage from ``A final
+  difference'' up to  ``|nocite|.'' should be replaced with something
+  like: ``The multibib package (since version 2.3 of 2004/01/24) is
+  compatible with most other packages that provide extensions to the
+  cite mechanisms, including \textsf{cite}, \textsf{natbib}, and
+  {jurabib}. Moreover, the package provides a general interface which
+  allows to add arbitrary extensions of cite commands to be recognized
+  by \textsf{multibib}.''
+  Editorial comment: change affects pagebreak position.
+\erroronpage{756}{Ex. 12-6-10}{THa/FMi}{2004/06/21}{2}
+  Replace source text with:
+   |\LaTeX{} offers an interface to include|\\
+   |graphics \citelatex{LGC97}. \LaTeX's|\\
+   |default citation scheme is| \\
+   |number-only \cite{vLeunen:92}.|\\
+  i.e., move/remove the sentence periods. This should not affect the
+  output as the superscript is moved and double periods are removed.
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 13}
+% perhaps
+\erroronpage{758}{para 3, ll.1/2}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+    Delete word: ``\ldots\ to look for
+   \u{management} tools that help in managing such databases.''
+\erroronpage{758}{para 4}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/16}{2}
+  Add+change: ``Once everything is under control, we return in
+   \u{Section~13.5} to the task of typesetting
+and look at how different \BibTeX{} styles can be used to produce
+different bibliography layouts from the same input. As there may not
+be a suitable style for a particular set of layout requirements
+available, Section~\u{13.5.2} discusses how to
+\erroronpage{763}{tab. 13.1}{HjG/FMi}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   In the explanation for \texttt{misc}, replace:\\
+   ``(i.e., the entire field is empty)'' \>
+   ``(i.e., the entire entry  is empty or has only ignored fields).''
+\erroronpage{764}{para -3, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Add: ``following a field \u{name (and \texttt= sign)}''
+\erroronpage{765}{tab. 13.2}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   In the explanation for \texttt{type}:\\
+   l.2: Add word:
+        ``For the \u{entry} type \texttt{phdthesis} \ldots''\\
+   l.3: Punctuation is not part of string:
+        ``|type = "{Ph.D.} dissertation|\texttt{\u.}|"|'' \>
+        ``|type = "{Ph.D.} dissertation"|\u.''\\
+   l.5: Punctuation is not part of strings:\\
+        ``\texttt{chapter = "1.2\u," type = "Section\u."}'' \> \\
+        ``\texttt{chapter = "1.2"}\u{ and} \texttt{type = "Section"}\u.''
+\erroronpage{765}{`key's description, l.1}{JMH}{2005/06/29}{4}
+Remove ``cross-referencing'': cross-referencing just uses key appearing in
+|\cite| commands.
+\erroronpage{766/767}{several places}{DAl}{2005/09/12}{4}
+  Replaced ``Miguel Lopez Fernandez'' by ``Miguel Parra Benavides''
+  as the original name would really require accents that are not yet
+  discussed at this point.
+\erroronpage{766}{para 6, l.1 }{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+  Move comma:  Fernandez\u{,''}  should be Fernandez\u{'',}
+``Miguel Parra Benavides'' is missing closing quotes.
+``Parra'' and ``Benavides'' are missing closing quotes.
+\erroronpage{768}{para 4, l.4}{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+  Replace:  ``(see Section 13.2.2)'' \> ``(see below)'' \\
+  After all we are in 13.2.2 :-)
+\erroronpage{770}{para 1, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Replace: ``text \u{field} of \BibTeX\ \u{entries}'' \>
+            ``text \u{part} of \BibTeX\ \u{fields}''
+\seriouserroronpage{771}{verb. text}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Surplus closing brace:
+   ``|"\providecommand\url[1]{\texttt{#1}}|\texttt{\u\textbraceright}|"|''
+   Change: ``different sorting rules from English'' \>
+            ``sorting rules different from those of English''
+   Shell command line should be underlined (as on pp.~775--778).
+\erroronpage{773}{para 3, ll.2/3}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Change: ``put \u{from \BibTeX}\ into the \texttt{.bbl} file'' \>
+           ``put into the \texttt{.bbl} file \u{by \BibTeX}''
+\seriouserroronpage{773}{para 3, ll.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Change: ``and \u{an} additional \LaTeX\ run'' \>
+           ``and \u{two} additional \LaTeX\ run\u{s}''
+\erroronpage{773}{para -2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Add: ``articles and book\u{s}''
+\erroronpage{775}{para -2, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Change font: ``in the \texttt{\u{string}} parameter'' \>
+                ``in the \emph{\u{string}} parameter''
+\erroronpage{777}{program output}{FMi}{2004/08/03}{2}
+After changing the bib file  this line comes out as:
+%% "EX/tex.bib", line 92: Unexpected value in ``year = "1980ff"''.
+\erroronpage{777}{para -1, l.-3}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Change: ``all \u{entries} are examined'' \>
+           ``all \u{fields of an entry} are examined''
+\erroronpage{777}{para -1, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Change: ``value part of the \u{entries}'' \>
+           ``value part of the \u{fields}''
+\erroronpage{778}{para 4,l.2}{JMH}{2005/07/18}{4}
+ Replace:  ``\texttt{year=1980ff}'' \> ``|year={1980ff}|''
+   Shell command lines should be underlined (as on pp.~775--778).
+\erroronpage{779}{para 3, l.2/3}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Add: ``one ore more \BibTeX\ databases as its argument\u{(s)}''
+\erroronpage{779}{footnote 2}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Add second hyphen: ``after the \texttt{-} option.''
+                  \> ``after the \texttt{-\u-} option.''
+   Spurious space on top of page.
+\erroronpage{784}{para 1, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Typo (forgotten backslash!?):
+   ``Progpybliographer'' \> ``\textsf{pybliographer}''
+   Shell command line should be underlined (as on pp.~775--778).
+\erroronpage{787}{para -2, l.1}{CKr}{2005/04/20}{4}
+   Remove surplus letter: ``The \textsf{JBibtexManager} program
+   develop\u{p}ed by Nizar Batada''
+\erroronpage{788}{fig. caption}{FMi}{2004/05/14}{2}
+   Add: The \textsf{JBibtexManager} workspace with the \u{(German locale)}
+   Replace: ``Most of these restrictions have been lifted in the
+  new version of JBibtexManager.''
+\erroronpage{789}{para 2, l.1}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+  Replace: ``\ldots are kept unchanged but they are
+           neither visible nor modifiable from within the program.'' \\
+   \>
+  ``\ldots are neither visible nor modifiable
+    except when using the ``raw \BibTeX'' mode in the newest version of
+    the program. ''
+\erroronpage{789}{para 3}{FMi}{2005/06/02}{4}
+Replace whole paragraph with:
+``The program is not available on CTAN. Its current home is
+\texttt{https://www.jabref.org}, where it was merged
+with a similar project called  \textsf{BibKeeper}
+under the new name \textsf{JabRef}.''
+\erroronpage{789}{para 5, l.3}{FMi}{2004/05/14}{2}
+   Small rewrite:
+   The only ``foreign'' export formats supported are \texttt{.bbl} files
+   \u{and \texttt{.htm} files} (i.e., processing a selection of entries with
+   \BibTeX{} or \BibTeX8 from within the program and producing HTML
+   from a selection of entries\u{)}.
+\erroronpage{791--793}{tab 13.4}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   \texttt{apa.bst} -- add:
+       ``American Psychology Association \u{\BibTeX\ style}'' \\
+   \texttt{jmb.bst} -- add:
+       ``\emph{Journal of Molecular Biology}  \u{\BibTeX}\ style''\\ 
+   Some journal names are written in italic, other's aren't:
+       Astronomy; Behavioral and Brain Sciences; Human Biology.
+\erroronpage{793}{para 1, l.2}{SN}{2004/06/11}{2}
+   Remove surplus word: ``using another \u{the} \BibTeX{} style''.
+\erroronpage{793}{para 2,l.5}{DAl}{2005/09/03}{4}
+   Remove comma: ``\ldots wich will show us\u{,} how different\ldots''
+\erroronpage{794}{exa 13-5-1/2}{FMi}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Editorial comment: due to the modification of the \BibTeX{} data
+   base \texttt{tex.bib} on page 690 the example output will change
+   slightly in a reprint.
+\erroronpage{795}{exa 13-5-3/4}{FMi}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Editorial comment: due to the modification of the \BibTeX{} data
+   base \texttt{tex.bib} on page 690 the example output will change
+   slightly in a reprint.
+\erroronpage{795}{para 2, l.2}{JMH}{2005/07/18}{4}
+ Replace:  ``author's name'' \>  ``authors' names''
+\seriouserroronpage{795}{para 2, ll.4/5}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   The text states: ``Also note the interesting label produced for the
+   reference with more than three authors.'' \\
+   However, example 13-5-4 cannot show this, as there are only three
+   authors (item~[GUD97]).
+\erroronpage{796}{exa 13-5-5/6}{FMi}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Editorial comment: due to the modification of the \BibTeX{} data
+   base \texttt{tex.bib} on page 690 the example output will change
+   slightly in a reprint.
+\seriouserroronpage{796}{para 1, ll.-2/-1}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   The text states: ``Note that the entry with more than three authors
+   has now been collapsed, showing only the first one.'' \\
+   Again, example 13-5-5 does not show this, as there are only three
+   authors, and all three are shown (item~[5]).
+\seriouserroronpage{797}{para 3, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Replace:
+   ``\ldots; as a result, we get an incomplete \u{first} entry.'' \>
+   ``\ldots; as a result, we get an incomplete \u{second} entry.'' \\
+   (Obviously, the citation of \texttt{LGC97} has been added to
+   example 13-5-7 \emph{after} this text was written.)
+\erroronpage{797}{exa 13-5-7}{FMi}{2004/06/20}{2}
+   Editorial comment: due to the modification of the \BibTeX{} data
+   base \texttt{tex.bib} on page 690 the example output will change
+   slightly in a reprint.
+\erroronpage{798}{tab 13.5, l. 1-2}{MSch}{2006/01/06}{s}
+  Replace: ``Erwin'' \>
+  '`Ervin''
+\erroronpage{798}{para 1, l.3}{CKr}{2005/04/23}{4}
+   Remove surplus word: ``\ldots, then it is all that \u{it} is necessary.''
+\erroronpage{800}{Citation scheme,l.2}{DAl}{2005/09/03}{4}
+    Replace letter: ``\ldots different questions th\u{a}n if you  
+ choose\ldots''
+\erroronpage{802}{para 2, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Replace: ``derivation'' \> ``deviation''
+\erroronpage{802}{para -1, l.3}{FMi}{2005/06/02}{4}
+   Replace wrong braces:
+    ``|\urlprefix\url[|\textit{field-value}|]|'' \>
+    ``|\urlprefix\url{|\textit{field-value}|}|'' 
+\erroronpage{803}{para -2, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Replace: ``in the second phase of the \u{formatting}'' \>
+            ``in the second phase of the \u{processing}''
+\erroronpage{806}{list, item 3}{UFi}{2004/06/01}{2}
+   Extra character: ``Printed in the order in which the\u{e}
+   references\ldots''
+\erroronpage{806}{para -3}{FMi}{2005/06/02}{4}
+   Move this paragraph to the bottom of the page since it is really an
+   explanation about the functions defined for each publication type.
+\erroronpage{808}{table 13.8}{JMH}{2005/07/18}{4}
+ Replace description for |int.to.chr$| with:
+ ``Translates integers into a characters using the ASCII mapping''
+\erroronpage{810}{\texttt{fin.entry} example}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Replace in ``\emph{After Modification}'' part (2~times):
+   ``|\sc|'' \> ``|\scshape|''
+\erroronpage{811}{para 2, l.3}{HjG}{2004/06/17}{2}
+   Replace: ``at the beginning of this section'' \>
+            ``on the facing page''
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 14}
+\erroronpage{814}{para 6, l.1}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   Delete doubled word:
