texlive[52997] Master: erewhon-math (2dec19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Mon Dec 2 22:56:40 CET 2019

Revision: 52997
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-12-02 22:56:39 +0100 (Mon, 02 Dec 2019)
Log Message:
erewhon-math (2dec19)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.ltx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.ltx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.ltx	2019-12-02 21:56:39 UTC (rev 52997)
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+\usepackage{amsmath, array, varioref}
+                             HyphenChar=None,StylisticSet={2,3}]
+\newcommand*{\cmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
+\newcommand*{\showtchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~\csname #1\endcsname}
+\newcommand*{\showmchar}[1]{\cmd{#1}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$}
+\newcommand*{\showmchardollar}[1]{\texttt{\$\cmd{#1}\$}~$(\csname #1\endcsname)$}
+\author{Daniel Flipo \\ \texttt{daniel.flipo at free.fr}}
+\section{What is \FOTF{}?}
+\FOTF{} is an Utopia based Opentype mathematical font.
+The mathematical symbols and Greek letters are borrowed or derived from
+Michel Bovani’s \FGUT, Latin letters and digits are borrowed from
+Michael Shape’s Erewhon font.
+It requires LuaTeX or XeTeX as engine and the \pkg{unicode-math} package%
+\footnote{Please read the documentation \file{unicode-math.pdf}.}.
+It is meant to be used with Utopia based Opentype text fonts like {Erewhon}.
+For \FGUT{} users who want to switch to LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX, the
+file \file{fourier-otf.sty} can be used as a replacement of \file{fourier.sty}.
+Please note that the current version (\version) is \emph{experimental,
+do expect metrics and glyphs to change} until version 1.0 is reached.
+Comments, suggestions and bug reports are welcome!
+\subsection{Calling \cmd{setmathfont}}
+A basic call for \FOTF{} would be:
+\setmathfont{Erewhon-Math.otf} % Call by file name or
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}     % Call by font name
+this loads \FOTF{} as math font with the default options, see
+subsections~\vref{ssection-um}, \vref{ssection-cv} and~\vref{ssection-ss}
+for customisation.
+Please note that the three sets of text fonts have to be chosen separately,
+\setmainfont{Erewhon}                              % rm
+\setsansfont{Cabin}[Scale=MatchLowercase]          % sf
+\setmonofont{Inconsolatazi4}[Scale=MatchLowercase] % tt
+otherwise you would get Latin Modern for text fonts.
+\subsection{Calling \pkg{fourier-otf.sty}}
+As an alternative to load \FOTF{} --\emph{this is the recommended way}--
+you can type:\\[.5\baselineskip]
+\verb+\usepackage[ +\textit{options}
+\footnote{Possible \textit{options} are \opt{loose} or any of the options
+  described below for \cmd{setmainfont}.}%
+\verb+ ]{fourier-otf}+\\[.5\baselineskip]
+it also loads \pkg{unicode-math} with the default options and and sets
+\file{Fourier Math} as Math font but does a bit more:
+\item it checks at \verb+\begin{document}+ if packages \pkg{amssymb} or
+  \pkg{latexsym} are loaded and issues warnings in case they are;
+\item it provides aliases for glyphs named differently in Unicode, so that
+  \pkg{latexsymb} or AMS names are also available;
+\item it loads \pkg{fourier-orns.sty}, providing many text ornaments;
+\item it defines specific Math characters like \showmchar{Bbbbackslash},
+  \showmchar{varemptyset}, \linebreak[4]
+  \showmchar{parallelslant},
+  \showmchar{shortparallelslant}, etc.;
+\item it reduces spacing in math mode: \cmd{thinmuskip}, \cmd{medmuskip}
+  and \cmd{thickmuskip} are reduced as in \file{fourier.sty}.
+%  \verb+\thinmuskip=2mu+,\\
+%  \verb+\medmuskip=2.5mu plus 1mu minus 2.5mu+,\\
+%  \verb+\thickmuskip=3.5mu plus 2.5mu+.\\
+  The option \opt{loose} disables these settings.
+\section{What is provided?}
+\FOTF{} provides all glyphs supplied by \FGUT{} plus all glyphs available in
+the \pkg{amssymb} and \pkg{latexsym} packages and many more.  Therefore, these
+two packages \emph{should not} be loaded as they might override \FOTF{} glyphs.
+Sans-serif, typewriter and fraktur styles are borrowed from Latin Modern fonts.
+See in section~\vref{ssec-math-alphabets} how to choose
+from other Math fonts for these styles.
+A full list of available glyphs is shown in file \file{unimath-erewhon.pdf}.
+\subsection{Upright or slanted?}
+Package \pkg{unicode-math} follows \TeX{} conventions for Latin and Greek
+letters: in math mode, the default option (\opt{math-style=TeX}) prints
+Latin letters $a$…$z$ $A$…$Z$ and lowercase greek letters $\alpha$…$\omega$
+slanted (italic) while uppercase greek letters $\Alpha \Beta \Gamma$…$\Omega$
+are printed upright.
