texlive[48230] Master: pst-contourplot (18jul18)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Fri Jul 20 00:55:43 CEST 2018

Revision: 48230
Author:   karl
Date:     2018-07-20 00:55:42 +0200 (Fri, 20 Jul 2018)
Log Message:
pst-contourplot (18jul18)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/README	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ pst-contourplot  PSTricks package
+Manuel Luque (c) 2018
+The pst-contourplot package allows to draw  implicit functions f(x,y)=0 with options for coloring the inside of the surfaces, to marking  the points and  arrowing the curve at points chosen by the user. This package uses the "marching squares" algorithm.
+This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See
+for the details of that license.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/README
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/Les-Ovales-de-Descartes.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/Les-Ovales-de-Descartes.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/Les-Ovales-de-Descartes.pdf	2018-07-19 21:12:17 UTC (rev 48229)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/Les-Ovales-de-Descartes.pdf	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)

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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/Les-Ovales-de-Descartes.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/Les-Ovales-de-Descartes.tex	                        (rev 0)
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+\definecolor{Beige} {rgb}{0.93,0.93,0.85}
+\title{Ovales de Descartes}
+\date{14 juin - 11 juillet 2018}
+\author{manuel.luque27 at gmail.com}
+Henri Bouasse (1866-1953) est l'auteur d'une s\xE9rie d'ouvrages publi\xE9s sous l'intitul\xE9 ``Biblioth\xE8que scientifique de l'ing\xE9nieur et du physicien'' \xE0 la librairie Delagrave \xE0 Paris entre les ann\xE9es 1900 et 1934. Chaque livre, et parfois deux sont n\xE9cessaires, traite d'un sujet particulier comme ``Gyroscopes et projectiles''(1923), ``Ph\xE9nom\xE8nes li\xE9s \xE0 la sym\xE9trie''(1931), ``Vision et reproduction des formes et des couleurs''(1917). Cet ensemble d'ouvrages constitue l'encyclop\xE9die la plus compl\xE8te de la physique classique qui ait jamais \xE9t\xE9 publi\xE9e. Chaque livre s'ouvre sur une pr\xE9face d'Henri Bouasse dans laquelle celui-ci exprime ses id\xE9es sur l'enseignement des sciences. Ses propos y sont d'une telle franchise qu'on peut dire qu'Henri Bouasse n'\xE9tait pas un adepte de la langue de bois ! J'avais mis en ligne quelques extraits sur le site :
+o\xF9 vous pourrez lire l'opinion d'Henri Bouasse sur le t\xE9l\xE9phone dans le document :
+Si on regroupait toutes ces pr\xE9faces, on obtiendrait un volume d'un int\xE9r\xEAt certain par la qualit\xE9 de son \xE9criture, la pertinence de ses remarques qui paraissent toujours tr\xE8s actuelles, son humour et l'acidit\xE9 de ses observations.
+Wikipedia donne la liste des ouvrages et le th\xE8me des pr\xE9faces :
+Deux ouvrages sont consacr\xE9s aux math\xE9matiques :
+``Cours de Math\xE9matiques g\xE9n\xE9rales''(1911) et, \xE9crit avec \xC9mile Turri\xE8re, ``Exercices et compl\xE9ments de math\xE9matiques g\xE9n\xE9rales''(1920). C'est de ce dernier ouvrage que j'extrais quelques exemples des exercices sur les ovales de Descartes afin de les illustrer avec PSTricks\footnote{Sur internet, de nombreux sites traitent des ovales de Descartes d'une mani\xE8re tr\xE8s compl\xE8te et avec de magnifiques illustrations comme :\newline
+\centerline{\url{https://www.mathcurve.com/courbes2d/descartes/descartes.shtml}} et \newline
+Le paragraphe \xA7426 intitul\xE9 ``Ovales de Descartes'' d\xE9bute ainsi (les auteurs prennent l'origine en $O_1$)~:
+Construire les courbes d'\xE9quation bipolaire :
+\[r_1+\alpha r_2=V
+On supposera $\alpha>0$ : on v\xE9rifiera imm\xE9diatement que sans diminuer la g\xE9n\xE9ralit\xE9 du probl\xE8me on peut poser $\alpha >1$. On appellera $a$ la distance $\overline{O_1O_2}$ des p\xF4les. Enfin on n'oubliera pas que les quantit\xE9s $r_1$ et $r_2$ sont essentiellement positives.>>
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def}%
+\pnode(!ai 0){O2}\pnode(0,0){O1}
+\psdots(!ai 0)(0,0)
+\uput[d](!ai 0){$O_2$}
+<< Les p\xF4les \xE9tant donn\xE9s, entre quelles limites $V$ peut-il varier ?
+Montrer ques courbes sont ferm\xE9es et ne peuvent rencontrer la droite $O_1O_2$ qu'en deux points.
+Construire le faisceau pour une valeur donn\xE9e de $\alpha$. >>
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def
+% macro de Dominique Rodriguez
+% dans pst-eucl
+%% x -> true (if |x| < 1E-6)
+/ZeroEq { abs 1E-6 lt } bind def
+%% x f g -> x y n
+/NewtonSolving {
+    3 dict begin
+  /g exch def /f exch def 0
+  { %%% STACK: x0 n
+    1 add exch %% one more loop
+    dup ZeroEq
+    { dup 0.0005 add fgeval
+      1 index 0.0005 sub fgeval sub .001 div }
+    { dup 1.0005 mul fgeval
+      1 index 0.9995 mul fgeval sub .001 2 index mul div } ifelse  %%% STACK: n x0 fg'(x0)
+    %%% compute x1=x0-fg(x0)/fg'(x0)
+    1 index fgeval exch div dup 4 1 roll sub exch %% stack: dx x0 n
+    3 -1 roll ZeroEq              %% exit if root found
+    1 index 100 eq or { exit } if %% or looping for more than 100 times
+  } loop
+  dup 100 lt { exch dup /x exch def f } { pop 0 0 } ifelse
+  3 -1 roll
+  end
+} def
+/fgeval { /x exch def f g sub } bind def
+ 0.2 { (sqrt(2.4^2+x^2)+2*sqrt((2.4-ai)^2+x^2)-4.6) AlgParser cvx exec } {0} NewtonSolving pop pop /y0 exch def
+ 0.2 { (sqrt(1.5^2+x^2)+2*sqrt((1.5-ai)^2+x^2)-4.6) AlgParser cvx exec } {0} NewtonSolving pop pop /y1 exch def
+ 0.2 { (sqrt(1.5^2+x^2)+2*sqrt((1.5-ai)^2+x^2)-3.8) AlgParser cvx exec } {0} NewtonSolving pop pop /y2 exch def
+ 0.2 { (sqrt(1.5^2+x^2)+2*sqrt((1.5-ai)^2+x^2)-3.0) AlgParser cvx exec } {0} NewtonSolving pop pop /y3 exch def}
+ %
+\psset{unit=2,a=0.05}% ncell=200 80,algebraic
+% function=sqrt(x^2+y^2)+2*sqrt((x-ai)^2+y^2)-\nV
+\psContourPlot[function= x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt
+                         2 x ai sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt mul add
+                        \nV\space sub](-2,-3)(6,3)}
+\pnode(!ai 0){O2}\pnode(0,0){O1}
+\uput[d](!ai 0){$O_2$}
+\pnode(!2.4 y0){A}\psdots(A)(O1)(O2)\uput[ur](A){$A$}
+\pnode(!1.5 y1){V1}\pnode(!1.5 y2){V2}\pnode(!1.5 y3){V3}
+Ovales de Descartes pour $r_1+2r_2=V$.
+Cette figure est une reproduction de celle du livre.
+Le faisceau suivant est obtenu en faisant varier $\alpha$, pour $V=4$
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def}
+% function=sqrt(x^2+y^2)+\n*sqrt((x-ai)^2+y^2)-4
+\psContourPlot[function=x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt
+                        \n\space x ai sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt mul add
+                        4 sub](-2,-3)(6,3)}
+\psdots(!ai 0)(0,0)
+\uput[d](!ai 0){$O_2$}
+Apr\xE8s un paragraphe sur les ``Applications des ovales de Descartes en optique'', Henri Bouasse et \xC9mile Turri\xE8re reviennent aux ovales dans  un nouveau paragraphe intitul\xE9 encore ``Ovales de Descartes', avec la d\xE9finition suivante :
+\[ -r_1+\alpha r_2=V\]
+On peut supposer encore que $\alpha \geq 1 $, le signe de $V$ restant arbitraire.
+Montrer que pour toutes les valeurs de $\alpha>1$, les courbes du faisceau ne peuvent avoir de points \xE0 l'infini. Ce sont encore des ovales, comme dans le premier cas.
+Le cas $\alpha=1$ est exceptionnel. On retrouve le faisceau d'hyperboles d\xE9j\xE0 rencontr\xE9 (\xA7 423).
+Dans le paragraphe suivant (\xA7429) les auteurs \xE9tablissent l'\xE9quation cart\xE9sienne \textit{enti\xE8re} des ovales et traitent les particuliers des lima\xE7ons de Pascal. Le paragraphe (\xA7430) est consacr\xE9 aux ovales de Cassini et le suivant(\xA7431) aux courbes orthogonales des ovales de Cassini.
+Lieu des points tels que le produit de leurs distances \xE0 deux points fixes $O_1$ et $O_2$ soit constant.
+Soit $2a$ la distance $\overline{O_1O_2}$.
+On trouve imm\xE9diatement pour \xE9quation des ovales :
+r_1r_2=k^2, \qquad (a^2+x^2+y^2)^2-4a^2x^2=k^4
+Pour que l'origine appartienne \xE0 une courbe du faisceau, il faut \xE9videmment poser : $k^2=a^2$. L'\xE9quation devient :
+C'est la lemniscate de Bernouilli.
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def}
+\psset{unit=1,a=0.1}% ,algebraic
+% (ai^2+x^2+y^2)^2-4*ai^2*x^2-(\nk)^4
+\psContourPlot[function=ai dup mul x dup mul add y dup mul add dup mul
+                        4 ai x mul dup mul mul sub \nk\space 4 exp sub](-6,-3)(6,3)}
+\psdots(!ai 0)(0,0)
+\uput[d](!ai 0){$O_2$}
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/Les-Ovales-de-Descartes.tex
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/README	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ pst-contourplot PSTricks package
+            Examples  
+Manuel Luque (c) 2018
+The pst-contourplot package allows to draw  implicit functions f(x,y)=0 with options for coloring the inside of the surfaces, to marking  the points and  arrowing the curve at points chosen by the user. This package uses the "marching squares" algorithm.
+This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License. See
+for the details of that license.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/README
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/bourke.pdf
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Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/bourke.pdf
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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/bourke.pdf	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)