+   ``The most important \u{important} commands \ldots''
+%% not really a bug but inconsistent
+\erroronpage{814}{para -1, l.-2}{HOb}{2004/05/28}{2}
+  Explicitly show spaces: \verb*=% \iffalse= \ldots\  \verb*=% \fi=
+\erroronpage{815}{syntax boxes 2+3}{HOb}{2004/05/28}{2}
+  For clarification the argument of |\DescribeMacro| and that of
+  |\begin{macro}| should both start with a |\|.
+\erroronpage{816}{para -3, l.4+}{HOb}{2004/05/28}{2}
+ Change sentence:
+  Note that \u{such short forms for \texttt{\textbackslash verb},
+ just} like \texttt{\textbackslash verb} itself, 
+ cannot appear in the argument of another command, but 
+ \u{the characters} may be used
+ freely inside \texttt{verbatim} and \texttt{macrocode} environments.
+\seriouserroronpage{820}{para 2, last line}{DHL}{2004/05/16}{2}
+  Change to: ``lines 1, 2, and \u{4} if \texttt{Bname} is also
+asked for, and lines 1, \u{3}, and 4 otherwise.''
+\erroronpage{820}{para 3, l.5}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+  Remove surplus space: ``behind \%\u{~} signs\ldots''
+\erroronpage{820}{table 14.1}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+  Entries not sorted correctly: swap |\CheckSum| and |\CheckModules|
+\seriouserroronpage{821}{descr.\ of
+           \ttfamily\textbackslash DeleteShortVerb}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2} 
+ \verb=\MakeshortVerb= should be \verb=\Make=\u{S}\texttt{hortVerb}\\
+ \verb=\MakeshortVerb*= should be \verb=\Make=\u{S}\texttt{hortVerb*}
+\erroronpage{821}{table 14.1}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   As suggested by HOb (p.815):
+   ``|\DescribeMacro{\|\emph{cmd}|}|'' and
+   ``|\begin{macro}{\|\emph{cmd}|}|''.
+\erroronpage{822}{table 14.1, entry 2}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   |\meta{|\emph{arg}|}| ``Print \u{the} argument \ldots''
+\erroronpage{822}{table 14.1, entry 3}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+  Replace with: \verb=\SpecialEscapechar{\=\emph{char\/}\verb=}=
+\seriouserroronpage{822}{table 14.1, entry -2}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+  Wrong default: ``(default |*|)'' \> ``(default |!|)''
+\erroronpage{823}{table 14.1}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   As suggested by HOb (p.815):
+   ``|\SpecialIndex{\|\emph{cmd}|}|'',
+   ``|\SpecialMainIndex{\|\emph{cmd}|}|'', and
+   ``|\SpecialUsageIndex{\|\emph{cmd}|}|''.
+\seriouserroronpage{824}{table 14.1, entry 6}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+  Typo: |\MakePercentCommand| \> |\MakePercentComment|
+\erroronpage{825}{para 3, l.1}{THa}{2004/06/25}{2}
+  ``\% sign'' \> ``|%| sign''
+\erroronpage{825}{para 5, l.1}{THa}{2004/06/25}{2}
+  ``target'' \> ``target machine''
+% making the syntax box bigger affects next page as well:
+\seriouserroronpage{826/827}{code box}{UFi/FMi}{2004/05/24}{2}
+ Closing brace of \verb=\generate{...}= is missing. Also it would be
+ better if the box shows that several |\file| commands can be used.
+\erroronpage{826/827}{para -1\slash para 2}{HjG}{2005/05/15}{4}
+   The descriptions referring to the syntax box do not characterize
+   the changed contents of that box (due to a previous error report).
+   Not only a single \textit{result-file} is possible:\\
+   ``Within the argument to |\generate| you specify the
+   \textit{result-file} you want to produce by using a |\file|
+   declaration.''
+   The text ``as given above'' does no longer hold:\\
+   ``With the syntax specification for |\generate| as given above,
+   you can produce one \textit{result-file} from one or more
+   \textit{source-files}.''
+    Replace:  LaTeX \>  \LaTeX{}
+\erroronpage{826}{para -2, l.-3}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   Add: ``only the code piece\u{s}''
+\erroronpage{827}{para 2, l.-1}{HjG}{2005/05/15}{4}
+   ``source files'' \> ``\emph{source-files}''
+   Editorial comment: reprinted because of pagebreak changes.
+\erroronpage{828}{para 3, l.2}{DHL}{2004/05/16}{2}
+   Extra word: ``If so, \u{case}'' \> ``If so,'' 
+\seriouserroronpage{829}{syntax box}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+   |\preamble|, |\endpreamble|, |\postamble|, and |\endpostamble| all
+   have to be on lines by themselves, so the displayed syntax is a bit
+   misleading (to say it nicely).
+\erroronpage{829}{para -2, l.-2/-1}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   Add word: ``in \u{the} \textsc{docstrip} package documentation''
+\erroronpage{830}{para 4, ll.5/6}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   Change:
+   ``In addition, the user \u{has configured} the \textsc{docstrip}
+   program \ldots'' \>
+   ``\ldots\ \u{has to configure} \ldots''
+\erroronpage{830}{para 5, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/08}{2}
+   Add: ``in the \textsc{docstrip} \u{script}''
+\erroronpage{831}{ll. 4 to 15}{UFi/FMi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+   The |\usedir| declarations in the example are not in accordance
+   with the TDS set-up. They show what \textsf{jurabib}
+   currently implements in its \texttt{.ins} files.
+   However, the correct set-up would be:
+   \usedir{tex/latex/jurabib}
+     \file{jurabib.sty}{\from{jurabib.dtx}{package}}
+     \file{dejbbib.ldf}{\from{jurabib.dtx}{german}}
+     ...
+   \usedir{bibtex/bst/jurabib}
+     \file{jurabib.bst}{\from{jurabib.dtx}{jurabst}}
+     ...
+   \usedir{doc/latex/jurabib}
+     \file{jbtest.tex}{\from{jurabib.dtx}{test}}
+     ...
+   This also requires to change the text following.
+   Double interword space?
+   (if so: 2x visible, 1x vanished in line break)\\
+   ``in \ |tex/...|'' \qquad yes, bug in \texttt{url}.
+   Replace throughout: |\DeclareDirectory| \> |\DeclareDir|.\\
+   Unfortunately, \texttt{docstrip} is not consistent in its command names.
+\seriouserroronpage{832}{l. 5}{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+  Missing \texttt{*}: |\DeclareDir|\u{\texttt{*}}|{tex/bibtex/...|
+\erroronpage{832}{code blocks}{DPa}{2004/08/04}{2}
+  Three instances of |tex/bibtex| in |\DeclareDir| should lose the |tex/| to 
+  conform to TDS and change made on page 831
+\erroronpage{832}{2. code block}{MSch}{2006/01/06}{s}
+  Replace: |text/latex/base| \> |tex/latex/base|
+\erroronpage{832}{para 4, l.-2}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+  Change: ``\ldots a single |\UseTDS| in\ldots'' \>
+  ``a |\UseTDS| and a |\BaseDirectory| declaration in\ldots''
+\erroronpage{832}{para 5, l. -3}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+  The ``\TeX{} Live CD'' is  spelled incorrectly as
+ ``\TeX{} live'' or  ``\TeX live''
+   Underline, as it is command line input.
+\erroronpage{833}{para -1, l.1}{J-CCh}{2005/07/17}{4}
+   Spurious extra blank between ``Another potential''.
+\erroronpage{834}{para 4, l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/09}{2}
+   Change: ``These command\u{s}''
+\erroronpage{834}{para 5, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/09}{2}
+   Closing parenthesis should not be in `typewriter font':\\
+   ``(after |\begin{document}|\u)''
+\erroronpage{834}{para 5}{FMi}{2007/11/13}{}
+  Explain that |\cmd| can't be used with conditionals, e.g., those produced
+  with |\newif| .
+\erroronpage{835}{para 6, l.2}{DHL}{2004/05/16}{2}
+Missing letter: ``the source files into a
+``user'' documentation and a\u{n} ``implementation'' part.''
+\erroronpage{835}{para 6, l.5}{DHL}{2004/05/16}{2}
+Missing word: ``as the \textsf{doc} package \u{is} loaded''
+   Replace:
+   ``\ldots\ \u{and no} configuration file.'' \>
+   ``\ldots\ \u{without a} configuration file.''
+\erroronpage{837}{exa 14-4-1}{FMi}{2004/06/12}{}
+   Editorial comment: example has to be reprocessed whenever this
+   chapter is modified to show correct rcs checkin (otherwise input
+   and output will not match).
+\erroronpage{837}{para 2,l.3}{DAl}{2005/09/03}{4}
+   Replace:
+   ``running \u{heading}'' \>
+   ``running \u{header}''
+\erroronpage{838}{code box}{UFi}{2004/05/27}{2}
+ \texttt{\$Id\$}:  first |$| uses wrong font (2 times)
+\erroronpage{839}{exa 14-4-2}{FMi}{2004/06/12}{}
+   Editorial comment: example has to be reprocessed whenever this chapter is modified to
+   show correct rcs checkin (otherwise input and output will not match).
+\seriouserroronpage{839}{item 1, l.1 and l.3}{AHo}{2004/09/02}{4}
+   Replace: \texttt{nottoday} \> \texttt{notoday}
+\seriouserroronpage{839}{item 2, l.4}{HjG}{2004/06/09}{2}
+   Replace brackets with braces: ``\texttt{%
+   \char`\\pagestyle\u\textbraceleft fancy\u\textbraceright}''
+\CHAPTER{Appendix A}
+\erroronpage{842}{para 2, l.5}{PYu/FMi}{2004/07/03}{2}
+  Remove: ``\ldots
+   \texttt{A}\ldots\texttt{Z})\u{ in case of command names prefixed with a
+   backslash}.''
+\erroronpage{842}{para 3, marginal}{FMi}{2004/08/01}{2}
+  Change: ``Environments and command names'' \> ``Environments''
+\erroronpage{842}{para 3}{PYu/FMi}{2004/08/01}{2}
+  Remove:  ``On
+ the other hand, names of environments \u{and counters}
+  are different.''
+Add: ``In this case the
+\texttt{*} is part of the name \u{and spaces preceding it are not ignored}. Thus, when writing
+\verb*=\begin{figure *}=, the space would become part of the name \u{and
+is not recognized as the start of a \texttt{figure*} environment}.''
+\erroronpage{843}{para 3, l.2}{YvH}{2004/05/28}{2}
+   Missing word: ``and |\z@| contain |@| \u{in} their name'' 
+\erroronpage{843}{para 4, l.3}{PYu}{2004/07/03}{2}
+   Change: ``to do: the difficult''  \>  ``to do\u; the difficult''
+\erroronpage{844}{para 4, l.4}{PYu/FMi}{2004/07/04}{2}
+   Replace: ``Thus, the above example could be shortened to'' \>
+          ``Thus, the definition in the above example should be
+          replaced as follows:''
+\erroronpage{846}{para 1, l.2}{ARi}{2004/07/02}{2}
+        A period should follow the right parenthesis and ``without''
+        should be capitalized.
+% maybe
+\erroronpage{845/846/847}{syntax boxes and text}{FMi}{2004/07/04}{}
+ Replace: ``\textit{command definition}'' \>
+          ``\textit{command-definition}''
+\erroronpage{847}{para. 5, ll. 2-3}{PYu}{2004/07/04}{2}
+ For consistency replace \meta{cmd}with \textit{cmd}
+and \meta{command definition} with  \textit{command definition}.
+\erroronpage{847}{para -2, l.3}{VVo}{2008/09/02}{}
+Replace: ``An error is raised if the definitions differ, ldots''
+\> ``A warning is shown if the definitions differ, \ldots''
+\erroronpage{851}{para 5, l.-2}{FMi}{2004/07/20}{2}
+  Add + change font: ``It also defines \u{the command}
+  |\the|\u{\textit{newctr}} to\ldots'' 
+\erroronpage{852}{code block 1, l.2}{JGr}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   Second \verb=\makeatletter= should be \verb=\makeatother=
+\erroronpage{852}{para 3, l.-3}{FMi}{2004/06/23}{2}
+   ``\u{For that reason} the next example'' \> ``\u{As a result} the next example''
+\erroronpage{852}{para -1, l.3}{FMi}{2004/07/24}{2}
+Move word:  ``|\setcounter| or |\addtocounter| \u{command} or when\ldots'' \>
+  ``\u{command} |\setcounter| or |\addtocounter| or when\ldots''
+\erroronpage{852}{para -1, l.-3}{THa/FMi}{2004/06/23}{2}
+  ``It is \emph{not} suitable to print that number! For that reason a
+  set\ldots'' \>
+  ``However, the command cannot be used to typeset the value of the
+  counter! For that purpose a set\ldots''
+  Missing space: ``c,\u{~}\dots, z'' 
+\erroronpage{853}{para 4,ll.2+3}{HjG}{2004/05/25}{2}
+   Add word: ``\ldots definitions for sectioning \u{counters}''
+\erroronpage{853}{counter code block}{FMi}{2005/06/09}{4}
+The order of declarations of the counters is incorrect; they have to be
+or you will receive a ``counter not defined'' error.
+  Perhaps ``|\the|\meta{ctr}'' should be written without the meta
+  braces to match the form used on p.~852. \\
+  Then again, perhaps not.
+\erroronpage{854}{ll. 1+2}{FMi}{2004/05/25}{2}
+   Add word and commata: ``Only the representation\u{, prefix,} and
