texlive[51781] Master/texmf-dist: ms, now without ragged2e (30jul19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Tue Jul 30 23:15:34 CEST 2019

Revision: 51781
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-07-30 23:15:34 +0200 (Tue, 30 Jul 2019)
Log Message:
ms, now without ragged2e (30jul19)

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/ms/ragged2e.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.drv
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.drv	2019-07-30 21:15:18 UTC (rev 51780)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.drv	2019-07-30 21:15:34 UTC (rev 51781)
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `ragged2e.drv',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% ragged2e.dtx  (with options: `driver')
-%% Copyright 1996..2009 Martin Schroeder.
-%% This file is part of the Ragged2e package
-%% -----------------------------------------
-%% To produce the documentation in the way you like you are allowed
-%% to change this driver file.
-      [2006/07/26 v1.08 Driver for ragged2e Package (MS)]
-\usepackage{url}        % in latex/contrib/other/misc
-  \usepackage{booktabs}%
-  }{%
-  \PackageWarning{ragged2e}%
-      {booktabs.sty is missing.\MessageBreak
-       I'm emulating the needed commands, but you should\MessageBreak
-       install it for better results}%
-  \let\toprule\hline
-  \let\midrule\hline
-  \let\bottomrule\hline
-  }
-    \usepackage[document]{ragged2e}[2003/01/26]
-  }{%
-    \PackageWarning{ragged2e}%
-      {footmisc.sty is missing.\MessageBreak
-       You should install it for better results}%
-    \usepackage[raggedrightboxes]{ragged2e}[2003/01/26]
-  }
-\setlength{\RaggedRightRightskip}{0pt plus 4em}%
-\RecordChanges    % Gather update information
-%%\DisableCrossrefs% Say \DisableCrossrefs if index is ready
-\CodelineIndex    % Index code by line number
-%%\OldMakeIndex   % use if your MakeIndex is pre-v2.9
-  \renewenvironment{theglossary}{%
-  \glossary at prologue
-  \setlength\emergencystretch{5em}
-  \GlossaryParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}{}
-  \makeatother
-   \DocInput{ragged2e.dtx}
-   \PrintIndex\PrintChanges
-   %  Make sure that the index is not printed twice
-   %  (ltxdoc.cfg might have a second \PrintIndex command)
-   \let\PrintChanges\relax
-   \let\PrintIndex\relax
-%% Copyright 1996..2009 by Martin Schr\"oder.
-%% \CharacterTable
-%% {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%%  Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%%  Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%%  Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
-%%  Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
-%%  Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
-%%  Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
-%%  Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
-%%  Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
-%%  Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
-%%  Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
-%%  Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
-%%  Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
-%%  Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
-%% \iffalse meta-comment
-%% ===================================================================
-%%  @LaTeX-style-file{
-%%     author          = {Martin Schr\"oder},
-%%     version         = "2.1",
-%%     date            = "21 May 2009",
-%%     filename        = "ragged2e.sty",
-%%     address         = {Martin Schr\"oder
-%%                        Barmer Stra\"se 14
-%%                        44137 Dortmund
-%%                        Germany}
-%%     telephone       = "+49-231-1206574",
-%%     email           = "martin at oneiros.de",
-%%     docstring       = "LaTeX package which defines new commands
-%%                        \Centering, \RaggedLeft, \RaggedRight and
-%%                        \justifying and new environments Center,
-%%                        FlushLeft, FlushRight and justify, which
-%%                        set ragged text and are easily configurable
-%%                        to allow hyphenation.
-%%                        Uses the everysel package.
-%%                       "
-%%  }
-%% ===================================================================
-%% \fi
-%% End of file `ragged2e.drv'.

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.dtx	2019-07-30 21:15:18 UTC (rev 51780)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.dtx	2019-07-30 21:15:34 UTC (rev 51781)
@@ -1,1380 +0,0 @@
-% \iffalse
-%<package>         [2009/05/21 v2.1 ragged2e Package (MS)]
-      [2006/07/26 v1.08 Driver for ragged2e Package (MS)]
-\usepackage{url}        % in latex/contrib/other/misc
-% booktabs.sty is in latex/contrib/supported/booktab
-  \usepackage{booktabs}%
-  }{%
-  \PackageWarning{ragged2e}%
-      {booktabs.sty is missing.\MessageBreak
-       I'm emulating the needed commands, but you should\MessageBreak
-       install it for better results}%
-  \let\toprule\hline
-  \let\midrule\hline
-  \let\bottomrule\hline
-  }
-    \usepackage[document]{ragged2e}[2003/01/26]
-  }{%
-    \PackageWarning{ragged2e}%
-      {footmisc.sty is missing.\MessageBreak
-       You should install it for better results}%
-    \usepackage[raggedrightboxes]{ragged2e}[2003/01/26]
-  }
-\setlength{\RaggedRightRightskip}{0pt plus 4em}%
-\RecordChanges    % Gather update information
-%%\DisableCrossrefs% Say \DisableCrossrefs if index is ready
-\CodelineIndex    % Index code by line number
-%\OnlyDescription  % comment out for implementation details
-%%\OldMakeIndex   % use if your MakeIndex is pre-v2.9
-% onecolumn glossary
-  \renewenvironment{theglossary}{%
-  \glossary at prologue
-  \setlength\emergencystretch{5em}
-  \GlossaryParms \let\item\@idxitem \ignorespaces}{}
-  \makeatother
-   \DocInput{ragged2e.dtx}
-   \PrintIndex\PrintChanges
-   %  Make sure that the index is not printed twice
-   %  (ltxdoc.cfg might have a second \PrintIndex command)
-   \let\PrintChanges\relax
-   \let\PrintIndex\relax
-%% Copyright 1996..2009 by Martin Schr\"oder.
-% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-% The latest version of this license is in
-%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Schr\"oder.
-% This work consists of the files ragged2e.dtx and ragged2e.ins
-% and the derived file ragged2e.sty.
-% \fi
-% \CheckSum{474}
-% ^^A$Id: ragged2e.dtx 1377 2009-06-11 20:31:17Z oneiros $
-%% \CharacterTable
-%% {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%%  Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%%  Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%%  Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
-%%  Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
-%%  Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
-%%  Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
-%%  Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
-%%  Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
-%%  Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
-%%  Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
-%%  Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
-%%  Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
-%%  Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
-%% \iffalse meta-comment
-%% ===================================================================
-%%  @LaTeX-style-file{
-%%     author          = {Martin Schr\"oder},
-%%     version         = "2.1",
-%%     date            = "21 May 2009",
-%%     filename        = "ragged2e.sty",
-%%     address         = {Martin Schr\"oder
-%%                        Barmer Stra\"se 14
-%%                        44137 Dortmund
-%%                        Germany}
-%%     telephone       = "+49-231-1206574",
-%%     email           = "martin at oneiros.de",
-%      codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
-%      keywords        = "raggedright",
-%      dependences     = "everysel",
-%      supported       = "yes",
-%%     docstring       = "LaTeX package which defines new commands
-%%                        \Centering, \RaggedLeft, \RaggedRight and
-%%                        \justifying and new environments Center,
-%%                        FlushLeft, FlushRight and justify, which
-%%                        set ragged text and are easily configurable
-%%                        to allow hyphenation.  
-%%                        Uses the everysel package.
