texlive[49271] Master: moved pdf*webmac.tex to a new TL-only package,

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Nov 29 17:48:31 CET 2018

Revision: 49271
Author:   karl
Date:     2018-11-29 17:48:31 +0100 (Thu, 29 Nov 2018)
Log Message:
moved pdf*webmac.tex to a new TL-only package, almost certainly no longer used, and not part of cweb in any case

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfXcwebmac.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfXcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:37:51 UTC (rev 49270)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfXcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
-% Version 2.4 --- Don Knuth, June 1992
-% Version 2.4 [p5] --- Hans-Hermann Bode, July 1992
-% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
-% Version 2.7 [p6] --- Hans-Hermann Bode, September 1992
-% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
-% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
-% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
-% Version 3.0 [p8c] --- Hans-Hermann Bode, June 1993
-% Version 3.0 [p8d] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
-% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
-% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
-% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, June 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1994
-% Version 3.3 [p11] --- Andreas Scherer, December 1994
-% Version 3.3 [p11a] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1995
-% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
-% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, May 1996
-% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
-\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
-\input pdfcwebmac.tex
-\def\Cpp{\CPLUSPLUS/} % for backward compatibility
-\font\tenss=cmss10 \let\cmntfont\tenss % comment font
-\let\K=\leftarrow % "honest" alternative to standard assignment operator
-  % shift righthand pages wrt lefthand pages

