texlive[48936] Master: biblatex-bath (18oct18)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Oct 18 22:33:24 CEST 2018

Revision: 48936
Author:   karl
Date:     2018-10-18 22:33:24 +0200 (Thu, 18 Oct 2018)
Log Message:
biblatex-bath (18oct18)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/Makefile
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/Makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/Makefile	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+STYLE = bath
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+ctan: all
+	mkdir $(TDIR)
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Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/Makefile
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/README.md	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# biblatex-bath: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+This package provides a [biblatex] style to format reference lists in the
+[Harvard style][bath-harvard] recommended by the University of Bath Library.
+## Installation
+You can use this style simply by copying all the `.bbx`, `.cbx`, `.dbx` and
+`.lbx` files into your working directory, that is, the directory holding the
+main `.tex` file for your document. If you want the style to be available for
+all your documents without having to copy the files over each time, you can
+install them using the instructions below.
+### Automated way
+A makefile is provided which you can use with the Make utility on
+UNIX-like systems:
+  * Running `make source` generates the derived files
+      - `README.md`
+      - `bath.bbx`, `bath.cbx`, `bath.dbx`
+      - `american-bath.lbx`, `british-bath.lbx`
+      - `biblatex-bath.bib`
+      - `biblatex-bath.ins`
+  * Running `make` generates the above files and also biblatex-bath.pdf.
+  * Running `make inst` installs the files in the user's TeX tree.
+    You can undo this with `make uninst`.
+  * Running `make install` installs the files in the local TeX tree.
+    You can undo this with `make uninstall`.
+### Manual way
+You only need to follow the first two steps if you have made your own
+changes to the .dtx file. The compiled files you need are included in
+the zip archive.
+ 1. Run `luatex biblatex-bath.dtx` to generate the source files.
+ 2. Compile `biblatex-bath.dtx` with [LuaLaTeX] and [Biber] to generate the
+    documentation. You will need, among other things, the [luatexja],
+    [adobemapping] and [ipaex] packages installed; this is just for the
+    documentation, not for the biblatex style itself.
+ 3. If you are using TeX Live, find your home TeX tree using the following
+    command at the command prompt/terminal:
+    ```
+    kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME
+    ```
+    If you are using MikTeX, consult the MikTeX manual entry for [integrating
+    local additions](http://docs.miktex.org/manual/localadditions.html). You
+    can use one of the roots (TeX trees) already defined – preferably one of
+    the User roots – or set up a new one.
+ 4. Move the files to your TeX tree as follows:
+      - `source/latex/biblatex-bath`:
+        `biblatex-bath.dtx`,
+        (`biblatex-bath.ins`)
+      - `tex/latex/biblatex-bath`:
+        `bath.bbx`,
+        `bath.cbx`,
+        `bath.dbx`,
+        `american-bath.lbx`,
+        `british-bath.lbx`
+      - `doc/latex/biblatex-bath`:
+        `biblatex-bath.pdf`,
+        `README.md`
+ 5. You may then have to update your installation's file name database
+    before TeX and friends can see the files.
+[bath-harvard]: http://www.bath.ac.uk/library/infoskills/referencing-plagiarism/harvard-bath-style.html
+[biblatex]: http://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex
+[LuaLaTeX]: http://ctan.org/pkg/lualatex-doc
+[Biber]: http://ctan.org/pkg/biber
+[luatexja]: http://ctan.org/pkg/luatexja
+[adobemapping]: http://ctan.org/pkg/adobemapping
+[ipaex]: http://ctan.org/pkg/ipaex
+## Licence
+Copyright 2016 University of Bath.
+This work consists of the documented LaTeX file biblatex-bath.dtx and a Makefile.
+The text files contained in this work may be distributed and/or modified
+under the conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)][lppl],
+either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+This work is `maintained' (as per LPPL maintenance status) by [Alex Ball][me].
+[lppl]: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt "LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)"
+[me]: https://github.com/alex-ball/bathbib "Alex Ball"

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/README.md
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/biblatex-bath.bib
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/biblatex-bath.bib	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-bath/biblatex-bath.bib	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+ at book{rang.etal2012rdp,
+  author = {Rang, H. P. and Dale, M. M. and Ritter, J. M. and Flower, R. J. and Henderson, G.},
+  year = {2012},
+  title = {Rang and {Dale's} Pharmacology},
+  edition = {7},
+  address = {Edinburgh},
+  publisher = {Elsevier Churchill Livingstone}}
+ at book{ou1972em,
+  author = {{Open University}},
+  year = {1972},
+  title = {Electricity and Magnetism},
+  address = {Bletchley},
+  publisher = {Open University Press}}
+ at book{rothman.etal2008me,
+  editor = {Kenneth J. Rothman and Sander Greenland and Timothy L. Lash},
+  year = {2008},
+  title = {Modern Epidemiology},
+  edition = {3},
+  address = {Philadelphia, Pa.},
+  publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins}}
+ at book{oed1989,
+  title = {Oxford {English} Dictionary},
+  year = {1989},
+  edition = {2},
+  address = {Oxford},
+  publisher = {Clarendon Press}}
+ at book{merckNDidx,
+  title = {The {Merck} Index Online},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {RSC Publishing},
+  url = {http://www.rsc.org/Merck-Index},
+  urldate = {2016-06-16}}
+ at book{haynes2014crc,
+  editor = {Haynes, W. M.},
+  year = {2014},
+  title = {{CRC} Handbook of Chemistry and Physics},
+  edition = {94},
+  address = {Boca Raton, Fla.},
+  publisher = {CRC Press/{Taylor and Francis}},
+  url = {http://www.hbcpnetbase.com},
+  urldate = {2016-06-16}}
+ at book{hodds2016re,
+  author = {Hodds, J.},
+  year = {2016},
+  title = {Referencing ebooks},
+  titleaddon = {Kindle version 4.18},
+  address = {Bath},
+  publisher = {University of Bath}}
+ at incollection{burchard1965hhl,
+  author = {Burchard, J. E.},
+  year = {1965},
+  title = {How Humanists use a Library},
+  editor = {C. F. J. Overhage and J. R. Harman},
+  booktitle = {Intrex},
+  booksubtitle = {Report on a Planning Conference and Information Transfer Experiments},
+  address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
+  publisher = {MIT Press},
+  pages = {41-87}}
+ at incollection{reid1967ptp,
+  author = {D. R. Reid},
+  year = {1967},
+  title = {Physical Testing of Polymer Films},
+  editor = {S. H. Pinner},
+  booktitle = {Modern Packaging Films},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {Butterworths},
+  pages = {143-183}}
+ at article{stieg1981cer,
+  author = {Stieg, M. F.},
+  year = {1981},
+  title = {Continuing Education and the Reference Librarian in the Academic and Research Library},
+  journal = {Library Journal},
+  volume = {105},
+  number ={22},
+  pages = {2547-2551}}
+ at article{stieg1981inh,
+  author = {Stieg, M. F.},
+  year = {1981},
+  title = {The Information Needs of Historians},
+  journal = {College and Research Libraries},
+  volume = {42},
+  number ={6},
+  pages = {549-560}}
+ at article{newman2010mcb,
+  author = {Newman, R.},
+  year = {2010},
+  title = {Malaria control beyond 2010},
+  journal = {Brit.\@ Med.\@ J.},
+  volume = {341},
+  number = {7765},
+  pages = {157-208}}
+ at article{williams1997edd,
+  author = {Williams, F.},
+  year = {1997},
+  title = {Electronic Document Delivery},
+  subtitle = {A Trial in an Academic Library},
+  journal = {Ariadne},
+  volume = {10},
+  url = {http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue10/edd/},
+  urldate = {1997-12-05}}
+ at report{shah.corrick2016hsc,
+  author = {Shah, I. and Corrick, I.},
+  year = {2016},
+  title = {How should central banks respond to non-neutral inflation expectations?},
+  address = {Bath},
+  institution = {University of Bath},
+  library = {OPUS},
+  url = {http://opus.bath.ac.uk},
+  urldate = {2016-05-04}}
+ at article{haurant2004bbh,
+  author = {Haurant, S.},
+  date = {2004-07-29},
+  title = {Britain's Borrowing Hits \pounds 1 Trillion},
+  journal = {The Guardian},
+  pages = {16c}}
+ at article{independent1992pub,
+  author = {{The Independent}},
+  date = {1992-06-04},
+  title = {Picking Up the Bills},
+  journal = {The Independent},
+  pages = {28a}}
+ at inproceedings{crawford1965oim,
+  author = {Crawford, G. I.},
+  year = {1965},
+  title = {Oxygen in Metals},
+  editor = {J. M. A. Lenihan and S. J. Thompson},
+  booktitle = {Activation Analysis},
+  booksubtitle = {Proceedings of a {NATO} {Advanced} {Study} {Institute}},
+  eventdate = {1964-08-02/1964-08-04},
+  venue = {Glasgow},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {Academic Press},
+  pages = {113-118}}
+ at inproceedings{soper1972rbc,
+  author = {Soper, D.},
+  year = {1972},
+  title = {Review of Bracken Control Experiments with Asulam},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th {British} {Weed} {Control} {Conference}},
+  eventdate = {1972-11-15/1972-11-17},
+  venue = {Brighton},
+  address = {Brighton},
+  publisher = {University of Sussex},
+  pages = {24-31}}
+ at thesis{burrell1973ist,
+  author = {Burrell, J. G.},
+  year = {1973},
+  title = {The Importance of School Tours in Education},
+  type = {Thesis ({M.A.})},
+  school = {Queen's University, Belfast}}
+ at report{unesco1993gip,
+  author = {{UNESCO}},
+  year = {1993},
+  title = {General Information Programme and {UNISIST}},
+  address = {Paris},
+  institution = {UNESCO},
+  number = {PGI-93/WS/22}}
+ at standard{bs5605:1990,
+  number = {BS~5605:1990},
+  sortyear = {1990},
+  title = {Recommendations for citing and referencing published material},
+  organization = {BSI}}
+ at patent{pm1981opa,
+  author = {{Phillipp Morris Inc.}},
+  year = {1981},
+  title = {Optical perforating apparatus and system},
+  type = {European patent application},
+  number = {0021165A1. 1981-01-07}}
+ at image{nasa2015nat,
+  author = {{NASA}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {{NASA} Astronaut {Tim} {Kopra} on {Dec.\@} 21 Spacewalk},
+  address = {Washington},
+  publisher = {NASA},
+  url = {http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-astronaut-tim-kopra-on-dec-21-spacewalk},
+  urldate = {2015-01-07}}
+ at image{iliff2006rcb,
+  author = {D. Iliff},
+  year = {2006},
+  title = {{Royal} {Crescent} in {Bath,} {England} - {July} 2006},
+  address = {San Francisco},
+  organization = {Wikimedia Foundation},
+  url = {https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Royal_Crescent_in_Bath,_England_-_July_2006.jpg},
+  urldate = {2015-01-07}}
+ at image{anon1946peb,
+  author = {Anon\adddot},
+  year = {1946},
+  title = {Prototype electric bicycle displayed at the \enquote{Britain Can Make It} exhibition
+    organised by the {Council} of {Industrial} {Design} and held at the {Victoria} and {Albert}
+    {Museum}, {London}, 1946. {Designed} by {B.~G.} {Bowden}},
+  titleaddon = {photograph},
+  address = {London},
+  library = {Design Council Slide Collection}}
+ at manual{andrews.dury1773wilts,
+  author = {Andrews, J. and Dury, A.},
+  year = {1773},
+  title = {Map of {Wiltshire}},
+  series = {1 inch to 2 miles},
+  address = {Devizes},
+  publisher = {Wiltshire Record Society}}
+ at video{macbeth1948,
+  year = {1948},
+  title = {Macbeth},
+  type = {Film},
+  note = {Directed by Orson Welles},
+  address = {USA},
+  publisher = {Republic Pictures}}
+ at video{moran2016sol,
+  author = {Moran, C.},
+  year = {2016},
+  title = {Save {Our} {Libraries}},
+  url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTfCz4JtVE&feature=youtu.be},
+  urldate = {2016-04-29}}
+ at video{uob2015wie,
+  author = {{University of Bath}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {What is Engineering?},
+  url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoyZarq-Zbo},
+  urldate = {2016-01-12}}
+ at video{rsfo2006ep5,
+  date = {2006-08-23T20:30:00},
+  title = {Rick {Stein's} {French} {Odyssey}},
+  subtitle = {{Episode} 5},
+  type = {TV},
+  publisher = {BBC2}}
+ at audio{archers20060823,
+  date = {2006-08-23T19:02:00},
+  title = {The {Archers}},
+  type = {Radio},
+  publisher = {BBC Radio 4}}
+ at book{beethoven1950symph1,
+  author = {Ludwig van Beethoven},
+  year = {1950},
+  title = {Symphony no.1 in {C,} {Op.21}},
+  address = {Harmondsworth},
+  publisher = {Penguin}}
+ at online{holland2002gci,
+  author = {Holland, M.},
+  year = {2002},
+  title = {Guide to Citing Internet Sources},
+  address = {Poole},
+  organization = {Bournemouth University},
+  url = {http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library/using/guide_to_citing_internet_sourc.html},
+  urldate = {2002-11-04}}
+ at online{wiltshire2015gww,
+  author = {{Wiltshire Council}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {Get {Wiltshire} walking},
+  address = {Trowbridge},
+  organization = {Wiltshire Council},
+  url = {http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/leisureandrecreation/sportphysicalactivity/getwiltshirewalking.html},
+  urldate = {2015-08-19}}
+ at letter{clark2004euk,
+  author = {Clark, T.},
+  date = {2004-07-05},
+  title = {A {European} {UK} {Libraries} {Plus}?},
+  journal = {Lis-link},
+  url = {lis-link at jiscmail.ac.uk},
+  urldate = {2004-07-30}}
+ at letter{alston2004sah,
+  author = {Alston, S.},
+  date = {2004-07-19},
+  title = {Society of {Architectural} {Historians} of {GB}},
+  howpublished = {Email to K.M. Jordan}}
+ at online{bvd2008bt,
+  author = {{Bureau van Dijk}},
+  year = {2008},
+  title = {{BT} {Group} PLC Company Report},
+  library = {FAME},
+  address = {London},
+  organization = {Bureau van Dijk},
+  url = {http://www.portal.euromonitor.com},
+  urldate = {2014-11-06}}
+ at online{wilson2013rgc,
+  author = {Wilson, D.},
+  year = {2013},
+  title = {Real Geometry and Connectedness via Triangular Description},
+  subtitle = {{CAD} Example Bank},
+  address = {Bath},
+  organization = {University of Bath},
+  doi = {10.15125/BATH-00069},
+  urldate = {2016-04-20}}
+ at software{screencasto,
+  author = {@screencasto},
+  title = {{Screencast-O-Matic}},
+  version = {2},
+  titleaddon = {computer program},
+  url = {https://screencast-o-matic.com/},
+  urldate = {2016-05-16}}
+ at book{aristotle2007ne,
+  author = {Aristotle},
+  year = {2007},
+  title = {Nicomachean Ethics},
+  translator = {W. D. Ross},
+  address = {South Dakota},
+  publisher = {NuVisions}}
+ at book{esquivel2003cap,
+  author = {Esquivel, L.},
+  year = {2003},
+  title = {Como Agua para Chocolate},
