[tex-k] Installing new packages to latex

Manosiz Bhattacharyya manosiz_bhattacharyya@hp.com
Thu, 02 Aug 2001 15:09:32 -0700

	I was trying to install the foiltex package on a Redhat Linux 7.1
system. I generated all the package files from foiltex.ins and then
copied them over to /usr/share/texmf/tex/latex/misc/ directory. I found
that it also contained a large number of .cls files. I tried to compile
the sampfoil.tex that comes with the distribution and it compiled fine
in the directory where I generated them, but failed to compile if the
source file is copied to another directory. It could look up other
document classes(when I changed the source), but failed on the newly
installed foiltex. Is there a problem in my latex installation, or do I
need to do something else.

Manosiz Bhattacharyya.
HP EJL Labs,
11000 Wolfe Road, MS 42U5, Cupertino, CA 95014
phone - (408)-447-0821.