texlive[44759] Master/texmf-dist: tcolorbox (6jul17)
commits+karl at tug.org
commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Jul 6 23:27:19 CEST 2017
Revision: 44759
Author: karl
Date: 2017-07-06 23:27:18 +0200 (Thu, 06 Jul 2017)
Log Message:
tcolorbox (6jul17)
Modified Paths:
Added Paths:
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/CHANGES
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/CHANGES 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/CHANGES 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
@@ -993,3 +993,32 @@
- library 'documentation':
* new options: 'documentation minted language', 'keywords bold'
- Creation of leaflets documented
+version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
+- new options:
+ 'inherit height', 'verbatim ignore percent'
+- library 'skins'
+ * new style 'enhanced standard jigsaw'
+- library 'magazine':
+ * new macro: '\ifboxarrayempty'
+- library 'breakable':
+ * option 'break at' allows negative values now.
+ * the algorithm for breaks inside a multicolumn environment was improved
+ (user code may be affected by this change).
+ * new macro: '\tcbbreak'
+- library 'minted':
+ * the default settings for 'minted options'
+ are supplemented by 'breaklines,autogobble'
+- new library 'poster'
+ * new macros and environments:
+ 'tcbposter', '\tcbposterset', '\posterbox', 'posterboxenv',
+ 'tcbposterwidth', 'tcbposterheight', 'tcbpostercolspacing', 'tcbposterrowspacing',
+ 'tcbpostercolumns', 'tcbposterrows', 'tcbpostercolwidth', 'tcbposterrowheight'
+ * new options:
+ 'poster', 'columns', 'rows', 'colspacing', 'rowspacing', 'spacing',
+ 'showframe', 'width', 'height', 'prefix', 'coverage', 'no coverage',
+ 'boxes', 'fontsize', 'name', 'column', 'column*', 'span', 'row', 'rowspan',
+ 'fixed height', 'below', 'above', 'at', 'between', 'sequence',
+ 'placeholder', 'xshift', 'yshift'
+- New example file 'tcolorbox-example-poster'
+- New tutorial 'tcolorbox-tutorial-poster' for poster creation
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/README 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/README 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
@@ -26,37 +26,42 @@
Contents of the package
- 'README' this file
- 'CHANGES' log of changes (history)
- 'tcolorbox.sty' LaTeX package file (style file)
- 'tcbbreakable.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbdocumenation.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbexternal.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbfitting.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbhooks.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcblistings.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcblistingscore.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcblistingsutf8.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbmagazine.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbminted.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbprocessing.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbraster.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbskins.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbskinsjigsaw.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbtheorems.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbvignette.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'tcbxparse.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
- 'blueshade.png' Picture (package)
- 'crinklepaper.png' Picture (package)
- 'goldshade.png' Picture (package)
- 'pink_marble.png' Picture (package)
- 'tcolorbox.pdf' Documentation for tcolorbox
- 'tcolorbox.tex' Source code of the documentation (main file)
- '*.doc.*' Source code of the documentation (include files)
- 'tcolorbox-example.tex' Example file for package usage
- 'tcolorbox-example.pdf' Compiled example
- 'Basilica_5.png' Example picture
- 'lichtspiel.jpg' Example picture
+ 'README' this file
+ 'CHANGES' log of changes (history)
+ 'tcolorbox.sty' LaTeX package file (style file)
+ 'tcbbreakable.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbdocumenation.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbexternal.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbfitting.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbhooks.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcblistings.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcblistingscore.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcblistingsutf8.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbmagazine.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbminted.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbposter.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbprocessing.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbraster.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbskins.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbskinsjigsaw.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbtheorems.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbvignette.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'tcbxparse.code.tex' LaTeX package file (library of tcolorbox)
+ 'blueshade.png' Picture (package)
+ 'crinklepaper.png' Picture (package)
+ 'goldshade.png' Picture (package)
+ 'pink_marble.png' Picture (package)
+ 'tcolorbox.pdf' Documentation for tcolorbox
+ 'tcolorbox.tex' Source code of the documentation (main file)
+ '*.doc.*' Source code of the documentation (include files)
+ 'tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.pdf' Tutorial for poster creation
+ 'tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.tex' Source code of the tutorial
+ 'tcolorbox-example.tex' Example file for package usage
+ 'tcolorbox-example.pdf' Compiled example
+ 'tcolorbox-example-poster.tex' Example file for package usage
+ 'tcolorbox-example-poster.pdf' Compiled example
+ 'Basilica_5.png' Example picture
+ 'lichtspiel.jpg' Example picture
@@ -74,6 +79,7 @@
'tcblistingsutf8.code.tex' -> /tex/latex/tcolorbox
'tcbmagazine.code.tex' -> /tex/latex/tcolorbox
'tcbminted.code.tex' -> /tex/latex/tcolorbox
+ 'tcbposter.code.tex' -> /tex/latex/tcolorbox
'tcbprocessing.code.tex' -> /tex/latex/tcolorbox
'tcbraster.code.tex' -> /tex/latex/tcolorbox
'tcbskins.code.tex' -> /tex/latex/tcolorbox
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.pdf 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.pdf 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.tex (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
+%% tcolorbox-example-poster.tex: a poster example for tcolorbox
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+\tcbuselibrary{minted} % <- replace by \tcbuselibrary{listings}, if minted does not work for you
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+ See [\ref{litA}]: \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt]
+ (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0);
+ \quad by [\ref{litB}]
+ \end{center}
+ \lipsum[2-3]
+ [\ref{litC}]
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{center}
+ That's all.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture,
+ interior style={fill overzoom image=blueshade.png}]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm,leftupper=0pt,rightupper=0pt]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\begin{tcblisting}{blankest,listing only}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=1cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact,fit,fit basedim=12pt]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+ \lipsum[2]
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example-poster.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-example.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcolorbox-example.tex: an example for tcolorbox
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.pdf 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.pdf 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.tex (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -0,0 +1,1383 @@
+% \LaTeX-Main\
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
+%% tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.tex: a tutorial for poster creation with tcolorbox
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+% arara: pdflatex: { shell: yes }
+\tcbuselibrary{minted} % <- replace by \tcbuselibrary{listings}, if minted does not work for you
+\newtcolorbox[auto counter]{guide}[1][]{enhanced jigsaw,inherit height,
+ colback=red!5,opacityback=0.9,colframe=red,title=Poster Tutorial \#\thetcbcounter,
+ grow to left by=8mm,grow to right by=8mm,
+ arc is angular,arc=3mm,
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\large,
+ fuzzy halo=4mm with blue!50!red,#1
+ mylisting/.style={enhanced jigsaw,size=minimal,toprule=0.5mm,bottomrule=0.5mm,boxsep=2mm,oversize,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,listing only}
+ coverage = {spread},
+ poster = {showframe,columns=4,rows=5},
+\begin{guide}[toptitle=3mm,before title={\begin{center}
+Thomas F.~Sturm\\
+\Large A Tutorial for Poster Creation with Tcolorbox
+Welcome to the poster tutorial!
+We start at the very begin with an empty poster.\par\medskip
+In this tutorial, we use A3 sized paper in landscape format which can
+be set up with the \texttt{geometry} package.
+Naturally, we need the \texttt{tcolorbox} package with at least the
+\texttt{poster} library loaded.\par
+At begin, we only choose the number of columns (4) and rows (5) and
+we display a help grid.\par\medskip
+ coverage = {spread},
+ poster = {showframe,columns=4,rows=5},
+% Here, we insert the poster content later
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe,columns=4,rows=5},
+Now, we put in some fancy settings to the poster \texttt{coverage}.\par
+Also, some more packages are loaded for the future poster content.
+\tcbuselibrary{minted} % <- replace by \tcbuselibrary{listings}, if minted does not work for you
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe,columns=4,rows=5},
+% Here, we insert the poster content later
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe,columns=4,rows=5},
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+It is time to fill boxes into the \texttt{poster} environment.
+This is the most crucial part of your poster creation, because you have
+to decide about the general contents and the base design.\par
+But, as you can see in the listing below, the boxes are placed with
+relative positions to each other and the sizes are able to change
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}{}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{}
+The \texttt{project} box is made breakable. Note the two parts
+\texttt{project1} and \texttt{project2} where the second part is
+denoted by a placeholder.
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+As next step, we choose some nice settings for all the boxes. These
+global settings are applied using the \texttt{boxes} option of
+the poster.\par
+Also, we do not need the auxiliary frame lines anymore and we set
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+\begin{guide}[grow to left by=8mm,grow to right by=8mm,]
+We make the \texttt{title} box different from the other boxes by removing
+everything except the background. Also, two pictures are added left and
+right which should be seen as logos or similar things.
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+The \texttt{references} box is filled with a simple \texttt{enumerate} list.\par
+You may insert a more fancier and \LaTeX ier bibliography for your real project \ldots
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+Surely, you noted that all boxes adapt to the grown height of our
+\texttt{references} box. Maybe, you want to get some pages back to see
+how the box placements were done for this example.
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+We go on with the \texttt{process} which gets some example \texttt{tikzpicture}.\par
+Note that you always can insert additional \texttt{tcolorbox} options like
+\texttt{halign=center} to a \texttt{posterbox}.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+ See [\ref{litA}]: \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt]
+ (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0);
+ \quad by [\ref{litB}]
+ \end{center}
+ \lipsum[2-3]
+ [\ref{litC}]
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{center}
+ That's all.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+The \texttt{project} is a breakable box with two parts. Nevertheless,
+you can fill the box like any other box. The information on how to
+break was already given by the placement options.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+ See [\ref{litA}]: \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt]
+ (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0);
+ \quad by [\ref{litB}]
+ \end{center}
+ \lipsum[2-3]
+ [\ref{litC}]
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{center}
+ That's all.