+  titleaddon = {Like water for chocolate},
+  address = {Barcelona},
+  publisher = {Debolsillo}}
+ at article{thurfjell1975vhv,
+  author = {Thurfjell, W.},
+  year = {1975},
+  title = {Vart har våran doktor tagit vägen?},
+  titleaddon = {Where has our doctor gone?},
+  journal = {Läkartidningen},
+  volume = {72},
+  pages = {789}}
+ at article{hua1999qys1,
+  author = {given=Linfu, family=Hua, cjk=華林甫},
+  year = {1999},
+  title = {Qingdai yilai {Sanxia} diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu
+    {清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步硏}},
+  titleaddon = {A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the {Three} {Gorges} region since
+    the {Qing} dynasty},
+  journal = {Zhongguo shehui kexue \textup{中國社會科學}},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {168-79}}
+ at article{hua1999qys2,
+  author = {Hua, Linfu},
+  year = {1999},
+  title = {Qingdai yilai {Sanxia} diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu},
+  titleaddon = {A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the {Three} {Gorges} region since
+    the {Qing} dynasty},
+  journal = {Zhongguo shehui kexue},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {168-79}}
+ at book{hua2001foo,
+  author = {given=Linfu, family=Hua, cjk=華林甫},
+  author+an = {1=cjk},
+  year = {2001},
+  title = {Lorem ipsum}}
+ at legislation{gb.wa1735,
+  title = {Witchcraft {Act}},
+  year = {1735},
+  series = {9 Geo.2},
+  chapter = {5}}
+ at legislation{gb.pa2014,
+  title = {Pensions {Act}},
+  year = {2014},
+  chapter = {19},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {TSO}}
+ at legislation{gb.bill1987/88-66,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons}},
+  year = {1988},
+  title = {Local Government Finance Bill},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {HMSO},
+  series = {{Bills | 1987/88}},
+  number = {66}}
+ at legislation{gb.hmr2012,
+  entrysubtype = {secondary},
+  title = {The {Human} {Medicines} {Regulations}},
+  year = {2012},
+  number = {No.1916},
+  address = {United Kingdom},
+  publisher = {HMSO},
+  url = {http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/1916/pdfs/uksi_20121916_en.pdf},
+  urldate = {2016-04-17}}
+ at report{gb.hc2003/04-30,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons}},
+  year = {2004},
+  title = {National {Savings} Investment Deposits},
+  subtitle = {Account 2002--2003},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {National Audit Office},
+  series = {HC 2003/04},
+  number = {30}}
+ at report{gb.hl1986/87-66,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords}},
+  year = {1987},
+  title = {Social Fund ({Maternity} and {Funeral} {Expenses}) {Bill}},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {HMSO},
+  series = {HL 1986/87},
+  number = {66}}
+ at report{gb.cm6041,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Ministry of Defence}},
+  year = {2004},
+  title = {Delivering Security in a Changing World},
+  subtitle = {Defence White Paper},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {TSO},
+  series = {Cm},
+  number = {6041}}
+ at legislation{eu.dir2015/413,
+  title = {Directive ({EU}) 2015/413 of the {European} {Parliament} and of the {Council} of
+    11th {March} 2015 Facilitating Cross-Border Exchange of Information on Road-Safety-Related
+    Traffic Offences},
+  shorttitle = {Directive ({EU}) 2015/413},
+  year = {2015},
+  journal = {OJ},
+  series = {L},
+  volume = {68},
+  pages = {9}}
+ at report{ec2015gra,
+  author = {{European Commission}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {General Report on the Activities of the {European} {Union} 2014},
+  address = {Luxembourg},
+  publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}}
+ at jurisdiction{seldon-v-c.w.j2012,
+  title = {Seldon v {Clarkson} {Wright} \& {Jakes}},
+  year = {2012},
+  journal = {UKSC},
+  pages = {16}}
+ at jurisdiction{srl.etal-v-comm2005,
+  title = {Alessandrini {Srl} and others v.\@ {Commission}},
+  number = {C-295/03 P},
+  year = {2005},
+  journal = {ECR},
+  volume = {I},
+  pages = {5700}}
+ at book{adams2009tc1,
+  author = {Adams, Gomez},
+  year = {2009},
+  title = {Test Citation One},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {Imperial College Bookstall}}
+ at book{adams2014tc2,
+  author = {Adams, Gomez},
+  year = {2014},
+  title = {Test Citation Two},
+  address = {Oxford},
+  publisher = {Oxford University Press}}
+ at book{adams2017tc3,
+  author = {Adams, Gomez},
+  year = {2017},
+  title = {Test Citation Three},
+  address = {Cambridge},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press}}

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@@ -0,0 +1,3961 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+# biblatex-bath: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+  \expandafter\begingroup
+\input docstrip.tex
+  \file{README.md}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}}
+  \file{\jobname.bib}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{bib}}
+biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+Author:  Alex Ball
+E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+  \file{bath.bbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{bbx}}
+  \file{bath.cbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{cbx}}
+  \file{bath.dbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{dbx}}
+  \file{british-bath.lbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{lbx}}
+  \file{american-bath.lbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{lbx-us}}
+  \file{\jobname.ins}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{install}}
+  \expandafter\endbatchfile
+  \expandafter\endgroup
+    [2018/04/23 v2.0 Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library]
+% For typesetting the CJK example
+  \usepackage{CJKutf8}
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+    \setmainjfont{IPAexGothic}
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+% For typesetting the examples
+  {Verbatim}{Verbatim}
+  {commentchar=\%}
+    link = {\href{#3}{#1}}%
+  \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{{#1}}%
+  \hangindent \wd\@tempboxa\noindent\box\@tempboxa}
+  \begin{list}{\makebox[2em][c]{\faLightbulbO}}{%
+    \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em}
+    \setlength{\labelwidth}{2em}
+    \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}}
+  \begin{list}{\makebox[2em][c]{\faInfoCircle}}{%
+    \setlength{\leftmargin}{2em}
+    \setlength{\labelwidth}{2em}
+    \setlength{\labelsep}{0pt}}
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+    { printbibliography
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+    , newrefcontext
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+  , moredelim=**[s][\color{blue!75!black}]{\{}{\}}
+  , mathescape
+  }
+  { colframe = Slate
+  , colback = BathStone!25
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+% For typesetting the implementation
+\def\ydoc at catcodes{%
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+  \catcode`\^^M=\active
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+  \ydoc at catcodes
+  \macro at code
+\endlinechar\m at ne
+\catcode`\ =12\relax
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+|def (|noexpand|spacemacro)*
+|gdef|ydoc at defrevspecialmacros(*
+|def|spacemacro(|noexpand )*
+  {\ydoc at defspecialmacros
+  \xdef\themacrocode{#1}}%
+  \PrintMacroCode
+  \end{macrocode}%
+  \begingroup
+  \let\firstlinemacro\empty
+  \let\lastlinemacro\empty
+  \def\newlinemacro{^^J}%
+  \let\bslashmacro\bslash
+  \let\spacemacro\space
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+  \immediate\write\ydocwrite{\themacrocode}%
+  \immediate\closeout\ydocwrite
+  \let\input\@input
+  \tcbinputlisting{enhanced,breakable,size=small,listing only,listing file=\ydocfname}%
+  \endgroup
+% Documentation
+  {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
+  {\usedriver
+     {\defcounter{maxnames}{\blx at maxbibnames}}
+     {\thefield{entrytype}}}
+  {\multicitedelim}
+  {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+  \ifboolexpr{ test {\ifcitation} and not test {\iffootnote} }{%
+    \finentrypunct
+  }{}%
+\title{biblatex-bath: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library}
+  Maintainer: Alex Ball\thanks{%
+    To contact the maintainer about this package, please visit the repository
+    where the code is hosted: \url{https://github.com/alex-ball/bathbib}.%
+  }%
+\date{Package \UseVersionOf{biblatex-bath.dtx} --\printdateTeX{\UseDateOf{biblatex-bath.dtx}}}
+This package provides a [biblatex] style to format reference lists in the
+[Harvard style][bath-harvard] recommended by the University of Bath Library.
+## Installation
+You can use this style simply by copying all the `.bbx`, `.cbx`, `.dbx` and
+`.lbx` files into your working directory, that is, the directory holding the
+main `.tex` file for your document. If you want the style to be available for
+all your documents without having to copy the files over each time, you can
+install them using the instructions below.
+### Automated way
+A makefile is provided which you can use with the Make utility on
+UNIX-like systems:
+  * Running `make source` generates the derived files
+      - `README.md`
+      - `bath.bbx`, `bath.cbx`, `bath.dbx`
+      - `american-bath.lbx`, `british-bath.lbx`
+      - `biblatex-bath.bib`
+      - `biblatex-bath.ins`
+  * Running `make` generates the above files and also biblatex-bath.pdf.
+  * Running `make inst` installs the files in the user's TeX tree.
+    You can undo this with `make uninst`.
+  * Running `make install` installs the files in the local TeX tree.
+    You can undo this with `make uninstall`.
+### Manual way
+You only need to follow the first two steps if you have made your own
+changes to the .dtx file. The compiled files you need are included in
+the zip archive.
+ 1. Run `luatex biblatex-bath.dtx` to generate the source files.
+ 2. Compile `biblatex-bath.dtx` with [LuaLaTeX] and [Biber] to generate the
+    documentation. You will need, among other things, the [luatexja],
+    [adobemapping] and [ipaex] packages installed; this is just for the
+    documentation, not for the biblatex style itself.
+ 3. If you are using TeX Live, find your home TeX tree using the following
+    command at the command prompt/terminal:
+    ```
+    kpsewhich -var-value=TEXMFHOME
+    ```
+    If you are using MikTeX, consult the MikTeX manual entry for [integrating
+    local additions](http://docs.miktex.org/manual/localadditions.html). You
+    can use one of the roots (TeX trees) already defined – preferably one of
+    the User roots – or set up a new one.
+ 4. Move the files to your TeX tree as follows:
+      - `source/latex/biblatex-bath`:
+        `biblatex-bath.dtx`,
+        (`biblatex-bath.ins`)
+      - `tex/latex/biblatex-bath`:
+        `bath.bbx`,
+        `bath.cbx`,
+        `bath.dbx`,
+        `american-bath.lbx`,
+        `british-bath.lbx`
+      - `doc/latex/biblatex-bath`:
+        `biblatex-bath.pdf`,
+        `README.md`
+ 5. You may then have to update your installation's file name database
+    before TeX and friends can see the files.
+[bath-harvard]: http://www.bath.ac.uk/library/infoskills/referencing-plagiarism/harvard-bath-style.html
+[biblatex]: http://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex
+[LuaLaTeX]: http://ctan.org/pkg/lualatex-doc
+[Biber]: http://ctan.org/pkg/biber
+[luatexja]: http://ctan.org/pkg/luatexja
+[adobemapping]: http://ctan.org/pkg/adobemapping
+[ipaex]: http://ctan.org/pkg/ipaex
+\section{Using the style}
+To use the style, specify it when you load \textsf{biblatex}. To get the sorting
+order of your \emph{citations} right, specify the \texttt{ynt} sorting scheme.
+To avoid possible inconsistencies (e.g.\@ in how disambiguation letters are
+assigned), force all entries to use the global reference context:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing only}
+Remember also to specify your \texttt{.bib} file in the preamble:
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing only}
+To get the sorting order of your \emph{references} right, create a new reference
+context just before you print your bibliography, using the \texttt{nyt} sorting
+\begin{tcblisting}{listing only}
+If you forget these extra steps, the \texttt{nyt} sorting scheme will be used
+To make a citation in the text, use the key that corresponds to the entry in your \texttt{.bib} file:
+While collections can be supplemented by other means \autocite{williams1997edd},
+the absence of an invisible collection amongst historians is noted by
+\textcite[556]{stieg1981inh}. It may be, as \textcite{burchard1965hhl} points
+out, that they have no assistants or are reluctant to delegate, or it may be
+down to economic factors \autocite{adams2009tc1, adams2014tc2, adams2017tc3,
+Please refer to the documentation for \href{http://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex}{\textsf{biblatex}}
+for the full range of commands available for in-text citations.
+It is strongly recommended to use Biber in place of BibTeX to process your
+references, as the style relies on Biber functionality to deal with some of the
+more exotic types of entry.
+\section{Change history}
+\subsection{Version 1 to version 2}
+If you have previously used version 1 of this style, there are some changes
+you need to be aware of.
+  The code for styling legal references has been completely overhauled, so you can
+  represent them more semantically in your bibliography file. The examples below
+  show the fields you should now use. As far as possible they have been made
+  consistent with the \href{http://ctan.org/pkg/oscola}{\textsf{biblatex-oscola}}
+  style, a specialist style implementing the \emph{Oxford Standard for the Citation
+  of Legal Authorities}, to enable the same entries to be used with both styles.
+  For the sake of backwards compatibility, the version 1 semantics still work,
+  but should be considered deprecated; support may be withdrawn in future (major)
+  versions of this style.
+  In version 1, the \texttt{titleaddon} field was printed unadorned, so you had
+  to supply your own brackets. This was to allow greater freedom to `hack' entries.
+  With version 2, you should not need to resort to such dirty tricks, so the
+  style now applies the brackets for you, in common with styles such as
+  \href{http://ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-apa}{\textsf{biblatex-apa}}. Again, for the
+  sake of backwards compatibility, before it does this it strips off any brackets
+  you may have added by hand around your field value.
+  Since version 1 was released, there have been improvements made both to the
+  Harvard (Bath) style itself and to \textsf{biblatex} internals. You may therefore
+  notice some changes in how certain entries are styled, and if you have made your
+  own adaptations to the style, these may no longer work with version 2.
