[tex-k] note from Don Knuth

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Fri Sep 4 23:44:55 CEST 2009

I won't clutter Don's mail with this, but here's my reply:

    With the sources, it isn't a big deal to compile a version of gftype
    that has maxrow, maxcol, and linelength increased (so that it's possible
    to see all of the larger characters).

Just as a palliative, since it costs nothing, I've increased those
values a bit for the upcoming release.

    But wouldn't it be better if these parameters were dynamic?

No question.  It'd be great if another volunteer came forward to do that
for next year.  Anyone?

    P.S. The above is the first of a series of suggestions, which I leave
    to your imagination. We wrote the original TeXware and MFware with
    various compile-time parameters.

Yep, lots and lots could be dynamicized.


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