+             label field commands 
+             are defined \ldots''
+\seriouserroronpage{854}{code block 1}{HjG/FMi}{2004/05/25}{2}
+Replace with approx:\\[6pt]
+\renewcommand\theenumi  {\arabic{enumi}}       \renewcommand\theenumii{\alph{enumii}}   
+\renewcommand\theenumiii{\roman{enumiii}}      \renewcommand\theenumiv{\Alph{enumiv}}
+                                               \renewcommand\p at enumii{\theenumi}
+\renewcommand\p at enumiii{\theenumi(\theenumii)} \renewcommand\p at enumiv{\p at enumiii\theenumiii}
+\newcommand\labelenumi  {\theenumi.}           \newcommand\labelenumii{(\theenumii)}
+\newcommand\labelenumiii{\theenumiii.}         \newcommand\labelenumiv{\theenumiv.}
+\erroronpage{855}{fig A.1, l.4}{JAn}{2005/09/09}{4}
+  Change  ``Did\^ot'' \> ``Didot'' (no caret); and delete the 
+comma after inch 
+\erroronpage{855}{fig A.1}{CBe/FMi}{2004/07/27}{2}
+Add: \texttt{ex} \quad Height of a small ``x'' in the current font \u{(approximately)}
+Add: \texttt{em} \quad Width 
+            of capital ``M'' in current font  \u{(approximately)}
+\erroronpage{856}{tab A.2, ll.1-3}{YvH}{2004/05/28}{2}
+  Correct: ``horizonal'' \> ``horizon\u{t}al'' (three times)
+\erroronpage{856}{tab A.2, l.6}{PYu}{2004/07/05}{2}
+  Add: ``a \u{solid} horizontal line''
+\erroronpage{857}{table A.3}{V-Li}{2004/09/14}{4} 
+  |\vspace{len}| is missing
+   Add: ``\u{missing or} misplaced |\item|'' 
+\erroronpage{858}{syntax box}{PYu}{2004/07/03}{2}
+  |\addvspace{|\textit{space}|}| should be typeset in a smaller font.
+\erroronpage{859}{para -4, l.1}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+   Typo: ``ar\u{r}ises'' \> ``arises''
+\erroronpage{860}{para 1 of \S A.2, l.5}{CAR}{2004/05/26}{2}
+   Replace: ``that behaves similarly to a\ldots''
+   \> ``that behaves \u{much like} a\ldots''
+   The \(\Longleftrightarrow\) in the margin seems to sport a tiny
+   gap in the middle (seems to be a lucida set-up problem).
+\erroronpage{866}{para 2 of \S A.2.3, l.5}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+    Words need to be swapped: ``height of a \u{box framed} with
+    |\fbox| or |\framebox|''
+\seriouserroronpage{867}{ll.1/2 after exa A-2-17}{HjG}{2004/05/26}{2}
+    \(2 \times 5.3\,\mathrm{pt} + 0.4\,\mathrm{pt} = 11\,\mathrm{pt}
+    \ne 12\,\mathrm{pt}\) so skip should be $5.8\,\mathrm{pt}$.
+\seriouserroronpage{868}{Table A4.}{UFi}{2004/05/22}{2}
+   Default value of depth of \verb=\hrule= should be 0.0pt (not 0.4pt).
+\seriouserroronpage{871}{para 2, l.2}{UFi}{2004/05/21}{2}
+   ``binary operators (, , , )'' should be typeset
+   ``binary operators (\texttt{+}, \texttt{-}, \texttt{*}, \texttt{/})''.
+\erroronpage{875/876}{tab. A.5}{FMi}{2004/07/28}{2}
+   Add: ``\TeX{} switches \u{(can only be queried)}''   \\
+   Add: ``\LaTeX{} switches \u{(last two can be set)}'' \\ \qquad (these are
+   |@afterindent| and |@tempswa|)\\
+   Add row:\\
+    |@afterindent| \quad \parbox[t]{7cm}{Switch checked by command
+                 |\@afterheading| (usually used in headings) to
+                 prevent (if |false|) indentation of next
+                 paragraph.}
+  Editorial comment: change moves pagebreak.
+\seriouserroronpage{878}{codeline 4 (?)}{UFi}{2004/05/22}{2}
+ |\usepackage[german]{varioref}[2001/09/0]:| day number is missing
+ (test for version doesn't work then anymore!)
+   Add: \verb=\ProcessOptions= \u{\texttt{\char`\\relax}} 
+   (cf. hint on p.~882!)
+\CHAPTER{Appendix B}
+\erroronpage{891}{para 1, l.7}{DHL}{2004/05/16}{2}
+Missing letter: ``\verb=l.167 \par=\u{\texttt{t}}\verb={Text}=''
+\seriouserroronpage{892}{para 1, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/05/22}{2}
+   ``\verb=\romen= (lines 1 and~2)''
+   \>
+   ``\verb=\romen= (lines 2 and~3)''
+\erroronpage{892}{para -1, ll.2--4}{HOb/FMi}{2004/05/22}{2}
+ Add: ``Technically, a moving argument is an argument
+        that is internally expanded by \LaTeX{} without typesetting it
+        directly\u{ (e.g.}, by using the internal \LaTeX{} construct
+        |\protected at edef|\textsuperscript{1}\u).'' 
+\erroronpage{893}{para 2, l.8}{MHo/FMi}{2004/10/05}{4}
+ Replace:
+   ``On the other hand, |\cong| is fragile\ldots''
+   \>
+   ``On the other hand, |\[...\]| is fragile\ldots''
+   Add word: \ldots still open) \u{or} will be swallowed\ldots
+\erroronpage{896}{item 1}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move one item down.
+\erroronpage{896}{item 4}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move four items down.
+\erroronpage{896}{item -1}{HOb}{2004/05/29}{2}
+   Whether or not the image size can be automatically determined
+   depends on the graphics driver. Last sentence rewritten as follows:\\
+   ``It usually does this automatically, for example, for
+\texttt{.eps} files by reading the bounding box
+information. However, depending on the graphics driver, it may be
+unable to extract this information from binary
+bitmap images such as \texttt{.jpg}, \texttt{.gif}, and \texttt{.png} files.''
+\erroronpage{897}{item 5}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move one item down.
+\erroronpage{899}{item 1}{JGr}{2004/06/10}{2}
+   The extra \verb=\or= could result from bad use of \verb=\ifthenelse=
+\erroronpage{899}{item 5}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+  The ``\TeX{} Live CD'' is  spelled incorrectly as
+ ``\TeX{} live'' or  ``\TeX live''
+\erroronpage{901}{item 3}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+  The ``\TeX{} Live CD'' is  spelled incorrectly as
+ ``\TeX{} live'' or  ``\TeX live''
+   Missing letter: ``\texttt{\char`\\dis\u{c}retionary}''
+\erroronpage{907}{item 5, l.2}{CKr}{2005/05/30}{4}
+   Add missing word: ``\ldots or \texttt{figure}, \u{is} encountered\ldots''
+\erroronpage{907--909}{item 2}{UFi/FMi}{2004/07/31}{2}
+  \TeX{} error message missing: ``\texttt{No room for a new ...}''
+  The packages loaded in your document require more internal registers
+(|\count|, |\dimen|, \ldots) than  there are available in \TeX. Try
+processing your document with e\TeX{} and additionally load the
+\textsf{etex} package.
+   Editorial comment: affects pagebreaks for 908/909 as well.
+   In the sample output, the lines ``\texttt{<*> samplefile.tex}'' and
+   ``\texttt{? }'' should be indented by the same amount as the first
+   four lines.
+   Missing interword space: ``an\u{ }\verb=\addvspace= command''
+%%check (that's me)
+\erroronpage{911}{item 5}{HjG}{2004/05/22}{}
+   ``To the author's knowledge, \ldots''
+   \>
+   ``To the authors' knowledge, \ldots''
+\erroronpage{913}{item 1}{MKu/FMi}{2004/06/24}{2}
+   Replace: UTF8 \> UTF-8
+\erroronpage{913}{item 1}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move four items down.
+\erroronpage{913}{item -3, l.-3/-1}{HjG}{2004/05/22}{2}
+   Replace word: ``\ldots commands \u{and}, if necessary, masking a line
+   break in the source with a \verb=%= sign.''
+   Missing interword space: ``\verb=\spacefactor=\u{ }only''
+  Replace footnote with: ``In modern distributions \LaTeX{} is automatically
+  using the e\TeX{} program. On older installations you may have to 
+  call a different program (e.g.,  \texttt{elatex} instead of
+  \texttt{latex}) when processing a 
+  document.''
+   Misplaced comma:\\
+   ``\ldots\ arguments thereby, using up \ldots''
+   \>\\
+   ``\ldots\ arguments, thereby using up \ldots''
+\erroronpage{920}{item 2}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move one item down.
+\erroronpage{921}{item -2}{MBr}{2004/08/03}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move item to top.
+\erroronpage{923}{item 1}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move one item down.
+\erroronpage{924}{item 2, para 2, l.1}{HjG}{2004/05/22}{2}
+   Typo: ``th\u{r}ough'' \> ``though''
+   Missing interword space: ``the command\u{ }\verb=\symbol=''
+\erroronpage{925}{item -2, l.-2}{HjG}{2004/05/22}{2}
+   Extra word: ``are \u{the} those'' \> ``are those''\\
+   Surplus space: `` register~\u~0'' \> ``register~0''
+\erroronpage{925}{item -2}{MBr}{2004/08/03}{2}
+   Not in alphabetical order: move item one up.
+\seriouserroronpage{926}{item 4, title}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ ``\verb=Overfull \hbox (badness= \meta{number}\texttt)'' should be
+ ``\verb=Overfull \hbox (=\meta{number}\texttt{pt too wide)}''
+\erroronpage{926}{item 5, l.1}{HjG}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Typo: ``built'' \> ``build''
+\seriouserroronpage{926}{item 5, title}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ ``\verb=Overfull \vbox (badness= \meta{number}\texttt)'' should be
+ ``\verb=Overfull \vbox (=\meta{number}\texttt{pt too wide)}''
+\seriouserroronpage{928}{item 6, title}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ ``\verb=Tight \hbox='' should be ``\verb=Tight \vbox=''
+\erroronpage{930}{item 1, l.1}{HjG}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Omit paragraph indentation!
+\erroronpage{930}{item 4, l.2}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ Typo: ``i\u{t}entify'' \> ``identify''
+\erroronpage{931}{item 4, l.-1}{HjG}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Add: ``\ldots\ package \u{or class} in question.''
+\erroronpage{931}{item 4}{JGr}{2004/06/10}{2}
+  The warning also happens if you give absolute or relative
+  pathnames like \verb=\documentclass{base/article}=
+\erroronpage{931}{item 6}{MBr/FMi}{2004/08/03}{2}
+   Order here is debatable but a ``,'' may not be good for visual
+   sorting, so move this item one up (placeholder are always sorted to
+   top so it doesn't pass ``package-or-class''.
+\erroronpage{932}{para 4, l.1}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ Typo: ``\u{t}which \> ``which''
+   The text claims:\\
+   ``The output is slightly different: the name \u{and the type} of a
+   token are not shown by |\meaning|; instead, only its ``meaning'' is
+   presented.''\\
+   However, as example B-3-1 depicts, the type \emph{is} shown; hence,
+   the sentence should be changed to:\\
+   ``The output is slightly different: the name
+   of the token \u{is} not shown by
+   |\meaning|; instead, only \u{its type and} its ``meaning''
+   \u{are} presented.''
+\erroronpage{936}{para 1, l.3}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ Closing brace should be after ``19'' and not at end of line.
+\erroronpage{938}{para -1, l.3}{UFi/FMi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ Difficult to understand; replace:
+  ``\ldots a large \u{increase in} \texttt{t=} between'' 
+\erroronpage{939}{para 3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/05/23}{2}
+   Words need to be swapped:
+   ``\ldots\ \TeX{} indicates \u{this fact} with \ldots''
+   Add: ``so-called demerits \u{(\texttt{d=})}''
+   Change: ``several ways to reach \u{\texttt{@@2}};''
+   \> ``several ways to reach \u{\texttt{@@6}};''
+\erroronpage{943}{para -1 of \S B.3.3, l.-6}{HjG}{2004/05/24}{2}
+   Typo: ``shinkability'' \> ``shrinkability''
+\CHAPTER{Appendix C}
+\erroronpage{general}{several pages}{FMi}{2005/07/01}{4}
+   Appendix was partially rewritten to reflect changes in the layout
+   of the web sites. More importantly:  CTAN changed their ftp
+   software and stopped supporting the generation of directory
+   archives on the fly. Instead they now offer precompiled
+   \texttt{zip} files that can be downloaded.
+   Missing word: ``it is best \u{to} access''
+\erroronpage{947}{para -1, l.5}{FMi}{2004/06/12}{2}
+   Bug in \texttt{url.sty} generated extra space.
+\erroronpage{948}{para -1, l.5}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+ Show short name: ``\ldots\ \TeX{} Users Group (\u{TUG}, United States)''
+\erroronpage{950}{para 1, l.2}{FMi}{2006/09/12}{s}
+ Replace: Figure C.\u{2} \> Figure C.\u{1}
+\erroronpage{950}{para 3, l.2}{HjG}{2004/05/24}{2}
+   Typo: ``a site that i\u{s} not too distant''
+   Replace line: ``\verb=>>>>>>> 1.6='' \>
