texlive[51977] trunk: checkcites (29aug19)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Aug 29 01:42:31 CEST 2019

Revision: 51977
Author:   karl
Date:     2019-08-29 01:42:31 +0200 (Thu, 29 Aug 2019)
Log Message:
checkcites (29aug19)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/checkcites/checkcites.lua
--- trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/checkcites/checkcites.lua	2019-08-28 23:42:08 UTC (rev 51976)
+++ trunk/Build/source/texk/texlive/linked_scripts/checkcites/checkcites.lua	2019-08-28 23:42:31 UTC (rev 51977)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env texlua
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
 -- checkcites.lua
--- Copyright 2012, 2017, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
+-- Copyright 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
 -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
 -- of the LaTeX  Project Public License, either version  1.3 of this
@@ -145,6 +145,19 @@
   return lines
+-- Gets a pluralized word based on a counter.
+-- @param i Counter.
+-- @param a Word in singular.
+-- @param b Word in plural.
+-- @return Either the first or second word based on the counter.
+local function plural(i, a, b)
+  if i == 1 then
+    return a
+  else
+    return b
+  end
 -- Normalizes the string, removing leading and trailing spaces.
 -- @param str String.
 -- @return Normalized string without leading and trailing spaces.
@@ -167,6 +180,19 @@
   return false
+-- Checks if the key is allowed.
+-- @param v The key itself.
+-- @return Boolean value if the key is allowed.
+local function allowed(key)
+  local keys = { 'string', 'comment' }
+  for _, v in ipairs(keys) do
+    if string.lower(key) == v then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
 -- Extracts the biblographic key.
 -- @param lines Lines of a file.
 -- @return Table containing bibliographic keys.
@@ -173,9 +199,9 @@
 local function extract(lines)
   local result = {}
   for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
-    local hit = string.match(line,
-                '^%s*%@%w+%s*{%s*(.+),')
-    if hit then
+    local key, hit = string.match(line,
+                '^%s*%@(%w+%s*){%s*(.+),')
+    if key and allowed(key) then
       if not exists(result, hit) then
         hit = normalize(hit)
         table.insert(result, hit)
@@ -185,29 +211,61 @@
   return result
--- Gets a pluralized word based on a counter.
--- @param i Counter.
--- @param a Word in singular.
--- @param b Word in plural.
--- @return Either the first or second word based on the counter.
-local function plural(i, a, b)
-  if i == 1 then
-    return a
+-- Adds the extension if the file does not have it.
+-- @param file File.
+-- @param extension Extension.
+-- @return File with proper extension.
+local function sanitize(file, extension)
+  extension = '.' .. extension
+  if string.sub(file, -#extension) ~= extension then
+    file = file .. extension
+  end
+  return file
+-- Checks if a file exists.
+-- @param file File.
+-- @return Boolean value indicating if the file exists.
+local function valid(file)
+  local handler = io.open(file, 'r')
+  if handler then
+    handler:close()
+    return true
-    return b
+    return false
+-- Wraps a string based on a line width.
+-- @param str String.
+-- @param size Line width.
+-- @return Wrapped string.
+local function wrap(str, size)
+  local parts = split(str, '[^%s]+')
+  local r, l = '', ''
+  for _, v in ipairs(parts) do
+    if (#l + #v) > size then
+      r = r .. '\n' .. l
+      l = v
+    else
+      l = normalize(l .. ' ' .. v)
+    end
+  end
+  r = normalize(r .. '\n' .. l)
+  return r
 -- Backend namespace
 local backends = {}
 -- Gets data from auxiliary files (BibTeX).
 -- @param lines Lines of a file.
+-- @param rec Recursive switch.
 -- @return Boolean indicating if an asterisk was found.
 -- @return Table containing the citations.
 -- @return Table containing the bibliography files.