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--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/bourke.tex	                        (rev 0)
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@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+% \xE9quation donn\xE9e par Paul Bourke dans :
+% http://paulbourke.net/papers/conrec/
+\pstVerb{/isovalue \r\space def}%

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/bourke.tex
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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbe-du-diable.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbe-du-diable.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbe-du-diable.pdf	2018-07-19 21:12:17 UTC (rev 48229)
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Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbe-du-diable.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbe-du-diable.tex	                        (rev 0)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+% Courbe du diable
+% page 52 : Revue du Palais de la D\xE9couverte
+% Courbes math\xE9matiques
+% Num\xE9ro sp\xE9cial 8 . Juillet 1976
+% et Serge Mehl
+% http://serge.mehl.free.fr/anx/Diable.html
+               function=x 4 exp y 4 exp sub 24 y 2 exp mul add 25 x 2 exp mul sub](-6,-6)(6,6)
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbe-du-diable.tex
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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbes-diverses.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbes-diverses.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbes-diverses.tex	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+\psContourPlot[unit=0.5,algebraic,a=0.4,linecolor=-red,Fill,fillcolor={[rgb]{0.5 0.5 1}},function=x*(x^2+y^2)-10*(x^2-y^2)-50](-6,-8)(12,8)
+\psContourPlot[unit=2,a=0.02,linecolor=yellow,Fill,fillcolor=red,function=x dup mul y dup mul add 1 sub 3 exp
+		       x dup mul y 3 exp mul sub](-2,-2)(2,2)
+% https://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?sid=1582&view=html
+\psContourPlot[algebraic,a=0.1,linecolor=red,Fill,fillcolor=yellow,ReverseColors,function=x*y*cos(x^2 + y^2)-1](-6,-6)(6,6)
+% https://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?sid=1582&view=html
+\psContourPlot[algebraic,a=0.1,linecolor=red,function=sin(x + 2*sin(y))-cos(y + 3*cos(x))](-10,-10)(10,10)
+% https://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?sid=1582&view=html
+\psContourPlot[algebraic,a=0.1,linecolor=red,Fill,fillcolor=yellow,ReverseColors,function=sin(x + 2*sin(y))-cos(y + 3*cos(x))](-10,-10)(10,10)
+% https://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?sid=1582&view=html
+\psContourPlot[algebraic,a=0.1,linecolor=blue,Fill,fillcolor=orange,ReverseColors,function=ln((x + 7*sin(y))^2)- EXP(y + 2*cos(x))](-10,-10)(10,10)
+% Courbe d\xE9duite de 8 droites
+% page 124 : Revue du Palais de la D\xE9couverte
+% Courbes math\xE9matiques
+% Num\xE9ro sp\xE9cial 8 . Juillet 1976
+\pstVerb{/rayon 1 def}%
+\psContourPlot[unit=2,a=0.02,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0 0.5}},Fill,fillcolor=cyan,ReverseColors,
+               function=
+               1 x rayon 30 cos mul sub dup mul y rayon 30 sin mul add dup mul add div
+               1 x rayon 30 cos mul add dup mul y rayon 30 sin mul add dup mul add div add
+               1 x dup mul y rayon sub dup mul add div add
+               \r\space sub](-4,-4)(4,4)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/courbes-diverses.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/exemples-2.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/exemples-2.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/exemples-2.tex	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def}%
+\psset{a=0.1}% ncell=150 80,
+\definecolor{Descartes}{hsb}{\r\space 1 1}
+              -0.75 x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt mul
+              1.25 x ai sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt mul add
+              \n\space add](-4,-4)(8,4)}
+\psdots(!ai 0)(0,0)
+\uput[d](!ai 0){$O_2$}
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def}%
+\definecolor{Descartes}{hsb}{\r\space 1 1}
+              function=
+              -0.75 x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt mul
+              1.25 x ai sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt mul add
+              \n\space add](-4,-4)(8,4)}
+\psContourPlot[linecolor=red,Fill,fillcolor=yellow,ReverseColors,a=0.05,function=x SIN y SIN 1 sub mul y SIN mul x SIN 1 sub mul](-10,-10)(10,10)
+% http://www.ensiie.fr/~gacogne/courbes.pdf
+              function=y SIN x COS mul x SIN sub
+              x SIN y COS mul y SIN sub mul](-12.57,-12.57)(12.57,12.57)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/exemples-2.tex
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## -0,0 +1 ##
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/exemples-3.tex
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+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/exemples-3.tex	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/547/plotting-an-implicit-polar-equation
+/arctan {
+ 3 dict begin
+ /x exch def
+ /y exch def
+ /Arc y x atan def
+  Arc 180 ge {/Arc Arc 360 sub def} if
+  Arc
+ end
+} def
+\psContourPlot[unit=0.25,a=0.1,function=y x arctan DegToRad dup mul 5.55 x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt RadToDeg cos mul sub,linewidth=0.2,Fill,fillcolor=orange](-25,-25)(25,25)
+% \psContourPlot[unit=0.25,a=0.1,function=y x arctan DegToRad dup mul 5.55 x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt RadToDeg sin mul sub,linewidth=0.2,linecolor=cyan](-25,-25)(25,25)
+% https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42076864/plotting-the-implicit-function-xy-logx-logy-2-0-on-matlab
+% https://mathsbyagirl.wordpress.com/2015/12/04/math-isnt-cool/

