[tex-k] Bug : segfault in ovp2ovf on 32 bit systems

Elie Roux elie.roux at enst-bretagne.fr
Wed Mar 12 17:44:18 CET 2008


I'm the main developer of gregorio (http://home.gna.org/gregorio/), and
I'm using virtual fonts of omega for the TeX part. I recently tried to
build my fonts on a 32 bit system (I was in 64 bit before), but ovp2ovf
was segfaulting with the font http://norgz.info/download/gregorio.ovp
(which is a valid ovp font). My version of TeXLive is the one of debian sid.

To prevent this segfault, Arthur Reutenauer provided me a patch that
works fine :

in build/source/texk/web2c/omegafonts/font_routines.c line 60 :


if (no_fonts == font_table_size)


if (no_fonts * BLOCK == font_table_size)

You can consider this patch safe as it was aprouved by Yannis 
Haralambous and Arthur Reutenauer.

Thank you in advance,
Elie Roux

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