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfcwebmac.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:37:51 UTC (rev 49270)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -1,406 +0,0 @@
-% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
-% Version 3.1 --- September 1994
-% Modified for use with "pdftex" by Andreas Scherer, April 1997
-\ifx\documentstyle\undefined\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
-\let\:=\. % preserve a way to get the dot accent
- % (all other accents will still work as usual)
-\parskip 0pt % no stretch between paragraphs
-\parindent 1em % for paragraphs and for the first line of C text
-\let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps
-\def\CEE/{{\mc C\spacefactor1000}}
-\def\UNIX/{{\mc U\kern-.05emNIX\spacefactor1000}}
-\def\CPLUSPLUS/{{\mc C\PP\spacefactor1000}}
-\def\Cee{\CEE/} % for backward compatibility
-\let\sc=\eightrm % small caps (NOT a caps-and-small-caps font)
-%\font\tenss=cmss10 \let\cmntfont\tenss % alternative comment font
-\font\titlefont=cmr7 scaled\magstep4 % title on the contents page
-\font\ttitlefont=cmtt10 scaled\magstep2 % typewriter type in title
-\font\tentex=cmtex10 % TeX extended character set (used in strings)
-\fontdimen7\tentex=0pt % no double space after sentences
-\def\\#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
-\def\|#1{\leavevmode\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look better this way
-  \def\_{\kern.04em\vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
-  #1\/\kern.05em}} % boldface type for reserved words
-\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
-  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
-  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
-  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
-  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
-  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
-  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
-  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
-  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
-  #1\kern.05em}}
-\def\AT{@} % at sign for control text (not needed in versions >= 2.9)
-\def\ATL{\par\noindent\bgroup\catcode`\_=12 \postATL} % print @l in limbo
-\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf letter \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
-   tangles as \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
-\def\noATL#1 #2 {}
-\def\noatl{\let\ATL=\noATL} % suppress output from @l
-\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:Preprocessor definitions\X}
-\let\PB=\relax % hook for program brackets |...| in TeX part or section name
-\chardef\AM=`\& % ampersand character in a string
-\chardef\BS=`\\ % backslash in a string
-\chardef\LB=`\{ % left brace in a string
-\chardef\RB=`\} % right brace in a string
-\def\SP{{\tt\char`\ }} % (visible) space in a string
-\chardef\TL=`\~ % tilde in a string
-\chardef\UL=`\_ % underline character in a string
-\chardef\CF=`\^ % circumflex character in a string
-\newbox\PPbox % symbol for ++
-\newbox\MMbox \setbox\MMbox=\hbox{\kern.5pt\raise1pt\hbox{\sevensy\char0
- \kern-1pt\char0}\kern.5pt}
-\newbox\MGbox % symbol for ->
-\mathchardef\AND="2026 % bitwise and; also \& (unary operator)
-\let\OR=\mid % bitwise or
-\let\XOR=\oplus % bitwise exclusive or
-\def\CM{{\sim}} % bitwise complement
-\newbox\MODbox \setbox\MODbox=\hbox{\eightrm\%}
-\def\DC{\kern.1em{::}\kern.1em} % symbol for ::
-\def\PA{\mathbin{.*}} % symbol for .*
-\def\MGA{\mathbin{\MG*}} % symbol for ->*
-\newbox\bak \setbox\bak=\hbox to -1em{} % backspace one em
-\newbox\bakk\setbox\bakk=\hbox to -2em{} % backspace two ems
-\newcount\ind % current indentation in ems
-\def\1{\global\advance\ind by1\hangindent\ind em} % indent one more notch
-\def\2{\global\advance\ind by-1} % indent one less notch
-\def\3#1{\hfil\penalty#10\hfilneg} % optional break within a statement
-\def\4{\copy\bak} % backspace one notch
-\def\5{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\kern2.5em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces}% optional break
-\def\6{\ifmmode\else\par % forced break
-  \hangindent\ind em\noindent\kern\ind em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces\fi}
-\def\7{\Y\6} % forced break and a little extra space
-\def\8{\hskip-\ind em\hskip 2em} % no indentation
-\newcount\gdepth % depth of current major group, plus one
-\secpagedepth=3 % page breaks will occur for depths -1, 0, and 1
-\newtoks\gtitle % title of current major group
-\newskip\intersecskip \intersecskip=12pt minus 3pt % space between sections
-% Some changes for pdftex
-\input pdfcolor
-    \expandafter\poptoks\the\toksA|ENDTOKS|
-    \ifx\first0\adn0
-    \else\ifx\first1\adn1 \else\ifx\first2\adn2 \else\ifx\first3\adn3
-    \else\ifx\first4\adn4 \else\ifx\first5\adn5 \else\ifx\first6\adn6
-    \else\ifx\first7\adn7 \else\ifx\first8\adn8 \else\ifx\first9\adn9
-    \else
-        \ifnum0=\countA\else\makenote\fi
-        \ifx\first.\let\next=\done\else
-            \let\next=\maketoks
-            \addtokens{\toksB}{\the\toksD}
-            \ifx\first,\addtokens{\toksB}{\space}\fi
-        \fi
-    \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
-    \next
-\def\n#1{\pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto num #1
-    \BlueGreen #1\Black\pdfendlink}
-    {\noexpand\n{\the\toksC}}\toksC={}\global\countA=0}
-% End of pdftex changes
-% Some changes for pdftex
-%\def\stsec{\rightskip=0pt % get out of C mode (cf. \B)
-%  \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50
-%  \noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\secstar.\quad}}
-\def\stsec{\rightskip=0pt % get out of C mode (cf. \B)
-  \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50
-  \noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\secstar.\quad}%
-    {\let\*=\empty\pdfdest num \secstar fitbh}}
-% End of pdftex changes
-\def\defin#1{\global\advance\ind by 2 \1\&{#1 } } % begin `define' or `format'
-\def\A{\note{See also section}} % xref for doubly defined section name
-\def\As{\note{See also sections}} % xref for multiply defined section name
-\def\B{\rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt % go into C mode
-  \sfcode`;=3000
-  \pretolerance 10000
-  \hyphenpenalty 1000 % so strings can be broken (discretionary \ is inserted)
-  \exhyphenpenalty 10000
-  \global\ind=2 \1\ \unskip}
-\def\C#1{\5\5\quad$/\ast\,${\cmntfont #1}$\,\ast/$}
-\let\SHC\C % "// short comments" treated like "/* ordinary comments */"
-\def\D{\defin{\#define}} % macro definition
-\let\E=\equiv % equivalence sign
-\def\ET{ and~} % conjunction between two section numbers
-\def\ETs{, and~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
-\def\F{\defin{format}} % format definition
-\let\G=\ge % greater than or equal sign
-% \H is long Hungarian umlaut accent
-\let\I=\ne % unequal sign
-\def\J{\.{@\&}} % TANGLE's join operation
-\let\K== % assignment operator
-%\let\K=\leftarrow % "honest" alternative to standard assignment operator
-% \L is Polish letter suppressed-L
-\outer\def\M#1{\MN{#1}\ifon\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg % beginning of section
-  \vskip\intersecskip\startsection\ignorespaces}
-\outer\def\N#1#2#3.{\gdepth=#1\gtitle={#3}\MN{#2}% beginning of starred section
-  \ifon\ifnum#1<\secpagedepth \vfil\eject % force page break if depth is small
-    \else\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg\vskip\intersecskip\fi\fi
-  \message{*\secno} % progress report
-  \edef\next{\write\cont{\ZZ{#3}{#1}{\secno}% write to contents file
-                   {\noexpand\the\pageno}}}\next % \ZZ{title}{depth}{sec}{page}
-  \ifon\startsection{\bf#3.\quad}\ignorespaces}
-\def\MN#1{\par % common code for \M, \N
-  {\xdef\secstar{#1}\let\*=\empty\xdef\secno{#1}}% remove \* from section name
-  \ifx\secno\secstar \onmaybe \else\ontrue \fi
-  \mark{{{\tensy x}\secno}{\the\gdepth}{\the\gtitle}}}
-% each \mark is {section reference or null}{depth plus 1}{group title}
-% \O is Scandinavian letter O-with-slash
-% \P is paragraph sign
-\def\Q{\note{This code is cited in section}} % xref for mention of a section
-\def\Qs{\note{This code is cited in sections}} % xref for mentions of a section
-\let\R=\lnot % logical not
-% \S is section sign
-\def\T#1{\leavevmode % octal, hex or decimal constant
-  \hbox{$\def\?{\kern.2em}%
-    \def\$##1{\egroup_{\,\rm##1}\bgroup}% suffix to constant
-    \def\_{\cdot 10^{\aftergroup}}% power of ten (via dirty trick)
-    \let\~=\oct \let\^=\hex {#1}$}}
-\def\U{\note{This code is used in section}} % xref for use of a section
-\def\Us{\note{This code is used in sections}} % xref for uses of a section
-\let\V=\lor % logical or
-\let\W=\land % logical and
-% Some changes for pdftex
-%\def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name
-%  \XX$\langle\,${#2\eightrm\kern.5em#1}$\,\rangle$\XX}
-\def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name
-  \XX$\langle\,${#2\eightrm\kern.5em\pdfnote#1.}$\,\rangle$\XX}
-% End of pdftex changes
-\let\ZZ=\let % now you can \write the control sequence \ZZ
-%\def\oct{\hbox{\rm\char'23\kern-.2em\it\aftergroup\?\aftergroup}} % WEB style
-%\def\hex{\hbox{\rm\char"7D\tt\aftergroup}} % WEB style
-\def\oct{\hbox{$^\circ$\kern-.1em\it\aftergroup\?\aftergroup}}% CWEB style
-\def\hex{\hbox{$^{\scriptscriptstyle\#}$\tt\aftergroup}} % CWEB style
-        \hbox{\strut\kern2pt\.{#1}\kern2pt}}
-      \hrule}\vrule\kern2pt}} % verbatim string
-\def\onmaybe{\let\ifon=\maybe} \let\maybe=\iftrue
-\newif\ifon \newif\iftitle \newif\ifpagesaved
-  \mainfont\topsecno} % top line on left-hand pages
-  \qquad\mainfont\the\pageno} % top line on right-hand pages
-                        \takethree\topmark}}
-\def\nullsec{\eightrm\kern-2em} % the \kern-2em cancels \qquad in headers
-\let\page=\pagebody \raggedbottom
-% \def\page{\box255 }\normalbottom % faster, but loses plain TeX footnotes
- \shipout\vbox{
-  \vbox to\fullpageheight{
-  \iftitle\global\titlefalse
-  \else\hbox to\pagewidth{\vbox to10pt{}\ifodd\pageno #3\else#2\fi}\fi
-  \vfill#1}} % parameter #1 is the page itself
-  \global\advance\pageno by1}
-\gtitle={\.{CWEB} output} % this running head is reset by starred sections
-  \vfill} % this material will start the table of contents page
-  \centerline{\covernote}} % this material will end the table of contents page
-\def\contentspagenumber{0} % default page number for table of contents
-\newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=6.5in % the width of each page
-\newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=8.7in % the height of each page
-\newdimen\fullpageheight \fullpageheight=9in % page height including headlines
-\newdimen\pageshift \pageshift=0in % shift righthand pages wrt lefthand ones
-  \fullpageheight=9truein\setpage}
-\def\setpage{\hsize\pagewidth\vsize\pageheight} % use after changing page size
-\def\contentsfile{\jobname.toc} % file that gets table of contents info
-\def\readcontents{\input \contentsfile}
-\def\readindex{\input \jobname.idx}
-\def\readsections{\input \jobname.scn}
-\output{\setbox0=\page % the first page is garbage
-  \openout\cont=\contentsfile
-       \write\cont{\catcode `\noexpand\@=11\relax}   % \makeatletter
-  \global\output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}}
-\vbox to \vsize{} % the first \topmark won't be null
-\def\ch{\note{The following sections were changed by the change file:}
-  \let\*=\relax}
-\newbox\sbox % saved box preceding the index
-\newbox\lbox % lefthand column in the index
-\def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index
-  \def\page{\box255 } \normalbottom
-  \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty
-       \write\cont{\catcode `\noexpand\@=12\relax}   % \makeatother
-  \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered
-  \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi
-    \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue}
-  \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors
-  \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box
-  \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height
-  \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt
-    % column width for the index (20pt between cols)
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
-  \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next
-  \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R}
-    \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss
-        \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader
-    \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi}
-  \message{Index:}
-  \parskip 0pt plus .5pt
-% Some changes for pdftex
-%  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em} % index entry
-  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em\pdfnote} % index entry
-% End of pdftex changes
-  \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item
-  \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar
-  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt
-  \readindex}
-\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
-  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
-  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
-  \def\grouptitle{NAMES OF THE SECTIONS}
-  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
-  \message{Section names:}
-  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \setpage
-% Some changes for pdftex
-%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
-  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
-% End of pdftex changes
-  \def\Q{\note{Cited in section}} % crossref for mention of a section
-  \def\Qs{\note{Cited in sections}} % crossref for mentions of a section
-  \def\U{\note{Used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
-  \def\Us{\note{Used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
-  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
-  \readsections}
-\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
-% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
-  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
-  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
-  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
-  \def\grouptitle{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
-  \message{Table of contents:}
-  \topofcontents
-  \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}}
-  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
-  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
-  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
-% Some changes for pdftex
-%\def\contentsline#1#2#3#4{\ifnum#2=0 \smallbreak\fi
-%    \line{\consetup{#2}#1
-%      \rm\leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ #3\hbox to3em{\hss#4}}}
-\def\contentsline#1#2#3#4{\ifnum#2=0 \smallbreak\fi
-    \line{\consetup{#2}\pdfoutline goto num #3{#1}
-      \pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto num #3
-      \BlueGreen #1 \rm\leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ #3\pdfendlink
-      \Black\hbox to3em{\hss#4}}}
-\pdfcatalog pagemode{/UseOutlines}
-% End of pdftex changes
-\def\consetup#1{\ifcase#1 \bf % depth -1 (@**)
-  \or % depth 0 (@*)
-  \or \hskip2em % depth 1 (@*1)
-  \or \hskip4em % depth 2 (@*2)
-  \or \hskip6em % depth 3 (@*3)
-  \or \hskip8em % depth 4 (@*4)
-  \or \hskip10em % depth 5 (@*5)
-  \else \hskip12em \fi} % depth 6 or more
-\def\noinx{\let\inx=\end} % no indexes or table of contents
-\def\nosecs{\let\FIN=\fin \def\fin{\let\parfillskip=\end \FIN}}
-    % no index of section names or table of contents
-\def\nocon{\let\con=\end} % no table of contents
-  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
-  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
-  \space\number\day, \number\year}
-\def\hours{\twodigits=\time \divide\twodigits by 60 \printtwodigits
-  \multiply\twodigits by-60 \advance\twodigits by\time :\printtwodigits}
-  \expandafter\gobbleone\number\twodigits
-  \advance\twodigits-100 }
-   \leavevmode\hbox{T\kern-.1667em\lower.424ex\hbox{E}\hskip-.125em X}}}
-\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today\ at \hours}\bigskip
-  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
-  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
-  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today\ at \hours}\bigskip
-   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfdcwebmac.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfdcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:37:51 UTC (rev 49270)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfdcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
-% modified for use with "tex2pdf" --- March 1997
-% Version 2.0 --- Don Knuth, July 1990
-% Version 2.0 [german] --- Carsten Steger, October 1991
-% Version 2.0 [german] --- Andreas Scherer, February 1993
-% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
-% Version 2.7 [p6c] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1993
-% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
-% Version 2.8 [german] --- Carsten Steger, 1993
-% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
-% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
-% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
-% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
-% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1994
-% Version 3.1 [p9d] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10b] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1994
-% Version 3.3 [p11a] --- Andreas Scherer, December 1994
-% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
-% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1995
-% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
-\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
-\input pdfXcwebmac.tex
-% In case `german.sty' has been loaded, we have to redefine the `\3'
-% macro for an optional break within a statement.  This should be the
-% first command after `\input german.sty' in your CWEB source.
-\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
-  \ifx\Cstringchars\undefined\else\Cstringchars\fi % special string characters
-  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
-  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
-  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
-  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
-  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
-  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
-  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
-  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
-  \ifx\originalTeX\undefined\else\originalTeX\fi#1\kern.05em}}
-\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf Buchstabe \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
-   wird getangled als \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
-\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:Pr\"aprozessor Definitionen\X}
-\def\A{\note{Siehe auch Abschnitt}} % xref for doubly defined section name
-\def\As{\note{Siehe auch die Abschnitte}} % xref for multiply defined section name
-\def\ET{ und~} % conjunction between two section numbers
-\def\ETs{ und~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
-\def\Q{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird zitiert in Abschnitt}} % xref for mention of a section
-\def\Qs{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird zitiert in den Abschnitten}} % xref for mentions of a section
-\def\U{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird verwendet in Abschnitt}} % xref for use of a section
-\def\Us{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird verwendet in den Abschnitten}} % xref for uses of a section
-\gtitle={\.{CWEB} Ausgabe} % this running head is reset by starred sections
-\def\ch{\note{Die folgenden Abschnitte sind vom Change-File ver\"andert worden:}
-  \let\*=\relax}
-\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
-  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
-  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
-  \def\grouptitle{ABSCHNITTSNAMEN}
-  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
-  \message{Abschnittsnamen:}
-  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \setpage
-% Change for PDFTeX
-%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
-  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
-% End of PDFTeX change
-  \def\Q{\note{Zitiert in Abschnitt}} % crossref for mention of a section
-  \def\Qs{\note{Zitiert in den Abschnitten}} % crossref for mentions of a section
-  \def\U{\note{Verwendet in Abschnitt}} % crossref for use of a section
-  \def\Us{\note{Verwendet in den Abschnitten}} % crossref for uses of a section
-  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
-  \readsections}
-\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
-% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
-  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
-  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
-  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
-  \def\grouptitle{INHALTSVERZEICHNIS:}
-  \message{Inhaltsverzeichnis:}
-  \topofcontents
-  \line{\hfil Abschnitt\hbox to3em{\hss Seite}}
-  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
-  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
-  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
-  Januar\or Februar\or M\"arz\or April\or Mai\or Juni\or
-  Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or Dezember\fi
-  \space\number\year}
-\def\hours{\twodigits=\time \divide\twodigits by60 \printtwodigits
-  \null\space\sc Uhr\space % distinguish between time and year
-  \multiply\twodigits by-60 \advance\twodigits by\time \printtwodigits}
-\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today\ um \hours}\bigskip
-  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
-  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
-  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today\ um \hours}\bigskip
-   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

