texlive[42097] Master/texmf-dist: turabian-formatting (18sep16)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sun Sep 18 23:07:17 CEST 2016

Revision: 42097
Author:   karl
Date:     2016-09-18 23:07:17 +0200 (Sun, 18 Sep 2016)
Log Message:
turabian-formatting (18sep16)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/turabian-formatting/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/turabian-formatting/README	2016-09-18 21:07:05 UTC (rev 42096)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/turabian-formatting/README	2016-09-18 21:07:17 UTC (rev 42097)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Turabian Formatting for LaTeX (2016/07/18)
+Turabian Formatting for LaTeX (2016/09/17)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-formatting-doc.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-formatting-doc.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-formatting-doc.tex	2016-09-18 21:07:05 UTC (rev 42096)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-formatting-doc.tex	2016-09-18 21:07:17 UTC (rev 42097)
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 % and turabian-formatting-doc.pdf (in addition to the README file).
 % ==============================
-% Last updated: 2016/07/18
+% Last updated: 2016/09/17
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
-	@book{turabian_manual_2013,
-		author = {Turabian, Kate L.},
-		edition = {8th edition},
-		title = {A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers},
-		shorttitle = {A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations},
-		publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
-		year = {2013}}
+ at book{turabian_manual_2013,
+	author = {Turabian, Kate L.},
+	edition = {8th edition},
+	title = {A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers},
+	shorttitle = {A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations},
+	publisher = {University of Chicago Press},
+	year = {2013}}
@@ -62,10 +62,8 @@
+\usepackage{ellipsis, shortvrb}
@@ -84,7 +82,22 @@
 \newcommand{\textcmd}[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
+	{\list{}{%
+		\setlength\topsep{0in}
+		\setlength\itemsep{1\baselineskip}
+		\setlength\parsep{0pt}
+		\setlength\labelwidth{0.75in}
+		\setlength\leftmargin{1in}
+		\setlength\listparindent{0in}
+		\setlength\itemindent{0in}
+		\setlength\labelsep{0pt}
+		\let\makelabel\pagestylelabel}
+		\singlespacing}
+	{\endlist}
+\newcommand*{\pagestylelabel}[1]{\parbox[t]{\labelwidth}{\normalfont \texttt{#1}}}
 \title{Turabian Formatting for \LaTeX{}}
 \author{Omar Abdool \\
 {\normalsize \href{mailto:turabian.formatting at gmail.com}{turabian.formatting at gmail.com}}}
@@ -99,6 +112,7 @@
 \noindent This package provides Chicago-style formatting based on Kate L. Turabian's \emph{A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations: Chicago Style for Students and Researchers} (8th edition).
@@ -107,7 +121,7 @@
 % Formatting for document content
-\newgeometry{top=1.75in, bottom=1.75in, left=2.25in, right=1.25in, marginparsep=0.25in, marginparwidth=1.25in}
+\newgeometry{top=1.75in, bottom=1.75in, left=2.25in, right=1.25in, marginparsep=0.03in, marginparwidth=1.47in}
@@ -149,7 +163,7 @@
 The \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class offers formatting specific to theses and dissertations. It is based upon the \texttt{book} document class. 
-This document class provides additional support for chapter headings as well as formatting commands to structure the document into front matter, main matter, and back matter (refer to subsections~\ref{subsec:chapters} and~\ref{subsec:td_structure}).
+This document class provides additional formatting commands for parts and chapters as well as organizing a document into front matter, main matter, and back matter (refer to subsections~\ref{subsec:parts},~\ref{subsec:chapters}, and~\ref{subsec:td_structure}).
 When placed in the source document preamble, the following specifies the document class as \texttt{turabian-thesis}:
@@ -179,7 +193,7 @@
 The default page size, for both document classes, is 8\nicefrac{1}{2} × 11 inches (US Letter size, specified as \texttt{letterpaper}). Other paper size options can be specified instead, including \texttt{a4paper} and \texttt{legalpaper}.
-The \texttt{twocolumn} option, however, is not supported. More so, the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class does not support the \texttt{notitlepage} option either.
+The \texttt{twocolumn} option, however, is not supported. More so, the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class does not support the \texttt{notitlepage} option.
 Both documents classes, by default, are set to \texttt{oneside}. The \texttt{twoside} option is also supported.
@@ -202,30 +216,17 @@
 Support for the author-date style is enabled by specifying the \texttt{authordate} formatting option. This option passes an \texttt{authordate} option to \texttt{biblatex-chicago} as well as redefines the default heading for the references list (also typeset using the \textcmd{printbibliography} command) to that of \emph{References}.
-Adjustments made by \texttt{turabian-formatting} to the \textcmd{printbibliography} command can be disabled using the \texttt{noadjustbib} formatting option. The following code, loaded at the end of the preamble, is affected by this option:
-	\if at authordateformat
-		\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{%
-			bibliography = {References}}
-	\else
-		\DefineBibliographyStrings{english}{%
-			references = {Bibliography}}
-	\fi
-	\renewcommand{\bibsetup}{\singlespacing}
-	\renewcommand{\bibitemsep}{1\baselineskip}
-	\renewcommand{\bibhang}{0.5in}
+Adjustments made by \texttt{turabian-formatting} to the \textcmd{printbibliography} command can be disabled using the \texttt{noadjustbib} formatting option.
-Although footnotes are used by default, endnotes can be used by specifying the \texttt{endnotes} formatting option. Through this option, the \texttt{endnotes} package is loaded.
+Although footnotes are used by default, endnotes can also be used by specifying the \texttt{endnotes} formatting option. Through this option, the \texttt{endnotes} package is loaded.
