texlive[45667] Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl: Package

commits+siepo at tug.org commits+siepo at tug.org
Wed Nov 1 22:09:04 CET 2017

Revision: 45667
Author:   siepo
Date:     2017-11-01 22:09:04 +0100 (Wed, 01 Nov 2017)
Log Message:
Package popup menus and rudimentary global menu

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl	2017-11-01 15:50:11 UTC (rev 45666)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/scripts/tlshell/tlshell.tcl	2017-11-01 21:09:04 UTC (rev 45667)
@@ -20,6 +20,17 @@
 # security: disable send
 catch {rename send {}}
+# menus: disable tearoff feature
+option add *Menu.tearOff 0
+if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix" && \
+        $::tcl_platform(os) ne "Darwin"} {
+  set plain_unix 1
+} else {
+  set plain_unix 0
+set test {}
 set ddebug 0
 proc do_debug {s} {
   if {$::ddebug} {
@@ -86,6 +97,11 @@
 set n_updates 0
 set tlshell_updatable 0
+## data to be displayed ##
+# sorted display data for packages
+set filtered [dict create]
 # selecting packages for display
 set stat_opt "inst"
 set dtl_opt "all"
@@ -129,7 +145,6 @@
 # a caller of run_cmd needs to explicitly invoke 'vwait ::done_waiting'
 # if it wants to wait for the command to finish
 proc read_line {} {
-  incr ::lnum
   set l "" ; # will contain the line to be read
   if {([catch {chan gets $::tlshl l} len] || [chan eof $::tlshl])} {
     do_debug "read_line: failing to read"
@@ -145,7 +160,7 @@
       enable_widgets 1 ; # this may have to be redone later
       if {$::pipe_cb ne ""} {
-        do_debug "$::lnum: prompt found, $l"
+        do_debug "prompt found, $l"
         $::pipe_cb "finish"
       # for vwait:
@@ -182,8 +197,11 @@
 # callback for reading tlmgr pipe
 set pipe_cb ""
-set lnum -1
+# but maybe we just want a boolean whether or not to write
+# to the logs notebook.
+# consider writing log to file, always or on demand
 ## template for pipe callback:
 #proc template_cb {mode {l ""}} {
 #  if {$mode eq "line"} {
@@ -205,9 +223,11 @@
   } elseif {$mode eq "init"} {
     .lw.log.tx configure -state normal
     .lw.log.tx delete 1.0 end
+    .lw.err.tx delete 1.0 end
     .lw.status configure -text "Running"
     .lw.close configure -state disabled
     wm state .lw normal
+    wm deiconify .lw ;# also raises the window
   } elseif {$mode eq "finish"} {
     .lw.log.tx yview moveto 1
     .lw.logs select .lw.log
@@ -236,7 +256,6 @@
   enable_widgets 0
   set ::out_log {}
   set ::err_log {}
-  set ::lnum 0
   unset -nocomplain ::done_waiting
   if {$::pipe_cb ne ""} {$::pipe_cb "init"}
   chan puts $::tlshl $cmd
@@ -267,8 +286,45 @@
 } ; # get_repo
-## package-related:
+## package-related: what invokes what?
+# The 'globals' are:
+# ::have_remote is initialized to false. It is set to true by
+# get_packages_info_remote, and remains true.
+# The other globals ones are ::n_updates, ::need_update_tlmgr and
+# ::tlshell_updatable. These are initially set to 0 and re-calculated
+# by update_globals.
+# update_globals is invoked by get_packages_info_remote and
+# update_local_revnumbers. It enables and disables buttons as appropriate.
+# displayed global status info is updated by update_globals.
+# update button states are set at initialization and updated
+# by update_globals, both via the enable_update_buttons proc
+# get_packages_info_local is invoked only once, at initialization.  After
+# installations and removals, the collected information is corrected by
+# update_local_revnumbers.
+# get_packages_info_remote will be invoked by collect_filtered if
+# ::have_remote is false. Afterwards, ::have_remote will be true, and
+# therefore get_packages_info_remote will not be called again.
+# get_packages_info_remote invokes update_globals.
+# update_local_revnumbers will be invoked after any updates. It also
+# invokes update_globals.
+# collect_filtered does not only filter, but also organize the
+# information to be displayed.  If necessary, it invokes
+# get_packages_info_remote and always invokes display_packes_info.
+# It is invoked at initialization, when filtering options change and
+# at the end of install-, remove- and update procs.
