texlive[47670] Master/texmf-dist: witharrows (10may18)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu May 10 23:39:40 CEST 2018

Revision: 47670
Author:   karl
Date:     2018-05-10 23:39:40 +0200 (Thu, 10 May 2018)
Log Message:
witharrows (10may18)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/witharrows/witharrows.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/witharrows/witharrows.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/witharrows/witharrows.dtx	2018-05-10 21:39:27 UTC (rev 47669)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/witharrows/witharrows.dtx	2018-05-10 21:39:40 UTC (rev 47670)
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 % \fi
 % \iffalse
@@ -46,18 +46,19 @@
-\documentclass[dvipsnames]{l3doc} % load fancyvrb, amsmath, array, color, etc.
+\documentclass[dvipsnames]{l3doc}% dvipsnames is for xcolor (loaded by Tikz, loaded by witharrows)
 \NewDocumentEnvironment {scope} {} {} {}
 \def\interitem{\vskip 7mm plus 2 mm minus 3mm}          
 \parindent 0pt
@@ -74,7 +75,7 @@
 % \maketitle
 % \begin{abstract}
-% The LaTeX package \pkg{witharrows} gives an environment |{WithArrows}| which is similar to environment
+% The LaTeX package \pkg{witharrows} provides an environment |{WithArrows}| which is similar to environment
 % |{aligned}| of \pkg{amsmath} (and \pkg{mathtools}) but gives the possibility to draw arrows on the right side of
 % the alignment. These arrows are usually used to give explanations concerning the mathematical calculus presented.
 % \end{abstract}
@@ -83,11 +84,11 @@
 % \vskip1cm 
 % This package can be used with |xelatex|, |lualatex|, |pdflatex| but also by the classical workflow
 % |latex|-|dvips|-|ps2pdf| (or Adobe Distiller). Two compilations may be necessary. This package requires the
-% packages \pkg{expl3}, \pkg{xparse} and \pkg{tikz}. The following Tikz libraries are also required: \pkg{calc},
-% \pkg{arrows.meta} and \pkg{bending}.
+% packages \pkg{expl3}, \pkg{xparse} and \pkg{tikz}. The following Tikz libraries \pkg{arrows.meta} and
+% \pkg{bending} are also required.
 % \bigskip
-% This package gives an environment |{WithArrows}| to construct alignments of equations with arrows for the
+% This package provides an environment |{WithArrows}| to construct alignments of equations with arrows for the
 % explanations on the right side:
 % %
 % \begin{Verbatim}
@@ -99,24 +100,22 @@
 % $\begin{WithArrows}
 % A & = (a+1)^2 \Arrow{we expand} \\
-%   & = a^2 + 2a + 1 
+%   & = a^2 + 2a + 1  
 % \end{WithArrows}$
 % \medskip
-% The arrow has been drawn with the command |\Arrow| on the line from which it starts. The command |\Arrow| must be used
-% in the second column (the best way is to put it at the end of the second cell of the line as in the previous example).
+% The arrow has been drawn with the command |\Arrow| on the row from which it starts. The command |\Arrow| must be used
+% in the second column (the best way is to put it at the end of the second cell of the row as in the previous example).
 % \section{Options for the shape of the arrows}
-% The commande |\Arrow| has several options. These options can be put between square brackets, before, or after the
+% The command |\Arrow| has several options. These options can be put between square brackets, before, or after the
 % mandatory argument.
 % The option |jump| gives the number\footnote{It's not possible to give a non-positive value to |jump|. See
-% below (p.~\pageref{Backwards}) the way to draw an arrow which goes backwards.} of lines the arrow must jump (the
+% below (p.~\pageref{Backwards}) the way to draw an arrow which goes backwards.} of rows the arrow must jump (the
 % default value is, of course,~$1$).
@@ -138,7 +137,7 @@
 % \interitem
-% It's possible to put several arrows which start from the same line.
+% It's possible to put several arrows which start from the same row.
 % %
 % \begin{Verbatim}
 % $\begin{WithArrows}
@@ -471,10 +470,11 @@
 %   & = a^2 + 2ab + b^2 
 % \end{WithArrows}$
-% \medskip
-% Special commands are available in |CodeAfter| : a command |\NbLines| which gives the number of lines of the
-% current environment (this is a command and not a counter), a special form of the command |\Arrow| and the command
-% |\MultiArrow| : these commands are described in the section concerning the nested environments, p.~\pageref{NestedEnv}.
+% \medskip 
+% Special commands are available in |CodeAfter| : a command |\NbLines| which gives the number of lines (=rows) of
+% the current environment (this is a command and not a counter), a special form of the command |\Arrow| and the
+% command |\MultiArrow| : these commands are described in the section concerning the nested environments,
+% p.~\pageref{NestedEnv}.
 % \section{Precise positioning of the arrows}
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
 % \bigskip
 % The environment |{WithArrows}| gives also a |groups| option (with a \emph{s} in the name). With this option, the
 % arrows are divided into several ``groups''. Each group is a set of connected\footnote{More precisely: for each
-% arrow $a$, we note $i(a)$ the number of its initial line and $f(a)$ the number of its final line ; for two arrows
+% arrow $a$, we note $i(a)$ the number of its initial row and $f(a)$ the number of its final line ; for two arrows
 % $a$ and $b$, we say that $a \sim b$ when
 % $\llbracket i(a),f(a)\rrbracket \cap \llbracket i(b),f(b)\rrbracket \neq \varnothing$ ; the groups are the
 % equivalence classes of the transitive closure of $\sim$.} arrows. All the arrows of a given group are grouped on
@@ -609,7 +609,7 @@
 % possible to use the package \pkg{witharrows} without the package \pkg{amsmath}.}
 % \interitem
-% As in the environments of \pkg{amsmath}, it's possible to change the spacing between two given lines with the
+% As in the environments of \pkg{amsmath}, it's possible to change the spacing between two given rows with the
 % option of the command |\\| of end of line (it's also possible to use |\\*| but is has exactly the same effect as
 % |\\| since an environment |{WithArrows}| is always unbreakable).
 % %
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
 % \interitem 
-% In the environments of \pkg{amsmath} (or \pkg{mathtools}), the spacing between lines is fixed by a parameter
+% In the environments of \pkg{amsmath} (or \pkg{mathtools}), the spacing between rows is fixed by a parameter
 % called |\jot| (it's a dimension and not a skip). That's also the case for the environment |{WithArrows}|. An
 % option |jot| has been given to the environment |{WithArrows}| in order to change the value of this parameter
 % |\jot| for an given environment.\footnote{It's also possible to change |\jot| with the environment |{spreadlines}|
@@ -831,7 +831,7 @@
 % \end{WithArrows}$
 % \bigskip
-% However, one may want to draw an arrow between lines that are not in the same environment. For example, one may want
+% However, one may want to draw an arrow between rows that are not in the same environment. For example, one may want
 % to draw the following arrow :
 % \bigskip
@@ -859,8 +859,8 @@
 % \smallskip
 % A command |\Arrow| in |CodeAfter| takes three arguments :
 % \begin{itemize}
-% \item a specification of the start line of the arrow ;
-% \item a specification of the end line of the arrow ;
+% \item a specification of the start row of the arrow ;
+% \item a specification of the end row of the arrow ;
 % \item the label of the arrow.
 % \end{itemize}
 % As usual, it's also possible to give options within square brackets before or after the three arguments. However,
@@ -867,8 +867,8 @@
 % these options are limited (see below).
 % \bigskip
-% The specification of the line is constructed with the position of the concerned environment in the nesting tree,
-% followed (after an hyphen) by the number of the line.
+% The specification of the row is constructed with the position of the concerned environment in the nesting tree,
+% followed (after an hyphen) by the number of the row.
