texlive[45390] Master: mensa-tex (23sep17)
commits+karl at tug.org
commits+karl at tug.org
Sun Sep 24 01:06:59 CEST 2017
Revision: 45390
Author: karl
Date: 2017-09-24 01:06:59 +0200 (Sun, 24 Sep 2017)
Log Message:
mensa-tex (23sep17)
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/README.md (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/README.md 2017-09-23 23:06:59 UTC (rev 45390)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# mensa-tex
+A LaTeX class for typesetting school cafeteria menus consisting of two lunches (with dessert) and dinner
+This work, consisting of the files `mensa-tex.cls` and `mensa-tex-doc.tex`, is licensed under the LPPL, Version 1.3c (or, at your option, any later version)
+Current maintainer of the work is Sebastian Friedl.
+mensa-tex requires LaTeX2e and depends on the packages `array`, `colortbl`, `datetime2`, `datetime2-calc`, `geometry`, `graphicx`, `lmodern`, `textcomp` and `xcolor`
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/README.md
Added: svn:eol-style
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.pdf 2017-09-23 23:06:08 UTC (rev 45389)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.pdf 2017-09-23 23:06:59 UTC (rev 45390)
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.pdf
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.tex (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.tex 2017-09-23 23:06:59 UTC (rev 45390)
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+%% This is file 'mensa-tex-doc.tex', Version 2017-09-23
+%% Copyright 2017 Sebastian Friedl <sfr682k at t-online.de>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
+%% Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is available at
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008-05-04 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.
+%% Author: Sebastian Friedl
+%% Current maintainer of this work is Sebastian Friedl
+%% This work consists of the files mensa-tex.cls and mensa-tex-doc.tex
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% A LaTeX class for typesetting school cafeteria menus consisting of two lunches (with dessert) and dinner
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Please report bugs and other problems as well as suggestions for improvements to the following email address: sfr682k at t-online.de
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
+% !TeX program=lualatex
+\parindent 0pt
+\setsansfont[Numbers=OldStyle,Scale=MatchLowercase]{Source Sans Pro}
+\setmonofont[Numbers=OldStyle,Scale=MatchLowercase]{Source Code Pro}
+\title{The \texttt{mensa-tex} class \\ {\large\url{https://github.com/SFr682k/mensa-tex}}}
+\author{Sebastian Friedl \\ \href{mailto:sfr682k at t-online.de}{\ttfamily sfr682k at t-online.de}}
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={The mensa-tex class},pdfauthor={Sebastian Friedl}}
+ \maketitle
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \begin{center} \itshape
+ \enquote{I can't go to a restaurant and order food \\ because I keep looking at the fonts on the menu} \\
+ --- \textsc{\upshape Donald E. Knuth} ---
+ \end{center}
+ \medskip
+ \begin{abstract}
+ \noindent%
+ A \LaTeX\ class for typesetting school cafeteria menus consisting of two lunches (with dessert) and dinner
+ \end{abstract}
+ \tableofcontents
+ \clearpage
+ \subsection*{Dependencies and other requirements}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Dependencies and other requirements}
+ The \texttt{mensa-tex} class requires \LaTeXe\ and the following packages:
+ \begin{multicols}{3}\ttfamily\centering
+ array \\ colortbl \\ datetime2 \\ datetime2-calc \\ geometry \\ graphicx \\ lmodern \\ textcomp \\ xcolor
+ \end{multicols}
+ \subsection*{License}
+ \begin{small}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{License}
+ \textcopyright\ 2017 Sebastian Friedl
+ \smallskip
+ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+ \smallskip
+ The latest version of this license is available at \url{http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt} and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of \LaTeX\ version 2008-05-04 or later.
+ \smallskip
+ This work has the LPPL maintenance status \enquote*{maintained}. The current maintainer of this work is Sebastian Friedl. \\
+ This work consists of the following files:
+ \begin{itemize} \itemsep 0pt
+ \item \texttt{mensa-tex.cls} and
+ \item \texttt{mensa-tex-doc.tex}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{small}
+ \subsection*{Call for cooperation}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{Call for cooperation}
+ Please report bugs and other problems as well as suggestions for improvements by using the \href{https://github.com/SFr682k/mensa-tex/issues}{issue tracker on GitHub} or sending an email to \href{mailto:sfr682k at t-online.de}{\texttt{sfr682k at t-online.de}}.
+ \clearpage
+ % DOCUMENTATION PART ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \section{Using the \texttt{\textbackslash documentclass} command} \label{sec:docclass}
+ Using this class is as easy as using the \verb|\documentclass{mensa-tex}| command.