+The two boxes have a \emph{closed} appearance, because we used
+\texttt{enhanced standard jigsaw} as global style for all boxes.
+For an \emph{open} appearance, just use \texttt{enhanced jigsaw} instead:\par\medskip
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced jigsaw,% <-----------
+ sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ }
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+ See [\ref{litA}]: \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt]
+ (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0);
+ \quad by [\ref{litB}]
+ \end{center}
+ \lipsum[2-3]
+ [\ref{litC}]
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{center}
+ That's all.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture,
+ interior style={fill overzoom image=blueshade.png}]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+In our example, the whole space of the \texttt{picture} box should be
+filled with a given picture. This is a piece of cake using a special
+\texttt{interior style}:
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture,
+ interior style={fill overzoom image=blueshade.png}]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm,leftupper=0pt,rightupper=0pt]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\begin{tcblisting}{blankest,listing only}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+ See [\ref{litA}]: \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt]
+ (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0);
+ \quad by [\ref{litB}]
+ \end{center}
+ \lipsum[2-3]
+ [\ref{litC}]
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{center}
+ That's all.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture,
+ interior style={fill overzoom image=blueshade.png}]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm,leftupper=0pt,rightupper=0pt]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\begin{tcblisting}{blankest,listing only}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=1cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+For the Algorithm, we need a \texttt{verbatim} environment. Here,
+\texttt{tcblisting} is used.\par
+Therefore, we cannot use a \texttt{posterbox} as usual, but we can
+a \texttt{posterboxenv} environment instead.\par
+Note that you would get some weird errors, if \texttt{posterbox} would have been applied.
+\tcbinputlisting{mylisting,listing file=\jobname.mylist}
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+ See [\ref{litA}]: \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt]
+ (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0);
+ \quad by [\ref{litB}]
+ \end{center}
+ \lipsum[2-3]
+ [\ref{litC}]
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{center}
+ That's all.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture,
+ interior style={fill overzoom image=blueshade.png}]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm,leftupper=0pt,rightupper=0pt]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\begin{tcblisting}{blankest,listing only}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=1cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact,fit,fit basedim=12pt]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+ \lipsum[2]
+Finally, the \texttt{contact} box is filled. But, in our example case,
+there is not much space for a lot of contact text.\par
+Therefore, we add \texttt{fit} to fit in the text automatically.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact,fit,fit basedim=12pt]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+ \lipsum[2]
+Our poster is finished now. Just go to the next page to see the final result.
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=4,rows=5},
+ boxes = {
+ enhanced standard jigsaw,sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,colframe=blue,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\Large\scshape
+ }
+\posterbox[blankest,interior engine=path,height=3cm,
+ halign=center,valign=center,fontupper=\bfseries\large,colupper=red!25!black,
+ underlay={
+ \node[right,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.west) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{pink_marble.png}};
+ \node[left,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt] at (frame.east) {\includegraphics[height=3cm]{crinklepaper.png}};
+ },
+ ]{name=title,column=1,span=3,below=top}{
+ \resizebox{18cm}{!}{\bfseries\Huge My Important Project}\\[3mm]
+ Hans.Mustermann at deepthought.university
+\posterbox[adjusted title=References]{name=references,column=2,span=1.5,above=bottom}{
+ \begin{enumerate}[{[1]}]
+ \item\label{litA} Important Authors, \textit{Important Title}
+ \item\label{litB} More Important Authors, \textit{More Important Title}
+ \item\label{litC} Less Important Authors, \textit{Less Important Title}
+ \end{enumerate}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Process,halign=center]{name=process,column=2,span=2,above=references}{
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0) arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Project Description]{name=project,
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then 2 between title and process}{
+ See [\ref{litA}]: \lipsum[1]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \draw[thick,rounded corners=8pt]
+ (0,0)--(0,2)--(1,3.25)--(2,2)--(2,0)--(0,2)--(2,2)--(0,0)--(2,0);
+ \quad by [\ref{litB}]
+ \end{center}
+ \lipsum[2-3]
+ [\ref{litC}]
+ \lipsum[4]
+ \begin{center}
+ \tikz \shadedraw [left color=red,right color=blue]
+ (0,0) rectangle (2,2);
+ \end{center}
+ That's all.
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Central Picture,
+ interior style={fill overzoom image=blueshade.png}]
+ {name=picture,column=3,between=title and process}{}
+\begin{posterboxenv}[adjusted title=Core Algorithm,leftupper=0pt,rightupper=0pt]
+ {name=algorithm,column=4,between=top and references}
+\begin{tcblisting}{blankest,listing only}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=2cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\begin{tikzpicture}[very thick,radius=1cm]
+ \begin{scope}
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=30];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=70];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=10cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=110];
+ \end{scope}
+ \begin{scope}[xshift=15cm]
+ \path[draw=black,fill=white] (0,0) circle;
+ \path[fill=red] (0,0) -- (2,0)
+ arc [start angle=0, end angle=240];
+ \end{scope}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=Contact,fit,fit basedim=12pt]
+ {name=contact,column*=4,span=1.5,between=process and bottom}{
+ \lipsum[2]
+ coverage = {
+ spread,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={\LaTeX\ Poster},
+ watermark color=yellow,
+ },
+ poster = {showframe=false,columns=3,rows=5},
+ \begin{guide}[grow to left by=0mm,grow to right by=-16mm]
+ Source code for the example poster
+ \end{guide}
+ sequence=1 between title and bottom then
+ 2 between top and bottom then
+ 3 between top and bottom
+ }{%
+ \tcbinputlisting{standard jigsaw,size=minimal,toprule=0.5mm,bottomrule=0.5mm,boxsep=2mm,
+ colback=white,opacityback=0.75,listing only,
+ enforce breakable,tcb at poster@boxheight,before skip=-\interlineskip,height fixed for=all,
+ minted options={tabsize=2,fontsize=\small,breaklines,breakafter={,]-}},
+ listing file=tcolorbox-example-poster.tex}%
+ }
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.breakable.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.breakable.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.breakable.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -207,13 +207,19 @@
-\begin{docTcbKey}{break at}{=\meta{length}\colOpt{/\meta{length}/\ldots/\meta{length}}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc updated=2017-07-05]{break at}{=\meta{length}\colOpt{/\meta{length}/\ldots/\meta{length}}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
Defines break points at the given \meta{length} values.
The first \meta{length} defines the (maximal) height of the first partial box,
the second \meta{length} defines the (maximal) height of the second partial box,
and so on. The last \meta{length} value is applied to all following partial boxes if any.
- Setting a length to |0pt| means that the naturally available space is used
- for breaking.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Setting a \meta{length} to |0pt| means that the naturally available
+ space is used for breaking.
+ \item Setting a \meta{length} to a negative value means that
+ the sum of this negative value and the naturally available space is used
+ for breaking (boxes will shrink in height).
+ That that before version 4.10 negative values were treated like |0pt|.
+ \end{itemize}
% \usepackage{multicol,lipsum}
@@ -574,6 +580,13 @@
\subsection{Breakable boxes and the \texttt{multicol} package}\label{subsec:multicol}
+With version 4.10, the algorithm for detecting the available height
+for a |tcolorbox| inside a |multicol| environment was improved with help
+of Frank Mittelbach. This change \emph{may} impact existing user
+code which \emph{may} have to be adapted.
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,size=small,breakable,colback=yellow!10!white,
colframe=red!50!white,break at=3cm,height fixed for=all]
@@ -583,7 +596,7 @@
Since version 3.10, a breakable |tcolorbox| detects, if it is used inside
a |multicols| environment. But choosing break points for a breakable box
cannot be done by the balancing routine of |multicols|. By default, boxes
-will break at |\textheight|. To get pleasant results, use the
+will break at maximum column height. To get pleasant results, use the
\refKey{/tcb/break at} and \refKey{/tcb/height fixed for} options.
@@ -591,12 +604,12 @@
% \usepackage{lipsum,multicol} % preamble
\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,breakable,size=title,
- title=My breakable box,pad at break=1mm, break at=7.5cm/0pt ]
+ title=My breakable box,pad at break=1mm, break at=-\baselineskip/0pt ]
@@ -609,13 +622,14 @@
This example is already set inside a |multicols| environment.
-This time, a \emph{middle} part has full |\textheight|.
+This time, a \emph{middle} part has full column height (here |\textheight|).
\refKey{/tcb/height fixed for} is used to spread this box part over the full
-height toi align with neighboring columns.
+height to align with neighboring columns.
% \usepackage{lipsum,multicol}
-\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,breakable,
+\begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,
+ breakable,
@@ -622,7 +636,7 @@
title=My breakable box,
pad at break=2mm,
- break at=8.2cm/0pt,
+ break at=-\baselineskip/0pt,
height fixed for=middle ]
@@ -652,7 +666,55 @@
+\subsection{Break Point Insertion}\label{subsec:breakpoints}
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2017-07-05]{tcbbreak}{}
+ A \emph{breakable} box is not broken, if there is enough
+ space on the current page or column.
