[tex-k] dvipsk

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fsci.fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Fri Jan 14 14:11:24 CET 2005

> Hi,
> after some look at the code after the quoted piece, I am fairly sure it
> should actually be
>       for (b=0; b<16; b++)
>         if(p->bitmap[b] !=0)
>             non_empty =1;
>       if(non_empty==0)
>         return;
> in order to prevent the downloading of empty fonts (Omega's curfnt->codewidth
> shouldn't play any role).

curfnt->codewidth == 2  plays an essential role for CJK fonts (in the case
of level1 ofm).


\font\Mincho = omsmin scaled 1155
% omsmin is a level1 ofm

\InputTranslation currentfile \SJISInput

-- Some Japanese Kanji here --

The correct PS contains the following font definition 
of /Ryumin-Light-UniJIS-UCS2-H which is written in the map file as

omsmin  Ryumin-Light-UniJIS-UCS2-H

TeXDict begin 39158280 55380996 1000 600 600 (jchar6.dvi)
@start /Fa 206[42 49[{}1 83.022 /CMR10 rf /Fb 256[{}0
95.8903 /Ryumin-Light-UniJIS-UCS2-H rf end

If your code is used, this font definition is not written,
and PS file cannot be used.
(Note that odvips dose not download large CJK fonts
 for level1 ofm, thus non_empty is always zero in this case,
 but should not return in order to output the font
 definition as above.)

Best regards,

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