texlive[46297] Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl: Restore

commits+siepo at tug.org commits+siepo at tug.org
Sat Jan 13 11:32:25 CET 2018

Revision: 46297
Author:   siepo
Date:     2018-01-13 11:32:24 +0100 (Sat, 13 Jan 2018)
Log Message:
Restore from backup (disabled), platform selection (not on windows), code reorganization, gui reorganization

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl	2018-01-13 07:23:41 UTC (rev 46296)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl	2018-01-13 10:32:24 UTC (rev 46297)
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env wish
-# Copyright 2017 Siep Kroonenberg
+# Copyright 2017, 2018 Siep Kroonenberg
 # This file is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2
 # or any later version.
@@ -15,8 +15,13 @@
 # This directory will be prepended to the searchpath.
 # kpsewhich will disentangle symlinks.
-##### general housekeeping #####
+# dis/enable restore dialog
+set do_restore 0
+# dis/enable debug output (only for private development purposes)
+set ddebug 0
+##### general housekeeping ############################################
 # security: disable send
 catch {rename send {}}
@@ -25,6 +30,11 @@
 # no bold text for messages
 option add *Dialog.msg.font TkDefaultFont userDefault
+## italicized items; not used
+#font create it_font {*}[font configure TkDefaultFont]
+#font configure it_font -slant italic
 set plain_unix 0
 if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" && \
         $::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
@@ -31,15 +41,36 @@
   set plain_unix 1
-set test {}
-set ddebug 0
+proc search_nocase {needle haystack} {
+  if {$needle eq ""} {return -1}
+  if {$haystack eq ""} {return -1}
+  return [string first [string tolower $needle] [string tolower $haystack]]
+# the stderr and stdout of tlmgr are each read into lists of strings
+set err_log {}
+set out_log {}
+#### debug output, ATM only for private development purposes ####
+if $ddebug {set dbg_log {}}
 proc do_debug {s} {
-  if {$::ddebug} {
+  if $::ddebug {
     puts stderr $s
-    # catch in case the widget concerned has not yet been created
-    catch {.lw.dbg.tx configure -state normal; .lw.dbg.tx insert end "$s\n"}
+    # On windows, stderr output goes nowhere.
+    # Therefore also debug output for the log toplevel.
+    lappend ::dbg_log $s
+    # Track debug output in the log toplevel if it is running:
+    if [winfo exists .tllg.dbg.tx] {
+      .tllg.dbg.tx configure -state normal
+      .tllg.dbg.tx insert end "$s\n"
+      if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
+        .tllg.dbg.tx configure -state disabled
+      }
+    }
+} ; # do_debug
 proc get_stacktrace {} {
   set level [info level]
@@ -48,12 +79,12 @@
     append s [format "Level %u: %s\n" $i [info level $i]]
   return $s
+} ; # get_stacktrace
 proc maketemp {ext} {
   set fname ""
   foreach i {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9} { ; # ten tries
-    set fname [file join $::tempsub "[expr int(10000.0*rand())]$ext"]
+    set fname [file join $::tempsub "[expr {int(10000.0*rand())}]$ext"]
     if {[file exist $fname]} {set fname ""; continue}
     # create empty file. although we just want a name,
     # we must make sure that it can be created.
@@ -71,14 +102,217 @@
 set tempsub "" ; # subdir for temp files, set during initialization
-proc search_nocase {needle haystack} {
-  if {$needle eq ""} {return -1}
-  if {$haystack eq ""} {return -1}
-  return [string first [string tolower $needle] [string tolower $haystack]]
+### GUI utilities #####################################################
+# dummy widgets for vertical spacing within $w
+set idummy -1
+proc spacing {w} {
+  incr ::idummy
+  pack [ttk::label $w.$::idummy -text " "]
-##### tl global status variables #####
+proc pgrid {wdg args} { ; # grid command with padding
+  grid $wdg {*}$args -padx 3 -pady 3
+proc ppack {wdg args} { ; # pack command with padding
+  pack $wdg {*}$args -padx 3 -pady 3
+# mouse clicks: deal with MacOS platform differences
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+  event add <<RightClick>> <ButtonRelease-2> <Control-ButtonRelease-1>
+} else {
+  event add <<RightClick>> <ButtonRelease-3>
+## default_bg color, only used for menus under ::plain_unix
+if [catch {ttk::style lookup TFrame -background} ::default_bg] {
+  set ::default_bg white
+# unicode symbols as fake checkboxes in ttk::treeview widgets
+proc mark_sym {mrk} {
+  if $mrk {
+    return "\u25A3" ; # 'white square containing black small square'
+  } else {
+    return "\u25A1" ; # 'white square'
+  }
+} ; # mark_sym
+# place a toplevel, or at least its upperleft corner, centered wrt its parent
+proc place_dlg {wnd {p ""}} {
+  if {$p eq ""} {
+    set p [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $wnd]]
+    if {$p eq ""} return
+  }
+  set g [wm geometry $p]
+  scan $g "%dx%d+%d+%d" pw ph px py
+  set hcenter [expr {$px + $pw / 2}]
+  set vcenter [expr {$py + $ph / 2}]
+  set g [wm geometry $wnd]
+  set wh [winfo reqheight $wnd]
+  set ww [winfo reqwidth $wnd]
+  set wx [expr {$hcenter - $ww / 2}]
+  if {$wx < 0} { set wx 0}
+  set wy [expr {$vcenter - $wh / 2}]
+  if {$wy < 0} { set wy 0}
+  wm geometry $wnd [format "+%d+%d" $wx $wy]
+  wm attributes $wnd -topmost 1
+  wm attributes $p -topmost 0
+  wm state $wnd normal
+  raise $wnd $p
+  tkwait visibility $wnd
+  focus $wnd
+  grab set $wnd
+} ; # place_dlg
+proc long_message {str type {p "."}} {
+  # alternate messagebox implemented as custom dialog
+  # not all message types are supported
+  if {$type ne "ok" && $type ne "okcancel" && $type ne "yesnocancel"} {
+    err_exit "Illegal type $type for long_message"
+  }
+  set ::lms_parent $p
+  unset -nocomplain ::lms_var
+  do_debug "type $type"
+  catch {destroy .tlmg}
+  toplevel .tlmg -class Dialog
+  wm withdraw .tlmg
+  wm transient .tlmg .
+  if $::plain_unix {wm attributes .tlmg -type dialog}
+  # wallpaper frame; see make_widgets
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlmg.bg] -fill both -expand 1
+  ppack [ttk::frame .tlmg.tx] -in .tlmg.bg -side top -fill both -expand 1
+  pack [ttk::scrollbar .tlmg.tx.scroll -command ".tlmg.tx.txt yview"] \
+      -side right -fill y
+  ppack [text .tlmg.tx.txt -height 20 -width 60 -bd 2 -relief groove \
+      -wrap word -yscrollcommand ".tlmg.tx.scroll set"] -expand 1 -fill both
+  .tlmg.tx.txt insert end $str
+  .tlmg.tx.txt configure -state disabled
+  # buttons
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlmg.bts] -in .tlmg.bg -side bottom -fill x
+  if {$type eq "ok" || $type eq "okcancel"} {
+    ttk::button .tlmg.ok -text "ok" -command \
+        {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .tlmg; set ::lms_var "ok"}
+    ppack .tlmg.ok -in .tlmg.bts -side right
+  }
+  if {$type eq "yesnocancel"} {
+    ttk::button .tlmg.yes -text "yes" -command \
+      {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .tlmg; set::lms_var "yes"}
+    ppack .tlmg.yes -in .tlmg.bts -side right
+    ttk::button .tlmg.no -text "no" -command \
+      {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .tlmg; set ::lms_var "no"}
+    ppack .tlmg.no -in .tlmg.bts -side right
+  }
+  if {$type eq "yesnocancel" || $type eq "okcancel"} {
+    ttk::button .tlmg.cancel -text "cancel" -command \
+        {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .tlmg; set ::lms_var "cancel"}
+    ppack .tlmg.cancel -in .tlmg.bts -side right
+  }
+  place_dlg .tlmg $::lms_parent
+  tkwait variable ::lms_var
+  return $::lms_var
+} ; # long_message
+proc any_message {str type {p "."}} {
+  if {[string length $str] < 400} {
+    if {$type ne "ok"} {
+      return [tk_messageBox -message $str -type $type -parent $p \
+                 -icon question]
+    } else {
+      return [tk_messageBox -message $str -type $type -parent $p]
+    }
+  } else {
+    # just hope that tcl will do the right thing with multibyte characters
+    if {[string length $str] > 500000} {
+      set str [string range $str 0 500000]
+      append str "\n....."
+    }
+    return [long_message $str $type $p]
+  }
+} ; # any_message
+### enabling and disabling user interaction
+proc enable_menu_controls {yesno} {
+  if {! $yesno} {
+    . configure -menu .mn_empty
+    return
+  }
+  . configure -menu .mn
+  if {! $::n_updates} {
+    .mn.pkg entryconfigure $::inx_upd_all -state disabled
+    .mn.pkg entryconfigure $::inx_upd_tlmgr -state disabled
+  } elseif $::need_update_tlmgr {
+    .mn.pkg entryconfigure $::inx_upd_all -state disabled
+    .mn.pkg entryconfigure $::inx_upd_tlmgr -state normal
+  } else {
+    .mn.pkg entryconfigure $::inx_upd_all -state normal
+    .mn.pkg entryconfigure $::inx_upd_tlmgr -state disabled
+  }
+  if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
+    if $::have_remote {
+      .mn.opt entryconfigure $::inx_platforms -state normal
+    } else {
+      .mn.opt entryconfigure $::inx_platforms -state disabled
+    }
+  }
+}; # enable_menu_controls
+proc enable_widgets {yesno} {
+  # This proc should cover all active interface elements of the main window.
+  # But if actions are initiated via a dialog, the main window can be
+  # deactivated simply by a grab and focus on the dialog.
