texlive[42310] Master: banglatex (20oct16)

commits+karl at tug.org commits+karl at tug.org
Thu Oct 20 23:56:16 CEST 2016

Revision: 42310
Author:   karl
Date:     2016-10-20 23:56:15 +0200 (Thu, 20 Oct 2016)
Log Message:
banglatex (20oct16)

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/README
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/README	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/README	2016-10-20 21:56:15 UTC (rev 42310)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+% BanglaTeX package - Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla 
+% E-mail: adib.hasan8 at gmail.com
+% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+% This packgage symplifies the process of writing Bangla in LaTeX and
+% addresses most of the common typesetting issues. Additional features
+% include automated transition between languages and many more. (See 
+% examples) The user can just type in usual LaTeX syntax and expect 
+% everything to work as it should.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+% Copyright (C) 2016 by Adib Hasan adib.hasan8 at gmail.com
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either
+% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in the file:
+% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
+% Adib Hasan

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/README
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Index: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.pdf
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.pdf	2016-10-20 06:03:07 UTC (rev 42309)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.pdf	2016-10-20 21:56:15 UTC (rev 42310)

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.pdf
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.tex
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.tex	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.tex	2016-10-20 21:56:15 UTC (rev 42310)
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+\usepackage[banglamainfont=Kalpurush, banglattfont=Siyam Rupali, feature=0, changecounternumbering=0]{banglatex}
+\usepackage[top=8em, left=10em, right=10em, bottom=8em]{geometry}
+\usepackage{verbatim,spverbatim, hyperref, tcolorbox, hologo, enumerate, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr, pgffor}
+\def\filedate{18 October, 2016}
+  \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}%
+%making the word "proof" in proof env. bold and adding a : after it.	
+\def\tobangla#1{\expandafter\@banglanumber\csname c@#1\endcsname}
+\def\numtobangla#1{\@@banglanumber#1\@nil}\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\proofname{\bfseries প্রমাণ}}
+\newenvironment{solution}{\proof[\bfseries সমাধান]}{\endproof}
+\newtheoremstyle{custom}% name
+{3pt}% space above
+{3pt}% space below
+{\rm}% body font
+{}% indent amount
+{\bfseries}% theorem head font
+{:}% punctuation after theorem head
+{.5em}% space after theorem head
+{}% theorem head spec
+\newtheorem{problem}{\bfseries সমস্যা}
+\title{The \banglatex~Package\\
+Enhanced \LaTeX\ integration for Bangla}
+\author{Adib Hasan\\
+\texttt{adib.hasan8 at gmail.com}}
+Including any unicode text in \hologo{LaTeX} has become very simple thanks to the \hologo{XeLaTeX} engine. To do so, the user only has to use the {\tt fontspec} package and load an appropriate font. This is the standard technique for including multiple languages in one document. The {\tt polyglossia} package even facilitates the process for many languages by providing refined controls. Unfortunately, {\tt polyglossia}'s support for Bangla is too limited to produce good quality Bangla documents.
+So, I decided to address all the common Bangla typesetting problems in this package, \banglatex. I have also added useful functionalities to it such as, automated transition between Bangla and English (by exploiting \hologo{XeTeX}'s internal character class feature) and many more.