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@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
-% modified for use with "tex2pdf" --- March 1997
-% Version 2.0 --- Don Knuth, July 1990
-% Version 2.0 [german] --- Carsten Steger, October 1991
-% Version 2.0 [german] --- Andreas Scherer, February 1993
-% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
-% Version 2.7 [p6c] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1993
-% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
-% Version 2.8 [german] --- Carsten Steger, 1993
-% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
-% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
-% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
-% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
-% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1994
-% Version 3.1 [p9d] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10a] --- Denis B. Roegel, September 1994
-% Version 3.3 [p10b] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1994
-% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
-% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1995
-% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
-% french translations --- Denis Roegel, 18 September 1994
-\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
-\input pdfXcwebmac.tex
-\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
-  \ifx\Cstringchars\undefined\else\Cstringchars\fi % special string characters
-  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
-  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
-  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
-  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
-  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
-  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
-  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
-  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
-  #1\kern.05em}}
-\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf La lettre \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
-   est \string`\string`tanglee\string'\string' en \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
-\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:D\'efinitions du pr\'eprocesseur\X}
-\def\A{\note{Voir aussi la section}} % xref for doubly defined section name
-\def\As{\note{Voir aussi les sections}} % xref for multiply defined 
-                                        % section name
-\def\ET{ et~} % conjunction between two section numbers
-\def\ETs{ et~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
-\def\Q{\note{Cette partie du programme est cit\'ee dans la section}} 
-         % xref for mention of a section
-\def\Qs{\note{Cette partie du programme est cit\'ee dans les sections}} 
-         % xref for mentions of a section
-\def\U{\note{Cette partie du programme est utilis\'ee dans la section}} 
-         % xref for use of a section
-\def\Us{\note{Cette partie du programme est utilis\'ee dans les sections}} 
-         % xref for uses of a section
-\gtitle={Sortie \.{CWEB}} % this running head is reset by starred sections
-\def\ch{\note{Les sections suivantes ont \'et\'e modifi\'ees dans le
-              Change-File:}\let\*=\relax}
-\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
-  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
-  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
-  \def\grouptitle{NOMS DES SECTIONS}
-  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
-  \message{Noms des sections:}
-  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \setpage
-% Change for PDFTeX
-%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
-  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
-% End of PDFTeX change
-  \def\Q{\note{Cit\'e dans la section}} % crossref for mention of a section
-  \def\Qs{\note{Cit\'e dans les sections}} % crossref for mentions of a section
-  \def\U{\note{Utilis\'e dans la section}} % crossref for use of a section
-  \def\Us{\note{Utilis\'e dans les sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
-  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
-  \readsections}
-\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
-% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
-  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
-  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
-  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
-  \def\grouptitle{SOMMAIRE:}
-  \message{Sommaire:}
-  \topofcontents
-  \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}}
-  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
-  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
-  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
-  Janvier\or F\'evrier\or Mars\or Avril\or Mai\or Juin\or
-  Juillet\or Ao\^ut\or Septembre\or Octobre\or Novembre\or D\'ecembre\fi
-  \space\number\year}
-\def\hours{\twodigits=\time \divide\twodigits by60 \printtwodigits
-  \null\space\sc h\space % distinguish between time and year
-  \multiply\twodigits by-60 \advance\twodigits by\time \printtwodigits}
-\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today\ \`a \hours}\bigskip
-  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
-  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
-  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today\ \`a \hours}\bigskip
-   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdficwebmac.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdficwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:37:51 UTC (rev 49270)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdficwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -1,136 +0,0 @@
-% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
-% modified for use with "tex2pdf" --- March 1997
-% Version 2.0 --- Don Knuth, July 1990
-% Version 2.0 [german] --- Carsten Steger, October 1991
-% Version 2.0 [german] --- Andreas Scherer, February 1993
-% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
-% Version 2.7 [p6c] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1993
-% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
-% Version 2.8 [german] --- Carsten Steger, 1993
-% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
-% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
-% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
-% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
-% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1994
-% Version 3.1 [p9d] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10a] --- Giuseppe Ghib\xF2, September 1994
-% Version 3.2 [p10b] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1994
-% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
-% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1995
-% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
-\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
-\input pdfXcwebmac.tex
-\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
-  \ifx\Cstringchars\undefined\else\Cstringchars\fi % special string characters
-  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
-  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
-  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
-  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
-  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
-  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
-  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
-  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
-  #1\kern.05em}}
-\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf lettera \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
-   tangles as \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
-\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:Definizioni preprocessore\X}
-\def\A{\note{Vedi anche sezione}} % xref for doubly defined section name
-\def\As{\note{Vedi anche sezioni}} % xref for multiply defined section name
-\def\ET{ e~} % conjunction between two section numbers
-\def\ETs{ e~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
-\def\Q{\note{Questo codice \`e citato nella sezione}} % xref for mention of a section
-\def\Qs{\note{Questo codice \`e citato nelle sezioni}} % xref for mentions of a section
-\def\U{\note{Questo codice \`e usato nella sezione}} % xref for use of a section
-\def\Us{\note{Questo codice \`e usato nelle sezioni}} % xref for uses of a section
-\gtitle={Output \.{CWEB}} % this running head is reset by starred sections
-\def\ch{\note{Le seguenti sezioni sono state modificate tramite il change-file:}
-  \let\*=\relax}
-\def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index
-  \def\page{\box255 } \normalbottom
-  \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty
-       \write\cont{\catcode `\noexpand\@=12\relax}   % \makeatother
-  \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered
-  \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi
-    \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue}
-  \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors
-  \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box
-  \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height
-  \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt
-    % column width for the index (20pt between cols)
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
-  \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next
-  \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R}
-    \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss
-        \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader
-    \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi}
-  \message{Indice Analitico:}
-  \parskip 0pt plus .5pt
-% Change for PDFTeX
-%  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em} % index entry
-  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em\pdfnote} % index entry
-% End of PDFTeX change
-  \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item
-  \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar
-  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt
-  \readindex}
-\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
-  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
-  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
-  \def\grouptitle{NOMI DELLE SEZIONI}
-  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
-  \message{Nomi delle sezioni:}
-  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \setpage
-% Change for PDFTeX
-%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
-  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
-% End of PDFTeX change
-  \def\Q{\note{Citato nella sezione}} % crossref for mention of a section
-  \def\Qs{\note{Citato nelle sezioni}} % crossref for mentions of a section
-  \def\U{\note{Usato nella sezione}} % crossref for use of a section
-  \def\Us{\note{Usato nelle sezioni}} % crossref for uses of a section
-  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
-  \readsections}
-\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
-% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
-  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
-  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
-  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
-  \def\grouptitle{INDICE}
-  \message{Indice:}
-  \topofcontents
-  \line{\hfil Sezione\hbox to3em{\hss Pag.}}
-  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
-  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
-  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
-  gennaio\or febbraio\or marzo\or aprile\or maggio\or giugno\or
-  luglio\or agosto\or settembre\or ottobre\or novembre\or dicembre\fi
-  \space\number\year}
-\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today, ore \hours}\bigskip
-  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
-  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
-  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today, ore \hours}\bigskip
-   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfwebmac.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:37:51 UTC (rev 49270)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-% standard macros for WEB listings (in addition to PLAIN.TEX)
-% pdfTeX adjustments mainained by Han The Thanh <hanthethanh at gmx.net>.
-\xdef\fmtversion{\fmtversion+WEBMAC4.1} % identifies current set of macros
-\parskip 0pt % no stretch between paragraphs
-\parindent 1em % for paragraphs and for the first line of Pascal text
-\font\eightrm=cmr8 \let\sc=\eightrm % NOT a caps-and-small-caps font!
-\font\titlefont=cmr7 scaled\magstep4 % title on the contents page
-\font\ttitlefont=cmtt10 scaled\magstep2 % typewriter type in title
-\font\tentex=cmtex10 % TeX extended character set (used in strings)
-\fontdimen7\tentex=0pt % no extra space after punctuation
-\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
-\def\|#1{\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look a bit better this way
-\def\&#1{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
-\def\.#1{\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
-  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
-  \let\'=\RQ % right quote in a string
-  \let\`=\LQ % left quote in a string
-  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
-  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
-  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
-  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
-  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
-  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
-  #1}}
-\def\#{\hbox{\tt\char`\#}} % parameter sign
-\def\${\hbox{\tt\char`\$}} % dollar sign
-\def\%{\hbox{\tt\char`\%}} % percent sign
-\def\^{\ifmmode\mathchar"222 \else\char`^ \fi} % pointer or hat
-% circumflex accents can be obtained from \^^D instead of \^
-\def\AT!{@} % at sign for control text
-\chardef\AM=`\& % ampersand character in a string
-\chardef\BS=`\\ % backslash in a string
-\chardef\LB=`\{ % left brace in a string
-\def\LQ{{\tt\char'22}} % left quote in a string
-\chardef\RB=`\} % right brace in a string
-\def\RQ{{\tt\char'23}} % right quote in a string
-\def\SP{{\tt\char`\ }} % (visible) space in a string
-\chardef\TL=`\~ % tilde in a string
-\chardef\UL=`\_ % underline character in a string
-\newbox\bak \setbox\bak=\hbox to -1em{} % backspace one em
-\newbox\bakk\setbox\bakk=\hbox to -2em{} % backspace two ems
-\newcount\ind % current indentation in ems
-\def\1{\global\advance\ind by1\hangindent\ind em} % indent one more notch
-\def\2{\global\advance\ind by-1} % indent one less notch
-\def\3#1{\hfil\penalty#10\hfilneg} % optional break within a statement
-\def\4{\copy\bak} % backspace one notch
-\def\5{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\kern2.5em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces}% optional break
-\def\6{\ifmmode\else\par % forced break
-  \hangindent\ind em\noindent\kern\ind em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces\fi}
-\def\7{\Y\6} % forced break and a little extra space
-\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode
-% Some changes for pdftex
-\input pdfcolor
-    \expandafter\poptoks\the\toksA|ENDTOKS|
-    \ifx\first0\adn0
-    \else\ifx\first1\adn1 \else\ifx\first2\adn2 \else\ifx\first3\adn3
-    \else\ifx\first4\adn4 \else\ifx\first5\adn5 \else\ifx\first6\adn6
-    \else\ifx\first7\adn7 \else\ifx\first8\adn8 \else\ifx\first9\adn9 
-    \else
-        \ifnum0=\countA\else\makenote\fi
-        \ifx\first.\let\next=\done\else
-            \let\next=\maketoks
-            \addtokens{\toksB}{\the\toksD}
-            \ifx\first,\addtokens{\toksB}{\space}\fi
-        \fi
-    \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
-    \next
-\def\n#1{\pdfstartlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto num #1 
-    \BlueGreen #1\Black\pdfendlink}
-    {\noexpand\n{\the\toksC}}\toksC={}\global\countA=0}
-% \def\startsection{\Q\noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\modstar.\quad}%
-%     {\let\*=\empty\pdfdest num \modstar fitbh}}
-\def\startsection{\Q{\let\*=\empty\pdfdest num \modstar xyz}%
-    \noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\modstar.\quad}}
-\def\defin#1{\global\advance\ind by 2 \1\&{#1 }} % begin `define' or `format'
-\def\A{\note{See also section}} % crossref for doubly defined section name
-\def\As{\note{See also sections}} % crossref for multiply defined section name
-\def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment
-\def\C#1{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % Pascal comments
-  \XX\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad$\{\,$#1$\,\}$\XX}
-\def\D{\defin{define}} % macro definition
-\def\E{\cdot10^} % exponent in floating point constant
-\def\ET{ and~} % conjunction between two section numbers
-\def\ETs{, and~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
-\def\F{\defin{format}} % format definition
-\let\G=\ge % greater than or equal sign
-\def\H#1{\hbox{\rm\char"7D\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
-\let\I=\ne % unequal sign
-\def\J{\.{@\&}} % TANGLE's join operation
-\let\K=\gets % left arrow
-\let\L=\le % less than or equal sign
-\outer\def\M#1.{\MN#1.\ifon\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg % beginning of section
-  \vskip12ptminus3pt\startsection\ignorespaces}
-\outer\def\N#1.#2.{\MN#1.\vfil\eject % beginning of starred section
-  \def\rhead{\uppercase{\ignorespaces#2}} % define running headline
-  \message{*\modno} % progress report
-  \edef\next{\write\cont{\Z{#2}{\modno}{\the\pageno}}}\next % to contents file
-  \ifon\startsection{\bf\ignorespaces#2.\quad}\ignorespaces}
-\def\MN#1.{\par % common code for \M, \N
-  {\xdef\modstar{#1}\let\*=\empty\xdef\modno{#1}}
-  \ifx\modno\modstar \onmaybe \else\ontrue \fi \mark{\modno}}
-\def\O#1{\hbox{\rm\char'23\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
-\def\P{\rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt % go into Pascal mode
-  \sfcode`;=3000
-  \pretolerance 10000
-  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000
-  \global\ind=2 \1\ \unskip}
-\def\Q{\rightskip=0pt % get out of Pascal mode
-  \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50 }
-\let\R=\lnot % logical not
-\let\S=\equiv % equivalence sign
-\def\T{\mathclose{\.{@\}}}} % terminate controlled comment
-\def\U{\note{This code is used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
-\def\Us{\note{This code is used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
-\let\V=\lor % logical or
-\let\W=\land % logical and
-\def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name
-  \XX$\langle\,$#2{\eightrm\kern.5em\pdfnote#1.}$\,\rangle$\XX}
-\let\Z=\let % now you can \send the control sequence \Z
-\def\){\hbox{\.{@\$}}} % sign for string pool check sum
-\def\]{\hbox{\.{@\\}}} % sign for forced line break
-        \hbox{\strut\kern2pt\.{#1}\kern2pt}}
-      \hrule}\vrule}\kern2pt} % verbatim string
-\def\onmaybe{\let\ifon=\maybe} \let\maybe=\iftrue
-\newif\ifon \newif\iftitle \newif\ifpagesaved
-  \tensy x\mainfont\topmark} % top line on left-hand pages
-\def\rheader{\tensy x\mainfont\topmark\eightrm\qquad\title\hfill\rhead
-  \qquad\mainfont\the\pageno} % top line on right-hand pages
-\def\page{\box255 }
-  \shipout\vbox{
-    \vbox to\fullpageheight{
-      \iftitle\global\titlefalse
-      \else\hbox to\pagewidth{\vbox to10pt{}\ifodd\pageno #3\else#2\fi}\fi
-      \vfill#1}} % parameter #1 is the page itself
-  \global\advance\pageno by1}
-\def\rhead{\.{WEB} OUTPUT} % this running head is reset by starred sections
-\def\title{} % an optional title can be set by the user
-  \vfill} % this material will start the table of contents page
-\def\botofcontents{\vfill} % this material will end the table of contents page
-\def\contentspagenumber{0} % default page number for table of contents
-\newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=6.5in % the width of each page
-\newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=8.7in % the height of each page
-\newdimen\fullpageheight \fullpageheight=9in % page height including headlines
-\newdimen\pageshift \pageshift=0in % shift righthand pages wrt lefthand ones
-  \fullpageheight=9truein\setpage}
-\def\setpage{\hsize\pagewidth\vsize\pageheight} % use after changing page size
-\def\contentsfile{CONTENTS} % file that gets table of contents info
-\def\readcontents{\input CONTENTS}
-\output{\setbox0=\page % the first page is garbage
-  \openout\cont=\contentsfile
-  \global\output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}}
-\vbox to \vsize{} % the first \topmark won't be null
-\def\ch{\note{The following sections were changed by the change file:}
-  \let\*=\relax}
-\newbox\sbox % saved box preceding the index
-\newbox\lbox % lefthand column in the index
-\def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index
-  \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty
-  \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered
-  \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi
-    \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue}
-  \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors
-  \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box
-  \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height
-  \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt
-    % column width for the index (20pt between cols)
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
-  \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next
-  \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R}
-    \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss
-        \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader
-    \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi}
-  \message{Index:}
-  \parskip 0pt plus .5pt
-  \outer\def\:##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em\pdfnote} % index entry
-  \let\ttentry=\. \def\.##1{\ttentry{##1\kern.2em}} % give \tt a little room
-  \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item
-  \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar
-  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt}
-\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
-  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
-  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
-  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
-  \def\rhead{NAMES OF THE SECTIONS}
-  \message{Section names:}
-  \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \setpage
-  %\def\note##1##2.{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
-  \def\note##1##2.{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
-  \linepenalty=10 % try to conserve lines
-  \def\U{\note{Used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
-  \def\Us{\note{Used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
-  \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry}
-\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
-  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
-  \setpage
-  \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
-  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
-  \pageno=\contentspagenumber \def\rhead{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
-  \message{Table of contents:}
-  \topofcontents
-  \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}}
-  \def\Z##1##2##3{\line{\pdfstartlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto num ##2
-    \BlueGreen \ignorespaces##1
-    \leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ ##2\pdfendlink\Black
-    \hbox to3em{\hss##3}}}
-  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
-  \botofcontents \makeoutlines\end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
-  \def\?##1]{}\def\Z##1##2##3{\pdfoutline goto num ##2{##1}}
-  \input CONTENTS\relax}
-\pdfcatalog{/PageMode /UseOutlines}