+This can be changed by option \opt{math-style} as shown in
+  \centering
+  \caption{Effects of the \opt{math-style} package option.}
+  \label{math-style}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      \rmfamily Package option & Latin & Greek \\
+    \hline
+      math-style=ISO & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $\symit{(\alpha,\beta,\Gamma,\Xi)}$ \\
+      math-style=TeX & $(a,z,B,X)$ & $(\symit\alpha,\symit\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\
+      math-style=french & $(a,z,\symup B,\symup X)$ & $(\symup\alpha,\symup\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\
+      math-style=upright & $(\symup a,\symup z,\symup B,\symup X)$ & $(\symup\alpha,\symup\beta,\symup\Gamma,\symup\Xi)$ \\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+Bold letters are printed upright except lowercase Greek letters
+which are slanted (the default option is \opt{bold-style=TeX}). This can be
+changed by option \opt{bold-style} as shown in table~\vref{bold-style}.
+  \centering
+  \caption{Effects of the \opt{bold-style} package option.}
+  \label{bold-style}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      \rmfamily Package option & Latin & Greek \\
+    \hline
+      bold-style=ISO & $(\symbfit a, \symbfit z, \symbfit B, \symbfit X)$ & $(\symbfit\alpha, \symbfit\beta, \symbfit\Gamma, \symbfit\Xi)$ \\
+      bold-style=TeX & $(\symbfup a,\symbfup z,\symbfup B,\symbfup X)$ & $(\symbfit\alpha, \symbfit\beta,\symbfup \Gamma,\symbfup \Xi)$ \\
+      bold-style=upright & $(\symbfup a,\symbfup z,\symbfup B,\symbfup X)$ & $(\symbfup \alpha,\symbfup \beta,\symbfup \Gamma,\symbfup \Xi)$ \\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+Other possible customisation: $\nabla$ is printed upright and $\partial$ is
+printed slanted by default, but \opt{nabla=italic} and
+\opt{partial=upright} can change this.
+All these options are offered by the \pkg{unicode-math} package but they can
+be added to the \cmd{setmathfont} call%
+\footnote{IMHO it is easier to add \emph{all options} to the \cmd{setmathfont}
+  command.}, for example:
+\verb+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}[math-style=french,partial=upright]+\\
+will print for the code
+\[ \frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \alpha \symbf{V} + a\nabla\Gamma
+                                 + \symbf{\beta}\symbf{M} \]
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}[math-style=french,partial=upright]
+\[\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \alpha \symbf{V} + a\nabla\Gamma +
+              \symbf{\beta}\symbf{M} \]
+while the default settings would print
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}[math-style=TeX,partial=italic]
+\[\frac{\partial f}{\partial x} = \alpha \symbf{V} + a\nabla\Gamma +
+              \symbf{\beta}\symbf{M} \]
+If your text editor is able to handle greek letters or math symbols, they can
+be entered in the code instead control sequences (i.e.
+$\symup{α}$, $\symup{β}$, $\symup{Γ}$,… for \cmd{alpha}, \cmd{beta},
+\subsection{Character variants}
+\FOTF{} provides eleven ``Character Variants’’ options to choose between
+different glyphs for Greek characters and some others, see table~\vref{cv}
+for the full list.
+For instance, to get \cmd{epsilon} and \cmd{phi} typeset as $\varepsilon$
+and $\varphi$ instead of $\epsilon$ and $\phi$, you can add option
+\verb+CharacterVariant={3,6}+ to the \cmd{setmathfont} call:
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}[CharacterVariant={3,6}]
+This  works for all shapes and weights of these characters:
+\verb+$\symup{\epsilon}$+, \verb+$\symbf{\epsilon}$+,
+\verb+$\symbfit{\epsilon}$+ are output as
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}[CharacterVariant={3,6}]
+$\symit{\epsilon}$, $\symup{\epsilon}$, $\symbf{\epsilon}$, $\symbfit{\epsilon}$
+instead of
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}
+$\symit{\epsilon}, \symup{\epsilon}, \symbf{\epsilon}, \symbfit{\epsilon}$.
+The same is true for \verb+\phi+ of course. Please note that curly braces are
+mandatory whenever more than one ``Character Variant’’ is selected.
+  \centering
+  \caption{Character variants.}
+  \label{cv}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}>{\ttfamily}lccl@{}}
+    \hline
+           & Default       & Variant          & Name\\
+    \hline
+      cv00 & $0$           & $\mupvarzero$    &  0 \\
+      cv01 & $\hslash$     & $\hbar$          & \cmd{hslash} \\
+      cv02 & $\emptyset$   & $\varemptyset$   & \cmd{emptyset} \\
+      cv03 & $\mitepsilon$ & $\mitvarepsilon$ & \cmd{epsilon} \\
+      cv04 & $\mitkappa$   & $\mitvarkappa$   & \cmd{kappa} \\
+      cv05 & $\mitpi$      & $\mitvarpi$      & \cmd{pi} \\
+      cv06 & $\mitphi$     & $\mitvarphi$     & \cmd{phi} \\
+      cv07 & $\mitrho$     & $\mitvarrho$     & \cmd{rho} \\
+      cv08 & $\mitsigma$   & $\mitvarsigma$   & \cmd{sigma} \\
+      cv09 & $\mittheta$   & $\mitvartheta$   & \cmd{theta} \\
+      cv10 & $\mitTheta$   & $\mitvarTheta$   & \cmd{Theta} \\
+    \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+\subsection{Stylistic sets}
+\FOTF{} provides four ``Stylistic Sets’’ options to choose between different
+glyphs for families of mathematical symbols.
