[tex-hyphen] String preparation

Élie Roux elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Thu May 26 20:13:03 CEST 2016

> (fyi: context has a pure lua hyphenator and that one is not that
> much slower than the built in one)

Interesting, thanks! What's the name of the file in the context

> well, it gets frozen (stored) in the glyph node as some more
> language specific properties (in a similar fashion a penalty gets
> stored in a disc node) ... in traditional tex the values current when
> the pas gets built are used (which basically means: not frozen)

I admit I don't really understand what you said... Does it mean that I
can change the left value of the glyph node just for this node without
impacting the whole language? If not, how can I change the left for one
word and not for the word after?

For instance if I have


œdipus oedipus

and I want

œ-di-pus oe-di-pus

should I just change the left field of the first (œ) node to 1?

Thank you,

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