-%%                       "
-%%  }
-%% ===================================================================
-%% \fi
-%  \pagestyle{headings}
-% \SVN $Rev: 1377 $
-% \SVN $Date: 2009-06-11 22:31:17 +0200 (Do, 11. Jun 2009) $
-%  \newcommand*{\file}[1]     {\texttt{#1}}
-%  \newcommand{\plain}        {\texttt{plain}}
-%  \newcommand{\bs}           {\texttt{\symbol{'134}}}
-%  \newcommand*{\env}[1]      {\textsf{#1}}
-%  \newcommand*{\option}[1]   {\textsf{#1}}
-%  \newcommand*{\package}[1]  {\textsf{#1}}
-%  \newcommand*{\NEWfeature}[1]{%
-%     \hskip 1sp \marginpar{\small\sffamily\raggedright
-%     New feature\\#1}}
-%  \newcommand*{\NEWdescription}[1]{%
-%     \hskip 1sp \marginpar{\small\sffamily\raggedright
-%     New description\\#1}}
-%  \changes{v1.00}{1996/05/30}{New from \package{raggedright} V 1.21}
-%  \changes{v1.01}{1998/08/09}{Documentation improved}
-%  \changes{v1.02}{1999/06/08}{Moved to LPPL}
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{Incorporated \package{raggedr}}
-%  \hyphenation{flush-left rag-ged rag-ged-right}
-%  \newenvironment{Quote}{^^A
-%     \begin{quote}^^A
-%        \small^^A
-%        \fussy^^A
-%     }{^^A
-%        \end{quote}^^A
-%     }
-%  \renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\ensuremath{\fnsymbol{footnote}}}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \title{\unskip
-%     The \textsf{ragged2e}-package^^A
-%     \thanks{^^A
-%        The version number of this file is \fileversion, subversion
-%        revision~\#\SVNRev, last revised \protect\SVNDate.}^^A
-%     }
-%  \author{Martin Schr\"oder\\[0.5ex]
-%          \normalsize  Barmer Stra\ss{}e 14\\
-%          \normalsize  44137 Dortmund\\
-%          \normalsize  Germany\\
-%          \normalsize  martin at oneiros.de}
-%  \date{\filedate}
-%  \maketitle
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \begin{abstract}
-%     This package provides new commands and environments for setting 
-%     ragged text which are easy to configure to allow hyphenation.
-%     An earlier attempt to do this was the style
-%     \package{raggedright}\,\cite{raggedri} by the same author.
-%  \end{abstract}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \tableofcontents
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \begin{multicols}{2}
-%  \fussy
-%  \setlength{\parskip}{^^A
-%     .3\baselineskip plus.05\baselineskip minus.05\baselineskip}
-%  \section{The problem}
-%  ^^A
-%  \LaTeX{} has three commands (\cs{centering}, \cs{raggedleft}, and 
-%  \cs{raggedright}) and three environments (\env{center},
-%  \env{flushleft}, and \env{flushright}) to typeset ragged text.
-%  The environments are based upon the commands (\env{center} uses
-%  \cs{centering}, \env{flushleft} \cs{raggedright}, and 
-%  \env{flushright} \cs{raggedleft}).
-%  These commands have, however, one serious flaw: they render
-%  hyphenation almost impossible, and thus the text looks \emph{too}
-%  ragged, as the following example shows:
-%  \setcounter{unbalance}{2}
-%  \begin{multicols}{2}
-%     \small\fussy
-%     \raggedright
-%     \cs{raggedright}:\\
-%   ``The \LaTeX{} document preparation system is a special version
-%     of Donald Knuth's \TeX{} program.
-%     \TeX{} is a sophisticated program designed to produce
-%     high-quality typesetting, especially for mathematical text.''
-%     \cite[p\@. xiii]{lamport86}
-%     \newpage
-%     \RaggedRight
-%     \cs{RaggedRight}:\\
-%   ``The \LaTeX{} document preparation system is a special version
-%     of Donald Knuth's \TeX{} program.
-%     \TeX{} is a sophisticated program designed to produce
-%     high-quality typesetting, especially for mathematical text.''
-%     \cite[p\@. xiii]{lamport86}
-%  \end{multicols}
-%  \setcounter{unbalance}{0}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \section{Old ``solutions''}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{\LaTeX}
-%  ^^A
-%  \LaTeX{} defines e.\,g.\ \cs{raggedright} as follows:
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \let\\=\@centercr
-   \@rightskip\@flushglue
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \leftskip\z@
-   \parindent\z@}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  Initially, \cs{@flushglue} is defined as
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\@flushglue = 0pt plus 1fil
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  Thus the \cs{rightskip} is set to |0pt plus 1fil|.
-%  Knuth, however warns \cite[p\@. 101]{KnuthTeXa}:
-%  \begin{Quote}
-%   ``For example, a person can set \cs{rightskip=0pt plus 1fil},
-%     and every line will be filled with space to the right.
-%     But this isn't a particularly good way to make ragged-right
-%     margins, because the infinte stretchability will assign zero
-%     badness to lines that are very short.
-%     To do a decent job of ragged-right setting, the trick is to set
-%     \cs{rightskip} so that it will stretch enough to make line breaks
-%     possible, yet not too much, because short lines should be
-%     considered bad.
-%     Furthermore the spaces between words should be fixed so that
-%     they do not stretch or shrink.''
-%  \end{Quote}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{\plain{}}
-%  ^^A
-%  \plain{} \TeX{} defines an special version of
-%  \cs{raggedright}, which operates the way Knuth describes it;
-%  but which can not be used whith \LaTeX, because \LaTeX{} redefines
-%  \cs{raggedright}.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \rightskip\z@ plus2em
-   \spaceskip.3333em
-   \xspaceskip.5em\relax}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \plain{} provides also a version of \cs{raggedright} for typewriter
-%  fonts
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \tt
-   \rightskip\z@ plus2em\relax}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{multicols}
-%  \setlength{\parskip}{^^A
-%     .3\baselineskip plus.05\baselineskip minus.05\baselineskip}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \section{Our solution}
-%  Since the \plain{} solution can not be used with \LaTeX, we have to
-%  redefine it and make it possible to configure it for personal
-%  preferences.
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{The macros}
-%  ^^A
-%  \DescribeMacro{\Centering}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedLeft}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedRight}
-%  \cs{Centering}, \cs{RaggedLeft}, and \cs{RaggedRight} can be used in 
-%  the same way as \cs{centering}, \cs{raggedleft}, and 
-%  \cs{raggedright}:
-%  Just type the command, and after that the whole text will be set
-%  centered, ragged-left or ragged-right.
-%  For example, we switched on \cs{RaggedRight} on the top of this
-%  text, and consequently this text was set
-%  ragged-right.\footnote{^^A
-%    For this documentation we also set \cs{RaggedRightRightskip}
-%    higher than usual (|0pt plus 4em| instead of |0pt plus 2em|)
-%    because of all the long command names which make linebreaking
-%    difficult.}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\justifying}
-%  \NEWfeature{2003/01/04}%
-%  \cs{justifying} switches back to justified text after ragged text
-%  has been switched on.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New command \cs{justifying}}
-%  The new commands \cs{Centering}, \cs{RaggedLeft}, and
-%  \cs{RaggedRight} are fully compatible with their counterparts in
-%  \LaTeX, but implement the \plain{} solution and can be easily
-%  configured using the following parameters:
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{The parameters}
-%  ^^A
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/25}{Removed \cs{RaggedSpaceskip} and
-%                              \cs{RaggedXSpaceskip}}%
-%  \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX}\toprule
-%     Command           & Uses\tabularnewline \midrule
-%     \cs{Centering}    & \cs{CenteringLeftskip}, 
-%                         \cs{CenteringRightskip},
-%                         \cs{CenteringParfillskip},
-%                         \cs{CenteringParindent}
-%                         \tabularnewline
-%     \cs{RaggedLeft}   & \cs{RaggedLeftLeftskip}, 
-%                         \cs{RaggedLeftRightskip},
-%                         \cs{RaggedLeftParfillskip},
-%                         \cs{RaggedLeftParindent}
-%                         \tabularnewline
-%     \cs{RaggedRight}  & \cs{RaggedRightLeftskip}, 
-%                         \cs{RaggedRightRightskip},
-%                         \cs{RaggedRightParfillskip},
-%                         \cs{RaggedRightParindent}
-%                         \tabularnewline
-%     \cs{justifying}   & \cs{JustifyingParfillskip}, 
-%                         \cs{JustifyingParindent} 
-%                         \tabularnewline
-%     \bottomrule
-%  \end{tabularx}
-%  All Parameters can be set with \cs{setlength}, e.\,g.\
-%  \begin{Quote}
-%     |\setlength{RaggedRightRightskip}{0pt plus 1em}|
-%  \end{Quote}
-%  sets \cs{RaggedRightRightskip} to |0pt plus 1em|.