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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/exemples-4.tex
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+% Julien Royer
+% https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/~jroyer/TD/2015-16-L2PS/L2PS-poly.pdf
+% Julien Royer
+% https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/~jroyer/TD/2015-16-L2PS/L2PS-poly.pdf
+% https://www.math.univ-toulouse.fr/~jroyer/TD/2015-16-L2PS/L2PS-poly.pdf
+\psset{viewpoint=50 40 20 rtp2xyz,Decran=70,lightsrc=50 30 35 rtp2xyz}
+    fillcolor=white,algebraic,
+    intersectionplan={[0 0 1 -0.1] [0 0 1 0.3] [0 0 1 0.2]},
+    intersectioncolor=(bleu) (red) (green),
+    intersectionlinewidth=1,
+    intersectiontype=0,
+    ngrid=.1 .1,incolor=yellow!50,linewidth=0.01](-2.5,-2.5)(2.5,2.5){2*(x^2-2*y^2)*Euler^(-2*x^2-y^2)}

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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/examples/four-dipoles-lignes.tex
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+% 4 dip\xF4les de Hertz aux sommets d'un carr\xE9
+% dont les sommets se rapprochent
+\pstVerb{/t 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def
+         /xi1 -\rX\space def /xi2 \rX\space def /xi3 -\rX\space def /xi4 \rX\space def
+         /yi1 -\rX\space def /yi2 \rX\space def /yi3 \rX\space def /yi4 -\rX\space def}%
+		  function=/r1 x xi1 sub dup mul y yi1 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta1 y yi1 sub x xi1 sub atan def
+		  /r2 x xi2 sub dup mul y yi2 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta2 y yi2 sub x xi2 sub atan def
+		  /r3 x xi3 sub dup mul y yi3 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta3 y yi3 sub x xi3 sub atan def
+          /r4 x xi4 sub dup mul y yi4 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta4 y yi4 sub x xi4 sub atan def
+		   r1 t sub COS r1 t sub SIN r1 div add theta1 sin dup mul mul
+           r2 t sub COS r2 t sub SIN r2 div add theta2 sin dup mul mul add
+           r3 t sub COS r3 t sub SIN r3 div add theta3 sin dup mul mul add
+           r4 t sub COS r4 t sub SIN r4 div add theta4 sin dup mul mul add
+           \rc\space sub](-1.25,-1.25)(1.25,1.25)}%
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+% 4 dip\xF4les de Hertz aux sommets d'un carr\xE9
+% \xE9volution du champ au cours du temps
+\pstVerb{/t \rt\space def /k0 2 PI mul def
+         /xi1 -1 def /xi2 1 def /xi3 -1 def /xi4 1 def
+         /yi1 -1 def /yi2 1 def /yi3 1 def /yi4 -1 def}%
+          function=
+		  /r1 x xi1 sub dup mul y yi1 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta1 y yi1 sub x xi1 sub atan def
+		  /r2 x xi2 sub dup mul y yi2 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta2 y yi2 sub x xi2 sub atan def
+		  /r3 x xi3 sub dup mul y yi3 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta3 y yi3 sub x xi3 sub atan def
+          /r4 x xi4 sub dup mul y yi4 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta4 y yi4 sub x xi4 sub atan def
+		   r1 t sub COS r1 t sub SIN r1 div add theta1 sin dup mul mul
+           r2 t sub COS r2 t sub SIN r2 div add theta2 sin dup mul mul add
+           r3 t sub COS r3 t sub SIN r3 div add theta3 sin dup mul mul add
+           r4 t sub COS r4 t sub SIN r4 div add theta4 sin dup mul mul add
+           \rc\space sub](-2.5,-2.5)(2.5,2.5)}%
\ No newline at end of file

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+% 4 dip\xF4les de Hertz aux sommets d'un carr\xE9
+% dont les sommets se rapprochent
+\pstVerb{/t 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def
+         /xi1 -\rX\space def /xi2 \rX\space def /xi3 -\rX\space def /xi4 \rX\space def
+         /yi1 -\rX\space def /yi2 \rX\space def /yi3 \rX\space def /yi4 -\rX\space def}%
+           function=
+		   /r1 x xi1 sub dup mul y yi1 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+           /theta1 y yi1 sub x xi1 sub atan def
+		   /r2 x xi2 sub dup mul y yi2 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+           /theta2 y yi2 sub x xi2 sub atan def
+		   /r3 x xi3 sub dup mul y yi3 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+           /theta3 y yi3 sub x xi3 sub atan def
+           /r4 x xi4 sub dup mul y yi4 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+           /theta4 y yi4 sub x xi4 sub atan def
+		   r1 t sub COS r1 t sub SIN r1 div add theta1 sin dup mul mul
+           r2 t sub COS r2 t sub SIN r2 div add theta2 sin dup mul mul add
+           r3 t sub COS r3 t sub SIN r3 div add theta3 sin dup mul mul add
+           r4 t sub COS r4 t sub SIN r4 div add theta4 sin dup mul mul add
+           \rc\space sub](-1.25,-1.25)(1.25,1.25)}%
\ No newline at end of file