 % \bigskip
 % In the previous example, there are two environments |{WithArrows}| nested in the main environment |{WithArrows}|.
@@ -890,8 +890,8 @@
 % \end{WithArrows}$
 % \bigskip
-% The arrow we want to draw starts in the line~$2$ of the sub-environment number~$1$ (and therefore, the
-% specification is |1-2|) and ends in the line~$2$ of the sub-environment number~$2$ (and therefore, the 
+% The arrow we want to draw starts in the row~$2$ of the sub-environment number~$1$ (and therefore, the
+% specification is |1-2|) and ends in the row~$2$ of the sub-environment number~$2$ (and therefore, the 
 % specification is |2-2|). We can draw the arrow with the following command |\Arrow| in |CodeAfter| :
 % \begin{Verbatim}
 % $\begin{WithArrows}[~emphase#CodeAfter = {\Arrow{1-2}{2-2}{Division by $2$}}@]
@@ -922,7 +922,7 @@
 % and |TikzCode|. Except |v|, which is specific to |\Arrow| in |CodeAfter|, all these options have their usual
 % meaning.
-% With the option |v|, the arrow drawn is vertical to an abscissa computed with the start line and the end line
+% With the option |v|, the arrow drawn is vertical to an abscissa computed with the start row and the end row
 % only : the intermediate lines are not taken into account unlike with the option |i|. Currently, the option |i| is 
 % not available for the command~|\Arrow| in |CodeAfter|. However, it's always possible to translate an arrow with
 % |xoffset| (or |xshift| of Tikz). 
@@ -953,7 +953,7 @@
 % \interitem
 % The package \pkg{witharrows} gives also another command available only in |CodeAfter| : the command
-% |\MultiArrow|. This commands draws a ``rak''. The list of the lines of the environment concerned by this rak are
+% |\MultiArrow|. This command draws a ``rak''. The list of the rows of the environment concerned by this rak are
 % given in the first argument of the command |\MultiArrow|. This list is given with the syntax of the list in a
 % |\foreach| command of \pkg{pgfkeys}.
@@ -984,14 +984,14 @@
 % \bigskip
-% \section{Arrows from outside environments WithArrows}
+% \section{Arrows from outside environments \{WithArrows\}}
 % If someone wants to draw arrows from outside the environments |{WithArrows}|, he can use the Tikz nodes created
 % in the environments.
 % The Tikz name of a node created by \pkg{witharrows} is prefixed by |wa-|. Then, we have a list of numbers which
-% give the position in the nesting tree and the number of the line in the environment. At the end, we have the
-% suffixe |l| for a ``left node'' and |r| for a ``right node''.
+% give the position in the nesting tree and the row number in the environment. At the end, we have the suffixe |l|
+% for a ``left node'' and |r| for a ``right node''.
 % \smallskip
 % For illustrative purposes, we give an example of nested environments |{WithArrows}|, and, for each ``right
@@ -1029,10 +1029,13 @@
 % \end{WithArrows}\]
 % \medskip
-% The package \pkg{witharrows} provides some tools to use directly these nodes :
+% The package \pkg{witharrows} provides some tools facilitating the use of these nodes :
 % \begin{itemize}
 % \item the command |\WithArrowsLastEnv| gives the number of the last environment of level~$0$ ;
+% \item a name can be given to a given environment with the option |name| and, in this case, the nodes created in
+% the environment will have aliases constructed with this name ;
 % \item the Tikz style |WithArrows/arrow| is the style used by \pkg{witharrows} when drawing an arrow\footnote{More
 % precisely, this style is given to the Tikz option ``|every path|'' before drawing the arrow with the code of the
 % option |TikzCode|. This style is modified (in TeX scopes) by the option |tikz| of \pkg{witharrows}.} ;
@@ -1041,7 +1044,7 @@
 % \end{itemize}
 % For example, we can draw an arrow from \texttt{wa-\WithArrowsLastEnv-2-1-2-r.south} to
-% \texttt{wa-\WithArrowsLastEnv-3-2-r.north} with the following Tikz command.
+% \texttt{wa-\WithArrowsLastEnv-3-2-r.north} with the following Tikz command (requires the Tikz library |calc|).
 % \begin{Verbatim}
 % \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
@@ -1091,8 +1094,50 @@
 % In this case, it would be easier to use a command |\Arrow| in |CodeAfter| but this is an example to explain how
 % the Tikz nodes created by \pkg{witharrows} can be used.
+% \bigskip
+% In the following example, we create two environments |{WithArrows}| named ``|first|'' and ``|second|'' and we
+% draw a line between a node of the first and a node of the second.
+% \begin{Verbatim}
+% $\begin{WithArrows}[~emphase#name=first@]
+% A & = B \\
+%   & = C \\
+% \end{WithArrows}$
+% \bigskip
+% $\begin{WithArrows}[~emphase#name=second@]
+% A' & = B' \\
+%    & = C' \\
+% \end{WithArrows}$
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+% \draw [WithArrows/arrow] 
+%       ($(~emphase#first at -1-r.south)+(3mm,0)$) 
+%    to ($(~emphase#second at -1-r.north)+(3mm,0)$) ;
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \end{Verbatim}
+% \begin{center}
+% $\begin{WithArrows}[name=first]
+% A & = B \\
+%   & = C \\
+% \end{WithArrows}$
+% \bigskip
+% $\begin{WithArrows}[name=second]
+% A' & = B' \\
+%    & = C' \\
+% \end{WithArrows}$
+% \end{center}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+% \draw [WithArrows/arrow] 
+%       ($(first-1-r.south)+(3mm,0)$) 
+%    to ($(second-1-r.north)+(3mm,0)$) ;
+% \end{tikzpicture}
 % \section{Advanced features}
@@ -1130,7 +1175,7 @@
 % E & \Longleftrightarrow 3 (2x+4) = 6   \Arrow{$\div 3$} \\
 %   & \Longleftrightarrow 2x+4 = 2       \Arrow{$-4$}     \\
 %   & \Longleftrightarrow 2x = -2        \Arrow{$\div 2$} \\
-%   & \Longleftrightarrow 2x = -1
+%   & \Longleftrightarrow  x = -1
 % \end{WithArrows}
 % \end{Verbatim}
@@ -1295,13 +1340,13 @@
 % \smallskip
 % The value by defaut of |TikzCode| is \verb|\draw (#1) to node {#3} (#2) ;| where the three markers |#1|, |#2| and
-% |#3| represent the start line, the end line and the label of the arrow.
+% |#3| represent the start raw, the end raw and the label of the arrow.
 % \bigskip
 % \subsubsection{Example 1}
 % In the following example, we define the value of |TikzCode| with two instructions |\path| : the first instruction
-% draw the arrow itself and the second puts the label in a Tikz node in the rectangle delimited by the arrow.
+% draws the arrow itself and the second puts the label in a Tikz node in the rectangle delimited by the arrow.
 % \begin{Verbatim}
 % $\begin{WithArrows}[
@@ -1341,8 +1386,8 @@
 % \bigskip
 % \subsubsection{Example 2}
-% In the following example, we change the shape of the arrow depending on wether the start line is longer than the
-% end line or not.
+% In the following example, we change the shape of the arrow depending on wether the start raw is longer than the
+% end row or not. This example requires the Tikz library \pkg{calc}.
 % \begin{Verbatim}
 % \begin{WithArrows}[ll,interline=5mm,xoffset=5mm,
@@ -1416,8 +1461,8 @@
 %          \Arrow[rr,xoffset=1cm,tikz=<-]{1}{\NbLines}{\NbLines}}
 % \end{Verbatim}
-% The command |\NbLines| is a command available in |CodeAfter| which gives the total number of lines of the current
-% environment (it's a command and not a counter).