-%  \DescribeMacro{\CenteringLeftskip}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedLeftLeftskip}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedRightLeftskip}
-%  These are the \cs{leftskip}s inserted by \cs{Centering}, 
-%  \cs{RaggedLeft}, and \cs{RaggedRight}.
-%  \begin{Quote}
-%     \setlength{\tabcolsep}{.25em}
-%     \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX}
-%     ``\cs{leftskip} & (glue at left of justified lines)''
-%     \cite[p.~274]{KnuthTeXa}
-%     \end{tabularx}
-%  \end{Quote}
-%  \cs{leftskip} must be set to a finite value, to make hyphenation
-%  possible.
-%  Setting it to infinite values like |0pt plus 1fil| makes
-%  hyphenation almost impossible.
-%  \DescribeMacro{\CenteringRightskip}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedLeftRightskip}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedRightRightskip}
-%  These are the \cs{rightskip}s inserted by \cs{Centering},
-%  \cs{RaggedLeft}, and \cs{RaggedRight}.
-%  \begin{Quote}
-%     \setlength{\tabcolsep}{.25em}
-%     \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX}
-%     ``\cs{rightskip} & (glue at right of justified lines)''
-%     \cite[p.~274]{KnuthTeXa}
-%     \end{tabularx}
-%  \end{Quote}
-%  \cs{rightskip} must be set to a finite value, to make hyphenation
-%  possible.
-%  Setting it to infinite values like |0pt plus 1fil| makes
-%  hyphenation almost impossible.
-%  \DescribeMacro{\CenteringParfillskip}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedLeftParfillskip}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedRightParfillskip}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\JustifyingParfillskip}
-%  These are the \cs{parfillskip}s inserted by \cs{Centering},
-%  \cs{RaggedLeft}, \cs{RaggedRight}, and \cs{justifying}.
-%  \begin{Quote}
-%     \setlength{\tabcolsep}{.25em}
-%     \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX}
-%     ``\cs{parfillskip} & (additional \cs{rightskip} at end of paragraphs)''
-%     \cite[p.~274]{KnuthTeXa}
-%     \end{tabularx}
-%  \end{Quote}
-%  The normal setting for \cs{parfillskip} is |0pt plus 1fil|; the 
-%  parameters are provided for testing combinations of 
-%  \cs{}\{|left|$\mid$|right|\}|skip| and \cs{parfillskip}.
-%  \DescribeMacro{\CenteringParindent}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedLeftParindent}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\RaggedRightParindent}
-%  \DescribeMacro{\JustifyingParindent}
-%  These are the \cs{parindent}s used by \cs{Centering},
-%  \cs{RaggedLeft}, \cs{RaggedRight}, and \cs{justifying}.
-%  \begin{Quote}
-%     \setlength{\tabcolsep}{.25em}
-%     \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{lX}
-%     ``\cs{parindent} & (width of \cs{indent})''
-%     \cite[p.~274]{KnuthTeXa}
-%     \end{tabularx}
-%  \end{Quote}
-%  \cs{parindent} is the indent of the first line of a paragraph and
-%  should be set to |0pt|, since indented lines in ragged text
-%  do not look good.
-%  The parameters have the following initial setting:
-%  \begin{center}
-%     \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{l>{\ttfamily}X>{\ttfamily}X}\toprule
-%        Parameter                  & \normalfont\LaTeX{} setting
-%              & \normalfont\package{ragged2e} setting\footnotemark\\
-%        \midrule
-%        \cs{CenteringLeftskip}     & 0pt plus 1fil
-%              & 0pt plus 2em\\
-%        \cs{RaggedLeftLeftskip}    & 0pt plus 1fil
-%              & 0pt plus 2em\\
-%        \cs{RaggedRightLeftskip}   & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt
-%              & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt\\
-%        \cs{CenteringRightskip}    & 0pt plus 1fil
-%              & 0pt plus 2em\\
-%        \cs{RaggedLeftRightskip}   & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt
-%              & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt  \\
-%        \cs{RaggedRightRightskip}  & 0pt plus 1fil
-%              & 0pt plus 2em\\
-%        \cs{CenteringParfillskip}  & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt
-%              & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt  \\
-%        \cs{RaggedLeftParfillskip} & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt
-%              & 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt  \\
-%        \cs{RaggedRightParfillskip}& 0pt plus 1fil
-%              & 0pt plus 1fil\\
-%        \cs{CenteringParindent}    & 0pt
-%              & 0pt         \\
-%        \cs{RaggedLeftParindent}   & 0pt
-%              & 0pt         \\
-%        \cs{RaggedRightParindent}  & 0pt
-%              & 0pt         \\
-%        \cs{JustifyingParfillskip} &
-%              & 0pt plus 1fil \tabularnewline
-%        \cs{JustifyingParindent}   &
-%              & \cs{parindent} \tabularnewline
-%        \bottomrule
-%     \end{tabularx}
-%  \end{center}
-%  \footnotetext{^^A
-%     For proportional and monospaced fonts.}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{The environments}
-%  ^^A
-%  \DescribeEnv{Center}
-%  \env{Center} is fully compatible with \env{center}, but uses
-%  \cs{Centering} instead of \cs{centering}.
-%  \DescribeEnv{FlushLeft}
-%  \env{FlushLeft} is fully compatible with \env{flushleft}, but uses
-%  \cs{RaggedRight} instead of \cs{raggedright}.
-%  \DescribeEnv{FlushRight}
-%  \env{FlushRight} is fully compatible with \env{flushright}, but uses
-%  \cs{RaggedLeft} instead of \cs{raggedleft}.
-%  \DescribeEnv{justify}
-%  \NEWfeature{2003/01/04}%
-%  \env{justify} is like the other environments but uses \cs{justifying}.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New environment \env{justify}}
-%  E.\,g.\ \env{FlushLeft} can be used in the same way as
-%  \env{flushleft}:
-%  \begin{verse}
-%     \small
-%     |\begin{FlushLeft}|\\
-%     \meta{text, which is set ragged-right}\\
-%     |\end{FlushLeft}|
-%  \end{verse}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \section{Options}
-%  ^^A
-%  This package has the following options:
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{Allow all-lowercase versions of
-%                              options and removed documentation of
-%                              mixed-case versions.} 
-%  \nopagebreak
-%  \begin{description}
-%     \item[\normalfont\option{originalcommands}]
-%        The \LaTeX-commands \cs{centering}, \cs{raggedleft}, and 
-%        \cs{raggedright} and the \LaTeX-environments \env{center}, 
-%        \env{flushleft}, and \env{flushright} remain unchanged.\newline
-%        It is the default.