+ \bigskip
+ Following class options are available:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[\texttt{app}] Use a layout optimized for small screens using DIN/ISO A6 paper
+ \item[\texttt{en-GB}] Use an English localization, British variant \textit{(default)}
+ \item[\texttt{en-US}] Use an English localization, American variant
+ \item[\texttt{german}] Use a German localization
+ \end{itemize}
+ \section{Creating a menu}
+ This section deals with creating a menu using \texttt{mensa-tex}. \\
+ \textit{\color{red} All the commands described in this section are to be used inside the preamble} since the menu gets created instantly when using \verb|\begin{document}|.
+ \subsection{Setting up the basic information}
+ The basic information consists of the name of the cafeteria, the institute (or school) it is located at and the image used on the single pages. \\
+ It can be set by using the following commands:
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\mensaname}
+ This command is used to declare the name of the cafeteria -- maybe something like \verb|\mensaname{Food Corner}| \textit{(default is the plain old boring \enquote{Mensa})}. \\
+ You may want to change the font size by using arbitrary \LaTeX\ font size commands.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\institute}
+ Sets the name of the institute the cafeteria is located at -- for example, you can insert \verb|\institute{University of LOL}| in your preamble if your cafeteria is located at some institute called the \enquote{University of LOL}. \\
+ Note that information about the institute is only printed when using the normal layout.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\setimage}
+ Add an image to your diet plans using this command. \\
+ Note that you \textit{have} to declare the image by using the \verb|\includegraphics| inside \verb|\setimage| (e.~g.~\verb|\setimage{\includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{path/to/picture}}|). \\
+ The space available for the image depends on the used layout (see table \ref{tab:image-sizes}).
+ \begin{table}[b]\centering\sffamily\small\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25}
+ \begin{tabular}{r*{2}{|>{\centering\ttfamily}m{.25\textwidth}<{\arraybackslash}}}
+ & \textsf{normal layout} & app \textsf{layout} \tabularnewline\hline\hline
+ width & \verb|.50\textwidth| \newline $\approx$ \verb|9.0cm| & \verb|.58\textwidth| \newline $\approx$ \verb|4.9cm| \tabularnewline\hline
+ height & \verb|.15\textheight| \newline $\approx$ \verb|4.0cm| & \verb|.15\textheight| \newline $\approx$ \verb|1.9cm|
+ \end{tabular}
+ \rmfamily
+ \caption{Available space for the header image}
+ \label{tab:image-sizes}
+ \end{table}
+ \subsection{Adding food}
+ For adding information about the food, the commands described in this subsection are provided.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\startdate}
+ This commands defines the \enquote{start date}, the date of the first entry \textit{(the start date's weekday mostly happens to be a Monday)}. The start date has to be present in \textsf{YYYY-MM-DD} format, e.~g.~\verb|\startdate{2007-01-01}| \textit{(Default is 2001-01-01)}.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\monday}\DescribeMacro{\tuesday}\DescribeMacro{\wednesday}\DescribeMacro{\thursday}\DescribeMacro{\friday}
+ Use these five commands to insert food into the empty diet. \\
+ Every single command requires the same four arguments:
+ \begin{multicols}{4}
+ \begin{enumerate}\itemsep0pt
+ \item Menu I
+ \item Menu II
+ \item Dessert
+ \item Lunch
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{multicols}
+ For example, to obtain Monday's menu consisting of
+ \begin{multicols}{2}
+ \begin{tabbing}
+ \hspace{2cm}\=\kill
+ Menu I: \> Fish and chips \\
+ Menu II: \> Crispy fried chicken \\
+ Dessert: \> Chocolate fudge \\
+ Lunch: \> DIY hamburgers
+ \end{tabbing}
+ \end{multicols}
+ you have to write \\
+ \verb|\monday{Fish and chips}% <-- % is required when| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| {Crispy fried chicken}% commands are continued| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| {Chocolate fudge}% in the following line| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| {DIY hamburgers}|
+ \smallskip
+ It is possible to insert the command listed above without line breaks, however, doing so will result in the source being less human--readable.
+ \smallskip
+ Due to the menu being implemented in a \texttt{tabular} environment, you have to use \verb|\linebreak| instead of \,\verb|\\|\, to produce additional lines. \\
+ Possible, additional hyphenations not found by \LaTeX\ can be marked by manually inserting discretionary hyphens (\verb|\-|) (e.~g.~\verb|hyphen\-ation|).