+% The command |\NbLines| is a command available in |CodeAfter| which gives the total number of lines (=rows) of the
+% current environment (it's a command and not a counter).
 % \bigskip
@@ -1451,7 +1496,7 @@
 % \bigskip
 % As usual, it's possible to change the characteristic of both arrows and nodes with the option |tikz|. However, if
-% we want to change the style and to have, for example, numbers in parenthesis, the best way is to change the value
+% we want to change the style to have, for example, numbers in parenthesis, the best way is to change the value
 % of |TikzCode|:
 % \begin{Verbatim}
@@ -1465,7 +1510,7 @@
 % b.\;& f \text{ est continuous in } 0 \\
 % c.\;& f \text{ is bounded on the unit sphere} \\
 % d.\;& \exists K > 0\quad \forall x \in E\quad \|f(x)\| \le K \|x\| \\
-% e.\;& f \text{ is lipschitzian} 
+% e.\;& f \text{ is lipschitzian}  \\
 % \end{WithArrows}$
 % \end{scope}
@@ -1481,7 +1526,7 @@
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
@@ -1657,8 +1702,9 @@
 % not been loaded yet).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \cs_if_free:NT \spread at equation
-    {\cs_set:Npn \spread at equation{\openup\jot   
-                                  \cs_set:Npn \spread at equation {}}}
+    {\cs_set_protected:Npn \spread at equation
+               {\openup\jot   
+                \cs_set_protected:Npn \spread at equation {}}}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % Don't put |\cs_set_eq:NN \spread at equation \prog_do_nothing:| in the last line because this would raise errors
 % with nested environments.
@@ -1682,19 +1728,12 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
-% The following skip (=glue) is the vertical space inserted between two lines of the |\halign|.
+% The following skip (=glue) is the vertical space inserted between two lines (=rows) of the |\halign|.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \skip_new:N \l_@@_interline_skip
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
-% If the following flag is raised, then the user can use more than two columns.
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-\bool_new:N \l_@@_MoreColumns_bool
-%    \end{macrocode}
-% \bigskip
 % The following integer indicates the position of the box that will be created: 0 (=|t|=|\vtop|), 1~(=|c|=|\vcenter|) or 2 (=|b|=|\vbox|).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \int_new:N \l_@@_pos_env_int 
@@ -1711,13 +1750,15 @@
 % is accessible only for the arrows in |CodeAfter| where the options |i|, |group| et |groups| are not available).
 % \begin{center}
-% \setlength{\extrarowheight}{2pt}
-% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
-% \hline
+% \begin{tabular}{l}
+% \begin{tabular}{@{}l*8c@{}}
+% \toprule
 % option                 & |rr| & |ll| & |rl| & |lr| & |v| & |i| & |group| & |groups| \\
-% \hline
+% \midrule
 % |\l_@@_pos_arrows_int| & $0$  & $1$  & $2$  & $3$  & $4$ & $5$  & $6$  & $7$  \\
-% \hline
+% \bottomrule
+% \end{tabular} \\
+% \footnotesize The option |v| can be used only in |\Arrow| in |CodeAfter| (see below).
 % \end{tabular}
 % \end{center}
@@ -1770,11 +1811,17 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
+% The token list |\l_@@_name_tl| will contain the name of the environment (given with the option |name|). This name
+% will be used to create aliases for the names of the nodes.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\tl_new:N \l_@@_name_tl
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \bigskip
 % \subsection{The definition of the options}
 % There are four levels where options can be set:
 % \begin{itemize}
-% \item in the options of the |\usepackage|: this level will be called \emph{package} level (number~$0$);
+% \item with |\usepackage[...]{witharrows}|: this level will be called \emph{package} level (number~$0$);
 % \item with |\WithArrowsOptions{...}|: this level will be called \emph{global} level (number~$1$);
 % \item with |\begin{WithArrows}[...]|: this level will be called \emph{environment} level (number~$2$);
 % \item with |\Arrow[...]| (included in |CodeAfter|): this level will be called \emph{local} level (number~$3$). 
@@ -1782,7 +1829,7 @@
 % \bigskip
 % The level is specified in the variable |\l_@@_level_int| and the code attached to the options can use this
-% information to alter their actions.
+% information to alter its actions.
 % \medskip
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -1790,10 +1837,10 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
-% We go on with a submodule which will be loaded only at the global or the environment level.
+% We start with a submodule which will be loaded only at the global or the environment level.
 % \medskip
-% The options |t|, |c| and |b| indicate if we will create a |\vtop|, a |\vcenter| of a |\vbox|. This information is
+% The options |t|, |c| and |b| indicate if we will create a |\vtop|, a |\vcenter| or a |\vbox|. This information is
 % stored in the variable |\l_@@_pos_env_int|.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \keys_define:nn {WithArrows/GlobalOrEnv}
@@ -1825,11 +1872,26 @@
 % Usually, the number of columns in a |{WithArrows}| environment is limited to 2. Nevertheless, it's possible to
 % have more columns with the option |MoreColumns|.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-      MoreColumns .bool_set:N        = \l_@@_MoreColumns_bool,
+      MoreColumns .code:n            = { \msg_redirect_name:nnn
+                                         {witharrows}
+                                         {Third~column~in~an~environment}
+                                         {none} },
       MoreColumns .value_forbidden:n = true,
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
+% By default, an error message is raised if there is a line without ampersand (|&|). However, it's possible to
+% suppress this error with the option |AllowLineWithoutAmpersand|.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+      AllowLineWithoutAmpersand .code:n = { \msg_redirect_name:nnn
+                                            {witharrows}
+                                            {All~lines~must~have~an~ampersand}
+                                            {none} },
+      AllowLineWithoutAmpersand .value_forbidden:n = true,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \bigskip
 % If the user wants to give a new name to the |\Arrow| command (and the name |\Arrow| remains free).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
       CommandName .tl_set:N         = \l_@@_CommandName_tl,
@@ -1899,6 +1961,7 @@
       CodeBefore  .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l_@@_level_int = 1
                               {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~will~be~ignored}}
                               {\tl_put_right:Nn \l_@@_code_before_tl {#1}}} ,
+      CodeBefore  .value_required:n = true,
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
@@ -1905,9 +1968,21 @@
 % The option |CodeAfter| gives a code that is executed at the end of the environment |{WithArrows}| (after the
 % eventual |\end{savenotes}|).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-      CodeAfter  .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l_@@_level_int = 1
+      CodeAfter .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l_@@_level_int = 1
                               {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~will~be~ignored}}
                               {\tl_put_right:Nn \l_@@_code_after_tl {#1}}} ,
+      CodeAfter .value_required:n = true,
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% \bigskip
+% The option |name| is a name given to the environment. If this option is used, the nodes created in the
+% environment will have aliases constructed with this name (and it will be easier to use these nodes from outside
+% the environment).
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+      name .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l_@@_level_int = 1
+                              {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~will~be~ignored}}
+                              {\tl_set:Nn \l_@@_name_tl {#1}}} ,
+      name .value_required:n = true,
       unknown .code:n  = \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~unknown}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -1997,10 +2072,10 @@
 % useful for the options |group| and |groups|).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 \keys_define:nn {WithArrows/jump}
-     {jump  .code:n     = {\int_set:Nn \l_@@_jump_int {#1}
-                           \int_compare:nNnF \l_@@_jump_int > 0
-                               {\msg_error:nn {witharrows}
-                                              {The~option~"jump"~must~be~non~negative}}} ,
+     {jump  .code:n = {\int_set:Nn \l_@@_jump_int {#1}
+                       \int_compare:nNnF \l_@@_jump_int > 0
+                           {\msg_error:nn {witharrows}
+                                          {The~option~"jump"~must~be~non~negative}}} ,
       jump  .value_required:n  = true}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2170,7 +2245,7 @@
 % We define the command |\\| to be the command |\@@_cr:| (defined below). 