+# display_packages_info is mostly invoked by collect_filtered, but
+# also when the search term or the search option changes.
 proc check_tlmgr_updatable {} {
   run_cmd_waiting "update --self --list"
   foreach l $::out_log {
@@ -296,15 +352,145 @@
   set ::tlshell_updatable [is_updatable tlshell]
+  # also update displayed status info
+  if {$::have_remote && $::need_update_tlmgr} {
+    .topf.luptodate configure -text "Needs updating"
+  } elseif $::have_remote {
+    .topf.luptodate configure -text "Up to date"
+  } else {
+    .topf.luptodate configure -text "Unknown"
+  }
+  # ... and status of update buttons
+  enable_update_buttons 1
-# get fresh package list
+# display packages: have columns for both local and remote revision numbers.
+# ::pkgs should already be up to date
+# I added a field 'marked' to ::pkgs. It is displayed in the first treeview
+# column. Treeview tags are not involved.
+proc mark_sym {mrk} {
+  if $mrk {
+    return "\u25A3" ; # 'white square containing black small square'
+  } else {
+    return "\u25A1" ; # 'white square'
+  }
+} ; # mark_sym
+proc toggle_marked {itm cl} {
+  # toggle_marked is triggered by a mouse click only in column #1.
+  # 'marked' should get updated in ::pkgs, ::filtered and in .pkglist.
+  if {$cl ne "#1"} {
+    return
+  }
+  # $mrk: negation of current value of marked for $itm
+  set mrk [expr [dict get $::pkgs $itm "marked"] ? 0 : 1]
+  dict set ::pkgs $itm "marked" $mrk
+  dict set ::filtered $itm [lreplace [dict get $::filtered $itm] 0 0 $mrk]
+  .pkglist set $itm mk [mark_sym $mrk]
+} ; # toggle_marked
+proc mark_all {m} {
+  foreach nm [dict keys $::pkgs] {
+    dict set ::pkgs $nm "marked" $m
+  }
+  foreach nm [dict keys $::filtered] {
+    dict set ::filtered $nm [lreplace [dict get $::filtered $nm] 0 0 $m]
+  }
+  foreach nm [.pkglist children {}] {
+    .pkglist set $nm mk [mark_sym $m]
+  }
+  # alternatively: regenerate ::filtered and .pkglist from ::pkgs
+# (re)create ::filtered dictionary; disregard search string
+proc collect_filtered {} {
+  do_debug \
+      "collect_filtered for $::stat_opt and $::dtl_opt"
+  if {$::stat_opt ne "inst" && ! $::have_remote} {
+    get_packages_info_remote
+  }
+  foreach nm [dict keys $::filtered] {
+    dict unset ::filtered $nm
+  }
+  foreach nm [lsort [dict keys $::pkgs]] {
+    set pk [dict get $::pkgs $nm]
+    set do_show 1
+    set mrk [mark_sym [dict get $pk marked]]
+    set lr [dict get $pk localrev]
+    set rr [dict get $pk remoterev]
+    set ct [dict get $pk category]
+    if {$::stat_opt eq "inst" && $lr == 0} {
+      set do_show 0
+    } elseif {$::stat_opt eq "upd" && ($lr == 0 || $rr == 0 || $rr <= $lr)} {
+      set do_show 0
+    }
+    if {! $do_show} continue
+    if {$::dtl_opt eq "schm" && $ct ne "Scheme"} {
+      set do_show 0
+    } elseif {$::dtl_opt eq "coll" && \
+        $ct ne "Scheme" && $ct ne "Collection"} {
+      set do_show 0
+    }
+    if {! $do_show} continue
+    # collect data to be displayed for $nm
+    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $mrk
+    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $nm
+    set v [dict get $pk localrev]
+    if {$v eq "0" || $v == 0} {set v ""}
+    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $v
+    set v [dict get $pk remoterev]
+    if {$v eq "0" || $v == 0} {set v ""}
+    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $v
+    dict lappend ::filtered $nm [dict get $pk shortdesc]
+  }
+  display_packages_info
+} ; # collect_filtered
+# display packages obeying filter and search string.
+# even on a relatively slow system, regenerating the entire list
+# at every keystroke is acceptably responsive.
+# with future more advanced search options, this scheme may not suffice.