+  enable_menu_controls $yesno
+  if $yesno {
+    set st !disabled
+    set ::busy "IDLE"
+  } else {
+    set st disabled
+    set ::busy "BUSY"
+  }
+  # command entry
+  .ent.b configure -state $st
+  .ent.e configure -state $st
+  # filter options
+  # status
+  .pkfilter.inst configure -state $st
+  .pkfilter.alls configure -state $st
+  .pkfilter.upd configure -state $st
+  # detail
+  .pkfilter.alld configure -state $st
+  .pkfilter.coll configure -state $st
+  .pkfilter.schm configure -state $st
+  # mark commands
+  .mrk_all configure -state $st
+  .mrk_none configure -state $st
+  # search
+  .pksearch.e configure -state $st
+  .pksearch.d configure -state $st
+  # packages
+  #.pkglist configure -state $st
+  .pkglist state $st
+  # final buttons
+  .q configure -state $st
+  .r configure -state $st
+  .t configure -state $st
+  .showlogs configure -state $st
+} ; # enable_widgets
+##### tl global data ##################################################
 set last_cmd ""
 set progname [info script]
@@ -93,25 +327,6 @@
 # mirrors: dict of dicts of lists of urls per country per continent
 set mirrors {}
-proc get_repo {} {
-  run_cmd_waiting "option repository"
-  # this returns the configured repository.
-  # for now, do not support a temporary change.
-  set re {repository\t(.*)$}
-  foreach l $::out_log {
-    if [regexp $re $l m ::repo] break
-  }
-} ; # get_repo
-proc is_repo_local {r} {
-  set db [file join $r "tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb"]
-  return [file exists $db]
-# the stderr and stdout of tlmgr are each read into a list of strings
-set err_log {}
-set out_log {}
 # dict of (local and global) package dicts
 set pkgs [dict create]
@@ -122,29 +337,27 @@
 ## data to be displayed ##
-# sorted display data for packages
+# sorted display data for packages; package data stored as lists
 set filtered [dict create]
-# selecting packages for display
+# selecting packages for display: status and detail
 set stat_opt "inst"
 set dtl_opt "all"
-# searching packages for display
+# searching packages for display; also search short descriptions?
 set search_desc 0
-##### handling tlmgr via pipe and stderr tempfile #####
+##### handling tlmgr via pipe and stderr tempfile #####################
 set prmpt "tlmgr>"
-set busy 0
+set busy "BUSY"
-proc err_exit {} {
-  do_debug "error exit"
-  read_err_output
-  any_message [join $::err_log "\n"] "ok"
-  exit
+# about [chan] gets:
+# if a second parameter, in this case l, is supplied
+# then this variable receives the result, with EOL stripped,
+# and the return value is the string length, possibly 0
+# EOF is indicated by a return value of -1.
-proc read_err_output {} {
-  #do_debug "read_err_output"
+proc read_err_tempfile {} {
   set len 0
   while 1 {
     set len [chan gets $::err l]
@@ -154,32 +367,62 @@
-} ; # read_err_output
+} ; # read_err_tempfile
-# about [chan] gets:
-# if a second parameter, in this case l, is supplied
-# then this variable receives the result, with EOL stripped,
-# and the return value is the string length, possibly 0
-# EOF is indicated by a return value of -1.
+proc err_exit {} {
+  do_debug "error exit"
+  read_err_tempfile
+  any_message [join $::err_log "\n"] "ok"
+  exit
+} ; # err_exit
-# a caller of run_cmd needs to explicitly invoke 'vwait ::done_waiting'
-# if it wants to wait for the command to finish
+# Capture stdout of tlmgr into a pipe $::tlshl,
+# stderr into a temp file file $::err_file which is set at initialization.
+proc start_tlmgr {{args ""}} {
+  # Start the TeX Live Manager shell interface.
+  # Below, vwait ::done_waiting forces tlshell
+  # to process initial tlmgr output before continuing.
+  unset -nocomplain ::done_waiting
+  do_debug "opening tlmgr"
+  if [catch \
+          {open "|tlmgr $args --machine-readable shell 2>>$::err_file" w+} \
+          ::tlshl] {
+    tk_messageBox -message [get_stacktrace]
+    exit
+  }
+  do_debug "done opening tlmgr"
+  set ::err [open $::err_file r]
+  chan configure $::tlshl -buffering line -blocking 0
+  chan event $::tlshl readable read_line
+  vwait ::done_waiting
+} ; # start_tlmgr
+proc close_tlmgr {} {
+  catch {chan close $::tlshl}
+  catch {chan close $::err}
+}; # close_tlmgr
+# read a line of tlmgr output
 proc read_line {} {
+  # a caller of run_cmd needs to explicitly invoke 'vwait ::done_waiting'
+  # if it wants to wait for the command to finish
   set l "" ; # will contain the line to be read
   if {([catch {chan gets $::tlshl l} len] || [chan eof $::tlshl])} {
     #do_debug "read_line: failing to read "
     puts stderr "Read failure; tlmgr command was $::last_cmd"
     catch {chan close $::tlshl}
-    err_exit
     # note. the right way to terminate is terminating the GUI shell.
     # This closes stdin of tlmgr shell.
+    err_exit
   } elseif {$len >= 0} {
     # do_debug "read: $l"
     if $::ddebug {puts $::flid $l}
     if {[string first $::prmpt $l] == 0} {
-      # prompt line: done with command
+      # prompt line: we are done with the current command
       enable_widgets 1 ; # this may have to be redone later
-      read_err_output
+      # catch up with stderr
+      read_err_tempfile
       if {$::pipe_cb ne ""} {
         do_debug "prompt found, $l"
         $::pipe_cb "finish"
@@ -187,6 +430,7 @@
       # for vwait:
       set ::done_waiting 1
     } else {
+      # regular output
       lappend ::out_log $l
       if {$::pipe_cb ne ""} {$::pipe_cb "line" "$l"}
@@ -193,36 +437,68 @@
 } ; # read_line
-##### displaying stuff in GUI #####
+# copy error strings to error page in logs toplevel .tllg and send it to top.
+# This by itself does not map the logs toplevel .tllg
-## stderr ##
-# copy error strings to error log page, which is sent to top.
-# This by itself does not map the logs toplevel .lw
 proc show_err_log {} {
   #do_debug "show_err_log"
-  .lw.err.tx configure -state normal
-  .lw.err.tx delete 1.0 end
+  .tllg.err.tx configure -state normal
+  .tllg.err.tx delete 1.0 end
   if {[llength $::err_log] > 0} {
-    foreach l $::err_log {.lw.err.tx insert end "$l\n"}
-    .lw.err.tx yview moveto 1
-    .lw.logs select .lw.err
+    foreach l $::err_log {.tllg.err.tx insert end "$l\n"}
+    .tllg.err.tx yview moveto 1
+    .tllg.logs select .tllg.err
   if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
     # os x: text widget disabled => no selection possible
-    .lw.err.tx configure -state disabled
+    .tllg.err.tx configure -state disabled
 } ; # show_err_log
-##### callbacks for file events of tlmgr pipe ::tlshl (names *_cb) #####
+##### running tlmgr commands #####
-# callback for reading tlmgr pipe
+# optional callback for run_cmds/read_line:
 set pipe_cb ""
+# run a list of commands
+proc run_cmds {cmds {cb ""}} {
+  set ::pipe_cb $cb
+  do_debug "run_cmds \"$cmds\""
+  if $::ddebug {puts $::flid "\n$cmds"}
+  enable_widgets 0
+  set ::out_log {}
+  set ::err_log {}
+  if {$::pipe_cb ne ""} {$::pipe_cb "init"}
+  set l [llength $cmds]
+  for {set i 0} {$i<$l} {incr i} {
+    set cmd [lindex $cmds $i]
+    set ::last_cmd $cmd
+    unset -nocomplain ::done_waiting
+    chan puts $::tlshl $cmd
+    chan flush $::tlshl
+    if {$i < [expr {$l-1}]} {vwait ::done_waiting}
+  }
+} ; # run_cmds
+# run a single command
+proc run_cmd {cmd {cb ""}} {
+  run_cmds [list $cmd] $cb
+} ; # run_cmd
+proc run_cmd_waiting {cmd} {
+  run_cmd $cmd
+  vwait ::done_waiting
+} ; # run_cmd_waiting
+##### callbacks for file events of tlmgr pipe ::tlshl (names *_cb) ####
+# callback for reading tlmgr pipe.
 # but maybe we just want a boolean whether or not to write
 # to the logs notebook.
 # consider writing log to file, always or on demand
+# In init mode, it is invoked by run_cmds, otherwise by read_line
 ## template for pipe callback:
 #proc template_cb {mode {l ""}} {
 #  if {$mode eq "line"} {
@@ -239,26 +515,27 @@
 proc log_widget_cb {mode {l ""}} {
   if {$mode eq "line"} {
-    .lw.log.tx configure -state normal
-    .lw.log.tx insert end "$l\n"
+    .tllg.log.tx configure -state normal
+    .tllg.log.tx insert end "$l\n"
+    if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
+      .tllg.err.tx configure -state disabled
+    }
   } elseif {$mode eq "init"} {
-    .lw.log.tx configure -state normal
-    .lw.log.tx delete 1.0 end
-    .lw.err.tx delete 1.0 end
-    .lw.status configure -text "Running"
-    .lw.close configure -state disabled
-    wm state .lw normal
-    raise .lw .
+    show_logs
+    .tllg.status configure -text "Running"
+    .tllg.close configure -state disabled
   } elseif {$mode eq "finish"} {
-    .lw.log.tx yview moveto 1
-    .lw.logs select .lw.log
+    .tllg.log.tx yview moveto 1
+    .tllg.logs select .tllg.log
     # error log on top if it contains anything
     if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
-      .lw.log.tx configure -state disabled
+      .tllg.log.tx configure -state disabled
-    .lw.status configure -text ""
-    .lw.close configure -state !disabled
+    .tllg.status configure -text "Idle"
+    .tllg.close configure -state !disabled
+    # the caller, read_line, will set ::done_waiting after
+    # this callback returns from finish mode
   } else {
     lappend ::err_log "Illegal call of log_widget_cb"
@@ -265,45 +542,11 @@
 } ; # log_widget_cb
-##### running tlmgr commands #####
+##### Handling package info #####
-## general and various:
+# what invokes what?
+# The main 'globals' are:
-proc run_cmd {cmd {cb ""}} {
-  set ::pipe_cb $cb
-  do_debug "run_cmd \"$cmd\""
-  if $::ddebug {puts $::flid "\n$cmd"}
-  #.topf.lcmd configure -text $cmd
-  set ::last_cmd $cmd
-  enable_widgets 0
-  set ::out_log {}
-  set ::err_log {}
-  unset -nocomplain ::done_waiting
-  if {$::pipe_cb ne ""} {$::pipe_cb "init"}
-  chan puts $::tlshl $cmd
-  chan flush $::tlshl
-proc run_cmd_waiting {cmd} {
-  run_cmd $cmd
-  vwait ::done_waiting
-proc run_entry {} {
-  # TODO: some validation of $cmd
-  do_debug "run_entry"
-  set cmd [.ent.e get]
-  if {$cmd eq ""} return
-  do_debug $cmd
-  .ent.e delete 0 end
-  #.ent.prv configure -text $cmd
-  run_cmd $cmd log_widget_cb
-## package-related: what invokes what?