-backends.bibtex = function(lines)
-  local citations, bibliography = {}, {}
+backends.bibtex = function(lines, rec)
+  local citations, bibliography, invalid = {}, {}, {}
   local asterisk, parts, hit = false
   for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
     hit = string.match(line, '^%s*\\citation{(.+)}$')
@@ -234,18 +292,52 @@
             table.insert(bibliography, v)
+      else
+        hit = string.match(line, '^%s*\\@input{(.+)}$')
+        if rec and hit then
+          hit = sanitize(hit, 'aux')
+          if not valid(hit) then
+            table.insert(invalid, hit)
+          else
+            local a, b, c = backends.bibtex(read(hit), false)
+            asterisk = asterisk or a
+            for _, v in ipairs(b) do
+              if not exists(citations, v) then
+                table.insert(citations, v)
+              end
+            end
+            for _, v in ipairs(c) do
+              if not exists(bibliography, v) then
+                table.insert(bibliography, v)
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+  if #invalid ~= 0 then
+    print()
+    print(wrap('Warning: there ' .. plural(#invalid,
+               'is an invalid reference ', 'are ' ..
+               'invalid references ') .. 'to the ' ..
+               'following auxiliary ' .. plural(#invalid,
+               'file ', 'files ') .. 'that could not ' ..
+               'be resolved at runtime:', 74))
+    for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do
+      print('=> ' .. v)
+    end
+  end
   return asterisk, citations, bibliography
 -- Gets data from auxiliary files (Biber).
 -- @param lines Lines of a file.
+-- @param _ To be discarded with biber.
 -- @return Boolean indicating if an asterisk was found.
 -- @return Table containing the citations.
 -- @return Table containing the bibliography files.
-backends.biber = function(lines)
+backends.biber = function(lines, _)
   local citations, bibliography = {}, {}
   local asterisk, parts, hit = false
   for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
@@ -294,28 +386,16 @@
 -- Repeats the provided char a certain number of times.
 -- @param c Char.
--- @param w Number of times.
+-- @param size Number of times.
 -- @return String with a char repeated a certain number of times.
-local function pad(c, w)
+local function pad(c, size)
   local r = c
-  while #r < w do
+  while #r < size do
     r = r .. c
   return r
--- Adds the extension if the file does not have it.
--- @param file File.
--- @param extension Extension.
--- @return File with proper extension.
-local function sanitize(file, extension)
-  extension = '.' .. extension
-  if string.sub(file, -#extension) ~= extension then
-    file = file .. extension
-  end
-  return file
 -- Flattens a table of tables into only one table.
 -- @param t Table.
 -- @return Flattened table.
@@ -343,23 +423,13 @@
   return result
--- Wraps a string based on a line width.
--- @param str String.
--- @param size Line width.
--- @return Wrapped string.
-local function wrap(str, size)
-  local parts = split(str, '[^%s]+')
-  local r, l = '', ''
-  for _, v in ipairs(parts) do
-    if (#l + #v) > size then
-      r = r .. '\n' .. l
-      l = v
-    else
-      l = normalize(l .. ' ' .. v)
-    end
-  end
-  r = normalize(r .. '\n' .. l)
-  return r
+-- Search the TeX tree for the file.
+-- @param library The library reference.
+-- @param file The filename.
+-- @param extension The extension.
+-- @return String pointing to the file location.
+local function lookup(library, file, extension)
+  return library.find_file(file, extension)
 -- Prints the script header.
@@ -370,8 +440,8 @@
 print("|___|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_|_| |___|___|")
   print(wrap('checkcites.lua -- a reference ' ..
-             'checker script (v2.0)', 74))
-  print(wrap('Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, ' ..
+             'checker script (v2.1)', 74))
+  print(wrap('Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, ' ..
              'Enrico Gregorio, Paulo ' ..
              'Roberto Massa Cereda', 74))
@@ -446,30 +516,27 @@
--- Checks if a file exists.
--- @param file File.
--- @return Boolean value indicating if the file exists.