+\section{How to use}
+\subsection{Sample Code}
+Here is the simplest example for \banglatex:
+            banglattfont=Siyam Rupali
+           ]{banglatex}
+পিথাগোরাস(Pythagoras)-এর উপপাদ্যটি হল,\\
+\textit{সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের অতিভুজের উপর অঙ্কিত বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফল অপর দুই বাহুর 
+উপর অঙ্কিত বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফলের সমষ্টির সমান।}\\
+অর্থাৎ কোন সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের অতিভুজ $c$ এবং অপর দুই বাহু $a$ এবং $b$ হলে,
+লক্ষ্য করুন, এখন পর্যন্ত টেক্সট প্রদর্শনের জন্য \textbf{কালপুরুষ} ফন্ট ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে।\\
+\texttt{এবার, টেলিটাইপ(Teletype) টেক্সট প্রদর্শনের জন্য \textbf{সিয়াম রূপালী} 
+ফন্ট ব্যবহৃত হল।}\\
+পুনরায় টেক্সট প্রদর্শনের জন্য \textbf{কালপুরুষ} ফন্ট ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
+\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable, colback=white]
+পিথাগোরাস(Pythagoras)-এর উপপাদ্যটি হল,\\
+\textit{সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের অতিভুজের উপর অঙ্কিত বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফল অপর দুই বাহুর 
+উপর অঙ্কিত বর্গক্ষেত্রের ক্ষেত্রফলের সমষ্টির সমান।}\\
+অর্থাৎ কোন সমকোণী ত্রিভুজের অতিভুজ $c$ এবং অপর দুই বাহু $a$ এবং $b$ হলে,
+লক্ষ্য করুন, এখন পর্যন্ত টেক্সট প্রদর্শনের জন্য \textbf{কালপুরুষ} ফন্ট ব্যবহৃত হয়েছে।\\
+\texttt{এবার, টেলিটাইপ(Teletype) টেক্সট প্রদর্শনের জন্য \textbf{সিয়াম রূপালী} 
+ফন্ট ব্যবহৃত হল।}\\
+পুনরায় টেক্সট প্রদর্শনের জন্য \textbf{কালপুরুষ} ফন্ট ব্যবহৃত হচ্ছে।
+As you see, no special command was required to switch language or to use any other facility. With \banglatex, you don't need to learn a hundred new commands to type Bangla. You simply type normal \hologo{LaTeX} syntax and expect everything to work as it should. 
+\banglatex~does have some limitations, however. (Most of which are due to my lack of time to implement solutions.) So, do take a look at the known issues section.
+\subsection{Package options}
+Package options are listed below:\vspace*{2mm}
+Sets the default Bangla font for the document, but does not affect the Latin characters. (They are rendered by the \hologo{LaTeX} default Latin Modern font.) \banglatex will automatically fake bold, italic and bolditalic variants for \pkn{banglamainfont} if no font from the appropriate subfamily is found.\\
+The default Teletype Bangla font. (Again, Latin characters are rendered by the \hologo{LaTeX} default Latin Modern Teletype.) \banglatex~will also fake bold, italic and bolditalic variants automatically for this font if no font from the appropriate subfamily is found.\\
+\item\texttt{feature}(Optional, default=1)(\texttt{0->none, 1->recommended, 2->full})\\
+To which extent \banglatex~should enable additional features. For \pkn{feature=1}, the following features will be enabled:
+\item the following packages are loaded: \pkn{titlesec, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr}.
+\item a ``Dot" is added after chapter, section, subsection etc. numbers.
+\item \textit{প্রমাণ.} is replaced by \textbf{প্রমাণ:} in \pkn{proof} environment.
+\item Line height is set to 110\%.
+\item A new command \verb|\tobangla{counter name}| is defined. (See commands subsection for description)
+\item \pkn{example, problem, solution, theorem} environments are defined. The counter associated with \texttt{theorem} environment resets in every section.
+\item The counters associated with \pkn{enumerate, footnote} environments are converted to Bangla.
+            banglattfont=Siyam Rupali,
+            ]{banglatex}
+$p$ একটি মৌলিক সংখ্যা এবং $n$ একটি স্বাভাবিক সংখ্যা হলে প্রমাণ কর যে 
+$p|n$ হলে এটি স্বাভাবিকভাবেই সত্যি। অন্যথায়, $\{n,2n,\ldots,(p-1)n\}$
+ একটি পূর্ণাঙ্গ রেসিডিও ক্লাস তৈরি করে। যার ফলে...
+$a$ এবং $n$ পরস্পর সহমৌলিক স্বাভাবিক সংখ্যা হলে দেখাও যে $a^{\phi(n)}
+\equiv 1\pmod n$
+\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable, colback=white]
+$p$ একটি মৌলিক সংখ্যা এবং $n$ একটি স্বাভাবিক সংখ্যা হলে প্রমাণ কর যে $p|n^p-n$ 
+$p|n$ হলে এটি স্বাভাবিকভাবেই সত্যি। অন্যথায়, $\{n,2n,\ldots,(p-1)n\}$ একটি
+পূর্ণাঙ্গ রেসিডিও ক্লাস তৈরি করে। যার ফলে...