+\verb+StylisticSet=4+, alias%
+\footnote{These \texttt{Style} aliases are provided by \file{fourier-otf.sty}.}
+\verb+Style=leqslant+, converts (large) inequalites into their slanted
+variants as shown by table~\vref{ss04}.
+  \centering
+  \caption{Stylistic Set 4 -- \texttt{leqslant} (slanted inequalities)}
+  \label{ss04}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command           & Default         & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{leq}         & $\leq$         & $\leqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{geq}         & $\geq$         & $\geqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nleq}        & $\nleq$        & $\nleqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{ngeq}        & $\ngeq$        & $\ngeqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{leqq}        & $\leqq$        & $\leqqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{geqq}        & $\geqq$        & $\geqqslant$ \\
+      \cmd{eqless}      & $\eqless$      & $\eqslantless$ \\
+      \cmd{eqgtr}       & $\eqgtr$       & $\eqslantgtr$ \\
+      \cmd{lesseqgtr}   & $\lesseqgtr$   & $\lesseqslantgtr$ \\
+      \cmd{gtreqless}   & $\gtreqless$   & $\gtreqslantless$ \\
+      \cmd{lesseqqgtr}  & $\lesseqqgtr$  & $\lesseqqslantgtr$ \\
+      \cmd{gtreqqless}  & $\gtreqqless$  & $\gtreqqslantless$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+\verb+StylisticSet=5+, alias \verb+Style=smaller+, converts some symbols into
+their smaller variants as shown by table~\vref{ss05}.
+  \centering
+  \caption{Stylistic Set 5 -- \texttt{smaller} (smaller variants)}
+  \label{ss05}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command                & Default             & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{in}               & $\in$               & $\smallin$ \\
+      \cmd{ni}               & $\ni$               & $\smallni$ \\
+      \cmd{mid}              & $\mid$              & $\shortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{nmid}             & $\nmid$             & $\nshortmid$ \\
+      \cmd{parallel}         & $\parallel$         & $\shortparallel$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallel}        & $\nparallel$        & $\nshortparallel$ \\
+      \cmd{parallelslant}    & $\parallel$         & $\shortparallelslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallelslant}   & $\nparallelslant$   & $\nshortparallelslant$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+\verb+StylisticSet=6+, alias \verb+Style=subsetneq+, converts some inclusion
+symbols as shown by table~\vref{ss06}.
+  \centering
+  \caption{Stylistic Set 6 -- \texttt{subsetneq} (inclusion variants)}
+  \label{ss06}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command           & Default         & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{subsetneq}   & $\subsetneq$    & $\varsubsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneq}   & $\supsetneq$    & $\varsupsetneq$ \\
+      \cmd{subsetneqq}  & $\subsetneqq$   & $\varsubsetneqq$ \\
+      \cmd{supsetneqq}  & $\supsetneqq$   & $\varsupsetneqq$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+\verb+StylisticSet=7+, alias \verb+Style=parallelslant+, converts
+``parallel’’ symbols into their slanted variants as shown by table~\vref{ss07}.
+  \centering
+  \caption{Stylistic Set 7 -- \texttt{parallelslant} (slanted variants)}
+  \label{ss07}
+  \begin{tabular}{@{}lcc@{}}
+    \hline
+      Command               & Default            & Variant \\
+    \hline
+      \cmd{parallel}        & $\parallel$        & $\parallelslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nparallel}       & $\nparallel$       & $\nparallelslant$ \\
+      \cmd{shortparallel}   & $\shortparallel$   & $\shortparallelslant$ \\
+      \cmd{nshortparallel}  & $\nshortparallel$  & $\nshortparallelslant$ \\
+   \hline
+  \end{tabular}
+To enable Stylistic Sets 4, 6 and 7 for \FOTF{}, you should enter
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}[StylisticSet={4,6,7}]  or
+then, \verb+\[x\leq y \quad A \subsetneq B\quad D \parallel D' \]+
+will print as
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}[StylisticSet={4,6,7}]
+\[x\leq y \quad A \subsetneq B\quad D \parallel D' \]
+instead of
+\setmathfont{Erewhon Math}
+\[x\leq y \quad A \subsetneq B\quad D \parallel D' \]
+\subsection{Standard \LaTeX{} math commands}
+All standard \LaTeX{} math commands, all \pkg{amssymb} commands and all
+\pkg{latexsym} commands are supported by \FOTF{}, for some of them loading
+\pkg{fourier-otf.sty} is required.