+ Therefore, typical penalty insertion with
+ |\break|, |\pagebreak|, |\columnbreak|, \ldots \emph{may} only work as
+ expected, if the box is broken at least into two parts
+ \emph{without} inserting the penalties.\par\smallskip
+ To \emph{force} a page or column break, \refCom{tcbbreak}
+ starts a new paragraph and inserts an insane tall rule which causes a
+ break and which is immediately discarded. You may ignore this technical
+ information and just use it as you would use |\pagebreak|.\par\smallskip
+ For an \emph{unbreakable box}, \refCom{tcbbreak} is identical to insert |\par|,
+ i.e.\ it just starts a new paragraph.\par\smallskip
+ Also see \refKey{/tcb/break at} for defining height dependend breaks.
+% \usepackage{lipsum,multicol} % preamble
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[breakable,enhanced jigsaw,size=small,
+ colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ title=Break into parts
+ ]
+ First part\tcbbreak
+ Second part\tcbbreak
+ Third part
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[enhanced jigsaw,size=small,
+ colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ title=You shall not break
+ ]
+ First part\tcbbreak
+ Second part\tcbbreak
+ Third part
+ \end{tcolorbox}
\subsection{Break Sequence for the Skins}\label{subsec:breaksequence}
The following diagrams document the \emph{break sequence} for different
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.coreoptions.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.coreoptions.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.coreoptions.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1286,13 +1286,13 @@
-\foreach \s in {minimal,tight,fbox,small,title,normal} {
+\foreach \s in {normal,title,small,fbox,tight,minimal} {
\tcbox[size=\s,on line]{\s} }
-\foreach \s in {minimal,tight,fbox,small,title,normal} {
+\foreach \s in {normal,title,small,fbox,tight,minimal} {
\tcbox[size=\s,on line,title=Test]{\s} }
-\foreach \s in {minimal,tight,fbox,small,title,normal} {
+\foreach \s in {normal,title,small,fbox,tight,minimal} {
\begin{tcolorbox}[size=\s,on line,title=Test,width=2.2cm]
\s \tcblower lower\end{tcolorbox} }
@@ -1784,8 +1784,48 @@
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new={2017-06-28}]{inherit height}{\colOpt{=fraction}}{default |1|, initially unset}
+ If this option is used for a |tcolorbox| which is embedded inside
+ another (outer) |tcolorbox| \emph{and} if this outer |tcolorbox| has
+ a fixed height, then the given \meta{fraction} of the available text height
+ of the outer |tcolorbox| is used as \refKey{/tcb/height} for the current
+ |tcolorbox|.
+ Otherwise, \refKey{/tcb/natural height} is applied for the current
+ |tcolorbox|.
+\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Outer box with fixed height 4cm,height=4cm]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[title=Inner box,nobeforeafter,inherit height]
+ This inner box matches the available space.
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Outer box with natural height]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[title=Inner box,nobeforeafter,inherit height]
+ This inner box has its natural height.
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+\begin{tcolorbox}[title=Outer box with fixed height 5cm,height=5cm]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[title=Inner box,nobeforeafter,inherit height]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=red,beforeafter skip=0pt,inherit height=0.6]
+ Deeply nested box using 60 percent of the available space.
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=red,beforeafter skip=0pt,inherit height=0.4]
+ Deeply nested box using 40 percent of the available space.
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2015-05-05]{square}{}{style, no value}
Sets \refKey{/tcb/height} to match the width of the colored box.
\begin{exdispExample*}{square}{sbs,lefthand ratio=0.6}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.documentation.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.documentation.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.documentation.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -34,8 +34,11 @@
getting reset by \refKey{/tcb/reset}, i.e. they keep their
values for embedded boxes.
+In combination with DocStrip, \refKey{/tcb/verbatim ignore percent} may be helpful.
-For UTF-8 support, load:
+For UTF-8 support load (ignore this when using Xe\LaTeX):
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.intro.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.intro.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.intro.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -137,6 +137,10 @@
in interchanged order, \Fullref{sec:magazine}.
+ Provides support for creating posters, \Fullref{sec:poster}.
Provides support for font size adaption of the box content to
the box dimensions;
@@ -198,15 +202,16 @@
\begin{tcbitemize}[raster columns=3,raster before skip=2mm,raster after skip=0pt,
raster equal height,beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!10!white]
\tcbitem[adjusted title=Advanced Features]
- \mylib{skins}\\
- \mylib{vignette}\\
- \mylib{raster}\\
+ \mylib{external}\\
+ \mylib{fitting}\\
+ \mylib{hooks}\\
+ \mylib{poster}\\
+ \mylib{raster}\\
+ \mylib{skins}\\
- \mylib{fitting}\\
- \mylib{hooks}\\
- \mylib{external}\\
+ \mylib{vignette}\\
\tcbitem[adjusted title=Advanced Listings]
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.listings.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.listings.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.listings.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@
\subsubsection{Loading \mylib{listingsutf8}}
+This library is not needed (and troublesome) when using Xe\LaTeX.
To extend |listings| for UTF-8 encoded sources, you can use the support from
the package |listingsutf8| \cite{oberdiek:2011a} by loading the library
variant \mylib{listingsutf8}.
@@ -418,6 +421,10 @@
\subsection{Option Keys of the \mylib{listingsutf8} Library}
+The \mylib{listingsutf8} library is not needed (and troublesome) when using Xe\LaTeX.
The \mylib{listingsutf8} library is an extension of the
\mylib{listings} library, so
all options from \Vref{sec:speclistingkeys} are applicable.
@@ -441,24 +448,27 @@
\begin{tcblisting}{listing engine=minted,minted style=trac,
minted language=java,
colback=red!5!white,colframe=red!75!black,listing only}
-public class HelloWorld {
- // A 'Hello World' in Java
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- System.out.println("Hello World!");
- }
+ public class HelloWorld {
+ // A 'Hello World' in Java
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ System.out.println("Hello World!");
+ }
+ }
-\begin{docTcbKey}{minted options}{=\meta{key list}}{no default, initially |tabsize=2,fontsize=\textbackslash small|}
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc updated={2017-07-05}]{minted options}{=\meta{key list}}{no default, initially
+ |tabsize=2,fontsize=\textbackslash small,|\linebreak|breaklines,autogobble|}
Sets the options from the package |minted| \cite{poore:2015a}
which are used during typesetting of the listing.
% \tcbuselibrary{skins}
-\newtcblisting{myjava}{listing engine=minted,minted style=colorful,
- minted language=java,minted options={fontsize=\small,linenos,numbersep=3mm},
+\newtcblisting{myjava}{listing engine=minted,
+ minted style=colorful,
+ minted language=java,
+ minted options={fontsize=\small,breaklines,autogobble,linenos,numbersep=3mm},
colback=blue!5!white,colframe=blue!75!black,listing only,
overlay={\begin{tcbclipinterior}\fill[red!20!blue!20!white] (frame.south west)
@@ -465,12 +475,12 @@
rectangle ([xshift=5mm]frame.north west);\end{tcbclipinterior}}}
-public class HelloWorld {
- // A 'Hello World' in Java
- public static void main(String[] args) {
- System.out.println("Hello World!");
+ public class HelloWorld {
+ // A 'Hello World' in Java
+ public static void main(String[] args) {
+ System.out.println("Hello World!");
+ }
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.magazine.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.magazine.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.magazine.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -353,6 +353,21 @@
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2017-06-27]{ifboxarrayempty}{\oarg{name}\marg{index}\marg{true}\marg{false}}
+ Tests the box with the given \meta{index} number from the box array \meta{name}
+ for emptiness be empty and executes \meta{true} if it is empty, and \meta{false} otherwise.
+ If no \meta{name} is given, the already existing |default| box array is used.
+ It is considered an error, if a not existing box array \meta{name} is used.
+\tcbox[size=small,colframe=blue!20,colback=yellow!5,on line,
+ reset and store to box array]{Test}
+\ifboxarrayempty{1}{no Box~1}{Box~1: \useboxarray{1}},
+\ifboxarrayempty{2}{no Box~2}{Box~2: \useboxarray{2}}
\subsection{Box Dimensions}\label{subsec:magazine_dimensions}
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.poster.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.poster.tex (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.poster.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -0,0 +1,608 @@
+% !TeX root = tcolorbox.tex
+% include file of tcolorbox.tex (manual of the LaTeX package tcolorbox)
+\section{Library \mylib{poster}}\label{sec:poster}%
+The main purpose of this library is to support creation of single page posters
+with |tcolorbox|es.
+A \refEnv{tcbposter} is a |tikzpicture| where |tcolorbox|es can be
+placed in a column oriented manner using \refCom{posterbox} commands.
+This base concept is more or less copied from the great |baposter| package.
+The \mylib{raster} library, see \Fullref{sec:raster}, can produce
+similar looking results and may be more appropriate
+depending on the actual project.
+\item The \mylib{raster} library has a flow oriented concept, just like a
+ convential text flow. The text flow (box flow) is a merely endless ribbon
+ which gets broken into lines (and paragraphs) and the lines are broken
+ into pages. \mylib{raster} shapes the boxes to convenient sizes to fill
+ lines and pages in a pleasant way.
+\item The \mylib{tcbposter} library supports a quite free placement of
+ boxes inside a page.
+ Basically, boxes are placed like |node|s are placed inside a |tikzpicture|.
+ In contrast to \mylib{raster}, this is a \emph{single} page
+ and not a flow of pages.
+ The poster is divided into columns and rows.
