texlive[42325] Master: biblatex-gb7714-2015 (22oct16)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Sat Oct 22 23:45:55 CEST 2016

Revision: 42325
Author:   karl
Date:     2016-10-22 23:45:55 +0200 (Sat, 22 Oct 2016)
Log Message:
biblatex-gb7714-2015 (22oct16)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/README.md
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/README.md	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/README.md	2016-10-22 21:45:55 UTC (rev 42325)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# biblatex-gb7714-2015: a biblatex style  package
+Maintainer: huzhenzhen <hzzmail at 163.com>
+Homepage: <https://github.com/hushidong/biblatex-gb7714-2015>
+License: LaTeX Project Public License 1.3 or later
+A biblatex implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style for Chinese users
+The biblatex-gb7714-2015 package provides an implementation of the bibliography style of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style. This implementation follows GBT7714-2015 standard, and can be used simply by loading biblatex with the appropriate option
+%for numerical sequence
+%for author year sequence
+A demonstration database is provided to show how to format input for the style. The biblatex-gb7714-2015 style works with texlive2014, texlive2015, texlive2016 and so on.
+please see the file 'biblatex-gb7714-2015.pdf' for more information!

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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.pdf
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Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.pdf	2016-10-22 21:45:11 UTC (rev 42324)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.pdf	2016-10-22 21:45:55 UTC (rev 42325)

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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.tex	2016-10-22 21:45:55 UTC (rev 42325)
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+\documentclass[11pt]{article} %draft %用draft选项找到badbox的位置
+\usepackage[paperwidth=210mm,paperheight=290mm,left=20mm,right=20mm,top=25mm, bottom=15mm]{geometry}            %定义版面
+pdfstartview=FitH,linkcolor=blue,anchorcolor=violet,citecolor=magenta]{hyperref}  %书签功能,选项去掉链接红色方框
+\usepackage{titleref} %标题引用
+%linkcolor=black,linkcolor=green,blue,red,cyan, magenta,
+%yellow, black, gray,white, darkgray, lightgray, brown,
+%lime, olive, orange, red,purple, teal, violet.
+citestyle=gb7714-2015, %gb,gbt7714_2005_n,
+	\centering\subsubsection*{#1}}%
+%	\markboth{#1}{#1}}
+%style=nejm  %New England Journal of Medicine
+%style=phys  %follows the guidelines of the aip and aps
+%style=science  %follows the guidelines of the journal Science
+%style=ieee % follows the guidelines of the ieee.
+%style=chem-acs %American Chemistry Society journals.
+%style=chem-angew %Angewandte Chemie Chemistry – A European Journal.
+%style=chem-biochem %Biochemistry and a small number of other American Chemistry Society journals.
+%style=chem-rsc  %Royal Society of Chemistry journals.
+\usepackage[subfigure]{tocloft} %注意其与titletoc共用时分页会有问题
+\captiondelim{. } %图序图题中间的间隔符号
+\captionnamefont{\zihao{-5}\heiti} %图序样式
+\captiontitlefont{\zihao{-5}} %图题样式
+\captionwidth{0.8\linewidth} %标题宽度
+%\captionstyle{<style>} can be used to alter this. Sensible values for
+%style are: \centering, \raggedleft or \raggedright
+\setlength{\belowcaptionskip}{0.2cm} %设置caption上下间距
+\setlength{\abovelegendskip}{0.2cm}  %设置legend上下间距
+\newcommand{\listegcodename}{示~~ 例}
+%\renewcommand\contentsname{\hfill 目~~ 录 \hfill \hspace{1cm}}
+\renewcommand\contentsname{目~~ 录}
+\renewcommand{\cftsecleader}{\leaders\hbox to 1em{\hss.\hss}\hfill}
+\lstset{% general command to set parameter(s)
+%backgroundcolor=\color{yellow}, %背景颜色
+basicstyle=\small, % print whole listing small,footnotesize
+% underlined bold black keywords
+identifierstyle=, % nothing happens
+commentstyle=\color{green!50!black}, % white comments
+stringstyle=\ttfamily, % typewriter type for strings
+showstringspaces=false}% no special string spaces
+{\lstset{% general command to set parameter(s)
+%backgroundcolor=\color{yellow}, %背景颜色
+basicstyle=\small, % print whole listing small
+% underlined bold black keywords
+identifierstyle=, % nothing happens
+commentstyle=\color{green!50!black}, % white comments
+stringstyle=\ttfamily, % typewriter type for strings
+showstringspaces=false}% no special string spaces
+\tcbmaketheorem{property}{注意点}{theorem style=plain,fonttitle=\bfseries\upshape, %
+fontupper=\slshape,boxrule=0mm,arc=0mm, %
+separator sign={\ $\blacktriangleright$},
+description delimiters={}{},
+terminator sign={\ }}{myprop}{pp}
+{separator sign={\ $\blacktriangleright$},theorem style=plain,fonttitle=\bfseries,
+colback=green!50!yellow!15!white,terminator sign={\ }}{rfeg}
+\usepackage{enumitem} %重设list环境
+%\DefineVerbatimEnvironment%  %定义环境-myverbatim
+\marginpar[\flushright\youyuan\color{red}\footnotesize #1]{\youyuan\color{red}\small #1}}
+\marginpar[\flushright\youyuan\color{red}\footnotesize  #1]{\youyuan\color{red}\small #1}}
+{\small\kaiti\color{violet}#1}} %orange,brown,purple,teal,violet,olive,cyan
+\authorformanual{胡振震\footnote{hzzmail at 163.com}}
+1. 考虑到我国引用参考文献通常是中英文混合的情况,修改过程没有考虑针对中文的本地化处理,而是在英文本地化的基础(英文的本地化字符串设置文档是english.lbx)上添加一些中文要求的本地化字符串来使用。而为了区分使用中英文的字符串,对参考文献各条目内容进行中英文判断,若中文则使用中文字符串,若英文则使用英文字符串。
+2. 利用biber在处理数据源时,动态的处理一些数据,比如设置一些域的值,用于进一步的使用和判断。
+3. 修改符合GB7714-2015要求的参考文献样式,主要修改驱动driver,输出宏newbibmacro*,域打印样式DeclareFieldFormat和标点符号设置比如:renewrobustcmd*\{\textbackslash bibinitperiod\}\{\}和renewcommand*\{\textbackslash revsdnamepunct\}\{\}等。driver中主要修改一些顺序,略去一些输出和标点。输出宏主要修改需要的输出内容。打印样式主要修改一些斜体,强调样式。
+4. 针对GB7714-2015中关于引用标注的特殊要求,增加了一些方便实现要求的命令比如pagescite等。
+,其中代码直接用于本参考文献样式,深表感谢。 当然还有一些这里没有提到的师长朋友们的热心帮忙,在此一并表示感谢!
+windows7x86+texlive 2014,采用xelatex编译;
+windows7x64+texlive 2015,采用xelatex编译;
+虚拟机xp+texlive 2016,采用xelatex编译。
+\textcolor{red}{\HandRight \heiti 【Most Important】【注意】:texlive2015中的biblatex版本是3.0,texlive2016中biblatex的版本是3.4,新版本对于名字域打印有了较大变化,所以需做相应的修改,为此在biblatex中首先进行版本判断,然后根据版本不同进行不同的处理。}
+1. 使用够方便,只需要三步编译,第一遍xelatex,第二遍biber,第三遍xelatex。
+2. 学习无障碍,因为biblatex宏包用的是tex语言,所以查看代码,学习都很方便,自然也便利于生成需要的参考文献样式。
+3. 划分很自由,利用biblatex可以在一个文档中生成任意多个需要的参考文献,而不需要用include把分档划分成不同的文件,分章参考文献就不需要用chapterbib宏包了。利用refsection和 refsegment可以很方便构建参考文献表,甚至还可以嵌套使用。
+4. 处理能力强,biber处理数量很大的参考文献条目没有任何压力,不用担心bibtex可能存在的内存不足问题。
+5. 定制很简便,biblatex提供了很多不同的参考文献样式,学习参考都很方便,因此定制起需要的参考文献格式来非常简便。
+GB/T 7714-2015规定采用顺序编码制组织时,各篇文献应按正文部分标注的序号依次列出。具体参考GB/T 7714-2015第9.1节。
+5. 专著,带前后缀的作者名\cite{Peebles2001-100-100}
+6. 带页码的引用
+其中当不指定页码时,该命令默认调用参考文献的页码数据进行输出,如果需要指定页码,那么需要在第二个[]中输入页码内容,\qd{还要注意:对于多个文献一起的压缩形式,指定页码只会应用最后一个参考文献的页码,这是不对的,当然其实这种情况是不应该存在,指定页码目的就是具体化某一文献的,因此使用时尽可能使用pagescite\{key1\}pagescite\{key2\}这种形式而不是pagescite\{key1,key2\}}。该命令的产生的标注效果见第\ref{sec:test:book}节。标注样式更详细要求参考GB/T 7714-2015 第10.1节。
+如果顺序编码指采用脚注方式,则序号由计算机自动生成圈码。多次引用同一著者的同一文献时,若采用脚注方式应重复著录参考文献(这里可以理解为,采用该方式,同一文献的不同页码的引文就相当于一篇新的引文),只是在参考文献列表中可以简化(当然不简化重复录入对于latex的参考文献处理其实更方便)。事实上对于顺序编码用脚注方式,GB/T 7714-2015似乎并没有详细说明脚注方式到底是什么?从举例看只是序号用类似于脚注的标签,那么对于参考文献样式来说,与非脚注方式的差别仅在于引用和参考文献条目的序号标签的差别,如此是容易通过修改样式文件得到的,但实际使用中除非特殊要求,否则意义不大,因此本样式没有实现该功能。
+GB/T 7714-2015规定采用作者年制组织时,各篇文献首先按文种组织,可分为中文,日文,西文,俄文和其他文种5部分;然后按照著者字顺和出版年排列。中文文献按著者汉语拼音字顺排序,也可按笔画顺序排列。具体参考GB/T 7714-2015第9.2节。
+引用多个著者文献时,对西文只需标注第一著者的姓,其后附“et al.”,对于中文著者,标注第一著者的姓名,其后附“等”。姓名与“et al.”“等”间留适当空隙。
+多次引用同一著者的同一文献,在正常标注外,需在()外以角标形式著录引文页码,这一问题样式文件无法判断,只能提供可以形成该格式的引用命令,供文档作者使用,这里也提供pagescite命令,使用方法与示例\ref{eg:pagescite}相同。标注要求具体参考GB/T 7714-2015第10.2节
+gb7714\_2015.bbx是按照GB/T 7714-2015要求实现的biblatex参考文献样式文件。
+根据GB/T 7714-2015要求并结合biblatex的条目类型和数据域,对各类参考文献做如下考虑:
+其著录格式为(参考GB/T 7714-2015第4.1节):\\
+  \item[author] 在biblatex中author域属于name数据类型,输入数据时,各姓名间用and 连接,当姓名过多省略时,用others代替。
+      单个姓名,对于中文作者直接输入中文姓名即可。比如:于潇 and 刘义 and 柴跃廷 and others
+      对于英文作者,单个姓名有两种biblatex可以解析的输入方式:
+      \textcircled{1}prefix lastname, suffix, firstname middlename
+      \textcircled{2}firstname middlename lastname
+      对于需要输入前后缀的姓名只能采用第一种方式,比如:
+      DES MARAIS, Jr., D J and H STRAUSS and SUMMONS, R. E. and others
+      这里的第一个姓名输入为前缀,姓,后缀,名,中间名。第二个姓名输入为名,姓。第三个姓名输入为姓,名,中间名。
+      对于机构作者,不需要解析,直接输入机构名,英文的各个机构名用\{\}包起来,比如:
+      中国企业投资协会 and 台湾并购与私募股权协会 and 汇盈国际投资集团
+      \{International Federation of Library Association and Institutions\}
+  \item[title] 直接输入需要打印的内容,subtitle或titleaddon域类似
+  \item[usera] 不用输入,自动处理
+  \item[translator] 与author域类似,只是输入的是译者
+  \item[edition] 直接输入整数,或者需要打印的内容
+  \item[address] 直接输入需要打印的地址内容,location域类似。
+  \item[publisher] 直接输入需要打印的出版者内容,institution,organization域类似
+  \item[date] 日期可以格式化输入或者直接输入需要打印的内容,格式化输入biblatex 会自动解析。格式化的输入方式是:
+      年-月-日/年-月-日
+      比如:2001-05-06/2001-08-01
+      其中第一个年-月-日会解析并存储到year,month,day域中,第二个会解析并存储到endyear,endmonth,endday域中。更多细节参考biblatex手册的Table 8: Date Interface。
+      如果无法解析,输入内容被认为是需要完整打印的内容,比如:
+      1881(清光绪七年)。
+      year域的输入与date域类似,为了兼容一些老的bib文件,把year直接用map转换成date,所以在本样式的使用中输入时year域与date域相同,但处理过程中year域的信息仅有年或者需要完整打印的内容。
+  \item[pages] 可以格式化输入或输入需要打印的内容。格式化输入时,页码用整数,当有范围时,用短横线隔开。比如:59-60。 当无法解析时,输入内容被认为是需要完整打印的内容。