-# The 'globals' are:
 # ::have_remote is initialized to false. It is set to true by
 # get_packages_info_remote, and remains true except temporarily at
 # a change of repository.
@@ -316,8 +559,8 @@
 # update_local_revnumbers. It enables and disables buttons as appropriate.
 # displayed global status info is updated by update_globals.
-# update button states are set at initialization and updated
-# by update_globals, both via the enable_update_buttons proc
+# update button/menu states are set at initialization and updated
+# by update_globals, both via the enable_menu_controls proc
 # get_packages_info_local is invoked only once, at initialization.  After
 # installations and removals, the collected information is updated by
@@ -345,7 +588,7 @@
   foreach l $::out_log {
     if [regexp {^total-bytes[ \t]+([0-9]+)$} $l m b] {
       do_debug "matches, $b"
-      set ::need_update_tlmgr [expr {$b > 0} ? 1 : 0]
+      set ::need_update_tlmgr [expr {$b > 0 ? 1 : 0}]
@@ -356,7 +599,7 @@
   set pk [dict get $::pkgs $nm]
   set lr [dict get $pk localrev]
   set rr [dict get $pk remoterev]
-  return [expr $lr > 0 && $rr > 0 && $rr > $lr]
+  return [expr {$lr > 0 && $rr > 0 && $rr > $lr}]
 proc update_globals {} {
@@ -377,51 +620,46 @@
     .topf.luptodate configure -text "Unknown"
   # ... and status of update buttons
-  enable_update_buttons 1
+  enable_menu_controls 1
-# display packages: have columns for both local and remote revision numbers.
-# ::pkgs should already be up to date
+# The package display treeview widget in the main window has columns
+# for both local and remote revision numbers.
+# It gets its data from $::filtered rather than directly from $::pkgs.
+# ::pkgs should already be up to date.
 # I added a field 'marked' to ::pkgs. It is displayed in the first treeview
-# column. Treeview tags are not involved.
+# column. This looks better than the treeview tag facilities.
+# In ::pkgs, 'marked' is represented as a boolean.
+# In ::filtered and .pkglist they are represented as unicode symbols.
-proc mark_sym {mrk} {
-  if $mrk {
-    return "\u25A3" ; # 'white square containing black small square'
-  } else {
-    return "\u25A1" ; # 'white square'
-  }
-} ; # mark_sym
+# display packages obeying both filter and search string.
+# even on a relatively slow system, regenerating .pkglist from ::filtered
+# at every keystroke is acceptably responsive.
+# with future more advanced search options, this scheme may not suffice.
-proc toggle_marked {itm cl} {
-  # toggle_marked is triggered by a mouse click only in column #1.
-  # 'marked' should get updated in ::pkgs, ::filtered and in .pkglist.
-  if {$cl ne "#1"} {
-    return
+proc display_packages_info {} {
+  # do_debug [get_stacktrace]
+  set curr [.pksearch.e get]
+  .pkglist delete [.pkglist children {}]
+  dict for {nm pk} $::filtered {
+    set do_show 0
+    if {$curr eq ""} {
+      set do_show 1
+    } elseif {[search_nocase $curr $nm] >= 0} {
+      set do_show 1
+    } elseif {$::search_desc && \
+          [search_nocase $curr [dict get $::pkgs $nm shortdesc]] >= 0} {
+      set do_show 1
+    }
+    if $do_show {
+      .pkglist insert {} end -id $nm -values $pk
+    }
-  # $mrk: negation of current value of marked for $itm
-  set mrk [expr [dict get $::pkgs $itm "marked"] ? 0 : 1]
-  dict set ::pkgs $itm "marked" $mrk
-  dict set ::filtered $itm [lreplace [dict get $::filtered $itm] 0 0 $mrk]
-  .pkglist set $itm mk [mark_sym $mrk]
-} ; # toggle_marked
+} ; # display_packages_info
-proc mark_all {m} {
-  foreach nm [dict keys $::pkgs] {
-    dict set ::pkgs $nm "marked" $m
-  }
-  foreach nm [dict keys $::filtered] {
-    dict set ::filtered $nm [lreplace [dict get $::filtered $nm] 0 0 $m]
-  }
-  foreach nm [.pkglist children {}] {
-    .pkglist set $nm mk [mark_sym $m]
-  }
-  # alternatively: regenerate ::filtered and .pkglist from ::pkgs
-# (re)create ::filtered dictionary; disregard search string
+# (re)create ::filtered dictionary; disregard search string.
+# The value associated with each key/package is a list, not another dict.
 proc collect_filtered {} {
   do_debug \
       "collect_filtered for $::stat_opt and $::dtl_opt"
@@ -466,40 +704,7 @@
 } ; # collect_filtered
-# display packages obeying both filter and search string.
-# even on a relatively slow system, regenerating the entire list
-# at every keystroke is acceptably responsive.
-# with future more advanced search options, this scheme may not suffice.
-proc display_packages_info {} {
-  do_debug [get_stacktrace]
-  set curr [.pksearch.e get]
-  .pkglist delete [.pkglist children {}]
-  dict for {nm pk} $::filtered {
-    set do_show 0
-    if {$curr eq ""} {
-      set do_show 1
-    } elseif {[search_nocase $curr $nm] >= 0} {
-      set do_show 1
-    } elseif {$::search_desc && \
-          [search_nocase $curr [dict get $::pkgs $nm shortdesc]] >= 0} {
-      set do_show 1
-    }
-    if $do_show {
-      .pkglist insert {} end -id $nm -values $pk
-    }
-  }
-} ; # display_packages_info
-proc toggle_search_desc {} {
-  # when this proc is called, ::search_desc is not yet toggled
-  # so we temporarily pre-toggle and post-untoggle it
-  set ::search_desc [expr $::search_desc ? 0 : 1]
-  display_packages_info
-  set ::search_desc [expr $::search_desc ? 0 : 1]
-# get fresh package list, invoked at program start
+# get fresh package list. invoked at program start
 # some local packages may not be available online.
 # to test, create local dual-platform installation from dvd, try to update
 # from more recent linux-only installation
@@ -568,6 +773,7 @@
   set ::have_remote 1
+  .topf.loaded configure -text "Loaded"
   return 1
 } ; # get_packages_info_remote
@@ -576,17 +782,673 @@
 proc update_local_revnumbers {} {
   run_cmd_waiting "info --only-installed --data name,localrev"
   set re {^([^,]+),([0-9]+)$}
-  foreach nm [dict keys $::pkgs] {
-    dict set ::pkgs $nm "localrev" 0
+  dict for {pk pk_dict} $::pkgs {
+    dict set pk_dict "localrev" 0
+    dict set ::pkgs $pk $pk_dict
   foreach l $::out_log {
-    if [regexp $re $l m nm lr] {
-      dict set ::pkgs $nm "localrev" $lr
+    if [regexp $re $l m pk lr] {
+      set pk_dict [dict get $::pkgs $pk]
+      dict set pk_dict "localrev" $lr
+      dict set ::pkgs $pk $pk_dict
 } ; # update_local_revnumbers
+##### Dialogs and their supporting procs ##############################
+# look at dialog.tcl, part of Tk itself, how to implement dialog-type behavior
+# So far:
+# - logs notebook,
+# - maybe a toplevel for restoring packages from backup, and
+# - a toplevel for picking a different local or remote repository.
+##### logs notebook #####
+# if invoked via log_widget_cb init, it tracks progress of a tlmgr command.
+# log_widget_cb will temporarily disable the close button
+# and set .tllg.status to busy.
+# otherwise, it shows the output of the last completed (list of) command(s).
+# Note that run_cmds clears ::out_log and ::err_log, but not ::dbg_log.
+proc show_logs {} {
+  toplevel .tllg -class Dialog
+  wm withdraw .tllg
+  set p [winfo toplevel [winfo parent .tllg]]
+  wm transient .tllg $p
+  wm title .tllg Logs
+  if $::plain_unix {wm attributes .tllg -type dialog}
+  # wallpaper
+  pack [ttk::frame .tllg.bg] -fill both -expand 1
+  ttk::frame .tllg.log
+  pack [ttk::scrollbar .tllg.log.scroll -command ".tllg.log.tx yview"] \
+      -side right -fill y
+  ppack [text .tllg.log.tx -height 10 -wrap word \
+      -yscrollcommand ".tllg.log.scroll set"] \
+      -expand 1 -fill both
+  .tllg.log.tx configure -state normal
+  foreach l $::out_log {
+    .tllg.log.tx insert end "$l\n"
+  }
+  if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {.tllg.log.tx configure -state disabled}
+  .tllg.log.tx yview moveto 1
+  ttk::frame .tllg.err
+  pack [ttk::scrollbar .tllg.err.scroll -command ".tllg.err.tx yview"] \
+      -side right -fill y
+  ppack [text .tllg.err.tx -height 10 -wrap word \
+      -yscrollcommand ".tllg.err.scroll set"] \
+      -expand 1 -fill both
+  .tllg.err.tx configure -state normal
+  foreach l $::err_log {
+    .tllg.err.tx configure -state normal
+    .tllg.err.tx insert end "$l\n"
+  }
+  if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {.tllg.err.tx configure -state disabled}
+  .tllg.err.tx yview moveto 1
+  if $::ddebug {
+    ttk::frame .tllg.dbg
+    pack [ttk::scrollbar .tllg.dbg.scroll -command ".tllg.dbg.tx yview"] \
+        -side right -fill y
+    ppack [text .tllg.dbg.tx -height 10 -bd 2 -relief groove -wrap word \
+        -yscrollcommand ".tllg.dbg.scroll set"] \
+        -expand 1 -fill both
+    .tllg.dbg.tx configure -state normal
+    foreach l $::dbg_log {
+      .tllg.dbg.tx insert end "$l\n"
+    }
+    if {$::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {.tllg.dbg.tx configure -state disabled}
+    .tllg.dbg.tx yview moveto 1
+  }
+  pack [ttk::notebook .tllg.logs] -in .tllg.bg -side top -fill both -expand 1
+  .tllg.logs add .tllg.log -text "Output"
+  .tllg.logs add .tllg.err -text "Errors"
+  if $::ddebug {
+    .tllg.logs add .tllg.dbg -text "Debug"
+    raise .tllg.dbg .tllg.logs
+  }
+  raise .tllg.err .tllg.logs
+  raise .tllg.log .tllg.logs
+  pack [ttk::frame .tllg.bottom] -in .tllg.bg -side bottom -fill x
+  ttk::button .tllg.close -text close -command {
+    set p [winfo toplevel [winfo parent .tllg]]
+    if {$p eq ""} {set p "."}
+    raise $p; destroy .tllg}
+  ppack .tllg.close -in .tllg.bottom -side right -anchor e
+  ppack [ttk::label .tllg.status -anchor w] -in .tllg.bottom -side left
+  place_dlg .tllg $p
+  wm resizable .tllg 1 1
+} ; # show_logs
+##### repositories #####
+proc get_repo {} {
+  run_cmd_waiting "option repository"
+  # this returns the configured repository.
