texlive[50431] Master: webquiz deref/remove symlinks

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sun Mar 17 22:54:02 CET 2019

Revision: 50431
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-03-17 22:54:02 +0100 (Sun, 17 Mar 2019)
Log Message:
webquiz deref/remove symlinks

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/examples
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/examples	2019-03-17 21:43:59 UTC (rev 50430)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/examples	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link ../../examples
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/webquiz-online-manual.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/webquiz-online-manual.tex	2019-03-17 21:43:59 UTC (rev 50430)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/webquiz-online-manual.tex	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link ../../webquiz-online-manual.tex
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/webquiz-online-manual.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/webquiz-online-manual.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/webquiz-online-manual.tex	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+%  Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Andrew Mathas, University of Sydney
+%  Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
+%                  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+% This file is part of the WebQuiz system.
+% <Andrew.Mathas at sydney.edu.au>
+%% This file is part of the WebQuiz class distribution
+% load webquiz-doc code -- the class file loads webquiz-ini.code.tex is first
+% using \textcolor or \color in \WebQuiz conflicts with the code to make
+% listings respect color in webquiz.cfg
+  \PackageError{WebQuiz}{This file must be compiled using latex not pdflatex}
+\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={WebQuiz online manual}}
+\title{WebQuiz: Web Quizzes using LaTeX}
+  \WebQuiz is a \LaTeX{} package for creating \textit{interactive}
+  web quizzes.  The idea is that you write the quiz using \LaTeX{} and that
+  \WebQuiz creates the web page from this file. Anything that you can
+  write using \LaTeX{} will be converted to \HTML by \WebQuiz. This
+  includes, for example, mathematics and graphics written using
+  \ctan{pstricks}.  \WebQuiz supports three different types of quiz
+  questions:
+  \begin{enumerate}
+  \item Multiple choice questions with a \emph{unique} correct answer.
+ (See \qref{question1})
+  \item Multiple choice questions with \emph{several} (or no)
+    correct answers.
+ (See \qref{question2})
+  \item Questions that require the student to enter an answer, which
+  can then be compared with the correct answer in several different
+  ways. (See \qref{question3})
+  \end{enumerate}
+The use of \WebQuiz is described in the next section. Later
+sections describe how each of the \WebQuiz environments are used.
+The \LatexCode|discussion| environment in \WebQuiz can also be used to
+write Web Pages like this one (The pages you are reading here were
+written using \WebQuiz.)
+\begin{discussion}[Basic Usage]
+Once you have a \WebQuiz file, you can run it through \LaTeX, in
+the usual way, to produce a readable version of your quiz. When you
+are happy with the quiz, use \WebQuiz to create the HTML
+version. Note that the printable version of the quiz does \emph{not}
+look like the web page; rather, it contains all of the information in
+an easily readable layout.
+  If, for example, your quiz file is called \emph{quiz1.tex} then you
+  can use the following commands:
+      > latex quiz1             % latex a quiz file
+      > pdflatex quiz1          % a PDF versio of the quiz
+      > xdvi quiz1              % view the quiz using xdvi
+      > dvips quiz1             % print the quiz
+      > webquiz quiz1           % converts the quiz to html
+  Converting the quiz to html can take quite a long time, particularly
+  if a large number of images need to be created.
+\begin{discussion}[WebQuiz files]
+  The basic structure of a \WebQuiz file is as follows:
+      \documentclass{webquiz}
+      \title{Quiz 1: Complex numbers}
+      \UnitCode{MATH1001}
+      \UnitName{Differential Calculus}
+      \UnitURL{/u/UG/JM/MATH1001/}
+      \QuizzesURL{/u/UG/JM/MATH1001/Quizzes/}
+      \begin{document}
+      \begin{discussion}[short heading][optional heading]
+          . . . % optional discussion
+      \end{discussion}
+      \begin{question} % question 1
+          . . .
+      \end{question}
+      \begin{question} % question 2
+          . . .
+      \end{question}
+      .
+      .
+      \end{document}
+  In the preamble of the \LaTeX{} file you can specify the unit code, the
+  name of the unit of study, the location of the homepage for the
+  unit and the index file for the quizzes for this unit; this is
+  done using the commands
+  \LatexCode|\UnitCode|,
+  \LatexCode|\UnitName|,
+  \LatexCode|\UnitURL| and
+  \LatexCode|\QuizzesURL| respectively. If the
+  command \LatexCode|\QuizzesURL| is omitted then the URL for the quiz
+  index file is set to \LatexCode|\UnitURL/|Quizzes.
+  The title of the quiz can be set in the preamble using the
+  \LatexCode|\title| command. Note that the \LatexCode|\title|
+  command \emph{must} appear before the \LatexCode|\begin{document}| command.
+  As in any \LaTeX{} document, the preamble can define macros and load
+  other \LaTeX{} packages the usual way .
+  By using the \LatexCode|discussion| environment you can summarise the
+  material for the students or add introductory material for the quiz.
+  For example, \LatexCode|discussion| environments can be used to recall
+  that main concepts being covered by the quiz or to give references to
+  the lecture notes for the unit. The syntax for the
+  \LatexCode|discussion| environment is as follows:
+      \begin{discussion}[optional short heading][optional heading]
+        . . .
+      \end{discussion}
+  Anything you like (text, mathematics, \ldots) can go inside
+  discussion environments.  The \emph{optional heading}, which defaults
+  to Discussion'', is used both as
+  the section heading on the web page and as the heading in the
+  side-menu on left hand side of the page. If a \textit{short heading}
+  is  also given then it is used in the side-menu. The quiz can contain
+  zero or more discussion items ( and zero or more quiz questions).
+  Questions are set inside a \LatexCode|question| environment. The text is
+  followed by the answers.
+  \WebQuiz supports three types of questions:
+  \begin{itemize}
+  \item Multiple choice questions with \emph{precisely one} correct
+    answer;
+  \item Multiple choice questions with \emph{zero or more } correct
+  answers;
+  \item Questions that require the students to enter an answer. Five
+  difference comparison methods are available.
+  \end{itemize}
+  With each of these types of questions you can (and should) provide
+  feedback to the students depending on whether their answer is
+  correct or incorrect. Below we describe how to produce these
+  different types of questions.
+\begin{discussion}[Question 1]
+  The syntax for a multiple choice question having \emph{precisely
+    one} correct answer is as follows:
+    \begin{question}
+      . . .question text
+      \begin{choice}
+        \(in)correct . . . text for (in)correct option
+        \feedback    . . . feedback on response
+        \(in)correct . . . text for (in)correct option
+        \feedback    . . . feedback on response
+        .
+        .
+        .
+      \end{choice}
+    \end{question}
+  The different choices in a multiple choice question must be inside a
+  \LatexCode|choice| environment. This environment behaves like a
+  standard \LaTeX{} list environment except that instead of using
+  \LatexCode|\item| for list item you use:
+  \begin{itemize}
+      \item \LatexCode|\correct| for a correct choice
+      \item \LatexCode|\incorrect| for an incorrect choice
+      \item \LatexCode|\feedback| to give feedback to the student when
+      they select this choice
+  \end{itemize}
+  At most one \LatexCode|\feedback| response should be given for each
+  \LatexCode|\correct| and each \LatexCode|\incorrect| response.
+  The \LatexCode|\feedback| commands are optional; however, it is
+  recommended that you use them because targeted feedback to the
+  students based on their responses can be beneficial.
+  \par
+  For example, the code below, when run through \WebQuiz, produces \qref{question1}
+  in the online manual quiz.
+   \begin{question}
+     The shaded region in the graph
+     \begin{center}
+       \begin{pspicture}(-3,-1.5)(3,4)
+         \pscircle[linewidth=1pt,linestyle=dashed,%
+                   fillcolor=SkyBlue,fillstyle=solid](1,1){2}
+         \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+         {->}(0,0)(-1.5,-1.5)(3.5,3.5)
+         \rput(3.75,0){$x$}
+         \rput(0,3.85){$iy$}
+         \rput(3,-0.4){3}
+         \rput(-0.4,3){3$i$}
+         \psdots(1,1)
+       \end{pspicture}
+     \end{center}
+     is equal to which of the following sets of complex numbers?