+ There is a more or less gentle force to use the columns (or spans of columns)
+ for positioning and sizing while the row placement is completely optional.
+The creation of this library was motivated by Ignasi.
+Inside a |tikzpicture| there should be no embedded |tikzpicture|s.
+This rule is violated by the \mylib{poster} library. Be aware that there
+may be some unwanted interactions between the main |tikzpicture| and
+the embedded ones inside the |tcolorbox|es.
+The library is loaded by a package option or inside the preamble by:
+This also loads the libraries
+\mylib{skins}, see \Fullref{sec:skins},
+\mylib{breakable}, see \Fullref{sec:breakable},
+\mylib{magazine}, see \Fullref{sec:magazine}, and
+\mylib{fitting}, see \Fullref{sec:fitting}.
+\begin{tcolorbox}[base example,hyperurl={tcolorbox-tutorial-poster.pdf},title=Click me to see the tutorial]
+You get the best overview of the \mylib{poster} library and its facilities,
+if you look at the \textbf{Poster Tutorial} which is part of the |tcolorbox|
+\subsection{Main Poster Environment}\label{subsec:poster_environment}
+\begin{docEnvironment}[doc new=2017-07-03]{tcbposter}{\oarg{options}}
+ This creates a |tikzpicture| environment with suitable additional
+ settings defined by the given \meta{options}.
+ Basically, \refCom{posterbox} and \refEnv{posterboxenv} are
+ used to place |tcolorboxes| as nodes into the environment,
+ but additional \tikzname\ code can also be used.
+ As \meta{options} all |/tcb/posterset/| keys may be applied, namely:
+\item\refKey{/tcb/posterset/poster}: poster settings like columns, rows, sizes\ldots
+\item\refKey{/tcb/posterset/coverage} and \refKey{/tcb/posterset/no coverage}:
+ settings for a surrounding |tcolorbox| for background and margins.
+\item\refKey{/tcb/posterset/boxes}: style of the |tcolorbox|es used for the poster.
+\item\refKey{/tcb/posterset/fontsize}: scaling of used fonts.
+ \begin{tcbposter}[
+ poster = {showframe,height=10cm,spacing=2mm},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+ ]
+ \posterbox{name=A,column=3,row=2}{My first box}
+ \posterbox[adjusted title=Second box]
+ {name=B,column=2,span=2,below=A}{My second box}
+ \posterbox[adjusted title=Third box]
+ {name=C,column=2,between=B and bottom}{My third box}
+ \end{tcbposter}
+ Inside \refEnv{tcbposter}, there are several predefined \tikzname\ nodes.
+ These nodes share a common \refKey{/tcb/poster/prefix} which is
+ |TCBPOSTER@| by default. This prefix is used to discriminate the
+ poster nodes from local nodes of any embedded |tikzpicture| environment.
+ You will never need this prefix using \refCom{posterbox} and its
+ placement options, but if you want to refer to a predefined node using
+ pure \tikzname\ code.
+ The predefined nodes (shown without prefix) are:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item|poster|: defines the bounding box of the poster (without the coverage).
+ \item|top|: top position plus row spacing
+ \item|bottom|: bottom position minus row spacing
+ \item|middle|: vertical middle position
+ \item|col1|, |col2|, \ldots: bounding box of column~1, column~2, \ldots
+ \item|row1|, |row2|, \ldots: bounding box of row~1, row~2, \ldots
+ \end{itemize}
+ Further nodes are defined using the \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/name} option.
+ \begin{marker}
+ Never use a \refEnv{tcbposter} inside a \refEnv{tcbposter}.
+ But, if you do anyway, use a different \refKey{/tcb/poster/prefix} for
+ the embedded poster or you surely get a total mess.
+ \end{marker}
+ There are several properties inside a \refEnv{tcbposter} which may be useful
+ for advanced code (skip the following on first reading):
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbposterwidth}: Width of the poster (without margins).
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbposterheight}: Height of the poster (without margins).
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbpostercolspacing}: Column distance.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbposterrowspacing}: Row distance.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbpostercolumns}: Column quantity.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbposterrows}: Row quantity.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbpostercolwidth}: Width of a column.
+ \item\docAuxCommand{tcbposterrowheight}: Height of a row.
+ \end{itemize}
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2017-07-03]{tcbposterset}{\marg{options}}
+ Sets options for every following \refEnv{tcbposter} inside the current \TeX\ group.
+ For example, the numbers for rows and columns may be defined for the whole document by this:
+ See \refEnv{tcbposter} for all feasible options.
+\subsection{Poster Settings}\label{subsec:poster_settings}
+\begin{postersetTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{poster}{=\marg{option list}}{style, no default}
+ This option can be applied inside \refEnv{tcbposter} and \refCom{tcbposterset}
+ to set the given poster \meta{option list}, e.g.
+ For the \meta{option list}, see the following keys.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{columns}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |3|}
+ Sets the \meta{number} of columns for a |tcbposter|.
+ \begin{tcbposter}[
+ poster = {showframe,columns=5,rows=2,spacing=1mm,height=4cm},
+ ]
+ \end{tcbposter}
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{rows}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |4|}
+ Sets the \meta{number} of rows for a |tcbposter|.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{colspacing}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |4mm|}
+ Sets \meta{length} as distance between columns.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{rowspacing}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |4mm|}
+ Sets \meta{length} as distance between rows.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{spacing}{=\meta{length}}{style, no default, initially |4mm|}
+ Sets \meta{length} as distance between columns and rows.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{showframe}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ Displays a red auxiliary mesh as optical support during poster creation.
+ Also, every \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/name} is displayed.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{width}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially \cs{linewidth}}
+ Sets \meta{length} as width of the poster. For a typical poster, this has not
+ to be set manually.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{height}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially unset}
+ Sets \meta{length} as height of the poster. For a typical poster, this has not
+ to be set manually, but is set automatically to an appropriate value.
+\begin{posterTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{prefix}{=\meta{name}}{no default, initially |TCBPOSTER@|}
+ \meta{name} is set as prefix for any \tikzname\ node which is generated
+ automatically by the \mylib{poster} library. This encompasses predefined
+ nodes like |top|, |bottom|, \ldots, and nodes defined by using
+ \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/name}. Also, see~\Fullref{subsec:poster_environment}.
+ For a typical poster, this value can stay as it is.
+\begin{postersetTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{coverage}{=\marg{option list}}{style, no default}
+ This option can be applied inside \refEnv{tcbposter} and \refCom{tcbposterset}
+ and it adds an optional coverage for the poster which is a surrounding |tcolorbox|
+ with the given \meta{option list}. Here, margins and background settings
+ for the poster can be given.
+ The \emph{coverage} has several default |tcolorbox| settings
+ suitable for the purpose:
+enhanced, frame hidden, sharp corners, boxsep=0pt, boxrule=0pt,
+top=4mm, bottom=4mm, left=4mm, right=4mm,
+toptitle=2mm, bottomtitle=2mm, colback=white
+The \meta{option list} can contain any |tcolorbox| option.
+ poster = {showframe,spacing=1mm},
+ coverage = {height=5cm,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ watermark text={My Poster},watermark color=white,
+ },
+\item For a typical poster, the option \refKey{/tcb/spread} will use the
+ whole page for the poster coverage.
+\item Poster margins can be adapted by \refKey{/tcb/left}, \refKey{/tcb/right},
+ \refKey{/tcb/top}, \refKey{/tcb/bottom}.
+\item Poster background can be changed by \refKey{/tcb/colback},
+ \refKey{/tcb/interior style}, \refKey{/tcb/interior style image}, etc.
+\begin{postersetTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{no coverage}{}{style, no value, initially set}
+ Removes the surrounding |tcolorbox| completely.
+\subsection{Common Box Settings}\label{subsec:poster_boxsettings}
+\begin{postersetTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{boxes}{=\marg{option list}}{style, no default}
+ This option can be applied inside \refEnv{tcbposter} and \refCom{tcbposterset}
+ and it is used to set up the style of the |tcolorbox|es inside the poster.
+ The \meta{option list} can contain any |tcolorbox| option, but box size
+ options are not assumed to be useful here, because the size will be
+ determined by the placement options.
+ poster = {spacing=2mm,columns=3,rows=2},
+ coverage = {height=5cm,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ },
+ boxes = {sharp corners=downhill,arc=3mm,boxrule=1mm,
+ colback=white,colframe=cyan,
+ title style={left color=black,right color=cyan},
+ fonttitle=\bfseries\scshape}
+ \posterbox[adjusted title=First]{column=1,row=1,span=2}{First box}
+ \posterbox[adjusted title=Second]{column=1,row=2,span=2}{Second box}
+ \posterbox[adjusted title=Third]{column=3,row=1,rowspan=2}{Third box}
+\subsection{Font Scaling}\label{subsec:poster_fontsize}
+\begin{postersetTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{fontsize}{=\meta{length}}{style, no default, initially unset}
+ This option can be applied inside \refEnv{tcbposter} and \refCom{tcbposterset}.
+ It uses \refKey{/tcb/fit basedim} and \refKey{/tcb/fit fontsize macros}
+ to redefine |\normalsize| to \meta{length} and all other standard
+ font size macros like |\small| and |\large| accordingly.\par
+ This needs a freely scalable font family like |lmodern| to work.
+ If \refKey{/tcb/posterset/fontsize} is not applied, there standard
+ font size macros are not changed in any way.