+   ``\texttt{200-index graphicx}''
+   (probably due to an incomplete merge with CVS)
+\erroronpage{954}{para 3, l.1}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   ``\TeX live'' \> ``\TeX{} Live''
+\erroronpage{955}{para 2, l.4}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   Remove surplus word:
+   ``in \u{the} Thomas Esser's \texttt{tetex} distribution''
+\erroronpage{955}{para -2, l.-4}{MHe}{2004/05/22}{2}
+     Letters need to be swapped: ``eig\u{ht}eenth''
+\erroronpage{956}{cn: entry}{HjG}{2005/05/09}{4}
+   Replace:
+   ``\u{name}: Hong Feng'' \> ``\u{contact}: Hong Feng''
+\erroronpage{957}{col. 2, l.15}{TMW}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   This should read ``Lietuvos \TeX'o Vartotoj\k{u} Grup\.{e}''.
+\erroronpage{958}{col. 1, l.19}{TMW}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   An acute accent should be added: ``Toru\'n''
+   Url changed: \url{https://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/font/T1_SPEC.PDF}
+   2017: url no longer valid; maybe \url{https://www-cdf.fnal.gov/offline/PostScript/T1_SPEC.PDF}
+   Url changed: \url{https://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/ps/5001.DSC_Spec.pdf}
+   2017: url no longer valid; maybe \url{https://www-cdf.fnal.gov/offline/PostScript/5001.PDF}
+   Url changed:
+   \url{https://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/ps/5002.EPSF_Spec.pdf}
+   2017: url no longer valid; maybe \url{https://archive.org/details/5002.EPSFSpec}
+   Url changed:
+   \url{https://partners.adobe.com/public/developer/en/pdf/PDFReference.pdf}
+   2017: url no longer valid; maybe \url{http://www.adobe.com/content/dam/acom/en/devnet/pdf/pdfs/PDF32000_2008.pdf}
+\erroronpage{965}{[17], l.-1}{HjG}{2004/06/18}{2}
+   Delete character: ``in a\u{n} multi-language setting''
+  First line of online resources is not flush right but centered.
+  Add ``Lars Hellstr\"om'' as author.  Change date to December 2004.
+  Change comment to ``Documentation for
+  the fontinst utility package that supports \ldots''
+  The bibliography entry for "The Art of Computer Programming" lacks
+  ISBN numbers: 0-201-89683-4, 0-201-03822-6, and  0-201-03803-X.
+\erroronpage{973}{[90], l.2}{HjG}{2004/06/07}{2}
+   Words need to be swapped:
+   ``\ldots do not look as \u{beautiful now} as they did in the past.''
+  First line of online resources is not flush right but centered.
+\erroronpage{975}{[107], [109], [110], [111]}{HjG}{2004/06/21}{2}
+  Incomplete URLs:\\
+  \texttt{https://www.latex-project.org\u{/news/latex2e-news/}}\\
+  \texttt{https://www.latex-project.org\u{/help/documentation/fntguide.pdf}}\\
+  \texttt{https://www.latex-project.org\u{/help/documentation/cfgguide.pdf}}\\
+  \texttt{https://www.latex-project.org\u{/lppl/}}
+  The title is ``E-\TeX: Guidelines for Future \TeX{} Extensions''.
+  First line of online resources is not flush right but centered.
+  Link is missing a period:
+    \url{https://www.latex-project.org/publications/tug99}\texttt{\u.pdf}
+  Now has appeared:  24\#1, pp.~105--114, 2004. URL:
+  \url{https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/tb24-1/plaice.pdf}
+  Missing period: Robert M\u. Ritter
+\erroronpage{979}{entry 146, l.3}{RWa}{2004/06/01}{2}
+   Missing word: ``for \LaTeX\ \u{and} a possible''
+  Remove: ``\LaTeX\u{Joachim Schrod}.'' 
+  Swap words: ``often are'' \> ``are often'' 
+  Missing word:   ``For \u{the} \textsf{kuvio} system\ldots'' 
+  First line of online resources is not flush right (stray space?).
+  Unfortunately Th\`anh's name is misspelled (accents in [161/2]). The correct spelling
+  is ``H\`an Th\^e\llap{\raise 0.5ex\hbox{\'{}}} Th\`anh''.
+  Furthermore, the surename is H\`an so the entries should have been sorted
+  under H (something that can't be corrected easily).
+  Remove surplus name in text: ``User\u{Sebastian Rahtz} manual \ldots''
+\erroronpage{981}{[162/3], title}{THa}{2004/06/25}{2}
+  Change: ``Makeindex'' \> ``makeindex''
+  First line of online resources should be:\\
+  \texttt{https://www.tug.org/TUGboat/Articles/\u{tb11-3/tb29vulis.pdf}}
+  I do not list changes to the index that are results of other errata
+  entries as they are too difficult to track. Instead I will put an
+  updated index on the web at
+  \url{https://www.latex-project.org/help/books/tlc2-ap4.pdf} once in a while.
+  Editorial comment: the whole index has been reprinted.
+  Editorial comment: the whole index has been reprinted.
+  Add index entries into production notes, e.g., for example setup,
+  hanging punctuation, \ldots
+\erroronpage{983}{para 1, l.3}{UFi}{2004/05/23}{2}
+  Remove surplus word: ``\ldots one of \u{the} the following''
+\seriouserroronpage{983}{para -2}{HjG}{2004/05/20}{2}
+  The text explains the meaning of bold and blue page numbers,
+  but fails to point out the significance of slanted (italic)
+  ones---there is none: blue italic indicates normal example blue bold
+  indicates example and also important info.
+  Replace: ``alphabetical document headings''
+  \> ``alphabetically numbered document headings''
+     ``document headings / alphabetical''
+  \>
+     ``document headings / alphabetically numbered''
+  Correct range: author-date citations / history of (699, 700)
+  Correct:  ``B\u{\'e}zier'' 
+  bibliographies/authors/name,formatting shows 798--1092 but should be
+  just 798
+  Correct range: Citation systems /
+   author-date /
+     history of (699, 700)
+   Add page entry for |\DeclareFontSubstitution|
+   back to 431 (para~2).
+\erroronpage{1014}{secound col., l.8}{MSc}{2004/06/04}{2}
+        missing index entry for ``eTeX, TeX extension''
+ The index entry for "floats / placement control" lists pages 286-983
+ for information.  I think that is a bit too much.  It should probably
+ end at page 291.
+  Correct range: fonts /
+   oblique (333)
+  Replace ``fonts / URW Antigua'' \> ``fonts / URW Anti\u{q}ua'' 
+\erroronpage{1034}{first col.}{FMi}{2004/05/15}{2}
+  Add entry: ``lists / enumerated / user-defined, 151''
+  ``\textsf{makeindex}'' \> ``\textsl{MakeIndex}''
+  ``\texttt{NACRO} \BibTeX{} command'' \>
+  ``\texttt{MACRO} \BibTeX{} command'' 
+\erroronpage{1051}{secound col., l.14}{MSc}{2004/06/04}{2}
+        missing index entries for ``pdftex'' on p.7 and p.643
+  Replace: ``text symbols / setting-up''  \>
+           ``\u{math} symbols / setting-up''  
+  Replace ``URW Antigua'' \> ``URW Anti\u{q}ua'' 
+   Editorial comment: Needs manual breaking in index output file for
+   second and fourth printing.
+\erroronpage{1081}{col 1}{FMi}{2004/06/22}{2} 
+  Missing accents: ``Fernandez, Jose Alberto '' \> `Fern\'andez, Jos\'e Alberto'' 
+\erroronpage{1081}{col 1}{HjG}{2004/06/22}{2}
+   Change page number in entry:
+   ``Fukui, Rei, xxvii, 405, \u{969}'' \> ``\ldots, \u{968}''
+\erroronpage{1081}{col 1}{LMa}{2004/05/14}{2}
+  The name ``M\o ller Neergaard, Peter'' should be sorted as
+  ``Neergaard, Peter M\o ller''.
+\erroronpage{1081}{col 2}{HjG}{2004/06/16}{2}
+   Change page number in entry:
+   ``Hufflen, Jean-Michel, 761, \u{971}'' \> ``\ldots, \u{970}''
+   Add page entries for ``Kettler, Howard'' and ``Frutiger, Adrian''
+   to ``People'' index back to 374.
+   Add page entry for ``Smith, Ralph'' to ``People'' index back to 376.
+\erroronpage{1082}{col 1, l.19 }{PPn}{2004/05/25}{2}
+   Replace ``Panday'' with ``Pandey'' (very sorry for the typo).
+\erroronpage{1082}{col 1}{FMi}{2004/04/23}{2}
+   Replace ``Wing, Wai'' with ``Wong, Wai'' (very sorry for the typo).
+\erroronpage{1082}{col 1}{HjG}{2004/07/13}{2}
+   Change page numbers in entry:
+   ``Mittelbach, Frank, \ldots, 976--\u{978, 980}, \ldots''
+   \> ``\ldots, 976--\u{979}, \ldots''
+   Add page entry for ``Rahtz, Sebastian''
+   back to 981 (bib-item [161]).
+\erroronpage{1084}{Goossens image}{THa}{2004/06/23}{2}
+  Spurious gray square in upper right corner of framed image of Michel
+  Goossens.
+\erroronpage{1085}{para 3, l.6}{MSc}{2004/05/19}{2}
+   Replace ``TeX'' with ``\TeX''.
+\CHAPTER{Production Notes}
+\erroronpage{1089}{para 4, l.4}{FMi}{2004/07/21}{2}
+  Add:  ``\ldots this typographical icing \u{(package
+  \textsf{pdfcprot})} was\ldots'' 
+  Missing period: \ldots files\u. It \ldots
+\erroronpage{1090}{para -3, l.-4}{HjG}{2004/05/23}{2}
+  Change/add: ``paragraphs ending \u{with a} single word \u{line}''
+   The series title in the box does not use a real caps and small caps
+   font but a faked one (compare with the front cover where
+   the font \emph{Christiana} designed by Gudrun Zapf-von Hesse is used).
+\begin{multicols}{3}[Thanks to all who have found errors or
+   omissions. Listed are the people who found an errata entry first.]
+\contributor{AFV}{Alfonso Fernandez-Vazquez}
+\contributor{AHo}{Antti Honkela}
+\contributor{AMa}{Arni Magnusson}
+\contributor{ARi}{Alan Ristow}
+\contributor{BMo}{Brooks Moses}
+\contributor{BeB}{Bernd Burghardt}
+\contributor{CAR}{Chris A. Rowley}
+\contributor{CBC}{Charles B. Cameron}
+\contributor{CBa}{Cristian Battaglia}
+\contributor{CBe}{Claudio Beccari}
+\contributor{CKr}{Claudia Krysztofiak}
+\contributor{DAl}{Daniel Alonso i Alemany}
+\contributor{DAr}{Donald Arseneau}
+\contributor{DCa}{David Carlisle}
+\contributor{DHL}{Dan Luecking}
+\contributor{DIs}{Daniel Isaacson}
+\contributor{DSch}{Dirk Schlimm}
+\contributor{ERy}{Elizabeth Ryan}
+\contributor{FHa}{Ferdy Hanssen}
+\contributor{FMi}{Frank Mittelbach}
+\contributor{GBa}{Gerhard Bachmaier}
+\contributor{HOb}{Heiko Oberdiek}
+\contributor{HPB}{Harold P. Boas}
+\contributor{HVo}{Herbert Voss}
+\contributor{HjG}{Hubert G\"a\ss lein}
+\contributor{J-CCh}{Jean-C\^ome Charpentier}
+\contributor{JAn}{Jacques Andr\'e}
+\contributor{JBez}{Javier Bezos}
+\contributor{JBe}{Jens Berger}
+\contributor{JBr}{Johannes Braams}
+\contributor{JCh}{Joel Chan}
+\contributor{JGr}{Jose Grimm}
+\contributor{JJN}{Jarmo Niemel\"a}
+\contributor{JLV}{Juan Luis Varona}
+\contributor{JMH}{Jean-Michel Hufflen}
+\contributor{JS}{Joachim Schrod}
+\contributor{JTa}{Juhani Takkinen}
+\contributor{LHe}{Lars Hellstr\"om}
+\contributor{LMa}{Lars Madsen}
+\contributor{LSchu}{Lothar Schumacher}
+\contributor{MBr}{Marion Braams}
+\contributor{MGo}{Michel Goossens}
+\contributor{MHCL}{Martin Hiu Chung Law}
+\contributor{MHe}{Martin Hensel}
+\contributor{MHo}{Morten H\o gholm}
+\contributor{MKo}{Markus Kohm}
+\contributor{MKu}{Markus Kuhn}
+\contributor{MLa}{Mark Laplante}
+\contributor{MLi}{Martin Liebmann}
+\contributor{MSc}{Martin Schr\"oder}
+\contributor{MSch}{Michael Schutte}
+\contributor{NBe}{Nelson Beebe}
+\contributor{PPN}{P.P. Narayanaswami}
+\contributor{PYu}{Peng Yu}
+\contributor{RKo}{Reinhard Kotucha}
+\contributor{RPa}{Reimo Palm}
+\contributor{RSt}{Ralf Stubner}
+\contributor{RWa}{Richard Walker}
+\contributor{ReSt}{Rebecca Stiels}
+\contributor{SCo}{Steven Douglas Cochran}
+\contributor{SEg}{Stephen Eglen}
+\contributor{SPe}{Sa\v sa Petrovi\' c}
+\contributor{THa}{Thorsten Hansen}
+\contributor{TMW}{Thomas Widmann}
+\contributor{TMi}{Tom Micevski}
+\contributor{TSS}{Tommi Syrj\"anen}
+\contributor{UFi}{Ulrike Fischer}
+\contributor{UZi}{Uwe Ziegenhagen}
+\contributor{V-Li}{Christian Faulhammer}
+\contributor{VPe}{Vivi Petersen}
+\contributor{VVo}{Vladimir Volovich}
+\contributor{WAd}{William Adams}
+\contributor{WaS}{Walter Schmidt}
+\contributor{YiL}{Yiannis Lazarides}
+\contributor{YvH}{Yvon Henel}
+\contributor{hajk}{Henk Koster}
+\contributor{usw}{Ulrich Dirr}
+Other people have sent us corrections for errors already found.
+Thanks to all of you!
+If you find further errors please report them to one of the authors, e.g.,
+  frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org
+preferably in a form usable directly in this file, i.e.,
+   \textit{your-initials}|}{|\textit{date}|}{}| \\
+   \hspace*{2em}\textit{description of the the erratum}
+Here is an example:
+\erroronpage{5}{para 3, l.1}{MOs}{1997/06/01}{}
+   ``LaTeX'' should be typeset ``\LaTeX''.