+     \begin{choice}
+       \incorrect $\{z \in \C : (z-1)^{2}+(z-(i+1))^{2}<2\}$
+       \feedback  The equation of a circle in the complex plane with
+       centre $a+ib$ and radius $r$ is
+       \begin{displaymath}
+         \{z\in\C : |z-(a+ib)|<r \}.
+       \end{displaymath}
+       \incorrect $\{z \in \C : z+(i+1)<2\}$
+       \feedback  You want the set of points whose \textit{distance}
+       from $1+i$ is less than $2$.
+       \correct   $\{z \in \C : |z-(i+1)|<2\}$
+       \feedback  The graph shows the set of complex numbers whose
+       distance from $1+i$ is less than $2$.
+       \incorrect $\{z \in \C : |z-2|<|i+1-2|\}$
+       \feedback  As $|i+1-2|=\sqrt 2$, this is the set of complex
+       numbers whose distance from $2$ is less than
+       $\sqrt 2$.
+       \incorrect None of the above.
+       \feedback The graph shows the set of complex numbers whose
+       distance from the centre of the circle is less than $2$.
+     \end{choice}
+   \end{question}
+\begin{discussion}[Question 2]
+ To allow multiple (or no) correct answer we add \LatexCode|multiple| as an
+  optional argument to the \LatexCode|choice| environment:
+    \begin{question}
+      . . .question text. . .
+      \begin{choice}[multiple]
+        \(in)correct . . . text for (in)correct option
+        \feedback    . . . feedback on response
+        \(in)correct . . . text for (in)correct option
+        \feedback    . . . feedback on response
+        .
+        .
+        .
+      \end{choice}
+    \end{question}
+  The only difference to the previous case is that zero or more
+  \LatexCode|\correct| commands can appear.
+  \par
+  For example, \qref{question2} below was typed into \WebQuiz
+  using the following commands:
+    \begin{question}
+      Which of the following numbers are prime?
+      \begin{choice}[multiple]
+        \incorrect 1
+        \feedback  By definition, a prime is a number greater than 1
+        whose only factors are 1 and itself.
+        \correct   19
+        \feedback  The only factors of 19 are 1 and itself.
+        \incorrect 6
+        \feedback  2 is a factor of 6
+        \correct   23
+        \feedback  The only factors of 23 are 1 and itself.
+        \correct   191
+        \feedback  The only factors of 191 are 1 and itself.
+      \end{choice}
+    \end{question}
+\begin{discussion}[Question 3]
+  By default, the \LatexCode|choice| environments puts the multiple
+  choice options into one column format. Sometimes the options look
+  better when listed in two or more columns, however, this should be
+  used sparingly as multiple columns do not always display well if the
+  quiz is viewed on a mobile device.  By using the \LatexCode|columns|
+  key word in a \LatexCode|choice| environment you can specify the
+  number of columns in the HTML version of the quiz.
+    \begin{question}
+      . . .question text. . .
+      \begin{choice}[multiple, columns=n]     . . . n columns
+        \(in)correct . . . text for (in)correct option
+        \feedback    . . . feedback on response
+        \(in)correct . . . text for (in)correct option
+        \feedback    . . . feedback on response
+        .
+        .
+        .
+      \end{choice}
+    \end{question}
+  If the optional argument \LatexCode|[multiple]| is not present, then the
+  question admits precisely one correct answer.
+  \par
+  For example, \qref{question3} below was typed into \WebQuiz
+  using the following commands:
+    \begin{question}
+      What are suitable parametric equations for this plane curve?
+      \begin{center}
+        \psset{unit=.6cm}
+        \begin{pspicture}(-2.5,-0.5)(5,5.5)
+          \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+          {->}(0,0)(-2.5,-1.5)(5,5)
+          \psellipse[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt](1,2)(3,2)
+        \end{pspicture}
+      \end{center}
+      \begin{choice}[columns=1]
+        \incorrect $x=2\cos t + 1$, $y=3\sin t + 2$
+        \feedback This is an ellipse with centre $(1,2)$ and with axes of
+        length $4$ in the $x$-direction and $6$ in the $y$-direction.
+        \begin{center}
+          \psset{unit=.6cm}
+          \begin{pspicture}(-2.5,-0.5)(5,5.5)
+            \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+            {->}(0,0)(-2.5,-1.5)(5,5)
+            \parametricplot[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt]{0}{360}%
+            {t cos 2 mul 1 add t sin 3 mul 2 add}
+          \end{pspicture}
+        \end{center}
+        \correct $x=3\cos t + 1$, $y=2\sin t + 2$
+        \feedback The curve is an ellipse centre (1,2) with axes length 6
+        in the $x$ direction and 4 in the $y$ direction.
+        \incorrect $x=3\cos t - 1$, $y=2\sin t - 2$
+        \feedback This is an ellipse with centre $(-1,-2)$ and with axes
+        of length $6$ in the $x$-direction and $4$ in the $y$-direction.
+        \begin{center}
+          \psset{unit=.6cm}
+          \begin{pspicture}(-5,-4)(1,2)
+            \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+            {<-}(0,0)(-4.5,-5.5)(1,2)
+            \parametricplot[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt]{0}{360}%
+            {t cos 3 mul 1 sub t sin 2 mul 2 sub}
+          \end{pspicture}
+        \end{center}
+        \incorrect $x=2\cos t - 1$, $y=3\sin t - 2$
+        \feedback This is an ellipse with centre $(-1,-2)$ and with axes
+        of length $4$ in the $x$-direction and $6$ in the $y$-direction.
+        \begin{center}
+          \psset{unit=.6cm}
+          \begin{pspicture}(-4,-5)(1,2)
+            \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+            {<-}(0,0)(-4.5,-5.5)(1,2)
+            \parametricplot[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt]{0}{360}%
+            { t cos 2 mul 1 sub t sin 3 mul 2 sub}
+          \end{pspicture}
+        \end{center}
+      \end{choice}
+    \end{question}
+\begin{discussion}[Question 4]
+  The final type of question that \WebQuiz supports is a question that
+  requires an answer, which can be a number or a string.  The answer is
+  typeset using the \LatexCode|\answer| macro. The \LatexCode|\answer|
+  macro takes two arguments: an optional comparison method, which
+  defaults to \LatexCode|string|, and the correct answer for the
+  question:
+  \begin{latexcode}
+    \answer[comparison method]{correct answer}
+  \end{latexcode}
+  Feedback for correct and incorrect answers is given
+  using the macros \LatexCode|\whenRight| and \LatexCode|\whenWrong|,
+  respectively. The structure of questions with \LatexCode|\answer|'s is as follows:
+  \begin{latexcode}
+         \begin{question}
+           . . .question text. . .
+           \answer[*][complex|integer|lowercase|number|string]{actual answer}
+           \whenRight . . . feedback when right (optional)
+           \whenWrong . . . feedback when wrong (optional)
+         \end{question}
+  \end{latexcode}
+  See the \WebQuiz manual for details of the different
+  comparison types.  For example, \qref{question4} below was typed into
+  \WebQuiz using the following commands:
+    \begin{question}
+      If the vectors $\vect{a}$ (of magnitude 8 units) and $\vect{b}$
+      (of magnitude 3 units) are perpendicular, what is the value
+      of
+      \begin{displaymath}
+        |\vect{a} -2\vect{b}|~?
+      \end{displaymath}
+      (Hint: Draw a diagram!)
+      \answer[number]{10}
+      \whenRight The vectors $\vect{a}$, \(-2\vect{b}\), and
+      $\vect{a} - 2\vect{b}$ form the sides of a right-angled
+      triangle, with sides of length $8$ and $6$ and
+      hypotenuse of length $|\vect{a} -2\vect{b}|$. Therefore
+      by Pythagoras' Theorem,
+      \(|\vect{a} -2\vect{b}|=\sqrt{8^2+6^2}=10\).
