texlive[41977] Master/texmf-dist: pstricks-add (2sep16)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Sep 3 03:23:21 CEST 2016

Revision: 41977
Author:   karl
Date:     2016-09-03 03:23:21 +0200 (Sat, 03 Sep 2016)
Log Message:
pstricks-add (2sep16)

Modified Paths:

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks-add/Changes
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks-add/Changes	2016-09-03 01:23:02 UTC (rev 41976)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks-add/Changes	2016-09-03 01:23:21 UTC (rev 41977)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% $Id: Changes 315 2016-08-08 15:20:00Z herbert $
+%% $Id: Changes 331 2016-09-01 19:16:02Z herbert $
 pstricks-add.pro ----------- 
 0.23 2009-12-17 - add RGBtoGRAY and WavelengthToGRAY
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 pstricks-add.tex ----------- (hv)
+ v 3.82  2016-09-01 - moved arrow macros to new package pst-arrow
  v 3.81  2016-08-08 - added \psOlympicRings
  v 3.80  2016-04-25 - moved node definitions into pst-node
  v 3.79  2016-02-09 - added optional argument randInit to intialize

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks-add/pstricks-add-doc.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks-add/pstricks-add-doc.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks-add/pstricks-add-doc.tex	2016-09-03 01:23:02 UTC (rev 41976)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/generic/pstricks-add/pstricks-add-doc.tex	2016-09-03 01:23:21 UTC (rev 41977)
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-%% $Id: pstricks-add-doc.tex 318 2016-08-08 16:54:19Z herbert $
+%% $Id: pstricks-add-doc.tex 327 2016-09-01 18:59:35Z herbert $
@@ -3904,805 +3905,8 @@
-\LPack{pstricks-add} defines the following "`arrows"':
-  \bgroup
-  \def\myline#1{\psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=0.5pt,arrowscale=1.5]{#1}(0,1ex)(1.3,1ex)}%
-  \psset{arrowscale=1.5}
-  \begin{tabular}{@{} c @{\qquad} p{3cm} l @{}}%
-    Value & Example & Name \\[2pt]\hline
-    \Lnotation{-}      & \myline{-}      & None\\
-    \Lnotation{<->}    & \myline{<->}    & Arrowheads.\\
-    \Lnotation{>-<}    & \myline{>-<}    & Reverse arrowheads.\\
-    \Lnotation{<{<}-{>}>}  & \myline{<<->>}  & Double arrowheads.\\
-    \Lnotation{{>}>-{<}<}  & \myline{>>-<<}  & Double reverse arrowheads.\\
-    \Lnotation{{|}-{|}}    & \myline{|-|}    & T-bars, flush to endpoints.\\
-    \Lnotation{{|}*-{|}*}  & \myline{|*-|*}  & T-bars, centered on endpoints.\\
-    \Lnotation{[-]}    & \myline{[-]}    & Square brackets.\\
-    \Lnotation{]-[}    & \myline{]-[}    & Reversed square brackets.\\
-    \Lnotation{(-)}    & \myline{(-)}    & Rounded brackets.\\
-    \Lnotation{)-(}    & \myline{)-(}    & Reversed rounded brackets.\\
-    \Lnotation{o-o}    & \myline{o-o}    & Circles, centered on endpoints.\\
-    \Lnotation{*-*}    & \myline{*-*}    & Disks, centered on endpoints.\\
-    \Lnotation{oo-oo}  & \myline{oo-oo}  & Circles, flush to endpoints.\\
-    \Lnotation{**-**}  & \myline{**-**}  & Disks, flush to endpoints.\\
-    \Lnotation{{|}<->{|}}  & \myline{|<->|}  & T-bars and arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{{|}>-<{|}}  & \myline{|>-<|}  & T-bars and reverse arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{h-h{|}}   & \myline{h-h}    & left/right hook arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{H-H{|}}   & \myline{H-H}    & left/right hook arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{v-v|}   & \myline{v-v}    & left/right inside vee arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{V-V|}   & \myline{V-V}    & left/right outside vee arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{f-f|}   & \myline{f-f}    & left/right inside filled arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{F-F|}   & \myline{F-F}    & left/right outside filled arrows.\\
-    \Lnotation{t-t|}   & \myline{t-t}    & left/right inside slash arrows.\\[5pt]
-    \Lnotation{T-T|}   & \myline{T-T}    & left/right outside slash arrows.\\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \egroup
-You can also mix and match, e.g., \Lnotation{->}, \Lnotation{*-)} and \Lnotation{[->} are all valid values
-of the \Lkeyword{arrows} parameter. The parameter can be set with
-\noindent or for some macros with a special option, like\\[5pt]
-\noindent\verb|\psline[<general options>]{<arrow type>}(A)(B)|\\
-\noindent\verb/\psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{|->}(0,0)(0,2)/ \ \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=2pt]{|->}(0,0)(0,2)
-\subsection{Multiple arrows}
-There are two new options which are only valid for the arrow type \verb+<<+ or \verb+>>+.
-\verb+nArrow+ sets both, the \verb+nArrowA+ and the  \verb+nArrowB+ parameter. The meaning
-is declared in the following tables. Without setting one of these parameters the behaviour
-is like the one described in the old PSTricks manual.