 %    \begin{macrocode}
            \cs_set_eq:NN \\ \@@_cr:
-           \mathsurround = \c_zero_dim
+           \dim_zero:N \mathsurround 
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
@@ -2283,7 +2358,18 @@
 % We create the ``left node'' of the line (when using macros in Tikz node names, the macros have to be fully
 % expandable: here, |\tl_use:N| and |\int_use:N| are fully expandable).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-           \tikz [@@_standard] \node [@@_node_style] (\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-l) {} ;
+           \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_name_tl
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay] 
+                    \node [@@_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-l] {} ;}
+%    \end{macrocode}
+% If the environment |{WithArrows}| has a name (given with the option |name|), the node has also an alias
+% constructed with this name.
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay] 
+                    \node [@@_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-l,
+                           alias = \l_@@_name_tl-\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-l] {} ;}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2291,7 +2377,14 @@
 % Now, after the |\hfil|, we create the ``right node'' and, if the option |shownodenames| is raised, the name of
 % the node is written in the document (useful for debugging).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-           \tikz [@@_standard] \node [@@_node_style] (\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-r) {} ;
+           \tl_if_empty:NTF \l_@@_name_tl
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay] 
+                    \node [@@_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-r] {} ;}
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay] 
+                    \node [@@_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-r,
+                           alias = \l_@@_name_tl-\int_use:N\g_@@_line_int-r] {} ;}
            \bool_if:NT \l_@@_shownodenames_bool
                 {\hbox_overlap_right:n {\small wa-\l_@@_prefix_str
@@ -2301,8 +2394,7 @@
 % Usually, the |\halign| of an environment |{WithArrows}| will have exactly two columns. Nevertheless, if the user
 % wants to use more columns (without arrows) it's possible with the option |MoreColumns|.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-           && \bool_if:NF \l_@@_MoreColumns_bool
-                {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Third~column~in~a~{WithArrows}~environment}}
+           && \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Third~column~in~an~environment}
            $\bool_if:NT \l_@@_displaystyle_bool \displaystyle {##}$
@@ -2488,7 +2580,7 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
-% The flag |\l_@@_new_group_bool| indicates if we have to begin a new group of arrows. In fact, We have to begin a
+% The flag |\l_@@_new_group_bool| indicates if we have to begin a new group of arrows. In fact, we have to begin a
 % new group in two circonstancies: if we are at the first arrow of the environment (that's why the flag is raised
 % before the beginning of the loop) an if we have just finished a group (that's why the flag is raised in the
 % previous conditionnal). At the beginning of a group, we have to initialize four variables:
@@ -2500,10 +2592,11 @@
                \int_set:Nn \l_@@_first_arrow_of_group_int \l_@@_arrow_int
                \int_set:Nn \l_@@_first_line_of_group_int \l_@@_initial_int
                \int_set:Nn \l_@@_last_line_of_group_int \l_@@_final_int
-               \tikz [@@_standard]
-               \path let \p1=(\int_use:N\l_@@_initial_int-l)
-                     in \pgfextra {\dim_gset:Nn \g_@@_x_dim {\x1}} ;
-              }
+               \begin{tikzpicture} [@@_standard]
+               \tikz at parse@node\pgfutil at firstofone (\int_use:N\l_@@_initial_int-l)
+               \dim_gset:Nn \g_@@_x_dim \pgf at x 
+               \end{tikzpicture}
+               }
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
@@ -2513,13 +2606,13 @@
                      {\int_max:nn \l_@@_last_line_of_group_int \l_@@_final_int}}
 %    \end{macrocode}
-% \bigskip
-% We actualise the current $x$-value (in |\g_@@_x_dim|) even if we are at the beginning of a group. Indeed, the
+% \bigskip 
+% We update the current $x$-value (in |\g_@@_x_dim|) even if we are at the beginning of a group. Indeed, the
 % previous initialisation of |\g_@@_x_dim| only considers the initial line of the arrows and now we consider all
-% the lines between the initial and the final line. This is done with |\@@_actualise_x_value:nn|. We have written a
+% the lines between the initial and the final line. This is done with |\@@_update_x_value:nn|. We have written a
 % command for this because it is also used with the option |i| (|\l_@@_pos_arrows_int| = 5).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-       \@@_actualise_x_value:nn \l_@@_initial_int \l_@@_final_int
+       \@@_update_x_value:nn \l_@@_initial_int \l_@@_final_int
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
@@ -2559,7 +2652,7 @@
 % \bigskip
-% We begin a loop over the arrows of the environment. The variable |\l_@@_arrow_int| (local in the environment
+% We begin a loop over the arrows we have to draw. The variable |\l_@@_arrow_int| (local in the environment
 % |{WithArrows}|) will be used as index for the loop.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
    \int_set:Nn \l_@@_arrow_int \l_@@_first_arrow_int
@@ -2582,11 +2675,19 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
-% If the arrow ends after the last line of the environment, we raise an error.
+% If the arrow ends after the last line of the environment, we raise an error (we recall that, after the
+% construction of the |\halign|, |\g_@@_line_int| is the total number of lines of the environment). If the initial
+% node or the final node doesn't exist, we also raise an error.\footnote{This case occurs if the considered line
+% has no ampersand. In fact, we raise an error if there is such a line in the |\halign|, but, nonetheless, we consider
+% the case where the user goes on and we try to avoid other errors.}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
       \int_compare:nNnTF \l_@@_final_int > \g_@@_line_int
-             {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Too~few~lines~for~an~arrow}}
-             {\@@_draw_arrows_i:}
+         {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Too~few~lines~for~an~arrow}}
+         {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-\int_use:N\l_@@_initial_int-l}
+             { \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {A~PGF~node~doesn't~exist} }
+             {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-\int_use:N\l_@@_final_int-l}
+                 { \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {A~PGF~node~doesn't~exist} }
+                 {\@@_draw_arrows_i:}}}
       \int_incr:N \l_@@_arrow_int
@@ -2631,15 +2732,14 @@
 % \bigskip
 % \begin{center}
 % \begin{tabular}{l}
-% \setlength{\extrarowheight}{2pt}
-% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|}
-% \hline
+% \begin{tabular}{@{}l*8c@{}}
+% \toprule
 % option                 & |rr| & |ll| & |rl| & |lr| & |v| & |i| & |group| & |groups| \\
-% \hline
+% \midrule
 % |\l_@@_pos_arrows_int| & $0$  & $1$  & $2$  & $3$  & $4$ & $5$  & $6$  & $7$  \\
-% \hline
+% \bottomrule
 % \end{tabular} \\
-% \quad \small The option |v| can be used only in |\Arrow| in |CodeAfter| (see below).
+% \footnotesize The option |v| can be used only in |\Arrow| in |CodeAfter| (see below).
 % \end{tabular}
 % \end{center}
@@ -2657,9 +2757,10 @@
 % First, we calculate the initial value for |\g_@@_x_dim|. We use a Tikz command, but, in fact, nothing is drawn.
 % We use this Tikz command only to read the abscissa of a Tikz node.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-              \tikz [@@_standard]
-              \path let \p1 = (\int_use:N\l_@@_initial_int-l)
-                    in \pgfextra {\dim_gset:Nn \g_@@_x_dim {\x1}} ;
+              \begin{tikzpicture} [@@_standard]
+              \tikz at parse@node\pgfutil at firstofone (\int_use:N\l_@@_initial_int-l)
+              \dim_gset:Nn \g_@@_x_dim \pgf at x
+              \end{tikzpicture}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % A global assignment is necessary because of Tikz.