+      \whenWrong Draw a diagram and then use Pythagoras' theorem.
+    \end{question}
+\begin{discussion}[Index Files]
+  \WebQuiz also provides a mechanism for creating a web page
+  containing an index of all quizzes for a given Unit of Study.
+  This is done with a \WebQuiz file that contains a \LatexCode|quizindex|
+  environment. The syntax for this environment is as follows:
+    \begin{quizindex}
+      \quiz[url1]{title for quiz 1}
+      \quiz[url2]{title for quiz 2}
+      . . .
+    \end{quizindex}
+If no \textit{URL} is given as an optional argument to
+\LatexCode|\quiz| then
+  \WebQuiz sets the url(s) to \BashCode|quiz1.html|, \BashCode|quiz2.html|
+  and so on.
+    \WebQuiz was written and developed in the
+    \href{http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/}{School of Mathematics and
+    Statistics} at the \href{http://www.usyd.edu.au/}{University of
+    Sydney}.  The system is built on \LaTeX{} with the conversion from
+    \LaTeX{} to HTML using Eitan Gurari's
+    \href{http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/~gurari/TeX4ht/mn.html}{TeX4ht},
+    and Michal Hoftich's
+    \href{https://github.com/michal-h21/make4ht}{make4ht}.
+    To write quizzes using \WebQuiz it is only necessary to know
+    \LaTeX, however, the \WebQuiz system has three components:
+    \begin{itemize}
+      \item A \LaTeX{} document class file, \LatexCode{webquiz.cls}, and
+      a \TeXfht configuration file, \LatexCode{webquitexz.cfg}, that enable the
+      quiz files to be processed by \LaTeX{} and \TeXfht, respectively.
+      \item A python program, \BashCode{webquiz}, that translates the \XML
+      file that is produced by \TeXfht into \HTML.
+      \item Some \Javascript and \CSS that controls the quiz web page.
+    \end{itemize}
+   The \LaTeX{} component of \WebQuiz was written by Andrew Mathas and
+   the python, \CSS and \Javascript code was written by Andrew Mathas (and
+   Don Taylor), based on an initial prototype of Don Taylor's from 2001.
+   Since 2004 the program has been maintained and developed by Andrew
+   Mathas. Although the program has changed substantially since 2004,
+   Don's idea of using \TeXfht, and some of his code, is still in use.
+   Thanks are due to Bob Howlett for general help with CSS and, for
+   Version~5, to  Michal Hoftich for technical advice.
+  \label{question1}
+  The shaded region in the graph
+ \begin{center}
+    \begin{pspicture}(-3,-1.5)(3,4)
+      \pscircle[linewidth=1pt,linestyle=dashed,fillcolor=SkyBlue,fillstyle=solid](1,1){2}
+      \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+      {->}(0,0)(-1.5,-1.5)(3.5,3.5)
+      \rput(3.75,0){$x$}
+      \rput(0,3.85){$iy$}
+      \rput(3,-0.4){3}
+      \rput(-0.4,3){3$i$}
+      \psdots(1,1)
+    \end{pspicture}
+ \end{center}
+  is equal to which of the following sets of complex numbers?
+  \begin{choice}
+    \incorrect $\{z \in \C : (z-1)^{2}+(z-(i+1))^{2}<2\}$
+    \feedback  The equation of a circle in the complex plane with
+    centre $a+ib$ and radius $r$ is
+    \begin{displaymath}
+      \{z\in\C : |z-(a+ib)|<r \}.
+    \end{displaymath}
+    \incorrect $\{z \in \C : z+(i+1)<2\}$
+    \feedback  You want the set of points whose \textit{distance}
+    from $1+i$ is less than $2$.
+    \correct   $\{z \in \C : |z-(i+1)|<2\}$
+    \feedback  The graph shows the set of complex numbers whose
+    distance from $1+i$ is less than $2$.
+    \incorrect $\{z \in \C : |z-2|<|i+1-2|\}$
+    \feedback  As $|i+1-2|=\sqrt 2$, this is the set of complex
+    numbers whose distance from $2$ is less than
+    $\sqrt 2$.
+    \incorrect None of the above.
+    \feedback The graph shows the set of complex numbers whose
+    distance from the centre of the circle is less than $2$.
+  \end{choice}
+  \label{question2}
+  Which of the following numbers are prime?
+  \begin{choice}[multiple]
+    \incorrect 1
+    \feedback  By definition, a prime is a number greater than 1
+    whose only factors are 1 and itself.
+    \correct   19
+    \feedback  The only factors of 19 are 1 and itself.
+    \incorrect 6
+    \feedback  2 is a factor of 6
+    \correct   23
+    \feedback  The only factors of 23 are 1 and itself.
+    \correct   191
+    \feedback  The only factors of 191 are 1 and itself.
+  \end{choice}
+  \label{question3}
+  What are suitable parametric equations for this plane curve?
+  \begin{center}
+    \psset{unit=.6cm}
+    \begin{pspicture}(-2.5,-0.5)(5,5.5)
+      \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+      {->}(0,0)(-2.5,-1.5)(5,5)
+      \psellipse[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt](1,2)(3,2)
+    \end{pspicture}
+  \end{center}
+  \begin{choice}[columns=1]
+    \incorrect $x=2\cos t + 1$, $y=3\sin t + 2$
+    \feedback This is an ellipse with centre $(1,2)$ and with axes of
+    length $4$ in the $x$-direction and $6$ in the $y$-direction.
+    \begin{center}
+      \psset{unit=.6cm}
+      \begin{pspicture}(-2.5,-0.5)(5,5.5)
+        \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+        {->}(0,0)(-2.5,-1.5)(5,5)
+        \parametricplot[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt]{0}{360}%
+        {t cos 2 mul 1 add t sin 3 mul 2 add}
+      \end{pspicture}
+    \end{center}
+    \correct $x=3\cos t + 1$, $y=2\sin t + 2$
+    \feedback The curve is an ellipse centre (1,2) with axes length 6
+    in the $x$ direction and 4 in the $y$ direction.
+    \incorrect $x=3\cos t - 1$, $y=2\sin t - 2$
+    \feedback This is an ellipse with centre $(-1,-2)$ and with axes
+    of length $6$ in the $x$-direction and $4$ in the $y$-direction.
+    \begin{center}
+      \psset{unit=.6cm}
+      \begin{pspicture}(-5,-4)(1,2)
+        \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+        {<-}(0,0)(-4.5,-5.5)(1,2)
+        \parametricplot[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt]{0}{360}%
+        {t cos 3 mul 1 sub t sin 2 mul 2 sub}
+      \end{pspicture}
+    \end{center}
+    \incorrect $x=2\cos t - 1$, $y=3\sin t - 2$
+    \feedback This is an ellipse with centre $(-1,-2)$ and with axes
+    of length $4$ in the $x$-direction and $6$ in the $y$-direction.
+    \begin{center}
+      \psset{unit=.6cm}
+      \begin{pspicture}(-4,-5)(1,2)
+        \psaxes[linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,labels=none]%
+        {<-}(0,0)(-4.5,-5.5)(1,2)
+        \parametricplot[linecolor=SkyBlue,linewidth=2pt]{0}{360}%
+        { t cos 2 mul 1 sub t sin 3 mul 2 sub}
+      \end{pspicture}
+    \end{center}
+  \end{choice}
+  \label{question4}
+  If the vectors $\vect{a}$ (of magnitude 8 units) and $\vect{b}$
+  (of magnitude 3 units) are perpendicular, what is the value
+  of
+  \(|\vect{a} -2\vect{b}|\)~?
+  (Hint: Draw a diagram!)
+  \answer[number]{10} units
+  \whenRight The vectors $\vect{a}$, \(-2\vect{b}\), and
+  $\vect{a} - 2\vect{b}$ form the sides of a right-angled
+  triangle, with sides of length $8$ and $6$ and
+  hypotenuse of length $|\vect{a} -2\vect{b}|$. Therefore
+  by Pythagoras' Theorem,
+  \(|\vect{a} -2\vect{b}|=\sqrt{8^2+6^2}=10\).