+ \subsection{Adding additional information}
+ \subsubsection{Remarks at the bottom of the page} \label{sec:remarks}
+ Some people may want to insert some remarks or annotations at the bottom of the page. \\
+ These remarks are defined using two commands, depending on the used layout.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\longremarks}
+ This command defines the remarks used for the normal layout. \\
+ They may be quite short (like \verb|\longremarks{Try it!}|) or very, very long.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\shortremarks}
+ This command defines the remarks used for the \texttt{app}--Layout \\
+ Maybe, you should reduce the font size by inserting arbitrary \LaTeX\ font size commands (e.~g.~\verb|\shortremarks{\footnotesize Now using a smaller font size}|)
+ \subsubsection{Remarks for additive ingredients}
+ When food contains additive ingredients, these additive ingredients are usually indicated by adding superscript figures. \\
+ You have to insert the legend manually by using remarks (see section \ref{sec:remarks}).
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\sup}
+ This command is a shortcut providing access to the \verb|\textsuperscript| command. \\
+ It can be used to produce a superscript 4 with \verb|\sup{4}|.
+ \subsubsection{Symbols for vegetarian and vegan food}
+ Due to the recent development I decided to declare symbols for labeling vegetarian and vegan food. \\
+ However, you have to insert the legend manually by using remarks (see section \ref{sec:remarks}).
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\vgt}
+ Produces a symbol consisting of one green leaf ({\color{green!50!black}\textleaf}) for labeling vegetarian food
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\vgn}
+ Produces a symbol consisting of two green leaves ({\color{green!50!black}\textleaf\textleaf}) for labeling vegan food
+ \medskip
+ Since the leaf symbol is obtained by loading the \texttt{textcomp} package and using the \verb|{\rmfamily\textleaf}| command, please avoid packages loading another roman font not supporting this symbol. This should not be a big limitation since the class only uses sans--serif fonts. \\
+ Otherwise, \verb|\vgt| and \verb|\vgn| have to be redefined.
+ \subsection{Using fancy colors}
+ To avoid a very boring look of the menu, some parts can be highlighted by using colors. \\
+ The class defines three colors: one for the background of certain boxes, another one for the text inside these boxes and a third one for structure text.
+ \subsubsection{Changing colors}
+ Colors can be changed globally by using three commands. The colors themselves are described using the normal syntax of the \texttt{xcolor} package.
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\setbgcolor}
+ Changes the background color of certain boxes (e.~g. \verb|\setbgcolor{blue}|)
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\setcolorfg}
+ Changes the color of text inside these colored boxes (e.~g. \verb|\setcolorfg{white}|)
+ \medskip
+ \DescribeMacro{\setctextcolor}
+ Changes the color of structure text (e.~g. \verb|\setctextcolor{red}|)
+ \subsubsection{A short note about color selection}
+ Please ensure, that the colors set with \verb|\setbgcolor| and \verb|\setcolorfg| are distinctive enough from each other. \verb|\setbgcolor{black}| and \verb|\setcolorfg{black!85}| are usually a very, very bad choice when being used together. \\
+ Also, a clear difference between \verb|\setctextcolor| and the background of the sheet of paper is recommended.
+ \subsubsection{Using class--defined colors in normal text}
+ The colors defined with \verb|\setbgcolor|, \verb|\setcolorfg| and \verb|\setctextcolor| can be used with \verb|\color| and other color commands. \\
+ The corresponding defined colors are called \verb|\bgcolor|, \verb|\colorfg| and \verb|\ctextcolor|.
+ \medskip
+ Examples: \verb|\color{\bgcolor}|, \verb|\color{\colorfg}| and \verb|\color{\ctextcolor}|
+ \section{How to add support for other languages}
+ Currently, the class natively supports English (GB/US) and German. \\
+ However, with the instructions in this section, you are able to define additional localizations yourself. \\
+ It is recommended to select the localization closest to your localization by using the class options described in section \ref{sec:docclass} \textit{before} redefining commands (see the examples in table \ref{tab:locals-example}). \\
+ Code described in this section is to be placed \textit{before} the \verb|\begin{document}| command. \\
+ Only redefine commands when necessary.
