texlive[42049] Master: bibleref (11sep16)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Tue Sep 13 00:06:00 CEST 2016

Revision: 42049
Author:   karl
Date:     2016-09-13 00:05:59 +0200 (Tue, 13 Sep 2016)
Log Message:
bibleref (11sep16)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Removed Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/CHANGES
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/CHANGES	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/CHANGES	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+  * Correct indexing for book without chapter. Thanks to Raphaël Pinson. 
   * added

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/README	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/README	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
-LaTeX Class File : bibleref v1.14
+LaTeX Class File : bibleref
-Last Modified : 2011-01-19
+Author        : Nicola Talbot (inactive) and Maïeul Rouquette (still active)
-Author        : Nicola Talbot
 Files         : bibleref.dtx   - documented source file
                 bibleref.ins   - installation script
+LPPL 1.3  https://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3
+Feature requests: https://framagit.org/maieul/bibleref/issues
 The package file bibleref.sty can be used to ensure
 consistent formatting of bible citations. Also comes with
 bibleref-xidx.sty for extended bibleref indexing functions.
@@ -35,5 +36,3 @@
 This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
 See  http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/licenses.lppl.html for the details of that license.

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.css
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.css	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.css	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
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Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.html
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.html	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.html	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,1210 +0,0 @@
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-   <div class="maketitle">
-<h2 class="titleHead">bibleref.sty v1.14: a <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
-class="E">E</span>X</span></span>2&#x03B5;&#x00A0;package for
-typesetting bible references</h2>
-              <div class="author" ><span 
-class="cmr-12">Nicola Talbot</span>
-<br />      <span 
-class="cmr-12">School of Computing Sciences</span>
-<br />        <span 
-class="cmr-12">University of East Anglia</span>
-<br />       <span 
-class="cmr-12">Norwich. Norfolk. NR4 7TJ.</span>
-<br />            <span 
-class="cmr-12">United Kingdom</span>
-<br /><a 
-href="http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/" class="url" ><span 
-class="cmtt-12">http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/</span></a></div><br />
-<div class="date" ><span 
-   </div>
-   <h3 class="likesectionHead"><a 
- id="x1-1000"></a>Contents</h3>
-   <div class="tableofcontents">
-   <span class="sectionToc" >1 <a 
-href="#x1-20001" id="QQ2-1-2">Introduction</a></span>
-<br />   <span class="sectionToc" >2 <a 
-href="#x1-30002" id="QQ2-1-4">Defining New Styles</a></span>
-<br />   <span class="sectionToc" >3 <a 
-href="#x1-40003" id="QQ2-1-5">Indexing Bible References</a></span>
-<br />   &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.1 <a 
-href="#x1-50003.1" id="QQ2-1-6">Index Categories</a></span>
-<br />   &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.2 <a 
-href="#x1-60003.2" id="QQ2-1-7">The <span 
-class="cmss-10">bibleref-xidx </span>Package</a></span>
-<br />   &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.3 <a 
-href="#x1-70003.3" id="QQ2-1-8">Separate Scripture Index</a></span>
-<br />   &#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >3.4 <a 
-href="#x1-80003.4" id="QQ2-1-9">Changing the Sort Order</a></span>
-<br />   <span class="sectionToc" >4 <a 
-href="#x1-90004" id="QQ2-1-10">Distributing New Styles</a></span>
-<br />   <span class="sectionToc" >5 <a 
-href="#x1-100005" id="QQ2-1-11">Acknowledgements</a></span>
-<br />   <span class="sectionToc" ><a 
-   </div>
-<!--l. 28--><p class="noindent" >
-   <h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1   </span> <a 
- id="x1-20001"></a>Introduction</h3>
-<!--l. 30--><p class="noindent" >The <span 
- id="dx1-2001"></a> package was designed to provide consistent formatting for referencing parts
-of the bible.
-</p><!--l. 33--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-2002"></a> <span 
-class="cmti-10">book title</span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">) </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 35--><p class="noindent" >
-This command can be used to cite a bible book, chapter or verse or range of chapters or
-</p><!--l. 39--><p class="indent" >   <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Be careful if you use <span 
- id="dx1-2003"></a> with <span 
- id="dx1-2004"></a> as some of <span 
-class="cmss-10">babel</span>’s language options make
-the colon character active, which will cause a problem for <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse </span>(and
- id="dx1-2005"></a>, described later). Check the <span 
-class="cmss-10">babel </span>documentation to find out how to
-make the colon non-active. </div>
-</p><!--l. 45--><p class="noindent" >
-</p><!--l. 47--><p class="indent" >   The book title, <span 
-class="cmti-10">book title</span><span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x27E9;</span>, may be given either as the full title (e.g.&#x00A0;<span 
-class="cmtt-10">Matthew</span>) or as
-an abbreviation (e.g.&#x00A0;<span 
-class="cmtt-10">Mt </span>or <span 
-class="cmtt-10">Matt</span>), most standard abbreviations are recognised. Books
-with multiple parts should be preceded by the book number in uppercase
-Roman numerals. For example, the second book of Kings should be entered as
-<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-</p><!--l. 54--><p class="indent" >   You may have any number, or zero, sets of parenthesis <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x27E9;</span><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-indicating the chapter and verse or verses. Verses can be specified as a comma separated
-list of individual verses or range of verses. A range of verses should be written with a
-single hyphen, e.g.&#x00A0;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">2-4</span></span></span>. In the typeset output the verses will be separated
-</p><!--l. 61--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-2006"></a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\BRvsep </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 63--><p class="noindent" >
-(an en-dash by default.) A chapter may be referenced without a verse, but the colon
-must remain, e.g.&#x00A0;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">(12:)</span></span></span> simply indicates chapter 12.
-</p><!--l. 68--><p class="indent" >   A range of verses spanning more than one chapter can be entered as
-</p><!--l. 72--><p class="indent" >   If there is no verse, but there are multiple chapters or chapter ranges, these may be
-specified in the <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x27E9; </span>part, using a comma to separate individual chapters and a
-hyphen to separate ranges. Note that you still need a colon at the end of the
-</p><!--l. 77--><p class="indent" >   Examples: </p>
-<div class="center" 
-<!--l. 78--><p class="noindent" >
-<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-2" class="tabular" 
-cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"  
-><colgroup id="TBL-2-1g"><col 
-id="TBL-2-1" /><col 
-id="TBL-2-2" /></colgroup><tr  
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-1-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-1-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{Ex}</span></span></span>                   </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-1-2"  
-class="td11">Exodus                    </td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-2-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-2-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{Exodus}(20:)</span></span></span>           </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-2-2"  
-class="td11">Exodus 20                </td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-3-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-3-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{Exod}(20:17)</span></span></span>           </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-3-2"  
-class="td11">Exodus 20:17             </td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-4-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-4-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{IICo}(12:21)</span></span></span>           </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-4-2"  
-class="td11">2 Corinthians 12:21     </td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-5-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-5-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{IICor}(12:21-32)</span></span></span>       </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-5-2"  
-class="td11">2 Corinthians 12:21–32</td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-6-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-6-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{Ex}(20:17)(21:3)</span></span></span>       </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-6-2"  
-class="td11">Exodus 20:17;21:3      </td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-7-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-7-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{Ex}(15:)(17:)(20:)</span></span></span>     </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-7-2"  
-class="td11">Exodus 15;17;20         </td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-8-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-8-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{Rev}(1:2,5,7-9,11)</span></span></span>     </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-8-2"  
-class="td11">Revelation 1:2,5,7–9,11</td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-9-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-9-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{IChronicles}(1:3)-(2:7)</span></span></span></td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-9-2"  
-class="td11">1 Chronicles 1:3–2:7    </td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-10-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-10-1"  
-class="td11"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse{Luke}(1,4-5,8:)</span></span></span>        </td><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-10-2"  
-class="td11">Luke 1,4–5,8              </td></tr></table>
-<!--l. 94--><p class="indent" >   The style of the reference can be specified either by package option or as the
-argument to the command
-</p><!--l. 96--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-2007"></a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 98--><p class="noindent" >
-Styles are listed in Table&#x00A0;<a 
-href="#x1-20081">1<!--tex4ht:ref: tab:styles --></a>.
-   <div class="table">
-<!--l. 101--><p class="indent" >   <a 
- id="x1-20081"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float" 
- <div class="caption" 
-><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;1: </span><span  
-class="content">Bible Citation Styles (can be used as package option or in the argument
-to <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\biblerefstyle</span>)</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-20081 -->
-<div class="center" 
-<!--l. 106--><p class="noindent" >
-<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-3" class="tabular" 
-cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"  
-><colgroup id="TBL-3-1g"><col 
-id="TBL-3-1" /><col 
-id="TBL-3-2" /></colgroup><tr  
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-1-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-1-1"  
-class="cmbx-10">Style     </span></td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-1-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 108--><p class="noindent" ><span 
-class="cmbx-10">Example</span>                                   </p></td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-2-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-2-1"  
-class="td11">default     </td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-2-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 109--><p class="noindent" >2 Corinthians 12:1–5                          </p></td></tr><tr  
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-3-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-3-1"  
-class="td11">jerusalem </td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-3-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 110--><p class="noindent" >2 Co 12:1–5</p></td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-4-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-4-1"  
-class="td11">anglosaxon</td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-4-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 111--><p class="noindent" >II Cor. XII.1–5                                 </p></td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-5-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-5-1"  
-class="td11">JEH         </td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-5-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 112--><p class="noindent" >2 Cor. xii. 1–5                                  </p></td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-6-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-6-1"  
-class="td11">NTG        </td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-6-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 113--><p class="noindent" >2 Cor xii,1–5                                    </p></td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-7-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-7-1"  
-class="td11">MLA        </td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-7-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 114--><p class="noindent" >2 Cor.&#x00A0;xii.1–5                                   </p></td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-8-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-8-1"  
-class="td11">chicago     </td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-8-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 115--><p class="noindent" >2 Cor.&#x00A0;xii : 1–5                                  </p></td>
- style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-9-"><td  style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-9-1"  
-class="td11">text         </td><td  style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-9-2"  
-class="td11"><!--l. 116--><p class="noindent" >Second&#x00A0;Epistle   to   the   Corinthians,
-chapter twelve verse one to five            </p></td>
-   </div><hr class="endfloat" />
-   </div>
-<!--l. 121--><p class="indent" >   You can change the name of a book using
-</p><!--l. 122--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-2009"></a> <span 
-class="cmti-10">new title</span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 124--><p class="noindent" >
-Note that <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x27E9; </span>must be the full name, not the abbreviated name of the book. For
-example, to change Revelation to Apoc, do <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\setbookname{Revelation}{Apoc}</span></span></span> (<span 
-that you shouldn’t do <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-</p><!--l. 132--><p class="indent" >   If you want a different title for a book depending on whether it’s in the
-main body of the document or in the index, you can set the index version
-</p><!--l. 135--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-2010"></a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 137--><p class="noindent" >
-In this case, <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x27E9; </span>should be the name you’ll use in <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\ibibleverse</span>. For example, if
-you do:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-1">
-&#x00A0;<br />\setindexbooktitle{Psalms}{Psalms}
-<!--l. 143--><p class="nopar" > Then <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\ibibleverse{Psalms}(2:)</span></span></span> will print Psalm the document and Psalms in the
-index, but <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">\ibibleverse{Ps}(2:)</span></span></span> will print Psalms in both the document and the
-</p><!--l. 148--><p class="indent" >   You can add a book using
-</p><!--l. 149--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-2011"></a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 151--><p class="noindent" >
-For example:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-2">
-<!--l. 155--><p class="nopar" >
-<!--l. 157--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2   </span> <a 
- id="x1-30002"></a>Defining New Styles</h3>
-<!--l. 159--><p class="noindent" >You can define a new style using the command
-</p><!--l. 160--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-3001"></a> <span 
-</p><!--l. 162--><p class="noindent" >
-where <span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x27E9; </span>are the commands needed to modify the citation style.
-</p><!--l. 166--><p class="indent" >   Example: This new style is based on the “default” style, but has verses in lower case
-Roman numerals, and redefines “Revelation” as “Apocalypse”.