 With the \texttt{endnotes} option, footnotes are restarted on each page and labelled using symbols in the sequence of: * $\dagger$ $\ddagger$ $\S$ \autocite[156]{turabian_manual_2013}. The \texttt{notetype=endonly} option is also passed to the \texttt{biblatex-chicago} package.
 To produce a list of endnotes, use the \textcmd{theendnotes} command provided by the \texttt{endnotes} package. Through the \texttt{endnotes} option, each endnote is single-spaced with a ``blank line between notes." The default heading for this list of endnotes is typeset as \emph{Notes}.\footnote{%
-	The \emph{Notes} heading, when using the \texttt{turabian-researchpaper} document class, is typeset with \textcmd{section*}. The \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, however, typsets the \emph{Notes} heading with \textcmd{chapter*}. If there are no endnotes preceding \textcmd{theendnotes}, this command will generate a \emph{Notes} heading with an empty endnotes list.}
+	The \emph{Notes} heading, when using the \texttt{turabian-researchpaper} document class, is typeset with \textcmd{section*}. The \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, however, typesets the \emph{Notes} heading with \textcmd{chapter*}. If there are no endnotes preceding \textcmd{theendnotes}, this command will generate a \emph{Notes} heading with an empty endnotes list.}
 When used with \texttt{turabian-thesis}, the numbering of endnotes is restarted at the beginning of each chapter. In this case, the endnotes list then uses subheadings that divide endnotes by each chapter \autocite[157]{turabian_manual_2013}.
@@ -235,30 +236,39 @@
+\marginnote{\textbackslash part\{\}}
+A thesis or dissertation, using the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, can be separated into parts using the \textcmd{part} command. 
+The \textcmd{part} command creates a part-title page with an optional descriptive title. If located in the main matter (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:td_structure}), the descriptive title is preceded by a \emph{Part} label and part number (in capitalized roman numerals) at the top of the page---the ``descriptive title separated from the label and number by a blank line. Although the part-title page is counted in pagination, no page number is placed on the page \autocite[390]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+\marginnote{\textbackslash part*\{\}}
+The \textcmd{part*} command also starts a new page with a descriptive title. If in the main matter, this command provides the same \emph{Part} label and part number as \textcmd{part}. Unlike \textcmd{part}, however, \textcmd{part*} allows for ``text introducing the contents of the part on the part-tile page" to follow a descriptive title, separated by two blank lines. A page number, using the \texttt{plain} page style (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:page_styles}), is placed on the page \autocite[390]{turabian_manual_2013}.
 \marginnote{\textbackslash chapter\{\}}
-A thesis or dissertation can be divided into chapters using the \textcmd{chapter} command.
+A thesis or dissertation, using the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, can be divided into chapters using the \textcmd{chapter} command.
-The \textcmd{chapter} command starts a new page with a ``descriptive title" of the chapter separated from the first line of following text by ``two blank lines." If located in the main matter (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:td_structure}), the ``descriptive title" will be preceded by a \emph{Chapter} label ``followed by the chapter number at the top of the page" in arabic numerals; separated by a blank line \autocite[391]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+The \textcmd{chapter} command starts a new page with a descriptive title of the chapter, separated from the first line of following text by ``two blank lines." If located in the main matter (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:td_structure}), the descriptive title---separated by a blank line---is preceded by a \emph{Chapter} label and chapter number (in arabic numerals) at the top of the page \autocite[391]{turabian_manual_2013}.
-If the \textcmd{chapter} command is placed inside the \texttt{appendixes} environment, chapter numbering is restarted and an \emph{Appendix} label followed by single capitalized letters of the alphabet is used instead (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:appendixes}).
 \marginnote{\textbackslash chapter*\{\}}
 \textcmd{chapter*}, unlike \textcmd{chapter}, does not provide a line with a \emph{Chapter} label and numbering nor is it included in the table of contents.\footnote{%
-	To add a numberless ``chapter" to the table of contents, use the \textcmd{addcontentsline} command immediately following the \textcmd{chapter*} command. For the \emph{Bibliography} or \emph{References} heading from \textcmd{printbibliography} (from the \texttt{biblatex-chicago} package), place this command immediately \emph{after} the use of the \textcmd{clearpage} and \textcmd{addcontentsline} commands.}
+	To add a numberless ``chapter" to the table of contents, use the \textcmd{addcontentsline} command immediately following the \textcmd{chapter*} command.}
 \subsection{Sections and Subsections}
 \marginnote{\textbackslash section\{\}\newline \textbackslash subsection\{\}\newline \textbackslash subsubsection\{\}}
-This package provides support for three levels of sections and subsections: \textcmd{section}, \textcmd{subsection}, and \textcmd{subsubsection} (including their asterisked versions). These section and subsection commands do not provide any label or numbering.
+Three levels of sections and subsections are supported: \textcmd{section}, \textcmd{subsection}, and \textcmd{subsubsection} (including their asterisked versions). These section and subsection commands do not provide any label or numbering.
 \textcmd{section} places ``more space before a subhead than after (up to two blank lines before and one line, or double line spacing, after)" \autocite[393]{turabian_manual_2013}.
-If the \textcmd{section} command is placed inside the \texttt{appendixes} environment, section numbering is restarted and an \emph{Appendix} label followed by single capitalized letters of the alphabet is used instead (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:appendixes}).