-local function valid(file)
-  local handler = io.open(file, 'r')
-  if handler then
-    handler:close()
-    return true
-  else
-    return false
-  end
 -- Filters a table of files, keeping the inexistent ones.
 -- @param files Table.
+-- @param lib Search library.
+-- @param enabled Boolean switch to enable lookup.
+-- @param extension Extension for lookup.
 -- @return Table of inexistent files.
-local function validate(files)
-  local result = {}
+-- @return Table of existent files.
+local function validate(files, lib, enabled, extension)
+  local bad, good = {}, {}
   for _, v in ipairs(files) do
     if not valid(v) then
-      table.insert(result, v)
+      if enabled and lookup(lib, v, extension) then
+        table.insert(good, lookup(lib, v, extension))
+      else
+        table.insert(bad, v)
+      end
+    else
+      table.insert(good, v)
-  return result
+  return bad, good
 -- Main function.
@@ -476,6 +543,10 @@
 -- @param args Command line arguments.
 -- @return Integer value indicating the status
 local function checkcites(args)
+  local kpse = require('kpse')
+  kpse.set_program_name('texlua')
   local parameters = {
@@ -525,8 +596,8 @@
   if keys['version'] or keys['help'] then
     if keys['version'] then
-      print(wrap('checkcites.lua, version 2.0 (dated August ' ..
-                 '25, 2017)', 74))
+      print(wrap('checkcites.lua, version 2.1 (dated July ' ..
+                 '26, 2019)', 74))
       print(pad('-', 74))
       print(wrap('You can find more details about this ' ..
@@ -611,16 +682,16 @@
                     return sanitize(a, (backend == 'bibtex'
                     and 'aux') or 'bcf') end)
-  local vld = validate(auxiliary)
-  if #vld ~= 0 then
+  local invalid, _ = validate(auxiliary, kpse, false, 'aux')
+  if #invalid ~= 0 then
     print(pad('-', 74))
     print(wrap('I am sorry, but I was unable to ' ..
-               'locate ' .. plural(#vld, 'this file',
+               'locate ' .. plural(#invalid, 'this file',
                'these files')  .. ' (the extension ' ..
                'is automatically set based on the ' ..
                '"' .. backend .. '" backend):', 74))
-    for _, v in ipairs(vld) do
+    for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do
       print('=> ' .. v)
@@ -631,13 +702,13 @@
                '" to files if not provided.', 74))
-    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#vld,
+    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'path is', 'paths are') .. ' ' ..
-               'correct and the ' .. plural(#vld,
+               'correct and the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'file exists', 'files exist') ..  '. ' ..
                'There is nothing I can do at the moment. ' ..
                'Refer to the user documentation for ' ..
-               'details on the file lookup. If ' .. plural(#vld,
+               'details on the file lookup. If ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'this is not the file', 'these are not the ' ..
                'files') .. ' you were expecting, ' ..
                'double-check your source file or ' ..
@@ -647,7 +718,7 @@
   local lines = flatten(apply(auxiliary, read))
-  local asterisk, citations, bibliography = backends[backend](lines)
+  local asterisk, citations, bibliography = backends[backend](lines, true)
   print(wrap('Great, I found ' .. tostring(#citations) .. ' ' ..
@@ -671,27 +742,27 @@
   bibliography = apply(bibliography, function(a)
                  return sanitize(a, 'bib') end)
-  vld = validate(bibliography)
-  if #vld ~= 0 then
+  invalid, bibliography = validate(bibliography, kpse, true, 'bib')
+  if #invalid ~= 0 then
     print(pad('-', 74))
     print(wrap('I am sorry, but I was unable to locate ' ..
-               plural(#vld, 'this file', 'these files') .. ' ' ..
+               plural(#invalid, 'this file', 'these files') .. ' ' ..
                '(the extension is automatically set to ' ..
