[tex-hyphen] Add \{left,right}hyphenmin info to pattern files

Élie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Tue Mar 6 11:26:08 CET 2018

> That list is not closed, we can add more keywords if there is a need 
> (or desire) for them.  So there is no template with all the possible 
> keywords; but you can take a look at /tools/yaml/validate-header.rb 
> (same branch) for the ones we take into account at the moment.

Sorry to jump in gratuitously, but looking at the script I wonder if it
could integrate a value for the (LuaTeX-specific but useful)
\hyphenationmin? It's a constraint on the minimal total number of
letters in a word for it to be hyphenated.

Thank you,

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