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/README	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+Existence and obsolescence of these files noted by Andreas Scherer.
+It's unlikely that any of these files are still used or useful (standard
+cwebmac.tex has had pdf support for years), but as usual in the TeX
+world, keeping them around just in case ... --karl, 29nov18.
+(This file public domain.)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/README
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Copied: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfXcwebmac.tex (from rev 49270, trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfXcwebmac.tex)
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfXcwebmac.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfXcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
+% Version 2.4 --- Don Knuth, June 1992
+% Version 2.4 [p5] --- Hans-Hermann Bode, July 1992
+% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
+% Version 2.7 [p6] --- Hans-Hermann Bode, September 1992
+% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
+% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
+% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
+% Version 3.0 [p8c] --- Hans-Hermann Bode, June 1993
+% Version 3.0 [p8d] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
+% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
+% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
+% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, June 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1994
+% Version 3.3 [p11] --- Andreas Scherer, December 1994
+% Version 3.3 [p11a] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1995
+% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
+% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, May 1996
+% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
+\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
+\input pdfcwebmac.tex
+\def\Cpp{\CPLUSPLUS/} % for backward compatibility
+\font\tenss=cmss10 \let\cmntfont\tenss % comment font
+\let\K=\leftarrow % "honest" alternative to standard assignment operator
+  % shift righthand pages wrt lefthand pages