-    Value & Meaning \\[2pt]\hline
-    \Lnotation{-{>}>}   & \ -A \\
-    \Lnotation{{<}<-{>}>} & A-A\\
-    \Lnotation{{<}<-}   & A-\ \\
-    \Lnotation{{>}>-}   & B-\ \\
-    \Lnotation{-{<}<}   & \ -B\\
-    \Lnotation{{>}>-{<}<} & B-B\\
-    \Lnotation{{>}>-{>}>} & B-A\\
-    \Lnotation{{<}<-{<}<} & A-B
-  \end{tabular}
-  \bgroup
-  \psset{linecolor=red,linewidth=1pt,arrowscale=2}%
-  \begin{tabular}{lp{2.8cm}}%
-    Value & Example \\[2pt]\hline
-    \verb+\psline{->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline{->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex) \\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=3]{->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=3]{->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=5]{->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=5]{->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline{<<-}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline{<<-}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=3]{<<-}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=3]{<<-}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=5]{<<-}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=5]{<<-}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline{<<->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline{<<->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=3]{<<->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=3]{<<->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=5]{<<->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=5]{<<->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline{<<-|}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline{<<-|}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=3]{<<-<<}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=3]{<<-<<}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=5]{<<-o}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=5]{<<-o}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=3,nArrowsB=4]{<<-<<}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=3,nArrowsB=4]{<<-<<}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=3,nArrowsB=4]{>>->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=3,nArrowsB=4]{>>->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-    \verb+\psline[nArrowsA=1,nArrowsB=4]{>>->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)+  & \psline[nArrowsA=1,nArrowsB=4]{>>->>}(0,1ex)(2.3,1ex)\\
-  \end{tabular}
-  \egroup
-        &   & $R_2$            \\
-        &   &   0   &   & $R_3$\\
-$e_b:S$ & 1 &       & 1 & 0    \\
-        &   &   0              \\
-        &   &   $R_1$          \\
-        &   & $R_2$            \\
-        &   &   0   &   & $R_3$\\
-$e_b:S$ & 1 &       & 1 & 0    \\
-        &   &   0              \\
-        &   &   $R_1$          \\
-\ncline{-h}{3,1}{3,2}^{$e_s$}_{$f_{s}$}    \ncline{-h}{3,2}{4,3}>{$e_3$}<{$f_3$}
-\ncline{-h}{4,3}{3,4}>{$e_4$}<{$f_4$}      \ncline{-h}{3,4}{2,3}>{$e_2$}<{$f_2$}
-\subsection{\texttt{hookrightarrow} and \texttt{hookleftarrow}}
-This is another type of arrow and is abbreviated with \Lnotation{H}.
-The length and width of the hook is set by the new options
-\Lkeyword{hooklength} and \Lkeyword{hookwidth}, which are by default set
-If the line begins with a right hook then the line ends with a left hook and vice versa:
-  hooklength=4mm,hookwidth=2mm]{1,1}{1,2}
-\subsection{\nxLkeyword{ArrowInside} Option}
-It is now possible to have arrows inside lines and not only at the
-beginning or the end. The new defined options
-Name & Example & Output\\\hline
-Name & Example & Output\\\hline
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInside} &
-  \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->](0,0)(2,0)} &
-  \psline[ArrowInside=->](0,0.1)(2,0.1) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsidePos} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsidePos=0.25](0,0)(2,0)}
-& \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsidePos=0.25](0,0.1)(2,0.1) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsidePos} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsidePos=10](0,0)(2,0)}
-& \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsidePos=10](0,0.1)(2,0.1) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsideNo} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideNo=2](0,0)(2,0)}
-& \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsideNo=2](0,0.1)(2,0.1) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsideOffset} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideNo=2,\%}\newline
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideOffset=0.1](0,0)(2,0)}
-& \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsideNo=2,ArrowInsideOffset=0.1](0,0.1)(2,0.1) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInside} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->]\{->\}(0,0)(2,0)} &
-  \psline[ArrowInside=->]{->}(0,0)(2,0)\\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsidePos} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsidePos=0.25]\{->\}(0,0)(2,0)}
-  & \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsidePos=0.25]{->}(0,0)(2,0) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsidePos} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsidePos=10]\{->\}(0,0)(2,0)}
-  & \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsidePos=10]{->}(0,0)(2,0) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsideNo} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideNo=2]\{->\}(0,0)(2,0)}
-  & \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsideNo=2]{->}(0,0)(2,0) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowInsideOffset} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideNo=2,\%}\newline
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideOffset=0.1]\{->\}(0,0)(2,0)}
-  & \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsideNo=2,ArrowInsideOffset=0.1]{->}(0,0)(2,0) \\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowFill} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowFill=false,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{arrowinset=0]\{->\}(0,0)(2,0)} &
-  \psline[ArrowFill=false,arrowinset=0]{->}(0,0)(2,0)\\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowFill} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowFill=false,\%}
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{arrowinset=0]\{<<->>\}(0,0)(2,0)} &
-  \psline[ArrowFill=false,arrowinset=0]{<<->>}(0,0)(2,0)\\
-\Lkeyword{ArrowFill} & \texttt{\textbackslash psline[ArrowInside=->,\%}\newline
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{arrowinset=0,\%}\newline
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowFill=false,\%}\newline
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideNo=2,\%}\newline
-  \hspace*{20pt}\texttt{ArrowInsideOffset=0.1]\{->\}(0,0)(2,0)}
-  & \psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowFill=false,ArrowInsideNo=2,ArrowInsideOffset=0.1]{->}(0,0)(2,0) \\
-Without the default arrow definition there is only the one inside
-the line, defined by the type and the position. The position is
-relative to the length of the whole line. $0.25$ means at $25\%$
-of the line length. The peak of the arrow gets the coordinates
-which are calculated by the macro. If you want arrows with an
-absolute position difference, then choose a value greater than
-\verb|1|, e.\,g. \verb|10| which places an arrow every 10~pt. The
-default unit \verb|pt| cannot be changed.