+  \item[urldate] urldate域与date域类似,只是解析时,存储到urlday,urlmonth,urlyear,urlendday,urlendmonth,urlendyear域中。
+  \item[url] 直接输入需要打印的网址内容
+  \item[doi] 直接输入需要打印的DOI内容
+  \item[note] 在本样式中note域有特殊功能,当其内容为standard或news 时,判断条目类型为标准和报纸析出的文献。
+  \item[bookauthor] 用于析出文献时,作为析出文献来源文献的作者,其输入方式与author 相同。
+  \item[booktitle] 用于析出文献时,作为析出文献来源文献的题名,其输入方式与title 相同。booktitleaddon域输入方式也相同。
+  \item[volume] 连续出版物的卷,格式化输入用整数,当有范围时中间用短横线连接,比如:1-4。当无法解析时,输入内容被认为是需要完整打印的内容。
+  \item[number] 连续出版物的期,输入与volume类似。或者是专利等的号时,直接输入需要打印的内容。
+  \item[journal] 用于连续出版物析出文献,表示连续出版物的题名,直接输入需要打印的内容。journaltitle,journalsubtitle域类似处理。
+   \item[version] 用于report和manual的版本信息,直接输入需要打印的内容。
+其著录格式为(参考GB/T 7714-2015第4.2节):\\
+author.title[usera]//bookauthor.booktitle:booktitleaddon.edition.address 或location:publisher,date或year:pages[urldate].url.doi
+其著录格式为(参考GB/T 7714-2015第4.3节):\\
+author.title:subtitle或titleaddon[usera].year或date,volume(number)-endyear, endvolume(endnumber).address或location:publisher,date或year[urldate].url.doi
+需要注意: 因为连续出版物可能用到两个日期,两个卷,两个期,所以录入数据时需要特别处理。不需要录入endyear等信息,只需要在到year或date域录入日期,由biber自动解析,两个日期之间用/分隔。而卷和期由于可能有合订模式,合订卷期之间用/分隔,参考GB/T 7714-2015第8.8.3节,需要解析范围的卷和期,录入到volume和number域时,两个不同的值用-分隔。\emph{这里对于卷和期的解析所采用的函数利用了李志齐所编写的样式文件中的函数,特此说明,表示感谢!}
+其著录格式为(参考GB/T 7714-2015第4.4节):\\
+需要注意:由于biblatex不支持newspaper article条目类型,所以条目类型报纸析出的文献用article表示,但使用note域等于news作为一个区分,当note域数据存在且内容等于news时,就将其作为报纸的析出文献进行处理。报纸文献类型标识用N表示。
+其著录格式为(参考GB/T 7714-2015第4.5节):\\
+其著录格式为(参考GB/T 7714-2015第4.6节):\\
+以上是GB/T 7714-2015直接给出的条目类型,但还有一些类型并没有给出著录格式,但在例子中也有所体现,本bbx文件根据这些例子,给出了著录格式。
+其著录格式为,直接采用report格式,而不是标准样式中的manual格式,这种方式下,当没有出版地和出版者时,完全省略,因为GB/T 7714-2015并没有明确这种情况怎么处理。
+需要注意: report和manual的版本信息放在version域中,而不是book等条目的edition域中。report的机构采用的是institution域,而manual默认是organization域,为了直接使用report的样式,可以把organization域转成institution域。而档案就直接用手册表示。
+\subsection{GB/T 7714-2015著录格式中一些注意点}
+某些期刊对于参考文献有双语文献要求,那么可以通过set条目类进行设置,对于专著和连续出版物的析出文献来说有可能是常用的。具体要求,参考GB/T 7714-2015第6.1节。
+5. 专著,双语文献引用\cite{bilangyi2013}
+ at Set{set1,
+entryset = {key1,key2,key3},
+ at Set{bilangyi2013,
+entryset = {易仕和2013--,Yi2013--},
+著录数字时,请按照GB/T 7714-2015第6.2节要求用阿拉伯数字表示。版次的格式,由bbx样式文件处理,只要给出版次的整数数字,当然也可以由直接给出需要的打印文字。为了符合西文文献字母大小写习惯,本bbx样式文件,通过判断是否存在first name来确定是否是个人作者,当存在first name时认为是个人作者,不存在则是机构作者,当是个人作者时lastname按GB/T 7714-2015要求全大写,是机构作者则仅大写首字母。所以对于仅有lastname的个人作者,填入信息英文姓的字母请全用大写。个人著者的格式要求参考GB/T 7714-2015第6.3节。
+对于出版项和西文期刊名具体的缩写要求和西文文献的字母大小写的要求,本bbx样式文件使用原样打印,因此请按照GB/T 7714-2015第6.4节,第6.5节,6.6节要求,使用符合要求的习惯用法。
+符号设置采用了符合GB/T 7714-2015第7部分著录用符号要求的设置。用户给bib文件填入引文信息时不需要考虑标点符号问题,只需录入各数据域的信息即可。
+责任者样式实现了符合GB/T 7714-2015第8.1节要求的设置,并且自动判断作者是中文还是英文,并分别处理。而当责任者为多级机关团体时,用户填入auther数据信息时,请按照GB/T 7714-2015第8.1.4节要求,用英文句点.号分隔。当责任者是个人英文名,且因为名具有名、姓、前缀和后缀,那么需要特定的格式,才能正确解析,比如:von Peebles, Jr., P. Z.,其中von为姓前的前缀,Jr.为姓后的后缀,P. Z.为缩写名(包括first name 和middle name),当存在前缀时,在样式文件中设置了全局选项useprefix=true。
+题名样式实现了符合GB/T 7714-2015第8.2节要求的设置,并根据条目类型直接给出文献类型标识/文献载体标识并设置给自定义域usera,并在biblatex的参考文献条目驱动中直接使用,用户在录入引文信息时不需要给出该标识。各不同类型文献的文献类型标识/文献载体标识,参考GB/T 7714-2015表B.1和B.2。同一责任者的合订题名,请用户根据GB/T 7714-2015第8.2.1节的要求,在多个题名间用英文分号分隔,并整体录入到title数据域中。著录分卷号,卷次,册次等信息,除了专利号用number域录入外,其它可以直接在title数据域或者subtitle/titleaddon等数据域中给出。
+如第2条所说,版本说明实现了符合GB/T 7714-2015第8.3节要求的设置,对于一般的版式格式,只需要在edition域输入整数的版本号即可,若有特殊的版本说明,比如新1版,明刻本等直接在edition域输入需要打印的内容即可。
+出版项格式实现了符合GB/T 7714-2015第8.4节要求的设置。当出版地和出版者缺省时,自动对中英版本分别处理。当出版日期有其它形式的纪年时,将其置于公元纪年后面的()内,并整体录入year或date数据域,比如1845(清同治四年)。引用日期录入到urldate数据域,当除了出版日期外还有公告日期等时,可在year或date数据域录入两个日期用/符号隔开,biblatex后端biber能自动解析,后一个日期数据自动解析到endyear等域可作为公告日期等使用。
+页码格式实现了符合GB/T 7714-2015第8.5节要求的设置。页码可以在pages域中根据需要录入可解析的页码(即用整数和表示范围的-描述页码范围),也可以直接录入需要输出的信息,比如序2-3等,如此则原样输出。
+获取和访问路径,数字对象唯一标识符格式实现了符合GB/T 7714-2015第8.6,8.7节要求的设置。访问路径录入到url域中,数字对象唯一标识符格式录入到doi域中即可。
+顺序编码制的引用样式文件为gb7714\_2015.cbx。该样式大体使用标准引用样式numeric-comp的内容。仅对cite,parencite进行了修改,将其原来在行中的位置改到上标中。为满足GB/T 7714-2015第10.1.3节的要求,增加了pagescite命令。
+5. 不带页码的引用\cite{Peebles2001-100-100}\parencite{Miroslav2004--}
+6. 带页码的引用\cite[见][49页]{蔡敏2006--}\parencite[见][49页]{Miroslav2004--}
+作者年制的引用样式文件为gb7714\_2015ay.cbx。该样式大体使用标准引用样式authoryear的内容。仅对cite,parencite进行了修改,将引用标签用括号括起来。为满足GB/T 7714-2015第10.2.4节的要求,增加了pagescite命令。
+5. 不带页码的引用\cite{Peebles2001-100-100}\parencite{Miroslav2004--}
+6. 带页码的引用\cite[见][49页]{蔡敏2006--}\parencite[见][49页]{Miroslav2004--}
+1. 专著引用测试有信息缺省的情况
+\cite{余敏2001-179-193,余敏2001-179-193a,余敏2001-179-193b,booknoauthor,booknodate,booknolocation,booknopublisher,booknopages, 余敏2001-179-193c}
+2. 个人作者判断和英文文献信息缺省情况
+3. 专著更多引用
+4. 专著,双语文献引用\cite{bilangyi2013}
+5. 专著,带前后缀的作者名\cite{Peebles2001-100-100}
+6. 带页码的引用
+1. 专著的析出文献\cite{马克思2013-302-302}\cite{王夫之2011-1109-1109}
+1. 标准引用\cite{book3}
+1. 汇编文集类似于book和inbook
+1. 期刊完整引用\cite{periodical2}\cite{中华医学会湖北分会1984--}
+1. 期刊文章引用\cite{Chiani2003-840-845}
+2. doi和卷期样式\cite{储大同2010-721-724}
+3. 双语言引用\cite{bilangchenzhang}
+4. 合期期刊\cite{储大同2010-721-724m}
+5. 报纸引用\cite{傅刚2000--}
+1. 专利引用\cite{patent3}\cite{patent2}
+1. 电子资源\cite{Alliance--,online1,online2,online3}\cite{OMG2003--}
+1. 学位论文引用\cite{张若凌2004--}\cite{athesis1}
+1. 技术报告引用\cite{Eggrers--,Humphrey1971--}
+2. 手册引用\cite{Robertson2011--}
+3. 档案引用\cite{中国第一历史档案馆2001--}
+4. 未出版物引用\cite{包太雷2013--}
+biber file.tex --output-format=bibtex
+8.注意: 因为texlive的升级,biblatex版本升级后对于DeclareNameFormat的输入参数有了修改,比如:
+for biblatex version 3.0
+#1 The last names.
+#2 The last names, given as initials.
+#3 The first names.
+#4 The first names, given as initials.
+#5 The name prefixes,
+#6 The name prefixes, given as initials.
+#7 The name affixes,
+#8 The name affixes, given as initials.
+for biblatex version 3.4
+9. \textcolor{red}{\HandRight \heiti 【Most Important】【注意】:当在顺序编码和作者年制的切换使用时,如果出错,可先清理一下辅助文件,清理完后,重新编译即可。}
+10. {\heiti biber中的拼音排序,这个问题可以参考Casper Ti. Vector在biblatex 参考文献和引用样式: caspervector v0.2.6中的方法。对于排序机制我并不是太懂,所以直接引用Casper Ti. Vector的方法,特此说明,表示感谢!}
+biber -l zh__pinyin jobname
+biber -l zh__stroke jobname
+对于GB/T 7714-2015中的顺序年制参考文献按文种集合的要求,从例子看中文在前英文在后,通过定义
+11. 因为采用xelatex编译,所以样式文件直接采用UTF-8编码,没有考虑GBK编码。
+12. 目前符合GB/T7714 2005或GB/T7714 2015参考文献录入要求的biblatex样式有好几个实现,除了这里作者提供的之外,还有李志奇(icetea)\footnote{\url{http://bbs.ctex.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=74474}} 和沈周(szsdk)\footnote{\url{http://bbs.ctex.org/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=152561&extra=page\%3D1}} 分别提供的样式文件,效果是类似的,也感谢两位作者的分享!。
+13. 需要注意:当bibtex键是含有中文的时候,texlive2015中的biblatex3.0版的对参考文献条目的超链接会出现问题,而texlive2016中的biblatex3.4版则没有问题。
+14. 关于出版地和出版者同时缺省的情况,GB/T 7714-2015中没有给出明确的说明,但英文给出了一个例子(见附录A.3)而中文没有,英文的样式是[S.l. : s.n.],这种形式本样式文件中没有给出,而直接用两者分开的形式,[S.l.] : [s.n.],事实上这里作者认为没有必要把s.l.和s.n.合起来,不仅与缺省两者之一的情况不统一,样式处理起来也增加不必要的麻烦。
+1. 当作者多于3个需要添加等或et al.时,如果作者的姓名是用\{\}包起来的,可能判断会出错
+2. 顺序年制中当不存在著者信息时,如果用佚名或者no author,本样式文件中没有实现。怎么在数据进来后,给一些域添加信息?在biber处理过程中根据一些判断添加信息?
+3. 顺序年制引用标签时,文中已经存在作者名的,标签只需要写年份,这个需要定义一个新的yearcite命令,是容易实现的,但这里没有实现。
+4. shorthand的问题没有遇到,但可能会有一些花样在里面。
+5. backref的格式也可以修改一下。
+6. 当专著同时存在作者和编者的时候,gbt 7714-2015没有明确的规定,所以目前样式文件中以biblatex标准样式的方式处理,这种处理因为与本地化相关,所以直接应用是不好看的,需要修改。
+1. 打算翻译biblatex宏包的说明文档和biber的说明文档,这个已经在进行中,完成了一部分,但因为只是业余时间做,可能最终完成的时间会比较长。如果有朋友觉得这个事情有意义,愿意一起来完成这个事情,非常欢迎,请email联系。
+2. 进一步完善上一节提到的问题。
+%\ifx\abx at version\versionstr
+%\ifx\abx at version\versionstra
+\def\numinteger{\expandafter\numparserta\abx at version\relax}
+\def\numdigital{\expandafter\numparsertb\abx at version\relax}
+    %修改序号标签格式为左对齐,注意各参考文献内容还是对齐的,
+    %这样就会使得序号标签与参考文献内容的间隔增大,这个问题是没有办法解决的
+    %因为采用list做具有一定宽度的序号标签,\labelwidth只能设置一个,且是最宽的标签的宽度
+    %但总的来说参考文献内容对齐是合理和漂亮的,
+    %而标签则只能对齐一个方向,要么左对齐要么右对齐,看个人选择了。
+    %\DeclareFieldFormat{shorthandwidth}{\mkbibbrackets{#1}} %源来自numeric.BBX
+    \DeclareFieldFormat{labelnumberwidth}{\mkbibbrackets{#1}\hfill}
+1. 去掉texlive2016和texlive2015选项,直接根据biblatex宏包的版本进行判断。
+    \textcolor{red}{\HandRight \heiti 【Most Important】【注意】:texlive2015中的biblatex版本是3.0,texlive2016中biblatex的版本是3.4,两者对于名字域打印格式的输入参数有略微的差异,所以相应的样式文件也需要修改。为此增加两个宏包选项,一个texlive2016,一个是texlive2015。当使用texlive2016时,请使用texlive2016选项,其它情况下请带上选项texlive2015。比如:}
+    \begin{codetex}{使用2016版texlive时带选项texlive2016}{eg:optional:2016}
+    \usepackage[backend=biber,texlive2016,style=gb7714_2015]{biblatex}
+    \end{codetex}
+    \begin{codetex}{使用非2016版texlive时带选项texlive2015}{eg:optional:2015}
+    \usepackage[backend=biber,texlive2015,style=gb7714_2015]{biblatex}
+    \end{codetex}
+    \textcolor{red}{\HandRight \heiti 【Most Important】【注意】:texlive2015中的biblatex版本是3.0,texlive2016中biblatex的版本是3.4,新版本对于名字域打印有了较大变化,所以需做相应的修改,为此在biblatex中首先进行版本判断,然后根据版本不同进行不同的处理。}
+2. 增加了unpublished条目类型驱动,并按报告report进行处理,但文献标识码用Z表示其它。
+1. 增加了pagescite命令,实现GB/T7714 2015对于引用标注中输出页码的特殊格式要求。
+2. 测试了texlive2015,texlive2016,发现其中关于名字域格式的差异,并作出修改。增加了两个宏包选项,一个是texlive2016,另一个是texlive2015。使用texlive2016版本时,带选项texlive2016即可,其它情况带选项texlive2015
+2.利用范围解析函数,可对卷期等进行解析,并按GB/T7714 2015要求输出。
+1.实现GB/T7714 2015要求的参考文献著录格式。

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/biblatex-gb7714-2015.tex
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Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/biblatex-gb7714-2015/paperone.bib
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@@ -0,0 +1,2500 @@
+% This file was created with JabRef 2.11.