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+\title{Exemples avec pst-contourplot : \\ courbe d\xE9duite de quatre lemniscates}
+\date{27 mai 2018}
+\author{manuel.luque27 at gmail.com}
+Cette courbe est \xE0 la page 126 du num\xE9ro sp\xE9cial 8 (Juillet 1976) `\textit{Courbes math\xE9matiques}' de la revue du Palais de la D\xE9couverte.
+% Courbe d\xE9duite de quatre lemniscates
+% page 126 : Revue du Palais de la D\xE9couverte
+% Courbes math\xE9matiques
+% Num\xE9ro sp\xE9cial 8 . Juillet 1976
+Les \xE9quations des  lemniscates sont :
+Ils sont repr\xE9sent\xE9s ci-dessous :
+\def\lemniscateA{ai x add dup mul y dup mul add 
+                 x dup mul ai y sub dup mul add 
+                 mul sqrt AI sub }
+\def\lemniscateB{ai x sub dup mul y dup mul add
+                 x dup mul ai y sub dup mul add
+                 mul sqrt AI sub }
+\def\lemniscateC{ai x sub dup mul y dup mul add
+                 x dup mul ai y add dup mul add
+                 mul sqrt AI sub }
+\def\lemniscateD{ai x add dup mul y dup mul add
+                 x dup mul ai y add dup mul add
+                 mul sqrt AI sub }
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def /AI ai dup mul 2 div def}%
+On repr\xE9sente ensuite la courbe d\xE9finie par :
+Suivant les valeurs de $K$ on obtient :
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def /AI ai dup mul 2 div def}%
+\psContourPlot[a=0.04,linecolor=blue,Fill,fillcolor=orange,function=\lemniscateA \lemniscateB mul \lemniscateC mul \lemniscateD mul ](-4,-4)(4,4)
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def /AI ai dup mul 2 div def}%
+\psContourPlot[a=0.04,linecolor=blue,Fill,fillcolor=orange,function=\lemniscateA \lemniscateB mul \lemniscateC mul \lemniscateD mul 5 sub](-4,-4)(4,4)
+\pstVerb{/ai 2 def /AI ai dup mul 2 div def}%
+\psContourPlot[a=0.04,linecolor=blue,Fill,fillcolor=orange,function=\lemniscateA \lemniscateB mul \lemniscateC mul \lemniscateD mul 5 add](-4,-4)(4,4)
\ No newline at end of file

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+%\pstVerb{/t 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def}%
+%\psContourPlot[unit=5,ncell=120 120,a=0.025,linewidth=0.005,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0.5 0}},fillcolor=HERTZ,Fill,ReverseColors]{
+%		  /r x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+%          /theta x y atan def
+%		   r t sub COS r t sub SIN r div add theta sin dup mul mul \rc\space sub}
+\pstVerb{/t 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def /xi1 -0.4 def /xi2 0.4 def /yi1 0 def /yi2 0 def}%
+%\psContourPlot[ncell=200 200,a=0.0125,linewidth=0.005,fillcolor=HERTZ,Fill,ReverseColors]{
+\psContourPlot[ncell=200 200,a=0.0125,linewidth=0.005,linecolor=HERTZ]{
+		  /r1 x xi1 sub dup mul y yi1 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta1 y yi1 sub x xi1 sub atan def
+		  /r2 x xi2 sub dup mul y yi2 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta2 y yi2 sub x xi2 sub atan def
+          2 setlinejoin
+		   r1 t sub COS r1 t sub SIN r1 div add theta1 sin dup mul mul
+           r2 t sub COS r2 t sub SIN r2 div add theta2 sin dup mul mul add
+           \rc\space sub}}%
+\psdots(!xi1 yi1)(!xi2 yi2)
+\pstVerb{/t 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def 
+         /xi1 -1 def /xi2 1 def /xi3 -1 def /xi4 1 def 
+         /yi1 -1 def /yi2 1 def /yi3 1 def  /yi4 -1 def}%
+\psContourPlot[ncell=200 200,a=0.0125,linewidth=0.005,fillcolor=HERTZ,Fill,ReverseColors,linecolor=HERTZ]{
+%\psContourPlot[ncell=400 400,a=0.00625,linewidth=0.01,linecolor=HERTZ,Fill,ReverseColors,fillcolor=HERTZ]{
+		  /r1 x xi1 sub dup mul y yi1 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta1 y yi1 sub x xi1 sub atan def
+		  /r2 x xi2 sub dup mul y yi2 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta2 y yi2 sub x xi2 sub atan def
+		  /r3 x xi3 sub dup mul y yi3 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta3 y yi3 sub x xi3 sub atan def
+          /r4 x xi4 sub dup mul y yi4 sub dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+          /theta4 y yi4 sub x xi4 sub atan def
+		   r1 t sub COS r1 t sub SIN r1 div add theta1 sin dup mul mul
+           r2 t sub COS r2 t sub SIN r2 div add theta2 sin dup mul mul add
+           r3 t sub COS r3 t sub SIN r3 div add theta3 sin dup mul mul add
+           r4 t sub COS r4 t sub SIN r4 div add theta4 sin dup mul mul add
+           \rc\space sub}}%
+% \psdots[linecolor=white](!xi1 yi1)(!xi2 yi2)(!xi3 yi3)(!xi4 yi4)
\ No newline at end of file

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+% https://www.maplesoft.com/applications/view.aspx?sid=1582&view=html
+\psContourPlot[a=0.1,linecolor=red,Fill,fillcolor=yellow,ReverseColors,function=x y SIN 2 mul add SIN y x COS 3 mul add COS sub](-10,-10)(10,10)
\ No newline at end of file

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+                     begin={\begin{pspicture}(-4,-4)(4,4)},
+                     end={\end{pspicture}}]{10}% 10 images/s
+\pstVerb{/rayon 1 def}%
+\psContourPlot[unit=2,a=0.02,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0 0.5}},Fill,fillcolor=cyan,ReverseColors,
+               function=
+               1 x rayon 30 cos mul sub dup mul y rayon 30 sin mul add dup mul add div
+               1 x rayon 30 cos mul add dup mul y rayon 30 sin mul add dup mul add div add
+               1 x dup mul y rayon sub dup mul add div add
+               \r\space sub ](-2,-2)(2,2)
\ No newline at end of file

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+\pstVerb{/xC \r\space def
+         /FonctionMetaballs {
+          1 x xC sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          0.5 x xC add dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          add
+          1 sub
+         } def}%
+\psdots(! xC 2 mul 0)(! xC neg 2 mul 0)
\ No newline at end of file