+There is now a companion Bib\TeX\ style available (\texttt{bathx} in version 2+
+of the \textsf{bath-bst} package) which is compatible with this style in the
+sense that it will render the same \texttt{.bib} file the same way, so long as some
+adjustments are made that won't affect the \textsf{biblatex} rendering (mainly
+concerning the handling of dates).
+The examples below are shown in three parts.
+The first, marked with \faBook, shows an extract from the
+\href{http://www.bath.ac.uk/library/infoskills/referencing-plagiarism/harvard-bath-style.html}{\emph{Harvard (Bath) guide to citing and referencing}} or
+\href{http://www.bath.ac.uk/library/pass.bho/images-referencing.pdf}{\emph{Referencing images}}.
+The second, marked with \faCog, shows the reference as formatted by \textsf{biblatex}.
+The last shows how the reference was entered in the \texttt{.bib} file.
+The bottom right corner shows the source of the example: `HBS' indicates the `Specific examples' section of the Guide (followed by the number of the example); `ref.\@ list' indicates the `How to organise a reference list' section of the Guide; `RI' indicates \emph{Referencing images}.
+% Some examples are highlighted in
+% \tcbox[colframe=hacked,colback=hacked!5!white,nobeforeafter,size=fbox,tcbox raise base]{orange}.
+% This indicates that some fields have been `abused' to achieve the right effect;
+% in other words, they contain information that would normally be entered in another field.
+% Particular care should be taken with such items when switching between different styles,
+% though of course any item might need adjustment to take account of differing conventions.
+You may notice that the examples tend to use BibTeX aliases and conventions for
+fields (e.g.\@ \texttt{address}, \texttt{journal}, \texttt{year}) rather than the
+native \textsf{biblatex} fields. This is simply to ease transitions to and from
+BibTeX, and not a symptom of recalcitrance on the part of the author.
+\subsection{Books and book chapters}
+\subsubsection*{Book with author(s)}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 1>{rang.etal2012rdp}
+  Rang, H.P., Dale, M.M., Ritter, J.M., Flower, R.J. and Henderson, G., 2012. \emph{Rang and Dale's pharmacology}. 7th ed. Edinburgh:\@ Elsevier Churchill Livingstone.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{rang.etal2012rdp,
+  author = {Rang, H. P. and Dale, M. M. and Ritter, J. M. and Flower, R. J. and Henderson, G.},
+  year = {2012},
+  title = {Rang and {Dale's} Pharmacology},
+  edition = {7},
+  address = {Edinburgh},
+  publisher = {Elsevier Churchill Livingstone}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 1>{ou1972em}
+  Open University, 1972. \emph{Electricity and magnetism}. Bletchley:\@ Open University Press.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{ou1972em,
+  author = {{Open University}},
+  year = {1972},
+  title = {Electricity and Magnetism},
+  address = {Bletchley},
+  publisher = {Open University Press}}
+\subsubsection*{Book with editor(s) instead of author(s)}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 4>{rothman.etal2008me}
+  Rothman, K.J., Greenland, S. and Lash, T.L., eds., 2008. \emph{Modern epidemiology}. 3rd ed. Philadelphia, Pa.:\@ Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{rothman.etal2008me,
+  editor = {Kenneth J. Rothman and Sander Greenland and Timothy L. Lash},
+  year = {2008},
+  title = {Modern Epidemiology},
+  edition = {3},
+  address = {Philadelphia, Pa.},
+  publisher = {Lippincott Williams \& Wilkins}}
+\subsubsection*{Book usually known by title rather than author}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 5>{oed1989}
+  \emph{Oxford English dictionary}, 1989. 2nd ed. Oxford:\@ Clarendon Press.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{oed1989,
+  title = {Oxford {English} Dictionary},
+  year = {1989},
+  edition = {2},
+  address = {Oxford},
+  publisher = {Clarendon Press}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 5>{merckNDidx}
+  \emph{The Merck index online}, n.d.\@ [Online]. London:\@ RSC Publishing. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.rsc.org/Merck-Index} [Accessed 16 June 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at book{merckNDidx,
+  title = {The {Merck} Index Online},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {RSC Publishing},
+  url = {http://www.rsc.org/Merck-Index},
+  urldate = {2016-06-16}}
+\subsubsection*{Electronic book}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 3>{haynes2014crc}
+  Haynes, W.M., ed.\@, 2014. \emph{CRC handbook of chemistry and physics} [Online]. 94th ed. Boca Raton, Fla.:\@ CRC Press/Taylor and Francis. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.hbcpnetbase.com} [Accessed 16 June 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at book{haynes2014crc,
+  editor = {Haynes, W. M.},
+  year = {2014},
+  title = {{CRC} Handbook of Chemistry and Physics},
+  edition = {94},
+  address = {Boca Raton, Fla.},
+  publisher = {CRC Press/{Taylor and Francis}},
+  url = {http://www.hbcpnetbase.com},
+  urldate = {2016-06-16}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 3>{hodds2016re}
+  Hodds, J., 2016. \emph{Referencing ebooks} [Kindle version 4.18]. Bath:\@ University of Bath.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{hodds2016re,
+  author = {Hodds, J.},
+  year = {2016},
+  title = {Referencing ebooks},
+  titleaddon = {Kindle version 4.18},
+  address = {Bath},
+  publisher = {University of Bath}}
+\subsubsection*{One chapter\slash paper from a collection (by different authors) in an edited book}
+\begin{bibexbox}<ref.\@ list>{burchard1965hhl}
+  Burchard, J.E., 1965. How humanists use a library. In: C.F.J. Overhage and J.R. Harman, eds. \emph{Intrex: report on a planning conference and information transfer experiments}. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, pp.41--87.
+  \tcblower
+ at incollection{burchard1965hhl,
+  author = {Burchard, J. E.},
+  year = {1965},
+  title = {How Humanists use a Library},
+  editor = {C. F. J. Overhage and J. R. Harman},
+  booktitle = {Intrex},
+  booksubtitle = {Report on a Planning Conference and Information Transfer Experiments},
+  address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
+  publisher = {MIT Press},
+  pages = {41-87}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 2>{reid1967ptp}
+  Reid, D.R., 1967. Physical testing of polymer films. In: S.H. Pinner, ed.\@ \emph{Modern packaging films}. London:\@ Butterworths, pp.143--183.
+  \tcblower
+ at incollection{reid1967ptp,
+  author = {D. R. Reid},
+  year = {1967},
+  title = {Physical Testing of Polymer Films},
+  editor = {S. H. Pinner},
+  booktitle = {Modern Packaging Films},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {Butterworths},
+  pages = {143-183}}
+\subsection{Articles and periodicals}
+\subsubsection*{Journal article}
+\begin{bibexbox}<ref.\@ list>{stieg1981cer}
+  Stieg, M.F., 1981a. Continuing education and the reference librarian in the academic and research library. \emph{Library Journal}, 105(22), pp.2547--2551.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{stieg1981cer,
+  author = {Stieg, M. F.},
+  year = {1981},
+  title = {Continuing Education and the Reference Librarian in the Academic and Research Library},
+  journal = {Library Journal},
+  volume = {105},
+  number ={22},
+  pages = {2547-2551}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<ref.\@ list>{stieg1981inh}
+  Stieg, M.F., 1981b. The information needs of historians. \emph{College and research libraries}, 42(6), pp.549--560.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{stieg1981inh,
+  author = {Stieg, M. F.},
+  year = {1981},
+  title = {The Information Needs of Historians},
+  journal = {College and Research Libraries},
+  volume = {42},
+  number ={6},
+  pages = {549-560}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 6>{newman2010mcb}
+  Newman, R., 2010. Malaria control beyond 2010. \emph{Brit.\@ Med.\@ J.}, 341(7765), pp.157--208.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{newman2010mcb,
+  author = {Newman, R.},
+  year = {2010},
+  title = {Malaria control beyond 2010},
+  journal = {Brit.\@ Med.\@ J.},
+  volume = {341},
+  number = {7765},
+  pages = {157-208}}
+\subsubsection*{Electronic journal article}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 7>{williams1997edd}
+  Williams, F., 1997. Electronic document delivery:\@ a trial in an academic library. \emph{Ariadne} [Online], 10. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue10/edd/} [Accessed 5 December 1997].
+  \tcblower
+ at article{williams1997edd,
+  author = {Williams, F.},
+  year = {1997},
+  title = {Electronic Document Delivery},
+  subtitle = {A Trial in an Academic Library},
+  journal = {Ariadne},
+  volume = {10},
+  url = {http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue10/edd/},
+  urldate = {1997-12-05}}
+\subsubsection*{Preprint in a digital repository}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 8>{shah.corrick2016hsc}
+  Shah, I. and Corrick, I. 2016. \emph{How should central banks respond to non-neutral inflation expectations?} Bath:\@ University of Bath. \emph{OPUS} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{http://opus.bath.ac.uk} [Accessed 4 May 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at report{shah.corrick2016hsc,
+  author = {Shah, I. and Corrick, I.},
+  year = {2016},
+  title = {How should central banks respond to non-neutral inflation expectations?},
+  address = {Bath},
+  institution = {University of Bath},
+  library = {OPUS},
+  url = {http://opus.bath.ac.uk},
+  urldate = {2016-05-04}}
+The Harvard (Bath) style treats preprints as grey literature, and so the
+\texttt{report} entry type is the best match semantically. Use \texttt{library}
+to specify the name of the preprint repository.
+In standard \textsf{biblatex}, you would typically use the natural entry type
+for the work and provide preprint details using the \texttt{eprinttype},
+\texttt{eprintclass} and \texttt{eprint} fields.
+\subsubsection*{Newspaper article}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 12>{haurant2004bbh}
+  Haurant, S., 2004. Britain's borrowing hits £1 trillion. \emph{The Guardian}, 29 July, p.16c.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{haurant2004bbh,
+  author = {Haurant, S.},
+  date = {2004-07-29},
+  title = {Britain's Borrowing Hits \pounds 1 Trillion},
+  journal = {The Guardian},
+  pages = {16c}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 12>{independent1992pub}
+  The Independent, 1992. Picking up the bills. \emph{The Independent}, 4 June, p.28a.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{independent1992pub,
+  author = {{The Independent}},
+  date = {1992-06-04},
+  title = {Picking Up the Bills},
+  journal = {The Independent},
+  pages = {28a}}
+\subsection{Conference papers}
+\subsubsection*{Conference paper (when proceedings have a named editor)}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 10>{crawford1965oim}
+  Crawford, G.I., 1965. Oxygen in metals. In:\@ J.M.A. Lenihan and S.J. Thompson, eds. \emph{Activation analysis:\@ proceedings of a NATO Advanced Study Institute}, 2--4 August 1964 Glasgow. London:\@ Academic Press, pp.113--118.
+  \tcblower
+ at inproceedings{crawford1965oim,
+  author = {Crawford, G. I.},
+  year = {1965},
+  title = {Oxygen in Metals},
+  editor = {J. M. A. Lenihan and S. J. Thompson},
+  booktitle = {Activation Analysis},
+  booksubtitle = {Proceedings of a {NATO} {Advanced} {Study} {Institute}},
+  eventdate = {1964-08-02/1964-08-04},
+  venue = {Glasgow},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {Academic Press},
+  pages = {113-118}}
+\subsubsection*{Conference paper (when proceedings have no named editor or are part of a major series)}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 11>{soper1972rbc}
+  Soper, D., 1972. Review of bracken control experiments with asulam. \emph{Proceedings of the 11th British Weed Control Conference}, 15--17 November 1972 Brighton. Brighton:\@ University of Sussex, pp.24--31.
+  \tcblower
+ at inproceedings{soper1972rbc,
+  author = {Soper, D.},
+  year = {1972},
+  title = {Review of Bracken Control Experiments with Asulam},
+  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th {British} {Weed} {Control} {Conference}},
+  eventdate = {1972-11-15/1972-11-17},
+  venue = {Brighton},
+  address = {Brighton},
+  publisher = {University of Sussex},
+  pages = {24-31}}
+\subsection{Grey literature}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 13>{burrell1973ist}
+  Burrell, J.G., 1973. \emph{The importance of school tours in education}. Thesis (M.A.). Queen's University, Belfast.
+  \tcblower
+ at thesis{burrell1973ist,
+  author = {Burrell, J. G.},
+  year = {1973},
+  title = {The Importance of School Tours in Education},
+  type = {Thesis ({M.A.})},
+  school = {Queen's University, Belfast}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 14>{unesco1993gip}
+  UNESCO, 1993. \emph{General information programme and UNISIST}\@. Paris:\@ UNESCO, (PGI-93/WS/22).
+  \tcblower
+ at report{unesco1993gip,
+  author = {{UNESCO}},
+  year = {1993},
+  title = {General Information Programme and {UNISIST}},
+  address = {Paris},
+  institution = {UNESCO},
+  number = {PGI-93/WS/22}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 15>{bs5605:1990}
+  BS 5605:1990. \emph{Recommendations for citing and referencing published material}. BSI.
+  \tcblower
+ at standard{bs5605:1990,
+  number = {BS~5605:1990},
+  sortyear = {1990},
+  title = {Recommendations for citing and referencing published material},
+  organization = {BSI}}
+Use \texttt{label} to specify the standard identifier;
+this will print it at the start of the entry and in citations.
+The entry will, however, be sorted by \texttt{title} in the bibliography unless
+you fix this with \texttt{sortkey}; you should normally repeat the identifier
+but you might want to adjust it, e.g.\@ by adding zeroes to the start of the
+number to put several standards in numerical order.
+If you are using Biber, you can put the standard identifier in the more
+semantically correct \texttt{number} field and the value will be moved
+into \texttt{label} and \texttt{sortkey} for you (unless these or
+\texttt{author} are already specified). If you need compatibility with Bib\TeX\, you could put the identifier in \texttt{author} with much the same effect.
+If the date forms part of the identifier, don't repeat it in \texttt{year} or \texttt{date};
+put it in \texttt{sortyear} instead. This will make sure it is still positioned
+correctly within a citation of multiple sources.
+If you are using Biber, it will also stop an erroneous `n.d.\@' being printed;
+otherwise you will need to do this manually by setting the (Boolean) entry option \key{nonodate}.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 16>{pm1981opa}
+  Phillipp Morris Inc., 1981. \emph{Optical perforating apparatus and system}. European patent application 0021165A1. 1981-01-07.
+  \tcblower
+ at patent{pm1981opa,
+  author = {{Phillipp Morris Inc.}},
+  year = {1981},
+  title = {Optical perforating apparatus and system},
+  type = {European patent application},
+  number = {0021165A1. 1981-01-07}}
+Note that \textsf{biblatex} has special localisation keys for full patents and
+patent requests\slash applications.