+  \whenWrong Draw a diagram and then use Pythagoras' theorem.
+%% End of file `webquiz-manual.tex'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/webquiz/www/doc/webquiz-online-manual.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/webquiz/webquiz
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/webquiz/webquiz	2019-03-17 21:43:59 UTC (rev 50430)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/webquiz/webquiz	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-link webquiz.py
\ No newline at end of file

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/webquiz/webquiz
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/webquiz/webquiz	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/webquiz/webquiz	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -0,0 +1,1095 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+    webquiz | Online quizzes generated from LaTeX using python and TeX4ht
+               | This module mainly deals with command-line options and
+               | settings and then calls MakeWebQuiz to build the quiz
+    Copyright (C) Andrew Mathas and Donald Taylor, University of Sydney
+    Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL)
+                  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+    This file is part of the WebQuiz system.
+    <Andrew.Mathas at sydney.edu.au>
+import argparse
+import codecs
+import errno
+import glob
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import signal
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# imports of webquiz code
+import webquiz_makequiz
+import webquiz_templates
+import webquiz_util
+# read in basic meta data such as author, version, ... and set debugging=False
+    metadata = webquiz_util.MetaData(webquiz_util.kpsewhich('webquiz.ini'), debugging=False)
+except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+    # check to see if we are running from the zip file
+    ini_file = os.path.join(webquiz_util.webquiz_file(''), '..', 'latex', 'webquiz.ini')
+    try:
+        metadata = webquiz_util.MetaData(ini_file, debugging=False)
+    except (FileNotFoundError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
+        print('webquiz installation error: unable to find webquiz.ini -> {}'.format(ini_file))
+        sys.exit(1)
+# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def graceful_exit(sig, frame):
+    ''' exit gracefully on SIGINT and SIGTERM'''
+    if metadata:
+        webquiz_util.webquiz_error(False, 'program terminated (signal {}\n  {})'.format(sig, frame))
+    else:
+        webquiz_util.webquiz_error(False, 'program terminated (signal {})'.format(sig))
+signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, graceful_exit)
+signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, graceful_exit)
+def preprocess_with_pst2pdf(options, quiz_file):
+    r'''
+    Preprocess the latex file using pst2pdf. As we are preprocessing the file it
+    is not enough to have latex pass us a flag that tells us to use pst2pdf.
+    Instead, we have to extract the class file option from the tex file
+    INPUT: quiz_file should be the name of the quiz file, WITHOUT the .tex extension
+    '''
+    options.talk('Preprocessing {} with pst2pdsf'.format(quiz_file))
+    try:
+        # pst2pdf converts pspicture environments to svg images and makes a
+        # new latex file quiz_file+'-pdf' that includes these
+        cmd = 'pst2pdf --svg --imgdir={q_file} {q_file}.tex'.format(q_file=quiz_file)
+        options.run(cmd)
+    except OSError as err:
+        if err.errno == errno.ENOENT:
+            webquiz_util.webquiz_error(options.debugging, 'pst2pdf not found. You need to install pst2pdf to use the pst2pdf option', err)
+        else:
+            webquiz_util.webquiz_error(options.debugging, 'error running pst2pdf on {}'.format(quiz_file), err)
+    # match \includegraphics commands
+    fix_svg = re.compile(r'(\\includegraphics\[scale=1\])\{('+quiz_file+r'-fig-[0-9]*)\}')
+    # the svg images are in the quiz_file subdirectory but latex can't
+    # find them so we update the tex file to look in the right place
+    try:
+        with codecs.open(quiz_file + '-pdf.tex', 'r', encoding='utf8') as pst_file:
+            with codecs.open(quiz_file + '-pdf-fixed.tex', 'w', encoding='utf8') as pst_fixed:
+                for line in pst_file:
+                    pst_fixed.write(fix_svg.sub(r'\1{%s/\2.svg}' % quiz_file, line))
+    except OSError as err:
+        webquiz_util.webquiz_error(options.debugging,
+            'there was an problem running pst2pdf for {}'.format(quiz_file),
+            err
+        )
+class WebQuizSettings:
+    r'''
+    Class for initialising webquiz. This covers both reading and writing the
+    webquizrc file and copying files into the web directories during
+    initialisation. The settings themselves are stored in the attribute
+    settings, which is a dictionary. The class reads and writes the settings to
+    the webquizrc file and the values of the settings are available as items:
+        >>> wq = WebQuizSettings()
+        >>> wq['webquiz_url']
+        ... /WebQuiz
+        >>> wq['webquiz_url'] = '/new_url'
+    '''
+    # default of settings for the webquizrc file - a dictionary of dictionaries
+    # the 'help' field is for printing descriptions of the settings to help the
+    # user - they are also printed in the webquizrc file
+    settings = dict(
+        webquiz_url={
+            'default': '',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Relative URL for the webquiz web directory',
+        },
+        webquiz_www={
+            'default': '',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Full path to WebQuiz web directory',
+        },
+        language={
+            'default': 'english',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Default language used on web pages'
+        },
+        engine = {
+            'default': 'latex',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Default TeX engine used to compile web pages',
+            'values': dict(latex='', lua='--lua', xelatex='--xetex')
+        },
+        theme={
+            'default': 'default',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Default colour theme used on web pages'
+        },
+        breadcrumbs={
+            'default': '',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Breadcrumbs at the top of quiz page',
+        },
+        department={
+            'default': '',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Name of department',
+        },
+        department_url={
+            'default': '/',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'URL for department',
+        },
+        institution={
+            'default': '',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Institution or university',
+        },
+        institution_url={
+            'default': '/',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'URL for institution or university',
+        },
+        hide_side_menu={
+            'default': 'false',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Do not display the side menu at start of quiz',
+        },
+        one_page={
+            'default': 'false',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Display questions on one page',
+        },
+        random_order={
+            'default': 'false',
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'Randomly order the quiz questions',
+        },
+        webquiz_layout={
+            'default': 'webquiz_layout',
+            'advanced': True,
+            'help': 'Name of python module that formats the quizzes',
+        },
+        make4ht={
+            'default': '',
+            'advanced': True,
+            'help': 'Build file for make4ht',
+        },
+        mathjax={
+            'default':
+            'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/mathjax/2.7.1/MathJax.js',
+            'advanced':
+            True,
+            'help':
+            'URL for mathjax',
+        },
+        version={
+            'advanced': False,
+            'help': 'WebQuiz version number for webquizrc settings',
+        })
+    # by default we assume we don't need to print a initialisation warning
+    initialise_warning = ''
+    # turn debugging on by default because any error message that we hit before
+    # we process the command line options really should not happen
+    debugging = True
+    # keep track of whether we have initialised
+    have_initialised = False
+    def __init__(self):
+        '''
+        First read the system webquizrc file and then read the
+        to use some system settings and to override others.
+        By default, there is no webquiz initialisation file. We first
+        look for webquizrc in the webquiz source directory and then
+        for .webquizrc file in the users home directory.
+        '''
+        self.settings['version']['default'] = metadata.version
+        for key in self.settings:
+            self.settings[key]['value'] = self.settings[key]['default']
+            if not 'editable' in self.settings[key]:
+                self.settings[key]['editable'] = False
+        # define user and system rc file and load the ones that exist
+        self.system_rcfile = os.path.join(webquiz_util.kpsewhich('-var TEXMFLOCAL'),
+                                           'tex',
+                                           'latex',
+                                           'webquiz',
+                                           'webquizrc'
+        )
+        self.read_webquizrc(self.system_rcfile)
+        # the user rc file defaults to:
+        #   ~/.dotfiles/config/webquizrc if .dotfiles/config exists
+        #   ~/.config/webquizrc if .config exists
+        # and otherwise to ~/.webquizrc
+        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.dotfiles', 'config')):
+            self.user_rcfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.dotfiles', 'config', 'webquizrc')
+        elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config')):
+            self.user_rcfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'webquizrc')
+        else:
+            self.user_rcfile = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.webquizrc')
+        self.read_webquizrc(self.user_rcfile)
+    def webquiz_debug(self, msg):
+        r'''
+            Customised debugging message for the MakeSettings module
+        '''
+        webquiz_util.webquiz_debug(self.debugging, 'main: '+msg)
+    def webquiz_error(self, msg, err=None):
+        r'''
+            Customised error messages for the Module
+        '''
+        webquiz_util.webquiz_error(self.debugging, 'settings: '+msg, err)
+    def __getitem__(self, key):
+        r'''
+        Return the value of the corresponding setting. That is, it returns
+            self.settings[key]['value']
+        and an error if the key is unknown.