-%     \item[\normalfont\option{newcommands}]
-%        The \LaTeX-commands \cs{centering}, \cs{raggedleft}, and 
-%        \cs{raggedright} and the \LaTeX-environments \env{center}, 
-%        \env{flushleft}, and \env{flushright} are set equal to their
-%        counterparts defined by \package{ragged2e}.
-%        Thus \cs{raggedright} invokes \cs{RaggedRight}.
-%        The original commands can be accessed unter the Names 
-%        \cs{LaTeX}\meta{original name}, e.\,g.\ \cs{LaTeXraggedright}.
-%     \item[\normalfont\option{originalparameters}]
-%        The parameters used by the commands implemented by 
-%        \package{ragged2e} are initialized with the default settings 
-%        used by \LaTeX.
-%     \item[\normalfont\option{newparameters}]
-%        The parameters used by the commands implemented by 
-%        \package{ragged2e} are initialized with the default settings 
-%        defined by \package{ragged2e}.\newline
-%        It is the default.
-%     \item[\normalfont\option{raggedrightboxes}]
-%        \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New option \option{raggedrightboxes}}
-%        \NEWfeature{2003/01/18}
-%        All \cs{parbox}es, \env{minipage}s, \cs{marginpar}s and
-%        |p|-columns of \env{tabular}s and \env{array}s are
-%        automatically set using \cs{RaggedRight}.
-%     \item[\normalfont\option{footnotes}]
-%        \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New option \option{footnotes}}
-%        \NEWfeature{2003/01/18}
-%        This options sets all footnotes ragged-right by loading the
-%        \package{footmisc}\,\cite{footmisc} package with the
-%        \option{ragged} option.
-%     \item[\normalfont\option{document}]
-%        \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New option \option{document}}
-%        \NEWfeature{2003/01/18}
-%        This options sets the complete document ragged-right by
-%        executing a \cs{RaggedRight} at \cs{begin\{document\}} and
-%        the \option{raggedrightboxes} and the \option{footnotes}
-%        options.
-%  \end{description}
-%  All other options are passed to the \package{footmisc} package if
-%  the \option{footnotes} option is selected.
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \section{Required packages}
-%  ^^A
-%  \changes{v2.1}{2003/10/08}{document that \option{document} needs
-%   \package{footmisc}}
-%  This package requires the following packages:
-%  \begin{description}
-%     \item[\normalfont\package{everysel}\,\cite{everysel}]
-%        It is used to distinguish between monospaced and proportional
-%        fonts.
-%     \item[\normalfont\package{footmisc}\,\cite{footmisc}]
-%        It is used by the \option{footnotes} and the
-%        \option{document} options; at least version~5.00 (2002/08/28)
-%        is needed.
-%  \end{description}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \StopEventually{^^A
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \section{Acknowledgements}
-%  ^^A
-%  A first version of this package for \LaTeX2.09 was named
-%  \package{raggedri}\,\cite{raggedri}.
-%  Laurent Siebenmann (\url{lcs at topo.math.u-psud.fr}) with his
-%  style \package{ragged.sty}\,\cite{ragged} provided the final impulse
-%  for this new implementation.\newline
-%  The code for \cs{justifying}, \env{justify} and the overloading of
-%  \cs{@arrayparboxrestore} is incorporated from the
-%  \package{raggedr}\,\cite{raggedr} package by James Kilfinger
-%  (\url{mapdn at csv.warwick.ac.uk}).\newline
-%  Without the constant nagging of Rainer Sieger
-%  (\url{rsieger at awi-bremerhaven.de}) this package might not
-%  be.\newline
-%  Markus Kohm (\url{markus.kohm at gmx.de}) provided the code for
-%  \cs{@gnewline}.\newline 
-%  Frank Mittelbach (\url{frank.mittelbach at latex-project.org})
-%  provided the impetus for version~2.00.\newline
-%  Rolf Niepraschk (\url{Rolf.Niepraschk at gmx.de}) and Hubert G\"a\ss{}lein
-%  found many bugs and provided fixes for them and code for new
-%  features.
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} \newcommand{\printfirst}[2]{##1}
-%  \newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{##1} \newcommand{\switchargs}[2]{##2##1}
-%  \begin{thebibliography}{1}
-%  \bibitem{ltmiscen}
-%     Johannes Braams, David Carlisle, Alan Jeffrey, Leslie Lamport, Frank
-%     Mittelbach, Chris Rowley, and Rainer Sch{\"o}pf.
-%     \newblock ltmiscen.dtx.
-%     \newblock Part of the {\LaTeX}-distribution.
-%  \bibitem{footmisc}
-%     Robin Fairbairns.
-%     \newblock \texttt{footmisc} --- a portmanteau package for
-%       customising footnotes in \LaTeXe.
-%     \newblock \url{CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/footmisc/footmisc.dtx}.
-%  \bibitem{raggedr}
-%     James Kilfiger.
-%     \newblock \url{CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/other/misc/raggedr.sty}.
-%     \newblock \LaTeXe{} package.
-%  \bibitem{KnuthTeXa}
-%     Donald~E. Knuth.
-%     \newblock \emph{The {\TeX}Book}, volume~A of \emph{Computers \& Typesetting}.
-%     \newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, Reading, MA, USA, {\noopsort{1986a}}1986.
-%  \bibitem{lamport86}
-%     Leslie Lamport.
-%     \newblock \emph{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System}.
-%     \newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, Reading, MA, USA, first edition, 1986.
-%  \bibitem{cmfonts}
-%     Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Sch{\"o}pf.
-%     \newblock The file {\texttt{cmfonts.fdd}} for use with {\LaTeXe}.
-%     \newblock Part of the {\LaTeX}-distribution.
-%  \bibitem{everysel}
-%     Martin Schr{\"o}der.
-%     \newblock The \package{everysel}-package.
-%     \newblock \url{CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/ms/everysel.dtx}.
-%     \newblock \LaTeXe{} package.
-%  \bibitem{raggedri}
-%     Martin Schr{\"o}der.
-%     \newblock The \package{raggedri} document option.
-%     \newblock Was in \url{CTAN: tex-archive/macros/latex209/contrib/raggedright}.
-%     \newblock \LaTeX2.09 style, outdated.
-%  \bibitem{ragged}
-%     Laurent Siebenmann.
-%     \newblock \texttt{ragged.sty}.
-%     \newblock \url{CTAN: tex-archive/macros/generic/ragged.sty}.
-%     \newblock generic macro file for \texttt{plain} and \LaTeX.
-%  \end{thebibliography}
-%  }
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \section{The implementation}
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/10}{Removed spaces and unneeded braces 
-%                              from \cs{setlength}; replaced
-%                              \texttt{plus} with \cs{@plus}}
-%  \changes{v2.02}{2003/02/24}{Removed \cs{setlength}}
-%  \changes{v2.02}{2003/02/24}{Use \cs{@flushglue}}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Initial Code}
-%  ^^A
-%  \begin{macro}{\if at raggedtwoe@originalcommands}
-%  \cs{if at raggedtwoe@originalcommands} is used to flag the use of the 
-%  \option{originalcommands} or \option{newcommands} option.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@originalcommands
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\if at raggedtwoe@originalparameters}
-%  \cs{if at raggedtwoe@originalparameters} is used to flag the use of the 
-%  \option{originalparameters} or \option{newparameters} option.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@originalparameters
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\if at raggedtwoe@footmisc}
-% \cs{if at raggedtwoe@footmisc} is used to flag the use of the
-% \option{footnotes} option.