+\subsection{Audiovisual materials}
+   NASA, 2015, \emph{NASA Astronaut Tim Kopra on Dec.\@ 21 Spacewalk}. Washington: NASA. Available from: \url{http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-astronaut-tim-kopra-on-dec-21-spacewalk} [Accessed 7 January 2015].
+  \tcblower
+ at image{nasa2015nat,
+  author = {{NASA}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {{NASA} Astronaut {Tim} {Kopra} on {Dec.\@} 21 Spacewalk},
+  address = {Washington},
+  publisher = {NASA},
+  url = {http://www.nasa.gov/image-feature/nasa-astronaut-tim-kopra-on-dec-21-spacewalk},
+  urldate = {2015-01-07}}
+You can use either the \texttt{publisher} or the \texttt{organization} field to
+record the source of the image. If you use both, \texttt{organization} will be ignored.
+   Iliff, D., 2006. \emph{Royal Crescent in Bath, England - July 2006}, San Francisco: Wikimedia Foundation. Available from: \url{https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Royal_Crescent_in_Bath,_England_-_July_2006.jpg} [Accessed 7 January 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at image{iliff2006rcb,
+  author = {D. Iliff},
+  year = {2006},
+  title = {{Royal} {Crescent} in {Bath,} {England} - {July} 2006},
+  address = {San Francisco},
+  organization = {Wikimedia Foundation},
+  url = {https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Royal_Crescent_in_Bath,_England_-_July_2006.jpg},
+  urldate = {2015-01-07}}
+  Anon., 1946. \emph{Prototype electric bicycle displayed at the \enquote{Britain Can Make It} exhibition organised by the Council of Industrial Design and held at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 1946. Designed by B.~G. Bowden} [photograph]. At: London. Design Council Slide Collection.
+  \tcblower
+ at image{anon1946peb,
+  author = {Anon\adddot},
+  year = {1946},
+  title = {Prototype electric bicycle displayed at the \enquote{Britain Can Make It} exhibition
+    organised by the {Council} of {Industrial} {Design} and held at the {Victoria} and {Albert}
+    {Museum}, {London}, 1946. {Designed} by {B.~G.} {Bowden}},
+  titleaddon = {photograph},
+  address = {London},
+  library = {Design Council Slide Collection}}
+Use the \texttt{library} field to record the archive and register number.
+If the image is on display rather than archived,
+use \texttt{institution} instead for the museum, gallery or building.
+If you also wish to provide the name of the organisation that published the image,
+use the \texttt{publisher} field if the location you provide relates to the publisher,
+but the \texttt{organization} field if the location relates to the archive.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 18>{andrews.dury1773wilts}
+  Andrews, J. and Dury, A., 1773. \emph{Map of Wiltshire}, 1 inch to 2 miles. Devizes:\@ Wiltshire Record Society.
+  \tcblower
+ at manual{andrews.dury1773wilts,
+  author = {Andrews, J. and Dury, A.},
+  year = {1773},
+  title = {Map of {Wiltshire}},
+  series = {1 inch to 2 miles},
+  address = {Devizes},
+  publisher = {Wiltshire Record Society}}
+The \texttt{book} entry type would also work for this reference.
+\subsubsection*{Film, video or DVD}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 19>{macbeth1948}
+  \emph{Macbeth}, 1948. Film.\@ Directed by Orson Welles. USA:\@ Republic Pictures.
+  \tcblower
+ at video{macbeth1948,
+  year = {1948},
+  title = {Macbeth},
+  type = {Film},
+  note = {Directed by Orson Welles},
+  address = {USA},
+  publisher = {Republic Pictures}}
+In the above entry, the following would also work instead of using \texttt{note}:
+  [ colframe = Slate
+  , colback = white
+  , fontupper = \footnotesize
+  ]
+  editor = {Orson Welles},
+  editortype = {director},
+You can also use \texttt{movie} as an alias for \texttt{video}.
+\subsubsection*{Streamed video (YouTube, TED Talks, etc.)}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 20>{moran2016sol}
+  Moran, C., 2016. \emph{Save Our Libraries} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTfCz4JtVE&feature=youtu.be} [Accessed 29 April 2016]
+  \tcblower
+ at video{moran2016sol,
+  author = {Moran, C.},
+  year = {2016},
+  title = {Save {Our} {Libraries}},
+  url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKTfCz4JtVE&feature=youtu.be},
+  urldate = {2016-04-29}}
+   University of Bath, 2015. \emph{What is engineering?} Available from: \url{https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoyZarq-Zbo} [Accessed 12 January 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at video{uob2015wie,
+  author = {{University of Bath}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {What is Engineering?},
+  url = {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoyZarq-Zbo},
+  urldate = {2016-01-12}}
+\subsubsection*{Television or radio broadcast}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 21>{rsfo2006ep5}
+  \emph{Rick Stein's French Odyssey: Episode 5}, 2006. TV. BBC2, 23 August. 20.30 hrs.
+  \tcblower
+ at video{rsfo2006ep5,
+  date = {2006-08-23T20:30:00},
+  title = {Rick {Stein's} {French} {Odyssey}},
+  subtitle = {{Episode} 5},
+  type = {TV},
+  publisher = {BBC2}}
+Use \texttt{type} for the medium and \texttt{publisher} for the channel.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 21>{archers20060823}
+  \emph{The Archers}, 2006. Radio.\@ BBC Radio 4, 23 August. 19.02 hrs.
+  \tcblower
+ at audio{archers20060823,
+  date = {2006-08-23T19:02:00},
+  title = {The {Archers}},
+  type = {Radio},
+  publisher = {BBC Radio 4}}
+You can also use \texttt{music} as an alias for \texttt{audio}.
+\subsubsection*{Music score}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 22>{beethoven1950symph1}
+  Beethoven, L. van, 1950. \emph{Symphony no.1 in C, Op.21}. Harmondsworth:\@ Penguin.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{beethoven1950symph1,
+  author = {Ludwig van Beethoven},
+  year = {1950},
+  title = {Symphony no.1 in {C,} {Op.21}},
+  address = {Harmondsworth},
+  publisher = {Penguin}}
+\subsection{Digital media}
+\subsubsection*{Website\slash webpage}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 9>{holland2002gci}
+  Holland, M., 2002. \emph{Guide to citing internet sources} [Online]. Poole:\@ Bournemouth University. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library/using/guide_to_citing_internet_sourc.html} [Accessed 4 November 2002].
+  \tcblower
+ at online{holland2002gci,
+  author = {Holland, M.},
+  year = {2002},
+  title = {Guide to Citing Internet Sources},
+  address = {Poole},
+  organization = {Bournemouth University},
+  url = {http://www.bournemouth.ac.uk/library/using/guide_to_citing_internet_sourc.html},
+  urldate = {2002-11-04}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 9>{wiltshire2015gww}
+  Wiltshire Council, 2015. \emph{Get Wiltshire walking} [Online]. Trowbridge:\@ Wiltshire Council. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/leisureandrecreation/sportphysicalactivity/getwiltshirewalking.html} [Accessed 19 August 2015].
+  \tcblower
+ at online{wiltshire2015gww,
+  author = {{Wiltshire Council}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {Get {Wiltshire} walking},
+  address = {Trowbridge},
+  organization = {Wiltshire Council},
+  url = {http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/leisureandrecreation/sportphysicalactivity/getwiltshirewalking.html},
+  urldate = {2015-08-19}}
+\subsubsection*{Email discussion lists (jiscmail\slash listserv etc.)}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 23>{clark2004euk}
+  Clark, T., 5 July 2004. A European UK Libraries Plus? \emph{Lis-link} [Online]. Available from:\@ \url{lis-link at jiscmail.ac.uk} [Accessed 30 July 2004].
+  \tcblower
+ at letter{clark2004euk,
+  author = {Clark, T.},
+  date = {2004-07-05},
+  title = {A {European} {UK} {Libraries} {Plus}?},
+  journal = {Lis-link},
+  url = {lis-link at jiscmail.ac.uk},
+  urldate = {2004-07-30}}
+Use the \texttt{journal} field to specify the mailing list. This triggers the
+change in formatting with respect to the following example.
+\subsubsection*{Personal emails}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 24>{alston2004sah}
+  Alston, S., 19 July 2004. \emph{Society of Architectural Historians of GB}. Email to K.M. Jordan.
+  \tcblower
+ at letter{alston2004sah,
+  author = {Alston, S.},
+  date = {2004-07-19},
+  title = {Society of {Architectural} {Historians} of {GB}},
+  howpublished = {Email to K.M. Jordan}}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 40>{bvd2008bt}
+  Bureau van Dijk, 2008. \emph{BT Group plc company report}. \emph{FAME} [Online]. London:\@ Bureau van Dijk. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.portal.euromonitor.com} [Accessed 6 November 2014].
+  \tcblower
+ at online{bvd2008bt,
+  author = {{Bureau van Dijk}},
+  year = {2008},
+  title = {{BT} {Group} PLC Company Report},
+  library = {FAME},
+  address = {London},
+  organization = {Bureau van Dijk},
+  url = {http://www.portal.euromonitor.com},
+  urldate = {2014-11-06}}
+Use the \texttt{title} field for the entry title,
+and the \texttt{library} field for the name of the database itself.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 41>{wilson2013rgc}
+  Wilson, D., 2013. \emph{Real geometry and connectedness via triangular description:\@ CAD example bank} [Online]. Bath:\@ University of Bath. Available from:\@ \url{https://doi.org/10.15125/BATH-00069} [Accessed 20 April 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at online{wilson2013rgc,
+  author = {Wilson, D.},
+  year = {2013},
+  title = {Real Geometry and Connectedness via Triangular Description},
+  subtitle = {{CAD} Example Bank},
+  address = {Bath},
+  organization = {University of Bath},
+  doi = {10.15125/BATH-00069},
+  urldate = {2016-04-20}}
+You can also use \texttt{dataset} as an alias for \texttt{online}.
+\subsubsection*{Computer program}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 42>{screencasto}
+  @screencasto, n.d.\@ \emph{Screencast-O-Matic} (v.2) [computer program]. Available from: \url{https://screencast-o-matic.com/} [Accessed 16 May 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at software{screencasto,
+  author = {@screencasto},
+  title = {{Screencast-O-Matic}},
+  version = {2},
+  titleaddon = {computer program},
+  url = {https://screencast-o-matic.com/},
+  urldate = {2016-05-16}}
+\subsection{Works in languages other than English}
+\subsubsection*{Work in translation}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 26>{aristotle2007ne}
+  Aristotle, 2007. \emph{Nicomachean ethics} (W.D. Ross. Trans.). South Dakota:\@ NuVisions.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{aristotle2007ne,
+  author = {Aristotle},
+  year = {2007},
+  title = {Nicomachean Ethics},
+  translator = {W. D. Ross},
+  address = {South Dakota},
+  publisher = {NuVisions}}
+\subsubsection*{Work in the Roman alphabet}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 27>{esquivel2003cap}
+  Esquivel, L., 2003. \emph{Como agua para chocolate} [Like water for chocolate]. Barcelona:\@ Debolsillo.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{esquivel2003cap,
+  author = {Esquivel, L.},
+  year = {2003},
+  title = {Como Agua para Chocolate},
+  titleaddon = {Like water for chocolate},
+  address = {Barcelona},
+  publisher = {Debolsillo}}
+Use the \texttt{titleaddon} field to supply the English translation of the title.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 27>{thurfjell1975vhv}
+  Thurfjell, W., 1975. Vart har våran doktor tagit vägen? [Where has our doctor gone?] \emph{Läkartidningen} 72, p.789.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{thurfjell1975vhv,
+  author = {Thurfjell, W.},
+  year = {1975},
+  title = {Vart har våran doktor tagit vägen?},
+  titleaddon = {Where has our doctor gone?},
+  journal = {Läkartidningen},
+  volume = {72},
+  pages = {789}}
+\subsubsection*{Work in a non-Roman alphabet}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 28>{hua1999qys1}
+  Hua, L. 華林甫, 1999.  Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu 清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步硏 [A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the Three Gorges region since the Qing dynasty], \emph{Zhongguo shehui kexue} 中國社會科學 , 1, pp.168--79.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{hua1999qys1,
+  author = {given=Linfu, family=Hua, cjk=華林甫},
+  year = {1999},
+  title = {Qingdai yilai {Sanxia} diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu
+    {清代以來三峽地區水旱災害的初步硏}},
+  titleaddon = {A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the {Three} {Gorges} region since
+    the {Qing} dynasty},
+  journal = {Zhongguo shehui kexue \textup{中國社會科學}},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {168-79}}
+To supply a transliterated version of an author name, specify the name using the
+name parts \texttt{family}, \texttt{given} and \texttt{cjk}. Please note that if
+you do supply a \texttt{cjk} component, any \texttt{prefix} or \texttt{suffix}
+component you may supply will be ignored.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 28>{hua1999qys2}
+  Hua, L., 1999. Qingdai yilai Sanxia diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu [A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the Three Gorges region since the Qing dynasty], \emph{Zhongguo shehui kexue}, 1, pp.168--79.
+  \tcblower
+ at article{hua1999qys2,
+  author = {Hua, Linfu},
+  year = {1999},
+  title = {Qingdai yilai {Sanxia} diqu shuihan zaihai de chubu yanjiu},
+  titleaddon = {A preliminary study of floods and droughts in the {Three} {Gorges} region since
+    the {Qing} dynasty},
+  journal = {Zhongguo shehui kexue},
+  volume = {1},
+  pages = {168-79}}
+Although not a feature of the Harvard (Bath) Style, if you want to suppress the 
+punctuation between the family name and the initial (and thereby be more
+faithful to the original orthography), you can specify this using
+\textsf{biblatex}'s data annotations feature, using the keyword \texttt{cjk}:
+  Hua L. 華林甫, 2001. \emph{Lorem ipsum}.
+  \tcblower
+ at book{hua2001foo,
+  author = {given=Linfu, family=Hua, cjk=華林甫},
+  author+an = {1=cjk},
+  year = {2001},
+  title = {Lorem ipsum}}
+\subsection{Legal references: UK legislation and parliamentary reports}
+% UK Primary Legislation
+\subsubsection*{Act of Parliament (UK Statutes) before 1963}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 32>{gb.wa1735}
+  \emph{Witchcraft Act 1735} (9 Geo.2, c.5).
+  \tcblower
+ at legislation{gb.wa1735,
+  title = {Witchcraft {Act}},
+  year = {1735},
+  series = {9 Geo.2},
+  chapter = {5}}
+You could instead combine the series and chapter in the \texttt{number} field:
+  [ colframe = Slate
+  , colback = white
+  , fontupper = \footnotesize
+  ]
+  number = {9 Geo.2, c.5}
+\subsubsection*{Act of Parliament (UK Statutes) 1963 onwards}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 33>{gb.pa2014}
+  \emph{Pensions Act 2014}, c.19. London:\@ TSO.