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-3">
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefstyle{default}%
-&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\BRversestyle}[1]{\romannumeral##1}%
-&#x00A0;<br />\setbooktitle{Revelation}{Apocalypse}%
-&#x00A0;<br />}
-<!--l. 176--><p class="nopar" > Note the use of <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">##1</span></span></span> instead of <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-</p><!--l. 179--><p class="indent" >   If you want to distribute a new style, see section&#x00A0;<a 
-href="#x1-90004">4<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:distnewstyles --></a>.
-</p><!--l. 182--><p class="noindent" >
-<!--l. 182--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3   </span> <a 
- id="x1-40003"></a>Indexing Bible References</h3>
-<!--l. 184--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-4001"></a> <span 
-class="cmti-10">book title</span><span 
-</p><!--l. 186--><p class="noindent" >
-This does the same as <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bibleverse </span>but also adds an index entry (provided you have
-used <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\makeindex </span>in the preamble.) The default page number format is given by the
-</p><!--l. 191--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-4002"></a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\bvidxpgformat </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 193--><p class="noindent" >
-This is <span 
-class="cmtt-10">textrm </span>by default, but can be redefined. To override the page number format for
-a particular entry you can use the optional argument to <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\ibibleverse</span>. For
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-4">
-<!--l. 199--><p class="nopar" > (Note there is no backslash.)
-</p><!--l. 202--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-4003"></a> <span 
-class="cmti-10">book title</span><span 
-</p><!--l. 204--><p class="noindent" >
-This is similar to <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\ibibleverse </span>except that it doesn’t display the book name in
-the text. The reference is indexed under the book title in the same way as
-</p><!--l. 209--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-4004"></a> <span 
-class="cmti-10">book title</span><span 
-</p><!--l. 211--><p class="noindent" >
-This is similar to <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\ibiblechvs </span>except that it only displays the verse(s) in the
-</p><!--l. 215--><p class="indent" >   You may need to create your own custom <span 
- id="dx1-4005"></a> style file as the default uses a
-comma and space to separate the item from the page number, which may cause
-confusion. For example, you could create a file called <span 
-class="cmtt-10">sample.ist </span>and write in the
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-5">
-&#x00A0;<br />delim_1&#x00A0;"\\dotfill&#x00A0;"
-&#x00A0;<br />delim_2&#x00A0;"\\dotfill&#x00A0;"
-<!--l. 224--><p class="nopar" > See the <span 
- id="dx1-4006"></a> documentation for further details.
-</p><!--l. 227--><p class="noindent" >
-<!--l. 227--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1   </span> <a 
- id="x1-50003.1"></a>Index Categories</h4>
-<!--l. 229--><p class="noindent" >You may prefer to index the bible reference under a category with the book title as a
-sub item of that category. This can be achieved using:
-</p><!--l. 232--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-5001"></a> <span 
-class="cmti-10">sort key</span><span 
-class="cmti-10">category title</span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 234--><p class="noindent" >
-The optional argument is the sort key to be used by <span 
- id="dx1-5002"></a> or <span 
- id="dx1-5003"></a>. If omitted
-class="cmti-10">category title</span><span 
-class="cmsy-10">&#x27E9; </span>is used.
-</p><!--l. 239--><p class="indent" >   Note that <span 
- id="dx1-5004"></a>, <span 
- id="dx1-5005"></a> and <span 
- id="dx1-5006"></a> use the category that is
-currently set. If you need to keep switching categories, you may find it easier to define a
-shortcut command. For example, suppose you’re discussing the differences
-between the King James and the New Jerusalem versions, you could define the
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-6">
-&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand{\njref}{\biblerefcategory{New&#x00A0;Jerusalem}\ibibleverse}
-<!--l. 248--><p class="nopar" > You can now use <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\kjref </span>and <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\njref </span>in the same way that you would use
-</p><!--l. 252--><p class="indent" >   You can disable the category by setting it to nothing:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-7">
-<!--l. 255--><p class="nopar" >
-</p><!--l. 257--><p class="noindent" >
-<!--l. 257--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.2   </span> <a 
- id="x1-60003.2"></a>The <span 
-class="cmss-10">bibleref-xidx </span>Package</h4>
-<!--l. 259--><p class="noindent" >The <span 
- id="dx1-6001"></a> package comes with a supplementary package <span 
- id="dx1-6002"></a> that modifies the
-way bible references are added to the index. With no package options, i.e.,
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-8">
-<!--l. 264--><p class="nopar" > the verses will appear as sub-items of the chapters. Note that a verse range will be
-considered a single item so, for example,
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-9">
-&#x00A0;<br />\ibibleverse{Ex}(9:4)
-&#x00A0;<br />\ibibleverse{Ex}(9:1-4)
-<!--l. 271--><p class="nopar" > will occur as three separate entries under Exodus chapter&#x00A0;9. Also note that <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-class="cmtt-10">(9:)-(14:)</span></span></span> will be treated differently.
-</p><!--l. 276--><p class="indent" >   The <span 
- id="dx1-6003"></a> package can be loaded with the following options:
-     </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
- id="dx1-6004"></a> </dt><dd 
-class="description">Don’t show the verses in the index.
-     </dd><dt class="description">
- id="dx1-6005"></a> </dt><dd 
-class="description">Show the verses (and chapters) in the index (default).
-     </dd><dt class="description">
- id="dx1-6006"></a> </dt><dd 
-class="description">Don’t show the chapters (and verses) in the index.
-     </dd><dt class="description">
- id="dx1-6007"></a> </dt><dd 
-class="description">Show the chapters in the index (default).</dd></dl>
-<!--l. 285--><p class="noindent" >All other package options will be passed to the <span 
- id="dx1-6008"></a> package, which <span 
- id="dx1-6009"></a>
-automatically loads.
-</p><!--l. 288--><p class="noindent" >
-<!--l. 288--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.3   </span> <a 
- id="x1-70003.3"></a>Separate Scripture Index</h4>
-<!--l. 290--><p class="noindent" >If you want a separate index for bible verses, in addition to a general index, you can
-</p><!--l. 292--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-7001"></a> <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\biblerefindex </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 294--><p class="noindent" >
-This command defaults to <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\index</span>, but can be changed to the appropriate
-indexing command. For example, suppose you are using the <span 
- id="dx1-7002"></a> package
-and you want a general index and a scripture index, you can do something
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-10">
-&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{bibleref}
-&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{multind}
-&#x00A0;<br />\makeindex{scripture}
-&#x00A0;<br />\makeindex{general}
-&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\biblerefindex}{\index{scripture}}
-<!--l. 308--><p class="nopar" > In the document, you can use <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\ibibleverse </span>as before, and the scripture index is
-displayed using
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-11">
-<!--l. 313--><p class="nopar" > You will then need to run <span 
- id="dx1-7003"></a> on the file <span 
-class="cmtt-10">scripture.idx</span>. See the <span 
- id="dx1-7004"></a>
-documentation for further details.
-</p><!--l. 318--><p class="noindent" >
-<!--l. 318--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.4   </span> <a 
- id="x1-80003.4"></a>Changing the Sort Order</h4>
-<!--l. 320--><p class="noindent" >The bible reference entries will be sorted alphabetically by <span 
- id="dx1-8001"></a>. However you
-may prefer the entries to be sorted according to their order in the bible. This can either
-be done using <span 
- id="dx1-8002"></a> instead of <span 
- id="dx1-8003"></a> and creating your own custom
-alphabet (see <span 
- id="dx1-8004"></a> manual for details) or you can use <span 
- id="dx1-8005"></a>’s mapping
-</p><!--l. 327--><p class="indent" >   <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span 
- id="dx1-8006"></a> <span 
-class="cmti-10">new sort key</span><span 
-class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
-</p><!--l. 329--><p class="noindent" >
-For example, in the preamble:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-12">
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Exodus}{02}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Leviticus}{03}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Numbers}{04}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Deuteronomy}{05}
-&#x00A0;<br />...
-<!--l. 338--><p class="nopar" > When you run <span 
- id="dx1-8007"></a>, the references will now be sorted in numerical
-</p><!--l. 342--><p class="indent" >   If you want to subdivide the index into, say, old and new testament, you can add
-this to the mapping. For example:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-13">
-\biblerefmap{Genesis}{1 at Old&#x00A0;Testament!01}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Exodus}{1 at Old&#x00A0;Testament!02}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Leviticus}{1 at Old&#x00A0;Testament!03}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Numbers}{1 at Old&#x00A0;Testament!04}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Deuteronomy}{1 at Old&#x00A0;Testament!05}
-&#x00A0;<br />...
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Matthew}{2 at New&#x00A0;Testament!01}
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefmap{Mark}{2 at New&#x00A0;Testament!02}
-&#x00A0;<br />...
-<!--l. 354--><p class="nopar" >
-</p><!--l. 356--><p class="noindent" >
-<!--l. 356--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4   </span> <a 
- id="x1-90004"></a>Distributing New Styles</h3>
-<!--l. 359--><p class="noindent" >If you want a new bible reference style (or translation) publicly available, then it’s a
-good idea to upload it to CTAN (<a 
-href="www.ctan.org" class="url" ><span 
-class="cmtt-10">www.ctan.org</span></a>). If you’ve never done this before, you
-might find it a bit daunting, so here are a few pointers.
-</p><!--l. 364--><p class="indent" >   I suggest that you give the name of your new package the prefix <span 
-class="cmtt-10">bibleref- </span>as then it will
-appear close to <span 
- id="dx1-9001"></a> in the alphabetical list in the catalogue. Suppose your new style is called
-“mystyle”<span class="footnote-mark"><a 
-href="#fn1x0" id="fn1x0-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1</sup></a></span><a 
- id="x1-9002f1"></a>,
-then create a file called <span 
-class="cmtt-10">bibleref-mystyle.sty</span>. At the start of the file, do:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-14">
-&#x00A0;<br />\ProvidesPackage{bibleref-mystyle}[2011/01/19&#x00A0;v1.0&#x00A0;Bible&#x00A0;reference
-&#x00A0;<br />style&#x00A0;conforming&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;something&#x00A0;or&#x00A0;other]
-<!--l. 374--><p class="nopar" > (Change the date and the brief description in the line above to something more
-appropriate.) Next you need to load <span 
- id="dx1-9003"></a>:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-15">
-<!--l. 379--><p class="nopar" > Now do the new style stuff (or redefine styles to provide translations):
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-16">
-&#x00A0;<br />\biblerefstyle{default}%
-&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\BRversestyle}[1]{\romannumeral##1}%
-&#x00A0;<br />\setbooktitle{Revelation}{Apocalypse}%
-&#x00A0;<br />}
-<!--l. 388--><p class="nopar" > (Again change the above to whatever is appropriate.) Put any new book definitions
-that your style may require, for example:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-17">
-<!--l. 393--><p class="nopar" > and add any <span 
-class="cmtt-10">\biblerefmap </span>commands that are required. Then set your new style as
-the current style, if appropriate:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-18">
-<!--l. 398--><p class="nopar" > On the last line of the file add:
-   <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-19">
-<!--l. 402--><p class="nopar" >
-</p><!--l. 404--><p class="indent" >   Next you need to create a file called “README” that contains some information
-about your new package, including what license you want to distribute it under. (If you
-don’t know anything about licenses, I recommend you choose the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span 
-Public License, LPPL.)
-</p><!--l. 409--><p class="indent" >   It’s worth adding a sample file or a little bit of documentation that illustrates how
-the references appear.
-</p><!--l. 412--><p class="indent" >   Put your .sty file, README file and samples or documentation into a zip archive.
