[tex-k] Bug#364505: dvips: the -T options doesn't always act as asked

Vincent Fourmond vincent.fourmond at 9online.fr
Tue Apr 25 09:27:13 CEST 2006

Karl Berry wrote:
>     But I haven't checked whether it's still that way in
>     any more current code.
> No code changes have been made (yet) since TL2005.  (None of this part
> of the code has changed in many years, to my knowledge.)
>     >   Commenting out the break does solve the problem. 
> I don't understand.  But anyway, I agree with your basic point that
> it should possible to specify exact paper sizes and not have dvips
> tinker with them.  Does Akira's -tunknown solve the problem for you?
  It does work great. However, I wish that it was off by default...
> If so, we could at least improve the documentation.
  The attached patch should do teh job, at as far as I am concerned.

  Thanks !


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