[tex-hyphen] [tex-live] hyph-ru.tex is faulty.

Arthur Reutenauer arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org
Thu Jan 26 15:08:47 CET 2017

> A related issue came up for latex as we set up the formats for
> 2017/01/01 release defaulting to Unicode encoding for the first time,
> should we default to NFC normalisation (using the xetex primitive and
> some lua callback) which would go some way to
> avoiding the need to deal with combining accents in the patterns?

  This won’t help in this case :-)  There are no precomposed characters
in Unicode for Cyrillic letters with acute accent, which is what we’d
need in this instance (the acute accent is only used in very specific
contexts in Russian to mark stress, for example in some dictionaries,
and texts for teaching Russian as a second language, which was the use
case discussed in November).

> we didn't do that this time for fear of clashing with existing code
> but if this issue is going to keep coming up it might be good to look
> at this again...

  I’d really advocate against imposing NFC in the formats.  Actually,
on the long run I think NFD makes more sense, but that’s probably
several more years down the line :-)



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