+Various wide acccents are also supported:
+\item \cmd{widehat} and \cmd{widetilde}
+\[\widehat{x}\; \widehat{xx} \;\widehat{xxx} \;\widehat{xxxx}\;
+  \widehat{xxxxx} \;\widehat{xxxxxx} \;\widetilde{x}\; \widetilde{xx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxx} \;\widetilde{xxxx} \;\widetilde{xxxxx}\;
+  \widetilde{xxxxxx}\]
+\item \cmd{overline} and \cmd{underline}
+  \[\overline{x}\quad \overline{xy}\quad \overline{xyz}\quad
+    \overline{A\cup B}\quad \overline{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}\quad
+    \underline{m+n+p}\]
+\item \cmd{overparen} and \cmd{underparen}
+  \[\overparen{x}\quad \overparen{xy}\quad \overparen{xyz}\quad
+    \mathring{\overparen{A\cup B}}\quad
+    \overparen{A\cup (B\cap C)\cup D}^{\smwhtcircle}\quad
+    \overparen{x+y}^{2}\quad \overparen{a+b+...+z}^{26}\]
+\[\underparen{x}\quad \underparen{xz} \quad \underparen{xyz}
+  \quad \underparen{x+z}_{2}\quad \underparen{a+b+...+z}_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overbrace} and \cmd{underbrace}
+  \[\overbrace{a}\quad \overbrace{ab}\quad \overbrace{abc}\quad
+  \overbrace{abcd}\quad \overbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \overbrace{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbrace{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
+  \underbrace{abcd}\quad \underbrace{abcde}\quad
+  \underbrace{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbrace{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overbracket} and \cmd{underbracket}
+  \[\overbracket{a}\quad \overbracket{ab}\quad \overbracket{abc}\quad
+  \overbracket{abcd}\quad \overbracket{abcde}\quad
+  \overbracket{a+b+c}^{3}\quad \overbracket{ a+b+. . . +z }^{26}\]
+  \underbracket{abcd}\quad \underbracket{abcde}\quad
+  \underbracket{a+b+c}_{3}  \quad \underbracket{ a+b+...+z }_{26}\]
+\item \cmd{overrightarrow} and \cmd{overleftarrow}
+  \[\overrightarrow{v}\quad \overrightarrow{M}\quad \overrightarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{AB}\quad \overrightarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overrightarrow{ABCD} \quad \overrightarrow{ABCDEFGH}.
+\[\overleftarrow{v}\quad \overleftarrow{M}\quad \overleftarrow{vv}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{AB}\quad \overleftarrow{ABC}
+  \quad \overleftarrow{ABCD} \quad \overleftarrow{ABCDEFGH}\]
+\item Finally \cmd{widearc} and \cmd{overrightarc} (loading
+  \pkg{fourier-otf.sty} is required)
+\[\widearc{AMB}\quad \overrightarc{AMB}\]
+\subsection{Mathematical alphabets}
+\item  All Latin and Greek characters are available in italic, upright, bold
+  and bold italic via the \verb+\symit{}+, \verb+\symup{}+, \verb+\symbf{}+
+  and \verb+\symbfit{}+ commands.
+\item Calligraphic alphabet (\cmd{symscr} or \cmd{symcal} or
+  \cmd{mathcal} command), uppercase only:
+\item Blackboard-bold alphabet (\cmd{symbb} or \cmd{mathbb} command),
+  uppercase, lowercase and digits:
+  $\symbb{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\quad 0123456789}$
+\item Fraktur alphabet is borrowed from Latin Modern,
+  $\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
+  but this can overwritten, i.e.
+$\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKL...XYZ abcdefghijkl...xyz}$
+$\symfrak{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
+\item Sans serif alphabet is borrowed from Latin Modern,
+$\symsfup{ABCDEFGHIJKLM abcdefghijk}\quad\symsfit{NOPQRSTUVWXYZ mnopqrstuvwxyz}$
+  but it can be borrowed from another Math font, i.e.
+                            Scale=MatchUppercase]
+$\symsfup{ABCDEFGHIJKLM abcdefghijklm}\quad
+    \symsfit{NOPQRSTUVWXYZ nopqrstuvwxyz}$
+\item Typewriter alphabet  is borrowed from Latin Modern,
+  $\symtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
+but it can be borrowed from  another Math font, i.e.
+$\symtt{ABCDE...XYZ abcde...xyz}$
+$\symtt{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}$
+\subsection{Fourier ornaments}
+All logos and ornaments provided by \FGUT{} (\pkg{fourier-orns.sty}) are
+available with \FOTF{} when loaded by \verb+\usepackage{fourier-otf}+.
+\pkg{fourier-orns.sty} as of v2.0 automatically fetches its glyphs in
+a specific OpenType font with LuaTeX or XeTeX engines and from
+a Type\,1 font otherwise (pdfTeX).
+\item \showtchar{textpertenthousand}, \textit{\textpertenthousand},
+  \textbf{\textpertenthousand},  \textbf{\textit{\textpertenthousand}},
+\item A variant of the euro symbol: \showtchar{eurologo}, \textit{\eurologo},
+  \textbf{\eurologo},  \textbf{\textit{\eurologo}},
+\item A ``starred'' bullet: \showtchar{starredbullet},
+\item Decos and logos: \showtchar{warning}, \showtchar{noway},
+    \showtchar{textxswup}, \showtchar{textxswdown}, \showtchar{bomb},
+  \showtchar{decoone}, \showtchar{decotwo}, \showtchar{decothreeleft},
+    \showtchar{decothreeright},
+  \showtchar{decofourleft}, \showtchar{decofourright}, \showtchar{decosix},
+  \showtchar{floweroneleft}, \showtchar{floweroneright}, \showtchar{lefthand},
+    \showtchar{righthand}.
