[tex-hyphen] Removal of British hyphenation patterns from TeX Live

Dominik Wujastyk wujastyk at gmail.com
Sat Nov 3 02:12:34 CET 2018

The UK hyphenations patterns must stay within TeXlive, that's a given.  So
let's change the license on the pattern files.  As co-creator of the file,
I hereby agree with the MIT license.  I don't know if Graham Toal, the
person who worked with me on producing these patterns, can be reached.
I'll try.  I am certain it was Graham's intention, like mine, that these
patterns should always be freely available to everyone.

Since Phil Taylor is the official custodian of these patterns, perhaps he
should also give his assent.

Do you want me to edit the file appropriately?  Or will Phil, or you, Mojca?

Thanks for bringing this to my attention!


On Thu, 1 Nov 2018 at 06:11, Mojca Miklavec <mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com>

> Dear Dominik,
> According to Debian we will probably have to delete the British
> hyphenation patterns from TeX Live unless the licence changes. See:
>     https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=912557
> In general it is becoming increasingly problematic to use custom
> (free-text) licences for each individual file. (It's problematic
> enough to keep up distributions of millions of different files with
> well-established licences, let alone having each individual lawyer
> check whether the licence in file X is compatible with the licence in
> file Y for N^2 combinations of those and ever increasing N.)
> A while ago we started suggesting the pattern authors to agree with
> the MIT licence, but some other licences might be acceptable as well
> (note that LPPL in particular is not acceptable for a number of
> projects).
> Best regards,
>     Mojca
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