+$a$ এবং $n$ পরস্পর সহমৌলিক স্বাভাবিক সংখ্যা হলে দেখাও যে $a^{\phi(n)}\equiv 1\pmod n$
+If \pkn{feature} is set to 2, the following additional features will be enabled:
+\item \texttt{corollary, property, hint, remarks} environments. The counters of \texttt{corollary} and \texttt{property} environment reset in every section. \pkn{hint} and \pkn{remarks} environments have no counter.
+\item Automated parentheses around equation references, activated by the \pkn{autoref} command of the \pkn{hyperref} package.
+\item\pkn{changecounternumbering}(Optional, default=1)\\
+The \pkn{polyglossia} package does have an option to convert some important counters (like those of chapters and sections) to Bangla. This option asks whether \banglatex should enable that option. By default, it is set to be enabled. You may consider disabling it if your document mostly contains English text.
+\item\verb|\tobangla{counter name}|\\
+Converts a counter to Bangla.
+A new counter `test' is defined.\\
+test is in English: \thetest\\
+test is now in Bangla: \thetest\\
+Incrementing test: \thetest\\
+test is again in English: \thetest
+\begin{tcolorbox}[breakable, colback=white]
+A new counter `test' is defined.\\
+test is in English: \thetest\\
+test is now in Bangla: \thetest\\
+Incrementing test: \thetest\\
+test is again in English: \thetest
+same as \verb|\tobangla|. It converts an English number to Bangla.
+\section{Known Issues}
+You might face the following issues for this (v 0.1) release of \banglatex. I hope to fix them in the upcoming releases. If you have any question or suggestion, don't hesitate to contact me.
+\item You \textit{must} define both {\tt banglamainfont} and {\tt banglattfont} even if you use only one or (possibly) none of them in the document.
+\item A font can't be both {\tt banglamainfont} and {\tt banglattfont} due to limitation in the internal logics. Until I fix it, you can set Kalpurush and SolaimanLipi as your main and tt fonts since they look identical.
+\item The whitespace character in many Bangla fonts is too short for \hologo{LaTeX}. This can't be `fixed', since it is purely a font specific issue. Nevertheless, I have manually reset  relative whitespace lengths for ``Kalpurush'', ``SolaimanLipi'' and ``Siyam Rupali'' (precisely these names without the quotes). So, for the best results, you should consider installing these fonts before using \banglatex. (Other Bangla fonts \textit{will} work with \banglatex, but their interword spacings might be unsatisfactory.) My personal choice for main/tt font combination is Kalpurush/Siyam Rupali.
+\item Package \texttt{listings} does not work with Teletype texts.
+Because this package depends on \pkn{ucharclasses} (which itself depends on XeTeX's \pkn{interchar classes}).
+\RequirePackage{polyglossia, fontspec, xkeyval, ifxetex}
+The following Bangla fonts are fully supported. (Other Bangla fonts \textit{are} supported, but some issues might arise with whitespaces.
+	\ifcase#1{Kalpurush}    %name
+	\or{MatchLowercase}     %Scale
+	\or{1.1}                %main WordSpace
+	\or{1.5}                %tt WordSpace
+	\else\fi
+	\ifcase#1{SiyamRupali}  %name
+	\or{0.8}                %Scale
+	\or{1.2}                %main WordSpace
+	\or{1.8}                %tt WordSpace
+	\else\fi
+	\ifcase#1{SolaimanLipi} %name
+	\or{0.9}                %Scale
+	\or{1.5}                %main WordSpace
+	\or{2.1}                %tt WordSpace
+	\else\fi
+Now declaring options.
