texlive[50319] Master: brandeis-problemset (10mar19)
commits+karl at tug.org
commits+karl at tug.org
Sun Mar 10 22:01:45 CET 2019
Revision: 50319
Author: karl
Date: 2019-03-10 22:01:45 +0100 (Sun, 10 Mar 2019)
Log Message:
brandeis-problemset (10mar19)
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/README.md 2019-03-10 21:00:33 UTC (rev 50318)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/README.md 2019-03-10 21:01:45 UTC (rev 50319)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# The `brandeis-problemset` document class
-Brandeis University's computer science (“cosi”) courses often assign “problem
+Brandeis University's computer science (“COSI”) courses often assign “problem
sets” which require fairly rigorous formatting. The `brandeis-problemset`
document class, which extends `article`, provides a simple way to typeset these
problem sets in LaTeX.
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
File | Description
brandeis-problemset.cls | The brandeis-problemset document class
+brandeis-problemset.sty | Support package providing commands for the document class
brandeis-problemset.pdf | Documentation (English)
brandeis-problemset.tex | Documentation source
example.tex | Example problem set
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.tex 2019-03-10 21:00:33 UTC (rev 50318)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.tex 2019-03-10 21:01:45 UTC (rev 50319)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
\author{Rebecca Turner\thanks{Brandeis University; \email{rebeccaturner at brandeis.edu}}}
\title{The \bps\ Document Class}
-\date{2019/03/06 0.5.0}
+\date{2019/03/09 0.5.1}
@@ -739,6 +739,9 @@
context-free grammars.
+\shortversion{v=0.5.1, date=2019-03-09, changes={Distribution erroneously
+ excluded \filename{brandeis-problemset.sty}.}}
\begin{version}[v=0.5.0, date=2019-03-06]
\item |\newacronym| and |\newacronyms| commands.
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/brandeis-problemset/example.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.cls 2019-03-10 21:00:33 UTC (rev 50318)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.cls 2019-03-10 21:01:45 UTC (rev 50319)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-\ProvidesClass{brandeis-problemset}[2019/03/06 0.5.0 COSI problem sets at
+\ProvidesClass{brandeis-problemset}[2019/03/09 0.5.1 COSI problem sets at
Brandeis University]
% Description: A document class for Brandeis University's computer science
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.sty (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.sty 2019-03-10 21:01:45 UTC (rev 50319)
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{brandeis-problemset}[2019/03/09 0.5.1 Commands for COSI
+ problem sets at Brandeis University]
+% utility
+ family=bps,
+ prefix=bps@,
+% initializes complementary #1 and no#1 options
+\NewDocumentCommand{\bps at comploption}{O{false} m}{%
+ \DeclareBoolOption[#1]{#2}%
+ \DeclareComplementaryOption{no#2}{#2}}
+\bps at comploption{scheme}
+\bps at comploption{pseudocode}
+\bps at comploption{assembly}
+\bps at comploption{gantt}
+\bps at comploption{solution}
+\bps at comploption{maketitle}
+\bps at comploption{header}
+\bps at comploption{tabu}
+\bps at comploption{listings}
+\bps at comploption{config}
+\let\bps at comploption\relax
+\newif\iffontspec at ok
+\fontspec at okfalse
+ \fontspec at oktrue
+ \fontspec at oktrue
+\newif\ifbps at listingssetup
+\newcommand{\bps at setuplistings}{%
+ \ifbps at listingssetup
+ \else
+ \RequirePackage{listings}%
+ \lstset{
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ numbers=left,
+ numberstyle=\color{gray}\ttfamily,
+ aboveskip=1em,
+ belowskip=0.5em,
+ breaklines,
+ breakatwhitespace=true,
+ tabsize=4,
+ keywordstyle={\bf\ttfamily\color[rgb]{0,.3,.7}},
+ commentstyle={\color[rgb]{0.133,0.545,0.133}},
+ stringstyle={\color[rgb]{0.75,0.49,0.07}},
+ }%
+ \RequirePackage{xcolor}%
+ \bps at listingssetuptrue
+ \fi
+\ifbps at listings
+ \bps at setuplistings
+ \lstnewenvironment{java}[1][]
+ {\lstset{language=java, #1}}
+ {}
+\ifbps at scheme
+ \bps at setuplistings
+ % Language definition by Rebecca Turner and Andreas Stuhlmüller.