+  \tcblower
+ at legislation{gb.pa2014,
+  title = {Pensions {Act}},
+  year = {2014},
+  chapter = {19},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {TSO}}
+\subsubsection*{House of Commons/House of Lords bill}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 31>{gb.bill1987/88-66}
+  Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, 1988. \emph{Local government finance bill}. London:\@ HMSO (Bills | 1987/88, 66).
+  \tcblower
+ at legislation{gb.bill1987/88-66,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons}},
+  year = {1988},
+  title = {Local Government Finance Bill},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {HMSO},
+  series = {{Bills | 1987/88}},
+  number = {66}}
+% UK secondary legislation
+\subsubsection*{Statutory instrument}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 35>{gb.hmr2012}
+  \emph{The Human Medicines Regulations 2012} [Online], No.1916, United Kingdom:\@ HMSO. Available from:\@ \url{http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/1916/pdfs/uksi_20121916_en.pdf} [Accessed 17 April 2016].
+  \tcblower
+ at legislation{gb.hmr2012,
+  entrysubtype = {secondary},
+  title = {The {Human} {Medicines} {Regulations}},
+  year = {2012},
+  number = {No.1916},
+  address = {United Kingdom},
+  publisher = {HMSO},
+  url = {http://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2012/1916/pdfs/uksi_20121916_en.pdf},
+  urldate = {2016-04-17}}
+Use the \texttt{entrysubtype} `secondary' to put the number in the right place.
+% Parliamentary reports
+\subsubsection*{House of Commons paper}
+Use this form for reports of House of Commons select committees.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 29>{gb.hc2003/04-30}
+  Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons, 2004. \emph{National Savings investment deposits:\@ account 2002--2003}. London:\@ National Audit Office (HC 2003/04, 30).
+  \tcblower
+ at report{gb.hc2003/04-30,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons}},
+  year = {2004},
+  title = {National {Savings} Investment Deposits},
+  subtitle = {Account 2002--2003},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {National Audit Office},
+  series = {HC 2003/04},
+  number = {30}}
+\subsubsection*{House of Lords paper}
+Use this form for reports of House of Lords select committees.
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 30>{gb.hl1986/87-66}
+  Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords, 1987. \emph{Social fund (Maternity and Funeral Expenses) Bill}. London:\@ HMSO (HL 1986/87, (66)).
+  \tcblower
+ at report{gb.hl1986/87-66,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords}},
+  year = {1987},
+  title = {Social Fund ({Maternity} and {Funeral} {Expenses}) {Bill}},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {HMSO},
+  series = {HL 1986/87},
+  number = {66}}
+For joint committees, you will have to hack this slightly, putting the session
+years in \texttt{series} and the HL and HC numbers in \texttt{number}.
+\subsubsection*{Command paper}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 34>{gb.cm6041}
+  Great Britain. Ministry of Defence, 2004. \emph{Delivering security in a changing world:\@ defence white paper}. London:\@ TSO (Cm.\@ 6041).
+  \tcblower
+ at report{gb.cm6041,
+  author = {{Great Britain. Ministry of Defence}},
+  year = {2004},
+  title = {Delivering Security in a Changing World},
+  subtitle = {Defence White Paper},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {TSO},
+  series = {Cm},
+  number = {6041}}
+\subsection{Legal references: EU legislation and reports}
+% European legislation
+\subsubsection*{EU regulation or directive, decision, recommendation or opinion}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 38>{eu.dir2015/413}
+  Directive (EU) 2015/413 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11th March 2015 facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences [2015] \emph{OJ} L68/9.
+  \tcblower
+ at legislation{eu.dir2015/413,
+  title = {Directive ({EU}) 2015/413 of the {European} {Parliament} and of the {Council} of
+    11th {March} 2015 Facilitating Cross-Border Exchange of Information on Road-Safety-Related
+    Traffic Offences},
+  shorttitle = {Directive ({EU}) 2015/413},
+  year = {2015},
+  journal = {OJ},
+  series = {L},
+  volume = {68},
+  pages = {9}}
+The \texttt{shorttitle} will be used in citations instead of the full title.
+% European reports
+\subsubsection*{EU publication}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 37>{ec2015gra}
+  European Commission, 2015. \emph{General report on the activities of the European Union 2014}. Luxembourg:\@ Publications Office of the European Union.
+  \tcblower
+ at report{ec2015gra,
+  author = {{European Commission}},
+  year = {2015},
+  title = {General Report on the Activities of the {European} {Union} 2014},
+  address = {Luxembourg},
+  publisher = {Publications Office of the European Union}}
+\subsection{Legal references: case reports}
+\subsubsection*{Legal case study}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 36>{seldon-v-c.w.j2012}
+  \emph{Seldon v Clarkson Wright \& Jakes}. [2012]. UKSC 16.
+  \tcblower
+ at jurisdiction{seldon-v-c.w.j2012,
+  title = {Seldon v {Clarkson} {Wright} \& {Jakes}},
+  year = {2012},
+  journal = {UKSC},
+  pages = {16}}
+Generally speaking, the year should be in square brackets if it is essential to the citation
+(unless it is a Scottish case, in which case it is printed bare), and in parentheses if it is
+By default, the style assumes the year is essential if and only if a volume number is
+\emph{not} provided; to override this, you can use the \key{year-essential} option:
+  [ colframe = Slate
+  , colback = white
+  , fontupper = \footnotesize
+  ]
+  \begin{Verbatim}
+  options = {year-essential=true},
+  \end{Verbatim}
+To use Scottish style for a case, you can either use the \key{scottish-style} option or
+the keyword \texttt{sc}:
+  [ colframe = Slate
+  , colback = white
+  , fontupper = \footnotesize
+  ]
+  \begin{Verbatim}
+  options = {scottish-style},
+  keywords = {sc},
+  \end{Verbatim}
+This should cover most cases, but legal references tend to enforce their own conventions
+no matter what the rest of the reference list is doing,
+and it is out of scope for this style to cater for every variation.
+Therefore if you need a different format (e.g.\@ for an American case),
+you may prefer to format the reference more-or-less by hand:
+  [ colframe = Slate
+  , colback = white
+  , fontupper = \footnotesize
+  ]
+  \begin{Verbatim}
+  title = {Seldon v {Clarkson} {Wright} \& {Jakes}},
+  sortyear = {2012},
+  note = {[2012]. UKSC 16}
+  \end{Verbatim}
+\subsubsection*{Judgment of the European Court of Justice}
+\begin{bibexbox}<HBS 39>{srl.etal-v-comm2005}
+  \emph{Alessandrini Srl and others v.~Commission} (C-295/03 P) [2005] ECR I-5700.
+  \tcblower
+ at jurisdiction{srl.etal-v-comm2005,
+  title = {Alessandrini {Srl} and others v.\@ {Commission}},
+  number = {C-295/03 P},
+  year = {2005},
+  journal = {ECR},
+  volume = {I},
+  pages = {5700}}
+Use the \texttt{number} field (or the non-standard \texttt{casenmuber} field)
+for the case number. For Commission Decisions, use the (non-standard)
+\texttt{casenumber} or (\textsf{biblatex-oscola}) \texttt{userb} field for the
+Commission case number, \texttt{number} for the formal decision number, and give
+`Commission' as the \texttt{institution}.
+%<readme>## Licence
+Copyright 2016 University of Bath.
+This work consists of the documented LaTeX file biblatex-bath.dtx and a Makefile.
+The text files contained in this work may be distributed and/or modified
+under the conditions of the [LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)][lppl],
+either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+This work is `maintained' (as per LPPL maintenance status) by [Alex Ball][me].
+[lppl]: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt "LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)"
+[me]: https://github.com/alex-ball/bathbib "Alex Ball"
+  { aboveskip=0pt
+  , belowskip=0pt
+  , numbers=left
+  , numberstyle=\color{gray}\footnotesize\itshape
+  , firstnumber=last
+  , basicstyle=\ttfamily\footnotesize
+  , breaklines=true
+  }%
+ at book{adams2009tc1,
+  author = {Adams, Gomez},
+  year = {2009},
+  title = {Test Citation One},
+  address = {London},
+  publisher = {Imperial College Bookstall}}
+ at book{adams2014tc2,
+  author = {Adams, Gomez},
+  year = {2014},
+  title = {Test Citation Two},
+  address = {Oxford},
+  publisher = {Oxford University Press}}
+ at book{adams2017tc3,
+  author = {Adams, Gomez},
+  year = {2017},
+  title = {Test Citation Three},
+  address = {Cambridge},
+  publisher = {Cambridge University Press}}
+% \fi
+% \section{Implementation: bibliography style}
+% \setcounter{lstnumber}{16}
+% \subsection{Preliminaries}
+% For ease of maintenance, we will patch some definitions with \textsf{xpatch}
+% instead of writing out our own in full.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Language support may be widened in future, but for now we support British and
+% American English. Adapted language files have the following suffix:
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We begin by loading the default author--year style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  maxcitenames=3,maxbibnames=9999,isbn=false,giveninits=true,dashed=false,
+  alldates=comp,labeldate=year}
+  useeditor=false}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We provide some additional bibliography strings.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  online, hours, at, legalchapter,
+  director, performer, reader, conductor,
+  directors, performers, readers, conductors,
+  bydirector, byperformer, byreader, byconductor,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We allow the bibliography look more like the Bib\TeX\ default.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\setlength{\bibitemsep}{1em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Name handling}
+% Names are usually reversed. There are no spaces between initials.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The handling of CJK names is based on code supplied to TeX.sx by user Moewe in
+% answer to \href{http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/320738/16293}{question 320738}.
+% The CJK part is printed after the anglicized name. If the name is also
+% annotated as `cjk' (see `Data Annotations' in the \textsf{biblatex} manual),
+% it is always printed in family-given order with no intermediate punctuation.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifitemannotation{cjk}{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#1#3}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#1#3}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#1#3}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#1#3}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot\bibnamedelimd}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }%
+  \ifitemannotation{cjk}{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#1#3}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#1#3}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifboolexpe{%
+      test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
+      and
+      test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
+      {}
+      {\revsdnamepunct}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }%
+  \ifdefvoid{\namepartcjk}{%
+    \ifgiveninits{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiveni}
+        {\namepartprefix}
+        {\namepartsuffix}%
+    }{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiven}
+        {\namepartprefix}
+        {\namepartsuffix}%
+    }%
+  }{%
+    \ifgiveninits{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:cjk-given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiveni}
+        {\namepartcjk}%
+    }{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:cjk-given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiven}
+        {\namepartcjk}%
+    }%
+  }%
+  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}%
+  \ifdefvoid{\namepartcjk}{%
+    \ifgiveninits{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:family-given}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiveni}
+        {\namepartprefix}
+        {\namepartsuffix}%
+    }{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:family-given}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiven}
+        {\namepartprefix}
+        {\namepartsuffix}%
+    }%
+  }{%
+    \ifgiveninits{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:cjk-family-given}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiveni}
+        {\namepartcjk}%
+    }{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:cjk-family-given}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiven}
+        {\namepartcjk}%
+    }%
+  }
+  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% With videos, names in credits are printed in full.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+    {\namepartfamily}
+    {\namepartgiven}
+    {\namepartprefix}
+    {\namepartsuffix}%
+  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test \ifuseauthor
+    or
+    test {\ifnameundef{author}}
+  }{}
+  {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{author}{author}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{author}}}
+  \ifnameundef{editor}
+  {}
+  {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{editor}{editor}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{editor}%
+    \newunit}%
+  \ifstrequal{#1}{byeditor}{%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditora}%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorb}%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorc}
+  }{%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditora}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorb}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorc}[#1]}}
+  \ifnameundef{editora}
+  {}
+  {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{editora}{editor}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{editora}%
+    \newunit}}
+  \ifnameundef{editorb}
+  {}
+  {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{editorb}{editor}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{editorb}%
+    \newunit}}
+  \ifnameundef{editorc}
+  {}
+  {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{editorc}{editor}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{editorc}%
+    \newunit}}
+  \ifnameundef{translator}
+  {}
+  {\setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printtext[parens]{%
+    \printnames[#1]{translator}%
+    \newunit
+    \bibstring{translator}%
+    \clearname{translator}}}}
+  \ifnameundef{editor}
+  {}
+  {\usebibmacro{byeditor+othersstrg}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{editor}%
+    \clearname{editor}%
+    \newunit}%
+  \ifstrequal{#1}{byeditor}{%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorx}%
+    \usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}%
+  }{%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditora}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorb}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorc}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}[#1]}}
+  \ifnameundef{translator}
+  {\usebibmacro{withothers}}
+  {\setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printtext[parens]{%
+    \printnames[bytranslator]{translator}%
+    \newunit
+    \bibstring{translator}%
+    \clearname{translator}%
+    \newunit
+    \usebibmacro{withothers}}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% With collections, editors appear in natural order between `In' and the title,
+% followed by `ed.'
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifnameundef{editor}{}{%
+    \printnames[bookeditor]{editor}%
+    \setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \usebibmacro{editor+othersstrg}%
+    \clearname{editor}%
+  }}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Titles}
+% Most titles are set in italics, but some are set roman and unquoted.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  [article,inbook,incollection,inproceedings]%
+  {title}{#1}
+  [patent,thesis,unpublished]%
+  {title}{\mkbibemph{#1}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Online resources are clearly tarred and feathered with an `[Online]' label.