+% Encoding: UTF8
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+  Title                    = {密码学与数学},
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+  Title                    = {亚洲地层与地质历史概述},
+  Author                   = {亚洲地质图编目组},
+  Pages                    = {194-208},
+  Volume                   = {3},
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+  Journaltitle             = {地质学报},
+  Language                 = {cn},
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+ at Article{aarticle5,
+  Title                    = {Technical services in 1983},
+  Author                   = {J A HEWITT},
+  Number                   = {3},
+  Pages                    = {205-218},
+  Volume                   = {28},
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+  Journaltitle             = {Library Resource Services},
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+ at Article{Andersen1995-42-49,
+  Title                    = {Propagation measurements and models for wireless communications channels},
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+  Journal                  = {IEEE Commun. Mag.},
+  Year                     = {1995},
+  Number                   = {1},
+  Pages                    = {42-49},
+  Volume                   = {33}
+ at Article{Andrisano1998-1383-1401,
+  Title                    = {Millimeter waves for short-range multimedia communication systems},
+  Author                   = {Andrisano, O. and Tralli, V. and Verdone, R.},
+  Journal                  = {Proc. IEEE},
+  Year                     = {1998},
+  Number                   = {7},
+  Pages                    = {1383-1401},
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+ at Article{aonline1,
+  Title                    = {互联网环境下的信息处理与图书管理系统解决方案},
+  Author                   = {江向东},
+  Number                   = {2},
+  Pages                    = {4},
+  Volume                   = {18},
+  Date                     = {1999},
+  Journaltitle             = {情报学报},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Url                      = {http://www.chinainfo.gov.cn/periodical/qbxb/qbxb99/qbxb990203},
+  Urldate                  = {2000-01-18},
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+  Title                    = {Plant physiology:plant biology in the Genome Era},
+  Author                   = {M CHRISTINE},
+  Pages                    = {331-332},
+  Volume                   = {281},
+  Date                     = {1998},
+  Journaltitle             = {Science},
+  Url                      = {http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/anatmorp},
+  Urldate                  = {1998-09-23},
+  Usera                    = {J/OL}
+ at Article{article1,
+  Title                    = {气候学研究的若干理论问题},
+  Author                   = {李晓东 and 张庆红 and 叶瑾琳},
+  Number                   = {1},
+  Pages                    = {101-106},
+  Volume                   = {35},
+  Date                     = {1999},
+  Journaltitle             = {北京大学学报},
+  Journaltitleaddon        = {自然科学版},
+  Language                 = {cn},
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+  Title                    = {元谋人牙齿测量数据的统计分析及其在分类研究上的意义},
+  Author                   = {刘武 and 郑良 and 姜础},
+  Number                   = {23},
+  Pages                    = {2481-2488},
+  Volume                   = {44},
+  Date                     = {1999},
+  Journaltitle             = {科学通报},
+  Language                 = {cn},
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+ at Article{article4,
+  Title                    = {数字式中文全球文献格式的设计与研究},
+  Author                   = {莫少强},
+  Number                   = {4},
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+  Journaltitle             = {情报学报},
+  Language                 = {cn},
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+  Title                    = {Shaking without quaking},
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+  Title                    = {Cooperation enforcement and learning for optimizing packet forwarding in autonomous wireless networks},
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+  Journal                  = {Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on},
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+  Volume                   = {7},
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+  Title                    = {The information needs of historians},
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+  Title                    = {Morphology and genesis of nodular chalks and hardgrounds in the Upper
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+  Author                   = {W. J. KENNEDY and R. E. GARRISON},
+  Pages                    = {311-386},
+  Volume                   = {22},
+  Date                     = {1975},
+  Journaltitle             = {Sedimentology},
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+ at Article{ay4,
+  Title                    = {Morphology and genesis of nodular chalks and hardgrounds in the Upper
+ Cretacesous of southern England},
+  Author                   = {W. J. KENNEDY and R. E. GARRISON},
+  Pages                    = {339-360},
+  Volume                   = {8},
+  Date                     = {1975},
+  Journaltitle             = {Lethaia},
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+  Title                    = {中国的青年刊物},
+  Author                   = {刘彻东},
+  Number                   = {5},
+  Pages                    = {38-39},
+  Date                     = {1998},
+  Journaltitle             = {中国出版},
+  Titleaddon               = {个性特色为本},
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+ at Article{Chiani1998-2998-3008,
+  Title                    = {Error probability for block codes over channels with block interference},
+  Author                   = {Chiani, M.},
+  Journal                  = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory},
+  Year                     = {1998},
+  Number                   = {7},
+  Pages                    = {2998-3008},
+  Volume                   = {44}
+ at Article{Chiani2003-840-845,
+  Title                    = {New exponential bounds and approximations for the computation of error probability in fading channels},
+  Author                   = {Chiani, M. and Dardari, D. and Simon,M. K.},
+  Journal                  = {IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.},
+  Year                     = {2003},
+  Number                   = {4},
+  Pages                    = {840-845},
+  Volume                   = {2}
+ at Article{Chiani2004-1312-1318,
+  Title                    = {Further results on convolutional code search for blockfading channels},
+  Author                   = {Chiani, M. and Conti,A. and Tralli, V.},
+  Journal                  = {IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Number                   = {6},
+  Pages                    = {1312-1318},
+  Volume                   = {50}
+ at Article{Chiani2009-231-254,
+  Title                    = {Coexistence between UWB and narrow-band wireless communication systems},
+  Author                   = {Chiani, M. and Giorgetti, A.},
+  Journal                  = {Proc. IEEE, Special Issue on UWB Technology and Emerging Applications},
+  Year                     = {2009},
+  Number                   = {2},
+  Pages                    = {231-254},
+  Volume                   = {97}
+ at Article{Coulson2004-2277-2287,
+  Title                    = {Narrowband interference in pilot symbol assisted OFDM systems},
+  Author                   = {Coulson, A. J.},
+  Journal                  = {IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Number                   = {6},
+  Pages                    = {2277-2287},
+  Volume                   = {3}
+ at Article{Coulson2006-2484-2492,
+  Title                    = {Bit error rate performance of OFDM in narrowband interference with excision filtering},
+  Author                   = {Coulson, A. J.},
+  Journal                  = {IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun.},
+  Year                     = {2006},
+  Number                   = {9},
+  Pages                    = {2484-2492},
+  Volume                   = {5}
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+  Author                   = {S. A. YUFIN},
+  Publisher                = {A. A. Balkema},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Location                 = {Rotterdam},
+  Titleaddon               = {proceedings of the Third International Conference on Advances of
+ Computer Methods in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
+ Engineering, Moscow, Russia, February 1-4, 2000},
+  Usera                    = {C}
+ at Book{book3,
+  Title                    = {GB/T 5795--1986 中国标准书号},
+  Author                   = {全国文献工作标准化委员会第七分委员会},
+  Publisher                = {中国标准出版社},
+  Year                     = {1986},
+  Note                     = {standard},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at Book{book4,
+  Title                    = {信息技术与信息服务国际研讨会论文集},
+  Author                   = {辛希孟},
+  Publisher                = {中国社会科学出版社},
+  Year                     = {1994},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Titleaddon               = {A集},
+  Usera                    = {C}
+ at Book{book5,
+  Title                    = {汉语变调构词研究},
+  Author                   = {孙玉文},
+  Publisher                = {北京大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Usera                    = {D}
+ at Book{bookadd1,
+  Title                    = {鸟哥的linux私房菜},
+  Author                   = {鸟哥},
+  Publisher                = {人民邮电出版社},
+  Edition                  = {3},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Usera                    = {M}
+ at Book{booknoauthor,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {179-193}
+ at Book{booknodate,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {179-193}
+ at Book{booknolocation,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Pages                    = {179-193}
+ at Book{booknopages,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Url                      = {www.bla~bla.org}
+ at Book{booknopublisher,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {179-193}
+ at Book{CRAWFPRD1995--,
+  Title                    = {Future libraries:dreams, maddness, \& reality},
+  Author                   = {W CRAWFPRD and M GORMAN},
+  Publisher                = {American Library Association},
+  Date                     = {1995},
+  Location                 = {Chicago}
+ at Book{GPS1988--,
+  Title                    = {外国出版史},
+  Author                   = {昂温, G and 昂温, P S},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Year                     = {1988},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Translator               = {陈生诤}
+ at Book{Gradshteyn2000--,
+  Title                    = {Tables of Integrals, Series, and Products},
+  Author                   = {Gradshteyn, I. S. and Ryzhik,I. M.},
+  Publisher                = {CA: Academic Press, Inc.},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Address                  = {San Diego},
+  Edition                  = {Sixth Edition}
+ at Book{IFLAI1977--,
+  Title                    = {Names of persons: national usages for entry in catalogues},
+  Author                   = {{International Federation of Library Association and Institutions}},
+  Publisher                = {IFLA International Office for UBC},
+  Year                     = {1977},
+  Edition                  = {3},
+  Location                 = {London}
+ at Book{Kinchy2012-50-50,
+  Title                    = {Seeds, Sciences, and struggle : the global politics of transgenic crops},
+  Author                   = {Kinchy, A.},
+  Publisher                = {MIT Press},
+  Year                     = {2012},
+  Address                  = {Cambridge,Mass.},
+  Pages                    = {50},
+  Url                      = {http://lib.myilibary.com},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-07-14}
+ at Book{Lin2004--,
+  Title                    = {Error Control Coding},
+  Author                   = {Lin, S. and Daniel Costello,J.},
+  Publisher                = {NJ:Prentice Hall},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Address                  = {Englewood Cliffs},
+  Edition                  = {Second Edition}
+ at Book{Miroslav2004--,
+  Title                    = {信号处理滤波器设计-基于matlab和mathematica的设计方法},
+  Author                   = {Miroslav, D. L. and Dejan, V. T. and Brian, L. E.},
+  Publisher                = {电子工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {1},
+  Translator               = {朱义胜 and 董辉}
+ at Book{Mittelbach2004--,
+  Title                    = {The LaTeX Companion},
+  Author                   = {Frank Mittelbach and Michel Goossens and Johannes Braams and David Carlisle and Chris Rowley},
+  Publisher                = {Addison-Wesley},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Address                  = {Boston},
+  Edition                  = {Second Edition}
+ at Book{OBRIEN1994--,
+  Title                    = {Introduction to information systems},
+  Author                   = {J A O'BRIEN},
+  Publisher                = {Irwin},
+  Edition                  = {7},
+  Date                     = {1994},
+  Location                 = {Burr Ridge, III.}
+ at Book{Parsons2000--,
+  Title                    = {The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel},
+  Author                   = {Parsons, J. D.},
+  Publisher                = {John Wiley and Sons},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Address                  = {Hoboken},
+  Edition                  = {2}
+ at Book{Parsons2000a--,
+  Title                    = {The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel},
+  Author                   = {PARSONS},
+  Publisher                = {John Wiley and Sons},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Address                  = {Hoboken},
+  Edition                  = {2}
+ at Book{Parsons2000b--,
+  Title                    = {The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel},
+  Author                   = {Parsons},
+  Publisher                = {John Wiley and Sons},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Address                  = {Hoboken},
+  Edition                  = {2}
+ at Book{Parsons2000noauthor--,
+  Title                    = {The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel},
+  Publisher                = {John Wiley and Sons},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Address                  = {Hoboken},
+  Edition                  = {2}
+ at Book{Parsons2000nodate--,
+  Title                    = {The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel},
+  Author                   = {Parsons, J. D.},
+  Publisher                = {John Wiley and Sons},
+  Address                  = {Hoboken},
+  Edition                  = {2}
+ at Book{Parsons2000noloc--,
+  Title                    = {The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel},
+  Author                   = {Parsons, J. D.},
+  Publisher                = {John Wiley and Sons},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Edition                  = {2}
+ at Book{Parsons2000nopub--,
+  Title                    = {The Mobile Radio Propagation Channel},
+  Author                   = {Parsons, J. D.},
+  Year                     = {2000},
+  Address                  = {Hoboken},
+  Edition                  = {2}
+ at Book{PEEBLES2001--,
+  Title                    = {Probability, random variable and random signal principles},
+  Author                   = {PEEBLES, Jr., P Z},
+  Publisher                = {McGraw Hill},
+  Year                     = {2001},
+  Edition                  = {4},
+  Location                 = {New York}
+ at Book{Peebles2001-100-100,
+  Title                    = {Probability, random variable, and random signal Principles},
+  Author                   = {von Peebles, Jr., P. Z.},
+  Publisher                = {McGraw-Hill},
+  Year                     = {2001},
+  Address                  = {New York},
+  Edition                  = {4},
+  Pages                    = {100}
+ at Book{PIGGOT1990--,
+  Title                    = {The cataloguer's way through AACR2: from document receipt to document retrieval},
+  Author                   = {T. M. PIGGOT},
+  Publisher                = {The Library Association},
+  Year                     = {1990},
+  Location                 = {London}
+ at Book{Poisel2013--,
+  Title                    = {通信电子战原理},
+  Author                   = {Poisel, Richard A.},
+  Publisher                = {电子工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Edition                  = {2版},
+  Month                    = {1},
+  Pages                    = {23--26},
+  Translator               = {聂皞 and 王振华 and 陈少昌 and 吴利民},
+  Url                      = {http://www.baidu.com},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-08-01}
+ at Book{Praetzellis2011-13-13,
+  Title                    = {death by theory: a tale of mystery and archaeological theory},
+  Author                   = {Praetzellis, A.},
+  Publisher                = {Rowman \& Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc.},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Edition                  = {Rev. ed.},
+  Pages                    = {13},
+  Url                      = {http://lib.myilibrary.com},
+  Urldate                  = {2012-07-26}
+ at Book{Proakis2007--,
+  Title                    = {Digital signal processing: Principles,algorithms, and applications},
+  Author                   = {Proakis, J. G. AND Manolakis, D. G.},
+  Publisher                = {电子工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2007},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Edition                  = {第4版}
+ at Book{Reed2005--,
+  Title                    = {An Introduction to Ultrawideband Communication Systems},
+  Author                   = {Reed, J. H.},
+  Publisher                = {NJ: Prentice Hall},
+  Year                     = {2005},