 \marginnote{\textbackslash section*\{\}\newline \textbackslash noadjustssect}
 When used with \texttt{turabian-researchpaper}, the \textcmd{section*} command places two blank lines between the title/subheading and the first line of text. This is particularly useful for the subheadings of specific elements, including \emph{Introduction}, \emph{Notes}, and \emph{Bibliography} \autocite[390--401]{turabian_manual_2013}. Inserting the \textcmd{noadjustssect} command in the document preamble will disable this behaviour.
@@ -270,20 +280,22 @@
 \marginnote{\textbackslash pagestyle\{\}\newline \textbackslash thispagestyle\{\}}
 The layout of the headers and footers are determined by the page styles specified using the \textcmd{pagestyle} and \textcmd{thispagestyle} commands.\footnote{%
-	The \texttt{fancyhdr} package can be used to typset (and adjust) these page styles. This includes placing optional text (such as a page identifier) in the header and/or footer \autocite[374]{turabian_manual_2013}.}
+	The \texttt{fancyhdr} package can be used to typeset (and adjust) these page styles. This includes placing optional text (such as a page identifier) in the header and/or footer \autocite[374]{turabian_manual_2013}.}
 This package provides the following page styles:
-\textbf{\texttt{empty}}: An empty page style with no header or footer.
+	\item[empty] An empty page style with no header or footer.
-\textbf{\texttt{plain}}: A ``plain" page style that centres the page number in the footer. For a thesis or dissertation, it applies to pages with page numbers in the front matter as well as the first page of each chapter in the main matter and back matter (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:td_structure}).
+	\item[plain] A ``plain" page style that centres the page number in the footer. For a thesis or dissertation, it applies to pages with page numbers in the front matter as well as the first page of each chapter in the main matter and back matter (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:td_structure}).
-\textbf{\texttt{headings}}: The default page style places a page number in the right-hand corner of the header.
+	\item[headings] The default page style places a page number in the right-hand corner of the header.
 \subsection{Front Matter, Main Matter, and Back Matter}
-A thesis/dissertation can be divided into three, distinct components: (1) front matter, (2) main matter or text of the paper, and (3) back matter \autocite[375]{turabian_manual_2013}. As such, the \textcmd{frontmatter}, \textcmd{mainmatter}, and \textcmd{backmatter} commands are supported by the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class.
+A thesis or dissertation, using the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, can be divided into three, distinct components: (1) front matter, (2) main matter or text of the paper, and (3) back matter \autocite[375]{turabian_manual_2013}.
 \subsubsection*{Front Matter}
@@ -292,7 +304,6 @@
 Page numbers, however, do appear on pages that follow the \textcmd{tableofcontents} command when typesetting the table of contents (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:toc}).
 \subsubsection*{Main Matter}
 \marginnote{\textbackslash mainmatter}
@@ -309,10 +320,11 @@
 The \texttt{turabian-researchpaper} document class provides a title page intended for research papers. Page numbering begins immediately following the title page. The \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, however, provides a ``model" title page intended for a thesis or dissertation. The title page of a thesis/dissertation is included in the page numbering of the front matter \autocite[376, 378]{turabian_manual_2013}.
-\marginnote{\textbackslash maketitle}%
+\marginnote{\textbackslash maketitle}
 The \textcmd{maketitle} command will create a separate title page if the document class specifies (or has as default) the \texttt{titlepage} option---the default option for both \texttt{turabian-researchpaper} and \texttt{turabian-thesis}.
-\marginnote{\textbackslash title\{\}\newline \textbackslash subtitle\{\}\newline \textbackslash author\{\}\newline \textbackslash date\{\}\newline}
+\marginnote{\textbackslash title\{\}\newline \textbackslash subtitle\{\}\newline \textbackslash author\{\}\newline \textbackslash date\{\}}
 \textcmd{maketitle} uses information specified in the source document preamble, through the following commands (each of which is self-evident): \textcmd{title}, \textcmd{author}, \textcmd{date}, and \textcmd{subtitle}. For research paper title pages, footnotes (as well as the \textcmd{thanks} command) can also be used.
 \marginnote{\textbackslash submissioninfo\{\}}
@@ -331,27 +343,33 @@
-The \textcmd{tableofcontents} command creates a table of contents with the first page labelled \emph{Contents}. Items within the table of contents are single-spaced with ``a blank line after each item." The front matter and back matter are each separated from the main matter by two blank lines. By default, subheadings are not included in the table of contents \autocite[380]{turabian_manual_2013}.\footnote{%
+The \textcmd{tableofcontents} command creates a table of contents with the first page labelled \emph{Contents}. Items within the table of contents are single-spaced with ``a blank line after each item." By default, subheadings are not included in the table of contents \autocite[380]{turabian_manual_2013}.\footnote{%
 	To add subheadings to the table of contents, increase the \texttt{tocdepth} counter.}
-Placing the \textcmd{tableofcontents} command in the front matter of a thesis/dissertation will cause page numbers to appear on pages within the table of contents and subsequent pages of the front matter. These page numbers use roman numerals and are placed in the centre of the footer using the \texttt{plain} page style \autocite[373--374; refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:page_styles}]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+For the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, the \textcmd{tableofcontents} command causes subsequent pages in the front matter to be typeset using the \texttt{plain} page style. Page numbers in the front matter use roman numerals and are placed in the centre of the footer \autocite[373--374; refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:page_styles}]{turabian_manual_2013}. More so, in the table of contents, the front matter and back matter are each separated from the main matter by two blank lines \autocite[380]{turabian_manual_2013}.
 \subsection{List of Figures, Tables, or Illustrations}
-The \texttt{turabian-formatting} package provides support for the \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table} environments. Figures are numbered separately from tables and, both, in the order in which they are mentioned in the text \autocite[363, 369]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+The \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table} environments are both supported. Figures are numbered separately from tables and, both, in the order in which they are mentioned in the text \autocite[363, 369]{turabian_manual_2013}.