-\begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{\color{red}\vrule width 2pt}lX@{}}
-& The \Lkeyword{ArrowInside} takes only arrow definitions like \Lnotation{->} into account.
-Arrows from right to left (\Lnotation{<-}) are not possible and ignored. If you need
-such arrows, change the order of the pairs of coordinates for the line or curve macro.
-\subsection{\nxLkeyword{ArrowFill} Option}
-By default all arrows are filled polygons. With the option
-\Lkeyset{ArrowFill=false} there are ''white`` arrows. Only for the
-beginning/end arrows are they empty, the inside arrows are
-overpainted by the line.
-  ArrowFill=false]{<->}(-1,0)(2,0)
-  ArrowFill]{>>->>}(-1,0)(2,0)
-  ArrowFill=false]{>>->>}(-1,0)(2,0)
-  ArrowFill]{>|->|}(-1,0)(2,0)
-  ArrowFill=false]{>|->|}(-1,0)(2,0)%
-\subsection{Big Arrows}
-  fillcolor=blue!30,linecolor=blue](0,3)(5,3)
-  fillcolor=red,linecolor=red](0.5,0.5)(5,5)
-All examples are printed with \verb|\psset{arrowscale=2,linecolor=red}|.
-   (0,0)(2,1)(3,0)(4,0)(6,2)
-\psline[ArrowInside=->, ArrowInsidePos=0.25]{->}%
-        (0,0)(2,1)(3,0)(4,0)(6,2)
-        (0,0)(2,1)(3,0)(4,0)(6,2)
-\psline[ArrowInside=-<, ArrowInsidePos=0.75]{->}%
-     (0,0)(2,1)(3,0)(4,0)(6,2)
-       (3,3)(1,3)(1,5)(5,5)(5,0)(7,0)(6,3)
-% Polygons (\pspolygon macro)
-     (0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
-       (0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
-   ArrowInsideOffset=0.1](0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
- \pspolygon[ArrowInside=-|](0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
- \psset{linestyle=none,ArrowInside=-*}
- \pspolygon[ArrowInsidePos=0](0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
- \pspolygon[ArrowInsidePos=1](0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
- \psset{ArrowInside=-o}
- \pspolygon[ArrowInsidePos=0.25](0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
- \pspolygon[ArrowInsidePos=0.75](0,0)(3,3)(6,3)(6,1)
-  \pspolygon[ArrowInside=->,ArrowInsidePos=20]%
-    (0,0)(3,0)(3,3)(1,3)(1,5)(5,5)(5,0)(7,0)(6,3)
-% Bezier curves (\psbezier macro)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInside=-|](0,1)(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)
-  \psset{linestyle=none,ArrowInside=-o}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.25](0,1)(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.75](0,1)(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)
-  \psset{linestyle=none,ArrowInside=-*}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0](0,1)(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=1](0,1)(1,0)(2,1)(3,3)
-  {*-*}(0,0)(2,3)(3,0)(4,2)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInside=->,showpoints=true,
-      ArrowInsideNo=2](0,0)(2,3)(3,0)(4,2)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInside=->,showpoints=true,
-     ArrowInsideNo=2,ArrowInsideOffset=-0.2]%
-      {->}(0,0)(2,3)(3,0)(4,2)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsideNo=9,ArrowInside=-|,%
-    showpoints=true]{*-*}(0,0)(1,3)(3,0)(5,3)
-  \psset{ArrowInside=-|}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.25,showpoints=true]{*-*}(2,3)(3,0)(4,2)
-  \psset{linestyle=none}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.75](0,0)(2,3)(3,0)(4,2)
-  \pnode(3,4){A}\pnode(5,6){B}\pnode(5,0){C}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInside=->,%
-     showpoints=true](A)(B)(C)
-  \psset{linestyle=none,ArrowInside=-<}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsideNo=4](0,0)(A)(B)(C)
-  \psset{ArrowInside=-o}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.1](0,0)(A)(B)(C)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.9](0,0)(A)(B)(C)
-  \psset{ArrowInside=-*}
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.3](0,0)(A)(B)(C)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsidePos=0.7](0,0)(A)(B)(C)
-  \psbezier[ArrowInsideNo=19,%
-      ArrowInside=->,ArrowFill=false,%
-      showpoints=true]{->}(-3,0)(5,-5)(8,5)(15,-5)
-These examples need the package \verb|pst-node|.
-% Lines (\pcline macro)
-These examples also need the package \verb|pst-node|.