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+% To produce a printed version of this errata file run this file through
+% LaTeX. It will unpack a small class file (if not already present) and
+% a configuration file with the extension .cfg. You might want to modify
+% the setting in this configuration file to print only a partial errata
+% suitable for your printed revision of this book, see details in the
+% .cfg file.
+%% Copyright (C) 1997,2004,2005,2007 Frank Mittelbach
+%% This class file is licenced under LPPL latest version;
+%% see https://www.latex-project.org/lppl
+% It sets up a few commands used to format the errata entries for books in the
+% Addison-Wesley Series:
+%    Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting
+% hence the name. However, anybody who likes to use it is free to apply it for
+% errata files of other books.
+% Changes:
+% v1.0a - changed name from errata.cls to ttcterrata.cls
+  [2007/11/10 v1.0a Mini class for errata files; subject to change (FMi)]
+  \setbox\@tempboxa\vbox\bgroup
+     \let\endgobble\egroup
+     \let\hideamp\relax
+     \let\\\relax\let\par\@@par}
+  \ifnum \myprinting < \if!#2!1000 \else \ifx s#2 1000\else#2 \fi\fi
+   \ifnum \expandafter\erratagetnumber\erratastartdate\erratagetnumber <
+          \erratagetnumber#1\erratagetnumber \relax
+     \@tempswatrue
+   \else
+     \@tempswafalse
+   \fi
+  \else
+    \@tempswafalse
+  \fi
+\newcommand\includedentries{entries after = \erratastartdate}
+\newcommand\printedentries{between \erratastartdate\space and}
+ \renewcommand\includedentries{all errata entries}%
+ \renewcommand\printedentries{up to}
+ \renewcommand\doweprint[2]{\@tempswatrue}}
+    \if!#2!\textbf{#1}\else\textit{#1}\rlap{\textsuperscript{#2}}\fi}
+  \renewcommand\displayrevisionfix[2]{\textbf{##1}}}
+  {
+   \input{\jobname.cfg}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* Configuration file for \jobname.err found }
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+  \AtEndDocument{
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* If you wish to generate an errata listing}
+   \typeout{* containing only errors found after a certain revision}
+   \typeout{* and/or only errors found after a certain date}
+   \typeout{* modify the information stored in \jobname.cfg}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* Current settings are:}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{* \@spaces  printing of your book = \myprinting}
+   \typeout{* \@spaces  include \includedentries}
+   \typeout{*}
+   \typeout{***************************************************}
+  }}
+  {}
+%% \erroronpage <page> <line info> <contributor> <date> <fixed in revision>
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+  &\\[4pt]%
+  \multicolumn{4}{l}{\framebox[10cm][l]{\textbf{\normalsize\strut#1}}} \\}
+  {\begin{longtable}{r>{\raggedright}p{2cm}l>{\raggedright}p{10cm}l}}
+  {\endgobble\end{longtable}}
+  {\begin{center}\LARGE\bfseries
+      Errata list for #1\\[5pt](\myprinting.\ printing)\\[10pt]
+      \small Includes all entries found \printedentries\space #2\\
+      (For other periods/print runs reprocess this document
+      with different config settings)
+   \end{center}%
+   \markright{Errata for #1 (\printedentries\space #2)}%
+   \thispagestyle{plain}%
+   \vspace{20pt}}
+\newcommand\contributor[2]{\makebox[1cm][l]{\sffamily#1} #2\par}
+% some special shortcuts overwriting existing commands:
+%%% some code suggested by Thorsten Hansen to count the number of
+%%% contributions by individuals (will work only if we do not get
+%%% too many :-)
+\def\count at contributors#1/#2/#3\@nil{
+   \@ifundefined{c@#1}{\newcounter{#1}}{}\stepcounter{#1}%
+%%%   also count secondary:
+%%%   \@ifundefined{c@#2}{\newcounter{#2}}{}\stepcounter{#2}%
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+   \count at contributors#3/secondary/\@nil
+   \endgobble
+   \doweprint{#4}{#5}%
+   \if at tempswa
+     \typeout{Typesetting entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+   \else
+     \typeout{Ignoring entry #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+     \expandafter\gobbleerrata
+   \fi
+   \hideamp \\%
+   \fbox{\bfseries !!}\hfill
+   \displayrevisionfix{#1}{#5}
+   \hideamp #2 \hideamp (\textsf{#3}) \hideamp
+  \sffamily#1} #2\@ifundefined{c@#1}{}{ (\arabic{#1})}\par}
+% Configuration file for the errata listing of 
+%  The LaTeX Web Companion
+% \erratastartdate 
+%    Specifies the date from which on
+%    errata entries should be listed. 
+%    The format is YYYY/MM/DD.
+%    The default below ensures that all
+%    entries are typeset.
+% \myprinting
+%    Specifies which (revised) printing you
+%    own. For example, if you have the second
+%    printing set this to 2 so that errors 
+%    already corrected in that printing will not
+%    appear in your errata listing.
+%    The default below ensures that all
+%    entries are typeset.
+% \norevisionnumbers
+% Specifies that all page numbers in the errata are shown in the same
+%    format (bold face) irregardless of whether or not they are fixed
+%    in some revision. The default is to print corrected errors in
+%    italic and add the revision number as a superscript. 
+% \showallerrors
+% With this command you tell the program that all errata entries are
+%    supposed to be generated. This makes \myprinting and
+%    \erratastartdate basically obsolete so this isn't turned on by
+%    default.
+\erratatitle{The \LaTeX{} Web Companion}{\erratafiledate}
+ at book(A-W:GR99,
+   author = {Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz},
+   title = {The {\LaTeX} Web Companion},
+   substitle = {Integrating {\TeX}, HTML, and XML},
+   series =       "Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting",
+   publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
+   address   = {Reading, Massachusetts},
+   year = 1999,
+   ISBN =         "0-201-43311-7",
+   LCCN =         "QA76.76.H94G66 1999",
+   pagenums = {xxii + 522},
+   source-infos = {yes},
+   bibliography = {yes},
+   index = {yes},
+   price = "US\$39.95",
+   note  = "With Eitan M. Gurari and Ross Moore and Robert S.
+            Sutor.",
+The latest version of this file (\texttt{\jobname.err}) can be found
+as part of the \LaTeX{} distribution.
+The first column in the table shows the page number of the errata
+entry.  Superscript numbers in the first column refer to the printed
+revision in which this entry was corrected. The second column gives
+the precise location, negative line numbers are counted from the
+bottom of the page. The third column shows the first finder of the
+\CHAPTER{Chapter 6}
+\erroronpage{247}{3 para l.5}{MGo}{1999/06/05}{}
+   GenCod \> GenCode
+\CHAPTER{Appendix B}
+\erroronpage{418}{3 para}{MGo}{1999/06/05}{}
+   The \texttt{book} element types (lines 10--\u{15})
+\begin{multicols}{3}[Thanks to all who have found errors or
+   omissions. Listed are the people who found an errata entry first.]
+\contributor{MGo}{Michel Goossens}
+If you find further errors please report them to one of the authors
+  sebastian.rahtz at oucs.ox.ac.uk\\
+  goossens at cern.ch 
+preferable in a form usable for this file, i.e.,
+   \textit{your-initials}|}{|\textit{date}|}{}| \\
+   \hspace*{2em}\textit{description of the the errata}
+Here is an example:
+   surprisingly \> surprising