@@ -2667,7 +2768,7 @@
 % |\l_@@_final_int|... but we have written a command dedicated to this work because it will also be used in 
 % |\@@_draw_arrows:|.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-              \@@_actualise_x_value:nn \l_@@_initial_int \l_@@_final_int
+              \@@_update_x_value:nn \l_@@_initial_int \l_@@_final_int
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2693,26 +2794,28 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip 
-% We have to compute the coordinates of the extremities of the arrow. We use the library |calc| to define two
-% points |\p1| and |\p2| and we retrieve the coordinates in |\g_tmpa_tl| and |\g_tmpb_tl|. This extraction of the
-% coordinates is necessary because we must give coordinates and not nodes (even anchored) to |\@@_draw_arrow:nnn|
-% to have the |xshift| correct.
+% We have to compute the coordinates of the extremities of the arrow. We retrieve the coordinates in |\g_tmpa_tl|
+% and |\g_tmpb_tl|. This extraction of the coordinates is necessary because we must give coordinates and not nodes
+% (even anchored) to |\@@_draw_arrow:nnn| to have the |xshift| correct.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
       \int_compare:nNnTF \l_@@_pos_arrows_int < 5
-         {\tikz [@@_standard]
-          \path let \p1 = (\l_@@_initial_tl),
-                    \p2 = (\l_@@_final_tl)
-                in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\p1} 
-                               \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\p2}} ; }
+         {\begin{tikzpicture} [@@_standard]
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(\l_@@_initial_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N\pgf at x,\dim_use:N\pgf at y}
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(\l_@@_final_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N\pgf at x,\dim_use:N\pgf at y}
+          \end{tikzpicture}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % If we use option |i| or |group| or |groups|, we use the abscissa specially computed in |\g_@@_x_dim|.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-         {\tikz [@@_standard]
-          \path let \p1 = (\l_@@_initial_tl),
-                    \p2 = (\l_@@_final_tl)
-                in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \g_@@_x_dim , \y1} 
-                               \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \g_@@_x_dim , \y2}} ; }
+         {\begin{tikzpicture} [@@_standard]
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone (\l_@@_initial_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \g_@@_x_dim , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone (\l_@@_final_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \g_@@_x_dim , \dim_use:N \pgf at y} 
+          \end{tikzpicture}}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % \bigskip
@@ -2758,16 +2861,20 @@
 % \bigskip
-% The command |\@@_actualise_x_value:nn| will analyze the lines between |#1| and |#2| in order to modify
+% The command |\@@_update_x_value:nn| will analyze the lines\footnote{If a line has no ampersand, this line is
+% ignored. In fact, we raise an error if there is a line without ampersand but, nonetheless, we consider the case
+% where the user goes on and we try to avoid other errors.} between |#1| and |#2| in order to modify
 % |\g_@@_x_dim| in consequence. More precisely, |\g_@@_x_dim| is increased if a line longer than the current value
-% of |\g_@@_x_dim| is found. |\@@_actualise_x_value:nn| is used in |\@@_draw_arrows:| (for options |group| and
+% of |\g_@@_x_dim| is found. |\@@_update_x_value:nn| is used in |\@@_draw_arrows:| (for options |group| and
 % |groups|) and in |\@@_draw_arrows:nn| (for option |i|).
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-\cs_new_protected:Nn \@@_actualise_x_value:nn
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \@@_update_x_value:nn
     {\int_step_inline:nnnn {#1} \c_one {#2} 
-       {\tikz [@@_standard]
-        \path let \p1 = (##1-l)
-              in \pgfextra {\dim_gset:Nn \g_@@_x_dim {\dim_max:nn \g_@@_x_dim {\x1}}}; }}
+       {\cs_if_exist:cT {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-##1-l}
+          {\begin{tikzpicture} [@@_standard]
+           \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone (##1-l)
+           \dim_gset:Nn \g_@@_x_dim {\dim_max:nn \g_@@_x_dim \pgf at x}
+           \end{tikzpicture} } } }
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2832,22 +2939,27 @@
 % We test wether the two Tikz nodes |(#2-l)| and |(#3-l)| really exist. If not, the arrow won't be drawn.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
            \cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-#2-l}
-             {\msg_error:nnn {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#2}}
+             {\msg_error:nnx {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#2}}
              {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-#3-l}
-                {\msg_error:nnn {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#3}}
+                {\msg_error:nnx {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#3}}
                 {\int_compare:nNnTF \l_@@_pos_arrows_int = 4
-                    {\tikz [@@_standard]
-                     \path let \p1 = (#2-l.south),
-                               \p2 = (#3-l.north),
-                               \p3 = (\dim_max:nn {\x1} {\x2} , \y1),
-                               \p4 = (\dim_max:nn {\x1} {\x2} , \y2)
-                           in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\p3} 
-                                          \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\p4}} ; }
-                    {\tikz [@@_standard]
-                     \path let \p1 = (#2-\bool_if:NTF\l_@@_initial_r_bool rl .south),
-                               \p2 = (#3-\bool_if:NTF\l_@@_final_r_bool rl .north)
-                           in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\p1} 
-                                          \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\p2}} ; }
+                    {\begin{tikzpicture} [@@_standard]
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(#2-l.south)
+                        \dim_set_eq:NN \l_tmpa_dim \pgf at x
+                        \dim_set_eq:NN \l_tmpb_dim \pgf at y
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(#3-l.north)
+                        \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim {\dim_max:nn \l_tmpa_dim \pgf at x}
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \l_tmpa_dim , \dim_use:N \l_tmpb_dim} 
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \l_tmpa_dim , \dim_use:N \pgf at y} 
+                     \end{tikzpicture} }
+                    {\begin{tikzpicture} [@@_standard]
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone
+                                            (#2-\bool_if:NTF\l_@@_initial_r_bool rl .south)
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \pgf at x , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone
+                                            (#3-\bool_if:NTF\l_@@_final_r_bool rl .north)
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \pgf at x , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+                     \end{tikzpicture}}
                  \@@_draw_arrow:nnn {\g_tmpa_tl} {\g_tmpb_tl} {#4} }}
@@ -2869,7 +2981,8 @@
 %    \begin{macrocode}
      \foreach \x in {#1} {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l_@@_prefix_str-\x-l}
                             {\msg_error:nnx {witharrows} 
-                                            {Wrong~line~specification~in~MultiArrow} {\x}}
+                                            {Wrong~line~specification~in~MultiArrow} 
+                                            {\x}}
                             {\clist_gput_right:Nx \g_tmpa_clist {\x}}} 
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % We sort the list |\g_tmpa_clist| because we want to extract the minimum and the maximum.