-\subsection{Special arrows \texttt{v--V},\texttt{t--T}, and \texttt{f--F}}
-Possible optional arguments are
-\emph{name} & \emph{meaning}\\\hline
-\Lkeyword{veearrowlength} & default is 3mm\\
-\Lkeyword{veearrowangle} & default is 30\\
-\Lkeyword{veearrowlinewidth} & default is 0.35mm\\
-\Lkeyword{filledveearrowlength} & default is 3mm\\
-\Lkeyword{filledveearrowangle} & default is 15\\
-\Lkeyword{filledveearrowlinewidth} & default is 0.35mm\\
-\Lkeyword{tickarrowlength} & default is 1.5mm\\
-\Lkeyword{tickarrowlinewidth} & default is 0.35mm\\
-\Lkeyword{arrowlinestyle}     & default is solid\\\bottomrule
-  \psset{dimen=middle,arrows=c-c,
-    arrowscale=2,linewidth=.25mm}
-  \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](0,0)(0,6)
-  \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](4,0)(4,6)
-  \psline{v-v}(0,6)(4,6)
-  \psline{v-V}(0,4)(4,4)
-  \psline{V-v}(0,2)(4,2)
-  \psline{V-V}(0,0)(4,0)
-  \psset{dimen=middle,arrows=c-c,
-    arrowscale=2,linewidth=.25mm}
-  \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](0,0)(0,6)
-  \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](4,0)(4,6)
-  \psline{f-f}(0,6)(4,6)
-  \psline{f-F}(0,4)(4,4)
-  \psline{F-f}(0,2)(4,2)
-  \psline{F-F}(0,0)(4,0)
-  \psset{dimen=middle,arrows=c-c,linewidth=.25mm}
-  \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](0,0)(0,6)
-  \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](4,0)(4,6)
-  \psline{t-t}(0,6)(4,6)
-  \psline{t-T}(0,4)(4,4)
-  \psline{T-t}(0,2)(4,2)
-  \psline{T-T}(0,0)(4,0)
- \begin{pspicture}(10,6)
- \psset{dimen=middle,arrows=c-c,arrowscale=2,linewidth=.25mm,
-        arrowlinestyle=dashed,dash=1.5pt 1pt}
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](0,0)(0,6)
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](4,0)(4,6)
- \psline{v-v}(0,6)(4,6) \psline{v-V}(0,4)(4,4)
- \psline{V-v}(0,2)(4,2) \psline{V-V}(0,0)(4,0)
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](6,0)(6,6)
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](10,0)(10,6)
- \psset{arrowlinestyle=dotted,dotsep=0.8pt}
- \psline{v-v}(6,6)(10,6) \psline{v-V}(6,4)(10,4)
- \psline{V-v}(6,2)(10,2) \psline{V-V}(6,0)(10,0)
- \begin{pspicture}(10,7)
- \psset{dimen=middle,arrows=c-c,arrowscale=2,linewidth=.25mm,
-        arrowlinestyle=dashed,dash=1.5pt 1pt}
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](0,0)(0,6)
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](4,0)(4,6)
- \psline{t-t}(0,6)(4,6) \psline{t-T}(0,4)(4,4)
- \psline{T-t}(0,2)(4,2) \psline{T-T}(0,0)(4,0)
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](6,0)(6,6)
- \psline[linecolor=red,linewidth=.05mm](10,0)(10,6)
- \psset{arrowlinestyle=dotted,dotsep=0.8pt}
- \psline{t-t}(6,6)(10,6) \psline{t-T}(6,4)(10,4)
- \psline{T-t}(6,2)(10,2) \psline{T-T}(6,0)(10,0)
-\subsection{Special arrow option \texttt{arrowLW}}
-Only for the arrowtype \Lnotation{o} and \Lnotation{*} it is possible to
-set the arrowlinewidth with the optional keyword \Lkeyword{arrowLW}.
-When scaling an arrow by the keyword \Lkeyword{arrowscale} the width
-of the borderline is also scaled. With the optional argument
-\Lkeyword{arrowLW} the line width can be set separately and is not
-taken into account by the scaling value.
-  arrowLW=0.5pt](0,3)(4,3)
-  arrowLW=0.3333\pslinewidth](0,1)(4,1)
 \section{Ticks and other marks along a curve}
 \subsection{Quick overview}
@@ -5399,8 +4603,7 @@

Modified: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pstricks-add/pstricks-add.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pstricks-add/pstricks-add.tex	2016-09-03 01:23:02 UTC (rev 41976)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/generic/pstricks-add/pstricks-add.tex	2016-09-03 01:23:21 UTC (rev 41977)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-%% $Id: pstricks-add.tex 317 2016-08-08 16:49:34Z herbert $
+%% $Id: pstricks-add.tex 327 2016-09-01 18:59:35Z herbert $
 %% This is file `pstricks-add.tex',
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@
 \ifx\PSTricksLoaded\endinput\else \input pstricks \fi
 \ifx\PSTplotLoaded\endinput\else  \input pst-plot \fi
 \ifx\PSTnodesLoaded\endinput\else \input pst-node \fi
+\ifx\PSTarrowLoaded\endinput\else \input pst-arrow \fi
 \ifx\PSTthreeDLoaded\endinput\else\input pst-3d   \fi
 \ifx\MultidoLoaded\endinput\else  \input multido  \fi
 \ifx\PSTXKeyLoaded\endinput\else  \input pst-xkey \fi
 \ifx\PSTmathLoaded\endinput\else  \input pst-math \fi
 \message{`pstricks-add' v\fileversion, \filedate\space (dr,hv)}
 \edef\PstAtCode{\the\catcode`\@} \catcode`\@=11\relax
@@ -339,586 +340,6 @@
 /x1 ED
 1 index 0 eq {pop pop ParallelogramA } { OvalFrame } ifelse}>
-% -------------- the arrow part -------------
-\def\psBigArrow{\pst at object{psBigArrow}}
-\def\psBigArrow at i(#1)(#2){%
-  \addbefore at par{doublesep=1cm}
-  \begin at ClosedObj
-  \pssetlength\pst at dimm{\psdoublesep}
-  \pst at getcoor{#1}\pst at tempA 
-  \pst at getcoor{#2}\pst at tempB  
-  \addto at pscode{
-    /Width \pst at number\pst at dimm def
-    \pst at tempA % x y 
-    \pst at tempB % x y
-    exch       % x y y x
-    4 -1 roll   % y y x x
-    sub        % y y dx
