<div id="geary-body" dir="auto"><div>Hello!</div><div>I'm writing you because this email is shown in the "mktextfm --help" command output.</div><div>I've posted my question on the tex.stackexchange.com website already.</div><div>The link to my question is:</div><div><br></div><div><a href="https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/702185/mktextfm-error-failed-to-make-tfm-file">https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/702185/mktextfm-error-failed-to-make-tfm-file</a></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Despite of the question publication on the tex.stackexchange.com I would duplicate it here:</div><div>==============================================================================</div><div>I've just installed <code><font color="#e01b24"><b>texlive-full</b></font></code> AUR package (version 2023.20230620) on my Manjaro Gnome Vulcan 23.1.0 computer.
When I try to compile previously downloaded (and working) complicated latex project the compiler runs <code><font color="#e01b24"><b>mktextfm</b></font></code> font utility:
<code><font color="#e01b24"><b>mktextfm larm1440</b></font></code>
and I get an error message like this:</div><div><div class="postcell post-layout--right"><div class="s-prose js-post-body" itemprop="text">
<pre class="lang-tex s-code-block"><code class="hljs language-latex"><font color="#e01b24"><b>This is METAFONT, Version 2.71828182 (TeX Live 2023) (preloaded base=mf)
(Fatal base file error; I'm stymied)
grep: larm1440.log: No such file or directory
mktextfm: `mf-nowin -progname=mf <span class="hljs-keyword">\mode</span>:=ljfour; mag:=1; ; nonstopmode; input larm1440' failed to make larm1440.tfm.</b></font>
<p>I've googled for a several hours to find out the origin of this problem with no result.
What may cause this error? What should I do to resolve it?</p>
<p>If additional information concerning my system or tex package or this latex project is needed I gonna provide it of course.</p><p>==============================================================================</p><p>I would be really pleased if you could help me to solve this problem.</p><p>Thank you!</p></div></div></div></div>