Copied: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfcwebmac.tex (from rev 49270, trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfcwebmac.tex)
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfcwebmac.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
+% Version 3.1 --- September 1994
+% Modified for use with "pdftex" by Andreas Scherer, April 1997
+\ifx\documentstyle\undefined\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
+\let\:=\. % preserve a way to get the dot accent
+ % (all other accents will still work as usual)
+\parskip 0pt % no stretch between paragraphs
+\parindent 1em % for paragraphs and for the first line of C text
+\let\mc=\ninerm % medium caps
+\def\CEE/{{\mc C\spacefactor1000}}
+\def\UNIX/{{\mc U\kern-.05emNIX\spacefactor1000}}
+\def\CPLUSPLUS/{{\mc C\PP\spacefactor1000}}
+\def\Cee{\CEE/} % for backward compatibility
+\let\sc=\eightrm % small caps (NOT a caps-and-small-caps font)
+%\font\tenss=cmss10 \let\cmntfont\tenss % alternative comment font
+\font\titlefont=cmr7 scaled\magstep4 % title on the contents page
+\font\ttitlefont=cmtt10 scaled\magstep2 % typewriter type in title
+\font\tentex=cmtex10 % TeX extended character set (used in strings)
+\fontdimen7\tentex=0pt % no double space after sentences
+\def\\#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
+\def\|#1{\leavevmode\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look better this way
+  \def\_{\kern.04em\vbox{\hrule width.3em height .6pt}\kern.08em}%
+  #1\/\kern.05em}} % boldface type for reserved words
+\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
+  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
+  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
+  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
+  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
+  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
+  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
+  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
+  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
+  #1\kern.05em}}
+\def\AT{@} % at sign for control text (not needed in versions >= 2.9)
+\def\ATL{\par\noindent\bgroup\catcode`\_=12 \postATL} % print @l in limbo
+\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf letter \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
+   tangles as \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
+\def\noATL#1 #2 {}
+\def\noatl{\let\ATL=\noATL} % suppress output from @l
+\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:Preprocessor definitions\X}
+\let\PB=\relax % hook for program brackets |...| in TeX part or section name
+\chardef\AM=`\& % ampersand character in a string
+\chardef\BS=`\\ % backslash in a string
+\chardef\LB=`\{ % left brace in a string
+\chardef\RB=`\} % right brace in a string
+\def\SP{{\tt\char`\ }} % (visible) space in a string
+\chardef\TL=`\~ % tilde in a string
+\chardef\UL=`\_ % underline character in a string
+\chardef\CF=`\^ % circumflex character in a string
+\newbox\PPbox % symbol for ++
+\newbox\MMbox \setbox\MMbox=\hbox{\kern.5pt\raise1pt\hbox{\sevensy\char0
+ \kern-1pt\char0}\kern.5pt}
+\newbox\MGbox % symbol for ->
+\mathchardef\AND="2026 % bitwise and; also \& (unary operator)
+\let\OR=\mid % bitwise or
+\let\XOR=\oplus % bitwise exclusive or
+\def\CM{{\sim}} % bitwise complement
+\newbox\MODbox \setbox\MODbox=\hbox{\eightrm\%}
+\def\DC{\kern.1em{::}\kern.1em} % symbol for ::
+\def\PA{\mathbin{.*}} % symbol for .*
+\def\MGA{\mathbin{\MG*}} % symbol for ->*
+\newbox\bak \setbox\bak=\hbox to -1em{} % backspace one em
+\newbox\bakk\setbox\bakk=\hbox to -2em{} % backspace two ems
+\newcount\ind % current indentation in ems
+\def\1{\global\advance\ind by1\hangindent\ind em} % indent one more notch
+\def\2{\global\advance\ind by-1} % indent one less notch
+\def\3#1{\hfil\penalty#10\hfilneg} % optional break within a statement
+\def\4{\copy\bak} % backspace one notch
+\def\5{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\kern2.5em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces}% optional break
+\def\6{\ifmmode\else\par % forced break
+  \hangindent\ind em\noindent\kern\ind em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces\fi}
+\def\7{\Y\6} % forced break and a little extra space
+\def\8{\hskip-\ind em\hskip 2em} % no indentation
+\newcount\gdepth % depth of current major group, plus one
+\secpagedepth=3 % page breaks will occur for depths -1, 0, and 1
+\newtoks\gtitle % title of current major group
+\newskip\intersecskip \intersecskip=12pt minus 3pt % space between sections
+% Some changes for pdftex
+\input pdfcolor
+    \expandafter\poptoks\the\toksA|ENDTOKS|
+    \ifx\first0\adn0
+    \else\ifx\first1\adn1 \else\ifx\first2\adn2 \else\ifx\first3\adn3
+    \else\ifx\first4\adn4 \else\ifx\first5\adn5 \else\ifx\first6\adn6
+    \else\ifx\first7\adn7 \else\ifx\first8\adn8 \else\ifx\first9\adn9
+    \else
+        \ifnum0=\countA\else\makenote\fi
+        \ifx\first.\let\next=\done\else
+            \let\next=\maketoks
+            \addtokens{\toksB}{\the\toksD}
+            \ifx\first,\addtokens{\toksB}{\space}\fi
+        \fi
+    \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+    \next
+\def\n#1{\pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto num #1
+    \BlueGreen #1\Black\pdfendlink}
+    {\noexpand\n{\the\toksC}}\toksC={}\global\countA=0}
+% End of pdftex changes
+% Some changes for pdftex
+%\def\stsec{\rightskip=0pt % get out of C mode (cf. \B)
+%  \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50
+%  \noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\secstar.\quad}}
+\def\stsec{\rightskip=0pt % get out of C mode (cf. \B)
+  \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50
+  \noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\secstar.\quad}%
+    {\let\*=\empty\pdfdest num \secstar fitbh}}
+% End of pdftex changes
+\def\defin#1{\global\advance\ind by 2 \1\&{#1 } } % begin `define' or `format'
+\def\A{\note{See also section}} % xref for doubly defined section name
+\def\As{\note{See also sections}} % xref for multiply defined section name
+\def\B{\rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt % go into C mode
+  \sfcode`;=3000
+  \pretolerance 10000
+  \hyphenpenalty 1000 % so strings can be broken (discretionary \ is inserted)
+  \exhyphenpenalty 10000
+  \global\ind=2 \1\ \unskip}
+\def\C#1{\5\5\quad$/\ast\,${\cmntfont #1}$\,\ast/$}
+\let\SHC\C % "// short comments" treated like "/* ordinary comments */"
+\def\D{\defin{\#define}} % macro definition
+\let\E=\equiv % equivalence sign
+\def\ET{ and~} % conjunction between two section numbers
+\def\ETs{, and~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
+\def\F{\defin{format}} % format definition
+\let\G=\ge % greater than or equal sign
+% \H is long Hungarian umlaut accent
+\let\I=\ne % unequal sign
+\def\J{\.{@\&}} % TANGLE's join operation
+\let\K== % assignment operator
+%\let\K=\leftarrow % "honest" alternative to standard assignment operator
+% \L is Polish letter suppressed-L
+\outer\def\M#1{\MN{#1}\ifon\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg % beginning of section
+  \vskip\intersecskip\startsection\ignorespaces}
+\outer\def\N#1#2#3.{\gdepth=#1\gtitle={#3}\MN{#2}% beginning of starred section
+  \ifon\ifnum#1<\secpagedepth \vfil\eject % force page break if depth is small
+    \else\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg\vskip\intersecskip\fi\fi
+  \message{*\secno} % progress report
+  \edef\next{\write\cont{\ZZ{#3}{#1}{\secno}% write to contents file
+                   {\noexpand\the\pageno}}}\next % \ZZ{title}{depth}{sec}{page}
+  \ifon\startsection{\bf#3.\quad}\ignorespaces}
+\def\MN#1{\par % common code for \M, \N
+  {\xdef\secstar{#1}\let\*=\empty\xdef\secno{#1}}% remove \* from section name
+  \ifx\secno\secstar \onmaybe \else\ontrue \fi
+  \mark{{{\tensy x}\secno}{\the\gdepth}{\the\gtitle}}}
+% each \mark is {section reference or null}{depth plus 1}{group title}
+% \O is Scandinavian letter O-with-slash
+% \P is paragraph sign
+\def\Q{\note{This code is cited in section}} % xref for mention of a section
+\def\Qs{\note{This code is cited in sections}} % xref for mentions of a section
+\let\R=\lnot % logical not
+% \S is section sign
+\def\T#1{\leavevmode % octal, hex or decimal constant
+  \hbox{$\def\?{\kern.2em}%
+    \def\$##1{\egroup_{\,\rm##1}\bgroup}% suffix to constant
+    \def\_{\cdot 10^{\aftergroup}}% power of ten (via dirty trick)
+    \let\~=\oct \let\^=\hex {#1}$}}
+\def\U{\note{This code is used in section}} % xref for use of a section
+\def\Us{\note{This code is used in sections}} % xref for uses of a section
+\let\V=\lor % logical or
+\let\W=\land % logical and
+% Some changes for pdftex
+%\def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name
+%  \XX$\langle\,${#2\eightrm\kern.5em#1}$\,\rangle$\XX}
+\def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name
+  \XX$\langle\,${#2\eightrm\kern.5em\pdfnote#1.}$\,\rangle$\XX}
+% End of pdftex changes
+\let\ZZ=\let % now you can \write the control sequence \ZZ
+%\def\oct{\hbox{\rm\char'23\kern-.2em\it\aftergroup\?\aftergroup}} % WEB style
+%\def\hex{\hbox{\rm\char"7D\tt\aftergroup}} % WEB style
+\def\oct{\hbox{$^\circ$\kern-.1em\it\aftergroup\?\aftergroup}}% CWEB style
+\def\hex{\hbox{$^{\scriptscriptstyle\#}$\tt\aftergroup}} % CWEB style
+        \hbox{\strut\kern2pt\.{#1}\kern2pt}}
+      \hrule}\vrule\kern2pt}} % verbatim string
+\def\onmaybe{\let\ifon=\maybe} \let\maybe=\iftrue
+\newif\ifon \newif\iftitle \newif\ifpagesaved
+  \mainfont\topsecno} % top line on left-hand pages
+  \qquad\mainfont\the\pageno} % top line on right-hand pages
+                        \takethree\topmark}}
+\def\nullsec{\eightrm\kern-2em} % the \kern-2em cancels \qquad in headers
+\let\page=\pagebody \raggedbottom
+% \def\page{\box255 }\normalbottom % faster, but loses plain TeX footnotes
+ \shipout\vbox{
+  \vbox to\fullpageheight{
+  \iftitle\global\titlefalse
+  \else\hbox to\pagewidth{\vbox to10pt{}\ifodd\pageno #3\else#2\fi}\fi
+  \vfill#1}} % parameter #1 is the page itself
+  \global\advance\pageno by1}
+\gtitle={\.{CWEB} output} % this running head is reset by starred sections
+  \vfill} % this material will start the table of contents page
+  \centerline{\covernote}} % this material will end the table of contents page
+\def\contentspagenumber{0} % default page number for table of contents
+\newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=6.5in % the width of each page
+\newdimen\pageheight \pageheight=8.7in % the height of each page
+\newdimen\fullpageheight \fullpageheight=9in % page height including headlines
+\newdimen\pageshift \pageshift=0in % shift righthand pages wrt lefthand ones
+  \fullpageheight=9truein\setpage}
+\def\setpage{\hsize\pagewidth\vsize\pageheight} % use after changing page size
+\def\contentsfile{\jobname.toc} % file that gets table of contents info
+\def\readcontents{\input \contentsfile}
+\def\readindex{\input \jobname.idx}
+\def\readsections{\input \jobname.scn}
+\output{\setbox0=\page % the first page is garbage
+  \openout\cont=\contentsfile
+       \write\cont{\catcode `\noexpand\@=11\relax}   % \makeatletter
+  \global\output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}}
+\vbox to \vsize{} % the first \topmark won't be null
+\def\ch{\note{The following sections were changed by the change file:}
+  \let\*=\relax}
+\newbox\sbox % saved box preceding the index
+\newbox\lbox % lefthand column in the index
+\def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index
+  \def\page{\box255 } \normalbottom
+  \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty
+       \write\cont{\catcode `\noexpand\@=12\relax}   % \makeatother
+  \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered
+  \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi
+    \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue}
+  \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors
+  \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box
+  \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height
+  \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt
+    % column width for the index (20pt between cols)
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
+  \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next
+  \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R}
+    \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss
+        \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader
+    \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi}
+  \message{Index:}
+  \parskip 0pt plus .5pt
+% Some changes for pdftex
+%  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em} % index entry
+  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em\pdfnote} % index entry
+% End of pdftex changes
+  \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item
+  \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar
+  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt
+  \readindex}
+\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
+  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
+  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
+  \def\grouptitle{NAMES OF THE SECTIONS}
+  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
+  \message{Section names:}
+  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \setpage
+% Some changes for pdftex
+%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
+  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
+% End of pdftex changes
+  \def\Q{\note{Cited in section}} % crossref for mention of a section
+  \def\Qs{\note{Cited in sections}} % crossref for mentions of a section
+  \def\U{\note{Used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
+  \def\Us{\note{Used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
+  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
+  \readsections}
+\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
+% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
+  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
+  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
+  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
+  \def\grouptitle{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
+  \message{Table of contents:}
+  \topofcontents
+  \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}}
+  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
+  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
+  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
+% Some changes for pdftex
+%\def\contentsline#1#2#3#4{\ifnum#2=0 \smallbreak\fi
+%    \line{\consetup{#2}#1
+%      \rm\leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ #3\hbox to3em{\hss#4}}}
+\def\contentsline#1#2#3#4{\ifnum#2=0 \smallbreak\fi
+    \line{\consetup{#2}\pdfoutline goto num #3{#1}
+      \pdfannotlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto num #3
+      \BlueGreen #1 \rm\leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ #3\pdfendlink
+      \Black\hbox to3em{\hss#4}}}
+\pdfcatalog pagemode{/UseOutlines}
+% End of pdftex changes
+\def\consetup#1{\ifcase#1 \bf % depth -1 (@**)
+  \or % depth 0 (@*)
+  \or \hskip2em % depth 1 (@*1)
+  \or \hskip4em % depth 2 (@*2)
+  \or \hskip6em % depth 3 (@*3)
+  \or \hskip8em % depth 4 (@*4)
+  \or \hskip10em % depth 5 (@*5)
+  \else \hskip12em \fi} % depth 6 or more
+\def\noinx{\let\inx=\end} % no indexes or table of contents
+\def\nosecs{\let\FIN=\fin \def\fin{\let\parfillskip=\end \FIN}}
+    % no index of section names or table of contents
+\def\nocon{\let\con=\end} % no table of contents
+  January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
+  July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
+  \space\number\day, \number\year}
+\def\hours{\twodigits=\time \divide\twodigits by 60 \printtwodigits
+  \multiply\twodigits by-60 \advance\twodigits by\time :\printtwodigits}
+  \expandafter\gobbleone\number\twodigits
+  \advance\twodigits-100 }
+   \leavevmode\hbox{T\kern-.1667em\lower.424ex\hbox{E}\hskip-.125em X}}}
+\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today\ at \hours}\bigskip
+  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
+  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
+  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today\ at \hours}\bigskip
+   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