-    3 1 roll   % dx y y
-    sub        % dx dy
-    exch       % dy dx
-    atan neg      % alpha
-    \pst at tempA
-    translate
-    rotate     
-    0 0 moveto
-    0 Width 2 div rlineto % |
-    \pst at tempB \pst at tempA Pyth2 Width 1.5 mul sub 0 rlineto
-    0 Width 1.5 div rlineto
-    Width 1.5 mul dup neg rlineto
-    Width 1.5 mul neg dup rlineto
-    0 Width 1.5 div rlineto
-    \pst at tempB \pst at tempA Pyth2 neg Width 1.5 mul add 0 rlineto
-    closepath 
-  }%
-  \end at ClosedObj
-%  the original table
-% \def\pst at arrowtable{,<->,<<->>,>-<,>>-<<,(-),[-],)-(,]-[,|>-<|}
-% v : Vee arrow (inside)                 v,V,f and F by Christophe FOUREY
-% V : Vee arrow (outside)
-% f : Filled vee arrow (inside)
-% F : Filled vee arrow (outside)
-\edef\pst at arrowtable{\pst at arrowtable,v-v,V-V,f-f,F-F,t-t,T-T}
-% Vee arrow
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{veearrowlength}[3mm]{\pst at getlength{#1}\psk at veearrowlength}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{veearrowlength=3mm} % default projected length
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{veearrowangle}[30]{\pst at getangle{#1}\psk at veearrowangle}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{veearrowangle=30} % default angle
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{veearrowlinewidth}[0.35mm]{\pst at getlength{#1}\psk at veearrowlinewidth}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{veearrowlinewidth=0.35mm} % default vee arrow line width
-% Filled vee arrow
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{filledveearrowlength}[3mm]{\pst at getlength{#1}\psk at filledveearrowlength}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{filledveearrowlength=3mm} % default projected length
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{filledveearrowangle}[15]{\pst at getangle{#1}\psk at filledveearrowangle}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{filledveearrowangle=15} % default angle
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{filledveearrowlinewidth}[0.35mm]{\pst at getlength{#1}\psk at filledveearrowlinewidth}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{filledveearrowlinewidth=0.35mm} % default vee arrow line width
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{arrowlinestyle}[solid]{%
-  \@ifundefined{psls@#1}%
-    {\@pstrickserr{Line style `#1' not defined}\@eha}%
-    {\def\psarrowlinestyle{#1}}}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{arrowlinestyle=solid} % default
-\pst at def{VeeArrow}<%
-    1 setlinecap            % round caps
-    1 setlinejoin            % round join
-    setlinewidth            % vee arrow line width
-    /y ED                % projected length
-    2 div /a ED                % angle (divide by 2)
-    /t ED                % false = inside, true = outside
-    a sin a cos div y mul /x ED        % perpendicular length : x=tan(a).y
-    t { 1 -1 scale } if            % if outside : symmetry
-    x neg y moveto            % point #1
-    0 0 L                % point #2
-    x y L                % point #3
-    { closepath gsave fill grestore } if    % if filled : close and fill
-    \@nameuse{psls@\psarrowlinestyle}
-    stroke                % draw line
-    0 t { y 2 mul } { 0 } ifelse moveto>    % if outside : twice longer line
-% VeeArrow : filled?   outside?   (total) angle   (projected) length   (arrow) line width
-\@namedef{psas at v}{%
-  false false \psk at veearrowangle \psk at veearrowlength \psk at veearrowlinewidth \tx at VeeArrow}
-\@namedef{psas at V}{%
-  false true \psk at veearrowangle \psk at veearrowlength \psk at veearrowlinewidth \tx at VeeArrow}
-\@namedef{psas at f}{%
-  true false \psk at filledveearrowangle \psk at filledveearrowlength \psk at filledveearrowlinewidth \tx at VeeArrow}
-\@namedef{psas at F}{%
-  true true \psk at filledveearrowangle \psk at filledveearrowlength \psk at filledveearrowlinewidth \tx at VeeArrow}
-% And An another arrowhead
-% architectural tick / oblique arrow
-% Tick arrow
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{tickarrowlength}[1.5mm]{\pst at getlength{#1}\psk at tickarrowlength}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{tickarrowlength=1.5mm} % default projected length
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{tickarrowlinewidth}[0.35mm]{\pst at getlength{#1}\psk at tickarrowlinewidth}
-\psset[pstricks-add]{tickarrowlinewidth=0.35mm} % default tick arrow line width
-\pst at def{TickArrow}<%
-    1 setlinecap            % round caps
-    1 setlinejoin            % round join
-    setlinewidth            % tick line width
-    /y ED                % projected length
-    /t ED                % false = normal, true = reversed
-    t { 1 -1 scale } if            % if reversed : symmetry
-    y neg y moveto            % point #1
-    y y neg L                % point #2
-    \@nameuse{psls@\psarrowlinestyle}
-    stroke                % draw line
-    0 0 moveto>                % origin
-\@namedef{psas at t}{ false \psk at tickarrowlength \psk at tickarrowlinewidth \tx at TickArrow }
