[tex-hyphen] Replacing hyphenation patterns file due to License modification

Martijn van der Lee martijn at crmmailtech.nl
Thu Dec 10 16:46:29 CET 2015

BSD 3-clause requires the copyright statement not just on binary
distribution, but on source distribution as well, which includes derived
files. Unless the end-users must download the files themselves, there's
probably a copyright notice that needs to be included somewhere.


2015-12-10 15:07 GMT+01:00 Arthur Reutenauer <
arthur.reutenauer at normalesup.org>:

> On Wed, Dec 09, 2015 at 04:27:37PM +0100, Martijn van der Lee wrote:
> > I also wonder if this would require LaTeX to include an additional
> > copyright statement in it's documentation and/or binary.
>   Hyphenation patterns are not part of the LaTeX kernel and are not
> included in
> any TeX-related executable.  The only binary that contains them is the
> format
> file, that does not have a copyright statement as it is generated
> automatically
> on the user's machine, and never distributed.  The licence of hyphenation
> patterns has thus never had any incidence on the rest of TeX
> distributions, as
> long of course as it was compatible with the distribution's own licence.
>         Best,
>                 Arthur
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