+ % TODO: Table with example of pre-defined localizations
+ \begin{table}\centering\sffamily\renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.25}
+ \begin{tabular}{r*{3}{|>{\centering}p{.2\textwidth}<{\arraybackslash}}}
+ & \texttt{en-GB} & \texttt{en-US} & \texttt{german} \tabularnewline \hline\hline
+ \verb|\menuname| & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Menu} & Menü \tabularnewline \hline
+ \verb|\dessertname| & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Dessert} & Dessert \tabularnewline \hline
+ \verb|\dinnername| & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Dinner} & Abendessen \tabularnewline \hline
+ \verb|\dietname| & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Weekly menu} & Speiseplan vom \tabularnewline \hline
+ \verb|\shortdate| & 18/09/17 & 09/18/17 & 18.09. \tabularnewline \hline
+ \verb|\dowshortdate| & Monday, 18/09/17 & Monday, 09/18/17 & Montag, 18.09.17 \tabularnewline \hline
+ \verb|\longdate| & 18/09/2017 & 09/18/2017 & 18.09.2017 \tabularnewline \hline
+ \verb|\daterange| & 18/09/17\,--\,22/09/17 & 09/18/17\,--\,09/22/17 & 18.09.\,--\,22.09.2017
+ \end{tabular}
+ \rmfamily
+ \caption{Examples for natively supported localizations}
+ \label{tab:locals-example}
+ \end{table}
+ \subsection{Weekday names}
+ Weekday names are stored in the \verb|\wdayname| and \verb|\swdayname| commands. \\
+ To modify them, copy the code printed below into your preamble and replace the English weekday names (and their abbreviations) with the appropriate form of your localization (but leave the \verb|%|s untouched)
+ \medskip
+ \verb|% Weekday names| \\
+ \verb|\renewcommand{\wdayname}[1]{%| \\
+ \verb| \ifcase\DTMfetchdow{#1}| \\
+ \verb| Monday%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Tuesday%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Wednesday%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Thursday%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Friday%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Saturday%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Sunday%| \\
+ \verb| \fi| \\
+ \verb|}|
+ \bigskip
+ \verb|% Short weekday names| \\
+ \verb|\renewcommand{\swdayname}[1]{%| \\
+ \verb| \ifcase\DTMfetchdow{#1}| \\
+ \verb| Mon%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Tue%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Wed%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Thu%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Fri%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Sat%| \\
+ \verb| \or| \\
+ \verb| Sun%| \\
+ \verb| \fi| \\
+ \verb|}|
+ \subsection{Keywords}
+ There are four keywords stored in separate commands. \\
+ To modify them, copy the code printed below into your preamble and replace the English words by vocabulary appropriate for your localization.
+ \medskip
+ \verb|\def\menuname{Menu}| \\
+ \verb|\def\dessertname{Dessert}| \\
+ \verb|\def\dinnername{Dinner}| \\
+ \verb|\def\dietname{Weekly menu}|
+ \subsection{Date formats}
+ This part is probably the most complicated one when defining own localizations. \\
+ Basically, there are four commands that may be redefined:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \verb|\shortdate| \\
+ The short form of the date (e.~g. 10/11)
+ \item \verb|\dowshortdate| \\
+ The short form of the date, including the weekday (e.~g. Sat., 10/11)
+ \item \verb|\longdate| \\
+ The long form of the date (e.~g. 10/11/2012)
+ \item \verb|\daterange| \\
+ A range between two dates (e.~g. 10/11--14/11/2012)
+ \end{itemize}
+ \medskip
+ When redefining these commands, you have to assemble the templates available for day, month and year in an order matching the localization.
+ \subsubsection*{Date templates}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[\sffamily\bfseries DD]
+ \verb|\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}| \\
+ Prints the day using two digits \\
+ If the day consists of only one digit, a zero is inserted (e.~g. 01 instead of 1)
+ \item[\sffamily\bfseries D]
+ \verb|\DTMfetchday{#1}| \\
+ Prints the day using one or two digits
+ \end{itemize}
+ \subsubsection*{Month templates}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[\sffamily\bfseries MM]
+ \verb|\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}| \\
+ Prints the month using two digits
+ \item[\sffamily\bfseries M]
+ \verb|\DTMfetchmonth{#1}| \\
+ Prints the month using one or two digits
+ \end{itemize}
+ \subsubsection*{Year templates}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item[\sffamily\bfseries YYYY]
+ \verb|\DTMfetchyear{#1}| \\
+ Prints the year using as many digits as required
+ \item[\sffamily\bfseries YY]
+ \verb|\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchyear{#1}}| \\
+ Prints the year using two digits
+ \end{itemize}
+ \subsubsection*{Inserting weekday names}
+ \begin{tabular}{>{\sffamily\bfseries}rl}
+ \enquote{normal} weekday names: & \verb|\wdayname{#1}| \\
+ short weekday names: & \verb|\swdayname{#1}|
+ \end{tabular}
+ \subsubsection*{Redefining commands using templates}
+ Now, you only have to redefine the commands. Use the following basic structure: \\
+ \verb|\renewcommand{ %% COMMAND %% }[1]{%| \\
+ \verb|}|
+ \bigskip
+ The templates listed above can be combined suitable. \\
+ For example, if you want the long date to be displayed in the \textsf{YYYY-MM-DD} format, the following code does the trick: \\
+ \verb|\renewcommand{\longdate}[1]{%| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \DTMfetchyear{#1}% The YYYY template| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| -% Year/month separator| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}% The MM template| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| -% Month/day separator| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}% The DD template| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb|}| \pagebreak[0]
+ \medskip
+ The same principle applies to redefinitions of \verb|\shortdate| and \verb|\dowshortdate|. \\
+ The \verb|%|s avoid spaces after templates and separators when inserting line breaks.