-\@namedef{psas at T}{ true \psk at tickarrowlength \psk at tickarrowlinewidth \tx at TickArrow }
-% HookLeft/RightArrow
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{hooklength}[3mm]{\pssetlength\pshooklength{#1}}
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{hookwidth}[1mm]{\pssetlength\pshookwidth{#1}}
-\edef\pst at arrowtable{\pst at arrowtable,H-H,h-h} % add new arrow
-\def\tx at RHook{RHook }         % PostScript name
-\def\tx at Rhook{Rhook }         % PostScript name
-\@namedef{psas at H}{%
-  /RHook {
-    /x ED                     % hook width
-    /y ED                     % hook length 
-    /z CLW 2 div def          % save it
-    x y moveto                % goto first point
-    x 0 0 0 0 y 
-    curveto                   % draw Bezier
-    stroke 
-    0 y moveto                % define current point
-  } def
-  \pst at number\pshooklength
-  \pst at number\pshookwidth
-  \tx at RHook 
-\@namedef{psas at h}{%
-  /Rhook {
-    CLW mul 			% size * CLW
-    add dup 			% +length  size*CLW+length size*CLW+length 
-    2 div /w ED	 		% (size*CLW+length)/2  -> w 
-    mul dup /h ED mul 		% (size*CLW+length)
-    /a ED  
-    w neg h abs moveto 0 0 L 
-    gsave 
-    stroke grestore 
-  } def
-  0 \psk at arrowlength \psk at arrowsize \tx at Rhook 
-% New parameter "arrowfill", with default as "true"
-\define at boolkey[psset]{pstricks-add}[ps]{ArrowFill}[true]{}
-% Modification of the PostScript macro Arrow to choose to fill or not the arrow
-% (it require to restore the current linewidth, despite of the scaling)
-\pst at def{Arrow}<{%
-    CLW mul add dup 2 div
-    /w ED mul dup
-    /h ED mul
-    /a ED { 0 h T 1 -1 scale } if
-    gsave
-    \ifpsArrowFill\else\pst at number\pslinewidth \pst at arrowscale\space div SLW \fi
-    w neg h moveto
-    0 0 L w h L w neg a neg rlineto
-    \ifpsArrowFill gsave 
-       \tx at setStrokeTransparency
-       fill  
-       grestore \else gsave closepath stroke grestore \fi
-    grestore
-    0 h a sub moveto
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{nArrowsA}[2]{\def\psk at nArrowsA{#1}}
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{nArrowsB}[2]{\def\psk at nArrowsB{#1}}
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{nArrows}[2]{\def\psk at nArrowsA{#1}\def\psk at nArrowsB{#1}}
-    \psk at nArrowsA\space 1 sub {
-      false \psk at arrowinset \psk at arrowlength \psk at arrowsize \tx at Arrow
-      0 h a sub T
-    } repeat
-    gsave
-    newpath
-    false \psk at arrowinset \psk at arrowlength \psk at arrowsize \tx at Arrow
-    CP
-    grestore
-    moveto
-    true \psk at arrowinset \psk at arrowlength \psk at arrowsize \tx at Arrow
-    0 h neg a add T
-  \psk at nArrowsB\space 2 sub {
-    false \psk at arrowinset \psk at arrowlength \psk at arrowsize \tx at Arrow
-    0 h neg a add T
-  } repeat
-  false \psk at arrowinset \psk at arrowlength \psk at arrowsize \tx at Arrow
-  0 h a 5 mul 2 div sub moveto
-% DG addition begin - Dec. 18/19, 1997 and Oct. 11, 2002
-% Adapted from \psset at arrows
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{ArrowInside}{%
-  \def\pst at tempArrow{#1}%
-  \ifx\pst at tempArrow\@empty \def\psk at ArrowInside{} %
-  \else%
-    \begingroup%
-      \pst at activearrows%
-      \xdef\pst at tempg{<#1}%
-    \endgroup%
-    \expandafter\psset@@ArrowInside\pst at tempg\@empty-\@empty\@nil%
-    \if at pst\else\@pstrickserr{Bad intermediate arrow specification: #1}\@ehpa\fi%
-  \fi%
-% Adapted from \psset@@arrows
-  \@psttrue
-  \def\next##1,#1-##2,##3\@nil{\def\pst at tempg{##2}}%
-  \expandafter\next\pst at arrowtable,#1-#1,\@nil
-  \@ifundefined{psas@#2}%
-    {\@pstfalse\def\psk at ArrowInside{}}%
-    {\def\psk at ArrowInside{#2}}%
-% Default value empty
-% Modified version of \pst at addarrowdef
-\def\pst at addarrowdef{%
-  \addto at pscode{%
-    /ArrowA {
-      \ifx\psk at arrowA\@empty
-        \pst at oplineto
-      \else
-	\pst at arrowdef{A}
-	moveto
-      \fi
-    } def
-    /ArrowB { \ifx\psk at arrowB\@empty \else \pst at arrowdef{B} \fi } def
-% DG addition
-    /ArrowInside { 
-      \ifx\psk at ArrowInside\@empty \else \pst at arrowdefA{Inside} \fi 
-    } def
-  }%
-% Adapted from \pst at arrowdef
-\def\pst at arrowdefA#1{%
-  \ifnum\pst at repeatarrowsflag>\z@ /Arrow#1c [ 6 2 roll ] cvx def Arrow#1c\fi 
-  \tx at BeginArrow
-  \psk at arrowscale
-  \@nameuse{psas@\@nameuse{psk at Arrow#1}}
-  \tx at EndArrow%
-% ArrowInsidePos parameter (default value 0.5)
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{ArrowInsidePos}[0.5]{\pst at checknum{#1}\psk at ArrowInsidePos}%
-% Redefinition of the PostScript /Line macro to print the intermediate
-% arrow on each segment of the line
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{ArrowInsideNo}[1]{\pst at checknum{#1}\psk at ArrowInsideNo}% hv 20031001
-\define at key[psset]{pstricks-add}{ArrowInsideOffset}[0]{\pst at checknum{#1}\psk at ArrowInsideOffset}% hv 20031001
-\def\arrowType at H{H}
-\pst at def{Line}<
-  NArray n 0 eq not { n 1 eq { 0 0 /n 2 def } if
-  (\psk at ArrowInside) length 0 gt { 
-    \ifx\psk at arrowA\arrowType at H   % do we have a Hook arrow at the beginning?