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/webcomp.err
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/webcomp.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/base/webcomp.pdf
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Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/graphics/README.md
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 The LaTeX `graphics` bundle
-Release 2019-10-01 patch level 1
+Release 2019-10-01 patch level 2

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/graphics/cat-eps-converted-to.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/graphics/cat-eps-converted-to.pdf
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Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/graphics/cat-eps-converted-to.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@
 are not part of the distribution.
+# 2019-10-01 PL 2 Release
+2019-11-03  David Carlisle  <David.Carlisle at latex-project.org>
+	* graphics.dtx: add additional trial with known
+	extensions if supplied filename has a . but the file is not found
+	(gh/204)
 2019-10-08  David Carlisle  <David.Carlisle at latex-project.org>
 	* graphics.dtx: fallback definitions of \set at curr@file etc added

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/graphics/color.pdf
(Binary files differ)

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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 The LaTeX `tools` bundle
-Release 2019-10-01
+Release 2019-10-01 patch level 2

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tools/afterpage.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tools/array.pdf
(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tools/changes.txt	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 This file lists changes to the LaTeX2e files in reverse chronological order.
 It is provided for convenience only.  It therefore makes no claims to
@@ -6,6 +7,23 @@
+# 2019-10-01 PL 2 Release
+2019-11-05  Frank Mittelbach  <Frank.Mittelbach at latex-project.org>
+	* varioref.dtx (subsection{Defining the main macros}):
+	Support (mis)use of internal interface by fancyref (sx/515106)
+2019-10-17  David Carlisle  <David.Carlisle at latex-project.org>
+	* shellesc.dtx: protect against active _ and "
+2019-10-13  David Carlisle  <David.Carlisle at latex-project.org>
+	* shellesc.dtx: add logging in luatex and \ShellEscapeStatus (gh/195)
 # 2019-10-01 Release

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tools/dcolumn.pdf
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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

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(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tools/xspace.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/classes.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/classes.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/classes.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
 %<article|report|book> Standard LaTeX document class]
 %<10pt|11pt|12pt>      Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -611,9 +611,13 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    We use |\MakeRobust| instead of |\DeclareRobustCommand| above to avoid a log
-%    entry for the redefinition.
+%    entry for the redefinition. But if we are running in in a rollback situation
+%    (prior to 2015) we don't touch it.
+% \changes{v1.4k}{2019/10/25}{Roll back handling (gh/201)} 
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else 
+    \MakeRobust\normalsize
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
 % \end{macro}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/doc.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/doc.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/doc.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 %<+package> \ProvidesPackage{doc}
-%<+package|shortvrb>  [2018/09/25 v2.1i
+%<+package|shortvrb>  [2019/11/03 v2.1j
 %<+package|shortvrb>   Standard LaTeX documentation package (FMi)]
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 % \changes{v1.9t}{1995/05/11}{Use \cs{GetFileInfo}}
 % \GetFileInfo{doc.sty}
-% \CheckSum{2206}  ^^A % keep the checksum in this file
+% \CheckSum{2207}  ^^A % keep the checksum in this file
 % \title{The \DOC{} and \texttt{shortvrb} Packages\thanks
 %    {This file has version number \fileversion{} dated \filedate{}.}}
@@ -2000,6 +2000,11 @@
 %    |\MacroFont|.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \def\verbatim{\@beginparpenalty \predisplaypenalty \@verbatim
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%  \changes{v2.1j}{2019/11/03}{Kernel now sets up \cs{verbvisiblespace} (gh/205)}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+              \@setupverbvisiblespace
               \MacroFont \frenchspacing \@vobeyspaces \@xverbatim}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    We deal in a similar way with the star form of this environment.
@@ -2121,13 +2126,14 @@
 % \changes{v1.8b}{1993/09/21}{Changed to conform to new LaTeX verbatim,
 %                           which has better error trapping.}
 % See \cite{art:verbatim} for commentary.
+%  \changes{v2.1j}{2019/11/03}{Use the kernel definition, no change needed (gh/205)}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-  \catcode`#1\active  \lccode`\~`#1%
-  \gdef\verb at balance@group{\verb at egroup
-     \@latex at error{Illegal use of \noexpand\verb command}\@ehc}%
-  \aftergroup\verb at balance@group
-  \lowercase{\let~\verb at egroup}}
+%  \catcode`#1\active  \lccode`\~`#1%
+%  \gdef\verb at balance@group{\verb at egroup
+%     \@latex at error{Illegal use of \noexpand\verb command}\@ehc}%
+%  \aftergroup\verb at balance@group
+%  \lowercase{\let~\verb at egroup}}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltdirchk.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltdirchk.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltdirchk.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 % \fi
-             [2016/10/15 v1.2b LaTeX Kernel (System Dependent Parts)]
+             [2019/11/01 v1.3a LaTeX Kernel (System Dependent Parts)]
 % \iffalse
@@ -918,16 +918,45 @@
 % |\filename at simple| is used by all three versions.
 % Finally we can split off the extension.
+% \changes{v1.3a}{2019/11/01}
+%         {take last . not first}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-  \def\filename at simple#1.#2\\{%
-    \ifx\\#2\\%
-       \let\filename at ext\relax
-    \else
-       \edef\filename at ext{\filename at dot#2\\}%
-    \fi
-    \edef\filename at base{#1}}
+%<latexrelease>\IncludeInRelease{2019/10/01}{\filename at simple}
+%<latexrelease>                             {Final dot for extension}%
+\def\filename at simple#1.#2\\{%
+  \ifx\\#2\\%
+    \let\filename at ext\relax
+    \edef\filename at base{#1}%
+  \else
+    \filename at dots{#1}#2\\%
+  \fi}
 %    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\def\filename at dots#1#2.#3\\{%
+  \ifx\\#3\\%
+    \def\filename at ext{#2}%
+    \edef\filename at base{#1}%
+  \else
+    \filename at dots{#1.#2}#3\\%
+  \fi}
+%<latexrelease>\IncludeInRelease{0000/00/00}{\filename at simple}
+%<latexrelease>                             {Final dot for extension}%
+%<latexrelease>  \def\filename at simple#1.#2\\{%
+%<latexrelease>    \ifx\\#2\\%
+%<latexrelease>       \let\filename at ext\relax
+%<latexrelease>    \else
+%<latexrelease>       \edef\filename at ext{\filename at dot#2\\}%
+%<latexrelease>    \fi
+%<latexrelease>    \edef\filename at base{#1}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
 % Remove a final dot, added earlier.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
   \def\filename at dot#1.\\{#1}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltfiles.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltfiles.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltfiles.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 % \fi
-             [2019/10/11 v1.2c LaTeX Kernel (File Handling)]
+             [2019/10/26 v1.2d LaTeX Kernel (File Handling)]
 % \iffalse
@@ -714,6 +714,7 @@
 %  \changes{v1.2a}{2019/07/01}{Support UTF-8}
 %  \changes{v1.2c}{2019/10/11}{Remove one brace group}
+%  \changes{v1.2d}{2019/10/26}{remove quotes}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -722,7 +723,9 @@
 \def\set at curr@file#1{%
     \escapechar\m at ne
-    \xdef\@curr at file{\expandafter\string\csname\@firstofone#1\@empty\endcsname}%
+    \xdef\@curr at file{%
+      \expandafter\string
+        \csname\expandafter\unquote at name\expandafter{\@firstofone#1\@empty}\endcsname}%
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -758,11 +761,11 @@
 % \changes{v1.2a}{2019/07/01}{Support UTF-8}
 % \changes{v1.2b}{2019/08/27}{Make command robust}
+% \changes{v1.2d}{2019/10/26}{dont quote name}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
   \set at curr@file{#1}%
-  \edef\q at curr@file{\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\@curr at file}}%
-  \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\q at curr@file}}
+  \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\@curr at file}}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %  \end{macro}
@@ -770,10 +773,11 @@
 % \changes{v0.9b}{1993/12/04}{Macro added}
 % \changes{v0.9p}{1994/01/18}{New Definition}
 % \changes{v1.0t}{1995/05/25}{(CAR) added \cs{long}}
+% \changes{v1.2d}{2019/10/26}{quote on openin}%
+% Argument |#1| is |\@curr at file| so catcode 12 string with no quotes.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \long\def \IfFileExists@#1#2#3{%
-  \openin\@inputcheck#1 %
+  \openin\@inputcheck"#1" %
     \ifx\input at path\@undefined
       \def\reserved at a{#3}%
@@ -782,7 +786,7 @@
-    \edef\@filef at und{#1 }%
+    \edef\@filef at und{"#1" }%
     \def\reserved at a{#2}%
   \reserved at a}
@@ -834,14 +838,15 @@
 %         {(CAR) added \cs{long}}
 % \changes{v1.1d}{1996/01/10}
 %     {Change argument handling to not require doubled hash. latex/2024}
+% \changes{v1.2d}{2019/10/26}{quote on openin}%
 %    \begin{macrocode}
   \let\reserved at a\@secondoftwo
   \expandafter\@tfor\expandafter\reserved at b\expandafter
              :\expandafter=\input at path\do{%
-    \openin\@inputcheck\reserved at b#1 %
+    \openin\@inputcheck\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\reserved at b#1} %
-      \edef\@filef at und{\reserved at b#1 }%
+      \edef\@filef at und{"\reserved at b#1" }%
       \let\reserved at a\@firstoftwo%
       \@break at tfor

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltluatex.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltluatex.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltluatex.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
 % \iffalse meta-comment
-% Copyright 2015 2017 2018
+% Copyright (C) 2015-2019
 % The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
 % in this file.
-% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
-% the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of
-% this license or (at your option) any later version.  The latest
-% version of this license is in the file:
+% This file is part of the LaTeX base system.
+% -------------------------------------------
-%   https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+%    https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2008 or later.
+% This file has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
 %<2ekernel>%%% From File: ltluatex.dtx
@@ -24,7 +28,7 @@
-[2018/10/21 v1.1i
+[2019/10/22 v1.1j
 %<plain>  LuaTeX support for plain TeX (core)
@@ -1361,11 +1365,12 @@
 % Section 8.6: PDF-related callbacks.
 % \changes{v1.1j}{2019/06/18}{page\_objnum\_provider added}
 % \changes{v1.1j}{2019/06/18}{process\_pdf\_image\_content added}
+% \changes{v1.1j}{2019/10/22}{page\_objnum\_provider and process\_pdf\_image\_content classified data}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
   finish_pdffile            = data,
   finish_pdfpage            = data,
-  page_objnum_provider      = simple,
-  process_pdf_image_content = simple,
+  page_objnum_provider      = data,
+  process_pdf_image_content = data,
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % Section 8.7: font-related callbacks.
 % \changes{v1.1e}{2017/03/28}{glyph\_stream\_provider added}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltmiscen.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltmiscen.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltmiscen.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 % \fi
-             [2019/08/29 v1.1p LaTeX Kernel (Misc. Environments)]
+             [2019/10/25 v1.1q LaTeX Kernel (Misc. Environments)]
 % \iffalse
@@ -370,10 +370,26 @@
 %    percent. The result is saved in \cs{@temptokena} for later use.
 % \changes{v1.1n}{2018/09/26}{Sometimes mask the endline char when
 %    writing to files (github/73)}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+\long\gdef\add at percent@to at temptokena
+    #1\protected at file@percent#2\add at percent@to at temptokena
 %    \end{macrocode}
+%    When we call this macro in |\@writefile| we stick in |\@empty| at
+%   the beginning, so that in case the tokenlist consists of a single brace
+%   group the braces aren't stripped. The |\expandafter| then expands
+%   this extra token away again.
+% \changes{v1.1q}{2019/10/25}{Allow unbalanced conditionals in \texttt{\#1} (gh/202)}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+    {\ifx!#2!\expandafter\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena\else
+             \expandafter\do at add@percent at to@temptokena\fi{#1}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\long\def\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena#1{%
+  \@temptokena\expandafter{#1}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
 %    \texttt{latexrelease} will read this code in high-speed
 %    mode in certain situations. During that it will only look for
 %    \cs{if} tests but not actually execute the \cs{catcode} change
@@ -381,22 +397,16 @@
 %    in the definition. Therefore the |\fi| needs to be on the next
 %    line and we need locally another comment character to avoid
 %    getting spaces into the definition---a weird problem :-)
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-\long\gdef\add at percent@to at temptokena
-    #1\protected at file@percent#2\add at percent@to at temptokena
+\long\gdef\do at add@percent at to@temptokena#1{%
+  \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
 %    \end{macrocode}
-%    When we call this macro in |\@writefile| we stick in |\@empty| at
-%   the beginning, so that in case the tokenlist consists of a single brace
-%   group the braces aren't stripped. The |\expandafter| then expands
-%   this extra token away again.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-    {\ifx!#2!\@temptokena\expandafter{#1}\else
-             \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
-%    \end{macrocode}
 %    Can't be on the same line as the |%| --- see above.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-      }\fi}
+  }}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %  \end{macro}
@@ -432,6 +442,8 @@
 %<latexrelease>                 {\protected at file@percent}{Mask line endings}%
 %<latexrelease>\let\protected at file@percent\@undefined
 %<latexrelease>\let\add at percent@to at temptokena\@undefined
+%<latexrelease>\let\do at add@percent at to@temptokena\@undefined
+%<latexrelease>\let\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena\@undefined
 %<latexrelease>  \@ifundefined{tf@#1}\relax
 %<latexrelease>    {\@temptokena{#2}%