+  Address                  = {Upper Saddle River}
+ at Book{Ross2010--,
+  Title                    = {概率论基础教程},
+  Author                   = {Ross, S. M.},
+  Publisher                = {人民邮电出版社},
+  Year                     = {2010},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Edition                  = {第8版},
+  Month                    = {4},
+  Language                 = {chinese},
+  Translator               = {郑忠国 and 詹从赞}
+ at Book{Simon2001--,
+  Title                    = {Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook},
+  Author                   = {Simon, M. K. and Omura,J. K. and Scholtz,R. A. and Levitt,B. K.},
+  Publisher                = {McGraw-Hill, Inc.},
+  Year                     = {2001},
+  Address                  = {New York City},
+  Language                 = {english}
+ at Book{Simon2004--,
+  Title                    = {Digital Communication over Fading Channels},
+  Author                   = {Simon, M. K. and Alouini,M-S.},
+  Publisher                = {NJ: Wiley-IEEE Press},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Address                  = {Hoboken}
+ at Book{standardinfoiso158,
+  Title                    = {Information and documdocument-the Dublin core metadata element set:ISO 15836:2009},
+  Note                     = {standard},
+  Url                      = {http://www.iso.org},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-03-24}
+ at Book{Stueber2001--,
+  Title                    = {Principles of Mobile Communication},
+  Author                   = {Stüber, G. L.},
+  Publisher                = {MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers},
+  Year                     = {2001},
+  Address                  = {Norwell},
+  Edition                  = {Second Edition}
+ at Book{Yi2013--,
+  Title                    = {Supersonic and hypersonic nozzle design},
+  Author                   = {Yi, S H and Zhao, Y X and He, L and Zhang, M L},
+  Publisher                = {National Defense Industry Press},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Address                  = {BeiJing}
+ at Book{《空军装备系列丛书》编审委员会2009--,
+  Title                    = {电子对抗装备},
+  Author                   = {《空军装备系列丛书》编审委员会},
+  Publisher                = {航空工业出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2009-01}
+ at Book{埃伯哈德$ullet$蔡德勒等2012--,
+  Title                    = {数学指南-实用数学手册},
+  Author                   = {埃伯哈德$\bullet$蔡德勒等},
+  Publisher                = {科学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2012},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {1},
+  Translator               = {李文林等}
+ at Book{蔡敏2006--,
+  Title                    = {UML基础和Rose建模教程},
+  Author                   = {蔡敏 and 徐慧慧 and 黄柄强},
+  Publisher                = {人民邮电出版社},
+  Year                     = {2006},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {1}
+ at Book{车建国1999--,
+  Title                    = {防空兵技术装备作战运用概论},
+  Author                   = {车建国},
+  Publisher                = {郑州防空兵学院},
+  Year                     = {1999},
+  Month                    = {12},
+  Series                   = {防空兵作战指挥丛书}
+ at Book{陈希孺2009--,
+  Title                    = {概率论与数理统计},
+  Author                   = {陈希孺},
+  Publisher                = {中国科学技术大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2009},
+  Address                  = {合肥},
+  Month                    = {2}
+ at Book{陈志杰2006--,
+  Title                    = {LaTeX 入门与提高},
+  Author                   = {陈志杰 and 赵书钦 and 李树钧 and 万福永},
+  Publisher                = {高等教育出版社},
+  Year                     = {2010},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Edition                  = {第二版},
+  Month                    = {5}
+ at Book{樊昌信2005--,
+  Title                    = {通信原理教程},
+  Author                   = {樊昌信},
+  Publisher                = {电子工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2005},
+  Address                  = {北京}
+ at Book{顾炎武1982--,
+  Title                    = {昌平山水记},
+  Author                   = {顾炎武},
+  Publisher                = {北京古籍出版社},
+  Year                     = {1982},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Titleaddon               = {东京考古录}
+ at Book{郭文彬2006--,
+  Title                    = {通信原理--基于Matlab的计算机仿真},
+  Author                   = {郭文彬 and 桑林},
+  Publisher                = {北京邮电大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2006},
+  Address                  = {北京}
+ at Book{国家环境保护局科技标准司1996-2-3,
+  Title                    = {土壤环境质量标准:GB 15616-1995},
+  Author                   = {国家环境保护局科技标准司},
+  Publisher                = {中国标准出版社},
+  Year                     = {1996},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Note                     = {standard},
+  Pages                    = {2-3},
+  Url                      = {http://wenku.baidu.com},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-10-14}
+ at Book{候文顺2010-119-119,
+  Title                    = {高分子物理:高分子材料分析、选择与改性},
+  Author                   = {候文顺},
+  Publisher                = {化学工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2010},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {119},
+  Url                      = {http://apabi.lib.pku.edu.cn},
+  Urldate                  = {2012-11-27}
+ at Book{胡承正2010-112-112,
+  Title                    = {理论物理概论:上},
+  Author                   = {胡承正 and 周详 and 缪灵},
+  Publisher                = {武汉大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2010},
+  Address                  = {武汉},
+  Pages                    = {112}
+ at Book{胡广书2012--,
+  Title                    = {数字信号处理—理论、算法与实现},
+  Author                   = {胡广书},
+  Publisher                = {清华大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2012},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Edition                  = {第三版},
+  Month                    = {10}
+ at Book{胡伟2011--,
+  Title                    = {LATEX2ε完全学习手册},
+  Author                   = {胡伟},
+  Publisher                = {清华大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {1}
+ at Book{华锋2014--,
+  Title                    = {空中进攻作战中的电子对抗航空兵作战运用},
+  Author                   = {华锋},
+  Publisher                = {蓝天出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2014-01}
+ at Book{蒋有绪1998--,
+  Title                    = {中国森林群落分类及其群落学特征},
+  Author                   = {蒋有绪 and 郭泉水 and 马娟 and others},
+  Publisher                = {科学出版社},
+  Year                     = {1998},
+  Address                  = {北京}
+ at Book{库恩2012--,
+  Title                    = {科学革命的结构:第4版},
+  Author                   = {库恩},
+  Publisher                = {北京大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2012},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Edition                  = {2},
+  Translator               = {金吾伦 and 胡新和}
+ at Book{李云霞2009--,
+  Title                    = {光电对抗原理与应用},
+  Author                   = {李云霞 and 蒙文 and 马丽华 and 赵尚弘},
+  Publisher                = {西安电子科技大学出版社},
+  Address                  = {西安},
+  Date                     = {2009-02}
+ at Book{廖平2012--,
+  Title                    = {导弹突防中的电子对抗技术},
+  Author                   = {廖平 and 姜勤波},
+  Publisher                = {国防工业出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2012-01}
+ at Book{刘海洋2013--,
+  Title                    = {LaTeX 入门},
+  Author                   = {刘海洋},
+  Publisher                = {电子工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {6}
+ at Book{刘继忠2013--,
+  Title                    = {弹道导弹},
+  Author                   = {刘继忠 and 王晓东 and 高磊 and others},
+  Publisher                = {国防工业出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2013-11}
+ at Book{刘璘2007--,
+  Title                    = {航空电子对抗设备},
+  Author                   = {刘璘},
+  Publisher                = {中国人民解放军空军装备部},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2007-03}
+ at Book{罗斯基2009--,
+  Title                    = {战前中国经济的增长},
+  Author                   = {罗斯基},
+  Publisher                = {浙江大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2009},
+  Address                  = {杭州},
+  Translator               = {唐巧天 and 毛立坤 and 姜修宪}
+ at Book{美国妇产科医师学会2010-38-39,
+  Title                    = {新生儿脑病和脑性瘫痪发病机制与病理生理},
+  Author                   = {美国妇产科医师学会},
+  Publisher                = {人民卫生出版社},
+  Year                     = {2010},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {38-39},
+  Translator               = {段涛 and 杨慧霞}
+ at Book{全国广播电视标准化技术委员会2007-1-1,
+  Title                    = {广播电视音像资料编目规范:第2部分~ 广播资料:GY/T202.2-2007},
+  Author                   = {全国广播电视标准化技术委员会},
+  Publisher                = {国家广播电影电视局广播电视规划院},
+  Year                     = {2007},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Note                     = {standard},
+  Pages                    = {1}
+ at Book{全国信息文献标准化技术委员会2010-3-3,
+  Title                    = {文献著录:第4部分~ 非书资料:GB/T3792.4-2009},
+  Author                   = {全国信息文献标准化技术委员会},
+  Publisher                = {中国标准出版社},
+  Year                     = {2010},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Note                     = {standard},
+  Pages                    = {3}
+ at Book{全军军事术语管理委员会2011--,
+  Title                    = {中国人民解放军军语(全本)},
+  Author                   = {全军军事术语管理委员会 and 军事科学院},
+  Publisher                = {军事科学院出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2011-12}
+ at Book{沙自平2001--,
+  Title                    = {高技术条件下局部战争电子战战法},
+  Author                   = {沙自平},
+  Publisher                = {解放军出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2001-05}
+ at Book{同济大学数学系2014--,
+  Title                    = {高等数学},
+  Author                   = {同济大学数学系},
+  Publisher                = {高等教育出版社},
+  Year                     = {2014},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {7}
+ at Book{汪昂1881--,
+  Title                    = {增订本草备要:四卷},
+  Author                   = {汪昂},
+  Publisher                = {老二酉堂},
+  Year                     = {1881(清光绪七年)},
+  Address                  = {京都},
+  Edition                  = {刻本},
+  Location                 = {上海}
+ at Book{王夫之1845--,
+  Title                    = {宋论},
+  Author                   = {王夫之},
+  Publisher                = {曾氏},
+  Year                     = {1845(清同治四年)},
+  Edition                  = {刻本},
+  Location                 = {金陵}
+ at Book{王雪松2010--,
+  Title                    = {现代雷达电子战系统建模与仿真},
+  Author                   = {王雪松 and 肖顺平 and 冯德军 and 赵锋},
+  Publisher                = {电子工业出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2010-03}
+ at Book{武文军2012--,
+  Title                    = {美军空袭平台与空袭兵器作战运用研究},
+  Author                   = {武文军 and 王建和 and 操红武},
+  Publisher                = {蓝天出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2012-09}
+ at Book{徐贤胜2010--,
+  Title                    = {陆军信息化武器装备作战效能评估理论与方法研究},
+  Author                   = {徐贤胜},
+  Publisher                = {海潮出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2010-01}
+ at Book{阎毅2013--,
+  Title                    = {软件无线电与认知无线电概论},
+  Author                   = {阎毅 and 贺鹏飞},
+  Publisher                = {电子工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {1}
+ at Book{杨林2015--,
+  Title                    = {面向对象软件工程与UML实践教程},
+  Author                   = {杨林 and 叶亚琴 and 方芳},
+  Publisher                = {科学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2015},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {1}
+ at Book{易仕和2013--,
+  Title                    = {超声速和高超声速喷管设计},
+  Author                   = {易仕和 and 赵玉新 and 何霖 and 张敏莉},
+  Publisher                = {国防工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Address                  = {北京}
+ at Book{尹照武2015--,
+  Title                    = {电子对抗部队基地训练导调},
+  Author                   = {尹照武},
+  Publisher                = {第三十三试验训练基地},
+  Year                     = {2015},
+  Month                    = {12}
+ at Book{余敏2001-179-193,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {179-193}
+ at Book{余敏2001-179-193a,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Edition                  = {3},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {179-193}
+ at Book{余敏2001-179-193b,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Edition                  = {2},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {179-193}
+ at Book{余敏2001-179-193c,
+  Title                    = {出版集团研究},
+  Author                   = {余敏},
+  Publisher                = {中国书籍出版社},
+  Date                     = {2001},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {179-193},
+  Url                      = {http://www.baidu.com},
+  Urldate                  = {2001-08-04}
+ at Book{张伯伟2002--,
+  Title                    = {全唐五代诗格会考},
+  Author                   = {张伯伟},
+  Publisher                = {江苏古籍出版社},
+  Year                     = {2002},
+  Address                  = {南京},
+  Pages                    = {288}
+ at Book{赵学功2001--,
+  Title                    = {当代美国外交},
+  Author                   = {赵学功},
+  Publisher                = {社会科学文献出版社},
+  Year                     = {2001},
+  Url                      = {http://www.baidu.com},
+  Urldate                  = {2014-06-11}
+ at Book{赵耀东1998--,
+  Title                    = {新时代的工业工程师},
+  Author                   = {赵耀东},
+  Publisher                = {天下文化出版社},
+  Year                     = {1998},
+  Location                 = {台北},
+  Url                      = {http://www.ie.nthu.edu.tw/info/ie.newie.htm(Big5)},
+  Urldate                  = {1998-09-26}
+ at Book{中国企业投资协会2013--,
+  Title                    = {投资台湾:大陆企业赴台投资指南},
+  Author                   = {中国企业投资协会 and 台湾并购与私募股权协会 and 汇盈国际投资集团},
+  Publisher                = {九州出版社},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Address                  = {北京}
+ at Book{中国人民解放军参谋部军种部2001--,
+  Title                    = {地面防空作战模拟},
+  Author                   = {中国人民解放军参谋部军种部},
+  Publisher                = {解放军出版社},
+  Year                     = {2001},
+  Month                    = {1}
+ at Book{中国人民解放军参谋部通信部2007--,
+  Title                    = {俄军电子对抗研究},
+  Author                   = {中国人民解放军参谋部通信部},
+  Publisher                = {解放军出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2007-12}
+ at Book{中国人民解放军总装备部军事训练教材编辑工作委员会2005--,
+  Title                    = {光电对抗装备试验},
+  Author                   = {中国人民解放军总装备部军事训练教材编辑工作委员会},
+  Publisher                = {国防工业出版社},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {2005-07}
+ at Book{中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局2015,
+  Title                    = {中华人民共和国国家标准 GB/T 7714-2015 信息与文献 参考文献著录规则},
+  Author                   = {中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局 and 中国国家标准化管理委员会},
+  Note                     = {standard},
+  Date                     = {2015-05-15}
+ at Book{庄钊文2007--,
+  Title                    = {军用目标雷达散射截面预估与测量},
+  Author                   = {庄钊文 and 袁乃昌 and 莫锦军 and 刘少斌},
+  Publisher                = {科学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2007},
+  Address                  = {北京}
+ at Book{总装备部电子信息基础部2003--,
+  Title                    = {电子战和信息战技术与装备},
+  Author                   = {总装备部电子信息基础部},
+  Editor                   = {童志鹏},
+  Publisher                = {原子能出版社 and 航空工业出版社 and 兵器工业出版社},
+  Year                     = {2003},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Month                    = {7}
+ at Collection{中国电子科技集团公式电子科学研究院2008--,
+  Title                    = {美国国防部体系结构框架(1.5版)},
+  Author                   = {中国电子科技集团公式电子科学研究院},
+  Date                     = {2008}
+ at Collection{中国职工教育研究会1985--,
+  Title                    = {职工教育研究论文集},
+  Author                   = {中国职工教育研究会},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Publisher                = {人民教育出版社},
+  Year                     = {1985}
+ at Conference{Choi2002-1075-1080,
+  Title                    = {Performance analysis of ultra-wideband spread-spectrum communications in narrowband interference},
+  Author                   = {Choi, J. D. and Stark,W. E.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. IEEE Military Commun. Conf. (MILCOM)},
+  Year                     = {2002},
+  Address                  = {Anaheim, CA},
+  Pages                    = {1075-1080},
+  Volume                   = {2}
+ at Conference{Dardari2002-201-206,
+  Title                    = {Simple and accurate models for error probability evaluation of IEEE802.11 DS-SS physical interface in the presence of Bluetooth interference},
+  Author                   = {Dardari, D. and Pasolini,G.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM)},
+  Year                     = {2002},
+  Address                  = {Taipei},
+  Pages                    = {201-206},
+  Volume                   = {1}
+ at Conference{Firoozbakhsh2003-473-477,
+  Title                    = {Analysis of IEEE 802.11a interference on UWB systems},
+  Author                   = {Firoozbakhsh, B. and Pratt,T. G. and Jayant,N.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. of IEEE Conference on Ultrawideband Systems and Technologies (UWBST)},
+  Year                     = {2003},
+  Address                  = {Oulu, Finland},
+  Pages                    = {473-477}
+ at Conference{Foerster2002-1931-1935,
+  Title                    = {Interference modeling of pulse-based UWB waveforms on narrowband systems},
+  Author                   = {Foerster, J. R.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. IEEE Veh. Technol. Conf.},
+  Year                     = {2002},
+  Address                  = {Birmingham, AL},
+  Pages                    = {1931-1935},
+  Volume                   = {4}
+ at Conference{Fontana2002-309-313,
+  Title                    = {An insight into UWB interference from a shot noise perspective},
+  Author                   = {Fontana, R. J.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. of IEEE Conference on Ultrawideband Systems and Technologies (UWBST)},
+  Year                     = {2002},
+  Address                  = {Baltimore, MD},