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+\date{14 juillet 2018}
+\author{Manuel Luque}
+\title{The algorithm``\textit{marching squares}'' for  PSTricks v\fileversion}
+\section{The command \textbackslash{psContourPlot[options](x1,y1)(x2,y2)}}
+If you do not know ``\textit{marching squares}'', the article that Wikipedia devotes to him, very nicely illustrated, seems to me very complete :
+This is an adaptation of this algorithm to PSTricks, used in \verb+\psContourPlot[options]+\footnote{Its name comes from  Mathematica:ContourPlot. } and has the following options:
+  \item \texttt{[function=])} : implicit function $f(x,y)$ of the curve  in algebraic or postscript mode, it should be noted that the postscript mode is the fastest;
+  \item \texttt{(x1,y1)(x2,y2)} :  coordinates of the lower left corner and the upper right corner of the study frame, as for \verb+\psframe(x1,y1)(x2,y2)+;
+  \item \texttt{[a=0.025]} : side of a (square) cell;
+  \item \texttt{[grid=false]} : set to \texttt{true} to draw the cell grid;
+  \item \texttt{[Fill=false]} : set to \texttt{true} to color the interior with the PSTricks option \texttt{[fillcolor]};
+  \item \texttt{[ReverseColors=false]} :  coloring inside an object is only valid for one object (a circle for instance). If there are several objects (see the 2 examples of the metaballs) it is the outside which is colored. Set to \texttt{true} this boolean to correct the problem.
+  \item \texttt{[ChoicePoints= liste de num\xE9ros de points]} : here we place the points where there will be an arrow on the curve, we indicate a negative value if for the positive value the arrow is not in the desired direction;
+  \item \texttt{[WriteData]} : boolean option allowing  to save the coordinates of the points, the name of the file can be chosen with the option \texttt{[FileName=PointsCurve]}.
+To solve the 2 ambiguous cases of the algorithm, I adopted the solution proposed by Xiaoqiang Zheng and Alex Pang :
+A second command \verb+\psReadData[FileName=...]+ allow us to  draw a registered curve, the [Fill] option is not allowed.
+\psContourPlot[algebraic,a=0.5,linecolor=red,grid,function=x^2+y^2-16,ChoicePoints=-4 120 -45,WriteData,FileName=circle,showpoints](-4,-4)(4,4)
+               ChoicePoints=-4 120 -45,WriteData,FileName=circle](-4,-4)(4,4)
+This grid contains 16 cells along the 2 axes, the side of each is 0.5 cm.
+\subsection{Coloring inside an object}
+               linecolor=blue,Fill,fillcolor=red,
+               function=x*(x^2+y^2)-10*(x^2-y^2),grid](-10,-8)(10,8)
+\subsection{2D metaballs}
+                     begin={\begin{pspicture}(-8,-4)(8,4)},
+                     end={\end{pspicture}}]{5}% 5 image/s
+\pstVerb{/xC \r\space def
+         /FonctionMetaballs {
+          1 x xC sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          0.5 x xC add dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          add
+          1 sub
+         } def}%
+\psdots(! xC 2 mul 0)(! xC neg 2 mul 0)}
+                     begin={\begin{pspicture}(-8,-4)(8,4)},
+                     end={\end{pspicture}}]{5}% 5 image/s
+\pstVerb{/xC \r\space def
+         /FonctionMetaballs {
+          1 x xC sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          0.5 x xC add dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          add
+          1 sub
+         } def}%
+               function=FonctionMetaballs](-8,-4)(8,4)
+\psdots(! xC 2 mul 0)(! xC neg 2 mul 0)}
+% 5 metaballs
+%     1/((x-0.0001)^2+(y-1)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2
+%     -17
+\pstVerb{/FonctionMetaballs {
+         1 x 0.0001 sub dup mul y 1     sub dup mul add dup mul div
+         1 x 0.95   sub dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 sub dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 add dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.95   add dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         17 sub
+        } def}%
+               function=FonctionMetaballs](-4,-4)(4,4)
+% 5 metaballs
+%     1/((x-0.0001)^2+(y-1)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2
+%     -17
+\pstVerb{/FonctionMetaballs {
+         1 x 0.0001 sub dup mul y 1     sub dup mul add dup mul div
+         1 x 0.95   sub dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 sub dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 add dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.95   add dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         17 sub
+        } def}%
+               function=FonctionMetaballs](-4,-4)(4,4)
+\subsection{The field lines of an Hertzian dipole}
+\pstVerb{/ti 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def}%
+\psContourPlot[unit=5,a=0.025,linewidth=0.01,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0.5 0}},
+		   function=/ri x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+                    /theta x y atan def
+		   ri ti sub COS ri ti sub SIN ri div add theta sin dup mul mul \rc\space sub](-1,-1)(1,1)
+\pstVerb{/t 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def}%
+\psContourPlot[unit=5,a=0.025,linewidth=0.01,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0.5 0}},
+		   function=/r x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+                    /theta x y atan def
+		   r t sub COS r t sub SIN r div add theta sin dup mul mul \rc\space sub](-1,-1)(1,1)}
+Examples are included in the documentation, but you will find other examples on the blog :
+\noindent and as an application dedicated to physics, the drawing of magnetic field lines of parallel wires :