+proc display_packages_info {} {
+  do_debug [get_stacktrace]
+  set curr [.pksearch.e get]
+  .pkglist delete [.pkglist children {}]
+  dict for {nm pk} $::filtered {
+    set do_show 0
+    if {$curr eq ""} {
+      set do_show 1
+    } elseif {[search_nocase $curr $nm] >= 0} {
+      set do_show 1
+    } elseif {$::search_desc && \
+          [search_nocase $curr [dict get $::pkgs $nm shortdesc]] >= 0} {
+      set do_show 1
+    }
+    if $do_show {
+      .pkglist insert {} end -id $nm -values $pk
+    }
+  }
+} ; # display_packages_info
+proc toggle_search_desc {} {
+  # when this proc is called, ::search_desc is not yet toggled
+  # so we temporarily pre-toggle and post-untoggle it
+  set ::search_desc [expr $::search_desc ? 0 : 1]
+  display_packages_info
+  set ::search_desc [expr $::search_desc ? 0 : 1]
+# get fresh package list, invoked at program start
 # some local packages may not be available online.
 # to test, create local dual-platform installation from dvd, try to update
 # from more recent linux-only installation
-# local: start from scratch
 proc get_packages_info_local {} {
+  # start from scratch
   foreach nm [dict keys $::pkgs] {
     dict unset ::pkgs $nm
@@ -318,13 +504,13 @@
   set re {^([^,]+),([0-9]+),([^,]*),(.*)$}
   foreach l $::out_log {
     if [regexp $re $l m nm lrev catg pdescr] {
-      # double-quotes: remove outer, unescape inner
+      # double-quotes in short description: remove outer, unescape inner
       if {[string index $pdescr 0] eq "\""} {
         set pdescr [string range $pdescr 1 end-1]
-      set pdescr [regsub -all "\\\"" $pdescr "\""]
+      set pdescr [string map {\\\" \"} $pdescr]
       dict set ::pkgs $nm \
-          [list "localrev" $lrev "remoterev" 0 \
+          [list "marked" 0 "localrev" $lrev "remoterev" 0 \
                "category" $catg shortdesc $pdescr]
@@ -350,16 +536,14 @@
       if {[string index $pdescr 0] eq "\""} {
         set pdescr [string range $pdescr 1 end-1]
-      set pdescr [regsub -all "\\\"" $pdescr "\""]
+      set pdescr [string map {\\\" \"} $pdescr]
       if [catch {dict get $::pkgs $nm} pk] {
         # package entry does not exist
-        dict set ::pkgs $nm [dict create  "localrev" 0 \
-                  "remoterev" $rrev "category" $catg shortdesc $pdescr]
-      } else {
-        dict set ::pkgs $nm "remoterev" $rrev
-        dict set ::pkgs $nm "category" $catg
-        dict set ::pkgs $nm "shortdesc" $pdescr
+        dict set ::pkgs $nm [dict create "marked" 0 "localrev" 0]
+      dict set ::pkgs $nm "remoterev" $rrev
+      dict set ::pkgs $nm "category" $catg
+      dict set ::pkgs $nm "shortdesc" $pdescr
   set ::have_remote 1
@@ -366,9 +550,7 @@
 } ; # get_packages_info_remote
-## update ::pkgs after installing packages without going online.
-## this should be considered a shortcut version of get_packages_info_xxx,
-## and should similarly take care of the globals; see above
+## update ::pkgs after installing packages without going online again.