-With \texttt{turabian-researchpaper}, both figures and tables are numbered consecutively, throughout the paper (e.g. ``Figure 6"). The \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, however, uses double numeration for both figures and tables: the chapter number followed by a period and a figure/table number that restarts with each chapter (e.g. ``Figure 3.2").\footnote{%
-	Within the \texttt{appendixes} environment, figures and tables are both numbered with an ``A" prefix followed by a period and a figure/table number that does \emph{not} restart with each appendix (e.g. ``Table A.4").}
+With \texttt{turabian-researchpaper}, figures and tables are numbered consecutively, throughout the paper (e.g. ``Figure 6").
-\marginnote{\textbackslash listoffigures\newline \textbackslash listoftables}
-Support is provided for both the \textcmd{listoffigures} and \textcmd{listoftables} commands. The list of figures is labelled \emph{Figures}; the list of tables is labelled \emph{Tables}. Individual items listed are single-spaced with a blank line between each item \autocite[383]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+The \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, however, uses double numeration for both figures and tables: the chapter number followed by a period and a figure/table number that restarts with each chapter (e.g. ``Figure 3.2"). Within the \texttt{appendixes} environment, figures and tables are numbered with an ``A" prefix followed by a period and a figure/table number that does \emph{not} restart with each appendix (e.g. ``Table A.4"). Figures and tables not placed within a chapter do not use double numeration and are, instead, numbered consecutively throughout the thesis/dissertation.
+\marginnote{\textbackslash listoffigures}
+The \textcmd{listoffigures} command creates a list of figures with a \emph{Figures} label on the top of the first page.
+\marginnote{\textbackslash listoftables}
+The \textcmd{listoftables} command creates a list of tables with a \emph{Tables} label on the top of the first page.
-The \textcmd{listofillustrations} command creates a combined list of figures and tables with the first page labelled \emph{Illustrations}. This list, however, is divided into two sections labelled \emph{Figures} and \emph{Tables}. Individual items listed within each section are single-spaced with a blank line between each item  \autocite[383]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+The \textcmd{listofillustrations} command creates a combined list of figures and tables with the first page labelled \emph{Illustrations}. This list, however, is divided into two sections labelled \emph{Figures} and \emph{Tables} \autocite[383]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+Individual items in a list of figures, tables, or illustrations are single-spaced with a blank line between each item \autocite[383]{turabian_manual_2013}.
 \section{Formatting Environments}
@@ -359,7 +377,7 @@
 \subsection{Block Quotations}
-Block quotations are typeset using the \texttt{quotation} environment. Each block quotation is single-spaced and leaves a blank line both before and after it. The entire quotation is indented as far as the indentation of the first line of a paragraph \autocite[349]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+Block quotations are typeset using the \texttt{quotation} environment. Each block quotation is single-spaced and leaves a blank line both before and after it. The necessary code is as follows:
@@ -367,18 +385,18 @@
-By default, the block quotation is also indented by the same amount (\texttt{0.5in}) on the right side. When using the \texttt{raggedright} option (or the \textcmd{raggedright} command), however, the block quotation is not indented on the right side (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:raggedright}).
+The entire quotation is indented as far as the indentation of the first line of a paragraph---by default, an indentation of \texttt{0.5in} \autocite[349]{turabian_manual_2013}. The block quotation is also indented by the same amount on the right side. When using the \texttt{raggedright} option (or the \textcmd{raggedright} command), however, the block quotation is not indented on the right side (refer to subsection~\ref{subsec:raggedright}).
-When ``supporting material cannot be easily worked into the body of your paper," the manual recommends putting the material ``in one or more appendixes in the back matter" \autocite[398]{turabian_manual_2013}.
+When ``supporting material cannot be easily worked into the body of your paper," the manual recommends placing it ``in one or more appendixes in the back matter" \autocite[398]{turabian_manual_2013}.
-If only one appendix is needed, the first page is to be labelled \emph{Appendix} with ``two blank lines between the title and the first line of text or other material" \autocite[398]{turabian_manual_2013}. This can be accomplished with a regular chapter or section heading (i.e. \textcmd{chapter\{Appendix\}} or \textcmd{section*\{Appendix\}}). 
+If only one appendix is needed, the first page is to be labelled \emph{Appendix} with ``two blank lines between the title and the first line of text or other material" \autocite[398]{turabian_manual_2013}. With the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, the material is preceded by a chapter heading labelled \emph{Appendix} (i.e.~\texttt{\textcmd{chapter}\{Appendix\}}) and is placed in the back matter. For \texttt{turabian-researchpaper}, the material is preceded by a section heading labelled \emph{Appendix} (i.e.~\texttt{\textcmd{section*}\{Appendix\}}).
-For more than one appendix, place the material inside the \texttt{appendixes} environment. As an example:
+To divide material of different types among more than one appendix \autocite[398]{turabian_manual_2013}, place the material inside the \texttt{appendixes} environment. The requisite code for this environment:
@@ -386,9 +404,13 @@
-The headings of each appendix use an \emph{Appendix} prefix accompanied by a single, capitalized letter from the alphabet (in sequential order, starting with A). The descriptive title is placed on the next line \autocite[399]{turabian_manual_2013}. For \texttt{turabian-thesis}, each chapter (using the \textcmd{chapter} command) within the \texttt{appendixes} environment functions as a separate appendix. Similarly, with \texttt{turabian-researchpaper}, the \textcmd{section} command is used to denote a new appendix.