-      \pst at number\pshooklength  % yes 
-    \else
-      \psk at arrowsize\space CLW mul add dup \psk at arrowlength\space mul exch \psk at arrowinset mul neg add  
-    \fi
-    /arrowlength exch def 
-    4 copy 				% copy all four values for the arrow line
-    /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED 	% save them
-    /Alpha y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub Atan def % the gradient of the line
-%    2 copy /y1 ED /x1 ED ArrowA x1 y1  
-    ArrowA 				% draw arrowA
-    x1 Alpha cos arrowlength mul add	% dx add
-    y1 Alpha sin arrowlength mul add	% dy add, to get the current point at the end of the arrow tip
-    /n n 1 sub def
-    n {
-      4 copy
-      /y1 ED /x1 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED
-      x1 y1
-      \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space 1 gt {
-        /Alpha y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub Atan def
-        /ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-        /dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space abs def
-%        /Length x2 x1 sub y2 y1 sub Pyth def
-        \psk at ArrowInsideNo\space cvi {
-          /ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-%          ArrowPos Length gt { exit } if
-          x1 Alpha cos ArrowPos mul add
-          y1 Alpha sin ArrowPos mul add
-          ArrowInside
-          pop pop
-        } repeat
-      }{
-        /ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-        /dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1 gt {%
-          1.0 \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1.0 add div
-        }{\psk at ArrowInsidePos } ifelse def
-          \psk at ArrowInsideNo\space cvi {
-            /ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-            x2 x1 sub ArrowPos mul x1 add
-            y2 y1 sub ArrowPos mul y1 add
-            ArrowInside
-            pop pop
-          } repeat
-      } ifelse
-      pop pop Lineto
-    } repeat
-  }{ ArrowA /n n 2 sub def n { Lineto } repeat } ifelse
-  CP 4 2 roll ArrowB L pop pop } if >
-% Redefinition of the PostScript /Polygon macro to print the intermediate
-% arrow on each segment of the line
-\pst at def{Polygon}<{%
-    NArray n 2 eq { 0 0 /n 3 def } if
-    n 3 lt {
-	n { pop pop } repeat
-    }{
-	n 3 gt { CheckClosed } if
-	n 2 mul	-2 roll
-	/y0 ED
-	/x0 ED
-    	/y1 ED
-    	/x1 ED
-    	/xx1 x1 def
-    	/yy1 y1 def
-    	x1 y1
-    	/x1 x0 x1 add 2 div def
-    	/y1 y0 y1 add 2 div def
-    	x1 y1 moveto
-    	/n n 2 sub def
-	/drawArrows {
-	    x11 y11
-	    \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space 1 gt {
-		/Alpha y12 y11 sub x12 x11 sub atan def
-		/ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-		/Length x12 x11 sub y12 y11 sub Pyth def
-		/dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space abs def
-		{
-		    /ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-		    ArrowPos Length gt { exit } if
-		    x11 Alpha cos ArrowPos mul add
-		    y11 Alpha sin ArrowPos mul add
-		    currentdict /ArrowInside known { ArrowInside } if
-		    pop pop
-		} loop
-	    }{
-		/ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-		/dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideNo\space 1 gt {%
-	    	    1.0 \psk at ArrowInsideNo\space 1.0 add div
-		}{ \psk at ArrowInsidePos } ifelse def
-		\psk at ArrowInsideNo\space cvi {
-		    /ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-		    x12 x11 sub ArrowPos mul x11 add
-		    y12 y11 sub ArrowPos mul y11 add
-		    currentdict /ArrowInside known { ArrowInside } if
-		    pop pop
-		} repeat
-	    } ifelse
-	    pop pop Lineto
-	} def
-	n {
-	    4 copy
-	    /y11 ED /x11 ED /y12 ED /x12 ED
-	    drawArrows
-	} repeat
-	x1 y1 x0 y0
-	6 4 roll
-	2 copy
-	/y11 ED /x11 ED /y12 y0 def /x12 x0 def
-	drawArrows
-	/y11 y0 def /x11 x0 def /y12 yy1 def /x12 xx1 def
-	drawArrows
-	pop pop
-    	closepath
-    } ifelse %
-% Redefinition of the PostScript /OpenBezier macro to print the intermediate
-% arrow
-\pst at def{OpenBezier}<{%
-  /dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1 gt {%
-    1.0 \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1.0 add div
-    }{ \psk at ArrowInsidePos } ifelse def
-      BezierNArray
-      n 1 eq { pop pop
-      }{ 2 copy
-        /y0 ED /x0 ED
-        ArrowA
-        n 4 sub 3 idiv { 6 2 roll 4 2 roll curveto } repeat
-        6 2 roll
-        4 2 roll
-        ArrowB
-        /y3 ED /x3 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED
-        /cx x1 x0 sub 3 mul def
-        /cy y1 y0 sub 3 mul def
-        /bx x2 x1 sub 3 mul cx sub def
-        /by y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub def
-        /ax x3 x0 sub cx sub bx sub def
-        /ay y3 y0 sub cy sub by sub def
-        /getValues {
-          ax t0 3 exp mul bx t0 t0 mul mul add cx t0 mul add x0 add
-          ay t0 3 exp mul by t0 t0 mul mul add cy t0 mul add y0 add
-          ax t 3 exp mul bx t t mul mul add cx t mul add x0 add
-          ay t 3 exp mul by t t mul mul add cy t mul add y0 add
