[tex-hyphen] hyphenation different in xelatex?

Philip Taylor P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Sep 7 17:37:53 CEST 2015

Claudio Beccari wrote:

> Objection: but vintage files get hyphenated in a different way! OK, but
> the real question is: Is the new hyphenation correct?
> If it is, why getting upset? The small differences in typesetting may
> involve a couple of paragraphs in a whole document, and probably no
> reader would notice the difference.

Of /course/ they would notice if pagination were affected.  As I wrote
in an earlier reply, TeX is about stability, not about
change/improvement.  Tastes in hyphenation may change over time; the
behaviour of TeX should not.

Philip Taylor

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