[tex-k] Kpathsea on EPOC

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Wed Apr 27 15:00:50 CEST 2005

    I made the DLL of kpathsea. Is there any way to test whether this DLL
    is proper or no?

Well, if TeX runs and finds files, it is most likely proper.  There is
no huge test suite.

    Can someone tell me the exact procedure for compiling Kpathsea on the
    EPOC platform.

You are the first person who has ever mentioned "epoc" and "kpathsea" in
the same breath, to my knowledge.  I have never heard of epoc myself,
but I gather from your message it's basically Windows for mobile

    Can I skip Kpathsea or web2c in the process of building pdfTex?

As far as I know, no.

Good luck,

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