+ poster = {spacing=2mm,columns=3,rows=2},
+ coverage = {height=5cm,
+ interior style={top color=yellow,bottom color=yellow!50!red},
+ },
+ fontsize = 15pt, % <--- \normalsize is now 15pt
+\subsection{Box Placement}\label{subsec:poster_boxplacement}
+\begin{docCommand}[doc new=2017-07-03]{posterbox}{\oarg{options}\marg{placement}\marg{box content}}
+ Inside a \refEnv{tcbposter} environment, this places a |tcolorbox| with
+ additional |tcolorbox| \meta{options} and the given \meta{box content}
+ at a place determined by \meta{placement}.
+ All \meta{placement} options are described in the following.
+ Note that \meta{box content} cannot contain \emph{verbatim} material,
+ see \refEnv{posterboxenv}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=4cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox[title=My title]{name=A,column=2,row=2}{My first box}
+\begin{docEnvironment}[doc new=2017-07-03]{posterboxenv}{\oarg{options}\marg{placement}}
+ This is the environment version of \refCom{posterbox}, i.e.\ inside a
+ \refEnv{tcbposter} environment, this places a |tcolorbox| with
+ additional |tcolorbox| \meta{options} and the given \meta{environment content}
+ at a place determined by \meta{placement}.
+ In contrast to \refCom{posterbox}, the \meta{environment content} is
+ allowed to contain \emph{verbatim} material. Note that the implementation
+ of \refCom{posterbox} is more efficient than the implementation of \refEnv{posterboxenv}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=4cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {size=small,beamer,
+ colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\begin{posterboxenv}[title=My title]{name=A,column=2,between=top and bottom}
+ My first box.
+ \begin{tcblisting}{size=small,colback=yellow!10}
+My \textbf{first}
+poster listing.
+ \end{tcblisting}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{name}{=\meta{name}}{no default, initially |@|}
+ Sets \meta{name} as reference for the current \refCom{posterbox} or
+ \refEnv{posterboxenv}.
+ A \tikzname\ shape name is constructed automatically as combination
+ of \refKey{/tcb/poster/prefix} and \meta{name}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=2.5cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=2,row=2}{My first box}
+\node[below right=4mm,fill=yellow] (X) at (TCBPOSTER at poster.north west) {Example A};
+\draw[blue,very thick,->] (X) |- (TCBPOSTER at A);
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{column}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |1|}
+ Places the box at the column denoted by \meta{number}. If \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/span}
+ is not |1|, the box is aligned to the left side of column \meta{number}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=2.5cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{row=1,column=2,span=2}{First box}
+\posterbox{row=2,column=2,span=0.8}{Second box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{column*}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially unset}
+ Places the box at the column denoted by \meta{number}. If \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/span}
+ is not |1|, the box is aligned to the right side of column \meta{number}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=2.5cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{row=1,column*=2,span=2}{First box}
+\posterbox{row=2,column*=2,span=0.8}{Second box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{span}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |1|}
+ Sets the width of the current box to span \meta{number} columns.
+ \meta{number} is also allowed to be a real number like |0.5| or |1.7|.
+ See \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/column} and \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/column*}
+ for examples.
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{row}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially unset}
+ If this option is applied, the box is placed at the row denoted by \meta{number}.
+ Also, the height is set as fixed according to \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/rowspan}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=2.5cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{row=1,column=1}{First box}
+\posterbox{row=1,column=2,rowspan=2}{Second box}
+\posterbox[natural height]{row=1,column=3}{Third box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{rowspan}{=\meta{number}}{no default, initially |1|}
+ Sets the height of the current box to span \meta{number} rows.
+ \meta{number} is also allowed to be a real number like |0.5| or |1.7|.
+ poster = {showframe,height=2.5cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{row=1,column=1,rowspan=0.9}{First box}
+\posterbox{row=1,column=2,rowspan=1.5}{Second box}
+\posterbox{row=1,column=3,rowspan=2}{Third box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{fixed height}{}{no value, initially |0pt|}
+ Sets the height of the current box span rows as denoted by
+ \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/rowspan}.
+ This can be used, if not \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/row}, but another
+ height placement option is applied.
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{below}{=\meta{name}}{no default, initially |top|}
+ The box is placed below another box with the given \meta{name}. Also,
+ \meta{name} can be a predefined node, see \Fullref{subsec:poster_environment}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=3cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=1,below=top}{First box}
+\posterbox{name=B,column=1,below=A}{Second box}
+\posterbox{name=C,column=2,below=B}{Third box}
+\posterbox{name=D,column=3,below=row1}{Fourth box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{above}{=\meta{name}}{no default, initially unset}
+ The box is placed above another box with the given \meta{name}. Also,
+ \meta{name} can be a predefined node, see \Fullref{subsec:poster_environment}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=3cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=1,above=bottom}{First box}
+\posterbox{name=B,column=1,above=A}{Second box}
+\posterbox{name=C,column=2,above=B}{Third box}
+\posterbox{name=D,column=3,above=row2}{Fourth box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{at}{=\meta{name}}{no default, initially unset}
+ The box is placed at the position with the given \meta{name}. This is
+ quite likely a predefined node, see \Fullref{subsec:poster_environment}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=3cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=1,at=middle}{First box}
+\posterbox{name=B,column=2,at=row1}{Second box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{between}{=\meta{name1} and \meta{name2}}{no default, initially unset}
+ The box is placed below a box \meta{name1} and above another box \meta{name2}. Also,
+ \meta{name1} and \meta{name2} can be predefined nodes, see \Fullref{subsec:poster_environment}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=3cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=1,below=top}{First box}
+\posterbox{name=B,column=1,between=A and bottom}{Second box}
+\posterbox{name=C,column=2,above=bottom}{Third box}
+\posterbox{name=D,column=2,between=top and C,span=2}{Fourth box}
+\posterbox{name=E,column=3,between=D and bottom}{Fifth box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{sequence}{=\meta{sequence}}{no default, initially unset}
+ The box is broken into partial boxes. These partial boxes are placed
+ following the given \meta{sequence} of placements.
+ The feasible syntax for the \meta{sequence} is:\par\medskip
+ \meta{column a} |between| \meta{name a1} |and| \meta{name a2} |then|\\
+ \meta{column b} |between| \meta{name b1} |and| \meta{name b2} |then|\\
+ \meta{column c} |between| \meta{name c1} |and| \meta{name c2} |then|\ldots\par\medskip
+ Obviously, this places the first part box at \meta{column a} between
+ \meta{name a2} and \meta{name a2}. The second box part is placed
+ at \meta{column b} between
+ \meta{name b2} and \meta{name b2}, and so on.
+ poster = {showframe,height=6cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox[adjusted title=A]{name=A,column=1,below=top,span=2}{First box}
+\posterbox{name=B,column=2,above=bottom,span=2}{Second box}
+\posterbox[adjusted title=C,colframe=red!50!black,colback=red!50]{
+ name=C, sequence=1 between A and bottom then
+ 2 between A and B then
+ 3 between top and B
+ }{\lipsum[2]}
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{placeholder}{}{style, no value}
+ If the box content of a \refKey{/tcb/posterloc/sequence} is too short
+ to fill all reserved box parts, the empty boxes are drawn with
+ the \refKey{/tcb/placeholder} style. This style can be redefined, e.g.
+ to \refKey{/tcb/blankest}, if nothing should be drawn for empty boxes.
+ poster = {showframe,height=2.5cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=1,below=top,span=2}{First box}
+ name=B, sequence=1 between A and bottom then
+ 2 between A and bottom then
+ 3 between top and bottom
+ }{Second box followed by placeholder boxes}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{xshift}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+ Horizontal shift of a box by \meta{length}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=3cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=1,row=1,xshift=6mm}{First box}
+\posterbox{name=B,column=2,row=2,xshift=-6mm}{Second box}
+\begin{posterlocTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-03]{yshift}{=\meta{length}}{no default, initially |0pt|}
+ Vertical shift of a box by \meta{length}.
+ poster = {showframe,height=3cm,spacing=2mm,rows=2},
+ boxes = {beamer,colframe=blue!50!black,colback=blue!50,colupper=yellow!50},
+\posterbox{name=A,column=1,row=1,yshift=-4mm}{First box}
+\posterbox{name=B,column=2,row=2,yshift=4mm}{Second box}
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.poster.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.s_main.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.s_main.sty 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.s_main.sty 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -70,6 +70,9 @@
@@ -141,6 +144,8 @@
% raster
+ % breakable
+ tcbbreak,
% theorems
% documentation
@@ -178,7 +183,11 @@
- consumeboxarray,consumetcboxarray,
+ consumeboxarray,consumetcboxarray,ifboxarrayempty,
+ % poster
+ posterbox,tcbposterwidth,tcbposterheight,tcbpostercolspacing,
+ tcbposterrowspacing,tcbpostercolumns,tcbposterrows,tcbpostercolwidth,
+ tcbposterrowheight,tcbposterset,
classoffset=0% restore default
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.skins.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.skins.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.skins.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -3391,6 +3391,13 @@
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-01]{enhanced standard jigsaw}{}{style, no value}
+ For unbreakable boxes, this is identical to using \refKey{/tcb/enhanced jigsaw}.
+ But, for breakable boxes, the \emph{break sequence} is identical to the \refSkin{standard jigsaw} skin,
+ see Section \ref{subsec:breaksequence} from page \pageref{subsec:breaksequence}.
\begin{docSkin}{enhancedfirst jigsaw}
This is the jigsaw variant of skin \refSkin{enhancedfirst}.