+  # for now, do not support a temporary change.
+  set re {repository\t(.*)$}
+  foreach l $::out_log {
+    if [regexp $re $l m ::repo] break
+  }
+} ; # get_repo
+proc is_repo_local {r} {
+  set db [file join $r "tlpkg/texlive.tlpdb"]
+  return [file exists $db]
+### mirrors
+proc edit_name {n} {
+  set n [string tolower $n]
+  set n [string map {" "  "_"} $n]
+  return $n
+} ; # edit_name
+set mirrors [dict create]
+proc read_mirrors {} {
+  if [catch {open [file join [exec kpsewhich -var-value SELFAUTOPARENT] \
+                       "tlpkg/installer/ctan-mirrors.pl"] r} fm] {return 0}
+    set re_geo {^\s*'([^']+)' => \{\s*$}
+  set re_url {^\s*'(.*)' => ([0-9]+)}
+  set re_clo {^\s*\},?\s*$}
+  set starting 1
+  set lnum 0 ; # line number for error messages
+  set ok 1 ; # no errors encountered yet
+  set countries {} ; # aggregate list of countries
+  set urls {} ; # aggregate list of urls
+  set continent ""
+  set country ""
+  set u ""
+  set in_cont 0
+  set in_coun 0
+  while {! [catch {chan gets $fm} line] && ! [chan eof $fm]} {
+    incr lnum
+    if $starting {
+      if {[string first "\$mirrors =" $line] == 0} {
+        set starting 0
+        continue
+      } else {
+        set ok 0
+        set msg "Unexpected line '$line' at start"
+        break
+      }
+    }
+    # starting is now dealt with.
+    if [regexp $re_geo $line dummy c] {
+      if {! $in_cont} {
+        set in_cont 1
+        set continent $c
+        set cont_dict [dict create]
+        if {$continent in [dict keys $::mirrors]} {
+          set ok 0
+          set msg "Duplicate continent $c at line $lnum"
+          break
+        }
+      } elseif {! $in_coun} {
+        set in_coun 1
+        set country $c
+        if {$country in $countries} {
+          set ok 0
+          set msg "Duplicate country $c at line $lnum"
+          break
+        }
+        lappend countries $country
+        dict set cont_dict $country {}
+      } else {
+        set ok 0
+        set msg "Unexpected continent- or country line $line at line $lnum"
+        break
+      }
+    } elseif [regexp $re_url $line dummy u n] {
+      if {! $in_coun} {
+        set ok 0
+        set msg "Unexpected url line $line at line $lnum"
+        break
+      } elseif {$n ne "1"} {
+        continue
+      }
+      append u "systems/texlive/tlnet"
+      if {$u in $urls} {
+          set ok 0
+          set msg "Duplicate url $u at line $lnum"
+          break
+      }
+      dict lappend cont_dict $country $u
+      lappend urls $u
+      set u ""
+    } elseif [regexp $re_clo $line] {
+      if $in_coun {
+        set in_coun 0
+        set country ""
+      } elseif $in_cont {
+        set in_cont 0
+        dict set ::mirrors $continent $cont_dict
+        set continent ""
+      } else {
+        break ; # should close mirror list
+      }
+    } ; # ignore other lines
+  }
+  close $fm
+  if {! $ok} {do_debug $msg}
+} ; # read_mirrors
+proc find_local_repo {} {
+  if [is_repo_local $::new_repo] {
+    set inidir $::new_repo
+  } elseif [is_repo_local $::repo] {
+    set inidir $::repo
+  } else {
+    set inidir $::env(HOME) ; # HOME also ok for windows
+  }
+  set ::new_repo ""
+  while 1 {
+    set ::new_repo [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $inidir -mustexist 1 \
+                        -parent .tlr -title "Local repository..."]
+    if {$::new_repo ne "" && ! [is_repo_local $::new_repo]} {
+      tk_messageBox -message "$::new_repo not a repository" -parent .tlr
+      set inidir $::new_repo
+      set ::new_repo ""
+      continue
+    } else {
+      break
+    }
+  }
+} ; # find_local_repo
+proc close_repos {} {
+  raise .
+  destroy .tlr
+  set ::repo $::new_repo
+  if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
+    set ::repo [string map {\\ /} $::repo]
+  }
+  set ::new_repo ""
+  run_cmd_waiting "option repository $::repo"
+  close_tlmgr
+  start_tlmgr
+  # reload remote package information
+  set ::have_remote 0
+  get_packages_info_remote
+  collect_filtered
+} ; # close_repos
+proc repositories {} {
+  set ::new_repo $::repo
+  # dialog toplevel with
+  # - popup menu of mirrors (parse tlpkg/installer/ctan-mirrors.pl)
+  # - text entry box
+  # - directory browser button
+  # - ok and cancel buttons
+  toplevel .tlr -class Dialog
+  wm withdraw .tlr
+  wm transient .tlr .
+  wm title .tlr "Repositories"
+  if $::plain_unix {wm attributes .tlr -type dialog}
+  # wallpaper frame; see make_widgets
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.bg] -expand 1 -fill x
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.info] -in .tlr.bg -fill x
+  grid columnconfigure .tlr.info 1 -weight 1
+  set row -1
+  # current repository
+  incr row
+  pgrid [ttk::label .tlr.lcur -text "Current:"] \
+      -in .tlr.info -row $row -column 0 -sticky w
+  pgrid [ttk::label .tlr.cur -textvariable ::repo] \
+      -in .tlr.info -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
+  # new repository
+  incr row
+  pgrid [ttk::label .tlr.lnew -text "New"] \
+      -in .tlr.info -row $row -column 0 -sticky w
+  pgrid [ttk::entry .tlr.new -textvariable ::new_repo -width 40] \
+      -in .tlr.info -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
+  ### three ways to specify a repository ###
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.mirbuttons] -in .tlr.bg -fill x
+  # default remote repository
+  ttk::button .tlr.ctan -text "Any CTAN mirror" \
+      -command {set ::new_repo "http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet"}
+  ppack .tlr.ctan -in .tlr.mirbuttons -side left -fill x
+  # freshly create a cascading mirror dropdown menu
+  destroy .tlr.mir.m
+  if {[dict size $::mirrors] == 0} read_mirrors
+  if {[dict size $::mirrors] > 0} {
+    ttk::menubutton .tlr.mir -text "Specific mirror..." -direction below \
+      -menu .tlr.mir.m
+    ppack .tlr.mir -in .tlr.mirbuttons -side left -fill x
+    menu .tlr.mir.m
+    dict for {cont d_cont} $::mirrors {
+      set c_ed [edit_name $cont]
+      menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed
+      .tlr.mir.m add cascade -label $cont -menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed
+      dict for {cntr urls} $d_cont {
+        set n_ed [edit_name $cntr]
+        menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed.$n_ed
+        .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed add cascade -label $cntr -menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed.$n_ed
+        foreach u $urls {
+          .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed.$n_ed add command -label $u \
+              -command "set ::new_repo $u"
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # local repository
+  ttk::button .tlr.browse -text "Local directory..." \
+      -command find_local_repo
+  ppack .tlr.browse -in .tlr.mirbuttons -side left -fill x
+  spacing .tlr.bg
+  # two ways to close the dialog
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.closebuttons] -in .tlr.bg -fill x
+  ttk::button .tlr.save -text "Save and Load" -command close_repos
+  ppack .tlr.save -in .tlr.closebuttons -side right
+  ttk::button .tlr.abort -text "Abort"\
+      -command {raise .; destroy .tlr}
+  ppack .tlr.abort -in .tlr.closebuttons -side right
+  place_dlg .tlr .
+  wm resizable .tlr 0 0
+} ; # repositories
+### platforms
+if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
+  set ::platforms {}
+  proc toggle_pl_marked {pl cl} {
+    # toggle_pl_marked is triggered by a mouse click only in column #1.
+    # 'fut' should get updated in ::platforms and in .tlpl.pl.
+    if {$cl ne "#1"} return
+    if {$pl eq $::our_platform} {
+      tk_messageBox -message "Cannot remove own platform $::our_platform" \
+          -parent .tlpl
+      return
+    }
+    # $mrk: negation of current value of marked for $pl
+    set m1 [expr {[dict get $::platforms $pl "fut"] ? 0 : 1}]
+    dict set ::platforms $pl "fut" $m1
+    set m0 [dict get $::platforms $pl "cur"]
+    if {$m0 == $m1} {
+      .tlpl.pl set $pl "sup" [mark_sym $m0]
+    } else {
+      .tlpl.pl set $pl "sup" "[mark_sym $m0] \u21d2 [mark_sym $m1]"
+    }
+    .tlpl.do configure -state disabled
+    dict for {p mrks} $::platforms {
+      if {[dict get $mrks "fut"] ne [dict get $mrks "cur"]} {
+        .tlpl.do configure -state !disabled
+        break
+      }
+    }
+  } ; # toggle_pl_marked
+  proc platform_do {} {
+    raise .
+    destroy .tlpl
+    set pl_add {}
+    set pl_remove {}
+    dict for {p pd} $::platforms {
+      if {[dict get $pd "cur"] ne [dict get $pd "fut"]} {
+        if {[dict get $pd "fut"]} {
+          lappend pl_add $p
+        } else {
+          lappend pl_remove $p
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if {[llength $pl_add] == 0 && [llength $pl_remove] == 0} return
+    set cmds {}
+    if {[llength $pl_add] > 0} {
+      set cmd "platform add "
+      append cmd [join $pl_add " "]
+      lappend cmds $cmd
+    }
+    if {[llength $pl_remove] > 0} {
+      set cmd "platform remove "
+      append cmd [join $pl_remove " "]
+      lappend cmds $cmd
+    }
+    run_cmds $cmds log_widget_cb
+    vwait ::done_waiting
+    update_local_revnumbers
+    collect_filtered
+  } ; # platform_do
+  proc platform_select {} {
+    run_cmd_waiting "platform list"
+    set ::platforms {}
+    foreach l $::out_log {
+      if [regexp {^\s+(\S+)$} $l m p] {
+        dict set ::platforms $p {}
+        dict set ::platforms $p "cur" 0
+        dict set ::platforms $p "fut" 0
+      } elseif [regexp {^\(i\)\s+(\S+)$} $l m p] {
+        dict set ::platforms $p {}
+        dict set ::platforms $p "cur" 1
+        dict set ::platforms $p "fut" 1
+      }
+    }
+    destroy .tlpl
+    toplevel .tlpl -class Dialog
+    wm withdraw .tlpl
+    wm transient .tlpl .