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+\date{14 juillet 2018}
+\author{Manuel Luque}
+\title{L'algorithme ``\textit{marching squares}'' adapt\xE9 \xE0 PSTricks v\fileversion}
+\section{La commande \textbackslash{psContourPlot[options](x1,y1)(x2,y2)}}
+Si vous ne connaissez pas les ``\textit{marching squares}'', l'article que Wikipedia lui consacre, tr\xE8s joliment illustr\xE9, me para\xEEt tr\xE8s complet :
+Il s'agit d'une adaptation de cet algorithme \xE0 PSTricks, utilis\xE9 dans la commande \verb+\psContourPlot[options]+\footnote{Le nom de la commande est copi\xE9 sur celle de Mathematica  : ContourPlot} qui poss\xE8de les options suivantes :
+  \item \texttt{[function=])} : fonction implicite $f(x,y)$ de la courbe \xE0 repr\xE9senter en mode algebraic ou postscript, il faut noter que le mode postscript est le plus rapide ;
+  \item \texttt{(x1,y1)(x2,y2)} : les limites du cadre d'\xE9tude, comme pour \verb+\psframe(x1,y1)(x2,y2)+, coordonn\xE9es du coin inf\xE9rieur \xE0 gauche et du coin sup\xE9rieur \xE0 droite ;
+  \item \texttt{[a=0.025]} : c\xF4t\xE9 d'une cellule (carr\xE9) ;
+  \item \texttt{[grid=false]} : bool\xE9en pour dessiner la grille des cellules ;
+  \item \texttt{[Fill=false]} : bool\xE9en pour colorier l'int\xE9rieur avec l'option de PSTricks \texttt{[fillcolor]} ;
+  \item \texttt{[ReverseColors=false]} : le coloriage de l'int\xE9rieur n'est valable que pour un seul objet (un cercle par exemple). S'il y a plusieurs objets (voir les 2 exemples des metaballs) c'est l'ext\xE9rieur qui se colorise. En activant ce bool\xE9en on corrige ce probl\xE8me ;
+  \item \texttt{[showpoints]} : bool\xE9en pour afficher les points la la courbe (option de PSTricks) ;
+  \item \texttt{[ChoicePoints= liste de num\xE9ros de points]} : on place ici les points o\xF9 il y aura une fl\xE8che sur la courbe, on indique une valeur n\xE9gative si pour la valeur positive la fl\xE8che n'est pas dans le sens souhait\xE9~;
+  \item \texttt{[WriteData]} : bool\xE9en permettant d'enregistrer les coordonn\xE9es des points, le nom du fichier peut-\xEAtre choisi avec l'option \texttt{[FileName=PointsCurve]}.
+Pour r\xE9soudre les 2 cas ambigus de l'algorithme, j'ai adopt\xE9 la solution propos\xE9e par Xiaoqiang Zheng et Alex Pang :
+Une deuxi\xE8me commande \verb+\psReadData[FileName=...]+ permet repr\xE9senter la courbe enregistr\xE9e, l'option [Fill] n'est pas permise.
+\subsection{Un cercle}
+\psContourPlot[algebraic,a=0.5,linecolor=red,grid,function=x^2+y^2-16,ChoicePoints=-4 120 -45,WriteData,FileName=circle,showpoints](-4,-4)(4,4)
+               ChoicePoints=-4 120 -45,WriteData,FileName=circle](-4,-4)(4,4)
+Cette grille contient 16 cellules suivant les 2 axes, le c\xF4t\xE9 de chacune vaut 0.5 cm.
+\subsection{Colorier l'int\xE9rieur}
+               linecolor=blue,Fill,fillcolor=red,
+               function=x*(x^2+y^2)-10*(x^2-y^2),grid](-10,-8)(10,8)
+\subsection{2D metaballs}
+                     begin={\begin{pspicture}(-8,-4)(8,4)},
+                     end={\end{pspicture}}]{5}% 5 image/s
+\pstVerb{/xC \r\space def
+         /FonctionMetaballs {
+          1 x xC sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          0.5 x xC add dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          add
+          1 sub
+         } def}%
+\psdots(! xC 2 mul 0)(! xC neg 2 mul 0)}
+                     begin={\begin{pspicture}(-8,-4)(8,4)},
+                     end={\end{pspicture}}]{5}% 5 image/s
+\pstVerb{/xC \r\space def
+         /FonctionMetaballs {
+          1 x xC sub dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          0.5 x xC add dup mul y dup mul add sqrt div
+          add
+          1 sub
+         } def}%
+               function=FonctionMetaballs](-8,-4)(8,4)
+\psdots(! xC 2 mul 0)(! xC neg 2 mul 0)}
+% 5 metaballs
+%     1/((x-0.0001)^2+(y-1)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2
+%     -17
+\pstVerb{/FonctionMetaballs {
+         1 x 0.0001 sub dup mul y 1     sub dup mul add dup mul div
+         1 x 0.95   sub dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 sub dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 add dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.95   add dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         17 sub
+        } def}%
+               function=FonctionMetaballs](-4,-4)(4,4)
+% 5 metaballs
+%     1/((x-0.0001)^2+(y-1)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x-0.5878)^2+(y+0.809)^2)^2+
+%     1/((x+0.95)^2+(y-0.309)^2)^2
+%     -17
+\pstVerb{/FonctionMetaballs {
+         1 x 0.0001 sub dup mul y 1     sub dup mul add dup mul div
+         1 x 0.95   sub dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 sub dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.5878 add dup mul y 0.809 add dup mul add dup mul div add
+         1 x 0.95   add dup mul y 0.309 sub dup mul add dup mul div add
+         17 sub
+        } def}%
+               function=FonctionMetaballs](-4,-4)(4,4)
+\subsection{Les lignes de champ d'un dip\xF4le hertzien}
+\pstVerb{/ti 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def}%
+\psContourPlot[unit=5,a=0.025,linewidth=0.01,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0.5 0}},
+		   function=/ri x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+                    /theta x y atan def
+		   ri ti sub COS ri ti sub SIN ri div add theta sin dup mul mul \rc\space sub](-1,-1)(1,1)
+\pstVerb{/t 0 def /k0 2 PI mul def}%
+\psContourPlot[unit=5,a=0.025,linewidth=0.01,linecolor={[rgb]{0 0.5 0}},
+		   function=/r x dup mul y dup mul add sqrt k0 mul def
+                    /theta x y atan def
+		   r t sub COS r t sub SIN r div add theta sin dup mul mul \rc\space sub](-1,-1)(1,1)}
+Des exemples sont inclus dans la documentation, mais vous trouverez d'autres exemples sur le blog :
+\noindent et comme application d\xE9di\xE9e \xE0 la physique, le trac\xE9 des lignes de champ magn\xE9tique de fils parall\xE8les :
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot-docFR.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.tex	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+%% Package `pst-contourplot.tex'
+%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed
+%% from CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+%% `pst-contourplot'  Extension of PSTricks
+%% for drawing implicit functions f(x,y)=0
+%% This package uses the "marching squares" algorithm.
+%% Author  :   <manuel.luque27 at gmail.com>
+\csname PSTCONTOURPLOTLoaded\endcsname
+\let \PSTCONTOURPLOTLoaded\endinput
+\ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else\input pstricks.tex\fi
+\ifx\PSTXKeyLoaded\endinput \else\input pst-xkey.tex\fi
+\message{`PST' v\fileversion, \filedate}
+\edef\PstAtCode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11\relax
+\pst at addfams{pst-contourplot}
+\define at key[psset]{pst-contourplot}{a}{\edef\psk at contourplot@a{#1 }} %  dimension d'une cellule
+\define at boolkey[psset]{pst-contourplot}[pst@]{grid}[true]{}
+\define at boolkey[psset]{pst-contourplot}[Pst@]{Fill}[true]{}
+\define at boolkey[psset]{pst-contourplot}[Pst@]{ReverseColors}[true]{}
+% 04 juillet 2018
+\define at boolkey[psset]{pst-contourplot}[Pst@]{Draw}[true]{}
+% 6 juillet
+\define at key[psset]{pst-contourplot}{function}{\edef\psk at contourplot@function{#1 }} %  la fonction implicite
+\define at key[psset]{pst-contourplot}{ChoicePoints}{\edef\psk at contourplot@ChoicePoints{#1 }} %  choix des points pour les fl\xE8ches
+% 14 juillet
+\define at boolkey[psset]{pst-contourplot}[Pst@]{WriteData}[true]{}
+\define at key[psset]{pst-contourplot}{FileName}{\edef\psk at contourplot@FileName{#1}} %  nom du fichier
+\def\psContourPlot{\def\pst at par{}\pst at object{psContourPlot}}
+\def\psContourPlot at i(#1,#2)(#3,#4){% les limites
+\begin at SpecialObj
+\addto at pscode{%
+100 dict begin
+/cm {\pst at number\psunit mul } bind def % mise \xE0 l'\xE9chelle
+/Div { dup 0 eq { pop } { div } ifelse } def  	% control the Division
+% cote du carre-cellule
+/a \psk at contourplot@a def % en pts
+ \ifPst at algebraic
+      /fonction (\psk at contourplot@function) tx at AlgToPs begin AlgToPs end cvx def
+    \else
+      /fonction  { \psk at contourplot@function } def
+    \fi
+    /function {2 dict begin
+      /y exch def
+      /x exch def