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.verbatim.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.verbatim.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.verbatim.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -55,3 +55,63 @@
Loads the current temporary file which was saved by \refEnv{tcbwritetemp}.
+\begin{docTcbKey}[][doc new=2017-07-05]{verbatim ignore percent}{\colOpt{=true\textbar false}}{default |true|, initially |false|}
+ If this option is set to be |true|, the percent sign \% is silently
+ ignored for \refEnv{tcbverbatimwrite} and all macros and environments
+ which are built using \refEnv{tcbverbatimwrite}, e.g.\
+ \refEnv{tcbwritetemp}, \refEnv{tcblisting}, or \refEnv{dispExample}.\par
+ This option may be useful for creating some special effects, but mainly
+ it is intended to be applied for documentation with DocStrip.
+ The creation of this option was motivated by Yudai Nakata.
+ Note that this option is not getting reset by \refKey{/tcb/reset}.
+Normal usage:
+This is my text.
+\tcbset{verbatim ignore percent}
+\bigskip Option applied:
+This is my text.
+Note that \emph{every} percent sign is removed, also escaped ones.
+% \tcbuselibrary{listings}
+This is my 5\percent\ text
+and this is my 10\% text.
+ title=Option applied,
+ verbatim ignore percent}
+This is my 5\percent\ text
+and this is my 10\% text.
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.xparse.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.xparse.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.doc.xparse.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@
\subsection{Producing \texttt{tcblisting} Environments}\label{subsec:xparse_listing}
-The following commands need the \mylib{listings} library to be included.
+Besides \mylib{xparse}, the following commands also need the \mylib{listings} library to be included.
\begin{docCommand}{DeclareTCBListing}{\oarg{init options}\marg{name}\marg{specification}\marg{options}}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.pdf
(Binary files differ)
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
% \LaTeX-Main\
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcolorbox.tex: Manual
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
\tcbset{/tcb/external/-}% for final run
@@ -82,6 +82,7 @@
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbbreakable.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbbreakable.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbbreakable.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbbreakable.code.tex: Code for breakable colorboxes
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
\let\tcb at parboxrestore@true=\tcb at parboxrestore
\let\tcb at parboxrestore@false\tcb at parbox@false at settings
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@
+\def\tcb@@break{\par\xleaders\vbox{\rule{0pt}{2\textheight}}\vskip 2\textheight\par}
\def\tcb at vbox#1#2{%
\edef\reserved at a{%
@@ -71,6 +72,7 @@
\def\noexpand\@currenvline{\on at line}}%
\reserved at a%
+ \let\tcbbreak\tcb@@break%
\color at begingroup%
@@ -106,18 +108,29 @@
\ifx\kvtcb at float\@empty%
\iftcb at multicol%
- \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\textheight-\kvtcb at shrinkbreakgoal}%
+ \ifnum\c at tcbbreakpart>1\relax%
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\@colroom}%
+ \else%
+ \ifdim\pagegoal=16383.99998pt
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\@colroom}%
+ \else%
+ \@tempdima\pagetotal%
+ \@whiledim \@tempdima>\@colroom \do{\advance\@tempdima-\@colroom}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\@colroom-\@tempdima}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
- \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\vsize-\kvtcb at shrinkbreakgoal}% detects floating objects
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\vsize}% detects floating objects
\tcb at comp@compress%
- \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\pagegoal-\pagetotal+\tcb at compress@height-\kvtcb at shrinkbreakgoal}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\pagegoal-\pagetotal+\tcb at compress@height}%
- \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\textheight-\kvtcb at shrinkbreakgoal}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\textheight}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at h@page{\tcb at h@page+\tcb at breakat@dim-\kvtcb at shrinkbreakgoal}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbdocumentation.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbdocumentation.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbdocumentation.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbdocumentation.code.tex: Code for LaTeX documentations
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbexternal.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbexternal.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbexternal.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbexternal.code.tex: Code for externalization
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
\tcbuselibrary{pro at cessing}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbfitting.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbfitting.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbfitting.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbfitting.code.tex: Code for fit boxes
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
\newdimen\tcb at lowerfitdim
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbhooks.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbhooks.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbhooks.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbhooks.code.tex: Code for adding hooks
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
before upper app/.code={\appto\kvtcb at before@upper{#1}},%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistings.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistings.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistings.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcblistings.code.tex: Code for colorboxes with listings
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistingscore.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistingscore.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistingscore.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcblistingscode.code.tex: Auxiliary code for colorboxes with listings
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
\tcbuselibrary{pro at cessing}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistingsutf8.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistingsutf8.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcblistingsutf8.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcblistingsutf8.code.tex: Code for colorboxes with listings in UTF-8
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbmagazine.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbmagazine.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbmagazine.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbmagazine.code.tex: Code for box sets and magazine styles
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
@@ -134,6 +134,17 @@
+ \begingroup%
+ \boxarraygetbox[#1]{\tcb at box@array at box}{#2}%
+ \ifdefined\tcb at box@array at box\relax%
+ \aftergroup\@secondoftwo%
+ \else%
+ \aftergroup\@firstoftwo%
+ \fi%
+ \endgroup%
\boxarraygetsize[#1]\tcb at box@array at size%
\numdef\tcb at box@array at size{\tcb at box@array at size+1}%
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbminted.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbminted.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbminted.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbminted.code.tex: Code for colorboxes with listings
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@
reset at minted/.style={%
minted language=latex,
- minted options={tabsize=2,fontsize=\small},
+% minted options={tabsize=2,fontsize=\small,breaklines,autogobble},
+ minted options={tabsize=2,fontsize=\small,breaklines,autogobble},
minted style=,
listing engine=minted,
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbposter.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbposter.code.tex (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbposter.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
+%% tcbposter.code.tex: Code for posters
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright (c) 2006-2017 by Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas F. Sturm <thomas dot sturm at unibw dot de>
+%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `author-maintained'.
+%% This work consists of all files listed in README
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
+\newif\iftcb at poster@showframe
+\newif\iftcb at posterbox@sequence
+\newboxarray{tcb at poster}
+\def\tcb at poster@compute at poster@boxheight#1#2{%
+ \pgfpointanchor{\tcb at poster@prefix#1}{south}\unskip%
+ \@tempdima\pgf at y%
+ \pgfpointanchor{\tcb at poster@prefix#2}{north}\unskip%
+ \advance \@tempdima by -\pgf at y\relax%
+ \advance \@tempdima by -\tcbposterrowspacing\relax%
+ \advance \@tempdima by -\tcbposterrowspacing\relax%
+ \edef\tcb at poster@boxheight{\the\@tempdima}%