 proc update_local_revnumbers {} {
   run_cmd_waiting "info --only-installed --data name,localrev"
   set re {^([^,]+),([0-9]+)$}
@@ -390,10 +572,9 @@
   run_cmd "update --self" log_widget_cb
   vwait ::done_waiting
-  # tlmgr restarts itself automatically, reload remote
-  get_packages_info_remote
-  set ::sel_opt "inst"
-  display_packages_info
+  # tlmgr restarts itself automatically
+  update_local_revnumbers
+  collect_filtered
 } ; # update_tlmgr
 proc update_all {} {
@@ -408,8 +589,7 @@
   vwait ::done_waiting
   #wm withdraw .lw
-  set ::sel_opt "inst"
-  display_packages_info
+  collect_filtered
 } ; # update_all
 ##### building GUI #####
@@ -429,6 +609,17 @@
   pack $wdg {*}$args -padx 3 -pady 3
+# deal with MacOS platform differences
+if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
+  event add <<RightClick>> <Button-2> <Control-Button-1>
+} else {
+  event add <<RightClick>> <Button-3>
+proc notyet {} {
+  tk_messageBox -message "Not yet implemented"
 proc make_widgets {} {
   wm title . "$::progname $::procid"
@@ -436,6 +627,49 @@
   # width of '0', as a rough estimate of average character width
   set cw [font measure TkTextFont "0"]
+  # menu
+  menu .mn
+  . configure -menu .mn
+  # set ::default_bg white ;# only used for ::plain_unix
+  if [catch {ttk::style lookup TFrame -background} ::default_bg] {
+    set ::default_bg white
+  }
+  if $::plain_unix {
+    .mn configure -borderwidth 1
+    .mn configure -background $::default_bg
+  }
+  .mn add cascade -label File -menu .mn.file -underline 0
+  menu .mn.file
+  .mn.file add command -label "Load default repository" \
+      -command notyet
+  .mn.file add command -label "Load default net repository" \
+      -command notyet
+   .mn.file add command -label "Load another repository" \
+      -command notyet
+  .mn.file add command -command exit -label "Exit" -underline 1
+  .mn add cascade -label Options -menu .mn.opt -underline 0
+  menu .mn.opt
+  .mn add cascade -label Actions -menu .mn.act -underline 0
+  menu .mn.act
+  if 1 {
+    .mn add cascade -label Styles -menu .mn.sty -underline 0
+    menu .mn.sty
+    foreach st [ttk::style  theme names] {
+      .mn.sty add command -command "ttk::style theme use $st" \
+          -label "Style $st"
+    }
+  }
+  .mn add cascade -label Help -menu .mn.help -underline 0
+  menu .mn.help
+  .mn.help add command -command {tk_messageBox -message "Helpless"} \
+      -label "About"
   # encompassing themed frame to guarantee a uniform background
   pack [ttk::frame .bg]
@@ -447,7 +681,7 @@
   ttk::label .topf.lluptodate -text "TL Manager up to date?" -anchor w
   pgrid .topf.lluptodate -row 1 -column 0
-  ttk::label .topf.luptodate -anchor w
+  ttk::label .topf.luptodate -text "Unknown" -anchor w
   pgrid .topf.luptodate -row 1 -column 1
   pgrid [ttk::label .topf.llcmd -anchor w -text "Last tlmgr command: "] \
@@ -461,7 +695,7 @@
   ttk::button .butf.all -text "Update all" -command update_all
   ppack .butf.all -side left
   .butf.all configure -state disabled
-  ttk::button .butf.self -text "Update self" -command update_tlmgr
+  ttk::button .butf.self -text "Update tlmgr" -command update_tlmgr
   .butf.self configure -state disabled
   ppack .butf.self -side left
   pack .butf -in .bg -side top -anchor w
@@ -486,11 +720,11 @@
   # filter on status: inst, all, upd
   ttk::label .pkfilter.lstat -font TkHeadingFont -text "Status"
   ttk::radiobutton .pkfilter.inst -text Installed -value inst \
-      -variable ::stat_opt -command show_packages_info
+      -variable ::stat_opt -command collect_filtered
   ttk::radiobutton .pkfilter.alls -text All -value all \
-      -variable ::stat_opt -command show_packages_info
+      -variable ::stat_opt -command collect_filtered
   ttk::radiobutton .pkfilter.upd -text Updatable -value upd \
-      -variable ::stat_opt -command show_packages_info
+      -variable ::stat_opt -command collect_filtered
   grid .pkfilter.lstat -column 0 -row 0 -sticky w -padx {3 50}
   pgrid .pkfilter.inst -column 0 -row 1 -sticky w