                '".bib", if not provided):', 74))
-    for _, v in ipairs(vld) do
+    for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do
       print('=> ' .. v)
-    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#vld,
+    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'path is', 'paths are') .. ' ' ..
-               'correct and the ' .. plural(#vld,
+               'correct and the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'file exists', 'files exist') ..  '. ' ..
                'There is nothing I can do at the moment. ' ..
                'Refer to to the user documentation ' ..
                'for details on bibliography lookup. If ' ..
-               plural(#vld, 'this is not the file',
+               plural(#invalid, 'this is not the file',
                'these are not the files') .. ' you were ' ..
                'expecting (wrong bibliography), double-check ' ..
                'your source file. The script will end ' ..
@@ -718,4 +789,3 @@
 -- EOF

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/checkcites/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/checkcites/README	2019-08-28 23:42:08 UTC (rev 51976)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/checkcites/README	2019-08-28 23:42:31 UTC (rev 51977)
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-checkcites.lua -- Version 2.0 from August 25, 2017.
+checkcites.lua -- Version 2.1 from July 26, 2019.
-Copyright (c) 2012, 2017 Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
+Copyright (c) 2012, 2019 Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
 - Enrico dot Gregorio at univr dot it
 - cereda at users dot sf dot net

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/checkcites/checkcites-doc.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/checkcites/checkcites-doc.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/checkcites/checkcites-doc.tex	2019-08-28 23:42:08 UTC (rev 51976)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/support/checkcites/checkcites-doc.tex	2019-08-28 23:42:31 UTC (rev 51977)
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+% arara: pdflatex
+% arara: pdflatex
+% arara: pdflatex
+% arara: clean: { extensions: [ listing, out, aux, log, toc ] }
@@ -16,7 +20,7 @@
-\newcommand{\version}{Version 2.0 from August 25, 2017.}
+\newcommand{\version}{Version 2.1 from July 26, 2019.}
@@ -222,8 +226,8 @@
 |  _|   | -_|  _| '_|  _| |  _| -_|_ -|
 |___|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_|_| |___|___|
-checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.0)
-Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
+checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.1)
+Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
 I am sorry, but you have not provided any command line argument, including
@@ -258,8 +262,8 @@
 |  _|   | -_|  _| '_|  _| |  _| -_|_ -|
 |___|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_|_| |___|___|
-checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.0)
-Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
+checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.1)
+Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
 Usage: checkcites.lua [ [ --all | --unused | --undefined ] [ --backend
 <arg> ] <file> [ <file 2> ... <file n> ] | --help | --version ]
@@ -318,8 +322,8 @@
 |  _|   | -_|  _| '_|  _| |  _| -_|_ -|
 |___|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_|_| |___|___|
-checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.0)
-Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
+checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.1)
+Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
 Great, I found 4 citations in 1 file. I also found 1 bibliography file. Let
 me check this file and extract the references. Please wait a moment.
@@ -459,8 +463,8 @@
 |  _|   | -_|  _| '_|  _| |  _| -_|_ -|
 |___|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_|_| |___|___|
-checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.0)
-Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
+checkcites.lua -- a reference checker script (v2.1)
+Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
 Great, I found 4 citations in 1 file. I also found 1 bibliography file. Let
 me check this file and extract the references. Please wait a moment.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/checkcites/checkcites.lua
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/checkcites/checkcites.lua	2019-08-28 23:42:08 UTC (rev 51976)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/checkcites/checkcites.lua	2019-08-28 23:42:31 UTC (rev 51977)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env texlua
 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
 -- checkcites.lua
--- Copyright 2012, 2017, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
+-- Copyright 2012, 2019, Enrico Gregorio, Paulo Roberto Massa Cereda
 -- This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
 -- of the LaTeX  Project Public License, either version  1.3 of this
@@ -145,6 +145,19 @@
   return lines
+-- Gets a pluralized word based on a counter.
+-- @param i Counter.
+-- @param a Word in singular.