+ \medskip
+ If you have already redefined \verb|\shortdate| and \verb|\longdate|, you may reuse these definitions when redefining \verb|\dowshortdate|, for example: \\
+ \verb|\renewcommand{\dowshortdate}[1]{%| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \wdayname{#1}% Insert the weekday| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| ,~% Weekday/day seperator (~ = space)| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \shortdate{#1}% Use the short day template| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb|}| \pagebreak[0]
+ \bigskip
+ \textit{Redefining the} \verb|\daterange| \textit{command is special} since it requires two arguments. \\
+ Here, you have to use \dots
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ {\ttfamily\#1} for commands and templates referring to the start date and
+ \item
+ {\ttfamily\#2} for commands and templates referring to the end date
+ \end{itemize}
+ For example, a working redefinition of \verb|\daterange| can be achieved with this code: \\
+ \verb|\renewcommand{\daterange}[2]{% <-- »[2]« instead of »[1]«!!| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \shortdate{#1}% Start date| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \,--\,% Seperator: -- with spaces| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb| \shortdate{#2}% End date: #2 inst. of #1| \\\nopagebreak[4]
+ \verb|}|
+ \section{A working example}
+ \verb|\documentclass[en-US]{mensa-tex}| \\
+ \verb|\usepackage[american]{babel}| \\
+ \verb|\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}| \\
+ \verb|\setbgcolor{blue}| \\
+ \verb|\setcolorfg{white}| \\
+ \verb|\setctextcolor{red}| \\
+ \verb|\institute{Some university far, far away}| \\
+ \verb|\mensaname{Café}| \\
+ \verb|\setimage{\includegraphics[width=.95\linewidth]{cafe-logo}}| \\[\bigskipamount]
+ \verb|\startdate{2017-09-18}| \\
+ \verb|\monday{Scrambled Eggs \linebreak\vgt}%| \\
+ \verb| {Curry Potato Salad with Peas, Mint \& Red Onion \linebreak\vgn}%| \\
+ \verb| {Ice Cream}%| \\
+ \verb| {Turkey Burger}| \\
+ \verb|\tuesday{Philly Cheese Steak\sup{1)}}%| \\
+ \verb| {Sesame Noodles \linebreak\vgn}%| \\
+ \verb| {Donuts}%| \\
+ \verb| {Orzo Pasta}| \\
+ \verb|\wednesday{-/-}{-/-}{-/-}{-/-}| \\
+ \verb|\thursday{Buffalo Wings}%| \\
+ \verb| {Vegetarian Eggrolls \linebreak\vgt}%| \\
+ \verb| {Sacher Cake}%| \\
+ \verb| {Chicken Tortilla}| \\
+ \verb|\friday{Pastrami Melt}%| \\
+ \verb| {Grilled Cheese \linebreak\vgt}%| \\
+ \verb| {Tiramisu}%| \\
+ \verb| {Salmon Burger}| \\[\bigskipamount]
+ \verb|\longremarks{%| \\
+ \verb| {\color{\ctextcolor}| \\
+ \verb| Due to a training course of our staff, the café is closed| \\
+ \verb| on Wednesday, 09/20/17.}| \\
+ \verb| \medskip| \\
+ \verb| In our efforts to sustain a seasonal menu, sometimes| \\
+ \verb| substitutions may be required, and menu items may change| \\
+ \verb| without notice.| \\
+ \verb| \bigskip| \\
+ \verb| \textbf{Key:} \quad| \\
+ \verb| \vgt: vegetarian \quad| \\
+ \verb| \vgn: vegan \quad| \\
+ \verb| \sup{1)}: spicy| \\
+ \verb|}| \\
+ \verb|\begin{document}| \\
+ \verb|\end{document}|
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex-doc.tex
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## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex.cls (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex.cls 2017-09-23 23:06:59 UTC (rev 45390)
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+%% This is file 'mensa-tex.cls', Version 2017-09-23
+%% Copyright 2017 Sebastian Friedl <sfr682k at t-online.de>
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project
+%% Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is available at
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008-05-04 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status 'maintained'.