+ \lstdefinelanguage[R5RS]{Scheme}{
+ morekeywords={*,/,<=,<,=>,=,>=,>,+,-,%
+ % ``These procedures are compositions of car and cdr \dots\
+ % Arbitrary compositions, up to four deep, are provided. There are
+ % twenty-eight of these procedures in all.'' (6.3.2)
+ car,cbr,caar,cabr,cbar,cbbr,caaar,caabr,cabar,cabbr,cbaar,%
+ cbabr,cbbar,cbbbr,caaaar,caaabr,caabar,caabbr,cabaar,cababr,%
+ cabbar,cabbbr,cbaaar,cbaabr,cbabar,cbabbr,cbbaar,cbbabr,cbbbar,%
+ cbbbbr,%
+ % Define the rest of the primitives, from R5RS'
+ % \href{https://schemers.org/Documents/Standards/R5RS/HTML/r5rs-Z-H-15.html#%_chap_Temp_11}{``Alphabetic
+ % Index of Definitions of Concepts, Keywords, and Procedures''}
+ abs,acos,and,angle,append,apply,asin,assoc,%
+ assq,assv,atan,begin,boolean?,%
+ call-with-current-continuation,call-with-input-file,%
+ call-with-output-file,call-with-values,case,%
+ ceiling,char->integer,char-alphabetic?,char-ci<=?,char-ci<?,%
+ char-ci=?,char-ci>=?,char-ci>?,char-downcase,char-lower-case?,%
+ char-numeric?,char-ready?,char-upcase,char-upper-case?,%
+ char-whitespace?,char<=?,char<?,char=?,char>=?,char>?,char?,%
+ close-input-port,close-output-port,complex?,cond,cons,cos,%
+ current-input-port,current-output-port,define,define-syntax,delay,%
+ denominator,display,do,dynamic-wind,else,eof-object?,eq?,%
+ equal?,eqv?,eval,even?,exact->inexact,exact?,exp,expt,floor,%
+ for-each,force,gcd,if,imag-part,inexact->exact,inexact?,%
+ input-port?,integer->char,integer?,interaction-environment,lambda,%
+ lcm,length,let,let*,let-syntax,letrec,letrec-syntax,list,%
+ list->string,list->vector,list-ref,list-tail,list?,load,log,%
+ magnitude,make-polar,make-rectangular,make-string,make-vector,%
+ map,max,member,memq,memv,min,modulo,negative?,newline,not,%
+ null-environment,null?,number->string,number?,numerator,odd?,%
+ open-input-file,open-output-file,or,output-port?,pair?,peek-char,%
+ port?,positive?,procedure?,quasiquote,quote,quotient,rational?,%
+ rationalize,read,read-char,real-part,real?,remainder,reverse,%
+ round,scheme-report-environment,set!,set-car!,set-cdr!,setcar,%
+ sin,sqrt,string,string->list,string->number,string->symbol,%
+ string-append,string-ci<=?,string-ci<?,string-ci=?,string-ci>=?,%
+ string-ci>?,string-copy,string-fill!,string-length,string-ref,%
+ string-set!,string<=?,string<?,string=?,string>=?,string>?,%
+ string?,substring,symbol->string,symbol?,syntax-rules,tan,%
+ transcript-off,transcript-on,truncate,values,vector,vector->list,%
+ vector-fill!,vector-length,vector-ref,vector-set!,vector?,%
+ with-input-from-file,with-output-to-file,write,write-char,zero?},
+ otherkeywords={\#b,\#o,\#d,\#x,\#e,\#i,\#t,\#f,%
+ ',`,{,},\,\@,...},
+ alsoletter={!\$\%&*/:<=>?@^_~+-},
+ alsodigit={.},
+ sensitive=true,
+ morecomment=[l]{;},
+ morecomment=[s]{\#|}{|\#},
+ morestring=[b]",
+ upquote=true,
+ literate=*{`}{{`}}{1}
+ }[keywords,comments,strings]
+ \lstset{
+ defaultdialect=[R5RS]Scheme
+ }
+ \lstnewenvironment{scheme}[1][]
+ {\lstset{language=Scheme, #1}}
+ {}
+\ifbps at assembly