-You’re now ready to upload it. There are several upload pages. The main one is at
-href="http://www.ctan.org/upload.html" class="url" ><span 
-class="cmtt-10">http://www.ctan.org/upload.html</span></a>. The name of your contribution is the name of
-your package (“bibleref-mystyle” in this example). Remember to put your name and
-email in the relevant input boxes. Sometime after you’ve uploaded your zip file,
-you’ll get a copy of the announcement from one of the CTAN maintainers. It
-usually takes a day to establish itself. After that people can download and use
-</p><!--l. 422--><p class="noindent" >
-<!--l. 422--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5   </span> <a 
- id="x1-100005"></a>Acknowledgements</h3>
-<!--l. 423--><p class="noindent" >Many thanks to all the useful comments from comp.text.tex, especially from
-Jesse&#x00A0;Billett, Brooks&#x00A0;Moses and Ulrich&#x00A0;M.&#x00A0;Schwarz.
-</p><!--l. 429--><p class="indent" >   <a 
- id="likesection.1"></a><a 
- id="Q1-1-12"></a>
-<!--l. 2--><p class="noindent" ><a 
-href="#top">Top</a></p><h3 class="likesectionHead"><a 
- id="x1-110005"></a>Index</h3>
-<!--l. 4--><p class="noindent" >                                                                  <span 
-   <div class="theindex"><span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2011" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">1</span></a> <br /></span>
-<p class="theindex">                                                                  <span 
-<span class="index-item"><span 
-class="cmss-10">babel </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2004" >2</a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span 
-class="cmss-10">bibleref </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2001" >3</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2003" >4</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6001" >5</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6008" >6</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-8005" >7</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-9001" >8</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-9003" >9</a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span 
-class="cmss-10">bibleref-xidx </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#x1-60003.2" >10</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6002" >11</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6003" >12</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6009" >13</a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-5001" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">14</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-7001" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">15</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-8006" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">16</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2007" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">17</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2002" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">18</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2006" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">19</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-4002" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">20</span></a> <br /></span>
-</p><p class="theindex">                                                                   <span 
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-4003" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">21</span></a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-5005" ><span class="underline">22</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2005" ><span class="underline">23</span></a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-4001" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">24</span></a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-5004" ><span class="underline">25</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-4004" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">26</span></a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-5006" ><span class="underline">27</span></a> <br /></span>
-</p><p class="theindex">                                                                  <span 
-<span class="index-item"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-4005" >28</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-4006" >29</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-5002" >30</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-7003" >31</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-8001" >32</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-8003" >33</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-8007" >34</a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span 
-class="cmss-10">multind </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-7002" >35</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-7004" >36</a> <br /></span>
-</p><p class="theindex">                                                                  <span 
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-3001" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">37</span></a> <br /></span>
-</p><p class="theindex">                                                                  <span 
-<span class="index-item">package options:<br /></span>
-<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6007" ><span class="underline">38</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6006" ><span class="underline">39</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6004" ><span class="underline">40</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-6005" ><span class="underline">41</span></a> <br /></span>
-</p><p class="theindex">                                                                  <span 
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2009" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">42</span></a> <br /></span>
-<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-2010" ><span 
-class="cmti-10">43</span></a> <br /></span>
-</p><p class="theindex">                                                                  <span 
-<span class="index-item"><span 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-5003" >44</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-8002" >45</a>, <a 
-href="bibleref-manual.html#dx1-8004" >46</a> <br /></span>
-   <div class="footnotes"><!--l. 367--><p class="indent" >    <span class="footnote-mark"><a 
-href="#fn1x0-bk" id="fn1x0"><sup class="textsuperscript">1</sup></a></span><span 
-class="cmr-8">Choose a more descriptive name than this.</span></p>                                                          </div>

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.tex	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref-manual.tex	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,431 +0,0 @@
-\usepackage[colorlinks,bookmarks,pdfauthor={Nicola L.C. Talbot},
-            hyperindex=false,
-            pdftitle={bibleref.sty: a LaTeX package for 
-            typesetting bible references}]{hyperref}
-\title{bibleref.sty v1.14:
-a \LaTeXe\ package for typesetting bible references}
-\author{Nicola Talbot\\[10pt]
-School of Computing Sciences\\
-University of East Anglia\\
-Norwich. Norfolk. NR4 7TJ.\\
-United Kingdom\\
-The \sty{bibleref} package was designed to provide consistent formatting for referencing
-parts of the bible.
-\cs{bibleverse}\marg{book title}\texttt(\meta{chapter}\texttt{:}\meta{verse(s)}\texttt)
-This command can be used to cite a bible book, chapter or verse 
-or range of chapters or verses.
-Be careful if you use \sty{bibleref} with \sty{babel} as some of 
-\styfmt{babel}'s language options make the colon character active,
-which will cause a problem for \cs{bibleverse} (and \ics{ibibleverse},
-described later). Check the \styfmt{babel} documentation to find out
-how to make the colon non-active.
-The book title, \meta{book title}, may be given either as the
-full title (e.g.\ \texttt{Matthew}) or as an abbreviation (e.g.\
-\texttt{Mt} or \texttt{Matt}), most standard abbreviations are
-recognised.  Books with multiple parts should be preceded by the
-book number in uppercase Roman numerals. For example, the second
-book of Kings should be entered as \verb|\bibleverse{IIKings}|
-You may have any number, or zero, sets of parenthesis
-indicating the chapter and verse or verses. Verses can be
-specified as a comma separated list of individual verses or range
-of verses. A range of verses should be written with a single
-hyphen, e.g.\ \verb|2-4|. In the typeset output the verses will
-be separated with
-(an en-dash by default.) A chapter may be referenced without a
-verse, but the colon must remain, e.g.\ \verb|(12:)| simply
-indicates chapter 12.
-A range of verses spanning more than one chapter can
-be entered as \texttt(\meta{ch}\texttt:\meta{v}\texttt{)-(}\meta
-If there is no verse, but there are multiple chapters or chapter
-ranges, these may be specified in the \meta{chapter} part, using a
-comma to separate individual chapters and a hyphen to separate
-ranges. Note that you still need a colon at the end of the list.
-\verb|\bibleverse{Ex}| & \bibleverse{Ex}\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{Exodus}(20:)| & \bibleverse{Exodus}(20:)\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{Exod}(20:17)| & \bibleverse{Exod}(20:17)\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{IICo}(12:21)| & \bibleverse{IICo}(12:21)\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{IICor}(12:21-32)| & \bibleverse{IICor}(12:21-32)\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{Ex}(20:17)(21:3)| & \bibleverse{Ex}(20:17)(21:3)\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{Ex}(15:)(17:)(20:)| & \bibleverse{Ex}(15:)(17:)(20:)\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{Rev}(1:2,5,7-9,11)| & \bibleverse{Rev}(1:2,5,7-9,11)\\
-\verb|\bibleverse{IChronicles}(1:3)-(2:7)| &
-\verb|\bibleverse{Luke}(1,4-5,8:)| &\bibleverse{Luke}(1,4-5,8:)
-The style of the reference can be specified either by 
-package option or as the argument to the command
-Styles are listed in Table~\ref{tab:styles}.
-\caption{Bible Citation Styles (can be used as package option or in the argument to 
-\bfseries Style & \bfseries Example\\
-default & \biblerefstyle{default}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)\\
-jerusalem & \biblerefstyle{jerusalem}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)\\
-anglosaxon & \biblerefstyle{anglosaxon}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)\\
-JEH & \biblerefstyle{JEH}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)\\
-NTG & \biblerefstyle{NTG}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)\\
-MLA & \biblerefstyle{MLA}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)\\
-chicago & \biblerefstyle{chicago}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)\\
-text & \biblerefstyle{text}\bibleverse{IICor}(12:1-5)
-You can change the name of a book using 
-\cs{setbooktitle}\marg{name}\marg{new title}
-Note that \meta{name} must be the full name, not the
-abbreviated name of the book. For example, to change
-Revelation to Apoc, do 
-(\textbf{Note} that you shouldn't do 
-If you want a different title for a book depending on whether it's
-in the main body of the document or in the index, you can set the
-index version using:
-In this case, \meta{name} should be the name you'll use in 
-\cs{ibibleverse}. For example, if you do:
-Then \verb|\ibibleverse{Psalms}(2:)| will print Psalm the
-document and Psalms in the index, but \verb|\ibibleverse{Ps}(2:)|
-will print Psalms in both the document and the index.
-You can add a book using
-For example:
-\addbiblebook{Susanna}{Story of Susanna}
-\section{Defining New Styles}
-You can define a new style using the command
-where \meta{commands} are
-the commands needed to modify the citation style.
-This new style is based on the \qt{default} style, but
-has verses in lower case Roman numerals, and redefines
-\qt{Revelation} as \qt{Apocalypse}.
-Note the use of \verb|##1| instead of \verb|#1|.
-If you want to distribute a new style, see
-\section{Indexing Bible References}
-\cs{ibibleverse}\oarg{format}\marg{book title}\texttt(\marg{chapter}\texttt{:}\meta{verse(s)}\texttt)
-This does the same as \cs{bibleverse}
-but also adds an index entry (provided you have used 
-\cs{makeindex} in the preamble.) The default page number 
-format is given by the command 
-This is \texttt{textrm} by default, but can be redefined. To 
-override the page number format for a particular entry you can
-use the optional argument to \cs{ibibleverse}. For example:
-(Note there is no backslash.)
-\cs{ibiblechvs}\oarg{format}\marg{book title}\texttt(\marg{chapter}\texttt{:}\meta{verse(s)}\texttt)
-This is similar to \cs{ibibleverse} except that it doesn't display
-the book name in the text. The reference is indexed under the book
-title in the same way as \cs{ibibleverse}.
-\cs{ibiblevs}\oarg{format}\marg{book title}\texttt(\marg{chapter}\texttt{:}\meta{verse(s)}\texttt)
-This is similar to \cs{ibiblechvs} except that it only displays the 
-verse(s) in the text.
-You may need to create your own custom \app{makeindex} style file
-as the default uses a comma and space to separate the item from
-the page number, which may cause confusion. For example, you
-could create a file called \texttt{sample.ist} and write in the
-delim_0 "\\dotfill "
-delim_1 "\\dotfill "
-delim_2 "\\dotfill "
-See the \app{makeindex} documentation for further details.
-\subsection{Index Categories}
-You may prefer to index the bible reference under a category with
-the book title as a sub item of that category. This can be achieved
-\cs{biblerefcategory}\oarg{sort key}\marg{category title}
-The optional argument is the sort key to be used by
-\app{makeindex} or \app{xindy}. If omitted \meta{category title} is
-Note that \ics{ibibleverse}, \ics{ibiblechvs} and \ics{ibiblevs} 
-use the category that is currently set. If you need to keep
-switching categories, you may find it easier to define a shortcut
-command. For example, suppose you're discussing the differences
-between the King James and the New Jerusalem versions, you could
-define the following:
-\newcommand{\kjref}{\biblerefcategory{King James}\ibibleverse}
-\newcommand{\njref}{\biblerefcategory{New Jerusalem}\ibibleverse}
-You can now use \cs{kjref} and \cs{njref} in the same way that you
-would use \cs{ibibleverse}
-You can disable the category by setting it to nothing:
-\subsection{The \sty{bibleref-xidx} Package}
-The \sty{bibleref} package comes with a supplementary package
-\sty{bibleref-xidx} that modifies the way bible references are added to 
-the index. With no package options, i.e., just
-the verses will appear as sub-items of the chapters. Note that a
-verse range will be considered a single item so, for example,
-will occur as three separate entries under Exodus chapter~9.
-Also note that \verb|(9-14:)| and \verb|(9:)-(14:)| will be treated
-The \sty{bibleref-xidx} package can be loaded with the following options:
-\item[\pkgopt{noverses}] Don't show the verses in the index.
-\item[\pkgopt{verses}] Show the verses (and chapters) in the index
-\item[\pkgopt{nochapters}] Don't show the chapters (and verses) in the 
-\item[\pkgopt{chapters}] Show the chapters in the index (default).
-All other package options will be passed to the \sty{bibleref}
-package, which \sty{bibleref-xidx} automatically loads.
-\subsection{Separate Scripture Index}
-If you want a separate index for bible verses, in addition to
-a general index, you can redefine
-This command defaults to \cs{index}, but can be changed to
-the appropriate indexing command. For example, suppose you
-are using the \sty{multind} package and you want a general
-index and a scripture index, you can do something like:
-In the document, you can use \cs{ibibleverse} as before, and
-the scripture index is displayed using
-\printindex{scripture}{Scripture Index}
-You will then need to run \app{makeindex} on the file
-\texttt{scripture.idx}. See the \sty{multind} documentation
-for further details.