+\def\poster at scan@sequence#1 between #2 and #3 then#4\@nil{%
+ \tcb at poster@compute at poster@boxheight{#2}{#3}%
+ \ifundef{\tcb at poster@firstboxheight}{\edef\tcb at poster@firstboxheight{\tcb at poster@boxheight}}{}%
+ \eappto\tcb at poster@breakat{\tcb at poster@boxheight/}%
+ \@tempcnta\numexpr#1\relax%
+ \listeadd\tcb at poster@list{{\tcb at poster@prefix col\@arabic\@tempcnta.west|-\tcb at poster@prefix#2.south}{\tcb at poster@boxheight}}%
+ \ifblank{#4}{}{\poster at scan@sequence#4\@nil}%
+\newenvironment{tcb at poster@env}{%
+ \let\posterbox\tcb at poster@box%
+ \let\posterboxenv\tcb at poster@boxenv%
+ \let\endposterboxenv\endtcb at poster@boxenv%
+ \ifundef\tcb at poster@height{%
+ \ifnum\c at tcblayer=0\relax%
+ \def\tcb at poster@height{\textheight}%
+ \else%
+ \ifdim\dimexpr\tcbtextheight>0pt\relax%
+ \def\tcb at poster@height{\tcbtextheight}%
+ \else%
+ \def\tcb at poster@height{0.75\textheight}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi}{}%
+ \tcbset{poster/.cd,poster at poster}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcbposterwidth{\tcb at poster@width}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcbposterheight{\tcb at poster@height}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcbpostercolspacing{\tcb at poster@colspacing}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcbposterrowspacing{\tcb at poster@rowspacing}%
+ \edef\tcbpostercolumns{\the\numexpr\tcb at poster@columns\relax}%
+ \edef\tcbposterrows{\the\numexpr\tcb at poster@rows\relax}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcbpostercolwidth{(\tcbposterwidth+\tcbpostercolspacing)/\tcbpostercolumns-\tcbpostercolspacing}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcbposterrowheight{(\tcbposterheight+\tcbposterrowspacing)/\tcbposterrows-\tcbposterrowspacing}%
+ \begin{tikzpicture}%
+ \path[use as bounding box] (0,0) rectangle (\tcbposterwidth,\tcbposterheight);
+ \node[name=\tcb at poster@prefix poster,at={(0,0)},line width=0mm,inner sep=0mm,outer sep=0mm,draw=none,fill=none,rectangle,
+ above right,minimum width=\tcbposterwidth,minimum height=\tcbposterheight]{};
+ \coordinate (\tcb at poster@prefix top) at (0,\tcbposterheight+\tcbposterrowspacing);
+ \coordinate (\tcb at poster@prefix bottom) at (0,-\tcbposterrowspacing);
+ \coordinate (\tcb at poster@prefix middle) at (0,\the\dimexpr0.5\dimexpr\tcbposterheight\relax);
+ \begin{scope}[every node/.style={inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,above right,minimum height=\tcbposterheight,minimum width=\tcbpostercolwidth}]%
+ \node (\tcb at poster@prefix col1) at (0,0) {};
+ \@tempcnta 1%
+ \@tempcntb\numexpr\tcbpostercolumns\relax%
+ \@tempdima\dimexpr\tcbpostercolwidth+\tcbpostercolspacing\relax%
+ \@whilenum \@tempcnta<\@tempcntb \do{%
+ \edef\tcb at temp{\tcb at poster@prefix col\@arabic\@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta 1\relax%
+ \node[xshift=\tcbpostercolspacing] (\tcb at poster@prefix col\@arabic\@tempcnta) at (\tcb at temp.south east) {};
+ }%
+ \end{scope}%
+ \begin{scope}[every node/.style={inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,below right,minimum height=\tcbposterrowheight,minimum width=\tcbposterwidth}]%
+ \node (\tcb at poster@prefix row1) at (0,\tcbposterheight) {};
+ \@tempcnta 1%
+ \@tempcntb\numexpr\tcbposterrows\relax%
+ \@tempdima\dimexpr\tcbposterrowheight+\tcbposterrowspacing\relax%
+ \@whilenum \@tempcnta<\@tempcntb \do{%
+ \edef\tcb at temp{\tcb at poster@prefix row\@arabic\@tempcnta}%
+ \advance\@tempcnta 1\relax%
+ \node[yshift=-\tcbposterrowspacing] (\tcb at poster@prefix row\@arabic\@tempcnta) at (\tcb at temp.south west) {};
+ }%
+ \end{scope}%
+ \iftcb at poster@showframe%
+ \@tempcnta 0%
+ \@tempcntb\numexpr\tcbpostercolumns\relax%
+ \@whilenum \@tempcnta<\@tempcntb \do{%
+ \advance\@tempcnta 1\relax%
+ \edef\tcb at temp{\tcb at poster@prefix col\@arabic\@tempcnta}%
+ \draw[red] (\tcb at temp.north west) node[above right]{col\@arabic\@tempcnta} rectangle (\tcb at temp.south east);
+ }%
+ \@tempcnta 0%
+ \@tempcntb\numexpr\tcbposterrows\relax%
+ \@whilenum \@tempcnta<\@tempcntb \do{%
+ \advance\@tempcnta 1\relax%
+ \edef\tcb at temp{\tcb at poster@prefix row\@arabic\@tempcnta}%
+ \draw[red] (\tcb at temp.north west) node[below left]{row\@arabic\@tempcnta} rectangle (\tcb at temp.south east);
+ }%
+ \gdef\tcb at poster@framelist{}%
+ \fi%
+ \iftcb at poster@showframe%
+ \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{%
+ \node[red,fill=white,opacity=0.7,font=\Large] at (\tcb at poster@prefix##1) {##1};}%
+ \dolistloop{\tcb at poster@framelist}%
+ \gdef\tcb at poster@framelist{}%
+ \fi%
+% #1 tcolorbox options
+% #2 position
+% #3 Inhalt
+\newcommand{\tcb at poster@box}[3][]{%
+ \bgroup%
+ \tcbset{posterloc/.cd,#2}%
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at poster@boxwidth{\tcb at poster@span\dimexpr\tcbpostercolwidth+\tcbpostercolspacing\relax-\tcbpostercolspacing}%
+ \iftcb at posterbox@sequence%
+ \begin{pgfinterruptpicture}%
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[tcb at poster@style,width=\tcb at poster@boxwidth,tcb at poster@boxheight,
+ height fixed for=all,#1,
+ enforce breakable,reset box array=tcb at poster,store to box array=tcb at poster]#3\end{tcolorbox}%
+ \end{pgfinterruptpicture}%
+ \def\tcb at poster@boxcount{0}%
+ \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\edef\tcb at poster@boxcount{\the\numexpr\tcb at poster@boxcount+1\relax}%
+ \node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,tcb at poster@node,name=\tcb at poster@prefix\tcb at poster@boxname\tcb at poster@boxcount] at (\@firstoftwo##1) {%
+ \ifboxarrayempty[tcb at poster]{\tcb at poster@boxcount}%
+ {\begin{tcolorbox}[placeholder,width=\tcb at poster@boxwidth,height=\@secondoftwo##1]\end{tcolorbox}}%
+ {\consumeboxarray[tcb at poster]{\tcb at poster@boxcount}}%
+ };}%
+ \dolistloop{\tcb at poster@list}%
+ \iftcb at poster@showframe%
+ \ifdefstring{\tcb at poster@boxname}{@}{}{%
+ \def\tcb at poster@boxcount{0}%
+ \renewcommand*{\do}[1]{\edef\tcb at poster@boxcount{\the\numexpr\tcb at poster@boxcount+1\relax}%
+ \listxadd\tcb at poster@framelist{\tcb at poster@boxname\tcb at poster@boxcount}}%
+ \dolistloop{\tcb at poster@list}%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \begin{pgfinterruptpicture}%
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[tcb at poster@style,width=\tcb at poster@boxwidth,tcb at poster@boxheight,#1,
+ reset box array=tcb at poster,store to box array=tcb at poster]#3\end{tcolorbox}%
+ \end{pgfinterruptpicture}%
+ \node[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0,tcb at poster@node,name=\tcb at poster@prefix\tcb at poster@boxname] at (\tcb at poster@xpos|-\tcb at poster@ypos)
+ {\consumeboxarray[tcb at poster]{1}};%
+ \iftcb at poster@showframe%
+ \ifdefstring{\tcb at poster@boxname}{@}{}{\listxadd\tcb at poster@framelist{\tcb at poster@boxname}}%
+ \fi%
+ \fi%
+ \egroup%
+\newenvironment{tcb at poster@boxenv}[2][]{%
+ \newcommand{\tcb at poster@box at saved}{\posterbox[#1]{#2}{\tcbusetemp}}%
+ \tcbwritetemp}%
+ {\endtcbwritetemp\tcb at poster@box at saved}
+\newenvironment{tcbposter at coverage}{}{}
+ \tcbposterset{#1}%
+ \begin{tcbposter at coverage}\begin{tcb at poster@env}%
+}{\end{tcb at poster@env}\end{tcbposter at coverage}}
+ poster/.cd,
+ width/.store in=\tcb at poster@width,
+ height/.store in=\tcb at poster@height,
+ colspacing/.store in=\tcb at poster@colspacing,
+ rowspacing/.store in=\tcb at poster@rowspacing,
+ spacing/.style={colspacing={#1},rowspacing={#1}},
+ columns/.store in=\tcb at poster@columns,
+ rows/.store in=\tcb at poster@rows,
+ showframe/.is if=tcb at poster@showframe,
+ prefix/.store in=\tcb at poster@prefix,
+ %
+ width=\linewidth,
+ spacing=4mm,
+ columns=3,
+ rows=4,
+ showframe=false,
+ prefix=TCBPOSTER@,
+ posterloc/.cd,
+ name/.store in=\tcb at poster@boxname,
+ column/.code={\edef\tcb at poster@xpos{\tcb at poster@prefix col#1.west}\edef\tcb at poster@orientation{right}},%
+ column*/.code={\edef\tcb at poster@xpos{\tcb at poster@prefix col#1.east}\edef\tcb at poster@orientation{left}},%
+ below/.code={\tcb at posterbox@sequencefalse%
+ \tikzset{tcb at poster@node/.style={below \tcb at poster@orientation,yshift=\the\dimexpr\tcb at poster@yshift-\tcbposterrowspacing\relax,xshift=\tcb at poster@xshift}}%
+ \tcbset{tcb at poster@boxheight/.style={natural height}}%
+ \edef\tcb at poster@ypos{\tcb at poster@prefix#1.south}},
+ above/.code={\tcb at posterbox@sequencefalse%
+ \tikzset{tcb at poster@node/.style={above \tcb at poster@orientation,yshift=\the\dimexpr\tcb at poster@yshift+\tcbposterrowspacing\relax,xshift=\tcb at poster@xshift}}%
+ \tcbset{tcb at poster@boxheight/.style={natural height}}%
+ \edef\tcb at poster@ypos{\tcb at poster@prefix#1.north}},
+ at/.code={\tcb at posterbox@sequencefalse%
+ \tikzset{tcb at poster@node/.style={\tcb at poster@orientation,yshift=\tcb at poster@yshift,xshift=\tcb at poster@xshift}}%
+ \tcbset{tcb at poster@boxheight/.style={natural height}}%
+ \edef\tcb at poster@ypos{\tcb at poster@prefix#1}},
+ between/.code args={#1 and #2}{\tcb at posterbox@sequencefalse%
+ \tikzset{tcb at poster@node/.style={below \tcb at poster@orientation,yshift=\the\dimexpr\tcb at poster@yshift-\tcbposterrowspacing\relax,xshift=\tcb at poster@xshift}}%