+%% Author: Sebastian Friedl
+%% Current maintainer of this work is Sebastian Friedl
+%% This work consists of the files mensa-tex.cls and mensa-tex-doc.tex
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% A LaTeX class for typesetting school cafeteria menus consisting of two lunches (with dessert) and dinner
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Please report bugs and other problems as well as suggestions for improvements to the following email address: sfr682k at t-online.de
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\ProvidesClass{mensa-tex}[2017/09/23 mensa-tex - a class for typesetting simple school cafeteria menus]
+% Requires LaTeX2e
+% Basic class: article instead of KOMA-Skript classes (-> less dependencies :D)
+% OPTION DECLARATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Print or App version
+\newif\if at print
+% Use English localization
+\newif\if at english
+\newif\if at engb
+\newif\if at enus
+ \@germanfalse
+ \@englishtrue
+ \@engbtrue
+ \@enusfalse}
+ \@germanfalse
+ \@englishtrue
+ \@engbfalse
+ \@enustrue}
+% Use German localization
+\newif\if at german
+ \@englishfalse
+ \@germantrue}
+% REQUIRED PACKAGES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Required packages: more features for tables, scaleboxes, more color features and extra symbols
+% Date-specific stuff
+% lmodern is better than cm, but has quite the same look
+% Page size and layout: depending on the usage
+\if at print \RequirePackage[a4paper,left=1.5cm,right=1.5cm,top=1.5cm,bottom=1.5cm,ignorehead,ignorefoot]{geometry}
+\else \RequirePackage[a6paper,left=1cm,right=1cm,top=1cm,bottom=1cm,ignorehead,ignorefoot]{geometry}
+% No head- and footline
+% No indent of the first paragraph
+% Uses sans-serif fonts (i. e. Latin Modern Sans)
+% COMMON DEFINITIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Storage for the mensa's name
+ \def\insertmensaname{#1}}
+% Storage for the institute's name
+ \def\insertinstitute{#1}}
+% Short syntax for printing the weekday in the table
+ \begin{minipage}[b][2.5cm][c]{.75cm}\centering
+ \swdayname{#1}
+ \end{minipage}}
+% Shorthand for superscripts
+% Defines a column with horizontal and vertical centered cells
+% Defines symbols for vegetarian and vegan food
+% VARIABLES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% Commands for the dates
+ \DTMsavedate{monday}{#1}
+ \DTMsavedate{tuesday}{#1+1}
+ \DTMsavedate{wednesday}{#1+2}
+ \DTMsavedate{thursday}{#1+3}
+ \DTMsavedate{friday}{#1+4}
+% Avoids errors when the user forgets to set the start date
+% Commands and variables for Monday
+% Commands and variables for Tuesday
+% Commands and variables for Wednesday
+% Commands and variables for Thursday
+% Commands and variables for Friday
+% Variables for the remarks
+% Color variables and commands to change them
+% Default colors
+% The image
+% COMMANDS FOR VARIABLE MANAGEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ \def\mondayI{#1}
+ \def\mondayII{#2}
+ \def\mondayD{#3}
+ \def\mondayA{#4}
+ \def\tuesdayI{#1}
+ \def\tuesdayII{#2}
+ \def\tuesdayD{#3}
+ \def\tuesdayA{#4}
+ \def\wednesdayI{#1}
+ \def\wednesdayII{#2}
+ \def\wednesdayD{#3}
+ \def\wednesdayA{#4}
+ \def\thursdayI{#1}
+ \def\thursdayII{#2}
+ \def\thursdayD{#3}
+ \def\thursdayA{#4}
+ \def\fridayI{#1}
+ \def\fridayII{#2}
+ \def\fridayD{#3}
+ \def\fridayA{#4}
+% REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH datetime2 - ENGLISH (regionless) LOCALIZATION ------------------------------------------------
+\if at english
+ % English weekday names
+ \def\wdayname{}
+ \renewcommand{\wdayname}[1]{%
+ \ifcase\DTMfetchdow{#1}
+ Monday%
+ \or
+ Tuesday%
+ \or
+ Wednesday%
+ \or
+ Thursday%
+ \or
+ Friday%
+ \or
+ Saturday%
+ \or
+ Sunday%
+ \fi
+ }
+ % German short weekday names
+ \def\swdayname{}
+ \renewcommand{\swdayname}[1]{%
+ \ifcase\DTMfetchdow{#1}
+ Mon%
+ \or
+ Tue%
+ \or
+ Wed%
+ \or
+ Thu%
+ \or
+ Fri%
+ \or
+ Sat%
+ \or
+ Sun%
+ \fi
+ }
+ % English menu name
+ \def\menuname{Menu}
+ \def\dessertname{Dessert}
+ \def\dinnername{Dinner}
+ \def\dietname{Weekly menu}
+% REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH datetime2 - ENGLISH (GB) LOCALIZATION --------------------------------------------------------
+\if at engb
+ % Print the short version of a saved date
+ \def\shortdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\shortdate}[1]{\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}/\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}/\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchyear{#1}}}
+ % Print the short version of a saved date with the day of week
+ \def\dowshortdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\dowshortdate}[1]{\wdayname{#1},~\shortdate{#1}}
+ % Print the long version of a saved date with the day of week
+ \def\longdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\longdate}[1]{\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}/\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}/\DTMfetchyear{#1}}
+ % Print a range of dates
+ \def\daterange{}
+ \renewcommand{\daterange}[2]{\shortdate{#1}\,--\,\shortdate{#2}}
+% REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH datetime2 - ENGLISH (US) LOCALIZATION --------------------------------------------------------
+\if at enus
+ % Print the short version of a saved date
+ \def\shortdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\shortdate}[1]{\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}/\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}/\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchyear{#1}}}
+ % Print the short version of a saved date with the day of week
+ \def\dowshortdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\dowshortdate}[1]{\wdayname{#1},~\shortdate{#1}}
+ % Print the long version of a saved date with the day of week
+ \def\longdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\longdate}[1]{\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}/\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}/\DTMfetchyear{#1}}
+ % Print a range of dates
+ \def\daterange{}
+ \renewcommand{\daterange}[2]{\shortdate{#1}\,--\,\shortdate{#2}}
+% REQUIRED IN CONJUNCTION WITH datetime2 - GERMAN LOCALIZATION --------------------------------------------------------------
+\if at german
+ % German weekday names
+ \def\wdayname{}
+ \renewcommand{\wdayname}[1]{%
+ \ifcase\DTMfetchdow{#1}
+ Montag%
+ \or
+ Dienstag%
+ \or
+ Mittwoch%
+ \or
+ Donnerstag%
+ \or
+ Freitag%
+ \or
+ Samstag%
+ \or
+ Sonntag%
+ \fi
+ }
+ % German short weekday names
+ \def\swdayname{}
+ \renewcommand{\swdayname}[1]{%
+ \ifcase\DTMfetchdow{#1}
+ Mo%
+ \or
+ Di%
+ \or
+ Mi%
+ \or
+ Do%
+ \or
+ Fr%
+ \or
+ Sa%
+ \or
+ So%
+ \fi
+ }
+ % German menu name
+ \def\menuname{Men\"u}
+ \def\dessertname{Dessert}
+ \def\dinnername{Abendessen}
+ \def\dietname{Speiseplan vom}
+ % Print the short version of a saved date
+ \def\shortdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\shortdate}[1]{\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}.\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}.}
+ % Print the short version of a saved date with the day of week
+ \def\dowshortdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\dowshortdate}[1]{\wdayname{#1},~\shortdate{#1}}
+ % Print the long version of a saved date with the day of week
+ \def\longdate{}
+ \renewcommand{\longdate}[1]{\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchday{#1}}.\DTMtwodigits{\DTMfetchmonth{#1}}.\DTMfetchyear{#1}}
+ % Print a range of dates
+ \def\daterange{}
+ \renewcommand{\daterange}[2]{\shortdate{#1}\,--\,\longdate{#2}}
+% MENU FOR THE WHOLE WEEK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+\if at print
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \begin{center} \huge
+ \color{\ctextcolor}\insertinstitute
+ \end{center}
+ %
+ \bigskip\bigskip
+ \begin{minipage}[b][.15\textheight][b]{.5\textwidth} \LARGE
+ \image
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[b][.15\textheight][c]{.48\textwidth}\flushright\huge\color{\ctextcolor}
+ \scalebox{2}{\Huge \insertmensaname} \\[\bigskipamount]
+ \dietname \\
+ \daterange{monday}{friday}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{1.25pt}
+ \begin{center}
