[tex-k] (fwd) Bug#337805: tetex-bin: dvips should include document's title in Postscript instead of DVI filename

Pierre THIERRY nowhere.man at levallois.eu.org
Sat Nov 19 12:04:22 CET 2005

Scribit Joel Reicher dies 19/11/2005 hora 16:12:
> > FWIW, it's far more logical to put a title in a title field than a
> > file name...
> And how should the title be known if the document is plain TeX?

Why create a Title field when you don't have a title at hand at all?
That's just not sensible.

I admit my only use at the moment of TeX is LaTeX, so I'm surely not
aware of how this issue can affect other TeX use cases...

But the behaviour one could expect from dvips would be the following: if
it has a title in the DVI (in whatever form it would be), it creates a
title field with it, else it doesn't create one at all.

Nowhere man
nowhere.man at levallois.eu.org
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