-%   \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New macro}%
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@footmisc
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Declaration of options}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsubsection{\option{originalcommands} option}
-%  ^^A
-%  The \option{originalcommands} and \option{newcommands} options 
-%  control the meaning of the \LaTeX-commands for ragged text:
-%  If \option{newcommands} is used the \LaTeX-commands are set equal
-%  to the commands defined by \package{ragged2e}.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{Allow all-lowercase versions of options}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\DeclareOption{OriginalCommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandstrue}
-\DeclareOption{originalcommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandstrue}
-\DeclareOption{NewCommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandsfalse}
-\DeclareOption{newcommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandsfalse}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsubsection{\option{originalparameters} option}
-%  ^^A
-%  The \option{originalparameters} and \option{newparameters} options
-%  control the defaults for the parameters used by the commands
-%  implemented by \package{ragged2e}:
-%  If \option{newparameters} is used the parameters are set to the
-%  values defined by \package{ragged2e}.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{Allow all-lowercase versions of options}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\DeclareOption{OriginalParameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparameterstrue}
-\DeclareOption{originalparameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparameterstrue}
-\DeclareOption{NewParameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparametersfalse}
-\DeclareOption{newparameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparametersfalse}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsubsection{\option{raggedrightboxes} option}
-%  ^^A
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New option \option{raggedrightboxes}}%
-%  The option \option{raggedrightboxes} sets all
-%  \cs{parbox}es, \env{minipage}s, \cs{marginpar}s and |p|-columns of
-%  \env{tabular}s and \env{array}s using \cs{RaggedRight}. 
-%  This is done by redefining \cs{@arrayparboxrestore}.
-% \begin{macro}{\@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt}
-% \cs{@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt} is the code executed via
-% \cs{DeclareOption}.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New macro}%
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand*{\@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt}{
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  First we check if \cs{@arrayparboxrestore} is unchanged.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \CheckCommand*{\@arrayparboxrestore}{%
-    \let\if at nobreak\iffalse
-    \let\if at noskipsec\iffalse
-    \let\par\@@par
-    \let\-\@dischyph
-    \let\'\@acci\let\`\@accii\let\=\@acciii
-    \parindent\z@ \parskip\z at skip
-    \everypar{}%
-    \linewidth\hsize
-    \@totalleftmargin\z@ 
-    \leftskip\z at skip \rightskip\z at skip \@rightskip\z at skip
-    \parfillskip\@flushglue \lineskip\normallineskip
-    \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip
-    \sloppy}%
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  Then we redefine it by removing the setting of \cs{leftskip},
-%  \cs{rightskip}, \cs{@rightskip} and \cs{parfillskip} and instead
-%  calling \cs{RaggedRight}.
-%  \changes{v2.04}{2003/03/02}{The setting of \cs{parindent} is
-%                              superfluous}%
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \renewcommand{\@arrayparboxrestore}{%
-    \let\if at nobreak\iffalse
-    \let\if at noskipsec\iffalse
-    \let\par\@@par
-    \let\-\@dischyph
-    \let\'\@acci\let\`\@accii\let\=\@acciii
-    \parskip\z at skip
-    \everypar{}%
-    \linewidth\hsize
-    \@totalleftmargin\z@ 
-    \RaggedRight
-    \lineskip\normallineskip
-    \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip
-    \sloppy}%
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% Now we self-destroy so the command can be called more than once
-% without causing harm (and it also frees up some space).
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \let\@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt\relax
-  }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% Finally the declaration of the option.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\DeclareOption{raggedrightboxes}{\@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsubsection{\option{footnotes} option}
-%  ^^A
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New option \option{footnotes}}%
-%  \changes{v2.02}{2003/02/24}{Bugfix: \cs{if at raggedtwoe@footmisctrue}
-%                              \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \cs{@raggedtwoe at footmisctrue}}%
-%  \changes{v2.03}{2003/02/26}{Bugfix: \option{footnotes} was actually
-%                              \option{raggedrightboxes}}
-%  The option \option{footnotes} just sets a flag
-%  (\cs{if at raggedtwoe@footmisc}) to load the \option{footmisc}
-%  package and passes the option \option{ragged} to it.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \@raggedtwoe at footmisctrue
-  \PassOptionsToPackage{ragged}{footmisc}%
-  }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsubsection{\option{document} option}
-%  ^^A
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New option \option{document}}%
-%  The option \option{document} sets the complete document
-%  ragged-right by executing \cs{RaggedRight} via \cs{AtBeginDocument}
-%  and also executing the \option{raggedrightboxes} option.
-% \begin{macro}{\@raggedtwoe at abdhook}
-% \cs{@raggedtwoe at abdhook} is the code executed via
-% \cs{AtBeginDocument}: Give a message on the terminal, execute
-% \cs{RaggedRight} and self-destroy.
-% We also make \cs{@tocrmarg} flexible; otherwise long lines in the
-% table of contents (and similar tables) would not be broken because
-% the spaceskip is rigid.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New macro}%
-%  \changes{v2.04}{2003/03/02}{Set \cs{@tocrmarg} and use
-%                              \cs{PackageInfo}}%
-%  \changes{v2.1}{2006/07/23}{bugfix: Use \cs{@tocrmarg} only if it's
-%                              defined}%
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand{\@raggedtwoe at abdhook}{%
-  \PackageInfo{ragged2e}{ABD: executing \string\RaggedRight}%
-  \RaggedRight
-  \@ifundefined{@tocrmarg}{}{\edef\@tocrmarg{\@tocrmarg plus 2em}}%
-  \let\@raggedtwoe at abdhook\relax
-  }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% \begin{macro}{\@raggedtwoe at document@opt}
-% \cs{@raggedtwoe at document@opt} is the code executed via
-% \cs{DeclareOption}: Insert the code into \cs{AtBeginDocument},
-% execute the \option{raggedrightboxes} and \option{footnotes} options
-% and self-destroy.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New macro}%
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand{\@raggedtwoe at document@opt}{%
-  \AtBeginDocument{\@raggedtwoe at abdhook}%
-  \@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt
-  \@raggedtwoe at footmisctrue
-  \let\@raggedtwoe at document@opt\relax
-  }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% \end{macro}
-% Finally the declaration of the option.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\DeclareOption{document}{\@raggedtwoe at document@opt}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-% \subsubsection{Other options}
-% ^^A
-% \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{Pass all other options to
-%                             \package{footmisc} if it's loaded}%
-% All unused options are passed to the \package{footmisc} package if
-% the \option{footnotes} option is selected; otherwise the usual error
-% is raised.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \if at raggedtwoe@footmisc
-    \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{footmisc}%
-  \else
-    \OptionNotUsed
-  \fi
-  }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Executing options}
-%  ^^A
-%  The default options are \option{originalcommands} and 
-%  \option{newparameters}.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Loading packages}
-%  ^^A
-%  We need the \package{everysel} package.
-% \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{Load the \package{footmisc} package}%
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% If the option \option{footnotes} is selected, we load the
-% \package{footmisc} package after we are finished (\package{footmisc}
-% detects our presence by looking for the definition of
-% \cs{RaggedRight}, so we can not load it just now).