Copied: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfdcwebmac.tex (from rev 49270, trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfdcwebmac.tex)
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfdcwebmac.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfdcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
+% modified for use with "tex2pdf" --- March 1997
+% Version 2.0 --- Don Knuth, July 1990
+% Version 2.0 [german] --- Carsten Steger, October 1991
+% Version 2.0 [german] --- Andreas Scherer, February 1993
+% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
+% Version 2.7 [p6c] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1993
+% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
+% Version 2.8 [german] --- Carsten Steger, 1993
+% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
+% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
+% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
+% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
+% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1994
+% Version 3.1 [p9d] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10b] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1994
+% Version 3.3 [p11a] --- Andreas Scherer, December 1994
+% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
+% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1995
+% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
+\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
+\input pdfXcwebmac.tex
+% In case `german.sty' has been loaded, we have to redefine the `\3'
+% macro for an optional break within a statement.  This should be the
+% first command after `\input german.sty' in your CWEB source.
+\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
+  \ifx\Cstringchars\undefined\else\Cstringchars\fi % special string characters
+  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
+  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
+  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
+  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
+  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
+  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
+  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
+  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
+  \ifx\originalTeX\undefined\else\originalTeX\fi#1\kern.05em}}
+\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf Buchstabe \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
+   wird getangled als \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
+\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:Pr\"aprozessor Definitionen\X}
+\def\A{\note{Siehe auch Abschnitt}} % xref for doubly defined section name
+\def\As{\note{Siehe auch die Abschnitte}} % xref for multiply defined section name
+\def\ET{ und~} % conjunction between two section numbers
+\def\ETs{ und~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
+\def\Q{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird zitiert in Abschnitt}} % xref for mention of a section
+\def\Qs{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird zitiert in den Abschnitten}} % xref for mentions of a section
+\def\U{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird verwendet in Abschnitt}} % xref for use of a section
+\def\Us{\note{Dieser Programmteil wird verwendet in den Abschnitten}} % xref for uses of a section
+\gtitle={\.{CWEB} Ausgabe} % this running head is reset by starred sections
+\def\ch{\note{Die folgenden Abschnitte sind vom Change-File ver\"andert worden:}
+  \let\*=\relax}
+\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
+  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
+  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
+  \def\grouptitle{ABSCHNITTSNAMEN}
+  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
+  \message{Abschnittsnamen:}
+  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \setpage
+% Change for PDFTeX
+%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
+  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
+% End of PDFTeX change
+  \def\Q{\note{Zitiert in Abschnitt}} % crossref for mention of a section
+  \def\Qs{\note{Zitiert in den Abschnitten}} % crossref for mentions of a section
+  \def\U{\note{Verwendet in Abschnitt}} % crossref for use of a section
+  \def\Us{\note{Verwendet in den Abschnitten}} % crossref for uses of a section
+  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
+  \readsections}
+\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
+% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
+  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
+  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
+  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
+  \def\grouptitle{INHALTSVERZEICHNIS:}
+  \message{Inhaltsverzeichnis:}
+  \topofcontents
+  \line{\hfil Abschnitt\hbox to3em{\hss Seite}}
+  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
+  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
+  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
+  Januar\or Februar\or M\"arz\or April\or Mai\or Juni\or
+  Juli\or August\or September\or Oktober\or November\or Dezember\fi
+  \space\number\year}
+\def\hours{\twodigits=\time \divide\twodigits by60 \printtwodigits
+  \null\space\sc Uhr\space % distinguish between time and year
+  \multiply\twodigits by-60 \advance\twodigits by\time \printtwodigits}
+\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today\ um \hours}\bigskip
+  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
+  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
+  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today\ um \hours}\bigskip
+   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

Copied: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdffcwebmac.tex (from rev 49270, trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdffcwebmac.tex)
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdffcwebmac.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdffcwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
+% modified for use with "tex2pdf" --- March 1997
+% Version 2.0 --- Don Knuth, July 1990
+% Version 2.0 [german] --- Carsten Steger, October 1991
+% Version 2.0 [german] --- Andreas Scherer, February 1993
+% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
+% Version 2.7 [p6c] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1993
+% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
+% Version 2.8 [german] --- Carsten Steger, 1993
+% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
+% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
+% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
+% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
+% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1994
+% Version 3.1 [p9d] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10a] --- Denis B. Roegel, September 1994
+% Version 3.3 [p10b] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1994
+% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
+% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1995
+% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
+% french translations --- Denis Roegel, 18 September 1994
+\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
+\input pdfXcwebmac.tex
+\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
+  \ifx\Cstringchars\undefined\else\Cstringchars\fi % special string characters
+  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
+  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
+  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
+  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
+  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
+  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
+  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
+  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
+  #1\kern.05em}}
+\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf La lettre \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
+   est \string`\string`tanglee\string'\string' en \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
+\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:D\'efinitions du pr\'eprocesseur\X}
+\def\A{\note{Voir aussi la section}} % xref for doubly defined section name
+\def\As{\note{Voir aussi les sections}} % xref for multiply defined 
+                                        % section name
+\def\ET{ et~} % conjunction between two section numbers
+\def\ETs{ et~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
+\def\Q{\note{Cette partie du programme est cit\'ee dans la section}} 
+         % xref for mention of a section
+\def\Qs{\note{Cette partie du programme est cit\'ee dans les sections}} 
+         % xref for mentions of a section
+\def\U{\note{Cette partie du programme est utilis\'ee dans la section}} 
+         % xref for use of a section
+\def\Us{\note{Cette partie du programme est utilis\'ee dans les sections}} 
+         % xref for uses of a section
+\gtitle={Sortie \.{CWEB}} % this running head is reset by starred sections
+\def\ch{\note{Les sections suivantes ont \'et\'e modifi\'ees dans le
+              Change-File:}\let\*=\relax}
+\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
+  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
+  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
+  \def\grouptitle{NOMS DES SECTIONS}
+  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
+  \message{Noms des sections:}
+  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \setpage
+% Change for PDFTeX
+%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
+  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
+% End of PDFTeX change
+  \def\Q{\note{Cit\'e dans la section}} % crossref for mention of a section
+  \def\Qs{\note{Cit\'e dans les sections}} % crossref for mentions of a section
+  \def\U{\note{Utilis\'e dans la section}} % crossref for use of a section
+  \def\Us{\note{Utilis\'e dans les sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
+  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
+  \readsections}
+\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
+% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
+  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
+  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
+  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
+  \def\grouptitle{SOMMAIRE:}
+  \message{Sommaire:}
+  \topofcontents
+  \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}}
+  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
+  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
+  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
+  Janvier\or F\'evrier\or Mars\or Avril\or Mai\or Juin\or
+  Juillet\or Ao\^ut\or Septembre\or Octobre\or Novembre\or D\'ecembre\fi
+  \space\number\year}
+\def\hours{\twodigits=\time \divide\twodigits by60 \printtwodigits
+  \null\space\sc h\space % distinguish between time and year
+  \multiply\twodigits by-60 \advance\twodigits by\time \printtwodigits}
+\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today\ \`a \hours}\bigskip
+  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
+  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
+  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today\ \`a \hours}\bigskip
+   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