+  Pages                    = {309-313}
+ at Conference{Giorgetti2005-794-798,
+  Title                    = {Coexistence of UWB and narrowband systems in Nakagami/Rice channels},
+  Author                   = {Giorgetti, A.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. Int. Symp. on Wireless Personal Multimedia Commun. (WPMC)},
+  Year                     = {2005},
+  Address                  = {Aalborg, Denmark},
+  Pages                    = {794-798}
+ at Conference{Giorgetti2006--,
+  Title                    = {Coexistence issues in cognitive radios based on ultra-wide bandwidth systems},
+  Author                   = {Giorgetti, A. and Chiani, M. and Dardari,D.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Net. and Comm. (CROWNCOM)},
+  Year                     = {2006},
+  Address                  = {Mykonos, Greece}
+ at Conference{Li2004-21-24,
+  Title                    = {Practical approaches to channel estimation and interference suppression for OFDM based UWB communications},
+  Author                   = {Li, Y. and Molisch,A. F. and Zhang,J.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. of the IEEE 6th Circ. and Syst., Symp. on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Pages                    = {21-24},
+  Volume                   = {1}
+ at Conference{Nasri2008-3616-3621,
+  Title                    = {Performance Evaluation of BICM-OFDM Systems Impaired by UWB Interference},
+  Author                   = {Nasri, A. and Schober,R. and Lampe,L.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Commun.},
+  Year                     = {2008},
+  Address                  = {Beijing, China},
+  Pages                    = {3616-3621}
+ at Conference{Piazzo2001--,
+  Title                    = {UWB EM compatibility and coexistence issues},
+  Author                   = {Piazzo, L.},
+  Booktitle                = {Proc. 1st Int. Workshop on Networking with UWB},
+  Year                     = {2001},
+  Address                  = {Rome, Italy}
+ at InBook{1977-49-49,
+  Title                    = {宋史卷三:本纪第三},
+  Pages                    = {49},
+  Publisher                = {中华书局},
+  Year                     = {1977},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Booktitle                = {宋史:第1册}
+ at InBook{1988-590-590,
+  Title                    = {卷39 乞致任第一},
+  Pages                    = {590},
+  Publisher                = {中华书局},
+  Year                     = {1988},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Booktitle                = {苏魏公文集:下册}
+ at InBook{ainbook5,
+  Title                    = {Control of electronic resources in Australia},
+  Author                   = {G MARTIN},
+  Pages                    = {85-96},
+  Publisher                = {The Haworth Press},
+  Bookauthor               = {L W PATTLE and B J COX},
+  Booktitle                = {Electronic resources},
+  Booktitleaddon           = {selection and bibliographic control},
+  Date                     = {1996},
+  Location                 = {New York},
+  Usera                    = {M}
+ at InBook{BUSECK1980-117-211,
+  Title                    = {Subsolidus phenomena in pyroxenes},
+  Author                   = {P R BUSECK and NORD, Jr., G L and D R VEBLEN},
+  Pages                    = {117-211},
+  Publisher                = {Mineralogical Society of America},
+  Bookauthor               = {CT PREWITT},
+  Booktitle                = {Pyroxense},
+  Date                     = {1980},
+  Location                 = {Washington, D.C.}
+ at InBook{inbook1,
+  Title                    = {1998年长江洪水的成因与减灾对策},
+  Author                   = {程根伟},
+  Pages                    = {32-36},
+  Publisher                = {科学出版社},
+  Year                     = {1999},
+  Bookauthor               = {许厚泽 and 赵其国},
+  Booktitle                = {长江流域洪涝灾害与科技对策},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at InBook{inbook2,
+  Title                    = {蓟县震旦亚界研究},
+  Author                   = {陈晋镳 and 张惠民 and 朱士兴 and others},
+  Pages                    = {56-114},
+  Publisher                = {天津科学出版社},
+  Year                     = {1980},
+  Bookauthor               = {中国地质科学院天津地质矿产研究所},
+  Booktitle                = {中国震旦亚界},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Location                 = {天津},
+  Usera                    = {M}
+ at InBook{inbook4,
+  Title                    = {关于《工资、价格和利润》的报告札记},
+  Author                   = {马克思},
+  Pages                    = {505},
+  Publisher                = {人民出版社},
+  Year                     = {1982},
+  Bookauthor               = {马克思 and 恩格斯},
+  Booktitle                = {马克思恩格斯全集},
+  Booktitleaddon           = {第44卷},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at InBook{inbook5,
+  Title                    = {非线性规划在可燃毒物配置中的应用},
+  Author                   = {钟文发},
+  Pages                    = {468-471},
+  Publisher                = {西安电子科技大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {1996},
+  Bookauthor               = {赵玮},
+  Booktitle                = {运筹学的理论和应用},
+  Booktitleon              = {中国运筹学会第五届大会讨论文集},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Location                 = {西安},
+  Usera                    = {C}
+ at InBook{inbook6,
+  Title                    = {Pathogenic properties of invading microorganism},
+  Author                   = {L WEINSTEIN and M N SWERTZ},
+  Pages                    = {745-772},
+  Publisher                = {Saunders},
+  Year                     = {1974},
+  Bookauthor               = {SODEMAN, Jr., W A and W A SODEMAN},
+  Booktitle                = {Pathologic physiology},
+  Booktitleaddon           = {mechanisms of disease},
+  Language                 = {en},
+  Location                 = {Philadelphia},
+  Usera                    = {M}
+ at InBook{白书农1998-146-163,
+  Title                    = {植物开花研究},
+  Author                   = {白书农},
+  Pages                    = {146-163},
+  Publisher                = {高等教育出版社},
+  Year                     = {1998},
+  Bookauthor               = {李承森},
+  Booktitle                = {植物科学进展},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at InBook{国家标准局信息分类编码研究所1988-59-92,
+  Title                    = {世界各国和地区名称代码 GB/T 2659-1986},
+  Author                   = {国家标准局信息分类编码研究所},
+  Pages                    = {59-92},
+  Publisher                = {中国标准出版社},
+  Note                     = {standard},
+  Bookauthor               = {全国文献工作标准化技术委员会},
+  Booktitle                = {文献工作国家标准汇编},
+  Booktitleaddon           = {3},
+  Date                     = {1988},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at InBook{楼梦麟2011-11-12,
+  Title                    = {汶川地震基岩地震动特征分析},
+  Author                   = {楼梦麟 and 杨燕},
+  Pages                    = {011-012},
+  Publisher                = {同济大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Address                  = {上海},
+  Bookauthor               = {同济大学土木工程防灾国家重点实验室},
+  Booktitle                = {汶川地震震害研究},
+  Url                      = {http://apabi.lib.pku.edu.cn},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-05-09}
+ at InBook{马克思2013-302-302,
+  Title                    = {政治经济学批判},
+  Author                   = {马克思},
+  Pages                    = {302},
+  Publisher                = {人民出版社},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Bookauthor               = {马克思 and 恩格斯},
+  Booktitle                = {马克思恩格斯全集:第35卷}
+ at InBook{王夫之2011-1109-1109,
+  Title                    = {周易外传:卷5},
+  Pages                    = {1109},
+  Publisher                = {岳麓书社},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Bookauthor               = {王夫之},
+  Booktitle                = {船山全书:第6册},
+  Location                 = {长沙}
+ at InBook{杨宝庆2015--,
+  Title                    = {红军指挥体系-460系统},
+  Author                   = {杨宝庆},
+  Chapter                  = {精导防护分群},
+  Year                     = {2015}
+ at InCollection{ainbook2,
+  Title                    = {论职工教育的特点},
+  Author                   = {韩吉人},
+  Booktitle                = {职工教育研究论文集},
+  Publisher                = {人民教育出版社},
+  Pages                    = {90-99},
+  Bookauthor               = {中国职工教育研究会},
+  Date                     = {1985},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at InProceedings{ay5,
+  Title                    = {在中国科协技术期刊编辑工作经验交流会上的讲话},
+  Author                   = {裴丽生},
+  Booktitle                = {中国科协学术期刊编辑工作经验交流会资料选},
+  Pages                    = {2-10},
+  Date                     = {1981},
+  Institution              = {中国科学技术协会学会工作部},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at InProceedings{ay7,
+  Title                    = {科技书刊的总编(主编)的角色要求},
+  Author                   = {张忠智},
+  Booktitle                = {中国科学技术期刊编辑学会建会十周年学术研讨会论文汇编},
+  Pages                    = {33-34},
+  Date                     = {1997},
+  Institution              = {中国科学技术期刊编辑学会学术委员会},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at InProceedings{FOURNEY1971-17-38,
+  Title                    = {Advances in holographic photoelasticity},
+  Author                   = {M E FOURNEY},
+  Booktitle                = {Symposium on Applications of Holography in Mechanics, August 23-25, 1971, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California},
+  Pages                    = {17-38},
+  Publisher                = {ASME},
+  Date                     = {1971},
+  Location                 = {New York}
+ at InProceedings{FOURNEY1971-17-38a,
+  Title                    = {Advances in holographic photoelasticity},
+  Author                   = {M E FOURNEY},
+  Booktitle                = {Symposium on Applications of Holography in Mechanics, August 23-25, 1971. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California},
+  Pages                    = {17-38},
+  Publisher                = {ASME},
+  Bookauthor               = {American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Applied Mechanics Division},
+  Date                     = {1971},
+  Location                 = {New York}
+ at InProceedings{inproceeding1,
+  Title                    = {Force control of redundant robots},
+  Author                   = {B Nemec},
+  Booktitle                = {Processings of Symposium on Robot Control},
+  Year                     = {1997},
+  Pages                    = {209-214},
+  Country                  = {Nantes France}
+ at InProceedings{贾东琴2011-45-52,
+  Title                    = {面向数字素养的高校图书馆数字服务体系研究},
+  Author                   = {贾东琴 and 柯平},
+  Booktitle                = {中国图书馆学会年会论文集:2011年卷},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {45-52},
+  Publisher                = {国家图书馆出版社},
+  Bookauthor               = {中国图书馆学会}
+ at InProceedings{汪学军2002-22-25,
+  Title                    = {中国农业转基因生物研发进展与安全管理},
+  Author                   = {汪学军},
+  Booktitle                = {中国国家生物安全框架实施国际合作项目研讨会论文集},
+  Year                     = {2002},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Pages                    = {22-25},
+  Publisher                = {中国环境科学出版社},
+  Bookauthor               = {国家环境保护总局生物安全管理办公室}
+ at Manual{Lehman2013--,
+  Title                    = {The biblatex Package},
+  Author                   = {Philipp Lehman and Philip Kime and Audrey Boruvka and Joseph Wright},
+  Month                    = {11},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Subtitle                 = {Programmable Bibliographies and Citations},
+  Version                  = {version 2.8a}
+ at Manual{Lehman2015,
+  Title                    = {The Biblatex Package: Programmable Bibliographies and Citations},
+  Author                   = {Philipp Lehman and Philip Kime and Audrey Boruvka and Joseph Wright},
+  Date                     = {2015-04-20},
+  Version                  = {3.0}
+ at Manual{Mittelbach2015--,
+  Title                    = {An environment for multicolumn output},
+  Author                   = {Frank Mittelbach},
+  Month                    = {12},
+  Year                     = {2015}
+ at Manual{Oetiker2011--,
+  Title                    = {The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX2ε},
+  Author                   = {Tobias Oetiker and Hubert Partl and Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schleg},
+  Month                    = {4},
+  Year                     = {2011}
+ at Manual{Robertson2011--,
+  Title                    = {The ccaption package},
+  Author                   = {Will Robertson and Peter Wilson and Herries Press},
+  Month                    = {8},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Version                  = {v3.2c}
+ at Manual{Sommerfeldt2011--,
+  Title                    = {Customizing captions of floating environments},
+  Author                   = {Axel Sommerfeldt},
+  Month                    = {11},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Url                      = {http://sourceforge.net/projects/latex-caption/}
+ at Manual{Umeki2010--,
+  Title                    = {The geometry package},
+  Author                   = {Hideo Umeki},
+  Month                    = {09},
+  Year                     = {2010},
+  Version                  = {v5.6}
+ at Manual{北京神州普惠科技有限公司2012--,
+  Title                    = {体系建模的专用工具 ArchModeler产品介绍},
+  Author                   = {北京神州普惠科技有限公司},
+  Date                     = {2012-07-01},
+  Url                      = {Www.Appsoft.Com.Cn}
+ at Manual{胡振震2016,
+  Title                    = {符合 GB7714-2015 标准的 biblatex 参考文献样式文件},
+  Author                   = {胡振震},
+  Date                     = {2016-07-01}
+ at Manual{吴凌云2007--,
+  Title                    = {CTEX FAQ},
+  Author                   = {吴凌云},
+  Month                    = {1},
+  Year                     = {2007},
+  Subtitle                 = {常见问题集},
+  Version                  = {version 0.4}
+ at Manual{中国第一历史档案馆2001--,
+  Title                    = {中国明朝档案总汇},
+  Address                  = {桂林},
+  Author                   = {中国第一历史档案馆 and 辽宁省档案馆},
+  Organization             = {广西师范大学出版社},
+  Year                     = {2001}
+ at Online{Alliance--,
+  Title                    = {WiMedia Alliance},
+  Url                      = {www.wimedia.org}
+ at Online{Commonwealth--,
+  Title                    = {Pennsylvania library laws},
+  Author                   = {{Commonwealth libraries bureau of library development.Pennsylvania department of education office}},
+  Url                      = {http://www.racc.edu},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-03-24}
+ at Online{Dublin2012-06-14--,
+  Title                    = {Dublin Core metadata element set: version 1.1},
+  Url                      = {http://dublincore.org},
+  Urldate                  = {2014-06-11},
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+ at Online{JabRef中文手册--,
+  Title                    = {JabRef中文手册},
+  Url                      = {http://blog.csdn.net/zd0303/article/details/7676807}
+ at Online{OMG2003--,
+  Title                    = {Unified Modeling Language: Superstructure},
+  Author                   = {{omg Inc.}},
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+  Year                     = {2003}
+ at Online{online1,
+  Title                    = {PACS-L:the public-access computer systems forum},
+  Url                      = {http://info.lib.uh.edu/pacsl.html},
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+  Date                     = {1989},
+  Location                 = {Houston},
+  Publisher                = {Tex: University of Houston Libraries}
+ at Online{online2,
+  Title                    = {History of OCLC},
+  Author                   = {{Online Computer Library Center, Inc.}},
+  Url                      = {http://www.oclc.org/about/history/default.htm},
+  Urldate                  = {2000-01-08}
+ at Online{online3,
+  Title                    = {UNIMARC and metadata: Dublin Core},
+  Author                   = {A HOPKINSON},
+  Url                      = {http://www.rfla.org/IV/rfla64/13801613.htm},
+  Urldate                  = {1999-12-08}
+ at Online{李强2012-05-03--,
+  Title                    = {化解医患矛盾需釜底抽薪},
+  Author                   = {李强},
+  Url                      = {http://wenku.baidu.com},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-03-25},
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+ at Online{萧钰2001--,
+  Title                    = {出版业信息化迈入快车道},
+  Author                   = {萧钰},
+  Url                      = {http://www.creader.com/news/20011219/200112190019.html},
+  Urldate                  = {2002-04-15},
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+ at Patent{apatent1,
+  Title                    = {多功能一次性压舌板},
+  Number                   = {92214985.2},
+  Author                   = {刘加林},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Date                     = {1993-04-14},
+  Location                 = {中国},
+  Usera                    = {P}
+ at Patent{KOSEKI2002--,
+  Title                    = {Compiler},
+  Number                   = {US828402},
+  Author                   = {A KOSEKI and H MOMOSE and M KAWAHITO and others},
+  Url                      = {http://FF&p=1&u=netahtml/PTO/search-bool.html&r=5&f=G&l=50&col=AND&d=PG01&sl=IBM.AS.&0S=AN/IBM&RS=AN/IBM},
+  Date                     = {2002-05-25},
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+ at Patent{patent1,
+  Title                    = {一种温热外敷药制备方案},
+  Number                   = {88105607.3},
+  Author                   = {姜锡洲},
+  Date                     = {1989-07-26},
+  Titleaddon               = {中国},
+  Usera                    = {P}
+ at Patent{patent2,
+  Title                    = {光折变自适应光外差探测方法},
+  Number                   = {01128777.2},
+  Author                   = {西安电子科技大学},
+  Url                      = {},
+  Date                     = {2002-03-06},
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+ at Patent{patent3,
+  Title                    = {Electronic watermarking method and system},
+  Number                   = {US6915001},
+  Author                   = {R TACHIBANA and S SHIMIZU and S KOBAYSHI and others},
+  Url                      = {http://patftuspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?