+% The \texttt{isonline} macro prints this label if the resource has a URL and
+% does nothing otherwise. We add a safeguard to stop it being used repeatedly.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifboolexpr{(
+      test {\iffieldundef{url}}
+      and
+      not test {\ifentrytype{online}}
+    ) or
+    togl {bbx:onlineshown}
+  }{}{%
+    \bibstring[\mkbibbrackets]{online}%
+    \toggletrue{bbx:onlineshown}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The |titleaddon| field follows the title after a space and wrapped in
+% brackets. Version 1 of this style encouraged people to supply the brackets
+% manually, so we strip them off if they have been supplied.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \IfBeginWith{#1}{[}{%
+    \IfEndWith{#1}{]}{%
+      \StrBetween{#1}{[}{]}%
+    }{#1}%
+  }{#1}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We need to supply a new |title| macro. The standard version hard-codes the
+% case used (we use sentence case, not title case) and puts default unit
+% punctuation between the |title| and |titleaddon| fields. We also need to add
+% conditional code for printing the automatic `[Online]' label.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \printtext{%
+    \ifboolexpr{
+      test {\iffieldundef{title}}
+      and
+      test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}
+    }{}{%
+      \printtext[title]{%
+        \printfield[sentencecase]{title}%
+        \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+        \printfield[midsentencecase]{subtitle}%
+        \setunit{\addspace}%
+      }%
+      \printfield{version}%
+      \clearfield{version}%
+      \setunit*{\addspace}%
+      \printfield{titleaddon}%
+      \ifboolexpr{
+        test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}
+        and
+        test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
+        and
+        test {\iffieldundef{library}}
+        and
+        not test {\ifentrytype{software}}
+      }{%
+        \setunit*{\addspace}%
+        \usebibmacro{isonline}%
+      }{}%
+    }%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Similar changes are needed for the |booktitle| and |maintitle| macros.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{booksubtitle}}
+  }{}{%
+    \printtext[booktitle]{%
+      \printfield[sentencecase]{booktitle}%
+      \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+      \printfield[midsentencecase]{booksubtitle}%
+      \setunit{\addspace}%
+    }%
+    \printfield{booktitleaddon}
+    \setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \usebibmacro{isonline}%
+  }%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{maintitle}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{mainsubtitle}}
+  }{}{
+    \printtext[maintitle]{%
+      \printfield[sentencecase]{maintitle}%
+      \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+      \printfield[midsentencecase]{mainsubtitle}%
+      \setunit{\addspace}%
+    }%
+    \printfield{maintitleaddon}%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Subtitles are set off with a colon
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% In the standard author--year styles, if a title is promoted to the head of
+% a reference (due to missing authors/editors), the subtitle and titleaddon
+% fields are discarded. We want to show the subtitle directly after the title,
+% and show titleaddon after the |date+extradate| macro.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{label}{%
+    \ifboolexpr{
+      test {\iffieldundef{title}}
+      and
+      test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}
+    }{}{%
+      \printtext[title]{%
+        \printfield[sentencecase]{title}%
+        \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+        \printfield[midsentencecase]{subtitle}}%
+      \clearfield{title}\clearfield{subtitle}%
+      \toggletrue{bbx:labelistitle}}%
+  }{%
+    \printfield{label}%
+  }%
+  \iftoggle{bbx:labelistitle}{%
+    \setunit{\printdelim{yearlabeltitleaddondelim}}%
+    \printfield{version}%
+    \clearfield{version}%
+    \setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \printfield{titleaddon}%
+    \clearfield{titleaddon}%
+    \ifboolexpr{
+      test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}
+      and
+      test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
+      and (
+        test {\iffieldundef{library}}
+        or
+        test {\ifentrytype{image}}
+      ) and
+      not test {\ifentrytype{software}}
+    }{%
+      \setunit*{\addspace}%
+      \usebibmacro{isonline}%
+    }{}%
+  }{}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Dates}
+% If the main publication date is missing, we fall back immediately to `n.d.\@'
+% rather than use URL date or anything like that. However, for some resources
+% (ISO standards, Acts of Parliament), the date is part of the label and should
+% not be repeated, so we declare an option for removing the `n.d.' Unless
+% already set, the option is inserted if |sortyear| is used.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \field{date}
+  \field{year}
+  \literal{nodate}
+  \settoggle{bbx:nonodate}{#1}}
+  \settoggle{bbx:nonodate}{#1}}
+  \settoggle{bbx:nonodate}{#1}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Unless already set, the \key{nonodate} option is inserted if |sortyear| is
+% used. We accomplish this with source maps; the first one works where options
+% (not including |nonodate|) have been set, the second where no options have
+% been set.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \maps[datatype=bibtex]{
+    \map[overwrite=true]{
+      \step[notmatch=\regexp{nonodate}, fieldsource=options, final]
+      \step[fieldsource=sortyear, final]
+      \step[fieldset=options, append, fieldvalue={,nonodate}]
+    }
+    \map[overwrite=true]{
+      \step[notfield=options, final]
+      \step[fieldsource=sortyear, final]
+      \step[fieldset=options, fieldvalue={nonodate}]
+    }
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The punctuation before the label year is controlled by the following
+% commands, and should be a comma. The exceptions to this are |legislation|
+% entries, where there should just be a space, and English/Welsh legal case
+% reports, where there should be a period.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifentrytype{legislation}{%
+    \addspace
+  }{%
+    \ifentrytype{jurisdiction}{%
+      \ifboolexpr{
+        togl {bbx:eu-oj}
+        or
+        test {\iffieldequalstr{journaltitle}{ECR}}
+        or
+        test {\iffieldequalstr{type}{ECR}}
+      }{%
+        \addspace
+      }{%
+        \ifboolexpr{
+          test {\ifkeyword{sc}}
+          or
+          togl {bbx:scotstyle}
+        }{%
+          \addcomma\space
+        }{%
+          \addperiod\space}}%
+    }{%
+      \addcomma\space}}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\ifentrytype{jurisdiction}}
+    or
+    test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
+  }{\addspace}{\addcomma\space}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The punctuation after the label year is controlled by the following
+% commands, and should be a comma. The exceptions to this are |legislation|
+% and |jurisdiction| entries, where there should just be a space if the label
+% is the title.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    (
+      test {\ifentrytype{jurisdiction}}
+      or
+      test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
+    ) and
+    togl {bbx:labelistitle}
+  }{\addspace}{\addcomma\space}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    (
+      test {\ifentrytype{jurisdiction}}
+      or
+      test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
+    ) and
+    togl {bbx:labelistitle}
+  }{\addspace}{\labelnamepunct}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We allow the date macro to print the time as well.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \printdate
+  \setunit*{\bibdatetimesep}
+  \printtime
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We provide a new date merging option that moves the year but leaves the
+% month and day in place, and set this as the default. Note that dates are
+% preceded by a comma, and are given bare rather than in parentheses.
+% We start by patching the error message of the existing option code, then
+% add a per-type version of the option.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\xpatchcmd{\KV at blx@opt at pre@mergedate}{%
+  'true' (=compact)%
+  'year', 'true' (=year)%
+  \ifcsdef{bbx at opt@mergedate@#1}{%
+    \csuse{bbx at opt@mergedate@#1}%
+  }{%
+    \PackageError{biblatex}
+       {Invalid option 'mergedate=#1'}
+       {Valid values are 'maximum', 'compact', 'basic', 'minimum',\MessageBreak
+        'year', 'true' (=year), and 'false'.}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We define a configurable field format for date labels to replace the
+% hard-coded parentheses in the options from the standard author--year style.
+% We also amend the logic for printing the label date so the |nonodate| option
+% is respected.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at maximum}{%
+  \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl {bbx:nonodate}
+    and
+    not test {\iflabeldateisdate}}%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at maximum}{%
+  \printtext[parens]%
+  \printtext[datelabel]%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at compact}{%
+  \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl {bbx:nonodate}
+    and
+    not test {\iflabeldateisdate}}%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at compact}{%
+  \printtext[parens]%
+  \printtext[datelabel]%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at basic}{%
+  \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl {bbx:nonodate}
+    and
+    not test {\iflabeldateisdate}}%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at basic}{%
+  \printtext[parens]%
+  \printtext[datelabel]%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at minimum}{%
+  \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl {bbx:nonodate}
+    and
+    not test {\iflabeldateisdate}}%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at minimum}{%
+  \printtext[parens]%
+  \printtext[datelabel]%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at false}{%
+  \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl {bbx:nonodate}
+    and
+    not test {\iflabeldateisdate}}%
+\xpatchcmd{\bbx at opt@mergedate at false}{%
+  \printtext[parens]%
+  \printtext[datelabel]%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Lastly, here is our new (default) option, which always merges the year, and
+% only the year, with the label date. Other date and time componenents are
+% displayed later in the reference. Therefore we clear the year from the date
+% used for the label, but leave the month and day alone.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\def\bbx at opt@mergedate at year{%
+  \renewbibmacro*{date+extradate}{%
+    \iffieldundef{labelyear}{}{%
+      \ifboolexpr{
+        togl {bbx:nonodate}
+        and
+        not test {\iflabeldateisdate}
+      }{}{%
+        \printtext[datelabel]{\printlabeldateextra}%
+      }%
+      \iflabeldateisdate{%
+        \clearfield{year}%
+      }{}}}
+  \renewbibmacro*{issue+date}{%
+    \ifboolexpr{
+      test {\iffieldundef{issue}}
+      and
+      test {\iffieldundef{month}}
+    }{}{%
+      \ifboolexpr{(
+        test {\iffieldundef{volume}}
+        and
+        test {\iffieldundef{number}}
+        ) and
+        test {\iffieldundef{eid}}
+      }{%
+        \newunit
+        \printfield{issue}%
+      }{%
+        \printtext[parens]{%
+          \printfield{issue}%
+        }%
+      }
+      \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+      \printdate
+    }%
+    \newunit
+  }%
+\def\bbx at opt@mergedate at true{\bbx at opt@mergedate at year}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The problem with moving years but leaving months and days behind is that the
+% regular date range macros in |biblatex.sty| do nothing at all if no year
+% is printed. We therefore need to patch the macros with extra routines for
+% printing year-free date ranges: the rather extravagently named
+% |\mknoyeardaterangefull| and |\mknoyeardaterangetrunc|.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{#2month}{}{%
+    \datecircaprint
+    \printtext[#2date]{%
+    \iffieldundef{#2season}{%
+      \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{#2month}{#2day}%
+      \blx at printtime{#2}{}%
+    }{%
+      \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}%
+    \dateuncertainprint
+    \iffieldundef{#2endmonth}{}{%
+      \iffieldequalstr{#2endmonth}{}{%
+        \mbox{\bibdaterangesep}%
+      }{%
+        \bibdaterangesep
+        \enddatecircaprint
+        \iffieldundef{#2season}{%
+          \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{#2endmonth}{#2endday}%
+          \blx at printtime{#2}{end}%
+        }{%
+          \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}%
+        \enddateuncertainprint}}}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% There is a potential problem for |\mknoyeardaterangetrunc|, in that if
+% the year and endyear are missing, it cannot tell if they are the same, so
+% if the months are the same but the years are different, the range would
+% be erroneously compressed. However, the only reason the year should
+% be missing is that it is in the label, so we test |labelyear| instead.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{#2month}{}{%
+    \datecircaprint
+    \printtext[#2date]{%
+      \iffieldundef{#2season}{%
+        \ifboolexpr{
+          test {\iffieldsequal{labelyear}{labelendyear}}
+          and
+          test {\iffieldsequal{#2month}{#2endmonth}}
+        }{%
+          \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{}{#2day}%
+        }{%
+          \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{#2month}{#2day}}%
+      }{%
+        \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2season}}%
+      \dateuncertainprint
+      \iffieldundef{#2endmonth}{}{%
+        \iffieldequalstr{#2endmonth}{}{%
+          \mbox{\bibdaterangesep}%
+        }{%
+          \bibdaterangesep
+          \enddatecircaprint
+          \iffieldundef{#2season}{%
+            \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{#2endmonth}{#2endday}%
+          }{%
+            \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}%
+          \enddateuncertainprint}}}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Now we patch the four date range commands. The |extra| commands,
+% which print disambiguating labels as well, should only print those
+% labels if the year is present, so they can use the same non-year
+% date range functions as the non-|extra| commands.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {\mknoyeardaterangefull{#1}{#2}}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {\mknoyeardaterangetrunc{#1}{#2}}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {\mknoyeardaterangefull{#1}{#2}}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {\mknoyeardaterangetrunc{#1}{#2}}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Versions}
+% Versions are printed with `v.\@' in parentheses.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Types}
+% Types are always printed longhand.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Events}
+% Events are printed as date then venue with no intermediate punctuation.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \printfield{eventtitle}%
+  \setunit*{\addspace}%
+  \printfield{eventtitleaddon}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{venue}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{eventyear}}
+  }
+    {}
+    {\setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+     \printeventdate
+     \setunit*{\addspace}%
+     \printfield{venue}%
+     \newunit}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Publishers}
+% We patch the secondary publication macros so they will use the
+% publisher list instead, if provided.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \printlist{location}%
+  \iflistundef{publisher}{%
+    \iflistundef{institution}{%
+      \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
+    }{%
+      \setunit*{\addcolon\space}%
+      \printlist{institution}%
+    }%
+  }{%
+    \setunit*{\addcolon\space}%
+    \printlist{publisher}%
+  }%
+  \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{date}%
+  \newunit}
+  \printlist{location}%
+  \iflistundef{publisher}{%
+    \iflistundef{organization}{%
+      \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
+    }{%
+      \setunit*{\addcolon\space}%
+      \printlist{organization}%
+    }%
+  }{%
+    \setunit*{\addcolon\space}%
+    \printlist{publisher}%
+  }%
+  \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{date}%
+  \newunit}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We use the \texttt{library} field for databases and preprint repositories.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{library}{}{%
+    \printfield{library}%
+    \setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \usebibmacro{isonline}%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Page numbers}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{URLs}
+% URLs are prefaced by a `from' statement, and the URL date is enclosed in
+% brackets rather than parentheses.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iftoggle{bbx:eprint}
+    {\usebibmacro{eprint}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:url}
+    {\usebibmacro{url+urldate}}
+    {}}
+  \iffieldundef{doi}%
+    {\printfield{url}}%
+    {\printfield{doi}}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Articles}
+% Compared with the standard styles, the main difference in the driver is the
+% omission of `in'.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{in:}\usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle}%
+  \usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The journal title is followed by a comma. The issue number is separated from
+% the volume by parentheses rather than a dot.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{journal}%
+  \setunit*{\addspace}%
+  \usebibmacro{isonline}%
+  \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
+  \iffieldundef{series}
+    {}
+    {\newunit
+     \printfield{series}%
+     \setunit{\addcomma\space}}%
+  \usebibmacro{volume+number+eid}%
+  \setunit{\addspace}%
+  \usebibmacro{issue+date}%
+  \setunit{\addcolon\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{issue}%
+  \newunit}
+  \printfield{volume}%
+  \printfield[parens]{number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \printfield{eid}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Books}
+% Compared with the standard styles, the main difference is that the series is
+% separated by a comma rather than a period. This also affects proceedings and
+% certain forms of grey literature.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Works in collections}
+% Compared with the standard styles, the main difference is that the editors
+% precede the booktitle.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{in:}%
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \ifnameundef{editor}{}{\usebibmacro{in:}}%
+  \usebibmacro{bookeditor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \usebibmacro{in:}%
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \ifnameundef{editor}{}{\usebibmacro{in:}}%
+  \usebibmacro{bookeditor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit
+  \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Online works}
+% Compared with the standard styles, the main difference is that the
+% organization's address is printed.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \printlist{organization}%
+  \usebibmacro{library}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{organization+location+date}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Reports}
+% Compared with the standard styles, the main difference is that the type and
+% number are printed in parentheses after the publisher. The delimiter is either
+% a comma (normal) or a space (legal, triggered by using series instead of type).