+-- @param b Word in plural.
+-- @return Either the first or second word based on the counter.
+local function plural(i, a, b)
+  if i == 1 then
+    return a
+  else
+    return b
+  end
 -- Normalizes the string, removing leading and trailing spaces.
 -- @param str String.
 -- @return Normalized string without leading and trailing spaces.
@@ -167,6 +180,19 @@
   return false
+-- Checks if the key is allowed.
+-- @param v The key itself.
+-- @return Boolean value if the key is allowed.
+local function allowed(key)
+  local keys = { 'string', 'comment' }
+  for _, v in ipairs(keys) do
+    if string.lower(key) == v then
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  return true
 -- Extracts the biblographic key.
 -- @param lines Lines of a file.
 -- @return Table containing bibliographic keys.
@@ -173,9 +199,9 @@
 local function extract(lines)
   local result = {}
   for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
-    local hit = string.match(line,
-                '^%s*%@%w+%s*{%s*(.+),')
-    if hit then
+    local key, hit = string.match(line,
+                '^%s*%@(%w+%s*){%s*(.+),')
+    if key and allowed(key) then
       if not exists(result, hit) then
         hit = normalize(hit)
         table.insert(result, hit)
@@ -185,29 +211,61 @@
   return result
--- Gets a pluralized word based on a counter.
--- @param i Counter.
--- @param a Word in singular.
--- @param b Word in plural.
--- @return Either the first or second word based on the counter.
-local function plural(i, a, b)
-  if i == 1 then
-    return a
+-- Adds the extension if the file does not have it.
+-- @param file File.
+-- @param extension Extension.
+-- @return File with proper extension.
+local function sanitize(file, extension)
+  extension = '.' .. extension
+  if string.sub(file, -#extension) ~= extension then
+    file = file .. extension
+  end
+  return file
+-- Checks if a file exists.
+-- @param file File.
+-- @return Boolean value indicating if the file exists.
+local function valid(file)
+  local handler = io.open(file, 'r')
+  if handler then
+    handler:close()
+    return true
-    return b
+    return false
+-- Wraps a string based on a line width.
+-- @param str String.
+-- @param size Line width.
+-- @return Wrapped string.
+local function wrap(str, size)
+  local parts = split(str, '[^%s]+')
+  local r, l = '', ''
+  for _, v in ipairs(parts) do
+    if (#l + #v) > size then
+      r = r .. '\n' .. l
+      l = v
+    else
+      l = normalize(l .. ' ' .. v)
+    end
+  end
+  r = normalize(r .. '\n' .. l)
+  return r
 -- Backend namespace
 local backends = {}
 -- Gets data from auxiliary files (BibTeX).
 -- @param lines Lines of a file.
+-- @param rec Recursive switch.
 -- @return Boolean indicating if an asterisk was found.
 -- @return Table containing the citations.
 -- @return Table containing the bibliography files.
-backends.bibtex = function(lines)
-  local citations, bibliography = {}, {}
+backends.bibtex = function(lines, rec)
+  local citations, bibliography, invalid = {}, {}, {}
   local asterisk, parts, hit = false
   for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
     hit = string.match(line, '^%s*\\citation{(.+)}$')
@@ -234,18 +292,52 @@
             table.insert(bibliography, v)
+      else
+        hit = string.match(line, '^%s*\\@input{(.+)}$')
+        if rec and hit then
+          hit = sanitize(hit, 'aux')
+          if not valid(hit) then
+            table.insert(invalid, hit)
+          else
+            local a, b, c = backends.bibtex(read(hit), false)
+            asterisk = asterisk or a
+            for _, v in ipairs(b) do
+              if not exists(citations, v) then
+                table.insert(citations, v)
+              end
+            end
+            for _, v in ipairs(c) do
+              if not exists(bibliography, v) then
+                table.insert(bibliography, v)
+              end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+  if #invalid ~= 0 then
+    print()
+    print(wrap('Warning: there ' .. plural(#invalid,
+               'is an invalid reference ', 'are ' ..