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltvers.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltvers.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/base/ltvers.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
-\def\patch at level{1}
+\def\patch at level{2}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \begin{macro}{\development at branch@name}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/graphics/graphics.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/graphics/graphics.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/graphics/graphics.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 %<driver> \ProvidesFile{graphics.drv}
 % \fi
 %         \ProvidesFile{graphics.dtx}
-          [2019/10/08 v1.3c  Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)]
+          [2019/11/01 v1.3d  Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)]
 % \iffalse
@@ -1036,11 +1036,18 @@
 % \begin{macro}{\Gin at sepdefault}
 % \changes{v0.6a}{1994/11/29}
 %     {remove \cs{Gin at sep}}
+% \begin{macro}{\Gin at gzext}
+% \changes{v1.3d}{2019/11/01}
+%     {macro added}
 % This must match the token used by |\filename at parse| to delimit the
 % extension.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \def\Gin at sepdefault{.}
 %    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\edef\Gin at gzext{\detokenize{gz}}
+%    \edef{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
 % \begin{macro}{\set at curr@file}
@@ -1102,12 +1109,22 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    A lot of quote juggling going on here (room for improvements).
+% \changes{v1.3d}{2019/11/01}
+%     {\cs{curr at name} now unquoted}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
   \set at curr@file{#1}%
-  \edef\uq at curr@file{\expandafter\unquote at name\expandafter{\@curr at file}}%
-  \expandafter\filename at parse\expandafter{\uq at curr@file}%
-  \edef\filename at area{\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\filename at area}}%
-  \edef\filename at base{\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\filename at base}}%
+  \expandafter\filename at parse\expandafter{\@curr at file}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% If extension is |.gz| tack on to previous extension, eg |.eps.gz| if available.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifx\filename at ext\Gin at gzext
+    \expandafter\filename at parse\expandafter{\filename at base}%
+    \ifx\filename at ext\relax
+      \let\filename at ext\Gin at gzext
+    \else
+      \edef\Gin at ext{\Gin at ext\Gin at sepdefault\Gin at gzext}%
+    \fi
+  \fi
   \ifx\filename at ext\relax
     \@for\Gin at temp:=\Gin at extensions\do{%
       \ifx\Gin at ext\relax
@@ -1116,6 +1133,34 @@
     \Gin at getbase{\Gin at sepdefault\filename at ext}%
 %    \end{macrocode}
+% At this point try adding an extension, even if the filename has one so
+% that \verb|a.b| may find \verb|a.b.png| if no file is found then revert
+% to the extension as given to get better error reporting.
+% \changes{v1.3d}{2019/11/01}
+%     {Try adding an extension even if the filenam had a dot.}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\ifx\Gin at ext\relax
+\let\Gin at savedbase\filename at base
+\let\Gin at savedext\filename at ext
+  \edef\filename at base{\filename at base\Gin at sepdefault\filename at ext}%
+  \let\filename at ext\relax
+   \@for\Gin at temp:=\Gin at extensions\do{%
+      \ifx\Gin at ext\relax
+        \Gin at getbase\Gin at temp
+      \fi}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Restore if no file found using theknown extensions.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifx\Gin at ext\relax
+    \let\filename at base\Gin at savedbase
+    \let\filename at ext\Gin at savedext
+  \fi
+%    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
 % \changes{v0.4d}{1994/05/06}
 %     {Make file not found a warning not an error}
 % \changes{v0.6a}{1994/11/29}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/shellesc.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/shellesc.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/shellesc.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 %<driver> \ProvidesFile{shellesc.drv}
 % \fi
 %         \ProvidesFile{shellesc.dtx}
-       [2016/06/07 v0.02b unified shell escape interface for LaTeX]
+       [2019/10/17 v1.0b unified shell escape interface for LaTeX]
 % \iffalse
@@ -36,10 +36,15 @@
 % \title{The \textsf{shellesc} Package\thanks{This file
 %        has version number \fileversion, last
 %        revised \filedate.}}
-% \author{LaTeX3 project}
+% \author{\LaTeX3 project}
 % \date{\filedate}
 % \maketitle
+% \vspace*{-\baselineskip}
+% \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
 % \changes{v0.1b}{2016/02/02}{Doc typo fixes (JB)}
 % \changes{v0.2a}{2016/06/07}{Improve use with plain TeX}
 % \section{Introduction}
@@ -57,7 +62,7 @@
 % so a command to remove a file on a unix-like system could be
 % specified  using \verb|\ShellEscape{rm file.txt}| (or \verb|del| in
 % windows). Note that by default system access is not allowed and
-% latex will typically need to be called with the \verb|--shell-escape|
+% \LaTeX\ will typically need to be called with the \verb|--shell-escape|
 % command line option.
 % The package may be used with standard \texttt{latex} or
@@ -76,6 +81,9 @@
 % (\verb|\latelua|). This package provides \verb|\DelayedShellEscape|
 % as a common syntax for this use.
+% The shell escape status may be queried by checking the integer (chardef)
+% command \verb|\ShellEscapeStatus|, 0 (disabled) 1 (enabled) 2 (restricted).
 % To aid porting existing documents to Lua\TeX~0.87 this package does
 % overload the \verb|\write| command so that
 % \verb|\write18{rm file.txt}|
@@ -95,12 +103,25 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v1.0b}{2019/10/17}{Catcode protection}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\chardef\shellesc at quotecat\catcode`\"
+\chardef\shellesc at underscorecat\catcode`\_
+%    \end{macrocode}
 % \subsection{Status Check}
-% \changes{v0.2a}{2016/06/07}{spelling in messages}
+% \subsection{The shellesc package interface}
+% \begin{macro}{\ShellEscapeStatus}
+% \changes{v1.0a}{2019/10/13}{Command Introduced}
+% Integer value with meanings 0 (shell escape disabled), 1 (shell escape allowed), 2 (Restricted shell escape).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -115,6 +136,12 @@
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2016/06/07}{spelling in messages}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
   \PackageWarning{shellesc}{Shell escape disabled}
   \PackageInfo   {shellesc}{Unrestricted shell escape enabled}
@@ -123,9 +150,9 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% \subsection{The shellesc package interface}
 % \begin{macro}{\ShellEscape}
+% \changes{v1.0a}{2019/10/13}{Lua logging for gh/195}
 % Execute the supplied tokens as a system dependent command, assuming 
 % such execution is allowed.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -135,8 +162,7 @@
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-  \protected\def\ShellEscape#1{%
-    \directlua{os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")}}
+  \protected\def\ShellEscape{\directlua\ShellEscape at Lua}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
@@ -143,6 +169,7 @@
 % \begin{macro}{\DelayedShellEscape}
 % \changes{v0.1c}{2016/04/29}{Define \cs{DelayedShellEscape} not \cs{ShellEscape}(UF)}
+% \changes{v1.0a}{2019/10/13}{Lua logging for gh/195}
 % Execute the supplied tokens as a system dependent command, when this
 % node is shipped out with the completed page, assuming 
 % such execution is allowed.
@@ -153,8 +180,7 @@
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-  \protected\def\DelayedShellEscape#1{%
-    \latelua{os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")}}
+  \protected\def\DelayedShellEscape{\latelua\ShellEscape at Lua}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
@@ -161,6 +187,31 @@
+% \begin{macro}{\ShellEscape at Lua}
+% \changes{v1.0a}{2019/10/13}{loging for gh/195}
+% Shared Lua code for \verb|\DelayedShellEscape| and \verb|\ShellEscape|.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\protected\def\ShellEscape at Lua#1{{%
+local status, msg = os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")%
+if status == nil then
+    texio.write_nl("log",%
+      "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+       .. ")...(" .. msg .. ")\string\n")
+  elseif status == 0 then
+    texio.write_nl("log",%
+      "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+      .. ")...executed\string\n")
+  else
+    texio.write_nl("log",%
+      "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+       .. ")...failed " .. (msg or "") .. "\string\n")
+  end
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
 % \subsection{The write18 package interface}
 % In web2c based engines other than Lua\TeX, |\write18| may be used
@@ -189,7 +240,11 @@
 % Stop at this point if not a recent Lua\TeX.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
+ \catcode`\"\shellesc at quotecat
+ \catcode`\_\shellesc at underscorecat
+ \expandafter\endinput
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -233,8 +288,11 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\catcode`\"\shellesc at quotecat
+\catcode`\"\shellesc at underscorecat
+%    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %    \end{macrocode}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/varioref.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/varioref.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/varioref.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
-%<package>    [2019/09/08 v1.6b package for extended references (FMi)]
+%<package>    [2019/11/05 v1.6c package for extended references (FMi)]
 % \fi
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@
 %    workflow uses pdf\TeX{} the Arabic letters can't be displayed
 %    easily, so you will see missing glyphs below. To see the real
 %    letters you have to look at the source or package file.
-% \changes{v1.6b}{2019/09/8}{Option arabic added}
+% \changes{v1.6b}{2019/09/08}{Option arabic added}
 % \begin{allowtofu}  
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1642,6 +1642,7 @@
 % \end{macro}
 % \begin{macro}{\vref at space}
+% \begin{macro}{\vref at maybe@space}
 % \changes{v1.4a}{2002/03/06}{Default added}
 %    A default for |\vref at space|. This isn't really needed except in
 %    the case that somebody has hooked into the \pkg{varioref}
@@ -1648,10 +1649,14 @@
 %    interfaces at a lower level (which isn't really supported,
 %    but\ldots). So giving a default will prevent an error message in
 %    that case (and should hopefully produce the same behavior as before).
+% \changes{v1.6c}{2019/11/05}{Support (mis)use of internal interface by
+%                             fancyref (sx/515106)}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \let\vref at space\space
+\let\vref at maybe@space\space
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
 % \begin{macro}{\@vpageref}
 %    More parsing\ldots

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/xr.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/xr.dtx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/tools/xr.dtx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 % As first suggested in Enrico Gregorio's |xcite| package, the current version
 % also allows |\cite| to reference |\bibitem| in the external document.
-% For fcompatibility with |xcite|, |\externalcitedocument| is made available 
+% For compatibility with |xcite|, |\externalcitedocument| is made available 
 % as an alias for |\externaldocument|
 % \StopEventually{}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
  Standard LaTeX document class]
 \newif\if at restonecol

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk10.clo
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk10.clo	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk10.clo	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 %% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
       Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
    \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+    \MakeRobust\normalsize
    \abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus4\p@

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk11.clo
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk11.clo	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk11.clo	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 %% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
       Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
    \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+    \MakeRobust\normalsize
    \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk12.clo
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk12.clo	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/bk12.clo	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 %% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
       Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
    \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+    \MakeRobust\normalsize
    \abovedisplayskip 11\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus6\p@

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/book.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/book.cls	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/book.cls	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
  Standard LaTeX document class]
 \newif\if at restonecol

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/doc.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/doc.sty	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/doc.sty	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-  [2018/09/25 v2.1i
+  [2019/11/03 v2.1j
    Standard LaTeX documentation package (FMi)]
 %% Package `doc' to use with LaTeX 2e
@@ -243,6 +243,7 @@
 {\catcode`\|=\z@ \catcode`\\=12
 \def\verbatim{\@beginparpenalty \predisplaypenalty \@verbatim
+              \@setupverbvisiblespace
               \MacroFont \frenchspacing \@vobeyspaces \@xverbatim}
 \@namedef{verbatim*}{\@beginparpenalty \predisplaypenalty \@verbatim
               \MacroFont \@sxverbatim}
@@ -274,12 +275,6 @@
     \def^^M{\verb at egroup\@latex at error{%
            Text for \noexpand\verb command ended by end of line}\@ehc}}%
-  \catcode`#1\active  \lccode`\~`#1%
-  \gdef\verb at balance@group{\verb at egroup
-     \@latex at error{Illegal use of \noexpand\verb command}\@ehc}%
-  \aftergroup\verb at balance@group
-  \lowercase{\let~\verb at egroup}}
 \def\verbatim at nolig@list{\do\`\do\<\do\>\do\,\do\'\do\-}
 \def\do at noligs#1{%