-%  \changes{v2.1}{2003/10/08}{bugfix: Load \package{footmisc}
-%   directly and not via \cs{AtEndOfPackage} (bug found by Axel
-%   Sommerfeldt)}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\if at raggedtwoe@footmisc
-  \RequirePackage{footmisc}[2002/08/28]
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Allocations}
-%  ^^A
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/25}{Removed \cs{RaggedSpaceskip} and
-%                              \cs{RaggedXSpaceskip}}%
-%  \begin{macro}{\CenteringLeftskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedLeftLeftskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedRightLeftskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\CenteringRightskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedLeftRightskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedRightRightskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\CenteringParfillskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedLeftParfillskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedRightParfillskip}
-%  \begin{macro}{\JustifyingParfillskip}
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\CenteringParindent}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedLeftParindent}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedRightParindent}
-%  \begin{macro}{\JustifyingParindent}
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/18}{New macro}
-%  First we allocate the parameters
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \end{macro}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Initializations}
-%  ^^A
-%  Depending on \cs{if at raggedtwoe@originalparameters} we initialize the
-%  parameters with the values \LaTeX{} uses for its own commands or with
-%  our new parameters.
-%  \changes{v2.04}{2003/03/02}{Initialize \cs{JustifyingParindent}
-%                              with \cs{parindent}}
-%  \changes{v2.04}{2003/03/02}{Insert missing \textbackslash}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\if at raggedtwoe@originalparameters
-   \CenteringLeftskip\@flushglue
-   \RaggedLeftLeftskip\@flushglue
-   \RaggedRightLeftskip\z at skip
-   \CenteringRightskip\@flushglue
-   \RaggedLeftRightskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightRightskip\@flushglue
-   \CenteringParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedLeftParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightParfillskip\@flushglue
-   \CenteringParindent\z@
-   \RaggedLeftParindent\z@
-   \RaggedRightParindent\z@
-   \CenteringLeftskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \RaggedLeftLeftskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \RaggedRightLeftskip\z at skip
-   \CenteringRightskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \RaggedLeftRightskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightRightskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \CenteringParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedLeftParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightParfillskip\@flushglue
-   \CenteringParindent\z@
-   \RaggedLeftParindent\z@
-   \RaggedRightParindent\z@
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Distinguishing between monospaced and proportional fonts}
-%  ^^A
-%  To set ragged text with proportional fonts \emph{and} monospaced 
-%  fonts correctly, we must distinguish between these two kinds of
-%  fonts \emph{everytime} a font is loaded.
-%  Otherwise the settings for e.\,g.\ a proportional fonts would be
-%  in effect if you start \cs{RaggedRight} in \cs{rmfamily} and
-%  then switch to \cs{ttfamily}.
-%  The goal is to have a rigid interword space in all fonts.
-%  \TeX's interword space is |\fontdimen2 plus \fontdimen3 minus \fontdimen4|.
-%  This can be overwritten by setting \cs{spaceskip} (space between
-%  words, if nonzero) and \cs{xspaceskip} (space at the end of
-%  sentences, if nonzero).
-%  We do the setting with the help of \package{everysel}\,\cite{everysel},
-%  which allows us to define code which is (hopefully) executed after
-%  every fontchange in a \LaTeX{} document.\footnote{^^A
-%     It \emph{is} executed after every \cs{selectfont}, so if you stay 
-%     within NFSS and don't declare your fonts with commands like 
-%     \cs{newfont} and then switch to them, it will work.}
-%  \begin{macro}{\if at raggedtwoe@spaceskip}
-%  \cs{if at raggedtwoe@spaceskip} signals the use of commands defined by
-%  \package{ragged2e} to the command inserted into \cs{selectfont}.
-%  It is set to true by these commands and restored to false by \TeX{} 
-%  when the scope of them ends.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@spaceskip
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}
-%  \cs{@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont} is our code inserted into 
-%  \cs{selectfont}.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/26}{Completely redesigned and removed
-%                              \cs{RaggedSpaceskip} and
-%                              \cs{RaggedXSpaceskip}}
-%  \changes{v2.01}{2003/02/20}{Removed the setting of \cs{xspaceskip}}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand{\@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}{%
-  \if at raggedtwoe@spaceskip
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  If no command defined by \package{ragged2e} is in use, we do
-%  nothing.
-%  But if it is, we look at \cs{fontdimen3} to see if the current
-%  font is monospaced or not.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-    \ifdim\fontdimen\thr@@\font=\z@\relax
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  If it is, we set \cs{spaceskip} to |0pt| so the interword space
-%  will be the one specified by the font designer -- which is rigid
-%  anyway for monospaced fonts.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-      \spaceskip\z@
-    \else
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  For proportional fonts we make the interword space rigid by setting
-%  \cs{spaceskip} to \cs{fontdimen2}. 
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-      \spaceskip\fontdimen\tw@\font
-    \fi
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% We have to reset the interword space if we are not active.
-% \changes{v2.04}{2003/03/16}{Reset \cs{spaceskip} when we are not
-%                             active}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-  \else
-    \spaceskip\z@
-  \fi
-  }
-\EverySelectfont{\@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{The commands}
-%  ^^A
-%  \begin{macro}{\@raggedtwoe at savedcr}
-%  We save the definition of \cs{\textbackslash} in
-%  \cs{@raggedtwoe at savedcr}.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\let\@raggedtwoe at savedcr\\
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\@raggedtwoe at saved@gnewline}
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New macro}
-%  We save the definition of \cs{@gnewline} in 
-%  \cs{@raggedtwoe at saved@gnewline}.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\let\@raggedtwoe at saved@gnewline\@gnewline
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\@raggedtwoe at gnewline}
-%  The following definition of a \cs{@gnewline} used by the ragged
-%  commands was suggested by Markus Kohm:
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New macro}
-%  \changes{v2.02}{2003/02/24}{Bugfix: \cs{@nolerr}
-%                              \ensuremath{\rightarrow} \cs{@nolnerr}}%
-%  \changes{v2.1}{2009/05/17}{Bugfix: handle math}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\newcommand*{\@raggedtwoe at gnewline}[1]{%
-  \ifvmode
-    \@nolnerr 
-  \else
-    \unskip
-    \ifmmode
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% In formulas we use the original code of \cs{@gnewline}.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-      \reserved at e {\reserved at f #1}\nobreak \hfil \break
-    \else
-      \reserved at e {\reserved at f #1}{\parskip\z@\par}%
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\Centering}
-%  \cs{Centering} first lets \cs{\textbackslash} = \cs{@centercr},
-%  but only if |\\| has its original meaning, otherwise \cs{Center}
-%  would not work inside environments like \env{tabular} etc., in
-%  which \cs{\textbackslash} has a different meaning.
-%  It also sets \cs{@gnewline} to \cs{@raggedtwoe at gnewline}.
-%  Then, the \LaTeX{} and \TeX-parameters are set.\newline
-%  \cs{@rightskip} is \LaTeX's version of \cs{rightskip}.