-\subsection{Changing the Sort Order}
-The bible reference entries will be sorted alphabetically by
-\app{makeindex}. However you may prefer the entries to be sorted
-according to their order in the bible. This can either be done
-using \app{xindy} instead of \app{makeindex} and creating your
-own custom alphabet (see \app{xindy} manual for details) or you
-can use \sty{bibleref}'s mapping command.
-\cs{biblerefmap}\marg{label}\marg{new sort key}
-For example, in the preamble:
-When you run \app{makeindex}, the references will now be sorted
-in numerical order.
-If you want to subdivide the index into, say, old and new 
-testament, you can add this to the mapping. For example:
-\biblerefmap{Genesis}{1 at Old Testament!01}
-\biblerefmap{Exodus}{1 at Old Testament!02}
-\biblerefmap{Leviticus}{1 at Old Testament!03}
-\biblerefmap{Numbers}{1 at Old Testament!04}
-\biblerefmap{Deuteronomy}{1 at Old Testament!05}
-\biblerefmap{Matthew}{2 at New Testament!01}
-\biblerefmap{Mark}{2 at New Testament!02}
-\section{Distributing New Styles}
-If you want a new bible reference style (or translation) publicly
-available, then it's a good idea to upload it to CTAN
-(\url{www.ctan.org}). If you've never done this before, you might
-find it a bit daunting, so here are a few pointers.
-I suggest that you give the name of your new package the prefix \texttt{bibleref-} as
-then it will appear close to \sty{bibleref} in the alphabetical list
-in the catalogue. Suppose your new style is called
-``mystyle''\footnote{Choose a more descriptive name than this.},
-then create a file called \texttt{bibleref-mystyle.sty}. At the
-start of the file, do:
-\ProvidesPackage{bibleref-mystyle}[2011/01/19 v1.0 Bible reference
-style conforming to something or other]
-(Change the date and the brief description in the line above to 
-something more appropriate.) Next you need to load \sty{bibleref}:
-Now do the new style stuff (or redefine styles to provide
-(Again change the above to whatever is appropriate.) Put any new
-book definitions that your style may require, for example:
-\addbiblebook{Susanna}{Story of Susanna}
-and add any \cs{biblerefmap} commands that are required. Then set
-your new style as the current style, if appropriate:
-On the last line of the file add:
-Next you need to create a file called ``README'' that contains some
-information about your new package, including what license you want
-to distribute it under. (If you don't know anything about licenses, 
-I recommend you choose the \LaTeX\ Project Public License, LPPL.)
-It's worth adding a sample file or a little bit of documentation
-that illustrates how the references appear.
-Put your .sty file, README file and samples or documentation into a
-zip archive. You're now ready to upload it. There are several upload
-pages. The main one is at \url{http://www.ctan.org/upload.html}.
-The name of your contribution is the name of your package
-(``bibleref-mystyle'' in this example). Remember to put your name
-and email in the relevant input boxes. Sometime after you've
-uploaded your zip file, you'll get a copy of the announcement from
-one of the CTAN maintainers. It usually takes a day to establish
-itself. After that people can download and use it.
-Many thanks to all the useful comments from comp.text.tex, 
-especially from Jesse~Billett, Brooks~Moses and Ulrich~M.~Schwarz.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/bibleref.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/makefile
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/makefile	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/makefile	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+	rm -rf bibleref
+	mkdir bibleref
+	mkdir bibleref/samples
+	latexmk sample*tex
+	ln sample*tex bibleref/samples
+	ln sample*pdf bibleref/samples
+	ln CHANGES *ins *dtx bibleref.pdf README makefile bibleref
+	@$(RM) ../bibleref.zip
+	zip -r ../bibleref.zip bibleref
+%.sty: %.ins %.dtx
+	rm -f $*.sty $*tex
+	@pdflatex $*.ins
+%.pdf: %.sty %.dtx
+	@pdflatex $*.dtx
+	@pdflatex $*.dtx
+	@makeindex -s gind.ist -o $*.ind $*.idx
+	@pdflatex $*.dtx
+	@pdflatex $*.dtx

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/makefile
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/sample.ist
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/sample.ist	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/sample.ist	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%% This is file `sample.ist',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% bibleref.dtx  (with options: `sample.ist,package')
+%%  bibleref.dtx
+%%  Copyright 2011 Nicola Talbot
+%%  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%%  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%%  of this license of (at your option) any later version.
+%%  The latest version of this license is in
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%%  version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%%  This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
+%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
+%% \CharacterTable
+%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
+%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
+%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
+%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
+%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
+%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
+%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
+%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
+%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
+%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
+%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+delim_0 "\\dotfill "
+delim_1 "\\dotfill "
+delim_2 "\\dotfill "
+%% End of file `sample.ist'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/sample.ist
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-categories.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-categories.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-categories.tex	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-categories.tex	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 %%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-multind.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist, bibleref.perl.
+%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
 %% \CharacterTable
 %%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.pdf	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.pdf	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.tex	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+%% This is file `sample-indextools.tex',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% bibleref.dtx  (with options: `sample-indextools.tex,package')
+%%  bibleref.dtx
+%%  Copyright 2011 Nicola Talbot
+%%  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%%  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%%  of this license of (at your option) any later version.
+%%  The latest version of this license is in
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%%  version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%%  This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
+%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
+%% \CharacterTable
+%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
+%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
+%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
+%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
+%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
+%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
+%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
+%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
+%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
+%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
+%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+\biblerefmap{Genesis}{1 at Old Testament!1}
+\biblerefmap{Exodus}{1 at Old Testament!2}
+\biblerefmap{Leviticus}{1 at Old Testament!3}
+\biblerefmap{Numbers}{1 at Old Testament!4}
+\biblerefmap{Deuteronomy}{1 at Old Testament!5}
+\biblerefmap{Tobit}{2 at Apocrypha!3}
+\biblerefmap{Matthew}{3 at New Testament!1}
+\biblerefmap{Mark}{3 at New Testament!2}
+\biblerefmap{Luke}{3 at New Testament!3}
+\biblerefmap{John}{3 at New Testament!4}
+\biblerefmap{Acts}{3 at New Testament!5}
+\biblerefmap{Romans}{3 at New Testament!6}
+\biblerefmap{Corinthians1}{3 at New Testament!7}
+Something for the general index\index{something}.
+An old testament reference \ibibleverse{Genesis}(1:1-10).
+A new testament reference \ibibleverse{ICor}.
+Something else for the general index\index{another}.
+Another old testament reference \ibibleverse{Ex}.
+Another new testament reference \ibibleverse{Matt}.
+%% End of file `sample-indextools.tex'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-indextools.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-multind.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-multind.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-multind.tex	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-multind.tex	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `sample-multind.tex',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% bibleref.dtx  (with options: `sample-multind.tex,package')
-%%  bibleref.dtx
-%%  Copyright 2011 Nicola Talbot
-%%  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%%  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%%  of this license of (at your option) any later version.
-%%  The latest version of this license is in
-%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%%  version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%%  This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-multind.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist, bibleref.perl.
-%% \CharacterTable
-%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
-%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
-%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
-%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
-%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
-%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
-%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
-%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
-%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
-%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
-%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
-\biblerefmap{Genesis}{1 at Old Testament!1}
-\biblerefmap{Exodus}{1 at Old Testament!2}
-\biblerefmap{Leviticus}{1 at Old Testament!3}
-\biblerefmap{Numbers}{1 at Old Testament!4}
-\biblerefmap{Deuteronomy}{1 at Old Testament!5}
-\biblerefmap{Tobit}{2 at Apocrypha!3}
-\biblerefmap{Matthew}{3 at New Testament!1}
-\biblerefmap{Mark}{3 at New Testament!2}
-\biblerefmap{Luke}{3 at New Testament!3}
-\biblerefmap{John}{3 at New Testament!4}
-\biblerefmap{Acts}{3 at New Testament!5}
-\biblerefmap{Romans}{3 at New Testament!6}
-\biblerefmap{Corinthians1}{3 at New Testament!7}
-Something for the general index\index{general}{something}.
-An old testament reference \ibibleverse{Genesis}(1:1-10).
-A new testament reference \ibibleverse{ICor}.
-Something else for the general index\index{general}{another}.
-Another old testament reference \ibibleverse{Ex}.
-Another new testament reference \ibibleverse{Matt}.
-\printindex{scripture}{Scripture Index}
-\printindex{general}{General Index}
-%% End of file `sample-multind.tex'.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-xidx.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-xidx.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-xidx.tex	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample-xidx.tex	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 %%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-multind.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist, bibleref.perl.
+%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
 %% \CharacterTable
 %%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample.ist
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample.ist	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample.ist	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-%% This is file `sample.ist',
-%% generated with the docstrip utility.
-%% The original source files were:
-%% bibleref.dtx  (with options: `sample.ist,package')
-%%  bibleref.dtx
-%%  Copyright 2011 Nicola Talbot
-%%  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%%  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%%  of this license of (at your option) any later version.
-%%  The latest version of this license is in
-%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%%  version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%%  This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-multind.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist, bibleref.perl.
-%% \CharacterTable
-%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
-%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
-%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
-%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
-%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
-%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
-%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
-%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
-%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
-%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
-%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
-delim_0 "\\dotfill "
-delim_1 "\\dotfill "
-delim_2 "\\dotfill "
-%% End of file `sample.ist'.

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample.tex	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/bibleref/samples/sample.tex	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 %%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-multind.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist, bibleref.perl.
+%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
 %% \CharacterTable
 %%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.dtx
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.dtx	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.dtx	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,22 +1,4 @@
-% bibleref.dtx generated using makedtx version 0.94b (c) Nicola Talbot
-% Command line args:
-%   -macrocode "bibleref.perl"
-%   -macrocode ".+\.ist"
-%   -setambles ".*\.perl=>\nopreamble\nopostamble"
-%   -comment "bibleref.perl"
-%   -comment ".+\.tex"
-%   -comment ".+\.ist"
-%   -src "(.+)\.(sty)=>\1.\2"
-%   -src "(sample.*)\.(tex)=>\1.\2"
-%   -src "(.+)\.(ist)=>\1.\2"
-%   -src "bibleref.perl\Z=>bibleref.perl"
-%   -doc "bibleref-manual.tex"
-%   -author "Nicola Talbot"
-%   bibleref
-% Created on 2011/1/19 22:37
 %% \CharacterTable
 %%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
@@ -38,6 +20,8 @@
 % \iffalse
 % Doc-Source file to use with LaTeX2e
 % Copyright (C) 2011 Nicola Talbot, all rights reserved.
+% Copyright (C)   2016… Maïeul Rouquette
+% LPPL 1.3 https://www.ctan.org/license/lppl1.3
 % \fi
 % \iffalse
@@ -44,13 +28,11 @@
-\usepackage[colorlinks,bookmarks,pdfauthor={Nicola L.C. Talbot},
+\usepackage[colorlinks,bookmarks,pdfauthor={Nicola L.C. Talbot and Ma\"{i}eul Rouquette},
             pdftitle={bibleref.sty: a LaTeX package for 
             typesetting bible references}]{hyperref}
@@ -59,21 +41,18 @@
-%\title{bibleref.sty v1.14:
+% \GetFileInfo{bibleref.sty}
+%\title{bibleref.sty (\fileversion):
 %a \LaTeXe\ package for typesetting bible references}
-%\author{Nicola Talbot\\[10pt]
-%School of Computing Sciences\\
-%University of East Anglia\\
-%Norwich. Norfolk. NR4 7TJ.\\
-%United Kingdom\\
+%\author{Nicola Talbot (inactive)\\[10pt]
+% Ma\"{i}eul Rouquette (active)}
+%\section{General use}
 %The \sty{bibleref} package was designed to provide consistent formatting for referencing
 %parts of the bible.