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax
+		\errmessage{Bangla main font not defined}	
+	\else
+		\def\bm at name{#1}
+		\def\bm@@name{bmfont}
+		\bm at init{\bm at name}
+    \fi
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax	
+		\errmessage{Bangla tt font not defined}
+	\else
+		\def\btt at name{#1}
+		\def\btt@@name{bttfont}
+		\btt at init{\btt at name}
+    \fi
+\newif\if at none	
+\newif\if at recom
+\newif\if at full	
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\fi
+	\ifcase#1
+		\@recomfalse		
+		\@nonetrue
+	\or\or\@fulltrue\fi
+\newif\ifchange at num
+\change at numtrue
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\fi
+	\ifcase#1\change at numfalse\fi
+Now initialize \pkn{banglamain} and \pkn{banglatt} fonts.
+\def\bm at init#1{
+	\ifx#1\@@Kalpurush
+    	\def\bm at scale{\@Kalpurush{1}}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{\@Kalpurush{2}}
+	\else\ifx#1\@@SiyamRupali
+    	\def\bm at scale{\@SiyamRupali{1}}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{\@SiyamRupali{2}}
+    \else\ifx#1\@@SolaimanLipi
+    	\def\bm at scale{\@SolaimanLipi{1}}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{\@SolaimanLipi{2}}
+	\else
+	    \def\bm at scale{MatchLowercase}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{1}
+    \fi\fi\fi
+\def\btt at init#1{	
+	\ifx#1\@@Kalpurush
+    	\def\btt at scale{\@Kalpurush{1}}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{\@Kalpurush{3}}
+	\else\ifx#1\@@SiyamRupali
+    	\def\btt at scale{\@SiyamRupali{1}}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{\@SiyamRupali{3}}
+    \else\ifx#1\@@SolaimanLipi
+    	\def\btt at scale{\@SolaimanLipi{1}}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{\@SolaimanLipi{3}}
+	\else
+		\def\btt at scale{MatchLowercase}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{1.2}    
+    \fi\fi\fi
+Automating transition between Bangla and English.
+\ifchange at num
+	\setmainlanguage[changecounternumbering=true]{bengali}
+	\setmainlanguage{bengali}
+	Script=Bengali,% 
+	Scale=\bm at scale,%
+	NFSSFamily=\bm@@name,%
+	WordSpace=\bm at wordspace,%
+	AutoFakeSlant,
+	AutoFakeBold
+	]{\bm at name}
+	Script=Bengali,% 
+	Scale=\btt at scale,%
+	NFSSFamily=\btt@@name,
+	WordSpace=\btt at wordspace,%
+	AutoFakeSlant,
+	AutoFakeBold
+	]{\btt at name}
+{\fontencoding{OT1}\ifx\f at family\btt@@name\fontfamily{lmtt}
+Devanagari is required since Bangla fullstop dari ("0964) is in Devanagari block of Unicode
+\RequirePackage[Latin, Bengali, Devanagari]{ucharclasses}
+if \pkn{feature=0} is provided no other modifications will be enabled. However, from my personal experience, I find the following modifications to be useful. (the default for feature option is 1, which enables the recommended modifications).