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+  Date                     = {2002-04-25},
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+ at Patent{河北绿洲生态环境科技有限公司2001--,
+  Title                    = {一种荒漠化地区生态植被综合培育种植方法},
+  Number                   = {01129210.5},
+  Author                   = {河北绿洲生态环境科技有限公司},
+  Url                      = {},
+  Date                     = {2001-10-24},
+  Urldate                  = {2002-05-28}
+ at Patent{张凯军2012-04-05--,
+  Title                    = {轨道火车及高速轨道火车紧急安全制动辅助装置},
+  Number                   = {201220158825.2},
+  Year                     = {2012-04-05},
+  Author                   = {张凯军}
+ at Periodical{periodical1,
+  Title                    = {地质评论},
+  Editor                   = {中国地质学会},
+  Language                 = {cn},
+  Number                   = {1},
+  Volume                   = {1},
+  Date                     = {1936},
+  Location                 = {北京},
+  Publisher                = {地质出版社},
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+ at Periodical{periodical2,
+  Title                    = {图书馆学通信},
+  Editor                   = {中国图书馆学会},
+  Number                   = {1-4},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Date                     = {1957/1990},
+  Institution              = {北京图书馆}
+ at Periodical{periodical3,
+  Title                    = {Science},
+  Editor                   = {{American Association for the Advancement of Science}},
+  Language                 = {en},
+  Number                   = {1},
+  Volume                   = {1},
+  Date                     = {1883},
+  Location                 = {Washington, D.C.},
+  Publisher                = {American Association for the Advancement of Science},
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+ at Periodical{中华医学会湖北分会1984--,
+  Title                    = {临床内科杂志},
+  Editor                   = {中华医学会湖北分会},
+  Number                   = {1},
+  Volume                   = {1},
+  Address                  = {武汉},
+  Date                     = {1984},
+  Institution              = {中华医学会湖北分会}
+ at Proceedings{aproceedings2,
+  Title                    = {Proceedings of the Fifth Canadian Mathematical Congress, University of Montreal, 1961},
+  Editor                   = {E M ROSENTHALL},
+  Publisher                = {University of Toronto Press},
+  Date                     = {1963},
+  Location                 = {Toronto},
+  Usera                    = {C}
+ at Proceedings{aproceedings3,
+  Title                    = {Computer algebra in scientific computing:CASC 2000:proceedings of the Third
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+  Editor                   = {V G GANZHA and E W MAYR and E V VOROZHTSOV},
+  Publisher                = {Springer},
+  Date                     = {2000},
+  Location                 = {Berlin},
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+ at Proceedings{Babu2014--,
+  Title                    = {Proceedings of the second international conference on soft computing for problem solving, December 28-30},
+  Year                     = {2014},
+  Address                  = {New Delhi},
+  Editor                   = {Babu, B. V. and NAGAR, A. K. AND DEEP, K. and others},
+  Publisher                = {Springer}
+ at Proceedings{陈志勇2011--,
+  Title                    = {中国财税文化价值研究:“中国财税文化国际学术研讨会”论文集},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Publisher                = {经济科学出版社},
+  Author                   = {陈志勇},
+  Url                      = {http://apabi.lib.pku.edu.cn},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-10-14}
+ at Proceedings{雷光春2012--,
+  Title                    = {综合湿地管理:综合湿地管理国际研讨会论文集},
+  Year                     = {2012},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Publisher                = {海洋出版社},
+  Author                   = {雷光春}
+ at Proceedings{中国力学学会1999--,
+  Title                    = {第3届全国实验流体力学学术会议论文集},
+  Year                     = {1999},
+  Address                  = {天津},
+  Editor                   = {中国力学学会}
+ at Proceedings{中国社会科学院台湾史研究中心2012--,
+  Title                    = {台湾光复六十五周年暨抗战史实学术研讨会论文集},
+  Year                     = {2012},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Editor                   = {中国社会科学院台湾史研究中心},
+  Publisher                = {九州出版社}
+ at Report{Calkin2011-8-9,
+  Title                    = {a comparative risk assessment framework for wildland fire management: the 2010 cohesive strategy Science report:RMRS-GTR-262},
+  Author                   = {Calkin, D and Ager, a. and Thompson, m.},
+  Pages                    = {8-9},
+  Year                     = {2011}
+ at Report{DTFHA1990--,
+  Title                    = {Guidelines for handling excavated acid-producing materials, PB 91-194001},
+  Author                   = {{U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration}},
+  Institution              = {U.S. Department of Commerce National Information Service},
+  Year                     = {1990},
+  Location                 = {Springfield}
+ at Report{Eggrers--,
+  Title                    = {One-dimensional flows of an imperfect diatomic gas},
+  Author                   = {Eggrers, A. J.},
+  Number                   = {959},
+  Type                     = {NACA report}
+ at Report{Humphrey1971--,
+  Title                    = {The sonic throat method and real gas one-dimensional flow: an application to air and nitrogen},
+  Author                   = {Humphrey, Richard L. and Wagner, Jerry L.},
+  Number                   = {730029},
+  Type                     = {AD},
+  Year                     = {1971}
+ at Report{WHO1970--,
+  Title                    = {Factors regulating the immune response},
+  Author                   = {{World Health Organization}},
+  Institution              = {WHO},
+  Date                     = {1970},
+  Location                 = {Geneva},
+  Titleaddon               = {report of WHO Scientific Group}
+ at Report{汤万金2013-09-30--,
+  Title                    = {人体安全重要技术标准研制最终报告:7178999X},
+  Author                   = {汤万金 and 杨跃翔 and 刘文 and others},
+  Year                     = {2013-09-30},
+  Url                      = {http://www.nstrs.org.cn},
+  Urldate                  = {2014-06-24}
+ at Report{中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室2013-04-16--,
+  Title                    = {国防白皮书:中国武装力量的多样化运用},
+  Author                   = {中华人民共和国国务院新闻办公室},
+  Year                     = {2013-04-16},
+  Url                      = {http://www.mod.gov.cn},
+  Urldate                  = {2014-06-11}
+ at Thesis{athesis1,
+  Title                    = {间断动力系统的随机扰动及其在守恒律方程中的应用},
+  Author                   = {张志祥},
+  Institution              = {北京大学数学学院},
+  Date                     = {1998},
+  Location                 = {北京}
+ at Thesis{CALMS1965--,
+  Title                    = {Infrared spectroscopic studies on solid oxygen},
+  Author                   = {R B CALMS},
+  Institution              = {Univ. of California},
+  Date                     = {1965},
+  Location                 = {Berkeley}
+ at Thesis{马欢2011-27-27,
+  Title                    = {人类活动影响下海河流域典型区水循环变化分析},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Author                   = {马欢},
+  Institution              = {清华大学},
+  Pages                    = {27},
+  Year                     = {2011},
+  Url                      = {http://www.cnki.net},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-10-14}
+ at Thesis{吴云芳2003--,
+  Title                    = {面向中文信息处理的现代汉语并列结构研究},
+  Address                  = {北京},
+  Author                   = {吴云芳},
+  Institution              = {北京大学},
+  Year                     = {2003},
+  Url                      = {http://thesis.lib.pku.edu.cn},
+  Urldate                  = {2013-10-14}
+ at Thesis{张若凌2004--,
+  Title                    = {高超声速非平衡流动的计算和实验研究},
+  Author                   = {张若凌},
+  Year                     = {2004},
+  Location                 = {绵阳},
+  School                   = {中国空气动力研究与发展中心}
+ at Unpublished{包太雷2013--,
+  Title                    = {LaTeX Notes},
+  Author                   = {包太雷},
+  Month                    = {9},
+  Year                     = {2013},
+  Edition                  = {第二版},
+  Subtitle                 = {雷太赫排版系统简介}
+ at comment{jabref-entrytype: Collection: req[author;title;location;publisher;year] opt[]}
+ at comment{jabref-entrytype: Online: req[author;title;year;url;urldate] opt[doi]}
+ at comment{jabref-entrytype: Report: req[author;title;type;number;address;institution;year;pages] opt[url;urldate;doi]}
+ at comment{jabref-entrytype: Thesis: req[author;title;type;address;institution;year;pages] opt[url;urldate;doi]}

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+    \def\multinumberfirst{#1}%
+    \def\gbnumbertmp{#2}%
+    \ifx\gbnumbertmp\@empty%
+        \def\multinumbersecond{}%
+    \else%
+        \multinumberparsetopartsb#2\@empty%
+    \fi}
+    \def\gbnumbertmp{#2}%
+    \ifx\gbnumbertmp\@empty%
+        \def\multinumbersecond{#1}%
+    \else%
+        \multinumberparsetopartsb#2\@empty%
+    \fi}
+  \ifnameundef{translator}
+    {}
+    {%\usebibmacro{bytranslator+othersstrg}
+     %\setunit{\addspace}%
+     \printnames[bytranslator]{translator}%
+     \clearname{translator}%
+     \usebibmacro{bytranslator+othersstrg}%“译”的位置换到下面来,即放到译者后面。
+     \setunit{\addspace}%
+     \newunit}%
+  \usebibmacro{withothers}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\ifnumgreater{\value{translator}}{1}}
+    or
+    test {\ifandothers{translator}}
+  }
+    {\def\abx at tempa{translators}}
+    {\def\abx at tempa{translator}}%给\abx at tempa赋值用于表示输出字符串的关键词
+  \ifnamesequal{translator}{commentator}
+    {\appto\abx at tempa{co}%
+     \clearname{commentator}}
+    {\ifnamesequal{translator}{annotator}
+       {\appto\abx at tempa{an}%
+        \clearname{annotator}}
+       {}}%
+  \ifnamesequal{translator}{introduction}
+    {\appto\abx at tempa{in}%
+     \clearname{introduction}}
+    {\ifnamesequal{translator}{foreword}
+       {\appto\abx at tempa{fo}%
+        \clearname{foreword}}
+       {\ifnamesequal{translator}{afterword}
+          {\appto\abx at tempa{af}%
+           \clearname{afterword}}
+          {}}}%
+  \bibstring{\abx at tempa}}
+%  \ifboolexpr{
+%    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
+%    and
+%    test \ifmorenames
+%  }
+%    {\ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{1}
+%       {\finalandcomma}
+%       {}%
+%     \andothersdelim
+%     %\bibstring{andothers} %这里做出修改
+%    \ifboolexpr{ test {\iflistequals{language}{\languageflag}}}
+%    {\bibstring{andotherscn}}{\bibstring{andothers}}
+%     }
+%    {}}
+\map{ %增加文献标识符如[M],[J]等,下面首先生成这一信息
+            %\perdatasource{examples.bib}
+            \pertype{article}
+            \pertype{periodical}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={J}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{book}
+            \pertype{inbook}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={M}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{patent}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={P}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{inproceedings}
+            \pertype{conference}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={C}]
+            \step[fieldsource=institution] %有时会把version和edition混淆,这里处理后就没有这个问题,可以直接用version
+            \step[fieldset=publisher, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=editor] %
+            \step[fieldset=bookauthor, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{proceedings}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={C}]
+            \step[fieldsource=institution] %有时会把version和edition混淆,这里处理后就没有这个问题,可以直接用version
+            \step[fieldset=publisher, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=editor] %有的时候可能只填写了编者,没有author,把它复制一下
+            \step[fieldset=author, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{report}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={R}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{thesis}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={D}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{online}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={EB}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{manual}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={A}]
+            \step[fieldsource=edition] %有时会把version和edition混淆,这里处理后就没有这个问题,可以直接用version
+            \step[fieldset=version, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=organization]%因为用的report的驱动,所以需要institution域,也把organization转成它,这样增大兼容性
+            \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{incollection}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={G}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{collection}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={G}]
+            \step[fieldsource=editor] %%有的时候可能只填写了编者,没有author,把它复制一下
+            \step[fieldset=author, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{unpublished}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={Z}]
+            }
+        \map{
+        \step[fieldsource=author]
+        \step[fieldset=userf, origfieldval]
+        \step[fieldsource=translator]
+        \step[fieldset=usere, origfieldval]
+        \step[fieldsource=year]
+        \step[fieldset=date, origfieldval]
+        }
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
+    and
+    test \ifmorenames
+  }
+    {%这里做一个判断是在处理author还是translator用于两者是不同语言的情况
+    \ifcurrentname{translator}{\testCJKfirst{\thefield{usere}}}{\testCJKfirst{\thefield{userf}}}
+    %这句判断如果放到\andothersdelim后面会在等或etc.前增加一个空格,所以放前面
+    \ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{1}
+       {\finalandcomma}
+       {}%
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak N\printtext{]}\nobreak}%
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak N\printtext{\texttt{/}OL]}\nobreak}%
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak S\printtext{]}\nobreak}%
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak S\printtext{\texttt{/}OL]}\nobreak}%
+%  {title}{\mkbibquote{#1\isdot}}
+  [article,inbook,incollection,inproceedings,patent,thesis,unpublished]
+  {title}{#1}
+  \ifboolexpr{%
+    test{\iffieldundef{title}}%
+    and%
+    test{\iffieldundef{subtitle}}%
+  }%
+    {}%
+    {\printtext[title]{%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{title}%
+       \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}}%这里增加了对子标题的判断,解决不判断多一个点的问题
+       {}{\setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{subtitle}}}%
+       \iffieldundef{titleaddon}{}%判断一下titleaddon,否则直接加可能多一个空格
+        {\setunit{\subtitlepunct}\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+         \iffieldundef{note}{\printfield[gbtypeflag]{usera}}%在标题后直接给出文献标识字母,判断一下,是否是报纸和标准
+        {\def\comparetmp{news}\def\comparetmpa{standard}\edef\comparetmpb{\thefield{note}}%
+        \ifx\comparetmp\comparetmpb%判断是否为报纸
+        \printfield[gbtypeflagn]{usera}%
+        \else%
+            \ifx\comparetmpa\comparetmpb%判断是否为标准
+            \printfield[gbtypeflags]{usera}%
+            \else%
+            \printfield[gbtypeflag]{usera}%
+            \fi
+        \fi%
+        }%
+     \iffieldundef{booktitle}{\newunit}{}%当title是析出时,不要标点
+     %\newunit
+\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{\url{#1}} %url域修改如本行
+  %\usebibmacro{url}%%更换url的位置,放到下面
+  \iffieldundef{urlyear}%
+    {}{%\setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \usebibmacro{urldate}}%
+     \setunit{\addperiod\addspace}%
+     \usebibmacro{url}}
+%\newbibmacro*{urldate}{\printurldate} %引用时间修改如下一行
+%  \iftoggle{bbx:doi}%把doi的位置放到url后面
+%    {\printfield{doi}}
+%    {}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:eprint}
+    {\usebibmacro{eprint}}
+    {}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:url}
+    {\usebibmacro{url+urldate}}
+    {}
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:doi}
+    {\printfield{doi}}
+    {}}
+  \printfield{chapter}%
+  \iffieldundef{pages}{}{%这里增加一个判断,当没有页码时就不输出
+  \setunit{\bibpagespunct}%
+  \printfield{pages}}%
+  %\newunit %这里的标点去掉
+  }
+%作者名字的处理,参考文档4.2.3节,3.12.4 Name Parts and Name Spacing
+%\ifblank{#3}{}{\addcomma\space #3}}
+%  \iffirstinits
+%    {\iftoggle{iftexlive2016}{\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiveni}{\namepartprefix}{\namepartsuffix}}{\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{#1}{#4}{#5}{#7}}}
+%    {\iftoggle{iftexlive2016}{\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiven}{\namepartprefix}{\namepartsuffix}}{\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{#1}{#3}{#5}{#7}}}%
+%  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}
+%for biblatex version 3.0
+%#1 The last names.