+               'invalid references ') .. 'to the ' ..
+               'following auxiliary ' .. plural(#invalid,
+               'file ', 'files ') .. 'that could not ' ..
+               'be resolved at runtime:', 74))
+    for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do
+      print('=> ' .. v)
+    end
+  end
   return asterisk, citations, bibliography
 -- Gets data from auxiliary files (Biber).
 -- @param lines Lines of a file.
+-- @param _ To be discarded with biber.
 -- @return Boolean indicating if an asterisk was found.
 -- @return Table containing the citations.
 -- @return Table containing the bibliography files.
-backends.biber = function(lines)
+backends.biber = function(lines, _)
   local citations, bibliography = {}, {}
   local asterisk, parts, hit = false
   for _, line in ipairs(lines) do
@@ -294,28 +386,16 @@
 -- Repeats the provided char a certain number of times.
 -- @param c Char.
--- @param w Number of times.
+-- @param size Number of times.
 -- @return String with a char repeated a certain number of times.
-local function pad(c, w)
+local function pad(c, size)
   local r = c
-  while #r < w do
+  while #r < size do
     r = r .. c
   return r
--- Adds the extension if the file does not have it.
--- @param file File.
--- @param extension Extension.
--- @return File with proper extension.
-local function sanitize(file, extension)
-  extension = '.' .. extension
-  if string.sub(file, -#extension) ~= extension then
-    file = file .. extension
-  end
-  return file
 -- Flattens a table of tables into only one table.
 -- @param t Table.
 -- @return Flattened table.
@@ -343,23 +423,13 @@
   return result
--- Wraps a string based on a line width.
--- @param str String.
--- @param size Line width.
--- @return Wrapped string.
-local function wrap(str, size)
-  local parts = split(str, '[^%s]+')
-  local r, l = '', ''
-  for _, v in ipairs(parts) do
-    if (#l + #v) > size then
-      r = r .. '\n' .. l
-      l = v
-    else
-      l = normalize(l .. ' ' .. v)
-    end
-  end
-  r = normalize(r .. '\n' .. l)
-  return r
+-- Search the TeX tree for the file.
+-- @param library The library reference.
+-- @param file The filename.
+-- @param extension The extension.
+-- @return String pointing to the file location.
+local function lookup(library, file, extension)
+  return library.find_file(file, extension)
 -- Prints the script header.
@@ -370,8 +440,8 @@
 print("|___|_|_|___|___|_,_|___|_|_| |___|___|")
   print(wrap('checkcites.lua -- a reference ' ..
-             'checker script (v2.0)', 74))
-  print(wrap('Copyright (c) 2012, 2017, ' ..
+             'checker script (v2.1)', 74))
+  print(wrap('Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, ' ..
              'Enrico Gregorio, Paulo ' ..
              'Roberto Massa Cereda', 74))
@@ -446,30 +516,27 @@
--- Checks if a file exists.
--- @param file File.
--- @return Boolean value indicating if the file exists.
-local function valid(file)
-  local handler = io.open(file, 'r')
-  if handler then
-    handler:close()
-    return true
-  else
-    return false
-  end
 -- Filters a table of files, keeping the inexistent ones.
 -- @param files Table.
+-- @param lib Search library.
+-- @param enabled Boolean switch to enable lookup.
+-- @param extension Extension for lookup.
 -- @return Table of inexistent files.
-local function validate(files)
-  local result = {}
+-- @return Table of existent files.
+local function validate(files, lib, enabled, extension)
+  local bad, good = {}, {}
   for _, v in ipairs(files) do
     if not valid(v) then
-      table.insert(result, v)
+      if enabled and lookup(lib, v, extension) then
+        table.insert(good, lookup(lib, v, extension))
+      else
+        table.insert(bad, v)
+      end
+    else
+      table.insert(good, v)
-  return result
+  return bad, good
 -- Main function.