@@ -91,6 +70,7 @@
 %how to make the colon non-active.
+% \subsection{Choosing the book}
 %The book title, \meta{book title}, may be given either as the
 %full title (e.g.\ \texttt{Matthew}) or as an abbreviation (e.g.\
 %\texttt{Mt} or \texttt{Matt}), most standard abbreviations are
@@ -98,6 +78,7 @@
 %book number in uppercase Roman numerals. For example, the second
 %book of Kings should be entered as \verb|\bibleverse{IIKings}|
+%\subsection{Choosing the chapters and verses}
 %You may have any number, or zero, sets of parenthesis
 %indicating the chapter and verse or verses. Verses can be
@@ -116,28 +97,43 @@
 %be entered as \texttt(\meta{ch}\texttt:\meta{v}\texttt{)-(}\meta
-%If there is no verse, but there are multiple chapters or chapter
+%If there is no verse, but there are multiple chapters
 %ranges, these may be specified in the \meta{chapter} part, using a
 %comma to separate individual chapters and a hyphen to separate
 %ranges. Note that you still need a colon at the end of the list.
+% \begin{important}
+% You \textbf{must not} use this syntax:\\
+% \texttt{(}\meta{ch}\texttt{:)-(}\meta{ch}\texttt{:)}
+% Despite this syntax make a good typesetting, it make a problematic index: the chapter are typeset after the verse contained inside.
+% \end{important}
+% For the book without chapter (\bibleverse{Ob}; \bibleverse{IJn}; \bibleverse{IIJn}; \bibleverse{Phm}; \bibleverse{Jude}), you must add an empty chapter:
+% \texttt{(:}\meta{v}\texttt{-}\meta{v}\texttt{)}
+% \begin{important}
+% You \textbf{must not} use this syntax:\\
+% \texttt{(}\meta{v}\texttt{-}\meta{v}\texttt{:)}
+% With this syntax, the verses would be formatted as if they were chapters.
+% \end{important}
 %\verb|\bibleverse{Ex}| & \bibleverse{Ex}\\
 %\verb|\bibleverse{Exodus}(20:)| & \bibleverse{Exodus}(20:)\\
 %\verb|\bibleverse{Exod}(20:17)| & \bibleverse{Exod}(20:17)\\
+%\verb|\bibleverse{Exod}(20-21:)| & \bibleverse{Exod}(20-21:)\\
 %\verb|\bibleverse{IICo}(12:21)| & \bibleverse{IICo}(12:21)\\
-%\verb|\bibleverse{IICor}(12:21-32)| & \bibleverse{IICor}(12:21-32)\\
 %\verb|\bibleverse{Ex}(20:17)(21:3)| & \bibleverse{Ex}(20:17)(21:3)\\
 %\verb|\bibleverse{Ex}(15:)(17:)(20:)| & \bibleverse{Ex}(15:)(17:)(20:)\\
 %\verb|\bibleverse{Rev}(1:2,5,7-9,11)| & \bibleverse{Rev}(1:2,5,7-9,11)\\
 %\verb|\bibleverse{IChronicles}(1:3)-(2:7)| &
-%\verb|\bibleverse{Luke}(1,4-5,8:)| &\bibleverse{Luke}(1,4-5,8:)
+%\verb|\bibleverse{Luke}(1,4-5,8:)| &\bibleverse{Luke}(1,4-5,8:)\\
+%\verb|\bibleverse{Phm}(1-3:)| &\bibleverse{Phm}(1-3:)\\
+% \subsection{Style}
 %The style of the reference can be specified either by 
 %package option or as the argument to the command
@@ -341,25 +337,24 @@
 %This command defaults to \cs{index}, but can be changed to
 %the appropriate indexing command. For example, suppose you
-%are using the \sty{multind} package and you want a general
+%are using the \sty{indextools} package and you want a general
 %index and a scripture index, you can do something like:
 %In the document, you can use \cs{ibibleverse} as before, and
 %the scripture index is displayed using
-%\printindex{scripture}{Scripture Index}
-%You will then need to run \app{makeindex} on the file
-%\texttt{scripture.idx}. See the \sty{multind} documentation
+%You will find the index. See the \sty{indextools} documentation
 %for further details.
 %\subsection{Changing the Sort Order}
@@ -470,13 +465,19 @@
 %Many thanks to all the useful comments from comp.text.tex, 
 %especially from Jesse~Billett, Brooks~Moses and Ulrich~M.~Schwarz.
+% Many thanks also to Rapha\"{e}l Pinson, which have debbuged indexing for books without chapter.
+%\section{Bug and feature request}
+% For all bug and feature requests, please open an ``issue'' on 
+% \begin{important}
+% \url{https://git.framasoft.org/maieul/bibleref/issues}
+% \end{important}
 %\section{The Code}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -941,7 +942,7 @@
 % Declare package
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-\ProvidesPackage{bibleref}[2011/01/19 1.14 (NLCT)]
+\ProvidesPackage{bibleref}[2016/09/10 1.15 (NLCT and MR)]
 %    \end{macrocode}
 % Need to do some conditional stuff
 %    \begin{macrocode}
@@ -2104,8 +2105,14 @@
 % This gets the chapter number.
 %    \begin{macrocode}
-  \@br at chsty{#1}%
-  \@@bibleverse
+  \def\@bv at tmp{#1}%
+  \ifx\@bv at tmp\@empty
+    \def\@bv at bvmacro{\@@bibleversenosep}%
+  \else
+    \@br at chsty{#1}%
+    \def\@bv at bvmacro{\@@bibleverse}%
+  \fi
+  \@bv at bvmacro
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2155,6 +2162,20 @@
+% \changes{1.15}{2016/09/10}{fix bug with book without chapter}
+  \def\@bv at tmp{#1}%
+  \ifx\@bv at tmp\@empty
+  \else
+    \@br at vrsty{#1}%
+  \fi
+  \new at ifnextchar(%
+    {\@bv at do{\protect\BRchsep}\@bibleverse}%
+    {\new at ifnextchar-%
+       {\@bv at do{\protect\BRvrsep}\@bibleverser}%
+       {\@end@@bibleverse}%
+    }%
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2419,7 +2440,7 @@
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2428,12 +2449,12 @@
 \biblerefmap{Genesis}{1 at Old Testament!1}
 \biblerefmap{Exodus}{1 at Old Testament!2}
@@ -2452,12 +2473,12 @@
 \biblerefmap{Corinthians1}{3 at New Testament!7}
-Something for the general index\index{general}{something}.
+Something for the general index\index{something}.
 An old testament reference \ibibleverse{Genesis}(1:1-10).
 A new testament reference \ibibleverse{ICor}.
-Something else for the general index\index{general}{another}.
+Something else for the general index\index{another}.
 Another old testament reference \ibibleverse{Ex}.
 Another new testament reference \ibibleverse{Matt}.
@@ -2464,14 +2485,14 @@
-\printindex{scripture}{Scripture Index}
-\printindex{general}{General Index}
 %    \end{macrocode}
 %    \begin{macrocode}
 %    \end{macrocode}
@@ -2811,1752 +2832,5 @@
 %    \end{macrocode}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-# File   : bibleref.perl
-# Author : Nicola L.C. Talbot
-#          http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/
-# This is a LaTeX2HTML style implementing the bibleref package, and
-# is distributed as part of that package.
-# Copyright 2007 Nicola L.C. Talbot
-# This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-# of this license of (at your option) any later version.
-# The latest version of this license is in
-#   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-# and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-# version 2005/12/01 or later.
-# This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-# The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-# This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins 
-# and the derived files bibleref.sty, sample.tex, bibleref.perl.
- %bookfullname=();
-sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{
-   local($_) = @_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   "$num " . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{
-   local($_) = @_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   "$num " . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyleI{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('', 
-   &translate_commands("\\BRbooknumberstyle$OP$id${CP}1$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyleII{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('', 
-   &translate_commands("\\BRbooknumberstyle$OP$id${CP}2$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyleI{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('', 
-   &translate_commands("\\BRepistlenumberstyle$OP$id${CP}1$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyleII{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('', 
-   &translate_commands("\\BRepistlenumberstyle$OP$id${CP}2$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyleIII{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('', 
-   &translate_commands("\\BRepistlenumberstyle$OP$id${CP}3$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRbookof{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRgospel{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($title);
-   $title = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;''/eo;
-   $title . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   $num . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   $num . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   " " . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   ":" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRchsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   ';' . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   &translate_commands("--") . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRvsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   "," . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRperiod{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_brfullname{
-local($_) = @_;
-$bookname{'Genesis'}='\BRbookof Genesis';
-$bookname{'Exodus'}='\BRbookof Exodus';
-$bookname{'Leviticus'}='\BRbookof Leviticus';
-$bookname{'Numbers'}='\BRbookof Numbers';
-$bookname{'Deuteronomy'}='\BRbookof Deuteronomy';
-$bookname{'Joshua'}='\BRbookof Joshua';
-$bookname{'Judges'}='\BRbookof Judges';
-$bookname{'Ruth'}='\BRbookof Ruth';
-$bookname{'ISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Samuel';
-$bookname{'IISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Samuel';
-$bookname{'IKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Kings';
-$bookname{'IIKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Kings';
-$bookname{'IChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Chronicles';
-$bookname{'IIChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Chronicles';
-$bookname{'Ezra'}='\BRbookof Ezra';
-$bookname{'Nehemiah'}='\BRbookof Nehemiah';
-$bookname{'Tobit'}='\BRbookof Tobit';
-$bookname{'Judith'}='\BRbookof Judith';
-$bookname{'Esther'}='\BRbookof Esther';
-$bookname{'IMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Maccabees';
-$bookname{'IIMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Maccabees';
-$bookname{'Job'}='\BRbookof Job';
-$bookname{'Psalms'}='\BRbookof Psalms';
-$bookname{'Proverbs'}='\BRbookof Proverbs';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiastes'}='\BRbookof Ecclesiastes';
-$bookname{'SongofSongs'}='\BRbookof Song of Songs';
-$bookname{'Wisdom'}='\BRbookof Wisdom';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiasticus'}='\BRbookof Ecclesiasticus';
-$bookname{'Isaiah'}='\BRbookof Isaiah';
-$bookname{'Jeremiah'}='\BRbookof Jeremiah';
-$bookname{'Lamentations'}='\BRbookof Lamentations';
-$bookname{'Baruch'}='\BRbookof Baruch';
-$bookname{'Ezekiel'}='\BRbookof Ezekiel';
-$bookname{'Daniel'}='\BRbookof Daniel';
-$bookname{'Hosea'}='\BRbookof Hosea';
-$bookname{'Joel'}='\BRbookof Joel';
-$bookname{'Amos'}='\BRbookof Amos';
-$bookname{'Obadiah'}='\BRbookof Obadiah';
-$bookname{'Jonah'}='\BRbookof Jonah';
-$bookname{'Micah'}='\BRbookof Micah';
-$bookname{'Nahum'}='\BRbookof Nahum';
-$bookname{'Habakkuk'}='\BRbookof Habakkuk';
-$bookname{'Zephaniah'}='\BRbookof Zephaniah';
-$bookname{'Haggai'}='\BRbookof Haggai';
-$bookname{'Zechariah'}='\BRbookof Zechariah';
-$bookname{'Malachi'}='\BRbookof Malachi';
-$bookname{'Matthew'}='\BRgospel Matthew';
-$bookname{'Mark'}='\BRgospel Mark';
-$bookname{'Luke'}='\BRgospel Luke';
-$bookname{'John'}='\BRgospel John';
-$bookname{'Romans'}='\BRepistletothe Romans';
-$bookname{'ICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistletothe Corinthians';
-$bookname{'IICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistletothe Corinthians';
-$bookname{'Galatians'}='\BRepistletothe Galatians';
-$bookname{'Ephesians'}='\BRepistletothe Ephesians';
-$bookname{'Philippians'}='\BRepistletothe Philippians';
-$bookname{'Colossians'}='\BRepistletothe Colossians';
-$bookname{'IThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistletothe Thessalonians';
-$bookname{'IIThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistletothe Thessalonians';
-$bookname{'ITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistleto Timothy';
-$bookname{'IITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistletoTimothy';
-$bookname{'Titus'}='\BRepistleto Titus';
-$bookname{'Philemon'}='\BRepistleto Philemon';
-$bookname{'Hebrews'}='\BRepistletothe Hebrews';
-$bookname{'James'}='\BRepistleof James';
-$bookname{'IPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistleof Peter';
-$bookname{'IIPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistleof Peter';
-$bookname{'IJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistleof John';
-$bookname{'IIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistleof John';
-$bookname{'IIIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleIII \BRepistleof John';
-$bookname{'Jude'}='\BRepistleof Jude';
-$bookname{'Revelation'}='\BRbookof Revelation';
-sub do_cmd_brabbrvname{