+\if at recom
+	\RequirePackage{titlesec, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts,
+	amssymb, amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr}
+	\titlelabel{\thetitle.\enspace}
+	\xpatchcmd{\proof}{\itshape}{\bfseries}{}{}
+	\xpatchcmd{\proof}{\@addpunct{.}}{\@addpunct{:}}{}{}
+	\counterwithin{equation}{section}
+	\linespread{1.1}
+	\def\@banglanumber#1{\expandafter\@@banglanumber\number#1\@nil}
+	\def\@@banglanumber#1{\ifx#1\@nil\else\char\numexpr#1+"09E6\relax
+	\expandafter\@@banglanumber\fi}
+	\def\banglacounter#1
+	{\expandafter\@banglanumber\csname c@#1\endcsname}
+	\def\banglanumeral#1{\@@banglanumber#1\@nil}
+	\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\proofname{\bfseries প্রমাণ}}
+	\newenvironment{solution}{\proof[\bfseries সমাধান]}{\endproof}
+	\newtheoremstyle{custom}% name
+	{3pt}% space above
+	{3pt}% space below
+	{\rm}% body font
+	{}% indent amount
+	{\bfseries}% theorem head font
+	{:}% punctuation after theorem head
+	{.5em}% space after theorem head
+	{}% theorem head spec
+	\theoremstyle{custom}
+	\newtheorem{example}{\bfseries উদাহরণ}
+	\newtheorem{problem}{\bfseries সমস্যা}
+	\newtheorem{theorem}{\bfseries উপপাদ্য}[section]
+	\renewcommand{\theequation}{\thesection.\banglacounter{equation}}
+	\renewcommand{\thetheorem}{\thesection.\banglacounter{theorem}}
+	\renewcommand{\theexample}{\banglacounter{example}}
+	\renewcommand{\theproblem}{\banglacounter{problem}}
+	\renewcommand{\theenumi}{\banglacounter{enumi}}
+	\renewcommand{\theenumii}{\banglacounter{enumii}}
+	\renewcommand{\theenumiii}{\banglacounter{enumiii}}
+	\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\banglacounter{footnote}}
+\pkn{feature=2} enables further modifiations as follows.
+\if at full
+	\RequirePackage{titlesec, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts, amssymb,
+	 amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr}
+	\theoremstyle{custom}
+	\newtheorem{corollary}{\bfseries অনুসিদ্ধান্ত}[section]
+	\newtheorem{property}{\bfseries বৈশিষ্ট্য}[section]
+	\newtheorem*{remark}{\bfseries মন্তব্য}
+	\newtheorem*{hint} {\bfseries হিন্ট}
+	\renewcommand{\thecorollary}{\thesection.\banglacounter{corollary}
+	}
+	\renewcommand{\theproperty}{\thesection.\banglacounter{property}}
+	\addto\captionsbengali
+	{\renewcommand\abstractname{\bfseries সারসংক্ষেপ}}
+	\newenvironment{motive}{\proof[\bfseries মোটিভেশন]}
+	{\phantom\qedhere\endproof}
+	\def\equationautorefname~#1\null{(#1)\null}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/doc/latex/banglatex/banglatex.tex
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/banglatex/banglatex.sty
--- trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/banglatex/banglatex.sty	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/banglatex/banglatex.sty	2016-10-20 21:56:15 UTC (rev 42310)
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+% BanglaTeX package - Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla 
+% E-mail: adib.hasan8 at gmail.com
+% Released under the LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c or later
+% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+% This packgage symplifies the process of writing Bangla in LaTeX and
+% addresses most of the common typesetting issues. Additional features
+% include automated transition between languages and many more. (See 
+% examples) The user can just type in usual LaTeX syntax and expect 
+% everything to work as it should.
+% ------------------------------------------------------------------ 
+% Copyright (C) 2016 by Adib Hasan adib.hasan8 at gmail.com
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either
+% version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in the file:
+% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
+% This work is "maintained" (as per LPPL maintenance status) by
+% Adib Hasan
+% This work consists of the files:  banglatex.sty,
+%                                   banglatex.tex, and
+%                                   banglatex.pdf
+\ProvidesPackage{banglatex}[2016/10/18 v0.1 Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla]
+\RequirePackage{polyglossia, fontspec, xkeyval, ifxetex}
+% Because this package depends on ucharclasses which itself
+% requires XeTeX's interchar classes
+%Fully supported Bangla Fonts
+%Other banglafonts *are* supported but there might be issues with whitespaces.