+%#2 The last names, given as initials.
+%#3 The first names.
+%#4 The first names, given as initials.
+%#5 The name prefixes,
+%#6 The name prefixes, given as initials.
+%#7 The name affixes,
+%#8 The name affixes, given as initials.
+%for biblatex version 3.4
+%  %\iffirstinits%
+%  \ifgiveninits%
+%    %{\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{#1}{#4}{#5}{#7}}
+%    %{\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{#1}{#3}{#5}{#7}}%
+%    {\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiveni}{\namepartprefix}{\namepartsuffix}}
+%    {\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{\namepartfamily}{\namepartgiven}{\namepartprefix}{\namepartsuffix}}%
+%  \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}
+%  \ifuseprefix
+%    {\usebibmacro{name:delim}{#3#1}%
+%     \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#3#1}%
+%     \ifblank{#3}{}{%
+%       \ifcapital
+%         {\mkbibnameprefix{\MakeCapital{#3}}\isdot}
+%         {\mkbibnameprefix{#3}\isdot}%
+%       \ifpunctmark{'}{}{\bibnamedelimc}}%
+%     %\mkbibnamelast{#1}\isdot
+%     \ifblank{#2}{\MakeCapital#1}{\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}\isdot%\MakeUppercase %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}} %\MakeSentenceCase
+%     %注意上一句\MakeCapital后面如果再跟一个{}包含#1,则没有效果,可能是包在里面少了一层展开
+%     %因为机构名通常包括在{}内,所以要多展开一次才行,所以这里去掉#1外面的{}
+%     %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}\isdot
+%     %\ifblank{#4}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}%这句放到后面
+%     \ifblank{#2}{}{\revsdnamepunct\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{\MakeUppercase{#2}}\isdot}%
+%     \ifblank{#4}{}{\addcomma\addspace\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}}
+%    {\usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1}%
+%     \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1}%
+%     %\mkbibnamelast{#1}\isdot  %3.9.1 Generic Commands and Hooks,对姓重新处理,如下句: %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}
+%     \ifblank{#2}{\MakeCapital#1}{\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}\isdot  %大写,参考4.6.4 Miscellaneous Commands,\MakeUppercase %\MakeSentenceCase
+%     %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}\isdot
+%     %\ifblank{#4}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}%这句放到后面
+%     \ifblank{#2#3}{}{\revsdnamepunct}%
+%     \ifblank{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{\MakeUppercase{#2}}\isdot}%
+%     \ifblank{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameprefix{#3}\isdot}%
+%     \addcomma\addspace%
+%     \ifblank{#4}{}{\addcomma\addspace\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}%
+%     }}
+\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}{\printtext{[出版地不详]}\addcolon\addspace}{\printtext{[S.l.\adddot]}\addcolon\addspace}}}%  \bibstring{noaddress}
+\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}{\printtext{[出版者不详]}\addcomma\addspace}{\printtext{[s.n.\adddot]}\addcomma\addspace}}}% \bibstring{nopublisher}
+  %\newunit %去掉这个标点
+  \ifinteger{#1}%
+    {\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}{\printtext{#1版}}%
+    {\mkbibordedition{#1}~\bibstring{edition}}}%
+    {#1\isdot}}
+  \DeclareBibliographyDriver{book}{%
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+%\ifthenelse{\(  %ifthenelse语句还用不了
+%  \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock}
+%  \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock}
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+title}%这句要顶格,否则会多出一个空格,因为前面有判断语句%草,也没有影响呢,真奇怪了,以后再来测试一下。
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{edition}%
+  \newunit
+  \iffieldundef{maintitle}
+    {\printfield{volume}%
+     \printfield{part}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit
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+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\printfield{note}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}%
+  %\newunit\newblock %这里标点去掉
+  \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}%
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%从下面移动到上面来,因为gbt2015的url需直接放在页码后面。
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\newunit
+  \printfield{pagetotal}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isbn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
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+  %\newunit\newblock
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+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+  \usebibmacro{journal}%
+  %\setunit*{\addspace}%
+  \setunit*{\addcomma\addspace}%修改为增加一个逗号
+  \iffieldundef{series}
+    {}
+    {\newunit
+     \printfield{series}%
+     \setunit{\addspace}}%
+  %\usebibmacro{volume+number+eid}%
+  %\setunit{\addspace}%
+  \usebibmacro{issue+date}%
+  %\setunit{\addcolon\space}%
+  \iffieldundef{volume}{}{\setunit{\addcomma\space}}%
+  %换成逗号和空格
+  \usebibmacro{issue}%
+  \usebibmacro{volume+number+eid}%把卷期放到年份后面
+  %\newunit
+  }
+  \printtext{%去掉了[parens]
+    \iffieldundef{issue}
+      {%\usebibmacro{date}
+        \iffieldundef{note}{\usebibmacro{date}}%判断一下,是否是报纸和标准
+        {\def\comparetmp{news}\edef\comparetmpb{\thefield{note}}%
+        \ifx\comparetmp\comparetmpb%
+        \usebibmacro{newsdate}%
+        \else%
+        \usebibmacro{date}%
+        \fi}%
+      }
+      {\printfield{issue}%
+       \setunit*{\addspace}%
+       %\usebibmacro{date}
+         \iffieldundef{note}{\usebibmacro{date}}%判断一下,是否是报纸和标准
+        {\def\comparetmp{news}\edef\comparetmpb{\thefield{note}}%
+        \ifx\comparetmp\comparetmpb%
+        \usebibmacro{newsdate}%
+        \else%
+        \usebibmacro{date}%
+        \fi}%
+       }%
+       }%
+  %\newunit
+  }
+  \printfield{volume}%
+  %\setunit*{\adddot}%去掉点号
+  %\printfield{number}%
+  \iffieldundef{number}{}{\printtext{\mkbibparens{\printfield{number}}}}%增加一个圆括号
+  \iffieldundef{eid}{}{%
+  \setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+  \printfield{eid}}}
+  %\printfield{note}%不要note,note用来判断是否是报纸newspaper
+  \iffieldundef{pages}{}{
+  \setunit{\bibpagespunct}%
+  \printfield{pages}}%
+  %\newunit
+  }
+  \DeclareBibliographyDriver{article}{%
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{bytranslator+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{version}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\usebibmacro{in:}% 不使用in来表示期刊等连续出版物
+  \usebibmacro{journal+issuetitle}%
+  %\newunit
+%  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+%  \newunit
+  \usebibmacro{note+pages}%
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%从后面移上来,调整url和页码之间的位置
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{issn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{booksubtitle}}
+  }
+    {}
+    {\printtext[booktitle]{%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{booktitle}%
+       \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{booksubtitle}}%
+     \newunit%标点换成下一句
+     \setunit{\subtitlepunct}}%
+  \printfield{booktitleaddon}}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+%  \newunit
+%  \printlist{language}%
+%  \newunit\newblock
+%  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+%  \newunit\newblock
+%  \usebibmacro{in:}%
+%  \printtext{\nobreak\small{//}\nobreak}
+%  \texttt{//}
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{edition}%
+  \newunit
+  \iffieldundef{maintitle}
+    {\printfield{volume}%
+     \printfield{part}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{volumes}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\printfield{note}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}%
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%移到上面来
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isbn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+%  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test \ifuseeditor
+    and
+    not test {\ifnameundef{editor}}
+  }
+    {\printnames{editor}%
+    \iffieldundef{editortype}%增加一个类型判断,用于存在editortype的情况
+    {\setunit\addspace}%当没有editortype时,直接用句点
+    {\setunit{\addcomma\space}%
+     \usebibmacro{editorstrg}}%
+     \clearname{editor}}
+    {}}
+  \printtext[editortype]{%
+    \iffieldundef{editortype}
+      {
+%      \ifboolexpr{ %这一段去掉
+%         test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
+%         or
+%         test {\ifandothers{editor}}
+%       }
+%         {\bibstring{editors}}
+%         {\bibstring{editor}}
+         }
+      {\ifbibxstring{\thefield{editortype}}
+         {\ifboolexpr{
+            test {\ifnumgreater{\value{editor}}{1}}
+            or
+            test {\ifandothers{editor}}
+          }
+            {\bibstring{\thefield{editortype}s}}
+            {\bibstring{\thefield{editortype}}}}
+         {\thefield{editortype}}}}}
+  \iffieldundef{title}
+    {}
+    {\printtext[title]{%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{title}%
+       %\setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+       \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}}%这里增加了对子标题的判断,解决不判断多一个点的问题
+       {}{\setunit{\subtitlepunct}
+       \printfield[titlecase]{subtitle}}%
+       }%
+       \iffieldundef{usera}{}{%在标题后直接给出文献标识字母
+        \printfield[gbtypeflag]{usera}}
+       }
+       }
+  \usebibmacro{periodical}%
+  %\setunit*{\addspace}%
+  \setunit*{\adddot\addspace}%标点修改为句点
+  \iffieldundef{series}
+    {}
+    {\newunit
+     \printfield{series}%
+     \setunit{\addspace}}%
+  \usebibmacro{periodical+issue}%将issue调整到上面来,并修改
+  \multinumberparser{\thefield{number}}}%
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+     \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#3#1}%
+     \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{%
+       \ifcapital
+         {\mkbibnameprefix{\MakeCapital{#3}}\isdot}
+         {\mkbibnameprefix{#3}\isdot}%
+       \ifprefchar{}{\bibnamedelimc}}%
+     \ifdefvoid{#2}{\mkbibnamefamily{\MakeCapital{#1}}}{\mkbibnamefamily{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}\isdot
+     \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\revsdnamepunct\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{\MakeCapital{#2}}\isdot}
+     \ifdefvoid{#4}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamesuffix{#4}\isdot}}
+    {\usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1}%
+     \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1}%
+     \ifdefvoid{#2}{\mkbibnamefamily{\MakeCapital{#1}}}{\mkbibnamefamily{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}\isdot
+     %
+     \ifboolexpe{%
+       test {\ifdefvoid{#2}}
+       and
+       test {\ifdefvoid{#3}}}
+       {}
+       {\revsdnamepunct}%
+     \ifdefvoid{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamegiven{\MakeCapital{#2}}\isdot}%
+     \ifdefvoid{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameprefix{#3}\isdot}
+     \ifdefvoid{#4}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamesuffix{#4}\isdot}}}
+% Alter settings that carry through from biblatex
+  useprefix = true,  %名字的信息包括前缀
+  firstinits = true,    %名字有缩写,参考3.1.2.3 Internal
+  date   = year,  %日期仅写到年
+  maxnames     = 1 ,    %设置名字最大数量
+  minnames     = 1       %设置缩减后的名字最小数量
+  %uniquename   = init
+  \iffirstinits%
+    {\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{#1}{#4}{#5}{#7}}
+    {\usebibmacro{name:last-first}{#1}{#3}{#5}{#7}}%
+    \usebibmacro{name:andothers}}
+  \ifuseprefix
+    {\usebibmacro{name:delim}{#3#1}%
+     \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#3#1}%
+     \ifblank{#3}{}{%
+       \ifcapital
+         {\mkbibnameprefix{\MakeCapital{#3}}\isdot}
+         {\mkbibnameprefix{#3}\isdot}%
+       \ifpunctmark{'}{}{\bibnamedelimc}}%
+     %\mkbibnamelast{#1}\isdot
+     \ifblank{#2}{\MakeCapital#1}{\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}\isdot%\MakeUppercase %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}} %\MakeSentenceCase
+     %注意上一句\MakeCapital后面如果再跟一个{}包含#1,则没有效果,可能是包在里面少了一层展开
+     %因为机构名通常包括在{}内,所以要多展开一次才行,所以这里去掉#1外面的{}
+     %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}\isdot
+     %\ifblank{#4}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}%这句放到后面
+     \ifblank{#2}{}{\revsdnamepunct\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{\MakeUppercase{#2}}\isdot}%
+     \ifblank{#4}{}{\addcomma\addspace\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}}
+    {\usebibmacro{name:delim}{#1}%
+     \usebibmacro{name:hook}{#1}%
+     %\mkbibnamelast{#1}\isdot  %3.9.1 Generic Commands and Hooks,对姓重新处理,如下句: %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}
+     \ifblank{#2}{\MakeCapital#1}{\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}\isdot  %大写,参考4.6.4 Miscellaneous Commands,\MakeUppercase %\MakeSentenceCase
+     %\mkbibnamelast{\MakeUppercase{#1}}\isdot
+     %\ifblank{#4}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}%这句放到后面
+     \ifblank{#2#3}{}{\revsdnamepunct}%
+     \ifblank{#2}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnamefirst{\MakeUppercase{#2}}\isdot}%
+     \ifblank{#3}{}{\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameprefix{#3}\isdot}%
+     \addcomma\addspace%
+     \ifblank{#4}{}{\addcomma\addspace\bibnamedelimd\mkbibnameaffix{#4}\isdot}%
+     }}
+        {\def\comparetmp{standard}\edef\comparetmpb{\thefield{note}}%
+        \ifx\comparetmp\comparetmpb%
+        \toggletrue{ifnoteeqstandard}%
+        \else%
+        \togglefalse{ifnoteeqstandard}%
+        \fi}}
+%\renewrobustcmd*{\bibinitperiod}{\adddot} %来源biblatex2.STY
+%\newcommand*{\revsdnamepunct}{\addcomma}  %来源biblatex.def
+%\newcommand*{\subtitlepunct}{\newunitpunct} %修改标题和其它标题信息间的标点
+\renewcommand*{\subtitlepunct}{\addcolon\space} %来源biblatex.def
+bytranslator= {\addcomma\ 译\adddot}, %将trans. by 改成 译
+and         = {\addcomma},%将第2和3人名见的and符号改成 逗号,用\finalnamedelim命令也可以定义,参见3.9.1节
+%andothers   = {et al.},        %将超过3个人名的省略,et al.改成为 等
+andotherscn   = {等},        %将超过3个人名的省略,et al.改成为 等
+noaddress = {[S.l.]},
+nopublisher = {[s.n.]}
+%关于双语言或多语言的参考文献,可以参考3.11.5 Entry Sets,4.11.1 Entry Sets
+\def\gbt at parse@range#1{%
+    \edef\gbt at tmpa{#1}%
+    \expandafter\gbt at parse@rangei\gbt at tmpa-\@empty}
+\def\gbt at parse@rangei#1-#2\@empty{%
+    \global\def\gbt at range@first{#1}%
+    \def\gbt at tmpa{#2}%
+    \ifx\gbt at tmpa\@empty%
+        \global\def\gbt at range@second{}%
+    \else%
+        \gbt at parse@rangeii#2\@empty%
+    \fi}
+\def\gbt at parse@rangeii#1-#2\@empty{%
+    \def\gbt at tmpa{#2}%
+    \ifx\gbt at tmpa\@empty%
+        \global\def\gbt at range@second{#1}%
+    \else%
+        \gbt at parse@rangeii#2\@empty%
+    \fi}
+    \edef\gbnumbertmp{#1}%
+    \expandafter\multinumberparsetoparts\gbnumbertmp-\@empty}
+    \def\multinumberfirst{#1}%
+    \def\gbnumbertmp{#2}%
+    \ifx\gbnumbertmp\@empty%
+        \def\multinumbersecond{}%