Copied: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdficwebmac.tex (from rev 49270, trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdficwebmac.tex)
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdficwebmac.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdficwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+% standard macros for CWEB listings (in addition to plain.tex)
+% modified for use with "tex2pdf" --- March 1997
+% Version 2.0 --- Don Knuth, July 1990
+% Version 2.0 [german] --- Carsten Steger, October 1991
+% Version 2.0 [german] --- Andreas Scherer, February 1993
+% Version 2.7 --- Don Knuth, July 1992
+% Version 2.7 [p6c] --- Andreas Scherer, September 1993
+% Version 2.8 --- Don Knuth, September 1992
+% Version 2.8 [german] --- Carsten Steger, 1993
+% Version 2.8 [p7] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1993
+% Version 3.0 --- Don Knuth, June 1993
+% Version 3.0 [p8e] --- Andreas Scherer, November 1993
+% Version 3.1 [p9b] --- Andreas Scherer, January 1994
+% Version 3.1 [p9c] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1994
+% Version 3.1 [p9d] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10] --- Andreas Scherer, July 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10a] --- Giuseppe Ghib\xF2, September 1994
+% Version 3.2 [p10b] --- Andreas Scherer, October 1994
+% Version 3.3 [p11b] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1995
+% Version 3.4 [p13] --- Andreas Scherer, August 1995
+% Version 3.4 [p14] --- Andreas Scherer, March 1997
+\ifx\undefined\documentclass\else\endinput\fi % LaTeX will use other macros
+\input pdfXcwebmac.tex
+\def\.#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
+  \ifx\Cstringchars\undefined\else\Cstringchars\fi % special string characters
+  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
+  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
+  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
+  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
+  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
+  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
+  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
+  \let\^=\CF % circumflex in a string
+  #1\kern.05em}}
+\def\postATL#1 #2 {\bf lettera \\{\uppercase{\char"#1}}
+   tangles as \tentex "#2"\egroup\par}
+\def\ATH{\X\kern-.5em:Definizioni preprocessore\X}
+\def\A{\note{Vedi anche sezione}} % xref for doubly defined section name
+\def\As{\note{Vedi anche sezioni}} % xref for multiply defined section name
+\def\ET{ e~} % conjunction between two section numbers
+\def\ETs{ e~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
+\def\Q{\note{Questo codice \`e citato nella sezione}} % xref for mention of a section
+\def\Qs{\note{Questo codice \`e citato nelle sezioni}} % xref for mentions of a section
+\def\U{\note{Questo codice \`e usato nella sezione}} % xref for use of a section
+\def\Us{\note{Questo codice \`e usato nelle sezioni}} % xref for uses of a section
+\gtitle={Output \.{CWEB}} % this running head is reset by starred sections
+\def\ch{\note{Le seguenti sezioni sono state modificate tramite il change-file:}
+  \let\*=\relax}
+\def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index
+  \def\page{\box255 } \normalbottom
+  \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty
+       \write\cont{\catcode `\noexpand\@=12\relax}   % \makeatother
+  \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered
+  \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi
+    \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue}
+  \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors
+  \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box
+  \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height
+  \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt
+    % column width for the index (20pt between cols)
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
+  \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next
+  \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R}
+    \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss
+        \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader
+    \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi}
+  \message{Indice Analitico:}
+  \parskip 0pt plus .5pt
+% Change for PDFTeX
+%  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em} % index entry
+  \outer\def\I##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em\pdfnote} % index entry
+% End of PDFTeX change
+  \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item
+  \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar
+  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt
+  \readindex}
+\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
+  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
+  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
+  \def\grouptitle{NOMI DELLE SEZIONI}
+  \let\topsecno=\nullsec
+  \message{Nomi delle sezioni:}
+  \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \setpage
+% Change for PDFTeX
+%  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
+  \def\note##1##2.{\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
+% End of PDFTeX change
+  \def\Q{\note{Citato nella sezione}} % crossref for mention of a section
+  \def\Qs{\note{Citato nelle sezioni}} % crossref for mentions of a section
+  \def\U{\note{Usato nella sezione}} % crossref for use of a section
+  \def\Us{\note{Usato nelle sezioni}} % crossref for uses of a section
+  \def\I{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*
+  \readsections}
+\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
+% \ifodd\pageno\else\titletrue\null\vfill\eject\fi % for duplex printers
+  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
+  \setpage \output={\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
+  \pageno=\contentspagenumber
+  \def\grouptitle{INDICE}
+  \message{Indice:}
+  \topofcontents
+  \line{\hfil Sezione\hbox to3em{\hss Pag.}}
+  \let\ZZ=\contentsline
+  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
+  \botofcontents \end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
+  gennaio\or febbraio\or marzo\or aprile\or maggio\or giugno\or
+  luglio\or agosto\or settembre\or ottobre\or novembre\or dicembre\fi
+  \space\number\year}
+\def\datethis{\def\startsection{\leftline{\sc\today, ore \hours}\bigskip
+  \let\startsection=\stsec\stsec}}
+  % say `\datethis' in limbo, to get your listing timestamped before section 1
+  \def\topofcontents{\leftline{\sc\today, ore \hours}\bigskip
+   \centerline{\titlefont\title}\vfill}} % timestamps the contents page