+% House of Lords report numbers are written in parentheses.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{series}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{type}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{number}}
+  }{}{%
+    \printtext[parens]{%
+      \printfield{series}%
+      \IfStrEqCase{\thefield{series}}{%
+        {C}{\printunit*{\adddot\space}}%
+        {Cd}{\printunit*{\adddot\space}}%
+        {Cmd}{\printunit*{\adddot\space}}%
+        {Cmnd}{\printunit*{\adddot\space}}%
+        {Cm}{\printunit*{\adddot\space}}%
+      }{%
+        \setunit*{\addcomma\space}}%
+      \printfield{type}%
+      \setunit*{\addspace}%
+      \IfBeginWith{\thefield{series}}{HL}{%
+        \printfield[forceparens]{number}%
+      }{%
+        \printfield{number}%
+      }}}}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author}%
+  \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{note}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{institution+location+date}%
+  \iffieldundef{series}{%
+    \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  }{%
+    \setunit{\addspace}}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+type+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{pagetotal}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isrn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{library}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Manuals}
+% The \texttt{manual} driver is useful for a variety of technical publications,
+% such as standards, patents and maps. (Patents have their own driver, in fact,
+% but we set things up so the \texttt{manual} driver can be used instead if
+% needed for compatibility.)
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{series}{%
+    \newunit\newblock
+    \printfield{type}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printfield{number}%
+  }{%
+    \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+    \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+    \newunit\newblock
+    \printfield{type}%
+  }%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{type}%
+  \usebibmacro{manual:series+type+number}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Standards}
+% A special quirk with standards is that they are often best known by their
+% number, so it comes at the head of the reference if no authors are specified.
+% To achieve this cleanly with correct sorting, we copy the number into
+% |sortkey| as a simple fix (providing neither |author| nor |sortkey| are
+% already specified). We then move the number to |label| so that citations
+% come out correctly and the date (if given) is put in the right place.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \maps[datatype=bibtex]{%
+    \map[overwrite=false]{
+      \pertype{standard}
+      \step[notfield=author,
+        fieldsource=number,
+        final]
+      \step[fieldset=sortkey,
+        origfieldval]
+    }
+    \map[overwrite=false]{
+      \pertype{standard}
+      \step[notfield=author,
+      fieldsource=number,
+      fieldtarget=label]
+    }
+  }}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Audiovisual materials}
+% The \texttt{audio} and \texttt{video} drivers are based on \texttt{misc}.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/editor+others/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{type}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}[given-family:full]%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}[given-family:full]%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{howpublished}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{note}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Case reports}
+% We provide a test to see if a work was published in the Official Journal of
+% the EU; if so, the title is not italic (unless reporting a decision of the
+% European Commission).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \IfBeginWith{\thefield{journaltitle}}{OJ}{%
+    \toggletrue{bbx:eu-oj}%
+  }{}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl{bbx:eu-oj}
+    and
+    not test {\iffieldequalstr{type}{Commission Decision}}
+  }{#1}{\mkbibemph{#1}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The year is printed in square brackets, unless the case is Scottish, in which
+% case the year is printed bare, or a volume number is present, in which case the
+% year is printed in parentheses. With ECR and OJ cases, however, the year is
+% always printed in square brackets despite the presence of a volume number.
+% We provide a \key{year-essential} option for forcing the brackets/parentheses
+% choice, and \key{scottish-style} for activating Scottish style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \settoggle{bbx:scotstyle}{#1}}
+  \settoggle{bbx:year-essential}{#1}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{volume}}
+    or
+    togl {bbx:year-essential}
+    or
+    togl {bbx:eu-oj}
+    or
+    test {\iffieldequalstr{journaltitle}{ECR}}
+  }{%
+    \ifboolexpr{
+      test {\ifkeyword{sc}}
+      or
+      togl {bbx:scotstyle}
+    }{%
+      #1%
+    }{%
+      \mkbibbrackets{#1}}%
+  }{%
+    \mkbibparens{#1}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% A case number should normally go after the title and before the year, but
+% Version 1 of this style used |number| with |type| at the end of the reference.
+% (It relied on the case number being given in the |issue| field.)
+% To maintain backwards compatibility, we rely on a `trick' that case numbers
+% are usually only present in EU cases where a page number is always provided.
+% (And we support the \textsf{oscola} semantics for numbering European
+% Commission cases.) We have to be a bit careful to ensure the last print
+% command prints something otherwise |(no)nameyeardelim| will not be triggered.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{issue}{%
+    \ifboolexpr{
+      test {\iffieldundef{pages}}
+      or
+      test {\iffieldundef{number}}
+    }{}{%
+      \iffieldundef{userb}{%
+        \printfield[parens]{number}%
+        \clearfield{number}%
+      }{%
+        \printfield[parens]{userb}%
+        \setunit{\addspace}%
+        \printfield{type}%
+        \setunit*{\addspace}%
+        \printfield{number}%
+        \clearfield{type}\clearfield{number}}}%
+  }{%
+    \printfield{issue}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% For ease, if `Commission' is given as the |institution|, this is deleted but
+% the |type| is set to `Commission Decision'.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \maps[datatype=bibtex]{
+    \map[overwrite=false]{
+      \step[match=\regexp{Commission}, fieldsource=institution, final]
+      \step[fieldset=type, fieldvalue={Commission Decision}]
+      \step[fieldset=institution, null]
+    }
+    \map[overwrite=false]{
+      \step[fieldsource=casenumber, final]
+      \step[notfield=number, fieldsource=casenumber, fieldtarget=number]
+      \step[fieldsource=casenumber, fieldtarget=userb]
+    }
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Law reports have a special way of printing journals, volume and page numbers.
+% Here are several macros implementing this: a deprecated one using
+% |type|/|number| and three proper ones using |journaltitle|, for UK journals,
+% ECR and OJ respectively. The |reporter| macro chooses between them (again,
+% this is a little messy for backwards compatibility).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{journal}%
+  \setunit*{\addspace}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{type}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{number}}
+  }{}{%
+    \printfield{volume}%
+    \setunit*{\addperiod\space}%
+    \printfield{type}%
+    \setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \printfield{number}}}
+  \iftoggle{bbx:eu-oj}{\mkbibemph{#1}}{#1}}
+  \printfield{volume}%
+  \setunit{\addperiod\space}%
+  \printfield{journaltitle}%
+  \setunit*{\addspace}%
+  \printfield{pages}%
+  \printfield{journaltitle}%
+  \setunit{\addspace}%
+  \printfield{volume}%
+  \setunit*{\printtext{--\allowbreak}}%
+  \printfield{pages}%
+  \printfield{journaltitle}%
+  \setunit{\addspace}%
+  \printfield{series}%
+  \clearfield{series}%
+  \printfield{volume}%
+  \setunit*{\printtext{/}}%
+  \printfield{pages}%
+  \iffieldundef{journaltitle}{%
+    \usebibmacro{jurisdiction:type+number}%
+  }{%
+    \iffieldequalstr{journaltitle}{ECR}{%
+      \usebibmacro{eu:journal+volume+pages}%
+    }{%
+      \iffieldequalstr{journaltitle}{OJ}{%
+        \iffieldundef{series}{%
+          \usebibmacro{jurisdiction:type+number}%
+        }{%
+          \usebibmacro{eu:journal+series+volume+pages}%
+        }%
+      }{%
+        \usebibmacro{journal+volume+pages}%
+        }}}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% It's not a feature of Harvard (Bath), but OSCOLA puts the institution in
+% parentheses at the end.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \savebibmacro{title}%
+  \xapptobibmacro{labeltitle}{%
+    \setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \usebibmacro{casenumber}%
+  }{}{}%
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{eucheck}%
+  \usebibmacro{author}%
+  \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{note}%
+  \setunit{\addspace}%
+  \usebibmacro{reporter}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{pagetotal}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{institution}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isrn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}%
+  \restorebibmacro{title}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Legislation}
+% Legislation is mostly formatted like a report, except there is no comma
+% between the publisher and the type\slash number (and no |nametitledelim| if
+% there is no |date+extradate|).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iftoggle{bbx:eu-oj}{%
+    \mkbibbrackets{#1}%
+  }{%
+    #1}}
+  \iftoggle{bbx:labelistitle}{\mkbibemph{#1}}{#1}}
+  \iffieldundef{chapter}{}{%
+    \iffieldundef{series}{%
+      \printfield{chapter}%
+    }{%
+      \printtext[parens]{%
+        \printfield{series}%
+        \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+        \printfield{chapter}}}%
+    \clearfield{series}}}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{eucheck}%
+  \usebibmacro{author}%
+  \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \iffieldequalstr{entrysubtype}{secondary}{%
+    \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+    \printfield{number}%
+    \clearfield{number}%
+    \printunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  }{%
+    \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  }%
+  \printfield{note}%
+  \iffieldundef{series}{%
+    \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  }{%
+    \setunit{\addspace}}%
+  \iftoggle{bbx:eu-oj}{%
+    \usebibmacro{eu:journal+series+volume+pages}%
+  }{%
+    \usebibmacro{series+chapter}%
+  }
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{institution+location+date}%
+  \setunit{\addspace}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+type+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{pagetotal}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isrn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Letters}
+% This driver is used for emails. It is based loosely on the one for articles.
+% The particular foible with this type is that the date must be printed complete
+% at the start.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{howpublished}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{note}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Software}
+% The driver for software entries is based on misc. The main difference is in
+% how the type is printed.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/editor+others/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \setunit{\addspace}
+  \printfield{type}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{howpublished}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{note}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{organization+location+date}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Images}
+% The driver for image is based on misc. The main difference is the
+% support for the \texttt{library} field.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/editor+others/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\printdelim{nametitledelim}}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{howpublished}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{type}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{note}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{organization+location+date+library}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The following code works slightly differently
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{library}}
+    or
+    not test {\iflistundef{publisher}}
+  }{%
+    \printlist{location}%
+    \setunit*{\addcolon\space}%
+    \clearfield{location}%
+  }{}%
+  \iflistundef{publisher}{%
+    \printlist{organization}%
+  }{%
+    \printlist{publisher}%
+  }%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{date}%
+  \newunit
+  \iffieldundef{library}{%
+    \iffieldundef{institution}{}{%
+      \bibsentence
+      \bibstring{at}%
+      \setunit{\addcolon\space}%
+      \printlist{location}%
+      \setunit*{\addperiod\space}%
+      \printfield{institution}%
+    }%
+  }{%
+    \bibsentence
+    \bibstring{at}%
+    \setunit{\addcolon\space}%
+    \printlist{location}%
+    \setunit*{\addperiod\space}%
+    \printfield{library}%
+  }%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Aliases}
+% We define some handy semantic aliases.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \section{Implementation: data model}
+% \setcounter{lstnumber}{16}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \section{Implementation: British English language localization}
+% \setcounter{lstnumber}{16}
+% We use the standard version with a few changes. We display the day as a
+% cardinal number instead of an ordinal. The date is separated from the time
+% by a period, not just a space, and the time separator is a period instead of a
+% colon.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \protected\def\mkbibdatelong#1#2#3{%
+    \iffieldundef{#3}
+      {}
+      {\thefield{#3}%
+       \iffieldundef{#2}{}{\nobreakspace}}%
+    \iffieldundef{#2}
+      {}
+      {\mkbibmonth{\thefield{#2}}%
+       \iffieldundef{#1}{}{\space}}%
+    \iffieldbibstring{#1}
+      {\bibstring{\thefield{#1}}}
+      {\dateeraprintpre{#1}\stripzeros{\thefield{#1}}}}%
+  \renewrobustcmd*{\bibdatetimesep}{\addperiod\space}%
+  \renewrobustcmd*{\bibtimesep}{\addperiod}%
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The strings are mostly the same except for the following changes. Note that
+% month names are never abbreviated.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+{inherit          = {british}
+,urlseen          = {{Accessed}{Accessed}}
+,version          = {{version~}{v\adddot}}
+,january          = {{January}{January}}
+,february         = {{February}{February}}
+,march            = {{March}{March}}
+,april            = {{April}{April}}
+,may              = {{May}{May}}
+,june             = {{June}{June}}
+,july             = {{July}{July}}
+,august           = {{August}{August}}
+,september        = {{September}{September}}
+,october          = {{October}{October}}
+,november         = {{November}{November}}
+,december         = {{December}{December}}
+,patreq           = {{patent application}{pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqde         = {{German patent application}{German pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqeu         = {{European patent application}{European pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqfr         = {{French patent application}{French pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patrequk         = {{British patent application}{British pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patrequs         = {{U.S\adddotspace patent application}{U.S\adddotspace pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% These are the new strings we define in this style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+,online           = {{Online}{Online}}
+,hours            = {{hours}{hrs\adddot}}
+,at               = {{at}{at}}
+,legalchapter     = {{chapter}{c\adddot}}
+,director         = {{director}{dir\adddot}}
+,directors        = {{directors}{dir\adddot}}
+,bydirector       = {{directed by}{directed by}}
+,performer        = {{}{}}
+,performers       = {{}{}}
+,byperformer      = {{}{}}
+,reader           = {{reader}{reader}}
+,readers          = {{readers}{readers}}
+,byreader         = {{read by}{read by}}
+,conductor        = {{conductor}{cond\adddot}}
+,conductors       = {{conductors}{cond\adddot}}
+,byconductor      = {{conducted by}{conducted by}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \section{Implementation: American English language localization}
+% \setcounter{lstnumber}{16}
+% We use the standard version with a few changes. The date is separated from the
+% time by a period, not just a space.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \renewrobustcmd*{\bibdatetimesep}{\addperiod\space}%
+  }
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% The strings are mostly the same except for the following changes. Note that
+% month names are never abbreviated.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+{inherit          = {american}
+,urlseen          = {{Accessed}{Accessed}}
+,version          = {{version~}{v\adddot}}
+,january          = {{January}{January}}
+,february         = {{February}{February}}
+,march            = {{March}{March}}
+,april            = {{April}{April}}
+,may              = {{May}{May}}
+,june             = {{June}{June}}
+,july             = {{July}{July}}
+,august           = {{August}{August}}
+,september        = {{September}{September}}
+,october          = {{October}{October}}
+,november         = {{November}{November}}
+,december         = {{December}{December}}
+,patreq           = {{patent application}{pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqde         = {{German patent application}{German pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqeu         = {{European patent application}{European pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqfr         = {{French patent application}{French pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patrequk         = {{British patent application}{British pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patrequs         = {{U.S\adddotspace patent application}{U.S\adddotspace pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% These are the new strings we define in this style.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+,online           = {{Online}{Online}}
+,hours            = {{hours}{hrs\adddot}}
+,at               = {{at}{at}}
+,legalchapter     = {{chapter}{c\adddot}}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi
+% \section{Implementation: citation style}
+% \setcounter{lstnumber}{16}
+% The standard |authoryear-comp| style is a close match for what we need.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% This sets \key{uniquename} to |full|, but that conflicts with
+% \key{giveninits} set by the bibliography style, so we set it to |init|
+% instead. If left alone, \textsf{biblatex} would do this anyway, but if we do
+% it explicitly, we avoid the warning message.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% Compressed citations are delimited with a semicolon, just like
+% non-compressed citations.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We need to suppress the display of `n.d.' in citations if the \key{nonodate}
+% toggle is true.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl {bbx:nonodate}
+    and
+    not test {\iflabeldateisdate}}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% We activate the label-is-title toggle if the |labeltitle| is printed.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+  \printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}%
+  \printtext[bibhyperref]{\printfield[citetitle]{labeltitle}}%
+  \toggletrue{bbx:labelistitle}%
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \iffalse
+% \fi

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/biblatex-bath/biblatex-bath.dtx
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/biblatex-bath/biblatex-bath.ins
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/biblatex-bath/biblatex-bath.ins	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/biblatex-bath/biblatex-bath.ins	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+%% This is file `biblatex-bath.ins',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% biblatex-bath.dtx  (with options: `install')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+%% Author:  Alex Ball
+%% E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+%% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\input docstrip.tex
+  \file{README.md}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{readme}}
+  \file{\jobname.bib}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{bib}}
+biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+Author:  Alex Ball
+E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+  \file{bath.bbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{bbx}}
+  \file{bath.cbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{cbx}}
+  \file{bath.dbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{dbx}}
+  \file{british-bath.lbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{lbx}}
+  \file{american-bath.lbx}{\from{\jobname.dtx}{lbx-us}}
+%% Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+%% End of file `biblatex-bath.ins'.