+\item Smileys: \showtchar{grimace}, \showtchar{textthing}.
+\item Leaves: \showtchar{aldineleft}, \showtchar{aldineright},
+   \showtchar{aldine}, \showtchar{aldinesmall}, %\\
+  \showtchar{leafleft}, \showtchar{leafright}, \showtchar{leafNE},
+  \showtchar{leafNW}, \showtchar{leafSE}, \showtchar{leafSW}.
+\item Pilcrows: \showtchar{oldpilcrowone}, \showtchar{oldpilcrowtwo},
+  \showtchar{oldpilcrowthree}, %\\
+  \showtchar{oldpilcrowfour},
+  \showtchar{oldpilcrowfive} aaaa, %\\
+  \showtchar{oldpilcrowsix} aaaaaaaaaaa.
+Finally, some symbols are also provided in math mode, with other names:
+\item \showmchardollar{forbidden}, \showmchardollar{beware},
+      \showmchardollar{boom},
+\item \showmchardollar{thething} is a \emph{QED symbol}
+  for a false proof. Of course, you don't need it!
+\item \showmchardollar{xswordsup} and \showmchardollar{xswordsdown} may be used
+  as tags for a debatted statement, or for anything else. $\xswordsdown$
+All glyphs in \FOTF{} are borrowed or derived either from Erewhon fonts or
+\FGUT{} package.  Many thanks to Michael Sharpe and Michel Bovani for
+providing these.
+I am grateful to George Williams and his co-workers for providing and maintaining
+FontForge and to Ulrik Vieth for his illuminating paper published in
+TUGboat~2009 Volume~30 about Open Type Math.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-engine: luatex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% coding: utf-8
+%%% End:

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.ltx
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.pdf
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+Erewhon-Math package
+## Description
+`Erewhon-Math.otf’ is an Utopia based OpenType mathematical font.
+The mathematical symbols are borrowed or derived from Michel Bovani’s
+Fourier-GUTenberg package, Latin letters and digits are borrowed from
+Michael Shape’s Erewhon font.
+## Contents
+* Erewhon-Math.otf     OpenType Math font
+* fourier-otf.sty      LaTeX style file: replaces fourier.sty for LuaTeX/XeTeX
+* Erewhon-Math.pdf     Documentation in PDF format
+* Erewhon-Math.ltx     Source of Erewhon-Math.pdf
+* unimath-erewhon.pdf  Modified version of unimath-symbols.pdf
+                       showing available Erewhon-Math symbols compared to
+		       LatinModern, STIXTwo, TeXGyrePagella and DejaVu.
+* unimath-erewhon.ltx  Source of unimath-symbols.pdf
+* README.md            (this file)
+## Installation
+This package is meant to be installed automatically by TeXLive, MikTeX, etc.
+Otherwise, Erewhon-Math can be installed under TEXMFHOME or TEXMFLOCAL, f.i.
+Erewhon-Math.otf in directory  texmf-local/fonts/opentype/public/erewhon-math/
+fourier-otf.sty  in directory  texmf-local/tex/latex/erewhon-math/
+Documentation files and their sources can go to directory
+Don't forget to rebuild the file database (mktexlsr or so) if you install
+Finally, make the system font database aware of the Erewhon Math font
+(fontconfig under Linux).
+## License
+* The font `Erewhon-Math.otf’ is licensed under the SIL Open Font License,
+Version 1.1. This license is available with a FAQ at:
+* The other files are distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project
+Public License from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+Either version 1.3 or, at your option, any later version.
+## Changes
+* First public version: 0.40
+Copyright 2019-      Michel Bovani, Daniel Flipo
+E-mail: michel (dot) bovani (at) icloud (dot) com
+        daniel (dot) flipo (at) free (dot) fr

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/README.md
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.ltx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.ltx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.ltx	2019-12-02 21:56:39 UTC (rev 52997)
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+%%^^A%% unimath-symbols.ltx -- part of UNICODE-MATH <wspr.io/unicode-math>
+%%^^A%% Listing of Unicode mathematics symbols using a variety of fonts.
+%% Changes (df): XITS replaced by Erewhon.
