[tex-hyphen] [Trennmuster] Renaming plain pattern files in hyph-utf8: feedback?

Arthur Reutenauer arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org
Tue Apr 19 12:45:32 CEST 2016

> Plus, I believe that we need a short document explaining some weird
> names like mul-ethi, la-x-classic, de-1901, ... so that anyone else
> using the patterns outside of the TeX would would get at least a
> slight idea what these are.

  I think we should write in huge letters "we use BCP47" and let people
educate themselves.  It's not something we made up, it's the most
comprehensive and flexible language tagging system, used by HTTP, MIME,
XML, HTML and all the Web standards, Unicode, Microsoft ... it's time
more attention was paid to it.



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