+ \edef\tcb at poster@ypos{\tcb at poster@prefix#1.south}%
+ \tcb at poster@compute at poster@boxheight{#1}{#2}%
+ \tcbset{tcb at poster@boxheight/.style={height=\tcb at poster@boxheight}}%
+ },
+ sequence/.code={\tcb at posterbox@sequencetrue%
+ \tikzset{tcb at poster@node/.style={below \tcb at poster@orientation,yshift=\the\dimexpr\tcb at poster@yshift-\tcbposterrowspacing\relax,xshift=\tcb at poster@xshift}}%
+ \undef\tcb at poster@firstboxheight%
+ \def\tcb at poster@breakat{}%
+ \def\tcb at poster@list{}%
+ \poster at scan@sequence #1 then\@nil%
+ \eappto\tcb at poster@breakat{\tcbposterheight}%
+ \tcbset{tcb at poster@boxheight/.style={break at=\tcb at poster@breakat,height=\tcb at poster@firstboxheight}}%
+ },
+ row/.code={\tcb at posterbox@sequencefalse%
+ \tikzset{tcb at poster@node/.style={below \tcb at poster@orientation,yshift=\tcb at poster@yshift,xshift=\tcb at poster@xshift}}%
+ \tcbset{posterloc/fixed height}%
+ \edef\tcb at poster@ypos{\tcb at poster@prefix row#1.north}},
+ %
+ span/.store in=\tcb at poster@span,%
+ row at span/.store in=\tcb at poster@rowspan,%
+ rowspan/.style={row at span=#1,fixed height},%
+ xshift/.store in=\tcb at poster@xshift,%
+ yshift/.store in=\tcb at poster@yshift,%
+ fixed height/.code={\tcbset{tcb at poster@boxheight/.style={height=\tcb at poster@rowspan\dimexpr\tcbposterrowheight+\tcbposterrowspacing\relax-\tcbposterrowspacing}}},%
+ %
+ name=@,
+ column=1,
+ below=top,
+ span=1,
+ row at span=1,
+ xshift=0pt,
+ yshift=0pt,
+ coverage/.code={\renewtcolorbox{tcbposter at coverage}{%
+ enhanced,frame hidden,sharp corners,boxsep=0pt,boxrule=0pt,
+ top=4mm,bottom=4mm,left=4mm,right=4mm,
+ toptitle=2mm,bottomtitle=2mm,colback=white,#1}},
+ no coverage/.code={\renewenvironment{tcbposter at coverage}{}{}},
+ poster/.code={\tcbset{poster/.cd,poster at poster/.style={#1}}},
+ boxes/.code={\tcbset{tcb at poster@style/.style={nobeforeafter,enhanced standard,#1}}},
+ fontsize/.code={\tcbset{fit fontsize macros}\tcbsetforeverylayer{fit basedim=#1}\normalsize},
+ %
+ poster,boxes
+\tcbset{placeholder/.style={enhanced jigsaw,
+ size=small,sharp corners,colframe=red!50!black,
+ interior style={bottom color=red!15!white,top color=blue!15!white},
+ opacityback=0.5,
+ underlay={\draw[red!50!black,line cap=round] (interior.south west)--(interior.north east);
+ \draw[red!50!black,line cap=round] (interior.south east)--(interior.north west);},
Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbposter.code.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbprocessing.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbprocessing.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbprocessing.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbprocessing.code.tex: Code for conditional processing
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbraster.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbraster.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbraster.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbskinsjigsaw.code.tex: Code for colorboxes with different skins
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbskins.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbskins.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbskins.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbskins.code.tex: Code for colorboxes with different skins
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbskinsjigsaw.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbskinsjigsaw.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbskinsjigsaw.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbskinsjigsaw.code.tex: Code for colorboxes with different skins
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
@@ -219,6 +219,8 @@
enhanced jigsaw/.style={skin=enhanced jigsaw},%
+ enhanced standard jigsaw/.style={skin=enhanced jigsaw,
+ skin first=enhanced jigsaw,skin middle=enhanced jigsaw,skin last=enhanced jigsaw},%
frame engine/pathjigsaw/.style={frame code=\tcb at drawframe@pathjigsaw},
frame engine/pathfirstjigsaw/.style={frame code=\tcb at drawframe@pathfirstjigsaw},
frame engine/pathmiddlejigsaw/.style={frame code=\tcb at drawframe@pathmiddlejigsaw},
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbtheorems.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbtheorems.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbtheorems.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbtheorems.code.tex: Code for theorems in colorboxes
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbvignette.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbvignette.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbvignette.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbvignette.code.tex: Code for ornamental frames
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbxparse.code.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbxparse.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcbxparse.code.tex 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcbxparse.code.tex: Code for xparse features
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\tcb at set@library at version{4.03}
+\tcb at set@library at version{4.10}
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.sty 2017-07-06 21:26:59 UTC (rev 44758)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/tcolorbox/tcolorbox.sty 2017-07-06 21:27:18 UTC (rev 44759)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.03 (2017/04/25)
+%% The LaTeX package tcolorbox - version 4.10 (2017/07/05)
%% tcolorbox.sty: Text color boxes
%% -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
%% This work consists of all files listed in README
-\ProvidesPackage{tcolorbox}[2017/04/25 version 4.03 text color boxes]
-\def\tcb at version{4.03}
+\ProvidesPackage{tcolorbox}[2017/07/05 version 4.10 text color boxes]
+\def\tcb at version{4.10}
@@ -315,6 +315,14 @@
natural height/.code={\tcb at fixedheightfalse\tcb@@ch@@operation{\tcb at ch@natural}},
height/.code={\tcb at fixedheighttrue\tcb at dim@to\kvtcb at height@fixed{#1}\tcb@@ch@@operation{\tcb at ch@fixed}},
text height/.code={\tcb at fixedheighttrue\tcb at dim@to\kvtcb at height@fixed{#1}\tcb@@ch@@operation{\tcb at ch@innerfixed}},
+ inherit height/.code={%
+ \ifdim\dimexpr\tcb at outer@textheight>\z@\relax%
+ \tcbdimto\tcb at inherited@height{#1\dimexpr\tcb at outer@textheight}%
+ \tcbset{height=\tcb at inherited@height}%
+ \else%
+ \tcbset{natural height}%
+ \fi},
+ inherit height/.default=1,
add to height/.code={\iftcb at fixedheight\tcbdimto\kvtcb at height@fixed{\kvtcb at height@fixed+(#1)}\fi},
add to natural height/.code={\tcb at fixedheightfalse\def\kvtcb at height@natural at plus{#1}\tcb@@ch@@operation{\tcb at ch@natural at plus}},
height plus/.dimstore in=\kvtcb at height@fixed at plus,%
@@ -700,7 +708,11 @@
\setbox\z@=\color at hbox##1\color at endbox\ifdim\wd\z@<\tcb at w@upper\relax\makebox[\tcb at w@upper][l]{\box\z@}\else\box\z@\fi}},
tcbox width/minimum right/.code={\tcb at set@embed at tcbox{%
\setbox\z@=\color at hbox##1\color at endbox\ifdim\wd\z@<\tcb at w@upper\relax\makebox[\tcb at w@upper][r]{\box\z@}\else\box\z@\fi}},
- }
+ verbatim ignore percent/.is choice,
+ verbatim ignore percent/true/.code={\def\tcb at verbatim@change at percent{\catcode`\^^e=9}},
+ verbatim ignore percent/false/.code={\let\tcb at verbatim@change at percent\@empty},
+ verbatim ignore percent/.default=true,
\def\kvtcb at beforebox{}
\def\kvtcb at afterbox{}
@@ -754,6 +766,7 @@
\def\noexpand\@currenvline{\on at line}}%
\reserved at a
+ \let\tcbbreak\par%
\csname tcb at parbox@use@\kvtcb at parbox\endcsname%
\tcb at minipage#2\tcb at hyph@fix\ignorespaces}
\let\endtcb at lrbox=\endminipage
@@ -1048,8 +1061,11 @@
+\let\tcbtextheight\tcb at zpt%
\long\def\tcb at apply@box at options#1{%
\let\tcb at space\tcb at zpt%
+ \let\tcb at outer@textheight\tcbtextheight%
\let\tcbtextheight\tcb at zpt%
\let\tcbtextwidth\tcb at zpt%
\tcbset{#1}\tcb at lateoptions@hook\tcb at afteroptions@hook%
@@ -1977,6 +1993,7 @@
\let\tcb at verbatim@begin at hook\@empty
\let\tcb at verbatim@end at hook\@empty
+\let\tcb at verbatim@change at percent\@empty
@@ -1983,7 +2000,7 @@
\immediate\openout\tcb at out #1
\tcb at verbatim@begin at hook%
- \catcode`\^^M\active \catcode`\^^I=12
+ \tcb at verbatim@change at percent\catcode`\^^M\active \catcode`\^^I=12
\def\verbatim at processline{%
\immediate\write\tcb at out
{\the\verbatim at line}}%
@@ -2168,10 +2185,11 @@
\tcb at add@library{xparse}{tcbxparse.code.tex}
\tcb at add@library{external}{tcbexternal.code.tex}
\tcb at add@library{vignette}{tcbvignette.code.tex}
+\tcb at add@library{poster}{tcbposter.code.tex}
\tcb at add@library at style{many}{raster,skins,breakable,hooks,theorems,fitting,xparse}
-\tcb at add@library at style{most}{many,listingsutf8,external,magazine,vignette}
-\tcb at add@library at style{all}{many,minted,listingsutf8,external,magazine,vignette,documentation}
+\tcb at add@library at style{most}{many,listingsutf8,external,magazine,vignette,poster}
+\tcb at add@library at style{all}{many,minted,listingsutf8,external,magazine,vignette,poster,documentation}
\begingroup\edef\x{\endgroup\noexpand\tcbuselibrary{\tcb at optionlist}}\x
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