+The headings of each appendix, within the \texttt{appendixes} environment, use an \emph{Appendix} prefix accompanied by a single, capitalized letter from the alphabet (in sequential order, starting with A).
+For the \texttt{turabian-thesis} document class, the heading of each appendix is typeset using the \textcmd{chapter} command. The \textcmd{chapter} command, inside the \texttt{appendixes} environment, provides a heading with an \emph{Appendix} prefix and capitalized letter from the alphabet, followed by an optional descriptive title.
+With the \texttt{turabian-researchpaper} document class, the heading of each appendix is typeset using the \textcmd{section} command. The \textcmd{section} command, inside the \texttt{appendixes} environment, provides a heading with an \emph{Appendix} prefix and capitalized letter from the alphabet followed, on the next line, by an optional descriptive title.
 \section{Required and Recommended Packages}
@@ -404,6 +426,14 @@
+Support for the \textcmd{part} command.
+Improvements to \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table} counters and number formatting.
+The bibliography/references list is included in the table of contents.
 Improvements to \texttt{figure} and \texttt{table} counters and number formatting.
@@ -496,7 +526,6 @@
 \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Appendix: Sample Code for a Research Paper}
-The following is for a research paper using the \LaTeX{} markup language.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-formatting.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-formatting.sty	2016-09-18 21:07:05 UTC (rev 42096)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-formatting.sty	2016-09-18 21:07:17 UTC (rev 42097)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-\ProvidesPackage{turabian-formatting}[2016/07/18 Turabian Formatting]
+\ProvidesPackage{turabian-formatting}[2016/09/17 Turabian Formatting]
 % Package options: flags
@@ -215,38 +215,7 @@
-% Title page: commands for use with \maketitle
-\newcommand{\subtitle}[1]{\gdef\tf at subtitle{#1}}
-\newcommand{\submissioninfo}[1]{\gdef\tf at submissioninfo{#1}}
-% Title page: command for emptying/completing \maketitle
-\newcommand{\tf at emptymaketitle}{%
-	% if not endnotes, reset footnote counter
-	\if at endnotesformat \else \setcounter{footnote}{0} \fi
-	% Clear command content at end of \maketitle
-	\global\let\thanks\relax
-	\global\let\maketitle\relax
-	\global\let\@thanks\@empty
-	\global\let\@author\@empty
-	\global\let\@date\@empty
-	\global\let\@title\@empty
-	\global\let\tf at subtitle\@empty
-	\global\let\tf at submissioninfo\@empty
-	\global\let\title\relax
-	\global\let\author\relax
-	\global\let\date\relax
-	\global\let\subtitle\relax
-	\global\let\submissioninfo\relax}
-% Table of Contents, Figures, and Tables: section number alignment adjustments
+% Table of Contents, List of Figures, and List of Tables: section number alignment
 \def\tflist at beforesecnum{}
 \def\tflist at aftersecnum{\hfil}
 \def\numberline#1{\hb at xt@\@tempdima{\tflist at beforesecnum #1\tflist at aftersecnum}}
@@ -253,10 +222,9 @@
 % Table of Contents: renew \tableofcontents with single spacing support
+\def\tf at tocpagestyle{\@empty}
-	\ifstrequal{\tf at topsecname}{chapter}%
-		{\pagestyle{plain}}%
-		{\thispagestyle{plain}}%
+	\tf at tocpagestyle
 	\expandafter\csname \tf at topsecname\endcsname*{\contentsname}%
 	\if at optraggedright
@@ -273,9 +241,7 @@
-% Figures, Tables, and Illustrations
-% Figures and Tables: adjust list titles
+% List of Figures and List of Tables: adjust titles
@@ -350,7 +316,6 @@
 % Lists: enumerate and itemize formatting
@@ -416,9 +381,11 @@
 			% Place line spacing between text and quotation
-			\ifnumequal{\baselinestretch}{1}%
-				{\setlength\topsep{\baselineskip}}%
-				{\setlength\topsep{\z@}}}%
+			\ifnum \baselinestretch =1
+				\setlength\topsep{\baselineskip}
+			\else
+				\setlength\topsep{\z@}
+			\fi}%
@@ -426,15 +393,6 @@
-% Appendixes: formatting
-	\let\tf at appendix\appendix
-	\def\appendix{\@empty}}
-\newif\if at appendixes\@appendixesfalse
 % thebibliography environment: formatting (adjust \@openbib at code hook default)
@@ -449,15 +407,7 @@
-% biblatex-chicago: set formatting defaults
-% biblatex-chicago: provide warning if loaded before turabian-formatting
-	{%
-		\PackageWarningNoLine{turabian-formatting}{Loading the 'biblatex-chicago' package after the 'turabian-formatting' package is recommended. See documentation for more information}%
-	}{}
-% biblatex-chicago: pass options
+% biblatex-chicago: set formatting defaults and pass options
 	{isbn=false, autolang=other, footmarkoff, backend=biber}%
@@ -477,7 +427,9 @@
 						references = {Bibliography}}
-				\renewcommand{\bibsetup}{\singlespacing}
+				\renewcommand{\bibsetup}{%
+					\addcontentsline{toc}{\tf at topsecname}{\bibname}