@@ -2922,8 +3035,8 @@
 % \subsection{The error messages of the package}
 %    \begin{macrocode}          
 \msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
-             {Third~column~in~a~{WithArrows}~environment}
-             {By~default,~a~\{WithArrows\}~environment~can~only~have~two~columns.~
+             {Third~column~in~an~environment}
+             {By~default,~an~environment~\{WithArrows\}~can~only~have~two~columns.~
               Maybe~you~have~forgotten~a~\str_use:N \c_backslash_str 
               \str_use:N \c_backslash_str.~If~you~really~want~more~than~two~columns,~
@@ -2942,8 +3055,9 @@
 \msg_new:nnn {witharrows}          
              {An~arrow~specified~in~line~\int_use:N \l_@@_initial_int\ can't~be~drawn~
-              because~it~arrives~after~the~last~line~of~the~environment.~If~you~go~on,~
-              this~arrow~will~be~ignored.}
+              because~it~arrives~after~the~last~line~of~the~environment~(remind~that~
+              the~command~\token_to_str:N\Arrow\ must~be~in~the~*start*~line~
+              of~the~arrow).~If~you~go~on,~this~arrow~will~be~ignored.}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}          
@@ -2954,35 +3068,36 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}          
-\msg_new:nnn  {witharrows}
-              {Two~options~are~incompatible}
-              {You~try~to~use~the~option~"\tl_use:N\l_keys_key_tl"~but~
-              this~option~is~incompatible~or~redundant~with~the~option~"
-              \int_case:nn\l_@@_previous_pos_arrows_int
-                  {0 {rr}
-                   1 {ll}
-                   2 {rl}
-                   3 {lr}
-                   4 {i}
-                   5 {group}
-                   6 {groups} 
-                   7 {v}}"~
-              previously~set~in~the~same~
-              \int_case:nn\l_@@_level_int 
-                   {1 {command~\token_to_str:N\WithArrowsOptions}
-                    2 {declaration~of~options~of~the~environment~\{WithArrows\}}
-                    3 {command~\token_to_str:N\Arrow}}.~
-              If~you~go~on,~I~will~overwrite~the~first~option.}
+\msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
+             {Two~options~are~incompatible}
+             {You~try~to~use~the~option~"\tl_use:N\l_keys_key_tl"~but~
+             this~option~is~incompatible~or~redundant~with~the~option~"
+             \int_case:nn\l_@@_previous_pos_arrows_int
+                 {0 {rr}
+                  1 {ll}
+                  2 {rl}
+                  3 {lr}
+                  4 {v}
+                  5 {i}
+                  6 {group}
+                  7 {groups}}"~
+             previously~set~in~the~same~
+             \int_case:nn\l_@@_level_int 
+                  {1 {command~\token_to_str:N\WithArrowsOptions}
+                   2 {declaration~of~options~of~the~environment~\{WithArrows\}}
+                   3 {command~\token_to_str:N\Arrow}}.~
+             If~you~go~on,~I~will~overwrite~the~first~option.}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}          
 \msg_new:nnnn {witharrows}
-              {All~lines~of~an~environment~\{WithArrows\}~must~have~an~second~column~
-               (because~the~nodes~are~created~in~the~second~column).~
-               You~can~go~on~but~maybe~you~will~have~an~pgf~error~for~
-               an~undefined~shape.}
-              {The~ampersand~can~be~implicit~
+              {All~lines~of~an~environment~\{WithArrows\}~should~have~an~second~column~
+               (because~the~nodes~are~created~in~the~second~column).~However,~you~can~go~but~you~will~ 
+               have~an~error~if~one~of~your~arrows~needs~an~PGF~node~absent~by~lack~of~ampersand.~
+               If~you~don't~want~to~see~this~message~again,~you~can~use~the~option~
+               AllowLineWithoutAmpersand.} 
+              {Morevoer, the~ampersand~can~be~implicit~
                (e.g.~if~you~use~\token_to_str:N\MoveEqLeft\ of~mathtools).}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -3051,6 +3166,14 @@
               command~\token_to_str:N\MultiArrow\ ~will~be~ignored.}
 %    \end{macrocode}
+%    \begin{macrocode}
+\msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
+             {A~PGF~node~doesn't~exist}
+             {A~PGF~node~necessary~to~draw~an~arrow~doesn't~exist~
+              because~you~didn't~put~an~ampersand~in~the~corresponding~line.~
+              If~you~go~on,~the~arrow~will~be~ignored.}
+%    \end{macrocode}
 % \section{History}
@@ -3068,7 +3191,7 @@
 % \subsection{Changes between versions 1.1 and 1.2}
-% The package \pkg{witharrows} can now be loaded without having loaded previously \pkg{tikz} and the Tikz libraries |calc|,
+% The package \pkg{witharrows} can now be loaded without having loaded previously \pkg{tikz} and the libraries
 % |arrow.meta| and |bending|.
 % New option |groups| (with a \emph{s})
@@ -3095,6 +3218,12 @@
 % A special version of |\Arrow| is available in |CodeAfter| in order to draw arrows in nested environments.
 % A command |\MultiArrow| is available in |CodeAfter| to draw arrows of other shapes.
+% \subsection{Changes between versions 1.5 and 1.6}
+% The code has been improved to be faster and the Tikz library |calc| is no longer required.
+% A new option |name| is available for the environments |{WithArrows}|.
 % \endinput
 % Local Variables:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/witharrows/witharrows.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/witharrows/witharrows.sty	2018-05-10 21:39:27 UTC (rev 47669)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/witharrows/witharrows.sty	2018-05-10 21:39:40 UTC (rev 47670)
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 %% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of
 %% LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
@@ -93,14 +93,13 @@
                                       bend~left = 45,
                                       -> }}
 \cs_if_free:NT \spread at equation
-    {\cs_set:Npn \spread at equation{\openup\jot
-                                  \cs_set:Npn \spread at equation {}}}
+    {\cs_set_protected:Npn \spread at equation
+               {\openup\jot
+                \cs_set_protected:Npn \spread at equation {}}}
 \seq_new:N \g__wa_position_in_the_tree_seq
 \seq_gput_right:Nn \g__wa_position_in_the_tree_seq 1
 \int_new:N \g__wa_last_env_int
 \skip_new:N \l__wa_interline_skip
-\bool_new:N \l__wa_MoreColumns_bool
 \int_new:N \l__wa_pos_env_int
 \dim_new:N \l__wa_xoffset_dim
 \dim_set:Nn \l__wa_xoffset_dim {3mm}
@@ -113,6 +112,7 @@
 \int_new:N \g__wa_line_int
 \seq_new:N \g__wa_line_bis_int_seq
 \int_new:N \g__wa_line_bis_int
+\tl_new:N \l__wa_name_tl
 \int_set:Nn \l__wa_level_int 1
 \keys_define:nn {WithArrows/GlobalOrEnv}
    {  t   .code:n            = \int_set:Nn \l__wa_pos_env_int 0,
@@ -127,8 +127,16 @@
       ystart .dim_set:N        = \l__wa_ystart_dim,
       ystart .value_required:n = true,
       ystart .initial:n        = 0.4 ex,
-      MoreColumns .bool_set:N        = \l__wa_MoreColumns_bool,
+      MoreColumns .code:n            = { \msg_redirect_name:nnn
+                                         {witharrows}
+                                         {Third~column~in~an~environment}
+                                         {none} },
       MoreColumns .value_forbidden:n = true,
+      AllowLineWithoutAmpersand .code:n = { \msg_redirect_name:nnn
+                                            {witharrows}
+                                            {All~lines~must~have~an~ampersand}
+                                            {none} },
+      AllowLineWithoutAmpersand .value_forbidden:n = true,
       CommandName .tl_set:N         = \l__wa_CommandName_tl,
       CommandName .initial:n        = Arrow ,
       CommandName .value_required:n = true,
@@ -156,9 +164,15 @@
       CodeBefore  .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l__wa_level_int = 1
                               {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~will~be~ignored}}
                               {\tl_put_right:Nn \l__wa_code_before_tl {#1}}} ,
-      CodeAfter  .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l__wa_level_int = 1
+      CodeBefore  .value_required:n = true,
+      CodeAfter .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l__wa_level_int = 1
                               {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~will~be~ignored}}