+ \rowcolors{2}{\bgcolor!20}{white}
+ \begin{tabular}{|>{\bfseries}M{0.95cm}*{2}{|M{5cm}}*2{|M{2.4cm}}|}
+ \hline
+ \rowcolor{\bgcolor} \vbox to .5cm {} &%
+ \bfseries{\color{\colorfg} \menuname{} 1} &%
+ \bfseries{\color{\colorfg} \menuname{} 2} &%
+ \bfseries{\color{\colorfg} \dessertname{}} &%
+ \bfseries{\color{\colorfg} \dinnername{}} \tabularnewline \hline
+ %
+ \printday{monday} & \mondayI & \mondayII & \mondayD & \mondayA \tabularnewline \hline
+ \printday{tuesday} & \tuesdayI & \tuesdayII & \tuesdayD & \tuesdayA \tabularnewline \hline
+ \printday{wednesday} & \wednesdayI & \wednesdayII & \wednesdayD & \wednesdayA \tabularnewline \hline
+ \printday{thursday} & \thursdayI & \thursdayII & \thursdayD & \thursdayA \tabularnewline \hline
+ \printday{friday} & \fridayI & \fridayII & \fridayD & \fridayA \tabularnewline \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+ \vfill
+ {\insertlongremarks}}
+% MENUS FOR MULTIPLE DAYS (when setting the "app" option) -------------------------------------------------------------------
+\if at print\else
+ \def\daypage{}
+ \renewcommand{\daypage}[5]{{% Double braces, otherwise changes on a single page will apply to the whole document
+ \clearpage
+ \begin{minipage}[b][.15\textheight][b]{.58\textwidth}
+ \image
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[b][.15\textheight][b]{.4\textwidth} \flushright
+ {\LARGE\color{\ctextcolor} \insertmensaname} \\
+ {\footnotesize\color{\ctextcolor} #1} \\\vspace{\medskipamount}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \small
+ \medskip
+ \begin{minipage}[t][.15\textheight][t]{\textwidth} \centering
+ \colorbox{\bgcolor}{\hbox to .975\textwidth{\hfill\color{\colorfg}\bfseries \menuname{} 1 \hfill}} \\[\smallskipamount]
+ #2
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[t][.15\textheight][t]{\textwidth} \centering
+ \colorbox{\bgcolor}{\hbox to .975\textwidth{\hfill\color{\colorfg}\bfseries \menuname{} 2 \hfill}} \\[\smallskipamount]
+ #3
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[t][.15\textheight][t]{\textwidth} \centering
+ \colorbox{\bgcolor}{\hbox to .975\textwidth{\hfill\color{\colorfg}\bfseries \dessertname{} \hfill}} \\[\smallskipamount]
+ #4
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[t][.15\textheight][t]{\textwidth} \centering
+ \colorbox{\bgcolor}{\hbox to .975\textwidth{\hfill\color{\colorfg}\bfseries \dinnername{} \hfill}} \\[\smallskipamount]
+ #5
+ \end{minipage}
+ \vfill
+ {\insertshortremarks}}
+ }
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \daypage{\dowshortdate{monday}}{\mondayI}{\mondayII}{\mondayD}{\mondayA}
+ \daypage{\dowshortdate{tuesday}}{\tuesdayI}{\tuesdayII}{\tuesdayD}{\tuesdayA}
+ \daypage{\dowshortdate{wednesday}}{\wednesdayI}{\wednesdayII}{\wednesdayD}{\wednesdayA}
+ \daypage{\dowshortdate{thursday}}{\thursdayI}{\thursdayII}{\thursdayD}{\thursdayA}
+ \daypage{\dowshortdate{friday}}{\fridayI}{\fridayII}{\fridayD}{\fridayA}
+ }
+% END OF FILE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
\ No newline at end of file
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/mensa-tex/mensa-tex.cls
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check 2017-09-23 23:06:08 UTC (rev 45389)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check 2017-09-23 23:06:59 UTC (rev 45390)
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
mdframed mdputu mdsymbol mdwtools media9 medstarbeamer
meetingmins memdesign memexsupp
memoir MemoirChapStyles memory mendex-doc mentis
- menu menukeys merriweather
+ mensa-tex menu menukeys merriweather
metafont-beginners metago metalogo metaobj metaplot
metapost-examples metatex metatype1 metauml
method metre metrix
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc 2017-09-23 23:06:08 UTC (rev 45389)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-latexextra.tlpsrc 2017-09-23 23:06:59 UTC (rev 45390)
@@ -658,6 +658,7 @@
depend meetingmins
depend memexsupp
depend memory
+depend mensa-tex
depend menu
depend menukeys
depend method
Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/mensa-tex.tlpsrc
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