+    wm title .tlpl "Platforms"
+    if $::plain_unix {wm attributes .tlpl -type dialog}
+    # wallpaper frame
+    pack [ttk::frame .tlpl.bg] -expand 1 -fill both
+    # platforms treeview
+    pack [ttk::frame .tlpl.fpl] -in .tlpl.bg -fill both -expand 1
+    ttk::treeview .tlpl.pl -columns {sup plat} -show headings \
+        -height [dict size $::platforms] ; # -yscrollcommand {.tlpl.plsb set}
+    ppack .tlpl.pl -in .tlpl.fpl -side left -fill both -expand 1
+    #ttk::scrollbar .tlpl.plsb -orient vertical \
+    #    -command {.tlpl.pl yview}
+    #ppack .tlpl.plsb -in .tlpl.fpl -side right -fill y -expand 1
+    foreach col {sup plat} nm {"" "Platform"} {
+      .tlpl.pl heading $col -text $nm -anchor w
+    }
+    .tlpl.pl column sup -width [expr {$::cw * 6}]
+    .tlpl.pl column plat -width [expr {$::cw * 20}]
+    dict for {p mks} $::platforms {
+      .tlpl.pl insert {} end -id $p -values \
+          [list [mark_sym [dict get $mks "cur"]] $p]
+    }
+    # "#2" refers to the second column, with editable mark symbols
+    bind .tlpl.pl <space> {toggle_pl_marked [.tlpl.pl focus] "#1"}
+    bind .tlpl.pl <Return> {toggle_pl_marked [.tlpl.pl focus] "#1"}
+    # only toggle when column is "sup" i.e. #1
+    bind .tlpl.pl <ButtonRelease-1> \
+        {toggle_pl_marked \
+             [.tlpl.pl identify item %x %y] \
+             [.tlpl.pl identify column %x %y]}
+    # buttons
+    pack [ttk::frame .tlpl.but] -in .tlpl.bg -fill x
+    ttk::button .tlpl.do -text "Apply and close" -command platform_do
+    ttk::button .tlpl.dont -text "Close" -command \
+        {raise .; destroy .tlpl}
+    ppack .tlpl.do -in .tlpl.but -side right
+    .tlpl.do configure -state disabled
+    ppack .tlpl.dont -in .tlpl.but -side right
+    place_dlg .tlpl .
+    wm resizable .tlpl 0 0
+  } ; # platform_select
+} ; # $::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"
+##### restore from backup #####
+# This is currently rather dangerous.
+# ::do_restore is set to 0 or 1 near the top of this source.
+if $::do_restore {
+# dictionary of backups, with mapping to list of available revisions
+set bks {}
+proc enable_restore {yesno} {
+  set st [expr {$yesno ? !disabled : disabled}]
+  .tlbk.bklist state $st
+  .tlbk.all configure -state $st
+  .tlbk.done configure -state $st
+} ; # enable_restore
+proc finish_restore {} {
+  vwait ::done_waiting
+  # now log_widget_cb should have done finish mode
+  # and re-enabled its close button.
+  # We won't wait for the log toplevel to close, but we will
+  # update the packages display in the main window.
+  update_local_revnumbers
+  collect_filtered
+} ; # finish_restore
+proc restore_all {} {
+  run_cmd "restore --force --all" log_widget_cb
+  finish_restore
+  raise .
+  destroy .tlbk
+} ; # restore_all
+proc restore_this {} {
+  set id [.tlbk.bklist focus]
+  if {$id eq {}} return
+  set r [.tlbk.bklist set $id rev]
+  if {$r eq {}} return
+  set p [.tlbk.bklist set $id pkg]
+  if {$p eq {}} {
+    set id [.tlbk.bklist parent $id]
+    if {$id ne {}} {set p [.tlbk.bklist set $id pkg]}
+  }
+  if {$p eq {}} return
+  set ans [tk_messageBox -message "Restore $p to revision $r?" \
+               -type okcancel -parent .tlbk]
+  if {$ans ne {ok}} return
+  run_cmd "restore --force $p $r" log_widget_cb
+  finish_restore
+  # tkwait window .tllg
+} ; # restore_this
+proc bklist_callback_click {x y} {
+  set cl [.tlbk.bklist identify column $x $y]
+  if {$cl eq "#0"} return
+  set id [.tlbk.bklist identify item $x $y]
+  .tlbk.bklist focus $id
+  restore_this
+} ; # bklist_callback_click
+proc restore_backups_dialog {} {
+  run_cmd_waiting "option autobackup"
+  set re {autobackup\t(.*)$}
+  set abk 0
+  foreach l $::out_log {
+    if [regexp $re $l m abk] break
+  }
+  if {$abk == 0} {
+    tk_messageBox -message "No backups configured"
+    return
+  }
+  run_cmd_waiting "option backupdir"
+  set re {backupdir\t(.*)$}
+  set bdir ""
+  foreach l $::out_log {
+    if [regexp $re $l m bdir] break
+  }
+  if {$bdir eq ""} {
+    tk_messageBox -message "No backup directory defined"
+    return
+  }
+  set bdir [file join [exec kpsewhich -var-value SELFAUTOPARENT] $bdir]
+  if {! [file isdirectory $bdir]} {
+    tk_messageBox -message "Backup directory $bdir does not exist"
+    return
+  }
+  set pwd0 [pwd]
+  cd $bdir
+  set backups [lsort [glob *.tar.xz]]
+  if {[llength $backups] == 0} {
+    tk_messageBox -message "No backups found in $bdir"
+    return
+  }
+  # dictionary of backups; package => list of available revisions
+  set ::bks [dict create]
+  set re {^(.*)\.r(\d+)\.tar\.xz$}
+  foreach b $backups {
+    if [regexp $re $b m pk r] {
+      if {$pk in [dict keys $::bks]} {
+        dict lappend ::bks $pk $r
+      } else {
+        dict set ::bks $pk [list $r]
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if {[llength [dict keys $::bks]] == 0} {
+    tk_messageBox -message "No packages in backup directory $bdir"
+    return
+  }
+  # invert sort order of revisions for each package
+  foreach pk [dict keys $::bks] {
+    dict set ::bks $pk [lsort -decreasing [dict get $::bks $pk]]
+  }
+  toplevel .tlbk -class Dialog
+  wm withdraw .tlbk
+  wm transient .tlbk .
+  wm title .tlbk "Restore from backup"
+  if $::plain_unix {wm attributes .tlbk -type dialog}
+  # wallpaper frame; see make_widgets
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlbk.bg] -expand 1 -fill x
+  # the displayed list of backed-up packages
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlbk.fbk] -in .tlbk.bg -side top
+  # package names not in #0, because we want to trigger actions
+  # without automatically opening a parent.
+  pack [ttk::treeview .tlbk.bklist -columns {"pkg" "rev"} \
+            -show {tree headings} -height 8 -selectmode browse \
+            -yscrollcommand {.tlbk.bkvsb set}] -in .tlbk.fbk -side left
+  pack [ttk::scrollbar .tlbk.bkvsb -orient vertical -command \
+            {.tlbk.bklist yview}] -in .tlbk.fbk -side right -fill y
+  foreach col {"pkg" "rev"} nm {"Package" "Revision"} {
+    .tlbk.bklist heading $col -text $nm -anchor w
+  }
+  .tlbk.bklist column "#0" -width [expr {$::cw * 2}]
+  .tlbk.bklist column "pkg" -width [expr {$::cw * 25}]
+  .tlbk.bklist column "rev" -width [expr {$::cw * 12}]
+  # fill .tlbk.bklist. Use the last available revision.
+  # Remember that $::bks is sorted and revisions inversely sorted
+  # id must be unique in the entire list: rev does not qualify
+  # must as well use $id for package items too
+  set id 0
+  dict for {pk rlist} $::bks {
+    # package
+    .tlbk.bklist insert {} end -id [incr id] \
+        -values [list $pk [lindex $rlist 0]] -open 0
+    set l [llength $rlist]
+    # additional revisions
+    if {$l > 1} {
+      set idparent $id
+      for {set i 1} {$i<$l} {incr i} {
+        .tlbk.bklist insert $idparent end -id [incr id] \
+            -values [list "" [lindex $rlist $i]]
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # since we can only restore one non-last revision at a time, it is better
+  # to only show one non-last revision at a time too.
+  bind .tlbk.bklist <<TreeviewOpen>> {
+    foreach p [.tlbk.bklist children {}] {
+      if {$p ne [.tlbk.bklist focus]} {
+        .tlbk.bklist item $p -open 0
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  # restoring a single package
+  bind .tlbk.bklist <<RightClick>> {bklist_callback_click %x %y}
+  bind .tlbk.bklist <space> restore_this
+  # frame with buttons
+  pack [ttk::frame .tlbk.fbut] -in .tlbk.bg -side bottom -fill x
+  ppack [ttk::button .tlbk.all -text "Restore all" -command restore_all] \
+        -in .tlbk.fbut -side right
+  ppack [ttk::button .tlbk.done -text "Close" \
+             -command {raise .; destroy .tlbk}] -in .tlbk.fbut -side right
+  place_dlg .tlbk .
+  wm resizable .tlbk 0 0
+} ; # restore_backups_dialog
+} ; # if $::do_restore
+##### Main window and supporting procs and callbacks ##################
+##### package-related #####
 proc update_tlmgr {} {
   if {! $::need_update_tlmgr} {
     tk_messageBox -message "Nothing to do!"
@@ -802,13 +1664,75 @@
 } ; # remove_pkgs
-#proc restore_pkgs {sel_opt {pk ""}} {
-#} ; # restore_pkgs # not yet
+# restoring packages is a rather different story, controlled by the
+# contents of the backup directory. see further up.