+ \bps at setuplistings
+ \lstdefinelanguage{assembly}{
+ firstnumber=-3,
+ numberstyle={\color{gray}\ttfamily\addtocounter{lstnumber}{3}x +\ },
+ morecomment=[l]{;},
+ }
+ \lstnewenvironment{assembly}[1][]
+ {\lstset{language=assembly, #1}}{}
+\ifbps at gantt
+ \RequirePackage{tikz}
+ \RequirePackage{fp}
+ \RequirePackage{calc}
+ \newcounter{bps at gantt@time}
+ \newcounter{bps at gantt@time at after}
+ \newlength{\bps at gantt@unit}
+ \NewDocumentEnvironment{ganttschedule}{m o} % total size, title
+ {\setlength{\bps at gantt@unit}{\linewidth / \real{#1}}%
+ \setcounter{bps at gantt@time}{0}%
+ \DeclareDocumentCommand{\burst}{m m} % pid, burst
+ {\setcounter{bps at gantt@time at after}{\value{bps at gantt@time}}%
+ \addtocounter{bps at gantt@time at after}{##2}%
+ \FPeval\gantthalf{(\arabic{bps at gantt@time}
+ + \arabic{bps at gantt@time at after}) / 2}%
+ \draw (\value{bps at gantt@time}, 0) rectangle
+ (\value{bps at gantt@time at after}, 1);
+ \node at (\gantthalf, 0.5) {$P_{##1}$};
+ \draw [|<->|] (\value{bps at gantt@time} + 0.05, 1.25)
+ -- node[above=1mm] {##2}
+ (\value{bps at gantt@time at after} - 0.05, 1.25);
+ \setcounter{bps at gantt@time}{\value{bps at gantt@time at after}}}%
+ \IfValueT{#2}{\begin{center} #2 \end{center}}%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[x=\bps at gantt@unit]}
+ {\end{tikzpicture}}
+ \NewDocumentEnvironment{ganttschedule}{m o}
+ {\PackageError{brandeis-problemset}{ganttschedule enviornment
+ not loaded in preamble}{Did you mean to use the 'gantt'
+ option for the brandeis-problemset package/document
+ class?}}{}
+\ifbps at pseudocode
+ \bps at setuplistings
+ % pseudocode commands
+ \iffontspec at ok
+ % use unicode shortcuts
+ \newcommand{\bps at pcsym}[2]
+ {\expandafter\providecommand
+ \csname pseudocode#1\endcsname
+ {\pseudocodesymbolfont #2}}
+ \bps at pcsym{leftarrow} {←}
+ \bps at pcsym{rightarrow}{→}
+ \bps at pcsym{le} {≤}
+ \bps at pcsym{ge} {≥}
+ \bps at pcsym{emptyset} {∅}
+ \bps at pcsym{ne} {≠}
+ \bps at pcsym{infty} {∞}
+ \@ifundefined{lmmath}{\@ifundefined{newfontface}{}{%
+ \newfontface{\lmmath}{latinmodern-math.otf}%
+ }}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{lmmath}{}{%
+ \let\pseudocodesymbolfont\lmmath
+ }%
+ \else
+ % use math-mode fallbacks
+ \newcommand{\bps at pcsym}[2]
+ {\expandafter\providecommand
+ \csname pseudocode#1\endcsname
+ {\ensuremath{#2}}}
+ \bps at pcsym{leftarrow} {\leftarrow}
+ \bps at pcsym{rightarrow}{\rightarrow}
+ \bps at pcsym{le} {\le}
+ \bps at pcsym{ge} {\ge}
+ \bps at pcsym{emptyset} {\emptyset}
+ \bps at pcsym{ne} {\ne}
+ \bps at pcsym{infty} {\infty}
+ \fi
+ \lstdefinelanguage{Pseudocode}{
+ keywords={Input,Output,Complexity,while,do,return,for,to,if,then,else,True,False,None,and,or,nil,len},
+ literate={<-}{{\pseudocodeleftarrow}}2
+ {->} {{\pseudocoderightarrow}}2
+ {(/)}{{\pseudocodeemptyset}}2
+ {inf}{{\pseudocodeinfty}}3
+ {!=} {{\pseudocodene}}2
+ {>=} {{\pseudocodege}}2
+ {<=} {{\pseudocodele}}2,
+ morecomment=[l]{\#},
+ }