Copied: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfwebmac.tex (from rev 49270, trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb/pdfwebmac.tex)
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfwebmac.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/plain/cweb-old/pdfwebmac.tex	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+% standard macros for WEB listings (in addition to PLAIN.TEX)
+% pdfTeX adjustments mainained by Han The Thanh <hanthethanh at gmx.net>.
+\xdef\fmtversion{\fmtversion+WEBMAC4.1} % identifies current set of macros
+\parskip 0pt % no stretch between paragraphs
+\parindent 1em % for paragraphs and for the first line of Pascal text
+\font\eightrm=cmr8 \let\sc=\eightrm % NOT a caps-and-small-caps font!
+\font\titlefont=cmr7 scaled\magstep4 % title on the contents page
+\font\ttitlefont=cmtt10 scaled\magstep2 % typewriter type in title
+\font\tentex=cmtex10 % TeX extended character set (used in strings)
+\fontdimen7\tentex=0pt % no extra space after punctuation
+\def\\#1{\hbox{\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
+\def\|#1{\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look a bit better this way
+\def\&#1{\hbox{\bf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
+\def\.#1{\hbox{\tentex % typewriter type for strings
+  \let\\=\BS % backslash in a string
+  \let\'=\RQ % right quote in a string
+  \let\`=\LQ % left quote in a string
+  \let\{=\LB % left brace in a string
+  \let\}=\RB % right brace in a string
+  \let\~=\TL % tilde in a string
+  \let\ =\SP % space in a string
+  \let\_=\UL % underline in a string
+  \let\&=\AM % ampersand in a string
+  #1}}
+\def\#{\hbox{\tt\char`\#}} % parameter sign
+\def\${\hbox{\tt\char`\$}} % dollar sign
+\def\%{\hbox{\tt\char`\%}} % percent sign
+\def\^{\ifmmode\mathchar"222 \else\char`^ \fi} % pointer or hat
+% circumflex accents can be obtained from \^^D instead of \^
+\def\AT!{@} % at sign for control text
+\chardef\AM=`\& % ampersand character in a string
+\chardef\BS=`\\ % backslash in a string
+\chardef\LB=`\{ % left brace in a string
+\def\LQ{{\tt\char'22}} % left quote in a string
+\chardef\RB=`\} % right brace in a string
+\def\RQ{{\tt\char'23}} % right quote in a string
+\def\SP{{\tt\char`\ }} % (visible) space in a string
+\chardef\TL=`\~ % tilde in a string
+\chardef\UL=`\_ % underline character in a string
+\newbox\bak \setbox\bak=\hbox to -1em{} % backspace one em
+\newbox\bakk\setbox\bakk=\hbox to -2em{} % backspace two ems
+\newcount\ind % current indentation in ems
+\def\1{\global\advance\ind by1\hangindent\ind em} % indent one more notch
+\def\2{\global\advance\ind by-1} % indent one less notch
+\def\3#1{\hfil\penalty#10\hfilneg} % optional break within a statement
+\def\4{\copy\bak} % backspace one notch
+\def\5{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\kern2.5em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces}% optional break
+\def\6{\ifmmode\else\par % forced break
+  \hangindent\ind em\noindent\kern\ind em\copy\bakk\ignorespaces\fi}
+\def\7{\Y\6} % forced break and a little extra space
+\def\to{\mathrel{.\,.}} % double dot, used only in math mode
+% Some changes for pdftex
+\input pdfcolor
+    \expandafter\poptoks\the\toksA|ENDTOKS|
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+    \else\ifx\first7\adn7 \else\ifx\first8\adn8 \else\ifx\first9\adn9 
+    \else
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+    \BlueGreen #1\Black\pdfendlink}
+    {\noexpand\n{\the\toksC}}\toksC={}\global\countA=0}
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+%     {\let\*=\empty\pdfdest num \modstar fitbh}}
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+    \noindent{\let\*=\lapstar\bf\modstar.\quad}}
+\def\defin#1{\global\advance\ind by 2 \1\&{#1 }} % begin `define' or `format'
+\def\A{\note{See also section}} % crossref for doubly defined section name
+\def\As{\note{See also sections}} % crossref for multiply defined section name
+\def\B{\mathopen{\.{@\{}}} % begin controlled comment
+\def\C#1{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % Pascal comments
+  \XX\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad$\{\,$#1$\,\}$\XX}
+\def\D{\defin{define}} % macro definition
+\def\E{\cdot10^} % exponent in floating point constant
+\def\ET{ and~} % conjunction between two section numbers
+\def\ETs{, and~} % conjunction between the last two of several section numbers
+\def\F{\defin{format}} % format definition
+\let\G=\ge % greater than or equal sign
+\def\H#1{\hbox{\rm\char"7D\tt#1}} % hexadecimal constant
+\let\I=\ne % unequal sign
+\def\J{\.{@\&}} % TANGLE's join operation
+\let\K=\gets % left arrow
+\let\L=\le % less than or equal sign
+\outer\def\M#1.{\MN#1.\ifon\vfil\penalty-100\vfilneg % beginning of section
+  \vskip12ptminus3pt\startsection\ignorespaces}
+\outer\def\N#1.#2.{\MN#1.\vfil\eject % beginning of starred section
+  \def\rhead{\uppercase{\ignorespaces#2}} % define running headline
+  \message{*\modno} % progress report
+  \edef\next{\write\cont{\Z{#2}{\modno}{\the\pageno}}}\next % to contents file
+  \ifon\startsection{\bf\ignorespaces#2.\quad}\ignorespaces}
+\def\MN#1.{\par % common code for \M, \N
+  {\xdef\modstar{#1}\let\*=\empty\xdef\modno{#1}}
+  \ifx\modno\modstar \onmaybe \else\ontrue \fi \mark{\modno}}
+\def\O#1{\hbox{\rm\char'23\kern-.2em\it#1\/\kern.05em}} % octal constant
+\def\P{\rightskip=0pt plus 100pt minus 10pt % go into Pascal mode
+  \sfcode`;=3000
+  \pretolerance 10000
+  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \exhyphenpenalty 10000
+  \global\ind=2 \1\ \unskip}
+\def\Q{\rightskip=0pt % get out of Pascal mode
+  \sfcode`;=1500 \pretolerance 200 \hyphenpenalty 50 \exhyphenpenalty 50 }
+\let\R=\lnot % logical not
+\let\S=\equiv % equivalence sign
+\def\T{\mathclose{\.{@\}}}} % terminate controlled comment
+\def\U{\note{This code is used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
+\def\Us{\note{This code is used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
+\let\V=\lor % logical or
+\let\W=\land % logical and
+\def\X#1:#2\X{\ifmmode\gdef\XX{\null$\null}\else\gdef\XX{}\fi % section name
+  \XX$\langle\,$#2{\eightrm\kern.5em\pdfnote#1.}$\,\rangle$\XX}
+\let\Z=\let % now you can \send the control sequence \Z
+\def\){\hbox{\.{@\$}}} % sign for string pool check sum
+\def\]{\hbox{\.{@\\}}} % sign for forced line break
+        \hbox{\strut\kern2pt\.{#1}\kern2pt}}
+      \hrule}\vrule}\kern2pt} % verbatim string
+\def\onmaybe{\let\ifon=\maybe} \let\maybe=\iftrue
+\newif\ifon \newif\iftitle \newif\ifpagesaved
+  \tensy x\mainfont\topmark} % top line on left-hand pages
+\def\rheader{\tensy x\mainfont\topmark\eightrm\qquad\title\hfill\rhead
+  \qquad\mainfont\the\pageno} % top line on right-hand pages
+\def\page{\box255 }
+  \shipout\vbox{
+    \vbox to\fullpageheight{
+      \iftitle\global\titlefalse
+      \else\hbox to\pagewidth{\vbox to10pt{}\ifodd\pageno #3\else#2\fi}\fi
+      \vfill#1}} % parameter #1 is the page itself
+  \global\advance\pageno by1}
+\def\rhead{\.{WEB} OUTPUT} % this running head is reset by starred sections
+\def\title{} % an optional title can be set by the user
+  \vfill} % this material will start the table of contents page
+\def\botofcontents{\vfill} % this material will end the table of contents page
+\def\contentspagenumber{0} % default page number for table of contents
+\newdimen\pagewidth \pagewidth=6.5in % the width of each page
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+\newdimen\fullpageheight \fullpageheight=9in % page height including headlines
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+  \fullpageheight=9truein\setpage}
+\def\setpage{\hsize\pagewidth\vsize\pageheight} % use after changing page size
+\def\contentsfile{CONTENTS} % file that gets table of contents info
+\def\readcontents{\input CONTENTS}
+\output{\setbox0=\page % the first page is garbage
+  \openout\cont=\contentsfile
+  \global\output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}}
+\vbox to \vsize{} % the first \topmark won't be null
+\def\ch{\note{The following sections were changed by the change file:}
+  \let\*=\relax}
+\newbox\sbox % saved box preceding the index
+\newbox\lbox % lefthand column in the index
+\def\inx{\par\vskip6pt plus 1fil % we are beginning the index
+  \write\cont{} % ensure that the contents file isn't empty
+  \closeout\cont % the contents information has been fully gathered
+  \output{\ifpagesaved\normaloutput{\box\sbox}\lheader\rheader\fi
+    \global\setbox\sbox=\page \global\pagesavedtrue}
+  \pagesavedfalse \eject % eject the page-so-far and predecessors
+  \setbox\sbox\vbox{\unvbox\sbox} % take it out of its box
+  \vsize=\pageheight \advance\vsize by -\ht\sbox % the remaining height
+  \hsize=.5\pagewidth \advance\hsize by -10pt
+    % column width for the index (20pt between cols)
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus .6\hsize % try to avoid almost empty lines
+  \def\lr{L} % this tells whether the left or right column is next
+  \output{\if L\lr\global\setbox\lbox=\page \gdef\lr{R}
+    \else\normaloutput{\vbox to\pageheight{\box\sbox\vss
+        \hbox to\pagewidth{\box\lbox\hfil\page}}}\lheader\rheader
+    \global\vsize\pageheight\gdef\lr{L}\global\pagesavedfalse\fi}
+  \message{Index:}
+  \parskip 0pt plus .5pt
+  \outer\def\:##1, {\par\hangindent2em\noindent##1:\kern1em\pdfnote} % index entry
+  \let\ttentry=\. \def\.##1{\ttentry{##1\kern.2em}} % give \tt a little room
+  \def\[##1]{$\underline{##1}$} % underlined index item
+  \rm \rightskip0pt plus 2.5em \tolerance 10000 \let\*=\lapstar
+  \hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent0pt}
+\def\fin{\par\vfill\eject % this is done when we are ending the index
+  \ifpagesaved\null\vfill\eject\fi % output a null index column
+  \if L\lr\else\null\vfill\eject\fi % finish the current page
+  \parfillskip 0pt plus 1fil
+  \def\rhead{NAMES OF THE SECTIONS}
+  \message{Section names:}
+  \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \setpage
+  %\def\note##1##2.{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad{\eightrm##1~##2.}}
+  \def\note##1##2.{\hfil\penalty-1\hfilneg\quad{\eightrm##1~\pdfnote##2..}}
+  \linepenalty=10 % try to conserve lines
+  \def\U{\note{Used in section}} % crossref for use of a section
+  \def\Us{\note{Used in sections}} % crossref for uses of a section
+  \def\:{\par\hangindent 2em}\let\*=*\let\.=\ttentry}
+\def\con{\par\vfill\eject % finish the section names
+  \rightskip 0pt \hyphenpenalty 50 \tolerance 200
+  \setpage
+  \output{\normaloutput\page\lheader\rheader}
+  \titletrue % prepare to output the table of contents
+  \pageno=\contentspagenumber \def\rhead{TABLE OF CONTENTS}
+  \message{Table of contents:}
+  \topofcontents
+  \line{\hfil Section\hbox to3em{\hss Page}}
+  \def\Z##1##2##3{\line{\pdfstartlink attr{/Border [0 0 0]} goto num ##2
+    \BlueGreen \ignorespaces##1
+    \leaders\hbox to .5em{.\hfil}\hfil\ ##2\pdfendlink\Black
+    \hbox to3em{\hss##3}}}
+  \readcontents\relax % read the contents info
+  \botofcontents \makeoutlines\end} % print the contents page(s) and terminate
+  \def\?##1]{}\def\Z##1##2##3{\pdfoutline goto num ##2{##1}}
+  \input CONTENTS\relax}
+\pdfcatalog{/PageMode /UseOutlines}

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2018-11-29 16:37:51 UTC (rev 49270)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -753,6 +753,7 @@
   "ctib",		# binary
   "ctie",		# binary
   "cweb",		# binary
+  "cweb-old",		# our files
   "cyrillic-bin",	# binary
   "detex",		# binary
   "devnag",		# binary

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-plaingeneric.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-plaingeneric.tlpsrc	2018-11-29 16:37:51 UTC (rev 49270)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-plaingeneric.tlpsrc	2018-11-29 16:48:31 UTC (rev 49271)
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 depend catcodes
 depend chronosys
 depend colorsep
+depend cweb-old
 depend dinat
 depend dirtree
 depend docbytex

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/cweb-old.tlpsrc

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