-%  \begin{Quote}
-%     ``Every environment, like the list environments, that set
-%     \cs{rightskip} to its 'normal' value set it to \cs{@rightskip}''
-%     \cite{ltmiscen}
-%  \end{Quote}
-%  Finally we signal the code inserted into \cs{selectfont} that
-%  we are active and call that code directly.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{Call \cs{@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}
-%                              and switch \cs{@gnewline}}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \ifx\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-      \let\\\@centercr
-   \fi
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at gnewline
-   \leftskip\CenteringLeftskip
-   \@rightskip\CenteringRightskip
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\CenteringParfillskip
-   \parindent\CenteringParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskiptrue
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedLeft}
-%  \cs{RaggedLeft} is like \cs{Centering}; it only uses other
-%  parameters.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{Call \cs{@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}
-%                              and switch \cs{@gnewline}}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \ifx\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-      \let\\\@centercr
-   \fi
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at gnewline
-   \leftskip\RaggedLeftLeftskip
-   \@rightskip\RaggedLeftRightskip
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\RaggedLeftParfillskip
-   \parindent\RaggedLeftParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskiptrue
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\RaggedRight}
-%  \cs{RaggedRight} is like \cs{Centering}; it only uses other
-%  parameters.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{Call \cs{@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}
-%                              and switch \cs{@gnewline}}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \ifx\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-      \let\\\@centercr
-   \fi
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at gnewline
-   \leftskip\RaggedRightLeftskip
-   \@rightskip\RaggedRightRightskip
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\RaggedRightParfillskip
-   \parindent\RaggedRightParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskiptrue
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-%  \begin{macro}{\justifying}
-%  \cs{justifying} switches back to the defaults used by \LaTeX{} for
-%  typesetting justyfied text.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New macro}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \let\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at saved@gnewline
-   \leftskip\z@
-   \@rightskip\z@
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\JustifyingParfillskip
-   \parindent\JustifyingParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskipfalse
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{macro}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{The environments}
-%  ^^A
-%  \begin{environment}{Center}
-%  \begin{environment}{FlushLeft}
-%  \begin{environment}{FlushRight}
-%  The environments \env{Center}, \env{FlushLeft}, and \cs{FlushRight}
-%  are implemented like their counterparts in \LaTeX: Start a 
-%  \env{trivlist} and switch on the right command.
-%  \changes{v2.02}{2003/02/24}{Use \cs{trivlist} \ldots{}
-%                              \cs{endtrivlist} instead of
-%                              \cs{begin\{trivlist\}} \ldots{}
-%                              \cs{end\{trivlist\}}}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \trivlist
-   \Centering\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-   \trivlist
-   \RaggedRight\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-   \trivlist
-   \RaggedLeft\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{environment}
-%  \end{environment}
-%  \end{environment}
-%  \begin{environment}{justify}
-%  \env{justify} is similar to the other environments: Start a 
-%  \env{trivlist} and use \cs{justifying}.
-%  \changes{v2.00}{2003/01/04}{New environment}
-%  \changes{v2.02}{2003/02/24}{Use \cs{trivlist} \ldots{}
-%                              \cs{endtrivlist} instead of
-%                              \cs{begin\{trivlist\}} \ldots{}
-%                              \cs{end\{trivlist\}}}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-   \trivlist
-   \justifying\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \end{environment}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%  \subsection{Overloading the \LaTeX-commands}
-%  ^^A
-%  If the option \option{newcommands} is used, we save the original 
-%  \LaTeX-commands and environments for ragged text and overload them.
-%  \changes{v2.04}{2003/03/02}{Save more commands}
-%  \changes{v2.1}{2003/10/08}{bugfix: \cs{Flushleft} instead of
-%   \cs{FlushLeft} (found by Berend Hasselman)}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\if at raggedtwoe@originalcommands
-   \let\LaTeXcentering\centering
-   \let\LaTeXraggedleft\raggedleft
-   \let\LaTeXraggedright\raggedright
-   \let\centering\Centering
-   \let\raggedleft\RaggedLeft
-   \let\raggedright\RaggedRight
-   \let\LaTeXcenter\center
-   \let\endLaTeXcenter\endcenter 
-   \let\LaTeXflushleft\flushleft
-   \let\endLaTeXflushleft\endflushleft
-   \let\LaTeXflushright\flushright
-   \let\endLaTeXflushright\endflushright
-   \let\center\Center
-   \let\endcenter\endCenter 
-   \let\flushleft\FlushLeft
-   \let\endflushleft\endFlushLeft
-   \let\flushright\FlushRight
-   \let\endflushright\endFlushRight
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% ^^A -----------------------------
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%  \Finale
-% ^^A vim:tw=70:ts=2

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.ins
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.ins	2019-07-30 21:15:18 UTC (rev 51780)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/ms/ragged2e.ins	2019-07-30 21:15:34 UTC (rev 51781)
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-      [2009/05/24 v1.4 Installation script for Ragged2e Package (MS)]
-%% Copyright 1996..2009 by Martin Schr\"oder.
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Schr\"oder.
-%% This work consists of the files ragged2e.dtx and ragged2e.ins
-%% and the derived file ragged2e.sty.
-%% $Id: ragged2e.ins 1369 2009-05-24 16:03:39Z oneiros $
-%% --------------- start of docstrip commands ------------------ 
-\input docstrip.tex
-\Msg{* This installation requires docstrip}
-\Msg{* version 2.4d or later.}
-\Msg{* An older version of docstrip has been input}
-\errhelp{Move or rename old docstrip.tex.}
-\errmessage{Old docstrip in input path}
-\csname @@end\endcsname
-\Msg{* The ragged2e distribution contains these files:}
-\Msg{* \space\space ragged2e.dtx}
-\Msg{* \space\space ragged2e.ins}
-\Msg{* If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain!}
-Copyright 1996..2009 Martin Schroeder.
-This file is part of the Ragged2e package
-This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-The latest version of this license is in
-  http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-version 2005/12/01 or later.
-This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Schroeder.
-This work consists of the files ragged2e.dtx and ragged2e.ins
-and the derived file ragged2e.sty.
-Copyright 1996..2009 Martin Schroeder.
-This file is part of the Ragged2e package
-To produce the documentation in the way you like you are allowed
-to change this driver file.
-         \usepreamble\driverpreamble
-         \file{ragged2e.drv}{\from{ragged2e.dtx}{driver}}
-         }
-\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
-\Msg{* style files into a directory searched by TeX:}
-\Msg{* \space\space ragged2e.sty}
-\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file ragged2e.drv}
-\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
-\Msg{* Happy TeXing}
-%% End of file `ragged2e.ins'.
-%% vim:syntax=tex:tw=70:ts=2

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ms/ragged2e.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ms/ragged2e.sty	2019-07-30 21:15:18 UTC (rev 51780)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ms/ragged2e.sty	2019-07-30 21:15:34 UTC (rev 51781)
@@ -1,314 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `ragged2e.sty',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% ragged2e.dtx  (with options: `package')
-%% Copyright 1996..2009 Martin Schroeder.
-%% This file is part of the Ragged2e package
-%% -----------------------------------------
-%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%% The latest version of this license is in
-%%   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Schroeder.
-%% This work consists of the files ragged2e.dtx and ragged2e.ins
-%% and the derived file ragged2e.sty.
-         [2009/05/21 v2.1 ragged2e Package (MS)]
-%% Copyright 1996..2009 by Martin Schr\"oder.
-%% \CharacterTable
-%% {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%%  Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%%  Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%%  Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
-%%  Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
-%%  Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
-%%  Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
-%%  Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
-%%  Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
-%%  Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
-%%  Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
-%%  Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
-%%  Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
-%%  Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
-%% \iffalse meta-comment
-%% ===================================================================
-%%  @LaTeX-style-file{
-%%     author          = {Martin Schr\"oder},
-%%     version         = "2.1",
-%%     date            = "21 May 2009",
-%%     filename        = "ragged2e.sty",
-%%     address         = {Martin Schr\"oder
-%%                        Barmer Stra\"se 14
-%%                        44137 Dortmund
-%%                        Germany}
-%%     telephone       = "+49-231-1206574",
-%%     email           = "martin at oneiros.de",
-%%     docstring       = "LaTeX package which defines new commands
-%%                        \Centering, \RaggedLeft, \RaggedRight and
-%%                        \justifying and new environments Center,
-%%                        FlushLeft, FlushRight and justify, which
-%%                        set ragged text and are easily configurable
-%%                        to allow hyphenation.