+ \lstnewenvironment{pseudocode}[1][]
+ {\lstset{
+ language=Pseudocode,
+ morekeywords={#1},
+ }}{}
+\let\bps at setuplistings\relax
+% tables
+\ifbps at tabu
+ \ProvideExpandableDocumentCommand{\Th}{O{l} m}
+ {\multicolumn{1}{#1}{\Bf{#2}}}
+\ifbps at solution
+ \newenvironment{solution}
+ {\solutionstyle}
+ {}
+ \RequirePackage{comment}
+ \excludecomment{solution}
+\ifbps at maketitle
+ \bps at configtrue
+\ifbps at header
+ \bps at configtrue
+\ifbps at config
+ % config commands
+ \define at cmdkeys{bps}[bps@]{duedate, instructor, course, assignment}
+ % wrappers
+ \define at key{bps}{author}{\author{#1}}
+ \define at key{bps}{date}{\date{#1}}
+ % helpers
+ \define at key{bps}{number}{\def\bps at assignment{Problem Set #1}}
+ \define at key{bps}{coursenumber}{\def\bps at course{\textsc{cosi} #1}}
+ \define at key{bps}{codefont}{\setcodefont{#1}}
+ \newcommand{\bpsset}[1]{\setkeys{bps}{#1}}
+ \let\problemsetsetup\bpsset
+\ifbps at maketitle
+ \NewDocumentCommand{\bps at titlerow}{o m}{\@ifundefined{bps@#2}{}%
+ {\IfValueTF{#1}{#1}{#2} & \csname bps@#2\endcsname \\}}
+ \renewcommand{\maketitle}{\thispagestyle{empty}%
+ \begin{center}%
+ \Large\begin{tabular}{r|l}
+ \bps at titlerow{assignment}%
+ by & \@author \\
+ \bps at titlerow{course}%
+ \bps at titlerow{instructor}%
+ \bps at titlerow[due]{duedate}%
+ \end{tabular}%
+ \end{center}%
+ \vspace*{2em}}
+ \newcommand{\maketitlepage}{\thispagestyle{empty}%
+ \vspace*{2in}%
+ \maketitle
+ \pagebreak}
+\ifbps at header
+ % page headers
+ \RequirePackage{fancyhdr}
+ \fancyhf{}
+ \lhead{\@author
+ \hfill
+ \@ifundefined{bps at assignment}{}{\bps at assignment}%
+ \@ifundefined{bps at duedate}{}{\ (due \bps at duedate)}\hfill
+ \@ifundefined{bps at instructor}{}{\bps at instructor\hfill}%
+ \thepage}
+ \setlength{\headheight}{24pt}
+ \fancypagestyle{plain}{\fancyhead[L]{}}
+ \AtBeginDocument{\pagestyle{fancy}}
+\ProvideDocumentCommand{\newacronym}{o m}
+ {\IfValueTF{#1}%
+ {\def#1{\ac{#2}}}%
+ {\expandafter\def\csname #2\endcsname{\ac{#2}}}}
+\ProvideDocumentCommand{\newacronyms}{>{\SplitList{,}} m}
+ {\ProcessList{#1}{\newacronym}}
+% #1: env name
+% #2: pagebreak default
+\newcommand{\bps at problemkeys}[2]{%
+ \expandafter\newlength\csname bps@#1indent\endcsname
+ \expandafter\setlength\csname bps@#1indent\endcsname{1in}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname bps@#1 at title\endcsname{}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname bps@#1 at number\endcsname{\arabic{#1number}}%
+ \define at key{#1}{title}{%
+ \expandafter\renewcommand{\csname bps@#1 at title\endcsname}{: #1}}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname bps@#1pagebreak\endcsname{%
+ \csname ifKV@#1 at pagebreak\endcsname
+ \vfill\pagebreak
+ \fi}%
+ \define at boolkey{#1}{pagebreak}[true]{\csname bps@#1pagebreak\endcsname}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname bps@#1 at tocstar\endcsname{%
+ \csname ifKV@#1 at toc\endcsname
+ \else
+ *%
+ \fi}%
+ \define at boolkey{#1}{toc}[true]{}%
+ \define at cmdkeys{#1}{number, label}%
