[tex-hyphen] License of hyphenation patterns

Mojca Miklavec mojca.miklavec.lists at gmail.com
Mon Dec 14 08:34:45 CET 2015

On 13 December 2015 at 21:09, Karl Berry wrote:
>     Who will attend the meeting from TUG side
> Speaking as a member of the TUG board of directors, I can say that the
> whole hyphenation stuff has nothing in particular to do with TUG,
> organizationally/administratively.  TUG per se has no technical staff
> and no substantive budget.  All TeX work in the hyphenation area, and
> essentially all others, is done by volunteers, on their own time, at
> their own discretion.
> At any rate, there is no magic bullet for this issue.  If you want
> authors to change licenses, each one has to be approached individually
> and the argument made.  Some may agree, some won't.  That's how it goes.
> TUG, as such, has no sway in the matter.  -k

I assumed we were talking about an online meeting like using Skype
(without any required travel budget). Not in the name of TUG, but in
the name of the "hyphenation" group.

I would assume that me, Arthur Reutenauer, Matija Šuklje would be
interested (and possibly Karl Berry).


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