+%!TEX TS-program = LuaLaTeX
+ [
+  Extension = .otf,
+  UprightFont = *-regular,
+  ItalicFont = *-italic,
+  BoldFont = *-bold,
+  BoldItalicFont = *-bolditalic,
+  Ligatures=TeX,
+  Numbers={Lowercase,Monospaced},
+ ]
+\cs_generate_variant:Nn \fontspec_set_fontface:NNnn {c}
+  \Nfonts=\numexpr\Nfonts+1\relax
+  \tl_set:cn {L#1} {#4}
+  \newcounter{#1}
+  \setcounter{#1}{-1}
+  \setmathfont[version=#1,SizeFeatures={
+      {Size=-10, Colour=999999},
+      {Size=10-, Colour=#3}}]{#2}
+  \fontspec_set_fontface:cNnn {#1} \x {ItalicFont={},BoldFont={}} {#2}
+  \tl_gput_right:Nn \FINISH {
+    \refstepcounter{#1}\label{count:#1}
+  }
+\begin{longtabu}[l]{@{}l *{\Nfonts}{c} lX[l]@{}}
+  \toprule
+  \textsc{usv} & \Llm & \Lstix & \Lerewhon & \Lpagella & \Ldejavu %& \Lfira
+  & Macro & Description \\
+  \midrule \endhead
+  \INPUT\\
+  \bottomrule
+  \begin{spacing}{0.5}
+    \RaggedRight\scriptsize #1%
+  \end{spacing}
+  \def\UnicodeMathSymbol##1##2##3##4{%
+    \def\1{#1}\def\2{##3}%
+    \ifx\1\2\PRINTLINE{##1}{##2}{##4}\fi
+  }%
+    \def\tempa{
+      \USV{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{lm}{#1} &
+%      \SYMB{#2}{xits}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{stix}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{erewhon}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{pagella}{#1} &
+      \SYMB{#2}{dejavu}{#1} &
+%      \SYMB{#2}{fira}{#1} &
+      \CMD{#2}
+      \tl_if_in:NnT \PLAIN {#2}
+        {
+          \makebox[0pt][l]
+            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (p)} }
+        }
+      \tl_if_in:NnT \LTXSYM {#2}
+        {
+          \makebox[0pt][l]
+            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (l)} }
+        }
+      \tl_if_in:NnT \AMSSYMB {#2}
+        {
+          \makebox[0pt][l]
+            { \color[gray]{0.7} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (a)} }
+        }
+      &
+      \DESC{#3} \\
+    }%
+    \expandafter\tempa
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1$%
+  \fi
+\title{Symbols defined by \textsf{unicode-math}}
+\author{Will Robertson}
+\date{Modified (df) to show Erewhon Math symbols}
+This document uses the file \texttt{unicode-math-table.tex}
+to print every symbol defined by the \textsf{unicode-math}
+Use this document to find the command name or the Unicode glyph slot for a symbol that you wish to use.
+The following fonts are shown: (with approximate symbol counts)
+\item[\Llm] \mathversion{lm} $\mathup{Latin\ Modern\ Math}$ (\ref{count:lm})
+%\item[\Lxits] \mathversion{xits} $\mathup{XITS\ Math}$ (\ref{count:xits})
+\item[\Lstix] \mathversion{stix} $\mathup{STIX\ Math\ Two}$ (\ref{count:stix})
+\item[F] \mathversion{erewhon} $\mathup{Erewhon\ Math}$ (\ref{count:erewhon})
+\item[\Lpagella] \mathversion{pagella} $\mathup{TeX\ Gyre\ Pagella\ Math}$ (\ref{count:pagella})
+\item[\Ldejavu] \mathversion{dejavu} $\mathup{DejaVu\ Math\ TeX\ Gyre}$ (\ref{count:dejavu})
+%\item[\Lfira] \mathversion{fira} $\mathup{Fira\ Math}$ (\ref{count:fira})
+Symbols defined in Plain \TeX\ are indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (p)}} after their macro name.
+\LaTeX\ follows Plain \TeX, but defines a handful more, indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (l)}}.
+Symbols defined in \textsf{amssymb} are indicated with {\color[gray]{0.6} \textsuperscript{\sffamily (a)}}.
+Note that this list of fonts is not intended to be exhaustive but I am happy to add new fonts by request if they are distributed in \TeX\ Live.\footnote{Only a single \TeX\ Gyre Math font is shown here by design as they all largely have the same symbol coverage.}
+\section{Opening symbols, \cmd\mathopen}
+\section{Closing symbols, \cmd\mathclose}
+\section{Fence symbols, \cmd\mathfence}
+\section{Punctuation symbols, \cmd\mathpunct}
+\section{`Over' symbols, \cmd\mathover}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle #1{\mitx+\mity}$%
+  \fi
+\section{`Under' symbols, \cmd\mathunder}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle #1{\mitx+\mity}$%
+  \fi
+\section{Accents, \cmd\mathaccent}
+Note that accents will only be properly placed if used with an OpenType font with the necessary information.
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%
+  \fi
+\section{Accents, \cmd\mathaccent}
+Note that accents will only be properly placed if used with an OpenType font with the necessary information.
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%
+  \fi
+\section{Bottom accents, \cmd\mathbotaccent}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 \mitx$%
+  \fi
+% Added (df)
+\section{Bottom accents wide, \cmd\mathbotaccentwide}
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \refstepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1 {\mitx+\mity}$%
+  \fi
+\section{Big operators, \cmd\mathop}
+Of the operators shown below, a subset need to be flagged by \textsf{unicode-math} for \cmd\nolimits\ adjustments.
+The limits behaviour as specified by \textsf{unicode-math} are shown with grey subscripts and superscripts.