   pgrid .pkfilter.alls -column 0 -row 2 -sticky w
@@ -499,36 +733,42 @@
   # filter on detail level: all, coll, schm
   ttk::label .pkfilter.ldtl -font TkHeadingFont -text "Detail > Global"
   ttk::radiobutton .pkfilter.alld -text All -value all \
-      -variable ::dtl_opt -command show_packages_info
+      -variable ::dtl_opt -command collect_filtered
   ttk::radiobutton .pkfilter.coll -text "Collections and schemes" -value coll \
-      -variable ::dtl_opt -command show_packages_info
+      -variable ::dtl_opt -command collect_filtered
   ttk::radiobutton .pkfilter.schm -text "Only schemes" -value schm \
-      -variable ::dtl_opt -command show_packages_info
+      -variable ::dtl_opt -command collect_filtered
   pgrid .pkfilter.ldtl -column 1 -row 0 -sticky w
   pgrid .pkfilter.alld -column 1 -row 1 -sticky w
   pgrid .pkfilter.coll -column 1 -row 2 -sticky w
   pgrid .pkfilter.schm -column 1 -row 3 -sticky w
+  # marks
+  grid [ttk::button .mrk_all -text "Mark all" -command {mark_all 1}] \
+      -in .pkfilter -column 2 -row 1 -sticky w -padx {50 3}
+  grid [ttk::button .mrk_none -text "Mark none" -command {mark_all 0}] \
+      -in .pkfilter -column 2 -row 2 -sticky w -padx {50 3}
   pack .pkfilter -in .bg -side top -fill x
-  # search
+  # search interface
   ttk::frame .pksearch
   ppack [ttk::label .pksearch.l \
       -text "Search package names"] \
       -side left
   pack [ttk::entry .pksearch.e -width 30] -side left -padx {3 0} -pady 3
-  # cancel search: \u2A2F is vector or cross product
+  # cancel search: \u2A2F is 'vector or cross product'
   pack [button .pksearch.can -text "\u2A2F" -padx 3 -pady 0 -borderwidth 0 \
             -command {.pksearch.e delete 0 end}] -side left -padx {0 6}
   .pksearch.can configure -command \
-      {.pksearch.e delete 0 end; show_packages_info}
+      {.pksearch.e delete 0 end; display_packages_info}
   ppack [ttk::checkbutton .pksearch.d -variable ::search_desc \
              -text "Also search short descriptions"] -side left
   pack .pksearch -in .bg -side top -fill x -expand 1
-  bind .pksearch.e <KeyRelease> {+display_packages_info}
-  bind .pksearch.d <ButtonRelease> {+toggle_search_desc}
+  bind .pksearch.e <KeyRelease> display_packages_info
+  bind .pksearch.d <ButtonRelease> toggle_search_desc
-  # packages list (tlmgrgui uses an old HList widget)
+  # packages list
   ttk::frame .fpkg
   ttk::treeview .pkglist -columns \
       {mk name localrev remoterev shortdesc} \
@@ -553,19 +793,19 @@
   grid columnconfigure .fpkg 0 -weight 1
   pack .fpkg -in .bg -side top -expand 1
+  # "#1" refers to the first column (with mark symbols)
   bind .pkglist <space> {toggle_marked [.pkglist focus] "#1"}
   bind .pkglist <Return> {toggle_marked [.pkglist focus] "#1"}
-  bind .pkglist <ButtonRelease-1> {toggle_marked \
-      [.pkglist identify item %x %y] [.pkglist identify column %x %y]}
-  bind .pkglist <ButtonRelease-2> \
-      {popup_focused [.pkglist identify item %x %y]}
-  bind .pkglist <ButtonRelease-2> \
-      {popup_focused [.pkglist identify item %x %y]}
-  bind .pkglist <ButtonRelease-3> \
-      {popup_focused [.pkglist identify item %x %y]}
-  bind .pkglist <Control-ButtonRelease-1> \
-      {popup_focused [.pkglist identify item %x %y]}
+  # only toggle when column is "#1"
+  bind .pkglist <ButtonRelease-1> \
+      {toggle_marked \
+           [.pkglist identify item %x %y] \
+           [.pkglist identify column %x %y]}
+  menu .pkg_popup ; # entries added on-the-fly
+  bind .pkglist <<RightClick>> \
+      {do_package_popup %x %y %X %Y}
   # bottom of main window
   ttk::frame .endbuttons
   ttk::label .busy -textvariable ::busy -font TkHeadingFont -anchor w
@@ -631,6 +871,47 @@
   wm withdraw .lw
 } ; # make_widgets
+## package popup ##
+proc run_package_cmd {cmd {chg 0}} {
+  set mn [.pkglist focus]
+  run_cmd "$cmd $mn" log_widget_cb
+  vwait ::done_waiting
+  if $chg {
+    do_debug "Package_cmd $cmd; should call update_local_revnumbers"
+    update_local_revnumbers
+    collect_filtered
+  }
+} ; # run_package_cmd