+        '''
+        if key in self.settings:
+            return self.settings[key]['value']
+        self.webquiz_error('getitem: unknown setting "{}" in webquizrc.'.format(key))
+    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+        r'''
+        Set the value of the corresponding setting. This is the equivalent of
+            self.settings[key]['value'] = value
+        and an error if the key is unknown.
+        '''
+        if key in self.settings:
+            self.settings[key]['value'] = value
+        else:
+            self.webquiz_error('setitem: unknown setting "{}" in webquizrc'.format(key))
+    def read_webquizrc(self, rcfile, must_exist=False):
+        r'''
+        Read the settings from the specified webquizrc file - if it exists, in
+        which case set self.rcfile equal to this directory. If the file does
+        not exist then return without changing the current settings.
+        '''
+        if os.path.isfile(rcfile):
+            try:
+                with codecs.open(rcfile, 'r', encoding='utf8') as webquizrc:
+                    for line in webquizrc:
+                        if '#' in line:  # remove comments
+                            line = line[:line.index('#')]
+                        if '=' in line:
+                            key, value = line.split('=')
+                            key = key.strip().lower().replace('-','_')
+                            value = value.strip()
+                            if key in self.settings:
+                                if value != self[key]:
+                                    self[key] = value
+                            elif key != '':
+                                self.webquiz_error('unknown setting "{}" in {}'.format(key, rcfile))
+                # record the rcfile for later use
+                self.rcfile = rcfile
+            except OSError as err:
+                self.webquiz_error('there was a problem reading the rc-file {}'.format(rcfile), err)
+            except Exception as err:
+                self.webquiz_error('there was an error reading the webquizrc file,', err)
+        elif must_exist:
+            # this is only an error if we have been asked to read this file
+            self.webquiz_error('the rc-file "{}" does not exist'.format(rcfile))
+    def keys(self):
+        r'''
+        Return a list of keys for all settings, ordered alphabetically with the
+        advanced options last/
+        '''
+        return sorted(self.settings.keys(), key=lambda k: '{}{}'.format(self.settings[k]['advanced'], k))
+    def write_webquizrc(self):
+        r'''
+        Write the settings to the webquizrc file, defaulting to the user
+        rcfile if unable to write to the system rcfile
+        '''
+        if not hasattr(self, 'rcfile'):
+            # when initialising an rcfile will not exist yet
+            self.rcfile = self.system_rcfile
+        file_not_written = True
+        while file_not_written:
+            try:
+                dire = os.path.dirname(self.rcfile)
+                if dire != '' and not os.path.isdir(dire):
+                    os.makedirs(dire, exist_ok=True)
+                with codecs.open(self.rcfile, 'w', encoding='utf8') as rcfile:
+                    for key in self.keys():
+                        # Only save settings in the rcfile if they have changed
+                        # Note that changed means changed from the last read
+                        # rcfile rather than from the default (of course, the
+                        # defaults serve as the "initial rcfile")
+                        if key == 'version' or self.settings[key]['default']!=self[key]:
+                            rcfile.write('# {}\n{:<17} = {}\n'.format(
+                                           self.settings[key]['help'],
+                                           key.replace('_','-'),
+                                           self[key])
+                            )
+                print('\nWebQuiz settings saved in {}\n'.format( self.rcfile))
+                input('Press RETURN to continue... ')
+                file_not_written = False
+            except (OSError, PermissionError) as err:
+                # if writing to the system_rcfile then try to write to user_rcfile
+                alt_rcfile = self.user_rcfile if self.rcfile != self.user_rcfile else self.system_rcfile
+                response = input(
+                    webquiz_templates.rc_permission_error.format(
+                        error=err,
+                        rcfile=self.rcfile,
+                        alt_rcfile=alt_rcfile))
+                if response.startswith('2'):
+                    self.rcfile = alt_rcfile
+                elif response.startswith('3'):
+                    rcfile = input('WebQuiz rc-file: ')
+                    print('\nTo access this rc-file you will need to use: webquiz --rcfile {} ...'.format(rcfile))
+                    self.rcfile = os.path.expanduser(rcfile)
+                elif not response.startswith('1'):
+                    print('exiting...')
+                    sys.exit(1)
+    def list_settings(self, setting='all'):
+        r'''
+        Print the non-default settings for webquiz from the webquizrc
+        '''
+        if not hasattr(self, 'rcfile'):
+            print(
+                'Please initialise WebQuiz using the command: webquiz --initialise\n'
+            )
+        if setting not in ['all', 'verbose', 'help']:
+            setting = setting.replace('-', '_')
+            if setting in self.settings:
+                print(self.settings[setting]['value'])
+            else:
+                self.webquiz_error('{} is an invalid setting'.format(setting))
+        elif setting=='all':
+            dash = '-'*len('WebQuiz rc-file: {}'.format(self.rcfile))
+            print('{dash}\nWebQuiz rc-file: {rcfile}\n{dash}'.format(rcfile=self.rcfile, dash=dash))
+            for key in self.keys():
+                print('{:<17} = {}'.format(key.replace('_', '-'), self[key]))
+            print('{dash}'.format(dash=dash))
+        elif setting=='help':
+            for key in self.keys():
+                print('{:<17} {}'.format(key.replace('_', '-'), self.settings[key]['help'].lower()))
+        else:
+            print('WebQuiz settings from {}'.format(self.rcfile))
+            for key in self.keys():
+                print('# {}{}\n{:<17} = {:<17}  {}'.format(
+                        self.settings[key]['help'],
+                        ' (advanced)' if self.settings[key]['advanced'] else '',
+                        key.replace('_', '-'),
+                        self[key],
+                        '(default)' if self[key]==self.settings[key]['default'] else ''
+                        )
+                )
+    def initialise_webquiz(self, need_to_initialise=False, developer=False):
+        r'''
+        Set the root for the WebQuiz web directory and copy the www files into
+        this directory. Once this is done save the settings to webquizrc.
+        This method should only be used when WebQuiz is being set up.
+        If `need_to_initialise` is `True` then this is a forced initialisation.
+        '''
+        # keep track of whether we have initialised
+        self.have_initialised = True
+        if need_to_initialise:
+            self.initialise_warning = webquiz_templates.web_initialise_warning
+            initialise = input(webquiz_templates.initialise_invite)
+            if initialise!='' and initialise.strip().lower()[0]!='y':
+                self['webquiz_url'] = 'http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/mathas/WebQuiz'
+                return
+        if self['webquiz_url']=='':
+            self['webquiz_url'] = '/WebQuiz'
+        # prompt for directory and copy files - are these reasonable defaults
+        # for each OS?