-%%                        Uses the everysel package.
-%%                       "
-%%  }
-%% ===================================================================
-%% \fi
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@originalcommands
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@originalparameters
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@footmisc
-\DeclareOption{OriginalCommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandstrue}
-\DeclareOption{originalcommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandstrue}
-\DeclareOption{NewCommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandsfalse}
-\DeclareOption{newcommands}{\@raggedtwoe at originalcommandsfalse}
-\DeclareOption{OriginalParameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparameterstrue}
-\DeclareOption{originalparameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparameterstrue}
-\DeclareOption{NewParameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparametersfalse}
-\DeclareOption{newparameters}{\@raggedtwoe at originalparametersfalse}
-\newcommand*{\@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt}{
-  \CheckCommand*{\@arrayparboxrestore}{%
-    \let\if at nobreak\iffalse
-    \let\if at noskipsec\iffalse
-    \let\par\@@par
-    \let\-\@dischyph
-    \let\'\@acci\let\`\@accii\let\=\@acciii
-    \parindent\z@ \parskip\z at skip
-    \everypar{}%
-    \linewidth\hsize
-    \@totalleftmargin\z@
-    \leftskip\z at skip \rightskip\z at skip \@rightskip\z at skip
-    \parfillskip\@flushglue \lineskip\normallineskip
-    \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip
-    \sloppy}%
-  \renewcommand{\@arrayparboxrestore}{%
-    \let\if at nobreak\iffalse
-    \let\if at noskipsec\iffalse
-    \let\par\@@par
-    \let\-\@dischyph
-    \let\'\@acci\let\`\@accii\let\=\@acciii
-    \parskip\z at skip
-    \everypar{}%
-    \linewidth\hsize
-    \@totalleftmargin\z@
-    \RaggedRight
-    \lineskip\normallineskip
-    \baselineskip\normalbaselineskip
-    \sloppy}%
-  \let\@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt\relax
-  }
-\DeclareOption{raggedrightboxes}{\@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt}
-  \@raggedtwoe at footmisctrue
-  \PassOptionsToPackage{ragged}{footmisc}%
-  }
-\newcommand{\@raggedtwoe at abdhook}{%
-  \PackageInfo{ragged2e}{ABD: executing \string\RaggedRight}%
-  \RaggedRight
-  \@ifundefined{@tocrmarg}{}{\edef\@tocrmarg{\@tocrmarg plus 2em}}%
-  \let\@raggedtwoe at abdhook\relax
-  }
-\newcommand{\@raggedtwoe at document@opt}{%
-  \AtBeginDocument{\@raggedtwoe at abdhook}%
-  \@raggedtwoe at raggedrightboxes@opt
-  \@raggedtwoe at footmisctrue
-  \let\@raggedtwoe at document@opt\relax
-  }
-\DeclareOption{document}{\@raggedtwoe at document@opt}
-  \if at raggedtwoe@footmisc
-    \PassOptionsToPackage{\CurrentOption}{footmisc}%
-  \else
-    \OptionNotUsed
-  \fi
-  }
-%% ^^A -----------------------------
-\if at raggedtwoe@footmisc
-  \RequirePackage{footmisc}[2002/08/28]
-\if at raggedtwoe@originalparameters
-   \CenteringLeftskip\@flushglue
-   \RaggedLeftLeftskip\@flushglue
-   \RaggedRightLeftskip\z at skip
-   \CenteringRightskip\@flushglue
-   \RaggedLeftRightskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightRightskip\@flushglue
-   \CenteringParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedLeftParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightParfillskip\@flushglue
-   \CenteringParindent\z@
-   \RaggedLeftParindent\z@
-   \RaggedRightParindent\z@
-   \CenteringLeftskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \RaggedLeftLeftskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \RaggedRightLeftskip\z at skip
-   \CenteringRightskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \RaggedLeftRightskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightRightskip\z@\@plus\tw@ em
-   \CenteringParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedLeftParfillskip\z at skip
-   \RaggedRightParfillskip\@flushglue
-   \CenteringParindent\z@
-   \RaggedLeftParindent\z@
-   \RaggedRightParindent\z@
-\newif\if at raggedtwoe@spaceskip
-\newcommand{\@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}{%
-  \if at raggedtwoe@spaceskip
-    \ifdim\fontdimen\thr@@\font=\z@\relax
-      \spaceskip\z@
-    \else
-      \spaceskip\fontdimen\tw@\font
-    \fi
-  \else
-    \spaceskip\z@
-  \fi
-  }
-\EverySelectfont{\@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont}
-\let\@raggedtwoe at savedcr\\
-\let\@raggedtwoe at saved@gnewline\@gnewline
-\newcommand*{\@raggedtwoe at gnewline}[1]{%
-  \ifvmode
-    \@nolnerr
-  \else
-    \unskip
-    \ifmmode
-      \reserved at e {\reserved at f #1}\nobreak \hfil \break
-    \else
-      \reserved at e {\reserved at f #1}{\parskip\z@\par}%
-    \fi
-  \fi
-  }
-   \ifx\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-      \let\\\@centercr
-   \fi
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at gnewline
-   \leftskip\CenteringLeftskip
-   \@rightskip\CenteringRightskip
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\CenteringParfillskip
-   \parindent\CenteringParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskiptrue
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-   \ifx\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-      \let\\\@centercr
-   \fi
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at gnewline
-   \leftskip\RaggedLeftLeftskip
-   \@rightskip\RaggedLeftRightskip
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\RaggedLeftParfillskip
-   \parindent\RaggedLeftParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskiptrue
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-   \ifx\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-      \let\\\@centercr
-   \fi
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at gnewline
-   \leftskip\RaggedRightLeftskip
-   \@rightskip\RaggedRightRightskip
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\RaggedRightParfillskip
-   \parindent\RaggedRightParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskiptrue
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-   \let\\\@raggedtwoe at savedcr
-   \let\@gnewline\@raggedtwoe at saved@gnewline
-   \leftskip\z@
-   \@rightskip\z@
-   \rightskip\@rightskip
-   \parfillskip\JustifyingParfillskip
-   \parindent\JustifyingParindent
-   \@raggedtwoe at spaceskipfalse
-   \@raggedtwoe at everyselectfont
-   }
-   \trivlist
-   \Centering\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-   \trivlist
-   \RaggedRight\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-   \trivlist
-   \RaggedLeft\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-   \trivlist
-   \justifying\item\relax
-   }{%
-   \endtrivlist
-   }
-\if at raggedtwoe@originalcommands
-   \let\LaTeXcentering\centering
-   \let\LaTeXraggedleft\raggedleft
-   \let\LaTeXraggedright\raggedright
-   \let\centering\Centering
-   \let\raggedleft\RaggedLeft
-   \let\raggedright\RaggedRight
-   \let\LaTeXcenter\center
-   \let\endLaTeXcenter\endcenter
-   \let\LaTeXflushleft\flushleft
-   \let\endLaTeXflushleft\endflushleft
-   \let\LaTeXflushright\flushright
-   \let\endLaTeXflushright\endflushright
-   \let\center\Center
-   \let\endcenter\endCenter
-   \let\flushleft\FlushLeft
-   \let\endflushleft\endFlushLeft
-   \let\flushright\FlushRight
-   \let\endflushright\endFlushRight
-%% End of file `ragged2e.sty'.

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