+proc do_package_popup {x y X Y} {
+  # as focused item, the identity of the item will be globally available:
+  .pkglist focus [.pkglist identify item $x $y]
+  # recreate menu with only applicable items
+  set lr [dict get $::pkgs [.pkglist focus] "localrev"]
+  set rr [dict get $::pkgs [.pkglist focus] "remoterev"]
+  .pkg_popup delete 0 end
+  .pkg_popup add command -label "Info" -command \
+      {run_package_cmd "info"}
+  if {$::have_remote && ! $::need_update_tlmgr && $rr > 0 && $lr == 0} {
+    .pkg_popup add command -label "Install" -command \
+        {run_package_cmd "install" 1}
+  }
+  if {$::have_remote && ! $::need_update_tlmgr && $rr > $lr} {
+    .pkg_popup add command -label "Update" -command \
+        {run_package_cmd "update" 1}
+  }
+  if {$lr > 0} {
+    .pkg_popup add command -label "Remove" -command \
+        {run_package_cmd "remove" 1}
+  }
+  #tk_popup .pkg_popup $X $Y
+  # tk_popup will generate a RenderBadPicture error
+  # when tlshell terminates so we do something else:
+  .pkg_popup post $X $Y
+  focus .pkg_popup
+} ; # do_package_popup
 proc enable_update_buttons {yesno} {
   if {! $yesno || ! $::n_updates} {
     .butf.all configure -state disabled
@@ -645,6 +926,8 @@
 proc enable_widgets {yesno} {
+  enable_update_buttons $yesno
   if $yesno {
     set st normal
     set ttk_st !disabled
@@ -655,8 +938,6 @@
     set ::busy "BUSY"
-  enable_update_buttons $yesno
   # command entry
   .ent.b configure -state $st
   .ent.e configure -state $st
@@ -675,152 +956,6 @@
 } ; # enable_widgets
-## single-package info ##
-proc popup_focused {itm} {
-  run_cmd_waiting "info $itm"
-  tk_messageBox -message [join $::out_log "\n"]
-## data to be displayed ##
-# sorted display data for packages to be displayed
-set filtered [dict create]
-# matching package names
-## selection tags
-# manual selection tags: unicode chars as tags are resolution-independent.
-# ATM we only display tags but do not use them otherwise.
-set mrk "\u25A3" ; # 'white square containing black small square'
-set nomrk "\u25A1" ; # 'white square'
-# sel_opt: which packages to show from package list;
-# after updates it will always be set to "inst", after installations "all"
-set sel_opt inst
-proc toggle_marked {itm cl} {
-  # if toggle_marked is triggered by a mouse click
-  # then it should do nothing unless it was a click in column #1
-  if {$cl ne "#1"} {
-    return
-  }
-  if [.pkglist tag has marked $itm] {
-    .pkglist tag remove marked $itm
-    .pkglist set $itm mk $::nomrk
-  } else {
-    .pkglist tag add marked $itm
-    .pkglist set $itm mk $::mrk
-  }
-} ; # toggle_marked
-# display packages: always display both local and remote revision columns.
-# ::pkgs should already be up to date
-# (re)create ::filtered dictionary; disregard search string
-proc initialize_display_info {} {
-  do_debug \
-      "initialize_packages_info for $::stat_opt and $::dtl_opt"
-  foreach nm [lsort [dict keys $::filtered]] {
-    dict unset ::filtered $nm
-  }
-  foreach nm [lsort [dict keys $::pkgs]] {
-    set pk [dict get $::pkgs $nm]
-    set do_show 1
-    set lr [dict get $pk localrev]
-    set rr [dict get $pk remoterev]
-    set ct [dict get $pk category]
-    if {$::stat_opt eq "inst" && $lr == 0} {
-      set do_show 0
-    } elseif {$::stat_opt eq "upd" && ($lr == 0 || $rr == 0 || $rr <= $lr)} {
-      set do_show 0
-    }
-    if {! $do_show} continue
-    if {$::dtl_opt eq "schm" && $ct ne "Scheme"} {
-      set do_show 0
-    } elseif {$::dtl_opt eq "coll" && \
-        $ct ne "Scheme" && $ct ne "Collection"} {
-      set do_show 0
-    }
-    if {! $do_show} continue
-    # collect data to be displayed for $nm
-    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $::nomrk
-    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $nm
-    set v [dict get $pk localrev]
-    if {$v eq "0" || $v == 0} {set v ""}
-    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $v
-    set v [dict get $pk remoterev]
-    if {$v eq "0" || $v == 0} {set v ""}
-    dict lappend ::filtered $nm $v