+        if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+            default_root = '/Library/WebServer/Documents/WebQuiz'
+            platform = 'Mac OSX'
+        elif sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+            default_root = ' c:\inetpub\wwwroot\WebQuiz'
+            platform = 'Windows'
+        else:
+            default_root = '/var/www/html/WebQuiz'
+            platform = sys.platform.capitalize()
+        if self['webquiz_www'] != '':
+            webquiz_root = self['webquiz_www']
+        else:
+            webquiz_root = default_root
+        print(webquiz_templates.initialise_introduction)
+        input('Press RETURN to continue... ')
+        print(webquiz_templates.webroot_request.format(
+                platform=platform,
+                webquiz_dir = webquiz_root)
+        )
+        input('Press RETURN to continue... ')
+        files_copied = False
+        while not files_copied:
+            web_dir = input('\nWebQuiz web directory:\n[{}] '.format(webquiz_root))
+            if web_dir == '':
+                web_dir = webquiz_root
+            else:
+                web_dir = os.path.expanduser(web_dir)
+            print('Web directory set to {}'.format(web_dir))
+            if web_dir=='SMS':
+                # undocumented: allow links to SMS web pages
+                self['webquiz_www'] = 'SMS'
+                self['webquiz_url'] = 'http://www.maths.usyd.edu.au/u/mathas/WebQuiz'
+            else:
+                try:
+                    # ...remove the doc directory
+                    web_doc = os.path.join(web_dir, 'doc')
+                    if os.path.isfile(web_doc) or os.path.islink(web_doc):
+                        os.remove(web_doc)
+                    elif os.path.isdir(web_doc):
+                        shutil.rmtree(web_doc)
+                    # Need to locate the www directory, which should be a subdirectory
+                    # of the webquiz doc directory. First try using texdoc
+                    webquiz_doc = ''
+                    try:
+                        webquiz_pdf = webquiz_util.shell_command('texdoc --list --machine webquiz.pdf').split()[-1]
+                        if webquiz_pdf.endswith('webquiz.pdf'):
+                            webquiz_doc = os.path.dirname(webquiz_pdf)
+                    except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+                        pass
+                    # if texdoc failed then try using TEXMFMAIN
+                    if webquiz_doc=='':
+                        try:
+                            webquiz_doc = os.path.join(webquiz_util.kpsewhich('-var TEXMFMAIN'), 'doc','latex', 'webquiz')
+                        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+                            pass
+                    # if we still don't have webquiz_doc then try working backwards from webquiz.cls
+                    # unlikely to work if TEXMFMAIN doesn't
+                    if not os.path.isdir(webquiz_doc):
+                        parent = os.path.dirname
+                        try:
+                            texdist_dir = parent(parent(parent(parent(parent(webquiz_util.kpsewhich('webquiz.cls'))))))
+                        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+                            print(webquiz_templates.not_installed.format(metadata.repository))
+                            sys.exit(1)
+                        webquiz_doc = os.path.join(texdist_dir, 'doc', 'latex', 'webquiz')
+                    # get the root directory of the source code for developer
+                    # mode and just in case webquiz_www still does not exist
+                    webquiz_src = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
+                    webquiz_www = os.path.join(webquiz_doc, 'www')
+                    if not os.path.isdir(webquiz_www):
+                        webquiz_www = os.path.join(webquiz_src, 'doc', 'www')
+                    if developer and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(webquiz_src, 'doc')):
+                        # this is a development version so add links from the
+                        # web directory to the css,doc and js directories
+                        print('\nInstalling files for development version')
+                        print('Linking web files {} -> {} ...\n'.format(web_dir, webquiz_src))
+                        if not os.path.exists(web_dir):
+                            os.makedirs(web_dir)
+                        for (src, target) in [('javascript', 'js'), ('css', 'css'), ('doc', 'doc')]:
+                            newlink = os.path.join(web_dir, target)
+                            try:
+                                os.remove(newlink)
+                            except FileNotFoundError:
+                                pass
+                            try:
+                                os.symlink(os.path.join(webquiz_src,src), newlink)
+                            except OSError as err:
+                                print('There was a problem linking {}: {}'.format(newlink, err))
+                    else:
+                        # loop until we find some files to install or exit
+                        while not os.path.isdir(webquiz_www) or webquiz_www=='':
+                            print('\nUnable to find the WebQuiz web files')
+                            webquiz_www = input('Please enter the location of the WebQuiz www directory\nor press RETURN to exit: ')
+                            webquiz_www = os.path.expanduser(webquiz_www)
+                            if webquiz_www=='':
+                                sys.exit()
+                            if not (webquiz_www.endswith('www/') or webquiz_www.endswith('www')):
+                                print('\nThe webquiz web directory is called www, so\n  {}\ncannot be the right directory.'.format(
+                                      webquiz_www)
+                                )
+                                webquiz_www = False
+                        # the www directory exists so we copy it to web_dir
+                        print('\nCopying web files to {} ...'.format(web_dir))
+                        webquiz_util.copytree(webquiz_www, web_dir)
+                    self['webquiz_www'] = web_dir
+                    files_copied = True
+                except PermissionError:
+                    print(webquiz_templates.permission_error.format(web_dir))
+                except OSError as err:
+                    print(webquiz_templates.oserror_copying.format(web_dir=web_dir, err=err))
+        if self['webquiz_www']!='SMS':
+            # now prompt for the relative url
+            webquiz_url = input(webquiz_templates.webquiz_url_message.format(self['webquiz_url']))
+            if webquiz_url != '':
+                # removing trailing slashes from webquiz_url
+                while webquiz_url[-1] == '/':
+                    webquiz_url = webquiz_url[:len(webquiz_url) - 1]
+                if webquiz_url[0] != '/':  # force URL to start with /
+                    webquiz_url = '/' + webquiz_url
+                if not web_dir.endswith(webquiz_url):
+                    print(webquiz_templates.webquiz_url_warning)
+                    input('Press RETURN to continue... ')
+                self['webquiz_url'] = webquiz_url
+        # save the settings and exit
+        self.write_webquizrc()
+        print(webquiz_templates.initialise_ending.format(web_dir=self['webquiz_www']))
+    def edit_settings(self):
+        r'''
+        Change current default values for the WebQuiz settings
+        '''
+        advanced_not_started = True
+        for key in self.keys():
+            if key not in ['webquiz_www', 'version']:
+                if advanced_not_started and self.settings[key]['advanced']:
+                    print(webquiz_templates.advanced_settings)
+                    advanced_not_started = False
+                skey = '{}'.format(self[key])
+                setting = input('{}{}[{}]: '.format(
+                                    self.settings[key]['help'],
+                                    ' ' if len(skey)<40 else '\n',
+                                    skey
+                          )
+                ).strip()
+                if setting != '':
+                    if key == 'webquiz_url' and setting[0] != '/':
+                        print("  ** prepending '/' to webquiz_url **")
+                        setting = '/' + setting
+                    elif key == 'webquiz_layout':
+                        setting = os.path.expanduser(setting)
+                        if setting.endswith('.py'):
+                            print("  ** removing .py extension from webquiz_layout **")
+                            setting = setting[:-3]
+                    elif key == 'engine' and setting not in self.settings['engine'].values:
+                        print('setting not changed: {} is not a valid TeX engine'.format(setting))
+                        setting = self['engine']
+                    elif key in ['hide_side_menu', 'random_order']:
+                        setting = setting.lower()
+                        if setting not in ['true', 'false']:
+                            print('setting not changed: {} must be True or False'.format(key))
+                            setting = self[key]
+                    elif setting=='NONE':
+                        setting = ''
+                    self[key] = setting
+        # save the settings, print them and exit
+        self.write_webquizrc()
+        self.list_settings()
+    def tex_install(self):
+        r'''
+        Install the tex files into the standard locations in TEXMFMAIN:
+            scripts -> TEXMFMAIN/scripts/webquiz
+            doc     -> TEXMFMAIN/doc/latex/webquiz
+            latex   -> TEXMFMAIN/tex/latex/webquiz
+        It is assumed that this is run from the zipfile installation. There
+        is little in the way of error checking or debugging.
+        Undocumented feature - useful for debugging initialisation routine
+        '''
+        webquiz_top = os.path.abspath(webquiz_util.webquiz_file('..'))