+	\ifcase#1{Kalpurush}    %name
+	\or{MatchLowercase}     %Scale
+	\or{1.1}                %main WordSpace
+	\or{1.5}                %tt WordSpace
+	\else\fi
+	\ifcase#1{SiyamRupali}  %name
+	\or{0.8}                %Scale
+	\or{1.2}                %main WordSpace
+	\or{1.8}                %tt WordSpace
+	\else\fi
+	\ifcase#1{SolaimanLipi} %name
+	\or{0.9}                %Scale
+	\or{1.5}                %main WordSpace
+	\or{2.1}                %tt WordSpace
+	\else\fi
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax
+		\errmessage{Bangla main font not defined}	
+	\else
+		\def\bm at name{#1}
+		\def\bm@@name{bmfont}
+		\bm at init{\bm at name}
+    \fi
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax	
+		\errmessage{Bangla tt font not defined}
+	\else
+		\def\btt at name{#1}
+		\def\btt@@name{bttfont}
+		\btt at init{\btt at name}
+    \fi
+\newif\if at none	
+\newif\if at recom
+\newif\if at full	
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\fi
+	\ifcase#1
+		\@recomfalse		
+		\@nonetrue
+	\or\or\@fulltrue\fi
+\newif\ifchange at num
+\change at numtrue
+	\if\relax\detokenize{#1}\relax\fi
+	\ifcase#1\change at numfalse\fi
+\def\bm at init#1{
+	\ifx#1\@@Kalpurush
+    	\def\bm at scale{\@Kalpurush{1}}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{\@Kalpurush{2}}
+	\else\ifx#1\@@SiyamRupali
+    	\def\bm at scale{\@SiyamRupali{1}}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{\@SiyamRupali{2}}
+    \else\ifx#1\@@SolaimanLipi
+    	\def\bm at scale{\@SolaimanLipi{1}}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{\@SolaimanLipi{2}}
+	\else
+	    \def\bm at scale{MatchLowercase}
+    	\def\bm at wordspace{1}
+    \fi\fi\fi
+\def\btt at init#1{	
+	\ifx#1\@@Kalpurush
+    	\def\btt at scale{\@Kalpurush{1}}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{\@Kalpurush{3}}
+	\else\ifx#1\@@SiyamRupali
+    	\def\btt at scale{\@SiyamRupali{1}}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{\@SiyamRupali{3}}
+    \else\ifx#1\@@SolaimanLipi
+    	\def\btt at scale{\@SolaimanLipi{1}}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{\@SolaimanLipi{3}}
+	\else
+		\def\btt at scale{MatchLowercase}
+    	\def\btt at wordspace{1.2}    
+    \fi\fi\fi
+%From polyglossia
+\ifchange at num
+	\setmainlanguage[changecounternumbering=true]{bengali}
+	\setmainlanguage{bengali}
+	Script=Bengali,% 
+	Scale=\bm at scale,%
+	NFSSFamily=\bm@@name,%
+	WordSpace=\bm at wordspace,%
+	AutoFakeSlant,
+	AutoFakeBold
+	]{\bm at name}
+	Script=Bengali,% 
+	Scale=\btt at scale,%
+	NFSSFamily=\btt@@name,
+	WordSpace=\btt at wordspace,%
+	AutoFakeSlant,
+	AutoFakeBold
+	]{\btt at name}
+\newenvironment{latin}{\fontencoding{OT1}\ifx\f at family\btt@@name\fontfamily{lmtt}\else\fontfamily{lmr}\fi\selectfont}\relax
+%Devanagari is required since Bangla fullstop dari ("0964) is in
+%Devanagari block of Unicode
+\RequirePackage[Latin, Bengali, Devanagari]{ucharclasses}
+%if feature=0 is provided no other modifications will be enabled
+%However, from my personal experience, I find the following modifications to be useful.
+%the default for feature option is 1, which enables the recommended modifications
+\if at recom
+	\RequirePackage{titlesec, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr}
+	%adding a dot after the number in titles	
+	\titlelabel{\thetitle.\enspace}
+	%making the word "proof" in proof env. bold and adding a : after it.	
+	\xpatchcmd{\proof}{\itshape}{\bfseries}{}{}
+	\xpatchcmd{\proof}{\@addpunct{.}}{\@addpunct{:}}{}{}
+	\counterwithin{equation}{section}
+	%increases gap between lines	
+	\linespread{1.1}
+	%defining a \tobangla which converts numbers in any counter to bangla 	
+	\def\@banglanumber#1{\expandafter\@@banglanumber\number#1\@nil}
+	\def\@@banglanumber#1{\ifx#1\@nil
+	\else\char\numexpr#1+"09E6\relax\expandafter\@@banglanumber\fi}
+	\def\tobangla#1{\expandafter\@banglanumber\csname c@#1\endcsname}
+	\def\numtobangla#1{\@@banglanumber#1\@nil}
+	%Because polyglossia itself defines প্রমাণ as italic. I'm making it bold.	