+					\singlespacing}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-researchpaper.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-researchpaper.cls	2016-09-18 21:07:05 UTC (rev 42096)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-researchpaper.cls	2016-09-18 21:07:17 UTC (rev 42097)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-\ProvidesClass{turabian-researchpaper}[2016/07/18 Turabian Research Paper]
+\ProvidesClass{turabian-researchpaper}[2016/09/17 Turabian Research Paper]
 % Default point size
@@ -79,10 +79,38 @@
+% Part: formatting
+\def\tf at partformat{\normalfont\bfseries\normalsize\singlespacing\centering}
+	\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >-2\relax
+		\refstepcounter{part}%
+		\addcontentsline{toc}{part}%
+			{\protect\numberline{\thepart.}#1}%
+	\else
+		\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#1}%
+	\fi
+	\markboth{}{}%
+	{	\tf at partformat
+		\interlinepenalty \@M
+		\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >-2\relax
+			\partname\nobreakspace\thepart
+			\par\nobreak
+			\vspace*{1\baselineskip}%
+		\fi
+		\ifstrempty{#2}{}{#2\par\nobreak \vspace{1\baselineskip}}}}
+	{	\tf at partformat
+		\interlinepenalty \@M
+		#1\par\nobreak
+		\vspace{1\baselineskip}}}
 % Sections: \section* adjustment to space after heading
 \newif\if at adjustssection\@adjustssectiontrue
-\newlength\tf at ssectafterskip
-\setlength\tf at ssectafterskip{1\p@}
+\newlength\tf at ssect@afterskip
+\setlength\tf at ssect@afterskip{1\p@}
 % Sections: command to disable differentiate and reformat \section*
@@ -89,8 +117,8 @@
 % Sections: adjustment to space after \section heading
 \newif\if at tf@adjustsection\@tf at adjustsectionfalse
-\newlength\tf at sectafterskip
-\setlength\tf at sectafterskip{1\p@}
+\newlength\tf at sect@afterskip
+\setlength\tf at sect@afterskip{1\p@}
 % Sections: redefine \@startsection to differentiate starred version
@@ -104,21 +132,21 @@
 	\if at nobreak \everypar{} \else
-	\setlength\tf at ssectafterskip{#5}
+	\setlength\tf at ssect@afterskip{#5}
 	\if at adjustssection
-			{\setlength\tf at ssectafterskip{\tf at singlelineskip}}%
+			{\setlength\tf at ssect@afterskip{\tf at singlelineskip}}%
-	\setlength\tf at sectafterskip{#5}
+	\setlength\tf at sect@afterskip{#5}
 	\if at tf@adjustsection
-			{\setlength\tf at sectafterskip{\tf at singlelineskip}}%
+			{\setlength\tf at sect@afterskip{\tf at singlelineskip}}%
-		{\@ssect{#3}{#4}{\tf at ssectafterskip}{#6}}%
-		{\@dblarg{\@sect{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\tf at sectafterskip}{#6}}}}
+		{\@ssect{#3}{#4}{\tf at ssect@afterskip}{#6}}%
+		{\@dblarg{\@sect{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{\tf at sect@afterskip}{#6}}}}
 % Sections: formatting between \@svsec and heading
 \protected at edef\tf at secsep#1#2{\@empty}
@@ -161,9 +189,35 @@
 % Title page: commands for use with \maketitle
+\newcommand{\subtitle}[1]{\gdef\tf at subtitle{#1}}
+\newcommand{\submissioninfo}[1]{\gdef\tf at submissioninfo{#1}}
 \newcommand{\course}[1]{\gdef\tf at course{#1}}
+% Title page: command for emptying/completing \maketitle
+\newcommand{\tf at emptymaketitle}{%
+	\global\let\thanks\relax
+	\global\let\maketitle\relax
+	\global\let\@thanks\@empty
+	\global\let\@author\@empty
+	\global\let\@date\@empty
+	\global\let\@title\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at subtitle\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at submissioninfo\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at course\@empty
+	\global\let\title\relax
+	\global\let\author\relax
+	\global\let\date\relax
+	\global\let\subtitle\relax
+	\global\let\submissioninfo\relax
+	\global\let\course\relax}
 % Title page: renew \maketitle command research paper
 \if at titlepage
 	% Formatting for titlepage option
@@ -186,9 +240,9 @@
+		% if not endnotes, reset footnote counter
+		\if at endnotesformat \else \setcounter{footnote}{0} \fi
 		\tf at emptymaketitle
-		\global\let\tf at course\@empty
-		\global\let\course\relax
 	% Formatting for notitlepage option
@@ -208,9 +262,9 @@
-		\tf at emptymaketitle
-		\global\let\tf at course\@empty
-		\global\let\course\relax}
+		% if not endnotes, reset footnote counter
+		\if at endnotesformat \else \setcounter{footnote}{0} \fi
+		\tf at emptymaketitle}
@@ -218,6 +272,21 @@
+\renewcommand*{\l at part}[2]{%
+	\ifnum \c at tocdepth >-2\relax
+		\addpenalty{-\@highpenalty}%
+		\addvspace{1\baselineskip}%
+		\setlength\@tempdima{3em}%
+		\vskip 1\baselineskip
+		{	\parindent \z@
+			\rightskip \z@
+			\parfillskip -\@rightskip
+			\leavevmode
+			\advance\leftskip\@tempdima
+			\hskip -\leftskip
+			\bfseries #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb at xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par}
+	\fi}
 \renewcommand*{\l at section}[2]{%
 	\ifnum \c at tocdepth >\z@
@@ -242,7 +311,7 @@
-% Figures and Tables: list formatting