-## package popup ##
+##### varous callbacks #####
-proc do_package_popup {x y X Y} {
-  # as focused item, the identity of the item will be globally available:
+proc run_entry {} {
+  # TODO: some validation of $cmd
+  do_debug "run_entry"
+  set cmd [.ent.e get]
+  if {$cmd eq ""} return
+  do_debug $cmd
+  .ent.e delete 0 end
+  run_cmd $cmd log_widget_cb
+proc restart_self {} {
+  do_debug "trying to restart"
+  if {$::progname eq ""} {
+    tk_messageBox -message "progname not found; not restarting"
+    return
+  }
+  close_tlmgr
+  exec $::progname &
+  # on windows, it may take several seconds before
+  # the old tlshell disappears.
+  # oh well, windows is still windows....
+  destroy .
+} ; # restart_self
+proc toggle_marked {itm cl} {
+  # toggle_marked is triggered by a mouse click only in column #1.
+  # 'marked' should get updated in ::pkgs, ::filtered and in .pkglist.
+  if {$cl ne "#1"} return
+  # $mrk: negation of current value of marked for $itm
+  set mrk [expr {[dict get $::pkgs $itm "marked"] ? 0 : 1}]
+  dict set ::pkgs $itm "marked" $mrk
+  set m [mark_sym $mrk]
+  dict set ::filtered $itm [lreplace [dict get $::filtered $itm] 0 0 $m]
+  .pkglist set $itm mk $m
+} ; # toggle_marked
+proc mark_all {mrk} {
+  foreach nm [dict keys $::pkgs] {
+    dict set ::pkgs $nm "marked" $mrk
+  }
+  set m [mark_sym $mrk]
+  foreach nm [dict keys $::filtered] {
+    dict set ::filtered $nm [lreplace [dict get $::filtered $nm] 0 0 $m]
+  }
+  foreach nm [.pkglist children {}] {
+    .pkglist set $nm mk $m
+  }
+  # alternatively: regenerate ::filtered and .pkglist from ::pkgs
+} ; # mark_all
+proc toggle_search_desc {} {
+  # when this proc is called, ::search_desc is not yet toggled
+  # so we temporarily pre-toggle and post-untoggle it
+  set ::search_desc [expr {$::search_desc ? 0 : 1}]
+  display_packages_info
+  set ::search_desc [expr {$::search_desc ? 0 : 1}]
+##### package popup #####
+proc do_package_popup_menu {x y X Y} {
+  # as focused item, the identity of the clicked item will be
+  # globally available:
   .pkglist focus [.pkglist identify item $x $y]
   # recreate menu with only applicable items
   set lr [dict get $::pkgs [.pkglist focus] "localrev"]
@@ -829,137 +1753,16 @@
     .pkg_popup add command -label "Remove" -command \
         {remove_pkgs "focus"}
-  .pkg_popup post $X $Y
+  .pkg_popup post [expr {$X - 2}] [expr {$Y - 2}]
   focus .pkg_popup
-} ; # do_package_popup
+} ; # do_package_popup_menu
-##### building GUI #####
-# dummy widgets for vertical spacing within $w
-set idummy -1
-proc spacing {w} {
-  incr ::idummy
-  pack [ttk::label $w.$::idummy -text " "]
+proc set_paper {p} {
+  run_cmd "paper paper $p" log_widget_cb
-proc pgrid {wdg args} { ; # grid command with padding
-  grid $wdg {*}$args -padx 3 -pady 3
+##### main window #####
-proc ppack {wdg args} { ; # pack command with padding
-  pack $wdg {*}$args -padx 3 -pady 3
-# mouse clicks: deal with MacOS platform differences
-if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
-  event add <<RightClick>> <Button-2> <Control-Button-1>
-} else {
-  event add <<RightClick>> <Button-3>
-proc notyet {} {
-  tk_messageBox -message "Not yet implemented"
-## default_bg , only used for menus under ::plain_unix
-if [catch {ttk::style lookup TFrame -background} ::default_bg] {
-  set ::default_bg white
-# place a toplevel centered wrt its parent.
-# if the geometry of the new toplevel cannot be determined,
-# its upperleft corner will be centered wrt its parent, which is not too bad.
-proc place_wrt {wnd {p ""}} {
-  if {$p eq ""} {
-    set p [winfo [winfo toplevel parent $wnd]]
-    if {$p eq ""} return
-  }
-  update ; # try to make geometry info current; does not always work
-  set g [wm geometry $p]
-  scan $g "%dx%d+%d+%d" pw ph px py
-  set hcenter [expr $px + $pw / 2]
-  set vcenter [expr $py + $ph / 2]
-  set g [wm geometry $wnd]
-  scan $g "%dx%d+%d+%d" ww wh wx wy
-  set wx [expr $hcenter - $ww / 2]
-  if {$wx < 0} { set wx 0}
-  set wy [expr $vcenter - $wh / 2]
-  if {$wy < 0} { set wy 0}
-  wm geometry $wnd [format "+%d+%d" $wx $wy]
-  wm attributes $wnd -topmost 1
-  wm attributes $p -topmost 0
-  wm state $wnd normal
-  raise $wnd $p
-} ; # place_wrt
-proc long_message {str type {p "."}} {
-  # custom dialog
-  # not all types are supported
-  if {$type ne "ok" && $type ne "okcancel" && $type ne "yesnocancel"} {
-    err_exit "Illegal type $type for long_message"
-  }
-  set ::lms_parent $p
-  unset -nocomplain ::lms_var
-  do_debug "type $type"
-  catch {destroy .lms}
-  toplevel .lms -class Dialog
-  wm withdraw .lms
-  wm transient .lms .
-  if $::plain_unix {wm attributes .lms -type dialog}
-  # wallpaper frame; see make_widgets:
-  pack [ttk::frame .lms.bg] -fill both -expand 1
-  ppack [ttk::frame .lms.tx] -in .lms.bg -side top -fill both -expand 1
-  pack [ttk::scrollbar .lms.tx.scroll -command ".lms.tx.txt yview"] \
-      -side right -fill y
-  ppack [text .lms.tx.txt -height 20 -width 60 -bd 2 -relief groove \
-      -wrap word -yscrollcommand ".lms.tx.scroll set"] -expand 1 -fill both
-  .lms.tx.txt insert end $str
-  .lms.tx.txt configure -state disabled
-  # buttons
-  pack [ttk::frame .lms.bts] -in .lms.bg -side bottom -fill x
-  if {$type eq "ok" || $type eq "okcancel"} {
-    ttk::button .lms.ok -text "ok" -command \
-        {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .lms; set ::lms_var "ok"}
-    ppack .lms.ok -in .lms.bts -side right
-  }
-  if {$type eq "yesnocancel"} {
-    ttk::button .lms.yes -text "yes" -command \
-      {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .lms; set::lms_var "yes"}
-    ppack .lms.yes -in .lms.bts -side right
-    ttk::button .lms.no -text "no" -command \
-      {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .lms; set ::lms_var "no"}
-    ppack .lms.no -in .lms.bts -side right
-  }
-  if {$type eq "yesnocancel" || $type eq "okcancel"} {
-    ttk::button .lms.cancel -text "cancel" -command \
-        {raise $::lms_parent; destroy .lms; set ::lms_var "cancel"}
-    ppack .lms.cancel -in .lms.bts -side right
-  }
-  place_wrt .lms $::lms_parent
-  grab set .lms
-  focus .lms
-  tkwait variable ::lms_var
-  return $::lms_var
-} ; # long_message
-proc any_message {str type {p "."}} {
-  if {[string length $str] < 400} {
-    if {$type ne "ok"} {
-      return [tk_messageBox -message $str -type $type -parent $p \
-                 -icon question]
-    } else {
-      return [tk_messageBox -message $str -type $type -parent $p]
-    }
-  } else {
-    return [long_message $str $type $p]
-  }
-} ; # any_message
 proc make_widgets {} {
   wm title . "$::progname $::procid"
@@ -967,7 +1770,17 @@
   # width of '0', as a rough estimate of average character width
   set ::cw [font measure TkTextFont "0"]
-  # menu
+  # dummy empty menu to replace the real menu .mn in disabled states.
+  # the "File" cascade should ensure that the dummy menu
+  # occupies the same vertical space as the real menu.