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latex.ltx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latex.ltx	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latex.ltx	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -254,13 +254,20 @@
       \let\filename at area\@empty
       \expandafter\filename at simple#1.\\}
-  \def\filename at simple#1.#2\\{%
-    \ifx\\#2\\%
-       \let\filename at ext\relax
-    \else
-       \edef\filename at ext{\filename at dot#2\\}%
-    \fi
-    \edef\filename at base{#1}}
+\def\filename at simple#1.#2\\{%
+  \ifx\\#2\\%
+    \let\filename at ext\relax
+    \edef\filename at base{#1}%
+  \else
+    \filename at dots{#1}#2\\%
+  \fi}
+\def\filename at dots#1#2.#3\\{%
+  \ifx\\#3\\%
+    \def\filename at ext{#2}%
+    \edef\filename at base{#1}%
+  \else
+    \filename at dots{#1.#2}#3\\%
+  \fi}
   \def\filename at dot#1.\\{#1}
@@ -701,7 +708,7 @@
-\def\patch at level{1}
+\def\patch at level{2}
 \edef\development at branch@name{}
 \def\reserved at a#1/#2/#3\@nil{%
@@ -1844,7 +1851,9 @@
 \def\set at curr@file#1{%
     \escapechar\m at ne
-    \xdef\@curr at file{\expandafter\string\csname\@firstofone#1\@empty\endcsname}%
+    \xdef\@curr at file{%
+      \expandafter\string
+        \csname\expandafter\unquote at name\expandafter{\@firstofone#1\@empty}\endcsname}%
 \def\quote at name#1{"\quote@@name#1\@gobble""}
@@ -1852,10 +1861,9 @@
 \def\unquote at name#1{\quote@@name#1\@gobble"}
   \set at curr@file{#1}%
-  \edef\q at curr@file{\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\@curr at file}}%
-  \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\q at curr@file}}
+  \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\@curr at file}}
 \long\def \IfFileExists@#1#2#3{%
-  \openin\@inputcheck#1 %
+  \openin\@inputcheck"#1" %
     \ifx\input at path\@undefined
       \def\reserved at a{#3}%
@@ -1864,7 +1872,7 @@
-    \edef\@filef at und{#1 }%
+    \edef\@filef at und{"#1" }%
     \def\reserved at a{#2}%
   \reserved at a}
@@ -1872,9 +1880,9 @@
   \let\reserved at a\@secondoftwo
   \expandafter\@tfor\expandafter\reserved at b\expandafter
              :\expandafter=\input at path\do{%
-    \openin\@inputcheck\reserved at b#1 %
+    \openin\@inputcheck\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\reserved at b#1} %
-      \edef\@filef at und{\reserved at b#1 }%
+      \edef\@filef at und{"\reserved at b#1" }%
       \let\reserved at a\@firstoftwo%
       \@break at tfor
@@ -4334,14 +4342,18 @@
  \reserved at a  \else \@tempswatrue \fi}
 \protected\def\protected at file@percent{}
 \long\gdef\add at percent@to at temptokena
     #1\protected at file@percent#2\add at percent@to at temptokena
-    {\ifx!#2!\@temptokena\expandafter{#1}\else
-             \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
-      }\fi}
+    {\ifx!#2!\expandafter\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena\else
+             \expandafter\do at add@percent at to@temptokena\fi{#1}}
+\long\def\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena#1{%
+  \@temptokena\expandafter{#1}}
+\long\gdef\do at add@percent at to@temptokena#1{%
+  \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
+  }}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latexrelease.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latexrelease.sty	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/latexrelease.sty	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -419,6 +419,33 @@
+\IncludeInRelease{2019/10/01}{\filename at simple}
+                             {Final dot for extension}%
+\def\filename at simple#1.#2\\{%
+  \ifx\\#2\\%
+    \let\filename at ext\relax
+    \edef\filename at base{#1}%
+  \else
+    \filename at dots{#1}#2\\%
+  \fi}
+\def\filename at dots#1#2.#3\\{%
+  \ifx\\#3\\%
+    \def\filename at ext{#2}%
+    \edef\filename at base{#1}%
+  \else
+    \filename at dots{#1.#2}#3\\%
+  \fi}
+\IncludeInRelease{0000/00/00}{\filename at simple}
+                             {Final dot for extension}%
+  \def\filename at simple#1.#2\\{%
+    \ifx\\#2\\%
+       \let\filename at ext\relax
+    \else
+       \edef\filename at ext{\filename at dot#2\\}%
+    \fi
+    \edef\filename at base{#1}}
 %%% From File: ltdefns.dtx
@@ -1201,7 +1228,9 @@
 \def\set at curr@file#1{%
     \escapechar\m at ne
-    \xdef\@curr at file{\expandafter\string\csname\@firstofone#1\@empty\endcsname}%
+    \xdef\@curr at file{%
+      \expandafter\string
+        \csname\expandafter\unquote at name\expandafter{\@firstofone#1\@empty}\endcsname}%
 \def\quote at name#1{"\quote@@name#1\@gobble""}
@@ -1209,10 +1238,9 @@
 \def\unquote at name#1{\quote@@name#1\@gobble"}
   \set at curr@file{#1}%
-  \edef\q at curr@file{\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\@curr at file}}%
-  \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\q at curr@file}}
+  \expandafter\IfFileExists@\expandafter{\@curr at file}}
 \long\def \IfFileExists@#1#2#3{%
-  \openin\@inputcheck#1 %
+  \openin\@inputcheck"#1" %
     \ifx\input at path\@undefined
       \def\reserved at a{#3}%
@@ -1221,7 +1249,7 @@
-    \edef\@filef at und{#1 }%
+    \edef\@filef at und{"#1" }%
     \def\reserved at a{#2}%
   \reserved at a}
@@ -4206,14 +4234,18 @@
                  {\protected at file@percent}{Mask line endings}%
 \protected\def\protected at file@percent{}
 \long\gdef\add at percent@to at temptokena
     #1\protected at file@percent#2\add at percent@to at temptokena
-    {\ifx!#2!\@temptokena\expandafter{#1}\else
-             \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
-      }\fi}
+    {\ifx!#2!\expandafter\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena\else
+             \expandafter\do at add@percent at to@temptokena\fi{#1}}
+\long\def\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena#1{%
+  \@temptokena\expandafter{#1}}
+\long\gdef\do at add@percent at to@temptokena#1{%
+  \@temptokena\expandafter{#1%^^A
+  }}
@@ -4229,6 +4261,8 @@
                  {\protected at file@percent}{Mask line endings}%
 \let\protected at file@percent\@undefined
 \let\add at percent@to at temptokena\@undefined
+\let\do at add@percent at to@temptokena\@undefined
+\let\dont at add@percent at to@temptokena\@undefined

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.lua
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.lua	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.lua	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@
   wrapup_run           = simple,
   finish_pdffile            = data,
   finish_pdfpage            = data,
-  page_objnum_provider      = simple,
-  process_pdf_image_content = simple,
+  page_objnum_provider      = data,
+  process_pdf_image_content = data,
   define_font                     = exclusive,
   glyph_not_found                 = exclusive,
   glyph_stream_provider           = exclusive,

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.tex	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/ltluatex.tex	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   #1#2[#3]{\endgroup\immediate\write-1{File: #1 #3}}
-[2018/10/21 v1.1i
+[2019/10/22 v1.1j
   LuaTeX support for plain TeX (core)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/report.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/report.cls	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/report.cls	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
  Standard LaTeX document class]
 \newif\if at restonecol

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/shortvrb.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/shortvrb.sty	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/shortvrb.sty	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-  [2018/09/25 v2.1i
+  [2019/11/03 v2.1j
    Standard LaTeX documentation package (FMi)]
 %% Package `doc' to use with LaTeX 2e

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size10.clo	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 %% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
       Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
    \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+    \MakeRobust\normalsize
    \abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus4\p@

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size11.clo	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 %% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
       Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
    \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+    \MakeRobust\normalsize
    \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 %% and covered by LPPL is defined by the unpacking scripts (with
 %% extension .ins) which are part of the distribution.
-              [2019/08/27 v1.4j
+              [2019/10/25 v1.4k
       Standard LaTeX file (size option)]
@@ -52,7 +52,9 @@
    \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
+\ifx\MakeRobust\@undefined \else
+    \MakeRobust\normalsize
    \abovedisplayskip 11\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus6\p@

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/graphics/graphics.sty	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-          [2019/10/08 v1.3c  Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)]
+          [2019/11/01 v1.3d  Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)]
 \edef\Gin at codes{%
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@
      \edef\Gin at ext{#1}}{}}%
 \let\Gin at ext\relax
 \def\Gin at sepdefault{.}
+\edef\Gin at gzext{\detokenize{gz}}
 \def\Gin at temp#1{%
     \escapechar\m at ne
@@ -195,10 +196,15 @@
   \let\input at path\Ginput at path
   \set at curr@file{#1}%
-  \edef\uq at curr@file{\expandafter\unquote at name\expandafter{\@curr at file}}%
-  \expandafter\filename at parse\expandafter{\uq at curr@file}%
-  \edef\filename at area{\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\filename at area}}%
-  \edef\filename at base{\expandafter\quote at name\expandafter{\filename at base}}%
+  \expandafter\filename at parse\expandafter{\@curr at file}%
+  \ifx\filename at ext\Gin at gzext
+    \expandafter\filename at parse\expandafter{\filename at base}%
+    \ifx\filename at ext\relax
+      \let\filename at ext\Gin at gzext
+    \else
+      \edef\Gin at ext{\Gin at ext\Gin at sepdefault\Gin at gzext}%
+    \fi
+  \fi
   \ifx\filename at ext\relax
     \@for\Gin at temp:=\Gin at extensions\do{%
       \ifx\Gin at ext\relax
@@ -206,6 +212,20 @@
     \Gin at getbase{\Gin at sepdefault\filename at ext}%
+\ifx\Gin at ext\relax
+\let\Gin at savedbase\filename at base
+\let\Gin at savedext\filename at ext
+  \edef\filename at base{\filename at base\Gin at sepdefault\filename at ext}%
+  \let\filename at ext\relax
+   \@for\Gin at temp:=\Gin at extensions\do{%
+      \ifx\Gin at ext\relax
+        \Gin at getbase\Gin at temp
+      \fi}%
+  \ifx\Gin at ext\relax
+    \let\filename at base\Gin at savedbase
+    \let\filename at ext\Gin at savedext
+  \fi
     \ifx\Gin at ext\relax
        \@warning{File `#1' not found}%
        \def\Gin at base{\filename at area\filename at base}%

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/shellesc.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/shellesc.sty	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/shellesc.sty	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -49,8 +49,12 @@
 \ifx\PackageWarning\undefined\def\PackageWarning#1#2{\wlog{#1: #2}}\fi
-       [2016/06/07 v0.02b unified shell escape interface for LaTeX]
+       [2019/10/17 v1.0b unified shell escape interface for LaTeX]
+\chardef\shellesc at quotecat\catcode`\"
+\chardef\shellesc at underscorecat\catcode`\_
@@ -65,6 +69,7 @@
   \PackageWarning{shellesc}{Shell escape disabled}
   \PackageInfo   {shellesc}{Unrestricted shell escape enabled}
@@ -74,16 +79,36 @@
   \protected\def\ShellEscape{\immediate\write18 }
-  \protected\def\ShellEscape#1{%
-    \directlua{os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")}}
+  \protected\def\ShellEscape{\directlua\ShellEscape at Lua}
   \protected\def\DelayedShellEscape{\relax\write18 }
-  \protected\def\DelayedShellEscape#1{%
-    \latelua{os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")}}
+  \protected\def\DelayedShellEscape{\latelua\ShellEscape at Lua}
+\protected\def\ShellEscape at Lua#1{{%
+local status, msg = os.execute("\luaescapestring{#1}")%
+if status == nil then
+    texio.write_nl("log",%
+      "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+       .. ")...(" .. msg .. ")\string\n")
+  elseif status == 0 then
+    texio.write_nl("log",%
+      "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+      .. ")...executed\string\n")
+  else
+    texio.write_nl("log",%
+      "runsystem(" .. "\luaescapestring{#1}"%
+       .. ")...failed " .. (msg or "") .. "\string\n")
+  end
+ \catcode`\"\shellesc at quotecat
+ \catcode`\_\shellesc at underscorecat
+ \expandafter\endinput
 shellesc = shellesc or {}
 local function write_or_execute()
@@ -100,6 +125,8 @@
 \let\shellesc at write\write
+\catcode`\"\shellesc at quotecat
+\catcode`\"\shellesc at underscorecat
 %% End of file `shellesc.sty'.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/varioref.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/varioref.sty	2019-11-06 22:10:38 UTC (rev 52655)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tools/varioref.sty	2019-11-06 22:12:38 UTC (rev 52656)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
-    [2019/09/08 v1.6b package for extended references (FMi)]
+    [2019/11/05 v1.6c package for extended references (FMi)]
@@ -648,6 +648,7 @@
 \let\vref at space\space
+\let\vref at maybe@space\space

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