+% List of Figures: formatting
 \renewcommand*{\l at figure}[2]{%
 	\def\tflist at beforesecnum{\hfil}
 	\def\tflist at aftersecnum{\hspace{3.5em}}
@@ -256,6 +325,9 @@
 		\advance\leftskip\@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
 		#1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb at xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par}}
+% List of Tables: formatting
 \def\l at table{\l at figure}
@@ -284,18 +356,23 @@
 % Appendixes: make environment
-		\@appendixestrue
 		\tf at appendixsecfrmt
-		\tf at appendix
+		\setcounter{section}{0}%
+		\setcounter{subsection}{0}%
+		\gdef\thesection{\@Alph\c at section}%
+		\setcounter{subsection}{0}%
 		\gdef\thesection{\@arabic\c at section}%
+% Appendixes: remove \appendix command
 % Endnotes: Notes heading formatted as \section*
 \if at endnotesformat

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-thesis.cls
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-thesis.cls	2016-09-18 21:07:05 UTC (rev 42096)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/turabian-formatting/turabian-thesis.cls	2016-09-18 21:07:17 UTC (rev 42097)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
-\ProvidesClass{turabian-thesis}[2016/07/18 Turabian Theses and Dissertations]
+\ProvidesClass{turabian-thesis}[2016/09/17 Turabian Theses and Dissertations]
 % Default point size
@@ -89,52 +89,116 @@
 \newif\if at doublenumerate\@doublenumeratetrue
+% Figures: number formatting
+\newif\if at figuredblnum\@figuredblnumfalse
+\renewcommand{\thefigure}{\if at figuredblnum \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c at figure}
+% Tables: number formatting
+\newif\if at tabledblnum\@tabledblnumfalse
+\renewcommand{\thetable}{\if at tabledblnum \thechapter.\fi \@arabic\c at table}
 % Document structure: formatting
-	\cleardoublepage
+	\if at openright \cleardoublepage \else \clearpage \fi
-	\pagestyle{empty}}
+	\pagestyle{empty}
+	\def\tf at tocpagestyle{\pagestyle{plain}}}
-	\cleardoublepage
+	\if at openright \cleardoublepage \else \clearpage \fi
-	\if at doublenumerate
-		\setcounter{tf at tempchapfcnt}{\value{figure}}
-		\setcounter{tf at tempchaptcnt}{\value{table}}
-	\fi
 	\if at openright \cleardoublepage \else \clearpage \fi
-	\if at doublenumerate
-		\setcounter{chapter}{0}
-		\setcounter{figure}{\value{tf at tempchapfcnt}}
-		\setcounter{table}{\value{tf at tempchaptcnt}}
-	\fi
-% Set top section command name to "chapter"
+% Part: formatting
+	\if at openright \cleardoublepage \else \clearpage \fi
+	\secdef\@part\@spart}
+\def\tf at partformat{\normalfont\bfseries\normalsize\singlespacing\centering}
+% Part: heading with empty page
+	\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >-2\relax
+		\if at mainmatter
+			\refstepcounter{part}%
+			\addcontentsline{toc}{part}%
+				{\protect\numberline{\partname\space\thepart.}#1}%
+		\else
+			\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#1}%			
+		\fi
+	\else
+		\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{#1}%
+	\fi
+	\markboth{}{}%
+	{	\tf at partformat
+		\interlinepenalty \@M
+		\thispagestyle{empty}%
+		\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >-2\relax
+			\if at mainmatter
+				\partname\nobreakspace\thepart
+				\par\nobreak
+				\vspace*{1\baselineskip}%
+			\fi
+		\fi
+		#2\par}
+	\@endpart}
+% Part: heading with plain page style; allows following part description
+	\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >-2\relax
+		\if at mainmatter
+			\refstepcounter{part}%
+			\addcontentsline{toc}{part}%
+				{\protect\numberline{\partname\space\thepart.}#1}%
+		\fi
+	\fi
+	\markboth{}{}%
+	{	\tf at partformat
+		\interlinepenalty \@M
+		\thispagestyle{plain}%
+		\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >-2\relax
+			\if at mainmatter
+				\partname\nobreakspace\thepart
+				\par\nobreak
+				\vspace*{1\baselineskip}%
+			\fi
+		\fi
+		\ifstrempty{#1}{}{#1\par\nobreak \vspace{1\baselineskip}}}
+	\@afterheading}
+\def\@endpart{\if at openright \cleardoublepage \else \clearpage \fi}
+% Chapter: set top section command name to "chapter"
 \def\tf at topsecname{chapter}
-% Figures and tables: adjust counters based on @doublenumerate
+% Chapter: adjust figure/table counters based on @doublenumerate and chapter before
 \newcounter{tf at tempchapfcnt}
 \newcounter{tf at tempchaptcnt}
+\newif\if at tfchapterbefore\@tfchapterbeforefalse
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 	\if at doublenumerate
-		\if at mainmatter
-			\ifnum \c at chapter >\z@ \else
-				\setcounter{tf at tempchapfcnt}{\value{figure}}
-				\setcounter{tf at tempchaptcnt}{\value{table}}
-			\fi
+		\if at tfchapterbefore \else
+			\setcounter{tf at tempchapfcnt}{\value{figure}}
+			\setcounter{tf at tempchaptcnt}{\value{table}}
+		\@tfchapterbeforetrue
+		\@figuredblnumtrue
+		\@tabledblnumtrue
 		\setcounter{tf at tempchapfcnt}{\value{figure}}
