[tex-hyphen] No hyphenation patterns found

Arthur Reutenauer arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org
Sat Jan 3 16:33:11 CET 2015

  I am the maintainer of Polyglossia.  But from your email and the
related problem reported on TeX.StackExchange, it's not clear at all
that you've encountered a bug in Polyglossia.  It sounds much more like
you don't have German hyphenation patterns activated in your format
file.  You need to check language.dat (not languages.ini) for entries
relating to "german" and "ngerman", and add them if they're not.  I
think there is a utility in MiKTeX to do that from the graphical user
interface, but I don't use MiKTeX myself so I'm not sure.

> (How can I send a bug report to the maintainers?), I´ve examined the
> languages.ini. For the language german, the entry is:
> [german]
> loader=loadhyph-de-1901.tex
> lefthyphenmin=2
> righthyphenmin=2
> patterns=hyph-de-1901.pat.txt
> hyphenation=hyph-de-1901.hyp.txt

  I'm not sure these entries are relevant; I don't know how
languages.ini is used but it seems to be MiKTeX-specific, and from hints
I found across the Web it seems that you can deactivate languages from
that file (and there even is possibly a bug in MiKTeX: http://sourceforge.net/p/miktex/bugs/2342/).

  What's certain in any case is that:

> My problem: The hyphenation file hyph-de-1901.hyp.txt contains 0
> Bytes

  That's irrelevant, this file only contains hyphenation exceptions; the
main data is in hyph-de-1901.pat.txt.  The latter file should not be
empty, but I seriously doubt it is; again, please make sure that
language.dat contains an entry for "german" or "ngerman" if you want us
to be able to diagnose the problem.



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