+      fonction end
+    } def
+\ifPst at ReverseColors /flag 0 def \else /flag 1 def \fi
+/tabCels [
+#1 a #3 {/x exch def
+#2 a #4 {/y exch def
+[ x y
+  x a add y
+  x a add y a add
+  x y a add]
+} for
+} for
+] def
+ % indexer les sommets avec leur poids
+ % 0 si f(x,y)<=0
+ % 1 si f(x,y)>0
+/calcValeur {
+  function
+  0 le {(0)}{(1)} ifelse
+ } def
+% https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/PostScript_FAQ
+/concatstringarray  %  [(a) (b) ... (z)] --> (ab...z)
+    { 0 1 index { length add } forall string
+      0 3 2 roll
+        { 3 copy putinterval
+          length add
+        }
+      forall pop
+    } bind def
+/interpolate { % x2 y2 x1 y1 interpolation lineaire => x y
+7 dict begin
+    /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
+    /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+    /v1 x1 y1 function def
+    /v2 x2 y2 function def
+    /delta v1 v2 v1 sub Div def
+    x1 delta x2 x1 sub mul sub % x
+    y1 delta y2 y1 sub mul sub % y
+  end
+} def
+/tabIndex [
+#1 a #3 {/x exch def
+#2 a #4 {/y exch def
+x y                 calcValeur
+x a add y 			calcValeur
+x a add y a add     calcValeur
+x y a add			calcValeur
+} for
+} for
+] def
+\ifPst at Fill
+1 setlinejoin
+\pst at usecolor\psfillcolor
+0 1 tabCels length 1 sub {/i exch def
+/valuesVertice tabIndex i get def
+/cellule tabCels i get def
+% les sommets
+/S0 {cellule 0 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+/S1 {cellule 2 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+/S2 {cellule 4 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+/S3 {cellule 6 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+flag 0 eq {valuesVertice (1111) eq {
+S0 /y exch def /x exch def
+/part {
+x cm y cm moveto
+a cm 0 rlineto
+0 a cm rlineto
+a neg cm 0 rlineto
+} def
+part fill part stroke
+ } if
+ }{
+valuesVertice (0000) eq  {
+S0 /y exch def /x exch def
+/part {
+x cm y cm moveto
+a cm 0 rlineto
+0 a cm rlineto
+a neg cm 0 rlineto
+} def
+part fill part stroke
+} if
+} ifelse
+valuesVertice (1000) eq {
+   S0 S1 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S0 S3 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }{
+   S0 cm exch cm exch moveto
+   xA cm yA cm lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0100) eq {
+   S1 S0 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S1 S2 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+    }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+    }ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1100) eq {
+   S1 S2 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S0 S3 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }{
+   S0 cm exch cm exch moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xA cm yA cm lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0001) eq {
+   S3 S0 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S3 S2 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1001) eq {
+   S0 S1 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S3 S2 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0101) eq { % ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% lever l'ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% calculer les cccordonn\xE9es du centre de la cellule
+S0 /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
+S2 /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+/xI x0 x2 add 2 div def
+/yI y0 y2 add 2 div def
+   S0 S1 interpolate /yC exch def /xC exch def
+   S0 S3 interpolate /yD exch def /xD exch def
+   S2 S1 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   S2 S3 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+xI yI function 0 flag 0 eq {ge}{le} ifelse {
+  newpath
+  xA cm yA cm moveto
+  xB cm yB cm lineto
+  S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   closepath
+   fill
+  newpath
+  xD cm yD cm moveto
+  S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+  xC cm yC cm lineto
+   closepath
+   fill
+  }{
+  newpath
+  xA cm yA cm moveto
+  xB cm yB cm lineto
+  S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+  xC cm yC cm lineto
+  S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+  xD cm yD cm lineto
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } ifelse
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1101) eq {
+   S2 S1 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S2 S3 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   }ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0010) eq {
+   S2 S1 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S2 S3 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   S0 cm exch cm exch moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xA cm yA cm lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1010) eq {  % ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% lever l'ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% calculer les cccordonn\xE9es du centre de la cellule
+S0 /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
+S2 /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+/xI x0 x2 add 2 div def
+/yI y0 y2 add 2 div def
+   S0 S1 interpolate /yC exch def /xC exch def
+   S0 S3 interpolate /yD exch def /xD exch def
+   S2 S1 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   S2 S3 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+xI yI function 0 flag 0 eq {ge}{le} ifelse {
+  newpath
+  xA cm yA cm moveto
+  xB cm yB cm lineto
+  S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   closepath
+%   fill
+  newpath
+  xD cm yD cm moveto
+  S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+  xC cm yC cm lineto
+   closepath
+   fill
+ }{
+  newpath
+  xA cm yA cm moveto
+  xB cm yB cm lineto
+  S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+  xC cm yC cm lineto
+  S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+  xD cm yD cm lineto
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } ifelse
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0110) eq {
+   S0 S1 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S3 S2 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   S0 cm exch cm exch moveto
+   xA cm yA cm lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1110) eq { % OK
+   S3 S0 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S3 S2 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm  moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm  moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0011) eq {
+   S0 S3 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S1 S2 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   S0 cm exch cm exch moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   xA cm yA cm lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1011) eq {
+   S1 S0 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S1 S2 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   xA cm yA cm  moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm  moveto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S0 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0111) eq {
+   S0 S1 interpolate /yA exch def /xA exch def
+   S0 S3 interpolate /yB exch def /xB exch def
+   newpath
+flag 1 eq {
+   S0 cm exch cm exch moveto
+   xA cm yA cm lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   }{
+   xA cm yA cm moveto
+   S1 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S2 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   S3 cm exch cm exch lineto
+   xB cm yB cm lineto
+   } ifelse
+   closepath
+   fill
+   } if
+ }for
+% la grille
+\ifpst at grid
+0.25 setlinewidth
+0.5 setgray
+#1 a #3 {/x exch def
+ x cm #2 cm moveto
+ x cm #4 cm lineto
+ stroke
+ } for
+#2 a #4 {/y exch def
+ #1 cm y cm moveto
+ #3 cm y cm lineto
+ stroke
+ } for
+#1 cm #2 cm moveto
+#3 cm #2 cm lineto
+#3 cm #4 cm lineto
+#1 cm #4 cm lineto
+% collecter un tableau de valeurs
+/LesPoints [
+0 1 tabCels length 1 sub {/i exch def
+/valuesVertice tabIndex i get def
+/cellule tabCels i get def
+% les sommets
+/S0 {cellule 0 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+/S1 {cellule 2 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+/S2 {cellule 4 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+/S3 {cellule 6 2 getinterval aload pop } def
+valuesVertice (0000) eq valuesVertice (1111) eq or {} if