-$bookname{'Gensis'}='Gn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Exodus'}='Ex\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Leviticus'}='Lv\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Numbers'}='Nb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Deuteronomy'}='Dt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Joshua'}='Jos\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Judges'}='Jg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ruth'}='Rt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI S\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII S\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI K\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII K\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Ch\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Ch\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ezra'}='Ezr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nehemiah'}='Ne\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Tobit'}='Tb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Judith'}='Jdt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Esther'}='Est\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Job'}='Jb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Psalms'}='Ps\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Proverbs'}='Pr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiastes'}='Qo\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'SongofSongs'}='Sg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Wisdom'}='Ws\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiasticus'}='Si\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Isaiah'}='Is\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Jeremiah'}='Jr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Lamentations'}='Lm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Baruch'}='Ba\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ezekiel'}='Ezk\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Daniel'}='Dn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hosea'}='Ho\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Joel'}='Jl\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Amos'}='Am\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Obadiah'}='Ob\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Jonah'}='Jon\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Micah'}='Mi\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nahum'}='Na\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Habakkuk'}='Hab\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zephaniah'}='Zp\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Haggai'}='Hg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zechariah'}='Zc\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Malachi'}='Ml\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Matthew'}='Mt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Mark'}='Mk\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Luke'}='Lk\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'John'}='Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Acts'}='Ac\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Romans'}='Rm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Co\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Co\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Galatians'}='Ga\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ephesians'}='Ep\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philippians'}='Ph\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Colossians'}='Col\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Th\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Th\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Tm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Tm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Titus'}='Tt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philemon'}='Phm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hebrews'}='Heb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'James'}='Jm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI P\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII P\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleIII Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Revelation'}='Rv\BRperiod ';
-sub do_cmd_braltabbrvname{
-$bookname{'Gensis'}='Gen\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Exodus'}='Exod\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Leviticus'}='Lev\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Numbers'}='Num\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Deuteronomy'}='Deut\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Joshua'}='Josh\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Judges'}='Judg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Sam\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Sam\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Kgs\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Kgs\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Chr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Chr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nehemiah'}='Neh\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Psalms'}='Ps\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Proverbs'}='Prov\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiastes'}='Eccles\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'SongofSongs'}='S\BRperiod \ of S\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Wisdom'}='Wisd\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiasticus'}='Ecclus\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Isaiah'}='Isa\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Jeremiah'}='Jer\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Lamentations'}='Lam\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ezekiel'}='Ezek\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Daniel'}='Dan\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hosea'}='Hos\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Micah'}='Mic\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nahum'}='Nah\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Habakkuk'}='Hab\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zephaniah'}='Zeph\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Haggai'}='Hag\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zechariah'}='Zech\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Malachi'}='Mal\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Matthew'}='Matt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Romans'}='Rom\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Cor\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Cor\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Galatians'}='Gal\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ephesians'}='Eph\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philippians'}='Phil\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Colossians'}='Col\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Thess\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Thess\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Tim\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Tim\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Titus'}='Tit\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philemon'}='Philem\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hebrews'}='Heb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'James'}='Jas\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Pet\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Pet\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI John';
-$bookname{'IIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII John';
-$bookname{'IIIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleIII John';
-$bookname{'Revelation'}='Rev\BRperiod ';
-sub brs_default{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brfullname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ":" . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \';\' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_jerusalem{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ":" . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \'; \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_anglosaxon{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", &fRoman($num), $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", &fRoman($num), $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "." . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \'; \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_JEH{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", ".", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \'; \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_MHRA{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brfullname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &froman($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &translate_commands("\\\\textsc${OP}$id${CP}$num${OP}$id${CP}");';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &froman($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &translate_commands("\\\\textsc${OP}$id${CP}$num${OP}$id${CP}");';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", ".", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_NTG{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join("", ",", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_MLA{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join("", ".", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_chicago{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join("", ":", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_long{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brfullname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "\\Ordinalstringnum$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "\\Ordinalstringnum$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Book of",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Gospel according to St",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Epistle to",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Epistle to the", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Epistle of",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "chapter \\numberstring$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "chapter \\numberstring$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ", " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " verse " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \', \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " to " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ", " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub do_bibleref_default{
-   &brs_default;
-sub do_bibleref_jerusalem{
-   &brs_jerusalem;
-sub do_bibleref_anglosaxon{
-   &brs_anglosaxon;
-sub do_bibleref_JEH{
-   &brs_JEH;
-sub do_bibleref_MHRA{
-   &brs_MHRA;
-sub do_bibleref_NTG{
-   &brs_NTG;
-sub do_bibleref_MLA{
-   &brs_MLA;
-sub do_bibleref_chicago{
-   &brs_chicago;
-sub do_bibleref_text{
-   &brs_chicago;
-sub do_cmd_newbiblerefstyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($style,$cmds);
-   $style = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$style=$2;''/eo;
-   &write_warnings("\n\\newbiblerefstyle not implemented");
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_setbooktitle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($name,$title);
-   $name = &missing_braces unless 
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$name=$2;''/eo;
-   $title = &missing_braces unless 
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;''/eo;
-   if (defined $bookname{$name})
-   {
-      $bookname{$name}=$title;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      &write_warnings("\nUnknown book '$name'");
-   }
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_biblerefstyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($style);
-   $style = &missing_braces unless
-               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$style=$2;''/eo;
-   if (defined "&brs_$style")
-   {
-      eval("&brs_$style");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      &write_warnings("\nUnknown biblerefstyle '$style'");
-   }
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_bibleverse{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($book,$id);
-   local($bibleverse)='';
-   $book = &missing_braces unless 
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$book=$2;$id=$1;''/eo;
-   if (defined $bookname{$book} or defined $synonym{$book})
-   {
-      $book = $synonym{$book} unless defined $bookname{$book};
-      $book = $bookname{$book};
-      $book = "\\BRbooktitlestyle$OP$id$CP$book$OP$id$CP";
-      $bibleverse .= $book;
-      $first=1;
-      while (s/^(-?)\(([^:]*):([^\)]*)\)//)
-      {
-         if ($1 eq '-')
-         {
-            $bibleverse .= "\\BRvrsep ";
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            $bibleverse .= ($first ? "\\BRbkchsep " : "\\BRchsep ");
-         }
-         $first=0;
-         $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-         $bibleverse .= "\\BRchapterstyle$OP$id$CP$2$OP$id$CP" if ($2);
-         $verses = $3;
-         if ($verses)
-         {
-            $bibleverse .= "\\BRchvsep ";
-            @verses = split /,/, $verses;
-            for (my $i = 0; $i <=$#verses; $i++)
-            {
-               $verse = $verses[$i];
-               $bibleverse .= "\\BRvsep " if ($i > 0);
-               if ($verse=~m/(\d+)-(\d+)/)
-               {
-                  $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRversestyle$OP$id$CP$1$OP$id$CP";
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRvrsep ";
-                  $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRversestyle$OP$id$CP$2$OP$id$CP";
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRversestyle$OP$id$CP$verse$OP$id$CP";
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      $bibleverse = &translate_commands($bibleverse);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      &write_warnings("\nUnknown book '$book'");
-   }
-   join('', $bibleverse, $_);
-%    \end{macrocode}
-%    \begin{macrocode}
-%    \end{macrocode}

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.ins
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.ins	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.ins	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
- This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-multind.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist, bibleref.perl.
+ This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@

Deleted: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.perl
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.perl	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/source/latex/bibleref/bibleref.perl	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -1,1738 +0,0 @@
-# File   : bibleref.perl
-# Author : Nicola L.C. Talbot
-#          http://theoval.cmp.uea.ac.uk/~nlct/
-# This is a LaTeX2HTML style implementing the bibleref package, and
-# is distributed as part of that package.
-# Copyright 2007 Nicola L.C. Talbot
-# This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-# conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-# of this license of (at your option) any later version.
-# The latest version of this license is in
-#   http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
-# and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-# version 2005/12/01 or later.
-# This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-# The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-# This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins
-# and the derived files bibleref.sty, sample.tex, bibleref.perl.