+  menu .mn_empty
+  .mn_empty add cascade -label "File" -menu .mn_empty.file -underline 0
+  if $::plain_unix {
+    .mn_empty configure -borderwidth 1
+    .mn_empty configure -background $::default_bg
+  menu .mn_empty.file
+  }
+  # real menu
   menu .mn
   . configure -menu .mn
   if $::plain_unix {
@@ -987,22 +1800,55 @@
   menu .mn.file
   .mn.file add command -label "Load default repository" \
       -command {get_packages_info_remote; collect_filtered}
-  .mn.file add command -label "Load another repository" \
-      -command repositories
   .mn.file add command -command {destroy .} -label "Exit" -underline 1
-  .mn add cascade -label "Options" -menu .mn.opt -underline 0
-  menu .mn.opt
-  .mn add cascade -label "Actions" -menu .mn.act -underline 0
-  menu .mn.act
-  .mn.act add command -label "Install marked" \
+  .mn add cascade -label "Packages" -menu .mn.pkg
+  menu .mn.pkg
+  set inx 0
+  set ::inx_upd_tlmgr $inx
+  .mn.pkg add command -label "Update tlmgr" -command update_tlmgr
+  incr inx
+  set ::inx_upd_all $inx
+  .mn.pkg add command -label "Update all" -command update_all
+  incr inx
+  .mn.pkg add command -label "Install marked" \
       -command {install_pkgs "marked"}
-  .mn.act add command -label "Update marked" \
+  incr inx
+  .mn.pkg add command -label "Update marked" \
       -command {update_pkgs "marked"}
-  .mn.act add command -label "Remove marked" \
+  incr inx
+  .mn.pkg add command -label "Remove marked" \
       -command {remove_pkgs "marked"}
+  if $::do_restore {
+  incr inx
+  .mn.pkg add command -label "Restore from backup..." \
+      -command restore_backups_dialog
+  }
+  #.mn add cascade -label "Actions" -menu .mn.act -underline 0
+  #menu .mn.act
+  #set inx 0
+  .mn add cascade -label "Options" -menu .mn.opt -underline 0
+  menu .mn.opt
+  set inx 0
+  .mn.opt add command -label "Change repository..." \
+      -command repositories
+  incr inx
+  .mn.opt add cascade -label "Paper" -menu .mn.opt.paper
+  menu .mn.opt.paper
+  foreach p [list a4 letter] {
+    .mn.opt.paper add command -label $p -command "set_paper $p"
+  }
+  if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
+    incr inx
+    set ::inx_platforms $inx
+    .mn.opt add command -label "Platforms..." -command platform_select
+  }
+  #.mn add cascade -label "Actions" -menu .mn.act -underline 0
+  #menu .mn.act
   .mn add cascade -label "Help" -menu .mn.help -underline 0
   menu .mn.help
   .mn.help add command -command {tk_messageBox -message "Helpless"} \
@@ -1018,42 +1864,33 @@
   # various info
   ttk::frame .topf
+  pack .topf -in .bg -side top -anchor w
-  pgrid [ttk::label .topf.llrepo -text Repository -anchor w] \
+  pgrid [ttk::label .topf.llrepo -text "Default repository" -anchor w] \
       -row 0 -column 0 -sticky w
   pgrid [ttk::label .topf.lrepo -textvariable ::repo] \
       -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
+  pgrid [ttk::label .topf.loaded -text "Not loaded"] \
+      -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w
   ttk::label .topf.lluptodate -text "TL Manager up to date?" -anchor w
-  pgrid .topf.lluptodate -row 1 -column 0 -sticky w
+  pgrid .topf.lluptodate -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
   ttk::label .topf.luptodate -text "Unknown" -anchor w
-  pgrid .topf.luptodate -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w
+  pgrid .topf.luptodate -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w
   pgrid [ttk::label .topf.llcmd -anchor w -text "Last tlmgr command: "] \
-      -row 2 -column 0 -sticky w
+      -row 3 -column 0 -sticky w
   pgrid [ttk::label .topf.lcmd -anchor w -textvariable ::last_cmd] \
-      -row 2 -column 1 -sticky w
-  pack .topf -in .bg -side top -anchor w
+      -row 3 -column 1 -sticky w
-  # some buttons
+  # command entry widget
   spacing .bg
-  ttk::frame .butf
-  ttk::button .butf.all -text "Update all" -command update_all
-  ppack .butf.all -side left
-  .butf.all configure -state disabled
-  ttk::button .butf.self -text "Update tlmgr" -command update_tlmgr
-  .butf.self configure -state disabled
-  ppack .butf.self -side left
-  pack .butf -in .bg -side top -anchor w
-  # command entry
-  spacing .bg
   ttk::frame .ent
   ppack [ttk::label .ent.l -text "Type command:"] -side left
   ppack [ttk::entry .ent.e -width 40] -side left -padx 3
   ppack [ttk::button .ent.b -text Go -command run_entry] -side left
   bind .ent.e <Return> run_entry
-  pack .ent -in .bg -fill x -side top -expand 1
+  pack .ent -in .bg -fill x -side top
   spacing .bg
@@ -1091,33 +1928,25 @@
   # marks
   grid [ttk::button .mrk_all -text "Mark all" -command {mark_all 1}] \
-      -in .pkfilter -column 2 -row 1 -sticky w -padx {50 3}
+      -in .pkfilter -column 2 -row 1 -sticky w -padx {50 3} -pady 3
   grid [ttk::button .mrk_none -text "Mark none" -command {mark_all 0}] \
-      -in .pkfilter -column 2 -row 2 -sticky w -padx {50 3}
+      -in .pkfilter -column 2 -row 2 -sticky w -padx {50 3} -pady 3
   pack .pkfilter -in .bg -side top -fill x
   # search interface
-  ttk::frame .pksearch
+  pack [ttk::frame .pksearch] -in .bg -side top -fill x
   ppack [ttk::label .pksearch.l \
       -text "Search package names"] \
       -side left
   pack [ttk::entry .pksearch.e -width 30] -side left -padx {3 0} -pady 3
-  # cancel search: \u2A2F is 'vector or cross product'
-  #pack [ttk::button .pksearch.can -text "X" -width 1 \
-  #          -command {.pksearch.e delete 0 end}] -side left -padx {0 6}
-  #pack [button .pksearch.can -text "\u2A2F" -padx 3 -pady 1 -borderwidth 1 \
-  #          -command {.pksearch.e delete 0 end}] -side left -padx {0 6}
-  #.pksearch.can configure -command \
-  #    {.pksearch.e delete 0 end; display_packages_info}
   ppack [ttk::checkbutton .pksearch.d -variable ::search_desc \
              -text "Also search short descriptions"] -side left
-  pack .pksearch -in .bg -side top -fill x -expand 1
   bind .pksearch.e <KeyRelease> display_packages_info
   bind .pksearch.d <ButtonRelease> toggle_search_desc
   # packages list
-  ttk::frame .fpkg
+  pack [ttk::frame .fpkg] -in .bg -side top -fill both -expand 1
   ttk::treeview .pkglist -columns \
       {mk name localrev remoterev shortdesc} \
       -show headings -height 8 -selectmode extended \
@@ -1127,11 +1956,11 @@
       nm {"" Name "Local Rev." "Remote Rev." Description} {
     .pkglist heading $col -text $nm -anchor w
-  .pkglist column mk -width [expr $::cw * 3]
-  .pkglist column name -width [expr $::cw * 25]
-  .pkglist column localrev -width [expr $::cw * 12]
-  .pkglist column remoterev -width [expr $::cw * 12]
-  .pkglist column shortdesc -width [expr $::cw * 50]
+  .pkglist column mk -width [expr {$::cw * 3}]
+  .pkglist column name -width [expr {$::cw * 25}]
+  .pkglist column localrev -width [expr {$::cw * 12}]
+  .pkglist column remoterev -width [expr {$::cw * 12}]
+  .pkglist column shortdesc -width [expr {$::cw * 50}]
   ttk::scrollbar .pkhsb -orient horizontal -command {.pkglist xview}
   ttk::scrollbar .pkvsb -orient vertical -command {.pkglist yview}
@@ -1140,26 +1969,22 @@
   grid .pkhsb -in .fpkg -row 1 -column 0 -sticky ew
   grid columnconfigure .fpkg 0 -weight 1
   grid rowconfigure .fpkg 0 -weight 1
-  pack .fpkg -in .bg -side top -fill both -expand 1
   # "#1" refers to the first column (with mark symbols)
   bind .pkglist <space> {toggle_marked [.pkglist focus] "#1"}
   bind .pkglist <Return> {toggle_marked [.pkglist focus] "#1"}
-  # only toggle when column is "#1"
-  bind .pkglist <ButtonRelease-1> \
-      {toggle_marked \
-           [.pkglist identify item %x %y] \
-           [.pkglist identify column %x %y]}
+  # only toggle when column is "mk" i.e. #1
+  bind .pkglist <ButtonRelease-1> {toggle_marked \
+      [.pkglist identify item %x %y] [.pkglist identify column %x %y]}
   menu .pkg_popup ; # entries added on-the-fly
-  bind .pkglist <<RightClick>> \
-      {do_package_popup %x %y %X %Y}
+  bind .pkglist <<RightClick>> {do_package_popup_menu %x %y %X %Y}
   if $::plain_unix {
     bind .pkg_popup <Leave> {.pkg_popup unpost}
   # bottom of main window
-  ttk::frame .endbuttons
+  pack [ttk::frame .endbuttons] -in .bg -side bottom -fill x
   ttk::label .busy -textvariable ::busy -font TkHeadingFont -anchor w
   ppack .busy -in .endbuttons -side left
   ppack [ttk::button .q -text Quit -command {destroy .}] \
@@ -1169,374 +1994,15 @@
   ppack [ttk::button .t -text "Restart tlmgr" \
              -command {close_tlmgr; start_tlmgr}] \
       -in .endbuttons -side right
-  ttk::button .showlogs -text "Show logs" \
-      -command {wm state .lw normal; place_wrt .lw .}
+  ttk::button .showlogs -text "Show logs" -command show_logs
   ppack .showlogs -in .endbuttons -side right
-  pack .endbuttons -in .bg -side bottom -fill x -expand 1
-  # log displays: new toplevel, again with themed background frame
-  toplevel .lw
-  wm title .lw Logs
-  pack [ttk::frame .lw.bg] -fill both -expand 1
-  ttk::frame .lw.log
-  pack [ttk::scrollbar .lw.log.scroll -command ".lw.log.tx yview"] \
-      -side right -fill y
-  ppack [text .lw.log.tx -height 10 -wrap word \
-      -yscrollcommand ".lw.log.scroll set"] \
-      -expand 1 -fill both
-  .lw.log.tx yview moveto 1
-  ttk::frame .lw.err
-  pack [ttk::scrollbar .lw.err.scroll -command ".lw.err.tx yview"] \
-      -side right -fill y
-  ppack [text .lw.err.tx -height 10 -wrap word \
-      -yscrollcommand ".lw.err.scroll set"] \
-      -expand 1 -fill both
-  .lw.err.tx yview moveto 1
-  if $::ddebug {
-    ttk::frame .lw.dbg
-    pack [ttk::scrollbar .lw.dbg.scroll -command ".lw.dbg.tx yview"] \
-        -side right -fill y
-    ppack [text .lw.dbg.tx -height 10 -bd 2 -relief groove -wrap word \
-        -yscrollcommand ".lw.dbg.scroll set"] \
-        -expand 1 -fill both
-    .lw.dbg.tx yview moveto 1
-  }
-  ttk::notebook .lw.logs
-  .lw.logs add .lw.log -text "Output"
-  .lw.logs add .lw.err -text "Errors"
-  if $::ddebug {
-    .lw.logs add .lw.dbg -text "Debug"
-    raise .lw.dbg .lw.logs
-  }
-  raise .lw.err .lw.logs
-  raise .lw.log .lw.logs
-  pack .lw.logs -in .lw.bg -side top -fill both -expand 1
-  pack [ttk::frame .lw.bottom] -in .lw.bg -side top -expand 1 -fill x
-  ttk::button .lw.close -text close -command {wm withdraw .lw}
-  ppack .lw.close -in .lw.bottom -side right -anchor e
-  ppack [ttk::label .lw.status -anchor w] -in .lw.bottom -side left
-  wm withdraw .lw
 } ; # make_widgets
-### repositories
+##### initialize ######################################################
-proc repositories {} {
-  set ::new_repo $::repo
-  # toplevel with
-  # - popup menu of mirrors (parse tlpkg/installer/ctan-mirrors.pl)
-  # - text entry box
-  # - directory browser button
-  # - ok and cancel buttons
-  # look at dialog.tcl how to implement dialog-type behavior
-  toplevel .tlr -class Dialog
-  wm withdraw .tlr
-  wm transient .tlr .