+  \expandafter\iffontchar\csname#2\endcsname #3\relax
+    \stepcounter{#2}%
+    \mathversion{#2}%
+    $\displaystyle#1_0^1$%
+  \fi
+\section{Binary relations, \cmd\mathbin}
+\section{Ordinary symbols, \cmd\mathord}
+\section{Relation symbols, \cmd\mathrel}
+\section{Alphabetical symbols, \cmd\mathalpha}
+% first read in all \mathalpha symbols into a variable:
+\cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol #1#2#3#4 {
+  \str_if_eq:nnT {\mathalpha} {#3} {
+    \exp_not:n { \UnicodeMathSymbol {#1}{#2}{#3}{#4} }
+  }
+  \ALPHA{unicode-math-table.tex}
+  {\char_set_catcode_space:N \ }
+% now each time we print an alphabet we remove the slot;
+% this ensures we won't miss anything
+\cs_new:Npn \SLOTS #1#2 {
+  \cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol ##1##2##3##4 {
+    \bool_lazy_and:nnT
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 >= #1} }
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 <= #2} }
+      {
+        \PRINTLINE{##1}{##2}{##4}
+      }
+  }
+  \cs_set:Npn \UnicodeMathSymbol ##1##2##3##4 {
+    \bool_lazy_or:nnT
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 > #2} }
+      { \int_compare_p:n {##1 < #1} }
+      {
+        \exp_not:n { \UnicodeMathSymbol {##1}{##2}{##3}{##4} }
+      }
+  }
+  \edef\ALPHA{\ALPHA}
+\subsection{Normal weight}
+\subsubsection{Upright Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Upright Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Script, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Script, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Fraktur, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Fraktur, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Blackboard, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Blackboard, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Italic sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Typewriter, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Typewriter, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold script, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold script, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold fraktur, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold fraktur, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif, Latin, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif, Latin, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold sans serif Greek, lowercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif Greek, uppercase}
+\subsubsection{Bold italic sans serif Greek, lowercase}
+% /©
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% The UNICODE-MATH package  <wspr.io/unicode-math>
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% This package is free software and may be redistributed and/or modified under
+% the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or higher
+% (your choice): <http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/>.
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% Copyright 2006-2019  Will Robertson, LPPL "maintainer"
+% Copyright 2010-2017  Philipp Stephani
+% Copyright 2011-2017  Joseph Wright
+% Copyright 2012-2015  Khaled Hosny
+% ------------------------------------------------
+% ©/
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% TeX-engine: luatex
+%%% End:

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.ltx
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.pdf	2019-12-02 00:57:45 UTC (rev 52996)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.pdf	2019-12-02 21:56:39 UTC (rev 52997)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/fonts/erewhon-math/unimath-erewhon.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.otf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.otf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.otf	2019-12-02 00:57:45 UTC (rev 52996)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.otf	2019-12-02 21:56:39 UTC (rev 52997)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/fonts/opentype/public/erewhon-math/Erewhon-Math.otf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/erewhon-math/fourier-otf.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/erewhon-math/fourier-otf.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/erewhon-math/fourier-otf.sty	2019-12-02 21:56:39 UTC (rev 52997)
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+  \ProvidesPackage{fourier-otf}[\filedate\space\fileversion]
+% Ensure luatex or xetex engine
+% Options: forward them to \setmathfont except "tight" and "loose"
+\newif\ifFOT at tight
+\DeclareOptionX{tight}{\FOT at tighttrue}
+\DeclareOptionX{loose}{\FOT at tightfalse}
+\DeclareOptionX{math-style}{\Store at KV@Option{math-style}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{bold-style}{\Store at KV@Option{bold-style}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{nabla}{\Store at KV@Option{nabla}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{partial}{\Store at KV@Option{partial}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{CharacterVariant}{\Store at KV@Option{CharacterVariant}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{StylisticSet}{\Store at KV@Option{StylisticSet}{#1}}
+\DeclareOptionX{Style}{\Store at KV@Option{Style}{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\Store at KV@Option}[2]{%
+  \FOTtoks=\expandafter{\the\FOTtoks #1={#2},}}
+\ifFOT at tight
+  \thinmuskip=2mu
+  \medmuskip=2.5mu plus 1mu minus 2.5mu
+  \thickmuskip=3.5mu plus 2.5mu
+% Text Serif fonts: Erewhon
+    Extension = .otf,
+    UprightFont =     *-Regular,
+    BoldFont =        *-Bold,
+    ItalicFont =      *-Italic,
+    BoldItalicFont =  *-BoldItalic,
+    SlantedFont =     *-RegularSlanted,
+    BoldSlantedFont = *-BoldSlanted
+  ]
+% Text Sans Serif fonts: lmss (default)
+% Text Typewriter fonts: lmtt (default)
+  % Fourier specific math