+        texmf = webquiz_util.kpsewhich('-var TEXMFMAIN')
+        for (src, target) in [('scripts', 'scripts'),
+                         ('latex', 'tex/latex'),
+                         ('doc', 'doc/latex')]:
+            try:
+                webquiz_util.copytree(os.path.join(webquiz_top,src), os.path.join(texmf, target, 'webquiz'))
+            except (FileExistsError,FileNotFoundError):
+                continue
+            except PermissionError as err:
+                print(webquiz_templates.insufficient_permissions.format(err))
+                sys.exit(1)
+        try:
+            # add a link to webquiz.py
+            texbin = os.path.dirname(webquiz_util.shell_command('which pdflatex').split()[-1])
+            os.symlink(os.path.join(texmf,'scripts','webquiz','webquiz.py'), os.path.join(texbin, 'webquiz'))
+            subprocess.call('mktexlsr', shell=True)
+        except (FileExistsError,FileNotFoundError):
+            pass
+        except PermissionError as err:
+            print(webquiz_templates.insufficient_permissions.format(err))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
+            print('There was a problem running mktexlsr')
+            sys.exit(1)
+    def tex_uninstall(self):
+        r'''
+        UnInstall the tex files into TEXMFMAIN. It is assumed that the files
+        are installed in the natural locations in the TEXMFMAIN tree, namely:
+            scripts -> TEXMFMAIN/scripts/webquiz
+            doc     -> TEXMFMAIN/doc/latex/webquiz
+            latex   -> TEXMFMAIN/tex/latex/webquiz
+        There is little in the way of error checking or debugging.
+        Undocumented feature - useful for debugging initialisation routine
+        '''
+        webquiz_top = os.path.abspath(webquiz_util.webquiz_file('..'))
+        texmf = webquiz_util.kpsewhich('-var TEXMFMAIN')
+        for target in ['scripts', 'tex/latex', 'doc/latex']:
+            try:
+                shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(texmf, target, 'webquiz'))
+            except (FileExistsError,FileNotFoundError):
+                pass
+            except PermissionError as err:
+                print(webquiz_templates.insufficient_permissions.format(err))
+                sys.exit(1)
+        try:
+            # remove link from texbin to webquiz.py
+            texbin = os.path.dirname(webquiz_util.shell_command('which pdflatex').split()[-1])
+            os.remove(os.path.join(texbin, 'webquiz'))
+        except (FileExistsError,FileNotFoundError):
+            pass
+        except PermissionError as err:
+            print(webquiz_templates.insufficient_permissions.format(err))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # remove any rcfiles that exist in obvious places
+        try:
+            if os.path.isfile(self.system_rcfile):
+                os.remove(self.system_rcfile)
+            if os.path.isfile(self.user_rcfile):
+                os.remove(self.user_rcfile)
+            if os.path.isfile(self.rcfile):
+                os.remove(self.rcfile)
+        except PermissionError:
+            print(webquiz_templates.insufficient_permissions.format(err))
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # remove link to webquiz.py
+        texbin = os.path.dirname(webquiz_util.shell_command('which pdflatex').split()[-1])
+        webquiz = os.path.join(texbin,'webquiz')
+        try:
+            target = os.readlink(webquiz)
+            if target==os.path.join(texmf,'scripts','webquiz','webquiz.py'):
+                os.remove(webquiz)
+        except (FileExistsError,FileNotFoundError):
+            pass
+        except OSError as err:
+            print('There was a problem removing the link to webquiz: {}'.format(err))
+    def uninstall_webquiz(self):
+        r'''
+        Remove all of the webquiz files from the webserver
+        '''
+        if os.path.isdir(self['webquiz_www']):
+            remove = input('Do you really want to remove the WebQuiz from your web server [N/yes]? ')
+            if remove != 'yes':
+                print('WebQuiz unistall aborted!')
+                return
+            try:
+                shutil.rmtree(self['webquiz_www'])
+                print('WebQuiz files successfully removed from {}'.format(self['webquiz_www']))
+            except PermissionError as err:
+                print(webquiz_templates.insufficient_permissions.format(err))
+                sys.exit(1)
+            except OSError as err:
+                self.webquiz_error('There was a problem removing webquiz files from {}'.format(self['webquiz_www']), err)
+            # now reset and save the locations of the webquiz files and URL
+            self['webquiz_url'] = ''
+            self['webquiz_www'] = ''
+            self.write_webquizrc()
+        else:
+            self.webquiz_error('uninstall: no webwquiz files are installed on your web server??')
+        for rfile in ['system', 'user']:
+            rcfile = getattr(self, rfile+'_rcfile')
+            if os.path.isfile(rcfile):
+                rm = input('Remove {} rcfile {}\n[Y/no] '.format(rfile, rcfile))
+                if rm != 'no':
+                    try:
+                        os.remove(rcfile)
+                    except (OSError, PermissionError) as err:
+                        self.webquiz_error('There was a problem deleting {}'.format(rcfile), err)
+# =====================================================
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    try:
+        settings = WebQuizSettings()
+        # parse the command line options
+        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=metadata.description)
+        parser.add_argument(
+            'quiz_file',
+            nargs='*',
+            type=str,
+            default=None,
+            help='latex quiz files')
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '-q',
+            '--quiet',
+            action='count',
+            default=0,
+            help='Suppress tex4ht messages (also -qq etc)')
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '-d', '--draft',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Use make4ht draft mode')
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '-s',
+            '--shell-escape',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Shell escape for tex4ht/make4ht')
+        engine = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+        engine.add_argument(
+            '--latex',
+            action='store_const',
+            const='latex',
+            default=settings['engine'],
+            dest='engine',
+            help='Use latex to compile document with make4ht (default)')
+        engine.add_argument(
+            '-l',
+            '--lua',
+            action='store_const',
+            const='lua',
+            dest='engine',
+            help='Use lualatex to compile the quiz')
+        engine.add_argument(
+            '-x',
+            '--xelatex',
+            action='store_const',
+            const='xelatex',
+            dest='engine',
+            help='Use xelatex to compile the quiz')
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '-r',
+            '--rcfile',
+            action='store',
+            default=None,
+            help='Specify location of the webquiz rc-file ')
+        settings_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+        settings_parser.add_argument(
+            '-i',
+            '--initialise',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Install web components of webquiz')
+        settings_parser.add_argument(
+            '-e', '--edit-settings',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help='Edit default settings for webquiz')
+        settings_parser.add_argument(
+            '--settings',
+            action='store',
+            const='all',
+            default='',
+            nargs='?',
+            type=str,
+            help='List default settings for webquiz'
+        )
+        settings_parser.add_argument(
+            '--developer',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+        )
+        # options suppressed from the help message
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '-m',
+            '--make4ht',
+            action='store',
+            type=str,
+            dest='make4ht_options',
+            default=settings['make4ht'],
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '--webquiz_layout',
+            action='store',
+            type=str,
+            dest='webquiz_layout',
+            default=settings['webquiz_layout'],
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+        )
+        install_parser = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+        install_parser.add_argument(
+            '--tex-install',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+        )
+        install_parser.add_argument(
+            '--tex-uninstall',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+        )
+        install_parser.add_argument(
+            '--uninstall',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+        )
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '--version',
+            action='version',
+            version='%(prog)s version {}'.format(metadata.version),
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '--debugging',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS)
+        parser.add_argument(
+            '--shorthelp',
+            action='store_true',
+            default=False,
+            help=argparse.SUPPRESS
+        )
+        # parse the options
+        options = parser.parse_args()
+        options.prog = parser.prog
+        # set debugging mode from options
+        settings.debugging = options.debugging
+        # read the rcfile and throw an error if we are not adjusting the settings
+        if options.rcfile is not None:
+            rcfile = os.path.expanduser(options.rcfile)