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/american-bath.lbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/american-bath.lbx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/american-bath.lbx	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+%% This is file `american-bath.lbx',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% biblatex-bath.dtx  (with options: `lbx-us')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+%% Author:  Alex Ball
+%% E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+%% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  \renewrobustcmd*{\bibdatetimesep}{\addperiod\space}%
+  }
+{inherit          = {american}
+,urlseen          = {{Accessed}{Accessed}}
+,version          = {{version~}{v\adddot}}
+,january          = {{January}{January}}
+,february         = {{February}{February}}
+,march            = {{March}{March}}
+,april            = {{April}{April}}
+,may              = {{May}{May}}
+,june             = {{June}{June}}
+,july             = {{July}{July}}
+,august           = {{August}{August}}
+,september        = {{September}{September}}
+,october          = {{October}{October}}
+,november         = {{November}{November}}
+,december         = {{December}{December}}
+,patreq           = {{patent application}{pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqde         = {{German patent application}{German pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqeu         = {{European patent application}{European pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patreqfr         = {{French patent application}{French pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patrequk         = {{British patent application}{British pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,patrequs         = {{U.S\adddotspace patent application}{U.S\adddotspace pat\adddot\ appl\adddot}}
+,online           = {{Online}{Online}}
+,hours            = {{hours}{hrs\adddot}}
+,at               = {{at}{at}}
+,legalchapter     = {{chapter}{c\adddot}}
+%% Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+%% End of file `american-bath.lbx'.

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/bath.bbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/bath.bbx	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/bath.bbx	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -0,0 +1,1392 @@
+%% This is file `bath.bbx',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% biblatex-bath.dtx  (with options: `bbx')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+%% Author:  Alex Ball
+%% E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+%% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  maxcitenames=3,maxbibnames=9999,isbn=false,giveninits=true,dashed=false,
+  alldates=comp,labeldate=year}
+  useeditor=false}
+  online, hours, at, legalchapter,
+  director, performer, reader, conductor,
+  directors, performers, readers, conductors,
+  bydirector, byperformer, byreader, byconductor,
+\setlength{\bibitemsep}{1em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em}
+  \ifitemannotation{cjk}{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#1#3}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#1#3}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#1#3}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#1#3}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot\bibnamedelimd}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }%
+  \ifitemannotation{cjk}{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#2#1#3}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#2#1#3}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }{%
+    \usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1}%
+    \mkbibnamefamily{#1}\isdot
+    \ifboolexpe{%
+      test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
+      and
+      test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
+      {}
+      {\revsdnamepunct}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{#2}\isdot}%
+    \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamecjk{#3}}%
+  }%
+  \ifdefvoid{\namepartcjk}{%
+    \ifgiveninits{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiveni}
+        {\namepartprefix}
+        {\namepartsuffix}%
+    }{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiven}
+        {\namepartprefix}
+        {\namepartsuffix}%
+    }%
+  }{%
+    \ifgiveninits{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:cjk-given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiveni}
+        {\namepartcjk}%
+    }{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:cjk-given-family}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiven}
+        {\namepartcjk}%
+    }%
+  }%
+  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}%
+  \ifdefvoid{\namepartcjk}{%
+    \ifgiveninits{%
+      \usebibmacro{name:family-given}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiveni}
+        {\namepartprefix}
+        {\namepartsuffix}%
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+      \usebibmacro{name:family-given}
+        {\namepartfamily}
+        {\namepartgiven}
+        {\namepartprefix}
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+    \ifgiveninits{%
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+        {\namepartfamily}
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+  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}%
+  \usebibmacro{name:given-family}
+    {\namepartfamily}
+    {\namepartgiven}
+    {\namepartprefix}
+    {\namepartsuffix}%
+  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test \ifuseauthor
+    or
+    test {\ifnameundef{author}}
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+  {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{author}{author}%
+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{author}}}
+  \ifnameundef{editor}
+  {}
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+    \usebibmacro{byeditorc}
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+    \usebibmacro{byeditora}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorb}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorc}[#1]}}
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+  {}
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+    \setunit{\addspace}%
+    \printnames[#1]{editora}%
+    \newunit}}
+  \ifnameundef{editorb}
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+    \printnames[#1]{editorb}%
+    \newunit}}
+  \ifnameundef{editorc}
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+  {\usebibmacro{bytypestrg}{editorc}{editor}%
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+    \newunit}}
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+    \clearname{translator}}}}
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+    \clearname{editor}%
+    \newunit}%
+  \ifstrequal{#1}{byeditor}{%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorx}%
+    \usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}%
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+    \usebibmacro{byeditora}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorb}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{byeditorc}[#1]%
+    \usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}[#1]}}
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+  {\usebibmacro{withothers}}
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+    \usebibmacro{editor+othersstrg}%
+    \clearname{editor}%
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+  [article,inbook,incollection,inproceedings]%
+  {title}{#1}
+  [patent,thesis,unpublished]%
+  {title}{\mkbibemph{#1}}
+  \ifboolexpr{(
+      test {\iffieldundef{url}}
+      and
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+    ) or
+    togl {bbx:onlineshown}
+  }{}{%
+    \bibstring[\mkbibbrackets]{online}%
+    \toggletrue{bbx:onlineshown}}}
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+  \printtext{%
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+      test {\iffieldundef{title}}
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+      \ifboolexpr{
+        test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}
+        and
+        test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
+        and
+        test {\iffieldundef{library}}
+        and
+        not test {\ifentrytype{software}}
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+        \usebibmacro{isonline}%
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+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
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+    \printfield{booktitleaddon}
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+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{maintitle}}
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+    \printfield{maintitleaddon}%
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+      test {\iffieldundef{title}}
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+      \printtext[title]{%
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+        \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+        \printfield[midsentencecase]{subtitle}}%
+      \clearfield{title}\clearfield{subtitle}%
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+    \clearfield{version}%
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+    \printfield{titleaddon}%
+    \clearfield{titleaddon}%
+    \ifboolexpr{
+      test {\iffieldundef{journaltitle}}
+      and
+      test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
+      and (
+        test {\iffieldundef{library}}
+        or
+        test {\ifentrytype{image}}
+      ) and
+      not test {\ifentrytype{software}}
+    }{%
+      \setunit*{\addspace}%
+      \usebibmacro{isonline}%
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+  \field{date}
+  \field{year}
+  \literal{nodate}
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+  \settoggle{bbx:nonodate}{#1}}
+  \settoggle{bbx:nonodate}{#1}}
+  \maps[datatype=bibtex]{
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+      \step[fieldsource=sortyear, final]
+      \step[fieldset=options, append, fieldvalue={,nonodate}]
+    }
+    \map[overwrite=true]{
+      \step[notfield=options, final]
+      \step[fieldsource=sortyear, final]
+      \step[fieldset=options, fieldvalue={nonodate}]
+    }
+  }
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+    \addspace
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+    \ifentrytype{jurisdiction}{%
+      \ifboolexpr{
+        togl {bbx:eu-oj}
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+        test {\iffieldequalstr{journaltitle}{ECR}}
+        or
+        test {\iffieldequalstr{type}{ECR}}
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+        \addspace
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+        \ifboolexpr{
+          test {\ifkeyword{sc}}
+          or
+          togl {bbx:scotstyle}
+        }{%
+          \addcomma\space
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+          \addperiod\space}}%
+    }{%
+      \addcomma\space}}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
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+    or
+    test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
+  }{\addspace}{\addcomma\space}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    (
+      test {\ifentrytype{jurisdiction}}
+      or
+      test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
+    ) and
+    togl {bbx:labelistitle}
+  }{\addspace}{\addcomma\space}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    (
+      test {\ifentrytype{jurisdiction}}
+      or
+      test {\ifentrytype{legislation}}
+    ) and
+    togl {bbx:labelistitle}
+  }{\addspace}{\labelnamepunct}}
+  \printdate
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+  'year', 'true' (=year)%
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+    \PackageError{biblatex}
+       {Invalid option 'mergedate=#1'}
+       {Valid values are 'maximum', 'compact', 'basic', 'minimum',\MessageBreak
+        'year', 'true' (=year), and 'false'.}}}
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+  \iffieldundef{labelyear}%
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    togl {bbx:nonodate}
+    and
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+  \printtext[parens]%
+  \printtext[datelabel]%
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+    and
+    not test {\iflabeldateisdate}}%
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+  \printtext[parens]%
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+    and
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+        test {\iffieldundef{volume}}
+        and
+        test {\iffieldundef{number}}
+        ) and
+        test {\iffieldundef{eid}}
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+        \newunit
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+        \printtext[parens]{%
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+    \newunit
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+      \blx at printtime{#2}{}%
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+          \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{}{#2day}%
+        }{%
+          \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{#2month}{#2day}}%
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+          \bibdaterangesep
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+            \csuse{mkbibdate#1}{}{#2endmonth}{#2endday}%
+          }{%
+            \csuse{mkbibseasondate#1}{}{#2endseason}}%
+          \enddateuncertainprint}}}}}
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+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {\mknoyeardaterangefull{#1}{#2}}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {\mknoyeardaterangetrunc{#1}{#2}}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {}%
+  \iffieldundef{#2year} {\mknoyeardaterangefull{#1}{#2}}%
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+  \setunit*{\addcomma\space}%
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+      \printlist{organization}%
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+    {}}
+  \iffieldundef{doi}%
+    {\printfield{url}}%
+    {\printfield{doi}}%
+  \usebibmacro{in:}\usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle}%
+  \usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle}%
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+    {}
+    {\newunit
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+  \setunit{\addspace}%
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+  \setunit{\addcolon\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{issue}%
+  \newunit}
+  \printfield{volume}%
+  \printfield[parens]{number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \printfield{eid}}
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
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+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
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+  \usebibmacro{bookeditor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \usebibmacro{in:}%
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{event+venue+date}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \ifnameundef{editor}{}{\usebibmacro{in:}}%
+  \usebibmacro{bookeditor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
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+  \printlist{organization}%
+  \usebibmacro{library}%
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+        origfieldval]
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+%% Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+%% End of file `bath.bbx'.

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/bath.cbx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/bath.cbx	                        (rev 0)
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+%% This is file `bath.cbx',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% biblatex-bath.dtx  (with options: `cbx')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+%% Author:  Alex Ball
+%% E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+%% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
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+%% Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+%% End of file `bath.cbx'.

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/biblatex-bath/bath.dbx
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+%% The original source files were:
+%% biblatex-bath.dtx  (with options: `dbx')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+%% Author:  Alex Ball
+%% E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+%% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+%% End of file `bath.dbx'.

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+%% This is file `british-bath.lbx',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% biblatex-bath.dtx  (with options: `lbx')
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+%% biblatex-bath --- Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
+%% Author:  Alex Ball
+%% E-mail:  a.j.ball at bath.ac.uk
+%% License: Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+%% See:     http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% ----------------------------------------------------------------
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+%% Copyright (C) 2018 by University of Bath
+%% End of file `british-bath.lbx'.

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2018-10-18 20:31:59 UTC (rev 48935)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
     bib-fr bib2gls bibarts biber bibhtml
     biblatex biblatex-abnt biblatex-anonymous biblatex-apa
     biblatex-archaeology biblatex-arthistory-bonn
-    biblatex-bookinarticle biblatex-bookinother biblatex-bwl
+    biblatex-bath biblatex-bookinarticle biblatex-bookinother biblatex-bwl
     biblatex-caspervector biblatex-cheatsheet biblatex-chem
     biblatex-chicago biblatex-claves
     biblatex-dw biblatex-enc biblatex-ext

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2018-10-18 20:31:59 UTC (rev 48935)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -2535,6 +2535,7 @@
  'bath-bst'	=> 'luatex -interaction=nonstopmode',
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+ 'biblatex-bath'  => 'luatex', # no doc remake
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Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/biblatex-bath.tlpsrc
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-bibtexextra.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-bibtexextra.tlpsrc	2018-10-18 20:31:59 UTC (rev 48935)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-bibtexextra.tlpsrc	2018-10-18 20:33:24 UTC (rev 48936)
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 depend biblatex-apa
 depend biblatex-archaeology
 depend biblatex-arthistory-bonn
+depend biblatex-bath
 depend biblatex-bookinarticle
 depend biblatex-bookinother
 depend biblatex-bwl

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