+ \presetkeys{#1}{pagebreak=#2, toc}{}%
+\bps at problemkeys{problem}{true}
+\bps at problemkeys{subproblem}{false}
+\define at cmdkeys{problem}{partlabel}
+\define at cmdkey{problem}{part}[]{%
+ \part{\cmdKV at problem@part}%
+ \@ifundefined{cmdKV at problem@partlabel}{}{%
+ \expandafter\label{\cmdKV at problem@partlabel}%
+ }%
+% common code for subproblem and problem envs
+% #1: env name
+% #2: @currentlabel code
+% #3: sectioning command
+\newcommand{\bps at problem@}[3]{%
+ % define problem number based on user input (or lack thereof)
+ \@ifundefined{cmdKV@#1 at number}{%
+ \stepcounter{#1number}%
+ }{%
+ \expandafter\let\csname bps@#1 at number\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname cmdKV@#1 at number\endcsname
+ }%
+ % define labels for \ref and the like
+ \edef\@currentlabel{#2}%
+ \edef\bps at problem@title@{Problem \@currentlabel\csname bps@#1 at title\endcsname}
+ \edef\@currentlabelname{\bps at problem@title@}%
+ % no spaces or numbers before the \section command
+ \renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{}%
+ \typeout{\@currentlabelname}
+ \csname ifKV@#1 at toc\endcsname
+ \def\bps at problem@section{#3}%
+ \else
+ \def\bps at problem@section{#3*}%
+ \fi
+ % make the section (#3 is \section or something)
+ % NOTE: If you use \@currentlabelname for the title, the document
+ % will pause on compilation on this line; I don't know why this is,
+ % but it goes away if hyperref isn't loaded (my guess is that
+ % hyperref redefines \@currentlabelname to do something weird and
+ % possibly-recursive with \@currentlabel). Either way, defining an
+ % alternate command for the title works here.
+ \bps at problem@section{\bps at problem@title@}%
+ % fix up ref commands
+ \@ifundefined{cmdKV@#1 at label}{}{%
+ \expandafter\label{\csname cmdKV@#1 at label\endcsname}%
+ }%
+ \setkeys{problem}{#1}%
+ \@ifundefined{cmdKV at problem@number}{}{\setcounter{subproblemnumber}{0}}%
+ \bps at problem@{problem}{\bps at problem@number}{\section}%
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{\bps at problemindent}{0pt}}
+ {\end{adjustwidth}}
+% make sure to keep this code in sync with the problem env code
+ \setkeys{subproblem}{#1}%
+ \bps at problem@{subproblem}{\bps at problem@number.\bps at subproblem@number}{\subsection}%
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{\bps at subproblemindent}{0pt}}
+ {\end{adjustwidth}}
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/brandeis-problemset/brandeis-problemset.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds 2019-03-10 21:00:33 UTC (rev 50318)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds 2019-03-10 21:01:45 UTC (rev 50319)
@@ -1661,7 +1661,6 @@
'blockdraw_mp','NULL', # skip .sty's
'booktabs-de', 'NULL', # doc package
'booktabs-fr', 'NULL', # doc package
- 'brandeis-problemset', '\.cls', # not *-doc.sty
'breqn', '\.sty|\.sym',
'c-pascal', '^[^d].*\.tex|' . $standardtex, # not demo*.tex
'calxxxx', 'cal.*\.tex',
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