+    \else%
+        \multinumberparsetopartsb#2\@empty%
+    \fi}
+    \def\gbnumbertmp{#2}%
+    \ifx\gbnumbertmp\@empty%
+        \def\multinumbersecond{#1}%
+    \else%
+        \multinumberparsetopartsb#2\@empty%
+    \fi}
+\map{ %增加文献标识符如[M],[J]等,下面首先生成这一信息
+            %\perdatasource{examples.bib}
+            \pertype{article}
+            \pertype{periodical}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={J}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{book}
+            \pertype{inbook}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={M}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{patent}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={P}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{inproceedings}
+            \pertype{conference}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={C}]
+            \step[fieldsource=institution] %有时会把version和edition混淆,这里处理后就没有这个问题,可以直接用version
+            \step[fieldset=publisher, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=editor] %
+            \step[fieldset=bookauthor, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{proceedings}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={C}]
+            \step[fieldsource=institution] %有时会把version和edition混淆,这里处理后就没有这个问题,可以直接用version
+            \step[fieldset=publisher, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=editor] %%有的时候可能只填写了编者,没有author,把它复制一下
+            \step[fieldset=author, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{report}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={R}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{thesis}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={D}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{online}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={EB}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{manual}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={A}]
+            \step[fieldsource=edition] %有时会把version和edition混淆,这里处理后就没有这个问题,可以直接用version
+            \step[fieldset=version, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=organization]%因为用的report的驱动,所以需要institution域,也把organization转成它,这样增大兼容性
+            \step[fieldset=institution, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{incollection}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={G}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{collection}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={G}]
+            \step[fieldsource=editor] %%有的时候可能只填写了编者,没有author,把它复制一下
+            \step[fieldset=author, origfieldval]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \pertype{unpublished}
+            \step[fieldset=usera, fieldvalue={Z}]
+            }
+        \map{
+            \step[fieldsource=author]
+            \step[fieldset=userf, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=translator]
+            \step[fieldset=usere, origfieldval]
+            \step[fieldsource=year]
+            \step[fieldset=date, origfieldval]
+            %\step[fieldset=userb, fieldvalue={en}]
+            }
+%{\map{\step[fieldset=userb, fieldvalue={en}]}}
+%{\map{\step[fieldset=userb, fieldvalue={cn}]}}
+%\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}{\step[fieldset=userb, fieldvalue={cn}]}{}
+  \sort{
+    \field{presort}
+  }
+  \sort[final]{
+    \field{sortkey}
+  }
+  \sort{
+		\field{userb}
+	}
+  \sort{%[direction=descending]
+    \field{sortname}
+    \field{author}
+    \field{editor}
+    \field{translator}
+    \field{sorttitle}
+    \field{title}
+  }
+  \sort{
+    \field{sortyear}
+    \field{year}
+  }
+  \sort{
+    \field{sorttitle}
+    \field{title}
+  }
+  \sort{
+    \field[padside=left,padwidth=4,padchar=0]{volume}
+    \literal{0000}
+  }
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak N\printtext{]}\nobreak}%
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak N\printtext{\texttt{/}OL]}\nobreak}%
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak S\printtext{]}\nobreak}%
+{\nobreak\printtext{[}\nobreak S\printtext{\texttt{/}OL]}\nobreak}%
+%  {title}{\mkbibquote{#1\isdot}}
+  [article,inbook,incollection,inproceedings,patent,thesis,unpublished]
+  {title}{#1}
+  \ifboolexpr{%
+    test{\iffieldundef{title}}%
+    and%
+    test{\iffieldundef{subtitle}}%
+  }%
+    {}%
+    {\printtext[title]{%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{title}%
+       \ifboolexpr{test {\iffieldundef{subtitle}}}%这里增加了对子标题的判断,解决不判断多一个点的问题
+       {}{\setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{subtitle}}}%
+       \iffieldundef{titleaddon}{}%判断一下titleaddon,否则直接加可能多一个空格
+        {\setunit{\subtitlepunct}\printfield{titleaddon}}%
+         \iffieldundef{note}{\printfield[gbtypeflag]{usera}}%在标题后直接给出文献标识字母,判断一下,是否是报纸和标准
+        {\def\comparetmp{news}\def\comparetmpa{standard}\edef\comparetmpb{\thefield{note}}%
+        \ifx\comparetmp\comparetmpb%判断是否为报纸
+        \printfield[gbtypeflagn]{usera}%
+        \else%
+            \ifx\comparetmpa\comparetmpb%判断是否为标准
+            \printfield[gbtypeflags]{usera}%
+            \else%
+            \printfield[gbtypeflag]{usera}%
+            \fi
+        \fi%
+        }%
+     \iffieldundef{booktitle}{\newunit}{}%当title是析出时,不要标点
+     %\newunit
+\DeclareFieldFormat{url}{\url{#1}} %url域修改如本行
+  %\usebibmacro{url}%%更换url的位置,放到下面
+  \iffieldundef{urlyear}%
+    {}{%\setunit*{\addspace}%
+    \usebibmacro{urldate}}%
+     \setunit{\addperiod\addspace}%
+     \usebibmacro{url}}
+%\newbibmacro*{urldate}{\printurldate} %引用时间修改如下一行
+%  \iftoggle{bbx:doi}%把doi的位置放到url后面
+%    {\printfield{doi}}
+%    {}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:eprint}
+    {\usebibmacro{eprint}}
+    {}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:url}
+    {\usebibmacro{url+urldate}}
+    {}
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:doi}
+    {\printfield{doi}}
+    {}}
+  \printfield{chapter}%
+  \iffieldundef{pages}{}{%这里增加一个判断,当没有页码时就不输出
+  \setunit{\bibpagespunct}%
+  \printfield{pages}}%
+  %\newunit %这里的标点去掉
+  }
+%作者名字的处理,参考文档4.2.3节,3.12.4 Name Parts and Name Spacing
+%\ifblank{#3}{}{\addcomma\space #3}}
+%for biblatex version 3.0
+%#1 The last names.
+%#2 The last names, given as initials.
+%#3 The first names.
+%#4 The first names, given as initials.
+%#5 The name prefixes,
+%#6 The name prefixes, given as initials.
+%#7 The name affixes,
+%#8 The name affixes, given as initials.
+%for biblatex version 3.4
+%\testCJKfirst{\thefield{title}} %直接用这句不行,原因不明
+  \ifinteger{#1}%
+    {\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}{\printtext{#1版}}%
+    {\mkbibordedition{#1}~\bibstring{edition}}}%
+    {#1\isdot}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test \ifuseauthor
+    and
+    not test {\ifnameundef{author}}
+  }
+    {\usebibmacro{bbx:dashcheck}
+       {%\bibnamedash
+       \printnames{author}%
+       }%
+       {\usebibmacro{bbx:savehash}%
+        \printnames{author}%
+        \iffieldundef{authortype}
+          {\setunit{\addspace}}
+          {\setunit{\addcomma\space}}}%
+     \iffieldundef{authortype}
+       {}
+       {\usebibmacro{authorstrg}%
+        \setunit{\addspace}}}%
+    {\global\undef\bbx at lasthash
+     \usebibmacro{labeltitle}%
+     \setunit*{\addspace}}%
+     \setunit{\addcomma\space}%增加一个逗号
+  \usebibmacro{date+extrayear}
+  }
+    \iffieldundef{\thefield{datelabelsource}year}
+      {}
+      {\printtext{%[parens]%这里把括号去掉
+         \iffieldsequal{year}{\thefield{datelabelsource}year}
+           {\printdateextralabel}%
+           {\printfield{labelyear}%
+            \printfield{extrayear}}}}}%
+  \ifnameundef{translator}
+    {}
+    {%\usebibmacro{bytranslator+othersstrg}
+     %\setunit{\addspace}%
+     \printnames[bytranslator]{translator}%
+     \clearname{translator}%
+     \usebibmacro{bytranslator+othersstrg}%“译”的位置换到下面来,即放到译者后面。
+     \setunit{\addspace}%
+     \newunit}%
+  \usebibmacro{withothers}}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\ifnumequal{\value{listcount}}{\value{liststop}}}
+    and
+    test \ifmorenames
+  }
+    {%这里做一个判断是在处理author还是translator用于两者是不同语言的情况
+    \ifcurrentname{translator}{\testCJKfirst{\thefield{usere}}}{\testCJKfirst{\thefield{userf}}}%
+    %这句判断如果放到\andothersdelim后面会在等或etc.前增加一个空格,所以放前面
+    \ifnumgreater{\value{liststop}}{1}
+       {\finalandcomma}
+       {\finalandcomma}%
+\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}{\printtext{[出版地不详]}\setunit*{\addcolon\addspace}}{\printtext{[S.l.\adddot]}\setunit*{\addcolon\addspace}}}}%  \bibstring{noaddress}
+\iftoggle{ifCJKforgbt}{\printtext{[出版者不详]}\setunit*{\addcolon\addspace}}{\printtext{[s.n.\adddot]}\setunit*{\addcolon\addspace}}}}% \bibstring{nopublisher}
+%\newunit %去掉这个标点
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/editor+others/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{edition}%
+  \newunit
+  \iffieldundef{maintitle}
+    {\printfield{volume}%
+     \printfield{part}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{volumes}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\printfield{note}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}%
+  %\newunit
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%从下面提上来
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{pagetotal}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isbn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+  \defbibenvironment{bibliography}
+  {\list
+     {}
+     {%\setlength{\leftmargin}{\bibhang}%
+      %\setlength{\itemindent}{-\leftmargin}%
+      \setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}%
+      \setlength{\itemindent}{0pt}%
+      \setlength{\itemsep}{\bibitemsep}%
+      \setlength{\parsep}{\bibparsep}}}
+  {\endlist}
+  {\item}
+  \ifboolexpr{
+    test {\iffieldundef{booktitle}}
+    and
+    test {\iffieldundef{booksubtitle}}
+  }
+    {}
+    {\printtext[booktitle]{%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{booktitle}%
+       \setunit{\subtitlepunct}%
+       \printfield[titlecase]{booksubtitle}}%
+     \newunit%标点换成下一句
+     \setunit{\subtitlepunct}}%
+  \printfield{booktitleaddon}}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+%  \newunit
+%  \printlist{language}%
+%  \newunit\newblock
+%  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+%  \newunit\newblock
+%  \usebibmacro{in:}%
+  \printtext{\texttt{//}}%
+  \usebibmacro{bybookauthor}%
+  \ifnameundef{bookauthor}{}{\newunit\newblock}%替换下一句
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+booktitle}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{edition}%
+  \newunit
+  \iffieldundef{maintitle}
+    {\printfield{volume}%
+     \printfield{part}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{volumes}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\printfield{note}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%移到上面来
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isbn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+%  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+%  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/editor+others/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{maintitle+title}%
+  \newunit
+  \printlist{language}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byauthor}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{byeditor+others}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{edition}%
+  \newunit
+  \iffieldundef{maintitle}
+    {\printfield{volume}%
+     \printfield{part}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit
+  \printfield{volumes}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{series+number}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\printfield{note}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{publisher+location+date}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{chapter+pages}%
+  %\newunit
+  \usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%从下面提上来
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \printfield{pagetotal}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:isbn}
+    {\printfield{isbn}}
+    {}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  %\usebibmacro{doi+eprint+url}%
+  %\newunit\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{addendum+pubstate}%
+  \setunit{\bibpagerefpunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{pageref}%
+  \newunit\newblock
+  \iftoggle{bbx:related}
+    {\usebibmacro{related:init}%
+     \usebibmacro{related}}
+    {}%
+  \usebibmacro{finentry}}
+  \usebibmacro{bibindex}%
+  \usebibmacro{begentry}%
+  \usebibmacro{author/translator+others}%
+  \setunit{\labelnamepunct}\newblock
+  \usebibmacro{title}%
+%  \newunit
+%  \printlist{language}%
+%  \newunit\newblock
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+  %sorting   = none        ,
+  {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
+  {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+   \usebibmacro{cite}}
+  {\multicitedelim}
+  {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+  {\usebibmacro{prenote}}
+  {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+   \usebibmacro{cite}}
+  {\multicitedelim}
+  {\usebibmacro{postnote}}
+  \iffieldundef{postnote}
+    {\printfield{pages}}
+    {\printfield{postnote}}}
+  {\printtext{(}\usebibmacro{prenote}}
+  {\usebibmacro{citeindex}%
+   \usebibmacro{cite}}
+  {\multicitedelim}
+  {\printtext{)}\textsuperscript{\usebibmacro{postpages}}}

Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2016-10-22 21:45:11 UTC (rev 42324)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2016-10-22 21:45:55 UTC (rev 42325)
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
     biblatex biblatex-abnt biblatex-anonymous biblatex-apa
     biblatex-bookinarticle biblatex-bookinother biblatex-bwl
     biblatex-caspervector biblatex-chem biblatex-chicago biblatex-claves
-    biblatex-dw biblatex-fiwi biblatex-gost biblatex-historian
+    biblatex-dw biblatex-fiwi biblatex-gb7714-2015 biblatex-gost
+    biblatex-historian
     biblatex-ieee biblatex-ijsra biblatex-iso690 biblatex-juradiss
     biblatex-lni biblatex-luh-ipw biblatex-manuscripts-philology
     biblatex-mla biblatex-morenames biblatex-multiple-dm biblatex-musuos

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/biblatex-gb7714-2015.tlpsrc
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-bibtexextra.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-bibtexextra.tlpsrc	2016-10-22 21:45:11 UTC (rev 42324)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-bibtexextra.tlpsrc	2016-10-22 21:45:55 UTC (rev 42325)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 depend biblatex-claves
 depend biblatex-dw
 depend biblatex-fiwi
+depend biblatex-gb7714-2015
 depend biblatex-gost
 depend biblatex-historian
 depend biblatex-ieee

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