 		\setcounter{tf at tempchaptcnt}{\value{table}}
@@ -142,11 +206,22 @@
 		\setcounter{figure}{\value{tf at tempchapfcnt}}
 		\setcounter{table}{\value{tf at tempchaptcnt}}
+\def\tf at restoreftcounters{%
+	\if at doublenumerate
+		\if at tfchapterbefore
+			\setcounter{figure}{\value{tf at tempchapfcnt}}
+			\setcounter{table}{\value{tf at tempchaptcnt}}
+		\fi
+		\@tfchapterbeforefalse
+	\fi}
+% Chapter: formatting
+\def\tf at chapformat{\normalfont\bfseries\normalsize\singlespacing\centering}
-% Chapters: formatting
-\def\tf at chapformat{\normalfont\bfseries\normalsize\singlespacing\centering}
+	\@figuredblnumfalse
+	\@tabledblnumfalse
 	\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\m at ne
 		\if at mainmatter
 			\tf at chapcounter
@@ -154,6 +229,7 @@
+			\tf at restoreftcounters
@@ -162,6 +238,14 @@
+	\@figuredblnumfalse
+	\@tabledblnumfalse
+	\tf at restoreftcounters
+	\@makeschapterhead{#1}%
+	\@afterheading}
 	{	\tf at chapformat
 		\ifnum \c at secnumdepth >\m at ne
@@ -172,10 +256,8 @@
-		\ifstrempty{#1}%
-			{}%
-			{#1\par\nobreak \vspace{1\baselineskip}}%
-	}}
+		\ifstrempty{#1}{}{#1\par\nobreak \vspace{1\baselineskip}}}}
 	{	\tf at chapformat
@@ -184,7 +266,12 @@
 % Title page: commands for use with \maketitle
+\newcommand{\subtitle}[1]{\gdef\tf at subtitle{#1}}
+\newcommand{\submissioninfo}[1]{\gdef\tf at submissioninfo{#1}}
 \newcommand{\institution}[1]{\gdef\tf at institution{#1}}
@@ -194,9 +281,31 @@
 \newcommand{\location}[1]{\gdef\tf at location{#1}}
+% Title page: command for emptying/completing \maketitle
+\newcommand{\tf at emptymaketitle}{%
+	\global\let\thanks\relax
+	\global\let\maketitle\relax
+	\global\let\@thanks\@empty
+	\global\let\@author\@empty
+	\global\let\@date\@empty
+	\global\let\@title\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at subtitle\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at submissioninfo\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at institution\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at department\@empty
+	\global\let\tf at location\@empty
+	\global\let\title\relax
+	\global\let\author\relax
+	\global\let\date\relax
+	\global\let\subtitle\relax
+	\global\let\submissioninfo\relax
+	\global\let\institution\relax
+	\global\let\department\relax
+	\global\let\location\relax}
 % Title page: renew \maketitle for thesis/dissertation
 	A Dissertation Submitted to\par
@@ -237,20 +346,30 @@
+	% if not endnotes, reset footnote counter
+	\if at endnotesformat \else \setcounter{footnote}{0} \fi
 	\tf at emptymaketitle
-	\global\let\tf at institution\@empty
-	\global\let\tf at department\@empty
-	\global\let\tf at location\@empty
-	\global\let\institution\relax
-	\global\let\department\relax
-	\global\let\location\relax
 % Table of Contents: formatting
+\renewcommand*{\l at part}[2]{%
+	\ifnum \c at tocdepth >-2\relax
+		\addpenalty{-\@highpenalty}%
+		\addvspace{1\baselineskip}%
+		\setlength\@tempdima{7.5em}%
+		\vskip 1\baselineskip
+		{	\parindent \z@
+			\rightskip \z@
+			\parfillskip -\@rightskip
+			\leavevmode
+			\advance\leftskip\@tempdima
+			\hskip -\leftskip
+			\bfseries #1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb at xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par}
+	\fi}
 \renewcommand*{\l at chapter}[2]{%
 	\ifnum \c at tocdepth >\m at ne
@@ -280,15 +399,7 @@
-% Figures and Tables: conditional double numeration formatting
-	\if at doublenumerate \ifnum \c at chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi\fi \@arabic\c at figure}
-	\if at doublenumerate \ifnum \c at chapter>\z@ \thechapter.\fi\fi \@arabic\c at table}
-% Figures and Tables: list formatting
+% List of Figures: formatting
 \renewcommand*{\l at figure}[2]{%
 	\def\tflist at beforesecnum{\hfil}
 	\if at doublenumerate
@@ -306,6 +417,9 @@
 		\advance\leftskip\@tempdima \null\nobreak\hskip -\leftskip
 		#1\nobreak\hfil \nobreak\hb at xt@\@pnumwidth{\hss #2}\par}}
+% List of Tables: formatting
 \def\l at table{\l at figure}
@@ -316,15 +430,16 @@
-		\@appendixestrue
-		\tf at appendix
-		\def\tf at chapcounter{%
-			\refstepcounter{appendix}
-			\gdef\thechapter{\@Alph\c at appendix}}
+		\setcounter{section}{0}%
+		\def\@chapapp{\appendixname}%
+		\def\thechapter{\@Alph\c at appendix}
+		\def\tf at chapcounter{\refstepcounter{appendix}}
 		\if at doublenumerate
-			\setcounter{tf at tempchapfcnt}{\value{figure}}
-			\setcounter{tf at tempchaptcnt}{\value{table}}
+			\if at tfchapterbefore \else
+				\setcounter{tf at tempchapfcnt}{\value{figure}}
+				\setcounter{tf at tempchaptcnt}{\value{table}}
+			\fi
@@ -336,9 +451,12 @@
 			\setcounter{figure}{\value{tf at tempchapfcnt}}
 			\setcounter{table}{\value{tf at tempchaptcnt}}
-	}%
+	}
+% Appendixes: remove \appendix command
 % Endnotes: layout and formatting
 \if at endnotesformat

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