-        } def
-        /getdL {
-          getValues
-          3 -1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub Pyth
-        } def
-        /CurveLength {
-          /u 0 def
-          /du 0.01 def
-          0 100 {
-            /t0 u def
-            /u u du add def
-            /t u def
-            getdL add
-          } repeat } def
-          /GetArrowPos {
-            /ende \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space 1 gt
-              {ArrowPos}
-              {ArrowPos CurveLength mul} ifelse def
-            /u 0 def
-            /du 0.01 def
-            /sum 0 def
-            { /t0 u def
-              /u u du add def
-              /t u def
-              /sum getdL sum add def
-              sum ende gt {exit} if
-            } loop u
-          } def
-          /ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-          /loopNo \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space 1 gt {%
-            CurveLength \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space div cvi
-          }{ \psk at ArrowInsideNo } ifelse def
-            loopNo cvi {
-              /ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-              /t GetArrowPos def
-              /t0 t 0.95 mul def
-              getValues
-              ArrowInside pop pop pop pop
-            } repeat
-            x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto
-  } ifelse
-% Redefinition of the PostScript /NCLine macro to print the intermediate
-% arrow of the line
-\pst at def{NCLine}<{%
-	NCCoor
-	tx at Dict begin
-	ArrowA CP 4 2 roll ArrowB
-	4 copy
-	/y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED
-	x1 y1
-	\psk at ArrowInsidePos\space 1 gt {
-		/Alpha y2 y1 sub x2 x1 sub atan def
-		/ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-		/Length x2 x1 sub y2 y1 sub Pyth def
-		/dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space abs def
-		{%
-			/ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-			ArrowPos Length gt { exit } if
-			x1 Alpha cos ArrowPos mul add
-			y1 Alpha sin ArrowPos mul add
-			ArrowInside
-			pop pop
-		} loop
-	}{%
-		/ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-		/dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1 gt {%
-			1.0 \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1.0 add div
-		}{ \psk at ArrowInsidePos } ifelse def
-		\psk at ArrowInsideNo\space cvi {
-			/ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-			x2 x1 sub ArrowPos mul x1 add
-			y2 y1 sub ArrowPos mul y1 add
-			ArrowInside
-			pop pop
-		} repeat
-	} ifelse
-	pop pop lineto pop pop
-	end%
-\pst at def{NCCurve}<{%
-	GetEdgeA GetEdgeB
-	xA1 xB1 sub yA1 yB1 sub
-	Pyth 2 div dup 3 -1 roll mul
-	/ArmA ED
-	mul
-	/ArmB ED
-	/ArmTypeA 0 def
-	/ArmTypeB 0 def
-	GetArmA GetArmB
-	xA2 yA2 xA1 yA1
-	2 copy
-	/y0 ED /x0 ED
-	tx at Dict begin
-		ArrowA
-	end
-	xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1
-	tx at Dict begin
-		ArrowB
-	end
-	/y3 ED /x3 ED /y2 ED /x2 ED /y1 ED /x1 ED
-	/cx x1 x0 sub 3 mul def
-	/cy y1 y0 sub 3 mul def
-	/bx x2 x1 sub 3 mul cx sub def
-	/by y2 y1 sub 3 mul cy sub def
-	/ax x3 x0 sub cx sub bx sub def
-	/ay y3 y0 sub cy sub by sub def
-	/getValues {
-		ax t0 3 exp mul bx t0 t0 mul mul add cx t0 mul add x0 add
-		ay t0 3 exp mul by t0 t0 mul mul add cy t0 mul add y0 add
-		ax t 3 exp mul bx t t mul mul add cx t mul add x0 add
-	ay t 3 exp mul by t t mul mul add cy t mul add y0 add
-	} def
-	/getdL {
-		getValues
-		3 -1 roll sub 3 1 roll sub Pyth
-	} def
-	/CurveLength {
-		/u 0 def
-		/du 0.01 def
-		0 100 {
-			/t0 u def
-			/u u du add def
-			/t u def
-			getdL add
-		} repeat } def
-	/GetArrowPos {
-		/ende \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space 1 gt {ArrowPos}{ArrowPos CurveLength mul} ifelse def
-		/u 0 def
-		/du 0.01 def
-		/sum 0 def
-		{
-			/t0 u def
-			/u u du add def
-			/t u def
-			/sum getdL sum add def
-			sum ende gt {exit} if
-		} loop u
-	} def
-	/dArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1 gt {%
-		1.0 \psk at ArrowInsideNo 1.0 add div
-	}{ \psk at ArrowInsidePos } ifelse def
-	/ArrowPos \psk at ArrowInsideOffset\space def
-	/loopNo \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space 1 gt {%
-		CurveLength \psk at ArrowInsidePos\space div cvi
-		}{ \psk at ArrowInsideNo } ifelse def
-	loopNo cvi {
-		/ArrowPos ArrowPos dArrowPos add def
-		/t GetArrowPos def
-		/t0 t 0.95 mul def
-		getValues
-		ArrowInside pop pop pop pop
-	} repeat
-	x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto
-	/LPutVar [ xA1 yA1 xA2 yA2 xB2 yB2 xB1 yB1 ] cvx def
-	/LPutPos { t LPutVar BezierMidpoint } def
-	/HPutPos { { HPutLines } HPutCurve } def
-	/VPutPos { { VPutLines } HPutCurve } def
 \def\parseRP#1;#2;#3\@nil{%check whether arg of refpt contains ;
   \def\arg at A{#1}\def\arg at B{#2}}
@@ -2587,10 +2008,6 @@
   \def\pst at linetype{0}%
 %  \pstScalePoints(1,1){}{}%
-    hooklength=3mm, hookwidth=1mm,
-    ArrowFill=true,
-    ArrowInside={}, ArrowInsidePos=0.5,
-    ArrowInsideNo=1, ArrowInsideOffset=0,

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