+	\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\proofname{\bfseries প্রমাণ}}
+	%a new solution environment	
+	\newenvironment{solution}{\proof[\bfseries সমাধান]}{\endproof}
+	\newtheoremstyle{custom}% name
+	{3pt}% space above
+	{3pt}% space below
+	{\rm}% body font
+	{}% indent amount
+	{\bfseries}% theorem head font
+	{:}% punctuation after theorem head
+	{.5em}% space after theorem head
+	{}% theorem head spec
+	\theoremstyle{custom}
+	\newtheorem{example}{\bfseries উদাহরণ}
+	\newtheorem{problem}{\bfseries সমস্যা}
+	\newtheorem{theorem}{\bfseries উপপাদ্য}[section]
+	%converting all the useful counters not handled by polyglossia to bangla	
+	\renewcommand{\theequation}{\thesection.\tobangla{equation}}
+	\renewcommand{\thetheorem}{\thesection.\tobangla{theorem}}
+	\renewcommand{\theexample}{\tobangla{example}}
+	\renewcommand{\theproblem}{\tobangla{problem}}
+	\renewcommand{\theenumi}{\tobangla{enumi}}
+	\renewcommand{\theenumii}{\tobangla{enumii}}
+	\renewcommand{\theenumiii}{\tobangla{enumiii}}
+	\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\tobangla{footnote}}
+%feature=2 enabes further modifiations as follows
+\if at full
+	\RequirePackage{titlesec, amsthm, xpatch, amsfonts, amssymb, amsmath, enumerate, chngcntr}
+	\theoremstyle{custom}
+	\newtheorem{corollary}{\bfseries অনুসিদ্ধান্ত}[section]
+	\newtheorem{property}{\bfseries বৈশিষ্ট্য}[section]
+	\newtheorem*{remark}{\bfseries মন্তব্য}
+	\newtheorem*{hint} {\bfseries হিন্ট}
+	\renewcommand{\thecorollary}{\thesection.\tobangla{corollary}}
+	\renewcommand{\theproperty}{\thesection.\tobangla{property}}
+	\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\abstractname{\bfseries সারসংক্ষেপ}}
+	%\addto\captionsbengali{\renewcommand\referencename{\bfseries তথ্যসূত্রসমূহ}}
+	\newenvironment{motive}{\proof[\bfseries মোটিভেশন]}{\phantom\qedhere\endproof}
+	\def\equationautorefname~#1\null{(#1)\null}

Property changes on: trunk/Master/texmf-dist/tex/latex/banglatex/banglatex.sty
Added: svn:eol-style
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2016-10-20 06:03:07 UTC (rev 42309)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/bin/tlpkg-ctan-check	2016-10-20 21:56:15 UTC (rev 42310)
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     babel-spanish babel-swedish babel-thai babel-turkish babel-ukrainian
     babel-vietnamese babel-welsh
     babelbib background backnaur baekmuk
-    bagpipe bangorcsthesis bangorexam bangtex bankstatement
+    bagpipe banglatex bangorcsthesis bangorexam bangtex bankstatement
     barcodes bardiag barr bartel-chess-fonts bashful basicarith
     baskervald baskervaldx
     basque-book basque-date

Added: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/banglatex.tlpsrc
Modified: trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-langindic.tlpsrc
--- trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-langindic.tlpsrc	2016-10-20 06:03:07 UTC (rev 42309)
+++ trunk/Master/tlpkg/tlpsrc/collection-langindic.tlpsrc	2016-10-20 21:56:15 UTC (rev 42310)
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 depend collection-basic
 depend bangtex
+depend banglatex
 depend bengali
 depend burmese
 depend ebong

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