+valuesVertice (1000) eq {
+   [S0 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S0 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0100) eq {
+   [S1 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S1 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1100) eq { % OK
+   [S1 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S0 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0001) eq {
+   [S3 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1001) eq {
+   [S0 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0101) eq { % ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% lever l'ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% calculer les coordonn\xE9es du centre de la cellule
+S0 /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
+S2 /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+/xI x0 x2 add 2 div def
+/yI y0 y2 add 2 div def
+xI yI function 0 ge {
+   [S0 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S0 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S2 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S2 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+  }{
+   [S1 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S1 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } ifelse
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1101) eq { % OK
+   [S2 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S2 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0010) eq { %OK
+   [S2 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S2 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1010) eq {  % ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% lever l'ambig\xFCit\xE9
+% calculer les coordonn\xE9es du centre de la cellule
+S0 /y0 exch def /x0 exch def
+S2 /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+/xI x0 x2 add 2 div def
+/yI y0 y2 add 2 div def
+xI yI function 0 ge {
+   [S1 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S1 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   }{
+% or
+   [S0 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S0 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S2 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S2 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } ifelse
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0110) eq {
+   [S0 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1110) eq { % OK
+   [S3 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S3 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0011) eq {
+   [S0 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S1 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (1011) eq {
+   [S1 S0 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S1 S2 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+valuesVertice (0111) eq {
+   [S0 S1 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   [S0 S3 interpolate cm exch cm exch]
+   } if
+} for
+ ] def
+\ifPst at WriteData
+(\psk at contourplot@FileName.dat) (w) file /filePoints exch def
+0 1 LesPoints length 1 sub {/i exch def
+  LesPoints i get aload pop /y exch def /x exch def
+    filePoints 91 write %% [
+  filePoints  x 15 string cvs writestring
+  filePoints  32 write %% espace
+  filePoints  y 15 string cvs writestring
+    filePoints 93 write %% ]
+  filePoints  10 write %% CR
+  } for
+ filePoints closefile
+% le dessin
+0 1 LesPoints length 1 sub {/i exch def
+  LesPoints i get aload pop \psk@@dotsize \psk@@@dotsize CLW mul add 2 div 0 360 arc fill
+  } for
+\ifPst at Draw
+0 2 LesPoints length 2 sub {/i exch def
+  LesPoints i get aload pop moveto LesPoints i 1 add get aload pop lineto
+  stroke
+  } for
+% fl\xE9cher
+% dessin d'une fl\xE8che
+/CLW /currentlinewidth load def
+/fleche {
+ 4 dict begin
+ /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
+ /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+  gsave
+  x1 y1 moveto
+  y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub Atan rotate
+   1 CLW mul  2 CLW mul rlineto
+  -5 CLW mul -2 CLW mul rlineto
+   5 CLW mul -2 CLW mul rlineto
+  closepath
+  fill
+  grestore
+ end
+} def
+/ChoicePoints [\psk at contourplot@ChoicePoints] def
+ChoicePoints length 0 ne {
+0 1 ChoicePoints length 1 sub {/i exch def
+/UnPoint ChoicePoints i get def
+ UnPoint abs 2 mod 1 eq {/UnPoint UnPoint 1 sub def} if
+UnPoint LesPoints length ge {/UnPoint LesPoints length 5 sub def} if
+UnPoint LesPoints length neg le {/UnPoint LesPoints length 4 sub neg def} if
+UnPoint 0 ge {
+ LesPoints UnPoint get aload pop
+ LesPoints UnPoint 1 add get aload pop
+ fleche
+} {
+ LesPoints UnPoint abs 1 add get aload pop
+ LesPoints UnPoint abs get aload pop
+ fleche
+} ifelse
+} for
+} if
+ }% fin du code ps
+ \end at SpecialObj
+ }% % fin de la commande PSTricks
+% read data
+\def\psReadData{\def\pst at par{}\pst at object{psReadData}}
+\def\psReadData at i{%
+\begin at SpecialObj
+\addto at pscode{%
+ /LesPoints [(\psk at contourplot@FileName.dat) run ] def
+% le dessin
+0 1 LesPoints length 1 sub {/i exch def
+  LesPoints i get aload pop \psk@@dotsize \psk@@@dotsize CLW mul add 2 div 0 360 arc fill
+  } for
+\ifPst at Draw
+0 2 LesPoints length 2 sub {/i exch def
+  LesPoints i get aload pop moveto LesPoints i 1 add get aload pop lineto
+  stroke
+  } for
+% fl\xE9cher
+% dessin d'une fl\xE8che
+/CLW /currentlinewidth load def
+/fleche {
+ 4 dict begin
+ /y1 exch def /x1 exch def
+ /y2 exch def /x2 exch def
+  gsave
+  x1 y1 moveto
+  y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub Atan rotate
+   1 CLW mul  2 CLW mul rlineto
+  -5 CLW mul -2 CLW mul rlineto
+   5 CLW mul -2 CLW mul rlineto
+  closepath
+  fill
+  grestore
+ end
+} def
+/ChoicePoints [\psk at contourplot@ChoicePoints] def
+ChoicePoints length 0 ne {
+0 1 ChoicePoints length 1 sub {/i exch def
+/UnPoint ChoicePoints i get def
+ UnPoint abs 2 mod 1 eq {/UnPoint UnPoint 1 sub def} if
+ UnPoint LesPoints length ge {/UnPoint LesPoints length 4 sub def} if
+ UnPoint LesPoints length neg le {/UnPoint LesPoints length 4 sub neg def} if
+UnPoint 0 ge {
+ LesPoints UnPoint get aload pop
+ LesPoints UnPoint 1 add get aload pop
+ fleche
+} {
+ LesPoints UnPoint abs 1 add get aload pop
+ LesPoints UnPoint abs get aload pop
+ fleche
+} ifelse
+} for
+} if
+ }% fin du code ps
+ \end at SpecialObj
+ }% % fin de la commande PSTricks
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.sty	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{pst-contourplot.tex}[2018/05/05 package wrapper for PSTricks pst-contourplot.tex]
+\input pst-contourplot.tex
+  [\filedate\space v\fileversion\space `PST-contourplot.tex']
+%% End of file `pst-contourplot.sty'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/pst-contourplot/pst-contourplot.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2018-07-19 21:12:17 UTC (rev 48229)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -521,7 +521,8 @@
     pst-2dplot pst-3d pst-3dplot
     pst-abspos pst-am pst-antiprism pst-arrow pst-asr pst-bar
     pst-barcode pst-bezier pst-blur pst-bspline
-    pst-calculate pst-calendar pst-cie pst-circ pst-coil pst-cox
+    pst-calculate pst-calendar pst-cie pst-circ
+    pst-coil pst-contourplot pst-cox
     pst-dart pst-dbicons pst-diffraction
     pst-electricfield pst-eps pst-eucl pst-eucl-translation-bg pst-exa
     pst-fill pst-fit pst-fr3d pst-fractal pst-fun pst-func

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2018-07-19 21:12:17 UTC (rev 48229)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -917,6 +917,7 @@
  'pst-cie',     "&MAKEpst",
  'pst-circ',    "&MAKEpst",
  'pst-coil',    "&MAKEpst",
+ 'pst-contourplot',    "&MAKEpst",
  'pst-cox',     "&MAKEflatten",
  'pst-dbicons', "&MAKEpst",
  'pst-dart',    "&MAKEpst",

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pstricks.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pstricks.tlpsrc	2018-07-19 21:12:17 UTC (rev 48229)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-pstricks.tlpsrc	2018-07-19 22:55:42 UTC (rev 48230)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 depend pst-cie
 depend pst-circ
 depend pst-coil
+depend pst-contourplot
 depend pst-cox
 depend pst-dart
 depend pst-dbicons

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/pst-contourplot.tlpsrc

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