- %bookfullname=();
-sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{
-   local($_) = @_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   "$num " . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{
-   local($_) = @_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   "$num " . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyleI{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('',
-   &translate_commands("\\BRbooknumberstyle$OP$id${CP}1$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyleII{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('',
-   &translate_commands("\\BRbooknumberstyle$OP$id${CP}2$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyleI{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('',
-   &translate_commands("\\BRepistlenumberstyle$OP$id${CP}1$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyleII{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('',
-   &translate_commands("\\BRepistlenumberstyle$OP$id${CP}2$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyleIII{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($id)=++$global{'max_id'};
-   join('',
-   &translate_commands("\\BRepistlenumberstyle$OP$id${CP}3$OP$id$CP"),$_);
-sub do_cmd_BRbookof{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRgospel{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($title);
-   $title = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;''/eo;
-   $title . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   $num . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($num);
-   $num = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;''/eo;
-   $num . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   " " . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   ":" . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRchsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   ';' . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   &translate_commands("--") . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRvsep{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   "," . $_;
-sub do_cmd_BRperiod{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_brfullname{
-local($_) = @_;
-$bookname{'Genesis'}='\BRbookof Genesis';
-$bookname{'Exodus'}='\BRbookof Exodus';
-$bookname{'Leviticus'}='\BRbookof Leviticus';
-$bookname{'Numbers'}='\BRbookof Numbers';
-$bookname{'Deuteronomy'}='\BRbookof Deuteronomy';
-$bookname{'Joshua'}='\BRbookof Joshua';
-$bookname{'Judges'}='\BRbookof Judges';
-$bookname{'Ruth'}='\BRbookof Ruth';
-$bookname{'ISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Samuel';
-$bookname{'IISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Samuel';
-$bookname{'IKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Kings';
-$bookname{'IIKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Kings';
-$bookname{'IChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Chronicles';
-$bookname{'IIChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Chronicles';
-$bookname{'Ezra'}='\BRbookof Ezra';
-$bookname{'Nehemiah'}='\BRbookof Nehemiah';
-$bookname{'Tobit'}='\BRbookof Tobit';
-$bookname{'Judith'}='\BRbookof Judith';
-$bookname{'Esther'}='\BRbookof Esther';
-$bookname{'IMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI \BRbookof Maccabees';
-$bookname{'IIMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII \BRbookof Maccabees';
-$bookname{'Job'}='\BRbookof Job';
-$bookname{'Psalms'}='\BRbookof Psalms';
-$bookname{'Proverbs'}='\BRbookof Proverbs';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiastes'}='\BRbookof Ecclesiastes';
-$bookname{'SongofSongs'}='\BRbookof Song of Songs';
-$bookname{'Wisdom'}='\BRbookof Wisdom';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiasticus'}='\BRbookof Ecclesiasticus';
-$bookname{'Isaiah'}='\BRbookof Isaiah';
-$bookname{'Jeremiah'}='\BRbookof Jeremiah';
-$bookname{'Lamentations'}='\BRbookof Lamentations';
-$bookname{'Baruch'}='\BRbookof Baruch';
-$bookname{'Ezekiel'}='\BRbookof Ezekiel';
-$bookname{'Daniel'}='\BRbookof Daniel';
-$bookname{'Hosea'}='\BRbookof Hosea';
-$bookname{'Joel'}='\BRbookof Joel';
-$bookname{'Amos'}='\BRbookof Amos';
-$bookname{'Obadiah'}='\BRbookof Obadiah';
-$bookname{'Jonah'}='\BRbookof Jonah';
-$bookname{'Micah'}='\BRbookof Micah';
-$bookname{'Nahum'}='\BRbookof Nahum';
-$bookname{'Habakkuk'}='\BRbookof Habakkuk';
-$bookname{'Zephaniah'}='\BRbookof Zephaniah';
-$bookname{'Haggai'}='\BRbookof Haggai';
-$bookname{'Zechariah'}='\BRbookof Zechariah';
-$bookname{'Malachi'}='\BRbookof Malachi';
-$bookname{'Matthew'}='\BRgospel Matthew';
-$bookname{'Mark'}='\BRgospel Mark';
-$bookname{'Luke'}='\BRgospel Luke';
-$bookname{'John'}='\BRgospel John';
-$bookname{'Romans'}='\BRepistletothe Romans';
-$bookname{'ICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistletothe Corinthians';
-$bookname{'IICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistletothe Corinthians';
-$bookname{'Galatians'}='\BRepistletothe Galatians';
-$bookname{'Ephesians'}='\BRepistletothe Ephesians';
-$bookname{'Philippians'}='\BRepistletothe Philippians';
-$bookname{'Colossians'}='\BRepistletothe Colossians';
-$bookname{'IThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistletothe Thessalonians';
-$bookname{'IIThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistletothe Thessalonians';
-$bookname{'ITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistleto Timothy';
-$bookname{'IITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistletoTimothy';
-$bookname{'Titus'}='\BRepistleto Titus';
-$bookname{'Philemon'}='\BRepistleto Philemon';
-$bookname{'Hebrews'}='\BRepistletothe Hebrews';
-$bookname{'James'}='\BRepistleof James';
-$bookname{'IPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistleof Peter';
-$bookname{'IIPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistleof Peter';
-$bookname{'IJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI \BRepistleof John';
-$bookname{'IIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII \BRepistleof John';
-$bookname{'IIIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleIII \BRepistleof John';
-$bookname{'Jude'}='\BRepistleof Jude';
-$bookname{'Revelation'}='\BRbookof Revelation';
-sub do_cmd_brabbrvname{
-$bookname{'Gensis'}='Gn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Exodus'}='Ex\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Leviticus'}='Lv\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Numbers'}='Nb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Deuteronomy'}='Dt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Joshua'}='Jos\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Judges'}='Jg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ruth'}='Rt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI S\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII S\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI K\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII K\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Ch\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Ch\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ezra'}='Ezr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nehemiah'}='Ne\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Tobit'}='Tb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Judith'}='Jdt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Esther'}='Est\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Job'}='Jb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Psalms'}='Ps\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Proverbs'}='Pr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiastes'}='Qo\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'SongofSongs'}='Sg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Wisdom'}='Ws\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiasticus'}='Si\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Isaiah'}='Is\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Jeremiah'}='Jr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Lamentations'}='Lm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Baruch'}='Ba\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ezekiel'}='Ezk\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Daniel'}='Dn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hosea'}='Ho\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Joel'}='Jl\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Amos'}='Am\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Obadiah'}='Ob\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Jonah'}='Jon\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Micah'}='Mi\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nahum'}='Na\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Habakkuk'}='Hab\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zephaniah'}='Zp\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Haggai'}='Hg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zechariah'}='Zc\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Malachi'}='Ml\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Matthew'}='Mt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Mark'}='Mk\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Luke'}='Lk\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'John'}='Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Acts'}='Ac\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Romans'}='Rm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Co\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Co\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Galatians'}='Ga\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ephesians'}='Ep\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philippians'}='Ph\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Colossians'}='Col\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Th\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Th\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Tm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Tm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Titus'}='Tt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philemon'}='Phm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hebrews'}='Heb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'James'}='Jm\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI P\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII P\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleIII Jn\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Revelation'}='Rv\BRperiod ';
-sub do_cmd_braltabbrvname{
-$bookname{'Gensis'}='Gen\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Exodus'}='Exod\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Leviticus'}='Lev\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Numbers'}='Num\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Deuteronomy'}='Deut\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Joshua'}='Josh\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Judges'}='Judg\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Sam\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IISamuel'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Sam\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Kgs\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIKings'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Kgs\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI Chr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIChronicles'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII Chr\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nehemiah'}='Neh\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleI M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIMaccabees'}='\BRbooknumberstyleII M\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Psalms'}='Ps\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Proverbs'}='Prov\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiastes'}='Eccles\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'SongofSongs'}='S\BRperiod \ of S\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Wisdom'}='Wisd\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ecclesiasticus'}='Ecclus\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Isaiah'}='Isa\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Jeremiah'}='Jer\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Lamentations'}='Lam\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ezekiel'}='Ezek\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Daniel'}='Dan\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hosea'}='Hos\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Micah'}='Mic\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Nahum'}='Nah\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Habakkuk'}='Hab\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zephaniah'}='Zeph\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Haggai'}='Hag\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Zechariah'}='Zech\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Malachi'}='Mal\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Matthew'}='Matt\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Romans'}='Rom\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Cor\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IICorinthians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Cor\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Galatians'}='Gal\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Ephesians'}='Eph\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philippians'}='Phil\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Colossians'}='Col\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Thess\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIThessalonians'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Thess\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'ITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Tim\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IITimothy'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Tim\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Titus'}='Tit\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Philemon'}='Philem\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'Hebrews'}='Heb\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'James'}='Jas\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI Pet\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IIPeter'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII Pet\BRperiod ';
-$bookname{'IJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleI John';
-$bookname{'IIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleII John';
-$bookname{'IIIJohn'}='\BRepistlenumberstyleIII John';
-$bookname{'Revelation'}='Rev\BRperiod ';
-sub brs_default{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brfullname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ":" . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \';\' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_jerusalem{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "$num " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ":" . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \'; \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_anglosaxon{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", &fRoman($num), $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", &fRoman($num), $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "." . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \'; \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_JEH{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", ".", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \'; \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_MHRA{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brfullname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &froman($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &translate_commands("\\\\textsc${OP}$id${CP}$num${OP}$id${CP}");';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &froman($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &translate_commands("\\\\textsc${OP}$id${CP}$num${OP}$id${CP}");';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", ".", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_NTG{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join("", ",", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_MLA{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join("", ".", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_chicago{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_braltabbrvname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", $num, $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   &froman($num) . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $num . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join("", ":", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "; " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   &translate_commands("--") . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   "," . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ".$_";';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub brs_long{
-   local($tmp)='';
-   &do_cmd_brfullname;
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooknumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "\\Ordinalstringnum$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistlenumberstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_) = @_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   "\\Ordinalstringnum$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbookof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Book of",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRgospel{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Gospel according to St",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleto{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Epistle to",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistletothe{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Epistle to the", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRepistleof{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "Epistle of",$_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbooktitlestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($title);';
-   $tmp .= '   $title = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   $title . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchapterstyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "chapter \\numberstring$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRversestyle{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   local($num,$id);';
-   $tmp .= '   $num = &missing_braces unless';
-   $tmp .= '              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$num=$2;$id=$1;\'\'/eo;';
-   $tmp .= '   join(" ", "chapter \\numberstring$OP$id$CP$num$OP$id$CP", $_);';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRbkchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ", " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " verse " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRchsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   \', \' . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvrsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   " to " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRvsep{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   ", " . $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-   eval($tmp);
-   $tmp='';
-   $tmp .= 'sub do_cmd_BRperiod{';
-   $tmp .= '   local($_)=@_;';
-   $tmp .= '   $_;';
-   $tmp .= '}';
-sub do_bibleref_default{
-   &brs_default;
-sub do_bibleref_jerusalem{
-   &brs_jerusalem;
-sub do_bibleref_anglosaxon{
-   &brs_anglosaxon;
-sub do_bibleref_JEH{
-   &brs_JEH;
-sub do_bibleref_MHRA{
-   &brs_MHRA;
-sub do_bibleref_NTG{
-   &brs_NTG;
-sub do_bibleref_MLA{
-   &brs_MLA;
-sub do_bibleref_chicago{
-   &brs_chicago;
-sub do_bibleref_text{
-   &brs_chicago;
-sub do_cmd_newbiblerefstyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($style,$cmds);
-   $style = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$style=$2;''/eo;
-   &write_warnings("\n\\newbiblerefstyle not implemented");
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_setbooktitle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($name,$title);
-   $name = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$name=$2;''/eo;
-   $title = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$title=$2;''/eo;
-   if (defined $bookname{$name})
-   {
-      $bookname{$name}=$title;
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      &write_warnings("\nUnknown book '$name'");
-   }
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_biblerefstyle{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($style);
-   $style = &missing_braces unless
-               s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$style=$2;''/eo;
-   if (defined "&brs_$style")
-   {
-      eval("&brs_$style");
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      &write_warnings("\nUnknown biblerefstyle '$style'");
-   }
-   $_;
-sub do_cmd_bibleverse{
-   local($_)=@_;
-   local($book,$id);
-   local($bibleverse)='';
-   $book = &missing_braces unless
-              s/$next_pair_pr_rx/$book=$2;$id=$1;''/eo;
-   if (defined $bookname{$book} or defined $synonym{$book})
-   {
-      $book = $synonym{$book} unless defined $bookname{$book};
-      $book = $bookname{$book};
-      $book = "\\BRbooktitlestyle$OP$id$CP$book$OP$id$CP";
-      $bibleverse .= $book;
-      $first=1;
-      while (s/^(-?)\(([^:]*):([^\)]*)\)//)
-      {
-         if ($1 eq '-')
-         {
-            $bibleverse .= "\\BRvrsep ";
-         }
-         else
-         {
-            $bibleverse .= ($first ? "\\BRbkchsep " : "\\BRchsep ");
-         }
-         $first=0;
-         $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-         $bibleverse .= "\\BRchapterstyle$OP$id$CP$2$OP$id$CP" if ($2);
-         $verses = $3;
-         if ($verses)
-         {
-            $bibleverse .= "\\BRchvsep ";
-            @verses = split /,/, $verses;
-            for (my $i = 0; $i <=$#verses; $i++)
-            {
-               $verse = $verses[$i];
-               $bibleverse .= "\\BRvsep " if ($i > 0);
-               if ($verse=~m/(\d+)-(\d+)/)
-               {
-                  $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRversestyle$OP$id$CP$1$OP$id$CP";
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRvrsep ";
-                  $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRversestyle$OP$id$CP$2$OP$id$CP";
-               }
-               else
-               {
-                  $id = ++$global{'max_id'};
-                  $bibleverse .= "\\BRversestyle$OP$id$CP$verse$OP$id$CP";
-               }
-            }
-         }
-      }
-      $bibleverse = &translate_commands($bibleverse);
-   }
-   else
-   {
-      &write_warnings("\nUnknown book '$book'");
-   }
-   join('', $bibleverse, $_);

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref/bibleref-xidx.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref/bibleref-xidx.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref/bibleref-xidx.sty	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+%% This is file `bibleref-xidx.sty',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% bibleref.dtx  (with options: `bibleref-xidx.sty,package')
+%%  bibleref.dtx
+%%  Copyright 2011 Nicola Talbot
+%%  This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%%  conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%%  of this license of (at your option) any later version.
+%%  The latest version of this license is in
+%%    http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+%%  and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%%  version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%%  This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
+%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
+%% \CharacterTable
+%%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
+%%   Lower-case    \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
+%%   Digits        \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+%%   Exclamation   \!     Double quote  \"     Hash (number) \#
+%%   Dollar        \$     Percent       \%     Ampersand     \&
+%%   Acute accent  \'     Left paren    \(     Right paren   \)
+%%   Asterisk      \*     Plus          \+     Comma         \,
+%%   Minus         \-     Point         \.     Solidus       \/
+%%   Colon         \:     Semicolon     \;     Less than     \<
+%%   Equals        \=     Greater than  \>     Question mark \?