                               {\tl_put_right:Nn \l__wa_code_after_tl {#1}}} ,
+      CodeAfter .value_required:n = true,
+      name .code:n = {\int_compare:nNnTF \l__wa_level_int = 1
+                              {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~will~be~ignored}}
+                              {\tl_set:Nn \l__wa_name_tl {#1}}} ,
+      name .value_required:n = true,
       unknown .code:n  = \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~unknown}
 \keys_define:nn {WithArrows/General}
@@ -195,10 +209,10 @@
       unknown .code:n  = \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Option~unknown}
 \keys_define:nn {WithArrows/jump}
-     {jump  .code:n     = {\int_set:Nn \l__wa_jump_int {#1}
-                           \int_compare:nNnF \l__wa_jump_int > 0
-                               {\msg_error:nn {witharrows}
-                                              {The~option~"jump"~must~be~non~negative}}} ,
+     {jump  .code:n = {\int_set:Nn \l__wa_jump_int {#1}
+                       \int_compare:nNnF \l__wa_jump_int > 0
+                           {\msg_error:nn {witharrows}
+                                          {The~option~"jump"~must~be~non~negative}}} ,
       jump  .value_required:n  = true}
 \cs_new_protected:Nn \__wa_analyze_option_position:n
      {\int_compare:nNnT \l__wa_previous_pos_arrows_int > {-1}
@@ -252,7 +266,7 @@
            \cs_set_eq:NN \\ \__wa_cr:
-           \mathsurround = \c_zero_dim
+           \dim_zero:N \mathsurround
            \int_zero_new:N \l__wa_initial_int
            \int_zero_new:N \l__wa_final_int
            \int_zero_new:N \l__wa_arrow_int
@@ -280,14 +294,27 @@
            \int_gincr:N \g__wa_line_bis_int
            $\bool_if:NT \l__wa_displaystyle_bool \displaystyle {{}##}$
-           \tikz [__wa_standard] \node [__wa_node_style] (\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-l) {} ;
+           \tl_if_empty:NTF \l__wa_name_tl
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay]
+                    \node [__wa_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-l] {} ;}
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay]
+                    \node [__wa_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-l,
+                           alias = \l__wa_name_tl-\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-l] {} ;}
-           \tikz [__wa_standard] \node [__wa_node_style] (\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-r) {} ;
+           \tl_if_empty:NTF \l__wa_name_tl
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay]
+                    \node [__wa_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-r] {} ;}
+              {\tikz [remember~picture,overlay]
+                    \node [__wa_node_style,
+                           name = wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-r,
+                           alias = \l__wa_name_tl-\int_use:N\g__wa_line_int-r] {} ;}
            \bool_if:NT \l__wa_shownodenames_bool
                 {\hbox_overlap_right:n {\small wa-\l__wa_prefix_str
-           && \bool_if:NF \l__wa_MoreColumns_bool
-                {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Third~column~in~a~{WithArrows}~environment}}
+           && \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Third~column~in~an~environment}
            $\bool_if:NT \l__wa_displaystyle_bool \displaystyle {##}$
@@ -356,13 +383,14 @@
                \int_set:Nn \l__wa_first_arrow_of_group_int \l__wa_arrow_int
                \int_set:Nn \l__wa_first_line_of_group_int \l__wa_initial_int
                \int_set:Nn \l__wa_last_line_of_group_int \l__wa_final_int
-               \tikz [__wa_standard]
-               \path let \p1=(\int_use:N\l__wa_initial_int-l)
-                     in \pgfextra {\dim_gset:Nn \g__wa_x_dim {\x1}} ;
-              }
+               \begin{tikzpicture} [__wa_standard]
+               \tikz at parse@node\pgfutil at firstofone (\int_use:N\l__wa_initial_int-l)
+               \dim_gset:Nn \g__wa_x_dim \pgf at x
+               \end{tikzpicture}
+               }
               {\int_set:Nn \l__wa_last_line_of_group_int
                      {\int_max:nn \l__wa_last_line_of_group_int \l__wa_final_int}}
-       \__wa_actualise_x_value:nn \l__wa_initial_int \l__wa_final_int
+       \__wa_update_x_value:nn \l__wa_initial_int \l__wa_final_int
        \int_incr:N \l__wa_arrow_int
      \__wa_draw_arrows:nn \l__wa_first_arrow_of_group_int \g__wa_arrow_int
@@ -386,8 +414,12 @@
                     {final} \l_tmpa_tl
       \int_set:Nn \l__wa_final_int {\l_tmpa_tl}
       \int_compare:nNnTF \l__wa_final_int > \g__wa_line_int
-             {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Too~few~lines~for~an~arrow}}
-             {\__wa_draw_arrows_i:}
+         {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Too~few~lines~for~an~arrow}}
+         {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-\int_use:N\l__wa_initial_int-l}
+             { \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {A~PGF~node~doesn't~exist} }
+             {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-\int_use:N\l__wa_final_int-l}
+                 { \msg_error:nn {witharrows} {A~PGF~node~doesn't~exist} }
+                 {\__wa_draw_arrows_i:}}}
       \int_incr:N \l__wa_arrow_int
@@ -409,10 +441,11 @@
               3 {\bool_set_true:N \l__wa_final_r_bool}}
       \int_compare:nNnT \l__wa_pos_arrows_int = 5
-              \tikz [__wa_standard]
-              \path let \p1 = (\int_use:N\l__wa_initial_int-l)
-                    in \pgfextra {\dim_gset:Nn \g__wa_x_dim {\x1}} ;
-              \__wa_actualise_x_value:nn \l__wa_initial_int \l__wa_final_int
+              \begin{tikzpicture} [__wa_standard]
+              \tikz at parse@node\pgfutil at firstofone (\int_use:N\l__wa_initial_int-l)
+              \dim_gset:Nn \g__wa_x_dim \pgf at x
+              \end{tikzpicture}
+              \__wa_update_x_value:nn \l__wa_initial_int \l__wa_final_int
       \tl_set:Nx \l__wa_initial_tl
               {\int_use:N\l__wa_initial_int-\bool_if:NTF\l__wa_initial_r_bool rl .south}
@@ -422,16 +455,19 @@
       \int_compare:nNnTF \l__wa_pos_arrows_int < 5
-         {\tikz [__wa_standard]
-          \path let \p1 = (\l__wa_initial_tl),
-                    \p2 = (\l__wa_final_tl)
-                in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\p1}
-                               \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\p2}} ; }
-         {\tikz [__wa_standard]
-          \path let \p1 = (\l__wa_initial_tl),
-                    \p2 = (\l__wa_final_tl)
-                in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \g__wa_x_dim , \y1}
-                               \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \g__wa_x_dim , \y2}} ; }
+         {\begin{tikzpicture} [__wa_standard]
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(\l__wa_initial_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N\pgf at x,\dim_use:N\pgf at y}
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(\l__wa_final_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N\pgf at x,\dim_use:N\pgf at y}
+          \end{tikzpicture}
+         {\begin{tikzpicture} [__wa_standard]
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone (\l__wa_initial_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \g__wa_x_dim , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+              \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone (\l__wa_final_tl)
+              \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \g__wa_x_dim , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+          \end{tikzpicture}}
       \__wa_draw_arrow:nnn {\g_tmpa_tl} {\g_tmpb_tl} {\l_tmpa_tl}
       \group_end: }
 \cs_new_protected:Nn \__wa_def_function_tmpa:n
@@ -442,11 +478,13 @@
 \cs_new_protected:Nn \__wa_draw_arrow:nnn
            {\exp_args:No \__wa_def_function_tmpa:n \l__wa_tikz_code_tl
             \__wa_tmpa:nnn {#1} {#2} {#3} }
-\cs_new_protected:Nn \__wa_actualise_x_value:nn
+\cs_new_protected:Nn \__wa_update_x_value:nn
     {\int_step_inline:nnnn {#1} \c_one {#2}
-       {\tikz [__wa_standard]
-        \path let \p1 = (##1-l)
-              in \pgfextra {\dim_gset:Nn \g__wa_x_dim {\dim_max:nn \g__wa_x_dim {\x1}}}; }}
+       {\cs_if_exist:cT {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-##1-l}