-  wm title .tlr "Repositories"
-  if $::plain_unix {wm attributes .tlr -type dialog}
-  # wallpaper frame; see make_widgets:
-  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.bg] -expand 1 -fill x
-  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.info] -in .tlr.bg -expand 1 -fill x
-  grid columnconfigure .tlr.info 1 -weight 1
-  set row -1
-  # current repository
-  incr row
-  pgrid [ttk::label .tlr.lcur -text "Current:"] \
-      -in .tlr.info -row $row -column 0 -sticky w
-  pgrid [ttk::label .tlr.cur -textvariable ::repo] \
-      -in .tlr.info -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
-  # new repository
-  incr row
-  pgrid [ttk::label .tlr.lnew -text "New"] \
-      -in .tlr.info -row $row -column 0 -sticky w
-  pgrid [ttk::entry .tlr.new -textvariable ::new_repo -width 40] \
-      -in .tlr.info -row $row -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky w
-  ### three ways to specify a repository ###
-  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.mirbuttons] -in .tlr.bg -fill x -expand 1
-  # default remote repository
-  ttk::button .tlr.ctan -text "Any CTAN mirror" \
-      -command {set ::new_repo "http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet"}
-  ppack .tlr.ctan -in .tlr.mirbuttons -side left -fill x -expand 1
-  # freshly create a cascading mirror popup menu
-  destroy .tlr.mir.m
-  if {[dict size $::mirrors] == 0} read_mirrors
-  if {[dict size $::mirrors] > 0} {
-    ttk::menubutton .tlr.mir -text "Specific mirror..." -direction below \
-      -menu .tlr.mir.m
-    ppack .tlr.mir -in .tlr.mirbuttons -side left -fill x -expand 1
-    menu .tlr.mir.m
-    dict for {cont d_cont} $::mirrors {
-      set c_ed [edit_name $cont]
-      menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed
-      .tlr.mir.m add cascade -label $cont -menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed
-      dict for {cntr urls} $d_cont {
-        set n_ed [edit_name $cntr]
-        menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed.$n_ed
-        .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed add cascade -label $cntr -menu .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed.$n_ed
-        foreach u $urls {
-          .tlr.mir.m.$c_ed.$n_ed add command -label $u \
-              -command "set ::new_repo $u"
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  # local repository
-  ttk::button .tlr.browse -text "Local directory..." \
-      -command find_local_repo
-  ppack .tlr.browse -in .tlr.mirbuttons -side left -fill x -expand 1
-  spacing .tlr.bg
-  # two ways to close the dialog
-  pack [ttk::frame .tlr.closebuttons] -in .tlr.bg -fill x -expand 1
-  ttk::button .tlr.save -text "Save and Load" -command {close_repos "save"}
-  ppack .tlr.save -in .tlr.closebuttons -side right
-  ttk::button .tlr.abort -text "Abort" -command {close_repos "abort"}
-  ppack .tlr.abort -in .tlr.closebuttons -side right
-  place_wrt .tlr .
-  grab set .tlr
-  focus .tlr
-  wm resizable .tlr 0 0 ; # .tlr not resizable
-} ; # repositories
-proc close_repos {{how ""}} {
-  raise .
-  destroy .tlr
-  if {$how eq "save"} {
-    set ::repo $::new_repo
-    if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"} {
-      set ::repo [string map {\\ /} $::repo]
-    }
-    set ::new_repo ""
-    run_cmd_waiting "option repository $::repo"
-    close_tlmgr
-    start_tlmgr
-    # reload remote package information
-    set ::have_remote 0
-    get_packages_info_remote
-    collect_filtered
-  }
-} ; # close_repos
-proc find_local_repo {} {
-  if [is_repo_local $::new_repo] {
-    set inidir $::new_repo
-  } elseif [is_repo_local $::repo] {
-    set inidir $::repo
-  } else {
-    set inidir $::env(HOME) ; # HOME also ok for windows
-  }
-  set ::new_repo ""
-  while 1 {
-    set ::new_repo [tk_chooseDirectory -initialdir $inidir -mustexist 1 \
-                        -parent .tlr -title "Local repository..."]
-    if {$::new_repo ne "" && ! [is_repo_local $::new_repo]} {
-      tk_messageBox -message "$::new_repo not a repository"
-      set inidir $::new_repo
-      set ::new_repo ""
-      continue
-    } else {
-      break
-    }
-  }
-} ; # find_local_repo
-### mirrors
-set mirrors [dict create]
-proc read_mirrors {} {
-  if [catch {open [file join [exec kpsewhich -var-value SELFAUTOPARENT] \
-                       "tlpkg/installer/ctan-mirrors.pl"] r} fm] {return 0}
-    set re_geo {^\s*'([^']+)' => \{\s*$}
-  set re_url {^\s*'(.*)' => ([0-9]+)}
-  set re_clo {^\s*\},?\s*$}
-  set starting 1
-  set lnum 0 ; # line number for error messages
-  set ok 1 ; # no errors encountered yet
-  set countries {} ; # aggregate list of countries
-  set urls {} ; # aggregate list of urls
-  set continent ""
-  set country ""
-  set u ""
-  set in_cont 0
-  set in_coun 0
-  while {! [catch {chan gets $fm} line] && ! [chan eof $fm]} {
-    incr lnum
-    if $starting {
-      if {[string first "\$mirrors =" $line] == 0} {
-        set starting 0
-        continue
-      } else {
-        set ok 0
-        set msg "Unexpected line '$line' at start"
-        break
-      }
-    }
-    # starting is now dealt with.
-    if [regexp $re_geo $line dummy c] {
-      if {! $in_cont} {
-        set in_cont 1
-        set continent $c
-        set cont_dict [dict create]
-        if {$continent in [dict keys $::mirrors]} {
-          set ok 0
-          set msg "Duplicate continent $c at line $lnum"
-          break
-        }
-      } elseif {! $in_coun} {
-        set in_coun 1
-        set country $c
-        if {$country in $countries} {
-          set ok 0
-          set msg "Duplicate country $c at line $lnum"
-          break
-        }
-        lappend countries $country
-        dict set cont_dict $country {}
-      } else {
-        set ok 0
-        set msg "Unexpected continent- or country line $line at line $lnum"
-        break
-      }
-    } elseif [regexp $re_url $line dummy u n] {
-      if {! $in_coun} {
-        set ok 0
-        set msg "Unexpected url line $line at line $lnum"
-        break
-      } elseif {$n ne "1"} {
-        continue
-      }
-      append u "systems/texlive/tlnet"
-      if {$u in $urls} {
-          set ok 0
-          set msg "Duplicate url $u at line $lnum"
-          break
-      }
-      dict lappend cont_dict $country $u
-      lappend urls $u
-      set u ""
-    } elseif [regexp $re_clo $line] {
-      if $in_coun {
-        set in_coun 0
-        set country ""
-      } elseif $in_cont {
-        set in_cont 0
-        dict set ::mirrors $continent $cont_dict
-        set continent ""
-      } else {
-        break ; # should close mirror list
-      }
-    } ; # ignore other lines
-  }
-  close $fm
-  if {! $ok} {do_debug $msg}
-} ; # read_mirrors
-proc edit_name {n} { ; # probably unnecessary
-  set n [string tolower $n]
-  set n [string map {" "  "_"} $n]
-  return $n
-} ; # edit_name
-proc enable_update_buttons {yesno} {
-  if {! $yesno || ! $::n_updates} {
-    .butf.all configure -state disabled
-    .butf.self configure -state disabled
-  } elseif $::need_update_tlmgr {
-    .butf.all configure -state disabled
-    .butf.self configure -state !disabled
-  } else {
-    .butf.all configure -state !disabled
-    .butf.self configure -state disabled
-  }
-proc enable_widgets {yesno} {
-  enable_update_buttons $yesno
-  if $yesno {
-    set st normal
-    set ttk_st !disabled
-    set ::busy "IDLE"
-  } else {
-    set st disabled
-    set ttk_st disabled
-    set ::busy "BUSY"
-  }
-  # command entry
-  .ent.b configure -state $st
-  .ent.e configure -state $st
-  # final buttons
-  .q configure -state $ttk_st
-  .r configure -state $ttk_st
-  .t configure -state $ttk_st
-  .showlogs configure -state $ttk_st
-  .lw.close configure -state $ttk_st
-  if $yesno {
-    .lw.status configure -text "Done"
-  } else {
-    .lw.status configure -text "Please wait..."
-  }
-} ; # enable_widgets
-##### (re)initialization procs #####
-proc start_tlmgr {{args ""}} {
-  # start the TeX Live Manager shell interface
-  # capture stdout into the pipe, stderr into a temp file
-  # below, vwait ::done_waiting forces tlshell
-  # to process initial tlmgr output before continuing
-  unset -nocomplain ::done_waiting
-  do_debug "opening tlmgr"
-  if [catch \
-          {open "|tlmgr $args --machine-readable shell 2>>$::err_file" w+} \
-          ::tlshl] {
-    tk_messageBox -message [get_stacktrace]
-    exit
-  }
- #set ::tlshl [open "|tlmgr $args --machine-readable shell 2>>$::err_file" w+]
-  do_debug "done opening tlmgr"
-  set ::err [open $::err_file r]
-  chan configure $::tlshl -buffering line -blocking 0
-  chan event $::tlshl readable read_line
-  vwait ::done_waiting
-} ; # start_tlmgr
-proc close_tlmgr {} {
-  catch {chan close $::tlshl}
-  catch {chan close $::err}
-proc restart_self {} {
-  do_debug "trying to restart"
-  if {$::progname eq ""} {
-    tk_messageBox -message "progname not found; not restarting"
-    return
-  }
-  close_tlmgr
-  exec $::progname &
-  # on windows, it may take several seconds before
-  # the old tlshell disappears.
-  # oh well, windows is still windows....
-  destroy .
-} ; # restart_self
 proc initialize {} {
+  # seed random numbers
+  expr {srand([clock seconds])}
   # prepend TL to process searchpath (not needed on windows)
   if {$::tcl_platform(platform) ne "windows"} {
     set texbin [file dirname [info script]]
@@ -1555,6 +2021,8 @@
     if {[lindex $dirs 0] ne $texbin} {
       set ::env(PATH) "$texbin$pathsep$::env(PATH)"
+    # now is a good time to ask tlmgr for the tl name of our platform
+    set ::our_platform [exec tlmgr print-platform]
   # directory for temp files
   set attemptdirs {}
@@ -1609,7 +2077,7 @@
   collect_filtered ; # invokes display_packages_info
-  enable_update_buttons 1
+  enable_menu_controls 1
 }; # initialize

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