+            settings.read_webquizrc(rcfile)
+        if options.uninstall:
+            # uninstall web files and exit
+            settings.uninstall_webquiz()
+            sys.exit()
+        elif options.tex_install:
+            # install files from zip file into tex distribution and then exit
+            settings.tex_install()
+            sys.exit()
+        elif options.tex_uninstall:
+            # install files from zip file into tex distribution and then exit
+            settings.tex_uninstall()
+            sys.exit()
+        # initialise and exit
+        if options.initialise or options.developer:
+            settings.initialise_webquiz(developer=options.developer)
+        # force initialisation if the url is not set
+        elif settings['webquiz_url'] == '':
+            settings.initialise_webquiz(need_to_initialise=True)
+        # list settings and exit
+        if options.settings != '':
+            settings.list_settings(options.settings)
+            sys.exit()
+        # edit settings and exit
+        if options.edit_settings:
+            settings.edit_settings()
+            sys.exit()
+        # print short help and exit
+        if options.shorthelp:
+            parser.print_usage()
+            sys.exit()
+        # if no filename then exit
+        if options.quiz_file==[]:
+            if settings.have_initialised:
+                sys.exit()
+            else:
+                parser.print_help()
+                sys.exit(1)
+        # import the local page formatter
+        mod_dir, mod_layout = os.path.split(options.webquiz_layout)
+        if mod_dir != '':
+            sys.path.insert(0, mod_dir)
+        options.write_web_page = __import__(mod_layout).write_web_page
+        # run() is a shorthand for executing system commands depending on the quietness
+        #       - we need to use shell=True because otherwise pst2pdf gives an error
+        # options.talk() is a shorthand for letting the user know what is happening
+        if options.quiet == 0:
+            options.run = lambda cmd: subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+            options.talk = lambda msg: print(msg)
+        elif options.quiet == 1:
+            options.run  = lambda cmd: subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
+            options.talk = lambda msg: print(msg)
+        else:
+            options.run  = lambda cmd: subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True, stdout=open(os.devnull, 'wb'), stderr=open(os.devnull, 'wb'))
+            options.talk = lambda msg: None
+        # run through the list of quizzes and make them
+        for quiz_file in options.quiz_file:
+            if len(options.quiz_file) > 1 and options.quiet < 3:
+                print('Making web page for {}'.format(quiz_file))
+            # quiz_file is assumed to be a tex file if no extension is given
+            if not '.' in quiz_file:
+                quiz_file += '.tex'
+            if not os.path.isfile(quiz_file):
+                print('WebQuiz error: cannot read file {}'.format(quiz_file))
+            else:
+                # the quiz name and the quiz_file will be if pst2pdf is used
+                quiz_name = quiz_file
+                if options.quiet < 2:
+                    print('WebQuiz generating web page for {}'.format(quiz_file))
+                # If the pst2podf option is used then we need to preprocess
+                # the latex file BEFORE passing it to MakeWebQuiz. Set
+                # options.pst2pdf = True if pst2pdf is given as an option to
+                # the webquiz documentclass
+                with codecs.open(quiz_file, 'r', encoding='utf8') as q_file:
+                    doc = q_file.read()
+                options.pst2pdf = False
+                try:
+                    brac = doc.index(r'\documentclass[') + 15  # start of class options
+                    if 'pst2pdf' in [
+                            opt.strip()
+                            for opt in doc[brac:brac+doc[brac:].index(']')].split(',')
+                    ]:
+                        preprocess_with_pst2pdf(options, quiz_file[:-4])
+                        options.pst2pdf = True
+                        # now run webquiz on the modified tex file
+                        quiz_file = quiz_file[:-4] + '-pdf-fixed.tex'
+                except ValueError:
+                    pass
+                # the file exists and is readable so make the quiz
+                webquiz_makequiz.MakeWebQuiz(quiz_name, quiz_file, options, settings, metadata)
+                quiz_name = quiz_name[:quiz_name.index('.')]  # remove the extension
+                # move the css file into the directory for the quiz
+                css_file = os.path.join(quiz_name, quiz_name + '.css')
+                if os.path.isfile(quiz_name + '.css'):
+                    if os.path.isfile(css_file):
+                        os.remove(css_file)
+                    shutil.move(quiz_name + '.css', css_file)
+                # now clean up unless debugging
+                if not options.debugging:
+                    for ext in ['4ct', '4tc', 'dvi', 'idv', 'lg', 'log',
+                        'ps', 'pdf', 'tmp', 'xml', 'xref'
+                    ]:
+                        if os.path.isfile(quiz_name + '.' + ext):
+                            os.remove(quiz_name + '.' + ext)
+                    # files created when using pst2pdf
+                    if options.pst2pdf:
+                        for file in glob.glob(quiz_name + '-pdf.*'):
+                            os.remove(file)
+                        for file in glob.glob(quiz_name + '-pdf-fixed.*'):
+                            os.remove(file)
+                        for extention in ['.preamble', '.plog', '-tmp.tex',
+                                '-pst.tex', '-fig.tex'
+                        ]:
+                            if os.path.isfile(quiz_name + extention):
+                                os.remove(quiz_name + extention)
+                        if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(quiz_name, quiz_name)):
+                            shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(quiz_name, quiz_name))
+        if settings.initialise_warning != '':
+            print(webquiz_templates.text_initialise_warning)
+    except Exception as err:
+        # there is a small chance that there is an error before we the
+        # settings.debugging flag has been set
+        webquiz_util.webquiz_error(settings.debugging if 'settings' in globals() else True,
+            'unknown problem.\n\nIf you think this is a bug please report it by creating an issue at\n    {}\n'
+            .format(metadata.repository), err)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/webquiz/webquiz
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tl
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tl	2019-03-17 21:43:59 UTC (rev 50430)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/ctan2tl	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@
 # check for file names differing in case only.
 find $pkg \( -name .svn \) -prune -o -print | sort -f | uniq -i -d >&2
+# check for symlinks
+find $pkg -type l -ls | grep -v /Master/bin | sort >&2
 # show list of files (and tee to tmp).
 find $pkg \! -type d -printf "%TY%Tm%Td.%TH%TM %p\n" | sort -k2 \
 | tee ${TMPDIR-/tmp}/ctan2tl.files

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/deref-symlinks
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/deref-symlinks	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/deref-symlinks	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# $Id$
+# Originally written by Karl Berry. Public domain.
+# Replace symlinks to files with the actual files.
+# Symlinks to anything else are not touched.
+if test "x$1" = --save-links; then
+  savelinks=true
+  savelinks=false
+for f in "$@"; do
+  test -h "$f" || continue  # skip non-symlinks
+  test -f "$f" || continue  # skip links to anything but regular files
+  cp --dereference "$f" "$f".file  # expand link
+  mv "$f" "$f".link                # move link out of the way
+  mv -v "$f".file "$f"             # replace with regular file
+  $savelinks || rm "$f".link       # remove link unless keeping

Property changes on: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/deref-symlinks
Added: svn:executable
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: svn:keywords
## -0,0 +1 ##
+Date Author Id Revision
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-messages
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-messages	2019-03-17 21:43:59 UTC (rev 50430)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tl-update-messages	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -58,6 +58,12 @@
-rm -f $tmpfile $tmpa $tmpb messages.prev
+ls -l $tmpfile $tmpa $tmpb messages.prev
+rm -v $tmpfile $tmpa $tmpb messages.prev
+if test "$failed" != 0; then
+  echo "$0: exiting with bad status $failed." >&2
 exit $failed

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2019-03-17 21:43:59 UTC (rev 50430)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2019-03-17 21:54:02 UTC (rev 50431)
@@ -1494,6 +1494,7 @@
  'tudscr'		=> '&POSTtudscr',
  'uplatex'              => '&POST_preserve_man',
  'velthuis'		=> '&POSTvelthuis',
+ 'webquiz'		=> '&POST_deref_symlink',
  'xecyr'                => '&POSTxecyr',
  'xetex-pstricks'       => '&POSTxetexpstricks',
  'xindex'               => '&POSTxindex',
@@ -6712,6 +6713,11 @@
   &SYSTEM ("find $DEST -type l | xargs --no-run-if-empty $RM");
+sub POST_deref_symlink {
+  print "POST$package - dereferencing symlinks\n";
+  &SYSTEM ("find $DEST -type l | xargs deref-symlinks");

 # Allow overrides.  In particular, CTAN can change some hashes to make
 # packages with licenses that TL doesn't allow.

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