+%%   Commercial at \@     Left bracket  \[     Backslash     \\
+%%   Right bracket \]     Circumflex    \^     Underscore    \_
+%%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
+%%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
+\ProvidesPackage{bibleref-xidx}[2011/01/19 v1.0 (NLCT) Extended indexing support for bibleref]
+\newif\if at br@indexchapters
+\@br at indexchapterstrue
+\newif\if at br@indexverses
+\@br at indexversestrue
+\DeclareOption{verses}{\@br at indexchapterstrue\@br at indexversestrue}
+\DeclareOption{noverses}{\@br at indexversesfalse}
+\DeclareOption{chapters}{\@br at indexchaptersfalse}
+\DeclareOption{nochapters}{\@br at indexchaptersfalse\@br at indexversesfalse}
+  \def\@bv at chidxsort{}%
+  \def\@bv at chidxentry{}%
+  \@br at chsty{#1}%
+  \@@bibleverse
+  \def\@bv at chidxsort{}%
+  \def\@bv at chidxentry{}%
+  \@br at chsty{#1}%
+  \@@bibleverse
+  \def\@bv at tmp{#1}%
+  \ifx\@bv at tmp\@empty
+    \@bvx at dochindex
+  \else
+    \BRchvsep
+    \@br at vrsty{#1}%
+  \fi
+  \new at ifnextchar(%
+    {\BRchsep\@bibleverse}%
+    {\new at ifnextchar-%
+       {\protect\BRvrsep\@bibleverser}%
+       {\@end@@bibleverse}%
+    }%
+\newcommand*{\@brx at dochsep}{%
+  \@bvx at chdo{\protect\BRvsep}%
+\renewcommand*{\@br at chsty}[1]{%
+  \let\@brx at chsep\@empty
+  \@for\@brx at thisch:=#1\do{%
+    \@bvx at dochindex
+    \@brx at chsep
+    \expandafter\@@br at chsty\@brx at thisch-\@nil\end
+    \let\@brx at chsep\@brx at dochsep
+  }%
+\newcommand*{\@brx at dovssep}{%
+  \@bvx at vsdo{\protect\BRvsep}%
+\renewcommand*{\@br at vrsty}[1]{%
+  \let\@brx at vssep\@empty
+  \@for\@brx at thisvs:=#1\do{%
+    \def\@bv at vsidxentry{}%
+    \def\@bv at vsidxsort{}%
+    \@brx at vssep
+    \expandafter\@@br at vrsty\@brx at thisvs-\@nil\end
+    \let\@brx at vssep\@brx at dovssep
+    \@bvx at dovsindex
+  }%
+\def\@@br at vrsty#1-#2\end{%
+  \ifx\@nil#2\relax
+    \@do at verse{#1}%
+  \else
+    \@do at verserange{#1}#2%
+  \fi
+\renewcommand{\@do at verse}[1]{%
+  \@nodo at verse{#1}%
+  \expandafter\@bvx at vsdo\expandafter{\@br at tmp}%
+  \@bv at addtovsidxsort{-000}%
+\def\@@br at chsty#1-#2\end{%
+  \ifx\@nil#2\relax
+    \@do at chapter{#1}%
+  \else
+    \@do at chapterrange{#1}#2%
+  \fi
+\newcommand{\@do at chapter}[1]{%
+  \@nodo at chapter{#1}%
+  \@bvx at chdo{\protect\BRchapterstyle{#1}}%
+  \@bv at addtochidxsort{-000}%
+\renewcommand*{\@nodo at chapter}[1]{%
+  \ifnum0#1<10\relax
+    \@bv at setchidxsort{00#1}%
+  \else
+    \ifnum0#1<100\relax
+      \@bv at setchidxsort{0#1}%
+    \else
+      \@bv at setchidxsort{#1}%
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\def\@do at chapterrange#1#2-\@nil{%
+  \@nodo at chapter{#1}%
+  \@bvx at chdo{\protect\BRchapterstyle{#1}}%
+  \@bv at addtochidxsort{-}%
+  \@bvx at chadddo{\protect\BRvrsep}%
+  \@nodo at chapter{#2}%
+  \@bvx at chadddo{\protect\BRchapterstyle{#2}}%
+\renewcommand*{\@nodo at verse}[1]{%
+  \br at stripverse{#1}%
+  \ifnum\@br at versenum<10\relax
+    \@bv at addtovsidxsort{00#1}%
+  \else
+    \ifnum\@br at versenum<100\relax
+      \@bv at addtovsidxsort{0#1}%
+    \else
+      \@bv at addtovsidxsort{#1}%
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \ifx\@br at versesuffix\@empty
+    \protected at edef\@br at tmp{%
+       \protect\BRversestyle{\@br at versenum}%
+    }%
+  \else
+    \protected at edef\@br at tmp{%
+       \protect\BRversestyle{\@br at versenum}%
+       \protect\BRversesuffixstyle{\@br at versesuffix}%
+    }%
+  \fi
+\def\@do at verserange#1#2-\@nil{%
+  \@nodo at verse{#1}%
+  \expandafter\@bvx at vsdo\expandafter{\@br at tmp}%
+  \@bv at addtovsidxsort{-}%
+  \@bvx at vsadddo{\protect\BRvrsep}%
+  \@nodo at verse{#2}%
+  \expandafter\@bvx at vsadddo\expandafter{\@br at tmp}%
+\newcommand*{\@bv at setvsidxsort}[1]{%
+\if at bv@idx
+  \protected at edef\@bv at vsidxsort{#1}%
+\newcommand*{\@bv at addtovsidxsort}[1]{%
+\if at bv@idx
+  \@bv at tmpa={#1}%
+  \@bv at tmpb=\expandafter{\@bv at vsidxsort}%
+  \protected at edef\@bv at vsidxsort{\the\@bv at tmpb\the\@bv at tmpa}%
+\newcommand*{\@bv at setvsidx}[1]{%
+\if at bv@idx
+  \def\@bv at vsidxentry{#1}%
+\newcommand*{\@bv at addtovsidx}[1]{%
+\if at bv@idx
+  \@bv at tmpa={#1}%
+  \@bv at tmpb=\expandafter{\@bv at vsidxentry}%
+  \protected at edef\@bv at vsidxentry{\the\@bv at tmpb\the\@bv at tmpa}%
+\newcommand*{\@bv at setchidx}[1]{%
+\if at bv@idx
+  \def\@bv at chidxentry{#1}%
+\newcommand*{\@bv at addtochidx}[1]{%
+\if at bv@idx
+  \@bv at tmpa={#1}%
+  \@bv at tmpb=\expandafter{\@bv at chidxentry}%
+  \protected at edef\@bv at chidxentry{\the\@bv at tmpb\the\@bv at tmpa}%
+\newcommand*{\@bv at setchidxsort}[1]{%
+\if at bv@idx
+  \protected at edef\@bv at chidxsort{#1}%
+\newcommand*{\@bvx at chdo}[1]{#1\@bv at setchidx{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\@bvx at vsdo}[1]{#1\@bv at setvsidx{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\@bvx at chadddo}[1]{#1\@bv at addtochidx{#1}}
+\newcommand*{\@bvx at vsadddo}[1]{#1\@bv at addtovsidx{#1}}
+\let\@bv at org@bible at verse\@bible at verse
+\renewcommand*{\@bible at verse}{%
+  \def\@bv at chidxentry{}%
+  \@bv at org@bible at verse
+  \ifx\@bv at chidxentry\@empty
+    \@bvx at dobkindex
+  \else
+    \if at br@indexchapters
+    \else
+       \@bvx at dobkindex
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \@bv at idxfalse
+  \@bv at restore
+\newcommand*{\@bvx at dochindex}{%
+\if at br@indexchapters
+  \ifx\@bv at chidxentry\@empty
+  \else
+    \if at bv@idx
+      \expandafter\@do at bibleref@map\@@bv at idxsort\relax
+      \@do at biblerefindex
+        {\@@bv at idxsort\relax @\@bv at mainidxentry
+           !\@bv at chidxsort @\@bv at chidxentry
+           |\@bv at idxpgformat}%
+    \fi
+  \fi
+\newcommand*{\@bvx at dovsindex}{%
+\if at br@indexverses
+  \ifx\@bv at vsidxentry\@empty
+  \else
+    \if at bv@idx
+      \expandafter\@do at bibleref@map\@@bv at idxsort\relax
+      \@do at biblerefindex
+        {\@@bv at idxsort\relax @\@bv at mainidxentry
+           !\@bv at chidxsort @\@bv at chidxentry
+           !\@bv at vsidxsort @\@bv at vsidxentry
+           |\@bv at idxpgformat}%
+    \fi
+  \fi
+  \@bvx at dochindex
+\newcommand*{\@bvx at dobkindex}{%
+  \if at bv@idx
+    \expandafter\@do at bibleref@map\@@bv at idxsort\relax
+    \@do at biblerefindex
+      {\@@bv at idxsort\relax @\@bv at mainidxentry|\@bv at idxpgformat}%
+  \fi
+%% End of file `bibleref-xidx.sty'.

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref/bibleref-xidx.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref/bibleref.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref/bibleref.sty	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/bibleref/bibleref.sty	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 %%  The Current Maintainer of this work is Nicola Talbot.
-%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-multind.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist, bibleref.perl.
+%%  This work consists of the files bibleref.dtx and bibleref.ins and the derived files bibleref-xidx.sty, bibleref.sty, sample-categories.tex, sample-indextools.tex, sample-xidx.tex, sample.tex, sample.ist.
 %% \CharacterTable
 %%  {Upper-case    \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 %%   Grave accent  \`     Left brace    \{     Vertical bar  \|
 %%   Right brace   \}     Tilde         \~}
-\ProvidesPackage{bibleref}[2011/01/19 1.14 (NLCT)]
+\ProvidesPackage{bibleref}[2016/09/10 1.15 (NLCT and MR)]
@@ -830,8 +830,14 @@
-  \@br at chsty{#1}%
-  \@@bibleverse
+  \def\@bv at tmp{#1}%
+  \ifx\@bv at tmp\@empty
+    \def\@bv at bvmacro{\@@bibleversenosep}%
+  \else
+    \@br at chsty{#1}%
+    \def\@bv at bvmacro{\@@bibleverse}%
+  \fi
+  \@bv at bvmacro
   \def\@bv at tmp{#1}%
@@ -863,6 +869,19 @@
+  \def\@bv at tmp{#1}%
+  \ifx\@bv at tmp\@empty
+  \else
+    \@br at vrsty{#1}%
+  \fi
+  \new at ifnextchar(%
+    {\@bv at do{\protect\BRchsep}\@bibleverse}%
+    {\new at ifnextchar-%
+       {\@bv at do{\protect\BRvrsep}\@bibleverser}%
+       {\@end@@bibleverse}%
+    }%
 \if at bv@idx
   \expandafter\@do at bibleref@map\@@bv at idxsort\relax

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2016-09-12 21:57:21 UTC (rev 42048)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/libexec/ctan2tds	2016-09-12 22:05:59 UTC (rev 42049)
@@ -2443,6 +2443,7 @@
 %specialmakeindex= (
  'apprends-latex'       => 'NULL',      # doc
  'bigints'              => 'NULL',      # doc
+ 'bibleref'		=> 'NULL',      # doc
  'einfuehrung'          => 'NULL',      # doc
  'einfuehrung2'         => 'NULL',      # doc
  'labyrinth'            => 'NULL',      # doc
@@ -2863,6 +2864,7 @@
  'acmconf'      => $standardclean . '|flushend.sty',    # dup with sttools
  'apalike'      => "apalike2.bst",                      # does not belong
  'bardiag'      => "example/.*(aux|log)",               # junk on CTAN
+ 'bibleref'	=> $standardclean . '|sample.tex|sample-.*', # derived uploaded
  'bbm-macros'   => $standardclean . '|^bbm$',           # symlink
  'bundledoc'    => $standardclean . '|\.pdf$',          # regen for a4
  'catoptions'   => $standardclean . '|Thumbs.db',       # bogus file

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