-    dict lappend ::filtered $nm [dict get $pk shortdesc]
-  }
-} ; # initialize_display_info
-# display packages obeying filter and search string
-# even on a relatively slow system, regenerating the entire list
-# at every keystroke is acceptably responsive
-proc display_packages_info {} {
-  set curr [.pksearch.e get]
-  .pkglist delete [.pkglist children {}]
-  dict for {nm pk} $::filtered {
-    set do_show 0
-    if {$curr eq ""} {
-      set do_show 1
-    } elseif {[search_nocase $curr $nm] >= 0} {
-      set do_show 1
-    } elseif {$::search_desc && \
-          [search_nocase $curr [dict get $::pkgs $nm shortdesc]] >= 0} {
-      set do_show 1
-    }
-    if $do_show {
-      .pkglist insert {} end -id $nm -values $pk
-    }
-  }
-  # also update displayed status info
-  if {$::have_remote && $::need_update_tlmgr} {
-    .topf.luptodate configure -text "Needs updating"
-  } elseif $::have_remote {
-    .topf.luptodate configure -text "Up to date"
-  } else {
-    .topf.luptodate configure -text "Unknown"
-  }
-  # ... and status of update buttons
-  enable_update_buttons 1
-} ; # display_packages_info
-proc toggle_search_desc {} {
-  # when this proc is called, ::search_desc is not yet toggled
-  # so we temporarily toggle and untoggle it
-  set ::search_desc [expr $::search_desc ? 0 : 1]
-  display_packages_info
-  set ::search_desc [expr $::search_desc ? 0 : 1]
-# selection tags in package list
-# 1. selections themselves get lost too easily
-# 2. the -image option for ttk::treeview tags does not look right
-# Therefore a do-it-yourself implementation with column #1 reserved for
-# a marker, package name in column #2, and column #0 not displayed at all.
-# the marker could have been prefixed to the package name in column #0,
-# but I think a separate marker column is a cleaner solution.
-# display packages, invoking get_packages_info if necessary.
-# called at end of initialization and when a selection radio button
-# is clicked. Otherwise, get_packages_info_... and display_packages_info
-# are invoked separately.
-proc show_packages_info {} {
-  # first, reset search
-  #.pksearch.e delete 0 end
-  # make sure requested info is available
-  if {! [llength [dict keys $::pkgs]]} {get_packages_info_local}
-  if {$::stat_opt ne "inst" && ! $::have_remote} get_packages_info_remote
-  # build ::filtered dictionary of info to be displayed
-  initialize_display_info
-  display_packages_info
-} ; # show_packages_info
 ##### (re)initialization procs #####
 proc start_tlmgr {} {
@@ -834,12 +969,6 @@
   chan configure $::tlshl -buffering line -blocking 0
   chan event $::tlshl readable read_line
   vwait ::done_waiting
-  #get_repo
-  #if {$::argc && [lindex $::argv 0] eq "remote"} {
-  #  show_packages_info 0 is_local
-  #} else {
-  #  show_packages_info 1 is_local
-  #}
 proc restart_tlmgr {} {
@@ -846,8 +975,6 @@
   catch {chan close $::tlshl}
   catch {chan close $::err}
-  get_packages_info_remote
-  display_packages_info
 proc restart_self {{param ""}} {
@@ -863,7 +990,7 @@
   # the old tlshell disappears.
   # oh well, windows is still windows....
+} ; # restart_self
 proc initialize {} {
   # prepend TL to process searchpath (not needed on windows)
@@ -892,9 +1019,6 @@
       lappend attemptdirs $::env($tmp)
-  if {$::tcl_platform(os) eq "Darwin"} {
-    lappend attemptdirs "/private/tmp"
-  }
   if {$::tcl_platform(platform) eq "unix"} {
     lappend attemptdirs "/tmp"
@@ -929,12 +1053,19 @@
     set ::flid [open $fname w]
+  # add json subdirectory to auto_path, but at low priority
+  # since the tcl/tk installation may already have a better implementation.
+  # Use kpsewhich to find out own directory and bypass symlinks.
+  set tlsdir [file dirname [exec kpsewhich -format texmfscripts tlshell.tcl]]
+  lappend ::auto_path [file join $tlsdir "json"]
-  set ::sel_opt "inst"
-  show_packages_info
+  get_packages_info_local
+  collect_filtered ; # invokes display_packages_info
+  enable_update_buttons 1
 }; # initialize

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