+  \Umathchardef\hbar =                0 0 "0127 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\Bbbbackslash =        0 0 "E020 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\varemptyset =         0 0 "E021 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mupvarzero =          0 0 "E022 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfvarzero =          0 0 "E023 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mupvarvarpi =         0 0 "E032 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfvarpartial =       0 0 "E040 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfvarvarrho =        0 0 "E041 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfvarvarpi =         0 0 "E042 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfitvarpartial =     0 0 "E060 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfitvarvarrho =      0 0 "E061 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mbfitvarvarpi =       0 0 "E062 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mitvarpartial =       0 0 "E070 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mitvarvarrho =        0 0 "E071 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\mitvarvarpi =         0 0 "E072 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\parallelslant  =      3 0 "E090 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\nparallelslant =      3 0 "E091 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\shortparallelslant =  3 0 "E092 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\nshortparallelslant = 3 0 "E093 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\lesseqslantgtr =      3 0 "E094 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\gtreqslantless =      3 0 "E094 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\lesseqqslantgtr =     3 0 "E095 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\gtreqqslantless =     3 0 "E096 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\nsubseteqq =          3 0 "E0AE \relax
+  \Umathchardef\nsupseteqq =          3 0 "E0AF \relax
+  % \widearc and\overrightarc
+  \newcommand*{\widearc}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "E540 }%
+  \newcommand*{\overrightarc}{\Umathaccent 0 0 "20D5 }%
+  % From FourierOrns
+  \Umathchardef\forbidden =           0 0 "E0B0 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\beware =              0 0 "E0B1 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\boom =                0 0 "E0B2 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\thething =            0 0 "E0B4 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\xswordsup =           0 0 "E0B5 \relax
+  \Umathchardef\xswordsdown =         0 0 "E0B6 \relax
+  % amssymb
+  \@ifpackageloaded{amssymb}%
+    {\PackageWarning{fourier-otf}{%
+       Fourier-of provides all AMS symbols.\MessageBreak
+       Loading amssymb.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
+       Reported}%
+    }%
+    {% AMS Symbols not referenced in unicode-math-table.tex
+     % \Umathchardef\sum = <math type> <family> <slot>
+     % <math type> : \mathord=0 \mathrel=3 ; <family>=0
+     \Umathchardef\circledR =       0 0 "24C7 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\circledS =       0 0 "24C8 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\diagup =         0 0 "E0A0 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\diagdown =       0 0 "E0A1 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\shortmid =       3 0 "E0A2 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\shortparallel =  3 0 "E0A3 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nshortmid =      3 0 "E0A4 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nshortparallel = 3 0 "E0A5 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\lvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A6 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\gvertneqq =      3 0 "E0A7 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsubsetneq =   3 0 "E0AC \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsupsetneq =   3 0 "E0AD \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsubsetneqq =  3 0 "E09C \relax
+     \Umathchardef\varsupsetneqq =  3 0 "E09D \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nleqslant =      3 0 "E0A8 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\ngeqslant =      3 0 "E0A9 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nleqq =          3 0 "E0AA \relax
+     \Umathchardef\ngeqq =          3 0 "E0AB \relax
+     \Umathchardef\npreceq =        3 0 "E098 \relax
+     \Umathchardef\nsucceq =        3 0 "E099 \relax
+     \let\centerdot\cdotp                % vysmblksquare ?
+     \let\restriction\upharpoonright
+     \let\doteqdot\Doteq
+     \let\doublecup\Cup
+     \let\doublecap\Cap
+     \let\llless\lll
+     \let\gggtr\ggg
+     \let\circlearrowleft\acwopencirclearrow
+     \let\circlearrowright\cwopencirclearrow
+     \let\lozenge\diamondsuit
+     \let\blacklozenge\vardiamondsuit
+     \let\square\mdlgwhtsquare
+     \let\blacksquare\mdlgblksquare
+     \let\dashleftarrow\leftdasharrow
+     \let\dashrightarrow\rightdasharrow
+     \let\ntriangleleft\nvartriangleleft
+     \let\ntriangleright\nvartriangleright
+     \let\varpropto\propto
+     \let\thicksim\sim
+     \let\thickapprox\approx
+     \let\smallsmile\smile
+     \let\smallfrown\frown
+    }%
+  % latexsym
+  \@ifpackageloaded{latexsym}%
+    {\PackageWarning{fourier-otf}{%
+       Fourier-of provides all LaTeX symbols.\MessageBreak
+       Loading latexsym.sty is not advisable.\MessageBreak
+       Reported}%
+    }%
+    {\let\lhd\vartriangleleft
+     \let\rhd\vartriangleright
+     \let\unlhd\trianglelefteq
+     \let\unrhd\trianglerighteq
+     \let\leadsto\rightsquigarrow
+     \let\Box\mdlgwhtsquare
+     \let\Diamond\mdlgwhtdiamond
+    }%

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/erewhon-math/fourier-otf.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2019-12-02 00:57:45 UTC (rev 52996)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2019-12-02 21:56:39 UTC (rev 52997)
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
     epsdice epsf epsf-dvipdfmx epsincl epslatex-fr
     epspdf epspdfconversion epstopdf epstopdf-pkg
     eqell eqexpl eqlist eqnalign eqname eqnarray eqnnumwarn eqparbox
-    erdc erewhon errata erw-l3
+    erdc erewhon erewhon-math errata erw-l3
     esami es-tex-faq esdiff esindex esint esint-type1 esk eskd eskdx
     eso-pic esrelation esstix estcpmm esvect
     etaremune etdipa etex-pkg etextools ethiop ethiop-t1

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-fontsextra.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-fontsextra.tlpsrc	2019-12-02 00:57:45 UTC (rev 52996)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-fontsextra.tlpsrc	2019-12-02 21:56:39 UTC (rev 52997)
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@
 depend epigrafica
 depend epsdice
 depend erewhon
+depend erewhon-math
 depend esrelation
 depend esstix
 depend esvect

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/erewhon-math.tlpsrc

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