[tex-hyphen] To which collection should the Church Slavonic patterns go?

Mike Kroutikov pgmmpk at gmail.com
Sat May 14 13:36:54 CEST 2016

Hi All,

Yes, collection-langcyrillic sounds like the most relevant one.

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 4:39 AM, Mojca Miklavec <
mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com> wrote:

> ...

> I would be inclined to put them under "langcyrillic", but feel free to
> propose something different. I guess that Cyrillic collection already
> includes some fonts (which are most likely not sufficient for Church
> Slavonic anyway, but Mike mentioned a collection of Church Slavonic
> fonts a while ago which I don't see anywhere in the TL tree).

I need an advise regarding the CTAN submission. I uploaded two packaged to
CTAN few weeks ago: fonts-churchslavonic and churchslavonic.
For some reason this did not produce any effect whatsoever - packages are
nowhere in the CTAN, and no communication from CTAN team either.

I was assuming that it was bad timing because of the freeze, and I am
trying to wait it out before bothering people on the mailing list... But
could it be
that upload was silently ignored? These were my first ones, so I fully
expect that I did something wrong.

fonts-churchslavonic sources are on github:

churchslavonic sources are there: https://github.com/slavonic/cu-tex

Submitted packages are attached.

Thank you,
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