[tex-k] Reproducible builds using pdftex

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Tue May 3 15:51:19 CEST 2016

Hi Jonathan,

>   \day = 1
>   \month = 4
>   \year = 2016

While this is a possible idea, it still needs either fixing every document or makefile to use a different format, or requires that the build environment has different formats then the normal installed systems.

Both are not very convenient to day there least.

The idea is that a normal binary rebuild would give identical documents on a normal system.

(Putting Debian hat on) I guess even if these changes don't make it into TeX Live proper, I will patch the Debian sources to support these features.

(Putting TeX Live hat on) I do see actual use for us on TeX Live, too, as I am working to extend l3build to support checking not only log files, but also actual PDFs. This could be integrated (and I hope to do that) into package checks when they are updated in TeX Live.

So from my side in welcoming these patches.


Sent from my mobile device. Please excuse my brevity.

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