+          {\begin{tikzpicture} [__wa_standard]
+           \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone (##1-l)
+           \dim_gset:Nn \g__wa_x_dim {\dim_max:nn \g__wa_x_dim \pgf at x}
+           \end{tikzpicture} } } }
 \cs_new:Npn \WithArrowsLastEnv {\int_use:N \g__wa_last_env_int}
 \keys_define:nn {WithArrows/CodeAfter}
      {tikz     .code:n            = \tikzset {WithArrows/arrow/.append~style = {#1}} ,
@@ -480,22 +518,27 @@
                    2 {\bool_set_true:N \l__wa_initial_r_bool}
                    3 {\bool_set_true:N \l__wa_final_r_bool}}
            \cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-#2-l}
-             {\msg_error:nnn {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#2}}
+             {\msg_error:nnx {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#2}}
              {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-#3-l}
-                {\msg_error:nnn {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#3}}
+                {\msg_error:nnx {witharrows} {Wrong~line~specification~in~Arrow} {#3}}
                 {\int_compare:nNnTF \l__wa_pos_arrows_int = 4
-                    {\tikz [__wa_standard]
-                     \path let \p1 = (#2-l.south),
-                               \p2 = (#3-l.north),
-                               \p3 = (\dim_max:nn {\x1} {\x2} , \y1),
-                               \p4 = (\dim_max:nn {\x1} {\x2} , \y2)
-                           in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\p3}
-                                          \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\p4}} ; }
-                    {\tikz [__wa_standard]
-                     \path let \p1 = (#2-\bool_if:NTF\l__wa_initial_r_bool rl .south),
-                               \p2 = (#3-\bool_if:NTF\l__wa_final_r_bool rl .north)
-                           in \pgfextra { \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\p1}
-                                          \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\p2}} ; }
+                    {\begin{tikzpicture} [__wa_standard]
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(#2-l.south)
+                        \dim_set_eq:NN \l_tmpa_dim \pgf at x
+                        \dim_set_eq:NN \l_tmpb_dim \pgf at y
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone(#3-l.north)
+                        \dim_set:Nn \l_tmpa_dim {\dim_max:nn \l_tmpa_dim \pgf at x}
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \l_tmpa_dim , \dim_use:N \l_tmpb_dim}
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \l_tmpa_dim , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+                     \end{tikzpicture} }
+                    {\begin{tikzpicture} [__wa_standard]
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone
+                                            (#2-\bool_if:NTF\l__wa_initial_r_bool rl .south)
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpa_tl {\dim_use:N \pgf at x , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+                        \tikz at scan@one at point\pgfutil at firstofone
+                                            (#3-\bool_if:NTF\l__wa_final_r_bool rl .north)
+                        \tl_gset:Nx \g_tmpb_tl {\dim_use:N \pgf at x , \dim_use:N \pgf at y}
+                     \end{tikzpicture}}
                  \__wa_draw_arrow:nnn {\g_tmpa_tl} {\g_tmpb_tl} {#4} }}
@@ -503,7 +546,8 @@
      \foreach \x in {#1} {\cs_if_free:cTF {pgf at sh@ns at wa-\l__wa_prefix_str-\x-l}
                             {\msg_error:nnx {witharrows}
-                                            {Wrong~line~specification~in~MultiArrow} {\x}}
+                                            {Wrong~line~specification~in~MultiArrow}
+                                            {\x}}
                             {\clist_gput_right:Nx \g_tmpa_clist {\x}}}
      \int_compare:nNnTF {\clist_count:N \g_tmpa_clist} < 2
        {\msg_error:nn {witharrows} {Too~small~specification~for~MultiArrow}}
@@ -528,8 +572,8 @@
            {\draw[<-] ($(\k-r.south)+(\l__wa_xoffset_dim,0)$) -- ++(5mm,0) ;} ;
 \msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
-             {Third~column~in~a~{WithArrows}~environment}
-             {By~default,~a~\{WithArrows\}~environment~can~only~have~two~columns.~
+             {Third~column~in~an~environment}
+             {By~default,~an~environment~\{WithArrows\}~can~only~have~two~columns.~
               Maybe~you~have~forgotten~a~\str_use:N \c_backslash_str
               \str_use:N \c_backslash_str.~If~you~really~want~more~than~two~columns,~
@@ -542,38 +586,40 @@
 \msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
              {An~arrow~specified~in~line~\int_use:N \l__wa_initial_int\ can't~be~drawn~
-              because~it~arrives~after~the~last~line~of~the~environment.~If~you~go~on,~
-              this~arrow~will~be~ignored.}
+              because~it~arrives~after~the~last~line~of~the~environment~(remind~that~
+              the~command~\token_to_str:N\Arrow\ must~be~in~the~*start*~line~
+              of~the~arrow).~If~you~go~on,~this~arrow~will~be~ignored.}
 \msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
-\msg_new:nnn  {witharrows}
-              {Two~options~are~incompatible}
-              {You~try~to~use~the~option~"\tl_use:N\l_keys_key_tl"~but~
-              this~option~is~incompatible~or~redundant~with~the~option~"
-              \int_case:nn\l__wa_previous_pos_arrows_int
-                  {0 {rr}
-                   1 {ll}
-                   2 {rl}
-                   3 {lr}
-                   4 {i}
-                   5 {group}
-                   6 {groups}
-                   7 {v}}"~
-              previously~set~in~the~same~
-              \int_case:nn\l__wa_level_int
-                   {1 {command~\token_to_str:N\WithArrowsOptions}
-                    2 {declaration~of~options~of~the~environment~\{WithArrows\}}
-                    3 {command~\token_to_str:N\Arrow}}.~
-              If~you~go~on,~I~will~overwrite~the~first~option.}
+\msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
+             {Two~options~are~incompatible}
+             {You~try~to~use~the~option~"\tl_use:N\l_keys_key_tl"~but~
+             this~option~is~incompatible~or~redundant~with~the~option~"
+             \int_case:nn\l__wa_previous_pos_arrows_int
+                 {0 {rr}
+                  1 {ll}
+                  2 {rl}
+                  3 {lr}
+                  4 {v}
+                  5 {i}
+                  6 {group}
+                  7 {groups}}"~
+             previously~set~in~the~same~
+             \int_case:nn\l__wa_level_int
+                  {1 {command~\token_to_str:N\WithArrowsOptions}
+                   2 {declaration~of~options~of~the~environment~\{WithArrows\}}
+                   3 {command~\token_to_str:N\Arrow}}.~
+             If~you~go~on,~I~will~overwrite~the~first~option.}
 \msg_new:nnnn {witharrows}
-              {All~lines~of~an~environment~\{WithArrows\}~must~have~an~second~column~
-               (because~the~nodes~are~created~in~the~second~column).~
-               You~can~go~on~but~maybe~you~will~have~an~pgf~error~for~
-               an~undefined~shape.}
-              {The~ampersand~can~be~implicit~
+              {All~lines~of~an~environment~\{WithArrows\}~should~have~an~second~column~
+               (because~the~nodes~are~created~in~the~second~column).~However,~you~can~go~but~you~will~
+               have~an~error~if~one~of~your~arrows~needs~an~PGF~node~absent~by~lack~of~ampersand.~
+               If~you~don't~want~to~see~this~message~again,~you~can~use~the~option~
+               AllowLineWithoutAmpersand.}
+              {Morevoer, the~ampersand~can~be~implicit~
                (e.g.~if~you~use~\token_to_str:N\MoveEqLeft\ of~mathtools).}
 \msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
@@ -618,6 +664,11 @@
              {The~specification~of~lines~you~gave~to~\token_to_str:N \MultiArrow\
               command~\token_to_str:N\MultiArrow\ ~will~be~ignored.}
+\msg_new:nnn {witharrows}
+             {A~PGF~node~doesn't~exist}
+             {A~PGF~node~necessary~to~draw~an~arrow~doesn't~exist~
+              because~you~didn't~put~an~ampersand~in~the~corresponding~line.~
+              If~you~go~on,~the~arrow~will~be~ignored.}
 %% End of file `witharrows.sty'.

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