@@ -476,6 +543,10 @@
 -- @param args Command line arguments.
 -- @return Integer value indicating the status
 local function checkcites(args)
+  local kpse = require('kpse')
+  kpse.set_program_name('texlua')
   local parameters = {
@@ -525,8 +596,8 @@
   if keys['version'] or keys['help'] then
     if keys['version'] then
-      print(wrap('checkcites.lua, version 2.0 (dated August ' ..
-                 '25, 2017)', 74))
+      print(wrap('checkcites.lua, version 2.1 (dated July ' ..
+                 '26, 2019)', 74))
       print(pad('-', 74))
       print(wrap('You can find more details about this ' ..
@@ -611,16 +682,16 @@
                     return sanitize(a, (backend == 'bibtex'
                     and 'aux') or 'bcf') end)
-  local vld = validate(auxiliary)
-  if #vld ~= 0 then
+  local invalid, _ = validate(auxiliary, kpse, false, 'aux')
+  if #invalid ~= 0 then
     print(pad('-', 74))
     print(wrap('I am sorry, but I was unable to ' ..
-               'locate ' .. plural(#vld, 'this file',
+               'locate ' .. plural(#invalid, 'this file',
                'these files')  .. ' (the extension ' ..
                'is automatically set based on the ' ..
                '"' .. backend .. '" backend):', 74))
-    for _, v in ipairs(vld) do
+    for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do
       print('=> ' .. v)
@@ -631,13 +702,13 @@
                '" to files if not provided.', 74))
-    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#vld,
+    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'path is', 'paths are') .. ' ' ..
-               'correct and the ' .. plural(#vld,
+               'correct and the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'file exists', 'files exist') ..  '. ' ..
                'There is nothing I can do at the moment. ' ..
                'Refer to the user documentation for ' ..
-               'details on the file lookup. If ' .. plural(#vld,
+               'details on the file lookup. If ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'this is not the file', 'these are not the ' ..
                'files') .. ' you were expecting, ' ..
                'double-check your source file or ' ..
@@ -647,7 +718,7 @@
   local lines = flatten(apply(auxiliary, read))
-  local asterisk, citations, bibliography = backends[backend](lines)
+  local asterisk, citations, bibliography = backends[backend](lines, true)
   print(wrap('Great, I found ' .. tostring(#citations) .. ' ' ..
@@ -671,27 +742,27 @@
   bibliography = apply(bibliography, function(a)
                  return sanitize(a, 'bib') end)
-  vld = validate(bibliography)
-  if #vld ~= 0 then
+  invalid, bibliography = validate(bibliography, kpse, true, 'bib')
+  if #invalid ~= 0 then
     print(pad('-', 74))
     print(wrap('I am sorry, but I was unable to locate ' ..
-               plural(#vld, 'this file', 'these files') .. ' ' ..
+               plural(#invalid, 'this file', 'these files') .. ' ' ..
                '(the extension is automatically set to ' ..
                '".bib", if not provided):', 74))
-    for _, v in ipairs(vld) do
+    for _, v in ipairs(invalid) do
       print('=> ' .. v)
-    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#vld,
+    print(wrap('Please make sure the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'path is', 'paths are') .. ' ' ..
-               'correct and the ' .. plural(#vld,
+               'correct and the ' .. plural(#invalid,
                'file exists', 'files exist') ..  '. ' ..
                'There is nothing I can do at the moment. ' ..
                'Refer to to the user documentation ' ..
                'for details on bibliography lookup. If ' ..
-               plural(#vld, 'this is not the file',
+               plural(#invalid, 'this is not the file',
                'these are not the files') .. ' you were ' ..
                'expecting (wrong bibliography), double-check ' ..
                'your source file. The script will end ' ..
@@ -718,4 +789,3 @@
 -- EOF

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